Cunninghame House, Irvine.

9 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, and Area Committee

You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Council to be held in Arran Outdoor Education Resource Centre, , on THURSDAY 16 MAY 2013 at 11.15 a.m. to consider the undernoted business.

Yours faithfully

Elma Murray

Chief Executive

1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda.

2. Minutes The Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 14 March 2013 will be signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government () Act 1973 (copy enclosed).

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3. Presentation of Certificates of Commendation to Pupils from Lamlash Primary School, Arran The Chair will present Certificates of Commendation to 4 pupils from Lamlash Primary School.

4. Police Scotland will report.

5. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submit report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Committee's area in the period 2 March to 30 April 2013 (copy enclosed).

6. to Corrie Multi User Path and Signage - Update on Progress Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the progress made to date on the Brodick to Corrie multi user path and on proposals for the signage of the sections constructed to date (copy enclosed).

7. Strategic Road Maintenance Programme 2013/14 Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the Roads and Streetlighting Maintenance Programme for 2013/14 (copy enclosed).

8. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2013/14: Applications for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund 2013/14 (copy enclosed).

9. Community Benefit Fund Applications for Grant Aid Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on applications received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund 2013/14 (copy enclosed).

10. Common Good Funds Submit reports by the Corporate Director (Finance and Corporate Support) on projected final revenue accounts for the year to 31 March 2013 and proposing a budget, including grant funding available for disbursement in 2013/14 in respect of:-

10.1 Common Good; 10.2 Saltcoats Common Good; and 10.3 Stevenston Common Good

(copies enclosed).

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 11. Arran: Brodick: Street Naming: Residential Development Adjacent to Springbank Terrace Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on proposals for a street name within a new housing development adjacent to Springbank Terrace, Brodick, Isle of Arran (copy enclosed).

12. North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 14 March 2013 Submit report by the Chief Executive on the Minutes of the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board held on 14 March 2013 (copy enclosed).

13. Future Agenda Items Discuss items for consideration at future meetings of the Area Committee.

14. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Sederunt: John Bruce (Chair) Willie Gibson Tony Gurney Chair: John Hunter Ronnie McNicol Peter McNamara Jim Montgomerie Alan Munro



Meeting Ended:

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 5 6 Agenda Item 2 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee 14 March 2013

STEVENSTON, 14 March 2013 - At a Meeting of the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m.

Present John Bruce, Willie Gibson and John Hunter.

In Attendance J. McHarg, Assistant Manager, Community Development Team and B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); K. Campbell, Facilities Manager and J. Cumming, Project Officer (Development and Environment) and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's Service). Also In Attendance Inspector Skimming, Strathclyde Police and Station Commander Davidson, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.

Apologies for Absence Tony Gurney, Peter McNamara, Ronnie McNicol, Jim Montgomerie and Alan Munro.

1. Declarations of Interest

In terms of Standing Order 16, Councillor Bruce, as a local resident of Corrie, declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 5: Corrie: Public Toilets.

2. Minutes

The accuracy of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 31 January 2013 was agreed and the Minutes were signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

3. Strathclyde Police

Inspector Skimming provided information on the following:-

 crimes of note;  the priorities formulated following the outcome of the 2012 public consultation survey;  arrests made in relation to the increase in incidents of housebreaking;  Operation Myriad, a force-wide initiative conducted between 16 February and 1 March, focusing on various multi agency operations and activities;  a public open Day of Celebration held on 10 March to celebrate 38 years of Strathclyde Police; and  the Police "Shine On" Award for excellent public service being awarded to a North Ayrshire Council employee who works at Irvine Police Office.

Page 1 7 Members asked questions and were provided with information in relation to:-

 the break in and thefts at the Ardrossan Winton Rovers supporters club; and  progress on the removal of "blue order" stickers from local road signs.


4. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue

Submitted report by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue on activity within the Committee's area in the period 1 February to 1 March 2013.

Station Commander Davidson provided information on the following:-

 8 primary fires in the period resulting in 3 casualties;  the success of the Home Safety Fire Visits in reducing the number of fires and casualties;  special service incidents; and  the proposed structure of the new Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Members asked questions and were provided with information in relation to refuse fires and fly tipping.


5. Arran: Corrie: Public Toilets

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the findings in respect of providing a pre-fabricated public convenience facility at the recycling area opposite Corrie Village Hall, Isle of Arran.

The 2013/14 property repairs budget has allocated £156,000 to improve public conveniences on a priority basis. This money has been earmarked for facilities in , Saltcoats and Irvine Beachpark.

The cost associated with providing the pre-fabricated facility in Corrie is estimated at £36,000. There is currently no planned budgetary provision to provide the replacement facility.


6. Arran: Lamlash: Street Naming: Residential Development Adjacent to Benlister Road

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on proposals for a street name for a new housing development adjacent to Benlister Road, Lamlash, Isle of Arran.

Page 2 8 The Committee agreed that the street within the new housing development be named "St Molio Park".

7. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13: Applications for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13.

The Assistant Manager, Community Development Team, circulated a revised summary of applications to be considered by the Committee.

The Committee agreed to (a) note the position in relation to the deferred applications in respect of Kilmory Primary School and Ardrossan Winton Rovers Football Club; (b) make the following awards:-

Community Development Grants Scheme Organisation Award Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society £1,500 Ardrossan Co-op Women's Guild £ 309.99

Local Youth Action Fund Organisation Award 3 Towns Open Duke of Edinburgh Award Group £2,000 Primary School Parent Council £ 600 HCPT Group 207 £1,500 Gathering Threads £1,856.40 and (c) further note that the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund have been fully expended for financial year 2012/13.

8. Community Benefit Fund Applications for Grant Aid

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on applications received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund.

The Committee agreed to make the following awards:-

Ardrossan Organisation Award Ardrossan Heritage Association £4,000 St Andrew's Episcopal Church £4,000 Montgomerie Street Tenants & Residents Association £ 500

Page 3 9 9. Stevenston Common Good Fund

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on an application received in respect of the Stevenston Common Good Fund.

The Committee agreed to award a grant in the sum of £4,000 to ASFaCT on the basis that this would support capacity building within the community.

10. Future Agenda Items

The Committee noted that any items for the next meeting of the Area Committee should be submitted to A. Little or C. Graham.

The meeting ended at 3.20 p.m.

Page 4 10 Tactical Assessment

Dates: 02/03/2013 - 30/04/2013 Councils: North Ayrshire Wards: Ardrossan and Arran Ward, Saltcoats and Stevenston Ward

Incident Analysis

Ward Council Ward as % of Council

Population 36725 135817 27% Dwellings 18024 65550 27.5% Incidents 153 473 32.3% Casualties 2 13 15.4% Fire 0 6 % RTC 0 0 % Other 2 7 28.6% Fatalities 0 0 % Fire 0 0 % RTC 0 % Other 0 0 %

Dwelling Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Dwelling Fire Locations

Street Incident Count BARNETT CRES, ., SALTCOATS 1 CENTRAL AVE, ., ARDROSSAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 1 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 11 Tactical Assessment

Dwelling Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Dwelling Fire Locations

Street Incident Count GLASGOW ST, ., ARDROSSAN 1 WINTON ST, ., ARDROSSAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

Non Domestic Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Non Domestic Fire Locations

Street Incident Count VERNON ST, ., SALTCOATS 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Non Domestic Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Non Domestic Fire Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 2 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 12 Tactical Assessment

Vehicle Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Vehicle Fire Locations

Street Incident Count CANAL CRES, ., STEVENSTON 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Vehicle Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Vehicle Fire Locations

Rubbish Fires Top 10 Rubbish Fire Locations


Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 3 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 13 Tactical Assessment

Heath and Grass Fires Top 10 Heath and Grass Fire Locations

Street Incident Count MCGREGOR AVE, ., STEVENSTON 6 HARBOUR RD, ., ARDROSSAN 3 LUNDHOLM RD, ., STEVENSTON 3 NEW ST, ., STEVENSTON 3 .n/a, .n/a, STEVENSTON 2 DUBBS RD, ., 2 DUBBS RD, ., STEVENSTON 2 LIMEKILN RD, ., STEVENSTON 2 #invalid, #invalid, #invalid 1 .n/a, .n/a, ARDROSSAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 48

Derelict Buildings: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Derelict Buildings Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Derelict Buildings: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Derelict Buildings Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 4 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 14 Tactical Assessment

False Alarms: Malicious Top 10 Malicious False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count CANAL ST, ., SALTCOATS 1 GLEN CRES, ., STEVENSTON 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

False Alarms: Good Intent Top 10 Good Intent False Alarm Locations


False Alarms: Equipment Fault Top 10 Equipment Fault False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count CURRIE CRT, ., ARDROSSAN 3 SHORE RD, LAMLASH, ARRAN 3 ., LAMLASH, ARRAN 2 BURNS AVE, ., SALTCOATS 2 PRINCES ST, ., ARDROSSAN 2 #invalid, #invalid, #invalid 1 .n/a, HAWKHILL FARM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 1 STEVENSTON .n/a, LAMLASH, ARRAN 1 A841, , ARRAN 1 AFTON RD, ., STEVENSTON 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 34

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 5 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 15 Tactical Assessment

Road Traffic Collisions Top 10 Road Traffic Collision Locations

Water Related Incidents Top 10 Water Related Incident Locations

Other Special Services* Top 10 Other Special Services* Locations


* - Excluding road traffic collisions and water related incidents

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 6 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 16 Tactical Assessment

Report Description

Given a date range, council and ward, this report provides demographic, incident, casualty and fatality information in tabular format. It also charts and lists the top ten street locations for a chosen list of incident types.

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 7 of 7 | Executed: 02/05/2013 13:03:49 17 18 NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL

Agenda Item 6 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Brodick to Corrie Multi User Path and Signage - Update on Progress

Purpose: To advise the Committee on the progress made to date on the Brodick to Corrie multi user path and on proposals for the signage of the sections constructed to date.

Recommendation: That the Committee: (a) notes the progress made to date on the development of the route and (b) approves the proposed signage.

1. Introduction

1.1 National Cycle Network Route 73 links the communities of Brodick, Corrie, and on the Isle of Arran. It is identified as a Core Path in the adopted North Ayrshire Core Paths Plan. The route is currently on-road and there is significant interest and support for the development of an off-road alternative path to provide multi user and all abilities access between Brodick and Corrie. This is the most frequently used section due to its relatively level nature. It is utilised by local communities and visitors to the island including family groups.

1.2 A Feasibility Study was produced for the Brodick to Corrie section of the path in partnership with Arran Access Trust and other local organisations in 2010/11. This was part funded by Sustrans Scotland’s Community Links Fund and identified an alternative predominantly off-road alignment. Landownership agreements were obtained through the Study for the majority of the route. Negotiations are on-going with the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) regarding the alignment of the section between and Merkland Wood. The alignment for this section will be informed by the masterplanning process being undertaken by the NTS as part of the Signature Project for and Country Park.

19 2. Current Position

2.1 The sections of path between South Lodge and Cladach were constructed in 2011/12 and 2012/13. These works were part funded by the Community Links Fund. A total of £62,500 has been secured from the Fund for the sections of path constructed to date. Further applications were submitted to the 2013/14 round of the Fund for the:-

(i) Design of the sections between the Museum and South Lodge and Cladach and Merkland Wood, and (ii) Design and construction of the section between the vehicular entrance to the Castle and Country Park and Merkland Wood.

2.2 An offer of funding has been received for project (i) and project (ii) has been deferred by the funder for consideration in future years until negotiations are complete with the NTS. This offer of funding will be considered alongside a range of other funding offers for outdoor access projects and proposals for implementation by Cabinet in June 2013.

2.3 In addition to the above design and construction projects, a signage schedule has been prepared for the path between Brodick Seafront and Cladach to provide directional and distance information to local facilities and attractions. A design has also been produced for thermoplastic markings on the path surface to highlight to users that the path is for shared use by walkers and cyclists. These are detailed in Appendix 1.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee:-

(a) notes the progress made to date on the development of the route; and (b) approves the signage schedule detailed in Appendix 1.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 The sections of path created to date have been part funded through external grant funding from Sustrans Scotland's Community Links Fund. It is envisaged that the costs associated with developing the remaining sections of path will be met from a combination of external grant funding offers and match funding from the Council's Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets grant allocation and the Capital Allocation for the Access Path Network programme where necessary.

20 4.2 Where the development of the path results in sections of existing path being upgraded, the works undertaken will result in a substantial deferment of the Council's maintenance responsibilities and costs in relation to the paths for a significant period of time. This could equate to 10 -15 years as the projects will result in the paths being upgraded to an “as new” condition.

Human Resource Implications

4.3 There are no Human Resource implications arising from this Report.

Legal Implications

4.4 There are no Legal implications arising from this Report.

Equality Implications

4.5 The development of the Brodick to Corrie Path will provide improved access for all ages and abilities.

Environmental Implications

4.6 The development of the path will provide increased opportunities for active travel including cycling and walking. This in turn will promote a modal shift which will improve health and well-being of communities, reduce the use of private cars and improve the air quality.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.7 The development of the path contributes to Single Outcome Agreement Outcomes 1(a), 1(b), 6(b), 7(c), 9(c), 10(c) and 12(a) and the Healthy and Active Action in relation to the implementation of the Outdoor Access Strategy. It also assists in achieving a number of the aims and objectives of the Core Paths Plan, Local Transport Strategy and Council Plan.

Community Benefit Implications

4.8 The potential for the inclusion of Community Benefit clauses in future path construction contracts will be investigated through the procurement process.

21 5. Consultations

5.1 The Feasibility Study was subject to extensive consultation with local communities, Elected Members, access users, landowners and managers, local organisations and internal Council Services. The designs for the remaining sections of route will also be subject to consultation with these stakeholders. The funding applications to the Community Links Fund and proposals for signage have been developed in partnership with the North Ayrshire Outdoor Access Forum.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Significant progress has been made to date towards the development of the route. The sections of path constructed to date provide improved access for the local community for everyday journeys and recreation and enable visitors to the island to access local attractions. The signage will ensure that the path can be utilised by the local community and visitors to the Island for everyday journeys and recreation.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : For further information please contact Louise Kirk, Access Officer on 01294 324766 Background Papers National Cycle Network Route 73 Brodick to Corrie Feasibility Study

22 Brodick to Corrie Multi User Path - Signage Schedule 2013

The table provided below highlights the proposed locations and distances for the signage between Brodick Seafront and Cladach. The map references relate to the plan provided overleaf:

Map Ref Location Fingers Text Distance 1 Brodick Seafront Path One Heritage Museum 1m Home Farm 1½m Cladach 1¾m Brodick Castle and Country Park 2m 2 Putting Green One Fisherman’s Walk No distance Arran Coastal Way 3 Isle of Arran Heritage One Home Farm 700yds Museum Cladach ½m Brodick Castle and Country Park 1m 4 South Lodge One Home Farm 350yds Cladach ½m Brodick Castle and Country Park 1m 5 Golf Course Path Two Brodick 1¼m Heritage Museum 350yds Home Farm 350yds Cladach 700yds Brodick Castle and Country Park ¾m 6 Home Farm Two Brodick 1½m Heritage Museum ½m Cladach 350yds Brodick Castle and Country Park ½m 7 Cladach Two Brodick 1¾m Heritage Museum ½m Brodick Castle and Country Park 530yds

23 Proposed Signage Locations Brodick Castle


6 Home Farm



Museum 3


1 ° Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the controller Produced by24 the Technical Section of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright Licence No: 100023393 Development Plans Signage Specifications

The diagrams below highlight the specifications and designs for the signage and thermoplastic markings:

Diagram One: Signage Specification Diagram Two: Thermoplastic Marking Illustration All dimensions in millimetres 25 26 NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL

Agenda Item 7 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Strategic Road Maintenance Programme 2013/14

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the Roads and Streetlighting Maintenance Programme for 2013/14.

Recommendation: That the Committee notes (1) the approach taken to determine the maintenance programme for Roads and Streetlighting; (2) the maintenance programme for Roads and Streetlighting in 2013/14; and (3) the detailed maintenance programme for Arran.

1. Introduction

1.1 North Ayrshire Council has a statutory obligation under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 to manage and maintain its public road network. The adopted road network within North Ayrshire has a total length of 1027km, with associated core roads assets currently estimated at a value of approximately £1.7billion.

1.2 North Ayrshire Council is not responsible for the maintenance of the Trunk Road Network which is the responsibility of Transport Scotland and their management contractor Scotland Transerv. The Trunk Road network includes the A78, the A737 from Kilwinning to the East Boundary and A738 from the Pennyburn Roundabout to the A737 Dalry Road Kilwinning.

1.3 At its meeting on the 26th March 2013 the Cabinet agreed to note the approach taken to determining the asset maintenance programme for Roads and Streetlighting and that the 2013/14 programme of work be presented to Area Committees for comment.

1.4 North Ayrshire Councils Roads Asset is the Council’s largest Community Asset and plays a vital role in supporting the local and wider economy by facilitating the movement of people goods and services and connecting people with economic opportunities.

27 1.5 The Roads Asset Management Plan (RAMP) was submitted to and approved by the former Executive of North Ayrshire Council on 28 February 2012.

1.6 The maintenance strategy developed within the RAMP complies with the recommendations contained within the ‘Well Maintained Highways’ Code of Practice, ensuring that the Councils statutory obligations as delegated Roads Authority are being met.

1.7 The Code of Practice states that the establishment of an effective regime of inspection, assessment and recording is the most critical component of road maintenance. The characteristics of the regime including frequency of inspection, items to be recorded and nature of response should be defined following an assessment of the relative risks.

1.8 This approach to roads maintenance assists in not only providing a sustainable road network for the future but one that promotes social inclusion and contributes to economic growth within the area. This approach also ensures the Council is providing value for money on any investment attributed to road maintenance.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Roads and Streetlighting maintenance programme for 2013/14 has been produced using the associated Lifecycle Plans, developed in accordance with the strategy contained within the RAMP for managing the core assets. The Lifecycle Plans provide the level of detail required for informed decisions to be made on the location and type of maintenance treatments that will deliver the maximum return on investment.

2.2 As part of the Asset Management process condition assessments are carried out on the public road network on an annual basis as part of the inspection regime. All locations are assessed using a risk assessment process.

2.3 Condition assessments are carried out simultaneously with the Coarse Visual Inspections (CVI’s) in accordance with the pre-determined timescales contained within our Safety Inspection Manual. All faults are logged within our electronic Routine Maintenance System (RMS).

2.4 All carriageway and footway locations where the condition assessment score is assessed as being 11 or more require a full priority assessment to be carried out.

28 C O N D I T I O N Extent 1 2 3 4 (Acceptable) (Safe but (Minor (Major poor deterioration) deterioration) appearance) 1 - Up to 25% 5 9 13

2 - 25% to 50% 6 10 14

3 - 50% to 75% 7 11 15

4 - 75% to 100% 4 8 12 16

2.5 The data from the condition assessment is then entered into a Prioritisation Matrix for consideration of inclusion onto the Councils Strategic list of priorities. The assessment matrix attached in Appendix 1.

2.6 The assessment matrices take into account information gathered from a variety of sources. The main factors considered are:-

 Road Condition – based on detailed visual inspection and the Scottish Road Maintenance Conditions Survey (SRMCS). Non-destructive testing of columns.  Road Hierarchy – this takes account of the strategic importance of the road and is determined from our Local Transport Plan.  Community Concerns – this takes consideration of requests from Members, requests from the community and third party claims.  Assistance to Other Council Priorities – this takes account of other priorities such as access to shops, amenity housing or schools.

2.7 Each location that progresses onto the prioritisation process is rated using the additional criteria and is placed on the strategic list of priorities relative to its score. Each location is also reviewed at least once a year depending on its location within the Roads Hierarchy as part of the routine inspection process.

2.8 There are various types of surfacing materials and processes available depending on the particular road type, location and level of existing deterioration. Options available for treatment include preventative measures such as surface dressing, micro surfacing or asphalt preservation. Resurfacing options such as screeding, resurfacing (inlay and overlay), retread and overlay and depending on the severity of deterioration full reconstruction may be the most effective option.

29 2.9 The level of investment required to be allocated to the varying treatment types was identified using the Society Chief of Transport Scotland cost projection model that was developed as part of the Roads Asset Management Planning project. The model assists with identifying what effect the use of various treatments will have on the on-going condition of the carriageway. This enables us to determine a more accurate design life for the treatments currently available and to assist in ensuring that we are achieving value for money on their use.

Treatment Option Cost / Sqm Extension to life 2012/13 Surface Dressing £4.81 Up to 10 Years Micro Surfacing £4.80 7 - 10 Years Asphalt Preservation £3.00 Up to 5 Years Screeding £8.22 5 - 10 Years Retread £11.80 Up to 20 Years Inlay HRA £26.99 Up to 20 Years Inlay SMA £20.70 Up to 20 Years Overlay <100mm £20.19 Up to 20 Years Structural Overlay < £26.95 Up to 20 Years 100mm Reconstruction < £79.39 Up to 20 Years 200mm

2.10 An option appraisal matrix has also been developed to assist with the identification of the most appropriate treatment to be used at each location and can be seen in Appendix 2.

2.11 Streetlighting Column replacement is also driven by prioritisation as a result of non-destructive strength testing to determine the level of deterioration associated with the columns. Following testing columns are categorised within the Asset Management database for road lighting.

2.12 Testing is carried out in accordance with the Institute of Lighting Engineer's Technical Report No.22 Managing a Vital Asset: Lighting Supports as well as UK Lighting Board Code of Practice: Well-lit Highways.

2.13 Once results are input, the database then compares these results against the more general age profile to determine a final list of priority repairs. This produces recommendations in order of priority for both individual units and whole streets or areas.

30 2.14 Recommendations are generally categorised as Category A through K as follows:

A: Immediate replacement B: Replace urgently or reinspect within 6 months C1: Column Material failure, replace as soon as possible or reinspect within 1 year C2: Bracket failure, sleeve where possible or replace unit within 1 year D: Foundation failure, realign, reinstate and reinspect within 6 months E: Material approaching failure, replace as soon as possible or reinspect within 2 years F: Material approaching failure, replace as soon as possible or reinspect within 5 years G: Condition reasonable, but age expired and certified insured for 2 year periods until replaced H: Condition reasonable, but age expired and certified insured for 5 year periods until replaced I: Acceptable condition but age expired and insured for 5 year periods until replaced. J: Sound condition but age expired & visually poor (evidence of concrete cracking etc.) K: Sound condition and not age expired – no current requirement for strength structural inspection, visual only at planned maintenance cycle.

2.15 Where non-urgent replacement recommendations (Category F through J) are on an individual column basis, the data is further analysed to determine a percentage value for recommended replacement numbers against the balance of units in a street. If this figure exceeds 30% then the entire street will be considered for higher prioritisation which will address the design class standard of the street beyond individual replacement for safety reasons only.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee notes the approach taken to determining the asset maintenance programme for Roads and Streetlighting.

3.2 That Committee notes the Roads and Streetlighting maintenance programme for 2013/14, as shown at Appendix 3.

31 4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 The Roads Structural Maintenance Programme will be delivered from allocated Capital and Revenue budgets.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications.

Legal Implications

4.3 North Ayrshire Council has a statutory obligation to manage and maintain its public road network under the terms of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Effective management of these assets contributes to a number of key objectives including effective and efficient services, protecting vulnerable people and regeneration our communities and increasing employment.

5. Consultations

5.1 The process of developing the annual programme of works using the Asset Management approach was presented to all the Local Area Committees during 2012/13. This was well received by Members and no adverse comments were raised during this process.

5.2 The works programme will be placed on the Members page on Navigate, allowing members to view the locations similar to that had had been previously presented.

32 6. Conclusion

6.1 North Ayrshire Council has a statutory obligation to maintain its public road network. The structural Roads and Streetlighting maintenance programme has been prepared by adopting an asset management based approach. This ensures that available budgets are allocated efficiently and effectively throughout the Council area.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : CH/JS For further information please contact Joe Smith, Senior Manager, Roads & Transportation on 01294 225203 Background Papers N/A

33 34

Number Development Planning Services - Carriageway Scheme Assessment

Town: Area:

Road Name:



Rated By: Date Rated:

Criteria Score (S) Score (S x

1. Condition

2. Maintenance Category

3. Public Liability Claims / RMS Faults / Elected Members and Accident Statistics

4. Assistance to Other Priorities

Total Priority

Treatment Type:

Length: Breadth: Area:

Patchhing Required: Area: Depth:

Kerbing Required: Length:


Assessed By: Reassessed By:

Assessment Date: Reassessment Date:

Checked By: Checked By:

Carriageway Resurfacing Scheme Assessment Page 1 of 2 Version 35



1. Condition

2. Maintenance Category

3. Public Liability Claims / RMS Faults / Elected Members and Accident Statistics

4. Assistance to Other Priorities



Strategic Routes - (A760 / A736 /

Main Distributor

Secondary Distriibutor Routes / Bus


All Other Routes including Local Access

Carriageway Resurfacing Scheme Assessment Page 2 of 2 Version 36 Appendix 2 Treatment Selection Flowchart (Carriageways)

Road in Good Yes Consider Asphalt No No Action Condition Preservation Required

Consider Surface No No Action Dressing Required

Consider Micro No No Action No Asphalt Required

Surface Suitable for SD or Rural Dressing Include in Less than 25% Minor Deterioration Micro Asphalt Yes Yes Yes Patching Patching Req. Poor Appearance / Patching Were Previously screeded Urban Required Micro Surfacing

Consider No Footway

No Further Plane Regulate & Yes Carriageway Surface Yes Patch Regulate & No Further Action Inlay (HRA/SMA) Urban Course Exhibiting Rural Overlay (SMA) Action Potholes, Major Fretting, Cracking or No Further Patch & Screed Yes Crazing Yes Patch & Screed No Further Action (DBM) Minor Minor (DBM) Action Urban Rural Consider Consider Asphalt Surface Preservation Dressing

No Consider Micro Asphalt

Major Structural Reconstruction or Failure of Road Reconstruction or Yes Yes Retread & Overlay Construction Layers Retread & Overlay Strategic or Main Minor (HRA / SMA) Distributor Rural / Urban (HRA / SMA)

Consider Footway Consider Footway & Drainage & Drainage

37 38 Mainland Roads Programme 2013/14

Carriageway Resurfacing (Inlay / Overlay / Retread) Street Town Location Estimate Assessment Cost Score A71 Corsehill Mount £120,000 82 Roundabout Glasgow Street Ardrossan Park Road to Winton Street £100,000 81 B714 Dalry Various Locations £80,000 81 Main Street Stevenston Afton Road to New Street £35,000 80 Lawfield Avenue Full Length £20,000 80 Ladysmith Road Place View to Bathville £40,000 80 Road B777 Road Kersland Road to £50,000 80 Glengarnock Station Entrance Chapelhill Mount Ardrossan Number 1 to Number 64 £30,000 79 A760 Largs At Weather Station £150,000 78 Bank Street Irvine The Cross to East Road £45,000 74 Trelawney Stevenston Full Length £75,000 74 Terrace Helens Terrace Kilwinning Full Length £40,000 74 Beech Avenue Beith Roebank Road to £30,000 74 Cherrywood Drive Peden Avenue Dalry Full Length £50,000 73 Raise Street Saltcoats Elms Pub to Glencairn £25,000 73 Street Dockhead Place Saltcoats Windmill Street to rear of £20,000 73 Pub Kirkton Avenue West Kilbride Full Length £35,000 73 Overtoun Road Springside Kilmarnock Road to Station £40,000 72 Road High Road Stevenston Schoolwell Street to £10,000 72 Number 4 Warner Street Stevenston Full Length £25,000 72 Montfode Drive Ardrossan Number 80 to end of street £40,000 72 Bute Terrace Saltcoats From New Houses to Wall £5,000 72 Harbour Place Ardrossan Full Length £10,000 71 Bankhouse Largs Number 39 to Number 22 £15,000 71 Avenue A760 School Kilbirnie In front of Police Station £30,000 71 Wynd

39 Mainland Roads Programme 2013/14

Herriot Avenue Kilbirnie £90,000 71 B778 Full Length £80,000 71 A760 Kilbirnie North Hourat Farm £90,000 70

40 Mainland Roads Programme 2013/14

Micro Surfacing Street Town Location Estimate Assessment Cost Score Place View Kilbirnie Ladysmith Avenue to £6,000 72 Newhouse Drive Ainsdale Court Kilwinning Full Length £5,000 71 Heronswood Kilwinning Northacre to Number 4 £5,000 68 Road West Kilbride Full Length £10,000 66 Carmyle Place Stevenston Full Length £2,000 65 Kilwinning Full Length £10,000 63 Service Road Mair Avenue Dalry Various Locations £15,000 63 Headrigg West Kilbride Full Length £2,000 62 Byrehill Avenue Kilwinning Full Length £16,000 62 Mackintosh Place Irvine NAC Depot to Road End £10,000 62 Finnie Terrace Springside Number 6 to Number 16 £2,000 62

41 Mainland Roads Programme 2013/14

Surface Dressing Street Town Location Estimate Cost B896 Millport 470m South of Fairhaven £30,000 B896 Millport Lion Rock to Marine Parade £25,000 B899 Millport Inner Circle south for 700m £20,000 B730 Dreghorn Dreghorn to £15,000 C29 Irvine C40 to B769 £15,000 U54 Kilwinning Sevenacres from B785 £10,000 C5 Kilwinning Lissens Moss £20,000 B707 Dalry Swindridge Muir £10,000 B707 Dalry Kerslochmuir £10,000 C57 Dalry From the C99 £5,000 C57 Dalry Cleeves £2,500 C57 Dalry From the C109 £10,000 C99 Dalry Greenacres to Blair Smithy £50,000 U19 Dalry Cubeside £15,000 U3 Kilbirnie Moorpark Hotel Access for £10,000 860m

42 Mainland Roads Programme 2013/14

Footway Resurfacing Street Town Location Estimate Assessment Cost Score Dalry Road Ardrossan Dasher gardens to £35,000 91 Montfode Drive Brisbane Road Largs Outside shop at Number 27 £5,000 78 Corsehill Drive West Kilbride Half way along both sides £40,000 76 Fullerton Drive West Kilbride Full Length (Both Sides) £30,000 76 Viking Way Largs Full Length £10,000 75 Ninian Street Millport Full Length (One Side) £20,000 75 Head Street Beith Larch Terrace to A737 £5,000 75 Glen Road West Kilbride Full Length (One Side) £10,000 74 High Road Stevenston Schoolwell to Number 4 £10,000 74 B899 Millport Ballikellat to Standing £35,000 74 Stones Brisbane Largs Full Length £10,000 73 Crescent Drummilling West Kilbride Full Length £20,000 73 Avenue Kilwinning Road Irvine Fleming Street to BP £5,000 72 Station Dykesmain Road Saltcoats Even Numbers Side £35,000 72 Loudon Crescent Kilwinning Full Length £40,000 71

43 Mainland Roads Programme 2013/14

Lighting Deteriorated Column Replacements Street Town Location Estimate Cost Cranberry Road Kilwinning Pennyburn Phase 4 £110,000 and associated squares Muirside Road and Kilwinning Pennyburn Phase 5 £110,000 associated squares Howden Avenue Kilwinning Woodwynd Phase 4 £110,000 Waterside Road Glen Avenue Largs £100,000 Crathie Drive Ardrossan £10,000 Grahamston Glengarnock £40,000 Avenue Holms Road Craigend Road Hill Street Irvine £20,000 Mull Terrace Irvine Phase 7 £110,000 George Street Millport £60,000 Howard Street Ninian Street

Lighting Deteriorated Column Inspections Street Town Location Estimate Cost Various Locations Phase 1 £60,000 throughout Mainland North Ayrshire Various Locations Phase 2 £60,000 throughout Mainland North Ayrshire

Lighting Deteriorated Luminaire Replacements Street Town Location Estimate Cost Various Locations Approx. 1200 Units £360,000 throughout Mainland North Ayrshire Centre

44 Appendix 3b

Arran Works Programme 2013-14

Description Dates Cost

Carriageway Patching Programme May – dates TBC £75,000

Carriageway Screeding :- 15 April – 1 May £100,000

Preparatory Works, cutting joints etc to be carried out on 15 April under Traffic Management.

A841South of Corrie (Traffic Management) 25 April

C147 Seacliff (Traffic Management) 24 April

C147 Bridge (Road Closure – 2 days) 18/19 April

The Ross Road (Road Closure – 5 days) 22 – 26 April

Low Kildonan Road (Road Closure – 1 day) 1 May

Carriageway Surface Dressing :- 24 – 28 June £85,000

A841 Lamlash to Whiting Bay at Cordon (Traffic Management)

A841 Lamlash to Whiting Bay at Kirkend Nursery (Traffic Management)

Ross Road (Road Closure – 1 day)

Clauchlands Road Lamlash (Traffic Management)

Carriageway Improvements

C147 South of Kilpatrick (Road Closure) 7 May – 28 June £750,000

C147 Rubha Airigh Bheirgh (Road Closure) To be Programmed(Sept/Oct) £200,000

Footway Works £50,000

To be confirmed and programmed.

Total Budget £1,260,000


Agenda Item 8 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance

Purpose: To advise the Committee of applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund.

Recommendation: That the Committee considers and determines the applications as outlined in the attached appendix.

1. Introduction

1.1 On 30 January 2013, North Ayrshire Council considered a report on the Corporate Grants budget and agreed to transfer these over to Education and Skills to disburse and monitor.

1.2 Education and Skills agreed to the allocation of the Education and Skills grants for the period 2013-14 as set out in the report. In that regard, a budget of £25,898 is available to the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme in financial year 2013/14.

1.3 As previously agreed the Community Development Grants budget will be released in two instalments (50% in April and 50% in September/October) with flexibility to vary the two phased instalments by up to 20%. This arrangement assists Members to monitor allocations and phase grants to cover applications for seasonal events such as galas, festivals, summer outings and Christmas events.

1.4 The sum of £15,274 is also available for disbursement from the Local Youth Action Fund in financial year 2013/14.

2. Current Position

2.1 Applications have been received within a number of categories of the Community Development Grants Scheme. Details of these applications are summarised in the attached paperwork.

47 2.2 The Community Development Grants Scheme has a balance of £12,949 for phase one of the 50% split.

3. Proposals

3.1 It is proposed that the Committee considers the applications as outlined in the appendices to the report.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be met from the available balances.

Human Resource Implications.

4.2 There are no human resource implications.

Legal Implications.

4.3 There are no legal implications.

Equality Implications.

4.4 There are no equality implications.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Supporting the organisations listed in the appendix to the report will assist in achieving outcomes:

1b - North Ayrshire is a more attractive tourist destination. 1c - North Ayrshire is a more attractive place to do business. 1d - North Ayrshire has more of an enterprise culture. 2a - More people are in work and training. 4a - Levels of educational attainment and achievement have improved. 4b - More young people are leaving schools for positive destinations. 5a - Opportunities to support the positive development of vulnerable young children have increased.

48 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6d - Health inequalities have reduced. 6e - People are more active more often. 7b - Fewer people are living in poverty. 8a - More children and young people live in a safe and supportive environment.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place between the applicant bodies and appropriate Officers of the Council.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Awards from the Community Development Grants Scheme assist community-based projects, including cultural, social welfare, recreational or sporting based initiatives.

6.2 Awards from the Local Youth Action Fund are made to groups supporting young people aged 12 - 25 years of age.

CAROL KIRK Corporate Director (Education and Skills)

Reference : JMcH/BA For further information please contact James McHarg, Assistant Manager, Community Development on 01294 324440 Background Papers None

49 50 Community Development Grants Scheme 2013/2014 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 May 2013 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended 32nd Ayrshire Lamlash To attend three camp £2,250.50 £1,743 The recommended Cubs experiences: amount will go toward the camping Meeting place: Arran  Accommodation - experiences. High School, Lamlash £1,250  Food - £575 Camp experiences: Established: 1988  Travel - £581  Activities - £1,409  Lochranza PGL Numbers attending: 21  District Camp Total cost of project -  Island Camp Balance in bank: £3,815 £1,025.84 (general running costs, uniform costs, membership subscriptions and badge work) Auchenharvie To provide specialist £1,000 £1,000 The recommended Community Sports Club staff and amount will go toward training/coaching costs: the athletic equipment Meeting place: and specialised Auchenharvie Academy  Athletic equipment - coaches. P.E. Department £500  Specialised coaches The club has applied to Established: 2005 - £500 Awards for All - £5,000. approx. Total cost of project - Condition of award that Numbers attending: 30 £7,000 the club submits satisfactory Balance in bank: income/expenditure £2,446.11 (venue hire, sheet prior to any funds staff wages (coaches) being released. further training)

51 Community Development Grants Scheme 2013/2014 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 May 2013 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Saltcoats Gala Costs towards the £1,500 £1,335 The recommended Committee Saltcoats Sea Queen amount will go toward: Festival on 13 and 14  New costumes - Meeting place: July 2013. £150 Chairperson's home  New costumes -  Bands for parade - £150 £600 Established: 2000  Road closure - £450  Children's  Bands for parade - entertainer - £185 Numbers attending: 5 in £600  Kirsty's Kritters - the Committee  Children's £150 entertainer - £185  Owl Magic - £150 Balance in bank:  Staging for  Horse & Carriage - £2,027.88 (towards the entertainment - £100 gala costs) £800  Kirsty's Kritters - The Committee has also £150 applied to:  Owl Magic - £150  CHA - £1,000  Horse and carriage -  Local businesses - £100 £400

Total cost of project - £2,585 Maritime Volunteer Berthing fees - £3,085 £3,085 £1,400 The recommended Service (NA) amount will help toward Total cost of project - the cost of the berthing Meeting place: Clyde £3,085 fees. Marina, Ardrossan The group has managed Established: 1994 to gain a substantial reduction in berthing Numbers attending: 12 fees since submitting the application and has Balance in bank: been advised to look at £550.14 (maintenance, fundraising and repairs, training and alternative means of fuel) funding in the future for this type of application.

52 Community Development Grants Scheme 2013/2014 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 May 2013 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Ardrossan Music Costs towards the £2,000 £1,800 The recommended Experience planning and amount will enable the development of the Committee to go ahead Meeting place: Ardrossan Music with the various Ardrossan Civic Centre Experience Festival in proposed workshops May 2013. and awareness raising Established: January events along with the 2011  Venue costs, local artists costs. planning, Number attending: 16 workshops, attending meeting, awareness raising expected audience - events - £1,100 1,000+  Artists costs - £1,200 Balance in bank: £22,941.24 (Some Total cost of project - restricted funds for £25,000 promotion and workshops and venue costs)

53 Local Youth Action Fund 2013/2014 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 May 2013 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Auchenharvie Academy To purchase athletic £2,000 £1,912 The recommended amount Parent Council equipment to encourage will deliver a variety of girls to take part in physical opportunities for girls to Meeting place: activity: participate in sport and Auchenharvie Academy physical activity at a variety  Indoor resistance of times throughout the Numbers attending: 12 bikes x 6 at £480 each day. - £2,880 Balance in bank: £241.13  Stop watches x 5 at The funding will cover (admin costs and salaries) £17 each - £85 some of the costs of:  Running machine - £799  Indoor resistance bikes  Grip test - £148 The Parent Council have Total cost of project £3,912 also applied to:

 The Big Lottery Fund - £1,000  School funds - £1,000 Arran Theatre & Arts Trust To offer art workshops and £2,000 £520 The recommended amount introduce 'have a go' taster will go toward: Meeting place: Arran High sessions to the young School & various other people:  Workshop tutor fees - locations throughout Arran £1,125 using the ArtBus.  Workshop tutor fees -  ArtBus part cost - £275 £1,125  Arts materials - £300 Numbers attending: 5 in  Workshop venue hire -  Venue hire for project - the Committee £300 £300  Arts materials - £300 Balance in bank: £4,683.90  ArtBus - £275 (restricted funds for Gaelic Project in schools and Total cost of project - 2013 McLellan Arts £2,520 Festival) Arran Youth Forum To create and participate in £2,000 Defer The Officer has requested a music 'gig' in Lamlash further information Meeting place: KA Village Hall proposed for regarding the proposed Campus, Lamlash Spring 2013: 'gig'.

Numbers attending: 10  Hire of buses to gig - £1,200 Balance in bank: £1,463.20  Hire of hall - £120 (cost toward 4 music  Snacks & soft drinks - events) £500  Decorations - £50  Glow sticks - £200

Total cost of project: £2,070

54 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Sharon M Gibson 2. Department: Information and Culture Telephone No.: 01294 465591

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: 32nd Ayrshire Lamlash Cubs

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 20/02/2013 (telephone)

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes, however

If NO give reasons

After speaking with Rachel Armitage there has been a change to one of the camps the group are looking for funding for. They are not attending the camp at Lochgoilhead as some of the cubs are young, they feel that it would be more beneficial if they participate in an Island camp. They would be looking for the funding to include this new camp to Lochranza PGL. The group would still be looking for £2,250 form North Ayrshire Council.

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

55 9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

There is no requirement for a uniformed organisation to be registered with the Care Commission.

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

5a - Opportunities to support the positive development of vulnerable young children have increased. 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6e - People are more active more often. 8a - More children and young people live in safe and supportive environment.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The children attending the camp will benefit from socialising with their peers and participate in fun and challenging new experiences. These experiences will encourage independent and confident individuals enabling them to look after themselves and others.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The camp enables the individual children to learn life skills, socialising with not only children from their local community.

14. Overall assessment?

The camps will provide new challenging experiences that will meet the age and stage of development of individual children who attend the cub pack. The children will experience being away from their families, learning how to look after themselves while having fun.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £2,250 16. Group Contribution: £1,564.50

56 SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £1,743

Give reasons

I feel that this is a worthwhile project as the children will be able to participate in activities that they would not normally be able to take part in.

Signature: Sharon M Gibson Date: 30 April 2013

57 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Anne-Marie Armour 2. Department: Active Schools Telephone No.: 01294 471621

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Auchenharvie Community Sports Club

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 20 March 2013

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

58 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6e - People are more active more often.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The group are looking to develop their programme. Along with a grant from Awards for All this project will look at the Commonwealth Games both in terms of the run up and legacy ensuring that the members of this group have the opportunity to experience the specialised coaching and use of proper equipment in relation to the sports included in the Commonwealth Games. This is an opportunity that might not normally be made available to the groups' members. They are also hoping to provide trips to the Commonwealth venues as part of this project.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The group are looking at new and innovative ways to encourage new members and also to encourage local community club links. By looking at the Commonwealth sports they hope to identify local groups that the members can then go on to participate further if they show an interest or a talent in that sport.

14. Overall assessment?

This group have taken over the running of this club and are enthusiastic volunteers providing an opportunity for children between P4 and S2 to participate in sport and physical activity at an affordable price. They provide 3 hours of coaching and equipment and are enthusiastic about this project and the Commonwealth run up and legacy in Stevenston.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £1,000 16. Group Contribution: £7,000

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

59 19. Amount recommended: £1,000

Give reasons

This project would allow the group to involve its members in the run up to and the legacy of the Commonwealth Games. It will provide the opportunities to participate in Commonwealth sports, make local club links and visit the Commonwealth venues which is a fantastic programme for its members. I fully support this application.

Signature: Anne-Marie Armour Date: 30 April 2013

60 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Claire Duncan 2. Department: Chief Executive/Communications Telephone No.: 01294 324156

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Saltcoats Gala Committee

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 18 April 2013

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

61 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

1b - North Ayrshire is a more attractive tourist destination. 1c - North Ayrshire is a more attractive place to do business. 1d - North Ayrshire has more of an enterprise culture. 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 8a - More children and young people live in a safe and supportive environment 11a - Levels of voluntary action and community involvement have increased.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The expenditure will enable the group to organise the annual Queen of the Sea Festival and Gala which is enjoyed by the local Saltcoats community.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The event is similar to last year. It is an annual event in the town, which the local schools get involved with. It is a popular event with the local community.

14. Overall assessment?

The event as a whole is free (excluding the funfair element). It is a traditional event and allows the local community to enjoy the local heritage and annual event. The event encourages social integration and community engagement.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £1,500 16. Group Contribution: £3,200

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

62 19. Amount recommended: £1,335

Give reasons

The recommended amount will provide support for new costumes, bands for the parade, children's entertain, Kirsty's Kritters, Owl Magic and horse and carriage. The recommended amount also takes into consideration a budget cut of around 10% since last year.

Signature: Claire Duncan Date: 30 April 2013

63 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: John Macdonald 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Maritime Volunteer Service (NA)

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 19 April (visit) and 30 April (telephone)

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

64 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

2a - More people are in work and training. 4a - Levels of educational attainment and achievement have improved. 4b - More young people are leaving schools for positive destinations. 6d - More vulnerable people are supported within their own communities. 7b - Fewer people are living in poverty.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The group meets on a Sunday, weather permitting on their motor vessel to teach boating skills, navigation, boat maintenance, radio communications and first aid. This is open to the community to learn new skills.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

Members have gone on to use their skills and knowledge within the Merchant Navy and returning to share with others. It also allows for lifestyles to change with people volunteering their time.

14. Overall assessment?

This is an organisation that allows adults to learn nautical skills. It creates an opportunity for the many North Ayrshire boating fraternity the ability to use their vessels more safely with knowledge gained.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £3,085 16. Group Contribution: £0

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

65 19. Amount recommended: £1,400

Give reasons

The group has managed to gain a substantial reduction in berthing fees, therefore I believe the recommended amount is sufficient, bearing in mind that the group have not put any funds towards this project.

Signature: John Macdonald Date: 30 April 2013

66 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Bernadette Anderson 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 324440

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Ardrossan Music Experience

4. Date of Officer's Visit:

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

67 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

1b - North Ayrshire is a more attractive tourist destination 3a - Opportunities for lifelong learning have increased. 6e - People are more active more often. 11a - Levels of voluntary action and community involvement have increased.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

Ardrossan Music Experience was founded in 2011 and since its inception has engaged with community groups, schools, community centres, older people within residential establishment across the Three Towns

The application to develop an annual festival planned for May 2013 in The Lauriston, Ardrossan Civic Centre and other venues where local bands will be encouraged to showcase their work and share their music as part of the wider festival experience.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The Ardrossan Music Experience has partnered with the Caley Music Project in Stevenston to give the bands support in cutting demo CDs; 3TFM Community Radio for Health and wider community whereby people will be able to evaluate and reflect on musical achievement and creativity in a constructive and educationally focused way.

The group are seeking to transform the local environment by creating a festival atmosphere, improving social cohesion and developing economic and cultural regeneration through the promotion and appreciation of music across the three towns, similar to the Darvel Music Festival.

The festival will have community workshops e.g. guitar making whereby visitors will be able to witness how a guitar is made.

Musicians will have an opportunity to meet, demonstrate, and share their musical achievement and creativity with a wider audience. Musicians will be brought from other cultures and countries to mix with local musicians and talent and teach Master classes to schools.

14. Overall assessment?

Ardrossan Music Experience planned Festival in May 2013 will foster and promote a lifelong interest and involvement in music which should be a basic personal experience.

People come to a music festival with a sense of anticipation, they engage and feel part of the performance. Music can lift the mood of the community and make the Three Towns an attractive, vibrant and energising place for people to live and visit.

68 SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £2,000 16. Group Contribution: £1,100

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £1,800

Give reasons

The Ardrossan Music Experience Committee are proud of their achievement last year and want to build and promote the profile of Ardrossan Town as a safe, welcoming place to visit and enjoy music.

The recommended amount will go some way toward helping with the planning, venue costs for development and promotion of the festival and arranging the workshops/awareness raising event.

Signature: Bernadette Anderson Date: 3 May 2013

69 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Anne-Marie Armour 2. Department: Active Schools Telephone No.: 01294 471621

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Auchenharvie Academy Parent Council

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 27 February 2013

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

There is no requirement for this type of group to be registered with the Care Commission.

70 10. Does the expenditure meet the North Ayrshire Single Agreements? - Yes

If YES, which outcome agreements are being addressed?

6a - Health and well-being through life have improved. 6e - People are more active more often.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

This is a new group that the Parent Council are looking to run with the P.E. Department and Active Schools and is part of a wider project being developed within Auchenharvie Academy targeting girls. This project includes lunchtime clubs, afterschool clubs, evening classes and volunteering from senior pupils.

The objectives that the club meets are:

 Increase the number of services and facilities available that provide constructive and relevant activities.  Increase in numbers of young people accessing facilities.  Young people to have sustained interest and involvement in the activities provided.  An increase in satisfaction of young people.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

Initially the group answered no to this question, however on further conversation the P.E. Department has been very active in including the girls in the programme and areas of interest for this project. They have consulted with a focus group including girls form S1 - S6.

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

The group initially answered no to this question, however on further conversation the P.E. Department has been very active in discussing the project with Parent Council and parents.

14. Are Partnership links in place? Yes

Auchenharvie Academy P.E. Department Active Schools

71 15. Overall Assessment

This application is part of a bigger project running within Auchenharvie Academy with the P.E. Department and Active Schools looking at participation in sports by girls. They are looking to provide a variety of opportunities for girls to be physically active outwith curriculum P.E. are providing a varied and organic programme during lunchtime, after school and in the evening. This has been well thought out and the participants have been and will be involved in the progression of this project.

The P.E. Department has managed to secure funding from the Big Lottery 2014 Communities Fund and the school fund that will contribute towards the overall costs of this project.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

16. Amount Requested: £1,912 17. Group Contribution: £2,000

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Yes

19. Defer Application?

20. Amount recommended: £1,912

Give reasons

Auchenharvie Academy Parent Council are supporting this project working with the P.E. Department and Active Schools to target the girls of Auchenharvie. The overall project will deliver a variety of opportunities for girls to participate in sport and physical activity at a variety of times throughout the day. I believe this is a good project that will enhance the girls' experience of sport and physical activity within their time at Auchenharvie Academy.

Signature: Anne-Marie Armour Date: 30 April 2013

72 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Marie Blackwood 2. Department: Information and Culture Telephone No.: 01294 274059

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Arran Theatre & Arts Trust

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 2 May 2013 (telephone)

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

73 10. Does the expenditure meet the North Ayrshire Single Outcome Agreements? - Yes

If YES, which Outcome Agreements are being addressed?

1b - North Ayrshire is a more attractive tourist destination. 4a - Levels of educational attainment and achievement have improved. 6a - Health and well-being throughout life has improved.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

Arran Theatre and Arts Trust enthusiastically encourage and promote an interest in the arts in Arran.

The group address this in the following number of objectives:

 By increasing the number of services and facilities available that provide interesting and relevant activities.  By increasing the numbers of young people accessing the activity.  Young people to have a sustained interest and involvement in the activities provided.

The proposed activity is a new activity within a successful project, it aims to both increase the numbers of young people accessing the arts and increase their involvement.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

The group have consulted with Arran Youth Work on the proposed project.

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

The group have engaged with Arran High School regarding the proposal.

14. Are Partnership links in place? No

74 15. Overall Assessment

Arran Arts & Theatre Trust have a proven track record of undertaking a tremendous range of cultural activity on the Island. Bringing professionals to the Island and working with respected artists results in many benefits to the communities of Arran.

Following on from the success of the Arran Open Studios event last year, the group intend to develop the event further.

This involves providing an exhibition space to support Higher Art students to exhibit their work , introduce 'have a go' taster sessions within the workshop element of the event, these workshops and activities will have a massive appeal to young people and beginners.

In addition they are introducing an ArtBus which will provide transport, and access to the studios located in the remote areas of the Island.

Including these new activities within the Arran Open Studios 2013, will ensure that an already successful event has an appeal for both the young and inexperienced.

In developing this aspect of the event, many more will have the chance of experiencing a diverse range of cultural learning opportunities.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

16. Amount Requested: £2,000 17. Group Contribution: £520

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Yes

19. Defer Application?

20. Amount recommended: £2,000

Give reasons

Arran Theatre & Arts Trust are a well established group who are dedicated to fundraising and promoting the arts on Arran. This application supports the development of establishing and supporting opportunities for young people.

In addition the event proposed will benefit a wider range of participants, attract additional visitors and boost the visitor attraction appeal of North Ayrshire.

Signature: Marie Blackwood Date: 3 May 2013

75 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Bernadette Anderson/Lesley Forsyth 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 324440

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Arran Youth Forum

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 3 May 2013

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

There is no requirement for this type of group to be registered with the Care Commission.

76 10. Does the expenditure meet the North Ayrshire Single Outcome Agreements? - Yes

If YES, which outcomes are being addressed?

5a - Opportunities to support the positive development of vulnerable young children have increased. 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6e - People are more active more often.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

 Increasing the number of services and facilities available that provide interesting and relevant activities.  Increasing the numbers of young people accessing the activity.  Young people to have a sustained interest and involvement in the activities provided.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

 Arran High School  Arran Youth Foundation

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

The Forum have involved Arran Youth Foundation and Police Scotland.

14. Are Partnership links in place? Yes

 Arran Youth Foundation  Police Scotland

15. Overall Assessment

The Arran Youth Forum works on behalf of other young people to identify suitable activities. They identified that music events are the most popular way of increasing young people's satisfaction in their area. The group brings other young groups together through art, live performance and technical ability to create a 'gig'.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

16. Amount Requested: £1,800 17. Group Contribution: £200

77 SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Yes

19. Defer Application? Yes

Further information has been requested from Youth Services, Community Development in relation to the type of 'gig' that is proposed.

20. Amount recommended: Defer

Give reasons

Signature: Bernadette Anderson Date: 3 May 2013


Agenda Item 9 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Community Benefit Fund Applications for Grant Aid

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the applications received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund.

Recommendation: That the Committee considers the applications as outlined in the attached Community Benefit Fund Officer Reports.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Committee will recall the criteria as previously agreed in that (i) priority will be given to environmental projects although not exclusively; (ii) the criteria will be the same in the three localities; (iii) no maximum limit of grant although grants will not normally exceed £4,000 and will be dealt with by exception; (iv) there is no minimum limit to grant funding; and (v) local groups will be given priority over national groups.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Community Benefit Fund has an overall balance of £34,783.89. The Community Benefit Fund for each locality has a balance as follows:

 Ardrossan - £16,433.15  Saltcoats & Stevenston - £15,879.78  Arran - £2,470.96

3. Proposals

3.1 The Committee is asked to consider application(s) as outlined below and in the attached Community Benefit Fund Officer Reports.

79 Ardrossan Opening Balance £16,433.15 Bidder Value Purpose North Ayrshire £1,400.00 To replace the current mechanical Forum on Disability shutters with new electronic shutters to enable easier access to the facility at weekends and nights by volunteers.

St Peters Primary £1,656.00 To purchase and erect a flagpole School Parent to display their eco Green Flag Council and additional benches .

Total £3,056 Closing Balance £13,377.15

Stevenston & Opening Balance £15,879.78 Saltcoats Bidder Value Purpose Glencairn Primary £605.00 Purchase planters and develop School, Stevenston eco-garden.

Total £605.00 Closing Balance £15,274.78

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be met from the 2013/14 ongoing Community Benefit Fund balance.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 None

Legal Implications

4.3 None

Equality Implications

4.4 None

80 Environmental Implications

4.5 The bids support the aspirations of the Community Benefit Fund, which include:

 support environmental improvements to the physical, built and social environmental; and  support education and promotion of sustainability and energy efficiency.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Support of the applications would contribute towards the Single Outcome Agreement for North Ayrshire as follows:

11a Levels of voluntary action and community involvement have increased; 11b Partnership working between the public community and voluntary sector has improved; and 12a Our environment is protected and enhanced.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 The applications, if approved, will be funded through the Community Benefit Fund.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with the applicant bodies and appropriately qualified officers in the Council.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Area Committee should determine the applications as listed.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : DW/AM For further information please contact Dianna Whyte, External Funding Officer, Development Planning Services on 01294 225178 Background Papers None

81 82


Name of Organisation: Contact Person:

North Ayrshire Forum on Anne Armstrong Disabilities

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: 33 Glasgow Street, 01294 470480 Ardrossan

Postcode: KA22 8EP

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: Established: 21 Voluntary members with 1996 approx. 24,000 users per year

Meeting Place: Date of Visit: 33 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan 16.04.2013

Description of the Project:

The group wish to replace the shop front corroded manual shutters with new electronic ones to enable easier access to the premises by disabled volunteers. This will enable better use of the facility after hours during evenings and weekends.

Funding Amount requested: Contribution by Group: £1400 20% required match funding of £350.00 from group resources and fundraising.

Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles: Available. Company limited by guarantee with charitable status.

Bank Details: Balance in Bank: available £1200.00


Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable X 2. Educational

3. Community X 4. Environmental

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity X

Level of environmental enhancement:

The replacement of the existing shutters with new electronic shutters will improve the visible frontage of the premises and the town centre of Ardrossan encouraging more users to drop in for advice and expanding the amount of time and group support on offer out of office hours.

Level of community involvement:

The project will open up the facility to passers-by to use the services and information on offer to those with a disability and their carers. This will encourage informal group support meetings in the evenings and at weekends by making the building more accessible.

Level of funding secured or available:

20% match funding of £ 350.00 from organisations own unreserved resources and from fundraising.

Experience of group to deliver project:

This is a long established group with a track record of delivering projects including information, training and support.

Future sustainability of project: The new electronic shutters will come with a 10 year repair warranty.

Location of Project:

33 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan

Officer Details

Name: Dianna Whyte Position: External Funding Officer Telephone No: 01294 225178 Date: 16/04/2013




Applicant Contact Details

Name of Organisation: Contact Person: St. Peters Primary School Parent Council Susan Breen

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: c/o 17 South Beach Road, Ardrossan 01294 463588

Postcode: KA22 8AT

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: Established: 6 2008

Meeting Place: Date of Visit: 26/04/2013 St Peters Primary School Description of the Project: The group wish to purchase a flag pole and pay for its erection to display the Eco Green flag awarded to the school for their eco schools project achievements. They also wish to purchase addition benches for the eco garden.


Amount requested: Contribution by Group: £1,656.00 £414.00

Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles: Available

Bank Details: Balance in Bank: Available £2,906.71


Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable 2. Educational X

3. Community 4. Environmental X

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity

Level of environmental enhancement: The green flag awarded to the group can be shown for two years as testimony to their achievements as an ecoschool including litter picking, recycling of mobile phones and planting. They are justifiably proud of achieving green flag status and wish to make this known to the wider community. They will continue to work to keep their green flag status.

Level of community involvement:

The eco council, the whole school and the parent council wish to involve the wider community in their eco schools programme and projects.

Level of funding secured or available:

20% match funding of £414.00 will be provided from the parent council funds.

Experience of group to deliver project: The group has previous experience of delivering projects such as last years school garden project.

Future sustainability of project:

The flag pole will be compliant with North Ayrshire Councils specifications and will be covered by a maintenance and repair guarantee.

Location of Project: St. Peters Primary School, Ardrossan.

Officer Details

Name: Dianna Whyte Position: External Funding Officer Telephone No: 01294 225178 Date: 26/04/2013




Applicant Contact Details

Name of Organisation: Contact Person:

Glencairn Primary School Sharon McDowell - Headteacher

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: New Street, Stevenston 01294 464376

Postcode: KA20 3HQ

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: Established: School role of 234 Pupils 1971

Meeting Place: Date of Visit: Glencairn Primary School 22/04/2013

Description of the Project: As part of the Eco schools project the school would like to purchase planters and to develop the eco garden.


Amount requested: Contribution by Group: £605.00 £150.00 as 20% match funding

Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles:

Not Applicable as a Primary School

Bank Details: Balance in Bank:

Available £1,000 for eco project

87 Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable 2. Educational X

3. Community X 4. Environmental X

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity

Level of environmental enhancement: The eco garden in the school has been neglected over the years and is in a poor state. This project will enable the eco schools teacher to work with each of the pupil classes to redevelop and enhance the garden to make it a better teaching and learning resource for the pupils.

Level of community involvement:

Pupils at Glencairn Primary and Auchenharvie schools will work with parents and staff to develop the project garden.

Level of funding secured or available:

£150.00 match funding has been secured.

Experience of group to deliver project: The school has a long track record of delivering projects that enrich the learning experiences on offer to their pupils. Each class has a designated area of the garden to develop and the school has been delivering eco schools for two years.

Future sustainability of project: The eco schools project will continue to be part of the educational opportunities available for outdoor learning.

Location of Project:

Glencairn Primary School, Stevenston


Officer Details

Name: Dianna Whyte Position: External Funding Officer Telephone No: 01294 225178 Date: 24.04.2013


Agenda Item 10.1 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Ardrossan Common Good Fund

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the projected final revenue account in respect of Ardrossan Common Good Fund for the year to 31 March 2013, and propose a budget for 2013/14 including grant funding available for disbursement in the year.

Recommendation: That the Committee (a) notes the estimated financial position for the Ardrossan Common Good Fund to 31 March 2013; and (b) approves the budget for 2013/14.

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise the Committee of projected income and expenditure in respect of the Ardrossan Common Good Fund for the year 2012/13, and to seek approval of a budget for 2013/14.

2. Current Position

2.1 The attached appendix presents the budget and the projected revenue transactions within the Ardrossan Common Good Fund for 2012/13.

2.2 In 2012/13, the revenue account is projected to deliver a surplus for the year of £640. This is due to there being no grants dispersed from the fund.

2.3 The accumulated revenue account balance at 1 April 2012 of £77,555, together with the projected surplus for the year of £640, results in an estimated final balance at 31 March 2013 of £78,195.

Budget 2013/14

2.4 The total expected income is made up of revenue interest.

91 2.5 Proposed expenditure solely comprises of a small administration charge.

2.6 Budgeted net income for 2013/14 is £640. This means that this full amount is available for grant disbursement. Grant disbursements greater than the proposed amount will result in the fund balances being eroded over time.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee (a) notes the estimated financial position for the Ardrossan Common Good Fund to 31 March 2013 and (b) approves the budget for 2013/14.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Current interest rates continue to generate low levels of income for the fund. This has a direct impact on the level of grant funding available for disbursement.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource issues arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality issues arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental issues arising from this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 There are no implications for key priorities arising from this report.

92 5. Consultations

5.1 No consultation has taken place in the preparation of this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Committee is asked to note the projected financial position of the Ardrossan Common Good Fund at 31 March 2013 and to agree to consider funding applications up to the recommended budget level of £640 in the year 2013/14.

LAURA FRIEL Corporate Director (Finance and Corporate Support)

Reference : AG For further information please contact Angus Grossart on 01294 324455 Background Papers None

93 94 Appendix 1

Projected Proposed Budget Outturn Budget 2012/2013 2012/2013 COMMON GOOD FUND - ARDROSSAN 2013/2014 £ £ £


550 750 Loans Fund Interest (on cash balances) 750


EXPENDITURE 88 110 Administration 110


42 - Maintenance of Spending Power -


420 - Available for Disbursement 640


77,555 Projected Common Good Balance B/F at 1 April 2013 78,195



Agenda Item 10.2 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Saltcoats Common Good Fund

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the projected final revenue account in respect of Saltcoats Common Good Fund for the year to 31 March 2013, and propose a budget for 2013/14 including grant funding available for disbursement in the year.

Recommendation: That the Committee (a) notes the estimated financial position for the Saltcoats Common Good Fund to 31 March 2013; and (b) approves the budget for 2013/14.

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise the Committee of projected income and expenditure in respect of the Saltcoats Common Good Fund for the year 2012/13, and to seek approval of a budget for 2013/14.

2. Current Position

2.1 The attached appendix presents the budget and the projected revenue transactions within the Saltcoats Common Good Fund for 2012/13.

2.2 In 2012/13, the revenue account is projected to deliver a surplus for the year of £766. This is due to there being no grants dispersed from the fund as well as a grant of £700 having been returned during the year.

2.3 The accumulated revenue account balance at 1 April 2012 of £16,995, together with the projected surplus for the year of £766, results in an estimated final balance at 31 March 2013 of £17,761.

Budget 2013/14

2.4 The total expected income is made up of revenue interest. TV relay royalties income is no longer receivable.

97 2.5 Proposed expenditure solely comprises of a small administration charge.

2.6 Budgeted net income for 2013/14 is £66. This means that this full amount is available for grant disbursement. Grant disbursements greater than the proposed amount will result in the fund balances being eroded over time.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee (a) notes the estimated financial position for the Saltcoats Common Good Fund to 31 March 2013 and (b) approves the budget for 2013/14.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Current interest rates continue to generate low levels of income for the fund. This has a direct impact on the level of grant funding available for disbursement.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource issues arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality issues arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental issues arising from this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 There are no implications for key priorities arising from this report.

98 5. Consultations

5.1 No consultation has taken place in the preparation of this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Committee is asked to note the projected financial position of the Saltcoats Common Good Fund at 31 March 2013 and to agree to consider funding applications up to the recommended budget level of £66 in the year 2013/14.

LAURA FRIEL Corporate Director (Finance and Corporate Support)

Reference : AG For further information please contact Angus Grossart, Team Manager on 01294 324455 Background Papers None

99 100 Appendix 1

Projected Proposed Budget Outturn Budget 2012/2013 2012/2013 COMMON GOOD FUND - SALTCOATS 2013/2014 £ £ £


900 - Tv Relay Royalties - 11 11 3.5% Conversion Stock Interest 11 - 700 Grant returned - 131 160 Loans Fund Interest (on cash balances) 160


EXPENDITURE 80 105 Administration 105


74 - Maintenance of Spending Power -


888 - Available for Disbursement 66


16,995 Projected Common Good Balance B/F at 1 April 2013 17,761



Agenda Item 10.3 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Stevenston Common Good Fund

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the projected final revenue account in respect of Stevenston Common Good Fund for the year to 31 March 2013, and propose a budget for 2013/14 including grant funding available for disbursement in the year.

Recommendation: That the Committee (a) notes the estimated financial position for the Stevenston Common Good Fund to 31 March 2013; and (b) approves the budget for 2013/14.

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise the Committee of projected income and expenditure in respect of the Stevenston Common Good Fund for the year 2012/13, and to seek approval of budget for 2013/14.

2. Current Position

2.1 The attached appendix presents the budget and the projected revenue transactions within the Stevenston Common Good Fund for 2012/13.

2.2 In 2012/13, the revenue account is projected to deliver a surplus for the year of £15,090. This is due to there being fewer than budgeted grants dispersed from the fund.

2.3 The accumulated revenue account balance at 1 April 2012 of £154,879, together with the projected surplus for the year of £15,090, results in an estimated final balance at 31 March 2013 of £169,969.

Budget 2013/14

2.4 The total expected income is mostly made up of rent and revenue interest.

103 2.5 Proposed expenditure comprises of a small administration charge as well as property repairs.

2.6 Budgeted net income for 2013/14 is £14,605. This means that this full amount is available for grant disbursement. Grant disbursements greater than the proposed amount will result in the fund balances being eroded over time.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee (a) notes the estimated financial position for the Stevenston Common Good Fund to 31 March 2013 and (b) approves the budget for 2013/14.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Current interest rates continue to generate low levels of income for the Fund. However rental income helps generate a very reasonable level of surplus that is available for disbursement. The Fund balance will continue to increase if no grant applications are received.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource issues arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality issues arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental issues arising from this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 There are no implications for key priorities arising from this report.

104 5. Consultations

5.1 No consultation has taken place in the preparation of this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Committee is asked to note the projected financial position of the Stevenston Common Good Fund at 31 March 2013 and to agree to consider funding applications up to the recommended budget level of £14,605 in the year 2013/14.

LAURA FRIEL Corporate Director (Finance and Corporate Support)

Reference : AG For further information please contact Angus Grossart, Team Manager on 01294 324455 Background Papers None

105 106 Appendix 1

Projected Proposed Budget Outturn Budget 2012/2013 2012/2013 COMMON GOOD FUND - STEVENSTON 2013/2014 £ £ £

INCOME Property Rentals - 14,250 14,250 New Street (Social Work) 14,250

Other Income - 95 95 3.5% War Stock Interest 95 - 200 Sale of published materials 20 1,010 1,450 Loans Fund Interest (on cash balances) 1,450 1,105 1,745 1,565

15,355 15,995 TOTAL INCOME FOR THE YEAR 15,815

EXPENDITURE Property Costs - 1,975 - Property Repairs 1,000

Others - 180 210 Administration 210


1,200 - Maintenance of Spending Power -


12,000 695 Available for Disbursement 14,605


154,879 Projected Common Good Balance B/F at 1 April 2013 169,969

169,969 169,969 COMMON GOOD BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD AT 31 MARCH 2014 169,969


Agenda Item 11 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Street Naming: Residential development adjacent to Springbank Terrace, Brodick.

Purpose: To seek the agreement of the Committee to name the street within a new housing development adjacent to Springbank Terrace, Brodick.

Recommendation: That the Committee approves 'Springbank Way' as the new street name for the above development.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Council has a responsibility to provide street names for new developments under Section 97 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. In determining suitable names, it is important to ensure that they do not give rise to confusion, particularly for the postal and emergency services.

2. Current Position

2.1 A new residential development, comprising 4 new properties with plans to create more in the future, is currently under construction by John Thomson Construction Ltd. The site is adjacent to an existing street, Springbank Terrace, in Brodick. A location plan of the site is attached at Appendix 1.

2.2 No suggestions for a street name were put forward by the developer for the development. Consultation with ward Members was undertaken, which identified a number of suggestions which have been vetted for suitability:

 Springbank Way, Springbank Road, Springbank Gardens, Springbank Rise or Springbank Walk - Site is located within land formerly worked by Springbank Farm and is adjacent to the existing street, Springbank Terrace.

109  Douglasbank; Douglas Gardens, or Douglas Rise - The Douglas Hotel is situated in close proximity to the site. An existing street, Douglas Place, is situated around 1 mile away in another part of Brodick, which could give rise to confusion.

3. Proposals

3.1 The Committee are invited to choose 'Springbank Way' as the new street name for the development adjacent Springbank Terrace, Brodick. This option will not give rise to confusion for the postal or emergency services, and will discharge the Council's legislative function for street naming as per the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 None.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 None.

Legal Implications

4.3 The Council has a statutory duty to provide street names and house numbers to new developments.

Equality Implications

4.4 None.

Environmental Implications

4.5 None.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 None.

110 5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with the developer and Ward Members on potential names, as detailed within this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Committee is invited to approve 'Springbank Way' as the new street name for the development under construction adjacent to Springbank Terrace, Brodick.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : BMcL/HW For further information please contact Brian McLemon, Technician, Development Planning on 01294 324767 Background Papers None

111 112 North Ayrshire Council Street Naming and Numbering

New residential development Site adjacent to Springbank Terrace Brodick

Slipway MLWS Rock and Boulders Ferry Terminal MHWS FS MPs EER, Pier Shingle Rock Rock 3.2m Mean High Water Springs & UA Bdy MP Beacon Golf Course Und Rock McLaren A 841 MHWS Rock Hotel 3.6m

Foot Bridge (Ferry Terminal)

Well NTL Car Pk Redrock Douglas Hotel Bridge TCBs

Superstore Annerleigh Ennismor Tourist 1 FB House El Sub Sta 8 Kelvingrove Keppoch 8a Lodge Tamarin Belmont Holy Moss Cottage Manse Fairhaven 8 PW 1 Brantwood

El Sub Sta TCB Sinks Fall 15 9 14 17 Montia Hillcrest Fall 19 Nursery 1 Fall 6 12 HILLVIEW PLACE DW Issues 31 23 17

1 9 19 BRATHWIC PLACE 2 12 22 27.4m 2


16 2 Play Area El Sub Sta

Taig-Ure Mandala Finniebrae 36.7m ³

"This map is reproduced from the OS map by North Ayrshire Council with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery113 Office, © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: 100023393." 114 NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL

Agenda Item 12 16 May 2013

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP): Board Minutes of Meeting held on 14 March 2013

Purpose: To submit the minutes of the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) held on 14 March 2013.

Recommendation: That the Committee notes the minutes contained in Appendix 1.

1. Introduction

1.1 It was previously agreed that the Minutes of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board be submitted to the Area Committee for information. The key matters arising from the Minutes have been highlighted for the attention of the Committee and are detailed in paragraph 2.1.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Minutes of the meeting of the CPP Board held on 14 March 2013 are appended. Particular matters for the Area Committee's attention include the following:

Agenda Item 4: Draft Single Outcome Agreement 2013-17

Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer, presented the draft Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) 2013-17. The CPP Board previously considered the draft SOA at its meeting of 6 December 2012. Subsequently, changes have been made to the draft SOA to reflect Scottish Government and COSLA guidance, feedback from the Scottish Government Location Director and the results of the CPP audit. A 2013-14 Action Plan has also been drafted to support delivery of the SOA. The Board agreed that the SOA be submitted to the Scottish Government for a process of discussion and feedback. It is expected the SOA will be approved in June 2013.

115 Agenda Item 5.1: Implementing the Neighbourhood Planning Approach: Key Findings from Areas of Family Resilience

Damien Griffith, Community Planning Partnership Analyst, provided a presentation on the Areas of Family Resilience research. This is a baseline assessment of comparative community strengths and needs across the newly agreed Neighbourhood Planning areas. The Board agreed that the full report be circulated around partners prior to publication.

Agenda Item 7: Response to SIMD 2012: Business Case for Change

Sandra Bale, Policy and Performance Officer, submitted a report on a Business Case for Change prepared in response to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2012 (SIMD). The SIMD indicates for North Ayrshire that deprivation remains significantly above the Scottish average and that there are pockets of deep rooted severe deprivation in certain areas. The Business Case for Change provides a summary of the SIMD 2012 findings and reviews which of the previous priorities from the SIMD 2009 we have tackled, which still need to be tackled and any new priorities. The CPP Board agreed that the Business Case be developed further by officers and that the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive use the document to make the case to the Scottish Government for continuing and additional assistance for North Ayrshire.

Agenda Item 8: Early Years Collaborative and Developments

Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, submitted a report on the Early Years Collaborative and Developments. The report highlighted progress against the Early Intervention and Prevention Programme. The report highlighted developments in relation to The Early Intervention Strategy, Psychology of Parenting Project, Leadership Retreat and the Early Years Change Fund.

Agenda Item 9: Reshaping Care for Older People - Joint Commissioning Strategy for Older People 10-Year Vision for Joint Services

Iona Colvin, Corporate Director (Social Services and Health), presented a report on the development of a joint commissioning strategy for Older People. The CPP Board agreed to ratify the Pan Ayrshire 10-year Joint Commissioning Vision and Scottish Government reporting template, the Joint Commissioning three year implementation plan and the Annual Change Fund Plan.

116 Agenda Item 10: CPP Audit Report

Sandra Bale, Policy and Performance Officer, updated the CPP Board on the CPP Audit and presented the final report on the North Ayrshire audit. The Board was advised that the Accounts Commission would publish its findings on the audit report on 19 March. A related Improvement Plan will be submitted to the CPP Board in June.

Agenda Item 11: Police and Fire and Rescue Reform

Elma Murray, Chief Executive presented a report on the merger of Scotland’s eight Police Forces to form a single Police Service of Scotland and Scotland’s eight Fire and Rescue Services to form a single Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The Council has agreed to replace the existing Shadow Police and Fire Committee with a Police and Fire and Rescue Committee. The existing members of the Shadow Police and Fire Committee will be appointed to serve on the new Police and Fire and Rescue Committee.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Area Committee notes the CPP Board Minutes and, in particular, those matters highlighted at 2.1 above.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 There are no financial implications arising from this report.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

117 Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Presentation of the CPP Board minutes directly supports CPP SOA Outcome 15b (Public services are more efficient and effective and 15c (Partnership working has improved).

5. Consultations

5.1 No consultations were required.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The minutes are submitted for information with the matters arising.

ELMA MURRAY Chief Executive

Reference : MR For further information please contact Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer on 01294 324177 Background Papers None

118 North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership

CPP Board

Minutes of Meeting held on 14 March 2013

Ayrshire College Alastair Milloy, Vice-Principal, James Watt College

Jobcentre Plus Etta Wright, District Manager, West of Scotland

NHS Ayrshire and Arran John Burns, Chief Executive

North Ayrshire Council Willie Gibson (Chair) Anthea Dickson Alex Gallagher Ruth Maguire Elma Murray, Chief Executive

Scottish Enterprise Jim Reid, Stakeholders and Networks Director

Scottish Government Kenneth Hogg

Skills Development Scotland Pat McPhee

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Hugh Kerr, Area Commander

Strathclyde Police John Thomson, Divisional Commander Inspector Mark Henderson

Third Sector Interface Jim Nichols, Manager, Arran CVS

In Attendance

Carol Kirk, Corporate Director (Education and Skills); Iona Colvin, Corporate Director (Social Services and Health); Karen Yeomans, Head of Development Planning (Development and Environment); Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer, and Martyn McKeown, Committee Services Manager (Chief Executive’s Service).

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Councillor Gibson in the Chair.

1. Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.

Apologies were recorded on behalf of Patrick Wiggins (Irvine Bay URC); Dr Martin Cheyne (NHS Ayrshire and Arran); Allan Comrie (SPT), Cllr Robert Steel; Chief Inspector Roddy Newbigging (Strathclyde Police) and Marlene Crawford (Skills Development Scotland).

2. Minutes of Meeting

The Minutes of the Meeting of the CPP Board held on 6 December 2012 were confirmed.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Submitted note of action taken in respect of matters arising from the previous meeting of the CPP Board.


4. Draft Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) 2013-17

Submitted report by Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council on the draft SOA 2013-17.

The CPP Board previously considered the draft SOA at its meeting of 6 December 2012. Subsequently, changes have been made to the draft SOA to reflect Scottish Government and COSLA guidance. Feedback has recently been received on behalf of the Scottish Government Location Director. This feedback has been fed into the current draft of the SOA. The results of the CPP audit have also influenced the drafting of the SOA.

The draft SOA was appended to the report. The report summarised the process for submission of the SOAs to the Scottish Government. It is expected the SOA will be approved in June 2013.

A 2013-14 Action Plan has been drafted to support delivery of the SOA. This was attached at Appendix 2. This Action Plan will remain draft until June 2013 when the SOA is agreed with the Scottish Government. The Board will receive a final Action Plan at its June meeting.

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The Board asked questions and received clarification on aspects of the report and appendices. There was discussion on further developing the CPP and on how support to deliver the SOA can be spread across the Partnership more effectively. Councillor Gallagher asked questions in relation to how issues of significance to Partners can be raised at CPP level e.g. the impact of the proposed closure of Marine Biology Station on Cumbrae and the recent road traffic accident in Fairlie.

The CPP Board (a) noted the up to date position with regard to the SOA; (b) agreed to receive a final draft of the Action Plan at its June meeting; (c) noted plans to further develop the CPP; and (d) agreed that further consideration should be given to how support for the CPP can be developed to increase the input of Partners.

5.1 Implementing the Neighbourhood Planning Approach: Key Findings from Areas of Family Resilience

Submitted report by Damien Griffith, Community Planning Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council

At its December meeting the Board approved the publication of an ‘Areas of Family Resilience Report’ (AFR) as a baseline assessment of comparative community strengths and needs across the newly agreed Neighbourhood Planning areas. It was proposed that the AFR Report would act as a definitive baseline for a regular sequence of neighbourhood profiles to build Partnership understanding of the geography of need and community resilience across North Ayrshire.

The report highlighted selected key findings from the first draft of the AFR Report, which includes rankings from the 2012 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) domains and other key sources. The report provides comparative analysis of the most current data to build a profile of the 6 neighbourhoods of Arran / Irvine / Kilwinning / Three Towns / Garnock Valley / North Coast, West Kilbride & Cumbraes. Board Members received a presentation on these key findings.

Members asked questions and received clarification on the information presented. It was agreed that the tables and maps presented be circulated to Partners.

Mr Hogg noted the need for the Partnership, through the SOA, to evidence how resources are being shifted to tackle the underlying issues evidenced by the data.

The final AFR Report will provide key baseline statistics to support implementation of the Neighbourhood Planning Approach. This will be centred on developing a spatial understanding of the distribution of households experiencing disproportionate levels of stress from acute combinations of social and economic disadvantage.

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The CPP Board (a) noted the selected key findings from the first draft of the AFR Report; (b) agreed that a final draft of the AFR report will be circulated to Partners for further comment before publication; (c) agreed that Partners be encouraged to share any additional small area statistics which can corroborate key findings; and (d) agreed further that the RIPE Group respond initially to early drafts of the AFR Report on behalf of the Partnership, including on aspects of data verification, explanatory narrative and modifications as appropriate, before final the draft is circulated to Partners for comment.

5.2 Implementing the Neighbourhood Planning Approach: Launch of the Viewstat Mapping Facility

Submitted report by Damien Griffith, Community Planning Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council on the launch of the Viewstat website.

The Viewstat website was launched on 29 January 2013 by the Improvement Service in partnership with ForthValleyGIS as a new online mapping facility. The main aim of the facility is to maximise the wider sources of publicly available data by providing the means to generate up to date map based profiles of neighbourhoods and areas. This development aligns closely with the latest Scottish Government Guidance on Single Outcome Agreements in terms of the need for CPPs to use disaggregated data to inform local public service provision and reduce inequalities between neighbourhoods.

Aimed initially at Community Planning Partnerships, Elected Members and corporate managers, the facility aims to enhance strategic understanding of local areas and communities. The new facility is hosted by ForthValleyGIS and can be currently accessed by all public and third sector users at:

The report provided an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the Viewstat website by the RIPE Group and considered its potential for further development.

A key development for the North Ayrshire CPP would be the facility to upload the new neighbourhood basemap shapefiles to Viewstat. The Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) currently offers this facility to Community Partnerships. This would then provide a customised geographic base-layer from which to access multiple datasets.

Initial feedback from RIPE Group has been positive and most can see a use for the site’s services. CPP Partners, RIPE members and the wider user community can provide more informed evaluations on the full potential of Viewstat as they become more familiar through use of the facility. Comments and suggestions for improvement on the site can be filtered back to IS/ForthValleyGIS via the RIPE Group in due course.

The CPP Board (a) noted the report; and (b) agreed that training on the use of the site by arranged for interested Partners as required.

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6. CPP Data Asset Survey: Progress Update

Submitted report by Damien Griffith, Community Planning Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council.

As part of the implementation of the Neighbourhood Planning Approach across the Community Planning Partnership, face to face meetings with CPP Partners were arranged between September and December 2012 to discuss data sharing. Over 25 partners were visited to discuss the Data Asset Survey, the need for a framework, data needs, and current uses of data to improve knowledge of clients and communities. A brief online survey was also undertaken among Partners in early 2013 in relation to data assets and data sharing.

21 partners completed the online survey by early March 2013 – a response rate of approximately 64%. The report provided a summary of the responses to, and findings of, the survey.

The survey has provided some indication of where further opportunity for data sharing across the Partnership can be explored. Follow up interviews with key data custodians across the Partnership would confirm current levels of access to non- sensitive data, possible links to further datasets not listed, and the potential for further data exchange overall.

The survey also demonstrates some issues regarding post-coding of data, raising the question of whether the Partnership is maximising its community intelligence from the current collective body of data assets. There is further potential to demonstrate how through the wider post-coding and mapping of datasets the Partnership would gain an improved understanding of the needs and strengths of North Ayrshire communities.

Members asked questions in relation to the information provided. The need to follow up on those Partners who did not respond to the survey was highlighted to ensure that important feedback is not overlooked.

Although the online survey has now closed, all Partners were encouraged to contact the CPP Analyst to discuss any scope for data sharing that will further enhance understanding of local community assets, strengths and needs. Proposals to extend data sharing arrangements more widely under a CPP Data Asset Framework would be made on a case by case basis to future CPP Boards. These would be based on current examples of robust data sharing protocols and established good practice between Partner organisations. The RIPE Group have been updated on progress and final results will be reported to the next Group meeting in April.

The CPP Board agreed (a) to note the work to date and the key findings of the Data Asset Survey; (b) to note the opportunity for exploring further data sharing arrangements, as well as improved data gathering for the wider benefit of the Partnership; and (c) that some further analysis be made of survey returns to ensure that feedback from key Partners is not missed.

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7. Response to SIMD 2012: Business Case for Change

Submitted report by Sandra Bale, Policy and Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council.

At its meeting on 11 November 2009, North Ayrshire Council considered a report on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2009, published by the Scottish Government on 29 October 2009. The Council agreed (a) to restate its commitment to tackling poverty and deprivation as a priority for all Council Services; and (b) to lobby the Scottish Government and UK Government to respond to North Ayrshire’s decline, and in particular seek ‘special status’ recognition for the area to attract a significant increase in inward investment and support.

The Community Planning Partnership Board, at its meeting on 17 December 2009, endorsed the decision of the Council and agreed to co-sign the letter to both Governments when the Business Case had been prepared.

The Business Case was prepared over several months by a Working Group involving CPP Partners. The document set out a detailed case for increased inward investment in the area. The chapters in the Business Case identified against each of the SIMD domains, where we were at the time; what we were doing well; and what more we needed.

At its meeting on 30 June 2010, the Council agreed to endorse the Business Case and authorised the Chief Executive to make all necessary arrangements for its submission to the Scottish and UK Governments. The Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council subsequently met with the Scottish and UK Governments and presented the Business Case.

As a result of this lobbying for assistance, the Council received additional support including Enterprise Area Status and funding for Youth Unemployment Initiatives.

The latest version of the SIMD was published on 18 December 2012. Overall it indicates for North Ayrshire that deprivation remains significantly above the Scottish Average and that there are pockets of deep rooted severe deprivation in certain areas. These require to be tackled if we are to improve North Ayrshire’s position. Health in particular presents a worsening picture.

It was considered therefore that a review of 2010 Business Case for Change was required, but that a shorter, sharper version be produced as quickly as possible. The review has been undertaken by relevant CPP partners and a draft document was attached at Appendix 1. It provides a summary of the SIMD findings and reviews which of the previous priorities we have tackled, which still need to be tackled and any new priorities.

The SIMD domains of Housing and Access have not been included in the Business Case this time as their position remains the same or has improved. Although Education has improved, it is considered that there is scope for further improvement. Further detailed analysis of the SIMD shows severe deprivation in specific localities. The Neighbourhood Planning Approach being developed should assist in tackling deprivation in these localities.

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The Business Case for Change document is a “work in progress” and continues to be developed by officers. It will also be submitted to the Cabinet of North Ayrshire Council in due course.

The CPP Board agreed (a) to endorse the draft Business Case for Change 2013; (b) that the Business Case be developed further by officers; and (c) that the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive use the document to make the case to the Scottish Government for continuing and additional assistance for North Ayrshire.

8. Early Years Collaborative and Developments

Submitted report by Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, North Ayrshire Council.

On 6 December the CPP Board agreed to participate in the Early Years Collaborative and to receive progress reports from the Early Intervention and Prevention Programme Board. Whilst there is a lot of evidence about successful early intervention approaches, there is inconsistency across Scotland in how this is implemented. The Collaborative aims to close this gap between what we know works and what we do.

Subsequently, the Integrated Children’s Services Plan Steering Group identified the “away team” members for North Ayrshire and the Away Team met prior to the first national learning session on 25 and 26 January 2013. The report provided an update on the outcome of the learning session.

On 11 February 2013, the Away Team met to review progress and identify further tests to ensure that the pace of change is maintained. The next learning session is being held on 28 and 29 May.

Councillor Maguire sought and received clarification on the developmental milestones used within the Early Years Collaborative. There was also discussion on the tests of change used within the Collaborative.

The report highlighted progress against the Early Intervention and Prevention Programme. The report highlighted developments in relation to:-

 The Early Intervention Strategy  Psychology of Parenting Project  Leadership Retreat  Early Years Change Fund

The Early Years Collaborative will provide an opportunity for good practice to be shared across Scotland and to close the gap between what works and what needs to be delivered locally. Participating in this initiative will assist in making further progress in this area. Further activity on early intervention and prevention is now planned in the early years centres, in building parents’ capacity and in delivering a new service to vulnerable children.

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A strategy which pulls together early years outcomes and activity into one coherent plan is being developed and will be consulted on over the next two months. The draft strategy will be submitted to the next CPP Board meeting together with information on the operation of the Early Years Change Fund and an update on the Early Years Collaborative’s progress.


9. Reshaping Care for Older People - Joint Commissioning Strategy for Older People 10-Year Vision for Joint Services

Submitted report by Iona Colvin, Corporate Director (Social Services and Health), North Ayrshire Council and Mandy Yule, Director Integrated Care and Partner Services (NHS Ayrshire and Arran) on the development of a joint commissioning strategy for Older People.

The Scottish Government requires Community Planning Partnerships to establish plans to support and implement national ‘Reshaping Care’ ambitions for Older People’s Services.

Within Ayrshire, joint commissioning work is progressing and the community based infrastructure for the delivery of services is beginning to change. The report provided details of progress to date, ongoing developments and emerging issues, and future priorities.

The CPP Board agreed to ratify (a) the Pan Ayrshire 10-year Joint Commissioning Vision and Scottish Government reporting template, including Housing Contribution; (b) the Joint Commissioning three year implementation plan; and (c) the Annual Change Fund Plan, including investment priorities for 2013/14, all as set out in the report.

10. CPP Audit Report

Submitted report by Sandra Bale, Policy and Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council.

North Ayrshire CPP recently participated in a pilot audit of Community Planning by Audit Scotland. The aims of the audit were to:

 Assess the impact of Community Planning over the past decade in improving outcomes for local communities;  Assess the relevance of the strategic priorities of partnerships to the needs of local communities, the extent to which they are prioritised and resourced, and the extent to which they drive the work of individual partner organisations;  Assess the effectiveness of governance and management arrangements to help ensure that partnerships and individual organisations are held accountable for their progress towards improving outcomes for local communities; and  Highlight areas of good practice.

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There have been opportunities to receive feedback from the auditors and to consider the draft version of the audit report. The Council’s Corporate Management Team discussed informal feedback from the audit on 7 November 2012. A session was arranged for the Strategic Management Team and the CPP Board on 12 November 2012 to meet with auditors and discuss their findings. The draft report was received in December 2013 and was discussed by the Strategic Management Team and the auditors on 15 January 2013.

The final version of the report was presented to the Accounts Commission on 14 February 2013. A copy was appended. The audit report highlights areas where North Ayrshire CPP is performing well and is well placed for delivering in the future. It also highlighted areas for improvement. The key findings were summarised.

The auditors identified areas for improvement in relation to leadership and governance, planning and performance management, use of resources and impact and outcomes. The Accounts Commission will publish its findings on the audit report on 19 March. An Improvement Plan will be submitted to the CPP Board in June in order to take into account the Accounts Commission’s findings and also the findings of the Joint Inspection of Children’s Services which will be known in April.


11. Police and Fire and Rescue Reform

Submitted report by Elma Murray, Chief Executive, North Ayrshire Council.

From 1 April 2013, Scotland’s eight Police Forces will merge to form a single Police Service of Scotland. Scotland’s eight Fire and Rescue Services will also merge to form a single Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on the same date.

The report highlighted key aspects of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act in terms of both policing and fire and rescue services.

In June 2012, the Council agreed to set up a Shadow Police and Fire Committee, comprising 10 Elected Members to discharge all duties of the Council in connection with provision of Police and Fire Services in the run up to the new Services being created.

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The existing Strathclyde Police and Fire Boards will be disbanded on 31 March 2013. In their place, the Council will have to make arrangements for scrutiny of Police and Fire and Rescue Services in their area. To that end the Council has agreed to replace the existing Shadow Police and Fire Committee with a Police and Fire and Rescue Committee. The existing members of the Shadow Police and Fire Committee will be appointed to serve on the new Police and Fire and Rescue Committee. The remit of the Police and Fire and Rescue Committee was attached at Appendix 1. The Council has further agreed to review the effectiveness of the governance arrangements relating to Police and Fire and Rescue, both in relation to this Committee and Community Planning arrangements after six months.


12. Chair Reports

Submitted reports from the Chairs of (a) the Safer North Ayrshire Partnership; (b) the Community Engagement Reference Group; (c) the Community Health Partnership (CHP); and (d) the Economic Development and Regeneration Board.

The Chair of the CHP reported on the success of the Marketplace Event in relation to Integrated Children Services. A report on integration proposals will be brought to a future meeting.


13. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 13 June 2013 at 10.30 a.m.

Meeting ended at 12.30 p.m.

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