Bureau of Economic Geology
BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN W. L. FISHER, DIRECTOR PHASE III: EXAMINATION OF TEXAS SALT DOMES AS POTENTIAL SITES FOR PERMANENT STORAGE . OF TOXIC CHEMICAL WASTE Prepared by S. J. Seni, E. W. Collins, H. S. Hamlin, W. F. Mullican Ill, and D. A. Smith Assisted by L. Falconer and T. Walter Report prepared for the Texas Water Commission under Interagency Contract No. IAC(84-85)-2203 Bureau of Economic Geology W. L. Fisher, Director The University of Texas at Austin University Station, Box X Austin, Texas 78713 November 1985 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 1 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS, by S. J. Seni • 1 REFERENCES 5 TOPICAL SUMMARIES OF RESEARCH REPORTS, by S. J. Seni 7 Subsidence and Collapse 7 Structural Patterns Around Texas Salt Domes 9 Cap Rock. 10 Cap-Rock Hydrology 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. 15 RESEARCH REPORTS* 17 Subsidence over Texas Salt Domes, by W. F. Mullican III 18 Statistical Analysis of Structure in the Houston Diapir Province, by W. F. Mullican III . 73 Petrography and Structure of Cap Rock with Emphasis on Core from Boling Salt Dome, Texas, by S. J. Seni . · 114 Geology and Hydrogeology, Barbers Hill Salt Dome, Texas, by H. S. Hamlin . · 181 Hydraulics of Cap Rock, Barbers Hill Salt Dome, Texas, by D. A. Smith • 236 Review of the Geology and Plio-Pleistocene to Post-Pleistocene Deformation at Damon Mound Salt Dome, Texas, by E. C. Collins. 275 APPENDIX A. List of domes and codes . 308 * All figures, tables, and references are listed within individual research reports. i i INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of final Phase III research in order to better quantify selected issues associated with permanent storage of toxic chemical wastes in solution mined caverns in salt.
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