CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE DEPARTMENT OF CINEMA AND TELEVISION ARTS CTVA 416: The Documentary Tradition Spring 2019 3 units #10815 Classroom: Manzanita Hall 103 Meeting time: Tuesdays, 7 - 9:45pm Class Website Professor: María Elena de las Carreras, Ph.D. Office: Manzanita Hall 194 Office Hour: Thursdays, 6pm Main Office Phone – for messages: (818) 677 3192 E-mail:
[email protected] Focus of the Course This course covers the history and development of the documentary film from the genre’s beginnings to the present day. It will examine major films, movements, filmmakers and various types of documentaries from numerous national and cultural contexts. As the course progresses, it will become evident that there are many definitions, forms, political agendas and versions of reality represented by the term ‘documentary film’. Course Requirements The class meets once a week for three hours of lecture, discussion and screenings. Attendance is obligatory. A Cinematheque screening or some other event of relevance to the class may be scheduled, with due notice, with provisions made for those students who cannot attend them. There will be four graded assignments: a library-based research paper; a midterm; a film analysis paper; and a final exam. Each week there will be an obligatory short essay or research project, examining issues discussed in the textbook, in specific articles and in documentaries screened during that day. These weekly assignments will be part of your attendance and participation portion of the grade. They are due at the beginning of each class meeting, but collected the day of the midterm, 1 March 16, 2019 (weeks 2-8), and the last day of class, handed in with the Final Exam, May 14, 2019 (weeks 11-16).