Butterflies of Kootenai County 958 South Lochsa St Post Falls, ID 83854 Phone: (208) 292-2525 Adapted from Oregon State University Extension FAX: (208) 292-2670 Booklet EC 1549 and compiled by Mary V., Certified E-mail:
[email protected] Idaho Master Gardener. Web: uidaho.edu/kootenai By growing a bounty of native plants, mixed with nearly-natives or non-natives, you can attract a variety of butterflies. Additional reading: https://xerces.org/your-pollinator-garden/ Butterflies favor platform-shaped flowers but will feed on a diversity of nectar-rich http://millionpollinatorgardens.org/ flowers. They prefer purple, red, orange, https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinator violet, and yellow flower colors with sweet s/documents/AttractingPollinatorsV5.pdf scents. Butterflies love warm, sunny and http://xerces.org/pollinators-mountain- windless weather. region/ Planning your garden – Think like a o Tolerate Damage on your Plants: A butterfly Pollinator garden needs plants that feed larvae o Go Native: Pollinators are best adapted to (caterpillars). They feed on leaves and plant local, native plants which often need less material. If you do not feed the young, the water than ornamentals. adults will not stay in your landscapes. o Plant in Groups of three or more: Planting o Provide a puddle as a water source: Allow large patches of each plant species for better water to puddle in a rock or provide a foraging efficiency. shallow dish filled with sand as a water source for butterflies. Float corks or a stick o Blooming All Season: Flowers should bloom in your garden throughout the in the puddles to allow insects that fall in to growing season.