Transport; Mr D
CORRECTED VERSION PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE Inquiry into 2002–03 budget estimates Melbourne – 5 July 2002 Members Ms A. P. Barker Mr T. J. Holding Mr R. W. Clark Mr P. J. Loney Ms S. M. Davies Mrs J. M. Maddigan Mr D. McL. Davis Mr G. K. Rich-Phillips Mr R. M. Hallam Mr T. C. Theophanous Chairman: Mr P. J. Loney Deputy Chairman: Mr R. M. Hallam Staff Executive Officer: Ms M. Cornwell Research Officers: Mr M. Holloway Witnesses Mr P. Batchelor, Minister for Transport; Mr D. Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Vicroads; Mr A. Smith, Director, Office of City Link; Mr J. McMillan, Deputy Director, Office of the Director of Public Transport; Mr B. McDonald, Chief Finance Officer, Corporate Finance Division; and Ms G. Moody, Executive Director, Infrastructure Projects, Department of Infrastructure. 5 July 2002 Public Accounts and Estimates Committee 529 The CHAIRMAN — We will resume on the estimates for the public transport portfolio. I welcome to this part of the hearings Mr David Anderson, chief executive officer, Vicroads, Mr Alf Smith, director, office of City Link, and Mr John McMillan, deputy director, office of the director of public transport. Minister, would you care to make a brief presentation on public transport. Overheads shown. Mr BATCHELOR — I will try and condense what I have to report, because a lot happens in transport. As Minister for Transport I am responsible for implementing transport policies through the Department of Infrastructure, through its offices, such as the offices of director of public transport and the director of City Link, and through statutory authorities such as Vicroads.
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