TAR BEACH TAR BEACH by Tammy Ryan CONTACT: Tammy Ryan 412-915-5486
[email protected] AGENCY CONTACT SUSAN GURMAN AGNECY 212-749-4618 www.gurmanagency.com copyright 2014 by Tammy Ryan draft: 4_30_15 TAR BEACH 1 TAR BEACH CHARACTERS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE REENIE – 14 years old, the dream weaver of the play, painfully shy MARY CLAIRE – 16 years old, Reenie’s sister, Trouble* MARY FRANCES – 16 years old going on 30 – Mary Claire’s best friend and cohort* ROGER – 38 years old, Reenie’s father, a Teamster truck driver and moving man, works in a warehouse when he’s not on the trucks, a dreamer, a drinker BRIGIT – 35 years old, Reenie’s mother, a cook in a deli, unhappy SETTING Scenes take place in the Ozone Park, Queens home of Reenie’s memory: on the roof, the second floor hallway, in the girls bedroom, around the dining room table, and on the beach. TIME July 12-14, 1977 (and now) *When Mary Claire and Mary Frances are in a scene together, to avoid confusion they are referred to in the text as Claire and Frances. They usually refer to each other this way as well. NOTE: As this is a memory play, remember this is not meant to be straight naturalism. The characters in the play spring from Reenie’s memory, almost like actors playing roles that she assigns for them. The scenes should move like snapshots in a photo album, orchestrated by Reenie. While there is darkness in this story, there is love and humor woven through out.