Strassler Center for Holocaust and Studies

11 Hawthorne Street Worcester, Massachusetts

ARCHIVES 2019.01

Kline Collection

Processd by Casey Bush January 2019


Series Page Box

Collection Information 3

Historical/Biographical Notes 4

Scope and Content 4

Series Description 5

1 Anti-Semitic material 7-15 1-2, 13

2 Holocaust material 16-22 2-3, 13

3 Book Jackets 23 4-9

4 Jewish material 24-29 10-11, 13

5 Post-war 30-32 12

6 The Second World War & Resistance 33-37 28

7 French Books 38-41 14

8 Miscellaneous-language materials 42-44 15

9 German language materials 45-71 16-27

10 Yiddish and materials 72-77 29-31

11 Immigration and Refugees 78-92 32-34

12 Oversized 93-98 35-47

13 Miscellaneous 99-103 48

14 Multi-media 104-107 49-50

Appendix 1 108 - 438

2 Collection Information

Abstract : This collection contains books, pamphlets, magazines, guides, journals, newspapers, bulletins, memos, and screenplays related to anti-Semitism, German history, and . Items cover the years 1870-1990.

Finding Aid : Finding Aid in print form is available in the Repository.

Preferred Citation : Kline Collection – Courtesy of The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Provenance : Purchased in 1997 from Eric Chaim Kline Bookseller (CA) through the generosity of the following donors: Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ’82, the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 and the proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth “Lisa” Friedman of the Class of 1985.

MARC Access : Collection is cataloged in MARC under the following subject headings

3 Historical/Biographical Notes

Eric Chaim Kline is a bookseller and dealer based in Santa Monica, California. After graduating from Brandeis University with a masters in Jewish Studies, Kline went on to become the proprietor of several bookshops in Santa Monica and the San Fernando Valley of . Kline’s interest, as reflected in this collection, lies in German-Jewish and Jewish-American relations.

Scope and Content

This collection contains books, pamphlets, magazines, guides, journals, newspapers and screenplays related to , German history, World War II, and the Holocaust. Of the at least 3,600 volumes, valued at approximately $300,000, 60% are in English, 30% in German, and 10% in other languages including Yiddish, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Czech, Croatian, Norwegian, and Russian.

The English-language materials are comprised of 13 boxes that document the pre-, post-, and mid-war attitudes largely from an American perspective. In total, 70% of English language materials are from the post war period while 20% are from during the war and the remaining 10% predating the 1930s. Series one, entitled “Anti-Semitic materials,” contains 233 volumes of anti-Semitic propaganda mostly made up of small pamphlets made for American audiences. Notably, this series contains a collection of The Dearborn Independent, also known as The Ford International Weekly, a weekly newspaper established by Henry Ford which disseminated his anti-Semitic beliefs.

Series two, “Holocaust materials,” is made up of 93 volumes mostly, though not exclusively, from the post-war period. The materials from the period during the Holocaust include magazines, newspapers, and pamphlets many of which attempt to explain the rise of National Socialism. The post-war Holocaust-related materials are made up of books, including memoirs and academic literature, as well as programs from Holocaust memorials and sites. Series four offers a broad sweep of “Jewish history” with materials dating back to the late-nineteenth century. This section contains documents from the American Jewish Labor Council, books teaching the history of in various countries, and pamphlets advocating for or assistance for Jews in occupied Europe.

Series five, “Post-war Germany,” contains reports, pamphlets, and books that grapple with what to do with Germany after the war. This includes everything from American treatment of defeated Germany as well as pamphlets explaining ’s reaction to the Eichmann Trial. Series six, “The Second World War & International Resistance,” deals largely with mid-war international (though mostly American) resistance to the Nazi regime. Resistance in this sense encompasses everything from documenting concentration camp horrors to publicly rejecting Hitler and advocating for his defeat.

Series eleven recounts the history and experiences of migrants, refugees, and displaced persons in the post-war era. This series largely revolves around the documents and books collected by

4 Freidl Reifer, director of Unitarian Service Committee's casework department (1948-1949) and Regional Representative in Chile for United HIAS Services (1960+).

Of the German-language materials, 80% are from the time period during war with most being pro-Nazi or from a Nazi perspective. The materials that are in others languages, a large percentage of which are in Yiddish and French are mostly (90%) from the postwar period. Of those, 70% constitute the period before 1950, thus giving insight into the immediate post-war period.

5 Series Descriptions

Series 1: Anti-Semitic materials

Series 2: Holocaust materials

Series 3: Book Jackets

Series 4: Jewish History materials

Series 5: Post-war Germany

Series 6: The Second World War & Resistance

Series 7: French Books

Series 8: Miscellaneous-language materials

Series 9: German-language materials

Series 10: Yiddish and Hebrew- language materials

Series 11: Immigration and Refugees

Series 12: Oversized

Series 13: Miscellaneous

Series 14: Multi-media

6 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 1, Anti-Semitic materials

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 1 2019.01.1.1 Pamphlet- The Jewish Problem in the (ND)

1 1 2019.01.1.2 Pamphlet- A Study in Anti-Gentilism! (ND – mid- 1980s)

1 1 2019.01.1.3 Pamphlet- The Financiers’ Little Game (reprint 1947)

1 1 2019.01.1.4 Pamphlet- Hearing before the Committee on Un- American Activities (1968)

1 1 2019.01.1.5 Pamphlet- This Time the Crown (ND ca. 1970s)

1 1 2019.01.1.6 Pamphlet- Anti-Semitism: A Threat to Democracy (1939)

1 2 2019.01.1.7 Pamphlet- Morgenthau Era Letters (1966)

1 2 2019.01.1.8 Pamphlet- Shall Truth Prevail? (1939)

1 2 2019.01.1.9 Pamphlet- I was Branded with the Number 666 (ND- ca. 1950)

1 2 2019.01.1.10 Pamphlet- I Accuse Congress (1938)

1 2 2019.01.1.11 Pamphlet- Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds (1970s)

1 3 2019.01.1.12 Pamphlet- The Truth About Money (1936)

1 3 2019.01.1.13 Pamphlet- Behold the International Jew (ND- ca. 1980s)

1 3 2019.01.1.14 Statement- Jews Eradicating Christianity (ca. 1970)

1 3 2019.01.1.15 Pamphlet- Shylock and Anti-Semitism (1962)

1 4 2019.01.1.16 Pamphlet- This is Treason (1943)

7 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 4 2019.01.1.17 Pamphlet- You Have Been Warned! (ND—ca. 1980s)

1 4 2019.01.1.18 Pamphlet- Jewish Control of A and H Bombs (1954)

1 4 2019.01.1.19 Pamphlet- The Anti-Defamation League and it Use in the World Communist Offensive (ND—ca. 1950)

1 4 2019.01.1.20 Single-use book- The Biggest Steal in the World’s History (1937)

1 5 2019.01.1.21 Magazine- The Truth about W.L. White (1945)

1 5 2019.01.1.22 Magazine- Unbelievable (1940)

1 5 2019.01.1.23 Pamphlet- Oberammergau 1960 and 1970: A Study in Religious Anti-Semitism (1970)

1 5 2019.01.1.24 Journal- The Myth of the Jewish- World Conspiracy (1966)

1 5 2019.01.1.25 Pamphlet- Anti-Semitismo (1944)

1 6 2019.01.1.26 Pamphlet- Benjamin Franklin and the Jews (ND)

1 6 2019.01.1.27 Pamphlet- The Corruption of America (1943)

1 6 2019.01.1.28 Pamphlet- Father Coughlin: His “Facts” and Arguments (1939)

1 6 2019.01.1.29 Pamphlet- The Ultimate World Order (1957)

1 6 2019.01.1.30 Pamphlet- Christians, Nazis and Jews (1943)

1 7 2019.01.1.31 Pamphlet- They Got the Blame (1942)

1 7 2019.01.1.32 Pamphlet- The Holy Book of (1952)

1 7 2019.01.1.33 Pamphlet- Combating Anti-Semitism in South Africa (1945)

8 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 7 2019.01.1.34 Pamphlet- Jewish “Anti-Communism” (1956)

1 7 2019.01.1.35 Pamphlet- New York Schools are Invaded (1941)

1 7 2019.01.1.36 Pamphlet- The Jewish Problem as Dealt with by The Popes (ND)

1 7 2019.01.1.37 Pamphlet- Soviet “Anti-Semitism:” The Big Lie (ND)

1 8 2019.01.1.38 Pamphlet- Anti-Semitism: Its Cause and Cure (1921) 1 8 2019.01.1.39 Pamphlet- Who Are the Aryans? (ND)

1 8 2019.01.1.40 Pamphlet- “Anti-Semitism” (ND)

1 8 2019.01.1.41 Pamphlet- Anti-Semitism: What it Means and How to Combat it (1943)

1 8 2019.01.1.42 Pamphlet- Falsehoods and Facts about the Jews (ND)

1 8 2019.01.1.43 Pamphlet- The Real Power Behind Anti-Semitism (1967)

1 8 2019.01.1.44 Statement- Statement by Henry Ford (1927)

1 8 2019.01.1.45 Newspaper article- High Treason and Conspiracy (1949)

1 8 2019.01.1.46 Pamphlet- The Civil War and the Jews (ND)

1 8 2019.01.1.47 Pamphlet- Anti-Semitism: A Mental Disorder (1942)

1 8 2019.01.1.48 Pamphlet- The Anti-Semites: Professor Bernhardi- a Play (ND)

1 9 2019.01.1.49 Book- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1922)

9 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 9 2019.01.1.50 Book- The Protocols and World Revolution (ND)

1 9 2019.01.1.51 Pamphlet- The Plot of the Jews (1948)

1 9 2019.01.1.52 Pamphlet- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1922)

1 9 2019.01.1.53 Pamphlet- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (ND)

1 9 2019.01.1.54 Book- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: The Greatest Lie in History (1934)

1 10 2019.01.1.55 Pamphlet-…Is it True What They Say About Cohen? (1948)

1 10 2019.01.1.56 Pamphlet- The Stolen Birthright and the Coming Destruction (ND)

1 10 2019.01.1.57 Pamphlet- The Great Conspiracy (ND- ca. 1988)

1 10 2019.01.1.58 Pamphlet- Battle for the Truth (ND- ca. mid-1980s)

1 10 2019.01.1.59 Pamphlet- Jewish Ritual Murder (1962)

1 10 2019.01.1.60 Pamphlet-The Real Hate Group (ND- ca. mid- 1980s)

1 11 2019.01.1.61 Pamphlet- Jews on the Wrong Side of Every Major Life And Death Issue (ND- ca. 1960s)

1 11 2019.01.1.62 Print Out- The Hidden Hand Behind the Smile (1935)

1 11 2019.01.1.63 Print Out- The Dubious Ethics of B’Nai B’Rith (ND- ca. 1970s)

1 11 2019.01.1.64 Pamphlet- The Hidden Tyranny (ND- ca. 1970s)

1 11 2019.01.1.65 Pamphlet- Abolish the United Nations (1953)

10 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 11 2019.01.1.66 Pamphlet-The Hidden Tyranny (ND- ca. 1980s)

1 11 2019.01.1.67 Pamphlet-Soviet Ant-Semitism: The Big Lie (ND- ca. 1948)

1 11 2019.01.1.68 Pamphlet-The Jewish Problem: How to Solve It (1939)

1 12 2019.01.1.69 Pamphlet-The Satanic Counterfeit (ND- ca. 1980s)

1 12 2019.01.1.70 Pamphlet-The Plot to Undermine the Republic (1966)

1 12 2019.01.1.71 Pamphlet-The New Patriot [+ ads] (1966)

1 12 2019.01.1.72 Pamphlet- Anti-Semitism in the United States (1920)

1 12 2019.01.1.73 Pamphlet- Labor and Anti-Semitism (1953)

1 12 2019.01.1.74 Pamphlet- The Real Meaning of the Rich Man and Lazarus (ND)

1 12 2019.01.1.75 Pamphlet- Jews as Non-Persons: A Study of Soviet History Textbooks (ND- ca. 1969)

1 13 2019.01.1.76 Pamphlet- What World Famous Men Said About the Jews (ND)

1 13 2019.01.1.77 Pamphlet- The Great Jewish Conspiracy (1920)

1 13 2019.01.1.78 Pamphlet- ’s Fingerprints (1949)

1 13 2019.01.1.79 Pamphlet- The Jewish Organizations’ ABC (1939)

1 13 2019.01.1.80 Pamphlet- The Anti-Zionist Trials (1971)

1 14 2019.01.1.81 Pamphlet- Things Christians Need to Know (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.82 Pamphlet- Who Are the Gentiles? (ND)

11 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 14 2019.01.1.83 Pamphlet- Treason in High Places (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.84 Pamphlet- A New Look At Sermon on the Mount (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.85 Pamphlet- Race Not Grace (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.86 Pamphlet- O.J., Haiti, and Rwanda (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.87 Pamphlet- The Rapture: Scriptural Fact of Man- Made Fiction? (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.88 Pamphlet- Christ’s Return! (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.89 Pamphlet- War Crimes—U.S.A (ND- ca. 1990)

1 14 2019.01.1.90 Pamphlet- Which Day Shall We Worship? (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.91 Pamphlet- Odds and Ends About… (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.92 Pamphlet- If Jews Are Really Persecuted – Why? (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.93 Pamphlet- Ultimate Terrorism! (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.94 Pamphlet- The Undeclared War! (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.95 Pamphlet- Christianity Affirms Racial Integrity (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.96 Pamphlet- The Brainwashing of America! (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.97 Pamphlet- Baal Worship in America (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.98 Pamphlet- A Scriptural Understanding of the Race Issue (1990)

1 14 2019.01.1.99 Pamphlet- Death Penalty for Homosexuals is Prescribed in the Bible (1992-3)

1 14 2019.01.1.100 Pamphlet- A Just Look at Racism (1990)

12 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

1 14 2019.01.1.101 Pamphlet- MLK Jr: His Dream, Our Nightmare! (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.102 Pamphlet- None Ever Call it Conspiracy (ND)

1 14 2019.01.1.103 Pamphlet- John Lennon Imagined a New World Order (1991)

1 15 2019.01.1.104 Pamphlet- The Greatest Discovery of Our Age (1985)

1 15 2019.01.1.105 Pamphlet- The IV Stages to Spiritual Truth (ND)

1 15 2019.01.1.106 Pamphlet- Everything You Wanted to Know about Gun Control (1990)

1 15 2019.01.1.107 Pamphlet- Authority: Resistance or Obedience (ND)

1 15 2019.01.1.108 Pamphlet- A Double-Minded People (1988)

1 15 2019.01.1.109 Pamphlet- Awoke ‘O’ America (ND)

1 BV 2019.01.1.110 Book-The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion (1920)

1 BV 2019.01.1.111 Book- The International Jew (1920)

1 BV 2019.01.1.112 Book- Jewish Activities in the United States (1921)

1 BV 2019.01.1.113 Book- Jewish Influences in American Life (1921)

1 BV 2019.01.1.114 Book- Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States (1922)

1 BV 2019.01.1.115 Book- You and the Refugees (1939)

2 2019.01.1.116-207 Journals- The Dearborn Independent (1925-1927) Volume 25, no: 28, 30-52; Volume 26, no: 1, 1a, 2- 7, 7a, 15, 17-20, 22-29, 31-43, 45, 45a, 46-52; Volume 27, no: 1, 3-13, 19, 29, 30, 30a, 32-34, 36-

13 37, 39-42, 44, 46 (95 total)

Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

13 BV 2019.01.1.208 Journal- Liberation vol. X no. 13 (1939)

13 43 2019.01.1.209 Newspaper- What Minneapolis is Suffering Will Soon Be Nation-wide! (1936)

13 43 2019.01.1.210 Newspaper- Liberation from Economic Disaster (ND- ca. 1936)

13 43 2019.01.1.211 Newspaper- Christ or Chaos? The Fate of Our Nation Depends Upon the Christian Party (ND- ca. 1936)

13 43 2019.01.1.212 Newspaper- Government Gone Mad (ND- ca. 1936)

13 43 2019.01.1.213 Newspaper- Christians, Don’t Be Fooled: See the Jewish man-of-straw for what he is (1936)

13 43 2019.01.1.214 Pamphlet- Hitler and the 20th Century Hoax (1954)

13 43 2019.01.1.215 Pamphlet- The Door to Revelation (ND)

13 43 2019.01.1.216 Pamphlet- The Only Solution (ND)

13 43 2019.01.1.217 Pamphlet- Status of the Soviet Bear (1987)

13 43 2019.01.1.218 Pamphlet- Our Nordic Race (1975)

13 43 2019.01.1.219 Pamphlet- Saving the Environment: New World Order Style (1993)

13 43 2019.01.1.220 Pamphlet- Handbook for Survivalists, Racists, Tax Protestors, Militants, and Right-wing Extremists (ND)

13 44 2019.01.1.221 Pamphlet- The Talmud Unmasked (ND)

13 44 2019.01.1.222 Pamphlet- The Hidden Empire (1945)

14 Series 1, Anti-Semitic material, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

13 44 2019.01.1.223 Pamphlet- Communist Terror in Peaceful Heaven (ND)

13 44 2019.01.1.224 Pamphlet- America’s Perils (ND)

13 44 2019.01.1.225 Pamphlet- You: Before the World was Framed (ND)

13 44 2019.01.1.226 Pamphlet- Jewish Influence in the Federal Reserve System (1921)

13 45 2019.01.1.227 Pamphlet- Shedding the Blood of Christians (ND)

13 45 2019.01.1.228 Pamphlet- James Oviatt Files Suit for $10,200,000.00 against the ADL (1964)

13 45 2019.01.1.229 Pamphlet- The Anti-Defamation League and its use in the World Communist Offensive (1951)

13 45 2019.01.1.230 Pamphlet- Our Constitution (1950)

13 45 2019.01.1.231 Pamphlet- The Other Plot to Destroy Our Constitution (ND- ca. 1951)

13 45 2019.01.1.232 Pamphlet- Zionism’s Bid for World Domination (ND- ca. 1935)

13 45 2019.01.1.233 Pelley’s Weekly newspaper- Jewish Problem Not Solved (1936)

15 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 2, Holocaust materials

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

2 16 2019.01.2.1 Journal- Shoah (1981)

2 16 2019.01.2.2 Journal- Shoah (1978)

2 16 2019.01.2.3 Program- The Wall of the Martyred Six Million (1966)

2 16 2019.01.2.4 Organization Literature - The Wall of the Martyred Six Million (1966)

2 16 2019.01.2.5 Periodical- From the Last Extermination (1946)

2 16 2019.01.2.6 Pamphlet/record- The Agony, Struggle and Destruction of the Jews in Poland 1939-1945 (ND)

2 16 2019.01.2.7 Bulletin- The Persecution of the Jews in Germany (ND)

2 17 2019.01.2.8 Periodical- The Mobilisation of Foreign Labour by Germany (1944)

2 17 2019.01.2.9 Organization Literature- Lidice (1966) - CZECH

2 17 2019.01.2.10 Organization Literature- Dachau (ND)

2 17 2019.01.2.11 Pamphlet- In Everlasting Remembrance (1969)

2 18 2019.01.2.12 Pamphlet- The Ashes of Six Million Jews (1946)

2 18 2019.01.2.13 Report- The Report of a Parliamentary Delegation (1945)

2 18 2019.01.2.14 Museum Literature- Treblinka (ND)- POLISH

2 18 2019.01.2.15 Book- Globke: Adenauer’s State Secretary and the Extermination of the Jews (ND)

2 18 2019.01.2.16 Program- A Holocaust Memorial Service for Christians (1979)

16 Series 2, Holocaust materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

2 18 2019.01.2.17 Pamphlet- The Road to the Death Camps (1987)

2 19 2019.01.2.18 Pamphlet- Armed Resistance of the Jews in Poland (1944)

2 19 2019.01.2.19 Book- The Holocaust Victims Accuse (1977)

2 19 2019.01.2.20 Pamphlet- Axis Victims League (1945)

2 19 2019.01.2.21 Pamphlet- The Case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter (ND)

2 20 2019.01.2.22 Pamphlet- The Polish Jews Behind the Nazi Ghetto Walls (1942)

2 20 2019.01.2.23 Program- Ghetto und KZ-Lieder (1947)- GERMAN

2 20 2019.01.2.24 Pamphlet- Life Struggle and Uprising in the (1963)

2 20 2019.01.2.25 Pamphlet- Eichmann Master of the Nazi Murder Machine (1961)

2 20 2019.01.2.26 Pamphlet- In Hell: A Document Published in Underground Poland (1944)

2 20 2019.01.2.27 Poem- In Anne Frank’s House (1974)

2 21 2019.01.2.28 Catalogue- Out of Holocaust: Drawings and Environment (1976)

2 21 2019.01.2.29 Journal- : Righteous from Poland (1989)

2 21 2019.01.2.30 Manuscript- Until We Meet Again (1995)

2 22 2019.01.2.31 Published Report- Population Changes in Poland 1939-1950 (1954)

2 22 2019.01.2.32 Pamphlet- Calling All Jews to Action (1943)

17 Series 2, Holocaust materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

2 22 2019.01.2.33 Pamphlet- Anne Franks Dagbog (ND)- DUTCH

2 22 2019.01.2.34 Program- Anne Frank Huis (ND)

2 22 2019.01.2.35 Pamphlet- Nowhere to Lay their Heads (1945)

2 22 2019.01.2.36 Postcard booklet- Never Again Dachau (ND)

2 23 2019.01.2.37 Manuscript- The Test: A text on the Holocaust for The Young Student (1973)

2 23 2019.01.2.38 Pamphlet- KZ Auschwitz: Reminiscences of an SS- Man (1965)

2 23 2019.01.2.39 TV Guide- Holocaust: Powerful Miniseries starts this week (1977)

2 BV 2019.01.2.40 Screenplay- Hannah Senesh (1986)

2 BV 2019.01.2.41 Screenplay- Revenge (ND)

2 BV 2019.01.2.42 Book- Philosophy and the Holocaust (1984)

2 BV 2019.01.2.43 Book- Starvation over Europe (1943)

2 BV 2019.01.2.44 Book- In the Wake of the Eichmann Trial (1964)

2 BV 2019.01.2.45 Book- Auschwitz Poems (1951) - YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.46 Book- Our Destruction in Pictures (1946)- ENGLISH & GERMAN & YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.47 Book- Star of Ashes (ND) - ENGLISH & HEBREW & YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.48 Book- Buchenwald (1959)- GERMAN & RUSSIAN & FRENCH & ENGLISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.49 Book- A Living Witness: Kovno Ghetto (1958)

3 BV 2019.01.2.50 Book- Geschonden Land (1945)- DUTCH

18 Series 2, Holocaust materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

3 BV 2019.01.2.51 Book- Nachtmerrie over Nederland (1945)- GERMAN

3 BV 2019.01.2.52 Book-Through Seven Death Camps (1972)

3 BV 2019.01.2.53 Book- To Remember is to Know (1978)

3 BV 2019.01.2.54 Book- The Living Testify in the Village of Nir Galim (ND) - HEBREW

3 BV 2019.01.2.55 Book- Poems of the Holocaust and Poems of Faith (1967)- YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.56 Book- Return from Auschwitz (1981) - YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.57 Book- Diary of the Vilna Ghetto (1961) - YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.58 Book- Book of Remembrance (1983)- ENGLISH & RUSSIAN

3 BV 2019.01.2.59 Book-A Chronicle of the Destruction of the Sacred Jewish Communities of Lithuania (1951) - YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.60 Book- When Poland Fell (1943) - YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.61 Book- Destruction of the Jewish Community in Vilna (1947) - YIDDISH

3 BV 2019.01.2.62 Book- Temoignages sur Auschwitz (1946)- FRENCH

3 BV 2019.01.2.63 Book- Camps de Concentration (1946) - FRENCH

13 BV 2019.01.2.64 Book- Manner im Dritten Reich (ND)- GERMAN

13 46 2019.01.2.65 One-page issue- Fact in Review from the German Library of Information (1941)

13 46 2019.01.2.66 Magazine- The March of Evil: A Photo-Record of Axis Crime (1945)

19 Series 2, Holocaust materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

13 46 2019.01.2.67 Magazine- Riddle of Rudolf Hess (1943)

13 46 2019.01.2.68 New York Post- From Eisenhower to HD: Nazis Quit! (1945)

13 46 2019.01.2.69 Newspaper copy- Allied Controls Explained (1945)- GERMAN & ENGLISH

13 46 2019.01.2.70 Magazine copy- Yank, The Army Weekly: Victory Edition (1945)

13 46 2019.01.2.71 DEDOA Memorandum copy (1944) - NEARLY INDECIPHERABLE

13 46 2019.01.2.72 NSWPP Recommended Reading for the National Socialist Ideological Education Program (ND)

13 47 2019.01.2.73 Pamphlet- and the State of Germany (1937)

13 47 2019.01.2.74 Book- The 100 Families that Rule the Empire (1941)

13 47 2019.01.2.75 Book- Generation to Generation Dinner to benefit Museum of Jewish Heritage (1991)

13 48 2019.01.2.76 Book- To the Memory of Heroic Defenders of the Ghetto (ND)- GERMAN, POLISH, & ENGLISH

13 48 2019.01.2.77 Map- European Theater of War 1939-1945 (ND)

13 48 2019.01.2.78 Pamphlet- How Hitler Made the War (1939)

13 48 2019.01.2.79 Book- Prophecies about the War in Europe (1941)

13 48 2019.01.2.80 Book- Concentration Camp Oranienburg (1934)- GERMAN

13 48 2019.01.2.81 Pamphlet- Speech delivered in the Reichstag April 28th, 1939 by Adolf Hitler (ca. 1939)

13 49 2019.01.2.82 Pamphlet- Polish Jewry under Nazi Tyranny (1942)

20 Series 2, Holocaust materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

13 49 2019.01.2.83 Dachau guide- Remember That (1959)- GERMAN, FRENCH, & ENGLISH

13 49 2019.01.2.84 Pamphlet- Hitler and Uncensored (1941)

13 49 2019.01.2.85 Pamphlet- Communism with the Mask Off by Goebbels (1935)

13 49 2019.01.2.86 Pamphlet- Speech by the Fuehrer in Sportpalast (1940)

13 49 2019.01.2.87 Pamphlet- Europe under Hitler in Prospect and Practice (1941)

13 49 2019.01.2.88 Pamphlet- The Nazi Party. The State and Religion by Hitler (ND- ca. 1936)

13 50 2019.01.2.89 Book- 7 Years as a Nazi Consul (1944)

13 50 2019.01.2.90 Pamphlet- The Fight for Communism in Germany (ND)

13 50 2019.01.2.91 Historic Guide- Stutthof (1980)

13 50 2019.01.2.92 Pamphlet- Nazism versus Religion (1940)

13 50 2019.01.2.93 Book- The Nazi’s Jewish Daughter (1947)

13 BV 2019.01.2.94 Book- Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl with Intro by Eleanor Roosevelt (1958)

13 BV 2019.01.2.95 Book- The Diary of Anne Frank, illustrated (1954)

13 BV 2019.01.2.96 Book- The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank, illustrated (1956)

13 BV 2019.01.2.97 Book- The Complete Unauthorized Mein Kampf (1939)

21 Series 2, Holocaust materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

13 BV 2019.01.2.98 Magazine- Los Angeles Philharmonic Association, “Banned by the Nazis: Entartete Musik” (ND

22 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 3, Book Jackets

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

4 2019.01.3.1 Box of Book Jackets from collection currently shelved at Goddard

5 2019.01.3.2 Box of Book Jackets from collection currently shelved at Goddard

6 2019.01.3.3 Box of Book Jackets from collection currently shelved at Goddard

7 2019.01.3.4 Box of Book Jackets from collection currently shelved at Goddard

8 2019.01.3.5 Box of Book Jackets from collection currently shelved at Goddard

9 2019.01.3.6 Box of Book Jackets from collection currently shelved at Goddard

For inventory of books shelved at Goddard with gift distinctions, please see Appendix 1

23 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 4, Jewish History

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

10 24 2019.01.4.1 Booklet- The Jews in Poland (1920?)

10 24 2019.01.4.2 Pamphlet- The Truth about the Jews in the (1960)

10 24 2019.01.4.3 Pamphlet- Lenin on the (1936)

10 24 2019.01.4.4 Newspaper- The Spotlight (1996)

10 24 2019.01.4.5 Poster- The Eternal Jew (ND)

10 25 2019.01.4.6 Pamphlet- Jewish Reader (2008) - HEBREW

10 25 2019.01.4.7 Program- Mannheim Reunion (Service for those who died in the Holocaust) (1990)

10 25 2019.01.4.8 Pamphlet- It Can Happen Here (1935)

10 25 2019.01.4.9 Pamphlet- The Jewish Question and the Left (1970)

10 26 2019.01.4.10 Pamphlet- The Truth about the Trial (1953)

10 26 2019.01.4.11 Pamphlet- Die Juden in Heer (1919)- GERMAN

10 26 2019.01.4.12 Pamphlet- War Emergency Conference (1945)

10 26 2019.01.4.13 Pamphlet- The Jews in Reconstituted Poland (1940)

10 26 2019.01.4.14 Pamphlet- Czechs and Slovaks since Munich (1939)

10 26 2019.01.4.15 Pamphlet- The Decline of Jewish Population Density in Europe (1933)

10 26 2019.01.4.16 Pamphlet- German Jews in White Labor Servitude in America (1937)

10 27 2019.01.4.17 Pamphlet- The Strange Case of Jacob Javits (1966)

10 27 2019.01.4.18 Pamphlet- Should Jews Fight on Our Side? (1944)

24 Series 4, Jewish History, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

10 27 2019.01.4.19 Pamphlet- Social Discrimination against the Jews in America, 1830-1930 (1957)

10 27 2019.01.4.20 Pamphlet- Luther and the Jews (1983)

10 27 2019.01.4.21 Pamphlet- and Bolshevism (1933)

10 27 2019.01.4.22 Pamphlet- Jewish Migrations (1943)

10 27 2019.01.4.23 Pamphlet- The Story of the Jewish “DP” (1948)

10 27 2019.01.4.24 Pamphlet- Attitudes toward Jewish-Gentile Relations in the Jewish Tradition and Contemporary Israel (1983)

10 28 2019.01.4.25 Pamphlet- Zionism and Zionists in Soviet Russia (1966)

10 28 2019.01.4.26 Pamphlet- Luther and the Jews (1983) The Myth of the Jewish Menace in World Affairs (1921)

10 28 2019.01.4.27 Pamphlet- It’s Fun to be Jewish! (1966)

10 28 2019.01.4.28 Pamphlet- The Jews of Britain (1940)

10 28 2019.01.4.29 Pamphlet- Jewish Post-war Claims (1944)

10 28 2019.01.4.30 Pamphlet- Jews are News (ND)

10 BV 2019.01.4.31 Study- Jews in Nazi Europe (1941)

10 BV 2019.01.4.32 Book- The Influence of WWII on the Demographic Characteristics of the Jewish People (1963) - HEBREW & ENGLISH

10 29 2019.01.4.33 Pamphlet- In ’s Service (1942)

10 29 2019.01.4.34 Pamphlet- Jews in the USSR (1975)

10 29 2019.01.4.35 Pamphlet- Soviet Jewry (1966)

25 Series 4, Jewish History, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

10 29 2019.01.4.36 Pamphlet- Russia and the Jews (1953)

10 29 2019.01.4.37 Pamphlet- We Were There (1955)

10 29 2019.01.4.38 Pamphlet- The Case of the 16 Poles (1945)

10 30 2019.01.4.39 Oral of Children who Survived the Holocaust (1986)

10 30 2019.01.4.40 Pamphlet- The Strange World of (1963)

10 30 2019.01.4.41 Pamphlet- The Persecution of the Jews in Germany (1933)

10 30 2019.01.4.42 Pamphlet- The Jews in Italy (1939)

10 30 2019.01.4.43 Pamphlet- Jews and Germanism (ND- ca. 1918)

10 30 2019.01.4.44 Pamphlet- The Wandering Jew (1883)

10 BV 2019.01.4.45 Book- The Polish Jews 1914-1939 (ND)- ENGLISH & HEBREW

10 BV 2019.01.4.46 Book- Remember: A Book to Honor the Family I Never Knew (1992)

10 BV 2019.01.4.47 Book- A Dream Fulfilled (1989)- ENGLISH & HEBREW

10 BV 2019.01.4.48 Book- Jewish Family Almanac (1942)

10 BV 2019.01.4.49 Book- War Legislation in force on the 15th day of April, 1943 v. II (1943)

10 BV 2019.01.4.50 Book- War Legislation in force on the 15th day of April, 1943 v. III (1943)

10 BV 2019.01.4.51 Book- History of the Jews in Cracow and Kazimierzu (1912) - POLISH

26 Series 4, Jewish History, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description 10 BV 2019.01.4.52 Book- The Annihilation of Bialystok Jewry (1948)- YIDDISH

10 BV 2019.01.4.53 Book- Reading from the Holy Scriptures for Jewish Soldiers and Sailors (1941)

10 BV 2019.01.4.54 Book- The History of the Jews in Warsaw (1953) v. III- YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.55 Book- Marculeshti (1977) - YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.56 Book- Destruction and Rising: The Epic of the Jews in Warsaw (1948) v. I- YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.57 Book- The Participation of Jews in the Partisan Movement of Soviet Russia (1948)

11 BV 2019.01.4.58 Book- The History of the Jews in Warsaw (1953) v. I- YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.59 Book- Cities and Towns in the History of the Jews in Russia and the (1948)-YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.60 Book- The History of the Jewish Community in Warsaw v. I (1907) - POLISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.61 Book- Destruction and Rising: The Epic of the Jews in Warsaw (1948) v. II- YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.62 Book- Poems About the Prophets (1951)- YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.63 Book- Achad Haam and His Attitude Towards Yiddish (1956) - YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.64 Book- Jews in Poland between the Two World Wars (1968) - HEBREW

11 BV 2019.01.4.65 Book- The History of the Jews in Warsaw (1953) v. II- YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.66 Book- Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: Lwow Volume (1956) - HEBREW

27 Series 4, Jewish History, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

11 BV 2019.01.4.67 Book- Jews in Ukraine (1961) - YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.68 Book- Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: The End of the Polish Jewry (1973) - HEBREW

11 BV 2019.01.4.69 Book- The Jews in Poland v. I (1946) - YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.70 Book- Jews in the Ukraine (1967) - YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.71 Book- Jewish Artists & Ghetto Motifs (1946)

11 BV 2019.01.4.72 Book- Yizkor in Memoriam (1955) - YIDDISH

11 BV 2019.01.4.73 Book- Awakers and Fighters: American Jews in the Abolitionist movement (1955) - YIDDISH

13 51 2019.01.4.74 Petition in Support of the Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald and Concerning the Treatment of Jews and Non-Aryans by the German Government (1936)

13 51 2019.01.4.75 American Birobidjan Committee Pamphlet- Hope (1945)

13 51 2019.01.4.76 Pamphlet- Hitler or Stalin? (1938)- ENGLISH & YIDDISH

13 51 2019.01.4.77 Pamphlet- The Jewish People’s Fraternal Order and the Fight for Democracy in the Los Angeles Jewish Community (ND- ca. 1950)

13 51 2019.01.4.78 American Jewish Labor Council Pamphlet- We Saw the New Europe (ND- ca. 1948)

13 51 2019.01.4.79 British Labor and Zionism (1944)

13 51 2019.01.4.80 Pamphlet- Aid to Jews Overseas: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (1939)

28 Series 4, Jewish History, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

13 51 2019.01.4.81 1935 Annual Report- Aid to Jews in Eastern Europe by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (1936)

13 51 2019.01.4.82 Free America! Six Addresses on the Aims and Purposes of the German American Bund (1939)

13 51 2019.01.4.83 Race and Religion in Selective Admission (ND)

13 52 2019.01.4.84 Pamphlet- Zionist Network: A Tenney Report (1953)

13 52 2019.01.4.85 Pamphlet- The Case against the “Mixed” Jewish Agency (ND)

13 52 2019.01.4.86 Guidebook- This is Portland: Guide Book for Newcomers (ND) - ENGLISH & GERMAN

13 52 2019.01.4.87 Pamphlet- British Jewry in Battle and Blitz (ND)

13 52 2019.01.4.88 A Guide to Naturalization- The Citizen (1926)

13 52 2019.01.4.89 Pamphlet- The Jews: Some Plain Facts (1943)

13 52 2019.01.4.90 Book- This is Our Home: The Jewish Committee (1957)

13 BV 2019.01.4.91 Book- Annual of the American Branch of the Yiddish Scientific Institute v. I (1938) - YIDDISH

13 BV 2019.01.4.92 Book- The Underground War in Europe (1943)-

13 BV 2019.01.4.93 Book- Book of Prayers for Israelitish Congregations (1872?)

13 52 2019.01.4.94 Booklet- The Jews of Roumania and the Treaty of , speech by on. Walter Chandler (1913)

13 52 2019.01.4.95 Pamphlet- The Treatise “On Customs and Causes” by Flavius Josephus (ND)

29 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 5, Post-war Germany

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

12 BV 2019.01.5.1 Magazine- Four Sector City (1946)

12 31 2019.01.5.2 Visual Booklet- Berlin East and West in Pictures (1968)

12 31 2019.01.5.3 Bulletin- Salman Schoken and the Shocken Verlag: A Jewish Publisher in Weimar and Nazi Germany (1973)

12 31 2019.01.5.4 Picture book- Hamburg 1939-1945 (1945)

12 31 2019.01.5.5 Bulletin- Educational and Cultural Activities in Germany Today (1949)

12 31 2019.01.5.6 Pamphlet- Ex-Nazis in the Service of the German Democratic Republic (1945)

12 32 2019.01.5.7 Pamphlet- Nazi Army or Peaceful Germany? (1952)

12 32 2019.01.5.8 Bulletin- Germany: US Zone Eastern Military District (1945)

12 32 2019.01.5.9 Pamphlet- White Book on the War Crimes of Heinz Trettner Inspector-General of the Bundswehr (1964)

12 32 2019.01.5.10 Book- German Revisionism on the Move (1960)

12 33 2019.01.5.11 Book- Berlin: Focus of World Events pt. I- The Four-Sector City 1945-1954 (ND- ca. 1954)

12 33 2019.01.5.12 Book- Berlin: Focus of World Events pt. II- Economic Rebirth (ND- ca. 1954)

12 33 2019.01.5.13 Book- Berlin: Focus of World Events pt. III- The Struggle for Social Security (ND- ca. 1954)

12 33 2019.01.5.14 Book- Berlin: Focus of World Events pt. IV- The Refugees’ Harbor (ND- ca. 1954)

30 Series 5, Post-war Germany, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

12 33 2019.01.5.15 Book- Berlin: Focus of World Events pt. V- A Place Of Cultural Freedom (ND- ca. 1954)

12 33 2019.01.5.16 Book- Germany’s New Nazis (1951)

12 33 2019.01.5.17 Book- The Treatment of Defeated Germany (1945)

12 34 2019.01.5.18 Pamphlet- Nazis Preferred: The Renazification of Western Germany (1950)

12 34 2019.01.5.19 Official Document- Constitutions of Baaria, Hesse and Wuerttember-Baden (1947)

12 34 2019.01.5.20 Pamphlet- The Final Assault (1975)

12 34 2019.01.5.21 Guide- Background of the Berlin Crisis (1948)

12 34 2019.01.5.22 Publication- Violations of Human Rights Illegal Acts and Incidents at the Sector Border in Berlin since the Building of the Wall (1962)

12 35 2019.01.5.23 Publication- Background Berlin 1961 (1961)

12 35 2019.01.5.24 Report- A Phoenix or a Thunderbird? : Report on Germany pt. I (1953)

12 35 2019.01.5.25 Report- A Phoenix or a Thunderbird? : Report on Germany pt. II (1953)

12 35 2019.01.5.26 Pamphlet- Visit Germany this Year and See… [Satire created by the Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights] (ND- ca. 1936)

12 36 2019.01.5.27 Photo album with 12 high quality photos of Weimar Germany (ND)

12 36 2019.01.5.28 Report- German Denazification Law and Implementations with American Directives Included (1946)

31 Series 5, Post-war Germany, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

12 BV 2019.01.5.29 Book- Insight into the Nazi Industrial War Machine (1943)

12 BV 2019.01.5.30 Book- Court of Restitution Appeals Report (1951)

12 BV 2019.01.5.31 Book- Court of Restitution Appeals of the Allied High Commission for Germany (1952)

12 BV 2019.01.5.32 Book- Handbook for Military Government in Germany (1944)

12 36 2019.01.5.33 Pamphlet- The Eichmann Case—Reactions in West Germany (1961)

12 36 2019.01.5.34 Pamphlet- Hitler and His Henchmen after Death (ND)

12 37 2019.01.5.35 Pamphlet- An Imminent Danger to Peace (1964)

12 37 2019.01.5.36 Pamphlet- Show of the Swastika (1950)

12 37 2019.01.5.37 Booklet- ORT in the US-Zone Germany

32 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 6, The Second World War & Resistance

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

28 BV 2019.01.6.1 Book- Hail Hitler: the Nazi Speaks to the World (1934)

28 38 2019.01.6.2 Pamphlet- Nazi “Justice” Exposed in the Sam Darcy Case (1940)

28 38 2019.01.6.3 Pamphlet- Produce to Attack! Smash Hitler in 1942 (1942)

28 38 2019.01.6.4 Pamphlet- If Hitler Wins (ND- ca. 1939)

28 38 2019.01.6.5 Pamphlet- The Strategy of Revenge (1961)

28 38 2019.01.6.6 Program- For the Rescue of Jews from Nazi Occupied Europe (1943)

28 38 2019.01.6.7 Pamphlet- The League of Nations and the Grounds For Action in Behalf of the Jews of Germany (ND)

28 38 2019.01.6.8 Pamphlet- A Handbook of Information on Nazi, Fascist and Communist Activities in the US (ND)

28 38 2019.01.6.9 Pamphlet- What Will Happen with Germany? (1943)

28 39 2019.01.6.10 Pamphlet- Wives or Widows (ND- ca. 1941)

28 39 2019.01.6.11 Pamphlet- Why Hitler? (1938)

28 39 2019.01.6.12 Pamphlet- Destroy Hitler! Free Germany (1942)

28 39 2019.01.6.13 Pamphlet- Labor under Hitler (1935)

28 39 2019.01.6.14 Newspaper- Report on German Camps v. II no. II (1944)

28 39 2019.01.6.15 Newspaper- Report on German Camps v. II no. III (1944)

33 Series 6, The Second World War & Resistance, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

28 39 2019.01.6.16 Newspaper- Report on German Camps v. II no. IV (1944)

28 39 2019.01.6.17 Pamphlet- Hitler Terror in 1935 (1935)

28 39 2019.01.6.18 Pamphlet- An Answer to the Nazi Menace (1934)

28 40 2019.01.6.19 Pamphlet- Topics of the Moment: The Nazi Myth (ND)

28 40 2019.01.6.20 Pamphlet- Propaganda—The War for Men’s Minds (1939)

28 40 2019.01.6.21 Pamphlet- Slavery under Hitler’s “New Order” (ND- ca. 1941)

28 40 2019.01.6.22 Pamphlet- Hitler Wants the World (1941)

28 40 2019.01.6.23 Pamphlet- Footprints of the Trojan Horse (1942)

28 41 2019.01.6.24 Pamphlet- Why I Hate the Nazis (1945)

28 41 2019.01.6.25 Pamphlet- German Tactical Doctrine (1942)

28 41 2019.01.6.26 Pamphlet- Black Record: Germans Past and Present (1941)

28 41 2019.01.6.27 Pamphlet- Belgian Humor Under the German Heel (1942)

28 41 2019.01.6.28 Magazine- Front Line 1940-1941 (1942)

28 BV 2019.01.6.29 Book- The New Order (1941)

28 BV 2019.01.6.30 Book- US War Dept. German military dictionary (1944)

28 42 2019.01.6.31 Pamphlet- Persecution of European Labor (1935)

28 42 2019.01.6.32 Pamphlet- Statement Regarding Poland’s Treatment of the Jews (1937)

34 Series 6, The Second World War & Resistance, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

28 42 2019.01.6.33 Pamphlet- War Relief Activities of JDC (1940)

28 42 2019.01.6.34 Pamphlet- The Truth (anti-Nazi cartoons) (ND)

28 42 2019.01.6.35 Pamphlet- Democracy and Racial Minorities (1943)

28 BV 2019.01.6.36 Report- Confidential Report on 1036 Pro-Nazi Firms who believed You Could do Business with Hitler (1942)

28 42 2019.01.6.37 Booklet- Heroes of the War [in USSR] (1975)

28 42 2019.01.6.38 Booklet- BBC at War (1944)

28 42 2019.01.6.39 Booklet- Victory and Independence Exhibition by the Society of Independent artists, inc (1942)

28 BV 2019.01.6.40 Quarterly- The Public Opinion Quarterly: The Occupation of Enemy Territory (1943-4)

28 BV 2019.01.6.41 Report- Joint Fact-Finding Committee on un- American Activities in California (1944)

28 BV 2019.01.6.42 Yearbook- Air News Yearbook v.II (1944)

28 BV 2019.01.6.43 Photo book-Leningrad, Stalingrad (ND)

28 42A 2019.01.6.44 Journal- Franklin Roosevelt as Commander-in- Chief in World War II by William Emerson (1958- 9)

28 42A 2019.01.6.45 Booklet- The Judicial Position of Citizens of Occupied Countries by members of the Argentine Institute of Int’l Law (ND)

28 42A 2019.01.6.46 Pamphlet- Who Betrayed ? (1940)

28 42A 2019.01.6.47 Periodical- Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet by the War Department: (1945)

35 Series 6, The Second World War & Resistance, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

28 42A 2019.01.6.48 Periodical- Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet by the War Department: Prejudice—Roadblocks to Progress (1945)

28 42A 2019.01.6.49-50 Magazine- Facts in Review April 10, 1941 + April 28, 1941

28 42B 2019.01.6.51 Book- Two Memorable Meetings [US and USSR meeting in Germany in 1945] (1975) ENGLISH + RUSSIAN

28 42B 2019.01.6.52 Booklet- An Outline of Polish-Soviet Relations by HW Henderson (ND)

28 42B 2019.01.6.53 Pamphlet- The Meaning of the Soviet-German Non- Aggression Pact by VM Molotov (ND)

28 42B 2019.01.6.53 Pamphlet- Stalin Speaks to the World (1941)

28 42B 2019.01.6.54 Booklet- Social and Economic Controls in Germany and Russia: Heads of Russian Factories (1942)

28 42B 2019.01.6.55 Booklet- Germany and the Jews: A Plain Statement of Facts (1937)

28 42B 2019.01.6.56 Booklet- Germany, Russia, and Central Europe (1942)

28 42B 2019.01.6.57 Booklet- The Curzon Line by the Polish Weekly “White Eagle” Palestine 1944

28 42B 2019.01.6.58 Booklet- the Polish Conspiracy: Full Story of the Polish-Goebbels Plot to save Hitler (1943)

28 42B 2019.01.6.59 Booklet- Poland’s Progress in 1945 by the Library of the Polish Embassy

28 42B 2019.01.6.60 Booklet- Dictionary of Events in Latvia (1946)

28 BV 2019.01.6.61 Handbook- Handbook on the Italian Military Forces by the War Dept. (1943)

36 28 BV 2019.01.6.62 Report- The Peace Conference of 1946: Role of the Hungarian Communists and of the Soviet Union by the Free Europe Committee

28 BV 2019.01.6.63 Magazine- The Challenge of Hate: A Photo-Record of Democracy’s Struggle Against Disruption and Disunity (ND)

28 42C 2019.01.6.64-68 Monthly bulletin- Prevent WWIII by the Society for Prevention of WWIII (1945) v. 1 no. 3,5,6,7

28 42C 2019.01.6.69 Map- One Year After map of Europe

37 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 7, French Books *all books are written in the French language*

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

14 BV 2019.01.7.1 Book- Yom Haatsmaout: Prieres et textes (Prayers and Texts)- 1958

14 BV 2019.01.7.2 Book- In Memoriam: Hommage aux Victimes Juives des Nazis en Grece (homage to Jewish victims of the Nazis in Greece)- 1988

14 BV 2019.01.7.3 Book- Contribution a l’histoire des camps d’internement dans l’anti-France (contribution to the history of internment camps in Anti-France)- 1946

14 BV 2019.01.7.4 Book- Ghetto a l’est (Ghetto to the East)- 1950

14 BV 2019.01.7.5 Book- Protocols des Sages de Zion (Protocols of the Elders of Zion)- 1921

14 BV 2019.01.7.6 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: La revision (History of the Dreyfus Affair: The Revision)- 1908

14 BV 2019.01.7.7 Book-Morts pour la France (Died for France)- ND

14 BV 2019.01.7.8 Book- le pitre ne rit pas (The Buffoon Does Not Laugh)- 1948

14 BV 2019.01.7.9 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: Le Proces de 1894 (History of the Dreyfus Affair: The case of 1894) - 1901

14 BV 2019.01.7.10 Book- Les Jjeunes devant l’adventure Europeenne (The Young People before the European Adventure)- 1941

14 BV 2019.01.7.11 Book- Journal de cellule (Prison Cell Journal)- 1944

14 BV 2019.01.7.12 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: Index General (History of the Dreyfus Affair: General index)- 1911

38 Series 7, French Books, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

14 BV 2019.01.7.13 Book- l’antisemitisme () - 1897

14 BV 2019.01.7.14 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: Rennes (History of the Dreyfus Affair: Rennes)- 1905

14 BV 2019.01.7.15 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: Esterhazy (History of the Dreyfus Affair: Esterhazy)- 1903

14 BV 2019.01.7.16 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: Cavaignac et Felix Faure (History of the Dreyfus Affair: Cavaignac and Felix Faure) - 1904

14 BV 2019.01.7.17 Book- Histoire de l’affaire Dreyfus: La crise (History of the Dreyfus Affair: The Crisis)- 1903

14 BV 2019.01.7.18 Book- La memorial de la deportation des Juifs de France (A Memorial to the Deportation of the French Jews) - 1978

14 BV 2019.01.7.19 Book- A Paris sous la Botte des Nazis (In Paris Under the Boot of the Nazis)- 1944

14 BV 2019.01.7.20 Book- Un recueil de textes historiques Judeo- Marocains (A Collection of Judeo-Morrocan Historical Texts) - 1951

14 BV 2019.01.7.21 Book- Accuses… levez-vous: Dessins d’hier… verities d’ajourd’hui (Accused… Stand up! Drawings of Yesterday… Truths of Today)- 1941

14 BV 2019.01.7.22 Book- In Memoriam: Hommage aux Victimes Juives des Nazis en Grece (Homage to Jewish Victims of the Nazis in Greece), vol I- 1948

14 BV 2019.01.7.23 Book- In Memoriam: Hommage aux Victimes Juives des Nazis en Grece (Homage to Jewish Victims of the Nazis in Greece), vol II- 1949

14 BV 2019.01.7.24 Book- Memorial du martyr juif inconnu (Memorial to the Unknown Jewish Martyr)- ND

39 Series 7, French Books, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

14 BV 2019.01.7.25 Book- La cooperation internationale technique et financiere en matiere de migrations colonisatrices (International Technical and Financial Cooperation in the Field of Colonial Migrations)- 1937

14 BV 2019.01.7.26 Book- Drancy la Juive ou la 2e Inquisition (Drancy the Jewess or the 2nd Inquisition)- 1945

14 BV 2019.01.7.27 Book- La Russie sous le Juifs (Russia Under the Jews)- 1931

14 BV 2019.01.7.28 Book- Le Poing Allemande n Lorraine et en Alsace (The German Fist in Lorraine and Alsace)- 1918

14 BV 2019.01.7.29 Book- Journal dessine d’un prisonnier de guerre 1940-1941 (Drawing Journal of a Prisoner of War)- 1942

14 BV 2019.01.7.30 Book- Dora: Propos d’un bagnard a ses enfants (Dora: Comments of a Convict to his Children)- 1946

14 BV 2019.01.7.31 Book- Hitler ou Le Guerrier dechaine (Hitler or the Raging Warrior) - 1930

14 BV 2019.01.7.32 Book- Oradour-sur-Glane: Vision d’epouvante (Oradour-sur-Glane: Visions of Fear)- ND

14 BV 2019.01.7.33 Book- Memorial en souvenir de nos rabbins et ministers officiants victims de la barbarie Nazie (Memorial in Memory of Our Rabbis and Officiating Ministers who were Victims of Nazi Barbarity)- 1946

14 BV 2019.01.7.34 Book- La Politique du Travail de Henry Ford (The Politics of Henry Ford’s Work)- 1932

14 BV 2019.01.7.35 Book- Dix-Huit Mois Au Bagne de Buchenwlad (18 Months in the Labor Camps of Buchenwald)- 1945

40 Series 7, French Books, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

14 BV 2019.01.7.36 Book- N’oublie pas! Centre de documentation juive

contemporaine (Don’t Forget! Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation)- ND

14 BV 2019.01.7.37 Book- Le Proces des Camps de Concentration sovietiques (The Case of the Soviet Concentration Camps)- 1951

14 BV 2019.01.7.38 Book- Jamais Plus (Never Again): Dachau-ND- FRENCH & ENGLISH

14 BV 2019.01.7.39 Book- Roosevelt est le coupable de cette guerre (Roosevelt is Responsible for this War)- 1941

14 BV 2019.01.7.40 Book- Theatre Montparnasse Gaston Baty (Montparnasse Theater Gaston Baty)- 1958-9

14 BV 2019.01.7.41 Pamphlet- Releve 1942: Le Marechal Petain… le President Laval (1942 Statement- Marshal Petain…President Laval) - 1942

14 BV 2019.01.7.42 Book- Vade-Mecum for the use of Officers and Interpreters in the Present Campaign (1917) - FRENCH & ENGLISH

41 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 8, Miscellaneous-language materials *all books are written in the noted language*

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

15 BV 2019.01.8.1 Book- Бухенвальд, Равенсбрюк, Заксенхаузен (Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen)- 1974- RUSSIAN

15 BV 2019.01.8.2 Book- Хатынь (Khatyn)- 1977- RUSSIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, & SPANISH

15 43 2019.01.8.3 Pamphlet- Фюрер Адольф Гитлер (Fuhrer Adolf Hitler)- ND- RUSSIAN

15 43 2019.01.8.4 Pamphlet- Фюрер Адольф Гитлер произносится в Берлине (Fuhrer Adolf Hitler Pronounced in Berlin)- 1942- RUSSIAN

15 43 2019.01.8.5 Pamphlet- Судите сами (Judge for Yourself)- ND- RUSSIAN

15 43 2019.01.8.6 Pamphlet- Московский художественный театр ( Art and Theater)- 1922- RUSSIAN

15 43 2019.01.8.7 Pamphlet- De Geheimzinnige Kazerne Dossin: Deportatiekamp der Joden (The Mysterious Dossin Barracks: Deportation camp of the Jews)- ND 1944?- DUTCH

15 43 2019.01.8.8 Pamphlet- Ontsnapping uit de Bunker (Escape from the Bunker)- 1945?- DUTCH

15 43 2019.01.8.9 Pamphlet- Tsjecho-Slowakije: Slachtoffer der Westersche Mogengheden (Czechoslovakia: Victim of Western Powers)- ND- DUTCH

15 43 2019.01.8.10 Pamphlet- Terug uit de Hel van Buchenwald (Back from the Hell of Buchenwald)- 1945- DUTCH

15 BV 2019.01.8.11 Book- De Tyrannie Verdryven (Expel the Tyranny)- 1947- DUTCH

42 Series 8, Misc. Language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

15 BV 2019.01.8.12 Book- Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain)- 1942- DUTCH

15 BV 2019.01.8.13 Book- Historia I Literatura zydowska v.I (Jewish History and Literature)- 1982?- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.14 Book- Historia I Literatura zydowska v.II (Jewish History and Literature)- 1982?- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.15 Book- Historia I Literatura zydowska v.III (Jewish History and Literature)- 1982?- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.16 Book- Spiew za drutami (Singing Behind the Barbed Wire)- 1947- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.17 Book- Zeszyty oświęcimskie (Auschwitz Notebooks)- 1961- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.18 Book- Zeszyty museum/5: Stutthof (Museum book: Stutthof)-1984- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.19 Pamphlet- Poezje Ghetta (Ghetto Poetry: From the Jewish Underground in Poland)- 1945- POLISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.20 Book- Esta Guerra sin Hitler (This War without Hitler)- 1941- SPANISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.21 Book- Nazis en el Uruguay- 1940- SPANISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.22 Book- Como Combatir el Antisemitism en America (How to Combat Antisemitism in America)- 1937- SPANISH

15 BV 2019.01.8.23 Book- Anna Frank: Il Saggio Mago e Altri Raacconti (Anne Frank: The Wise Magician and other Tales)- 1959- ITALIAN

15 BV 2019.01.8.24 Book- Il Diario di Anna Frank (The Diary of Anne Frank)- 1956-8- ITALIAN

43 Series 8, Misc. Language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

15 BV 2019.01.8.25 Book- I Nazisti e la cultura (Nazis and Culture)- ND- ITALIAN

15 BV 2019.01.8.26 Book- Annali del Fascismo (Annals of Facism)- 1935- ITALIAN

15 BV 2019.01.8.27 Pamphlet- Komunizam bez krinke (Communism without a Crown)- 1935?- CROATION

15 BV 2019.01.8.28 Book- Blix de 5 Arene (Blix the 5 years)- 1945- NORWEIGAN

15 BV 2019.01.8.29 Book- Ležáky vrazda muzu a zen odvleceni deti do ciziny srovnani osady se zemi (Loungers Murder Men and Women Dragged Children Abroad Comparing the Settlement to the Country)- 1947- CZECH

15 BV 2019.01.8.30 Book- De Strijd om Rotterdam Mei 1940 (The Battle for Rotterdam in May 1940)-1952 DUTCH

15 BV 2019.01.8.31 Book- Zidovske Hrbitovy v cechach a na Morave (Jewish Cemetaries in Bohemia and Moravia)-ND CZECH

15 BV 2019.01.8.32 Book- America Land of Wonders: Facism in Italy- 1936- ARABIC

44 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 9, German-language materials *all books are written in the German language*

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

16 BV 2019.01.9.1 Book- Die Burg: Vierteljahrhesschrift des instituts fur deutsche ostarbeit Krakau (The Castle: Quarterly Journal of the Institute for German East work Krakow)- 1940-1

16 BV 2019.01.9.2 Book- Jahrbuch der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht (Academy for German Law Yearbook)- 1936

16 BV 2019.01.9.3 Book- Jahrbuch der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht (Academy for German Law Yearbook)- 1938

16 BV 2019.01.9.4 Book- Seeraume und Flottenstutze-punkte (Sea and Naval Bases)- 1942

16 BV 2019.01.9.5 Book- Nationalpolitiche Erziehung (National Education Policy)- 1933

16 BV 2019.01.9.6 Book- Reichstagsbrandprozess (Reichstag: Fire Trial)- 1946

16 BV 2019.01.9.7 Book- Jahrbuch der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht (Academy for German Law Yearbook)- 1937

16 BV 2019.01.9.8 Book- Das Dritte reich: Durch maine brille (The Third Reich: Through my Glasses)- 1934

16 BV 2019.01.9.9 Book- Die Spur Des Juden im Wandel der Zeiten (The Trail of the Jew through History)- 1937

16 BV 2019.01.9.10 Book- Bevolkerungsentwicklung im Dritten Reich (Population Development in the Third Reich)- 1935

16 BV 2019.01.9.11 Book- Was Geschieht mit den Juden? (What Happens to the Jews?)- 1932

16 BV 2019.01.9.12 Book- Mit dem Spaten durch Polen (With the Spade by Poland)- 1939

45 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

16 BV 2019.01.9.13 Book- Kampf und Aufstieg des National- Sozialismus zum Dritten Reich (Struggle and the Rise of NS in the Third Reich)- 1933

16 BV 2019.01.9.14 Book- Hurst Wessel: Leben und Sterben (Hurst Wessel: Live and Die)- 1933

16 BV 2019.01.9.15 Book- Wederso-noch so der Dritte Weg! (One way of the Third Way)- 1933

16 BV 2019.01.9.16 Book- Achtung, Achtung! Kanalkuste! (Attention Attention, Channel Coast!)- 1942

16 BV 2019.01.9.17 Book- Spione Bomben und Verschworer (Bombs Spies and Conspirators in Serbian Politics)

16 BV 2019.01.9.18 Book- Ketzergedanken im Dritten reich (Heretical Thought in the Third Reich)- 1947

16 BV 2019.01.9.19 Book- Judische Miniaturen (Jewish Miniatures)- 1924

16 BV 2019.01.9.20 Book- Schwarz-rot-gold oder Hakenkreuz? (Black, Red, Gold or Swastika?)- 1931

16 44 2019.01.9.21 Pamphlet- Antisemitismusausgerottet? (Antisemitism- Extinct? Anthology of German Newspapers 1946-7)- 1947

16 44 2019.01.9.22 Pamphlet- Politik und Wucker der Juden (Policy and Courage of the Jews)- 1879

16 44 2019.01.9.23 Book- Jahwe der Gott der Juden (Yahwe” The God of the Jews)- 1941

16 44 2019.01.9.24 Book- Wille und Weg: des deutschen Judentums (Will and Way: German Judaism)- 1935

16 44 2019.01.9.25 Book- Volk und Rasse (People and Race)- 1934

46 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

16 44 2019.01.9.26 Book- Volkische Rassenlehre (Racial Ethnmic Teaching: Representation. Criticism, Conclusions)- 1932

16 45 2019.01.9.27 Judentum und Antisemitismus ein Problem unserer zeit (Judaism and Antisemitism: A Problem of our time)- 1951

16 45 2019.01.9.28 Wird der Jude uber und Jiegen (The Jew is Victorious Over Us?)- 1935

16 45 2019.01.9.29 Heinrich von Treitschke Fur die Juden (For the Jews)- 1880

16 45 2019.01.9.30 Nationalsozialistische Weltanschauung (Nazi Ideology)- 1932

16 45 2019.01.9.31 Die Nationalsozialistische Herrschaftsordnung Als Warnung Und Lehre (The Nazi Power Structure as a Warning and Teaching)- 1947

16 45 2019.01.9.32 Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion)- 1934

16 45 2019.01.9.33 Ideologie des Zionismus und Nazismus (Ideology of Zionism and Nazism)- 1971

16 46 2019.01.9.34 Das Deutsche ABC (The German ABC)- ND

16 46 2019.01.9.35 Der Judesachlich gesehen (The Jew: Viewed Objectively)- ND

16 46 2019.01.9.36 Das Problem der Ostjuden (The Problem of Eastern Jews)- 1926

16 46 2019.01.9.37 Nie Wieder Verbrechen des Faschismus (Never Again: Crimes of Fascism)- ND

16 46 2019.01.9.38 Wir fahmieden die waffen (We Forge the Weapons)- 1940?

47 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

16 46 2019.01.9.39 10 Stnnden schneller! Unfer Gegenschlag im Norden (10 Hours Faster! Our Impact in the North)- ND

16 46 2019.01.9.40 Siegeszug Onrch Frankfreich (Triumphal March into France)- 1940

16 47 2019.01.9.41- .52 Short stories about the war published by C. Bertelsmann in Gutersloh- likely pro-NS (1942?) No. 67, 71, 72, 74, 77, 79, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92…

16 48 2019.01.9.53- .64 Short stories about the war published by C. Bertelsmann in Gutersloh- likely pro-NS (1942?) …93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109…

16 49 2019.01.9.65-. 75 Short stories about the war published by C. Bertelsmann in Gutersloh- likely pro-NS (1942?) …111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125…

16 50 2019.01.9.76-.82 Short stories about the war published by : Enßlin & Laiblin (1940?) …401, 404, 411, 413, 415, 416, 418

17 BV 2019.01.9.83 Book- Monographien zur deutschen kulturgeschichte: das judentum (Monographs on German Cultural History: Jews in Germany)- 1903

17 BV 2019.01.9.84 Book- Mit Hitler im Westen (With Hitler Against the West), Heinrich Hoffmann – 1940

17 BV 2019.01.9.85 Book- Egmont by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in handwriting (ND)

17 BV 2019.01.9.86 Book- Das Hildebrandlied (The Hildebrand Song) edited by der Landeshauptmann in Hessen (Hessen governor)- 1938

17 BV 2019.01.9.87 Book- Die letzten 28 predigten des pfarrers Martin Niemöller (The last 28 Preached by the Pastor Martin Niemöller) - 1936-7

48 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

17 BV 2019.01.9.88-106 Magazine- Der Schulungsbrief (The Educational Letter) edited by the Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP (1937-1941)- v. 4 no. 9-12; v. 5 no. 1- 5, 12; v. 6 no. 1, 2, 7, 8; v. 8 no. 1/2, 5/6

17 51 2019.01.9.107 Journal- Moselland Kulturpolitische blatter (Moselland: Cultural Political Journal)- April-June 1944

17 51 2019.01.9.108 Small book- Antisemitismus (Antisemitism by J. Heinemann) - 1929

17 51 2019.01.9.109 Small book- Das Wesen des antisemitismus (The Essence of Antisemitism by Felix Goldman) - ND

17 51 2019.01.9.110 Small book- Katholisch Kirche und Judentum (The Catholic Church and Judaism by J.A. Kofler) - 1931

17 52 2019.01.9.111 Exhibition catalogue- Der Malik-Verlag 1916-1947 (The Malik Publishing House 1916-1947)- ND

17 52 2019.01.9.112 Small book-Oranienburg: Erster authentischer Bericht aines aus dem Konzentrationslager Gefluchteten (First Authentic Account of Somebody who Escaped from Oranienburg) - 1934

17 52 2019.01.9.113 Small book-Archiv fur Judenfragen (Archive for Jewish Question) - 1944

17 52 2019.01.9.114 Small book-Judische wirklichkeit heute (Jewish Reality Today by Hans Martin Schwarz) - 1938

17 53 2019.01.9.115 Small book- Theresienstadter Bilder (Theresienstadt Picture by Else Dormitzer) - 1945

17 53 2019.01.9.116 Small book-Die Judische International (The International Jew by Dr. Bruno Weil) - 1924

17 53 2019.01.9.117 Small book- Freimaurerei und Marxismus (Freemasonry and Marxism)- 1932

49 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

17 53 2019.01.9.118 Small book- Hinter Gittern lag die Heimat (Home Behind Bars by H.F. Frederik)- 1946

17 53 2019.01.9.119 Small book- Judentum und Recht (Judaism and the Right by Dr. Hans Geidel)- ND

17 53 2019.01.9.120 Small book- Die Judenfrage in der deutschen Geschichte (The Jewish Question in German History by Wilhelm Grau)-1937

17 54 2019.01.9.121 Small book- Goring, was fallt Thnen ein (Goring, What Occurs to Them! By Martin Gommerfelbt)- 1932

17 54 2019.01.9.122 Small book- Judenhass eine anthologie (Jew hatred: An Anthology)- 1926

17 54 2019.01.9.123 Small book- In Gottes Eigenem Land (In God’s Own Country)- 1943

17 54 2019.01.9.124 Small book- Rasse und Judentum (Race and Judaism by Karl Kautsky)- 1921

17 54 2019.01.9.125 Small book- Das war Buchenwald ein tatsachenbericht (Buchenwald: A Factual Report)- ND

17 55 2019.01.9.126 Small book- Funf Jahre: Not, Flucht, Rettung (Emergency/Problem, Escape, Rescue)- ND

17 55 2019.01.9.127 Die Frithjofs aus dem Attnordischen ubersetzt (The Frithjofs translated from Old Norse)- 1882

17 55 2019.01.9.128 Small book- Dokum,ente zum wiener schutzbundprozess (Documents on the “Wiener/ Schutzbund” Trial by the Commission of Enquiry into the Conditions of Political Prisoners)- ND

50 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

17 55 2019.01.9.129 Small book- Der Weltverschwurerfongress zu Basel (The World Conspiracy Congress in Basel: On the truth of the Zionist Protocols)- 1927

17 55 2019.01.9.130 Small book- Der Rolleftivstaat- das Ziel Rom-Judas einige Beispiele aus der Geschichte (The Collective State- The Aim of Rome-Jews: Some Explanations from History by Hermann Rehwaldt)- 1934

17 55 2019.01.9.131 Betrachtungen zum Ruckerstattungsrecht (Observations on Restitution Law by the Jewish Restitution Successor Organization)- ND

17 55 2019.01.9.132 Small book- Elsass-Lothringen und die Sozialdemofratie (Alsace-Lorraine and Social Democracy by Hermann Wendel and the Social Democrat Party)- 1916

17 55 2019.01.9.133 Small book- Der Bolschewismus und seine Lehren (Bolshevism and its Teachings by Hans Vorst)- 1918/1919

17 55 2019.01.9.134 Small book- Der Betrug am deutschen volk (The Deception of the German People by Freiherr von Liebig)- 1919

17 55 2019.01.9.135 Small book- Die Mache im Weltwahn: Schriften fur echten frieden (False Front in International Delusion: Writings for Real Peace Propaganda and Truth by Ferdinand Avenarius)- ND

17 55 2019.01.9.136 Pamphlet- Neue Enthullungen Judenflinten (New Discoveries: Jewish Guns by Hermann Ahlwardt)- 1892

17 56 2019.01.9.137 Pamphlet- Ahlwardt vor Gericht (Ahlwardt in Court by Rudolf Plact-Podgorski)- 1893

17 56 2019.01.9.138 Unclear- small book of handwritten poems- 1936-8

51 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

17 56 2019.01.9.139 Small book- Abritz der Dererbungs, lehre und Rassenkunde (Summary of Genetics and Race Science by Herman Otto and Werner Stachowitz)- 1937

17 56 2019.01.9.140 Pamphlet- Der antisemitismus keine rassenfrage (Anti-Semitism is Not a Question of Race by Adolf Sommerfeld)- ND

17 56 2019.01.9.141 Small book- Eichmann: Henker, Handlanger, Hintermanner (Eichmann: Hangman, Henchman, Organizer)- ND

17 57 2019.01.9.142 Small Book- Kamps stoffverteilungsplan fur die Grundschule (Lesson Plan for Primary Schools)- 1937

17 57 2019.01.9.143 Small book- Nietzsche Juden Untijuden (Nietsche, Jews, Anti-Jews by Curt von Westernhagen)- ND

17 57 2019.01.9.144 Small book- ANST Gruppe (ANST [Nazi student organization for women] Group)- 1944

17 57 2019.01.9.145 Small book- Kunstler grussen soldaten (Artists Greet Soldiers)-1944

17 57 2019.01.9.146 Small book- An der stechbahn- erlebnisse und berichte aus dem Buro Gruber in den Jahren der Verfolgung (At the Stechbahn: Memories and Records from the Buro Gruber During the Years of Persecution)- 1951

17 58 2019.01.9.147 Book- SS Leitheft (SS Guidebook)- 1938

17 58 2019.01.9.148 Book- Fernaufklarer im Grosseinsatz (Remote Reconnaissance in Large Operation)- 1940

17 58 2019.01.9.149 Small book- Fuhrer durch der Berchtesgadener Landchen (Guide Through the Berchtesgadener Ländchen)- 1907

52 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

17 58 2019.01.9.150-151 Train schedule- The yellow schedule from Fleusburg- 1934

17 58 2019.01.9.152 Pamphlet- Internationaler Volkerbrei oder vereinigte national-staaten europas (International Mix of Peoples or United National States of Europe? By )- 1944?

17 58 2019.01.9.153 Pamphlet- Warum wir kamufen und (Why We Fight and Win)- ND

17 59 2019.01.9.154 Book- Der Wed zum Reich (The Way to the Reich)- ND

17 59 2019.01.9.155 Book- Die Arbeit des GDA 1931 (The Work of the GDA [Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie])- 1932

17 59 2019.01.9.156 Booklet- Des grosste sozialistische aufbauwerk des deutschen volkes (The Largest Socialist Construction of the German People)- 1941

17 59 2019.01.9.157 Booklet- [Illegible] Unsere am Feind (Our Air Force at the Enemy)- ND

17 59 2019.01.9.158 Booklet- Staatliche Museen in Berlin (State Museums in Berlin)- 1934

17 59 2019.01.9.159 Pamphlet- Vierteljahrshefte fur zeitgeschichte (Quarterly Booklets for Contemporary History)- 1961

17 60 2019.01.9.160 Book- Juden sehen didh an (Jews Look at You by Johannes von Leers)- ND

17 60 2019.01.9.161 Book- Die Legende vom Hause Ludendorf (The Legend of Ludendorf House)- 1936

17 60 2019.01.9.162 Small book- Das Lied vom Levi (The Song by Levi by Dr. E. Schwechten)- ND

53 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

17 60 2019.01.9.163 Small book- Volk und Rasse (People and Race)- 1930

17 61 2019.01.9.164 Booklet- Deutches Liederbuch (German songbook)

17 61 2019.01.9.165 Booklet- Der Neue Kampf um Freiheit (The New Battle for Freedom by American Association for a Democratic Germany)- ND

17 61 2019.01.9.166 Booklet- Vom Profeten zum Herrn (From the Prophet to the Lord)- 1944

17 61 2019.01.9.167 Booklet- Wird der Jude uber uns siegen (Will the Jews be Victorious over us?)- 1936

17 61 2019.01.9.168 Booklet- Gift (Poison)- 1942

17 61 2019.01.9.169 Booklet- Die Zukunft der Juden (The Future of the Jews)- 1934

17 61 2019.01.9.170 Pamphlet- Information fur Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten durch die Bremen Emigrant Staging Area (Information for Emigrants to the United States Through the Bremen Emigrant Staging Area)- 1946

18 BV 2019.01.9.171 Bulletins- Reichsgesentzblatt (All Laws Published in this Publication)- 1941: part one pg. 1-801 with 88 page overview

18 BV 2019.01.9.172 Book- Gebirgsjager in griechenland und auf kreta (Mountain in Greece and on Crete)- ND

18 BV 2019.01.9.173 Book- Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion (Secrets of the Elders of Zion)-1919

18 BV 2019.01.9.174 Book- Das Westmark Buch (The Westmark Book)- 1934-5

18 BV 2019.01.9.175 Book- Die Soldaten des Fuhrers im Felde v. I (The Fuhrer’s soldiers in the field)- 1940 3D GLASSES

54 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

18 BV 2019.01.9.176 Book- Narvik im Bild (Narvik in Pictures)- 1941

18 BV 2019.01.9.177 Book- Der Mord an 35,000 Berliner Juden (The Murder of 35,000 Berlin Jews)- 1970

18 62 2019.01.9.178 Die Anfange der religion bei Ariern und Isrealiten (The Beginnings of Religion Among Arabs and Israelites)- 1934

18 62 2019.01.9.179 Alpha Omega: Die Feiertage der Chriften und Juden (Alpha Omega: The Holidays of the Christians and Jews)- 1923

18 63 2019.01.9.180 Book- Ein Psycholog erlbt das KZ (A Psychologist Experiences the Concentration Camp by Viktor Frankl)- 1947

18 63 2019.01.9.181 Book- 10 Jahre kampf um Sera (10 Years: Screened to Fight)- 1933

18 63 2019.01.9.182 Small book- Das deutsche Schicksal und der Often (The Fate of Germany and the East)- 1942

18 63 2019.01.9.183 Book- KZ Mauthausen (Concentration Camp Mauthausen by Simon Wiesenthal)- 1946

18 BV 2019.01.9.184 Book- U- Uber der Ostfront (Over on the East front)- ND

18 BV 2019.01.9.185 Book- 1940-1950 Danmark (Denmark)- 1960- DANISH, GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH

18 BV 2019.01.9.186 Periodical- Kunst dem Volk (The Folk Art)- Jan/Feb 1944

18 BV 2019.01.9.187 Periodical- Kunst dem Volk (The Folk Art)- March/April 1944

18 BV 2019.01.9.188 “Magazine”- Zeitschrift des Deutschen vereins fur kunst-wissenschaft (Magazine of the German Association for Art Research)- 1942

55 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

18 BV 2019.01.9.189 Book- Das Deutsche Volkolied (The German Folk song)- 1948

18 BV 2019.01.9.190 Magazine- Volk und Reich (People and the Reich)- 1936

18 BV 2019.01.9.191-194 Periodical- Die Pause (The Pause)- v. 6 no. 4, 6, 9, ?

18 64 2019.01.9.195 Magazine- Special, Die Deutschen nach der stunde null (Mirror: The Germans after the hour zero)- 1995

18 64 2019.01.9.196 Almanac- Almanach anlasslich der 2. Reichs- theater-festwoche (Empire Theater Festival Week)- ND

18 64 2019.01.9.197 Booklet- Die Umwertung der Wohlfahrtspflege durch den nationalsozialismus (The Revaluation of Welfare by the National Socialism)- 1934

18 65 2019.01.9.198-205 Booklet- Volk v. Rasse (People v(?) Race)- v. 9 no. 1, 3-7; v. 11 no. 4, 9

18 66 2019.01.9.206-207 Booklet- Rasse Monatsschrift fur den Nordischen Gedanken (Race Monthly for the Nordic Thought)- 1940: v. 7, no 1 and 2

18 BV 2019.01.9.208 Book- Wie die Ostmark ihre befreiung erlebre (How the Ostmark was Liberated)- 1938

18 BV 2019.01.9.209 Reden gegen den Antisemitismus, gehalten in den Sitzungen des osterreichischen Abgeordnetenhauses (Speeches against Antisemitism Delivered in the Austrian Parliament)- ND

18 BV 2019.01.9.210 Book- Moderne Rassentheorien (Modern Race Theory)- 1904

18 BV 2019.01.9.211 Book- Der Mythus Hitler (The Myth of Hitler)- 1937

56 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

18 BV 2019.01.9.212 Book- die vorgeschichte des nufftandes von 1910/11 in Ponape (The Prehistory of the 1910/11 Uprising in Ponape)-1912

19 BV 2019.01.9.213 Book- Schwabenland- die illustrierte Heimatzeitschrift fur den Gau Wurttemberg Hohenzollern (Swabia: Illustrated Homeland Journal for the Gau…)- 1940

19 BV 2019.01.9.214 City Council book- Weissenburg i.B.- 1929

19 BV 2019.01.9.215 Magazine- Freude aus Wien (Joy from Vienna)- 1945 GERMAN, ENGLISH, RUSSIAN

19 BV 2019.01.9.216 Book- Adolf Hitler: Bilder aus dem Leben des Fuhrer (Photos of the Life of the Fuhrer)- 1935

19 BV 2019.01.9.217 Book- Olympia 1936 pt. 1: Die Olympischen Winterpiele vorschau auf Berlin (The Winter Olympics Preview on Berlin)- 1936

19 BV 2019.01.9.218 Book- Olympia 1936 pt. 2: Die Olympischen Winterpiele vorschau auf Berlin (The Winter Olympics preview on Berlin)- 1936

19 BV 2019.01.9.219-224 Book- pt. 1-6 (1961)

19 BV 2019.01.9.225 Book- Arztschreiber in Buchenwald (Physician in Buchenwald by Walter Poller)- 1947

19 BV 2019.01.9.226 Yearbook- Ufademie fur Deutsches Recht (Academy for German Law)- 1933/4

19 BV 2019.01.9.227 Book- Die Öffentlichkeit Verleumder (The Public Defamation)- 1937

19 BV 2019.01.9.228 Cartoon book- Simmel Sanatorium by Paul Simmel- ND

19 BV 2019.01.9.229 Book- Haftling X in der Holle auf Erden (Prisoner X: In Hell on Earth)- 1946

57 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

19 BV 2019.01.9.230 Book- Ich war Nr. 10291 (I was number 10291 by Jenny Spitzer)- ND

19 BV 2019.01.9.231 Book- Opfergang der generale (Victims of the Gang by Josef Folttmann)- 1959

19 BV 2019.01.9.232 Song Book- 118 Volkslieder fur vierst. Gemischten crzor (118 German Folk Songs: War Edition)- ND

19 BV 2019.01.9.233 Book- Baldur und Bibel: Meltbervegende neue Enthullungen uber Jesus, Bibel und germanische kultur im biblilchen kanaan (Baldor and Bible: World-shaking Discoveries about Jesus, the Bible, and Germanic Culture in Biblical Kanaan)- 1920

19 BV 2019.01.9.234 Book- Forschungen zur judenfrage volume 7 (Research on the Jewish Question)- 1943

19 BV 2019.01.9.235 Book- O Buchenwald by Julius Freund- 1945

19 BV 2019.01.9.236 Illegible title- book by thye Centralverein deutscher Staatsburger judischen Glaubens (Central Organization of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith) that counters Anti-Semitic arguments- ND

20 BV 2019.01.9.237-257 Monthly publication- Die Kunst im Dritten Reich (The Art of the Third Reich)- 1937-1942: v. 3 no. 1- 11; v. 4 no. 1, 2, 11; v. 6 no. 5, 10, v. 2 no. 3, 4, 8, 7, 12; v.? no. 10

20 BV 2019.01.9.258 Magazine- Freude und Arbeit (Joy and Work) v. 4 no. 9- ND

20 BV 2019.01.9.259 Magazine- Die Woche (The Week)-1938 v. 4. No. 18

20 BV 2019.01.9.260 Magazine- Die Erzahlung (The Tales)- 1930

20 BV 2019.01.9.261 Magazine- Kunst dem Volk (Folk Art)- 1930

58 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

20 BV 2019.01.9.262 Book- Die Schuldluge und das diktat von Versailles im Urteil fuhrender Geister Deutschlands und des Auslandes (The Blame Lie and the Treaty of Versailles in Judging the Leading Minds in Germany and Abroad)- ND

20 BV 2019.01.9.263 Book- Hindenburg als Reichsprasident (Hindenburg as Reich President)- 1934

20 BV 2019.01.9.264 Book- Neue Deutsche Baukunst (New German Architecture by )- 1941

20 BV 2019.01.9.265 Book- Widmung (Dedication)- ND

20 BV 2019.01.9.266 Book- Glaube und Geschichte (Faith and History: A Religious Studies Examination of German Protestantism by Wihelm Brachmann)- 1941

20 BV 2019.01.9.267 Book- Tams Reise durch die judische Marchenmelt (Tom’s Travel through the Jewish Fairy Tale World)- 1922

20 BV 2019.01.9.268 Book- Sozial-demokratische partei deutschlands protokoll (Social Democratic Party of Germany Protocols)-1917

20 BV 2019.01.9.269 Book- Antwort eines Deutschen (Response of a German)- 1950

20 BV 2019.01.9.270 Book- Amerikas Glaube an Deutschland (America Believe in Germany)- 1931

20 BV 2019.01.9.271 Book- Geopfertes Volk (Sacrificed Nation: The Downfall of Polish Jewry)- 1946

20 BV 2019.01.9.272 Book- Ich Kann nicht schweigen (I Cannot Remain Silent)- 1939

20 BV 2019.01.9.273 Book- Ein Trupp SA (SA: A Squad)- 1933

59 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

20 BV 2019.01.9.274 Book- Ein Deutcher ohne Deutschland (Germany without a German)- ND

20 BV 2019.01.9.275 Book- Wesen und Beziehung (Housing and Relationship by Carl Feinkarn)- ND

21 BV 2019.01.9.276-278 Book- Die Verwaltung-Akademie v. I, II, III (The Administration Academy: A State Guide for Officials)- ND

21 BV 2019.01.9.279 Phonebook- Fernsprechbuch fur Berlin- 1946

21 BV 2019.01.9.280 Das Schicksalsbuch des deutschen Volks (The Fate of the German People)- 1930

21 BV 2019.01.9.281 Yearbook- Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das Deutshe Reich (Statistical Yearbook for the German by the Reich Statistical Office)- 1928

22 BV 2019.01.9.282-291 Nationalsozialistische Parteikorrespondenz (National Socialist Party Correspondence)- 1935-6. 27(35), 101(35), 150(35), 177(35), 256(35), 27(36), 52(36), 77(36), 150(36)

23 BV 2019.01.9.292-293 Nationalsozialistische Parteikorrespondenz (National Socialist Party Correspondence)- 1935-6. 177(36), 256(36)

23 BV 2019.01.9.294 Book- Einweihung der Mahn-und Gedenkstatte Ravensbruck (Inauguration of the Ravensbruck Memorial)-1959

23 BV 2019.01.9.295 Book- Deutschland sein oder nicht sein? V. I (Germany: To Be or Not to Be)- 1944

23 BV 2019.01.9.296 Book- Deutschland sein oder nicht sein? V. II (Germany: To Be or Not to Be)- 1944

23 BV 2019.01.9.297 Book- Die Rechtsprechung des Landesarbeitgerichts Berlin 1927-1932 (The Case Law of the Labor Court of Berlin)- ND

60 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

23 BV 2019.01.9.298 Book- Christentum und Judentum (Christianity and Judaism)- 1940

23 BV 2019.01.9.299 Book- Das Judische Jugenbuch (The Jewish Youth Book)- 1920

23 BV 2019.01.9.300 Book- Das lustige Buch furs judische Kind (The Funny Book for Jewish Children)- 1926

23 BV 2019.01.9.301 Book- Erzablungen und Marchen fur die Jugend (Narratives and Fairy Tales for the Youth)- 1936

23 BV 2019.01.9.302 Misc. newspaper clippings 1939-1940

23 BV 2019.01.9.303 Calendar- Kalender des Deutschen metal arbeiters (Calendar of the German Metal Workers)- 1940

23 BV 2019.01.9.304 Book- Wir Olln Helfen dem Fuhrer (We all Help the Fuhrer)-1939

23 BV 2019.01.9.305 Book- Mein Bruder Horst (My Brother Horst)-1939

23 BV 2019.01.9.306 Book- Junge Gefolgschaft Neue Lieder der Hitlerjugend (Young Followers: New Songs of the )- 1938

23 BV 2019.01.9.307 Book- Abenland und Bolschewismus (Occident and Bolshevism)- 1941

23 BV 2019.01.9.308 Book- Dollar-Imperialismus (Dollar Imperialism)- 1942

24 67 2019.01.9.309 Magaine- Der Schulungsbrief no. 4 (The Training Letter- published by NSDAP)- 1940

24 67 2019.01.9.310 Letter from one Nazi official to another concerning Christmas and New Year celebrations- 1940

24 67 2019.01.9.311 Letter from a Nazi author- 1932

61 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

24 67 2019.01.9.312 Ad regarding Wilfried Otten’s book “Schwarz-rot- gold oder Hakenkreuz” (German flag or Swastika?)- ND

24 67 2019.01.9.313-319 Letters regarding Wilfried Otten’s book “Schwarz- rot-gold oder Hakenkreuz” (German flag or Swastika?)- ND

24 67 2019.01.9.320 Anti-Communist Nazi leaflets- ND 1938?

24 67 2019.01.9.321 Ad/ subscription card for the Nazi publishing house “Verlag Frende und Arbeit” (Publisher Joy and Work) - GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH- ND

24 67 2019.01.9.322 NSDAP Letterhead from the city of Limburg- ND

24 68 2019.01.9.323 Newspaper- Special edition of the Nazi’s “Westdeutscher Beobachter” (West German observer)-1938?

24 68 2019.01.9.324 Letter by local NSDAP leader from Freising (Munich) containing anti-Nazi leaflets-1942

24 68 2019.01.9.325 Certification for receiving a medal (Eisernes Kreuz) by the High Command and Hitler

24 68 2019.01.9.326 Booklet- Das judische schicksal ist auch das deutsche schicksal (The Jewish Fate is the German Fate)- 1962

24 68 2019.01.9.327 Booklet- In Rumanien und Bulgarien (In and Bulgaria)- ND

24 68 2019.01.9.328 Booklet- Wege zur verstandigung der Judenhak (Pathways to Understanding the Jews)- 1924

24 68 2019.01.9.329 Booklet- Evangelische Kirche und Judentum (Protestant Church and Judaism)- ND

24 68 2019.01.9.330 Book- Religiose Erneuerung (Religious Renewal)- 1937

62 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

24 69 2019.01.9.331 Booklet- Westwall wall der Herzen (Western Boarder: Wall of the Hearts)- 1940

24 69 2019.01.9.332 Booklet- De gehele wereld Moet hun de methoden Weten (All Need to Know their Methods)- ND

24 69 2019.01.9.333 Booklet- Die Juden und Wir (The Jew and Us)-1930

24 69 2019.01.9.334 Booklet- Das antisemitische Hauptdogma (Antisemitic Dogma)- 1914

24 69 2019.01.9.335 Booklet- Emigrantenballade (Emigrant Ballad)- 1939

24 70 2019.01.9.336 Booklet- Der Jude als Weltparasit (The Jew as a World Parasite)-1944

24 70 2019.01.9.337 Booklet- Der Jude ist der Parasit des Bauerntums (The Jew is the Parasite of the Peasantry)- ND

24 70 2019.01.9.338 Booklet- Fahnen im Sturm (Flags in the Storm)- 1937

24 70 2019.01.9.339 Booklet- Eichmannprozess (Eichmann Trial)-ND

24 71 2019.01.9.340 Report- Bericht uber die tatigkeit der judischen kultusgemeinde prag fur das jahr 1942 (Report on the Activities of Prague Jewish Community for the Year 1942)- 1942

24 71 2019.01.9.341 Book- das Antlitz des Fuhrers (The Countenance of the Leader by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1939

24 71 2019.01.9.342 Book- Ich Kampfe (I Fight)- 1943

24 72 2019.01.9.343 Book- Diesseits=Religion (This World Religion)- 1934

24 72 2019.01.9.344 Book- Das Reich als Aufgabe (The Reich as Challenge)- 1940

63 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

24 72 2019.01.9.345 Book- Auf Allen Ozeanen Deutsche Handelsstorer, der Schrecken Englands (On All Oceans: German Pochet Raiders The Horror of England)- 1941

24 73 2019.01.9.346 Book- Judische Flieger im Weltfrieg (Jewish Airman in World War)- 1924

24 73 2019.01.9.347 Book- Hitler Wie Ihn Keiner Kennt (Hitler Like You’ve Never…)- ND

24 BV 2019.01.9.348 Photobook- Mit Hitler im Westen (With Hitler in the West by Heinrich Hoffmann)- ND

24 BV 2019.01.9.349 Photobook- Jugend um Hitler (Hitler Youth by Heinrich Hoffmann)-ND

24 BV 2019.01.9.350 Photobook- Fur Hitler Bis Narvik (For Hitler to Narvick by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1941

24 BV 2019.01.9.351 Photobook- Dr. Robert Ley mit dem deutschen Arbeiter zum Fuhrer (Dr. Ley and his work with the Fuhrer by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1940

24 BV 2019.01.9.352 Photobook- Ein Volk ehrt seinen Fuhrer (One Nation Honors its Fuhrer by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1939

24 BV 2019.01.9.353 Photobook- Hitler in Bohmen-Mahren-memel (Hitler in Bohemia-Moravia Region by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1939

24 BV 2019.01.9.354 Photobook- Hitler baut grossdeutscland (Hitler Germany is Building Large by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1938

24 BV 2019.01.9.355 Photobook- Hitler in Leinen Bergen (Hitler in his pose by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1938

24 BV 2019.01.9.356 Photobook- Hitler in seiner Heimat (Hitler in his Homeland by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1938

64 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

24 BV 2019.01.9.357 Photobook- Hitler arbeits vom Alltag (Hitler Away from Everyday by Heinrich Hoffmann)- 1937

24 BV 2019.01.9.358 Book- Gedenkbuch der untergegangenen judengemeinden mahrens (Commemorative book of the Fallen Jewish communities in Moravia)- 1974

24 BV 2019.01.9.359 Book- Die Juden in der Karikatur (The Jews in Cartoons: A Contribution to Cultural History)- 1921

24 BV 2019.01.9.360 Book- Hitler in der karikatur der Welt (Cartoon of Hitler in the World)- 1933

24 BV 2019.01.9.361 Book- Das Dritten Reich 1918-1933 (The Third Reich 1918-1933)-1936

24 BV 2019.01.9.362 Book- Zeit ohne gnade (Time without Mercy)- 1946

24 BV 2019.01.9.363 Book- Bur Judenfrage nach den uften des prozesses (Jews Ask for the Opening of Trials)- 1886

24 BV 2019.01.9.364 Book- Die Juden und der antisemitismus- Israel unter den nationen (The Jews and Antisemitism: Israel Among the Nations)- 1893

24 BV 2019.01.9.365 Book- Judenverfolgung im Dritten Reich (Jewish Persecution During the Third Reich)- 1960

24 BV 2019.01.9.366 Book- Generalgouvernement (General Government)- 1943

25 BV 2019.01.9.367-376 Nationalsozialistische Parteikorrespondenz (National Socialist Party Correspondence)- 1935-6. 1(35), 51(35), 77(35), 125(35, 229(35), 281(35), 1(36), 101(36), 125(36), 203(36)

26 BV 2019.01.9.377 Nationalsozialistische Parteikorrespondenz (National Socialist Party Correspondence)- no. 287 1933

65 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

26 BV 2019.01.9.378 Rulebook- Schriften fur wirtschaft und statistik (Rules of Economics and Statistics)- 1928 GERMAN &YIDDISH/HEBREW

26 BV 2019.01.9.379 Collection of files- Die Geheimakten des franzosischen Generalstabes (The Secret Files of the French General Staff)- 1941

26 74 2019.01.9.380 Booklet- Die Reden Hitlers am Parteitag der Freiheit 1935 (Hitler’s Speeches at the Freedom Party Congress)- 1935

26 74 2019.01.9.381 Booklet- Nurnberg die rededes englischen hauptanklage-vertreters (Nuremburg: All the Talk of the English Accusatory Representative)- 1946

26 74 2019.01.9.382 Booklet- Die Reden Hitlers als kanzler (Hitler’s speeches as Chancellor)- 1934

26 74 2019.01.9.383 Booklet- Rede des Fuhrer und Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler vor dem Reichstag am 30 Januar 1937 (Speech by the Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, before the Reichstag)- 1937

26 74 2019.01.9.384 Booklet- Abgeblizt Untworten auf Theologengestammel (Rebuffed: Answers to Theologians Stammering)- 1937

26 75 2019.01.9.385 Book- : Das Dritte Reich und seine Morder (Heinrich Himmler: The Third Reich and his Murders)- 1960

26 75 2019.01.9.386 Broadside- Ein tagebuch fur Anne Frank (A Diary for Anne Frank)- 1959

26 75 2019.01.9.387 Booklet- Die Waffen-SS- 1960

26 75 2019.01.9.388 Book- Schwarzbuch uber das Bauernlegen in Westdeutschland (Black book: About the Farmer in West Germany)- 1960

66 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

26 75 2019.01.9.389 Booklet- Volkswirtschaft fur Jedermann (National Economy for Everyone)- 1942

26 76 2019.01.9.390 Booklet- Sprechubungen sprich lauterein und richtig (Speaking Exercises: Speak Loud and Correctly)- 1932

26 76 2019.01.9.391 Booklet- Heinrich Heine und der Sozialismus (Heinrich Heine and Socialism by Gottfried Salomon)- 1919

26 76 2019.01.9.392 Booklet- Partei und Revolution (Party and the Revolution)- 1921

26 76 2019.01.9.393 Journal- zeitschrift fur Rassenkunde und die gesamte Forschung am Menschen (Magazine for Race Science and all Human Research)- 1938

26 76 2019.01.9.394 Booklet- Zeugen der Wahrheit Kampfer des Rechts gegen den Nationalsozialismus (Testify to the Truth: Fighters Against National Socialism)- 1900

26 76 2019.01.9.395 Book- Gottesdienst und Gottersagen der Germanen (Worship of the Germanic Gods say)-1941

26 76 2019.01.9.396 Calendar- Spemanns Musik-Kalender 1933 (Spemanns Music-Calendar)- 1933

26 76 2019.01.9.397 Script- Mysterium Crucis geheimnis des kreuzes ein schauspiel aus der zeit der ersten christen (Mystery of the Cross: a Play from the Time of the First Christians)- 1930

26 77 2019.01.9.398 Booklet- Saint-Simon und der Sozialismus (Saint Simon and Socialism by Gottfried Salomon)- 1919

26 77 2019.01.9.399 Booklet- Robert Owen und der Sozialismus (Robert Owen and Socialism by Gottfried Salomon) - 1919

67 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

26 77 2019.01.9.400 Booklet- Lassalle und der Sozialismus (Lassalle and Socialism by Gottfried Salomon)- 1919

26 77 2019.01.9.401 Book- Kampf gegen den westen (Fight Against the West)-1941?

26 77 2019.01.9.402 Booklet- Urlauber aus Europa (Holidaymakers from Europe)- 1943

26 77 2019.01.9.403 Songbook- Das Neue Soldaten Liederbuch (The new Soldier Songbook)- ND

26 77 2019.01.9.404 Pamphlet- Hitlers Krieg in Spanien (Hitler’s War in Spain)- ND

26 77 2019.01.9.405 Pamphlet- Schwedische personlichkeiten: Raoul Wallenberg (Swedish Personalities: Raoul Wallenberg)- 1988

26 BV 2019.01.9.406-419 Soldbuch (German military ID cards)- 7 military used, 7 Luftwaffe used

26 BV 2019.01.9.420 Soldbuch (German military ID cards)- 10 unused

26 BV 2019.01.9.421-430 Wehrpass (German military conscript ID cards)- 10 used, 17 blank

26 BV 2019.01.9.431 Wehrpass (German military conscript ID cards)- 17 blank

26 78 2019.01.9.432-434 Loose photos from the Wehrpass and Soldbuch

26 78 2019.01.9.435-436 Reichskarte fur Urblauber (Vacation ration cards)- ND

26 78 2019.01.9.437 Driver’s License document- kleiner wehrmacht führerschein (Small Wehrmacht driver's license)- ND

68 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

26 78 2019.01.9.438 Blank information card-Begleitzettel für Verwundete und andere chirurgisch zu Behandelnde (Accompanying Note for Wounded and other Surgically Treated), 3 total- ND

26 78 2019.01.9.439 Book- Die franzosische Feuchtlingstragodie (The French Refugee Tragedy)- 1941

26 78 2019.01.9.464 Pamphlet- Deutsche Finanzpolitik (German Fiscal Policy)- ND

26 BV 2019.01.9.440 Book- Hirtenrufe des erzbischofs grober in (Shepherd’s Call of the Archbishop in Rough Times)- 1947

26 BV 2019.01.9.441 Book- Die Moor-Soldaten (The Moor Soldier by Wolfgang Langhoff)- 1935

26 BV 2019.01.9.442 Book- Der Niedergang des rechts im dritten reich (The Demise of the Right in the Third Reich by Wilhelm Puschel)- 1947

26 BV 2019.01.9.443 Book- England wollte Feinen Frieden (England Did Not Want Peace by Hans Wilhelm Thost)- 1941

26 BV 2019.01.9.444 Book- Hitlers weg, eine historisch-politische studie uber den nationalsozialismus (Hitler’s Way: A Historical-Political Study of NS)- 1932

26 BV 2019.01.9.445 Book- Ausgewählt Reden des Fuhrers und seiner Mitarbeiter (Some Selected Speeches of the Fuhrers)- 1937

26 BV 2019.01.9.446 Book- Reubau des deutschen Reiches (New Building of the German Reich by Oswald Spengler)- 1924

26 BV 2019.01.9.447 Book- Wir greifen England an! (We are Attacking England)- 1940

69 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

26 BV 2019.01.9.448 Book- Briefe aus dem Gefangnis (Letters from Prison by Rosa Luxemburg)- 1929

26 BV 2019.01.9.449 Book- Hitler regiert (Hitler Ruled by Hans Wendt)- 1933

26 BV 2019.01.9.450 Binder- Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine 1939-1945 (The German Navy 1939-1945) v. I

26 BV 2019.01.9.451 Binder- Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine 1939-1945 (The German Navy 1939-1945) v. II

26 BV 2019.01.9.452 Binder- Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine 1939-1945 (The German Navy 1939-1945) v. III

27 BV 2019.01.9.453 Book- Deutschland zur Luft unter mitarbeit fuhrender personlichkeiten der deutschen Luftfahrt (Air to Germany: Leading Personalities of German Aviation by Wulf Bley)- 1936

27 BV 2019.01.9.454 Book- Europa Handbuch der politischen wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Entwicklung des neuen Europa (European handbook of the Political Economic and Cultural Development of the New Europe by Herausgegeben)- 1943

27 BV 2019.01.9.455 Book- Der Weltbolschewismus ein internationals Gemeinschaftswerk uber die bolschewistische Wuhlarbeit und die Umsturzversuche der Komintern in allen Landern (World Bolshevism an International Joint Work on the Bolshevik Rife and the Attempts to Overthrow the Comintern in all Countries by Adolf Ehrt)- 1936

27 BV 2019.01.9.456 Book- Der Kampf in Westen die soldaten des Fuhrers im Felde v. II (The Fuhrer’s Soldiers in the Field)- 1940 3D GLASSES

27 BV 2019.01.9.457 Book- Papsttum und Germanenwelt im Fruhen Mittelalter (Papacy and the Germanic World in the Early Middle Ages by Alfred Kolenberg)- 1939

70 Series 9, German-language materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

27 BV 2019.01.9.458 Book- Antisemitismus der Welt in Wort und Bild (World Antisemitism in Word and Picture by Robert Rorber and Theodor Bugel)-1937

27 BV 2019.01.9.459 Book- Waffen und schiesstechnischer leitfaden fur die ordnungspolizei (Weapons and Technical Shooting Guide by Karl Fischer)-1944

27 BV 2019.01.9.460 Book- Verzeichnis der rechtsanwälte, notare, und Gerichtsvollzieher (Directory of Lawyers, Notaries, and Baliffs)- 1932

27 BV 2019.01.9.461 Book- Unser Weg: vom werden einer hitlerjugend- schar (Our Way: From Becoming a Hitler Youth- Sharp by Eugen Frieder Bartelmas)- 1929

27 BV 2019.01.9.462 Map book- Berlin in der Tasche auf 52 karten (Berlin in your Pocket with 52 Maps)- 1900

27 BV 2019.01.9.463 Booklet- Das Lied der Getreuen (The Song of the Faithful by Baldur von Schirach)-1938

71 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 10, Yiddish and Hebrew materials

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

29 BV 2019.01.10.1 Book- The Jewish Writers Martyred by the Soviet (1962)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.2 Book- Kalifornier Shriften: Devoted to Literature and Historio-social studies, on the occasion of the centennial of Jewish Life in California (1955)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.3 Book-Studies in History VIII: The Socialist Movement among the Jews up to 1897 (1939)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.4 Book- Echoes of Grodno (1966)- SPANISH & YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.5 Book- Ashes & Fire: Through the Ruins of Poland (1946)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.6 Book- The Pure Aryan (1959)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.7 Book- The Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Jewish Community of Buczacz, edited by Israel Cohen (1968)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.8 Book- Kol Ya'akov Innovations and Notes on Messi Baba Batra and Gitin by the Heads of the Matiba and the students of our Yeshiva- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.9 Book- The Ladies League- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.10 Book- Hillel Zeidman Warsaw Ghetto Diary- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.11 Book- Maimonides: A Biography Book by Abraham Joshua Heschel- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.12 Book- Vilnius Ghetto (1946)- YIDDISH

72 29 BV 2019.01.10.13 Book- Two Memoirs by Abraham Marewski- YIDDISH 2 copies

29 BV 2019.01.10.14 Book- The Dead Dance by B. Kellerman- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.15 Book- In the revenge forest by Baruch Levine and Aaron Meirowitz- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.16 Book- And the Crooked Shall be Made Straight- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.17 Book- History of the Jews in Warsaw by Dr. Jacob Shatzky- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.18 Book- In Farkychouftn Land fun legendarn Djougachvili- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.19 Book-Antisemitism and in Ukraine (1923)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.20 Book- The Memorial Martyr and Fighter: Warsaw Ghetto (1950)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.21 Book- Reporting from the Warsaw Ghetto by Peretz Opochinsky- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.22 Book- The Hitleristic Politics of Jews: Extermination- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.23 Book- Israel Defense- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.24 Book- Destruction and Resistance by Chaim Lazar (1950)- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.25 Book- Poems of the Catastrophe by Kadye Molodovsky (1962)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.26 Book- Legends of the Land: Fairytales and Rumors from the Land of Israel- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.27 Book- Anne Frank Diary June 12, 1942- August 1, 1944- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.28 Book- The Jewish Breichan in Vichy in the last half

73 century- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.29 Book- The Uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto (1963)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.30 Book- Fighting Back” - Lithuanian Jewry's Armed Resistance to the Nazis 1941-1945 by Dov Levin (1985)- HEBREW

29 BV 2019.01.10.31 Book- Literary Creations in the Ghetto and Camps – YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.32 Book- The Uprising and the Warsaw Ghetto (1963)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.33 Book- The Word of Resurrection and Victory: Collection of Underground Papers Published by French Organizations in Nazi Occupied France 1940-1944- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.34 Book- Yiddish Writings: Literary Collection (1946)- YIDDISH

29 BV 2019.01.10.35 Book- Lithuanian State Register by Simon Dubnow- HEBREW

30 BV 2019.01.10.36 Book- The Fight Against Captivity by Alexander Glantz (2007)- HEBREW

30 BV 2019.01.10.37 Book- Cities and Towns in the History of the Jews in Russia and the Ukraine (1948)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.38 Book- Cities and Mothers in Israel: A Memorial to the Communities of Israel that were destroyed by tyrants during WWII- HEBREW

30 BV 2019.01.10.39 Book- The Black Book of Soviet Jewry by Vasily Grossman (1984)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.40 Book- The Holocaust and Resurrection of the Jews (1948)-YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.41 Book- Ghetto Scriptures v. 1- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.42 Book- Ghetto Scriptures v. 2- YIDDISH


30 BV 2019.01.10.43 Book- Holocaust Remembrance of Warsaw Drawings (1948)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.44 Book- Against the Nazi Hate Story 1939-1945 (1961)- HEBREW

30 BV 2019.01.10.45 Book-In a World of Laughter: New York and the Teachers’ Seminary 2007- HEBREW

30 BV 2019.01.10.47 Book- A Guide to Naturalization- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.48 Book- The Nazi’s Jewish Daughter- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.49 Book- Balzac- HEBREW

30 BV 2019.01.10.50 Book- Knowing the Black and White Days by Dr. Dvorzhetsky (1970)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.51 Book- Scroll of Poland- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.52 Book- In The Enchanted Land: My Seven Years in Soviet Russia Moshe Grossman (1949)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.53 Book- 1917: War, Peace, and Revolution in Vitebsk- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.54 Book- by Shmerke Kaczerginski- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.55 Book- Memoirs and Writings of a Bialysoker (1984)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.56 Book- Tsvishn ruinen un rushtovanyes by Moshe Schulstein (1949)- YIDDISH

30 BV 2019.01.10.57 Book- When I will be Small Again (1950)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.58 Book- Ghetto in Flames (1944)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.59 Book- The Children of Terezin- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.60 Book- Life and Destruction in Bialystok Ghetto (1946)- YIDDISH

75 31 BV 2019.01.10.61 Book- Poland After the Liberation- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.62 Book- Chapters in History of Partisan Action 1939- 1945 by Moshe Kaskheim- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.63 Book- Jewish Prints in Poland (1949)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.64 Book- We Warn: The Hitlerist Crimes Should not be Forgotten (1965)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.64 Book- Prophecies- HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.65 Book- Rise Up (1956)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.66 Book-Years Past, Years Unforgettable (1960)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.67 Book- The Jewish Daughters of Toledo by Leanne Feuerwanger- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.68 Book- Sanctity and Heroism, Faith, and Confidence- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.70 Book- Oshṿienṭshim (Auschwitz) by (1950)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.71 Book- Customs and Halacha: The Essence and Origins of Several Practices in the Life of the House of Israel- HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.72 Book- In of Haman the Second by Judah Feld (1954)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.73 Book- Sasem for the Sacred Communities of Zion and the environment- HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.74 Book- Dead Jewish Artists in Poland (1957)- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.75 Book- Testimony and Memory Book (1983)- HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.76 Book- The annals of the community of Czarnikau (Czarnkow) by Posner- HEBREW

76 31 BV 2019.01.10.77 Book- Facing the Nazi Enemy 1939-1945 (1967)- HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.78 Book- Torn Chains (1943) - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.79 Book-The Uprising in the Bialystok Ghetto (1950) - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.80 Magazine-Historical and Social - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.81 Book-To Remember the Fallen Guards and Laborers in the Land of Israel - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.82 Book-Unknown - HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.83 Book-Book of Psalms - HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.84 Book- Small World- YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.85 Book-Telegram Island: Events and Information in Paintings - HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.86 Book-Belzec - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.87 Book-Ruins Tell…About the Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.88 Book-Unknown - HEBREW

31 BV 2019.01.10.89 Book- Song of My Days - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.90 Book-Unknown

31 BV 2019.01.10.91 Book-Shadows of the Warsaw Ghetto - YIDDISH

31 BV 2019.01.10.92 Book-Unknown

77 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 BV 2019.01.11.1 Manuscript- Under Two Dictators by Margarete Buber (1949)

32 BV 2019.01.11.2 Dissertation- The International Protection of Refugees (1955)- GERMAN

32 BV 2019.01.11.3 Journal- Survey Midmonthly- Flight to Freedom for DP’s (1948)

32 79 2019.01.11.4 Memorandum- UN Economic and Social Council- Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems (1950)

32 79 2019.01.11.5 Magazine- Judische Illustrierte: Die neue Heimat: Chile (1961)- GERMAN

32 79 2019.01.11.6 Pamphlet- Why are they Still There?: Europe’s Displaced Persons (1949)

32 79 2019.01.11.7 Pamphlet- Committee for Overseas Relief Supplies in Action published by the Committee for Overseas Relief Supplies (1946)

32 79 2019.01.11.8 Star and newspaper clipping- Yellow Star which the Jews in France were forced to Wear during the Occupation + Les Chant des Deportes (ND)- FRENCH

32 79 2019.01.11.9 Booklet- Briefing Book for Asylum and Withholding of Deportation (1987)

33 BV 2019.01.11.10 Folder entitled “Chicago Conference April 1949” containing materials from conferences, contact information, national memos from various state-led organizations on refugees and displaced persons. Includes info from the IRO, the committee on Resettlement of Displaced Persons, the Displaced Persons Commisssion, the United Service for New Americans- 43 documents total (1948-1949)

78 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 1, Unitarian Service Committee

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 BV 2019. Magazine- The Christian Register Unitarian (1944- 1949)- Vol. 123 no. 10, Vol. 125 no. 1, Vol. 127 No. 4, 5, 7, Vol. 128 No. 2

32 BV 2019. Newsletters- World Service- Unitarian Service Committee (1945-1949)- 74 newsletters total

32 80 2019. Notice- Continuous Clothing Collection (1945)

32 80 2019. Donor pamphlet- Unitarian Service Committee Report “Yes or No?” (ND)

32 80 2019. Report- USC “The Second Mile” (1941-1942)

32 80 2019. Journal Article- Christian Charity: the USC’s Relief Activities on Behalf of Refugees from Nazism 1940-5 by Haim Genizi published by Holocaust and Genocide Studies Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 261-276 (1987)

32 80 2019. Reprint of the Christian Register- The USC in World War II (1946)

32 80 2019. Report- 1948 USC Activity Report (1948)

32 80 2019. Reference Material on USC Medical Missions 1945-1948 (1948)

32 80 2019. Catalogue- Unitarian Workcamps: Summer Volunteer Service Projects (1948)

32 80 2019. Pamphlet- Information regarding the USC

32 80 2019. Catalogue- Unitarian Workcamps: Summer Volunteer Service Projects (1949)

32 81 2019. Pamphlet- Will you Starve that They Be Better Fed? (1944)

79 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 1, Unitarian Service Committee

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 81 2019. Pamphlet- “…to foil this ghastly plot…”: How the USC aids Europe’s Prisoners of Hope (1945)

32 81 2019. Report- USC Annual Report (1947)

32 81 2019. Pamphlet- Why I Became a Unitarian (1946)

32 81 2019. Brochures and other promotional material (1945- 1949)- 22 total

32 BV 2019. Folder of documents relating to USC’s professional resettlement program (1948)

80 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 2, United Service for New Americans

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 82 2019. Year End Report- The USNA Story: A Summing- Up, 1933-1953 of 20 Years of Service to Jewish Refugees (1954)

32 82 2019. Report- Community Services to New Americans (1950)

32 82 2019. Booklet- Composite List of Cooperating Agencies and Individuals in the US of USNA (1949)

32 BV 2019. Manual- Manual of Policies: Family Service Department (1947)

32 BV 2019. Booklet- Technical Reference Materials for the Practitioner concerned with Pre-Migration Planning, Americanization and Naturalization, Alien Statues, Jeopardy and Deportation (1953)

81 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 3, American Joint Distribution Committee

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 BV 2019. Informational binder- The Joint Distribution Committee Conference: Introductory Course on Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation Overseas (1943)

32 BV 2019. Book- Proceedings of the Welfare Conference (1959)

32 83 2019. AJDC Annual Report (1968)

32 83 2019. Country Report- AJDC Country Directors Conference: Germany (1954)

32 83 2019. Country Report- AJDC Country Directors Conference: Germany (1953)

32 83 2019. Letters from the JDC (1970-71)

82 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 4, Materials Collected and Compiled by Friedl Reifer

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 BV 2019. Binder of newspaper clippings related to refugee assistance and immigration policies (1946-1947)- 38 total some in GERMAN, some in ENGLISH

32 BV 2019. Friedl’s folder of documents regarding logistics (health and medical info, budgeting, etc.) from 1960-61 as well as termination info due to lack of activity in the area to which she was assigned (1962). Notably- 1959 Annual HIAS Report and HIAS Staff handbook; “Immigration, Reception, Integration opportunities for Jewish Immigrants in Chile” (1960-1962)- 100 pages total

32 BV 2019. Folder- entitled “FSAA CENSUS- Mrs. Reifer 04452,” contains variety of newspaper clippings, memos, meeting minutes, personal letters, and NGO-published materials refugee assistance and immigration policies from HIAS, IRO, IRC, and others. Notably- 1944 Suggestions made by the Committee on Camp Morale regarding the camps to be established for DPs in Europe; 1945 Notes and Information on the Project for Immigration of DPs in American Occupied Zones of Germany and ; Spring 1946 Estimate of the number of DPs in Europe, by nationality (1944-1975)- 38 documents total some in GERMAN, some in ENGLISH

32 84 2019. Group of documents, newspapers, letters, etc. regarding JDC, USNA, and HIAS. Notably- hand- drawn map of DP Camps in US Zone German 1947. (1954-1959)- 35 documents total some in GERMAN, some in ENGLISH, some in FRENCH

32 85 2019. Booklet- Die Haager Vertragswerke (The Hague Treaties) by Dr. H.G. Van Dam (ND)- GERMAN

32 85 2019. Booklet- The Jews of Germany (ND)

83 Series 11.4, Friedl Reifer, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 86 2019. Envelope of letters- thank you letters to Friedl- 24 letters total- GERMAN, ENGLISH, HEBREW, YIDDISH, FRENCH, POLISH

32 86 2019. Collection of documents from USC, Church World Service, the American Christian Committee for Refugees. Notably- ACCR Armband (1943-58)

32 86 2019. Collection of Recent Official Statements- The Displaced Person Problem. Published by the State Department (1947)

32 87 2019. Folder- Friedl’s application to and logistic regarding her new (1960) job in Chile as Regional Representative of United HIAS Services (1960- 1962)- 39 documents total

32 87 2019. Magazine- The American Jewish Committee “Newsletter”: Dilemma for Czech Jews: Leave or Stay? (1968)

32 87 2019. Booklet- The Jewish Question After the War by Benjamin Azkin (1941)

32 87 2019. Office of War Information publication- Tale of a City (1942)

32 87 2019. Collection of documents- newspapers, letters, (1939-1956)- 23 documents total

32 87 2019. Tabulation of Interviews with scholars in D.P. camps US Zone, Germany: Mission sponsored by the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and War Relief Services (ND)

84 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 5, National Committee for Resettlement of Displaced Professionals

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

32 BV 2019. Folder of documents- documents regarding National Committee for Resettlement of Displaced Professionals (1948-1953)- 53 documents total

32 BV 2019. Folder of documents- documents regarding National Committee for Resettlement of Displaced Professionals, specifically physicians, X-ray technicians, physical therapists, and other doctors (1950-1951)

32 BV 2019. Folder of documents- letters and postcards regarding National Committee for Resettlement of Displaced Professionals (1949-1952)

85 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 6, International Refugee Organization

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

33 BV 2019. Folder of materials labelled with Friedl Reifer’s name, entitled “IRO Individual Records” 145 pages total (ND)

33 BV 2019. Statistical Report- Occupational Skills of Refugees (March 1948)

33 BV 2019. Booklet- Resettlement of Displaced Physicians with specimens of individual records of refugee doctors available for resettlement (1948)

33 88 2019. Letter- from Lucy at the Preparatory Commission for the IRO to Friedl Reifer regarding IRO policies (1948)

33 88 2019. Memo- Resettlement of Displaced Medical Personnel by the Preparatory Commission for the IRO (ND ca. 1947)

33 88 2019. Letter- to Friedl Reifer at the IRO (1948)

33 88 2019. Pamphlet- The Facts about Refugees (1948)

33 88 2019. Pamphlet-SOS: A Call from 100,000 of your Neighbors in Distress (1950)

33 88 2019. Pamphlet- The Forgotten Elite: A Story of Refugee Specialists (1949)

33 88 2019. Pamphlet- The Forgotten Elite: A Story of Refugee Specialists (1950)

33 BV 2019. Miscellaneous documents, pamphlets, letters, regarding IRO- 31 documents total (1949-1950)

86 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 7, Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

33 BV 2019. Collection of newspaper clippings, memos, letters, and pamphlets regarding the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees- 51 documents (1947)

33 BV 2019. “Kit of IGC Material for Case Workers- Friedl Reifer.” Collection of memos, minutes, letters, and pamphlets regarding the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees. Seems mostly policies and other formal info about the organization- 35 documents (1946-48)

87 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 8, HIAS

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

33 BV 2019. Informational binder regarding laws, policies, and procedures of HIAS (1953-4)

33 BV 2019. Folder of letters likely collected by Friedl Reifer while working at HIAS (1962)

33 BV 2019. Folder labeled “Peru” containing letters in Spanish and English from Friedl Reifer while working at HIAS in South America. Includes some newspaper articles, 11 business cards (1960s)

33 BV 2019. Folder of materials- HIAS Latin America- 4 documents (1955, 1962, 1970)

33 BV 2019. Folder labeled “Jamaica” containing letters in Spanish, French, and English from Friedl Reifer while working at HIAS in South America- 53 documents total (1961-62)

33 89 2019. Folder of HIAS political advocacy documents- 4 documents (1948-1958)

33 89 2019. Folder of HIAS directory and address lists- 6 documents (1960-1972)

88 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 9, Refugee Defense Committee

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

33 BV 2019. Folder of documents related to the Refugee Defense Committee- 16 documents total (1947- 1948)

89 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 10, Country-specific materials

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

33 90 2019. Folder of memorandums from the Council of Jewish Women of Los Angeles regarding Hungarian and Austrian refugees- 4 documents total (1957)

33 90 2019. Handbook- “Starting a New Life:” A Handbook for Polish Refugees (1982)- POLISH + ENGLISH

33 90 2019. Folder of memos, newspaper clippings, forms, and confidential documents from HIAS regarding Polish refugees- 23 documents total (1964-72)- POLISH + ENGLISH

33 91 2019. Folder entitled “Chile” with report called “Immigration in Chile: Extracts from the ECLA Report” (1950)

33 91 2019. Folder of memos, newspapers, forms, pamphlets, and other documents regarding German refugees- 28 documents total (1952-59)- GERMAN, ENGLISH

33 92 2019. Pamphlet- The Baltic Refugees in Sweden—A Successful Experiment: Experiences of the Swedish Refugee Policy by Professor N. Kaasik (1947)

33 92 2019. Pamphlet- Refugees Press: Sluzba Prasowa Uchodztwa (Refugee Press Service)- (1947)- POLISH

33 92 2019. Pamphlet – Comunidades Judias en Latinoamerica (Jewish Community in Latin America)- 1952- SPANISH

33 92 2019. Pamphlet – Legislacion sobre Extranjeros (Legislation on Foreigners )- 1960- SPANISH

90 Series 11.4, Friedl Reifer, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

34 BV 2019. Binder- Immigration Requirements of Various Countries (1942-1947)

34 BV 2019. Book- Memorial to the Jews Deported from France 1942-44 by Serge Klarsfeld (1983)

91 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 11, Immigration and Refugees Subseries 11, Oswego Conference

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

34 BV 2019. Folder entitled “Repatriation, Emigration, Immigration” from Oswego conference. Notably, many interviews- over 300 pages of documents (1944-46) GERMAN, ENGLISH

34 BV 2019. Folder entitled “Reports” from Oswego- 14 documents total (1946)

34 BV 2019. Folder entitled “Cases” from Oswego- 45 documents total (1944-46)

34 BV 2019. Folder- 162 documents, memos, interviews, handwritten notes, and telephone directory from the Oswego Conference (1944-45)- GERMAN, ENGLISH, POLISH

34 BV 2019. Folder- 20 documents and newspapers from the Oswego Conference and USC (1944-45)

34 BV 2019. Folder- 12 documents and newspapers from the Oswego Conference (1944-45)

34 BV 2019. Folder entitled “Fort Ontario,” 45 documents total (1944-46)

34 BV 2019. Folder- 12 documents and newspapers from the Oswego Conference (1944-45)

34 93 2019. Folder entitled “List of Departures” with lists of those leaving the shelter (1945-46)

34 BV 2019. Packet of 8 newspaper clippings, journal articles, and magazines (1946)

34 BV 2019. Ontario Chronicle: Fort Ontario, Oswego, NY. v1 no. 1-40 (1945-1946)

92 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 12, Oversized materials

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

35 BV 2019.01.12.1 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook for dealing with enemy countries and countries now under occupation (1944)

36 BV 2019.01.12.2 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section 1: The Engineering Industries (1945)

36 BV 2019.01.12.3 Handbook- Germany Zone Handbook No VI: The Hessen Region Part 2: Economic Survey (1945)

36 BV 2019.01.12.4 Handbook- Germany Zone Handbook No VII: The South West Part 2: Economic Survey (1945)

36 BV 2019.01.12.5 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section A: General Introduction (1945)

36 BV 2019.01.12.6 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section B: Agriculture, Fisheries and the Food Industries (1944)

36 BV 2019.01.12.7 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Sections C and G: C. Housing and G. Building and Contracting

36 BV 2019.01.12.8 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section D: Fuel, Power and Public Utility Services (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.9 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section E: Transport and Communications (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.10 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section J: The Chemical Industry (1944)

93 Series 12, Oversized, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

37 BV 2019.01.12.11 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section L and M: L. Forestry and Timber, M. Pulp and Paper (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.12 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section N and O: N. Textiles and Clothing, O. Leather and Furs (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.13 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section P: The Rubber Industry (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.14 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section Q: Glass and Ceramics (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.15 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section R: Labour and Working Conditions (1944)

37 BV 2019.01.12.16 Handbook- Germany Basic Handbook: Economic Survey Section S: Standard of Living and Rationing (1944)

38 BV 2019.01.12.17 Book- Stadtedild und Landschaft (Cityscape and Landscape: Realm of the Home Office of the Planning Department)- 1939 GERMAN

38 BV 2019.01.12.18 Book- Werkhefte fur den heimbau der Hitlerjugend II (Factory Booklets for Hitler Youth)- ND GERMAN

38 BV 2019.01.12.19 Book- Grosser Luftverkehrs-Atlas von Europa (Large Air Traffic Atlas of Europe)- 1927 GERMAN

39 BV 2019.01.12.20 Book- Freude und Arbeit (Joy and Work)- ND, GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH

39 BV 2019.01.12.21 Collection of papers- Die Greinerbibel (woodcuts by Daniel Griener)- 1934, GERMAN

94 Series 12, Oversized, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

39 BV 2019.01.12.22 Magazine- Yank: The Army Weekly, GI Tourists (1945)

39 BV 2019.01.12.23 Book- Deutschland: Organ fur die deutschen Verkehrs-Interessen (Union of German Societies for the Promotion of International intercourse)- 1911, GERMAN & ENGLISH

39 BV 2019.01.12.24 Magazine- Glott au Milorg 1940-1945 (Gone: Glimpses of the Underground Forces)- ND NORWEIGAN

39 BV 2019.01.12.25 Book- Bridging Normandy to Berlin (1945)

39 BV 2019.01.12.26 Book=- Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice (1945)- ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH

39 BV 2019.01.12.27 Booklet- Arbeit Macht Frei (1946)- ENGLISH & SLOVAK

40 BV 2019.01.12.28 Book- Boleslaw Beirut: The Six-Year Plan for the Reconstruction of Warsaw (1949)

40 BV 2019.01.12.29 Photo book- 5 Years: The Occupation of Denmark in Pictures (1946)

40 BV 2019.01.12.30 Photo booklet- Estampas de la Revolicion Espanola (Prints of the Spanish Revolution July 19, 1936)- ND, ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH

40 BV 2019.01.12.31 International Documents- Union Suisse des Communautes Istralites Bureau d’information de Geneve (Swiss Union of the Jewish Communities Geneva Information Office)- 1933 FRENCH

41 BV 2019.01.12.32 Books- List of NSDAP Members in Foreign Countries: Aa-Az + Code Nos of Countries (1948)

42 BV 2019.01.12.33 Books- List of NSDAP Members in Foreign Countries: Ha-Hej (1948)

95 Series 12, Oversized, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

43 BV 2019.01.12.34 Books- List of NSDAP Members in Foreign Countries: Kv-Kz (1948)

44 BV 2019.01.12.35 Books- List of NSDAP Members in Foreign Countries: P-Q (1948)

45 BV 2019.01.12.36 Books- List of NSDAP Members in Foreign Countries: St-Sz (1948)

41 BV 2019.01.12.37 Mail- information regarding List of NSDAP Members in Foreign Countries

46 BV 2019.01.12.38 Book- Volk in Nood: 5 Jaren Nederlandsche Historie (People in Distress: 5 years of Netherland’s History)- ND DUTCH

46 BV 2019.01.12.39 Booklet- Grosse Deutsche Kuntstausstellung 1943 (Great German Art Exhibition)- 1943 GERMAN

46 BV 2019.01.12.41 Booklet- American Congress of Jews from Poland and Survivors of Concentration Camps: Holocaust Documentation Committee (ND)

47 BV 2019.01.12.42 Book- Historical Atlas of the Liberation War of the Peoples of Yugoslavia 1941-1945 (1957)

47 BV 2019.01.12.43 Booklet- Atlas Ziem Odzyskanych (Atlas of the Recovered Territories of Poland)- 1947 POLISH, RUSSIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH

47 BV 2019.01.12.44 Book- Kunst und Technik (Art and Technology)- 1942 GERMAN

47 BV 2019.01.12.45 Booklet- Illustrirte Zeitung (Illustrated Newspaper)- 1939

47 BV 2019.01.12.46 Magazine- Kamienie krzycza (Stones are screaming)- ND, POLISH

96 Series 12, Oversized, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

47 BV 2019.01.12.47 Maps- Frankreichs Schuld (France's fault)- ND, GERMAN

47 BV 2019.01.12.48 Book- Adolf Hitlers in Italien (Adolf Hitler's visit to Italy)- ND GERMAN

47 BV 2019.01.12.49 Copy of a newspaper- Tages-Anzeiger (Swiss German-language national daily newspaper): wer ist jude? Klare Bestimmung (Who is Jew? Clear determination)- 1935 GERMAN

46 BV 2019.01.12.50 Newspaper- Der Sturmer (anti-semitic weekly German tabloid-format newspaper): Judenstaat Palästina (The Jewish State of Palestine)- Oct 1937, no. 43 GERMAN

46 BV 2019.01.12.51 Newspaper- Der Sturmer (anti-semitic weekly German tabloid-format newspaper): Die Sturmerfasten (?) Dec 1937, no. 51 GERMAN

47 BV 2019.01.12.52 Newspaper- Der Sturmer (anti-semitic weekly German tabloid-format newspaper): Die Juden in der Geschichte (The Jews in the history of Berlin)- Dec 1937, no. 52 GERMAN

46 BV 2019.01.12.53 Newspaper- Der Sturmer (anti-semitic weekly German tabloid-format newspaper): Die Parole nicht wunschen sondern kampsen (Do not wait for the slogan rather fight?)- Dec 1937, no. 53 GERMAN

46 BV 2019.01.12.54 Newspaper- Der Sturmer (anti-semitic weekly German tabloid-format newspaper): Madagaskar (Madagascar)- Jan 1938, no. 1 GERMAN

46 BV 2019.01.12.55 Newspaper- Der Sturmer (anti-semitic weekly German tabloid-format newspaper): der handelsjude (The Merchant Jew)- Jan 1938, no. 2 GERMAN

97 Series 12, Oversized, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

34 BV 2019.01.12.55 Directory- Shanghai Directory: name A.E. Schumacher written on cover and notes inside (1940)

98 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 13, Miscellaneous materials

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

48 BV 2019.01.13.1 Restitution: European Legislation to redress the Consequences of Nazi Rule by the Wiener Library (ND)

48 BV 2019.01.13.2 Screenplay- the Murderers among Us: The story of Simon Wiesenthal (1987)

48 BV 2019.01.13.3 Book- Justice at Nurenberg: a pictorial record of the trial (1946)

48 BV 2019.01.13.4 Screenplay- The Diary of Anne Frank (no author ND)

48 BV 2019.01.13.5 Report by the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals by Alti Rodal- Nazi War Criminals in Canada: The Historical and Policy setting from the to the Present (1986)

48 BV 2019.01.13.6 Screenplay- Ship of Fools by Abby Mann (1964)

48 BV 2019.01.13.7 Book- One Hundred Cartoons by Cesare (1916)

48 BV 2019.01.13.8 Dissertation?- Landmarks in the Science in Human Types by William Arman Lessa (1942)

48 94 2019.01.13.9 Pocket Encyclopedia- Fact Studies for Alert Americans: Hitler Founder of National Socialism (ND-1960s)

48 94 2019.01.13.10 Periodical- It’s a Secret by Henry Hoke

48 94 2019.01.13.11 Booklet- The Soviet Union and the Berlin Question by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1948)

48 94 2019.01.13.12 Bulletin by the War Department- 3 Executive Order announcement (1947)

99 Series 13, Miscellaneous materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

48 95 2019.01.13.13 Pamphlet- The Case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter (1943)

48 95 2019.01.13.14 Poster- Stop Invasion: The McCarran-Walter Immigration Act is in Danger (ND)

48 95 2019.01.13.15 Poster- The Solution of America’s Troubles: The Christian Commonwealth at a Glance) (ND)

48 95 2019.01.13.16 Pamphlet- It Can Happen by Humanity Guild (ND- 1961)

48 95 2019.01.13.17 World Rule of Law Booklet- The Eichmann Trial: some Legal Aspects (1961)

48 95 2019.01.13.18 Pamphlet- Nazi War Criminals Among Us by Charles R. Allen Jr. (1963)

48 95 2019.01.13.19 Program- 2nd World Youth Congress (1938)

48 96 2019.01.13.20 Journal Article- In Re Eichmann: A Dilemma of Law and Morality by Helen Silving (1961)

48 96 2019.01.13.21 Magazine- Fact: an Antidote to the Timidity and Corruption of the American Press (1966)

48 96 2019.01.13.22 Pamphlet- The Fight for Communism in Germany (1933)

48 96 2019.01.13.23 Booklet- One World a Red World by Kenneth Goff (1952)

48 96 2019.01.13.24 Booklet- Rosa Luxemburg: Theory and Practice (1980)

48 BV 2019.01.13.25 Magazine- Hearst’s International: Henry Ford’s Jew Mania (1922)

48 97 2019.01.13.26 Newspapers (X-X) in various languages- YIDDISH/HEBREW, GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH

100 Series 13, Miscellaneous materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

48 98 2019.01.13.27 Booklet- Race and Culture Series: Should Negroes and Jews Unite? Negro Publication Society of America (ND)

48 98 2019.01.13.28 Speech- Eric Johnston on Intolerance (1945)

48 98 2019.01.13.29 Booklet- Race and Prejudice as Self Reflection: An Inquiry into the Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Group Conflicts (1957)

48 98 2019.01.13.30 Booklet- The Eichmann Trial and the Rule of Law: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (1961)

48 98 2019.01.13.31 Pamphlet- The Eichmann Case in the American Press by the Institute of Human Relations Press (1962)

48 98 2019.01.13.32 Booklet- The Chickens of the Interventionist Liberals Have Come Home to Roost by Harry Elmer Barnes (ND)

48 98 2019.01.13.33 Booklet- Max Rafferty: A Study in Simplicity by Paul Cummins (1968)

48 98 2019.01.13.34 Pocket text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (ND)

48 99 2019.01.13.35 Book- Patterns of Prejudice by the Institute of Jewish Affairs (1988)

48 99 2019.01.13.36 Booklet- The Report of the First London Parliamentary Conference on World Government (1951)- signed by editor

48 99 2019.01.13.37 Pamphlet- Will Jesus Torture 100 Billion For Ever? (ND)

48 99 2019.01.13.38 Pamphlet- The Commission on Community Interrelations (ND)

101 Series 13, Miscellaneous materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

48 99 2019.01.13.39 Pamphlet- Books of Hate: An Exhibition at the National Book League presented by the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association for the benefit of Amnesty International (1969)

48 99 2019.01.13.40 Booklet- The Didache: An Ancient Christian Manuscript (1992)

48 99 2019.01.13.41 Booklet- What is Metropolitan Government? Action Patriots (1958)

48 99 2019.01.13.42 Book- A Study of Psychological Differences Between “Racial” and National Groups in Europe by Otto Klineberg (1931)

48 100 2019.01.13.43 Booklet- Evil: it is Origin, Purpose, and End (ND)

48 100 2019.01.13.44 Booklet- Ye Shall Know the Truth by Fred R. Marvin (1926)

48 100 2019.01.13.45 Pamphlet- Christian Victory and Grace and Truth. Global Gospel Campaign (1948)

48 100 2019.01.13.46 Booklet- Sodomites on Trial by Charles A. Weisman (1993)

48 100 2019.01.13.47 Booklet- Looking East: Germany and the Vistula (1933)

48 100 2019.01.13.48 Booklet- Who is the coming World Dictator (ND)

48 100 2019.01.13.49 Booklet- The Eichmann Judgment by G. Schwarzenberger (1962)

48 101 2019.01.13.50 Pamphlet- The Workers Do Not Surrender- Program for a People’s Poland (ND)

48 101 2019.01.13.51 Pamphlet- Good Citizen: The Rights and Duties of an American (1948)

48 101 2019.01.13.52 Pamphlet- The Meaning of Eichmann (1961)

102 Series 13, Miscellaneous materials, cont.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

48 101 2019.01.13.53 Pamphlet- Facts are Facts: their continued suppression will prove inimical to the security of the nation (1954)

48 101 2019.01.13.54 Pamphlet from Harvard Psychology seminar, Psychological problems of Morale - ABCs of Scapegoating (ND)

48 101 2019.01.13.55 Pamphlet- The Eichmann Trial and the Rule of Law an address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the International Commission of Jurists (1961)

48 101 2019.01.13.56 Booklet- Political News from Spain (1932)

48 102 2019.01.13.57 Booklet- Truth about Germany: Facts about the War (1914)

48 102 2019.01.13.58 Booklet- The Communist Menace the Present Chaos and our Christian Responsibility (1955)

48 102 2019.01.13.59 Booklet- Uncovering the Forces for War by Conrad Grieb (1947)

48 102 2019.01.13.60 Booklet- Religion and Roguery: What our Prison Statistics Reveal as to the Close Relations in Which They Stand (1924)

48 102 2019.01.13.61 Booklet- Jakob Szacki in Memoriam (1957)- POLISH

48 102 2019.01.13.62 Booklet- Socialism’s New Beginning: A Manifesto from Underground Germany (1934)

48 102 2019.01.13.63 Booklet- Hammer and Sickle over the Capitol (1953)

48 BV 2019.01.13.64 Book- The Politician by Robert Welch (1963)

48 BV 2019.01.13.65 Book- The Responsibility of the Entente for the War: In the Showing of their own Statesmen by Georg Karo (1922)

103 Kline Collection 2019.01 Series 14, Multi-media materials Please note: These materials are currently not viewable due to condition and format. Please contact Center staff for more information.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

49 BV 2019.01.14.1A-J 8mm film- “Berge in Flammen,“ teil 1-10 (Mountain in Flames pt 1-10). A war and native history moving film by Karl Hartl and Luis Trenker about Trenker’s experience on the Alpine front during WWI (1931)

49 BV 2019.01.14.2 8mm film reel- Invasion of Crete/ U Boat Campaign (ND)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3 Booklet describing 2019.01.14.3A-G, 8mm film reels - “Filme vom Zeitgeschehen: Marchen- Trick- und Lustige Filme“ (Movies about current affairs: fairy-tales, tricks, and funny films)- Vol. 76, 79, 80, 82, 98, 203, 104- ND

49 BV 2019.01.14.3A Vol. 76- Der Kampf in Polen (The Struggle in Poland)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3B Vol. 79- Danemark unter deutschem Schutz (Denmark under German Protection)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3C Vol. 80- Deutsche Truppen besetzten Norwegen (German troops occupied Norway)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3D Vol. 82- Belgiens Widerstand gebrochen ('s resistance broken)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3E Vol. 98- Der Tag von Compiegne (The day of Compiègne)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3F Vol. 103- Der Feldzug in Jugoslawien (The Campaign in Yugoslavia)

49 BV 2019.01.14.3G Vol. 104- Siegeszug durch Griechenland (Triumphant march through Greece)

104 Series 14, Multi-media materials, cont. Please note: These materials are currently not viewable due to condition and format. Please contact Center staff for more information.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

49 BV 2019.01.14.4 8mm film reels- „Degeto Weltspiegel“ (Degeto World Mirror)- shorts played in German cinemas from 1939-1943 produced by special units of the German army. Episodes 5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30)- 1939-1941

49 BV 2019.01.14.4A Episode 5- Danzig

49 BV 2019.01.14.4B Episode 7- Warsaw

49 BV 2019.01.14.4C Episode 11- Luxembourg + Holland

49 BV 2019.01.14.4D Episode 13- Gneisenau and Scharnhorst against the Enemy Sinking of the “Glorious”

49 BV 2019.01.14.4E Episode 14- Antwerp Louvain

49 BV 2019.01.14.4F Episode 19- Compiegne

49 BV 2019.01.14.4G Episode 20- Balkans, Yugoslavia, and Greece

49 BV 2019.01.14.4H Episode 21- Belgrade, Athens

49 BV 2019.01.14.4I Episode 22- Balkans

49 BV 2019.01.14.4J Episode 24- Russia

49 BV 2019.01.14.4K Episode 25- North Russia and Finland

49 BV 2019.01.14.4L Episode 28- Africa

49 BV 2019.01.14.4M Episode 30- Russian Winter 1941-1942

49 BV 2019.01.14.5A-B 8mm film reels- “Fritz und Fratz” cartoon reels pt. 1-2 by Johann Weichberger from Austria (1939/1940)

49 BV 2019.01.14.6 8mm film reel- Charlie Chaplin “In Society”

105 Series 14, Multi-media materials, cont. Please note: These materials are currently not viewable due to condition and format. Please contact Center staff for more information.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

49 BV 2019.01.14.7 8mm film reel- “Unsere Stukas”- Nazi propaganda film directed by Karl Ritter and starring Carl Raddatz which follows three squadrons of Luftwaffe dive-bomber flyers, Stukas. (1941)

49 BV 2019.01.14.8 8mm or 16mm film reel- Meister der Filmkunst: Emil Jannings (German actor from 1920s who starred in many Nazi propaganda films) (ND)

49 BV 2019.01.14.9 Vinyl record- Nov 29, 1942 Churchill Speech

50 BV 2019.01.14.10 16 rolls of images (film strips)- Aktueller Bildericht des Zeitgeschehens, (Pictures of the time)- No. 11, 15, 16, 18 from 1942, No. 1-8, 11, 12 from 1943, and No. 1 from 1944 (2 copies).

50 BV 2019.01.14.11 16 rolls of images (filmstrips), titles below + 1 miscellaneous (most ND, 1934 and 1941) - Unsterbliches Deutsches Soldatentum (Immortal German soldier) - Die Deutschen in der Slowakei (The German in Slovakia) - Der Frontarbeiter (The Front Worker) - Wir brechen Englands Tyrannei (We Break England’s Tyrrany) - Einsatz der Deutschen Kriegsmarine (Us of the German Navy) - Weltpirat England (World Pirate England) - Sonderbildbericht 1/34- Manner der D.Z(?). (Men of the DL?)- 1934 - Sonderbildbericht 31/41- Einsatz der deutschenfrau imkriege (Use of the German woman in wars)- 1941 - Gaubildbericht 1, 3, 4, and 5 - Recht auf arbeit (right on work) - Schädlingsbekämpfung: kampf den schädlingen unserer nahrungsmittel (pest control: fight the pests of our foods)

106 Series 14, Multi-media materials, cont. Please note: These materials are currently not viewable due to condition and format. Please contact Center staff for more information.

Box # Folder # Accession # Description

50 BV 2019.01.14.12 13 rolls of images (film strips), “Bildbericht der Woche” Weekly Picture Reports, a film strip with an accompanying text to be presented at small meetings. A speaker would read the text. These would be used in outlying areas where people had less access to the weekly newsreel at movie theaters or at neighborhood party meetings. It was also used in the military. No 41-51, 1, and miscellaneous (1938)

50 BV 2019.01.14.13 43 rolls of images (film strips), “Bildbericht der Woche” Weekly Picture Reports from 1939. No. 1- 24, 26-28, 30- 38, 42- 47 (1939)

50 BV 2019.01.14.14 41 rolls of images (film strips), “Bildbericht der Woche” Weekly Picture Reports from 1940. No. 1, 3-26, 28- 37, 39-42, 46-47, 49, (1940).

50 BV 2019.01.14.15 33 rolls of images (film strips), “Bildbericht der Woche” Weekly Picture Reports from 1941. No. 2- 4, 6-8, 13, 14, 18- 20, 23, 25-31, 33-39, 42, 43, 48- 50, a second copy of no. 7, and miscellaneous (1941).

50 BV 2019.01.14.16 5 rolls of images (film strips), “Bildbericht der Woche” Weekly Picture Reports from 1943. No. 2, 4, 12, 14 18, (1943).


Inventory of books shelved at Goddard with gift distinctions

108 Kline Collection List (produced 9/2/99, alpha by author)

*The donation notes are in reference to the name plates in the books **Please note not all books have been checked

Author: Title: 50 Jahre nach 33 : Hamburg im Jahr der nationalsozialistischen Machthubernahme ; Beranstaltungen 1983. Hamburg :Staatliche Pressestelle,, 1982.

Author: Title: A. M. Diks bibliografishe reshimesa fun Ginzburgs arkhivr. Nyu-Yorrk :Yidisher rVisnshafrtlekher Insrtirturt,, 1952.

Author: Title: Adolescent prejudice / Charles Y. Glock ... [et al.]. New York :Harper & Row,, [1975]

Author: Title: After those fifty years : memoirs of the Birkenau boys / edited by John Freund ; illustrations by Yehuda Bacon. [Toronto] :J. Freund,, c1992.

Author: Title: Agony, struggle and destruction of the Jews in Poland, 1939-1945. [Warsaw?] :Polania Pub. House,, [196-?] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Albert Speer : Kontroversen um ein deutsches Phhanomen / [hrsg. von] Adelbert Reif. Mhunchen :Bernard & Graefe,, c1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for

Author: Title: Algemeen overzicht van de strijd om en in de vesting Holland (zonder het Oostfront) ; en De strijd tegen de luchtlandingstroepen rondom 's-Gravenhage, Mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1954.

Author: Title: Algemeen overzicht van de strijd om en in de vesting Holland (zonder het Oostfront) ; en De strijd tegen de luchtlandingstroepen rondom 's-Gravenhage, Mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1954.

Author: Title: Alliance for murder : the Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist partnership in genocide / for the committee, B.F. Sabrin. New York :Sarpedon : Shapolsky,, 1991. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Anatomy of the Auschwitz death camp / Yisrael Gutman and , editors ; editorial board, , , and Franciszek Piper.

109 Bloomington :Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C. by Indiana University Press,, c1994. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Anne Frank / [herausgegeben von der Anne Frank Stiftung] Heidelberg :Verlag Lambert Schneider Heidelberg,, c1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Answer to Father Coughlin's critics, by Father Coughlin's friends ... Royal Oak, Mich.,The Radio League of the Little Flower,, 1940. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Anthology on armed Jewish resistance, 1939-1945 / compiled and edited by Isaac Kowalski ; introduction written by Yitzhak Arad. , N.Y. :Jewish Combatants Publishers House,,

Author: Title: Anthology on armed Jewish resistance, 1939-1945 / compiled and edited by Isaac Kowalski ; introduction written by Yitzhak Arad. Brooklyn, N.Y. :Jewish Combatants Publishers House,,

Author: Title: Anthology on armed Jewish resistance, 1939-1945 / compiled and edited by Isaac Kowalski ; introduction written by Yitzhak Arad. Brooklyn, N.Y. :Jewish Combatants Publishers House,, 1986-

Author: Title: Anti-fascist resistance in the north-east of Transylvania, September 1940- October 1944 / authors, G. Zaharia ... [et al.] ; edited by G. Zaharia, L. Vajda ; [translated from the Romanian by Alexandru Alcalay]. Bucurewsti :Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romcania,, 1979.

Author: Title: Anti-Judaism in early Christianity / edited by Peter Richardson with David Granskou. Waterloo, Ont., Canada :Published for the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion by Wilfrid Laurier University Press,, 1986.

Author: Title: Anti-Semitism in Europe : sources of the holocaust / edited by David W. Zisenwine ; introd. by Robert Chazan. New York :Behrman House,, c1976.

Author: Title: Anti-semitism, a social disease / edited by Ernst Simmel, M. D., with a preface by Gordon W. Allport. New York :International Universities Press,, 1946. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

110 Author: Title: Anti-semitism, a social disease / edited by Ernst Simmel, M. D., with a preface by Gordon W. Allport. New York :International Universities Press,, 1946. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Antisemitismus : zur Pathologie der bhurgerlichen Gesellschaft / mit Beitrhagen von Fritz Bauer ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Hermann Huss und Andreas Schrhoder. Frankfurt am Main :Europhaische Verlagsanstalt,, c1965.

Author: Title: Antisemitismus und jhudische Geschichte : Studien zu Ehren von Herbert A. Strauss / herausgegeben von Rainer Erb, Michael Schmidt ; Grusswort von Shepard Stone ; mit Beitrhagen von Volker Berbhusse ... [et al.]. Berlin :Wissenschaftlicher Autorenverlag,, c1987. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Antologikila sovetskofi fotografii / redakktlsionnakila kollegikila An. Vartanov, O. Suslova, G. Chudakov ; sostaviteli L. Ukhtomskakila, A. Fomin ; vstupitel'nakila stat'kila Gr. Oganova. Moskva :Izd-vo "Planeta",, 1986-

Author: Title: Auschwitz : a history in photographs / compiled and edited by Teresa bSwiebocka ; English edition prepared by Jonathan Webber and Connie Wilsack. Bloomington :Published for the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Obswiqecim, and Ksiqagzka i Wiedza, Warsaw, by Indiana University Press,, c1995.

Author: Title: Auschwitz : faschistisches Vernichtungslager / [Redakteur, Wanda Michalak]. Warszawa :Interpress,, 1978.

Author: Title: Auschwitz : faschistisches Vernichtungslager. Warszawa :Interpress,, 1981.

Author: Title: Auschwitz : faschistisches Vernichtungslager. Warszawa :Interpress,, 1981.

Author: Title: Auschwitz : Nazi extermination camp / Council for the Protection of Monuments of Struggle and Martyrdom ; [translated by Iain W.M. Taylor]. Warsaw :Interpress,, 1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Auschwitz album : a book based upon an album discovered by a concentration camp survivor, Lili Meier / text by Peter Hellman. New York :Random House,, c1981. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

111 Author: Title: Auschwitz album : a book based upon an album discovered by a concentration camp survivor, Lili Meier / text by Peter Hellman. New York :Random House,, c1981.

Author: Title: Authoritarian personality / T.W. Adorno ... [et al.] ; in collaboration with Betty Aron, Maria Hertz Levinson and William Morrow. New York :Wiley,, 1964. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Authoritarian personality, by T. W. Adorno [and others. New York,Harper, [1950] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Barbarossa / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life Books,, 1991, c1990.

Author: Title: Best of Signal : Hitler's wartime picture magazine. London : Twickenham :Bison Books ; Distributed by Hamlyn, c1984.

Author: Title: Beter und Rebellen / [erstellt von, Michael Brocke, Hans Lamm]. Frankfurt/M. :Deutscher Koordinierungsrat der Gesellschaften fhur Christlich-Jhudische Zusammenarbeit E.V.,, [1983]

Author: Title: Bilanz des Zweiten Weltkrieges; Erkenntnisse und Verpflichtungen fhur die Zukunft. Olenburg,G. Stalling, [1953] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Bitburg in moral and political perspective / edited by Geoffrey H. Hartman. Bloomington :Indiana University Press,, c1986.

Author: Title: Black book : the Nazi crime against the Jewish people. New York :The Jewish Black Book Committee,, 1946.

Author: Title: Blockade and airlift --legend or lesson? : The Berlin Crisis of 1948-1949 / editor: Airlift Gratitude Foundation, Berlin ; [forward by Chancellor Helmut Kohl ; introductory remarks [by] Walter Momper]. Berlin :EXPO Seh-Publishers,, c1988. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Blue book of the John Birch Society. [S.l. :s.n.], c1961.

112 Author: Title: Born guilty : children of Nazi families / [compiled by] Peter Sichrovsky ; translated by Jean Steinberg. New York :Basic Books,, c1988.

Author: Title: Buchenwald, ein Konzentrationslager : Bericht der ehemaligen KZ-Hhaftlinge, Emil Carlebach, Paul Grhunewald, Helmut Rhoder, Willy Schmidt, Walter Vielhauer / herausgegeben im Auftrag der Lagergemeinschaft Buchenwald-Dora der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main :Rhoderberg-Verlag,, c1984. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Burg Rosenberg / zufammengestellt von Eduard Baizant. Rosenberg :[s.n.],, 1939.

Author: Title: Case of Hotel Polski : an account of one of the most enigmatic episodes of World War II / [compiled] by Abraham Shulman. New York :Holocaust Library : Distributed by Schocken Books,, c1982.

Author: Title: Center of the web / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life Books,, c1990. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Children in the Holocaust and World War II : their secret diaries / [compiled by] Laurel Holliday. New York :Washington Square Press,, 1996, c1995. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Chosen few; a study of discrimination in executive selection, by Robert P. Quinn [and others. Ann Arbor]University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Survey Research Center, [1968] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Chronicle of the !bodbz ghetto, 1941-1944 / edited by Lucjan Dobroszycki ; translated by Richard Lourie, Joachim Neugroschel, and others. New Haven :Yale University Press,, c1984.

Author: Title: Chronicle of the !bodbz ghetto, 1941-1944 / edited by Lucjan Dobroszycki ; translated by Richard Lourie, Joachim Neugroschel, and others. New Haven :Yale University Press,, c1984.

Author: Title: Community of fate : memoirs of German Jews in Melbourne / edited by John Foster.

113 Sydney ; Boston :Allen & Unwin,, 1986. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Companion volume to The songs we sing : U-leshonenu rinah / selected and edited by Harry Coopersmith. New York :United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education,, 1950.

Author: Title: Concentration camp Dachau, 1933-1945 / Editors: Barbara Distel, Ruth Jakusch ; translation: Jennifer Vernon, in cooperation with Ruth Jakusch, Barbara Distel. Brussels :Comitbe International de Dachau,, c1978.

Author: Title: Confronting the Holocaust : the impact of Elie Wiesel / edited by Alvin H. Rosenfeld and Irving Greenberg. Bloomington :Indiana University Press,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Contending with Hitler : varieties of German resistance in the Third Reich / edited by David Clay Large. Washington, D.C. : Cambridge :German Historical Institute ; Cambridge University Press,, 1991.

Author: Title: Courage to care : rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust / Carol Rittner and Sondra Myers, editors. New York :New York University Press,, c1986. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Courage to care : rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust / Carol Rittner and Sondra Myers, editors. New York :New York University Press,, c1986.

Author: Title: Czechoslovak cabinet ministers on the complaints of the Sudete German party in the Czechoslovak parliament. Prague,"Orbis",, 1937. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Danzig 1939, treasures of a destroyed community : The Jewish Museum, New York / pref., Joy Ungerleider-Mayerson ; essays, Ghunter Grass ... [et al.] ; catalogue, Vivian B. Mann, Joseph Gutmann ; [editor, Sheila Schwartz]. [Detroit :Published by Wayne State University Press for the Jewish Museum, New York,, 1980]

Author: Title: DAR manual for citizenship. [Washington, D.C.] :National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution,, c1962. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

114 Author: Title: Dare we look ahead? By Bertrand Russell, Vernon Bartlett, G.D.H. Cole [and others] ... New York,The Macmillan company,, 1938. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Days of remembrance, April 18-25, 1993 : fifty years ago, revolt amid the darkness : planning guide for commemorative programs. Washington, DC :United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,, [1993]

Author: Title: Days of remembrance, April 26-May 3, 1992 : fifty years ago : in the depths of darkness : commemoration planning guide. Washington, D.C. :United States Holocaust Memorial Council,, [1992]

Author: Title: Degenerate art : the fate of the avant-garde in Nazi Germany / text prepared by the Education Dept., Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Los Angeles, Calif. :Los Angeles County Museum of Art,, c1991. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Title: Deutsche Universithat im Dritten Reich. Acht Beitrhage [von] Helmut Kuhn [u. a.] (Eine Vortragsreihe der Universithat Mhunchen) Mhunchen,Piper, (1966) Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Deutsches Brevier; politisches Lesebuch, herausgegeben von Edgar Alexander. Zhurich,Europa Verlag, [1938] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Deutschland am Hakenkreuz : Dokumente des Hunnenfaschismus. Prag :Im Verlag der Deutschen Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei in der Tschechosolowakischen Republik,, 1933.

Author: Title: Deutschland von 1933 [i.e. neunzehnhundertdreiunddreissig] bis 1939 [von der Machthubertragung an den Faschismus bis zur Entfesselung des zweiten Weltkrieges) von Erich Paterna [et al. Berlin,Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften,, 1969.

Author: Title: Deutschlands Aufstieg zur Grossmacht, 1936 / bearbeitet von Axel Friedrichs. Berlin :Junker und Dhunnhaupt,, 1942, c1937. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Dispersion and resettlement : the story of the Jews from Central Europe / Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain ; [editor, Werner Rosenstock].

115 London :Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain,, 1955. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Documents concerning the destruction of the Jews of Grodno 1941-1944 / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. New York, N.Y. (515 Madison Ave, New York 10022) :Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,, [1985?- Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ’82 (volume 1)

Author: Title: Documents concerning the destruction of the Jews of Grodno 1941-1944 / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. New York, N.Y. (515 Madison Ave, New York 10022) :Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,, [1985?-

Author: Title: Documents concerning the destruction of the Jews of Grodno 1941-1944 / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. New York, N.Y. (515 Madison Ave, New York 10022) :Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,, [1985?-

Author: Title: Documents concerning the destruction of the Jews of Grodno 1941-1944 / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. New York, N.Y. (515 Madison Ave, New York 10022) :Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,, [1985?-

Author: Title: Documents concerning the destruction of the Jews of Grodno 1941-1944 / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. New York, N.Y. (515 Madison Ave, New York 10022) :Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,, [1985?-

Author: Title: Documents concerning the murder of 29000 Jews of Grodno by the Germans, 1941-1943 : Ghetto and deportations to death camps ; Cologne and Bielefeld trials / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. Ramat-Gan :Grodner Association of Israel,, 1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Documents on British policy overseas / edited by Rohan Butler and M.E. Pelly, assisted by H.J. Yasamee. London :H.M.S.O.,, 1984-<1989 >

Author: Title: Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern-Central-Europe / edited by ; translated by Vivian Stranders. Bonn :Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims,, [1958?]-1961.

Author: Title: Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern-Central-Europe / edited by Theodor Schieder ; translated by Vivian Stranders. Bonn :Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims,, [1958?]-1961.

Author: Title: Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern-Central-Europe / edited by Theodor Schieder ; translated by Vivian Stranders.

116 Bonn :Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims,, [1958?]-1961.

Author: Title: Dokumente aus geheimen Archiven / bearbeitet von Dieter Fricke und Rudolf Knaack. Weimar :H. Bhohlau,, 1983-<1993 >

Author: Title: Dokumenty i materia1y do dziejbow okupacji niemieckiej w Polsce. !bodbz,, 1946- This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Dokumenty i materia1y z czasbow okupacji niemieckiej w Polsce. !bodbz :Centralna gZydowska Komisja Historyczna w Polsce,, 1946-

Author: Title: Ebrei in Italia durante il fascismo, N.3 / a cura di Guido Valabrega. Milano :Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea,, 1963.

Author: Title: Ehrenbuch der Opfer von Berlin-Plhotzensee : zum Gedenken d. 1574 Frauen u. Mhanner, d. wegen ihrer polit. oder weltanschaul. Einstellung u. wegen ihres mutigen Widerstandes gogen d. faschist. Barbarentum in d. Stafanst. Berlin-Plhotzensee von 1933 bis 1 Westberlin [Berlin] :Verlag Das Europ. Buch,, 1974.

Author: Title: Eichmann interrogated : transcripts from the archives of the Israeli police / edited by Jochen von Lang, in collaboration with Claus Sibyll ; translated from the German by Ralph Manheim ; introduction by Avner W. Less. New York :Farrar, Straus & Giroux,, 1983.

Author: Title: Eichmann interrogated : transcripts from the archives of the Israeli police / edited by Jochen von Lang, in collaboration with Claus Sibyll ; translated from the German by Ralph Manheim ; introduction by Avner W. Less. New York :Vintage Books,, 1984, c1983. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust / Israel Gutman, editor in chief. New York :Macmillan,, c1990.

Author: Title: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust / Israel Gutman, editor in chief. New York :Macmillan,, c1990.

Author: Title: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust / Israel Gutman, editor in chief. New York :Macmillan,, c1990.

Author: Title: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust / Israel Gutman, editor in chief. New York :Macmillan,, c1990.


Author: Title: Enfants de Buchenwald / Union O.S.E. Genaeve :Union O.S.E.,, 1946.

Author: Title: Ermordeten waren schuldig : amtliche Dokumente der Direction de la santbe publique der franzhosischen Militharregierung. Baden-Baden :Schrhoder,, [194-]

Author: Title: Essentials of field sanitation for the Medical Department, United States Army / prepared by Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical Field Service School, Carlisle Barracks. Carlisle Barracks, Pa. :The School,, 1933.

Author: Title: Evidence of pogroms in Poland and Ukrania : documents, accounts of eye- witnesses, proceedings in Polish Parliament, local press reports, etc. [New York] :Information Bureau of the Committee for the Defense of Jews in Poland and Other East European Countries affiliated with American Jewish Congress,, [1919?]

Author: Title: Ewiges Deutschland, ein deutsches Hausbuch; hrsg. vom Winterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes. Braunschweig,G. Westermann,, 1939.

Author: Title: Ewiges Gedenken / Redaktion, Adolf Rudnicki. Warschau :Fremdsprachen-Verlag "Polonia",, 1955.

Author: Title: Fay Grajower : inherited memory : a contemporary artist confronts the Holocaust : November 19, 1995-December 28, 1995. West Bloomfield, MI :Janice Charach Epstein Museum Gallery, Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit,, [1995]

Author: Title: Fhuhrer : [the life & times of Adolf Hitler] / edited by Herbert Walther. Secaucus, N.J. : Books,, c1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Final act and convention relating to the status of refugees : 28 July 1951. Geneva :Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Palais des Nations,, 1955.

Author: Title: Final letters / selected by Reuven Dafni and Yehudit Kleiman ; foreword by Chaim Herzog. London :Weidenfeld and Nicolson,, c1991. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

118 Author: Title: Fists of steel / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life Books,, c1988. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Frauen-KZ Ravensbrhuck / Autorenkollektiv unter Leitung von G. Zhorner. Frankfurt am Main :Rhoderberg-Verlag,, 1982, c1973.

Author: Title: Friedrich Ebert, 1871/1971 [by Theodor Heuss and others] Bonn,Inter Nationes,, 1971.

Author: Title: From Holocaust to new life, a documentary volume depicting the proceedings and events of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Washington, D.C. April 1983 - Nissan 5743. Preface by Elie Wiesel. New York : The American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors;, 1985.

Author: Title: From the history of KL-Auschwitz. [Kazimierz Smolebn, ed. Translated from the Polish text by Krystyna Michalik. Obswiqecim]Pabnstwowe Muzeum w Obswiqecimiu,, 1967-

Author: Title: Fundamentalist phenomenon : a view from within; a response from without / edited by Norman J. Cohen. Grand Rapids, Mich. :W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.,, 1990. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Gedenkbuch Berlins der jhudischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus : "Ihre Namen mhogen nie vergessen werden!" / [Freie Universithat Berlin, Zentralinstitut fhur Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung (Hrsg.) im Auftrag des Senators fhur Kulturelle Angelegenheit Berlin :Edition Hentrich,, 1995.

Author: Title: Gedenksthatten fhur die Opfer des NS-Regimes : eine hUbersicht / [redaktion, Thomas Lutz ; unter Mitarbeit von Miriamne Fields und Irmela Roschmann-Steltenkamp]. Berlin :Stiftung Topographie des Terrors,, [1996?]

Author: Title: Gelbe Fleck; die Ausrottung von 500000 deutschen Juden. Mit einem Vorwort von Lion Feuchtwanger. Paris,bEditions du Carrefour,, 1936. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Genocide, critical issues of the Holocaust : a companion to the film, Genocide / edited by Alex Grobman and Daniel Landes ; associate editor, Sybil Milton. Los Angeles, Calif. : Chappaqua, N.Y. :Simon Weisenthal Center ; Rossel Books,, 1983. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Genocide, critical issues of the Holocaust : a companion to the film, Genocide /

119 edited by Alex Grobman and Daniel Landes ; associate editor, Sybil Milton. Los Angeles, Calif. : Chappaqua, N.Y. :Simon Weisenthal Center ; Rossel Books,, 1983. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: German new order in Poland. London :Published for the Polish Ministry of Information by Hutchinson,, [1942?] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: German order of battle, 1944 : the regiments, formations and units of the German ground forces / introd. by Ian V. Hogg ; photographic section by Brian L. Davis. London : New York :Arms & Armour Press ; Hippocrene Books,, c1975. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: German reich and Americans of German origin ... New York,Oxford University Press,, 1938.

Author: Title: German reich and Americans of German origin ... New York,Oxford University Press,, 1938.

Author: Title: Germans against Hitler : July 20, 1944. Bonn :Press and Information Office of the Federal German Government,, 1960. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Germany, 1945-1954 / edited [by William S. Boas] with the assistance of Wilhelm Grotkopp, Heinrich Spieker, Dorothea Kempff. Kholn, Germany :Boas International Pub. Co.,, [1950?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Geschichte eines Aussenlagers : KZ Sasel / [Herausgeber, Schulleitung des Gymnasiums Oberalster]. Hamburg :GOA-Informationen,, 1981.

Author: Title: Ghetto fighters / translated and edited by Meyer Barkai. New York :Belmont Tower Books,, 1962.

Author: Title: Governments-in-exile on Jewish rights. New York :The American Jewish Committee,, 1942. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Gustav Meyrink ... / cahier ... dirigbe par Yvonne Caroutch ; [bibliographie par Franpcois d'Argent]. Paris :bEditions de l'Herne,, 1976.

120 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Handbook on German Military Forces / War Department. Washington, D.C. :G.P.O.,, 1941. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Hasidic tales of the Holocaust / [edited] by Yaffa Eliach. New York :Oxford University Press,, 1982.

Author: Title: Healing their wounds : psychotherapy with Holocaust survivors and their families / edited by Paul Marcus and Alan Rosenberg ; foreword by Martin S. Bergmann. New York :Praeger,, 1989. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Historical atlas of the Holocaust / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. New York :Macmillan Pub.,, c1996. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Hitler's apologists : the anti-semitic propaganda of Holocaust "revisionism". New York :Anti-Defamation League,, 1993. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Holocaust : an annotated bibliography and resource guide / edited by David M. Szonyi. [Hoboken, NJ] :Ktav Pub. House for the National Jewish Resource Center, New York,, c1985.

Author: Title: Holocaust : prejudice unleashed / Materials and Curriculum Committee of the Ohio Council on Holocaust Education ; Leatrice B. Rabinsky and Carol Danks, co-editors. [Columbus, Ohio?] :Ohio Council on Holocaust Education, Materials and Curriculum Committee,, 1989.

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982.

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982.

121 This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

122 Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982.

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / John Mendelsohn, editor ; Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor. New York :Garland Pub.,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust and genocide : a search for conscience : a curriculum guide / by Richard F. Flaim and Edwin W. Reynolds, Jr., editors-in-chief and John Chupak ... [et al.] contributing editors. New York, N.Y. :Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith,, 1983. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Holocaust and genocide : a search for conscience : a student anthology / Harry Furman, editor-in-chief ; Richard F. Flaim ... [et al.] associate editors. New York, N.Y. :Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith,, c1983. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82


Author: Title: Holocaust and rebirth : a symposium. :Yad Vashem,, 1974. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Holocaust in Hungary : an anthology of Jewish response / edited and translated, with introduction and notes, by Andrew Handler. University :University of Alabama Press,, c1982.

Author: Title: Holocaust Rememberance Day-Zion : Yom Hashoah-27 Nissan / compiled by Joyce Rubinstein & Mike Tawil ; design & layout by J.R. Brooklyn, N.Y. :Young Shaare,, [1973]

Author: Title: Holocaust years : society on trial / edited by Roselle Chartock and Jack Spencer ; in cooperation with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Toronto ; New York :Bantam Books,, 1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Holocaust. Jerusalem :Keter Books,, [1974]

Author: Title: Holocaust. [Jerusalem :Yad vashem, Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority,, 1977] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: hOsterreichischen Hofjuden und ihre Zeit / koordiniert und herausgegeben von Kurt Schubert. Eisenstadt :hOsterreichisches Jhudisches Museum,, 1991.

Author: Title: How to combat anti-Semitism in America; the six prize winning essays in the contest conducted by Opinion-a journal of life and letters. New York,Jewish Opinion Publishing Corporation,, 1937. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: How to end the German menace.

124 New York,Querido,, 1944. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: I didn't say goodbye / Claudine Vegh ; with an afterword by Bruno Bettelheim ; translated by Ros Schwartz. New York :E.P. Dutton,, c1984. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: I too had dreams of a bright future : true experiences of children who survived the Holocaust. B'klyn [i.e. Brooklyn] NY :Center for Holocaust Studies, Documentation and Research,, c1988.

Author: Title: IG-Farben, Auschwitz, mass murder : on the guilt of IG-Farben from the documents on the Auschwitz Trial. [Berlin] :Working Group of Former Prisoners of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp of the Committee of Anti-Fascist Resistance Fighters in the German Democratic R, [1964?]

Author: Title: Imposed Jewish governing bodies under Nazi rule; Yivo Colloquium, December 2-5, 1967. New York,Yivo Institute for Jewish Research,, 1972. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Imposed Jewish governing bodies under Nazi rule; Yivo Colloquium, December 2-5, 1967. New York,Yivo Institute for Jewish Research,, 1972.

Author: Title: Inleiding en algemeen overzicht van de gevechtsdagen van 10-19 Mei, 1940 / bewerkt door V.E. Nierstrasz. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1957.

Author: Title: International Jew : the world's foremost problem / ed. by G.F. Green. New Barnet, Eng. :G.F. Green,, 1949.

Author: Title: Internationale Jude 2. Leipzig,Hammer-Verlag, [1922] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Introduction to Germany for occupation families. [s.l.] :U.S. Forces European Theater,, 1947. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Jewish creativity in the holocaust : exhibition of Jewish creativity in the ghettoes and camps under Nazi rule, 1939-1945.

125 [Jerusalem? :s.n.],, 1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Jewish reception of Heinrich Heine / edited by Mark H. Gelber. Thubingen :M. Niemeyer,, 1992. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Jews and Christians after the Holocaust / Abraham J. Peck, editor ; foreword by Elie Wiesel. Philadelphia :Fortress Press,, c1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Jews in Europe : their martyrdom and their future. London :Board of Deputies of British Jews,, 1945. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Jews in Poland : (yesterday and today). London :Polish Association in Great Britain,, [19--] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Jhudischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus in Hamburg. [Hamburg :Der Senat,, 1965] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Jhudisches Schicksal in Kholn 1918-1945 : Ausstellung des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Kholn/NS-Dokumentationszentrum, 8. November 1988 bis 22. Januar 1989, im Kholnischen Stadtmuseum/Alte Wache / [Zusammenstellung der Ausstellung und Exponatbeschreibu [Kholn] :Stadt Kholn,, [1988]

Author: Title: Judaism in action. [S.l. :s.n.],, 1964.

Author: Title: Juden und Martin Luther, Martin Luther und die Juden : Geschichte, Wirkungsgeschichte, Herausforderung / herausgegeben von Heinz Kremers, in Zusammenarbeit mit Leonore Siegele-Wenschkewitz und Bertold Klappert ; mit einem Geleitwort von Johannes Rau. Neukirchen-Vluyn :Neukirchener Verlag,, c1985. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Title: Judentaufen / von Werner Sombart ... [et al.]. Mhunchen :G. Mhuller,, 1912. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Justizausbildungsordnung des Reiches : nebst Durchshuhrungsbestimmungen / mit einem Geleifworf von Roland Freisler ; im amtlichen Austrag erlhautert von Otto Palandt und Heinrich Richter. Berlin :Franz Vahlen,, 1934.

Author: Title: Kampf, Tod, Andenken, 1939-1945 : zum zwanzigsten Jahrestag des Aufstandes im Warschauer Getto, 1943-1963 / Rat fhur den Schutz der Denkmhaler des Kampfes und Mhartyrertums ; [bearbeitet von Stanis1aw Pozna'nski ; Deutsche hUbertragung, Katia Weintraub]. Warszawa :Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe,, 1963. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Kennzeichen J : Bilder, Dokumente, Berichte zur Geschichte der Verbrechen des Hitlerfaschismus an den deutschen Juden 1933-1945 / herausgegeben von Helmut Eschwege ; mit einer Einleitung von Rudi Goguel und einer Chronik der faschistischen Judenverfolgun Frankfurt am Main :Rhoderberg-Verlag,, 1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: KL Auschwitz seen by the SS / Hhoss, Broad, Kremer ; selection, elaboration, and notes, Jadwiga Bezwibnska, Danuta Czech. W bOswiqecimiu :Publications of Pabnstwowe Muzeum,, 1972. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Klharung in der Judenfrage : Dokumente / von Bbela Bangha, S. J., Oskar Trebitsch [und] Paul Kris ; zusammengestellt von der Schriftleitung der Berichte zur Kultur- und Zeitgeschichte. Wien :Reinhold,, 1934. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Konzentrationslager : Tatsachenbericht huber die an der Menschheit begangenen Verbrechen / Eugaene Aroneanu. [Germany :Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Das Licht',, 1946?]

Author: Title: Konzentrationslager Buchenwald post Weimar/Thhur. : Katalog zu der Ausstellung aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik im Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin (West), April-Juni 1990. Buchenwald :Nationalen Mahn- und Gedenksthatte Buchenwald,, [1990]


Author: Title: Kriegsbriefe gefallener Studenten, 1939-1945. [Hrsg. von Walter Bhahr und Hans W. Bhahr in Gemeinschaft mit Hermann J. Meyer und Eberhard Orthbandt. Thubingen,R. Wunderlich,, c1952] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Krijgsverrichtingen in zuid-Limburg, Mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1952.

Author: Title: Krijgsverrichtingen op het Zuidfront van de vesting Holland : bevat tevens de gevechtshandelingen van de Lichte Divisie, Mei 1940 / in 1940-1942 bewerkt door M.R.H. Calmeyer ; herzien en opnieuw bewerkt door V.E. Nierstrasz. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1963.

Author: Title: Kulturbilder aus dem Simplicissimus. Mhunchen,A. Langen,, [19--?]

Author: Title: Kunst in Theresienstadt 1941-1945 : Sammelband zur Ausstellung / hrsg. von der gedenksthatte Theresienstadt ; Text: Oliva Pechovea et al. Terezin :Pamatnik,, 1972. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Labour's aims in war and peace / by C.R. Attlee ... [et al.] ; with a preface by Lord Snell. London :Lincolns-Prager,, [1940?]

Author: Title: LAW for the liberation from national socialism and militarism / editors, Ministry for Special Tasks. [S.l. :s.n.,, 19--]

Author: Title: Lessing und Probleme der deutschen und der polnischen Aufklharung / [wissenschaftliche Leitung, Olga Dobijanka-Witczakowa, Tadeusz Namowicz]. Wroc1aw :Zak1ad Narodowy im. Ossolibnskich,, 1983.

Author: Title: Letzte Briefe aus Stalingrad. Ghutersloh :C. Bertelsmann,, 1959. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Liberation of the Nazi concentration camps 1945 : eyewitness accounts of the liberators / edited by Brewster Chamberlin, Marcia Feldman with an introduction by Robert M. Abzug. Washington, D.C. :United States Holocaust Memorial Council,, 1987.

Author: Title: Liberators, eyewitness accounts of the liberation of concentration camps : oral

128 history testimonies of American liberators from the archives of the Center for Holocaust Studies / edited by Yaffa Eliach and Brana Gurewitsch. Brooklyn, N.Y. (1609 Ave. J, Brooklyn 11230) :Center for Holocaust Studies, Documentation and Research,, 1981-

Author: Title: Life and rebellion of the Warsaw Ghetto. [Paris :Memorial to the Unknown Jewish Martyr,, 1961?] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Life in the Third Reich / edited, with an introduction, by Richard Bessel. Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York :Oxford University Press,, 1987. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Life, struggle, and uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto : exhibition / Yivo Institute for Jewish Research, documentary projects. [New York?] :Yivo,, [1964?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Lightning war / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life,, c1989.

Author: Title: Literature, the arts, and the Holocau[st] / edited by Sanford Pinsker and Jack Fischel. Greenwood, Fla. :Penkevill,, 1987. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Living with antisemitism : modern Jewish responses / edited by Jehuda Reinharz. Hanover, N.H. :Published for Brandeis University Press by University Press of New England,, c1987. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Lodz ghetto : inside a community under siege / compiled and edited by Alan Adelson and Robert Lapides ; with an afterword by Geoffrey Hartman ; annotations and bibliographical notes by Marek Web. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. :Viking,, 1989.

Author: Title: Making the peace treaties, 1941-1947 : a history of the making of the peace beginning with the Atlantic Charter, the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, and culminating in the drafting of peace treaties with Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, and Finland. Washington, D.C. :Dept. of State : U.S. G.P.O.,, 1947. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82


Author: Title: Mannschaft : Frontsoldaten erzhahlen vom Front-Alltag / [herausgegeben von] Jhurgen Hahn-Butry. Berlin :W. Limpert, c1936-

Author: Title: Mark of the swastika : extracts from the British War Blue Book, together with the White Paper on the treatment of German nationals in Germany / edited by Moses Schonfeld and Herman Appelman ; texts in English and Yiddish, with a foreword by Colonel the R [New York :The Ad Press,, c1941] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Massacre d'Oradour-sur-Glane par les hordes hitlberiennes. [Paris?] :"Front national",, [1946?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Massacre d'Oradour-sur-Glane par les hordes hitlberiennes. [Paris?] :"Front national",, [1946?]

Author: Title: Massacre of a people : what the democracies can do. New York :Jewish Frontier Association,, [1942?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Massacre of European Jewry : an anthology. Merchavia, Israel :World Hashomer Hatzair, English Speaking Dept.,, 1963. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Mauern sind nicht fhur ewig gebaut : zur Geschichte der Berliner Mauer / herausgegeben von Peter Mhobius und Helmut Trotnow ; mit Untersthutzung des Deutschen Historischen Museums. Frankfurt am Main :Propylhaen,, c1990. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Meczebnstwo, walka zag1ada gZydbow w Polsce, 1939-1945. [Scenariusz, teksty, wybbor zdjqebc i dokumentbow: Adam Rutkowski. Warszawa] Wydawn.Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, [1960] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Miasto nieujarzmione / [Scenariusz i teksty: Jerzy Piborkowski; zebranie materia1u fotograficznego i red. ilustracyjna: Stefan Ba1uk. Warszawa] :Iskry,, 1957.

Author: Title: Mosaic of victims : non-Jews persecuted and murdered by the Nazis / edited by

130 Michael Berenbaum. New York :New York University Press,, c1990.

Author: Title: Myth of the six million. Los Angeles,Noontide Press,, 1969.

Author: Title: Nach dem Eichmann Prozess : zu einer Kontroverse huber die Haltung der Juden. London :Council of Jews from Germany,, 1963.

Author: Title: Nationalsozialismus : Dokumente 1933-1945 / herausgegeben eingeleitet und dargestellt von Walther Hofer. Frankfurt am Main :Fischer Taschenbuch,, c1957 This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Nationalsozialismus : Dokumente 1933-1945 / herausgegeben, eingeleitet und dargestellt von Walther Hofer. Frankfurt am Main :Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag,, 1982.

Author: This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies Title: Native fascism in the Successor States, 1918-1945. Edited by Peter F. Sugar. Santa Barbara, Calif.,ABC-Clio,, 1971. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Nazi conspiracy in Spain / by the editor of The brown book of the Hitler terror ; translated from the German manuscript by Emile Burns. London :V. Golancz,, 1937. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Nazi ideology before 1933 : a documentation / introduced and translated by Barbara Miller Lane and Leila J. Rupp. Austin :University of Texas Press,, c1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Nazi years : a documentary history / edited by Joachim Remak. New York :Simon & Schuster,, 1986, c1969. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Nazi years : a documentary history / edited by Joachim Remak. New York :Simon & Schuster,, 1986, c1969.

131 This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Title: Nazis against the world; the counter-boycott is the only defensive weapon against Hitlerism's world-threat to civilization; selected speeches from world leaders of public opinion. New York, N.Y.,Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, [1934] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Nazism, 1919-1945 : a documentary reader / edited by J. Noakes and G. Pridham. , UK :University of Exeter Press,, c1995-

Author: Title: Nazism, 1919-1945 : a documentary reader / edited by J. Noakes and G. Pridham. Exeter, UK :University of Exeter Press,, c1995-

Author: Title: Nazism, 1919-1945 : a documentary reader / edited by J. Noakes and G. Pridham. Exeter, UK :University of Exeter Press,, c1995-

Author: Title: New order / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life Books,, c1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: New order / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life Books,, c1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: New Red anti-Semitism; a symposium, edited by Elliot E. Cohen. Boston,Beacon Press, [1953] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Nordiska rhoster : mot judefhorfholjelse och vjald : dokument och kommentarer. [Stockholm] :Judisk Tidskrift,, 1943. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: NS-Juristen, Auschwitz, Massenmord; huber die Blutschuld der Schreibtischmhorder. [Berlin,Komitee der Antifaschistischen Widerstandskhampfer in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Arbeitsgruppe der Ehemaligen Hhaftlinge des Konzentratio, 1965] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82


Author: Title: Obligation to remember : the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Washington D.C., April 11-14, 1983 : an anthology / by the staff of the Washington Post. [Washington, D.C.] :Washington Post,, c1983.

Author: Title: Officer's guide : a ready reference on customs and correct procedures which pertain to commissioned officers of the United States Army. Harrisburg, Pa. :Military Service Pub. Co.,, 1942 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Operatihen van het veldleger en het Oost-front van de Vesting Holland, Mei 1940 / [redactie en samenstelling V.E. Nierstrasz]. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1955.

Author: Title: Operatihen van het veldleger en het Oost-front van de Vesting Holland, Mei 1940 / [redactie en samenstelling V.E. Nierstrasz]. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1955.

Author: Title: Operation vittles : cook book / compiled by the American women in blockaded Berlin. [Berlin] :Deutscher Verlag,, 1949.

Author: Title: Ordre et desordre de la France (1939-1949) [Paris], 1950.

Author: Title: Passing through Germany / [edited by Karl Kiesel]. Berlin :Terramare Office,, 1933. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Path through the ashes : penetrating and inspiring stories of the Holocaust from a Torah perspective : collected from the pages of the Jewish observer / Nisson Wolpin, editor. Brooklyn, N.Y.:Mesorah Publications in conjunction with Agudath Israel of America,, 1986. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Path through the ashes : penetrating and inspiring stories of the Holocaust from a Torah perspective : collected from the pages of the Jewish observer / Nisson Wolpin, editor. Brooklyn, N.Y.:Mesorah Publications in conjunction with Agudath Israel of America,, 1986. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Perspectives on the Holocaust : essays in honor of Raul Hilberg / edited by James S. Pacy and Alan P. Wertheimer. Boulder :Westview Press,, 1995.

133 This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Picture history of World War II, 1939-1945. New York :Grosset & Dunlap,, 1946.

Author: Title: Picture history of World War II, 1939-1945. New York :Grosset & Dunlap,, 1946.

Author: Title: Plays of the Holocaust : an international anthology / edited with an introduction by Elinor Fuchs. New York :Theatre Communications Group,, 1987. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Polish Jewry : history and culture / Marian Fuks ... [et al.] ; [translated by Bogna Piotrowska and Lech Petrowicz]. Warsaw :Interpress Publishers,, 1982. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Polish resistance movement in Poland and abroad, 1939-1945 / contributors Witold Biegabnski ... [et al.] ; edited by Stanis1aw Okqecki. Warszawa :PWN--Polish Scientific Publishers,, 1987.

Author: Title: Post-war relief and rehabilitation of European Jewry : memorandum submitted to the Council of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration / by the Jewish Labor Committee. New York, N.Y. :Jewish Labor Committee,, [19--]

Author: Title: Prejudice against the Jew : its nature, its causes and remedies : a symposium by foremost Christians published in the American Hebrew, April 4, 1890 / with a foreword by Philip Cowen. New York :P. Cowen,, 1928. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Propaganda on film : a nation at war / [compiled by] Richard A. Maynard. Rochelle Park, N.J. :Hayden Book Co.,, [1975]

Author: Title: Psychoanalytic reflections on the holocaust : selected essays / edited by Steven A. Luel and Paul Marcus. [Denver] : New York :Holocaust Awareness Institute, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver ; Ktav Pub. House,, 1984. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Title: Race: nation: person; social aspects of the race problem, a symposium by Joseph T. Delos [and others]... With a preface by His Excellency Bishop Joseph W. [!] Corrigan... New York,Barnes & Noble, inc.,, 1944. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Reach for empire / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life Books,, c1989.

Author: Title: Rechtsextremismus in hOsterreich nach 1945 / herausgegeben vom Dokumentationsarchiv des hOsterreichischen Widerstandes (DhOW) ; [Redaktion, Brigitte Galanda ... et al. ; wissenschaftliche Beratung, Herbert Steiner]. Wien :hOsterreichischer Bundesverlag,, 1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Referartn un retsenzies. Nyu-Yorrk :Yidisher rVisnshafrtlekher Insrtirturt,, [19--]

Author: Title: Reflections by Jewish survivors from Mannheim : a collection of memoirs by Jewish survivors of Nazi persecution from Mannheim, Germany / Robert B. Kahn. New York :Mannheim Reunion Committee,, c1990.

Author: Title: Reichsbauernstadt Goslar am Harz : die tausendjhahrige Kaiser-, Reichs- und Hansestadt : ein Fhuhrer durch Goslar und Umgebung Geschichte-Kunst-und Kultur Wirtschaft / herausgegeben vom Oberbhurgermeister der Reichsbauernstadt Goslar ; bearbeitet von Car [Hannover :Jhaneke,, 19--]

Author: Title: Report on S. 3455 : a bill to revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality, and other purposes. [Washington, D.C. :Immigration and Naturalization Service,, 1950].

Author: Title: Resistenza francese e la partecipazione degli antifascisti italiani : atti del convegno tenuto a Sesto Fiorentino il 16 marzo 1980. Firenze :Tipografia nazionale,, 1982.

Author: Title: Responses to Elie Wiesel / edited by Harry James Cargas. New York :Persea Books,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Reworking the past : Hitler, the Holocaust, and the historians' debate / edited by Peter Baldwin. Boston :Beacon Press,, c1990.

Author: Title: Rise of the Nazi regime : historical reassessments / edited by Charles S. Maier,

135 Stanley Hoffman [sic], and Andrew Gould. Boulder :Westview Press,, 1986, c1986. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Saving of the Jews in Bulgaria, 1941-1944. [Ed. by Albert Cohen and Anri Assa. Sofia]State Publishing House "Septemvri",, 1977. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Schicksal jhudischer Mitbhurger in Nhurnberg 1850-1945 : Ausstellungskatalog mit Dokumenten / bearbeitet von Stadtarchiv und Volksbhucherei Nhurnberg. Nhurnberg :Selbstverlag des Stadtrats,, 1965. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Schlag nach! Wissenswerte Tatsachen aus allen Gebieten; ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk, hrsg. von den Fachschriftleitungen des Bibliographischen Instituts. Leipzig,Bibliographisches Institut, [1938] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Schlump; the story of a German soldier told by himself; translated from the German by Maurice Samuel. New York,Harcourt, Brace and company, [c1929]

Author: Title: Schuldig im sinne des Rechts und des Vholkerrechts : Auszhuge aus dem Protokoll des Prozesses gegen den KZ-Arzt Fisher vor dem Obersten Gerichtder DDR. [Berlin] :Arbeitsgruppe der ehemaligen Hhaftlinge des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz beim Komitee der Antifaschistischen Widerstandskhampfer in der Deutschen D, [1966?]

Author: Title: Selbstzeugnisse des deutschen Judentums 1861-1945 / herausgegeben von Achim von Borries ; mit einem Geleitwort von Helmut Gollwitzer. Frankfurt am Main :Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag,, 1988.

Author: Title: Selected problems from the history of KL Auschwitz / [Kazimierz Smolebn ... [et al.] ; translated from the Polish text by Andrzej Branny]. Obswiqecim :Pabnstwowe Muzeum w Obswiqecimiu,, 1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Sentenced & tried: the Stalinist purges in Czechoslovakia, [by] Eugene Loebl. With a postscript by Duisan Pokorny, translated [from the German] by Maurice Michael. London,Elek,, 1969. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Six million reconsidered : Is the 'Nazi Holocaust' story a Zionist propaganda

136 ploy? / by the Committee for Truth in History ; research editor, William N. Grimstad. Torrance, CA,Noontide Press,, 1979- Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: So wurde Hitler finanziert : das verschollene Dokument von Sidney Warburg huber die internationalen Geldgeber des Dritten Reiches / herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Ekkehard Franke-Gricksch. Leonberg :Verlag Daignosen,, c1983.

Author: Title: Sobibbor, martyrdom and revolt : documents and testimonies / presented by Miriam Novitch ; preface by Lbeon Poliakov. New York :Holocaust Library : Distributed by Schocken Books,, c1980.

Author: Title: Songs of my people = Shire 0ami / [compiled and edited by] Harry Coopersmith. [Chicago : Anshe Emet Synagogue,, c1937]

Author: Title: Sonnentage im grhunen Harz : es grhune die Tanne, es wachse das Erz, Gott schenke uns allen, ein srhohliches Herz. Berlin :Ludwig Simon,, [19--?]

Author: Title: Soviet protocols of Zion. [London :European Jewish Publications,, 1969.] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Soviet-Polish relations, a collection of official documents and press extracts 1944-1946. London,"Soviet news,", 1946. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Spiritual resistance : art from concentration camps, 1940-1945 : a selection of drawings and paintings from the collection of Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot, Israel / with essays by Miriam Novitch, , Tom L. Freudenheim. New York :Union of American Hebrew Congregations,, 1981.

Author: Title: SS / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, VA :Time-Life Books Inc.,, [1989], c1988.

Author: Title: SS im Einsatz : eine Dokumentation huber die Verbrechen der SS / [Dr. Heinrich Toeplitz, ed.]. Berlin :Kongress,, 1960.

Author: Title: Stahlhelm : Erinnerungen und Bilder / herausgegeben im Auftrage des Grhunders und Bundesfhuhrers Franz Seldte. Berlin :Stahlhelm-verlag,, 1932-1933.

137 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Stalingrad. Moscow,Foreign Languages Pub. House,, 1943. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Store krigen. Under redaksjon av H.O. Christophersen, Erik M2ller [og] jAke Thulstrup. Billedredakt2r: Arnold Eskeland. [Oslo]Gyldendal, [1950?] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Store krigen. Under redaksjon av H.O. Christophersen, Erik M2ller [og] jAke Thulstrup. Billedredakt2r: Arnold Eskeland. [Oslo]Gyldendal, [1950?] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Store krigen. Under redaksjon av H.O. Christophersen, Erik M2ller [og] jAke Thulstrup. Billedredakt2r: Arnold Eskeland. [Oslo]Gyldendal, [1950?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Storming to power / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life,, c1989. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Strange death of Adolf Hitler. Anonymous. New York,The Macaulay company, [1939] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Strijd in Zeeland, Mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1954.

Author: Title: Stronger than death. Short stories of the Russians at war. Illustrations by Giacomo Patri. San Francisco,American Russian institute for cultural relations with the Soviet Union, [1944]

Author: Title: Studien zur Geschichte der Konzentrationslager. ,Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [1970]

Author: Title: Studies of the Leo Baeck Institute, edited by Max Kreutzberger. New York,F. Ungar Pub. Co., [1967]

Author: Title: Sturz ins Dritte Reich : historische Miniaturen und Portrhats 1933/35. Leipzig :Urania,, 1983.


Author: Title: Stutthof--hitlerowski obboz koncentracyjny / Konrad Ciechanowski ... [et al.]. Warszawa :Wydawn. Interpress,, 1988. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Taste of courage; the war, 1939-1945, edited by Desmond Flower and James Reeves. New York,Harper, [1960] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Te0udot le-toldot mediniyut ha-rhuts ha-Natsit, 15.10.33 0ad 30.9.1934 : seminaryon M. A. [] :Universirtat Tel Aviv, ha-Farkulrtah le-mada0e ha-ruah ha-rHug le-hisrtory ha- kelalit,, 727 [1966 or 1967] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Temps qu'on n'oublie pas, 1939-1945. Paris :Fondation Sefer,, 1963.

Author: Title: Ten years : American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, Inc., 1941-1951 / edited by Kurt R. Grossmann. New York :The Federation,, c1952. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Ten years : American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, Inc., 1941-1951 / edited by Kurt R. Grossmann. New York :The Federation,, c1952.

Author: Title: Terezbin Memorial Book : Jewish victims of Nazi deportations from Bohemia and Moravia 1941-1945; a guide to the Czech original with a glossary of Czech terms used in the lists / Ed. Miroslav Kbarnby...[et al.] Praha :Terezbin Intitiative ; Melantrich,, 1996.

Author: Title: Terezbinskba pamietnbi kniha : izidovskbe obieti nacistickbych deportacbi z iCech a Moravy 1941-1945 / [editoiri Miroslav Kbarnby (vedoucbi) ... et al.]. Praha :Terezbinskba iniciativa : Melantrich,, 1995.

Author: Title: Terezbinskba pamietnbi kniha : izidovskbe obieti nacistickbych deportacbi z iCech a Moravy 1941-1945 / [editoiri Miroslav Kbarnby (vedoucbi) ... et al.]. Praha :Terezbinskba iniciativa : Melantrich,, 1995.

Author: Title: Terezin, Terezin kit

139 Prague :Council of Jewish Communities in the Czech Lands,, 1965.

Author: Title: Territoriale verdediging van de noordelijke provincihen, Mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1952.

Author: Title: Theatre of the Holocaust : four plays / edited and with an introduction by Robert Skloot. Madison :University of Wisconsin Press,, 1982. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: To bigotry no sanction : documents in American Jewish history / edited by David M. Goldenberg. [Philadelphia] :Annenberg Research Institute,, c1988.

Author: Title: To live with honor and die with honor!-- : selected documents from the Warsaw Ghetto Underground Archives "O.S." ("Oneg Shabbath") / edited and annotated by Joseph Kermish ; [editorial board, Yitzchak Arad ... [et al.] ; translators, M.Z. Prives ... [et Jerusalem :Yad Vashem,, 1986.

Author: Title: Toleranz und Brhuderlichkeit : 30 Jahre Gesellschaft fhur christlich-jhudische Zusammenarbeit in Berlin / Redaktion Lorenz Weinrich. Berlin :Gesellschaft fhur christlich-jhudische Zusammenarbeit,, 1979.

Author: Title: Topography of terror : Gestapo, SS and Reichssicherheitshauptamt on the "Prinz-Albrecht-Terrain" ; a documentation / edited by Reinhard Rhurup ; translated from the German edition by Werner T. Angress. Berlin :W. Arenhhovel,, 1989. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Trail of the serpent, by Inquire Within. Hawthorne, Calif.,Christian Book Club of America, [1969] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

140 Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949. Washington, D.C. :U.S. G.P.O.,, 1949-1953.

Author: Title: Truth prevails : demolishing : the end of "The Leuchter Report"

141 / editor: Shelly Shapiro. New York :The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation and Holocaust Survivors & Friends in Pursuit of Justice,, c1990.

Author: Title: Twisted dream / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, VA :Time-Life Books,, c1990. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Two women and a war: Diary, by Grete Paquin, and Pillar of fire, by Renate Hagen. Philadelphia,Muhlenberg Press, [1953] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Unanswered questions : Nazi Germany and the genocide of the Jews / edited by Franpcois Furet. New York :Schocken Books,, c1989. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Unanswered questions : Nazi Germany and the genocide of the Jews / edited by Franpcois Furet. New York :Schocken Books,, c1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Unconquerable spirit : vignettes of the Jewish religious spirit the Nazis could not destroy / compiled by Simon Zuker ; translated and edited by Gertrude Hirschler. New York :Zachor Institute : Distributed by Mesorah Publications,, 1980. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Ungarische Antisemitismus in Dokumenten / [edited by] Johann Weidlein. [Schorndorf] :[s.n.],, [1962] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Unser Deutschland : ein Bildwerk / [die Begleitworte schrieb Adrian Mohr]. Mhunchen-Pullach :L. Simon,, [193-?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Unsere Ehre heisst Treue; Kriegstagebuch des Kommandostabes Reichsfhuhrer SS, Thatigkeitsberichte der 1. und 2. SS-Inf.-Brigade, der 1. SS-Kav.-Brigade und von Sonderkommandos der SS. [Herausgeber: Fritz Baade et al.] Wien,Europa Verlag, [1965]


Author: Title: Vbadirat a nbacizmus ellen; dokumentumok a magyarorszbag zsidbohuldhozbes thortbenetbehez. Szerk. Benoschofsky Ilona [bes] Karsai Elek. ,A Magyar Izraelitbak Orszbagos Kbepviselete Kiadbasa,, 1958-

Author: Title: Verachtet, gehetzt, verstossen. Die Verfolgung des Menschen aus rassischen, politischen und religihosen Grhunden. Baden-Baden,Signal-Verlag, [1968] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Verdediging van het Maas-Waalkanaal en de Over-Betuwe, Mei 1940 / [V.E. Nierstrasz]. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1952.

Author: Title: Verdediging van noord-Limburg en noord-Brabant mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1953.

Author: Title: Verdediging van noord-Limburg en noord-Brabant mei 1940. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1953.

Author: Title: Verfolgung, Vertreibung, Vernichtung : Dokumente des faschistischen Antisemitismus 1933 bis 1942 / herausgegeben von Kurt Phatzold. Frankfurt am Main :Rhoderberg-Verlag,, 1984.

Author: Title: Verpasste Nazi-Stopp : die NSDAP als staats- und republikfeindliche, hochverrhaterische Verbindung : preussische Denkschrift von 1930 / herausgegeben und mit einer Einfhuhrung von Robert M.W. Kempner. Frankfurt/M. :Ullstein,, 1983. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Vie et rbevolte du ghetto de Varsovie : aa la glorieuse mbemoire des juifs de Pologne : exposition, Paris, 1961 / organisbee par le Mbemorial du martyr juif inconnu et le Centre de documentation juive contemporaine. Paris :bEditions Polyglottes,, 1961. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Violence and defense in the Jewish experience : papers prepared for a seminar on violence and defense in Jewish history and contemporary life, Tel Aviv University, August 18-September 4, 1974 / contributors, Yohanan Aharoni ... [et al.] ; Salo W. Baron, Philadelphia :Jewish Publication Society of America,, 1977. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Voices from the Holocaust / edited by Sylvia Rothchild ; and with a foreword by

143 Elie Wiesel. New York, N.Y. :New American Library,, c1981.

Author: Title: Voices from the Holocaust / edited by Sylvia Rothchild ; and with a foreword by Elie Wiesel. New York, N.Y. :New American Library,, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Voices of history 1945-46 : speeches and papers of Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Attlee, Stalin, De Gaulle, Chiang and other leaders delivered during 1945 / Nathan Ausubel, ed. New York :Gramercy Publishing Co.,, c1946. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Waffentrhager der Nation; ein Buch der deutschen Wehrmacht fhur das deutsche Volk, hrsg. vom Reichswehrministerium. Berlin,Verlag fhur Vaterlhandische Literatur, [1935] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Title: Wahrheit huber Oberlhander : Braunbuch huber die verbrecherische faschistische Vergangenheit des Bonner Ministers. Berlin :Ausschuss fhur Deutsche Einheit,, [1960] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: War behind barbed wire; reminiscences of Buchenwald ex-prisoners of war. [Translated from the Russian by O. Gorchakov. Edited by F. Solasko] Moscow,Foreign Languages Pub. House,, 1959. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: War crimes and the American conscience. Edited by Erwin Knoll and Judith Nies McFadden. New York,Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1970]

Author: Title: War poetry from occupied Holland. Translated by E. Prins. [London,Arrowsmith,, 1944] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Warsaw ghetto : the 45th anniversary of the uprising / [consultant, Tomasz Szarota]. [Poland] :Interpress Publishers,, [1987] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Title: Was ich huber Adolf Hitler gehhort habe ... : Folgen e. Tabus, Auszhuge aus Schhuler-Aufshatzen von heute / hrsg. von Dieter Bossmann. Frankfurt am Main :Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag,, 1977.

Author: Title: Wave me goodbye : stories of the Second World War / edited by Anne BostoN. Harmondsworth :Penguin,, 1989, c1988. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: We are here : songs of the holocaust / compiled by Eleanor Mlotek and Malke Gottlieb ; foreword by Elie Wiesel ; singable translations by Roslyn Bresnick-Perry ; illustrated by Tsirl Waletzsky. New York :Workmen's Circle and Hippocrene Books,, c1983.

Author: Title: We have not forgotten, 1939-1945 = Nous n'avons pas oublibe = Wir haben es nicht vergessen / collected and edited by Tadeusz Mazur, Jerzy Tomaszewski. Warszawa :Polonia Pub. House,, 1961. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: We were children just like you / edited by Yaffa Eliach. Brooklyn, N.Y. :Center for Holocaust Studies, Documentation and Research,, c1990.

Author: Title: Werkbund : studies in the history and ideology of the Deutscher Werkbund, 1907-1933 / edited by Lucius Burckhardt ; translated by Pearl Sanders. London :The Design Council,, 1980.

Author: Title: West- en Noordfront, Vesting Holland, Mei 1940 : waarin opgenomen de gebeurtenissen in Amsterdam / bewerkt door V.E. Nierstrasz. 's-Gravenhage :Staatsdrukkerij,, 1961. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: When hostilities cease, papers on relief and reconstruction prepared for the Fabian Society by Dr. Julian Huxley, Professor H. J. Laski, W. Arnold-Forster [and others] with a foreword by Philip Noel-Baker, M.P., and an introduction by Leonard Woolf. London,V. Gollancz ltd,, 1943. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Wir Deutsche in der Welt / herausgegeben von dem Verband deutscher Vereine im Ausland E.V. [Berlin :O. Stollberg,, 1938] 1936. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Title: Wir Deutsche in der Welt.

145 Berlin :O. Stollberg,, c1935.

Author: Title: Wohnungen des Thodes : judisches Schicksal im Dritten Reich : Dokumente und Texte / zusammengestellt von Hermann Glaser und Harald Straube. Bamberg :C.C. Buchner,, 1961.

Author: Title: Wolf packs / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :Time-Life,, c1989.

Author: Title: Workmen's protective legislation in Poland / preface by Jan Stabnczyk. New York, N.Y. :Poland Fights,, [1941]

Author: Title: Yellow spot: the outlawing of half a million human beings; a collection of facts and documents relating to three years persecution of German Jews, derived chiefly from National socialist sources, very carefully assembled by a group of investigators. With London,V. Gollancz, ltd.,, 1936. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82 This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Yom be-gerto rVarshah : rtiyul yom huledet be-gehinom / [otser rashi, Yitsrhark Mais ; otseret, 0Irit bSalmon ; merhrkar rve-rterksrtim, Yitsrhark Arad ... et al.] = A day in the Warsaw gheto : a birthday trip in Hell / [chief curator, Yitzchak Mais ; cu Yerushalayim :Yad rva-shem, rashut ha-zikaron la-Sho.ah rvela-gevurah, ha-Muze.on,, c1988. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Title: Zehn Jahre Theater. Das Schlosspark-Theater, Berlin, 1945-1955. Mit Beitrhagen von Friedrich Luft [u.a.] Berlin,Rembrandt Verlag, [c1955]

Author: Title: Zur Geschichte der deutschen antifaschistischen Widerstandsbewegung, 1933- 1945 : eine Auswahl von Materialien, Berichten und Dokumenten. Berlin :Verlag des Ministeriums fhur nationale Verteidigung,, 1958.

Author: Title: Zwei Legenden aus dem Dritten Reich : quellenkritische Studien / von Hans- Heinrich Wilhelm und Louis de Jong. Stuttgart :Deutsche Verlags-anstalt,, [1974]

Author: [O'Neill, Herbert Charles] 1879- Title: Tide turns; the battles of Stalingrad, Alamein, and Tunisia (23 August 1942-14 May 1943) by Strategicus [pseud.] London,Faber and Faber limited,, [1944] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

146 Author: 0Omer, Devorah, 1932- Title: Teheran operation : the rescue of Jewish children from the Nazis : based on the biographical sketches of David and Rachel Laor / Devora Omer ; [English translation, Riva Rubin]. Washington, D.C. :B'nai B'rith Books,, c1991. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Aarons, Mark. Title: Unholy trinity : how the Vatican's Nazi networks betrayed western intelligence to the Soviets / Mark Aarons and John Loftus. New York :St. Martin's Press,, 1992. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Abel-Musgrave, Curt. Title: Auf der Suche nach der Demokratie / von Curt Abel- Musgrave. Bamberg :Germania,, 1914.

Author: Aberbach, David, 1953- Title: Surviving trauma : loss, literature, and psychoanalysis / David Aberbach. New Haven :Yale University Press,, 1989. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Abrams, Alan E. Title: Special treatment : the untold story of Hitler's third race / by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, N.J. :L. Stuart,, c1985. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Abrams, Alan E. Title: Special treatment : the untold story of Hitler's third race / by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, N.J. :L. Stuart,, c1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Abrams, Alan E. Title: Special treatment : the untold story of Hitler's third race / by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, N.J. :L. Stuart,, c1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Accoce, Pierre, 1928- Title: Guerre a betbe gagnbee en Suisse; l'affaire Roessler [par] Pierre Accoce et Pierre Quet. Paris,Perrin, [1966] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Ackerman, Nathan Ward, 1908- Title: Anti-Semitism and emotional disorder, a

147 psychoanalytic interpretation by Nathan W. Ackerman and Marie Jahoda. New York,Harper, [1950] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Ackermann, Werner, 1892- Title: Flucht nach Schanghai, schauspiel in fhunf Bildern ... Berlin,Vertriebstelle des Verbandes deutscher bhuhnenschriftsteller und Bhuhnenkomponisten,, c1929.

Author: Adam, Uwe Dietrich. Title: Judenpolitik im Dritten Reich. Dhusseldorf,Droste Verlag, [c1972]

Author: Adler, Cyrus, 1863-1940. Title: Voice of America on Kishineff, ed. by Cyrus Adler. Philadelphia,The Jewish publication society of America,, 1904. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Adler, Cyrus, 1863-1940. Title: With firmness in the right; American diplomatic action affecting Jews, 1840-1945, by Cyrus Adler and Aaron M. Margalith. New York,The American Jewish Committee,, 1946. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Adler, David A. Title: We remember the Holocaust / David A. Adler. New York :H. Holt,, c1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Adler, H. G. Title: Kampf gegen die "Endlhosung der Judenfrage". Hrsg. von der Bundeszentrale fhur Heimatdienst. Bonn,, 1958. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Adler, H. G. Title: Theresienstadt 1941-1945; das Antlitz einer Zwangsgemeinschaft. Geschichte, Soziologie, Psychologie. Thubingen,Mohr,, 1955.

Author: Adler, Jacques, 1927- Title: Jews of Paris and the : communal response and internal conflicts, 1940-1944 / Jacques Adler. New York :Oxford University Press,, 1989. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Adlon, Hedda. Title: Hotel Adlon : the life and death of a great hotel / Translated from the German and edited by Norman Denny. New York :Horizon Press,, [1960]

Author: Agar, Herbert, 1897- Title: Saving remnant; an account of Jewish survival.

148 New York,Viking Press,, 1960. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Agar, Herbert, 1897-1980 Title: Saving remnant; an account of Jewish survival since 1914. London,Hart-Davis,, 1960. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Agoston, Tom. Title: Blunder! : how the U.S. gave away Nazi supersecrets to Russia / Tom Agoston. New York :Dodd, Mead,, c1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ainsztein, Reuben. Title: Warsaw ghetto revolt / Reuben Ainsztein. New York :Holocaust Library : [distributed by Schocken Books],, c1979.

Author: Ainsztein, Reuben. Title: Warsaw ghetto revolt / Reuben Ainsztein. New York :Holocaust Library : [distributed by Schocken Books],, c1979.

Author: al-Hamawei, Mbameun, Title: Britische Palhastina-Politik, bearbeitet von Mamun al- Hamui. Berlin,Junker und Dhunnhaupt,, 1943. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Albrecht, Dieter, 1927- Title: Notenwechsel zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und der Deutschen Reichsregierung. Mainz,Matthias-Grhunewald-Verlag,, c1965-1980. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Albrecht, Stanislaw. Title: Warsaw lives again! [n.p.]Committee on Exhibition, "Warsaw lives again,", 1946. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Alexander, Charles W. Title: Nurnberg / by Charles W. Alexander. [Nurnberg :Printed by Karl Ulrich & Co.,, 1946]

Author: Alexander, Edward, 1936- Title: Resonance of dust : essays on holocaust literature and Jewish fate / Edward Alexander. Columbus :Ohio State University Press,, c1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Aliav, Ruth, 1914- Title: Last escape : the launching of the largest secret rescue movement of all time / by Ruth Klhuger [i.e. R. Aliav] and Peggy Mann.

149 Garden City, N.Y. :Doubleday,, 1973.

Author: Allard, Paul. Title: Quand Hitler espionne la France / Paul Allard. Paris :Les Editions de France,, c1939.

Author: Allen, Charles R. (Charles Russell), 1926- Title: Nazi war criminals in America : facts, action / by Charles R. Allen, Jr., Rochelle Saidel-Wolk. Albany, N.Y. (P.O. Box 3105, Pine Hills Sta., Albany 12203) :C.R. Allen, Jr. Productions,, c1981.

Author: Allen, William Sheridan. Title: Nazi seizure of power; the experience of a single German town, 1930-1935. Chicago,Quadrangle Books,, 1965.

Author: Allen, William Sheridan. Title: Nazi seizure of power; the experience of a single German town, 1930-1935. Chicago,Quadrangle Books,, 1965.

Author: Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Treaty with Germany, June 28, 1919. Title: Treaty of peace between the Allied & Associated Powers and Germany (with amendments) and other treaty engagements, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919 ; together with the reply of the Allied and Associated Powers to the observations of the German delegat London :H.M. Stationery Office,, 1925.

Author: Alquen, Gunter d', 1910- Title: Auf Hieb und Stich, Stimmen zur Zeit am Wege einer deutschen Zeitung. Berlin,F. Eher Nachf.,, 1937.

Author: Altmann, Alexander, 1906- Title: Leo Baeck and the Jewish mystical tradition. [New York,Leo Baeck Institute,, 1973]

Author: Ambery, Jean. Title: At the mind's limits : contemplations by a survivor on Auschwitz and its realities / Jean Ambery ; translated by Sidney Rosenfeld and Stella P. Rosenfeld. Bloomington :Indiana University Press,, c1980. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ambruster, Howard Watson, 1878- Title: Treason's peace; German dyes & American dupes ... New York,The Beechhurst Press, [1947] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Title: Science and the concept of race. Margaret Mead [and others], editors. New York, Press,, 1968. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82


Author: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Title: Science and the concept of race. Margaret Mead [and others], editors. New York,Columbia University Press,, 1968. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: American Council for Nationalities Service. Title: How to become a citizen of the United States. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.,Oceana Publications, [1963]

Author: American Federation of Jews from Central Europe. Title: Twenty years: American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, Inc., 1940-1960. New York[s.n.], [1961] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: American Federation of Jews from Central Europe. Title: Twenty years: American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, Inc., 1940-1960. New York[s.n.], [1961]

Author: American Jewish Committee. Title: Jews in Nazi Germany; a handbook of facts regarding their present situation. New York,The American Jewish Committee,, 1935.

Author: American Jewish Committee. Title: Toward peace and equity : recommendations of the American Jewish Committee. New York :The Committee,, 1946.

Author: American Jewish Conference. Title: Jewish position at the United Nations Conference on International Organization : a report to the delegates of the American Jewish Conference. New York :Parish Press,, 1945.

Author: American Jewish Conference. Committee on Preliminary Studies. Title: Survey of facts and opinions on problems of post-war Jewry in Europe and Palestine [by] Committee on preliminary studies, authorized by the Executive committee for the organization of the American Jewish conference. ,The Comet Press, Inc., 1943. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: American Jewish Conference. Committee on Preliminary Studies. Title: Survey of facts and opinions on problems of post-war Jewry in Europe and Palestine [by] Committee on preliminary studies, authorized by the Executive committee for the organization of the American Jewish conference. New York City,The Comet Press, Inc., 1943.

Author: American Jewish Conference. Executive Committee. Title: Final report of the

151 Executive Committee to the delegates of the American Jewish Conference, January 31, 1949. [New York], 1949. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: American Jewish Congress. Title: Case of civilization against Hitlerism, presented under the auspices of the American Jewish congress at Madison square garden, New York, March 7, 1934; the pleaders, Bainbridge Colby, Bernard S. Deutsch, Arthur R. Brown. . .[and others] New York,R. O. Ballou,, 1934. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: American Jewish Congress. Public Relations Dept. Title: In everlasting remembrance; a guide to memorials and monuments honoring the six million. New York,American Jewish Congress, [1969] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Title: European legislation on declarations of death : survey concluded on January 1, 1949 / compiled by the Office of General Counsel, European Headquarters, American Joint Distribution Committee. Paris :Published by American Joint Distribution Committee,, [1949]

Author: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Title: Hunger disease : studies / by the Jewish physicians in the Warsaw ghetto ; edited by Myron Winick ; translated from the Polish by Martha Osnos. New York :Wiley,, c1979.

Author: Amerikanisch-Deutsche Historikertagung, (2d : 1955 : Brunswick) Title: Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten; Empfehlungen der 2. amerikanisch-deutschen Historkerkonferenz huber die Behandlung der amerikanisch-deutschen Beziehungen vom 18. Jahrhundert bis 1941. Braunschweig, 23. bis 31. August, 1955. Braunschweig,A. Limbach, [1962]

Author: Amyntor, pseud. Title: Victors in chains, by Amyntor. London, New York,Pub. by authority of the Greek Ministry of information by Hutchinson, [1943?] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Anatolifi, A., 1929-1979. Title: Babi Yar : a documentary novel / by Anatoly Kuznetsov ; translated by Jacob Guralsky. New York ;Sphere Books, Ltd., 1967.

Author: Anders, Wladyshaw, 1892- Title: Hitler's defeat in Russia. Foreword by Truman Smith. Chicago,H. Regnery Co.,, 1953. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich

152 the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Anderson, Scott, 1959- Title: Inside the League : the shocking expose of how terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American death squads have infiltrated the world Anti-Communist League / Scott Anderson, Jon Lee Anderson. New York :Dodd, Mead,, c1986. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Anderson, Wing, 1890- Title: Prophetic years, 1947-1953, by Wing Anderson. Los Angeles,Kosmon press, [1946] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Andic, Hellmut. Title: Histoire de l'antisbemitisme. Traduit de l'allemand par Raymond Albeck. Paris,A. Michel, [1967]

Author: Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth. Title: Berlin underground, 1938-1945 / translated by Barrows Mussey ; with an introductory note by Joel Sayre. New York :Holt,, 1947. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Andrus, Burton C. Title: I was the Nuremberg jailer, by Burton C. Andrus. New York,Coward-McCann, [1969] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Angoff, Charles, 1902- Title: Journey to the dawn. Charles Angoff. New York,T. Yoseloff,, [1962] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Angolia, John R. Title: Cloth insignia of the NSDAP and SA / by John R. Angolia ; assisted by Stan Cook. San Jose, Calif. :R.J. Bender Pub.,, c1985. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Angolia, John R. Title: On the field of honor, a history of the knight's cross bearers / John R. Angolia. [S.l. :s.n.],, c1979- This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Angolia, John R. Title: On the field of honor, a history of the knight's cross bearers / John R. Angolia. [S.l. :s.n.],, c1979-


Author: Angress, Werner T. Title: Between fear & hope : Jewish youth in the Third Reich / Werner T. Angress ; translated by Werner T. Angress and Christine Granger. New York :Columbia University Press,, 1988. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ansky, Michel, 1889-1948. Title: Juifs d'Algberie du dbecret Crbemieux aa la libberation. Michel Ansky. bEpilogue par Pierre Paraf. Prbef. du professeur Henri Aboulker. Postface de Andrbe Philip. Paris,bEditions du Centre,, 1950. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Apenszlak, Jacob, 1894- Title: Black book of Polish Jewry, an account of the martyrdom of Polish Jewry under the Nazi occupation. Editor: Jacob Apenszlak; co-editors: Jacob Kenner, Dr. Isaac Lewin [and] Dr. Moses Polakiewicz. [New York]The American Federation for Polish Jews in cooperation with the Association of Jewish Refugees and Immigrants from Poland, [c1943]

Author: Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918. Title: Wandering Jew, and other stories; translated by Raemy Inglis Hall, illustrated by Antony Little. London,Hart-Davis,, 1967. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Appelfeld, Aron. Title: Badenheim 1939 / by Aharon Appelfeld ; translated by Dalya Bilu. Boston :D. R. Godine,, 1980. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Appelfeld, Aron. Title: Tzili, the story of a life / Aharon Appelfeld ; translated by Dalya Bilu. New York :E.P. Dutton,, c1983. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Appelfeld, Aron. Title: Tzili, the story of a life / Aharon Appelfeld ; translated by Dalya Bilu. New York :E.P. Dutton,, c1983.

Author: Arad, Yitzhak, 1926- Title: Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka : the Operation Reinhard death camps / Yitzhak Arad. Bloomington :Indiana University Press,, c1987.

Author: Arad, Yitzhak, 1926- Title: Ghetto in flames : the struggle and destruction of the Jews in Vilna in the Holocaust / Yitzhak Arad. Jerusalem : [New York] :Yad Vashem, Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority ; Ktav Pub. House,, 1981.


Author: Arad, Yitzhak, 1926- Title: Ghetto in flames : the struggle and destruction of the Jews in Vilna in the Holocaust / Yitzhak Arad. New York :Holocaust Library : Distributed by Schoken Books,, c1982.

Author: Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Wahrung Sudetendeutscher Interessen. Title: Documents on the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans. Compilation and introd. by Wilhelm K. Turnwald. Foreword to the English ed. by F.A. Voigt. Translated by Gerda Johannsen. [Mhunchen], 1953. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: ; a report on the banality of evil. New York,Viking Press, [1963] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: Jew as pariah : Jewish identity and politics in the modern age / Hannah Arendt ; edited and with an introd. by Ron H. Feldman. New York :Grove Press : distributed by Random House,, 1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: Jew as pariah : Jewish identity and politics in the modern age / Hannah Arendt ; edited and with an introd. by Ron H. Feldman. New York :Grove Press : distributed by Random House,, 1978.

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: Life of the mind / Hannah Arendt. New York :Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,, c1978.

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: Men in dark times. New York :Harcourt, Brace & World,, [1968]

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: Origins of totalitarianism. New York,Harcourt, Brace & World, [1966] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arendt, Hannah. Title: Origins of totalitarianism. New York,Meridian Books, [1958] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Argus, Peter. Title: Bliksemoorlog op den Balkan. S'Gravenhage,Uitgeverij "De Delta", [1942]

Author: Arieti, Silvano. Title: Parnas / Silvano Arieti. New York :Basic Books,, c1979.

155 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Armstrong, John Alexander, 1922- Title: Politics of totalitarianism; the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1934 to the present. New York,Random House, [1961] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arnold, Caroline. Title: Anti-Semitism : a modern perspective / Caroline Arnold and Herma Silverstein. New York :J. Messner,, c1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arnold, Elliott, 1912- Title: Night of watching. by Elliott Arnold. New York,Scribner, c1967 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arnold, Elliott, 1912- Title: Night of watching. Elliott Arnold. London,Longmans,, 1968. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arnold, Fredric. Title: Doorknob Five Two / Fredric Arnold. Los Angeles, Calif. :S.E. Maxwell,, c1984. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Arnold, Joseph Irwin, 1887- Title: Toward world brotherhood. Bridgewater, Mass.,Arnold, [c1946] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Arnothy, Christine, 1930- Title: I am fifteen and I don't want to die. Translated from the French. New York,Dutton,, 1956.

Author: Aron, Robert, 1898-1975. Title: Histoire de l'bepuration ... Paris,Fayard,, 1967-1975. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Aron, Robert, 1898-1975. Title: Histoire de la libberation de la France, juin 1944-mai 1945. [Paris]A. Fayard, [c1959] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Arsenijevibc, Drago. Title: Voluntary hostages of the S.S. / Drago Arsenijevic.

156 Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Pleasant Valley Press,, 1979.

Author: Artzt, Heinz. Title: Mhorder in Uniform : Organisationen, d. zu Vollstreckern nationalsozialist. Verbrechen wurden / Heinz Artzt ; mit e. Vorw. von Gert Bastian. Mhunchen :Kindler,, 1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Asch, Sholem, 1880-1957 Title: Tales of my people. Tr. by Meyer Levin. New York,G. P. Putnam's Sons, [1948] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Asch, Sholem, 1880-1957 Title: Tales of my people. Tr. by Meyer Levin. New York,G. P. Putnam's Sons, [1948] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ascoli, Max, 1888- Title: Fascism for whom? By Max Ascoli and Arthur Feiler ... New York,W. W. Norton & Company, inc., [c1938] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ashman, Charles R. Title: Nazi hunters / Charles Ashman, Robert J. Wagman. New York :Pharos Books,, 1988.

Author: Askenasy, Hans, 1930- Title: Are we all Nazis? / By Hans Askenasy. Secaucus, N.J. :L. Stuart,, c1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Askenasy, Hans, 1930- Title: Hitler's secret / by Hans Askenasy. [Laguna Beach, CA] (P.O. Box 4197, Laguna Beach 92652) :H. Askenasy,, [c1984] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Association of Jewish Refugess in Great Britain. Title: Britain's new citizens; the story of the refugees from Germany and Austria, 1941-1951. London, [1951] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Astor, Gerald, 1926- Title: "last" Nazi : the life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele / by Gerald Astor. New York :D.I. Fine,, c1985. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Auerbach, Frank Ludwig, 1910-1964. Title: Admission and resettlement of displaced persons in the United States; a handbook of legal and technical information for the use of local

157 social and civic agencies. New York,Common Council for American Unity,, c1950. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Auerbach, Frank Ludwig, 1910-1964. Title: Immigration and nationality act, a summary of its principal provisions; with a foreword by Read Lewis. New York,Common Council for American Unity, [1952]

Author: Auerbacher, Inge, 1934- Title: I am a star : child of the Holocaust / Inge Auerbacher ; with illustrations by Israel Bernbaum. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. :Puffin Books,, 1993.

Author: Auslander, Joseph, 1897- Title: Unconquerables; salutes to the undying spirit of the nazi-occupied countries, by Joseph Auslander. New York,Simon and Schuster,, 1943.

Author: Avigdor, Isaac C. Title: One of the holy cast : Judaism and the Holocaust through the eyes of a survivor / by Isaac C. Avigdor. [New York, N.Y.] :Judaica Press,, [c1987]

Author: Avni, Haim. Title: Spain, the Jews, and Franco / Haim Avni ; translated from the Hebrew by Emanuel Shimoni. Philadelphia :Jewish Publication Society of America,, 1982. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ayer, Frederick. Title: Yankee G-man. Chicago,H. Regnery C.,, 1957. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Aziz, Philippe. Title: Doctors of death / Philippe Aziz ; translated from the French by Edouard Bizub and Philip Haentzler under the guidance of Linda Marie de Turenne. Geneva :Ferni Publishers,, 1976-

Author: Aziz, Philippe. Title: Doctors of death / Philippe Aziz ; translated from the French by Edouard Bizub and Philip Haentzler under the guidance of Linda Marie de Turenne. Geneva :Ferni Publishers,, 1976-

Author: Aziz, Philippe. Title: Doctors of death / Philippe Aziz ; translated from the French by Edouard Bizub and Philip Haentzler under the guidance of Linda Marie de Turenne. Geneva :Ferni Publishers,, 1976-

Author: Aziz, Philippe. Title: Doctors of death / Philippe Aziz ; translated from the French by Edouard Bizub and Philip Haentzler under the guidance of Linda Marie de Turenne. Geneva :Ferni Publishers,, 1976-


Author: B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League Title: Not the work of a day: the story of the Anti-defamation league of B'nai B'rith. New York,, 1965. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bach, Julian Sebastian, 1914- Title: America's Germany, an account of the occupation, by Julian Bach, Jr. New York,Random House, [1946] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bahr, Hermann, 1863-1934. Title: Antisemitismus; ein internationales Interview, von Hermann Bahr. Berlin,S. Fischer,, 1894. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bailey, George, 1919- Title: Germans: the biography of an obsession. New York,World Pub., [1972] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Baird, Jay W. Title: Mythical world of Nazi war propaganda, 1939-1945 / by Jay W. Baird. Minneapolis :University of Minnesota Press,, c1974. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Baird, Jay W. Title: To die for Germany : heroes in the Nazi pantheon / Jay W. Baird. Bloomington :Indiana University Press,, 1992, c1990.

Author: Baker, Leonard. Title: Days of sorrow and pain : Leo Baeck and the Berlin Jews / by Leonard Baker. New York :Macmillan,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Baker, Leonard. Title: Hirt der Verfolgten : Leo Baeck im Dritten Reich / Leonard Baker. Stuttgart :Klett-Cotta,, 1982. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Baker, Robert Lee, 1901- Title: Oil, blood and sand. New York, London,D. Appleton-Century Co.,, 1942.

159 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Baldwin, Hanson Weightman, 1903- Title: Strategy for victory, by Hanson W. Baldwin. New York,W.W. Norton, c1942. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bales, James D., 1915- Title: Phoenix papers, if not treason, what? Tulsa,Christian Crusade,, 1966. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Balfour, Michael Leonard Graham, 1908- Title: Withstanding Hitler in Germany, 1933-45 / Michael Balfour. London ; New York :Routledge,, 1988.

Author: Balzer, Karl. Title: Verschwhorung gegen Deutschland : so verloren wir d. Krieg / Karl Balzer. Preussisch Oldendorf :Schhutz,, 1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bamberger, Fritz, 1902- Title: Leo Baeck, the man and the idea / by Fritz Bamberger. New York :Leo Baeck Institute,, 1958.

Author: Banet, Chana Marcus. Title: They called me Frau Anna / Chana Marcus Banet. New York :CIS Publishers,, c1990. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bar-Zohar, Michael, 1938- Title: Arrows of the almighty : the most extraordinary true spy story of World War II / Michael Bar-Zohar. New York :Macmillan,, c1985.

Author: Bar-Zohar, Michael, 1938- Title: Avengers. Translated from the French by Len Ortzen. New York,Hawthorn Books, [1967] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bar-Zohar, Michael, 1938- Title: Hunt for German scientists; translated from the French by Len Ortzen. London,Barker,, [1967] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Barish, Louis, Title: Rabbis in uniform; the story of the American Jewish military chaplain. New York,J. David, [1962]

160 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Barkai, Meyer, Title: Fighting ghettos. Philadelphia,J.B. Lippincott, [1962]

Author: Barnabas, Brother, pseud. Title: Wicked book of Brother Barnabas. George T. Bye and company. New York,R. R. Smith,, 1940. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Baron, Joseph Louis, 1894- Title: Stars and sand, Jewish notes by non-Jewish notables, selected and edited by Joseph L. Baron. Philadelphia,The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1943. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Baron, Salo Wittmayer, 1895- Title: From a historian's notebook : European Jewry before and after Hitler / by Salo W. Baron. New York :American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations,, [1962] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Baron, Salo Wittmayer, 1895- Title: Judenfrage auf dem Wiener Kongress, auf Grund von zum Teil ungedruckten Quellen dargestellt von Dr. Salo Baron; hrsg. mit Untersthutzung der Historischen Kommission der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde in Wien. Wien, Berlin,R. Lhowit,, 1920. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Barrett, E. Boyd (Edward John Boyd), 1883- Title: Rome stoops to conquer, by E. Boyd Barrett. New York,J. Messner, [c1935] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bartmann, Bernhard, 1860-1938. Title: Glaubensgegensatz zwischen Judentum und Christentum. Paderborn :Bonifacius-Druckerei, [1938]

Author: Bartoszewski, W1adys1aw. Title: Blood shed unites us; pages from the history of help to the Jews in occupied Poland [by] W1adys1aw Bartoszewski. Warszawa,Interpress,, 1970. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bartoszewski, W1adys1aw. Title: Samaritans; heroes of the holocaust, by Wladyslaw Bartoszewski and Zofia Lewin. New York,Twayne Publishers, [1970]


Author: Bartoszewski, W1adys1aw. Title: Warsaw death ring, 1939-1944, by W1adys1aw Bartoszewski. [Translated by Edward Rothert]. Warszawa]Interpress Publishers,, 1968. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Baskind, Ber. Title: Grande bepouvante : souvenirs d'un rescapbe du Ghetto de Varsovie / Ber Baskind ; traduits et adaptbes par E. Brunet-Beresovski. Paris :Calmann-Lbevy,, c1945.

Author: Bassani, Giorgio. Title: Garden of the Finzi-Continis. Translated from the Italian by Isabel Quigly. New York,Atheneum,, 1965. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bassani, Giorgio. Title: Garden of the Finzi-Continis. Translated from the Italian by Isabel Quigly. New York,Atheneum,, 1965.

Author: Bassani, Giorgio. Title: Giardino dei Finzi-Contini. Torino]Einaudi,, [1962]

Author: Bathe, Rolf, 1898- Title: Kampf um den Balkan; chronik des jugoslawischen und griechische feldzugs, von Rolf Bathe und Erich Glodschey. Oldenburg, Berlin,G. Stelling,, 1942. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Batty, Peter. Title: House of Krupp / Peter Batty. New York :Stein and Day,, 1967, c1966. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the

162 most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978.

163 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the

164 most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Eddy. Title: Illustrated World War II encyclopedia : an unbiased account of the most devastating war known to mankind...contains the original text previously published in the United Kingdom plus background articles by a group of distinguished historians...enlivened w [s.l.] :H.S. Stuttman Inc.,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauer, Josef Martin, 1901- Title: As far as my feet will carry me. Translated by Lawrence P. R. Wilson. New York,Random House, [1957]

165 Author: Bauer, Otto, 1881-1938. Title: Ziele und Ausgaben des Geschichtsunterrichts als Gegenwartskunde : Vorschlhage zur Gestaltung des Geschichtsunterrichtes im Sinne der Ministerialverfhugungen vom 2. IX. 1915 und 26. II. 1916 mit besonderer Berhucksichtigung der neuesten Beschichte und de Bieleseld :Belhagen and Klasing,, 1916.

Author: Bauer, Yehuda Title: They chose life; Jewish resistance in the holocaust. New York,American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations, [1973]

Author: Bauer, Yehuda. Title: Anti-semitism in the 1980s / by Yehuda Bauer. New York :United Jewish Appeal,, 1983. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bauer, Yehuda. Title: Anti-semitism in the 1980s / by Yehuda Bauer. New York :United Jewish Appeal,, 1983. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bauer, Yehuda. Title: Anti-semitism in the 1980s / by Yehuda Bauer. New York :United Jewish Appeal,, 1983. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bauer, Yehuda. Title: My brother's keeper; a history of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1929-1939. Philadelphia :Jewish Publication Society of America,, [1974]

Author: Bauer, Yehuda. Title: My brother's keeper; a history of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1929-1939. Philadelphia :Jewish Publication Society of America,, [1974]

Author: Baum, Bruno. Title: Widerstand in Auschwitz. Berlin,Kongress-Verlag,, 1957.

Author: Baum, Vicki, 1888-1960. Title: Hotel Berlin '43 / Vicki Baum. Garden City, N.Y. :Doubleday, Doran & Company, inc.,, 1944. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bauman, Zygmunt. Title: Modernity and the Holocaust / Zygmunt Bauman. Ithaca, N.Y. :Cornell University Press,, 1989.

Author: Baumel, Judith Tydor, 1959- Title: Unfulfilled promise : rescue and resettlement of Jewish refugee children in the United States, 1934-1945 / Judith Tydor Baumel. Juneau, Alaska, USA :Denali Press,, c1990.


Author: Baumgarten, Murray. Title: Expectations and endings : observations on Holocaust literature / Murray Baumgarten. New York :Yeshiva University, Holocaust Studies Program,, 1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bauminger, Rbogza. Title: Przy pikrynie i trotylu; obboz pracy przymusowej w Skarzysku-Kamiennej. Krakbow[Centralny Komitet Zydbow Polskich], 1946. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bayer, Jerome. Title: Address to the world : a piece for informal theatre honoring the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Theodor Herzl's 0The Jewish State' / by Jerome Bayer. New York :Zionist Organization of America, Education Dept., [1946]

Author: Bayle, Franpcois, fl. 1950-1953. Title: Psychologie et ethique du national-socialisme; betude anthropologique des dirigeants S.S. Prbef. de Pierre Oudard. Paris,Presses universitaires de France,, 1953. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Baynes, H. G. (Helton Godwin), 1882-1943. Title: Germany possessed. With an introd. by Hermann Rauschning. London, J. Cape, 1941. [New York,AMS Press,, 1972] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bechler, Margret, 1914- Title: Warten auf Antwort : ein deutsches Schicksal / Margret Bechler ; Dokumentation, Jochen von Lang. Frankfurt am Main :Ullstein,, 1983. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Becker, Jillian, 1932- Title: Hitler's children : the story of the Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang / Jillian Becker. London :Michael Joseph,, 1977. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Beer, Max, 1864- Title: Allgemeine Geschichte des Sozialismus und der sozialen Khampfe. Berlin,Neuer Deutscher Verlag,, 1932. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Befilis, Mendel', 1874-1934. Title: Story of my sufferings / Mendel Beilis ; translated

167 by Harrison Goldberg ; with introductions by Herman Bernstein and Arnold D. Margolin. New York City :Mendel Beilis Pub. Co., Inc.,, 1926. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Belfrage, Cedric, 1904- Title: Seeds of destruction; [the truth about the U.S. occupation of Germany] New York,Cameron & Kahn, [1954]

Author: Belgion, Montgomery, 1892- Title: Epitaph on Nuremberg, a letter intended to have been sent to a friend temporarily abroad. London,Falcon Press,, [1946, i.e. 1947]

Author: Belgium. Commission d'enqucete sur les violations des raegles du droit des gens, des lois et des coutumes de guerre, 1944- Title: Crimes de guerre commis sous l'occupation de la Belgique, 1940-1945. La persbecution antisbemitique en Belgique. Liaege,Georges Thone,, 1947. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Belgium. Commission d'enqucete sur les violations des raegles du droit des gens, des lois et des coutumes de guerre. Title: Crimes de guerre comis lors de la libberation du territoire national, septembre 1944: rbegion de Huy-Namur. Liaege,G. Thone,, 1948. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Belgium. Commission d'enqucete sur les violations des raegles du droit des gens, des lois et des coutumes de guerre. Title: Crimes de guerre commis lors de la libberation du territoire national, septembre 1944: rbegion des Flandres. Liaege,G. Thone,, 1947. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Belgium. Commission d'enqucete sur les violations des raegles du droit des gens, des lois et des coutumes de guerre. Title: Crimes de guerre commis pendant la contre-offensive de von Rundstedt dans les Ardennes, dbecembre 1944-janvier 1945. Liaege,G. Thone,, 1948. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Belgium. Commission d'enqucete sur les violations des raegles du droit des gens, des lois et des coutumes de guerre. Title: Crimes de guerre commis sous l'occupation de la Belgique, 1940-1945: l'arrestation, la dbeportation et l'exbecution des otages. Liaege,G. Thone,, 1948. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich

168 the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bell, G. K. A. (George Kennedy Allen), 1883-1958. Title: Humanity and the refugees; delivered in the Great hall of University college, London, by the Bishop of Chichester (G.K.A. Bell) on Wednesday, February 1st, 1939; J.H.Hertz in the chair. London,The Jewish Historical Society of England, University College,, 1939. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bell, P. M. H. (Philip Michael Hett), 1930- Title: Certain eventuality : Britain and the fall of France / [by] P. M. H. Bell. [Farnborough, Hants.] :Saxon House,, 1974.

Author: Bell, P. M. H. (Philip Michael Hett), 1930- Title: Certain eventuality : Britain and the fall of France / [by] P. M. H. Bell. [Farnborough, Hants.] :Saxon House,, 1974.

Author: Belth, Nathan C. Title: Promise to keep : a narrative of the American encounter with anti-Semitism / Nathan C. Belth. New York :Times Books,, c1979. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Ben-Chorin, Schalom. Title: Jugend an der Isar / Schalom Ben-Chorin. Gerlingen :Bleicher,, 1980. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ben-Jacob, Jeremiah. Title: Great Britain and the Jews / by Jeremiah Ben-Jacob. [London] :Carmel Publications : A.P.C. Book Service [distributor],, 1946.

Author: Ben-Tov, Arieh, 1923- Title: Facing the Holocaust in Budapest : the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Jews in Hungary, 1943-1945 / Arieh Ben-Tov. Dordrecht, The Netherlands ; Boston : Norwell, MA, U.S.A. :M. Nijhoff ; Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers,, 1988.

Author: Benedict, F. Title: Almost glory : a novel / by F. Benedict. New York :Duell, Sloan and Pearce,, c1950.

Author: Benedict, Ruth Fulton, 1887- Title: Race: science and politics, by Ruth Benedict. New York,Modern age books,, 1940.

Author: Benisch, Pearl. Title: To vanquish the dragon / Pearl Benisch. Jerusalem ; New York :Feldheim Publishers,, 1991. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bentwich, Norman De Mattos, 1883- Title: They found refuge; an account of British

169 Jewry's work for victims of Nazi oppression. With an introd. by Viscount Samuel. London,Cresset Press,, 1956. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Bentwich, Norman de Mattos, 1883-1971. Title: I understand the risks : the story of the refugees from Nazi oppression who fought in the British forces in the World War / by Norman Bentwich ; with a foreword by the Marquis of Reading. London :V. Gollancz,, 1950.

Author: Berben, Paul, 1899- Title: Dachau, 1933-1945 : the official history / by Paul Berben. London :Norfolk Press,, 1975. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bercuson, David Jay. Title: Secret army / David J. Bercuson. New York :Stein and Day,, 1984, c1983.

Author: Berczeller, Richard. Title: ... mit hOsterreich verbunden : Burgenlandschicksal 1918- 1945 / Richard Berczeller, Norbert Leser. ; [Zeittaf., Kurzbiographien u. Bildausw. v. Gerald Schlag]. Wien ; Mhunchen :Jugend & Volk,, c1975.

Author: Berdkilaev, Nikolafi, 1874-1948. Title: Christianity and anti-Semitism. With a commentary and notes by Alan A. Spears. [Translated by Alan A. Spears and Victor B. Kanter] New York,Philosophical Library, [1954] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Berenbaum, Michael, 1945- Title: Vision of the void : theological reflections on the works of Elie Wiesel / by Michael Berenbaum. Middletown, Conn. :Wesleyan University Press,, c1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Berenstein, Tatiana. Title: Assistance to the Jews in Poland, 1939-1945 / Tatiana Berenstein, Adam Rutkowski ; [translator: Edward Rothert]. Warsaw :Polonia Pub. House,, 1963.

Author: Berezhkov, V. M. (Valentin Mikhafilovich), 1919- Title: Ich war Stalins Dolmetscher : hinter den Kulissen der politischen Weltbhuhne / Valentin M. Bereschkow ; [hUbersetzung aus dem Russischen von Kurt Baudisch, Vera Stutz-Bischitzky und Yvonne Thiele]. Mhunchen :Universitas,, c1991. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Berg, Mary, 1924- Title: Ghetto de Varsovie : journal de Mary Berg / recueilli par S.L.

170 Shneiderman ; traduit par L. Baillon De Wailly. Paris :A. Michel,, c1947.

Author: Berg, Mary, 1924- Title: Warsaw ghetto, a diary by Mary Berg, edited by S.L.Shneiderman. [New York]L.B.Fischer,, 1945.

Author: Berger, Alan L., 1939- Title: Crisis and covenant : the Holocaust in American Jewish fiction / Alan L. Berger. Albany, N.Y. :State University of New York Press,, c1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Berges, Max Ludwig Title: Cold / by Max L. Berges ; trans. from the German by Benjamin R. Epstein. Philadelphia :Jewish Publication Society of America,, 1939.

Author: Bergh, Siegfried van den. Title: Deportaties, door S. van den Bergh, ec. drs. Westerbork, Theresihenstadt, Auschwitz, Gleiwitz. Bussum,C.A.J. van Dishoeck c.v., [1945]

Author: Berkovits, Eliezer, 1908- Title: With God in hell : Judaism in the ghettos and deathcamps / Eliezer Berkovits. New York :Sanhedrin Press,, c1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Berkovits, Eliezer, 1908- Title: With God in hell : Judaism in the ghettos and deathcamps / Eliezer Berkovits. New York :Sanhedrin Press,, c1979.

Author: Berlin (Germany). Institut fhur Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Lehrstuhl fhur Kultur- und Kunstwissenschaften. Forschungsgruppe Dramatik und Theater. Title: Theater in der Zeitenwende; zur Geschichte des Dramas und des Schauspieltheaters in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1945-1968. Forschungsgruppe unter Leitung von Werner Mittenzwei. Autoren: Manfred Berger, et al. Berlin,Henschelverlag,, 1972. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Berlin (Germany). Institut fhur Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Lehrstuhl fhur Kultur- und Kunstwissenschaften. Forschungsgruppe Dramatik und Theater. Title: Theater in der Zeitenwende; zur Geschichte des Dramas und des Schauspieltheaters in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1945-1968. Forschungsgruppe unter Leitung von Werner Mittenzwei. Autoren: Manfred Berger, et al. Berlin,Henschelverlag,, 1972. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

171 Author: Berlin, Isaiah, Sir. Title: Washington despatches, 1941-1945 : weekly political reports from the British Embassy / edited by H.G. Nicholas ; with an introd. by Isaiah Berlin. Chicago :University of Chicago Press,, c1981. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Berlin, Naphtali rZevi Judah, 1817-1893. Title: Why antisemitism? : a translation of Yibsra.el / by Naphtali Zvi Yehuda Berlin ; translated and annotated by Howard S. Joseph. Northvale, N.J. :Jason Aronson,, c1996. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: 186 steps / Christian Bernadac ; translated from the French by S. and L. Van Vliet White. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Camp for women : Ravensbrhuck / Christian Bernadac. Geneva :Ferni Pub. House ; distributed by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Days without end / Christian Bernadac ; translated from the French by S. and L. Van Vliet White. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Death train / Christian Bernadac ; translated from the French by S. Van Vliet White. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Devil's doctors : medical experiments on human subjects in the concentration camps / Christian Bernadac. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Doctors of mercy / Christian Bernadac. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1977.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Mannequins nus / Christian Bernadac. Genaeve [Switzerland] :Famot,, 1975-

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Naked puppets : Auschwitz / Christian Bernadac. Geneva :Ferni Pub. House ; distributed by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Ninth circle / Christian Bernadac ; translated from the French by S. and L. Van Vliet White. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Train de la mort / Christian Bernadac.

172 Genaeve, [Switzerland] :Editions Famot,, c1976.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Witches of God / Christian Bernadac. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernadac, Christian. Title: Women's Kommandos / Christian Bernadac. Geneva :Ferni Publishing House ; dist. by Friends of History,, 1978.

Author: Bernard, Jean Jacques, 1888- Title: Camp de la mort lente (Compiaegne 1941-42) Paris,A. Michel, [1944]

Author: Bernard, Raja. Title: Neue Bremm : ein KZ in Saarbrhucken / Raja Bernard, Dietmar Renger ; Vorwort von Oskar Lafontaine ; herausgegeben im Auftrag der VVN--Bund der Antifaschisten, Landesverband Saar. Frankfurt am Main :Rhoderberg-Verlag,, c1984. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bernard, William Spencer, 1907- Title: American immigration policy, a reappraisal. Edited by William S. Bernard; Carolyn Zeleny [and] Henry Miller, assistant editors. New York,Harper, [c1950] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Berndorff, H. R. (Hans Rudolf), b. 1895. Title: Sie rhusten! / H.R. Berndorff. Stuttgart :Dieck & Co.,, c1931.

Author: Berndorff, Hans Rudolf, 1895- Title: General zwischen Ost und West; aus den Geheimnissen der Deutschen Republik. [Hamburg]Hoffmann und Campe, [1951] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bernstein, Herman, 1876-1935. Title: Truth about "The protocols of Zion"; a complete exposure, by Herman Bernstein. New York,Covici, Friede, [c1935] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bernstein, Perez, 1890-1971. Title: Antisemitismus als Gruppenerscheinung. Versuch einer Soziologie des Judenhasses. Berlin,Jhudischer Verlag,, 1926. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82 This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

173 Author: Bernstein, Perez, 1890-1971. Title: Jew-hate as a sociological problem; translated by David Saraph. New York,Philosophical Library, [1951] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bernstein, Perez, 1890-1971. Title: Jew-hate as a sociological problem; translated by David Saraph. New York,Philosophical Library, [1951] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Bernstein, Philip S. (Philip Sidney), 1901- Title: Rabbis at war: the CANRA story, by Philip S. Bernstein. Waltham, Mass.,American Jewish Historical Society,, 1971.

Author: Bernstein, Victor Heine, 1904- Title: Final judgment; the story of Nuremberg, by Victor H. Bernstein, with an introduction by Max Lerner. New York,Boni & Gaer, [1947] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bertelsen, Aage. Title: October '43 / Aage Bertelsen ; translated by Milly Lindholm and Willy Agtby ; with a foreword by Sholem Asch. New York :G.P. Putnam's Sons,, 1954.

Author: Bertram, Ernst. Title: Ansprachen bei der feierlichen Verleihung des volksdeutschen Joseph-von-Ghorres-Preises an den rheinischen Dichter Ernst Bertram am 6.Juli 1940 von Leo Just, Hans Naumann, Ernst Bertram. Bonn,Gebr. Scheur,, 1940.

Author: Besgen, Achim. Title: Stille Befehl; Medizinalrat Kersten, Himmler und das Dritte Reich. [Mhunchen]Nymphenburger, [1960] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Best, Sigismund Payne. Title: Venlo incident. London,New York, Hutchinson, [1950] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Best, Sigismund Payne. Title: Venlo incident. London,New York, Hutchinson, [1950] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

174 Author: Best, Sigismund Payne. Title: Venlo incident. London,New York, Hutchinson, [1950]

Author: Bettauer, Hugo, 1872-1925. Title: City without Jews; a novel of our time, by Hugo Bettauer; translated from the German by Salomea Neumark Brainin; authorized English translation. New York,Bloch publishing company,, 1926. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bettelheim, Bruno. Title: Dynamics of prejudice : a psychological and sociological study of veterans / by Bruno Bettelheim and Morris Janowitz. New York :Harper & Brothers,, c1950. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Beumelburg, Werner, 1899- Title: Gruppe Bosemhuller : Roman / Werner Beumelburg. Oldenburg :G. Stalling,, c1930.

Author: Beumelburg, Werner, 1899- Title: Sperrfeuer um Deutschland / Werner Beumelburg. Oldenburg, i.O. :Gerhard Stalling,, c1929.

Author: Beuys, Barbara C., 1943- Title: Vergesst uns nicht : Menschen im Widerstand 1933- 1945 / Barbara Beuys. Reinbek bei Hamburg :Rowohlt,, 1987.

Author: Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, Baron, 1879-1963. Title: Price of peace, by Sir William Beveridge. New York,W. W. Norton, [c1945]

Author: Bezymenskifi, L. (Lev), 1920- Title: Death of Adolf Hitler; unknown documents from Soviet archives [by] Lev Bezymenski. New York,Harcourt, Brace & World, [1968]

Author: Bhohle, Karl-Heinz. Title: Immortal Testament. Text and photographs. (Translated by Dorothy Jaeschke and Douglas Sharp.) Dresden,Zeit im Bild, [1968]

Author: Biale, David, 1949- Title: Power & powerlessness in Jewish history / David Biale. New York :Schocken Books,, 1986.

Author: Biddle, George, 1885- Title: Artist at war, by George Biddle. New York,The Viking Press,, 1944. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bielecki, Tadeusz, 1922- Title: Warsaw aflames: the 1939-1945 years. Text by

175 Tadeusz Bielecki and Leszek Szymanski. Designed and produced by Czeslaw Z. Banasiewicz. Los Angeles,Polamerica Press, [1973]

Author: Bielenberg, Christabel. Title: Christabel / Christabel Bielenberg. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. :Penguin Books,, 1989, c1968. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bielenberg, Christabel. Title: Ride out the dark. New York,Norton, [1971]

Author: Bienenfeld, F. R. (Franz Rudolf), 1886-1961. Title: Deutsche und Juden / Anton van Miller. M.-Ostrau :Soziologische Verlagsanstalt,, c1936. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bienenfeld, F. R. (Franz Rudolf), 1886-1961. Title: Germans and the Jews [by] F. R. Bienenfeld. [London]Secker & Warburg, [1939] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bierman, John. Title: Odyssey / John Bierman. New York :Simon and Schuster,, c1984. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bilik, Dorothy. Title: Immigrant-survivors : post-Holocaust consciousness in recent Jewish American fiction / by Dorothy Seidman Bilik. Middletown, Conn. :Wesleyan University Press,, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bilik, Dorothy. Title: Immigrant-survivors : post-Holocaust consciousness in recent Jewish American fiction / by Dorothy Seidman Bilik. Middletown, Conn. :Wesleyan University Press,, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Binder, Gerhart. Title: Irrtum und Widerstand. Die deutschen Katholiken in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus. Mit einer Einfhuhrung von Felix Messerschmid. Mhunchen,Pfeiffer, [1968] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Binion, Rudolph, 1927- Title: Hitler among the Germans / Rudolph Binion. New York : Westport, Ct., U.S.A. :Elsevier ; Exclusive distribution throughout the world :

176 Greenwood Press,, 1979, c1976. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Binion, Rudolph, 1927- Title: Hitler among the Germans / Rudolph Binion. DeKalb, Ill. :Northern Illinois University Press,, [1984]

Author: Bird, Eugene K., 1926- Title: Loneliest man in the world : the inside story of the 30- year imprisonment of Rudolf Hess / Eugene K. Bird. London :Secker & Warburg,, 1974. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Birnbaum, Jacob, 1922- Title: I kept my promise : my story of Holocaust survival / by Jacob Birnbaum with Jason R. Taylor. Lexington, MA :Jason R. Taylor Associates,, c1995. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Birnbaum, Meyer, 1918- Title: Lieutenant Birnbaum : a soldier's story : growing up Jewish in America, liberating the D.P. camps, and a new home in Jerusalem / by Meyer Birnbaum with Yonason Rosenblum. Brooklyn, N.Y. :Mesorah Publications,, c1993. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Biskin, Miriam. Title: My life among the gentiles. South Brunswick [N.J.]T. Yoseloff, [1968] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Biss, Andreas, 1904- Title: Million Jews to save : check to the final solution / Andrbe Biss. South Brunswick :A. S. Barnes,, 1975, c1973. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Biss, Andreas, 1904- Title: Wir hielten die Vernichtung an : der Kampf gegen die "Endlhosung" 1944 / Andreas Biss ; mit einer Nachbemerkung von Hans Dieter Heilmann. Herbstein :Mharz,, 1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Black, Edwin. Title: Transfer agreement : the untold story of the secret agreement between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine / Edwin Black. New York : London :Macmillan ; Collier Macmillan,, c1984.

177 Author: Blady Szwajger, Adina, 1917- Title: I remember nothing more : the Warsaw Children's Hospital and the Jewish resistance / Adina Blady Szwajger ; translated from the Polish by Tasja Darowska and Danusia Stok. New York :Simon & Schuster,, 1992.

Author: Blankfort, Michael, 1907- Title: Strong hand. Boston,Little, Brown, [c1956]

Author: Blankfort, Michael. Title: Juggler : a novel. London :Vallentine, Mitchell,, 1953. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Blatas, Arbit. Title: Olocausto : Arbit Blatas. [Venice? :s.n.,, 1979]

Author: Blatter, Janet. Title: Art of the Holocaust / by Janet Blatter and Sybil Milton ; historical introduction by Henry Friedlander ; preface by Irving Howe. New York :Rutledge Press,, c1981.

Author: Bleuel, Hans Peter. Title: Sex and society in Nazi Germany. Edited and with a pref. by Heinrich Fraenkel. Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. Philadelphia,Lippincott, [1973]

Author: Blhucher von Wahlstatt, Kurt, Graf. Title: Know your Germans; translated from the German by Lord Sudley. London,Chapman & Hall,, 1951.

Author: Blond, Georges, 1906- Title: Agonie de l'Allemagne : [1944-1945] / Georges Blond. [Montrbeal ; New York] : [Paris]Le Cercle du Livre de France ; A. Fayard,, c1953. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bloomberg, Marty. Title: Jewish Holocaust : an annotated guide to books in English / by Marty Bloomberg, Buckley Barry Barrett ; introduction by Jeffrey M. Elliot. San Bernardino, Calif. :Borgo Press,, 1995.

Author: Blum, Howard, 1948- Title: Wanted! : The search for Nazis in America / Howard Blum. New York :Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co.,, c1977. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Blum, Howard, 1948- Title: Wanted! : the search for Nazis in America / Howard Blum. New York :Quadrangle/ Book Co.,, c1977. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Blum, Lbeon, 1872-1950. Title: Lbeon Blum before his judges at the Supreme court of Riom, March 11th and 12th, 1942; foreword by the Right Hon. Clement R. Attlee; introd. by Felix Gouin. London,G. Routledge, [1943] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Title: Race and democratic society. New York,J.J. Augustin, [1945] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Boas, Jacob. Title: Boulevard des Misaeres : the story of transit camp Westerbork / Jacob Boas. Hamden, Conn. :Archon Books,, 1985. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bodenschatz, Karl. Title: Jagd in Flanderns himmel; aus den sechzehn Kampfmonaten des Jagdgeschwaders Freiherr von Richthofen, nach den Aufzeichnungen des geschwader- adjutanten Oberleutnants Karl Bodenschatz, eingeleitet von Hermann Ghoring. Mit 95 Abbildungen auf Tafeln und ein Mhunchen,Knorr & Hirth,, 1941. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Boder, David P. (David Pablo), b. 1886. Title: I did not interview the dead. Urbana,University of Illinois Press,, 1949.

Author: Boehm, Eric H., 1918- Title: We survived; the stories of fourteen of the hidden and the hunted of Nazi Germany as told to Eric H.Boehm. New Haven,Yale University Press,, 1949.

Author: Boelsche, Arnold, Title: 1933, das Jahr der Deutschen. Hrsg. im Auftrage des Frankenfhuhrers Julius Streicher. Berlin,C.A. Weller, [1934]

Author: Boldt, Gerhard, 1918- Title: Hitler: the last ten days. by Gerhard Boldt. New York,Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, [1973] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bolkosky, Sidney M. Title: Distorted image : German Jewish perceptions of Germans and Germany, 1918-1935 / Sidney M. Bolkosky. New York :Elsevier,, [1975]

179 Author: Bollmus, Reinhard. Title: Amt Rosenberg und seine Gegner; Studien zum Machtkampf im nationalsozialistischen Herrschaftssystem. Stuttgart,Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,, 1970. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bond, P. S. (Paul Stanley), 1879- Title: Military science and tactics : infantry basic course, a text and reference of basic infantry training / P.S. Bond. Washington :P.S. Bond Pub. Co.,, 1944. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bondy, Ruth. Title: "Elder of the Jews" : Jakob Edelstein of Theresienstadt / Ruth Bondy ; translated from the Hebrew by Evelyn Abel. New York :Grove Press,, c1989.

Author: Bonger, Willem Adriaan, 1876-1940. Title: Race and crime, by Willem Adriaan Bonger, translated from Dutch by Margaret Mathews Hordyk. New York,Columbia university press,, 1943. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bonhoeffer, Emmi. Title: Zeugen im Auschwitz-Prozess : Begegnungen und Gedanken / Emmi Bonhoeffer. Wuppertal-Barmen :J. Kiefel,, 1965. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bor, Josef. Title: Theresiensthadter Requiem : Novelle / Josef Bor ; [autorisierte hUbersetzung aus dem Tschechischen von Elisabeth Borchardt]. Berlin :Buchverlag Der Morgen,, 1964.

Author: Borchardt, Karl. Title: Freiheit und Bindung in der Betriebsgemeinschaft / Karl Borchardt. Weimar :H. Bhohlaus Nachf.,, 1938.

Author: Borchsenius, Poul. Title: Behind the wall; the story of the ghetto. Translated by Reginald Spink. London,G. Allen, [1964, c1960]

Author: Borenstein, Emily. Title: Night of the broken glass : poems of the Holocaust / Emily Borenstein. Mason, Tex. :Timberline Press,, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio, 1882-1952. Title: Marsch des Fascismus, von G. A.

180 Borgese. Amsterdam,Verlag Allert de Lange,, 1938. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Borkin, Joseph. Title: Crime and punishment of I. G. Farben / Joseph Borkin. New York :Free Press,, c1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Borkin, Joseph. Title: Germany's master plan; the story of industrial offensive [by] Joseph Borkin and Charles A. Welsh, with an introduction by Thurman Arnold. New York,Duell, Sloan and Pearce, [1943] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Borkin, Joseph. Title: Germany's master plan; the story of industrial offensive [by] Joseph Borkin and Charles A. Welsh, with an introduction by Thurman Arnold. New York,Duell, Sloan and Pearce, [1943] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Bormann, Martin, 1900-1945. Title: Bormann letters; the private correspondence between and his wife from January 1943 to April 1945 [translated by R.H. Stevens] Edited with an introd. and notes by H.R. Trevor-Roper. London,Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [1954] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Borochov, Ber, 1881-1917. Title: Nationalism and the class struggle, a Marxian approach to the Jewish problem; selected writings by Ber Borochov, introduction by Abraham G. Duker. New York,-Zeire Zion of America and Young Poale Zion Alliance of America,, 1937. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Borowski, Tadeusz, 1922-1951. Title: This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen / Tadeusz Borowski ; selected and translated by Barbara Vedder ; introd. by Jan Kott ; introd. translated by Michael Kandel. New York :Penguin Books,, 1976.

Author: Borowski, Tadeusz, 1922-1951. Title: This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen / Tadeusz Borowski ; selected and translated by Barbara Vedder ; introd. by Jan Kott ; introd. translated by Michael Kandel. New York :Penguin Books,, 1976.

Author: Borowski, Tadeusz, 1922-1951. Title: This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen; and other stories. Selected and translated [from the Polish] by Barbara Vedder.

181 New York,Viking Press, [1967]

Author: Borwicz, Micha1. Title: Ecrits des condamnbes a mort sous l'occupation allemande (1939-1945); betude sociologique. Michel Borwicz; preface by Renbe Cassin. Paris,Presses Universitaires de France,, 1954. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bosmajian, Hamida. Title: Metaphors of evil : contemporary German literature and the shadow of Nazism / Hamida Bosmajian. Iowa City :University of Iowa Press,, c1979.

Author: Bottome, Phyllis, 1884- Title: Mortal storm. Garden City, N.Y.,Sun Dial Press, [1940, c1938] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bouhler, Philipp, 1899-1945. Title: Kampf um Deutschland; ein Lesebuch fhur die deutsche Jugend. Berlin,F. Eher Nachf.,, 1938. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bourke-White, Margaret, 1904-1971. Title: "Dear fatherland, rest quietly"; a report on the collapse of Hitler's "Thousand years." Written and photographed by Margaret Bourke-White. New York :Simon and Schuster,, 1946.

Author: Bourke-White, Margaret, 1904-1971. Title: Shooting the Russian War, written and photographed by Margaret Bourke-White. New York,Simon and Schuster,, 1942.

Author: Bower, Tom. Title: Nazi gold : the full story of the fifty-year Swiss-Nazi conspiracy to steal billions from Europe's Jews and Holocaust survivors / Tom Bower. New York :HarperCollins,, c1997. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bower, Tom. Title: Pledge betrayed : America and Britain and the denazification of postwar Germany / Tom Bower. Garden City, N.Y. :Doubleday,, 1982, c1981. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 1922- Title: Adolf Hitler. ,Scherz Verlag, [1964] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

182 Author: Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 1922- Title: German dictatorship ; the origins, structure, and effects of national socialism / Translated from the German by Jean Steinberg. With an introd. by Peter Gay. London :Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [1971]

Author: Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 1922- Title: German dictatorship; the origins, structure, and effects of national socialism. Translated from the German by Jean Steinberg. With an introd. by Peter Gay. New York,Praeger Publishers, [1970] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bradley, John. Title: Illustrated history of the Third Reich / John Bradley. New York :Grosset & Dunlap,, 1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bradshaw, Frederick, 1877- Title: Alien immigration; should restrictions be imposed? Pro - Frederick Bradshaw ... Con - Charles Emanuel ... London,Isbister and Company,, 1904. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brady, Robert Alexander, 1901- Title: Spirit and structure of German fascism; with a foreward by Harold J. Laski. New York,The Viking Press,, 1937. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Braham, Randolph L. Title: Hungarian-Jewish studies, edited by Randolph L. Braham. New York,World Federation of Hungarian Jews,, 1966-1969. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Braham, Randolph L. Title: Hungarian-Jewish studies, edited by Randolph L. Braham. New York,World Federation of Hungarian Jews,, 1966-1969. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Braham, Randolph L. Title: Magyar holocaust / Randolph L. Braham. Budapest : Wilmington :Gondolat ; Blackburn International,, 1988, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Braham, Randolph L. Title: Magyar holocaust / Randolph L. Braham. Budapest : Wilmington :Gondolat ; Blackburn International,, 1988, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Braham, Randolph L. Title: Politics of genocide : / Randolph

183 L. Braham. New York :Columbia University Press,, 1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Braham, Randolph L. Title: Politics of genocide : the Holocaust in Hungary / Randolph L. Braham. New York :Columbia University Press,, 1981.

Author: Braham, Randolph L., Title: Destruction of Hungarian Jewry, a documentary account. New York,Pro Arte for the World Federation of Hungarian Jews,, 1963. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Braham, Randolph L., Title: Destruction of Hungarian Jewry, a documentary account. New York,Pro Arte for the World Federation of Hungarian Jews,, 1963. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Brailsford, Henry Noel, 1873-1958. Title: Our settlement with Germany [by] H.N. Brailsford. New York,The John Day Company, [1944] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Brand, Joel, 1906- Title: Advocate for the dead : the story of / translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon and Andrew Foster-Melliar. London :A.Deutsch,, 1958, cl956.

Author: Brand, Joel, 1906- Title: Desperate mission : Joel Brand's story / as told by Alex Weissberg ; translated from the German by Constantine FitzGibbon and Andrew Foster-Melliar. New York :Criterion Books,, c1958. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brand, Sandra. Title: I dared to live / by Sandra Brand. New York :Shengold Publishers,, [1978?]

Author: Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941 Title: Other people's money : and how the bankers use it / by Louis D. Brandeis, with a foreword by Norman Hapgood. Washington :National Home Library Foundation,, 1933. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Braun, Eva. Title: Private life of Adolf Hitler; the intimate notes and diary of . Edited by Paul Tabori. London,Aldus Publications, [1949] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich

184 the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Braun, Otto, 1872-1955. Title: Von Weimar zu Hitler. New York,Europa Verlag, [c1940] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brecher, Elinor J. Title: Schindler's legacy : true stories of the list survivors / Elinor J. Brecher. New York, N.Y. :Penguin Books,, 1994. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brecher, Frank W. Title: Reluctant ally : United States foreign policy toward the Jews from Wilson to Roosevelt / Frank W. Brecher. New York :Greenwood Press,, 1991. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956. Title: Furcht und Elend des dritten Reiches : 24 Szenen / Bertolt Brecht. Berlin :Rowohlt,, 1963. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956. Title: Private life of the master race, a documentary play. English version and an essay on the work of Brecht by Eric Russell Bentley. [New York]J. Laughlin, [1944] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bredin, Jean-Denis. Title: Affair : the case of Alfred Dreyfus / Jean-Denis Bredin ; translated from the French by Jeffrey Mehlman. New York :G. Braziller,, 1986. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Breitman, Richard, 1947- Title: Architect of genocide : Himmler and the final solution / Richard Breitman. New York :Knopf : Distributed by Random House,, 1991.

Author: Brelis, Dean. Title: Shalom. Boston,Little, Brown, [1959] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brenner, Reeve Robert Title: Faith and doubt of Holocaust survivors / Reeve Robert Brenner. New York :Free Press,, c1980.

185 Author: Brentano, Heinrich von, 1904-1964. Title: Deutschland, Europa, und die Welt; Reden zur deutschen Aussenpolitik. Hrsg. von Franz Bhohm. Bonn,Siegler, [1962] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bresheeth, Haim. Title: Introducing the Holocaust / Haim Bresheeth, Stuart Hood and Litza Jansz. New York :Totem Books,, 1994. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Breslauer, W. Title: Arbeit des Council of Jews from Germany auf dem Gebiet der Wiedergutmachung : Bericht / erstattet im Auftrag des Council von W. Breslauer und F. Goldschmidt. [S.l. :s.n.,, 1966?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Breysig, Kurt, 1866- Title: Geschichte der brandenburgischen Finanzen in der Zeit von 1640 bis 1697. Darstellung und akten. Erster Band. Die Centralstellen der Kammerverwaltung. Die Amtskammer, das Kassenwesen und die Domhanen der Kurmark. Leipzig,Duncker & Humblot,, 1895-1915.

Author: Brezhnev, Leonid Il'ich, 1906- Title: How it was : the war and post-war reconstruction in the Soviet Union / by L.I. Brezhnev. Oxford ; New York :Pergamon,, 1979. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bridges, Horace James, 1880- Title: Jew-baiting; an old evil newly camouflaged, by Horace James Bridges. New York,International press, [c1923] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bridgman, Jon. Title: End of the Holocaust : the liberation of the camps / Jon Bridgman ; Richard H. Jones, general editor. Portland, Or. :Areopagitica Press,, c1990.

Author: Brin, Herb. Title: Ich bin ein Jude : travels through Europe on the edge of savagery / by Herb Brin ; with a preface by Elie Wiesel. Middle Village, N.Y. :Jonathan David,, c1982. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bringmann, Fritz. Title: Kindermord am Bullenhuserdamm : SS-Verbrechen in

186 Hamburg 1945, Menschenversuche an Kindern / herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neuengamme fhur die BRD e.V., Hamburg. Frankfurt am Main :Rhoderberg,, 1979, c1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Britton, Frank L. Title: Behind communism / by Frank L. Britton. Savannah, Ga. :The Thunderbolt,, [1952?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Brod, Max, 1884-1968. Title: Heidentum, Christentum, Judentum; ein Bekenntnisbuch. Mhunchen,Kurt Wolff, [1922] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brod, Max, 1884-1968. Title: Heidentum, Christentum, Judentum; ein Bekenntnisbuch. Mhunchen,Kurt Wolff, [1922] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Broder, Henryk M., 1946- Title: Ewige Antisemit : huber Sinn und Funktion eines besthandigen Gefhuhls / Henryk M. Broder. Frankfurt am Main :Fischer Taschenbuch,, 1986. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Brodetsky, Selig, 1888-1954. Title: Jews in the post-war settlement, by Professor S. Brodetsky. Foreword by the Right Hon. the Earl of Harewood. London,The Jewish historical society of England,, 1942. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Brofido, Eva L'vovna, 1876- Title: Wetterleuchten der Revolution / von Eva Broido. Berlin :Bhucherkreis,, 1931.

Author: Brogan, D. W. (Denis William), 1900-1974. Title: American character, by D. W. Brogan. New York,A. A. Knopf,, 1944. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Broun, Heywood, 1888-1939. Title: Christians only; a study in prejudice, by Heywood Broun & George Britt. New York,Vanguard Press, [1931]

Author: Brown, Francis, 1903- Title: War in maps, an atlas of the New York times maps; text by Francis Brown. New York, London [etc.]Oxford university press,, 1946.


Author: Browning, Christopher R. Title: Ordinary men : Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland / Christopher R. Browning. New York :HarperCollins,, c1992. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Browning, Christopher R. Title: Ordinary men : Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland / Christopher R. Browning. New York :HarperCollins,, c1992. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bruce, George, 1910- Title: Nazis / [by] George Bruce. London ; New York :Hamlyn,, 1974.

Author: Bruce, George, 1910- Title: Warsaw Uprising, 1 August - 2 October 1944 [by] George Bruce. London,Hart-Davis,, 1972.

Author: Brusselmans, Anne. Title: Rendez-vous 127; the diary of Madame Brusselmans, M. B. E., September 1940-September 1944. Transcribed by Denis Hornsey. With forewords by Sir Basil Embry [and] Carl Spaatz. London,Benn, [1954]

Author: Bryant, Arthur, Sir, 1899- Title: Turn of the tide, 1939-1943; a study based on the diaries and autobiographical notes of Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrooke. London,Collins, [1957]

Author: Bryks, Rachmil. Title: Ghetto factory 76 (Chemical waste conversion) poem. Translated from Yiddish by Theodor Primack and Eugen Kullman. With a foreword by Issac Bashevis Singer. Cantata: William Gunther [Illustrated by Raphael Soyer] New York,Bloch Pub. Co., [1967]

Author: Buber-Neumann, Margarete, 1901- Title: Als Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler. Mhunchen,Verlag der Zwholf,, 1949. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Buber-Neumann, Margarete, 1901- Title: Als Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler. Mhunchen,Verlag der Zwholf,, 1949.

Author: Buchignani, Walter. Title: Tell no one who you are : the hidden childhood of Rbegine Miller / by Walter Buchignani. Montreal :Tundra Books,, c1994. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Buckley, William F. (William Frank), 1925- Title: In search of anti-Semitism / William F. Buckley, Jr. New York :Continuum,, 1992. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Buell, Raymond Leslie, 1896-1946, Title: New governments in Europe; the trend toward dictatorship, by Vera Micheles Dean, Bailey W. Diffie, Malbone W. Graham [and] Mildred S. Wertheimer; with an introd. by R. L. Buell. New York,T. Nelson and sons,, 1935 [c1934]

Author: Bulka, Reuven P. Title: Quest for ultimate meaning : principles and applications of logotherapy / Reuven P. Bulka ; with a foreword by Viktor E. Frankl. New York :Philosophical Library,, c1979. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Bullock, Alan, 1914- Title: Hitler; a study in tyranny. London,Odhams Press, [1952] This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Burda, Franz, Title: Zweite Weltkrieg im Bild. Herausgeber: Franz Burda. Redaktion und Texte: Hanns Adam Faeber. Militharischer Berater: Martin Ronicke. Offenburg,Burda Druck und Verlag,, 1952. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Burda, Franz, Title: Zweite Weltkrieg im Bild. Herausgeber: Franz Burda. Redaktion und Texte: Hanns Adam Faeber. Militharischer Berater: Martin Ronicke. Offenburg,Burda Druck und Verlag,, 1952. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Burden, Hamilton Twombly, 1937- Title: Nuremberg Party rallies: 1923-39 [by] Hamilton T. Burden. Foreword by Adolf A. Berle. New York :Praeger,, [1967] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Burkhard, Hugo. Title: Tanz mal Jude! Meine Erlebnisse in den Konzentrationslagern Dachau, Buchenwald, Getto Shanghai, 1933-1948. [Nhurnberg,R. Reichenbach Vlg.,, 1967] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Burney, Christopher, 1917-1980. Title: Dungeon democracy, by Christopher Burney. New York,Duell, Sloan and Pearce, [1946] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Burrin, Philippe, 1952- Title: Hitler and the Jews : the genesis of the Holocaust / Philippe Burrin ; translated by Patsy Southgate ; introduction by Saul Friedlhander. London ; [New York] : New York, NY :Edward Arnold ; Distributed in the USA by Routledge, Chapman, and Hall,, c1994.

Author: Busi, Frederick. Title: Pope of antisemitism : the career and legacy of Edouard- Adolphe Drumont / Frederick Busi. Lanham :University Press of America,, c1986. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Buss, Philip H. Title: Hitler's Germanic legions : an illustrated history of the Western European Legions with the SS, 1941-1943 / [by] Philip H. Buss & Andrew Mollo. London :Macdonald and Jane's,, 1978. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Buttinger, Joseph. Title: In the twilight of socialism; a history of the revolutionary socialists of Austria. [Translated from the German by E. B. Ashton] New York,F. A. Praeger,, 1953.

Author: Butz, A. R. (Arthur R.) Title: Hoax of the twentieth century : the case against the presumed extermination of European Jewry / Arthur R. Butz. Newport Beach, CA :Institute for Historical Review,, c1992

Author: Butz, A. R. (Arthur R.) Title: Hoax of the twentieth century : the case against the presumed extermination of European Jewry / Arthur R. Butz. Torrance, CA. :Institute for Historical Review,, c1976.

Author: Buxton, Dorothy Francis Jebb, Mrs. Title: Religious crisis in Germany, by Dorothy F. Buxton. London,Kulturkampf Association, [1938?] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Byrnes, Robert Francis. Title: Antisemitism in modern France. New Brunswick, N.J.,Rutgers University Press, [1950- This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Bytwerk, Randall L. Title: Julius Streicher / by Randall L. Bytwerk.

190 New York :Stein and Day,, 1983.

Author: Cahen, Fritz Max. Title: Men against Hitler, by Fritz Max Cahen; adapted, with an introduction, by Wythe Williams. Indianapolis, New York,Bobbs-Merrill, [c1939]

Author: Cahen-Molina, R. Title: Monstrueux statut des etrangers en France / par R. Cahen- Molina. Paris :Les Presses Alpha,, [1938?]

Author: Calic, Edouard. Title: : the chilling story of the man who masterminded the Nazi death camps / Edouard Calic ; translated by Lowell Bair. New York :Morrow,, c1985. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Campbell, Byram. Title: Race and social revolution : twenty-one essays on racial and social problems / Byram Campbell. New York :Truth Seeker Co.,, 1958.

Author: Campbell, Joan, 1929- Title: German Werkbund : the politics of reform in the applied arts / by Joan Campbell. Princeton, N.J. :Princeton University Press,, c1978.

Author: Canada. Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals. Title: Report / Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals : Jules Deschcenes, Commissioner. Ottawa, Canada :[The Commission],, c1986-

Author: Canada. Royal Canadian Air Force. Title: R.C.A.F. overseas, the first four years, with an introduction by Major the Honourable C.G. Power ... Toronto,Oxford University Press,, 1944. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Canedy, Susan. Title: America's Nazis : a democratic dilemma : a history of the German American Bund / by Susan Canedy. Menlo Park, CA :Markgraf Publications Group,, c1990. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Canetti, Elias, 1905- Title: Torch in my ear / Elias Canetti ; translated from the German by Joachim Neugroschel. New York :Farrar Straus Giroux,, c1982.

Author: Capa, Robert, 1913-1954 Title: Sommertage, Friedenstage, Berlin 1945 / Robert Capa. Berlin :Dirk Nishen,, c1986.


Author: Caplovitz, David. Title: Swastika 1960; the epidemic of anti-Semitic vandalism in America, by David Caplovitz and Candace Rogers. New York,Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith, [1961] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Carell, Paul. Title: Hitler moves east, 1941-1943 / [by] Paul Carell [pseud.] Translated from the German by Ewald Osers. Boston :Little, Brown,, [1965, c1964] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Carell, Paul. Title: Russlandkrieg [von] Paul Carell. Fotografiert von Soldaten. Der Bildband zu Unternehmen Barbarossa und Verbrannte Erde. [Frankfurt/M]Ullstein, [1968, c1967] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Cargas, Harry J. Title: Christian response to the Holocaust / by Harry James Cargas ; foreword by Elie Wiesel. Denver, Colo. :Stonehenge Books,, c1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Cargas, Harry J. Title: Harry James Cargas in conversation with Elie Wiesel. New York :Paulist Press,, c1976. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Cargill, Morris. Title: Gallery of Nazis / edited by Morris Cargill. Secaucus, N.J. :L. Stuart,, c1978.

Author: Carlisle, Olga Andreyev. Title: Island in time : a memoir of childhood / Olga Carlisle. New York :Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,, c1980. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Carlson, John Roy, 1909- Title: Under cover : my four years in the Nazi underworld of America : the amazing revelation of how axis agents and our enemies within are now plotting to destroy the United States / by John Roy Carlson. Philadelphia : New York :Blakiston ; Distributed by E.P. Dutton,, c1943.

Author: Carmel, Herman. Title: Black days, white nights / Herman Carmel. New York :Hippocrene Books,, c1984.

Author: Carmichael, Joel. Title: Satanizing of the Jews : origin and development of mystical anti-Semitism / by Joel Carmichael. New York :Fromm International Pub. Corp.,, 1992.

192 Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Carmichael, Joel. Title: Satanizing of the Jews : origin and development of mystical anti-Semitism / by Joel Carmichael. New York :Fromm International Pub. Corp.,, 1992. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Carr, Albert H. Z. Title: America's last chance. New York,Thomas Y. Crowell co., [c1940] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Carr, William Guy, 1895-1959. Title: Pawns in the game. [Willowdale, Ont.,Federation of Christian Laymen], 1958. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Caspari, Heinz. Title: Where now little Jew? / Magnus Hermansson ; translated from the Swedish by Catherine Djurklou and Mary Weissman ; edited by Dorothy Waring. New York :Bonnier,, [c1938] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Cassutto, Ernest H. Title: Last Jew of Rotterdam / by Ernest H. Cassutto with Constance Faith Goddard. Monroeville, Pa. :Whitaker House,, c1974. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Cazden, Robert E. (Robert Edgar), 1930- Title: German exile literature in America, 1933-1950; a history of the free German press and book trade [by] Robert E. Cazden. Chicago,American Library Association,, 1970 [c1965]

Author: Cazden, Robert E. (Robert Edgar), 1930- Title: German exile literature in America, 1933-1950; a history of the free German press and book trade [by] Robert E. Cazden. Chicago,American Library Association,, 1970 [c1965]

Author: Centre de documentation juive contemporaine. Title: Activitbe des organisations juives en France sous l'occupation. Paris,, 1947. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Centre de documentation juive contemporaine. Title: Dossier Eichmann : et "la solution finale de la question juive" / pr'efaces de Edgar Faure, Francois de Menthon [et] Robert Kempner ; Introduction de Joseph Billig. Paris :'Editions du Centre,, 1960. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich

193 the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. Title: Grundlagen des neunzehnten jahrhunderts / Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Mhunchen :F. Bruckmann,, 1907. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. Title: Grundlagen des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. Mhunchen,F. Bruckmann a.-g.,, 1912. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. Title: Grundlagen des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. Mhunchen,F. Bruckmann a.-g.,, 1912.

Author: Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. Title: Mensch und Gott : betrachtungen huber Religion und Christentum / von Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Mhunchen :F. Bruckmann,, [1933, c1921] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. Title: Mensch und Gott, betrachtungen huber religion und christentum ... Mhunchen,F. Bruckmann,, 1921.

Author: Chamberlain, Neville, 1869-1940. Title: Struggle for peace, by the Right Honourable Neville Chamberlain, M. P. London,Hutchinson & Co,, [1939] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Chamberlin, Waldo, 1905- Title: Industrial relations in Germany, 1914-1939; annotated bibliography of materials in the Hoover library on war, revolution, and peace and the Stanford university library, compiled by Waldo Chamberlin; prepared under the direction of the Division of industr Stanford University, Calif., London,Stanford university press; H. Milford, Oxford university press, [1942] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Chandler, Edgar H. S. Title: High tower of refuge; the inspiring story of refugee relief throughout the world. London,Odhams Press, [1959] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82


Author: Charensol, Georges, 1899- Title: Affaire Dreyfus et la troisiaeme rbepublique. Paris,Kra, [1930] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Charman, T. C. Title: German home front, 1939-45 / Terry Charman ; foreword by Martin Gilbert. New York, NY :Philosophical Library,, 1989. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Charrier, Reine. Title: Rescapbee de l'enfer Nazi / Reine Charrier (Madame X). Montrbeal :bEditions de l'homme : Distributuer exclusif, L'Agence de distribution populaire,, [1961]

Author: Chase, Allan, 1913- Title: Falange; the axis secret army in the Americas, by Allan Chase. New York,G.P. Putnam's Sons, [1943] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Chberadame, Andrbe, 1871- Title: Dbefense de l'Amberique. Montrbeal,Librairie Beauchemin limitbee,, 1941.

Author: Chesterton, A. K. (Arthur Kenneth) Title: Tragedy of anti-Semitism, by A.K.Chesterton and Joseph Leftwich. London,R.Anscombe, [1948] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Chicago, Judy, 1939- Title: Holocaust project : from darkness into light / Judy Chicago ; with photography by Donald Woodman. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. :Penguin Books,, 1993.

Author: Choate, Joseph. Title: Douglas MacArthur as I knew him / by Joseph Choate. [Los Angeles?] : Los Angeles, Calif. :J. Choate ; Available at Fowler Bros. Bookstore,, c1986. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Christophersen, Thies, 1918- Title: Auschwitz-Lhuge : ein Erlebnisbericht / von Thies Christophersen. Mohrkirch :Kritik-Verlag,, [1975?]

Author: Christophersen, Thies, 1918- Title: Auschwitz-Lhuge : ein Erlebnisbericht / von Thies Christophersen.

195 Mohrkirch :Kritik-Verlag,, [197-]

Author: Chufikov, V. I. (Vasilifi Ivanovich), 1900- Title: Fall of Berlin, by Vasili I. Chuikov. Foreword by Alistair Horne. Translated from the Russian by Ruth Kisch. New York,Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1968, c1967]

Author: Cianfarra, Camille Maximilian, 1907- Title: War and the Vatican, by Camille M. Cianfarra. London,Burns, Oates & Washbourne, [1945] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Ciechanowski, Jan, b. 1887. Title: Defeat in victory. Garden City, N.Y.,Doubleday,, 1947.

Author: Cincinnatus, pseud. Title: War! War! War! By Cincinnatus. [n.p.,, 1940] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Clare, George, 1920- Title: Before the Wall : Berlin days, 1946-1948 / George Clare. New York :E.P. Dutton,, 1990. This book has been purchased for Clark University by proceeds of the Carole and Michael Friedman Book Fund in honor of Elisabeth ‘Lisa’ Friedman of the Class of 1985

Author: Clare, George, 1920- Title: Last waltz in Vienna : the rise and destruction of a family : 1842-1942 / George Clare. London :Macmillan,, 1981. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Clare, George, 1920- Title: Last waltz in Vienna : the rise and destruction of a family : 1842-1942 / George Clare. New York :Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,, 1982, c1980. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Clarke, Comer. Title: Eichmann: the man and his crimes. New York,Ballantine, [1960] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Clauss, Max. Title: Fait continental; prbeambule de Rbegis de Vibraye. Confberence donnbee le samedi 24 mai 1941 sous les auspices du Groupe "Collaboration" aa la Maison de la chimie, Paris. [Paris,Groupe "Collaboration,", 1941] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies


Author: Cleary, Jon, 1917- Title: Safe house / Jon Cleary. London :Collins,, 1975. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Clements, Bruce. Title: From ice set free; the story of Otto Kiep. New York,Farrar, Straus and Giroux, [1972] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Cohen, Arthur Allen, 1928- Title: Arguments and doctrines; a reader of Jewish thinking in the aftermath of the holocaust. Selected with introductory essays by Arthur A. Cohen. New York :Harper & Row,, [1970] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Cohen, Arthur Allen, 1928- Title: Thinking the tremendum : some theological implications of the death-camps / by Arthur A. Cohen. New York :Leo Baeck Institute,, 1974.

Author: Cohen, Arthur Allen, 1928- Title: Tremendum : a theological interpretation of the Holocaust / Arthur A. Cohen. New York :Crossroad,, 1981.

Author: Cohen, bElie Aron. Title: Human behaviour in the concentration camp / Elie A. Cohen ; translated from the Dutch by M.H. Braaksma. New York :Grosset & Dunlap, [1953].

Author: Cohen, Elie Aaron Title: Duitse concentratiekamp : een medische en psychologische studie / E. A. Cohen. Amsterdam :H. J. Paris,, 1952.

Author: Cohen, Gerson D. (Gerson David), 1924- Title: Messianic postures of Ashkenazim and Sephardim (prior to Sabbethai Zevi) by Gerson D. Cohen. New York,Leo Baeck Institute,, 1967.

Author: Cohen, Harry, 1899- Title: Panorama of prejudice, by Harry Cohen, K. C. New York,Bloch publishing company,, 1944.

Author: Cohen, Israel, 1879-1961. Title: Jews in the war. London,F.Muller Ltd., [1943] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Cohen, Naomi Wiener, 1927- Title: Not free to desist; the American Jewish Committee, 1906-1966 [by] Naomi W. Cohen. Introd. by Salo W. Baron.

197 Philadelphia,Jewish Publication Society of America,, 1972. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Cohen, Stuart. Title: Germany / compiled by Stuart Cohen. New York :L. Amiel,, 1974. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Cohn, Norman Rufus Colin. Title: Warrant for genocide : the myth of the Jewish world-conspiracy and the Protocols of the elders of Zion / by Norman Cohn. Chico, CA :Scholars Press,, c1981. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Cohn, Norman Rufus Colin. Title: Warrant for genocide; the myth of the Jewish world- conspiracy and the Protocols of the elders of the Zion [by] Norman Cohn. New York,Harper & Row, [c1969]

Author: Cohn, Willy Israel, 1888-1942. Title: Als Jude in Breslau, 1941 : aus den Tagebhuchern von Studienrat a.D. Dr. Willy Israel Cohn / herausgegeben von Joseph Walk. Gerlingen :Bleicher Verlag,, c1984.

Author: Colby, Benjamin, 1901- Title: 'Twas a famous victory / Benjamin Colby. New Rochelle, N.Y. :Arlington House Publishers,, c1974. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Coles, Manning, pseud. Title: Now or never / Manning Coles. Garden City, N.Y. :Doubleday,, 1951. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Collier, Richard, 1924- Title: Bridge across the sky : the Berlin blockade and airlift, 1948-1949 / Richard Collier. New York :McGraw-Hill,, 1978. This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Collis, William Robert Fitz-Gerald, 1900- Title: Ultimate value / by Robert Collis. London :Methuen,, 1951. Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Colloquium on the holocaust (1973 : Philadelphia) Title: Colloquium on the holocaust. Presented by The Dropsie University with Villanova University, April 11, 1973, at The Dropsie University. [Philadelphia,Dropsie University,, 1973]

198 This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Colloquium on the holocaust (1973 : Philadelphia) Title: Colloquium on the holocaust. Presented by The Dropsie University with Villanova University, April 11, 1973, at The Dropsie University. [Philadelphia,Dropsie University,, 1973] This book provided by the Sheftel Family in memory of Milton S. Sheftel ’31, ’32 to enrich the Center for Holocaust Studies

Author: Colodner, Solomon, 1908- Title: Jewish education in Germany under the Nazis. [New York]Jewish Education Committee Press, [1964] Gift made possible by Michael J. Leffell ’81 and Lisa Klein Leffell ‘82

Author: Colodner, Solomon, 1908- Title: Jewish education in Germany under the Nazis. [New York]Jewish Education Committee Press, [1964]

Author: Combs, Robert Thomas. Title: Secret of the Jew; fortune in a name, by Robert Thomas Combs ... Los Angeles, Calif.,De Vorss & co., [1946]

Author: Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction. Title: Tentative list of Jewish educational institutions in Axis-occupied countries, by the Research Staff of the Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction. [New York], 1946.

Author: Committee for the Study of Recent Immigration from Europe. Title: Refugees in America, report of the Committee for the Study of Recent Immigration from Europe, by Maurice R. Davie, with the collaboration of Sarah W. Cohn, Betty Drury, Samuel Koenig [and others] New York, London,Harper & brothers, [1947]

Author: Conference Nationale sur les Problemes de Citoyennete des Nouveaux Immigrants (1948 : Montrbeal, Qubebec) Title: D'Immigrant a citoyen : rapport de la Conference Nationale sur les Problemes de Citoyennete des Nouveaux Immigrants : Montreal 23-24 janvier, 1948. Ottawa, Canada :Conseil Canadien pour l'Avancement de Civisme,, [1948]

Author: Conference of European Rabbis. Title: Reconstruction of European Jewish life and the Conference of European Rabbis; edited by Rabbi Maurice Rose. London,Conference of European Rabbis (Standing Committee),, 1967.

Author: Conference of European Rabbis. Title: Reconstruction of European Jewish life and the Conference of European Rabbis; edited by Rabbi Maurice Rose. London,Conference of European Rabbis (Standing Committee),, 1967.

Author: Conference on Acculturation (1965 : New York) Title: Conference on Acculturation :

199 papers delivered at the first Lerntag of the American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, New York City, May 16, 1965 / Herbert Strauss, editor. New York, N.Y. :American Federation of Jews from Central Europe,, c1965.

Author: Congress for Jewish Culture. Title: Decade of destruction: Jewish culture in the USSR, 1948-1958. New York, [1958]

Author: Congress for Jewish Culture. Title: : issued on the twenty-fifth anniversary (1943-1968) / by the Congress for Jewish Culture. New York :The Congress,, 1968.

Author: Congress for Jewish Culture. Title: Warsaw ghetto uprising. New York :Congress for Jewish Culture,, 1980.

Author: Congress for Jewish Culture. Title: Warsaw ghetto uprising. New York :The Congress,, 1977.

Author: Conot, Robert E. Title: Justice at Nuremberg / Robert E. Conot. New York :Harper & Row,, c1983.

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Author: Coon, Carleton Stevens, 1904- Title: North Africa story : the anthropologist as OSS agent, 1941-1943 / by Carleton S. Coon, with historical settings from the editors of Gambit. Ipswich, Mass. :Gambit,, 1980.

Author: Cooper, Abraham, 1950- Title: Portraits of infamy : a study of Soviet antisemitic caricatures and their roots in Nazi ideology / Abraham Cooper, project director. Los Angeles, CA :Simon Wiesenthal Center,, c1986.

Author: Cooper, Robert W., 1904- Title: Nuremberg trial. Harmondsworth, Eng., New York,Penguin Books, [1947]

Author: Coper, Rudolf, 1904- Title: Failure of a revolution; Germany in 1918-1919. Cambridge [Eng.]University Press,, 1955.

Author: Coper, Rudolf, 1904- Title: Failure of a revolution; Germany in 1918-1919. Cambridge [Eng.]University Press,, 1955.

Author: Costanza, Mary S. Title: Living witness : art in the concentration camps and ghettos / Mary S. Costanza. New York : London :Free Press ; Collier Macmillan,, c1982.


Author: Cotruvo, Enzo. Title: Vittorio Veneto a Addis Abeba / E. Cotruvo. Cleveland, Ohio :Tower Press,, 1937.

Author: Coudenhove-Kalergi, Heinrich Johann Maria, Graf von, 1859-1906. Title: Wesen des Antisemitismus / von Heinrich Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi ; eingeleitet durch Antisemitismus nach dem Weltkrieg von R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi. Wien :Paneuropa Verlag,, 1929.

Author: Coudenhove-Kalergi, Heinrich Johann Maria, Graf von, 1859-1906. Title: Wesen des Antisemitismus / von Heinrich Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi ; eingeleitet durch Antisemitismus nach dem Weltkrieg von R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi. Wien :Paneuropa Verlag,, 1929.

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Author: Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard Nicolaus, Graf von, 1894-1972. Title: Antisemitismo (versibon del alemban) y El antisemitismo en la Amberica latina, por Eduardo Weinfeld. Mbexico,Edicibon "Or,", 1939.

Author: Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard Nicolaus, Graf von, 1894-1972. Title: Kampf um Europa; aus meinem Leben. [Zhurich]Atlantis-Verlag, [1949]

Author: Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979 Title: Eight lectures on labor, capital and justice / by Chas. E. Coughlin. Royal Oak, Mich. :Radio League of the Little Flower,, [1934].

Author: Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979. Title: "By the sweat of thy brow"; a series of sermons broadcast by Rev. Chas. E. Coughlin from the Shrine of the Little Flower, October, 1930-February, 1931. Detroit (Royal Oak) Mich.,The Radio League of the Little Flower,, 1931.

Author: Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979. Title: Father Coughlin's radio discourses, 1931-1932. Royal Oak, Mich.,Radio League of the Little Flower,, 1932.

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201 Royal Oak, Mich.,The National Union for Social Justice, [c1936]

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Author: Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979. Title: Series of lectures on social justice / by the Rev. Chas. E. Coughlin. Royal Oak, Mich. :The Radio League of the Little Flower,, 1935.

Author: Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979. Title: Sixteen radio lectures, 1938 series, broadcast by Rev. Chas. E. Coughlin. Royal Oak, Mich.,[The author,, c1938]

Author: Council for Democracy. Title: Nazi poison; how we can destroy Hitler's propaganda against the Jews. New York,, [c1941]

Author: Courtney, Kent. Title: Case of General Edwin A. Walker, by Kent and Phoebe Courtney. New Orleans,Conservative Society of America,, 1961.

Author: Coyle, David Cushman, 1887- Title: America, by David Cushman Coyle. Washington, D.C.,National Home Library Foundation,, 1941.

Author: Craig, Gordon Alexander, 1913- Title: hUber di Deutschen / by Gordon A. Craig. Munich :Verlag C.H. Beck,, 1983, c1982.

Author: Crankshaw, Edward. Title: Gestapo, instrument of tyranny. London,Putnam,, 1956.

Author: Crankshaw, Edward. Title: Gestapo, instrument of tyranny. New York,Viking Press,, 1956.

Author: Crbenesse, Pierre. Title: Procbes de Wagner : bourreau de l'Alsace / Pierre Crenesse. Paris :Office Franpcais,, [1946]

Author: Creel, George, 1876-1953. Title: War criminals and punishment, by George Creel. New York,R.M. McBride & Company,, 1944.

Author: Crippen, Harlan R., Title: Germany: a self-portrait; a collection of German writings from 1914 to 1943, edited, with an introduction and chronicle, by Harlan R. Crippen. London, New York [etc.]Oxford university press, [1944]

Author: Croce, Benedetto, 1866-1952. Title: Germany and Europe, a spiritual dissension by

202 Benedetto Croce, translated and with an introduction by Vincent Sheean. New York,Random house, [c1944]

Author: Crome, Len. Title: Unbroken : resistance and survival in the concentration camps / by Len Crome. New York :Schocken Books,, 1988.

Author: Cross, Colin. Title: Fascists in Britain. [London]Barrie and Rockliff, [1961]

Author: Cruickshank, Charles Greig. Title: German occupation of the Channel Islands / Charles Cruickshank. London ; New York :Published for the Trustees of the Imperial War Museum by Oxford University Press,, 1975.

Author: Cseres, Tibor Title: Titoist atrocities in Vojvodina, 1944-1945 : Serbian vendetta in Bbacska / Tibor Cseres. Buffalo :Hunyadi Pub.,, c1993.

Author: Cummins, Paul F., 1937- Title: Dachau song / Paul F. Cummins. New York :P. Lang,, c1992.

Author: Cummins, Paul F., 1937- Title: Dachau song / Paul F. Cummins. New York :P. Lang,, c1992.

Author: Curtiss, John Shelton, 1899- Title: Appraisal of the Protocols of Zion, by John S. Curtiss. New York,Columbia University Press,, 1942.

Author: Cvetic, Matthew, 1909- Title: Big decision; based on the experiences of Matt Cvetic, former FBI counterspy. [Hollywood? Calif.,, 1959]

Author: Czech, Danuta. Title: Auschwitz chronicle 1939-1945 / by Danuta Czech. London :Tauris,, 1990.

Author: Czechoslovak Republic. Ministerstvo zahraniicnbich viecbi. Title: Heroes and victims; pref. by Jan Masaryk. London,Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Information Service,, 1945.

Author: Czechoslovak Republic. Odbor pro politickbe zpravodajstvbi. Title: Lidice, icin krvavbeho teroru a poruisenbi zakonju i zbakladnbich lidskbych prbav. Praha,Ministerstvo vnitra, Odbor pro politikbe zpravodajstvbi,, 1945.

Author: Czechoslovakia. Ministerstvo zahraniicnbich viecbi. Title: Four fighting years;

203 published on behalf of the Czechoslovak Ministry of foreign affairs (Department of information) London, New York [etc]Hutchinson & co., ltd.,, 1943.

Author: Czerniakbow, Adam, 1880-1942. Title: Warsaw diary of Adam Czerniakow : prelude to doom / edited by Raul Hilberg, Stanislaw Staron, and Josef Kermisz ; translated by Staron and the staff of Yad Vashem. New York :Stein and Day,, 1979.

Author: D'Harcourt, Pierre. Title: Real enemy. London,Longmans,, 1967.

Author: Dabringhaus, Erhard. Title: Klaus Barbie : the shocking story of how the U.S. used this Nazi war criminal as an intelligence agent : a first hand account / by Erhard Dabringhaus. Washington, D.C. :Acropolis Books,, c1984.

Author: Dahlberg, Gunnar, 1893-1956. Title: Race, reason and rubbish / Gunnar Dahlberg. New York :Columbia University Press,, 1943.

Author: Daim, Wilfried. Title: Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab; von den religihosen Verirrungen eines Sektierers zum Rassenwahn des Diktators. [Aus dem Institut fhur Politische Psychologie Wien. Mhunchen]Isar Verlag, [1958]

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Author: Daluege, Kurt, 1897-1946. Title: Nationalsozialistischer Kampf gegen das Verbrechertum, von Kurt Daluege ... unter Mitarbeit von Regierungsdirektor Liebermann v. Sonnenberg ... Mhunchen,Zentralverlag der NSDAP, F. Cher, Nachf.,, 1936.

Author: Dam, H. G. van (Hendrik George), 1906-1973 Title: Bundesentschhadigungsgesetz : Bundeserghanzungsgesetz zur Entschhadigung fhur Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung (BEG) mit einschlhagigen Bundesgesetzen, Verordnungen und Staatsvertrhagen / Systematische Darstellung und kritische Erlhauterungen Dhusseldorf :"Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden in Deutschland",, c1953.

Author: Darville, Claude. Title: Other men's graves. Translated by Constantine Fitz Gibbon. London,Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [1958]

Author: Datner, Szymon. Title: Crimes against POWs : responsibility of the Wehrmacht / by Szymon Datner. Warszawa :Zachodnia Agencja Prasowa,, 1964.

204 Author: David, Kati, 1935- Title: Child's war : World War II through the eyes of children / Kati David. New York :Four Walls Eight Windows,, c1989.

Author: Davidson, Basil, 1914- Title: Germany: what now? Potsdam-partition, 1945-1949. London,Frederick Muller, [1950]

Author: Davidson, Basil, 1914- Title: Scenes from the anti-Nazi war / by Basil Davidson. New York :Monthly Review Press,, [1981] c1980.

Author: Davidson, Eugene, 1902- Title: Trial of the Germans; an account of the twenty-two defendants before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremburg. New York,Macmillan, [1966]

Author: Davis, Homer Woodhull, 1895- Title: Greece fights; the people behind the front, edited by Homer W. Davis. New York,American friends of Greece, [1942]

Author: Davis, Mac, 1905- Title: Jews fight too! by Mac Davis. Illustrated by Howard Simon. With an introduction by Honorable James M. Curley. New York,Jordon Publishing Co., [1945]

Author: Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Title: Holocaust and the historians / Lucy S. Dawidowicz. Cambridge, Mass. :Harvard University Press,, 1981.

Author: Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Title: Holocaust and the historians / Lucy S. Dawidowicz. Cambridge, Mass. :Harvard University Press,, 1981.

Author: Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Title: War against the Jews 1933-45 / Lucy Dawidowicz. Harmondsworth :Penguin,, 1977.

Author: Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Title: War against the Jews, 1933-1945 / Lucy S. Dawidowicz. New York :Holt, Rinehart and Winston,, [1975]

Author: Day, Ingeborg. Title: Ghost waltz : a memoir / by Ingeborg Day. New York :Viking Press,, 1980.

Author: Dayton, Eldorous Lyons. Title: Secret life of Adolf Hitler. Based on the television documentary film produced for WPIX, inc., by William L. Cooper, Jr. and Walter D. Engels. With text adapted from Eldorous L. Dayton's television script. New York,Citadel Press, [1960]

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Author: De Felice, Renzo, 1929- Title: Interpretations of fascism / Renzo de Felice ; translated by Brenda Huff Everett. Cambridge :Harvard University Press,, 1977.

Author: De Jaeger, Charles. Title: Linz file : Hitler's plunder of Europe's art / Charles de Jaeger. Toronto ; New York : Exeter, England :J. Wiley & Sons Canada ; Webb & Bower,, c1981.

Author: De Mendelssohn, Peter, 1908- Title: Geist in der Despotie; Versuche huber die moralischen Mhoglichkeiten des Intellektuellen in der totalitharen Gesellschaft. Berlin-Grunewald,F. A. Herbig, [1953]

Author: De Mendelssohn, Peter, 1908- Title: Nhurnberger Dokumente : Studien zur deutschen Kriegspolitik, 1937-45 / Peter de Mendelssohn.. Hamburg :W. Krhuger,, 1947, c1946.

Author: De Montmorency, Alec. Title: Enigma of Admiral Darlan, by Alec de Montmorency. New York,E.P. Dutton & co., inc.,, 1943.

Author: De Zayas, Alfred M. Title: Anglo-Amerikaner und die Vertreibung der Deutschen : Vorgeschichte, Verlauf, Folgen / Alfred Maurice de Zayas ; mit einem Vorwort von Robert Murphy. Mhunchen :C.H. Beck,, 1981.

Author: Deakin, F. W. (Frederick William), 1913- Title: Brutal friendship: Mussolini, Hitler, and the fall of Italian fascism. New York,Harper & Row, [c1962]

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Author: Debak, Istvban. Title: Weimar Germany's left-wing intellectuals; a political history of the Weltbhuhne and its circle. Berkeley,University of California Press,, 1968.

Author: Dees, Morris. Title: Hate on trial : the case against America's most dangerous neo-Nazi / Morris Dees and Steve Fiffer. New York :Villard Books,, 1993.

Author: Dees, Morris. Title: Hate on trial : the case against America's most dangerous neo-Nazi / Morris Dees and Steve Fiffer. New York :Villard Books,, 1993.

Author: Degrelle, Lbeon, 1906- Title: Campaign in Russia : the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front / by Leon Degrelle.

206 Torrance, Calif. :Institute for Historical Review,, 1985.

Author: Deich, Friedrich, 1907- Title: Sanity inspectors / Friedrich Deich ; translated by Robert Kee. New York :Rinehart,, 1957, c1956.

Author: Deighton, Len, 1929- Title: Blitzkrieg, from the rise of Hitler to the fall of Dunkirk / Len Deighton ; with a foreword by W. K. Nehring. London :Cape,, 1979.

Author: Del Castillo, Michel, 1933- Title: Child of our time. Translated from the French by Peter Green. New York,Knopf,, 1958.

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Author: Delarue, Jacques, 1919- Title: Geschiedenis van de Gestapo / Jacques Delarue. Utrecht :A.W. Bruna & Zoon,, 1965.

Author: Delarue, Jacques, 1919- Title: Gestapo: a history of horror. Translated from the French by Mervyn Savill. New York,Morrow,, 1964.

Author: Delbo, Charlotte. Title: None of us will return. Translated by John Githens. New York,Grove Press, [1968]

Author: Delfieu, Maurice. Title: Rbecits d'un revenant : Mauthausen-Ebensee (1944-1945) / Maurice Delfieu ; illustrations de P. Rotgbe. Paris :Indicateur universel des P.T.T.,, 1946.

Author: Delmer, Sefton. Title: Deutschen und ich. [Trail sinister. Black boomerang] Autorisierte hUbers. aus dem Englischen ... [Hamburg]Nannen,, 1963.

Author: Demant, Ebbo. Title: Auschwitz, "direkt von der Rampe weg" : Kaduk, Erber, Klehr, 3 Thater geben zu Protokoll / Ebbo Demant (Hg.) ; mit e. Einf. von Axel Eggebrecht. Reinbek bei Hamburg :Rowohlt,, 1979.

Author: Demetz, Hanna. Title: House on Prague street / by Hana Demetz ; translated from the German by the author. New York :St. Martin's Press,, c1980.

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Author: Deuerlein, Ernst, 1918-1971. Title: Aufstieg der NSDAP in Augenzeugenberichten / herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Ernst Deuerlein. Mhunchen :Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag,, 1974, c1968.

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Author: Dhoblin, Alfred, 1878-1957. Title: Journey to Poland / Alfred Dhoblin ; translated by Joachim Neugroschel ; edited by Heinz Graber. London :I.B. Tauris & Co.,, 1991.

Author: Dhoblin, Alfred, 1878-1957. Title: Journey to Poland / Alfred Dhoblin ; translated by Joachim Neugroschel ; edited by Heinz Graber. New York :Paragon House Publishers,, 1991.

Author: Dhollinger, Friedrich. Title: Baldur u. Bibel : Weltbewegende neue Enthhullungen huber die Bibel ; Germanische kultur im biblischen Kanaan und Germanisches Christentum vor Christus / von Friedr. Dhollinger. Nhunberg :Lorenz Spindler,, c1920.


Author: Dicker, Herman, 1914- Title: Creativity, Holocaust, reconstruction : Jewish life in Wuerttemberg, past and present / by Herman Dicker. New York :Sepher-Hermon Press,, c1984.

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Author: Dimitrov, Georgi, 1882-1949. Title: After Munich : the united front of the international proletariat and of the peoples against fascism / by Georgi Dimitroff. Also The twenty-first anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution : manifesto of the Executive Committee of the Communist New York :Workers Library Publishers,, 1939.

Author: Diner, Dan, 1946- Title: America in the eyes of the Germans : an essay on anti- Americanism / Dan Diner ; translated from German by Allison Brown ; introduction by Sander L. Gilman. Princeton, NJ :Markus Wiener Publishers,, c1996.

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238 Mhunchen :Delphin Verlag,, c1984.

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Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49


Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

240 Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the

241 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

Author: Ghoring, Hermann, 1893-1946. Title: Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946.

242 Nuremberg,Ger., 1947-49

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