J Assembly of Western European Union
\&J Assembly of Western European Union DOCIIMENT 146t prh June 1995 FORTIETH ORDINARY SESSION (Third Part) European anned forces REPORT submitted on behalf of the Defence Committee by Mr.De Decker, Rapporteur ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION 4iI, avenue du Pr6sldent-Wlson, 7525 Paris Cedex 16 - Tel. Docrrment 146E 12th June 1995 European armedforces REPORT ' submitted on behalf of the Defence Committee 2 by Mn De Decker, Rapporteur TABLE OF CONTENTS Pnepnce Dnar'-r RrcoumxnenoN on a European armed forces Expr-aNnronv Mguonmtnuvt submitted by Mr. De Decker, Rapporteur I. The European Corps (a) Membership (b) Relations with NATO (c) Relations with WEU (d) Missions (e) Composition (fl Training (g) Problems still to be resolved tr. ETJROFOR- EUROMARFOR (a) Goals and missions (b) Relations with NATO and WEU (c) Structure (d) Exercises Itr. The Dutch-British amphibious force (a) Missions (0) Composition (c) Relations with NATO and WEU (d) Exercises (e) New developments IV. The Allied Command Europe rapid reaction corps (ARRC) (a) Missions (0) Composition (c) Training (d) Shortcomings of the ARRC V. The Dutch-German army corps (a) Missions (b) Composition l. Adopted in committee by 13 votes to 0 with I abstention. 2. Members of the committee: Mr. Baumel (Chainnan); Mr. De Decker Mrs. Baarveld-Schlaman (Vice-Chairmen); Mr. Alloncle, Mrs. Beer, MM. Bianchi, Briane, Bito, Cox, Dees, Dumont, Femandes Marques, Mrs. Fernandez Ramiro, Ntrrll. Hardy, Hom, Jacquat, Kastanidis, Kelchtermans, La Russa, Mrs. t entz-Comette, MM. Lopez Valdivielso (Alternate: Inpez Henares), Marten, Lord Newall (Alternate: Sir Russell Johnston),lvM. Parisi, Pavlidis, P6criaux, Petruccioli (Alternate: Guidi),Reis Leite (Alter- nate: Aguiar), Scholten, Sir Dudley Smith, Nft.
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