‘Lord Charles Fitzroy’s Waterloo Exhibition’

We picked out these object to put in ‘Lord Charles’ Exhibition’

Closing the Gates at Hougoumont, 1815 We chose this because we thought that Lord Charles Fitzroy, even if he hadn’t seen the actual moment, would have known about it and seen the importance of portraying the intensity of the fighting at a key moment in the .

Baker & sword bayonet We chose this because it shows how advanced the technology was at the time of Waterloo and it can also tell you about some of the tactics used.

The Waterloo Map We chose this because it was the original map used by Wellington and shows where the battle was fought.

A Soldier Recounting His Exploits in a Tavern We chose this as it shows the soldier’s point of view which would be interesting to learn about.

Bone with Embedded Ball A soldier most likely died from this wound as the mortality rate was very high – it shows the ‘unknown’ brutality of the battle. Wounds became sceptic very quickly because clothes may have been dirty.

“Marengo”, Napoleon’s Horse As Napoleon was such a key figure on the battlefield it would be quite cool to have his horse in the exhibition. Lord Charles Fitzroy probably show Marengo too!

An Interview with Bonaparte at St Helena It would be good to have Napoleon’s point of view included in the exhibition. Getting his side of the story as to why he lost would be interesting.

Congreve Having the Rocket in the exhibition would show the technology that the British used to defeat Napoleon…and how inaccurate a lot of it was!

French Musket The musket is a stark indicator of the capability of the French army. By examining the musket we can tell if the French army was well equipped.

Wellington’s Telescope You’ve got to have something about Wellington in an exhibition about Waterloo! Having the telescope on display would also tell the visitors about how he controlled the battle, how big the battlefield was and the fact that he was able to see everything…unlike commanders in the First World War.