SystematicBotany (2004),29(1): pp. 147– 164 q Copyright 2004by the AmericanSociety of PlantTaxonomists Paraphyly in Tribe Onagreae: Insights into Phylogenetic Relationships of Onagraceae Basedon Nuclear and Chloroplast Sequence Data RACHEL A. LEVIN,1,7 WARREN L. WAGNER,1 PETER C. HOCH,2 WILLIAM J. HAHN,3 AARON RODRIGUEZ,4 DAVID A. BAUM,5 LILIANA KATINAS,6 ELIZABETH A. ZIMMER,1 and KENNETH J. SYTSMA5 1DepartmentofSystematic Biology,Botany,MRC 166,Smithsonian Institution,P.O.Box 37012,W ashington, District ofColumbia 20013-7012; 2Missouri BotanicalGarden, P.O.Box 299,St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299; 3108White-Grav enor,Box 571003,Georgetow nUniversity,Washington,District ofColumbia, 20057-1003; 4Departamento de Botan ´‡ca y Zoolog´‡a,Apartado Postal 139, 45101 Zapopan, Jalisco, M exico; 5Department ofBotan y,University ofW isconsin, 430Lincoln Drive,Madison, Wisconsin 53706; 6DepartamentoCienti co de PlantasV asculares,M useo de Ciencias Naturales,Paseo del Bosques/ n, 1900La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina 7Author forcorrespond ence (
[email protected]) CommunicatingEditor: Thomas G .Lammers ABSTRACT. Onagraceaeare afamilyof 17 genera insev en tribes,with the majorityof species intribes Onagreae and Epilobieae.Despite the species-richnessof these twotribes,to date no phylogenetic studyhas been done withsuf cient taxon samplingto examine relationshipsbetw een and withinthese tribes.In this study ,we used DNAsequence data from one nuclear region(ITS) and twochloroplastregions ( trnL-trnF and rps16)to inferphylogene tic relationshipsamong93 taxa across the family,withconcentra ted sampling inthe large tribeOnagreae .Results stronglysuggest tha ttribeGongylocarpeae issister to tribes Epilobiea e 1 Onagreae,bothof which are monophyletic. WithinOnagreae , Camissonia seemsto be broadly paraphyletic, and Oenothera isalso paraphyletic. In Oenothera thereappear to be twolineages, one ofwhich has Gaura 1 Stenosiphon nested withinit.