27/9/2016 DRAFT 1.8 ATLAS OF THE SMALL EUROPEAN ISLANDS Atlas of the ESIN Islands 1 Introduction 2 2 The islands of Europe 3 3 The ESIN islands of Europe 9 4 Sustainability indicators 12 5 The ESIN islands per nation 14 The small islands of Croatia 15 The small islands of Denmark 18 The small islands of Estonia 23 The small islands of Finland 24 The small islands of France 28 The small islands of Greece 31 The small islands of Ireland 35 The small islands of Italy 38 The small islands of Scotland 40 The small islands of Sweden 43 The small islands of Åland 49 6 References 51 1 (64) Christian Pleijel
[email protected] Tel +358-457-342 88 25 ESIN ATLAS / DRAFT 1.8 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Atlas is to (a) present some basic data on the geographical features of the small islands of Europe who are members of the European Small Islands Federation (ESIN), and to (b) raise awareness of the lack of other, relevant basic data on the same small islands. An island is a piece of land surrounded by water. This atlas is focussed on small and very small islands that fall below the system of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) within the European Union not having a fixed link to the European mainland. ESIN represents 1,640 such islands with a resident population of 359,357people. These small islands have 3-4 million summer residents and ten times as many visitors, which creates a heavy human pressure on the islands’ social, technical and ecological systems.