stick to your guns true view album download zippyshare True View. The Orange County-based melodic outfit's fifth full-length outing, the Pure Noise Records-issued True View delivers a message- driven blast of soaring melodies and punishing sonic might. Written during a period of personal upheaval for frontman Jesse Barnett, who notes that "this entire record was inspired by conversations I had with my mother over the last two-and-a-half years. She gave me the compass to be able to navigate this painful path." The 13-track set includes the singles "Married to the Noise," "The Sun, The Moon, The Truth: Penance of Self," and "The Reach for Me: Forgiveness of Self." The Ty_RockCity Music/Entertainment Blog. Music and Entertainment blog by Ty "Ty Rock" Jamar. Expect nothing less. Stick to Your Guns “True View” Record Release Show. Being that this is their 6 th full-length album that just came out, Stick to Your Guns embarked on a few shows: some on the East coast and some on the West coast. and Get the Shot supported the East coast show and then for the West coast shows, Eighteen Visions, Stone and Modern Color will support (Eighteen Visions will only play one show though). Personally, I have been listening to Stick to Your Guns for the past couple of years since I first heard “This Is More” and have been following them since “The Hope Division” album came out in 2010 and the single “Amber” became a hit. In my opinion, they definitely hit a mark with the preceding album “Diamond” coming out in 2012 and they had added guitarist Josh James formerly of Evergreen Terrace to solidify their lineup of seasoned vets. For them to have kept going for so long makes them one of the most consistent bands in recent years and they definitely put all they have into their music. Anyhow, The final East coast show took place October 14th in Amityville, NY in Long Island (the day after the official worldwide album release) and people were stoked for the show including those who were VIP ticket buyers who got their “True View” goodies before doors opened so let’s jump right in. First band to open the show was a band called Get the Shot from Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. I had never heard of the band prior to the show. But they came highly recommended by Eighteen Visions frontman James Hart after we had talked for a bit before the show started. And thankfully, they never let down whatsoever. Lots of fast, heavy beats and riffs that had people who had never heard of them mosh and a very few people who were up front screamed along with a few songs during the set. After seeing the set, I would definitely recommend peeps check them out if anyone asks what I’m jamming one day. Be sure to check out their album “Infinite Punishment” which came out August 14 th on New Damage Records. Setlist: I Want to Set the World on Fire intro, Purgation, Fake Reaper, Hellbringer, Erase the Scum, Demon Stomp, Absolute Sacrifice, Rotting Idols, Blackened Sun (feat. Jesse Barnett of Stick to Your Guns), Cold Hearted. Up next were the veterans from Orange County, California, Eighteen Visions. It was their first show back in Amityville after many years so it was going to be a good set for sure especially after seeing them in California earlier this summer. Opening the set with “She Looks Good in Velvet”, they hit the people hard throughout the entire set full of songs from “” and “XVIII” with gems from “Vanity” and “Obsession”. Never missing a beat while James’ vocals are as better as ever, the band which now includes now official rhythm guitarist Josh James (Yeah, I know he’s balancing both STYG and 18V), 18V left the people in attendance very hyped and excited for what’s to come after the ended with a encore consisting of the “Tower of Snakes” breakdown. Lots of moshing and crowd participation and a couple of stage divers toward the end of the set: great set overall! Setlist: She Looks Good in Velvet, The Psychotic Thought, Vanity, She’s a Movie Produced Masterpiece, Crucified, Underneath My Gun, Oath, Motionless and White, Who the Fuck Killed John Lennon, Tower of Snakes. Now the headliners, also from Orange County, came and took the stage and celebrated their album’s release in the best way possible: hitting them with the left and right playing songs from what vocalist Jesse Barnett calls the most personal Stick to Your Guns album in their discography. With songs from the albums ranging from “The Hope Division” until now, the band of seasoned vets were just as energetic as the crowd with their jumps on stage, Jesse’s roars and tight drumming provided by drummer George Schmitz. A couple of times during the set before they got into the next song, Jesse would use that time to let people know of the situations the band members were in while writing and recording of the album and how the album was more personal than political like the last couple of albums and how proud he was to be playing music with his band brothers. There was definitely more crowd surfing and stage diving at that time so the entire show ended up the way everybody anticipated it to be. 14 years strong and still going on, much respect to Stick to Your Guns and be sure to buy the new album “True View” out now on Pure Noise Records! Setlist: 3 Feet from Peace, The Sun. The Moon. The Truth, Against Them All, What Choice Did You Give Us, We Still Believe, Universal Language, Such Pain, Married to the Noise, The Crown, Better Ash Than Dust, Nothing You Can Do to Me, Doomed by You, Empty Heads, The Suspend, Amber, Nobody. ALBUM REVIEW: ‘True View’ by Stick To Your Guns. Jesse Barnett has a lot to say. Understandably so as well, considering that the Stick To Your Guns frontman has spent the last decade-and-a-half as the mouthpiece of some of the most vital, incendiary melodic hardcore going. And with the world hanging together by a thread at the minute, one would assume that Stick To Your Guns would have a plethora of material to draw on to continue that streak. After all, every other band has done it. And that’s exactly why True View isn’t that album. No matter what Trump’s latest head-in-hands move is, there’s only a finite way to articulate that through the medium of searing punk and hardcore, and rather than following the trend to get yet another anti-Trump statement off the production line, True View diverges entirely, and it’s all the better for it, a potent self-examination of its openly flawed narrator that still manages to bite hard and often. That’s not to say that politics is exempt from the equation, mind – both Cave Canum and Through The Chain Link clearly come from a generation who know something is blatantly wrong with nothing being done to rectify it – but for the most part, True View is exactly as it says on the tin, with the mirror turned to Barnett to admit his own shortcomings and mistakes. And with vocal snippets from his mother spliced into 3 Feet From Peace and Through The Chain Link , it’s made clear just how deep a lot of this subject matter runs. The Sun, The Moon, The Truth: “Penance Of Self” represents the turning point where he realises the need to take responsibility for his own actions, leading to the series of admissions of destroying successful relationships on Delinelle , or the knock-on effects of his own self-destructive behaviour on 56 . On the other side of the coin though, True View has its own quasi-redemption arc running tandem, where Barnett accepts his own agency to change for the better on You Are Free , and the hardcore scene that’s ultimately been something of a saviour to him on Married To The Noise . It says a lot that The Reach For Me: “Forgiveness Of Self” closes the album, where the two lines coalesce and Barnett acknowledges that he is indeed flawed, and while he hasn’t entirely redeemed himself just yet, he’s owned up and wants to change for the better. Admittedly this does skirt dangerously close to a flimsy “only human” defence that, in the worst case scenario, would undo everything that the album has previously worked up to, but given how the song takes the form of a surging alt-rock track with Barnett at his most vocally vulnerable, that instead shifts to show character growth above anything, and that’s something to be admired here. All of that might imply that True View is a softer album for Stick To Your Guns than previous efforts, and that would admittedly be a fair assumption; after all, it would be nigh on impossible to convincingly craft the layers this album wants simply through another dose of hardcore flurries. Of course, that’s still the bedrock of Stick To Your Guns’ formula – just take the crashing, metallic riffs of The Sun, The Moon, The Truth: “Penance Of Self” or You Are Free to see this band at their full power – but melody is perhaps more crucial than ever at establishing that wider emotional range, and with the choruses of Delinelle and Cave Canum drawing from alt-rock or some Rise Against-esque strain of arena-punk, True View slots into some more fully fleshed-out territory than if it was a simple hardcore album. But even then, there’s diversity to Stick To Your Guns here that serves as a real shot in the arm. This is definitely a more punk-driven album on the whole, even outside of its choruses; the likes of Married To The Noise and Owed Nothing take a mid-paced approach that’s no less exciting, and with 56 and The Reach For Me: “Forgiveness Of Self” being almost completely cleanly sung, there’s a shade of melancholy that covers them to reveal yet more unexplored layers. Basically, for as much of a deep, soul-searching process as True View is designed as, it succeeds in its aims on two fronts, both in Barnett’s honest narration and in an instrumental performance that deconstructs the entirety of Stick To Your Guns’ sound to isolate what it needs when it needs it. The end product is an album that’s an immensely full, satisfying listen, complex without being totally inaccessible and melodic without succumbing to any pop-leaning tropes. As far as introspective punk and hardcore goes, Stick To Your Guns are fully keeping on top of the competition with True View ; this is an album that unfurls its true treasures over time and with deeper digging, but they’re well worth sticking around for. For fans of: Beartooth, While She Sleeps, Rise Against Words by Luke Nuttall. ‘True View’ by Stick To Your Guns is out now on End Hits Records. Stick To Your Guns – True View (Album Review) October 11, 2017 Stick To Your Guns – True View (Album Review) Ready to deliver a devious dose of poisonous melody to Hardcore alongside their always keen perceptiveness, Stick To Your Guns return on very lucky Friday, October 13th with True View through Pure Noise Records. Stick To Your Guns (abbreviated STYG) hail from Orange County, California where the sun shines bright and creates a brilliant insight. Vocalist Jesse Barnett formed the group around 2003 while still in high school, waiting to graduate before pursuing world domination. With their debut disc, 2005’s For What It’s Worth (which would be released by Century Media Records in 2007), the ball was set into motion, and over the next ten years, despite a myriad of lineup changes, four albums would follow – from 2008’s Comes from the Heart to 2015’s Disobedient . Relentless touring spread the band’s name and message – leading to awards, fandom, and a fabulous cover of the superbly talented Florence + The Machine – and ultimately bringing them to share stages with everyone from Every Time I Die to the joyously reunited Eighteen Visions (who Guitarist Josh James currently plays bass for, as well). Perhaps, above all things, Stick To Your Guns – Barnett, Guitarists Chris Rawson and the aforementioned James, Bassist Andrew Rose, and Drummer George Schmitz – are a band who are much beloved not just amongst fans but by their fellow musicians as well. In our dog-eat-dog world, it is an impressive compliment to one’s character when they inspire without boundaries! With their sixth studio release, True View , the quintet continues to motivate with a lucky batch of thirteen new tracks. Produced by Derek Hoffman (Silverstein, Seaway), this collection marks the band’s first release for their new label, the aforementioned Pure Noise Records. True View opens with a voicemail that appears to be someone’s mom offering loving and thoughtful snippets of advice that bleed into “3 Feet From Peace,” pummeling Hardcore layered alongside melodic guitar-work. It builds a titillating tension that flows right into “The Sun, The Moon, The Truth: Penance of Self,” a powerful, multi-layered presentation that provides an impressive dropkick to the eardrums. Meanwhile, the lusciously addictive choruses of first single/video “Married To The Noise” make for a truly anthemic homage to Barnett’s second home, the Hardcore scene (“I found a place to belong”). “This is not an apology or an admission of guilt / This is a realization of how I destroyed all the things we’ve built” is the haunting, heartbreaking confession at the center of the blistering “Delinelle,” where emotion lies bloody and raw in all its sincerity. There is an impressive musicianship throughout the various layers of Stick To Your Guns’ sound; and while they are clearly grounded in heaviness, these boys can strike up a great melody too. “Cave Canem” (Latin for “Beware the Dog”) proves their infectiousness in spades, with sing-along worthy choruses that create a serious hunger for more. “This is the last and final warning / I hope you hear us now” will be the perfect chant for your next live Stick To Your Guns experience! Melodic Hardcore at its absolute finest, “56” pits poetic lyrics against high-reaching melodies, while there is a desperate soliloquy (“Will I allow what is expected of me to dull the sharp edge of my life?”) whirling around inside “The Inner Authority: Realization Of Self.” It couples well with the vicious promise that, no matter what they say, “You Are Free,” and the true power of you cannot be taken away. Consider this your daily Zen proclamation for Hardcore kids! Stick To Your Guns continue on their self-aware journey with “Doomed By You,” a reminder to never let others drag you down or seal your fate. It is an astute, somewhat vital observation to make alongside soaring, addictive choruses that you can almost see crazy concert-goers crowd- surfing to already! While there is nothing truly unique about punctuating vicious verses with heavenly choruses, “The Better Days Before Me” has a secret weapon: STYG’s sharply mindful lyrics. Keep self-effacing by remembering the past, never wasting your days, and always striving for something greater are only three key points in this journey through self-awareness. In fact, being aware of one’s self is a big tenant of STYG’s music and, rightly so, this theme continues into “Owed Nothing.” With some of the heaviest verses on the album, this track is a candid admission that no one warrants a chip on their shoulder; we deserve only what we earn and, as a society, we often lose track of this fact. Remember, folks, stay humble! “Through The Chain Link” begins with a heart-wrenching audio clip of a woman crying: “We gotta get rid of these fucking money-hungry, angry people . . . How can I believe in somebody that killed their own God?” With gut-punching observations of the world around us (“A foundation of shit upon which we salute, blinded by greed”) and a reminder that we all too often remove ourselves and play passive-observer, this might be one of the shortest tracks on True View, but it weighs heaviest. Still resonating with its message, we segue into “The Reach For Me: Forgiveness Of Self,” a track that leans much closer to Rock than anything Hardcore; which is fine: it is superb and ends the album on a brilliant high, reminding us not to wallow in our mistakes but to learn and move forward with self-forgiveness. Stick To Your Guns are infectious hope coupled with poetic desperation: a lyrical plea to see what is right in front of us and to be better for our newfound observations, knowledge, and awareness. If you can let go and lose yourself in STYG, you will find peace and angst, vicious inspiration alongside an oft slaughtering delivery that is grounded in those insightful, zen-filled proclamations. True View is, therefore, not merely an album but an experience: one that we welcome with open hearts and raised Metal-horns and perhaps a little lotus blossom, too. For these reasons, CrypticRock give Stick To Your Guns’ True View 5 of 5 stars. Tour Dates : OCT 11 The Back Stage · Windsor, ON, Canada OCT 12 Velvet Underground · Toronto, ON, Canada (opening for Eighteen Visions) OCT 13 Club Soda · Montreal, QC, Canada OCT 14 Looney Tunes Music and More · West Babylon, NY (afternoon signing event) OCT 14 Revolution Bar & Music Hall · Amityville, NY (opening for Eighteen Visions) OCT 19 SOMA San Diego · San Diego, CA OCT 21 Zia Record Exchange- Mesa · Mesa, AZ (afternoon signing event) OCT 21 The World Famous Nile Theater · Mesa, AZ (opening for Eighteen Visions) Purchase True View : [amazon_link asins=’B074PYL493,B074PZFH36,B074PZ3ZNY,B074PYK7RP,B074PZ9QJS,B074PY7V96,B074PZ7N73,B074PYV866′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’crypticrock-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’074ea0c8-ae66-11e7-8837-e97c63743ec6′] High-resolution audio offers the highest-fidelity available, far surpassing the sound quality of traditional CDs. 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