INTRODUCTION CONSENTING ADULTS: "IN the WAY of MARRIAGE" 1. for Information on Ecclesiastical Courts and Marriage Law, See Richard Adair, J
NOTES INTRODUCTION CONSENTING ADULTS: "IN THE WAY OF MARRIAGE" 1. For information on ecclesiastical courts and marriage law, see Richard Adair, J. H. Baker, E. R. C. Brinkworth, Richard Burn, Eric Josef Carlson, Colin R. Chapman, Frederick J. Furnivall, Edmund Gibson, Loreen L. Giese, John R. Gillis, John Godolphin, Laura Gowing, Paul Hair, R. H. Helmholz, William Holdsworth, Ralph Houlbrooke, Martin Ingram, Ronald A. Marchant, A. Percival Moore, Diana O'Hara, R. B. Outhwaite, James Raine, Peter Rushton, B. J. Sokol and Mary Sokol, Henry Swinburne, and Richard M. Wunderli. Discussions of ecclesiastical jurisdiction include Helmholz (Roman 28-54), Holdsworth (1: 614-32), Houlbrooke (Church 7-20 and "The Decline of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction"), Dorothy Owen ("Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in England"), and Susan Brigden (129-71). Contemporary discussions on the legitimacy of ecclesiastical jurisdiction include the unpublished, "Notes and Remembrances" (Bodleian Library, Tanner MS 176, 261 "-265v), and "A Distinction Betweene the Ecclesiastical! Law and the Common Law" (British Library, Lansdowne MS 253, 138r-178v) , and published works by John Bridges, Richard Cosin, and Thomas Ridley. 2. Reprints of the canons include those by J. V. Bullard and H . Chalmer Bell, Edward Cardwell (Synodalia), and H . J. Schroeder. Discussions of canon law include Cardwell (Reformation), Charles Donahue, Jr., Helmholz (Roman), Eric Waldram Kemp, Frederic William Maitland, E. Garth Moore, R. C. Mortimer, and Michael M. Sheehan. 3. Chapman (Ecclesiastical Courts), Francis Clarke, H[ enry] C[ onset], Henry Coote, Gibson, Helmholz (Marriage 6-24 and 123-40), Houlbrooke (Church 21-54), Thomas Oughton, Owen (Records), and J. S. Purvis discuss ecclesiastical court practices.
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