Fall 2007 Speaking of Adoptions
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Eagle, adopted by Dan and Lauren Emery of North Yarmouth, Me. Lauren Emery cgtuagaztne Regular Departments The Ivbgazine for Greyhound Adopters. O wners. and Fr iends Vol. 12; No. J Fa ll 2007 2 Editorial Comments 15 House Call s Spit That Out! COllllllon household 3 Your Letters items can be dangerous to your Greyhound. Jim Bade r, DVM 8 News 20 Greyhound Humor 11 Reviews Ron Hevener's High Stakes and Erich 24 Second Look R. Sysak's Dog Catcher. Reviewed by Connecticut Greyhound Adoption - Front Cover Credi t; Felicia Bryce One Year Later. Eliza Nardone and Three-year old Reese (Oeglawn Areesh) lives with his adoptive owner, Wi ll Shumaker, in Lori Floyd Tampa , Fla . Will enjoys photographing 13 Hero Hound Greyhounds and is always on the alert fo r Barley and the Bear. A G reyhound 47 You're Invited inte resting poses . He fou nd one. kicks an uninvited houseg llesr to the Back Cover Credit: curb. Ann De ren ~ Lc\\'i s 49 Marketplace Peatie and Bebe, ado pted by Tricia Olson of Memphis, Tenn . 61 In Memoriam Fall 2007 Speaking of Adoptions 28 Spent: An Adoption Group's First Year. North Coast Greyhound Connection comes up with creative solutions to fin ancial challenges. Sandra Augugliaro 32 "Greyhounds Have Taken Over My Life" - The Birth of Minnesota Greyhound Rescue. Jennifer Komatsu 36 Getting Started -Greyhound Pets of America/South Alabama. Darla Dean, Ann Bollens, and Gwen Gay 40 Say ing Goodbye: The Closing of an Adoption Group. A Place for Us Greyhound Adoption ceases operations. Laurel E. Drew Ma zie, adopted by Joa nne MeNi e and Jeff Houk of Goleta, Calif. Gretchen Beckert Features 18 Medical 26 Living wi th Greyhounds 44 Crafts A Fungus Among Us. A Greyhound Deezle Comes Home. A ret ired race r Build a Better Mousepad. Use your survives a close call with an amanita make her wishes known. ru bber stamping and scrapbooking mushroom. Linda Hora Jo-A nne Lombardo techniques to create a computer accessory. Lisann Porter and Becky 21 Medical 31 Poetry Taggart-Red mond Getting a G ri p on Bone C81lCCr - Nikkie. Arthur Winfield Knight a clinica l trial tests a new treatment drug. Heidi Jeter 4 3 Products fl Adopt a Roomba • It works hard, it never complains, it tidies up the man cave ... what's not to like! Alane Schulz Cglll,lg,I: IIll' I EDITORIAL COMMENTS Celebrating Greyhounds Magazin e E,[ilOr·in·Chid: CinJy Hanson A.loption! E,lilOr: Mar l' B.tncr Feat",cl Edito r: [}.ltl,Pron»t YOll Where did get your Greyhound? OJpy EJitor,: Jill Allen. Lin,!.:,)· Hochr. If you're like most rC<lders of this maga zin e, you got your pet (rom a Greyhound adop· Alice O'He,orn . T,ff""y Pan\', Ann Pcn(j ~ IJ. 5U5:", T,mon,. tion group - (l band of vol unteers who receives retired rac ing Greyhounds (rom owners LI'n,L, Welkowi!! and trainers, arranges to have rhe dogs spayed <mel neutered, rakes care of the dogs until Regular OJntribmor;: Jim (X,Jer DVM. Susan)o.1. Collins, they are placed, receives adoption applic<H ions, ,mel works with applicants to find the right Brucc lXKing. laurel E. Drew. Willi'"l E. Fceman III DVM. dog for rhem. (That's not all, of course; in between, the volunteers manage to hold meet Al'rill'",d"'Nen and-greets, transport Greyhounds, COlll1se!ncw adopters, write newsletters, maintain web Veterina ,)' Ad,·i>o.s: Jim B;>(kr DVM. RoJ~ r B.1[[ DVM legal A<I"i:;or: J,,1m Parker sires, hold reun ion picn ics, find lost Greyhounds, and raise money to fund all these activ An DiR"<:.m: Zograrhix Inc. ities, 8l11ong orher things.) D.Ha 6.1'" Lib,a,i,n: EIIc'l )o.kCracken W.f>ma'tef: Lori Kri , How lIlany adoption groups are there? As is often the case in the world of Greyhound adoption, numbers are el usive. The Adoption Agencies sec tion of the current Cetebrating SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES CG )l.fa!!,l:ine. Attention: S\J!Kriptions.I'O Box 5239. Fr.nningh,rn. Greyhounds calendar is as good a source as any; it lists 350 Greyhound adoption groups in MA 0170 1: lu!Krirtiotl,@,dopt·,·grqhound.org.AlIowcightweek, the U.S. and Canada. My entirety unscientific survey - based on count ing the number of for change of ,ddre",. groups listed in myoid Celebwting Greyhounds c<l lend<lrs - indic<ltes thm the tot<l l SUB ~lI SSI0NS appems ro h<lve been increasing every ye<lr, <lnd th<lt the current rotal is about 1.5 times the For writing and photogmphy guidelinci. "i,it www.aJopt·"·g.ey· number of groups that were ill existence about a dec<lde ago (the 1998 calendar lists 215 h ou" d .olg/c~m,g;l!inelg uideli"c s. htlH! or .lend n sel(·addrei.«.'{I. lIamrcJ clwel"re to CG '\["I:"1ill<' Guidelinc •. 1'0 Box 12C'().fS. groups). Sa int 1'.",1. MN 55 112. ["iti,1qllcril'" prl"ferrN As has been previously pointed out in these pages, org<lt1 ized Greyhound adoption in l ElTERS TO THE EDITOR ANI) QUEST[ONS the U.S. started only about 25 yems ago, with the establishment of the adoption program CG ~ 1 'WlzindEdiro , ial Officc. ro I30x 120043. 5.1im Paul. )o.IN at the old Se<lbrook, New H<lmpshire track ("In the Beginning," Summer 2002 CG) . Over ;5112; [email protected]·a·greyhouml.mg. rhe years, the number of adoption groups grew as more people became aware of the need ADVERTISING to find homes for retired racing Greyhounds, learned that Greyhounds ll1<1ke wonderful CG MIII:,t,i1l,,/A(h'enising, ro Box 5139. Fnllningh,"n. MA 0170 1: pets, and decided they were brave---or crazy! - enough ro t<lke on the work of finding ~d'·crti~in~o@ndopt·~·grqhound _ OIg. Ad"cnising i1l(orm"tiol1 and guidelinel Jrl" ~11Q loc~tl'{1 at w\\'w.,dopt·a·grc\,hound.org/ homes for these dogs themselves. cgmagaline/ad"cnioe .html. So who are these people ? In this issue, we vi sit three new <ldoprion groups: Greyhound WEB ADDRESS Pets of America/Mobile, Minnesota Greyhound Resc ue, and Norrh Coast Greyhound ,,'\\'w.aJOI'!.a·s·el-hound.org/cgmag:l, ine Connection. We also check in again on Connecticut Greyhound Adoption/GPA, a group REPRINT INFORMATION that had barely gotten started when it was faced with the closure of the G reyhound f(lcin g Thl" l'{lilOr will fOT"'aN rC'qu l.'Sts 10 authors. Authors will resl'onll facility in its own backyard ("Closing Plainfield", Spring 2006 CG). E<lch of these groups ,mel/or gmnt l,(,lmission at their discret ion. W{" do not own. sell. or fac ed a slightly different set of challenges in its first few months of operations, bur there is .\u rpl\, anick 'eprint,. one constant: This is hard work . Think it might be fun to start up your own adoption group? DISClA l)o.l ER These articles will help you go inro the experience with your eyes open. Cdd,.-,uing Gr~)howl<h Mng",ine is publi.lheJ quarterl\' bv Thc G'l"\,hrn'n,-Il'rojcrt. lnc .• a nonprofIt ~1a.IIaChu .ICus corpofllliotl. Of course , the changing landscape of Greyhound adoption has included some losses, as well as m<lny new additions. \V'hat h<lppens when a group ceases operations? Regular con The magaline's rtHj'OS<" is to rro"ide information about G,eyhollnds a, a brcl'{L Rcrogni,;ng that there are differing roints o( vic\\' on tributor Laurel E. Drew shares with liS her thoughts abollt the decision to close down A i",ues .\\teh as racing. br~eJing. and aJoption rolicies. 10 mention a Place for Us Greyhound Adoption. (C1\·. Ihe mag;"ine dOl'S not ad,-ocate a l'OSition on (heS<' issuel. It \\'ill publish articl es and re 3 J~r tenerI reg,,,Jing thes.: i",ue\ if decUll'<l Oil to to And while we're the subject of changes, I'd like introduce two new volunteers arrropri:ue. Unle", othe,wi", It"IN. The Grq'hollnd P'ojt'C!. Inc. our re<lders: Lindsay Hocker, winner of the Dog Writers Association of America's Junior does not necessarill' agree with male.i,,11 publi,hc'{l herein, Idea; and oriniom a,e those of the WrileT> . No authentication or app.o,·a! is Educ<ltional Awmd (News, Summer 2007 CG), is joining the staff of CG <I S a Copy Ed itor. imrliN b\, the edilof> or publishcf>. Whoa>5Unle no liability fc)f in(or· A nd look for April Pedersen's charming cartoons in this and future issues of CG. We <Ire m'lion wnt,inl'{1 he'eil\. CckbrOling Grf)hOlm.u .\1<!g<!:inr rcoe ,,'es delighted to welcome them both. the right to rcfu .IC publication. to Nil or lHodif\, anI' materi,l. and hol,i-lllCh material fOI an indeterminate refi<x!. If \,<Xtr Grq'hound is ill. pie,,,, >ce a '·clcri",riall. OJnright It> 2007 IDIlM 1(9),0592 2 F..II 2007 Ga be (Ibindigo), Buck (Silver Box Car), and Sweetboy (Craigie Sweetboy), adopted by Jeff and Shelley Lake of Paola, Ks. The S/Jring issue's coverage of the exhibited in her determ ined effort to bri ng I have nothing but admi rat ion fo r Gre),hollllds of jUll rel brought llll unprecedented these unfo rtunate G reyhounds back to Patri cia Roberts.