Issue No. 3449 The AlloraPublished by C. A. Gleeson Pty.Advertiser Ltd., at the Office, 53 Herbert Street, Allora, Q. 4362 “Since 1935” Issued Weekly as an Advertising Medium to the people of Allora and surrounding Districts. Your FREE Local Ph 07 4666 3128 - E-Mail
[email protected] - Web THURSDAY, 22nd June 2017 The Darling Downs Chapter of Australian HOG (Harley Owns Group) is joined by the ever so colourful Greg Johnson from the Toowoomba Camellia Show & Garden Expo Committee to check out some of the Harleys that will be on Display at the Show over the weekend of July 15 & 16. PTY. Queensland’s biggest Camellia Show PLUMBOWE LTD. The much-anticipated Toowoomba Camellia Show and Garden Plumbing and Gas Installations Expo will be on Saturday and Sunday, 15 and 16 July and it has Domestic & Commercial QBCC 1198291 been classed as one of Queensland’s largest Camellia Show and Garden Expo. ✔ Plumbing, Drainage & Gas Installations Toowoomba Camellia Show Working Committee President ✔ New Homes, Maintenance & Emergency Work Kevin Cotterell said his Committee was, “Over the moon with Competitive Rates the way in which the event has grown in reputation across the nation. Servicing: Allora, Clifton, Warwick, Greenmount, Toowoomba and surrounding areas “Toowoomba is internationally renowned as ‘The Garden City.’ Our event has grown in stature as a result of that reputation to CALL GREG BOWE 0407 651 831 the point that, for the first time, we have coaches coming from Email
[email protected] near and far bringing garden lovers to enjoy all that a beautiful …Continues inside on page 3 PERFORMING LIVE AT… RAILWAY HOTEL ALLORA Sue ReiserFRIDAY NIGHT, 23rd JUNE, 8.00pm till LATE THE RAILWAY HOTEL - Any queries phone 4666 3402 S Allora Grain & Sat 15 & Sun 16 July Milling (AGM) 2017 9am to 4pm Entry Fee for U premium feeds Show & Expo $8 offer a unique nutritious Winter Garden $5 or both for $10 D blend of quality (enter via Campbell St) ALLORA GRAIN & MILLING Australian ingredients.