HAWAII HAWAII NATION The church responds to the Big Pentecost is here: Kids answer: Why do you Speaker Paul Ryan gives needs of those displaced by confirmation to be given to want to be confirmed? What House chaplain the volcanic eruption second graders does it mean to you? his job back Page 3 Pages 9 Page 10-11 Page 15

HVOLUME 81,awaii NUMBER 10 CatholicFRIDAY, MAY 18, 2018 Herald$1

HCH photo | Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP The students, faculty and staff of St. Anthony School in pose on campus for a group photo. After educating children in the heart of Kalihi for 90 years, the school is closing on June 1. After 90 years, St. Anthony School in Kalihi is closing By Sister Malia Dominica economic realities have forced it Profita Espiritu’s son attended Wong, OP, and Patrick Downes to close. St. Anthony from kindergarten The present number of stu- through eighth grade. She called dents is 76. the school “the best” for elemen- After 90 years, a hush will fall Nevertheless, “the family spir- tary education. The religious de- over St. Anthony School in Ka- it is very strong,” said Principal velopment of the students “really lihi. Sister Victoria Lavente, a Sister stands out,” she said. “The noise and laughter of the of St. Paul of Chartres, and the For Espiritu, who has lived children will be missed,” said Fa- students prepared to move for- across from the school since ther Arnel Soriano, pastor of St. ward. 1996, St. Anthony was her “sec- Anthony Church in Kalihi, when “We know everybody from ond home.” the parish school shuts its doors their dogs and cats to their Blythe Gascon, the school’s for the last time on June 1. grandmothers and uncles,” she athletic director, coach, physical Sadly for the urban neighbor- said. “We breathe in and out the education teacher and computer hood school on Puuhale Road, family. If we see one child, we teacher, was born and raised in whose students, parents, teach- know who the parents are. If we the parish. She has worked at ers and staff had grown into a see parents, we know who their the school for 26 years. Her old- HCH photo | Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP tight-knit family even as its en- child is. Everyone is known by est son graduated from there. The Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres of St. Anthony School, Sister Jennifer rollment continued to shrink, name.” “News of the closing broke my Dayday, Sister Victoria Lavente and Sister Ana De La Cruz. The students are smart, she heart,” Gascon said. “It is hard to said. understand progress at times. “Because we have prepared But the decision was made and built an eight-room school build- Family School near the airport our children very well, they will God must have a reason.” ing and converted another struc- and St. John the Baptist School excel academically in their new ture into a convent for seven in Kalihi Uka helped relieve it of schools,” she said. Ninety years ago Maryknoll sisters. some of its enrollment. It even- And courteous, she added. Ninety years ago, on Sept. 4, When it became evident the tually returned to single grades “Our children know how to 1928, Sacred Hearts Father Hu- convent was too small, a bigger and its original function, to care say, ‘Please.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘You are bert Nijs, then pastor of St. An- one was erected and blessed in for the children of St. Anthony welcome.’ ‘I am sorry.’ ‘And for- thony Parish, opened the doors 1931, followed by a new school Parish. give me.’ Our children remember of the parish school to 130 first cafeteria. The early success of the school that God is always with them, no and second graders. The teach- The school’s tremendous was attributed to the enthusiasm matter what happens in life.” ers, Maryknoll Sister Tarcisius growth in its early years neces- of the first pastor, Father Nijs, Seventh- and eighth-grade and Maryknoll Sister Callista, sitated the constant addition of considered a pioneer of Hawaii teacher Sister Jennifer Dayday, taught classes in a converted new classrooms. In 1947, work parochial schools, his successors, also a Sister of St. Paul of Char- parish hall, the parish’s only began on the present three- and the family spirit of parishio- tres, agrees about the family available building. story concrete building with its ners. spirit. There was no convent. The nine classrooms, library, refer- The Maryknoll Sisters left in “You can really see that every- sisters commuted daily from ence and visual aid supply room, 1971, replaced by the Congrega- one is ready to support each oth- their home at , meeting room, auditorium and tion of the Religious of the Virgin er,” she said. “If a student needs Punahou. two offices. Mary from the Philippines. The help, even if it is not their own The following September, St. Anthony School was burst- RVM sisters, as they were called, classmate, students will run to thanks to the energies of the ing at the seams in the mid- offer assistance.” Holy Name Society, the parish 1950s when the opening of Holy Continued on page 5 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Founded in 1936 Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 Bishop’s page [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317 [email protected] ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 Bishop [email protected] CIRCULATION Larry Silva Donna Aquino WITNESS TO JESUS | SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (808) 585-3321 [email protected] HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage Fire and knives paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the This is the text of Bishop Larry Silva’s homily write letters to me. Some of you mentioned virtue, so you need to learn ways to protect Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI for the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, given in your letters that it is a struggle to go to yourselves or to get rid of the fruits of your 96813. May 12 and 13 at St. Ann Church, Kaneohe, Mass sometimes. There are a couple of de- “mistakes.” With faith you will be able to han- ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES and St. Philomena Church, Salt Lake, parishes mons called “laziness” and “boredom” that dle these wily serpents and to dedicate your Hawaii: $28 where he also administered the sacrament of convince us that we do not really need to go. sexuality to the healthy way God meant it to Mainland: $32 confirmation. Yet if we drive these demons out, our eyes will be used, in the committed, faithful and fruitful Mainland 1st class: $50 Foreign: $35 be opened to see that the Mass is not just a relationship we call marriage. You can show POSTMASTER on’t play with fire! And don’t play series of readings, rituals and words, but it is the world that, with God’s help, you are more Send address changes to: with sharp knives! an encounter with the risen Jesus himself. He than capable of living virtuous lives. Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop This is good advice that parents is the Word made flesh, and when we hear his Some of your friends may be very sick with Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. give to their little children, and it is word here, it is meant to take flesh in his Body, depression, with self-loathing, and even with OFFICE Dgood advice for all of us. Playing with fire can the Church — us! — so that he can continue suicidal thoughts. You can heal them with Hawaii Catholic Herald 1184 Bishop St. be dangerous to life and property, and playing to do his saving work. We celebrate today his your loving and caring touch by letting them Honolulu, HI 96813 with sharp knives is not usually good for our ascension into heaven, but he is the living know that, even though life can sometimes PHONE health either. However, I notice signs around bread come down from heaven, who is physi- be difficult, there is always joy in living it, be- (808) 585-3300 town for a fire-knife competition that will be cally present so that he can come into us in an cause God’s love is always there for us and it FAX taking place soon and that will provide quite intimate way to show us his love. If we have is made concrete in our love for one another. (808) 585-3381 a spectacle to those who attend. Of course, faith, we can drive out the demons that cover Those fire-knife dancers do a dangerous WEBSITE those who compete know what they are do- our eyes to see only the outward realities, so thing, and after their teachers and coaches www.hawaiicatholicherald.com ing. They have had years of training and prac- that we can see that here, in a special way, we have helped them develop all the skills they E-MAIL tice that has made what is dangerous to the who are still on earth can be united to heaven. need, they give them sharp knives and light [email protected] rest of us an art that is not so dangerous to Some of you mentioned that you would not them up, and then let them go at it on their NEWS DEADLINES Nine days before publication date. them. Though I am certainly no expert in this be here if it were not for your parents insisting own. So it is that Jesus is still with us in Word ADVERTISING DEADLINES sport, I would imagine the training starts with upon it. God bless them for having the faith to and sacrament to train us to take the Good Nine days before publication date. unlit dull knives and progresses from there, drink the poison of your protests and whining News of his love to all we meet. Then he steps ADVERTISING INFORMATION and that it probably takes years before one and not be harmed at all, so that they could do away into the heights of heaven, so that he For a rate card or other information, call graduates to sharp knives that are on fire. what is best for you! can unleash us to do these wonderful things Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is When Jesus sends us out on mission at his Some of you talked about your service proj- ourselves — but never on our own, because also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- Ascension, he mentions that we, his disciples, ects that took you to care for the sick and the his Holy Spirit fills us and guides us to do his ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” “PASS IT ON” POLICY will be able to do amazing things. He says elderly, to help with special needs children, or work. Yes, it can be dangerous to be a fol- To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic these signs will accompany those who believe to care for little ones. Didn’t you have to learn lower of Jesus, especially these days. But he Herald with a friend, write or call us and in his name: they will drive out demons, speak a new language to speak to them — some- has chosen you — and all of us — to follow we will send him or her a free copy. Or new languages, pick up serpents with their times without words — the language of love? where he has gone before. He trains us with give them yours and we will send you hands, drink poisons without being harmed, Sometimes you are confronted with the his Word and his commandments. He calls us another one while supplies last. LETTERS TO THE HERALD and heal the sick. Now this sounds like some serpents of selfishness that want to bite you to practice and practice and practice by our Letters are welcome. Letters should circus tent form of evangelization, in which with their destructive venom. These can be prayer, both public and private. And then he pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- the greatest show on earth is to attract peo- manifested in pressures to use your sexuality gets out of the way and sends us out to set the waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and ple, then catch them in the net of the Gospel. in ways that God does not intend and that are world on fire with his love, to cut the fowl air not exceed 250 words. Letters must be signed and include an address and But, while I do not think we should take these ultimately not good for you. There is the ser- of Satan to pieces, and to fill it with the sweet phone number for verification. Letters things literally, Jesus did mean what he said. pent, very prevalent in these parts, that says fragrance of his Holy Spirit and to dispel its may be edited for length and clarity. Many of you who are being confirmed you young people are simply not capable of darkness with his dazzling light. Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to [email protected]. MEMBER Catholic Press Association Official notices Bishop’s calendar mel Parish, Waikane. [Msgr. Gary ate Mass for Damien Memorial Announcements/Appointments Bishop’s Schedule [Events Secor]; 10:15 am, Confirmation School at St. Augustine Parish, „„ Bishop Silva has appointed indicated will be attended by Mass, Mary, Star of the Sea Par- ; 5:00 pm, Confirmation Reverend William Tulua as Paro- ish, Waialae-Kahala; 5:00 pm, ADDRESS CORRECTIONS Bishop’s delegate] Mass, St. Michael Parish, Waial- chial Vicar of St. Catherine Par- To make corrections to your Confirmation Mass, Newman ua. [Msgr. Gary Secor] ish, Kapaa, effective July 1, 2018. subscription name or ad- Center/Holy Spirit Parish, UH dress, cut out the address „„ May 18, 6:00 pm, Ordination „„ May 26-27, Episcopal Visita- „„ Bishop Silva announces the re- to the Priesthood of Rev. Mr. Wil- . label from the front page tion, Holy Trinity Parish, Kuliou- tirement of Reverend Victor Lan- (reverse side). liam (Pila) Tulua, Co-Cathedral „„ May 22, 11:30 am, Funeral uevo, effective July 1, 2018. He ou. ‰‰Please correct my name. of St. Theresa, Kalihi. Mass of Mrs. Carmen Singson continues to enjoy full faculties „„ May 27, 11:00 am, Confirma- ‰‰Please correct my ad- „„ May 19, 9:00 am, Equestrian (wife of the late Deacon Frank of the Diocese of Honolulu in his dress. Singson), St. Ann Parish, Kaneo- tion Mass, Holy Trinity Parish, retirement. Order of the Holy Sepulchre of ‰‰We are receiving two Jerusalem Mid-Year Meeting, he. Kuliouou; 11:00 am, Confirma- „„ Bishop Silva has appointed the copies. Please cancel this Daughters of St. Paul Conference „„ May 24, 10:00 am, Funeral tion Mass, St. Patrick Parish, Kai- following to the Diocesan Stew- one. Room, ; Mass of Mr. Glenn Lamosao muki. [Msgr. Gary Secor] ardship & Development Commis- ‰‰Please cancel this sub- 12:00 pm, Mass at the Cathedral (brother of diocesan employee „„ May 29, 9:30 am, Bishop’s sion to a three-year term, effec- scription. Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, Diane Lamosao), St. Jude Par- Administrative Advisory Council, tive July 1, 2018: MAIL TO ish, Makakilo; 6:00 pm, Diocesan Donna Aquino downtown Honolulu; 5:00 pm, Chancery, downtown Honolulu; ƒƒGwen DeCoito as the East Ha- Confirmation Mass, Holy Fam- Baccalaureate Mass, Co-Cathe- waii Representative (reappoint- Hawaii Catholic Herald 12:00 pm, Hawaii Catholic Con- 1184 Bishop Street ily Parish, Honolulu. [Msgr. Gary dral of St. Theresa, Kalihi. ment). ference Board, Kamiano Center, Honolulu, HI 96813 Secor]; 5:00 pm, Confirmation „„ May 25, 6:00 pm, Ordination ƒƒKeith Tamashiro as the Central QUESTIONS? Mass, Immaculate Conception to the Diaconate of Romple Em- downtown Honolulu. Representative. Call Donna, 585-3321 Parish, Ewa. walu, St. John Apostle & Evange- „„ May 31, 9:00 am, Augustine „„ The diocesan offices will be „„ May 20, 10:00 am, Confirma- list Parish, Mililani. Education Foundation Board, closed on Monday, May 28, 2018 tion Mass, Our Lady Mount Car- „„ May 26, 9:00 am, Baccalaure- Chancery. in observance of Memorial Day. MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 3 ‘Pray for Puna’ The church responds to the needs of those displaced by the volcanic eruption on the Big Island By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald

“Pray for Puna.” That’s the message coming from the Big Island of Hawaii as a fierce and unpredictable volca- nic eruption displaces hundreds of residents. In addition to offering prayers, the Catholic Church is stepping into action. Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish in the town of Pahoa in the island’s Puna District, whose church is three and a half miles from the eruption, are opening their hearts, their homes and their parish hall to those forced to flee the lava flowing from cracks in the ground in their neighborhood. Bishop Larry Silva has visited and offered his assistance. Local Catholic service agencies are working with victims, coordi- nating aid efforts, and collecting and distributing funds. About 1,700 people reside in Leilani Estates, a rural subdivi- sion of acre-sized lots on a grid of about 22 miles of roads, where at least 18 fissures have opened up since May 3 spewing molten rock and poisonous sulfur dioxide gas. A Hawaii County evacuation order sent subdivision residents packing shortly after the eruption CNS photo/Bruce Omori, Paradise Helicopters via EPA began. Lava erupts near Pahoa, Hawaii, May 6. According to Hawaii County Civil Defense, 37 structures, in- cluding 26 homes, already have Hospitality of parishioners Family Services, The Food Bas- cern, in particular for those with weekend, the team planned to been destroyed by lava from the Several people told him that ket, Catholic Charities Hawaii and mortgages to pay on houses they update its lists, by subdivision, 2.5-mile-long fissure system, the evacuees who were parish mem- HOPE Services Hawaii. no longer have access to. of people who need help and of newest outflow from Kilauea Vol- bers did not have to use the HOPE Services Hawaii, an af- She said that besides stable people who can provide help. cano which has been erupting county-run emergency shelters filiate organization of the Dio- housing, other immediate needs At an East Hawaii vicariate since 1983. Lava so far has cov- “because they were offered hospi- cese of Honolulu that deals pri- include counseling, clothing, and meeting May 8, Father Juarez ered more than 115 acres. tality by fellow parishioners.” marily with homelessness on the gift cards for groceries, household said that some of his fellow Big Is- During pauses in the volcanic Bishop Silva said that the dio- Big Island, has deployed several items and gas. land priests offered their parishes activity, residents have been al- staff members who, with others, for “refuge.” cese’s three social service agen- Monetary donations lowed to return to their homes to cies — Office of Social Ministries, are collecting data on evacuated At the meeting the priest gath- retrieve belongings. HOPE Services Hawaii and Cath- households to determine their Catholic Charities Hawaii is ered rosaries, Bibles and holy wa- Some are staying at two county olic Charities Hawaii — “have all needs. asking the public for monetary ter to be distributed at the evacu- evacuation centers. Sacred Heart been involved in the situation.” As of May 10, the agency had donations to be used for direct ation center. He said the parish parishioners are being taken in by “I asked them to keep me in- gathered information on nearly housing assistance for victims of youth ministry planned to visit fellow parish members, according formed to see if there was any- 300 households. both the historic April flooding on the evacuation center that same to parish administrator Father Er- thing I could do or if there were “Quite a bit of people need ev- Kauai and the Kilauea eruption. evening to “mingle with the evac- nesto Juarez. any services of the diocese that erything,” said Brandee Menino, Donations will go toward tem- uees, especially the kids, to offer “Parishioners are opening up needed to be mobilized,” he said. HOPE Services Hawaii chief ex- porary housing subsidies, emer- comfort and distribute rosaries, their homes,” he said. The bishop was told that imme- ecutive officer, who is coordinat- gency home repairs and other Bibles and holy water.” Bishop Larry Silva was at the diate needs for shelter, food and ing the data collection. “They are related needs. Father Juarez said that his parish May 5-6, the weekend the clothing were being addressed checking all the boxes — food, “Funds will be immediately church is not in any immediate eruption started, for a previously locally, but that “long-term needs shelter, permanent housing, available” to victims, Murph said, danger. arranged episcopal visitation and may require help from outside the transportation.” compared to money from other “We are safe in Pahoa as of to administer the sacrament of community.” Other families have tempo- organizations distributed through now but we are always reminded confirmation. “I am very thankful to all the rarily settled in with family and a lengthy grant process. to be vigilant,” he said. With hundreds of small earth- parishioners there who are open- friends, but will have needs down Father Juarez, who has been “Please continue praying for quakes predicting volcanic ac- ing their hearts and their homes the road, she said. Some are hop- at the parish for less than a year, the Puna District, especially those tivity, the bishop had offered to to their brothers and sisters in ing to eventually go back home. visited the main evacuation shel- who are directly affected,” he reschedule his visit, but Father need,” the bishop said. “We urge “We’re still only days in and it ter in Pahoa May 7 where several said. Juarez, after consulting with all the people of the diocese to looks like this is going to be a long hundred people are being tempo- “We still need prayers,” Father some of his parishioners, decided pray that the volcanic activity will one,” Menino said. rarily housed. Juarez said. “The eruption is un- to proceed as planned. cease and that all will be safe.” She said the various aid orga- He was joined by former pastor predictable.” “I was happy to be there with “We will continue to monitor nizations planned a “triage” meet- Jesuit Father Mike Scully, parish them during that time,” the bish- the situation and will let people ing May 11 to sort through all the religious education director Maila TO MAKE A DONATION op said. needs and determine “the assign- Naiga and parishioners Liz Mor- in the diocese know if there are HOPE SERVICES HAWAII Area-wise, Sacred Heart is any specific ways they can help,” ment of roles to various organiza- gan and Roberta Vangoethem. a big parish, rural, with many he said. tions.” “We talked to them, shared „„ Mail: HOPE Services Hawaii, subdivisions, spread over a wide Father Juarez volunteered the Menino said that some of the stories, offering comfort, letting 296 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, HI 96720 them know that there are people swath of the Puna District on the parish’s Father Avery Hall as a cri- agencies involved cover financial „„ Online: http:// who have great concern about Big Island’s eastern corner. It has sis information center, open from assistance, food, shelter, counsel- hopeserviceshawaii.org about 600 registered families. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday through ing, case management, physical their plight,” Father Juarez said. “I was actually surprised how Friday. and mental health, clothing, legal The parish is bringing back CATHOLIC CHARITIES HAWAII normal life seemed in Pahoa, de- At the center, evacuees from the assistance and animal care. into action its Disaster Assistance „„ Mail: Catholic Charities Hawaii, spite the eruption that was taking Leilani Estates subdivision and the HOPE Services has already giv- Relief Team, which was mobilized 1822 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, HI place in the parish boundaries,” smaller Lanipuna Gardens subdivi- en out some rent assistance. when Tropical Storm Iselle rav- 96822 Bishop Silva said. “I did not detect In a message to Big Island par- aged the east side of the Big Is- sion connect with personnel from „ any panic or great anxiety.” ishes, Catholic Charities Hawaii’s land in 2014, and later that same „ Online: www. Hawaii County and social service CatholicCharitiesHawaii.org He said he could see from the agencies for information or to ap- Hawaii Island Community Direc- year when a lava flow threatened „„ Phone: (808) 527-4820 church the plume of smoke from ply for assistance. Participating tor Elizabeth Murph said that Pahoa town. the eruption site. organizations include Child and housing needs are a looming con- At Masses over the May 13 Designate: Puna eruption 4 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Talk story OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY Blessed are the pure in heart “‘Blessed are the pure in heart, resa was recently selected to be hearts are simple, pure and un- Luke we do not hear the words, of society where all can learn to for they will see God.’ Certainly a “malade” or special participant defiled, for a heart capable of ‘Be perfect,’ but rather, ‘Be merci- be the “tender glance of God” in there can be no love without in the Knights of Malta’s May pil- love admits nothing that might ful, even as your Father is merci- whose image we are made. works of love, but this Beatitude grimage to Lourdes. Teresa was harm, weaken or endanger that ful. Judge not, and you will not Father Boyle shares stories full reminds us that the Lord expects baptized and received first Holy love. The Bible uses the heart to be judged; condemn not, and of laughter and tears in the hope a commitment to our brothers Communion at Sts. Peter and describe our real intentions, the you will not be condemned; for- that our collective hearts will and sisters that comes from the Paul Parish in Honolulu. She is things we truly seek and desire, give, and you will be forgiven; be touched by the “homies and heart.” (From Pope Francis’ in its current confirmation class. apart from all appearances. ‘Man give, and it will be given to you’ apostolic exhortation, “Rejoice Her favorite religious devotion is sees the appearance, but the (Mt 6:36-38). Seeing and acting home-girls” who changed him and Be Glad: On the Call to praying the rosary with her lov- Lord looks into the heart’ (1Sam with mercy is holiness.” forever and showed him “el ros- Holiness in Today’s World” ing parents. 16:7). God wants to speak to our As the Jubilee Year of Mercy tro de Dios” — the face of God. Parishioners held a bake sale hearts; in a word, he wants to closed in 2016, in Hawaii the For more from Father Boyle A pure heart, Pope Francis to help cover the costs of Teresa’s give us a new heart.” doors of Mercy House were about “cultivating compassionate says, is: “Keeping a heart free mother accompanying her on the In “Rejoice and Be Glad,” Pope opened at a transition home for kinship” and the “healing power of all that tarnishes love: that is Lourdes pilgrimage. At the parish Francis shows how practical ho- healing women returning from of forgiveness in our daily lives,” holiness.” He reminds us that “a Sunday Mass, all were invited to liness and the Beatitudes build prison. Last month, some women please visit www.homeboyindus- heart that loves God and neigh- pray over the mother and daugh- on the Jubilee Year of Mercy. from Mercy House joined hun- tries.org. bor genuinely and not merely in ter before they departed and to “‘Blessed are the merciful, for dreds at Chaminade University’s For more from Pope Francis words, is a pure heart; it can see continue praying with the fam- they will receive mercy.’ Mercy Mystical Rose Oratory to listen about “embodying the Beati- God (Mt 22:36-40).” ily during the 10-day pilgrimage. has two aspects. It involves giv- to Jesuit Father Greg Boyle, who tudes” and “pursuing practical This beatitude is being em- Upon their return, the mother ing, helping and serving others, has worked with gang members holiness today,” please visit our bodied every day here in Hawaii. and daughter pilgrims will share but it also includes forgiveness in and out of prison for the past For instance, Teresa is a beauti- what they saw and experienced, and understanding. Giving and 30 years. website www.officeforsocialmin- ful person with a pure heart who, further opening the hearts of all forgiving means reproducing in In his best-selling books, “Tat- istry.org/rejoice-and-be-glad-on- since birth, has had severe physi- to experience and see God in our lives some small measure toos on the Heart” and “Bark- the-call-to-holiness. cal challenges. She is a member their shared vulnerability. of God’s perfection, which gives ing at the Choir,” Father Boyle Mahalo nui loa. of the Ohana Mass community As Pope Francis says, “This and forgives superabundantly. writes about mercy, forgiveness Your friends at the Office for of persons with disabilities. Te- Beatitude speaks of those whose For this reason, in the Gospel of and compassion at the margins Social Ministry CCH_HawaiiCatholicHerald.qxp_Layout 1 9/21/16 3:05 PM Page 1

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Limited Availability! Join us on a pilgrimage to Kalaupapa with Bishop Larry Silva Sign up today! 2018 Dates: Saturday- July 14 & Sunday- October 28

Kalaupapa is only accessible to invited guests and Bishop Larry Silva has made special arrangements, through Seawind Tours & Travel, Inc., for a limited number of visitors to accompany him as he visits this spiritual place.

There are two Kalaupapa Pilgrimages with Bishop Larry Silva scheduled in 2018 and each includes round-trip charter air transportation from Honolulu, ground transportation in Kalaupapa, a special Mass celebrated at St. Philomena Church, a guided tour of Kalaupapa and Kalawao narrated by a Kalaupapa Historian, a picnic-style lunch and a commemorative pilgrimage guide.

Guided Tour Sights to Include: • St. Damien’s grave • St. Elizabeth Chapel & Convent • Bayview Home • St. Marianne’s grave • The foot of the Kalaupapa Trail • Bookstore • Papaloa Cemetery • St. Francis Church • Waihanau Valley • The pier • Visitors’ Quarters

The tour operates from approximately 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM. The cost of the day-trip is $399.00 per-person. Early registration is recommended as space is limited. For more details, please call Ed Lane with Seawind Tours & Travel, Inc. at (808) 949-4144. Seawind Tours & Travel, Inc. • 725 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 301 • Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 949-4144 • www.seawindtours.com • TAR-5409 Seawind Tours & Travel, Inc. has been serving Hawai‘i’s travel needs for over 30 years! 6 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Day of prayer, food, music raises funds in support of Sacred Hearts seminarians A Mass celebrated by Cardi- nal Soane Patita Paini Mafi of the Diocese of Tonga and Niue gave a spiritual introduction to a festive day April 28 at St. Ann Church and School in Kaneohe in support of the future of the Con- gregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Nearly 600 guests and volun- teers joined in the second annual “Fund Our Future Sacred Hearts Priests,” a benefit supporting the training of the congregation’s 12 seminarians studying in Fiji. A number of local Sacred Hearts priests concelebrated Mass with the cardinal. Provid- ing the music for the liturgy were musicians and singers from Sa- cred Hearts-administered par- HCH photo Cardinal Soane Mafi of the Diocese of Tonga and Niue preaches April 28 at ish communities on Oahu with St. Ann Church in Kaneohe at the benefit for Sacred Hearts seminarians. a prelude by the St. Augustine Church Tongan Choir and a post- Communion meditation hymn by served as emcee. Performers in- support, which resulted in a the St. Patrick Church Samoan cluded Sacred Hearts Brother number of families submitting Choir. Richard Kupo and the group personal pledges and one-time Mass was followed by a fun- Heeia; Peter Uiagalelei and Celso contributions. draiser, where a Hawaiian plate Barbasa of St. Augustine Church; Others who helped make the lunch, gift shop, silent auction and Aunty Leimomi and her ha- event a success included Sam and private vendor offered a va- lau Keli‘ikaapunihonua Ke‘ena Deuz of St. Michael Church; riety of ways to financially sup- A‘o Hula. Tony Espiritu of Our Lady of Sor- port the order’s seminarians. Closing the day was a per- rows Church; and from St. Ann Campus ministry students formance by the St. Augustine Church and School, Ryan and from Chaminade University of Church Tongan Community. Mandy Brown, Barbara Honda, HCH photo Honolulu served the food. Sacred Hearts provincial Fa- Bob and Lesley Noguchi and A member of halau Keli‘ikaapunihonua Ke‘ena A‘o Hula dances April 28 at Joshua Kapika of St. Michael ther Herman Gomes presented sons, Dona Clamucha, and Dan- the “Fund Our Future Sacred Hearts Priests” benefit for seminarians. Church and School in Waialua an appeal for ongoing monthly iel and Phyllis Pires.

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FH MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 7 Kula couple chosen to lead Worldwide Marriage Encounter Hawaii KIHEI — Fred and Donna Ventura Co. human resources employee, northern Nevada. of Kula, Maui, have been selected is parish secretary for the Kula Worldwide Marriage Encoun- to serve as the Worldwide Mar- Catholic Community. She has ter offers weekend and enrich- riage Encounter Hawaii execu- been volunteering as a religious ment experiences for couples tive couple. education teacher for more than and priests. It’s considered the The Venturas follow Jose and two decades. She also has been original faith-based marriage en- Mary Elizabeth Alvior of Mililani very active as a volunteer and richment program. who completed their second two- leader with Boy Scouts on Maui. The program has a presence year term as WWME Hawaii’s The Venturas attended an an- in almost 100 countries, which leaders in April. niversary Worldwide Marriage makes it the largest pro-marriage “Thank you to Fred and Donna Encounter weekend in Septem- movement in the world. In North for saying yes to leading Hawaii ber 2013. They were commis- America, the Marriage Encounter and our marriage ministry for the sioned as a presenting team soon programs are presented in Eng- next two years,” Jose Alvior said. after. lish, Spanish, French and Korean “We join the Hawaii commu- “We enjoy this ministry be- languages. nity in supporting their leader- cause we do it together, working For more information, con- ship and continuing our mission with couples and our priests,” tact the Venturas at 298-4241 to proclaim the values of matri- Donna Ventura said. or email donnav3@hawaiiantel. mony and holy orders,” added “We feel humbled and blessed net. Information also is available Photo courtesy of Worldwide Marriage Encounter Hawaii Mary Elizabeth Alvior. to be called to leadership and at www.hawaiiwwme.org. Fred and Donna Ventura of Kula, Maui, WWME Hawaii executive couple. Region 12 Executive Couple will do our very best to serve a Chris and Ann Aguilar of San Jose, ministry that has meant so much Calif., led the selection process on for our marriage,” Fred Ventura April 14 at St. Theresa Church in said. Kihei. Father Marvin Samiano, Worldwide Marriage Encoun- a presenting priest for Hawaii’s ter weekends in Hawaii are WWME, celebrated Mass. scheduled for Aug. 3-5 at Christ The Venturas are parishioners the King Church in Kahului, of Holy Ghost Mission in Kula. Maui; Aug. 31-Sept. 2 at the St. They’ve been married for almost Anthony Retreat Center in Hono- 37 years. They are the parents of lulu; and Nov. 16-18 at St. The- two married sons and have four resa Church in Kihei. grandchildren. This year marks the 50th an- Fred Ventura, who retired from niversary of Worldwide Marriage Hawaiian Tel in 2016, serves as a Encounter in the United States. parish handyman and volunteers Next year Hawaii will host a in Holy Ghost Gift Shop. He was first-time WWME Region 12 en- a longtime Boy Scout leader on richment on Maui, March 1-3. Maui and now serves as its Dis- Region 12 encompasses Encoun- trict Camping Chairman. tered couples and priests from Donna Ventura, a former Ha- Hawaii, Guam, Saipan, north- Live Every Moment waiian Commercial and Sugar ern and central California, and Relics of St. Padre Pio to Make a Difference visit Hawaii in November in the Lives of Seniors! The relics of St. Pio of Pietrel- 1910 at 23. cina — better known as Padre Pio His stigmata appeared during — are coming to Maui and Oahu World War I, after Pope Bene- Join the St. Francis Healthcare System Team! in November. dict XV asked Christians to pray Padre Pio is the well-known for an end to the conflict. Padre 20th-century Italian mystic with Pio had a vision in which Christ Personal Care Attendants miraculous healing powers who pierced his side. A few weeks lat- Travel to clients’ homes within a designated bore the stigmata, the wounds of er, on Sept. 20, 1918, Jesus again Jesus Christ. appeared to him and he received region of the island to provide personal care Six relics, which have been the full stigmata. It remained and bathing services as part of the plan of touring the United States since last with him until his death on Sept. year, will be at Holy Rosary Church 23, 1968. care for seniors. Use your own vehicle. in Paia, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Nov. 8, with St. John Paul II canonized him Mileage to clients homes reimbursed. High a Mass at 6:30 p.m. celebrated by in 2002. Msgr. Terrence Watanabe; and at The Saint Pio Foundation is the school diploma, minimum two years experience in caregiving, preferably for the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady organizer of the tour. Funds raised elders over 60, CPR certification, valid driver’s license, personal vehicle with of Peace, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Nov. 9, by the foundation provide grants with a Mass at 6 p.m. celebrated to American Catholic health care, auto insurance coverage and good driving record, based on current driver’s by Msgr. Gary Secor. educational, social, religious and abstract. The relics of St. Pio to be dis- cultural partner organizations. played for public veneration are More information about the Saint the saint’s glove, crusts of the Pio Foundation can be found at Program Assistants wounds, cotton gauze with blood- www.saintpiofoundation.org. stains, lock of hair, his mantle, and Books about Padre Pio are Help with therapeutic activities in our adult day Pio’s handkerchief soaked with his available at the Pauline Bookstore care programs. Serve as a primary caregiver for sweat hours before he died. downtown including “Padre Pio: clients who need assistance with activities of St. Pio was born on May 25, Glimpse into the Miraculous” and 1887, in Pietrelcina, Italy, and “Secrets of a Soul.” daily living. High school graduate with two years baptized Francesco Forgione. He For more information about of experience, preferably in an adult day care joined the Capuchin Franciscan the Hawaii tour, contact the Of- center, community health agency, or nursing order at age 15, taking the name fice of Worship at ealmuena@rc- Pio, and was ordained a priest in chawaii.org. home. Current CPR and First Aid certification.

A mother talks with her children about a relic of St. Put your compassion into action! Pio of Pietrelcina To apply, go to the St. Francis Healthcare System website at April 13 in the Cathedral of the stfrancishawaii.org and submit your application today! Immaculate Con- ception in Wichita, Kan. CNS photo/Christopher Riggs, (808) 547-6500 stfrancishawaii.org Catholic Advance 8 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Hilo’s Father Clyde Phillips marks 40 years as a Maryknoll missioner MARYKNOLL, N.Y. — The Hilo St. Stephen Seminary for the Dio- abandoned. For these are whom boy who became a Maryknoll cese of Honolulu. Father Phillips we are called by Jesus to serve.” priest, Father Clyde Phillips, will joined Maryknoll in 1972. Maryknoll this year is com- celebrate the 40th anniversary of He holds a bachelor’s degree in memorating the centennial his ordination on June 24. history from Chaminade College of sending its first missioners Father Phillips, 69, is one of of Honolulu and a master’s of di- overseas. On Sept. 8, 1918, af- 36 Maryknollers marking an- vinity from the Maryknoll School ter receiving Vatican approval, niversaries of ordination to the of Theology, Ossining. four Maryknoll priests — Father priesthood or their final oath as a Father Phillips was ordained Thomas F. Price (Maryknoll co- Maryknoll Brother in ceremonies on May 20, 1978. founder), Father James E. Walsh, this year at the Maryknoll Society Here is a rundown of Father Father Francis X. Ford and Father Center in Ossining, N.Y. Phillips’ assignments as a Maryk- Bernard F. Meyer — departed for Father Phillips worked for 20 noll priest: China. years as a missionary in the Phil- „„ 1978-1980: Associate pastor Maryknoll is celebrating its ippines, 10 years on the Main- of San Salvador Parish, Caraga, tradition of “Called, Sent, Trans- land and six years in Rome be- Davao Oriental, Philippines formed” — “Called” by name in fore retiring on the Big Island in „„ 1980-1986: Pastor of San Sal- community through baptism,

2016. vador Parish, Caraga, Davao Ori- Photo courtesy of Maryknoll “Sent” by the Catholic Church in “To grow in Christ in an on- ental, Philippines Maryknoll Father Clyde Phillips celebrates Mass in the Philippines. the U.S. in missionary disciple- going journey of faith and life,” „„ 1986-1992: Director of the ship, and “Transformed” by love said Father Phillips. “I try to as- Philippine Lay Mission Program through relationships and thank- sist those whom I serve to realize (later known as the Philippine „„ 2003-2009: Regional Superior of the Holy Spirit and the call fulness. their God given calling, gifts and Catholic Lay Mission) of the United States of Christ to service,” said Father The Maryknoll Fathers and talents as the faithful and how to „„ 1992-1998: Regional superior „„ 2010-2016: Procurator Gen- Phillips. Brothers serve in more than 20 use these gifts to strengthen their of the Maryknoll Philippine Re- eral of the Maryknoll Society in To be a missionary is to “culti- countries. For more information, communities.” gion Rome vate a prayer life where discern- visit MaryknollSociety.org. Follow Father Phillips was born on „„ 1999-2003: Assigned to „„ 2016-present: Assists local ment of spiritual gifts will be Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Dec. 30, 1948, in Hilo. He attend- Maryknoll’s San Francisco Mis- churches in Hawaii with sacra- manifested,” he said, “and above on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ ed St. Joseph Elementary School sion Promotion House; regional mental ministries all, to have a heart for those MaryknollFrsBrs and Facebook at and St. Joseph High School. After director of Maryknoll’s Chicago “Mission is about being open who need our service, the poor, www.facebook.com/maryknollso- graduating in 1967, he entered Mission Promotion House and attentive to the promptings the displaced, the neglected, the ciety. New production of Mother Marianne drama seeking actors, production assistants A new production of “Novem- Neumann Communities in part- The play is a dramatic mono- Damien. and costumes. ber’s Song,” a drama about St. nership with Saint Louis School. logue delivered by an aging The production is looking to The show dates are Nov. 16, 17 Marianne of Molokai by George The play is a revival of the Mother reminisc- cast six women as Franciscan and 18 at the Mamiya Theatre on Herman, scheduled for November 2012-2013 production with Eva ing on 30 years of service to Ha- sisters and several children to be the Saint Louis School campus. at the Mamiya Theatre, is seeking Andrade repeating her perfor- waii’s Hansen’s disease patients leprosy patients. Those interested in playing a a small number of actors and pro- mance in the lead role. The new banished in Kalaupapa, Molokai. Also needed are stage manag- role in the performance or produc- duction assistants. show promises some changes to Mike Browning will be the tech- ers, sound, lightning and prop tion of “November’s Song” may The play is being produced by the script and the production in nical/production director. Gary assistants, and persons to help contact Deacon Modesto Cordero the Sisters of St. Francis of the general. Manz will play the part of Father with set construction, makeup at [email protected].

n Almost a Hero, Hawaii author Eugene INapua Tiwanak de- picts his personal jour- nal accounts of his two years in the Viet- nam War between the years CAREGIVERREFERRALS! 1965-1966 and 1968- YOUARE IN CHARGE! 1969. As a 377-5264 U.S. Army “AMERICA’S PERSONAL CHOICE!” Transpor- ª tation Corp. Company Commander/Liaison Officer/General Staff GROUND TERMITES? Officer, Tiwanak has Call US! a unique perspective WE CAN HELP on life during a differ- 836-9707 ent time, with much For building or renovating your home, different surround- Church, or school, we offer these services: ings. His fascinat- 1. Pre-construction ground termite treatment ing experiences give 2. For refinancing or selling your house - Termite inspection & escrow reports readers the opportu- Rigolette P. 3. For preserving & protecting your home now & years to come nity to stop outside their Almost a Hero Baraquio 4. For drywood termites destroying your cabinets, windows & comfort zones and un- President doors, without tent fumigation. A Soldier’s Vietnam Journal 5. Getting rid of annoying pests as mice, rodents, derstand what the word P.O. Box 22187 etc. Our more than 30 years of experience in “hero” really means. By Eugene Napua Tiwanak Honolulu, HI 96823 doing these jobs,we invite you to join the homeowners who have tried our services. ORDER ON-LINE: ABLE TERMITE and PEST CONTROL, Inc. http://bookstore.dorrancepublishing.com/almost-a-hero/ PROTECTS THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME LIC #PCO-601 MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 9

Photos courtesy of Miguel Heraclio Bishop Larry Silva anoints the foreheads of children with chrism during the confirmation rite April 8 at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Big Pentecost is here After three years preparing, the Diocese of Honolulu will begin to give confirmation to children in the second grade

By Patrick Downes The bishop made the change Hawaii Catholic Herald official on Jan. 10, 2016, with Proper order a full set of directives entitled After more than three years of “Decree of Promulgation” for the preparation, the Diocese of Hono- “Norms for the Preparation for lulu will begin this month to give and Celebration of the Sacra- the sacrament of confirmation to ments of Initiation and First Pen- children in the second grade in- ance.” stead of adolescents. It is a move Essential to the change in con- to correct the order in which the firmation age is the adoption by sacraments of initiation — bap- each parish of a “comprehensive” tism, confirmation and Holy Eu- youth ministry to replace existing charist — are given. high school-level confirmation Thirty-two of Hawaii’s 66 par- preparation programs. Those ishes and Catholic ethnic com- programs typically comprise two munities will make the change years of classes, community ser- this year during Masses over the vice and retreats, usually from Pentecost Sunday weekend, May the ninth through 10th grade. 19-20. These activities will now be in- Parish priests, delegated by corporated into youth ministry. Bishop Larry Silva, will confirm According to the diocesan Of- all those in the second grade and fice of Worship, 3,768 children older, a total of more than 3,700 and youth will be confirmed children. After that, confirmation statewide on May 20 — 2,820 on in the second grade before first Oahu, 465 on the Big Island, 137 Holy Communion will become Baptism Confirmation Eucharist on Kauai, 298 on Maui and 48 on the norm. Molokai. The diocese has dubbed this By comparison, the 2017 Of- weekend “Big Pentecost.” five articles in the Hawaii Catho- “Confirmation is often experi- To further instruct Hawaii ficial Catholic Directory reported The rest of Hawaii’s parishes lic Herald explaining the plan. enced more as a graduation from Catholics about the plan, the dio- 1,200 confirmations in the dio- are scheduled to make the same The articles described how the the church than as a free gift of cese scheduled nine 90-minute cese last year. transition over the next two years. sacraments historically lost their God’s grace” that naturally fol- “listening sessions” on all islands Thirteen other U.S. dioceses, Bishop Silva announced these original order and, as a result, lowed baptism, the bishop wrote. in the summer and fall of 2015, out of 195, have made the move changes in April 2015 to parents, how the sacrament of confirma- Because of the “graduation” presented by diocesan leaders in back to the “original order” of the clergy and religious educators in tion had come to be misunder- mentality, they leave the church, theology, religious education and sacraments of initiation. a letter that introduced a series of stood. he said. youth ministry.

GROUP 2 (2019) GROUP 3 (2020) Participating parishes OAHU OAHU „ „ Here is the corrected list of parishes, and their missions, participating in “Big Pentecost” this year. Holy Trinity, Kuliouou Blessed Sacrament, Pauoa Valley (There were errors and omissions in the list published in the May 4 Hawaii Catholic Herald.) „ Immaculate Conception, Ewa „ Holy Family, Honolulu „ Korean Catholic Community, Manoa „ Sacred Heart, Waianae GROUP 1: 2018 „ St. Joseph, Hilo „ Mary, Star of the Sea, Waialae-Kahala „ St. Philomena, Salt Lake „ St. Michael, Kailua-Kona „ Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa „ St. Joseph, Waipahu OAHU f Immaculate Conception Mission, Holualoa „ Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Waikane „ St. Patrick, Kaimuki „ Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu f Holy Rosary Mission, Kalaoa „ St. Ann, Kaneohe „ St. Rita, Nanakuli „ Mystical Rose Oratory, St. Louis/Chaminade f St. Paul Mission, Honalo „ St. George, Waimanalo „ St. Roch, Kahuku „ Our Lady of the Mount, Kalihi Valley f St. Peter by the Sea Mission, Kahaluu „ Newman Center/Holy Spirit, UH-Manoa f St. Joachim Mission, Punaluu „ Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach „ St. Theresa, Mountain View „ St. Michael, Waialua „ Our Lady of Good Counsel, Pearl City BIG ISLAND f Holy Rosary Mission, Keaau f Sts. Peter and Paul Mission, Waimea Bay „ Resurrection of the Lord, Waipio „ Malia Puka O Kalani, Keaukaha „ Sacred Heart, Punahou KAUAI BIG ISLAND „ Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikou „ St. Pius X, Manoa „ St. Catherine, Kapaa „ Holy Rosary, Pahala f Good Shepherd, Honomu „ St. Anthony, Kalihi f St. Sylvester Mission, Kilauea „ Sacred Heart, Naalehu „ Sacred Heart, Pahoa „ „ St. Anthony, Kailua f St. William Mission, Hanalei KAUAI St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe „ St. Augustine, Waikiki „ St. Theresa, Kekaha „ Holy Cross, Kalaheo MAUI „ St. Elizabeth, Aiea f Sacred Hearts Mission, Waimea f Sacred Heart Mission, Eleele „ St. Mary, Hana „ St. John Apostle and Evangelist, Mililani MAUI „ St. Raphael f St. Peter Mission, Puuiki „ St. John the Baptist, Kalihi „ Maria Lanakila „ Immaculate Conception, Lihue f St. Paul Mission, Kipahulu „ St. John Vianney, Kailua f Sacred Hearts Mission, Kapalua f St. Joseph Mission, Kaupo „ St. Jude, Kapolei MAUI „ Our Lady Queen of Angels, Kula „ „ St. Stephen, Nuuanu Christ the King, Kahului f Holy Ghost Mission, Waiakoa „ „ Sts. Peter and Paul, Honolulu Holy Rosary, Paia f St. James the Less Mission, Ulupalakua „ „ Vietnamese Catholic Community, Honolulu St. Ann, Waihee „ St. Joseph, Makawao f St. Francis Mission, Kahakuloa BIG ISLAND „ St. Theresa, Kihei „ St. Rita, Haiku „ Annunciation, Waimea MOLOKAI f St. Gabriel Mission, Keanae f Ascension Mission Mission, Puako „ St. Damien of Molokai, Kaunakakai „ St. Anthony, Wailuku „ Our Lady of Lourdes, Honokaa f St. Vincent Ferrer Mission, Maunaloa „ Sacred Heart, Hawi LANAI f Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Mission, „ Sacred Hearts, Lanai City „ St. Benedict, Honaunau Kaluaaha f St. John the Baptist Mission, Kealakekua f St. Joseph MIssion, Kamalo 10 NATION HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Why do you want to be confirmed? What does it mean to you?

“Why do you want to be confirmed? I want to be confirmed because I want to be confirmed because a cantor and a lector at Sunday What does it mean to you?” These I feel like I have a calling for this is a big milestone in my Masses as well. I love to sing, questions were asked of young faith journey. I have grown up and I love to proclaim the Word parishioners preparing to be confirmed God to be a bigger part of my on Pentecost Sunday, May 20, and life. Now I can stand up for my in a Catholic school all my life of God, so I’m really looking its vigil, May 19. The responses were faith when someone challenges and my faith has always been a forward to that! compiled by Betsey Gunderson of the me because I have God in my big part in my life. Everyone in —Reagan, grade 6 St. John Vianney Hawaii Catholic Schools office and Lisa life. my family is already confirmed School, Kailua Gomes of the Office for Youth and Young —Eli, grade 5, St. John Vianney School, and I look to them for Adult Ministry. inspiration in living a life gifted Kailua “I want to learn more about with the Holy Spirit. I want to be Jesus’ life, to confirm my sealed with the gifts of the Holy Baptism in the church. There I want to be confirmed because Spirit. I want to have my faith to I’m excited for May 19th! It’s are a lot of things I want to special because I will receive I want to get closer to God keep growing. and learn more about all the know about Jesus.” Jesus for the first time and the —Ahsbie, grade 9, Co-Cathedral of St. Holy Spirit will give me seven good things that he does for Theresa, Honolulu —Melchor, grade 6, Maria Lanakila gifts. I have the Holy Spirit us. I want to thank him for the Parish, Lahaina, Maui blessings that he has given with me, but it will make me I want to be confirmed because stronger. It’s like chocolate me and continue to be happy with God. To me, confirmation not only in the church but also milk. When I was baptized, the in my family it is a big thing, and What Holy Spirit entered me like means that I will become one of God’s servants to get others to it is a really big step in the life of chocolate squeezed into milk. a Catholic because it helps me confirmation When I am confirmed, the Holy become Catholic. It means that I will be closer to God and Jesus. get a better understanding of Spirit will stir in me and I will what Jesus and God has done means to me is become transformed just as —Cody, middle schooler, St. Elizabeth Parish, Aiea for us and if we understand milk transforms when I stir the this we can love others like God that my bond chocolate. loved us, and spread the good —Mikayla, grade 2, Our Lady of Good I want to be confirmed because news that Jesus has risen from with Christ will Counsel School, Pearl City the Holy Spirit will come to the dead and that we are the me and bless me. I also can be people of God. be stronger. closer to God and Jesus! —Iokepa, grade 5, Our Lady of Lourdes, —Ryan, grade 6, Our Lady Queen of Parish, Honokaa, Big Island I want to be a —Mya, grade 5, Our Lady of Lourdes, Angels, Kula, Maui Honokaa, Big Island bigger Catholic. What being confirmed means I want to be confirmed so I can to me is being sealed with the —Trystan, grade 2, Our Lady Queen of I want to be confirmed to be be closer to God and Jesus; I Angels Parish, Kula, Maui Christian faith. with the Spirit. want to learn more about God —Samuel, grade 6, Annunciation Parish, —Fernando, grade 5, St. Benedict and our religion to each other Waimea, Big Island I want to receive the gift of Parish, Honaunau, Big Island about how important it is to knowledge and kindness. receive confirmation. God will —Adrian, grade 3, St. Benedict Parish, be by my side always and I can To be confirmed is to be truly a Honaunau, Big Island I’ll get to be closer be a better Catholic, a better part of the church, like a Medal person. of Honor, but for the church. To to God. Not only do truly unite with God. This (confirmation) means so —Selene, grade 6, St. Michael Parish, much for me in many ways. This I believe in him but Kailua-Kona, Big Island —Caleb, grade 6, St. Augustine Parish, will further my faith and will I love him and trust Waikiki enable me to build a stronger I am currently an altar server, relationship with my Lord, my him and I also love and at school Masses I have I will establish a better family and my church. going to church. served in the music ministry relationship with God. —Paulo, grade 9, Co-Cathedral of St. —Fatima, grade 5, Maria Lanakila and as a lector. But once I am Confirmation will help me to Theresa, Honolulu Parish, Lahaina, Maui confirmed, I will be able to be become a better person for my

Questions and answers about confirmation and the return of the sacraments of initiation to their original order

Here are questions and answers salvation to our youngest mem- often experienced more as a half the children we baptize are programs that empower young regarding the return in the bers. Confirmation then seals “graduation” from the church never confirmed. Returning to people to live as disciples of Diocese of Honolulu to giving our baptismal covenant with than as a free gift of God’s the proper order of the sacra- Jesus and participate in the the sacraments of initiation in God. Holy Eucharist is the sum- grace. Pope Francis acknowl- ments will mean many more life, mission and work of the their original order: 1. baptism mit of initiation into the faith. edged this when he called will be confirmed and receive church, while fostering their confirmation the “sacrament as a newborn, 2. confirmation Q: When did the sacraments get the grace of the sacrament. spiritual growth. Youth minis- in the second grade at the age of farewell,” because, after out of order? Q: Who decided to make this try requires work and trust in of reason, 3. Holy Communion teenagers receive it, “they leave A: For much of church history, change? the Holy Spirit. But confirma- after confirmation. the church.” He called it “an tion gives the gifts of the Holy confirmation and Holy Commu- experience of failure, an experi- A: Bishop Larry Silva in con- Spirit. Young people need these The answers to these questions nion were given in the correct ence that leaves emptiness and sultation with the Presbyteral gifts as they grow, not when were culled from earlier sequence but at an increasingly discourages us.” Council, his group of priest older age. Then, in 1910, Pope advisors; and the Diocesan they are nearly done growing. statements by Bishop Larry Q: Is this “failure” the pope talks Pius X allowed children to re- Silva and articles in the Hawaii about, true in Hawaii? Pastoral Council, which is made Q: What about the sacrament of Catholic Herald. ceive Holy Communion at the up mostly of lay people. Both reconciliation? Isn’t that a sacra- age of reason, around 7, effec- A: Sadly, yes. Confirmation pro- strongly favored the plan. ment of initiation? tively changing the order. grams in Hawaii have helped Q: What is the proper order of the many young people become Q: But without confirmation in A: No. First reconciliation (con- sacraments of initiation? Q: Why change the age of confir- faithful disciples of the Lord, high school, what will keep teens fession) is not considered a sac- A: Baptism, confirmation and mation now? but many programs miss the involved in the church? rament of initiation. But it will Holy Communion (Eucharist). A: What we have been doing mark. We are not converting A: A vibrant comprehensive continue to be administered in Baptism is properly given soon has not been working very the hearts of all our young peo- youth ministry. It is a big chal- the second grade, before Con- after birth, opening the door of well. Confirmation today is ple to the Lord. On top of that, lenge, but the church has good firmation. MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 11 Why do you want to be confirmed? What does it mean to you? community. Confirmation will Confirmation means they support each other. To me being confirmed change me to become a true me, confirmation doesn’t feel child of God. to me that I will like the last time with God. means to deepen —Zachary, grade 7, Maria Lanakila become more united It feels like the beginning of your faith in the Parish, Lahaina, Maui my journey of faith. There’s with the church, with still much more to learn in my church and to be Confirmation is a sacrament God and with my Christian life. I will continue closer to God. where I receive the gifts of religion. I want to be to grow and do everyday —Luke, grade 10, Annunciation Parish, the Holy Spirit. I want to be tasks that will require my gifts Waimea, Big Island confirmed because I want to confirmed because received to help everyone. go to Heaven, and to be one of —Jordan, grade 10, Co-Cathedral of St. it will admit me as a Theresa, Honolulu I want to be confirmed because Jesus’ followers. Confirmation I want to receive the Holy means that I’m a child of Jesus full member of the Spirit. Receiving the Holy and I’m going to receive the church, because I I feel that I will be able to hear Spirit is what I need to live a gifts of the Holy Spirit. I’m Jesus more and more clearly. happy life, because the Holy looking forward to do this want to follow in To me being confirmed is like Spirit is love, self-control, joy because I want to be nice, God’s path. growing wings to become an peace, kindness, goodness, respectful, and I want to be just —Daelyn, grade 8, Our Lady of Lourdes angel. faithfulness, gentleness and like Jesus. Parish, Honokaa, Big Island —La’i, grade 5, St. John Vianney School, patience. To live a happy life, —Mikayla, grade 3, Our Lady of Good Kailua one has to have all those Counsel School, Pearl City characteristics that the Holy Getting confirmed to me is a Spirit has. Being confirmed will step closer to what God has I want to be confirmed because help me be a better person. The reason I want to be I am very deep in my faith and (planned) for us. —Deeann, grade 11, Ascension Mission, confirmed is because I want to —Aletiha, middle schooler, St. Elizabeth want to be in the next phase to Puako, Big Island be closer to God. I want to know Parish, Aiea have a closer relationship with what it feels like to be with God. Each sacrament we accept, God more often. Also, when I it opens a bigger chance to Receiving confirmation means get older, I might be able to be To me, being confirmed means have that perfect relationship a lot to me because I get closer someone else’s sponsor. I chose that I am giving my heart and with God. This means to God. My grandma was the St. Marianne Cope (as my saint soul to our Father and to Jesus everything to me because I one person in my family who name) because she helped Christ. think getting confirmed isn’t believed that I’d be willing to many patients at Molokai and —Tatum, grade 7, St. John Vianney graduating but just the start be with God, serve God, and I one day would like to do School, Kailua of something that can be even love him with all my heart. My something like that. She gave better. And this also means I grandma has always told me so much love to them. She was Confirmation makes me feel can help other people grow in to turn to God through times beatified in the year of my birth. good and happy because it this relationship with God too. that I couldn’t pick myself up. She is the one who wanted me —Malia, grade 7, St. John Vianney makes me feel like I am getting —Makayla, grade 10, Our Lady of Good School, Kailua closer to be with Jesus. Counsel Parish, Pearl City to receive all my sacraments and live the life that my family —Felicity, grade 5, St. Benedict Parish, Honaunau, Big Island could’ve live because they The reason I want to be didn’t live the life that was confirmed is because I want to I want to be meant to be lived. I am glad to bring myself closer to my God Confirmation to me means I confirmed because I be the first one in my family to and Savior. To me confirmation can finally feel that I can play receive confirmation because it means to be closer to God and I a bigger role in helping my want to have deeper gives me the chance to help the want to pray to him more than I church and community. It relationship with others in my family to find their do today. can help me feel happy that God and just be a way back to the Lord. —Elyssa, middle schooler, St. Elizabeth people in my life can feel God’s —Amaliko, grade, 7, Co-Cathedral of St. Parish, Aiea presence around us, as I and better Catholic. To Theresa, Honolulu

Questions and answers about confirmation and the return of the sacraments of initiation to their original order

Q: How is confirmation adminis- being “imprinted” by the Holy humble before the Lord and does in baptism. not yet been confirmed? tered? Spirit. With confirmation, God devoted to him) and Fear of the Q: Are sponsors required? If so A: That’s the purpose of Big Pen- A: The bishop (or priest) lays confirms the grace received in Lord (the ability to be amazed who can be a sponsor? tecost, to confirm at one time all baptism. The child is given spe- by God, to realize he loves us hands upon the child’s head A: Yes, sponsors are required. those in grades 3-12 who have and ask the Holy Spirit to cial gifts which help him or her unconditionally). already received First Com- be a disciple of Christ, to follow They must be at least 16 years transform the child into a new Q: Are second graders really ready old (though exceptions can be munion but not confirmation. reality. The bishop (or priest) his commandments and help to be confirmed? About half of Hawaii’s parishes others to do the same. made); have been baptized, then anoints the child with the A: Yes, just as we believe they confirmed and received their are making the transition to the oil of chrism, saying the child’s Q: What special gifts does the con- are ready to receive First Rec- First Holy Communion; be original order of sacraments this name followed by “… be sealed firmed person receive? onciliation and First Holy Com- practicing Catholics; if married, year on Pentecost Sunday, May with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” A: The child receives the seven munion. Children can recognize married in the Catholic Church; 20. Bishop Silva has delegated Q: What does the oil of chrism Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wis- what happens in the Eucharist and willing to support the the parish priests to administer signify? dom (recognition of the impor- when the priest asks the Holy parents and child in his or her the sacrament of Confirmation tance of keeping God central in Spirit to change the bread and spiritual life. on that day. The rest of Hawaii’s A: Being anointed with sacred our lives), Understanding (the wine into the body and blood of Q: Can a parent be the sponsor? parishes will make the transi- chrism is a sign of consecration ability to comprehend God’s Jesus. They can understand that tion over the next two years. or holiness. It gives the newly message), Knowledge (the abil- when they consume the body A: No. But if the sponsor can- confirmed a special strength ity to think about and explore and blood of Jesus, they become not be present, a parent may Q: Are other dioceses doing this? to be more like Christ and to God’s revelation), Counsel one with Jesus and his mission. stand in as a proxy for the A: Yes. In the United States, love his church. Like an official (the ability to make the right They are old enough to compre- sponsor. 13 dioceses give confirmation seal on an important docu- choices), Fortitude (courage to hend that confirmation is God Q: What about those children at the age of reason. More are ment, being anointed means remain strong), Piety (being confirming his love for us as he older than grade two who have considering it. 12 A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD | MAY 18, 2018 The Parish News

1 WAILUKU branches.” The Catechism of the Catho- lic Church says that the Eucharist is “the St. Anthony of Padua Parish source and summit of Christian Life.” Bishop Larry Silva confirmed 39 parish Well, on April 29, 23 young children, youth on April 15 at the 9 a.m. Mass. I pictured, sprouted as branches on the would like to say “mahalo” to our par- vine by receiving their first Holy Commu- ents, clergy, teachers and parishioners nion. Their smiles and excitement were for your continued support. I would like infectious! Innocence at its finest! As to say congratulations to our newly con- parents, teachers and fellow parish- firmed.(Rep orted by Chiree Souza) ioners, we must continue to feed them 2 PEARL CITY with love and guidance as they con- 1 tinue to grow spiritually and bear fruit Our Lady of Good Counsel on the vine. Also pictured are Father Parish Nick Brown, Deacon Avaletalia “Ava” The feast day of Our Lady of Good Hunkin, Deacon Jonathan Ocampo, Counsel was celebrated April 26, begin- Charlene Richardson, Rosie Tabaranza ning with Mass celebrated by parochial and Clarissa Duclayan. Congratulations vicar Father Alfred Guererro, assisted kids! Jesus loves you! (Reported by Nor- by Deacon Ray Lamb. The Rise and mand H.J. Robert) Shine Choir, who sings at daily Mass, graced us with their gift of song and 7 HAWI worship. In his homily, Father Alfred said Sacred Heart Parish he was blessed on this feast day to have heard beautiful poems about Mary by April showers brought May flowers. On parish school students. He also talked May 6 we had a parish procession offer- about praying to the Blessed Virgin dur- ing flowers to our Blessed Mother before ing a seminary penance service in 2010, the crowning by Ku‘uipo Kaholoaa- telling her that it would be OK for her 2 3 Mokiao. On May 20, Pentecost Sunday, Son to take his mom, who had cancer, we join other parishes of our Diocese in to be by his side. The next day, his sister restoring the Original Order of the Sac- called to say their mom had passed raments of Initiation. We are blessed away. Father Alfred was comforted that to have 19 students participating in this our Lady heard his prayer. His mom died change. They began in April with a Eu- on Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate charist retreat for parents, sponsors, and Conception. Father Alfred reminded students who will be receiving their First everyone that Mary’s love for us never Holy Eucharist. The following weekend fails. After Mass, parishioners went to the they held a Confirmation retreat for all. Pastoral Center to enjoy a variety of spa- Both days started off with Mass. One ac- ghetti and pasta dishes, tossed salads, tivity was planting a garden with Uncle fruit and bread. Many thanks to the Par- Bert Kanoa as the mentor. On May 19 ish Pastoral Council for coordinating there will be a reconciliation service for this successful event. Event chairs Rose all students who will be receiving their Sumida and Donna Quillopo were sacraments. Listed are the names of our instrumental in organizing the celebra- awesome students who will receive their tion. Thanks to all our ministries and pa- 4 5 sacraments on May 20. Reconciliation, rishioners who provided the food. There confirmation and Holy Communion: were 16 entries for the dessert contest. Bodie Buczyna, Sunny Caravalho, Judges Father Alfred, Sister Marie Jose Loryn-Rose Carvalho, Rhobie Kyle Romano and parish school principal Francisco, Ethan Millet, Na‘i Rivera and Chantelle Luarca had a deliciously dif- Ayden Tagalicud. Confirmation: John ficult time choosing the winners — Fely Aaron Barayuga, Madeline Buczyna, Ravago for pecan tartlets, Dr. Amelia Saphira Cambra, Leiana Carvalho, Jus- Jacang for ginataan and Fely Valdez tin Drew, Nicole Drew, Ralph Janssen for pumpkin crunch. Seven contestants Francisco, Ku‘uipo Kaholoaa-Mokiao, participated in the Got Talent contest. We were even treated to performances Shelly Keawe, Hokani Maria, Zoe by Twitter sensation Jona Rewein who Meikle and Ashley Millet. Congratula- played ukulele and sang, and Luz Vea tions on your awesome journey. May our Lord be ever at your sides throughout and friends who performed a Filipino 6 7 dance. First place winner Monica Velas- your earthly life. Mahalo, mahalo, ma- co sang “This is Me.” Second place Nel- halo to Evie Adams, Mel Yanos, Darnell lani Tabada played the guitar and sang Caravalho and Jaime Drew for sharing an original song. Third place Michael their time and talent with the students. Asentista sang “Unchained Melody.” (Reported by Lee Rivera; photo by Jaime Thanks to everyone who donated prizes Drew) for this event. What a beautiful way to celebrate our parish feast day! Our Lady 9 KOLOA of Good Counsel, pray for us. Pictured, St. Raphael Parish from left, are Father Alfred, Monica Our parish welcomed these young can- Velasco, Deacon Raymond. (Reported by didates who received their sacrament of Naomi Amuro) first Holy ommunionC on May 6: Trinity 3 KAHULUI Muana, Shairhem Bullaua and Sh- anyn-Isabella Nakaahiki. These young Christ the King Parish candidates are our future musicians and Our first annual Christ the King Family altar servers. They are pictured with Fa- Fun Night was held in our parish hall 9 10 ther Arlan Intal, MS, and catechist Lyn on April 27. It was a time to get to know Casticimo. (Reported by Lillian Vierra) each other as a family and a time of fel- personal welcome, sharing our ministries and present the blankets. This is truly a Mother Mary. She is the Queen of Love. lowship. We had door prizes, games for and inquiring if they have any needs labor of love and the joy it will bring the Every year, the month of May is dedi- 10 WAIMANALO the children, a simple dinner and bingo. with which the parish could help. We patients will make it priceless. Pictured, cated to devotion to Mother Mary by St. George Parish A lot of the younger children never host a quarterly Meet and Greet where crowning her with the rarest blossoms. from left, greeter Lillian Chang, visitors Vicar general Msgr. Father Gary con- played bingo before and really enjoyed newbies have an opportunity to meet She is the Queen of the Angels in heaven Barbara and Chris Henry, and greeter firmed11 parish youth on Sunday, April playing. Father Edwin was there reading ministry leaders, become acquainted and on earth. The religious education Kate Schmidt. (Reported by Charlotte 29. Here they pose for photo. (Reported off the numbers for the bingo. All the with the pastor and enjoy coffee and class and the parish Filipino Catholic White) by Tania Brown) children that attended went home with pastries. Besides feeling welcomed, our Club teamed up to celebrate this inspi- a gift for just participating and just being neophytes get to network with each 5 WAHIAWA rational occasion. The crown bearers HONOLULU there with all of us. We all had a great other and make new friends. Our wel- are from preschool. Pictured are Father time and enjoyed each other’s company. Our Lady of Sorrows Parish coming process has helped acquire new Ajith, Primo Ungos, Jovita Ungos, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish (Reported by Carol Ursua) Our parish held the May crowning of and energetic members to ministries. Valerie Dascil-Tago, Frida Pacleb, Rose The next parish Monthly Food Collec- Some have even offered to start new Our Blessed Virgin Mary May 6 at the tion is May 19 and 20. If you don’t have KULIOUOU Layugan, Pacita Baron, Clarita Aquino, 4 activities. An example is how our craft- 9 a.m. Mass. Whatever we ask Jesus Susana Barsatan, crown bearer Jor- time to shop, visit the parish website Holy Trinity Parish ers group originated. A new parishioner through the rosary shall be granted with dan, and Terry, the eighth grader who at www.sspeterpaulhawaii.org. Your One way we model our vision to be a suggested that crafters come together love and protection. It has been proven crowned the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Re- donation to the Catholic Care Project welcoming parish committed to serv- to share their talents. The group meets beginning with the miracle at a wedding ported by Pacita Baron) will help to purchase the items to fill the ing others is the way we welcome new weekly and has made beautiful ribbon at Cana when the Blessed Virgin Mary brown bags. Do you know someone parishioners. At all weekend Masses, leis that are presented to new parishio- asked Jesus to do something when the 6 EWA in our parish who would benefit from new parishioners are introduced and ners at weekend Masses. They are now wine ran out before the party ended. In receiving a food bag to help them makes presented with leis and given an en- making lap blankets for residents in answer to his mother’s request, Jesus Immaculate Conception ends meet? Tell them to contact our velope containing information about nursing homes in our area. These will be turned gallons of water into sweet wine. Parish Catholic Care Helpline 808-941-0675. All our parish. A greeter follows up with a blessed by Father Mike at a Mass, then Many prayers have been answered Jesus stated in John’s Gospel, chap- information remains confidential. (From phone call to the new family, offering a parishioners will visit these care homes through novena prayers to our Blessed ter 15, “I am the vine and you are the the parish bulletin) MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD PARISH.NEWS 13

11 PAIA Miranda; Grand prize: $10,000 Father Adrian Gervacio. The goal of the fund Holy Rosary Parish drive was $200,000, the estimated cost They were confirmed by our Bishop to renovate the old convent to make Larry Silva at the church on April 22, it safer and conducive for catechism at the 7:30 a.m. Mass. Pictured are Fa- classes and sacramental preparation for ther Jojo, Kevin Rodriguez, Ramon our children and youth. The old jalousie Malapira Jr., Donovan Calasa, Bishop windows and frames are falling apart Silva, Jaelynn Uwekoolani, Sidney and the roofing, plumbing and electri- Ribucan-Rodrigues, Izayiah Uwekool- cal wiring are in need of replacement ani, Peter Pencerga and Deacon and upgrade. The overall improvement Christoper Ribucan. After confirma- is meant to make the building last an- tion the youth had a one-on-one with other 50 years or so where the Knights Bishop Larry, followed by lunch with of Columbus and other organizations Bishop Larry and the families. Congratu- can hold meetings, the Kokua Food lations to all who were confirmed and EDITOR’S Pantry can store their supplies and sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 11 distribute necessities to the poor and (Reported by Carol Ursua) CHOICE where people can have a quiet room to pray in the former chapel. We are very 12 WAIANAE grateful to the leaders, ministers and pa- Sacred Heart Parish rishioners who assisted in the solicitation On April 14, at the 5 p.m. Mass, 16 of donations and to all the priests and of our children readily, eagerly and friends in other parishes, islands and cit- joyfully received their first Holy Com- ies for their generous donations to help munion along with their families, us realize and succeed in our project. As friends and the parish ohana. May God always, we thank and praise our beloved continue to bless them as they journey patroness, Our Lady of the Mount, who with their new gift of grace from God in intercedes for us, and the provident Lord their lives and treasure this same gift as for blessing our endeavor for his greater they receive Jesus each and every day. honor and glory. Pictured, from left, pas- (Reported by Rosa Lefu‘a) tor Father Edgar Brillantes and Father Adrian Gervacio. (Reported by Fran 13 ENCHANTED LAKE Kovaloff; photo by Jun Cortez) 12 13 St. John Vianney Parish NUUANU Our latest Family Night on May 5 was a St. Stephen Parish May Fest celebration. The celebration Brian Laroya (youth and confirma- consisted of a potluck supper in the par- tion) together with faith formation ish lounge at 6 p.m. followed by games staffw ere instrumental in planning the and activities, including a May Pole, confirmation retreat with the theme pictured, on the Fellowship Lanai. Family “Understanding Me, Others and God,” Night, which is sponsored by the Youth April 14, at St. Anthony Retreat Center and Young Adults, occurs every first in beautiful and tranquil Kalihi Valley Saturday of each month immediately fol- from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The retreat lowing our 5 p.m. Mass. This event con- made it possible for confirmandi to tinues to attract dozens of families for bond with each other and get away an enjoyable evening. … On May 6, our from the hustle and bustle of everyday parishioners were treated to a French life. Parents attended in the afternoon toast breakfast after all Masses served and participated in a parent and child by our school students. Parishioners also session coordinated by Shin Kim. Thirty- enjoyed a display of several student art one children and youth attended, along creations. Immediately after the 11 a.m. with 11 teachers and three parents who Mass was the parish crowning of Mary 14 15 took care of kitchen duties. At 3 p.m. in the grotto, followed by refreshments Mass was celebrated by Father Chris provided by the Ladies Sodality. (Re- Keahi in the Sacred Hearts Chapel. The ported by Earl Walker) faith formation staff say mahalo to the KEKAHA many donors for their generosity toward 14 the confirmation retreat. Thank you to St. Theresa Parish Jerel and Anna Saribay for preparing Our parish came together to celebrate the snacks, drinks and taking care of the Father Boyet’s 28th ordination an- kitchen for the entire event. They worked niversary on April 29. His actual an- endlessly and cleaned up afterward. niversary date is April 24. Friends from Thank you to the parents who provided other parishes joined in, along with the rides to the retreat center and back to Visayan Club of Kauai, which made St. Stephen. Your continued support and Father Boyet very happy! Here’s asking guidance are much appreciated. (Re- our Heavenly Father to bless him and all ported by Ginny Jordan) priests as they stay true to their voca- tion in serving the Lord! (Reported by 16 17 19 EWA BEACH Chantal A. Duarte) Our Lady of Perpetual Help 15 WAIHEE Parish In preparation for the sacrament of con- St. Ann Parish firmation, our children from grades 2-8, On May 6, we crowned Our Blessed together with their parents, attended a Mother Mary as Queen of Heaven and confirmation retreat on April 21, April Earth — and Queen of Our Hearts! Chil- 28 or May 5, depending on which Mass dren and adults were invited to bring they were going to be confirmed, May flowers and join the procession at the 19 at 7 p.m., May 20 at 1:30 p.m., or May very beginning of the Mass, and pres- 20 at 7 p.m. All retreats were held at the ent our flowers to Mary, Our Mother. parish church and school. Our parish The best flowers for Mary were from our used the confirmation retreat provided yard. Those with an abundance were by the diocesan Religious Education able to share with others. Immediately Office, presented by catechists and following Mass, everyone enjoyed the youth ministers with several high school end of the catechism session with a confirmandi assisting. We are grateful parish-wide potluck. Everyone en- 18 19 to the following: Mela Kim, Seth Kim, joyed the ono food and fellowship. Precy Cuizon, Wayne Campos, Aileen Thank you to Dawn Kahalehau and Leonardo, Remi Cabrera, Consuelo catechists for giving of themselves in ert Robello and the youth of St. Rita. teaching lessons with their service and Parish Ohana Day to celebrate as one Gouveia, Priscila Rayray, Joe Rayray, the instruction of our children. Next (Reported by Esther Yap) care for vulnerable seniors. Our par- family the beauty of our Catholic faith Cora Yahiku, Tassja Dinulong, Donna session planning is already underway as ish food ministry coordinator is Sinita and extol the goodness and bounty of Alvaro, Josey Choe, Stan Alvarez, we journey together as a faith commu- 17 KALIHI Alalamua and the school principal the Lord. This day culminated our two- Crystal Baliguat, Sabrina Pascual, nity. (Reported by Frances Asuncion) St. John the Baptist Parish is Carol Chong. For more info about month Save Our Convent Fund Drive Susan Marbella, Kaelynn Balderas, Senior Food Boxes, check out www.ha- through raffle tickets spearheaded by Dani White, Jaelynn Balinbin, Mia 16 HAIKU About half a dozen parishes with food waiifoodbank.org/csfp. Good stuff go- the finance council and fundraising Mantanona, Christian Mantanona, St. Rita Parish pantries that are members of the Ha- ing on in our parishes. It was a beautiful team chaired by Rebecca Jandoc. Errlyn Sejalbo, Bryce Linsangan, Carl During the month of May we celebrate waii Food Bank participate in the Com- example of intergeneration ministry. The event included food booths serv- Jornacion, Zhaemarc Mandado, Zylyn the Blessed Virgin Mary. Before Masses modity Supplemental Food Program The parish social ministry treated the ing native regional and island cuisines Mandado, Ariel Isidro-Balisacan, Kris- begin on Saturday and Sunday, the ro- or Senior Food Box program. Each eighth grade religion class to pizza to prepared by the Visayan and Ilocano ten Giang, Jared delos Santos, Kathy sary is recited in church. Father Chacko month, pallets of boxes, each weighing thank them for their help with Senior groups, the Filipino Catholic Club and delos Santos. Pictured is Seth Kim, a has invited parish families to say the 32 pounds, are delivered to our pantries Food Boxes this school year. The pic- the Knights of Columbus. Entertain- team member of Edge Middle School rosary every day in the month of May and distributed by our volunteers to ture was taken after the luncheon. The ment was provided by the Llamedo Youth Ministry, doing a demo on the in church or in the privacy of their own food insecure/low income seniors. students graduate in a couple weeks. Band and by the ethnic dancers of the effect of baptism and confirmation by home. On the first Sunday, May 6, some Many of our volunteers are also seniors (Reported by Iwie Tamashiro) Tongan and Filipino communities. The using an analogy of milk and chocolate. of the youth brought in flowers and and at our parish, their biggest concern highlight was the stand-up performance Evaluation from the parents was positive processed in with Father Chacko, lectors when getting started was lifting the 18 KALIHI VALLEY of Hawaii’s favorite comedian, Frank De overall — the retreat was a good learn- and ministers of Communion. The youth boxes. We spoke to the school principal Our Lady of the Mount Lima. Capping the event was the draw- ing experience and a review of confir- placed the flowers in vases in front of the and this school year she had the eighth ing of the winning tickets in the Save mation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Blessed Virgin Mary statue to honor her. grade religion class volunteer for an Parish Our Convent Raffle. Congratulations to They added that the activities were Pictured before Mass are, from left, Joan hour, one day a month, on distribution On May 5, celebrated as May Day, Lei the lucky winners: 3rd prize: $500 El- interactive, which engaged the children. Opitz, Father Chacko Muthoottil, Rob- days. She incorporated Catholic social Day or Cinco de Mayo, we made it a mer DeCastro; 2nd prize: $1,000 Bella (Reported by Julia Torres) 14 WORLD HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018

A Spiritual & Cultural Journey to Eastern Europe Cardinal urges bell tolling to call attention to murders 13 Days: October 7–19, 2018 By Catholic News Service

Under the Spiritual Direction of MANILA, Philippines — Cardi- Rev. Sir William Kunisch, II, KCHS nal Luis Antonio Tagle called for church bells in the archdiocese to $3,999 from Honolulu (HNL) toll at 8 p.m. each day to protest Plus $495 in airport taxes, security fees, the continuing spate of killings in and current fuel surcharges, and $185 in tips. the country. He said the tolling of the bells Download brochure & registration: will “haunt the perpetrators of violence and killing to remem- www.GoCatholicTravel.com/Kunisch ber their victims, never to forget For more information, contact: them,” reported ucanews.com. Fr. William Kunisch at (808) 676-4700 “The bells beckon us to re- member the dead ... and to ask CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz or [email protected] God to remember them,” said a Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Ma- statement from the cardinal. nila is seen at U.N. headquarters in CST#: 2018667–40 Ucanews.com reported a New York City May 3. Catholic priest and a broadcast journalist were the most recent victims of assassinations. gift of human life and dignity. Father Mark Ventura was shot Spiritual Journeys to the Holy Land “The bells beg us to transform to death after celebrating Mass in the mourning of our people into November 24-December 3, 2018 Cagayan province April 29. hope and peace,” he said. Cardinal Tagle invited the Archbishop Sergio Utleg of Tu- Christmas tree lighting in Bethlehem faithful “to pause, remember guegarao has appealed to author- and pray” for Father Ventura, the Honolulu w/ Honolulu- $3399.00 • Airline Taxes included • Insurance (Optional) ities for a speedy investigation second priest to be killed in four into the killing of Father Ventura, Chaplain: Father Ramon Danilo Laeda of St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii months. In December, Father 37. The priest was among those Marcelito Paez was shot dead in who opposed black sand mining the province of Nueva Ecija. in the province of Cagayan. “It’s sad that a priest was killed Spiritual Journeys of Our Lady of Guadalupe “There have been too many ... and even if he’s not a priest, a murders already done with im- person. Isn’t he a gift from God? and Colonial Mexico punity in our country by assas- Is it that easy nowadays to just October 15-21, 2018 sins .... May this be the last,” kill and throw someone away?” Archbishop Utleg added. Honolulu w/ Honolulu - $1899.00 • Airline taxes included • Insurance (Optional) asked Cardinal Tagle. A day after the shooting of Fa- Cardinal Tagle said the tolling Chaplain: Fr. Adrian Gervacio ther Ventura, assassins also shot of the bells is a call to everybody broadcast journalist Edmund For More Information please call to commit to actions of truth, jus- Sestoso in the central Philippine tice, love, and respect for God’s R/M Travel Agency at (808) 842-7638 city of Dumaguete.

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Healing for Please call 597-8057 (We prefer appointments, but walk-ins are welcome) your loved ones, street ministry Office hours: MTWF: 9-5pm • Saturday: 8-5pm • Thursday, Sunday: closed • More Information: (808) 738-6502 MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD NATION/WORLD 15 Speaker Paul Ryan gives House chaplain his job back By Catholic News Service In a statement, Ryan said his roy remain as chaplain. lawmakers considered the tax bill ley proposed establishing a com- original decision was made with “However, many distressing led to his ouster. mittee to look into the ouster, but WASHINGTON — Jesuit Father what he thought was in the best questions must still be answered The prayer said: “May all House Republicans overwhelm- Patrick Conroy, chaplain for the interest of the about the motivations behind Fa- members be mindful that the in- ingly voted to kill the resolution. U.S. House of Representatives House, but he ther Conroy’s unwarranted and stitutions and structures of our Outrage, however, continued on who said he had been forced to re- now decided unjust dismissal,” she said. great nation guarantee the oppor- Twitter and beyond trying to save sign, was reinstated to his post by that “a protract- In a June 2017 interview with tunities that have allowed some the chaplain’s job. Father Con- House Speaker Paul Ryan May 3. ed fight over Catholic News Service, the priest to achieve great success, while roy told The New York Times, at The priest was reinstated after such an impor- said he had opinions about poli- others continue to struggle. May the time, that he wasn’t going to a letter he wrote to Ryan, R-Wis- tant post” would tics, like most people, but knew their efforts these days guarantee question the decision. consin, became public. In the let- not be good for his job was focused on his role that there are not winners and The priest is the second Catho- ter, Father Conroy said he wished the body and so helping members of Congress losers under new tax laws, but lic in history to hold the House to retract his resignation letter Jesuit Father he accepted the without paying attention to politi- benefits balanced and shared by chaplain’s spot. Father Daniel and continue working during this Patrick J. priest’s letter cal stripes. all Americans.” Coughlin was the first Catholic to Congress “and beyond.” Conroy and decided he “I can think anything I want,” Via Twitter, fellow Jesuit Fa- occupy the position and was look- “I have never been disciplined, could remain in he said. “But I can’t say it. Some ther James Martin, editor at large ing to retire from the post in 2010 nor reprimanded, nor have I ever his position. people say, ‘You’re there, why of America, the Jesuits’ national when then-House Speaker John heard a complaint about my min- Ryan, who is Catholic, is ex- don’t you say prophetic things?’ magazine, said if that prayer is Boehner had been in talks with istry during my time as House pected to meet with Father Con- If I did, a week from now, there what led to the firing, “then a fellow Catholic Pelosi about find- Chaplain,” his letter said. He also roy May 8 when the House is back would be a different person Catholic Speaker of the House ing a Jesuit they could both sup- mentioned displeasure that Ryan in session. here and nothing would have fired a Catholic chaplain for pray- port. Father Conroy was approved hadn’t spoken to him directly but House Minority Leader Nancy changed.” ing for the poor.” unanimously as the 60th chaplain had his chief of staff ask for his Pelosi, D-California, said she wel- Some have speculated that a On April 27, House Democrat- of the U.S. House of Representa- resignation. comed Ryan’s decision to let Con- prayer he said in November as ic Caucus Chairman Joseph Crow- tives May 25, 2011. Pope among those mourning death of toddler Alfie Evans By Simon Caldwell ish media. am deeply moved by the death But that same day, Alfie was Catholic News Service Tom Evans, a Catholic, an- of little Alfie. Today I pray espe- taken off his ventilator, and he nounced the death of his son cially for his parents, as God the was expected to die imminently. LIVERPOOL, England — Pope on Facebook later that day with Father receives him in his tender He began breathing unaided, Francis said he was mourning words: “My gladiator lay down embrace.” prompting appeals by his par- the death of English toddler Alfie his shield and gained his wings at The Vatican-owned Bambino ents to the High Court and then Evans, who died four days after 02:30 ... absolutely heartbroken Gesu hospital in Rome offered the Court of Appeal to allow doctors withdrew his life support ... I LOVE YOU MY GUY.” to care for Alfie, although doc- their son to leave the country. system. Alfie’s mother, Kate James, tors who examined him said not The 23-month-old boy died wrote: “Our baby boy grew his much could be done but to make Judges upheld the original at about 2:30 a.m. April 28 after wings tonight at 2:30 a.m. We him comfortable. decision that it was in the “best his father, Tom Evans, spent 10 are heartbroken.” On April 23, the Italian gov- interests” of Alfie, who suffered minutes trying to revive him by Soon afterward, Pope Fran- ernment granted citizenship to from a severe degenerative mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, cis, who had met Tom Evans at the boy so he could be evacuated brain condition, to be allowed CNS photo/Kate Evans, Alfies Army Office Facebook group according to reports in the Brit- the Vatican April 18, tweeted: “I by a waiting air ambulance. to die. Alfie Evans died on April 28.

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his weekend the church celebrates the Feast of Pentecost. The Acts of the Apostles provides Isn’t visiting the sick a pastor’s duty? the first reading, the dramatic story of the first Pentecost. In this passage, the imagery is very I read your column every week in our archdioc- visits a grieving family and can alert Timportant, since these images spoke volumes to those the priest to particular situations persons in the first century Palestine who heard the esan paper, and I have a question for you. What is that need his attention. story. the role of the parish priest at the time of the seri- For example, the story tells that suddenly, as the Our pastor is difficult to Apostles and the community of Christians were gath- Q ous illness and death of a parish member? understand ered in a secluded place in Jerusalem, a strong, loud I recently lost my husband after a reach out to a parishioner who was I am having a difficult time with wind was heard and felt. In the Old Testament, God long illness, the last several months seriously ill, I respectfully — but the pastor we have here in our often appeared with, or in the midst of, a strong, loud Q of which he was not able to attend strongly — disagree. He may have parish. He is not a native American, wind. Mass. The priest never inquired been concerned about not wanting has a strong accent and is very diffi- God came in the form of fire on several occasions about him, called him or came to to “frighten” the person by show- cult to understand. I feel it is unfair in the Old Testament, as when God spoke to Moses visit. And he never got in touch with ing up unannounced, but that issue from a burning bush. Small flames, or tongues of fire, that, because of this, our deacon me after my husband’s death. appeared and settled above the Apostle is resolved simply — by calling the has to preach so often, and I fear A parishioner had told the priest As would be the case today, communication among family ahead of time to ask if the that we may be losing some of our that my husband’s condition was people then was burdened by the differences among individual might welcome a visit. youth as a result. I continue to at- the many languages. (Another image is here. In the getting worse and that perhaps he If yours is a large parish, I am not tend Mass every weekend and am view of pious Jews, multiple human languages did should call. According to her, the surprised that the priest did not no- just hoping that something can be not just evolve but were the direct result of efforts to priest told her that it was not his tice your husband’s absence imme- resolved. (Virginia) place to reach out to us, but our avoid God’s justice and to out-maneuver God.) diately — but, as you said, he was Certainly parishioners have a place to reach out to him. (Louis- After being empowered by the Holy Spirit, the alerted to the situation. right to, and expect to, hear ville, Kentucky) A Apostles were understood in all languages. The peo- I do know, from my own expe- often from their pastor. So I agree ple saw in this a sign that God willed the Gospel to A parish priest’s duty is to care rience, that with the shortage of that it is not appropriate for him to be heard by all, and further, that through Christ sins A for the sick. Nothing could be priests (in most U.S. parishes right be replaced most of the time by a were forgiven. clearer than that. The church’s Code now a single priest can serve hun- deacon as the homilist. God produced the many human languages to pun- of Canon Law says this: dreds, even thousands, of parishio- What if, instead, your pastor ish the people for their defiance long ago. “In order to fulfill his office ners), it is difficult for a priest to get wrote the homily for most Sundays The reading lists the nationalities represented in diligently, a pastor is to strive to around to see everyone he wants and had it read by the deacon? Jerusalem on this important Jewish feast day. It ac- know the faithful entrusted to his to — but a seriously ill parishioner (That way the congregation would tually notes almost every major area of the Roman care. Therefore he is to visit fami- would automatically jump to the top understand it more readily, but it Empire. All nations therefore were eligible to hear the lies, sharing especially in the cares, of my “must do” list. So I am truly would be explained to them that the Gospel of Christ. anxieties and griefs of the faithful, sorry for what happened in your message itself came from the pas- St. Paul’s First Epistle to Corinth supplies the sec- strengthening them in the Lord. ... case, and I apologize on the church’s tor.) Also, have you thought about ond reading. Paul declared that no human conclu- With generous love, he is to help behalf. communicating your concern to sion, in and of itself, can truly impel a person to turn the sick, particularly those close to As for a follow-up visit or call af- your parish council — or even to the to Christ. Secondly, the very life of Jesus, given in death, by refreshing them solicitous- ter your husband’s death, that is an pastor directly? the Holy Spirit, dwells within each Christian, uniting ly with the sacraments and com- excellent practice. With some par- Christians in a very basic bond. mending their souls to God” (Canon ishes doing upward of 100 funerals Questions may be sent to Father Ken- When people open themselves fully and humbly 529.1). a year, a single priest cannot always neth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@gmail. to God, the Spirit comes to them. They recognize the So if the priest you speak of actu- do this, but in a number of parishes com and 30 Columbia Circle Dr., Al- Lord. They no longer are blind. ally said that it was not his place to there is a “bereavement team” that bany, New York 12203. St. John’s Gospel supplies the last reading. It recalls the visit by Jesus, crucified but risen, to the Apostles who are afraid, anxiously huddled together. Jesus, undeterred by locked doors, appears in their midst, bringing peace and confidence. The Beatitudes He is the only source of true insight and of Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. strength. The Lord commissions the Apostles to continue the work of salvation. He bestows the Holy Spirit on them, conferring powers far above all human power by empowering them to forgive sins, a divine power, and giving them the right to judge the goodness, or otherwise, of the actions of others. Reflection For weeks the church joyfully has proclaimed the glory and divinity of Jesus, victorious over death. Throughout the process, the church has been careful to say that Jesus did not come into, and then depart, human history. He still lives. In remembering Pentecost, the church tells us how the Lord is with us. He now lives, through the Holy Spirit, in the community of the church, guided by the Apostles. Pentecost already was a Jewish feast. It was the day when they acknowledged, and rejoiced in, their national identity and ethnic cohesiveness, and specifi- cally in the vital link between their nation and God. For Christians, the new Pentecost celebrates their own cohesiveness, created by their common realiza- tion of life in God. No mere earthly differences mat- ter. God offers salvation to all humanity. The Holy Spirit creates and refreshes this union. Signs make abundantly clear that God is within us in Christ, offering us peace at present and joy in eternity. CNS photo/Paul Haring Nothing can deny us this access to God, except our Chilean clerical sex abuse survivors Juan Carlos Cruz, James Hamilton and Jose Andres Murillo attend a news conference at the own sin. Foreign Press Association building in Rome May 2. The three survivors met Pope Francis individually at the Vatican April 27-29. MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD FEATURES 17 Effie Caldarola FOR THE JOURNEY The need for apologies hen former first lady Barbara Bush died recently, memories of her good qualities abounded. In a culture where females are pres- Wsured to think a face-lift is just a matter of time and slimness is non-negotiable, she was an attractive natural with a matronly figure and soft white hair. A champion of literacy and a woman devoted to family, she was also known as being “ferociously tart-tongued” according to her daughter-in-law, first lady Laura Bush. That’s not always a bad thing, but it didn’t serve her well in 1984. That year, Geraldine Ferraro was the Democrats’ candidate for vice president, the first woman ever nominated to a major party ticket, running with presidential hopeful Walter Mondale. They were up against President Ronald Reagan and his vice presi- SpiritualifeFreeImages.com | Hugo Humberto Placido da Silva dent, Barbara’s husband George H.W. Bush. In a highly publicized remark, Mrs. Bush referred to Ferraro as “that 4 million dollar ... I can’t say it, Father Ron but it rhymes with rich.” The requisite canned apologies were quickly Rolheiser rendered and accepted, but the remark lingered in my idealistic young mind as catty and beneath the dignity of a presidential race. Of course, decades later, when we’ve become accustomed to degrading name-calling at the high- The shortcomings est level, Mrs. Bush’s comment seems tame indeed. Nevertheless, it lingered. However, in an article after her death, I read her of a digital immigrant 1988 reflections on that comment, and it changed my perspective entirely. nformation technology and sympathetic. But it’s for reasons what the effects of this would be “It was dumb of me. I shouldn’t have said it,” social media aren’t my mother of soul that I much prefer to have long-range. The technological revo- Mrs. Bush acknowledged. “It was not attractive, and tongue. I’m a digital immigrant. a book in my hand than a Kindle lution, I believe, is just as radical as I’ve been very shamed. I apologized to Mrs. Ferraro, I wasn’t born into the world of device. I’m not against information the industrial revolution and we are and I would apologize again.” Iinformation technology but migrat- technology; mainly it’s just that I’m its initial generation. At this time we Now, that’s genuine. Can you imagine a public ed into it, piece-meal. I first lived in not very good at it. I struggle with have no way of knowing where this figure today using the words “dumb” or “shame” to some foreign territories. the language. It’s hard to master will ultimately take us, for good or describe a mistake they had made? I was 9 years old before I lived a new language as an adult and I bad. Today’s apologies, if ever rendered, usually start with electricity. I had seen it before; envy the young who can speak this But one negative that seems al- with “I’m sorry if someone was but neither our home, our school, language well. ready evident is that the revolution offended ...” as if the real fault nor our neighbors had electricity. What’s to be said about the revo- within information technology we Instead of digging lies with those of us who took Electricity, when I first saw it, was a lution in information technology? Is are living through is destroying the offense, oversensitive souls that huge revelation. And while I grew it good or bad? few remaining remnants we still in, retrenching we are. up with radio, I was 14 before our Obviously, it has many positives: retain in terms of keeping “Sab- and defending That’s, of course, assuming family got its first television set. It’s making us the most informed bath” in our lives. The 13th century there is an apology. Again, this was a revelation — and people ever in the history of this mystic, Rumi, once lamented: “I his comments, The name-calling that manna for my adolescent hunger for world. Information is power and the have lived too long where I can marked the 2016 presidential connection to the larger world. Elec- internet and social be reached.” That’s Pope Francis took race has never provoked any tricity and television quickly became media have leveled infinitely truer of us criticism to heart apologies, nor do many remarks a mother tongue, one lit our home the playing field in We talk to each today than it was for that stain social media and and other brought the big world terms of access to those living in the public discourse nearly daily. The bar for civility has into it. But the phone was still for- information and this other less than we 13th century. Thanks been plummeting from the top down, and it’s trick- eign. I was 17 when I left home and is serving well the to the electronic de- ling into everything from the comments section of our family had never had a phone. developing nations text each other. We vices we carry around social media to the comedy performed at the White The phone wasn’t much to mas- in the world. More- have many virtual with us we can be House Correspondents’ Association dinner. ter, but it would be a goodly number over it’s creating one reached all the time Pope Francis recently provided a beautiful ex- of years before I mastered much in global village out friends but not — and, too often, let ample of apology. When he visited Chile in January, the brave new world of information of the whole world. ourselves be reached he made some unfortunate remarks about victims of technology: computers, the inter- We now know all of always many real all the time. The re- sexual abuse there, saying they were guilty of “cal- net, websites, mobile phones, smart our neighbors, not friends sult is that now we umny” for continuing to call out a bishop they feel phones, television and movie access just those who live no longer have any complicit in an abuse case. through the internet, cloud storage, nearby. We’re the time apart from what There was a huge uproar over the pope’s re- social media, virtual assistants, and best-informed and best-connected we regularly do. Our family times, marks. Instead of digging in, retrenching and de- the world of myriad apps. It’s been a people ever. our recreational times, our vacation fending his comments, Pope Francis took criticism to journey! I was 38 when I first used But all of this also has a pejora- periods, and even our prayer times heart, investigated further, and, according to Catho- a VCR, 42 before I first owned a tive underbelly: We talk to each are constantly rendered regular time lic News Service, “apologized for underestimating computer, 50 before I first accessed other less than we text each other. by our “being reached.” My fear is the seriousness of the crisis in Chile.” the web and used email, 58 when We have many virtual friends but that while we are going to be the He asked for forgiveness and began to meet I owned my first mobile phone, not always many real friends. We most informed people ever we may personally with those who had suffered from his the same age when I first set up a watch nature on a screen more well end up the least contemplative remarks. It’s almost unheard of to find such genuine website, 62 before I first texted, and than we ever physically touch it. We people ever. public acknowledgement of error. 65 before I joined Facebook. With spend more time looking at devices But I’m an outsider on this, a dig- Perhaps because we live in such a litigious soci- email, texting, and Facebook being in our hands than actually engaging ital immigrant. I need to bow to the ety, nobody wants to admit, “I did it.” But I think it all I can handle, I still do not have others face to face. I walk through judgments of those who speak this goes deeper than that. either an Instagram or Twitter ac- an airport or basically any other language as their mother tongue. The sacrament of reconciliation is neglected these count. I’m the only person in my im- public space and I see the majority days. Could one reason be a growing cultural disin- mediate religious community who of people staring at their phones. Is Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, clination to face the fact that we sometimes do and still prays the office of the church this a good thing? Does it foster for teacher and award-winning author, is say shameful things? We make it complicated, giving out of a book rather than off a mo- friendship and community or is it president of the Oblate School of Theol- ourselves excuses. We say “I’m sorry but ...” here’s bile device. their substitute? It’s too early to tell. ogy in San Antonio, Texas. He can be why it’s really your fault. I protest that paper has soul The initial generations who lived contacted through his website www. It takes a humble, truthful and thoughtful person while digital devices do not. The through the industrial revolution ronrolheiser.com or on Facebook www. to acknowledge error publicly. It’s both a gift to us, responses I get are not particularly did not have any way of knowing facebook.com/ronrolheiser. and an example we should follow. 18 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Richard Doerflinger A MORE HUMAN SOCIETY The paradoxes of inclusion n a recent homily, Bishop Robert E. Barron right- ly identified two paramount values in our secular culture: being “inclusive” and being “nonjudg- mental.” IThe two seem closely related. If you want to em- brace everyone in society, you avoid making moral judgments that banish some people to the margins. So all are welcome, along with their own moral views — unless they commit the sin of being judg- mental. Big problems emerge when a society tries to act on this idea. Take the federal law forbidding sex discrimina- tion, commonly called Title IX. Congress enacted it CNS photo/Karen Callaway, Catholic New World to end exclusivism at schools and colleges, where Parishioners pray the rosary near the grave of a Civil War soldier at St. James at Sag Bridge Parish in Lemont, Illinois, following a Mass in celebration of Memorial Day, May 25, 2015. women could not take part in athletic events or win institutional support for their sports teams. The law has worked well. But in the name of inclusion, the Obama adminis- Father Curtiss Dwyer tration reinterpreted it to protect those who identify COMMENTARY themselves as belonging to a gender they were not born with. The result? Men who identified as women could win all women’s tournaments that rely on upper ‘Do this in memory of me’ body strength. In theory, a college could legally have two wrestling teams — one made up of men, ur Memorial Day was originally known as ing, calling to mind, what Jesus spe- and one made up of men who identify as women. cifically did. And the law’s purpose, equal inclusion of women in “Decoration Day,” an opportunity to decorate The freedom and salvation we sports, is destroyed. Federal courts ended up reject- many graves of the over 600,000 men who know as Catholic Christians are ing the Obama proposal as contrary to Congress’ clearly traceable to a specific choice intent. died in the Civil War. It was, by far, our nation’s made by a man in sacrificing himself Inclusion also quickly becomes its opposite when Ocostliest war in terms of human life, about 2 percent of (Jn 10:18), just as the SEALs who it enforces its ban on “judgmentalism.” In their zeal the entire population. Today, that would translate into 6.5 escaped the otherwise-deadly blast to include same-sex relationships under the banner that day on the rooftop are alive of marriage, for example, some have launched legal million people. Memorial Day honors all who have died in today because of a specific choice of attacks against Christian bakers, florists and others military service to our country since its inception. a man to sacrifice himself. Memorial Day is an opportunity, trying to live by their Christian beliefs on marriage. But why should we, as a nation of course: Jesus Christ. What Our Driving people from their livelihood based on their as a nation, to remember and ap- and as Catholics, remember some- Lord did to save us could not have preciate those who have died so religion is an obvious example of exclusion. thing so ... grim? been more selfless or clearly inten- Or take the public campaign against the fast- that we might live ... freely. The civil It was September 2006. The tional. blessings of stability, prosperity and food chain Chick-fil-A because it is opening outlets rooftop was sweltering. Three U.S. “Do this in memory of me” (1 in New York City. The chain’s owners believe in the freedom we enjoy are a testament to Navy SEALs were in an “overwatch” Cor 11:24). the price they paid. As Catholics, we historic Christian view of marriage. Gay rights advo- position on a Ramadi home with We know from his official biog- remember those who have gone be- cates oppose this “infiltration” of New York, in line two Iraqi soldiers. It had been an raphy that Michael Monsoor “de- fore and pray for their souls. I, like with the sentiment Gov. Andrew Cuomo expressed eventful morning, but it was quiet at votionally” attended Catholic Mass many priests on Memorial Day, will last year: “As a New Yorker, I am a Muslim. I am a the moment. From below, without prior to his missions. Apparently, he offer Mass for the repose of those Jew. I am black. I am gay. I am a woman seeking to warning, someone lobbed a gre- was a man who intentionally sought who have died in service to our control her body. We are one New York.” nade. It bounced off Petty Officer to integrate his faith with his daily great nation. Honoring the fallen is But pro-life citizens, faithful Catholics and other 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor’s life of military service. How many important for us sinners who tend traditional Christians — not to mention people who chest, then clattered on the deck. times did he hear the to take our blessings enjoy delicious chicken sandwiches — may not be Penned together, all five were easy words following the for granted. welcome in this New York. prey for the grenade’s deadly spray consecration, “Do this Honoring the But maybe, most These campaigns have been launched against of shrapnel. At point-blank range, it in memory of me”? important of all, people seeking simply to live their own lives by couldn’t miss. How deeply was fallen is important Memorial Day can their beliefs. The Christian baker whose case is now Monsoor yelled, “Grenade!” and this Scripture etched help inspire us to before the Supreme Court, as well as the owners of made a snap decision that would in his mind and for us sinners the greatest thing Chick-fil-A, serve all customers equally. They believe mark him for all time. He flung him- memory as he went who tend to take of which we are ca- in the equal dignity of all people, but not the equal self onto the device, smothering it about his dangerous pable, by God’s grace: moral status of all actions and relationships. So the with his torso, just in time to absorb duties? What did it our blessings for sacrificial love. Love baker cannot in conscience make a wedding cake for the blast. The result was predict- mean to him? Jesus that sacrifices for the something his faith says is not a wedding. able; he lived only 25 minutes be- uttered these words granted. beloved is divine and If secular Americans want to include everyone, fore dying of his injuries. His com- at the Last Supper, the only true love. they will need to welcome even people with Chris- panions escaped with only scratches just before his own stunningly self- In remembering what Our Lord tian convictions. That doesn’t mean endorsing those and minor wounds. sacrificial action on the cross. Did did, what all his saints have done convictions. Perhaps, like Christians, they could Because of the configuration of Monsoor make this profound con- in memory of him, and what oth- learn to “hate the sin but love (or at least not ex- the rooftop, only one of the five nection? ers such as Michael Monsoor have clude) the sinner.” men had a pathway of escape, had It is inconceivable that those who done, we are reoriented to what We Christians are called to something more de- he chosen to use it: Yes, Michael survived the rooftop blast would for- life is really all about. We are more manding. We hate the sin because we love the sin- Monsoor. For his stunningly self-sac- get Monsoor’s sacrifice. Their very likely, in our turn, to love someone ner, because sin hurts those who practice it. We are rificial action, he received the Medal lives are a testament to what he did at our expense. At its best, Memo- called to embrace every human being made in the of Honor, our nation’s highest mili- to save them. Likewise, the church’s rial Day is a civil and military echo image and likeness of God, and pray for all people tary honor, posthumously. As is writ- entire devotional life is about re- of a profound theological truth: that to attain their full God-given potential. That means ten in his official Navy Summary of membering — calling to mind some God, “who is love” (1 Jn 4:8), sacri- humbly making judgments about behavior that can Action, “Monsoor’s actions that day aspect of the paschal mystery, medi- ficed himself so that we might live could not have been more selfless or tating upon it, being present to it, block this from happening. (1 Pt 2:24). clearly intentional.” making it present to us. If others see that as judgmental, and therefore And Our Lord says to each of us: I tell recently commissioned Each time we devoutly pray the a sin, they might ask themselves how they can be “Do this in memory of me.” Catholic Marine officers the story rosary or walk the Stations of the judgmental against those who believe in the reality of this heroic Navy SEAL. And I ask Cross, for example, we are stirring of sin and grace. Father Curtiss Dwyer, a priest of the them who, further back in history, into fresh awareness what Jesus did Archdiocese of Denver, is a U.S. Navy perfectly embodied a sacrifice that to save us. Even more so, at Mass, Doerflinger worked for 36 years in the Secretariat of Pro- chaplain assigned to the Marines in “could not have been more selfless his sacrifice is actually made present Quantico, Virginia. Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. or clearly intentional.” The answer to us. Our faith is fed by remember- He writes from Washington state. MAY 18, 2018 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD FEATURES 19 Carolyn Woo OUR GLOBAL FAMILY A woman of uncompromising faith reparation for the 75th an- niversary of Catholic Relief Services calls to mind a truly remarkable woman whose Pwork has informed the Catholic social tradition, particularly in the United States during the last cen- tury. Sister Victoria Lavente, In my own case, I owe her a special debt. Though she is not well- Sisters of St. Paul of known beyond the peace movement Chartres circles, her legacy has probably VIRIDITAS: SOUL GREENING touched Catholics everywhere. I refer to the inimitable Eileen Egan who in 1943 was the first woman and first lay representative to go overseas for War Relief Ser- A caterpillar vices (eventually renamed Catholic Relief Services), newly formed by the bishops of the United States. Before there was any operating to a butterfly CNS file photo procedure and established protocol Polish displaced persons released from Siberian labor camps and arriving in Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP for such work, Egan ministered to Mexico stand next to a National Catholic Welfare Conference’s war relief services Hawaii Catholic Herald refugees from World War II, victims bus sometime near the end of World War II. Eileen Egan is center. of the Holocaust and displaced peo- issionaries adapt to wherever they are ple in Gaza, Pakistan, Hong Kong, sent. It can be a challenge. But at the India and elsewhere. Egan’s commitment to justice and devoted to peacemaking must allow same time it is an enriching experience Concomitant with her CRS as- peace also located her at the historic for the rights of an individual acting for all as we grow with each other spiri- signments, Egan became a force march in Selma with Dr. Martin Lu- on his conscience to not kill. It was Mtually, emotionally, psychologically and culturally. in the Catholic Worker movement, ther King Jr. and in correspondence an effort that spanned at least two Imagine two people walking together along the which led to a profound friendship with Father Thomas Merton. decades. The resolution was placed same road and ending in the same place. When the with Dorothy Day. Eileen Egan abhorred war. Born on the U.N. agenda in 1971 and ap- final destination is reached, they celebrate because She served as associate editor of in 1911 to an Irish family in Wales, proved in 1987. by the time they have reached the end they have The Catholic Worker, wrote and led she experienced the effects of World She was also the co-founder of been transformed anew. numerous external communications, War I. From her CRS work with vic- Pax Christi USA with the mission When I came to Hawaii 11 years ago, I came as a organized Day’s tours and events, tims, she saw war as the negation to call on the church to recover our caterpillar. Now, I am a butterfly. I became a differ- and was at her side during Day’s last of the incarnation of Christ in every own rich traditions from the Gospel ent person from the one that first arrived here. As I protest and arrest. As a biographer, person and the reversal of every cor- of nonviolence and to recognize in look back on my mission here, there were many ex- Egan’s books and essays have served poral work of mercy. the teachings of Christ that justice periences that cannot be measured. There was much as primary sources of materials on She could not accommodate war and the works of mercy are the only to be learned and people to get to know. We laughed the life and ministry of Day. for any reason and was particularly acceptable alternatives to war. together and cried together; we grew together. Perhaps holy women natu- concerned about the just-war theory Eileen Egan was a person who, There were many challenges, such as how to rally flock to each other. Circa India and the tolerance for nuclear weap- having seen the horrors of wars, did keep the school going, how to increase the enroll- 1955: Egan came upon the tiny nun ons. not just attend to their victims but ment, how to do things orderly and well. But be- of Kolkata and her residences that Her efforts at advocacy, includ- spent the rest of her life seeking the cause of human elements, even if you wish things to sheltered the most marginalized ing a lead editorial of a special issue only solution that aligns with the be really good, they will not all be that good. So at folks. Their suffering and appear- of The Catholic Worker titled “We Gospel. the end of the day I just say, “Tomorrow will be an- ances initially intimidated Egan. She are all under judgment,” influenced To do so, she wrote, marched, other day.” Tomorrow has its own problems. Thus, learned from Mother Teresa how to the church’s thinking at the Sec- critically assessed cultural values, what I need to do today, I just do it knowing that it engage these individuals by seeing ond Vatican Council. The resulting stereotypes and assumptions, orga- is God who is strengthening me. Christ in them. pastoral constitution “Gaudium et nized movements and challenged And when I feel like giving up, I know the feel- Egan then brought Mother Teresa Spes” denounced attacks on popula- the church she loved to accept noth- ing will pass because I do not really want to give up. on her first trip to the United States tion centers with weapons of mass ing less than what Christ stands for. Every day has its own problems and its own solu- to address the 1960 National Coun- destruction and the arms race, while tions. And so at night I pray, “Thank you, Lord that I cil of Catholic Women Conference supporting the rights of Catholics as Woo is distinguished president’s fel- survived the day. Please give me your strength to go in Las Vegas. A full-blown national conscientious objectors. low for global development at Purdue on again.” tour followed and included a meet- Egan continued to push the University and served as the CEO and The Scripture that keeps me grounded is “I can ing between Mother Teresa and United Nations on this last issue, president of Catholic Relief Services from do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Dorothy Day. making the point that an institution 2012 to 2016. (Phil. 4:13) It is my mantra all the time. I also have my religious community. When there are multiple issues to attend to, I tell them about it. They only need to listen to me as I need to figure out how to do things right. That is the beauty of religious life, Letters to the Herald you have your community as your back up, your strength, your post to lean on. You cannot be limp- Repeal assisted suicide acceptable. Our throw-away culture featured was Sister Francis Regis ing all the time. If I lose a leg, I still have three to of convenience needs a wake-up call Hadano who was my second grade support me in my community of four. What will it take to repeal Ha- regarding the value of ALL life. If we teacher in Hilo at St. Joseph El- One thing good about struggles, however, is waii’s new law supporting physi- humans are to advance as a species, ementary School. I have always con- that they draw you closer to God. Under trials, you cian-assisted suicide? we must give up all forms of vio- sidered her to be my mentor who can always feel the presence of God. Human help, For humanity to evolve, we must lence, and reach out proactively to provided us with the guidance, love, people, are there. But it is God who puts a period to relinquish violence which is ram- one another as members of a global and aloha spirit and look forward the statement, who answers the question and who pant in our culture. Murder of oth- community. to periodically to our phone calls no laughs at the exclamation point. If I am surprised ers and murder of self are forms of Please do yourself a favor and matter how far apart we are. every day, God is even more surprised every day. violence. consider having an honest dialogue Bowman Olds His answers may not be the ones I want, but they Rather than contriving ways to with your legislator about repealing are good answers, that keep me saying, “Good, it is Washington, D.C. remove people from the planet, we the bill. done.” Tomorrow is another day. Terri Donovan Mansfield are invited to creatively and com- Letters are welcome. Letters should per- I am not the kind of person who looks back at the Kapaa problems of the past. The past is done. It is a burden passionately think of ways to sup- tain to a story or issue in the Hawaii to have a lot of baggage. It is difficult to walk if you port people on the planet. Catholic Herald, be courteous, and have a lot of baggage. When I travel, I travel light. Hawaii is a role model for “oha- Memories of second grade not exceed 250 words. Letters must na” and “aloha” and family support; Mahalo for the outstanding ar- be signed and include an address and Sister Victoria Lavente is a Sister of St. Paul of Chartres the exact opposite of physician- ticle featuring our 17 sisters and phone number for verification. Letters based in the Philippines. She arrived in Honolulu in 2007 assisted suicide. Having experienced priests spanning the past 25 to may be edited for length and clarity. to be principal of St. Anthony School in Kalihi. The school the horrific suicides of two of my 70 years. This historic portrayal Send them to Letters to the Herald, closes at the end of this school year. Her next mission is in young adult nephews, I fail to un- brought back so many precious and 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI Dubai. derstand why Hawaii’s new law is blessed memories. The first person 96813 or to [email protected]. 20 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • MAY 18, 2018 Saints Cristobal Magallanes Diversions Jara 5. Geography 1869-1927 Hawaii Catholic The Archdiocese of Suva is located in: May 21 a. Fiji CNS b. Tonga This Mexican saint shares his feast Harold’s Quiz c. Samoa with 21 other priests and three laymen martyred d. Vanuatu between 1915 and 1937, when Mexican authorities Dear Herald Geniuses, what better way tions, is being shown from May to October persecuted the Catholic Church. Many of these Cris- to spend a few spare minutes than to in- in part at: 6. Scriptures tero martyrs, canonized in 2000, were tortured and dulge in Catholic trivia on the back page a. The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Ascension of the Lord was celebrated executed when apprehended. Father Magallanes, a of the Hawaii Catholic Herald. Well, yes, b. The Modern Museum of Art on Sunday, May 13. In the Gospel reading zealous pastor in his home state of Jalisco, also did there may be better ways, but since you c. The Art Institute of Chicago from Mark, Jesus tells his disciples that mission work among the indigenous Huicholes. Be- are here, why not test your knowledge of d. The Guggenheim those who believe will drive out: fore they were shot, he said to his priest-companion, all things catholica. a. Devils “Be at peace, my son; it takes but one moment, then 3. Church in Hawaii b. Spirits it will be heaven.” ©2018 Catholic News Service 1. Pope c. Phantoms True or false: Hawaii County has more par- In what year did Pope Francis succeed Pope d. Demons ishes and missions than Maui County. Benedict XVI, who last month celebrated his 91st birthday? a. True 7. In the Herald a. 2011 b. False How long has the Cathedral Basilica of Our b. 2012 Lady of Peace been confirming second- c. 2013 4. Saints graders, according to the last issue of the d. 2014 True or false: St. Damien’s feast day was Hawaii Catholic Herald? Thursday, May 10. Joseph de Veuster ar- a. 14 years Schwadron 2. Current events rived in Hawaii in 1864 and was ordained b. 33 years The art show “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion a priest at the Cathedral of Our Lady of c. 26 years and the Catholic Imagination,” which Peace. d. 7 years includes 40 vestments and accoutrements a. True from the papal office of liturgical celebra- b. False Answers: 1, c; 2, a; 3, b; 4, a; 5, a; 6, d; 7, c

Movie review Overboard single mother of three (Anna are hardly likely to imitate the (MGM) Faris) when she comes to clean heroine’s actions — the film offers the vessel’s carpets. When he an entertaining parable about re- Director and co-writer Rob subsequently falls overboard and demption. Greenberg’s surprisingly buoy- awakens with amnesia, she sees Implied premarital sexual activ- ant remake of the 1987 romantic press coverage of the situation ity, fleeting male rear nudity, some comedy offers a fresh take on the and, with the encouragement of sexual banter, occasional crude original’s zany forgotten-identity her boss (Eva Longoria), decides language, an obscene gesture. plot while also avoiding its frivo- to take advantage of it by posing (CNS/Schwadron) lous treatment of adultery. as his wife and taking him home. The Catholic News Service The spoiled scion (Eugenio As the wastrel adjusts to his classification is A-III — adults. Derbez) of one of Mexico’s richest new, impoverished lifestyle, a The Motion Picture Association of families whiles away his days on a transformation is in store. Taken America rating is PG-13 — parents luxury yacht, awash in booze and strictly as a comic fantasy — the strongly cautioned. Some material Scripture search® surrounded by lovelies. He clashes abduction and deception are not may be inappropriate for children PAT KASTEN with a sensible but cash-strapped to be condoned, though viewers under 13. Gospel for May 20, 2018 John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for Pentecost Sunday: the arrival of the Catholic crossword Holy Spirit on the Church. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. ACROSS United States 40 Help out on a job 20 Writer 41 Lucifer 1 “None of us lives PENTECOST ADVOCATE COMES to himself, and 22 ___ Pence 42 Bathing suit tops FATHER SPIRIT TRUTH none of us ___ 23 Vane reading 43 Not mortal TESTIFY YOU ALSO BECAUSE to himself.” (Rom 24 In abundance 44 Sixth planet 14:7) 25 Immature insects 47 Loafer letters WITH ME BEGINNING CANNOT 5 Chutzpah 29 Refer to a biblical 48 ___ Tekakwitha GUIDE SPEAK HIS OWN 10 Abundance passage 49 Island of Australia HE HEARS DECLARE THINGS 14 Hebrew month 30 Lend ___ 54 Matthew, for one 15 Enthusiastic 31 See 31D 56 ___ to Emmaus GLORIFY ME MINE REASON 16 Book containing 32 Shem’s eldest son 57 Covered in gold calendar of 36 Swindle (var.) WHAT HE HEARS Masses 37 Ride runner 58 Passenger 17 Three-year-old 38 Mr. Arnaz 59 Patron saint of E T R U T H E H E A R S salmon 39 One without Canada 18 Holy day of benefits, 60 Chance for a S P E A K L E D I U G P obligation in the probably musician to shine 61 Cunningly U D E C L A R E W N L I Answer to previous puzzle 62 Disorder A C E N I M J O I A O R C O L T T N R H T D R I DOWN E M L T W E T R H V I T 1 Notre ___ 12 Worship daughter combo 45 Whatsoever 2 Marriage vows 13 Spanish titles 32 First place 46 A bit before the B E A O A O C C M O F E 3 Big rabbit 19 Catholic Brazilian 33 Priestly tribe hour F S S S N G F O E C Y S features soccer great 34 The Archdioceses 47 Artist’s support 4 Span. lass 21 Liturgical ___ of Tokyo and 48 Small barrels F I O N A N A M S A M T 5 His feast day is 24 What Goliath was Mandalay are 49 Orderly H N A F A T H E R T E I February 3 25 The ___ Supper here 50 Biblical name for 6 Charlotte’s 26 An end to 35 Factory Syria J C G N I N N I G E B F dessert? repent? 37 Airlines 51 3 PM prayer E L A I N O S L A U O Y 7 Aide (abbr.) 27 Printer’s purchase 41 Determine 52 Fleming and 8 Alphabet string 28 Beguile 42 Town name McKellen © 2018 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com 9 Compassion 29 Goddess of ending 53 Summer drinks 10 ___ voce tillage 43 Sacristy 55 Diamond lady 11 Tearful one 31 With 31A, a father 44 St. Dominic ___