t $ - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Feb.». IWT MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS School budget Johnson recalls Pitt takes lead goes to Weiss long-ago winters In the Big East ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 12 Put your money A m erican Heart where your heart is. Association Mmxdmtn limlh WERE r g h u n g f o r v q u r u f e ) Manchester - A City ol Village Charm

How Are Your Heart Fund Dollars Spent? Tuesday, Feb. 10,1987 30 Cents Phase-in F • Summer Fellowships introduce College Students to Car­ Speakers Bureau of doctors teaches school children, Soviets free diovascular Research. civic and fraternal groups, church and club organizations • CPR Classes instruct groups of nurses, paramedics, poli­ on heart risks. unlikely cemen and firemen and emergency rescue personnel in 140 dissidents life-savings techniques for heart victims. Lectures, Seminars and films keep physicians and nurses to pass • Heart Care Classes teach patients and families how to live informed on latest developments in cardiovascular medi­ E following a heart attack. cine. • Screening programs detect high blood pressure in adults. Legislator says from prison • Literature, films and audio-visual aids oh heart care are ' Answers to all questions concerning heart disease are other bills would distributed on request. provided and referral services offered. shift tax burden Bv Carol J. Williams The Associated Press By George Loyng ffeait Research and M escal Stalls Give Thousands Herald Reporter MOSCOW — The Soviet Union announced today that 140 dissidents have been freed from prison or A proposal that would allow labor camp and said other appeals of People a Second Chan€x. Manchester and other towns to for clemency were being phase in higher assessments from considered. property tax revaluations will face Foreign Ministry spokesman its first test Wednesday when it is Gennady Gerasimov said the pri­ considered by the General Assemb­ soners were freed by decree of the THIS PAGE PAID FOR AND SPONSORED BY THE ly’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Supreme Soviet, the nominal parli­ Committee. ament, on Feb. 2 and on Monday. “ As you probably know, the The measure, introduced by state Soviet Union has been re­ Sen. Michael P. Meotti, D- examining a number of cases, FOLLOWING CIVIC MINDED BUSINESSES... Glastonbury. at the request of especially cases related to those Manchester town officials, would sentenced on (Article 70) of the make it easier for residents to pay Soviet criminal code, concerning B O U N D BROTHERS, INC. CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY FRONT PARLOUR BEAUTY their revised real efilate tax bills. anti-Soviet propaganda,” Gera­ 51 BIssell Streat "Quality Service At It's Beat" 465 Hartford Road The legislation would replace a law simov said. Manchester • 649*2947 Route 83 Manchester • 649*7897 that expired in 1985, and it would During the weekend, dissident Talcottville • 643*0016 allow a phase-in over three years. sources in Moscow reported the early release from prison or camps JOHN H. U P P E N , INC. However, state Sen. William A. of more than 40 dissidents. NATAN SHARANSKY 164 East Center Street NISSAN BY DECORMIER piBella, D-Hartford, co^hairman The releases were hailed by .. thousands more in Jail CARDINAL BUICK, INC. "Sales, Service & Parts" of the committee, said today it is Soviet dissidents and the West, who Manchester • 649*5261 "A touch above first class." 285 Broad Street unlikely the legislation will win nevertheless cited estimates that about 1,500 Soviets remained jailed criminal code,” Gerasimov said. 81 Adams Street Manchester • 643*4165 approval. He said other measures Manchester • 649*4571 are being considered that could for their views. Natan Sharansky, He did not provide details of the GANOIDS BY CAROL result in the tax burden being who changed his name from review. 963 Main Street " shifted from homeowners.' Anatoly B. Shcharansky after being Earlier today, militiamen and Manchester • 649*6619 THE MANCHESTER HERALD s’ released a year ago, said in an plainclothes security police pre­ AL’S SPIRIT SHOPPE Manchester began working on its vented Begun’s wife and son from 16 Brainard Place interview published Sunday in The 225 Spencer StreOt revaluation of homes and buildings, New York Times that he believed leaving their apartments to demon­ Manchester • 643*2711 Manchester • 647*1840 in the fall of 1985, and the work is the total was 5,000-10,000. strate for his release. NORTHWAY REXALL scheduled to be completed for use in The mass release fits a pattern of Inna Begun, wife of the Hebrew PHARMACY levying taxes on July 1, 1988. The gestures by Soviet leader Mikhail S. teacher imprisoned on charges of DONALD S. GENOVESI revaluation is expected to reveal an Gorbachev that appears designed anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ “Pm criptlon Specialists" HALL & MUSKA OIL increase in the value of taxable to quiet Western criticism and ganda, told The Associated Press 230 North Main Street INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 152 Broad Brook Road property in Manchester since the demonstrate that some previously by telephone that six policemen 0 Manchester • 646*4510 “Serving the Manchester Area for OvetSO Years" Melrose • 623*3308 last revaluation was done in 1977. forbidden subjects such as religion were barring her apartment door 945 Main Street and emigration now can be and others were near the entrance . . The revaluation will ultimately to the building. Manchester • 643*2131 discussed. BROWN’S FLOWERS, INC. *■ result in a tax decrease for most Those whose releases were re­ 163 Main Street LENOX PHARMACY residents. However, in the first few ported during the weekend by THE WILLIAM BELFIORE 299 East Center Street years, rates for some taxpayers Nobel Peace laureate Andrei Sak­ Manchester • 643*6455 harov and his wife, Yelena Bonner, Manchester • 649*0896 will increase because the tax State faces AGENCY . burden is shifted back from motor said they had not been required to CARTER CHEVROLET 431 Main Street : vehicle and personal property to sign any statements or make any promises to refrain from future 1129 Main Street Manchester • 647*1413 ; real estate taxes, Manchester As­ billions in ORLANDO ANNULLI & sessor J. Richard Vincent said. dissident activity. Manchester • 646*6464 But Gerasimov said today the GRAMES PRINTING SONS, INC. Vincent explained that motor AP photo releases were initiated by each road work JACK J. LAPPEN REALTY “Same day service when you need It In a hurry." 147 Hale Road, P.O. Box 669 vehicle and personal property prisoner’s application for pardon. 700 Hartford Road Manchester • 644*2427 reassessments are done every Loves a parade Some imprisoned dissidents have "You get action with Jack Lappan" year, but real estate revaluation is declined to make the applications, Ha r t f o r d (AP) — The state Manchester • 643*6669 257 East Center Street done only every 10 year.s, as he said, citing the case of impri­ might have to spend $2.5 billion to David Wagner, a prop artist for Blaine strangers wanting to get a preview of the widen Interstate 95 and the Merritt Manchester • 643*4263 required by state law. Over the soned Jewish activist Josef Begun. JOYCE G. EPSTEIN REAL Kern Artists, works on one of the many floats that will parade through the “ When an individual draws the and Wilbur Cross parkways unless JACKSON ft JACKSON ' course of 10 years, this results in steps are taken to ease traffic real estate assessments rising less projects for the upcoming Mardi Gras In streets of New Orleans during the Mardi government’s attention to his or her ESTATE Gras season. case and promises to stop the congestion in southwest Connecti­ REAL ESTATE than the other two categories New Orleans, La. While Wagner works, cut by 2010, according to a state MANCHESTER OIL & HEAT Don Jsckion Rose Viols Jsckson “Where The Individual Qeta Attention." behavior considered anti-Soviet Blue (lower right) keeps an eye out for Department of Transportation "Quality Fuel Products" 168 Main Street 349 East Center Street But after a revaluation, for propaganda, then this is being example, motor vehicle and per- considered and as a rule his or her report. 61 Loomis Street Manchester • 647*8895 The department also outlined a Manchester • 647*8400 sonal property tax bills may fall by request is being granted,” Gera­ series of less expensive alterna­ Manchester • 647*9137 $200 when the burden on them is simov told a news briefing at the Soviet Foreign Ministry. tives in the report released Mon­ DAIRY QUEEN JAMES R. McCAVANAGH lessened. Vincent said. The higher Stations say talks under way day, including improved rail ser­ OLYMPIA DELICATESSEN - values for homes and buildings. Asked if there would be more 684 Hartford Road prisoners released, he said “ of vice and construction of special 697 Main Street REALTY ■ though, could increase tax bills by commuter lanes to encourage ride­ Manchester • 647*1076 course, as soon as more applica­ Manchester • 643*0809 "Residential A Commercial Sales" $300, he said. The overall tax-rate tions are considered, this figure will sharing in the southwest corridor increase would be less than if a 237 East Center Street increase.” from New Haven to the New York revaluation were not done. between kidnappers, Israel border. KRAUSE FLORIST & Manchester« 649*3800 He said the Justice Ministry was PAP AUTO PARTS ; The phase-in legislation would undertaking a review of the crimi­ Without such measures, 1-95 will 307 East Center Street GREENHOUSES . make it easier for residents to pay Bv Rlmo Salameh reports. She said on behalf of the wives nal code, which includes articles on have to be widened from six lanes to “Largest Retail Qrowers In Manchester" the higher real estate tax rates. The Associated Press The radio stations said the that they “ will continue to strive anti-Soviet slander and anti-Soviet 12, the parkways widened from four Manchester • 649*3528 lanes to eight and 30 train cars and 621 Hartford Road TED CUMMINGS - Following Manchester’s 1977 reva- hostages would be part of a deal to day and night and ... continue to agitation and propaganda that are BEIRUT, Lebanon — The kid­ swap the airman, who was cap­ help until a satisfactory resolution commonly used against dissidents. 2,700 parking spaces added to the Manchester • 643*9559 ■ luation, taxes were phased in over INSURANCE AGENCY five years. nappers of three Americans and an tured Oct. 16 when his fighter- is reached.” “ This process is one of simplify­ 9 AL SIEFFERrS 378 Main Street Indian are involved in secret bomber was shot down by Shiite The International Committee of ing, and a certain softening of, the Please tarn to page 8 DiBella said that the finance Manchester • 646*2457 negotiations with Israel after put­ Moslem Amal militiamen, for the the Red Cross, meanwhile, denied APPLIANCES, TV-AUDIO PRESTIGE PRINTING INC. '. committee is exploring a change ting off plans to kill the four Arab prisoners. today the radio stations’ reports 445 Hartford Road 135 Main Street that would allow revaluations to be educators at Monday midnight, The group that kidnapped the that it might be involved in done every few years instead of negotiations. Spokeswoman Fran- TODAY’S HERALD Manchester • 647*9997 Manchester • 646*6161 Beirut radio stations said today. three Americans and an Indian, SULUVAN ft CO. every 10. Vincent said the town The Christian-run Voice of Le­ Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of coise Derron said in Geneva, “ The Advertising Specialties ■ could do this now with the help of banon and the Moslem Voice of the Palestine, announced at midnight it ICRC is never a negotiator.” Chairman charged VILLAGE CUTS 606 Main Street computers, and it would prevent Nation reported that under the was postponing "until further no­ Amal militia leader Nabih Berri, Suicide attempt? 65 Ciinton Street MANCHESTER DRUG Manchester • 649*6523 the large changes in tax burden proposed deal, Israel would free 400 tice” its deadline for killing the whose men hold the captured Robert C. McFarlane, the former The word among tow truck 8 Manchester • 643*6637 “Prescription Specialists" shifts — and the need for a phase-in Arab prisoners in return for the hostages because of "certain posi­ airman, on Friday proposed an presidential adviser whose mission operators in Waterbury was that if exchange of the Israel and four 717 Main Street — every 10 years. release of the four hostages and of a tive points” in statements by Peres. to Tehran was at the heart of U.S. they wanted city contracts they had captured Israeli airman. The group said it wanted the hostages for the prisoners. It was arms shipments to Iran, remains to pay off Democratic Town (^air­ JU JEWELERS Manchester • 649-4541 J. GARMAN, CLOTHIER DiBella said that a key to the The stations said their informa­ “ fastest clarification” of these not clear if Berri was involved in man Thomas F. Gahan, according entire assessment issue is what hospitalized today for what police 785 Main Street 887 Downtown Main Street tion that a "hush-hush deal with points. the reported negotiations. are investigating as a suicide to court papers. Gahan, a 39-year- ' Hartford’s revaluation will reveal Israel’s Foreign Ministry spokes­ Manchester • 643-8484 Manchester • 643-2401 Israel" was under way came from Peres said Sunday Israel was attempt. McFarlane. 49. was taken old New Haven County deputy A. RAYMOND ZERIO ft , when it is completed next year. He “ reports from Washington and willing to discuss trading Arab man, Ehud Gol, refused today to to Bethesda Naval Medical Center sheriff, was arrested Monday. iaid that the value of commercial other capitals." prisoners for the Israeli airman. comment on the kidnappers de­ in a Maryland suburb of Washing­ Story on page 4. SONS, INC. property has increased dramati- In Israel, however, Israeli offi­ The kidnappers demanded the mands for clarification. He said ton after he swallowed 25 to 30 - cally because of the sales of cials said today they were not release of “ 400 Palestinians” held Israel "does not react to every word Valium pills, said detective Lauren Index 7 LYNCH MOTORS 409 New State Road STRAND REAL ESTATE ;ilowntown property, which could involved in negotiations for the from kidnappers. Every five nnln- 500 West Center Street Manchester • 643-5168 by Israel. Acquaviva of the Montgomery 28 pagMt 4 ogetlono Putting you first Is second nature to us. :1ead to higher commercial release of U.S. hostages in Le­ The wives of the four captive utes they come up with something County Police Department. Story Manchester • 646*4321 156 East Center Street * Assessments. banon, but left the door open for educators today expressed grati­ new.” on page 5. Advice. .10 Lottery. talks about the Israeli aviator. tude to the kidnappers for extend­ The Voice of Lebanon said senior Automotive 1^ 2 2 M H 8 W orld___24 Manchester • 647-7653 ' ' If this occurs, it would lessen the Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon ing “ until further notice” a dead­ officers of the Israeli-backed South Business — 23, 20 Obttuarles__— 0 THE W. J. IRISH tax burden on residential property Lebanon Army, which holds 200 to Peres said no U.S. request was. line to kill their husbands. Clear and cold Classified _ 20-20 Opinion . . 1 0 iWANCHESTER SAFE ft owners, he said. 400 Shiite prisoners, have shown received to bargain for foreign “ We thank you from the bottom of Comics I — 20 People ■_ 2 INSURANCE AGENCY captives and indicated Israel would willingness to consider freeing Clear and cold tonight with lows LOCK CO. ; In addition, the finance commit- out hearts for showing compassion Connecticut — 4 S po rts____12-14 "Service You Can Trust" SPRUCE STREET MOBILE not act without one. them. 10 to 15. Winds diminishing tonight. - tee is considering the creation of a toward our beloved husbands,” Entertainment 10 Tslovlslon 10 109 Center Street 150 North Main Street 220 Spruce Street State Department spokeswoman said Flryal Polhill, the Lebanese The mainly Christian militia Wednesday will be mostly sunny, 'sta te tax assessment board that high in the middle 30s. Details on Focus 0 U.8./Wortd _ 5 . 7 Manchester • 643*6922 Manchester • 646-1232 Manchester • 649-3487 Sondra McCarty had no comment wife of hostage Robert Polhill of holds the prisoners near the village * would decide on the fairness of tax page 2. Local new s_3.0 Weather------2 ~ Assessments, DiBella said. in Washington today on the radio New York City. of Khiam. MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10,1967 - 3 t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuwday. Feb. 10.1987 School board sends budget to Weiss Mancheater/Area WEATHER One educator complains spending plan ‘missed the boat’ Towns In Brief ull Connecticut forecast By John Mitchell to a $20,000 minimum. The town gram, asked the board to consider supplies and equipment. "We have Waterhouse elected by officers 111 Herald Reporter Board of Directors approved a new contributing $14,000 for the entire not even kept up with Inflation,” Central, Eastern Interior, Sonthwestcm: To­ teachers’ contract last week which cost. Members of the team, the only Maffe said. ‘‘I think that’s a pretty Manchester police Sgt. Gary A. Waterhouse was elected interscholastic athletic program at night, clear and cold. Low 10 to 15. Wednesday, The $31,805,538 budget recom­ entitles the town to state money sad commentary.” second vice president of the Narcotic Enforcement Officers the high school not completely Maffe urged the board to consider mostly sunny. High in the middle 30s. mended by School Superintendent totaling $432,498 this year and Association of Connecticut at the group’s recent annual meeting. $867,120 next year to upgrade funded by the school board, pay the students more next year, and to West Coastal, East Coastal: Tonight, clear. Low James P. Kennedy, which includes At the same meeting, association members elected Hamden teachers’ salaries. $250 each per year to play. plan for inflation. around 20. Wednesday, mostly sunny. High 35 to 40. an extra $soo subsidy for the police Detective Gary Komoroski as first vice president and Mandiester High School hockey "We now have an official agree­ Kennedy said maintenance re­ re-elected Bethel police Capt. James P. O’Hara to a third term as Northwest Hills: Tonight, clear and cold. Low 10 School board member Jo-Anne quests often go unanswered. to 15. Wednesday, mostly sunny. High around 30. team, was approved unanimously ment and can begin to put those Moriarty suggested the $500 addi­ president. Monday by the Manchester Board monies in the Board of lo c a t io n Chairman Richard W. Dyer said tion at a January meeting, noting some of the maintenance problems of Education. budget,” said Kennedy. that hockey was a good program Andover sets hearings on budget Francis Maffe Jr., the only school will be taken care of as the result of The $500 addition raised the that needed more support. Coastal forecast Crime And Punishinent board member to comment on the the November 1986 .referendum ANDOVER - Public hearings on the 1987-88 town budget have hockey allocation to $7,000, about Many of America’s prisons are plagued by over­ spending plan Monday night, voted Although he did vote for the entire approval of renovation work at four been scheduled for next month to give townspeople the Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I. and half the cost of the program. crowding. A few hundred years ago, prisons were for the budget although he com­ recommendation, board member elementary schools and Manches­ opportunity to offer suggestions and comments on how tax money Montauk Point. Kennedy had originally planned to ter High School. uncommon. Instead of incarceration,'criminals were plained that it “ missed the boat.” Francis Maffe Jr. said Monday. should be spent, the Board of Finance has announced. Small craft advisories in effect. The proposed budget for the spend $6,500 on the program, a ‘Tm not going to vote for It The school spending plan now On March 9. the hearing will focus on the Board of Finance, the $4,000 increase over the 1986-87 Wind northwest around 25 knots this afternoon fined, maimed or killed. Convicts lacking money to pay 1987-88 fiscal year that begins July 1 happily.” goes to Town Manager Robert B. Board of Selectmen, treasurer, tax collector, assessor, senior decreasing to 15 to 20 knots tonight and around 15 fines might have their hands or feet chopped off. In the calls for an overall 13.5 percent allocation. Maffe explained that any good Weiss for review and possible citizens’ services, town attorney, dog warden, insurance knots Wednesday. Middle Ages, this mutilation was considered a humane increase over the current year’s The $500 hockey addition was the budget takes into consideration adjustment before it goes to the commission and health officer. Seas 2 to 4 feet this afternoon subsiding to 2 feet or $27.7 million appropriation. only adjustment that the school students, teachers, buildings and town Board of Directors. On March On March 12, the public can comment on budgets for both the alternative to execution. In ancient China, a petty thief 10, the school board will meet with less tonight and 1 foot or less Wednesday. More than three-quarters of the board made to Kennedy’s budget equipment. "I think we missed the town and regional boards of education, the Community Health Mostly clear and cold through Wednesday. might have his nose cut off, and murderers could be proposed increase will go toward proposal. boat,” Maffe said. the Board of Directors to go over the budget and Weiss’s recommen­ Care Services, AHM Youth Serices Inc., Recreation Commis­ strangled to death for their crimes. staff salaries as a result of the At January budget sessions, He noted that Kennedy’s budget sion, the Planing and Zoning Commission, building official and supporters of the hockey team, includes only a 1.62 percent in­ dation. The directors have until FRONTS; Eklucation Enhancement Act, ap­ sanitarian. DO YOU KNOW — What amendment forbids cruel which relies on money from booster crease for maintenance and a 1.07 May 6 to make their decision on the Across the nation proved in the General Assembly The hearings will be held at the Andover Elementary School at Warm Cold-vr-^ and unusual punishments? last year to help raise teachers’ pay club collections to fund the pro­ percent increase for textbooks. entire town budget. A storm that sent snow across much of the East 8 p.m. MONDAY'S ANSWER — The Surgeon General’s Ollice Showers Rain Flurries Snow Occluded Stationary and was blamed for at least three deaths moved into the Atlantic, leaving the Northeast with wind-chills issues health warnings on cigarette packages. Seminar Wednesday on IRAs as low as minus 30 today. 2 _,Q. 3 7 < Knowledge Unlimited. Inc 1987 Asbestos A free seminar on Individual Retirement Accounts will be held NATIONAL FORECAST — The National Weather Service forecasts cold Snow fell in eastern New England and was at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Manchester Community College scattered from northeastern Pennsylvania across Lowe Program Center. weather for Wednesday for the northern half of the country. Rain is northwest New York while gale-force winds lashed A Newipaper in Education Program Sponiored by proposal The seminar, sponsored by the Savings Bank of Manchester, expected for most of the Pacific coast states and for the eastern Gulf. sections of the New England coastline early today. will feature two speakers who will talk about IRAs and how they The storm whipped blizzard snows and 60 mph The Manchester Herald can still be used for tax-deferred reasons. winds on Monday as it moved into the Northeast The speakers are Joseph R. Toce Jr., a tax partner in the after pounding the Great Lakes region. It dumped a advances Hartford office of Arthur Anderson & Co., and Anne L. Beechler, foot of snow in the vicinity of Chatham, Mass., and the community representative of SBM’s INVEST office. left 2-foot drifts. Alm anac The Board of Eklucation Monday Reservations can be made at SBM. Temperatures today dipped below zero in unanimously approved a $300,000 I west-central New England and northeastern New asbestos-removal escrow account Motorist was saved by the belt York. Strong winds combined with the low Today is Tuesday, Feb. 10. the gram was Introduced by the for Manchester schools not covered temperatures to push wind-chills to 30 below zero in Postal Telegram Co. in New in the November referendum. Marc Robert Ledoux of Manchester was driving home from his 41st day of 1987. There are 324 sister’s house in Windsor recently when a tractor-trailer lost much of New England and eastern New York. York. The plan, which makes the town Elsewhere across the nation, temperatures were days left in the year. accountable for 38 percent of the control on wet, dark Interstate 84 and slid into Ledoux’s lane. Today’s highlight in history; In 1942, the former French liner seasonably normal and there was no widespread Normandie capsized in New York cost, was proposed by School The car driven by Ledoux, a 24-year-old electrician, swerved precipitation, although rain fell along the Pacific Twenty-five years ago, on Feb. Superintendent James P. Kennedy off the road and hit 10 guard rails before smashing into a bridge. 10, 1962, the Soviet Union ex­ Harbor the day after it caught fire Coast. while being refitted for the U S. last month. It calls for a $300,000 He suffered a sore neck and several bruises. But he lived. Today’s forecast called for rain scattered across changed captured American U-2 appropriation over two years, with Ledoux has since joined the Saved By the Belt Club, a group of pilot Francis Gary Powers for Navy. the town taking six years to foot the the northern Pacific Coast and southern Utah; and In 1947, peace treaties between accident victims, and believes that he escaped death or serious Rudolph Ivanovich Abel, a Soviet bill. strong and gusty winds along the eastern slopes of the Allies and five of the Axis injury because he was wearing his seat belt. spy held by the United States. The state would pay 62 percent of “ I started wearing my safety belt because of the new law,” he the northern Rockies. powers were signed in Paris. Highs should be in the teens to 20s in northern New On this date: the project, and Manchester would said recently. “ Now I wear one because I know from experience In 1763, France ceded Canada In 1949, the play ‘‘Death of a end up paying $114,000 over the England; 30s to 40s from southern New England and Salesman,” by Arthur Miller, Herald-photo by Layng they save lives.” to England in the Treaty of Paris, six-year period, Kennedy said. The Saved By The Beit Club is sponsored by the Connecticut the mid-Atlantic states across the Ohio Valley, opened on Broadway. Great Lakes region, upper Mississippi Valley and which ended the French and Kennedy said most of the asbes­ Safety Belt Coalition, a non-profit organization that encourages Today’s birthdays: Opera sin­ Heart hostages tos in Manchester schools is used to North Dakota; 70s in southern Texas and Arizona; Indian War. the use of seat belts. ger Leontyne Price is 60. Actor line pipes and boilers. Schools that and 50s to 60s across most of the rest of the nation. In 1840, Britain’s Queen Victo­ State Rep. James R. McCavanagh, left, station. The two “hostages" will be The club is seeking members. To join, call 724-5945. ria married Prince Albert of Robert Wagner is 57. Singer would benefit from the plan are Temperatures around the nation at 2 a.m. EST Roberta Flack is 47. puts the cuffs on Joyce Epstein of among a number held Wednesday by Bennet and filing junior high ranged from minus 11 degrees at Glens Falls, N.Y., Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. In 1846, members of the Church Epstein Real Estate Services while Marty the American Heart Association until schools, and Bentley. Buckley. Builder plans Bobby Lane houses to 68 at Phoenix. Ariz. Highland Park, Martin, Robertson of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Shea of the W.J. Irish Insurance Agency enough donors contribute to the A Portland developer is seeking approval to build seven Saints, the Mormons, began an charity’s fund-raising drive. Washington elementary schools. L ottery watches at the Manchester police Administrative offices would also single-family houses off Bobby Lane in southeast Manchester, exodus to the west from Illinois. Richard F. Dukett, president of Connecticut Valley Builders Weather radio In 1863, showman P.T. Barnum benefit. Asbestos, used as a fireproofing Inc., said that if the Planning and Zoning Commission approves MORNING WEATHER — Today’s weather satellite picture recorded at 4 staged the wedding of Gen. Tom a.m. shows an upper air feature producing broken clouds over the Pacific The National Weather Service broadcasts Connecticut daily agent until the 1970s, when studies his proposal, he will start construction in March with anticipated Thumb and Mercy Lavlnlh Revised job specs for engineer linked the substance to cancer and completion by the end of the year. Southwest and the Northern Rockies. High ciouds spread across Texas. continuous, 24-hour weather information on 162.475 Warren, both midgets, in New mHz in Hartford. 162.55 mHz in New London and M onday: 076 respiratory diseases, is one of two The commission has scheduled a March 2 public hearing on the Dense multilayered clouds producing heavy snow blanket Maine and York major environmental problems 162.40 mHz in Meriden. Play Four: 4520 request. Newfoundland. In 1933, the first singing tele­ couidn’t have kept Currin in job facing Manchester schools. According to site plans, Bobby Lane, which ends in a The other, removal and relining temporary dead end, would be extended between 300 and 350 feet Assistant Town Manager Steven lend themselves to easy explana­ He said that while the engineer­ of old in-ground oil tanks oti some to accommodate the seven lots on 5.6 acres. R. Werbner said today that plans to tion, but many consulting engi­ ing itself is the same, the municipal school properties, has funds allo­ The houses would have about 3,000 square feet and would cost revamp the job of Manchester town neers and municipal engineers engineer has to work with a wider cated for it in the 1987-88 budget about $350,000, Dukett said. engineer will not address the would understand. variety of people with different proposal, Kennedy said. In November, the developer tried unsuccessfully to change the problems that apparently caused Werbner said after Currin left backgrounds. Kennedy’s asbestos plan is not zone of the land from Rural Residence, which allows 1.3 housing I PEOPLE George A. Kandra, public works part of the school budget, because Thomas R. Currin to resign from that the town would consider units an acre, to Residence AA. which allows two units an acre. the post last week after only three rewriting the job description to director, said today he is eager to the removal involved more money than could be allocated. had signed up for the event, days on the job. make the post more attractive to have a decision made on the job In November, voters approved an Lansbury was shy Jordan to get medal scheduled to begin Friday, she The Wednesday resignation took applicants. description so that he can get the $8.8 million renovation plan at said. town officials by surprise. The Today, Werbner said there are vacancy advertised. “ I do want to Former U.S. Rep. Barbara Waddell, Bowers, Nathan Hale and Actress Angela Lansbury of position had been vacant for eight some intrinsic differences between get moving on it,” Kandra said. Jordan, who is a professor at the Vefplanck schools, and for code­ “ Murder She Wrote” says she’s months before Currin started work working for a private employer and Meanwhile, the town Engineer­ confident of her acting but that University of Texas, has been a governntent, no matter what the ing Division will continue to bear compliance work at Manchester Lotto winners Feb. 2. High School, Part of the renovation she has trouble playing the selected to receive the Charles Currin explained his decision by specific job is, and those differen­ the heavy workload, he said. NEED in those schools included asbestos Hollywood scene. Evans Hughes gold medal of the The holders of the two winning saying that he wanted to return to ces could not be addressed in the job The town engineer post has been removal. "If you write it for me, I can National Conference of Chris­ tickets in Friday’s $3.5 million his job with Kasper Associates, a specifications. vacant since May, when former IMPORT play it. But as Angie. I can’t,” Ms. tians and Jews. Lotto game, each worth $89,980 a One engineer who has worked town engineer Walter Senkow left Kennedy said he will present the firm of consulting engineers in asbestos-removal plan to the Board Lansbury said in an interview in The honor, given for “courage­ year for 20 years, picked up their both in municipal service and in after town officials said he had Wethersfield. of Directors when it receives the the March issue of Good House­ ous leadership in governmental, first annual checks in Newington Currin, who is back at his former private consulting work speculated sexually harassed a female co­ budget. SERVICE keeping magazine. civic and humanitarian affairs,” Monday, state lottery officials job, said today, “ I think the biggest that Currin could have been dis­ worker. "The only thing I’ve ever had was announced Monday by the said. thing was that I found I was really a couraged by the necessity to deal Currin was hired at a salary of confidence in is my ability to university. The winnings were split by consultant engineer and I found the with a bureaucracy. He said that in $41,844. The first attempt to fill the Halley’s Comet has a granulated perform,” said the star of the hit Ms. Jordan, who teaches at the Donna Michaud, 27, of South town was not the place for me. I private consulting work the engi­ vacant post failed when the town crust that is darker than the C M television series, who came university’s school of public would have been doing the town a neer can take more initiative. In was unable to find a qualified Windsor, and Victor and Pauline applicant at a salary range which blackest paint on earth, says to the United States during World affairs, will receive the award Sanchez, both 46, of Agawam, disservice to remain.” municipal service the engineer has i v r D to sell his work at several levels. then had a maximum of $40,230. National Geographic. War II. March 5 in Austin. Mass. Currin said the differences don’t “ I was very shy, very trepida- Recipients have included Michaud said she would give tious of moving into the stream of Henry Kissinger, Nelson Rocke­ one-third of her winnings to her Hollywood social life. I really feller and presidents TYuman, mother, Jeanette Michaud, 60, Eisenhower, Ford and Reagan. HARTFORD ROADJ)AIRY QUEEN T o tm don’t know how to play that and another third to her sister Homicide Dairii scene,” she said. Mary Martocci, 28. Her cousin, Leonard MIchand of New Mil­ Queen ITZHAK PERLMAN DIANE KEATON Th e way we are Keaton changed ANGELA LANSBURY ford, won $4 million in a Lotto couid be Has a Heart For You! . . . confident actress . . . not extremists . . . changed feelings drawing last March. Violinst Itzhak Perlman says Diane Keaton says she’s changed her feelings about acting he wishes handicapped people town of 400 residents. winds that are needed to push NISSAN since she won an Academy Award Jessica Lange and had a brief brazier. would be portrayed as they are part singing in Allen’s latest film. Mayor Michael Salazar said he their sailing rigs across ice. Today’s quotes a suicide rather than as “ heroes” or in 1978. “ Radio Days.” hopes the concerts raise enough This year’s problem is incon­ “ I am completely recovered. In V a l e n t i n e ’S D a y C a k e s “ extremists.” “ It’s a different time for me. I Manchester police are still treat­ to balance the budget and help sistent ice depths at the primary fact, my doctors told me this ACURA Perlman, who who suffered will never be that famous again. ing last year’s death of Michael S. pay for paving its dirt streets. race sites on Wolfeboro Bay and morning my blood pressure is from polio as a child and lost the Those days are gone, and it’s Bo does benefit Last year, the town fell $15,000 at alternate sites, said Kimberly Linders as a homicide, but a Special Sale different things as you get older, down so low that I can start recently completed medical report use of his legs, said in the March Rhythm-and-blues guitarist Bo short in meeting its $80,000 Beals, publicist for the event. issue of Glamour magazine that different feelings about every­ reading the newspapers and says that injuries on the teenager’s Diddley will stage a pair of budget. The problem can’t be overcome the "handicapped continue to be thing.” she said in the March watching the TV news.” — wrists and neck point to the $ benefit concerts next week to and organizers have canceled the 7 . 9 9 misunderstood because we’re so issue of Vanity Fair. President Reagan, saying he was possibility of suicide, police spokes­ bolster Red Cliff. Colo.’s slump­ event, she said Monday. rarely shown by the media in a She won the Academy Award Event on ice doing fine following prostate man Gary Wood said this morning. Cages' (Serves 8-12 People) ^ ; ing revenues. “ We have anywhere from 3-10 normal light.” for best actress for her portrayal surgery and will soon adopt a Unders, 17, of Ellington, was Resident Mark Bell, a former New Hampshire has plenty of inches of ice and on top of that, '‘^oririrai"*^' “ Often we’re portrayed as of the title character in the Woody more active schedule. found dead Nov. 14 behind an harmonica player with Diddley’s snow, but organizers of an however, is 6-8 inches of slush and heroes, or as extremists who Allen movie “ Annie Hall.” apartment building at 125 Spruce Special Oval Cakes band, persuaded the town to play international ice sailing event say then on top of that is 6-12 inches of “ In layman’s terms, Mr. Llbe- St. The state medical examiner’s demonstrate by blocking traffic Miss Keaton, who has pub­ host to the Feb. 19 concerts. that doesn’t do them any good. snow,” shesaid. “ What that gives race died of an opportunistic office ruled then that the death, islr with out wheelchairs,” he said. lished two books of photography We are new to Manchester “ If we sell out both shows, we Competitors in the first year of us is really unsuitable conditions disease caused by acquired im­ apparently caused by a fractured “ In truth, most of us are regular and directed a documentary that can raise $25,000,” said Bell, who the event in the United States to hold the world class event that mune deficiency syndrome.” — skull, was a homicide. The office only but we have an excellent 30 year people who just want to go about is due out this spring, recently *4.99 Raymond Carrillo, Riverside appeared in “ Crimes of the quit the Diddley road shows to were frustrated last year by we had planned.” attributed the injury to a blow from our business, using our talent to Athletes from around the world County (Calif.) coroner. reputation In the Hartford area for Heart” with Sissv Spacek and settle down to family life in this gentle breezes rather than good a blunt object. W e also have Sheet Cakes, Sauare, Heart Shapes and 11" Rounds. the best of our abilities.” Wood said today that the forensic Regular and Special Designs always available. .report from the state police lab in sales and service... ‘ Meriden says that cut marks on the "If you didn’t buy your last cake at Hartford Road Dairy Queen, Manchester Herald •wrist and a slash on the neck may you probably paid too muchr '______Ask a friend... Comics Sampler lhave been the cause of death, but .because of the Injury to the skull, Hot Dog Specials! BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE A SAFETY In this space, samples of USPS 327-500 VOL. CVI, No. 112 'which cannot be explained, the INSPECTION AT ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. new comics will be •death is still being treated as a Published dally except Sunday Suggaatad carrier rataa are $1.50 ‘•homicide. THCDQ printed from time to time. THE GRIZZWELLS"' by Bill Schorr and certain holidays by the Man­ weekly, $650 lor ona month, $10.25 HOTDOO chester Publishing Co., iSBralnard for three montha, $3650 for six • Wood said that a razor blade was J S g j P * Hot Dog O ur aim is to get reader Place, Manchaatar, Conn. 06040. months and $77.00 for ona year. '•found in the vicinity of Linders’ T jS Ir , & F r i e s reaction to new comics, Second clete pottage paid at Man- Mall rataa are avallabla on raquaat. :body -but police have been unable to cheater, Conn. roSTMASTER: htnfc it to Linders' wrist and neck DEAL or to old comics that we Sand addraaa chtngaa to the Man- chaatar Herald, P.O. Box 501, Man­ T o place a claaaiflad or display 'wounds. . , „ $ 1.19 advartlsamani, or to report a nawa are thinking about drop­ chaatar, Conn. 00040. : Meanwhile, the murder of 26- ping. Herald readers are Item, story or picture I d ^ call 643- lyear-old Lauren G. Anderson re- 2711. Office hours are 6 3 0 a m . to 6 'jnalns unsolved. Anderson was SCHALLEB -Invltiad to comment on If you don't racalva your Herald p.m. Monday through Friday. BANANA by 5:00 p.m. waakdayt or 7:30 a.m. found shot to death Jan. 27 in her Take Home Specials any aspect of our comics Saturday, plaaaa talaphona your iapartment at 82 Congress St. Dilly Bars...... 12/*3.00 SPLIT page. Send your com'- carrier. If you're unaWa to reach The Manchaatar Herald laa mem­ ‘ Last week police located a car in Buster Bars...... 6/*3.25 SALE! MANCHESTER 345 Center St (Rt fa). M.ini he-jter ments to; Features Editor, your carrier, call aubacribar service ber of the Aaaoclalad Praaa and a •which they believe ‘ h®. D.Q. Sandwiches...... ^..12/*2.00 at 047-0046 by 6:30 p.m. weekdays member of the Audit Bureau of C lr- fw o Hispanic males, fled from the 64 7 7077 Manchester Herald, P.O. for dallvary In Manchaatar. culatlona. D.Q. Choc. Chip Sandwiches...... 6/*3.25 9 9 0 Exit 60 Off I 84 Minutes troni Hjrtfoid Imurder scene. The car was found D.Q. Homepack (Vanilla & Choc.)...... 2/*1.25 Box 591, Manchester, :out of state, but police are not peo4o. 'saring where. MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10.1M7 - 5 4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuoday, Feb. 10.19«7 City bribes aiieged in Waterbury Connecticut in Brief McFarlane overdoses before panel appearance ;WASHINGTON (AP) - Robert outside the family has been allowed “ He made no statement as to the McFarlane was to have appeared and anxiety, and as a muscle C. McFarlane, the former presiden­ to see the note.” at 10 a.m. Monday before the Tower relaxant. By Ann* McGrotti Court papers said the charges Christopher M. Hill, whose fam­ at home or in his office. Stamford apartment fire kills four reason why, although there’s every tial adviser whose mission to The New York Times, in today’s indication it was an overdose,” Commission, the presidentially ap­ Garment said he had not talked Til* Aneclot*d Pr*ss stem from Gahan’s work as an aide ily owns Executive Auto Towing in Gahan is charged with soliciting STAMFORD — Four people, including two children, were .’Tehran was at the heart of U.S. editions, quoted hospital sources as Acquaviva said. “ He did not talk, pointed panel investigating the role with McFarlane since Friday. But, to former Waterbury Mayor Ed­ Waterbury, told investigators “ that and accepting payments to the killed and at least one person was critically Injured in an early ■arms shipments to Iran, remains saying when McFarlane and his outside of indicating he had taken of the National Security Council in be said, experts on the drug WATERBURY — The word ward D. Bergin Jr., who left offlce in election year 1983 he knew it as Democratic Party ranging from morning apartment fire, a Stamford fire department spokesman 'hospitalised today for what police wife, Jonda, arrived at the hospital, the Valium. ... Mrs. McFarlane the Iran arms affair, ITie Washing­ believed it was virtually impossible among tow truck operators in Dec. 31, 198S after 10 years. common knowledge that in order to $1,500 to $3,000 each from three are investigating as a suicide she had a handwritten note that she appeared to be upset but also ton Post reported in today’s to commit suicide with Valium. Waterbury was that if they wanted Gahan Is accused of telling obtain the towing contract with the different companies — Harry’s said. . . The blase, first reported at 1:17 a.m., swept through a attempt. refused to show to attendants, apparently perplexed about the editions. city contracts they had to pay off towing operators before mayoral City of Waterbury, you had to Auto Body, Waterbury Auto Body Dr. Rudolf Hoehn-Saric, asso­ ■i three-story frame structure, according to department spokes­ McFarlane, 49, was taken to saying it was garbled and would be situation.” CBS News, quoting sources it did Democratic Town Chairman Tho­ elections in 1983 and 1985 that if they contribute to Thomas Gahan,” the Inc., and Executive Auto Towing. ciate professor of psychiatry at Bethesda Naval Medical Center in of no use. White House spokesman Marlin not name, reported Monday that mas F. Gahan, according to court wanted to remain on the list of city affidavit said. Payments were sometimes man Mark Roche. ,, a 6 Maryland suburb of Washington Bill Taylor, executive vice presi­ Fitzwater said, “ We don’t have any hospital officials believed the over­ Johns Hopkins Medical School, told papers. contractors they would have to Assistant State's Attorney David through a middleman and some­ In addition to the four dead and one critically injured person, after he swallowed 25 to 30 Valium dent of the Georgetown University information on his condition.” dose resulted from a suicide The Post, “ If you take nothing else Gahan, a 39-year-old New Haven contribute up to $3,000 each to the Shepack declined comment when times directly to Gahan, according seven others were treated for minor injuries. 'pills, said detective Lauren Acqua- Center of Strategic and Interna­ The detective said paramedics attempt and cited friends of McFar­ but Valium, it hardly ever kills a County deputy sheriff, was ar­ Democratic Party in Waterbury,. asked if Bergin was the subject of to the state police affldavit. Fire officials had not determined the cause of the fire as of :yfva of the Montgomery County tional Studies, told The Baltimore determined McFarlane had swal­ lane as saying he had been person. You can take enormous rested Monday and charged with according to an affidavit filed by an investigation. The affidavit includes informa­ early today. Roche said those who died were on the second or Police Department. Sun that Jonda McFarlane had lowed 25 to 30 of the tranquilizers, depressed and emotional recently. amounts of Valium and all that six counts each of receiving bribes state police. Gahan faces up to five years in tion about payments to secure third floor of the building. 2. He was listed in good condition, difficulty waking her husband happens is that you sleep for some towing contracts as early as 1977, TTie victims’ names were not immediately released. but did not know the strength of the But McFarlane’s lawyer, Leo­ and corrupt election practices. “ I’d like to talk about it, but on the prison and a $5,000 fine on each J hospital spokesman Lt. Russ San- Monday morning and that, once time.” but the five-year statute of limita­ tablets. The paramedics did not nard Garment, called the story He was released on a written advice of counsel I can’t,” Gahan count if convicted. '.ford said today. awake, his appearance told her promise to appear in court on Feb. said when reached by telephone Bergin, who now runs a furniture- tions prohibited state police from indicate how long the drugs had “ the most Irresponsible and obs­ However, when combined with charging Gahan with crimes that Bridgeport parochial school to close ; The Washington Post reported in “ something is not right.” McFar­ been in McFarlane’s bloodstream, cene piece of sourcing and report­ alcohol or other drugs, Hoehn-Saric ZSfolIowing his arraignment in late Monday night. think I’ll be equipment company, could not be ‘today’s editions that family lane is employed by the private Waterbury Superior Court. cleared of all allegations.” reached for comment. He was not occurred before 1982. although “ he was described as ing I’ve heard of in my whole said Valium could be ’ ’very danger­ BRIDGEPORT— St. Peter’s School will close after the current r members found a note that ap- research center. being in a physically depressed professional life.” ous,” depressing the respiratory school year, becoming the fourth parochial Institution to shut ;;peared related to McFarlane’s McFarlane, the former national state — the chemicals were already The lawyer said McFarlane, who system so that the victim could stop down in the Diocese of Bridgeport in the past year. -attempt, but they would not divulge security adviser to President Rea­ working on his nervous system.” had been suffering from lower-back breathing and die. Panel warns of too-tight ballot rules Diocesan officials said Monday that St. Peter’s, where .its contents to the ambulance crew. gan, was conscious when he was Acquaviva said a police investi­ pain in recent weeks, had been Garment praised McFarlane, enrollment dropped from 235 last year to 191 this year, will stop ;’t1ie newspaper quoted an uniden- taken by ambulance to the hospital gation was routine procedure after taking Valium under prescription. citing him as the lone person to ROBERT MCFARLANE operating in June after 36 years. -tlfed Montgomery County sheriff’s Monday morning but did not say a report of “ an unattended death or Valium, a tranquilizing drug, is come forward and discuss the U.S. F ... in good condition Bv Brent Lavmon anyone can get handfuls of applica­ Tlie closing of St. Peter’s follows the shutdowns last June of St. ^spokesman as saying, “ Nobody why he had taken the pills. death attempt.” frequently prescribed for stress arms sales to Iran. The Associated Press tions, and no system exists to trace Charles’s School of Bridgeport and St. Maurice’s School of who distributed the applications. Stamford. St. Emery’s School in Fairfield also plans to close this HARTFORD — Absentee-ballot Garfield supported legislation to June. reforms may be needed, but empower one-person grand juries The schools have suffered from declining enrollments, Philippine troops and rebels absentee voting rules shouldn’t be to investigate alleged absentee- increased costs, and limited subsidies from parishes. made so restrictive that some ballot fraud. Grand juries cannot “ We feel badly,” said Bernard Helfrich, superintendent of people end up getting disenfran­ now investigate Class D felonies, Bridgeport diocesan schools. “ But the bottom hasn’t fallen out. I - chised, a legislative committee is meaning authorities couldn’t con­ don’t see it as the demise of the Catholic schools. It’s a reality E vene one to look into alleged fraud clash; civilians among dead being warned. we’ve dealt with.” “ Prevention of fraud and irregu­ in the May 20 delegate primary in larities in absentee voting is a goal Waterbury. Bv Miguel C. Suarez scattered clashes since the two rebel leaders in six areas. we all share,” Nan Glass, town “ Without the possibility of grand Utility execs say pipeline needed The Associated Press sides suspended peace talks Jan. He did not identify the areas. jury involvement, we will continue clerk in West Hartford and a HARTFORD Top executives of the three Connectijcut utility 22. The rebels later formally During the cease-fire, rebei groups to leave the public unsatisfied, as in several regions expressed inter­ representative of the Connecticut companies backing the Iroquois natural gas pipeline project say MANILA, Philippines -- Army withdrew from the peace effort. Town Clerks Association, told the was the case in Waterbury,” est in continuing local talks even if the controversial pipeline is needed and environmentally sound. troops battled about 40 communist Teofisto Guingona, the govern­ Government Administration and Garfield said. “ The grand jury rebels for two hours today in the the national truce broke down. I “ If our state is to continue to meet projected growth patterns, ment’s peace negotiatior, said he I Eiections Committee on Monday. process, with its secrecy and ability first reported fighting since the end met Sunday with an emissary of the But several regional command­ we need more gas energy,” John Larson, president of Southern But, Giass said, “ I would urge ... to ensure compelled testimony, is of a cease-fire. National Democratic Front, a ers, including those in northern we not overreact and make the best prepared to obtain the answers Connecticut Gas Co., said Monday during a news conference also A police source said 18 people communist-dominated umbrella Mindanao, the Visayas islands and absentee-ballot voting process so to the questions that the public attended by officials of Connecticut Natural Gas Corp. and were killed, 12 of them civilians group that had negotiated on behalf parts of Luzon, withdrew the offer cumbersome and onerous that we deserves.” Northeast Utilities. caught in the cross fire. of the rebels. Guingona said he and returned to the hills when the discourage those thousands of Ten people have been arrested in Larson and the other utilities officials of said this winter’s cold The report said three civilians urged the emissary to ask the national talks broke down last voters who must choose to vote in conneikion with Waterbury’s May weather has forced their companies to turn to higher-cost were wounded in the gunbattle, guerrillas to drop their opposition month. this way.” 20 Democratic primary, which supplemental gas supplies, including propane and liquified which erupted at dawn' on the to the Philippines’ new constitution Guingona said that over the next The committee is considering a former Congressman Toby Moffett natural gas. outskirts of Lupao, about 90 miles as a basis for negotiations. five months, Aquino would issue a package of 16 bilis aimed at lost to Gov. William A. O’Neill. A study by the Congressional Research Service, however, north of Manila. “ Their premise is that the series of executive orders on social eliminating the kind of alleged Moffett won on the machine-count, found that pipeline backers may have overestimated in their Earlier reports put the casualties constitution is anti-people, impe­ legislation, apparently with the aim fraud that tainted recent elections but O’Neill had enough of an edge projections that natural gas demand will increase 50 percent in at 12 dead, including an army rialistic and elitist,” Guingona of undercutting rebel claims that in Waterbury and Bridgeport. on the absentee vote to win the Connecticut by the end of the century. lieutenant and 11 rebels. But a said. “ This is not so.” the government is dragging its feet Jeffrey B. Garfieid, executive election. police source, speaking on condi­ The constitution was approved by on reform. director of the state Elections Allegations of fraud also marred Two boys charged In girl’s stabbing tion of anonymity, said a later 76 percent of the voters in a national Aquino meanwhile met with 18 Enforcement Commission, sup­ two Democratic primaries for military report showed the lieuten­ plebiscite Feb. 2. military officers to discuss prob­ ported sweeping absentee-ballot Assembly seats in Bridgeport last BRIDGEPORT — Two 16-year-old boys have been arrested in ant, five rebels and 12 civilians Among other things, the constitu­ lems in the armed forces. Many September. reforms, but also urged the com­ connection with the fatal stabbing of a 14-year-old girl during a were killed. tion confirms Aquino's term in officers have criticized her as too soft on the rebels and some took mittee not to make it more difficult Garfield and Glass also opposed a disagreement between two groups of teen-agers, authorities Brig. Gen. Eugenio Ocampo, office untii 1992 and makes no part in a failed uprising Jan. 27. for those "who are legitimately proposal to require a judicial military commander for central provision for the coaiition govern­ entitled to vote absentee.” said. Among those attending was Col.' hearing when at least 50 absentee Anthony Risi of Norwalk was charged with first-degree Luzon, dispatched army and con­ ment sought by the rebels. Garfield opposed one recommen­ stabulary soldiers backed by helic­ Gregorio Honasan, who has been ballots are cast in an election and manslaughter and Rubin Roman of Stamford was charged with Asked if he was optimistic the dation to sharply limit who can opters to pursue the rebels, who fled rebels would return to the negotiat­ linked to another failed coup those ballots reverse the machine aiding and abetting first-degree manslaughter, police Captain obtain absentee-ballot applica­ into the hills. ing table, Guingona replied: “ No, attempt last November. vote. They opposed a recommen- Joseph M. Sambrook said Monday. Presidential spokesman Teodoro tions, which are now commonly daion that town clerks be required It was the first reported clash except it is our understanding that distributed by campaign workers Samantha Leonard was stabbed once in the heart about 4 p.m. AP photo Benigno said Aquino listened to the to compare the signature on an with the rebel New People’s Army there is a segment or part of their AP photo for a particuiar candidate. Sunday and was pronounced dead on arrival at Bridgeport since a 60-day cease-fire expired structure which is of the belief that officers' complaints about pay and absentee-ballot applications and to Hospital, Sambrook said. He said the stabbing appeared to be the "assured them they were part of Instead, he proposed that the the signature on the ballot Sunday. The government’s chief It is best for the revolutionary Jeffrey B. Garfield, executive director of the state registrar of voters in each town be result of a disagreement between two groups of teen-agers that Frigid facade the government.” envelope. negotiator said he doubted peace movement to change to the parlia­ Elections Enforcement Commission, testifies before the required to appoint supervisors to knew each other. He said about six youths were involved. She also told them she does not wind-whipped waves from Lake Erie talks could be resunried on a mentary process today.” Legislature’s Government Administration and Elections make sure everyone who needs to “ While we town clerks may be Both youths were arraigned and scheduled to appear in Matt Brown (ieft) and Susan LaDuke national level. blame the entire armed forces for crashed over a dike and drenched ' Guingona said Aquino's govern­ Committee Monday. Garfield called for sweeping vote by absentee ballot gets an many things too many people, we Bridgeport Superior Court on March 3. Risi’s bond was set at inspect the outside of: their home in Military and media reports say ment finalizing “ mechanics” for the 1983 assassination of her application. are not handwriting experts,” $25,000. Eastlake, Ohio, Monday morning after homes in the area. about 30 people have been killed in beginning peace talks with regional husband Benigno. reforms In the absentee-voting process. Under current law. just about Glass said. Fetal rights at center of crash suit . SUMMERS EVE SUMMERS EVE NEW HAVEN — The Connecticut Supreme Court is being ISurrogate mom says I I DISPOSABLE DOUCHE EB worker claims paint damaged health DISPOSABLE DOUCHE asked to decide whether state law allows a wrongful death lawsuit in the name of a fetus killed in a highway accident. GROTON (AP) - A 25-year-old serious health problems. His law­ The lawsuit contends there was glycol ether paints,” said attorney Tlie request by U.S. District Judge Jose Cabranes com es in a ifamily troubles over Electric Boat shipyard worker has suit was filed last week at New recklessness and carelessness by Robert I. Reardon of New London, case stemming from a March 23,1986, Interstate 95 accident on filed what is believed to be the first London Superior Court. the paint companies, which “ knew who represents Capers. the Gold Star Bridge in Groton. Melinda Higgins, 24, who was at SJ29 product liability lawsuit in the Capers has been diagnosed as or should have known that their least six months pregnant, and her 4-year-old daughter, !B v Michael Fleeman expressionless. Although no specific monetary ” I was moved by Mary Beth’s country stemming from exposure suffering from chronic anemia, solvent, finishing, paint, or lacquer damages are mentioned in the suit, Chanaka, were killed when their car was struck on Interstate 95 !The Associated Press You Can Feel at Home With Us to chemical compounds used in persistent pyuria and bone marrow paint products were inherently testimony,” he said later. “ It SAVE 30$ SAVE 60$ Reardon said the amount sought by a tandem-trailor truck. • MANCHESTER • ROCKVILLE • WINDSOR paints. suppression. The physician who dangerous to the health of those HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) - A brought in focus that she’s had a will be substantial. Melinda Higgins’ mother, Quinelle Higgins of Groton, sued the • EAST HARTFORD • HARTFORD (2) Reg. 994 Reg. *1.89 Nathaniel Capers, a former pain­ diagnosed his symptoms. Dr. Mark who were exposed to them.” 1 woman fighting for custody of the hard life.J’m really sorry for her.” owner of the truck, Carolina Freight Carriers Corp. of • CLINTON • GROTON • PUTNAM ter at the shipyard where subma­ R. Cullen of Yale School of Defendants in the suit include ; child she bore for a couple under a Under questioning by her attor­ Single Pack Asst. Twin Pack (2's) Asst. rines are built, contends that Medicine, has said Capers is at high “ To the best of my knowledge and Valspar Corp. of Raritan, N.J.; Cherryville, N.C., and the truck’s driver, Richard Rodgers, of ;$10,000 surrogate contract says the ney, Mrs. Whitehead said her exposure glycol ethers in solvents, risk for developing infertility and that of the American Trial Lawyers Ocean Coatings of Savannah, Ga. Carlise, Penn., who died in November, for $7.5 million in New iarrangement was a mistake and 37-year-old husband Richard's finishes, paints and lacquers used leukemia because of his diminished Association, this is the first case in and International Paints Co. of Haven federal court. ;Uiat the baby should grow up drinking problem had peaked about at EB caused him to develoo bone marrow function. the country based on exposure to Union, N.J. ; knowing her biological mother. ' 1978 when he had a traffic accident NORFORMS DEODORANT SUPPOSITORIES GYNOL II DAISY II TUCKS Mary Beth Whitehead testified while intoxicated. About a year SMALL REHLL TAKE-A-L0N8 Monday in the unprecedented cus- later, she testified, he came home PREGNANCY TEST . tody dispute that her family prob- drunk and pushed her, prompting HEMORRHOIDAL PADS ^lems should not prevent her from her to have him arrested. •Unic«niBd •ColOriMB DalsyS* Don^t Miss The I - winning custody of her lO-month- About that time, she said, she and •Non-atainlng $ 4 9 9 r old daughter, whom she bore after her husband began an eight-month $ T 9 9 $189 separation during which she had to : being artifically inseminated with CWOLO William Stern's sperm. go on welfare, work as a bartender, SAVE *2.00 I She also said whoever loses go-go dancer and babysitter. SAVE 40$ Reg. *6.99 SAVE *3.00 Reg. *2.29 should get visitation rights. "We’ve had our problems, but not SAVE 50$ PRESIDENTS’ Mrs. Whitehead testified before anything we haven’t been able to Reg. *10.99 12 Count Rag. *3.19 - Reg or Herbal - 12 count 2.5 oz. Superior Court Judge Harvey R. deal with,” she said. coM Piin Ttata t Sorkow, who must decide whether Under cross-examination, Mrs. ; the contract between Mrs. White- Whitehead testified she cannot ‘ head and Stern and his wife, remember the last time her hus­ VISINE EYE DROPS DAY SALE I Elizabeth, is valid and who should band, a sanitation worker, drank. OLD SPICE BRECK BEN-GAY • be granted custody. She described him as a patient and DEODORANT STICKS HAIR SPRAY • Dabbing her eyes with a tissue, loving father who helps their Shop Downtown Manchester for , Mrs. Whitehead said of the Sterns: 12-year-old son and 11-year-old : “ I love them both. I could put my daughter with their homework. $ 1 4 9 spectacular savings this weekend, t ; arms around both of them and tell “ He never says 'go away,” ’ Mrs. -them' we made a mistake. Let's Whitehead testified. “ He always takes the time to listen, to let them SAVE 87$ SAVE 50$ SAVE 47$ • make the best of it.” SAVE 80$ 4 Mrs. Whitehead changed her talk and express their feelings.” Reg. *2.46 Reg. *1.99 Reg. *2.26 February 12-16 mind about the deal after giving Mrs. Whitehead, who has been Reg. M.99 ' hirth, and fled with her daughter to allowed twice-weekly visits with 7 OZ. Assorted Cans .5 OZ. Bottle T.28 Of. Reg. or G reeeefeee 9 at these participating merchants Florida. Authorities in July found the baby, said the two-hour, super­ Assorted 2'U oz. Sticks them there and returned the infant vised sessions are “ something I’ll t ! — called Baby M in court papers, always cherish.” ; Sara by Mrs. Whitehead and REGAL’S MARLOW’S “ I hold her, rock her... it is really BENADRYL BENADRYL SCHICK SCHICK 'Melissa by the Sterns — to the special for her and I,” she said. SUPER II PLUS REFILLS 903 Main St. 867 Main St. 4 ’ Sterns’ temporary custody. The Sterns testified last week ALLERBY MEDICATION ELIXER DISPOSABLE RAZOR In her testimony Monday, Mrs. that if they are given custody, Mrs. FAIRWAY HELLER’S MUSIC Whitehead acknowledged that her Stern will adopt the child and that family has problems, including 975 Main St. 50 Purnell Place they do not want Mrs. Whitehead to $289 $ \ 0 B 8 finandal difficulties and her hus­ have visitation rights. band’s fight against alcoholism. Stern, 41, has said he will not seek SAVE 70$ J. CARMAN CRAFT SUPPLY HOUSE But she also spoke of having a visitation rights if he loses. SAVE 51$ s a v e 89$ SAVE 90$ Reg. *1.69 Reg. *2.69 887 Main St. 50 Purnell Place 4 large, loving family that includes Reg. <3.72 seven brothers and sisters and 15 A court-appointed guardian for Reg. *3.40 nieces and nephews, and of having the child has recommended that the 5 Count Packigi J&J JEWELERS MANCHESTER MALL established a special bond with her Sterns be given custody and that 24 Count Tabs or Capsules 4 oz. Bottle 10 Count Bag 785 Main St. 811 Main St. 4 daughter while in Florida. Mrs. Whitehead not be allowed to She said the attachment ex­ see the child until she undergoes pressed itself during the summer in psychological counseling. LISTERINE 7 NASSIFF SPORTS ANNE’S PLACE 4 SINUTAB II AND EFFERDENT LISTERMINT 991 Main St. 811 Main St. an emotional threat to kill herself MOUTHWMH W/FLOURIDE MOUTHWASH S BAHGLE and the baby if forced to give the SINUTAB MAX STR. DENTURE CLEANSER 4 infant to the Sterns. TWEED’S MARI-MADS Mrs. Whitehead, a 29-year-old SINUS MEDICATION 637 Main St. 757 Main St. housewife, said she made the threat $ 2 7 9 $ 2 7 9 because she wanted Stern "to see NASSIFF CAMERA ALLSTATE BUSINESS MACHINES that it was wrong, the whole thing, 4 that it wasn’t good for the baby for SAVE 90$ SAVE 90$ 639 Main St. 39 Purnell Place SAVE 80$ 4 me to give, her away. SAVE *1.00 efferdent Reg. *3.39 Reg. *3.39 ’”There’s no way I’d ever hurt any Reg. <4.39 REQ. *3.09 ARTHUR’S DRUG PEARL’S APPLIANCE J f "With deals such as these. of my children, and I think Biil 24 oz. 24 oz. 24 Count Ttbt or Cape. 60 Count TtbfolB (Photo taken at 942 Main St. 649 Main St. I k knew that,” she said. We are sure to please Stern, a biochemist from Te- Nathan Hale Homestead, Everyone who comes down LIFT THE LATCH yk nafly, kept his head lowered Coventry, CT.) fhrough most of Mrs. Whitehead’s to Shop our Downtown.’ 977 Main St. testimony while his 41-year-old SALE STARTS TODAY ENDS FEBRUARY 15, 1987 wife, a pediatrician, watched MANCHES’TER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10. 1907 — 7 < - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuewtov. Feb. 10.1967 v.s./wowu In I Activists Jailed after talk-show protest OPINION By Robert Byrd 4 Youths Indicted In racial attack The Associated Press 0>9g7 PORT 'NOWH ----& * NEW YORK — Twelve young people have been indicted in CUMMING, Ga. — Coretta Scott raniwction with the racial attack in Howard Beach that led to the King says she’s outraged by the death of a black man, and murder is among the charges, Jailing of eight civil rights activists AIDS needs NEA according to news reports. arrested while protesting the exclu­ Jack A Queens grand jury handed up the indictments Friday and sion of blacks from the audience of their contents were sealed pending arraignment ’Tuesday in a nationally televised talk show. ^ e e n s Supreme Court, according to The New York Times and ’The arrests were made Monday to be taken Andcraon WNBC-TV. as the demonstrators stood along a The ’Times reported in its ’Tuesday editions that an official, who highway near the restaurant where y was not named, said the indictments “ran the whole gamut” of “’The Oprah Winfrey Show” was being broadcast. charges, Including murder, but that not all 12 youths were Winfrey, a black talk show out of closet indicted on the same charges. hostess from Chicago, brought her MWBC-TV reported Monday night that there were three program to Cumming to find out murder charges among the indictments. “why this community has not Ex-ambassador Daniel Hawkins, a spokesman for the special prosecutor in the allowed black people to live here As a group, Americans have never felt case, declined comment on the reports. since 1912.” particularly comfortable with the subject of ^ r in g the early morning of Dec. 20, three black men whose car ’The audience was comprised of human sexuality. had broken down in Queens were chased from a pizza parlor by 100 residents of Forsyth County, the lavishly used ; white youths brandishing a bat and a tree limb. scene of two recent marches that Despite the growth of sex education in the protested the expulsion of blacks public schools, many youths continue to enter from the county 75 years ago. puberty with an appalling lack of information fund for gifts | Atlanta gets nod for convention Ordered by law officers to leave the roadside, protest leader the about their own bodies because their parents WASHINGTON — Democrats will be heading to Atlanta for the F F Rev. Hosea Williams refused, are reluctant to discuss the matter with them. WASHINGTON — A government investigation 1988 Democratic National Convention, sources say, despite a shouting, “If I’m wrong, arrest The issues of premarital sex, birth control, American embassy “gift funds” reveals that last-minute lobbying push to win the meeting for Houston. me.” teen-age pregnancy and sex education questionable use of the privately donated money by Democratic National Committee Chairman Paul Kirk, who He and the seven others were continue to divide many communities, Ambassador Faith Ryan Whittlesey in Switzerland made the decision for the party, will announce today that 35,000 then forcibly removed and taken to Democrats, reporters and spectators will be streaming into the county jail on charges of religious groups and families. In many was matched by former Ambassador Helene von Atlanta for the presidential nominating convention July 18-21, unlawful assembly. instances, the disputes have centered on the Damm next door in Austria. 1988, the sources said. Four were released on their degree to which the subjects should be Both women worked in the Reagan White House- ’The official word is scheduled after Kirk meets a last time with recognizance, but Williams and AP photo' E “That? It means our ‘No Smoking’ policy doesn’t apply here at before appointment to their diplomatic posts. his site selection committee. The unofficial word came from three others said they would E discussed. corporate headquarters.’’ ’The State Department has ended the sources close to the process who spoke only on condition they not remain in jail to protest until the The Rev. Hosea Williams (center) is put Oprah Winfrey Show." The talk show It should come as no surprise to anyone that charges were dropped. controversial embassy funds, which were an be named. in a police van Monday in Cumming, featured residents of the virtually the deadly disease AIDS quickly joined the administration idea designed to supplement an Kirk had showed no public preference among the flve cities still “1 have coipmitted no crime,” ranks of taboo topics after it was first ambassador’s sometimes skimpy “representa­ officially in the running, including Kansas City, Mo.; New York Williams, an Atlanta City Council Ga., after he was arrested while all-white Forsyth County. recognized. The disease, which destroys the tional fund” for entertainment and similar and Washington. But word of Kirk’s choice spread late Monday, member, said in a statement issued picketing the live broadcast of "T h e O pen Forum by his office. body’s immune system, is spread primarily goodwill gestures. News stories last fall reported as party insiders were Informed of the decision. that Whittlesey had dipped into her embassy fund , “The treatment we received of our colleague.” misdemeanor charges is set for county, but one woman said she I through sexual contact. from most of the arresting officers She said the group wants to meet March 23. believes-L’we have a right to have a I AIDS has already claimed 16,667 lives in the to play hostess to some of the same American big . N.H. mother Jailed for contempt was some of the worst I have with Gov. Joe Frank Harris “to “We offered him the opportunity white community.” shots who had donated to the fund. experienced in my civil rights United States. The national Centers for Dogs frequently Haunted house efforts of the teenage community. seek a just resoiiition of the to sign his name and ieave,” said Some told Winfrey they feared Although It may be too late to When the stories broke, the House Foreign CONCORD, N.H. — A woman jailed for refusing to let her career, especially in view of the situation.” Forsyth County Sheriff Wesley Disease Control have estimated that it will Operations Subcommittee, headed by Rep. Dan fact we were arrested on public violence from other whites if they good neighbors was big success arrange a review of this produc­ estranged husband see their children because he allegedly Williams helped lead a Jan. 24 Walraven. "I guess he can stay welcomed blacks. strike 270,000 people in the U.S. by the end of Mica, D-Fla., ordered a General Accounting Office abused them is getting support from a victims’ group, while an property while attempting to begin civil rights demonstration that here until he’s arraigned and goes tion which is to take place in a totally peaceful, non-violent news attracted about 25,000 people to to court.” 1991. It will kill 179,000. To the Editor: To the Editor: March 1987, we hope this letter audit of all such privately financed embassy fundsl organization of fathers is backing the man. After the show, Winfrey said she The time has clearly come for a frank look Our associate Lucette Lagnado has seen the Both sides planned rallies today at the Statehouse. conference.” Forsyth County. A week earlier, was “very, very sorry” Wiliiams will have an impact on the future. In Atlanta, King said, “We, the Obout 75 marchers were confronted During the show, residents dis­ at AIDS and ways to prevent it. But even We had always been able to ha ve We would like to take this resulting report. ’The 38-year-old woman was Jailed Friday after refusing to tell cussed the recent events with was arrested. “I have nothing but Maybe the Manchester Herald a Judge where her two children are. members of the Coalition to End by 400 Ku Klux Kian members and respect for Reverend Hosea Wiili- though ignorance about the disease can be a dog. all of the nnany, many years opportunity to thank you for will recognize the influential part Here are some examples of the Vienna Fear and Intimidation in Forsyth Winfrey. embassy’s expenditures from the gift fund during “If I tell where my children are, I am betraying them,” she said supporters, some of whom huried ams,” she said. “At some other fatal, most people have shown a surprising of our married life — and prior to running an article and a photo­ it plays in informing the commun­ County, have assembled to express rocks and debris. Many said they supported the time, we would like to have him on my marriage, one of my brothers graph for the Manchester Jay- the tenure of von Damm, who resigned as in an interview over the weekend from Strafford County Jail. our outrage at the unlawful arrest willingness to ignore the subject. ity and expand its support of “My children are too young for anymore abuse and raping by the Williams’ arraignment on the right of blacks to move into the the show perhaps.” and I would "persuade" a lonely cees/Bolton Volunteer Fire De­ positive efforts of teenagers. ambassador after marrying the owner of Vienna’s^ In Connecticut, Connecticut Transit, the or tired looking “stray” to partment Haunted House last famous Sacher Hotel: court system.” ’The woman says the father has molested their 4-year-old state-run bus company, refused to accept accompany we two home to our October. The event went well and Buffey Harris • In September 1985, she spent more than $13,00^ to take some 400 guests on a “friendship cruise” on daughter and 2-year-old son. She told a Judge Friday she wouldn’t advertisements advocating the use of brothers and our sister, to love, a good time was had by all. The Jennifer Clough let the father visit them despite a court order because they had condoms, which the U.S surgeon general has "romp” and show that particular publicity we received through Publicity Chairpersons the Danube River. ’The tab included boat rental, ; restaurant meals, fireworks and a photographer to been harmed during previous visits. said offer the best protection against AIDS dog a great deal of attention. your paper was deeply appre­ Sock n’ Buskin Drama Society She asked that the Judge hold off on visitation orders until a record the event. outside of abstinence. ciated by the members of both Manchester High School hearing next month on the custody battle. Moving to Manchester quite a organizations. • In August 1985, von Damm dipped into the Television station WVIT recently said it number of years ago, we were Again, please accept our thanks embassy gift fund to buy a $600 coat as a birthday would not show ads for condoms because "it’s tenants. Therefore, dogsandcats, for helping us to promote our present for Dagmar Koller, wife of Vienna’s Vets have higher death rate Get aflyour debts under even children, weren’t allowed. I not our place.’’ But that same station does not Haunted House and for helping to Concerns about mayor. Cable traffic between the embassy and WASHINGTON — In the first five years after their discharge hesitate to run public-service ads aimed at didn’t blame our friends, the make the show a success. Foggy Bottom revealed an initial reluctance in owners and residents of the from the Army, soldiers who served in Vietnam had a 17 percent killers such as drunken drivers. aggressive game Washington to approve the expenditure; it was higher death rate than those who served elsewhere during the property, realizing the fear and Ricky Merrill finally OK’d after the fact. In New York, a minister received threats dislike of animals, which I’m same period, a new study shows. State Director To the Editor: • In December 1985, von Damm played the The deaths were mainly from motor vehicle accidents, suicide, one roof now after passing out condoms to his congregation assuming was their reasoning. Manchester Jaycees gracious hostess to Attorney General Edwin homicide and accidental poisonings, says the study by the federal this week to highlight the need to talk about How I missed taking my dog for a Lisa C. Morin, I noticed the article concerning Meese, his son and their wives, who stopped off in ; Centers for Disease Control. AIDS. Those who opposed the minister’s walk, which helped me, too! Chairman, Bolton the closing of Andy’s supermarket Vienna while on a European tour. ’The ambassadoi^ After the first five years, ‘"mortality among Vietnam veterans . action said he should be preaching We have a variety of dogs in the Volunteer Fire Department on North Main Street in Manches­ who worked in the White House while Meese was ;; was similar to that of other Vietnam-era veterans, except for abstinence. section where we reside — and ter. I would like to commend the presidential counselor, threw a party for the drug-related deaths which continued to be elevated,” said a How nice it would be if everyone could be many cats. Now take “Zak” — concern of the owner to try and visitors. She also arranged tickets to the Vienna report in the Feb. 13 issue of the Journal of the American Medical counted onlo enter a single, monogamous he’s a white (sometimes, when he replace Andy’s with another food Opera production of “Fidelio” at a cost of $317.28 ! Association. Sock n’ Buskin store rather than a laser games for five tickets. ’The purpose of the expenditure wa$ The findings are from the “Vietnam Experience Study” part of I relationship in his or her lifetime. However, hasn’t gotten into something) dog, I arcade that simulates warfare. “to further U.S. interests,” according to the ; a much larger study of Vietnam veterans ordered by Congress to human nature is not so perfect. I believe a Samoyed. And there learn how their health and the health of their children was are “Bud” and “Mick” — two deserves support ’The food store would certainly embassy voucher. ; Those who advocate the just-say-no be of great service to the residents • Also justified by the need to promote the affected by possible exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange. sheep dogs who are a show just to To the Editor: approach to sex are simply not being realistic. watch. of Mayfair Gardens. national interest was the purchase of 10 I am also concerned that the scallop-shaped pewter bowls from Cartier Inc. in Until they and others who choose to ignore Recently, we were searching Navy goes back to drawing board the threat posed by AIDS are able to discuss I’ve chased “Zak” home, so he announced replacement tenant New York at a cost of $1,023. won’t get hurt. I’ve given him for innovative publicity sources the subject rationally, the number of victims would stimulate aggressive ten­ Not all the embassies with gift funds spent the WASHINGTON — At attempt to improve the seaworthiness, of cookies, which I don’t do any­ for the upcoming spring produc­ dencies in some of our youth. I am money on fripperies. The GAO auditors noted that ■ the aging aircraft carrier Midway, the heart of the Navy’s 7th will continue to grow at an alarming pace. more. per his owner. He’s quite a tion of “Marne” at Manchester afraid that this may encourage ; the embassy in Lagos, Nigeria, which had received Fleet, has forced the Navy back to the drawing board, the service dog — friendly, clean and impe­ High School. In past years, the and grant permission to use ‘ more than ^8,000 in donations, used the money toi acknowledged. rious — but still a wonderful dog. Manchester Herald has always aggression to settle dispute, The carrier, built in 1945 and permanently based in Japan, was been a reliable source for a make badly needed improvements at a consulate, ; I’ve called the owners of a young rather than learning skills of “such as retaining walls, fences and gates.” In moved into dry dock last year for an overhaul including hull publicity photo during the week of reconciliation. There is already addition, the embassy donated a large chunk of the modifications to increase the ship’s stability. sheep dog, who reside up the street the play. This we greatly appre­ and were frantically looking for too much of this in our communi­ gift fund to the American International School in • But when the carrier moved back out to sea in December for ciated, but this year we wanted to ty’s life as well as our nation’s. Lagos. trials, the Navy found the ship rolls too quickly in heavy seas to her. I was knitting in my living expand our exposure in the ensure the safe movement of airplanes on its deck. room one night last year, and I I have worked with a number of ’The Paris embassy also used its gift fund for such Herald. On the afternoon ofFeb.5, people who areemotionally unsta­ unglamorous expenses as renovating the As a result, the service said Monday it is “considering a heard a barking at my door. ’There our request fora review of the play number of alternatives and in the next few months, we expect !1||I sat this young pup. I opened the ble and this will only increase that ambassador’s residence, buying a piano, ; some additional modifications.” was curtly denied by Adele Angle instability. All members of the reupholstering furniture, installing drapes and door and in she bounded. We had a due to the fact that “We (the great time with her. She was community that have any way to painting light fixtures. i Herald) don’t review high school influence such decisions should friendly and believed she was plays.” The Moscow embassy wouldn’t let the GAO Iran frees Jailed Canadian home. We found out through the help prevent this use of the facility auditors see its gift fund vouchers on grounds of The Manchester High School because encouraging aggression security. * ; FRANKFURT, West Germany — Canadian engineer Philip c/ ' ' V j '' vet tag and contacting the vet drama club. Sock n’ Buskin, has Engs, who was Jailed two months in Iran on spy charges, arrived where she lived. is not in the community’s best here ’Tuesday on a flight from the Persian Gulf country, Canadian always taken great pride in interest. Under the dome All this is for my neighbors. I presenting the community with a officials said. don’t condemn an animal for its Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif.. is known on Capitol ' “We believe he will be leaving for Canada at the next professional performance and not Rev. James Meek owners’ lack of consideration, but a typical “high school” play. Hill for his interest in foreign affairs, his concern • opportunity, probably around midday,” Jim Hentschel, a sometimes we are trying to sleep, Community Baptist Church for mistreated animals and his usually dignified Canadian embassy counsellor, told The Associated Press. Finding this lack of support from a Manchester especially on weekends. I’m quite prime information source in appearance. But the Hungarian-bom Lantos is also Engs was taken to the airport’s VIP lounge, and kept out of aware some of you work and Manchester has greatly dis­ a bit of a ham — in an almost literal sense. As a sort sight of the small group of reporters waiting to meet him, therefore it makes your position a mayed and insulted us. Unfortu­ of Rich Little of the animal kingdom, he does an according to photographers on the scene. “harried” beginning of your day. nately, much of the recent amazingly lifelike imitation of a pig. His aides are Canadian officials said Engs did not want to speak to reporters Letters to the editor amused by the boss’s oinking—but also a little until he was back in Canada. (jeilingpn publicity given to teenagers has tD isa r by NEA. Inc Engs was arrested in Iran’s capital, Tehran, on Dec. 2, a day Mrs. H. W. Pfenning been derogatory. It shocks us that Address letters to: Open nervous, ’hiey can’t be sure when a constituent "You wouldn’t believe what they’re advertis­ from the posh San Francisco Peninsula might after he returned to there from a trip to Canada. He was accused 21 Ashworth St. the Herald would not take this Forum, Manchester Herald, P.O. of photographing military installations. ing on television now if I TOLD YOU. ” Manchester opportunity to show positive ' Box 591, Manchester, CT 06040. happen by during a performance and wonder if 9 there’s a truffle hunt going on in their 9 congressman’s inner office. interest (^auctions. Reagan says he’s still in charge History, Soviet-style WASHINGTON — President Reagan insists he has a firm grip on his Job and he will adopt a more active schedule soon, despite Connecticut National’s Equity CteditLine ments-will continue to be fully deductible. you’ll pay no application or attorney’s fees. Outcast has quite a yacht to learn ’The Soviet’s propensity to alter history to suit charges by a top Democrat that the chief executive has become their ideology of the moment is well established, “passive” in the face of White House problems. gives you an important b r ^ on your taxes. And interest on equity loans for educa­ We’ll even waive first-year membership fees. and probably nothing can break them of the habit. ‘ And if you apply now, you’ll get another tion and medical expenses will be fully deduct­ So you’ll pay no up-front costs at all. By Lewis Grizzard “tacking” is and I don’t own a double-breasted blue Reagan, speaking Monday to a group of conservatives, the Wardlaws and paddle around in Stinkweed Recently, for example, the president of the Soviet ■ reported he was “doing fine” following prostate surgery five break: no up-front costs. ible up to your home’s current market value. Come in today and talk to one of our Jacket nor a pair of white deck shoes. Pond?” So consohdating your debts now with specialists about the unique advantages of It’s a bit unpatriotic, but I found myself not Academy of Science declared in a Moscow speech weeks ago. 8 As my friends discussed the races I tried to join Although I grew up yachtless, I still can look that the Soviet Union in the late 1940s developed “I am completely recovered,” Reagan said, adding with a The 1987 tax law puts a ceiling on the an Equity CreditLine from Connecticut Connecticut National’s ^ u ity CreditLine. 8 giving a hoot who won the America’s Cup, the yacht in by making stupid comments like “How much back on my youth and count the many blessings I smile: “In fact, my doctors told me this morning my blood races between the United States and Australia. “first the atomic bomb and then, earlier than the : deductions you’ll be allowed for interest National will protect a valuable tax break for Or call us at one of the numbers listed below. horsepower does it take to make a boat go that actually did have. Americans, hydrogen bombs.” This is an old boast; pressure is down so low that I can start reading the newspapers payments on personal loans. years to come. But be sure to do it soon. It was tough feeling this way because many of fast?” and “Has anybody seen the movie We may not have had a yacht, but my and one that American experts don’t buy. During ' and watching the TV news.” grandfather had a mule and I could ride her any This year, only 65% of your interest will ^ At Connecticut National, you can bor­ my fellow citizens developed a keen interest in the ‘Crocodile Dunkee’ ? ” the race for the H-bomb —in the early s, ' Reagan was ordered by his doctors to follow a six-week time I pleased. 1080 recovery program, avoiding strenuous exercise and progres­ be deductible. In four years, none of it will be. row $5,000 to $100,000 or more at a low vari­ event. I even tried to iearn to say, ‘G’day, mate,” but actually — the Americans were first to detonate a • But there’s an exception to the new ceil­ able interest rate. Gnweclicut my Australian is terrible. My mother bought a 1948 Chevrolet in 1955 which thermonuclear device and then, some time later, a ■ sively adopting more regular working hours. Just a short time ago, there were Super Bowl she traded in 1960 for a 1955 Chevy. It was green ing. And it’s as big as the roof over your head. You’ll be able to use your credit by parties all over the country. Then, people were The truth be known, I think the main reason I had deliverable H-bomb. ’That’s our story, and, like the ^ 7 no interest in the America’s Cup is I come from a and had four doors and no radio. Russians, we’ll stick to it. Credit secured by the equity in your simply writing a check. And pay it back in full 7 giving America’s Cup parties and were standing In 1962,1 tuned 16 and got my driver’s license. I Mandela says police raided home around in front of television sets actually watching yacht-deprived background. We didn’t have a home is exempt from the new law. or in part at any time. With a full interest yacht when I was growing up and neither did asked Kathy Sue Loudermilk, the community sex JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — AnU-apaVtheid activist For the foreseeable future, interest on deduction at tax time. reruns of the races. They said things like, "What symbol, for a date. Bank marvelous tacking” and they chanted “U.S. A.! anybody else in the community. Winnie Mandela said today police raided her house seven times equity loans for any purpose-up to the origi­ What’s more, Connecticut National We drove the green 55 over to Stinkweed Pond on Friday, climbing over garden walls and searching the rooms. n s purchase price of your home plus improve­ offers you an added incentive. If you apply now. Know-how that pays off U.S. A.! U.S. A.! ” as they lift^ their glasses of The Wardlaws had a flatbottom for fishing for after the movie and parked. iManrhpBlpr HpraW champagne. A spokesman at police headquarters in Pretoria, Capt. Reg mudcats on Stinkweed Pond, but that was about it, Kathy Sue taught me things that night I did not Founded In 1801 Crewe said, “We did visit Mrs. Mandela’s home on Friday in Not only were the races televised, but I picked up boatwise. know existed nor would have believed physically connection with a rouUne police invesUgation. It is, however, my morning newspaper and the America’s Cup As I grew older I began to realize that growing up possible. PENNY M. SIEFFER7 ...... PuUlsiMr vehemently denied that we visited the house seven times.” (n Manchester, call Jo German at 728 4312. Susan Gagne at 728 2019, Donald Martin at 728-2659 or Lucille Ladone at 728-4318 yacht-deprived could hurt me in later life. After that, I lost all Interest in yachts and to this DOUGLAS A. BEVINS.. Exaoutivi EdHof In East Hartlord, call Dave Chamberlain at 728 2461 or Elaine Dowd at 728-4223 was the lead story in the sports section. ALEXANDER QIRELLI.. AmocIi u EdHor He would not say how many times police went to the house that I got complete coverage of a yacht race going on I said to my mother, "Do you realize I’m IS years day, believe it or not, I still don’t own one. day or what was being investigated. 6,000 miles away, but I could find not one word on old and we still don’t have a yacht?” In the meantime, when does baseball season DENISE A. ROBERTS ... Advwllting Olraclor Mandela told acquaintances the first raid occurred at 6 a.m., the results of the wrestling matches the evening I could sense my mother realized how such a start again? MARK F. ABRAITIS...... BuSnMi Mwiagir when security forces arrived in 15 armored trucks at her home in thing could set me back socially, but what cqjild she SHELDON COHEN.. ..CompoNng Manig«r Soweto, the huge black township ouUide Johannesburg. before. ROBERT H. HUBBARD...... Praitroom Managar Frankly, I felt like an outcast throughout the do on a first-grade teacher’s salary? Lewis Grizzard Is a syndicated columnist based JEANNE Q. FROMERTH.. .. CIreulallon Managar America’s Cup competition. I have no idea what "Son,” she said to me, “why don’t you go over to at the Atlanta Constitution & Journal. 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueaday, Feb. 10.1987 MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10.1887 — 9 Coroner, alleging cover-up, says Liberace died from AIDS 4 FOCUS INDIO, Calif. (AP) -U b e r a c e ’s covered up the cauae of death, he Daniela’ receptioniat aaid the notoriety would increaae public diaeaae-fighting immune ayatem ia “ That’a all we can do.” doctor! deliberately tried to cover reaponded: "That’a a moot point. doctor ia declining comment. awareneaa of the fatal diaeaae. weakened by the AIDS virua, which Carrillo aaid hia office will report« up the entertainer’! death from But yea, I believe that.” Foreat Lawn Memorial Park’a Miacroacopic tiaaue analyaia recently waa renamed human the autopay reaulta to the health AIDS by reporting that hedied from Dr. Ronald Daniela, a Whittier aimilar failure to report Liberace’a ahowed Liberace died becauae of immunodeficiency virua by an department, but doean’t plan to heart failure, the Riveraide Coiuty phyddan who aigned Liberace’a true cauae of death alao will be cytomegalovlrua pneumonia due to international panel on virua namea. notify any of Liberace’a aexual coroner aaid. death certiflcate, had reported that reported to the atate board reapon- human Immunodefidency virua Beaidea fatal pneumonia cauaed contacU.of the autopay reaulta. "It i! my firm belief aomebody the entertainer died of cardiac aibie for regulating mortuariea, diaeaae, Carrillo aaid. “ In layman’a by the cytomegalovirua, Carrillo “ I don’t know if he had relationa along the line wanted to pull a faet terma, Mr. Liberace died of an arreat due to heart failure brought Carrillo aaid. A Foreat Lawn, aaid other contributing cauaea of with anybody or not,” he aaid, one on ua," Coroner Raymond opportuniatic diaeaae cauaed by on by aubacute encephalopathy, a offidal aaid Monday the mortuary Liberace’a death included lung and adding that he couldn’t tell how long Carrillo told a newa conference acquired immune deficiency brain inflammation. acted properly. heart diaeaae and a hardening, or Liberace had auffered front AIDS. Monday. “ The original cauae of ayndrome.” “ Encephalopathy doea not cauae The aecrecy aurrounding Libera­ calcification, of a heart valve. Sexual contact ia one way of death did not make aenae.” heart diaeaae,” Carrillo aaid. Cytomegalovlrua ia a common ce’a death contraated with the Foreat Lawn apokeaman Dick tranamittlna AIDS. Aaked if he believed Liberace'a Daniela’ failure to report the relative openneaa of the 1985 virua that infecta about half of all Fiaher aaid in Loa Angelea that the doctora knew all along that the correct cauae of death will be AIDS-relaM death of ador Rock Americana by the time they reach mortuary had relied on the doctor’a Liberace’a New York publidat, ahowman auffered from AIDS, reported for poaaible diaciplinary Hudaon, whoae publidat freely middle age. It uaually producea death certificate when it embalmed Deniae Collier, and longtime man­ Carrillo replied; “ Yea, air, I firmly action to Califomia’a Board of diacuaaed the ailment after it waa either cold-like aymptoma or no Liberace’a body. ager Seymour Heller repeatedly believe that.” Medical Quality Aaaurance, he revealed in a Hollywood publica­ noticeable or aerioua effecta. “ We’re not doctora, we’re not had denied Liberace auffered Aaked if that meant doctora aaid. tion. Hudaon later aaid he hoped the But it can be fatal to people whoae medical examinera,” Fiaher aaid. AIDS. O b it u a r ie s Education improvements siow,

Howard Q. Ballard are Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. vice will be Thursday at 8; IS a.m. Howard G. Ballard, 68, of 22 Memorial donations may be from the Holmes Funeral Home, says state-by-state report card Foley St., died Monday at Manchea- made to the Zion Lutheran Church 400 Main St., with a mass of ter Memorial Hoapital after he waa Memorial Fund, 112 Cooper St. Christian burial at 9 a.m. in St. atricken at home. He waa the WASHINGTON (AP) - Educa­ ency tests and mechanisms to take said, “ The chart has been greeted James Church. Burial will take with charges of unfair compari­ huaband of Marie (Dietrich) place in the spring in Lakeside tion Secretary William J. Bennett, over “ academically bankrupt” releasing his annual, state-by-state sons, inappropriate measures and Ballard. Cemetery, Casco, Maine. Calling schools. He waa bom in Shelburne Falla, Harold L. Erickson report card, said today that the Since its inception in 1984 under too little information to accurately hours are Wednesday from 2 to 4 portray or compare education. Maaa., April 25,1918,andhad been a Harold L. Erickson, 81, of 70 pace of school improvement essen­ Bennett’s predecessor, T.H. Bell, and 7 to 9 p.m. Nevertheless, each year the ’Wall Mancheater resident for 27 years; Cambridge St., died Monday at a tially held steady In 1985-86 after the wall chart has evoked howls of Chart’ statistics make headlines, previously living in Philadelphia. Manchester convalescent home. He several years of progress. outrage over what some educators “ We have to do better. Our have charged was a simplistic and and policymakers have been pres­ He was a U.S. Army veteran of was the husband of the late Grace Paul F. Peoples Sr. World War II, stationed in Panama. (Perry) Erickson, who died in 1972. children deserve better,” Bennett misleading approach to feeding the sured to respond.” Before he retired in 1985, he was a Paul F. Peoples Sr., 77, of 14 said. “ We must redouble our efforts public appetite for school rankings. Bennett actually issued two wall mechanic for the Manchester Po­ He was born in Orange, Mass., Thomas Drive, died Monday at if we are to attain our goals.” FairTest, a Cambridge, Mass., charts — one comparing the 1984-85 lice Department, where he worked Sept. 14, 1905, and had been a Manchester Memorial Hospital af­ It was the fourth year straight advocacy group often critical of school year with 1985-86, and the I for seven years. Manchester resident since 1947. ter he was stricken at home. He was that the Education Department has standardized tests, said Bennett’s other comparing 1981-82 with 1985- I He was a member of the Man­ Before he retired, he was a buyer the husband of Dorothy (Lamkins) produced a wall chart ranking new wall chart should bear the 86. for G. Fox & Co., where he had states by college entrance test legend. “ Warning; Gross misuse of ' chester Police Union, and the Peoples. The couple had been The 1981-82 year was chosen as a worked for 42 years. He was a scores, graduation rates, teacher test scores is dangerous to the International Union of Operating married 54 years. benchmark because it was the year I parishioner of St. James Church. salaries, class size and other nation’s educational health.” I Engineers. He was bom in Hartford and had before a Reagan advisory panel He was also a member of the Moses measures. But the wall chart also has forced Besides his wife, he is survived by lived in Manchester for 34 years. He report, “ A Nation At Risk,” rocked Fox Club and the Retired Execu­ “ This year, after four years of state superintendents and others to two sons, Brian H. Ballard of was a retired salesman, having the schools into raising standards. Herald photoa by Pappaa tives Club. improvement, we have basically search for ways to give parents, Boston and Bruce D. Ballard of worked for Newton-Robertson Bak­ Scholastic Aptitude Test scores University of Connecticut Chamber Singers sing to the audience during the Renaissance Feste of Saint Vaientine. held steady,” Bennett said. ” In 39 politicians, school personnel and Philadelphia; one brother, Donald ery of Hartford and the Gustave- for the class of 1986, as reported last He is survived by two daughters, of the 50 states (college entrance) other citizens more feedback on E. Ballard of Shelburne Falls, Fischer Co. of Hartford. He was a fall, were unchanged at 906. The Margaret J. Erickson of Manches­ test scores improved over the how schools are performing. Mass.; and six nephews and eight retired member of Teamsters test is scored on a 400 to 1600 scale. ter and Tyra E. Verdone of previous year. But the graduation Several states have installed nieces. Local 559. After retirement, he American College Test scores, on a Glastonbury; two sons, John R. rate has declined slightly. In short, their own reporting systems, and ’The funeral will be Thursday at 11 Erickson of Manchester and Mark worked for Dial-A-Ride in scale of 1 to 35, rose from 18.6to 18.8. a.m. at the Holmes Funeral Home. Hartford. some gain, a little slippage.” the Council of Chief State School H P. Erickson of Enfield; 10 The wall chart also ranked states Officers is trying to devise a better Only one state, Alaska, saw its Feast on the Renaissance 400 Main St., with burial at a later grandchildren; and four Besides his wife, he is survived by date in Northwood Cemetery, three sons, Paul F. Peoples Jr. of on their minority and handicapped set of statistics. college test scores drop from 1982 to greatgrandchildren. enrollments, youngsters living in A recent report by the Center for 1986. North Philadelphia. Calling hours The funeral and committal ser- Manchester, Richard D. Peoples of East Hampton and William J. poverty and other characteristics. Policy Research in Education — a ’The public high school gradua­ UConn evening helps you forget the 20th century Peoples of Cheshire; three daugh­ It also provided a checklist of which joint undertaking of Rutgers Uni­ tion rate for 1985 — the latest year ters. Susan Matney of Steamboat states have enacted such reforms versity, the Rand Corp. and the available — was 70.6 percent, down DEP says new Rt. 6 Springs, Colo., Barbara Coulom of as merit pay, minimum compet­ University of Wisconsin-Madison— from 70.8 percent in 1084. Waterbury and Lois Daly of Wind­ Bv Nonev Poppas sor; a sister. Eleanor Blais of Lebanon, Ohio; IS grandchildren; Herald Reporter would improve the air five great-grandchildren; and two Bolton school plan goes to state cousins. STORRS — At 6:20 p.m., you’re standing The proposed Route 6 express­ permit would probably occur in late The funeral will be Thursday at 10 BOLTON — Plans for the Bolton Bolton Board of Education wants to percent of the cost of the media firmly in the 20th century, buying a carafe of way would improve air quality if it April, Jain said. a.m. at the John F. Tierney Funeral High School media center will now start construction by spring and center once it receives a schedule to red wine in a faculty lounge. But in the next 10 were built between Bolton Notch But if there is a large response, a Home. 219 W. Center St, Burial will go to the state Department of complete the addition before the correct code violations in the and Windham, a state Department public hearing might be held, be in East Cemetery. Calling hours Education for approval after get­ start of school in September. existing high school building. minutes, you will travel back in time 400 years of Environmental Protection offi­ delaying final decision to possibly are Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and ting an OK Monday from the Public Last April, townspeople ap­ The plans for the media center, to England’s Elizabethan era. cial said this morning. early May, he said. 7 to 9 p.m. Building Commission. proved spending up to $493,000 for which Wiedie presented to the PB(3 You will be ushered into a banquet hall Dr. Ragendra Jain, who oversees ’The air-quality permit is one of Memorial donations may be The plans call for an addition to the media center, but town meeting at its meeting in the Community where you will dine on a joint of beef, hear the issuance of air-quality permits four permits the state Department made to the American Heart the south side of the high school, approval is needed to issue bonds Hall, call for a brick and concrete- tunes played on the lute and harpsichord, and for highway projects, said today of Transportation needs before it Association, 310 Collins St.. measuring 62 by 68 feet. The for the project. Townspeople will be block building with a skylight. The that he he will probably issue a can proceed with the $170 million Hartford. addition would accommodate the asked to approve the bond issue in a color of the brick and windows on be entertained by a pair of audacious court temporary permit for the contro­ project. The other three are we­ present library collection, as well meeting Wednesday at 7; 30 p.m. at the-media center’s south elevation jesters who call themselves Proctor and versial expressway next week. The tlands permits — one from the state as carrels for study and computer the Community Hall. would be designed to match those of Gambol. permit would allow the public to DEP and two from the U.S. Army use. The old library, which by state The state Department of Educa­ the rest of the high school, Wiedie You will be introduced to 14 assorted lords offer comments, and it could lead to Corps of Engineers. In Memoriam standards is too small, will be tion will reimburse the town 60 said. a public hearing before a decision is Daniel Karlin divided to form two classrooms. and ladies who flirt, sing and toast one The wetlands-permit decision is made on a final permit. February 8, 1983 Bolton architect Alan Wiedie, another with glasses raised high. And, in I Jain said that on the present waiting until the DOT submits a who drew up the plans, said that time, you will meet the lovely Queen I report to the Corps of Engineers on two-lane Route 6. air-pollution A wonderful man, missed and review by the Department of a plan to create wetlands to replace Elizabeth herself, along with her beloved, if levels are higher than they would be loved Education could take up to six the approximately 60 acres that will somewhat bumbling. King Jeffrey. on the planned four-lane highway. Rest in peace. weeks, although he hopes to put the W estside V illage Square be destroyed. James F. Byrnes, the He explained that there is more Family and Friends project out to bid by March. The What? Queen Elizabeth was secretly wed? congestion and more stopping and DOT'S environmental planning di­ Perhaps not in the days of yore. But in the rector, said last week the report starting on the two-lane road, and will probably be finished next Manchester’s New Shopping Center 17th annual Renaissance Feste at the that increases the amount of air University of Connecticut’s Faculty Alumni pollutants. month. It probably will call for creating more wetlands than will be The proposed highway would at the corner McKee St.West Center St. Center, Queen Elizabeth Bain, a 21-year-oId eliminate congestion because of the destroyed, he said. student from Andover, is married to I^ing additional lanes, Jain said. Overall, The Corps of Engineers will use Jeffrey Crueger of Wilton. the air quality in the 11.8-mile the report to determine whether to corridor is good compared to other require another in-depth enviro- THEY ARE ’TWO of more than 80 students roads, such as Interstates 84and91, mental study, or to accept the one Jain said. already submitted by the DOT. A who are pooling their talents to put on this After the temporary permit is permit decision would be based on Elizabeth Bain of Andover, who plays the queen of the Royal year’s Renaissance feast and Elizabethan issued, the DEP will seek public the environmental infoilnation re­ dinner. Singers, jugglers, a puppeteer and a comments. A decision on a final quired by the Corps. BLOOD University of Storrs, begins to eat her festival supper. magician who has been conjuring since the age of 9 all collaborate with the culinary staff PRESSURE of the Faculty Alumni Center to create a Road work could cost memorable evening. The production is primarily a vehicle to SCREENING showcase the talents of the university’s billions, report says Chamber Singers, 16 vocalists chosen from among the 56 members of the University Continued from page 1 take the New Haven railroad to 15000 sq. ft. Stores & Offices Concert Choir. As conceived some 18 years work are doing so, compared to the units of 600 to 1200 sq. ft. ago by Dr. John Poellein, then director of New Haven line of the Metro-North 80 percent of Manhattan-bound vocal music at UConn, the evening includes commuters who take the train. Commuter Railroad, the report humor (some of it rather bawdy), hearty food, said. The study also outlines $66 million worth of interim measures gorgeous costumes and a great deal of music. The alternatives would cost about * Excellent Visibility $1.5 billion and are feasible only if to improve traffic flow in southw­ During the evening, the Chamber Singers more people can be enticed into estern Connecticut. The interim * Easy Access present about 25 elaborately harmonized driving to work together or com­ measures include: * High Traffic numbers from the 16th century, most of them muting by train, the report said. • Upgrading 11 exchanges on the Merritt Parkway between Green­ * Abundant Parking done without accompaniment. When the “ These are not recommenda­ singers rest, there are two instumental groups tions,” state Transportation Com­ wich and Stratford at a cost of $50 * Immediate Occupancy missioner J. William Bums said. million. — a brass quintet and the Storrs Collegium Catherine Birch bemoans the sad fate of her lover, John “ These are various ways in which • Spending $11.5 million to im­ Musicum — which provide music of the prove the New Haven line and its Drury, in a comic scene from Shakespeare’s "A Midsummer the traffic problems can be dealt period. with. parking facilities. Night’s Dream." “ Obviously widening the turn­ • And expansion of I-9S from the PRESENT TENANTS east end of the Quinnipiac River WHEN DR. PETER BAGLEY took over as pike by three lanes in each direction Mister Donut - Absolute Video - Allstate - Park Hill is not realistic, practical or proba­ bridge in New Haven to Exit 51 in the university’s choral music director three ble,” Bums said. “ But that identi­ East Haven. Joyce Florist - Always Hair • Village Jewelry - Night & years ago, he changed both the time and the fies the magnitude of the traffic Money for some of the Interim measures, which could be under­ Day Boutique - Whittlesey & Hadley, CPA place of the event. He moved the festival from problem we are facing.” the weeks preceding Christmas to those just For the alternatives to work, the taken over a three-year period, is Get to the heart of the problem* occupancy rate for cars on the included in Gov. William A. before Valentine’s Day, to ease students’ O’Neill’s proposed 1987-88 budget. IN KEEPING with the Valentine theme, turnpike needs to be increased from High blood pressure is recognized as the major cause of LATEST ADDITION exam-time workload. And he shifted the event 1.2 to 1.5 per vehicle, the report heart disease. However, since it has no symptoms, 17 million from the school’s Student Union to the Faculty many tunes are love songs. However, a few said. When an opponent who had been people have this health problem and don’t know it. A simple numbers have absolutely nothing to do with making a boring speech in the 2000 sq. ft. separate building. Alumni Center to provide a wanner The number of people commuting check can determine if you have high blood pressure. the season. One of these is “ The Banquet British Parliament accused Lord atmosphere, and better, hotter food. by train also needs to be more than Customized to suit tenant • April occupancy. Fugue,’’ a recent piece done in a Renaissance doubled, the report said. Currently, North of being asleep. North WEDNESDAY The dinners had formerly been catered, and only six percent of those who could retorted: "I wish I was.” FEBRUARY 11, 1987 the food was trucked in, said Megan Friar, a style by John Rutter. The singers somehow graduate student who was this year’s kept straight faces, as they enunciated words 11:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. like, “ Guzzle, guzzle, gobble, gobble, pass the (In cooperation with Mancheater Memorial Hoapital) producer. Now the Faculty Alumni Center staff can pull the roast beef and Yorkshire salt, pass the salt... ’’ Some singers used pudding from the oven just a few minutes considerable talent as mimes to illustrate the V indigestion they were claiming to be feeling. LOMBARDa before it’s served. While the food is served by “ wenches and It’s not easy to chuckle and eat roast beef at pages” — all members of the Concert Choir — the same time, the audience discovered. ASSOCIATES* magician Michael Mosher makes the rounds 340 Main Street The Renaissance Feste of Saint Valentine For Leasing Information among the tables, performing tricks with Weve ( rf It ( I inru I III in-, in RimI I -l.ilc (corner of Haynea Street) invisible decks of cards and scarves which continues In the Faculty Alumni Center, Alex Ortiz, a court jester, entertains the king and queen with Thursday through Saturday. Cocktail hour 'H iM .iin S i W'.iikin-. ( Mini, ln.'-ia t I Manchester change color. As the plates from the main call 688-2660 a bit of juggling. He concentrated on acrobatic tricks while course are cleared, the "nobles” come down begins at 5 p.m ., the performance and dinner 649-1025 p . andK. associates hia partner, Patrick Dowling, made most of the outrageous from their raised dining table and sing start at 6; 80,122. Telephone reservations comments. tableside serenades to the guests. accepted. 486-2284. MANCHESTER HERALD. ’Tuesday. Feb. 10. lOW - i l

It - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueadav. Feb. 10. 1987 Manchester YMterdays ■‘V, Tuesday T V Advice ■ \4\- • 4 ^ ' 4 . ' • Ah, those great winters 5:00PM IE) Wondwful WoiM of Dta- r (60 min.) CAROL BURNETT i'.iS MOVIE: 'A Pm m q o to Indta' SPECIAL ____ Girl serious about iove stili t A young woman m d in Indian doctor By D o u o la o A. J oh n so n Sr. Cheney’s at that time used oxen- ’20s and ’80s. The Seastrahd broth­ daNt InaianIndian cuatomacut and tha ramificationt drawn factory sleds to move ers jobbed out to the town for laad to turmoa. Judy Davis, Peggy Ash­ Carol Burnett (second from My grandkids were down here workers and silk between the many sidewalk snow removal. Fred and croft, Also Guinnass. 10M. Rated PG. - right) invites some of her sliding on their new-fangled snow mill buildings. ’They were huge Evard each had a V-shaped, [TMC] MOVIE: 'Eddto and tha Cniia- friends (from left to right; plays behind parents’ backs tubes recently. ’They made me wagon bodies, mounted on four horse-drawn snow sled and plowed ofa'T wanty yaara aftar tha diaappaarance of a band'a land singar, a raponar and the guest stars Robin Williams, nostalgic for Manchester of the double-runner wooden sleds, with our sidewalks from the Terminus to band’s lyricist try to piece together the Whoopi Goldberg and Carl DEAR friends want to Join together to 1930s. steel skatps. ’Hiey waxed the skates Center Street. We used to throw mystery. Tom Berenger, Michael Para, El­ honor sonneone, then each cheer­ len Barkin. 1983. Rated PG. In Stereo. Reiner) for an hour full of ABBY: I am 16 Don’t let the oldtimers kid you. during the snow months. snowballs at them when we came song and dance and laughter, fully pays his or her own way. But 5:30PM lESPN] Scholastic Sports years old and The winter of ’86 and '87 is just as ’The billiard was in March 1888. home from the East Side Red on in "A Carol Burnett Special: have been hav­ for family members to "honor” one terrific as ours were years ago. My My grandma got a ride on the sled School Street. Fred and Evard were of their own, and ask invited guests Carol, Carl, Whoopi and Rob­ ing a serious grandmother, Emma Gull, des­ right to her door on Maple Street. also Manchester’s well- known 5:45PM [HBO] MOVIE: 'Mommla in.” The ABC special airs to pay for it, is out of line. Daaraa f Joan Crawford's real life role is love relation­ D ear Abby cribed the Blizzard of 1888 in detail They closed the mills at noon seafood suppliers. ravealad as seen through tha ayes of her TUESDAY, FEB. 10. ship with a 21- to me many times. She worked at because of the huge snowdrifts. Abigail Van Buren DEAR ABBY: I do my grocery daughter. Faye Dunaway, Steve Forrest, year-old guy Cheney Mills during the '88 big one. I remember winters in town in the ’The town did a good job on our Diana Scarwid. 1981, Rated PG. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME who is in the shopping at a very large super­ streets, too. We owned three large 6:00PM CS CD ® (SB SB News military. We market. There is one checkout Mack chain-driven trucks. Each CD Three's Company met four months woman (I guess you’d call her a had a large oak wood V-shaped Phalo by MaoKwiOrlak CD Magnum, P.1, ago and see each cashier] who has been there for plow attached to the under chassis. many years. She’s not young. (0 ) Qbntne a Break [E S P N ] SportsCenter other four or ’They had open cabs on them. My 8:30PM CD (9 ) Growing Pains (CC| Anyway, yesterday when she These snails resting on a piece of bark Class. Other works by Turner have been Morfc and Mindy Part 1 of 2. Mike must make a tough decision when he [H B O ] MOVIE: 'F/X' (CC) A special ef­ five times a week, but I feel very your parents. If he’s as wonderful father said he brought more than goes to a party where cocaine is being fects expert becomes the fall guy for gov­ as you say he is, he will quit checked out my groceries, she sold. She prefers to keep this one as a (SB M*A*S*H guilty because the time we spend one driver into his saloon on Oak are made from stoneware clay by used. ernment agents when he arranges a mobs­ sneaking around and look them in leaned toward me and said, “ I lost I8 l Doctor Who ter’s fake assassination. Bryan Brown. together is kept from my parents. I Street to warm him up with a bowl Sharon Turner of 48 Lockwood St. She remembrance of high school. CD Million Dollar Chance of a Ufetlma the eye. If he’s not, maybe he’s not my beloved Ricardo after 48 years S ) CharNa's Angela Brian Dennehy. Diane Venora. 1986. have to make up lies about where made them in a high-achool pottery (3j) Novala: Herancta Maldita as wonderful as you think he is. of marriage; he had a massive of pea soup or perhaps something a SlOuInGy Rated R. I ’m going and who I’m with. All my Think about it. heart attack with no warning.” 1 little bit stronger. 3!) Raportar 41 9:00PM CD MOVIE: 'Stillwatch' (CC) friends know about him and have A television news reporter unravels a mys­ 11:35PM CD Entertainment Tonight helped us to sneak around. diiln’t know what to say except, IH) MacNall-Lahter Nawshour Burt Reynolds talks about his new movie, Everything in the ’20s and ’30s tery of the occult when she attempts to We are very much in love and tell DEAR ABBY: My husband and I "Gee, I’m really sorry." (B ) Carol Burnett and Friends produce a profile of a woman senator. ”Rem-A-Cop". Abby, I don’t even know this winters was done in a much slower Lynda Carter. Angie Dickinson, Don Mur­ each other so often. This is not a just received another one of those [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Wonder of It All' A 11:45PM @) Late Show: Staning lady’s name! She certainly did lay a and happier pace. No stress. Snail ceramic creation has cougar battling a bear, penguins playing, ray. 1987 Joan Rivers schoolgirl crush, Abby. He’s the so-called invitations that go like man I want to spend the rest of my this: "The children of Mr. and Mrs. depressing bit of news on me. I left and rare anlnMls from every continent are C£D @ Moonlighting (CC) (60 min.) Much has been written about filmed in this documentary. 1974. Rated G. 12:00AM CD Kojak life with. We’re having sex but we Blankety-Blank are planning to the store feeling down in the dumps. (3D College Basketball: St. Johns at Ba­ Center Springs Pond. Because of a [ESPN] Mazda SportsLook ton Hall (2 hrs.) CD Nightlife are careful. honor their parents on their 2Sth I didn’t need to hear that kind of youthful ankle injury, I had to skate [USA] USA Cartoon Express Hill Street Blues When Buntz is 03) Star Trek I want to introduce this wonderful wedding anniversary. It will come news from a total stranger. Please a remarkable lifelike quality left in charge of the station after Furitio is 0D Tales of the Unexpected comment. with the slow pokes in the center of 6:30PM CD WKRP in Cincinnati guy to my parents, but I’m afraid if to $17.50 a plate for the dinner, plus away on business, he turns the cops loose (g)) MOVIE: 'Murphy's War' A W W II Ir­ $7.50 if you want to go in on the IN THE DUMPS the pond. Ed Bensche and I were CD ISB ABC News in a wild scheme to confiscate a record they know I'm seeing a 2I-year-old I ishman who, after the massacre of the group gift." perhaps the slowest skaters there. Wildlife and a Should You Buy Tomorrow’s An­ I QS Benson amount of dope. (60 min.) crew of his ship by a German U-Boat, guy they will forbid me to see him Abby, if children want to "honor” DEAR IN: Perhaps you didn’t Not so with our old school chum, breath of spring. tiques Today?" Ms. Sommer feels (3) 8CTV ® dZ) Frontline: Stopping Drugs (CC) seeks revenge at all costs. Peter O'Toole, again, or even make trouble for him The war on drugs is explored. (60 min.) Sian Phillips, Philippe Noiret. 1971. their parents, why don’t they give need to hear that kind of news from Georgp Krause, who now runs ’These are not Uiat we may be in a golden era of (S ) Too Close for Comfort at the base. I Novels: Cicatrices dal Alma ( 3 Alfred Hitchcock Presents I ’ve read your column since I was them a party instead of inviting a total stranger, but apparently she Krause Florist on Hartford Road. the garden slugs ground-floor collecting, and refers I IS) SB NBC News © ) Sports Talk ® Ask Dr. Ruth 11 years old and trust your advice. people and asking them to pay for needed to talk about it. Sometimes that zero in on Coflectoro* to the chortling of lucky persons she IS ) Nightly Butlnaaa Report [C N N ] Larry King Live 01) Novels: Amo y Senor Please publish this for us and other it? We have received several the bestthing we can do for a person George was our fastest speed your best toma­ knows who bought stuff in 1970from (S ) Nodciaro Unhrlslon [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Something for the Birds' [CNN] Newsnight couples who have this problem, and invitations like this one, and think is to listen. A little compassion, skater on his 15-inch speed blades. toes every year. Corner the then-unknown artists. (E) Love Connection At antiquarian book fairs, it is A political lobbyist in Washington finds [E S P N ] Mark Sosin's SaH Water Jour­ don’t say where it’s from. I know it’s terrible. We aren't cheap, but please. He used to zip around the outer A second glance Rusa MacKendrick [CNN] Showbiz Today himself becoming romantically interested nal we’re not the only ones. this is like buy ing a ticket to a party. perimeter of the pond three times to will reveal that traditional that most sales are [ESPN] NBA Today in a pretty female, even though she To get Abby’s booklet, “ How to they are per­ made to other dealers. It is much t doesn't share his viewpoint on bird sanc­ [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Creator' An eccentric FORBIDDEN LOVE Most of the people in this area our one. 7:00PM CD CBS News tuaries. VictorMature, Patricia Neal. 1952. science professor enlists the help of his read your column, so maybe if you Be Popular: You’re Never Too fectly respecta­ the same at a craft show. Artists young lab assistant in a bizarre scheme to Ray Dwyer, the woodcarver, was are the buyers most likely to CD SB ® M*A*S*H [E S P N ] College Basketball: Georgia DEAR FORBIDDEN: A 21-year- ran this (no names, please] you Young or Too Old," send a check or ble snails repos­ resurrect his dead wife. Peter O'Toole, Horald photo by Plirto our best figure skater of the day. I appreciate a newcomer’s CD Wheel of Fortune Tech at Maryland (2 hrs.) Live. Mariel Hemingway, Vincent Spano. 1985. old guy is a man — or should be — could put a stop to these pay-your- money order for $2.50 and a long, ing on a piece of believe he won prizes at the pn^uction. ( D (SB 8100,000 Pyramid [T M C ] MOVIE: 'The Pursuit of D.B. Rated R. and it's very unmanly to sneak own-way affairs. stamped (39 cents], self-addressed bark as Uiey contemplate their day move if you keep looking, but it is Cooper' An insurance detective pursues a around with a girl behind her MASSACHUSETTS MRS. envelope to: Dear Abby, Popular­ MR AND MRS. CLEMENT FANTOM carnivals. of balancing nature. not Sharon’s favorite work. There Sharon ’Turner does not have S D Jeffersons thief who parachutes into Oregon with 12;05AM SD T.J. Hooker Hooker's plan to nab a big-time mobster goes awry ity, P. O. Box 447, Mount Morris, III. A quick word to the squeamish; are three that come ahead of it; a access to a ceramics studio at . O l Bast of Saturday Night $200,000. Robert Duvall. Treat Williams, parents' backs. I think you should . . . married 50 years when the gangster kills Hooker's imfor- 61054. Our most colorful figure skater ’They are not real and yucky but serpent climbing a tree, another present but keeps her hand in with iS l MacNell-Lahrer Nawahour Kathryn Harrold. 1981. Rated PG. introduce this wonderful guy to DEAR MRS.: If a group of mant. (70 min.) (R). was Les Cheney. Les dressed in cap instead are a ceramic creation ser|>ent coiled to strike, and a pen-and-ink sketching, like a pic­ (8 ) Barney Millar (3) CNN News 9:30PM 12:30AM S D Dynasty and tweed knickers like a country made in a high-school pottery class resting horse. ture for a 1087 clendar and ® Hollywood Squares dD Novate: Camino Secreto (3D Entertainment Tonight Fantoms note anniversary gentleman of the day. He did figure by Sharon ’Turner of 48 Lockwood Sharon has sold sculptures in the letterhead stationery. 91) Novsia: Marla da Nadle dD NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Jim & Tammy St. liast. One was a harbor seal done to Tonight; Manchester Philatelic Denver Nuggets (2 hrs., 15 min.) 0D eights and loops with grace and IB) Nightly Business Report Cervical rib can be too big Vaillant. The maid of honor was the order, but she wouldn’t part with Society will meet at the Center ^ Late Night with David Lettarman Clement Fantom and Dolores finesse. He used to pick out a pretty The whole thing, even the seem­ Matt Houston [H B O ] Not Necessarily the News sister of the groom, Eva (Fantom] (E) Tonight's guests are Del Shannon and (Vaillant] Fantom of 58 EIro St. figure skater and wrap his skater’s ingly translucent beastie-bodies, any of these because they are Congregational Church, 0:80 to 0 [CNN] Monoyllna CE) News comic George Miller. (60 min.) In Stereo. Czajh. 10:00PM D E A R DR. acoustic injury. People with tinni­ recently celebrated their 50th wed­ scarf around her and spin her like a was made from stoneware clay (as schoolnday souvenirs. p.m. Visitore are welcome. [ESPN] SportsCantar (T ) (3^ Carol Burnett Special: Carol, (S) Alfred Hitchcock Presents Tliey have three children: (dia­ Now is the time to get advice on GOTT: I ’ve tus should have a thorough exmai- ding anniversary. top! ’The girls could pirouette as opposed to natural clay, china, blue Local arts and crafts should be [TM C] MOVIE: "The Wicked larh' In Carl, Whoopi & Robin (CC) Carol Burnett ( 3 More Real People been told I have nation by an ear, nose and throat ries Fantom of Glendora, Calif., bail, fireclay or bentonite],Tt was taken seriously by collectors. This setting up your exhibit for the big welcomes Carl Reiner, Whoopi Goldberg The Fantoms are longtime well as any “ Sonja Heine” of our 17thI century England, Lady Barbara Skel- [E S P N ] Tom Mann Outdoors cervical ribs. specialist to make sure that a more Karen (Fantom Fusick of Vernon, shaped, tooled, then fired at 2,000 is the gist of an article in the spring show: M ANPEX ’87. ton it a demurs wife by day and a treacher­ and Robin Williams for an evening of music members of St. James Church. A day. Sonja Heine was trained and and comedy. (60 min.) What does this serious and correctable causeis not and Roger Fantom of Chesapeake, degrees for six or seven hours. Antique ’Trader magazin by Elyse ous highwaywoman and lovar by night. 12:45AM Multi-Trim Special mass was said in their honor on they were not. Faye Dunaway, Alan Bates, Denholm mean? Dr. G ott Va. They have eight grandchildren ^m m er, author of “ How to Make QD INN News 1:00AM CD l Love Lucy present. Friday. Later it was treated with different- Eliott. 1993. Rated R. and one great-grandchild. colored glazes and again fired. Money in the Antiques and Collecti­ Ross MacKendrick Is ■ M uebee- (3 ) Police Story SD Joe Franklin Show Peter Gott, M.D. In addition, a surprise gathering You will find there is nothing new [USA] AIrwolf (@) Wild, Wild West DEAR DEAR DR. GOTT: I am 21 and of friends and relatives took place Clement was bom in Manchester It is remarkably lifelike. One bles Business.” ’The ’Trader story is ter resident who ie an authority ea GD Twilight Zone and Dolores in Willimantic. They in the world. My mother and father collectibles. 7:30PM CD p m Magazine (S ) Remington Steele When Reming­ R E A D E R : In used to have severe acne. I treated Saturday at the Knights of Colum­ observer said the creatures seem to entitled “ Contemporary Crafts. ... (M) Maude have lived in Manchester their saw an ice-skating follies in the CD Curram Affair ton and Laura head for London to find a some people, the myself with a high dose of vitamin bus Lodge in East Hartford. The stolen painting. Tony Rosetli blackmails 0D Gene Scott entire married life. They have lived Wintergarden, New York City in CD (8 ) Jeopardy first cervical A (100,00 units daily] and it cleared Fantoms were presented with a gift him into undertaking a dangerous plan. (60 [C N N ] Crossfire at their present address since 1043. 1918! CD Entartainmam Tonight min.) Part 2 of 2. In Stereo. rib. the highest up. I ’m now down to 60,000 units a certificate for a “ honeymoon” of [E S P N ] 1986 International Waterski rib in the chest day, but am a bit concerned about Dolores retired from Roosevelt (S)INN Newt (H) Soldiers Tour (60 min.) (R). their choice by their children.' cage, may be too large or in an staph infection. the stories I hear of kidney and liver The couple was married Feb. 0, Mills in Rockville in 1976 and (ID Collaga Basketball: Hartford at Can- ® Local News [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Eddie and tha Cruis­ Clement retired from Carlyle- Douglas A. Johnson Sr. often lalua (2 hrs.) ers' Twenty years after the disappearance abnormal position, so that it failure caused by vitamin A over­ 1937, at St, Bridget Church. ’The dD Que Nos Pasa Johnson Machine Co. in Manches­ writes tor Manchester Yesterdays. SB) ® Barney Millar of a band's lead singer, a reporter and the compresses the nerves to the hand. DEAR READER: Artificial dose. I ’ve had kidney infections for best man In the wedding was the In the Face of Terrorism: Extradition band's lyricist try to piece together the ter in 1977. He lives at 27K Blnetleld Drive. ® Carson's Comsdy Classics and Civil War Panelists discuss a case ’This can result in pain, weakness joints can be a focus of infeciton years. Is this amount harmfulto me brother of the bride. Rolland mystery. Tom Berenger, Michael Pare. El­ and numbness of the hand because that is difficult to clear up. The and if I discontinue it, will the acne ® < S l Nsw Nawlywad Gama study involving "Northern Shamrock". (60 len Barkin. 1983. Rated PG. In Stereo. I min.) of nerve damage. Surgery to synthetic material of the new joint recur? I (B) Wild. Wild Worid of Animals [U S A ] Prime Tim e Wrestling (2 hrs.) [C N N ] C N N News remove the rib often cures this. is hard to sterilize after it has been [CNN] Crossfire 1: 1 SAM d D M O VIE; 'Spasms' A de­ [HBO] MOVIE: 'Fortress' (CC) In Aus­ However, an abnormal cervical rib implanted; it may act as a foreign DEAR READER: Vitamin A [ESPN] A W A Wrestling (90 min.) tralia. a schoolteacher and nine of her stu­ monic snake with supernatural powers ter­ rorizes a community. Oliver Reed, Peter is an uncommon cause of these body, much as a splinter does. Your overdose is a real health problem Service Notea 7‘35PM [DIS] Moutetarpieca Thea­ dents fight for survival after being ab­ symptoms, which more usually are ducted by criminals. Rachel Ward, Robin Fonda, Kerrie Keane. 1983. doctor is correct in saying that you and can cause a wide variety of ter produced by a ruptured cervical Mason. 1985. 1:20AM [HBO]MOVIE; 'The Higheit will improve — but only if the medical illnesses, including skin 8:00PM CD it's Your 20th Television discor carpal tunnel syndrome, two infection can be eradicated, and the attending a first sergeant course at the Connecticut Anniversary, Charlie Brown Cartoonist [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Eleni' (C C) A present- Honor' A World War II Australian com­ disease, weight loss, headaches, Raised to master sergeant Charles Schultz hosts a behind-the-scenes day journalist seeks revenge for his mando force raids Japanese controlled conditions that can cause nerve supporting rod can be removed. bleeding tendencies, joint tender­ Military Academy, Camp O’Neill, Niantic. mother, who was killed during the Greek Singapore. John Howard, Stuart Wilson. look at the making of the Peanuts’ spe­ compression. ness and liver failure. No adult Philip S. Peteroski, husband of the former Mary Biiotta is assigned to Detachment I, 26th Adjutant cials. (60 min.) (R). Civil War. Kate Nelligan, John Malkovich, 1984. Rated R. Linda Hunt. 1985. Rated PG. DEAR DR. GOTT: A friend of should take more than 25,000 units a Philbrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. Phllbrick Cieneral Company in Hartford. He is also scheduled to CD Get smart CD MOVIE: 'Helter Skelter' The story ol 1:30AM mine had ringing in her ears for day. I suggest that you ask your of Standish Road. Coventry, has been promoted in the attend a 13-week advance non-commissioned officer the brutal slaying of Sharon Tate and four 10:30PM dS INN News OS INN News years. She read somewhere that school at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana within the others in her home. George OiCenzo, Steve DEAR DR. GOTT: A few years dermatologist whether some other U.S. Air Force to the rank of master sergeant. dD Este Noche se Improvise ® Bizarre Railsback, Nancy Wolfe. 1975. Part 1 of2. ago I had an artificial knee put in. A niacinamide would help. She now treatment, such as vitamin A Peteroski is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. next few months. He is on active army tour with the [D IS ] Animals in Ai;tion [C N N ] Newsnight Update CD ® Who's the Boss? (CC) Angela slight accident two years ago takes 300 milligrams a day and the cream, would be preferable — and Peteroski of Sebring, Fla. He is a 1968 graduate of Connecticut Army National Guard. trains Tony for ^ PTA charity boxing 1 1 :00PM CD CD Igl ® 8$ News [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Million Dollar Duck' A required corrective surgery to the ringing has stopped. Have you ever safer — for you. Windsor High School. match. (3D Late Show: Starring Joan Rivers family finds that their pet duck lays eggs knee, during which I developed a heard of this remedy? with yolks of solid gold. Sandy Duncan, Arrives for duty in Germany CD News (3D Carol Burnett and Friends Dean Jones, Lee Montgomery. 1971. severe staph infection. I ended up Be informed about prescription fit) MOVIE: 'The Pope of Greenwich Vil­ Qj) Odd Couple Rated G. having to have the knee removed DEAR READER: Yes. Niaci­ Krick promoted in Air Force Army Pvt. Bobby L. Neron, sonof Pauline V. Allen of lage' Tw o distantly related buddies pull off drugs: Send for Dr. Gott’s New QS Falcon Crest 1:50AM [M A X ] MOVIE; 'Protector' and a bone fusion with a >A-inch rod namide relieves ringing in the ears 22 W. Center St. and Paul Neron of Ellington, has Put the Love Of Your- an ill-conceived safecracking job that gets Health Report. Consumer Tips On David W. Krick, son of Denise D. RIggo of 588 E. them into hot water wHh a local crime king­ Hogan's Heroes (C C) A New York cop. who is also a kung inserted from my hip to my ankle. (tinnitus] in some people. Further­ arrived for duty with the 8th Infantry Division, West fu master, cleans up the Big Apple in his Medicines. For your copy, send $1 Center St. and William Krick of Durham, has been P pin. Eric Roberts, Mickey Rourke, Kenneth In the Face of Terrorism: Extradition My doctor claims that eventually I more, it is a safe and inexpensive Germany. McMillan. 1984. Parental Discretion A d­ own way. Jackie Chan, Danny Aiello. and your name and address to P.O. promoted in the U.S. A ir Force to the rank of airman and Civil War Panelists discuss a case can get the knee back and have the treatment. However, not all pa­ Neron is a motor transport operator He is a 1986 vised. study involving "Northern Shamrock". (60 Rated R. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101- rod removed. Is he just saying this tients are helped by niacinamide, firstclass. . . „ graduate of Manchester High School. (8 ) MOVIE: 'Ator: The Fighting Eagle' A min.) 2:00AM CD MOVIE; 'Mallbu High' to cheer me up? I still have the particularly if the tinnitus is due to 3428. Be sure to mention the title. Krick Is a repair specialist at Little Rock Air Force tale of itiystical powers, sorcery and ® Tales of the Unexpected California teen-agers continue their sum­ Base, Ark., with the 314th Field Maintenance Life On^^oud ^ With magic. Miles O ’Keefe, Sabrina Siani. 1983. mer romantic rivalries after the school year (SI M»A*S*H begins. Jill Lansing, Stuart Taylor. 1979. Squadron. Diiion compietes basics IS) ® ) Matiocfc Matlock has an opportun­ d j) Noticiero Unlvlsion ity to win a lost case when a former client, CD MOVIE: 'Man Without a Star’ A Airman Tammy M. Dillon, daughter of Nancy R. unjustly jailed for a murder, kills an inmate (g ] SCTV Network ranch foreman helps the lady owner fight a in self-defense and faces another murder [C N N ] Moneyline neighboring rancher in a barbed wire war. Honey fits in a salt-free diet Dillon of Rachel Road, has graduated from Air Force charge. (60 min.) In Stereo. Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Claire Trevor. Biiotta at Camp O’Neii basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. O [D IS ] Adventures of Ozzle and Harriet ^ A Love Message Valentine Nova: Orangutans of the Rain 1955. head. She is a 1986 graduate of Manchester High School. 3$ IB) [E S P N ] Inside the PGA Tour SFC Anthony Bllotta of 105 Avondale Road is Forest (CC) Orangutans and the scientists (3S StreeU of San Francisco DEAR When picking pecans out of the who study them are profiled. (60 min.) [TM C] MOVIE: 'F/X' A special effects POLLY: Is ho­ expert becomes the fall guy for govern­ [E S P N ] Mazda SportsLook shell, wear rubber gloves. No more MOVIE: 'That's Entertainment' An ney high in so­ IS) ment agents when he arranges a mobs­ stained fingers! anthology of scenes from MGM musicals 2:30AM [C N N ] Sports Latanight dium? Can it he In The ter's fake assassination. Bryan Brown, and dramas is presented: Fred Astaire, B.T. Brian Dennehy, Diane Venora. 1986. [E S P N ] SportsCenter eaten on a salt- Bing Crosby, Elizabeth Taylor. 1974. Rated R. In Stereo. 2:35AM CD css News Nightwatch free diet? Pointers A bout Toum 99) MOVIE: 'The Towering Inferno’ Res­ Make your own yogurt, yogurt [U S A ] College Basketball: DePaul at Joined in Progress cue teams try to save some party-goers ANDREW Marquette (2 hrs.) Tape Delayed. Polly Fisher cheese, frozen yogurt and salads, MANCHESTER HERALD who are trapped on the 138th floor of a 3:00AM 0 9 MOVIE: 'Inddant In San main dishes, breads and desserts burning skyscraper. Steve McQueen, Paul 1 1 ;30PM CD (9 ) ABC News Night- Francisco' A crusading young newspa­ DEAR A N ­ and optometrists are encouraged to attend. Both of Newman. Faye Dunaway. 1974. line j perman tries to prove the innocertce of an with yogurt. ’The recipes are in Ski trips pianned these courses will be held at the Greater Hartford Red accused murderer. Richard Kiley, Chris DREW: Accord­ Polly’s newsletter "Cooking with SD Novela: La Gloria y el Infiertto (3D Cannon Cross Chapter. 209 Farmington Ave., Farmington. Your Ad Will Appear February 14th . Connelly, Dean Jagger. 1970. ing to USDA fig- Yogurt.” Send $1 for each copy to The Manchester Recreation Department is sponsor­ E ) NatkxMl Geographic Special (60 (jD Honeymooners u r e 8 , 1 ing ski trips to Ski Sundown on Feb. 16,10,27 and March Those interested in any of the volunteer training min.) [C N N ] News Overnight Polly’s Pointers, in care of the Not Available In Stores tablespoon of 11. for the cost, and registration information, call classes may call 643-5111 for information. [T M C ] MOVIE; ‘Ask Any Girl' A young Manchester Herald, P.O. Box [C N N ] Prime News ( ^ ( 3 Tonight Show Tonight’s guests woman comes to New York City k^ing honey has approximately 1 milli­ When children’s shoelaces get 647-3089. Boone are Michael J Fox and musican Peter 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. Be [DIS] for a husband, but instead attracts a suave gram of sodium. ’This is a very knotted and can’t be untied, try Schickele. (60 min.) In Stereo. sure to include the title. Smokers* ciaMes today [H B O ] MOVIE: 'House' (C C) A young Isdyklller. Shirley MacLaine, David NIvan, insignificant amount and should be using a table fork to untie the knot. writer must face the horrors of his past (3 ) MOVIE: 'The Boss' Following World Gig Young. 1959. A fork prong slipped into the knot WATES to meet Manchester Memorial Hospital is having two when his son disappears in an old family War I. crime and gangsters rule the city of safe for anyone on a controlled [U S A ] MOVIE; 'Blue' A young American home. William Katt, George Wendt, Ri­ St. Louis. John Payne. Doe Avedon, Wil­ sodium diet. Sugar and molasses makes it easy to undo. introductory atop-smoUng classes today, at 4:30 p.m. raised by Mexican bandits Is wounded dur­ Manchester WA’TES wUl meet tonight in Orange Hail chard Moll. 1986. Rated R. Polly will send you a Polly Dollar liam Bishop. 1956. ing a raid on a Texes homestasd. Terence are also insignifleant sources r ' for a brief business meeting and a Valentine exchange. in conference rooms B and C, and at 7:30 p.m. in the H. [M A X ] MOVIE: 'The Hunchback of ( 3 Hogan's Heroes Stamp, Kart Malden, Joanna Pettet. 1968. sodium, as are artificial sweetei Whenever I throw away plastic ($1] if she uses your favorite Weigh-in will be from 6:15 to 7: IS p.m., and the party Louise Ruddell Auditorium. These are free classes, Notre Dame' (C C ) A hideously misshapen ers. Of course, honey and sugar bags, I knot them up first. If a child Pointer, Peeve or Problem in her giving an overview of the Stop Smoking Clinic’s (g lN e w s 3:05AM [D IS ] m o v i e : 'Something man is taken in by a self-serving priest who should get them out of the trash, he will follow. uses the gesture to gain power. Anthony [C N N ] Sports Tonight for the Birds' A politicsl lobbyist in Wash­ products have their own dietary column. Write Polly’s Pointers in program and philosophy. ’The clinic is a non-profit Hopkins, Derek Jacobi, Lesley-Anne [D IS ] MOVIE: 'The Great Caruso' The ington finds himself becoming romantically pitfalls, but that is the answer to a won’t be able to put the bag over his care of the Manchester Herald. community service. Participants meet twice weekly Down. 1982. life of Enrico Caruso, from his childhood in interested in a pretty female, even though different question! Ceiebrated schooit week for one month with trained former smokers. she doesn't share hia viewpoint on bird [USA] Westminister Kennel Club Dog Naples, to his reign as one of the world’s ExampI sanctuaries. Victor Mature, Patricia Neal. POLLY Show From Madison Square Garden. (3 greatest tenors, is portrayed. Mario Lanza. St. James School recently celebrated National *6.00 Ann Blyth. 1951. Rated G. 1952. Catholic Schools Week, with the theme “ Catholic hrs.) Conclusion, Live. DEAR POLLY: Have a dirty Blood pressure checked Schools Touch the Future.” Highlights included a throw rug that is too large for your Thoughts special celebration of mass, an open house, the school’s There will be a blood pressure clinic on Wednesday washer? Take it to the do-it- annual science fair and a Spirit Day with bands, from 0 to 11 a.m. at the Senior Citizens’ Center, 549 E. yourself car wash and use that Middle ’Turnpike, for those whose last names begin Example The first thing that you must cheerleaders and a release of 100 balloons. magic wand on it. But be prepared: these things, but how about the with the letters L through Z. A similar clinic will be held •10.04 Example. take a container to carry it home in, know in order to be 100 percent sure things we have left undone. How Cinema in the community room of Spencer Village, Pascal • 11.00 as you will need to dry it by that you will go to heaven when you many can honestly say they have Lane, on Wednesday from 1 to 2 p.m. / spreading it out over boxes or a die is that you have sinned against a kept the two greatest command­ Volunteers were trained Exercise classes wiU be conducted at the senior — Black Widow (R ) 1:15, 7:25, 9:35. — (PG-13) 7, 9:30. — 'The Morning A tttr holy God. Romans 3:10 says, "A s it ments to love the Lord with ail your HARTFORD basket in the sun (if it won’t fade] or Lenore O. Halloran, Alice Warrington, Louise Shea center on Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Outroeeous Fortune (R ) 1:20,7:30,9:40. (R ) 7, 9:30. is written. There is none righteous; heart, soul, and mind, and to love ^ Call The Manchester Herald CSm NM city — Otello (PG) 7,9:30. — — Radio Days (P G ) 1:40, 7:10. 9:20. — in the shade (if it w ill]. and Millie Kos. ail members of St. Bridget Church There will be no class on Monday, because of the Sid S Nancy (R ) 7:30,10. — Children f o Dead of Winter (R) 1:25,7:35,9:50. WILLIMAHTIC BLANCHE no not one." Romans 3:23 says, your neighbor as yourself? Rosary Society, took a volunteer training class from Washington’s Birthday holiday. Leeter O od (R ) 7:20, 9:55, — U a h t of “ For all have sinned and come Jllltan Squora Clnoma — From th« Because we are sinners we tend ^ American Red Cross. TTiey wUI help staff the % Classified Department to Ooy(PG-13) 7:10,9:40. MAHCHRSTRR Hip (P G ) 7:15, 9:15. — Critical Condi­ short of the glory of God.” DEAR POLLY: When my son to make excuses for our sin. But if bloodmobile at St. Bridget School on Monday. UA Theofert Rost — Light of Day tion (R ) 7:15, 9:15. — Little Shop of I John 3:4 says that sin is the Alt workshop pianned ■AST HARTFORD _ (P G ) 7:15, 9:20. — Little Shop of Horrors (PG-13) 7:30, 9:30. — The was small. I was always saying, we will ever be saved we must A training session for lay persons who wish to act as Place Your Valentine ■sMwood Fob R cinema — The transgression of the Law. If weare Horrors (PG-13) 7:30, 9:25. — Bedroom Morning Atter (R) 7,9. — 'The Mission “ Zip up your pants! ’’ I got the same admit to God that we have sinned. registrars, runners, escorts, observers or refreshment ’The Manchester Art Association will have a M om lno After (R ) 7:30. Window (R ) 7:15, 9:3‘ . (P G ) 7, 9:30 — The Mesoutto Coast honest we must admit that we have (PG) 4:45,9. answer every time: “ Mommy, I arm workers will be offered from 10 a.m. to noon on members-only workshop on Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at S Message Today! 643-2711 Poor Richard's Fob * Cinema — The Tomorrow the second thing you can’t! ’’ broken God’s laws many times. Wednesday, and from 7 to 0 p.m. on Feb. 24. ^ r s t Federal Savings and Loan Association,. West M orning After (R ) 7:30, 9 :n . VRRNON Have you ever told a He? Have you must realize in order to be saved. WINDSOR I discovered that if I ran a pencil A course for those with a medical background will be Middle ’Turnpike. Shewcoee CMomos 1-9 — Stor Trek Cine 1 S 2 — The Bedroom Window Plozo — The Morning After (R ) 7:15. ever stolen anything? Hove you up and down the zipper tracks the offered at the same time. Nurses, doctors, dentists, Tom Marvin will instruct members on how to stencil IV ; Th e Voyage Home (P G ) 1,7:10,9:30. (R) 7:10,9:30. — Little Shop of Horrors ever (dieated anyone? Or commit­ Mark D. Eddy, Pastor — Critical Condition (R ) 1:10,7:20,9:25. (P(»-13) 7, 9:10. zipper worked more easily and he and nursing studenU. medical technologisU and pierce a scalloped lampshade. ted adultery? Some might be able to Harvest Time Baptist Charcli — "Crocodile" Dundee (PG-13) 1:30, John R. Meyenberg of St. Louis was able to zip his pants perfectly. 7:SD, 9:55. — The (Hilden Child (P (M 3 ) WRST HARTFORD say they have never done any of Manchester, CT. NOW „.T| T — ‘H—KIT------If T——-il 1:35, S, 10. — Platoon (R ) 1 ;05,7:15,9:45. llm I R S — Crimes of the Heart patented evaporated milk in 1884. No more unzipped pants! Lane and Smith help Pitt get past Syracuse preparing for Soviets By Jeff Bradley past for opting out of international “ It’s very ihiportant to win, and By The Astoclotcd Pretk Penn State,” Temple Coach John The Associated Press hockey when he was slightly we’re going to try to win both Chaney said. "They were a better injured. games,” Larionov told reporters Jerome Lane waa ready, and N C A A Hoop ball club all over the floor. We had QUEBEC - The NHL All-Star Perron, who led the Montreal While Tikhonov insisted the en­ Pittaburgh now aita atop Oie Big to make 3-pointers to win." team due to face off against the Canadians to the Stanley Cup last counter was a friendly one and Eaat. Blackwell finished with 21 and the Soviet Union on Wednesday has year, said defenseman Ray nothing like as important as the The 6-toot-6 aophomore, who Owls made nine of 17 2-point summoned a back-up defenseman Bourque of the Boston Bruins has a Olympics or world championships, leads the nation in rehounding, country right now,’’ Syracuse attempts. Tom Hovasse, who broke from the ski slopes because of a 50-50 chance of appearing because NHL star Wayne Gretzky made it scored 21 points and grahh<^ 14 Coach Jim Boeheim said. " I his nose last Saturday against West mounting injury toll. of a back injury, while New York clear that professional pride is at rehounds Monday night a l‘ the thought our kids did a great job, Virginia, led the Nittany Lions, Normand Rochefort of the Qu­ Rangers winger Tomas Sandstrom stake. lOth-ranked Panthers heat No. 9 even though we didn’t win. Jerome 11-10 and 5-8, with a career-high 29. ebec Nordiques was vacationing in was a late arrival after treatment “ We have one thing in mind, and Syracuse 62-91 to take sole posses­ Lane is a great rebounder and No. 12 Qeorgolown 76, Boston the Laurentian Mountains when for bruised ribs. that’s to win. I ’m sure the Soviets sion of first place in the conference. Smith can kill you inside." Cellogo 86: The Hoyas’ last five NH L team coach Jean Perron gave The ’s have one thing in mind also,” said ' ‘It was the biggest game we’ve Smith scored just 12 points, but he games had been decided by three him the call on Monday. best are for the first time devoting Gretzky, whose regular Edmonton played here, andllovebiggames,” grabbed the same number of points or less. This one was never in Of the original starting lineup their All-Star break to a two-game Oiler line of Esa Tikkanen and Jari Lane, who scored 16 of his points in rebounds as Pitt beat the Orange­ doubt. chosen by North American hockey series against the Soviet national Kurri will flank him on Wednesday. the second half, said. " I was so men, 19-4 and 8-3, for the second Reggie Williams scored 11 of fans, three won’t play because of team on Wednesday and Friday The Soviets last played the NHL pumped up I wanted the ball every time this season. Georgetown’s first 15 points and the back injuries; right winger Mike nightsl The All-Stars flew into in February 1979 in New York, time down the court in the second No. 1 Nevada-Las Vegas 72, Hoyas coasted to a 36-21 halftime Bossy of the New York Islanders snowy Quebec Monday and eased where the visitors won two out of F half.” P adllc 89: The Runnin’ Rebels lead, the closest the Eagles could and defensemen Paul Coffey of through a short evening warm-up. three games. Pitt’s final shot did not come from overcame their worst offensive half get over the final 20 minutes as they Eldmonton and Mark Howe Of The experienced Soviet squad, its To reverse that verdict, said Lane, however. of the season to remain unbeaten in lost for the sixth ti;ne in seven Philadelphia. starting lineup straight from the winger Kevin Dineen of the Hart­ Lane made one free throw with the Pacific Coast Athletic Associa­ games. Top vote-getter Mario Lemieux Red Army team of national coach ford Whalers, the NHL will have to 1:22 to play to tie the score at 61. tion. Jarvis Basnight scored 11 of "W e didn’t have to go down to the of Pittsburgh said he is only 80 Viktor Tikhonov, had earlier raced play solid defense. Syracuse’s Sherman Douglas his 13 points in the decisive wire for a change and that’s good,” percent fit because of a nagging through its first practice session "They support each other so well. threw up an airball on a jumper second-half burst as Nevada-Las Williams, who finished with 25 knee strain, and two other without any signs of jet lag or When one guy gets stuck in a with S6 seconds to play. Vegas broke from a 50-48 lead with points, said. "W e went out and put members of the original 27-man injury. They rehearsed their intimi­ corner, another guy goes in to help The Panthers, 20-4 overall and 6-2 a 23-6 burst. pressure on them defensively right roster are nursing injuries. dating brand of hard-skating of­ him out. in the conference, worked the shot Gerald Paddio scored 13 of his 19 from the start.” "Y ou ’re scared to make plays fense. driving down the ice in “ But I think we can skate with E five-man units and counting on clock until three seconds remained points In the second half as the The Hoyas improved to 17-4 because yourknee’s not solid.” said them and shoot with them,” Dineen on it. Freshman Rod Brookins Runnin’ Rebels improved to 24-1 overall and 7-4 in the Big East, Lemieux, who outpolled Wayne point-perfect passes on the way. said. missed a baseline jumper, but overall and 12-0 in the conference. while Boston College, which was led Gretzky for the starting slot at Attention focused on the "K L M ” Oilers goalie , likely AP photo Charles Smith grabbed the refu n d Pacific, 9-12 and 5-7, led 37-34 early by Dana Barros with 15 points, center. line of right winger Vladimir to start Wednesday, had his own and was fouled. He made both free in the second half, but the Runnin’ dropped to 9-13 and 2-10. “ I guess I ’m just going to have to Krutov, center Igor Larionov and simple formula for victory. NHL All-Star goalies Grant Fuhr of the practice In Quebec City Monday. Next to throws and Syracuse’s Greg Mon­ Rebels, the nation’s highest scoring Auburn 64, No. 19 Florida 70: play and do my best and get out of left winger Sergei Makarov, the "You do the same thing you roe missed a 3-pointer at the buzzer team at 96.6 points per game, were Auburn used a balanced scoring here without any injuries,” said the top-scoring partnership of Soviet always do. You’ve just got to stop Edmonton Oilers (right) chats with the Hextall Is Philadelphia teammate Dave to give the Panthers their biggest able to pull away In the final attack and strong rebounding to Montreal native, criticized in the hockey f^r five years. the puck.” Flyers’ Ron Hextall during a team Poulin. I victory since joining the Big East minutes. Christian Gray led the beat the Gators for the second time five years ago. Tigers with 19 points. in 10 days. "I'm happy that we were able to No. 6 Temple 72, Penn Stale 70, Jeff Moore scored 20 points and win despite shooting so poorly,” OT: Temple was forced to go with Chris Morris and Mike Jones added Pitt Coach Paul Evans, whose team long jumpers against Penn State, 18 each as the Tigers ended a Sports in Brief Arbiter rules on player negotiations made 24 of 61 shots from the field, and Mike Vreeswyk and Nate three-game losing streak. said. "You ’ve got to give the kids Blackwell came through. Auburii, 13-8 and 6-6, took its first NEW YORK (A P) — In denying Detroit Tigers General Manager and outfielder Tim Raines, was the time a player may start credit for the defense they played Vreeswyk made two 3-pointers lead of the game at 41-40 on a tip-in Special Olympics needs volunteers an argument advanced by owners, Bill Lajoie, who failed to sign blunt in his assessment of the playing,” Lajoie told ABC Radio and hanging in there despite and Blackwell one in the final l; 18 by Frank Ford with 15; 51 to play catcher Lance Parrish before the ruling. Sports. TOLLAND — The Tolland Area Special Olympic Committee an arbiter has ruled that baseball missing a lot of easy shots.” of regulation to erase a nine-point and was never headed. AP photo teams which failed to sign their free deadline, agreed that such unoffi­ "This was just another part of the Bucky Woy. the agent for Homer, will host an informational meeting on volunteering for the area In other games involving ranked deficit. Vreeswyk, who made four Vernon Maxwell led Florida, 18-6 agents by Jan. 8 must have no cial contact might be maintained continuum of flagrant abuses of the saw the ruling as a warning to the and 10-3, with 30 points. The Gators, on Wednesday, Feb. 189, at 7 p.m. at the Quality Inn in Vernon. teams Monday night. No. 1 Nevada- of seven from 3-point range, tied the dealings with the players until the by management. collective bargaining agreement,” owners. who had an 18-game home winning Pittsburgh’s Charles Smith (right) night's Big East showdown between the Las Vegas beat Pacific 73-59; No. 6 game 61-61 with 18 seconds left on a The purpose of the meeting it to give insidght into the many May 1 deadline established in the “ That’s very possible,” Lajoie Reich told the New York Times. “ I wasn’t surprised at the out­ streak snapped, fell out their Temple defeated Penn State 73-70 in 3-pointer. Penn State had a chance blocks a shot by Syracuse center Rony top two clubs In the conference. Pitt beat volunteer opportunities available through Special Olympics. labor contract with the players’ said. “ Many times in a negotiation In addition to those two, other come of the rullhg,” Woy told ABC. first-place tie with Alabama in the overtime; No. 13 Georgetown beat for victory in regulation, but Wes Seikaly during the first half of Monday Syracuse, 63-61. The Tolland area serves the towns of Andover, Ashford, Bolton, union. other people have been used to big-name free agents directly af­ " I t ’s a shame that the issue had to Boston College 78-56; and Auburn Jones missed a shot with three Southeastern Conference. Columbia, Coventry, Ellington, Hebron, Manchester, Mansfield, intercede, so I suppose that that fected by the ruling include out­ go to arbitration and the grievance However, such practices might defeated No. 19 Florida 84-70. seconds left. Ollwr Oamat: Darrin Fitzgerald Stafford, Somers, ’Tolland, Vernon, Union and Willington. could continue.” fielder Andre Dawson, first base- had to be filed in the first place. Butler record of 49 points was set by lead West Virginia State over current Division I winning streak to continue unofficially, according to The victory was the seve::th in a Vreeswyk, who finished with 18 scored a school-record 54 points, The committee is looking for people with experience in various Officially, Nicolau’s decision was man Bob Horner, catchers Rich However, it is reassuring that an Billy Shepherd in 1970 against Shepherd 03-71, and Lawrence 13 games with a 96-92 victory over Barry Rona. executive director of row for the Panthers. points, gave the Owls, 24-2 overall including 12 3-point field goals, as areas, such as coaching athletes, transportation, etc. greeted by the players as a victory. Gedman and Bob Boone, and impartial third party could see Arizona. Mitchell of Austin Peay matched The Citadel. Skip Henderson scored baseball’s Player Relations Com­ Syracuse led just once in the final and 13-0 in the Atlantic 10, a 72-68 Butler defeated Detroit 88-77. Fitz­ "The decision provides, as any pitcher Ron Guidry. through the owners’ ploy and rule in Two players managed 43-point his career high as the Governors 29 points as the Thundering Herd For further information, call Gerri Kelly (volunteer mittee. The arbiter, Rona said, 11 minutes, 61-60, on two free lead with two free throws with 13 gerald made 16 of 30 shots, 22 of neutral observer might expect, that Lajoie thinks the players suffered favor of the players. performances Monday night; Ron downed Morehead State 100-91, improved to 18-4 overall and 12-0 in coordinator) between 4-6 p.m. at 643-2048 or call Jim Mulcahy “ missed an opportunity to keep throws by Douglas with 1:38 to play. seconds left in the overtime. which were 3-point attempts, and once a club loses its rights to a a loss through the ruling. "The arbiter, in my opinion, is Moore also grabbed 14 rebounds to Marshall extended the longest the Southern Conference. (area coordinator) at 487-1300 or 566-8472 during the week. things above board.” “ Pitt is a good as any team in the "Tonight we were not better than made all 10 free throws. The old player, it cannot negotiate with that “ I would say that, yes, the player issuing a warning to the owners and I think that if anything comes from Arbiter George Nicolau ruled -player,” Don Fehr, executive di­ does lose and neither side can talk, it. it may very well be that the Jimmy Fund holding hoop tourney Monday that clubs barred from rector of the players association, so it would seem to me it would take owners should take notice of this re-signing their own free agents said. "The former clubs are out. some time after May 1 to possibly ruling and perhaps they’ll start BU wins Beanpot Carolina’s Smith HARTFORD — The Jimmy Fund Council of Connecticut, in don’t retain a right to negotiate with Now we’ll see what happens.” reach an agreement and to get in coitjunction with G Fox & Co. and the University of Hartford, is them during the blackout period. Tom Reich, the agent for Parrish shape, and I think it just prolongs bargaining in good faith again.” holding its second annual Jimmy Fund 3-on-3 basketball tournament that is open to men, women and children of all ages. tournament trophy is near milestone It will be held for three consecutive weekends at the university’s physical education center beginning on April 4. BOSTON (AP) — There were two Kelfer, who had a goal and an By David Broschok pressure easily.” 'hie male and female divisions are broken into five age Sacramento fires Johnson winners in the 35th edition of the assist a week earlier as BU downed The Associated Press So easily, in fact, that Guthridge classifcations; 14 and under, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39 and 40 and over. has tu m ^ down numerous head Boston Beanpot hockey tourna­ BC 6-3 in the opening round, was Entry fee for the first two age groups is $20; the other divisions picked as interim coach to "provide And now, a word from North coaching opportunities to remain By Doug Willis has been an assistant coach for the ment. Boston University won the named the tourney’s Most Valuable us with valuable continuity while Carolina Coach Dean Smith as he an assistant to the 55-year-old are $30. The Associated Press past l‘A years after 10 years as head trophy, and Boston College head Player. Applications are available at all G Fox stores and the the search for a permanent head prepares for his 600th college Smith. coach at Rockhurst College in coach Len Ceglarski became the Northeastern, 6-17-3, forced the coach goes on,” but that with only I basketball victory — and entry into University or Hartford or by calling G.Fox “ Special Events” at SACRAMENTO. Calif. - Jerry Missouri and Pittsburg State in winningest coach ever in college overtime when David O’Brien l ‘A years with the club Reynolds perhaps the most elite club in the 241-3159. All proceeds go to the Jimmy Fund. Reynolds’ debut tonight as a Kansas. hockey. scored from the point with just one “ This is a great university and he "has not been directly involved in sport. National Baskketball Association The Kings also fired assistant “ What you saw tonight was, minute left in regulation to tie the likes to represent it,” Guthridge the decline of the francise.” "It just means that I ’ve coached head coach will put his Sacramento coach Frank Hamblen and re­ 'f l u Plmnly put, a great collegiate score at 3-3. said. “ He is probably the biggest placed him with Don Buse, a former fl& k tK ..ey gam e," Coach Jack Parker Ed Lowney and Thiesing had for a long time.” reason I have stayed. ... I really Brooklyn whips Central Connecticut Kings up against a team that broke Axelson refused to say how long Smith throws out that comment a fistful of NBA records when they NBA player who had been a scout Reynolds would be the coach, ..aid Monday night after his Terri­ given BU a 2-0 lead aftera scoreless enjoy my job because of him.” N EW Y O R K — Frank Gregov scored 19 points, including six in for the San Antonio Spurs since his as a way of dismissing the subject. Smith "has got a lot of good crushed the Kings last week. adding that a permanent replace­ ers edged Northeastern 4-3 in first period, but Northeastern ral­ the decisive second-half run, to lead six double-figure scorers as retirement as a player two years overtime to win the championship. lied in the third on a pair of goals by But even at that he’s wrong, traits,” Guthridge added. “ No. 1, "Why not (make It against) the ment could be named before the end because the club he’s entering is Brooklyn College beat Central Connecticut State 92-73 in a college Lakers?” Reynolds asked rhetori­ ago. of the season: "The electricity that comes alive Brian Dowd. John Cullen, the he is very smart. No. 2, he is a It was the second time the Kings based more on quality than basketball game Monday night. cally when reminded that the last when playing in this tournament Terriers’ all-time leading scorer, people person. He recognizes when had fired Johnson as head coach. longevity. Keith Grady added 18 for the Kingsmen, 10-11, and Adam time the Kings took the court last "W e are not going to write off or and in the Boston Garden is what got the lead back before O’Brien’s someone is having a problem even He coached the club, then in Kansas Only Kentucky’s Adolph Rupp, Weinstein followed with 14 points and 15 rebounds. Wednesday before the All-Star waste the balance of this season. college hockey is all about.” tally. before they do. And, of course, he City, from 1973 through 1978, and college basketball’s career victory Bryan Heron scored 23 points to lead the Blue Devils, 5-17, who break, the Los Angeles Lakers took This (appointment of Reynolds) In the earlier consolation match, In the consolation match, Ken knows basketball. returned to the head coaching post leader with 875, and UCLA’s John lost their third straight. Dwayne Jones added 17. a 29-0 lead, held them to O-for-18 gives us a chance to survey the an overtime goal as time ran out Hodge’s goal as the green light “ He has always been an innova­ in 1984 after working as an assistant Wooden have managed to win as Central dominated the opening half, leading by as much as from the field in the first quarter, field” of potential head coaches, lifted Boston College to a 7-6 victory signaling the end of the period came tor and he has proven that through in Chicago and Utah. Lukenbill added. many as 600 games while averaging 29-19 on a jumper by Heron with 4:40 to play. Brooklyn, which and ended the quarter ahead by an over Harvard and gave Ceglarski on prompted referee Joe Alebert to the years with all the things he’s Kings Managing General 20 victories per season. And Smith, astonishing 40-4 on their way to a Axelson said Reynolds “ will be his 556th career win. He passed the confer with the two linesemen done,” Guthridge said. "Y e t he trailed 35-31 at halftime, caught the visitors at 53-53 on a field goal Partner Gregg Lukenbill said John­ with the Kings in a coaching late John Macinnes, who won 555 before allowing the goal to stand. in his 26th season, reaches the does have a system. It amazes me by Grady at 7:36. 128-92 victory. plateau faster than did Rupp or The Kings meet the Lakers again son and Hamblen were fired capacity next year” even if some­ games in 26 seasons at Michigan “ From where I was standing, I each year when he comes up with because “ we need a new direction” one else is picked as head coach. Wooden. tonight in Sacramento, and Rey­ Tech. couldn’t see the light or even hear something different.” and that the team was not playing No. 600 for Smith could come nolds promised a new attitude, but Reynolds said that he learned of “ It was the most, dramatic win the buzzer,” Ceglarski said after­ Smith’s teams have won 599 and up to its potential under Johnson. Wednesday night, when the third- Annacone to face McEnroe no miracles. his new role late Sunday from I ’ve ever been involved with," said wards, "andiwasn’tabouttoargue lost 173, a wrinnlng percentage of The team currently has a five-game Lukenbill and Axelson. ranked Tar Heels, 20-2, play host to "The people we’ve got are the Ceglarski, in his 15th year at BC and the call." 77.2 that ranks behind only Rupp MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Paul Annacone scored a 6-4, 6-2 victory losing streak. “ It was very surprising to me. I 29th as a coach. " I ’m most proud of Hodge also scored twice in the Wake Forest, 11-10. If Smith gives (82.2) and Wooden (80.5) among over Gleiin Layendecker of Portola Valley, Calif., in the first people we’ve got,” Reynolds said of the team. " I can’t make any Kings President Joe Axelson, was ready for the worst in regards Phil Johnson was fired by the kids who have worked so hard third period to bring the Eagles little credence to his record, it coaches with 500 victories. Ilie round of the U.S. Indoor Tennis Championships to gain a promises ... The record speaks for who jointly announced the coaching to me,” Reynolds said of rumors over the years to get me this far.” back from a 5-3 deficit. His second, should be noted that the game will percentage has been climbing since second-round match with No. 5 seed John McEnroe. the Sacramento Kings man­ be played at the Dean E. Smith itself — 14 and 32, and probably the change with Lukenbill, said the that a house-cleaning was in the In the title game, sophomore a short-handed tally^at 17; 17, gave an 8-9 record his first season, when In other action, Greg Holmes defeated Marcel Freeman 6-4, agement Monday following Center, which is named for the easiest part of our schedule is change was made because "the works. center Mike Kelfer scored 5:28 to BC a short-lived 6-5 lead before he took over a team trying to 6-7, 6-2; Eliot Teltscher defeated Mike Bauer 6-7, 6-0, 6-2, and psychology, the chemistry, the mix “ I ’m not saying I’m totally ready what they described as a give the Terriers, 13-12-2 on the Harvard’s Tim Barakett forced the coach. recover from a North Carolina- behind us.” Smith is uncomfortable with the Claudio Panatta of Italy beat Matt Anger Calif., 7-6, 6-2. The Kings, owners of the third- ... is wrong (under Johnson). As a (to be head coach). I don’t know. If declining performance season, their second Beanpot title extra period by scoring at 18:53 imposed de-emphasis of basketball team, we’re not equalling the sum I ’m not the best guy, then, my following a scramble in front of the whole idea of what 600 victories following the 1961 point-shaving worst record in the NBA. fired in a row and their 14th overall, the of the parts.” goodness, let’s get the best guy,” level. The Kings are 14-32 in . BC net. means. But his longtime assistant. scandals. Coach Phil Johnson on Monday and most of any school in the tourney. Beth Herr upset by Hu Na Axelson said Reynolds was Reynolds added. the NBA so far this year. Kelfer powered home a drive Harvard, 17-3, opened the scoring Bill Guthridge, thinks it is worthy of Even with his record bogged replaced him with Reynolds, who from 10 feet out on the right side on first-period power-play goals by mention. down by that eight-victory season. OKLAHOMA CITY — Hu Na upset sixth-seeded Beth Herr 6-4, following a David Thiesing slap Barakett and Allen Bourbeau. "H e doesn’t like to talk about Smith’s record is remarkable. His 6-3 in the first-round of the $75,000 Virginia Slims of Oklahoma shot that sailed wide and deflected scored for BC. but himself," Guthridge said in a first 25 teams averaged 23 victories tennis tournament. AP photo MHS matmen whipped off the boards back out ront where Steve Armstrong answered for telephone conversation from a year, a pace slightly ahead of In other first-round matches, Camille Benjamin beat West Kelfer lifted the puck past Nor­ Harvard in the final minute of the Chapel Hill. “ He would rather the Wooden and 1>A games ahead of Breland takes b r^k Germany’s Claudia Porwik 6-4, 3-6, 6-2, and Barbara Gerken Sky high Simsbury High whipped action. theastern goalie Bruce Racine. period. Boston University’s Jay Octeau takes a victory lap credit go to the players. Rupp. At that pace. Smith would defeated Nicole Provis of Australia 6-4, 6-3. Manchester High, 52-10, in inter- Walter Lee (91) won by major “ I saw the net, then there was a ’ Steve Scheifele tallied 46 minutes “ There aren’t that many people reach victory No. 700 in the 1992 around the Boston Garden Monday night after BU Also, Britain’s Annabel Croft beat Nicole Jagerman of the (^ntral Connecticut Ckinference decision and Greg Vincent (185) big scramble," he said. "Finally, I into the second period for the that stay in coaching that long — season. No. 800 in 1996 and, if he 9 defeated Northeastern, 4-3, to win the annual Beanpot Netherlands 6-7, 6-3, 6-3; and Mary Lou Piatek beat Grace Kim and Wayne Twichell (138) won by alter breaking hand wrestling action Monday night at found the puck on my stick, and I Eagles, 21-4, and Craig Janney tied that is his reason,” Guthridge hangs around that long. No. 876 in Clarke Arena. decision for Manchester. just turned around and shot.” the game. Hockey Tournament. added. "However, he lives with 1999. 6-3, 3-6, 7-5. The win lifts the Trojans to 11-8 Resultt: 91- Lee (M ) mol. dec. Bahre By Ed Schuvier Jr. problem in the same hand. 11-3,98- Murphy ($) dec. Corey Croft 34, for the season while the loss drops 10S- Chrltteneen (S) mol. dec. Scott The Associated Press Manager Shelly Finkel said the Guenther sets Indoor shotput mark the Indians to 11-6. "They came in Uscotnb 19-5, 11^ MlitreHo (S) WBF, operation would be performed sky high and we wrestled as flat as 119- Jamleton (SI technical fall over Mark Breland’s hands are MAGGLINGEN, Switierland — Werner Guenther of Switzer­ Eric Gremmo 19-4, 126- Allbrio (SI Friday. Krajewski and Weir still reign as town champions can be," said Manchester coach pinned Pete Fonoemle 3:39, 132- Vln- thin and narrow, with long In 1983, a year before he won land set a world indoor best In the shotput with a toss of 73 feet, ‘A Barry Bernstein. cellette (S) pinned Aaron Dixon 4:24, graceful fingers. ’They are the the Olympic welterweight inch at the Swiss Track and Field Championships. The Indians wind up their dual 138- Twichell (M l dec. Metzger 6-4,145- hands of a pianist championship, Breland had ten­ ’Time Marches on Department: Frank Crowley, the Hartford Courant sports staff who has been named appearances on behalf of the governor’s program. Trouendend (S) technical toll over Jon 8 The 26-year-old Guenther bettered the mark of 72-8 set by East match schedule Saturday against But to the beat that Mark don surgery on his right hand. r e tir ^ drafting instructor and baseball coach at Sportswrlter-of-the-Year in Connecticut by the Na­ Rick Peckham is best known as the play-by-play Dixon 17-X 155- Mox (S) binned Oross- Germany’s Ulf Timmerman two years ago. East Hartford High at Clarke man 4:50, 167- Smith (SI pinned Diana Breland marches to, they keep Breland also revealed the Manchester Trade School (since rechristened Cheney tional Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association. voice on television for Hartford Whaler telecasts but Arena at noon. The Hornets are 5:14,185- Vincent (M l dec. Bracken 6-2, sounding sour notes. morning after his title victory Tech), notes that two of his fellow parishioners at St. Joe D’Ambrosio of WPOP copped the state sportscas- he’s proving himself both versatile and talented by Heovywelpht- Steinberg (SI dec. Clark unbeaten in CCC East Division "M y hands are just too small that an examination on Dec. 16 Bartholomew Church can lay claim to having held the Herald Angle ter award. It was the fifth such recognition for Canfield handling home University of Hartford hoop games on Glngros 5-1. Ihnacak NHL player of the week for banging,” Breland said showed he had broken a bone in longest Manchester athletic records as town cham­ at the Courant by the national group, the first for Channel 18. Peckham made his national audience before his fight with Harold Earl Yost D’Ambrosio. debut last Sunday night when he broadcast the St. MONTREAL — Center Peter Ihnacak of the Toronto Maple his left hand in September. In pions — 50 years. Volbrecht for the vacated World Sports Editor Emeritus Louis-Eklmonton NHL game. Leafs was named the National Hockey League’s Player of the the meantime, Breland had Nationally, A1 Michaels and Frank Deford were Borg still has touch Boxing Association welter­ fought three times and scored Declared town senior division boys and girls Week for the period ending Feb. 8. judged the best in their field which would leave little The Caouettes, husband and wife team Mark and weight championship. three knockouts. swimming champs In townwide competition at Globe Ihnacak had three goals and nine assists as the Leafs posted 7 Hollow in 1936 were Stanley Krajewski and Edna Weir. room for argument. Pam, who captured the Manchester Open Tennis TORONTO (AP) — Bjorn Borg, n a if a uuzen exhibitions a year now In the seventh round last It also was revealed that, three victories against just one loss last week. Crowley said the pair still reign a half century later as Ernie Johnson, who made many friends in Singles Tennis Tournaments last fall conducted by the making his first appearance in and practices just four or five hours Friday at Atlantic City, Breland while sparring on Dec. 26, no such competition has been held since Frank Busch Manchester while playing basketball in the Eastern Recreation Department, are the first non-residents to Toronto since be retired four years a week. But he said the Toronto stop banged the South African on the Breland broke the bone again. ran the meet for the Recreation Department. He died in Krajewski edged Walter Bareisa by two points in the League, was tabbed the No. 1 sportscaster in Atlanta. claim the honors. The Caouettes reside in Albany, N. Y. Mats sign free agent Clint Hurdle ago. defeated John McEnroe 4-6, might be bis only exhibition appear­ chin with a couple of rights and A physician told Breland it March of 1937. Weir, who later married Stanley overall scoring for the five events with two first Johnson is now in his 22nd year handling telecasts for Mark Caouette is the son of George Caouete, a fine 6-2,6-4 in an exhibition tennis match ance this year. won the title. would take at least two months Hillnski, was 15 years old when she dominated the placements and one second. He later starred with the the Braves. tennis player in his own right and a faculty member at NEW YORK — Free agent catcher-infielder Clint Hurdle Monday night. Six rounds earlier, Breland for the break to heal properly. Manchester High swim team and at the time he McEnroe, 27. who recently re­ all-day meet at the time Manchester’s only public Ab Eagleson asks if the Charlie Horvath who died filing Junior High. signed a minor league contract with the New York Mets Monday A crowd of 10,678 attended the had broken a metacarpal bone Breland, ranked No. 2, opted to graduated in 1936 boasted the school 100-yard fr'-e style turned to competitive tennis after a supervised swimming area. last week was the same man who played a lot of and will report to spring training next week as a nonroster player. match, which raised $53,058 for in his left hand. It also was his go after the vacant WBA title record. He later swam successfully at the Bristol Boys’ NICE TO SEE TIM MORIARTY recognized by the layoff last year, said his Swedish Clipping from the Herald disclosed Weir’s one-point shortstop with the local Biitish-American Club. After Hurdle batted .195 in 78 games with St. Louis last season, the charity. fourth knockout since within six weeks. Club and at the University of Iowa before entering the Manchester St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee. The “ I felt really good,” Borg said opponent still had the talent to play m ar^n for all-events nipped a six-year record that the coming out of UConn, Horvath played several seasons same average he had in 43 games with the Mets in 1985. He also September. Had Breland backed out, he Air Force in World War II. He’s now retired after 36 on the local scene and was a rifle-armed shortstop and man who has played a major part in bringing in after the match. " I didn’t reaily professionally. The day after he became a Arson family boasted, Anne Arson finishing in the has played with Kansas City and Cincinnati and has a .2S9career would have been replaced by years with Pratt and Whitney as an assistant chief a great competitor. He helped the BA’s gain several Ireland-born runners to compete in the Ibanksgiving know how weil I would have played world champion in his 17th pro another contender. The title was runner-up position. Weir scored a first, second and batting average for parts of nine m ajor league seasons. inspector. town titles when the Manchester Twilight League Road Race and the New England Relays will be the because I have has such a long “ If he decided he wanted to play fight, Breland talked about the there to be had. It was the third for her point total. Hurdle 29, will be assigned to the Mets’ Tidewater club in the Mrs. HilinsU is better known today as one of the most offered first class action at the West Side Oval. parade marshal for the local group in the March 14 layoff.” again, he would be able to get into break and about surgery that reason for his being a pro. International League. He hit .285 with the Tides in 1985 before successfol golfers in the Ladies’ Division at the Nice honors parade in Hartford. Moriarty heads the Shamrock The 30-year-old Swede, who won the top 10,” the American star said. will needed to correct a tendon Go for it. ^ 1 Manchester Country Club and has been credited with SEVERAL MEMBERS OF THE Athletic Club which lists a number of top runners in Its Joining the Mels the first time. Wimbledon five times and the "H e’s still the greatest athlete the I several holes-in-one. Nice honors has been bestowed on Owen Canfield of will be in town Wednesday afternoon to make anti-drug membership. French Open six times, plays only game has ever had.” M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuwdav. Feb. 10. 19«7 Elliott and Altison grab top spots

By M Ik* Harria 1901 through 1903 to win stock car other people’s eyes, but not in even though he will be vying for the mid-40s and moderate winds. would have been no question about Tk« Aaaoclottd Prats racing’s nnost important pole three mine,” Eiliott said of his young Rookie of the Year honors this "Really, when I said that, I didn’t running another one. straight times. The Dawsonvllle, competitor. season. think anybody would go 210.1 didn’t "There was no way I’d have run a DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. - The Ga., driver, who holds the all-time It’s true that racing has been a “I don’t feel like a rookie," he realise it was going to get this cool. second lap," Elliott said with a odd couple wound up on the front stock car record of 212.229 mph — part of growing up for Allison, the said. "With the races I ’ve run here "Still, if someone asked me if I’d grin. “Going Into (turn) one the row of Sunday’s $1.5 million Day­ set last May at Talladega, Ala. — youngest member of the "Alabama since 1981 and with all the testing be able to go 210 at Daytona a year first time was bad enough. tona 500. was the odds-on favorite to be right Gang” — which includes his father, we’ve done, I feel like I ’ve been ago. I’d have Just said flat out ’No.’ R ou gh’s enough. You Jiist get to Bill Elliott, the established fas­ where he is after the first round of his uncle Donnie Allison as well as around a long time. the point where one lap’s all you can test driver in NASCAR stock car qualifying, which was postponed Neil Bonnett and Red Farm er — "Our speed didn’t surprise me. Monday’s session was the first stand. I pretty much Just hung on. racing, won the Daytona 500 pole in from Saturday by rain.' from the area around Davey’s We thought we had a real chance to test of NASCAR’s new rule limiting Only Elliott and Allison locked in spectacular and record fashion However .the outside position on native Huey town, Ala. win the pole. After that lap, we the competitors at most of the starting spoU In Sunday’s 4frcar with a lap of 210.504 mph on the front row of NASCAR’s richest knew that Bill could beat us, but we tracks to Just one qualifying lap, field. Positions 2 through 30 will be Daytona International Spee^ay’s and most prestigious event wiil Not only has he finished seventh didn’t think he could beat us by that rather than the best of two that had determined in ’Thursday’s twin 2:S-mlle tri-oval on Monday. feature a new face with a familiar in a Winston Cup race at Alabama much.” previously been allowed. 125-mile qualifying races, with the That buried his own track quali­ name — Aliison. International Motor Speedway in Elliott, 31, was a bit more rest of the field filled by cars fying record of 205.114, set in 1985. Davey Aliison, 25, veteran of Talladega, Ala., but the youngster surprised by his own showing, Elliott, who won the 1985 Daytona posting qualifying speeds Monday, In fact, IS of the 57 drivers who went eight Winston Cup races — none of has driven Daytona’s high banks in esp ^ aliy after predicting on Sun­ 500 but wound up 13th last February Tuesday and Wednesday. faster than 200 mph Monday them the Daytona 500 — and son of several of the lesser events here in day — following his $75,000 victory after being involved in two acci­ The third-fastest driver on Mon­ exceeded the old mark. iongtime NASCAR star Bobby previous years. in the Busch Clash — that a 210 mph dents, said bis fast trip around day was Ken Schrader, I085’s top It was no surprise that Elliott Allison, outdid all the big names but And Allison, who didn’t appear lap was very unlikely. Daytona’s bigh-banked track Mon­ rookie. His 208.227 mph lap gave became the first driver since the . Elliott with his 209.084 mph. overly excited about his achieve­ "It took a perfect day,” Elliott day was “more exciting” than his Ford a sweep of the top three spots late Glenn "Fireball” Roberts from "He may be a rookie in some ment Monday, talks like a veteran said, referring to temperatures in record lap at Talladega, and there in the session. SCOREBOARD

NHL tcorlng leidart. Monday’e college hoop scoros

H i i c k e v NEW YORK (API — National Rec basketball League scoring leaders through gomes ot AM ersoit-Broaddus 87, W. Va.' Wesleyan Sunday, Feb. 8: Baseball ^ 83 G A Pts Pim AlvernM 61 Swoiihmore 54 NHL itmdlngt Gretikv, Edm 53 90 142 20 Am erican Inh. 97, M errim a ck 77 Adults I Kuril, Edm 37 45 83 62 Arbitration Army 74, Manhattan 58 Messier, Edm 26 54 X 24 S H l^ BluefleM St. 101, Concord 86 M anchester C ycle 90 (Jo e M cG ann 31, WALKS CONPBIRNCK Clccorelll, Min 41 32 73 43 Brondels at Lowell, ppd., snow M a rk P lekos 16, Stan A le xa n d e r 12, Bob PatrtcfcPtvWsw Lemleux, Pit 38 35 73 a Brooklyn Coll. 91 Cent. Connecticut 73 Plaster 10) Formal-Coaches 85 (B ill W L T Hawerchuk, Win 35 37 72 42 TOP TEN PLAYERS ASKED OFFERED C orttond St. 65, St. Rose 64 Anderson 39, Joe Maher 15, Bill I Philadelphia 34 17 4 72 228 162 K e rr, Phi 43 25 68 45 Eastern 80, A llentow n 70 Finnegan 14, B ill S ilv e r 13) NY Istandsrs 25 23 7 57 189 185 Gllmour, StL 26 42 68 X Emory 90, Johns Hopkins 82 B u fta lo W ate r T a ve rn 94 (L u ke NY Ronewrs 23 24 8 54 319 216 Poddubny, NYR 30 34 64 39 Mattingly. N.Y. Yankees $1,975,000 $1,700,000 Franklin Pierce at C.W. Post, S tru n k 28, Dan S till 27, M ik e F a ll 24, W otN noton 23 27 8 53 183 210 Yierman, Det 20 44 64 33 Ppd.rtfWW P a u l Pleszek 12) M on ch e ste r P o lic e 87 PHtsbiwgh 21 25 8 50 201 195 Goulet, Que 32 31 63 49 ^ M tb u r g St. 69, D ickinson 65 (Paul Mersock 26, BobCharbonneou2S, M msaj Immwma# ■WWW « fw f 9 w y 23 28 5 49 196 346 Dionne, LA 21 42 63 46 Morris. Detroit 1.850,000 1.350.000 Georgetown 78, Boston C oll. 56 T. J. Calabrese 19) , Adams DIvtslen TIkkanen, Edm .27 34 61 70 G ettysburg 89, Lycom ing 74 B.A. Club 89 (Dan Barry 27, Bill H a rtfo rd 29 21 6 64 188 181 RoWtallle, LA 31 29 t o 16 Glenville St. 91 Davis 2 Elkins 83 Bellock 19, Mark Bennet 20) Manches­ Boston 3S 23 5 61 208 179 AAacLean, Win 26 34 60 65 Gooden. N.Y. Mets Howard U. 82, Bethune-Cooknran 56 ter Bar Association 80 (Rob Arena 21, M ontreal 27 24 7 61 190 182 Bourque, Bos 13 47 M a 1.800,000 1.320.000 Husson 111, Malne-Prssoue Isle 67 Collins Judd 20) _ ^ - Quebec 23 27 7 S3 184 180 Mullen, Coy 33 26 » 12 Ithaca 87, SkMmore 65 S portsm on Cafe 87 (D ean F ro d e l 30, B u fta lo 18 31 6 42 187 211 Sovord, Chi 24 X 59 M James Madison 81 American U. 77 Bob Penny 15, J im Corneen 15) CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Bossy, NYI X a » 8 Badield. Toronto 1.350.000 1.125.000 Jersey C ity St. 118, Kean 99 W esto wn P h a rm a cy 82 ( L o rry K ro g h 39, N e rrts Bhdslen Sandstrom, NYR X 27 57 34 M orlst 89, Loyola, Md. 71 Lyn d on K ro g h 17) D e tro it 23 24 8 54 176 191 Zezel, Phi 27 X 57 25 M lllertville 117, Virginia Union 103 M innesota 23 24 7 S3 209 202 Trottler, NYI 16 41 57 5 Bell. Toronto 1.325.000 1.000,000 M oravian 91, A lb rig h t 68 St. Louis 20 24 H) 50 182 205 M t. St. M ary's, M d. 96, M d.-B alt. Coun­ T oronto 22 39 5 49 197 213 ty 77 Chicago 20 28 8 48 200 227 Hershiser. L.A. 1.100,000 800.000 Navy 81, George Mason 64 Smyths Division New Haven 66, S. Connecticut 59 Transactions Edm onton 37 15 5 79 267 195 N .J. Tech 73, Kings P o in t S W innipea 31 20 5 67 200 180 Darting. N.Y. Mets 1.050.000 800.000 N. Adams St. 60, Vossar 52 C olgarv 30 24 2 63 218 212 N. C arolina A8iT 71, Delaware St. 51 Los Aitasles 23 27 6 50 223 228 Scholastic Northeastern 96, Colgate 79 BASEBALL Vancouver 17 33 7 41 187 224 Boddicker. Baltimore 890.000 750.000 (Xd Westburv 74, Baruch 49 Oswego St. 91, Utica Tech 79 NEW YORK YANKEES-Stgned Brad No eomes fdiM luM Scholastic standings PhIM. T e xtile 87, Glossboro St. 76 Arnsburg, pitcher, and Mitch Lyden, TiMdav’t Oointt Butler. Cleveland 875.000 765.000 P ittsburgh 63, Syracuse 61 catcher, to one-veor contracts. No oomet (diMluled P ra tt 66, Stevens Tech 57 CLEVELAND INDIANS—Signed Phil Basketball Q ulnnlploc 99, Keene St. 84 NIekro, pitcher, and Chris Bando, catcher, Soviet Union National Team vs. NHL Cox. St. Louis 875.000 600.000 Rider 95, East Stroudsburg 78 to one-year contracts. All-Stars at Quebec, 7:35 p.m. St. J o s i^ 's 84, (M arge Washington 76 OAKLAND ATHLETICS-SIgned Mike St. Joseph's, Maine 73, Bowdoln 71 Davis, outfielder, fo a one-veor confract. CCC-East O’a ll St. Josef's, Vt. 94, New England Coll. W L W L 82 MONTREAL EXPOS—Signed WII- W indham 1 11 1 Scranton 91, K ing's, Pa. 81 fredo Telada, catcher, Jeff Reynolds, Hartford Public 1 9 4 Big Eait etandinge ShippenRxira 66, Y o rk, Pa. 39 third baseman,and Alonzo Powelldnd Bob East Hartford 2 10 3 Simonson, outtleMers, to one-veor con­ ECHO hockey Manchester 4 6 7 Big East Conference O 'o ll S. C m lin o St. 61, M d.-E. Shore 59 W L L Southampton 85, D ow ling 77 tracts. Invited Ubaldo Heredia, M etier, to South Windsor 5 5 Basketbafl w spring training. F erm i 6 3 P itts b u rg h 9 2 X 4 Stonehlll 85, B rya n t 76 Syracuse 8 3 19 4 Stony Brook 83, Lehman 62 NEW YORK METS-Signed Clint R o c k v ille 3 10 Hurdle, cotcher-lntlelder, to a minor- E n fie ld 2 11 G eorgetow n 7 4 17 4 Tem ple 73, Penn St. 70, OT Mite B NBA standings St. Jo h n 's 7 4 16 4 Upsata 69, Romopo 65 league contract. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES— United Bank took home two easy wins ACC P ro vid e n ce 6 4 16 5 Ursinus 74, HoverfOrd 69 O 'o ll V llla n o v a 5 6 12 10 West Chester 9(, (Mrlng Garden 81 Signed Juan Somuel,secondboeemqn,Tom by defeating Hamden twice by the W L W L EASTERN CONFERENCE Newell and Marvin Freeman, pitchers, Identical scores of 8-2. Scott Chamber- Seton H a ll 3 8 13 8 W. VlrglnM St. 93, Shepherd 71 St. Joseph's 8 1 12 1 Atlantic DIvIslen W heeling HU, Salem, W.Vo. 86 and Jim Olander, outfielder, fo one-veor land led United with four goals during A quinas 3 13 W L Pet. GB Connecticut 2 8 8 13 contraefs. th e f ir s t w in w h ile M ik e B eaulieu added — Boston College 3 10 9 13 WIdener 71 Chevnev 57 St Bernard 4 7 Boston 34 12 .7 X Yeshiva 77, N.Y. M a ritim e 73 PITTSBURGH PIRATES—Signed John two scores. Duane FIcara and Jennifer X a v ie r Phllodelphlo a 19 .596 6T. Sam Houston St. 78, Texas-Arflngton 73 Beys SsrloHnlna to Watertown, 4-3, lost weekend. Scott Oakley, Chi. 45 149 413 568 115 7. Purdue (103) dM n e t play. Manchester at Enfield, 4 p.m. Rickard hod four goats In the first win W illiam s, N.J. 47 186 4 K 586 115 Schreiner 93, Trinitv, Texas 83 8. Dklohoma (123) did not play. S. Arkansas 71 H e n d [^ 51 while John Phelps, Andy Zlanlo, and lalmbeer, Det. 15 154 392 546 111 9. Syracuse (124) hwttoNo.lOPIttsbureh SATURD AY 16 149 404 553 110 Stephen F. Austin 64, Pan Amerloan 51 Tim Lentine each added goals. Rickard Donaldson, Doll. < 6361. W. Texas St. 94, Abilene ChrMlan 7S Men'e Basketball also hod three assists while Christine Radio, TV M.Malone,Wosh. iM a i 318 549 11.9 10. Pittsburgh (204) beat No. 9 M ottotuck at MCC, 8 p.m. Pace, Lentine, Kevin Flemming, Kevin DIaluwon, Hou. 39 176 389 465 11.9 Syracuse6361. PAR W M T Brodeur and Jamie Sutherland picked Cage, LAC ‘16 X 5 3 a 527 11.5 11. llllnIllinois « (125) dM not play. Alasfca%luneau 68, St. M ie n 's 59 Northwest Catholic at East Catholic, up assists. Sutherland hod four goals In Corr, Port. ‘0 t B 344 468 W.9 11 Clemsen (31-2) dM n o t play. Denver 81, S. Colorado 62 _ 1:30 p.m . the New Milford win while Tlgger TONIGHT Parish, Bos. ‘M 166 327 493 10.7 11 (Morgelown (174) beat Beslon College E. Montana 91 N .M ontm n __ ICO H eckoy LeBrun added two scores. Rickard, 7:30 p.m. — Hartford vs. Canislus, 7256. E. New M exico 66, Mlehveste m St., South Windsor vs. Manchester (Bol­ Phelps and Brodeur eoch tallied goals. Channel 18, W KHT 14. Alabama (174) dM not piav. T tx o i 64 ton Ice Palace), 7 ;l^.m . Rickard hod four assists while Mike 9 p.m. — College basketball: Georgia G 1Me. Avg. 15. Duke (124) dM net play. F lo rid a A B M 1W, U.S. In te rn a tio n al 89 East Catholic vs. East Catholic (En­ Soderlond and Zlanlo collected two Tech vs. Maryland, ESPN Johnson, LAL 47 5 X 11.5 16. St. John's (16^ dM not pMy. M etro St. 91, S. W a h S tJO field Twins Rink), 3:15 p.m. each. Rickard hod two goals In the loss 9 p.m. — Colltm basketball: St. F loyd, G.S. 49 517 W.6 17. Kansas (125) dM not pMy. Nev.-Loe Vegas 71 PacHIc 59 W re sflle g to Watertown while Oufherlond added John's vs. Seten Hall, Channel 9 Thomas, Det. 45 444 9.9 18. Texas Christian (124) did not play. w S ^ Podflc HU Lewis 2 Clorfc, East Hartford at Manchester, neon another score. Soderlond and Brodeur 9:30 p.m. — Celtics vs. Nuggets, Rivers, Atl. 45 440 9.8 19. FlorM a (126) lo st to A uburn 847D. Cheney Tech at COC Tournament (at hod assists. Channel 61 Porter, Port. 48 405 14 20. PrevMsnoe (145) dM net pMy. Washington 81 NW Chrtstlan 80 Rocky H ill High), 9 a.m. ADVERTIgEMENT MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10.1987 — 17 U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueaday. Feb. 10.1987 ADVERTISEMENT

■ -rv-m Turbos hit 60 in 4.2 seconds Just wliat owner’s manual, including MobU 1 Show has In a growing “ perfbrmanpe” seg­ gine oil as initial firotory fill and Formuta 15W-50 engine oU, for two ment o f the autom ^ile market, mus­ recommend it for the life r f the car. reasons: “ First, turbocharged enginea cular new cars are running up im­ The Callaway-modified Corvette is o f hi^ output generate extremdy h i^ listed as nuxlel RPO (for “ regular is GHADA? pressive scores with the help o f high- loads. Synthetic oil handles such lo a ^ autos and tech components and advanced au­ production option") B2K in the 1987 much better than petroleum-based oil. tomotive products like heat-resisting Chevrolet catalog of General Motors, The Greater Hartford Automobile Dealers Associa­ Second, the heat generated m to r b » ^nthetic engine oil. which retained Callawqr to install its tion (G H AD A ) Is a group of 78 dealer members and 48 chargers can vs|»rize convention* associate members who are committed to serving the A twin-turbochaiger addition to a performance package. oil.” Besides using synthetic M obil i, autographs needs of their respective communities. Drawing Its 1987 production model Corvette en­ O f course, you can’t legally drive the Callaway design includes water- members from Hartford metro/central Connecticut ables it to zoom from zero to 60 miles 178 mph to your suburban shqiping cooled housings for turbocharger area, G H AD A is the country's oldest local dealer's per hour in 4.2 seconds, go a quarter mall; but “ this is a car for motorists 8y Jackie Cooley who want the festest, best-handling, bearings. ' GHADA Staff association. mile in 13.2 seconds and hit top speeds Car- best-braking car they can buy,” says Race-driver-turned-designer -rSL o f 177.98 mph. ■f's 4? Dealers work together on projects like the Anriual roll Shelly’s latest s ^ n g o f perfor­ If you want to see all the latest in sutomotive design, Reeves Callaway, 38, president, born Hartford Two-M lle Race (proceeds for 1986 benefltted You can buy this fiistest U S . pro­ mance cars began with a four-dow technology and products, where do you go? T o the at Biyn Mawr, Ri., B. A. Amherst the Hartford Symphony Orchestra) and the “Charity duction car from selected Chevrolet Shelby GLH-S (for "Goes Like HeH college and retired race driver (when Connecticut International Auto Showl Night Party/Auto Show Preview" which raises dealers at prices starting around Every November, the Connecticut International Auto he was 26). — Somemore” ). thousands of dollars for a local charity (proceeds for $51,000, including $19,995 for the Show rolls Into the Civic Center. Sponsored by the, • >4 vj In addition to twin turbos, one for Designed to combine perfornumce 1986 benefltted the Greater Conn. Chapter of the package o f twin turbos and other per­ Greater Hartford Automobile Dealers Association, It each bank o f the V8 engine, C allan ^ with moderate price, the GLH-S* Multiple Sclerosis Society). Mitchell to association President Todd formance goodies from Callaway En­ allows the public to view all new car models In one W; ' A $100,000 check representing the initial components include an intercooling starting with Dodge Omni Horizon location, highlighting the latest, most up-to-date As a group, these dealers meet monthly to examine contributron of seed money for the W. Hoffman. With them are Diane gineering, a nine-year-old high-tech system to increase density o f the pres­ framework, is transformed by latest models. Many a show-goer Is not only Impressed by the the constantly changing needs of theconsumerand the creation of the Greater Hartford Auto­ Lipman, foundation committee member, firm at Old Lyme, Conn. surized air charge to the engine (the add-ons devised by the 64-year-old ?• T new cars, but also by thestrongline-upofstarsthat visit automobile Industry. They discuss the latest In mobile Dealers Association Foundation and C. Bowie Thomas, GHADA vice At Whittier, Calif., Shelby Automo­ turbos can hike manifold pressure to designer, who’s also performance the show throughout the weekend. Here’s a recap of automotive design, technology, products and services president. biles, Inc., has on line its third per­ 52 inches o f mercury from the at­ counselor to Chrysler and director o f is presented by GHADA Treasurer Mark what happened at 1987 show and hints of things to and apply this knowledge to their individual business F formance modification of D<^ge Chrysler Shelby California Develoj^ mospheric 30). Callaway's computer­ come for the 1988 show this November. practices. They learn what's new, what current models, the S h e % Lancer, designed ment Center, Santa Fe Springs, Calif.- ized auxiliary Microfueler II , • The Charity Night Party/Auto Show Preview (Nov. consumer demands are and are able to project their to out-perform European sedans sell­ Resulting performance data include 0 fuel-injection system steps up fuel W ) was damped, by a bad Ice storm, but the weather needs for the future. GHADA starts foundation ing for twice as much. These Calla- feed in keeping with turbo output. to 60 mph in 6.7 seconds and 130-plus didn’t prevent GHADA dealers from contributing atotal w ^ and Shelby cars all use perform­ Callaway says M obil synthetic lub­ mph from four cylinders, boosted by ot $7,(X)0 to the Greater Connecticut Chapter of the Why buy a car from a G H AD A dealer? Because these annually In November. fore, reviewing projects that teach The Greater Hartford Automo­ ance-boosting synthetic M obil 1 en­ ricants are recoriunended in the car- intercooled turbos. Multiple Sclerosis Society. „ ;c f dealers are pledged to a code of business ethics for "A committee will be set up homeless people to become useful bile Dealers Association (GHADA) • Jim Rice, Boston Rod Sox loft fielder, arrived honesty and integrity In service and merchandise Immediately, consisting of three members of society. has approved the establishment of Friday night (Nov. 21). First Item on the agenda — a live offered. The GH AD A Code of Eth Ics commits dealers to E a GHADA Foundation to provide GHADA Board members and two These are only a few samples of Interview with W FSB sports anchor. Bill Patrick. Next, a desirable standards in advertising end business special funding for arts and cultural outside community leaders, to look the kinds of project which the Auto market targets females live Interview with Arnold Doan ot W TIC -A M . and then transactions. They support the efforts of the State progams and for the needy and over proposals submitted from Greater Hartford Automobile Deal­ back to the show tosign autographs. Many a Whalertan Department of Consumer Protection to enforce homeless in the Greater Hartford various charitable groups" says C. switch brands o f oil based on the' I ers Association Foundation might Women, representing two of every er role in purchasing and maintenance stopped by before the game to get an autograph from acceptable standards for the advertising and sale of I area, as recently announced by its Bowie Thomas, GHADA vice- fund. G H A D A President, Todd W. cleaner packaging design,” siiys Philip' five drivers on the road, are fest be­ decision-making, many automotive Jim Rico (by the way, the Whalers won that game motor vehicles. President, Todd W. Hoffman. president. This committee will Hoffman, stressed 'Th is Is an Petraglia, manager o f the company’s^ coming a significant force in the au­ product companies are ^justing their against St. Louis!) Rachel Grody: Mark Mitchell, GHADA “In this age of less federal meet twice a year. extremely exciting program. We're Plans for the next Connecticut Interna­ Membership in O H AD indicates the dealers' tomotive market. male-oriented marketing strategies to marketing services. • Saturday (Nov. 22) was a busy day with Jim Rico I funding for the arts and needy. It's The purpose of the Foundation is working hard to raise funds for thes tional Auto Show, scheduled Nov. 20 to secretary-treasurer; and C. Bowie Tho­ readiness to measure up to their responsibilities to the I /.ji I make room for the growing number In addition to more attractive pack­ more important for the private to provide founding for special community service programs. Our Not only do women make 30 per­ signing more autographs until 5:00 and at 7:00 we mas, association vice president. Not community and the consumer. Its membership decal Is o f female customers. This also in­ aging design, (Quaker State, along wolcomedYankoes.MIkoPagllaruloandDanPasqua.If 22, are already underway, and planners sector to support these causes and programs and projects in the arts dealers are substantial supporters cent o f all domestic new car pur­ shown are Jim Sinclair, show vice a symbol that moreandmoreconsumersarelooking for help close the gap. We are raising and for the needy and homeless in chases, but th ^ also are taking on cludes the do-it-yourself market, with many o f the automakers, now tar­ We use the length ot the autograph line as e measure of are aiming to beat last year’s attendance of civic and charitable activities in of 50,000. Show officials are, from left, chairman, and Diane Lipman, charity when shopping for a new or used car. It Is e symbol that thechallengeto other businessand - Greater Hartford. One project that their own communities and will more responsibility for the main­ where women now comprise 27 per­ gets both males and females in the de­ popularity, then there are definitely more Yankee fans represents 78 years ot community service. the dealer group is currently preview night chairwoman. professional association to join In continue their individual support. tenance and repair o f their au­ cent ot all DIYer<^ velopment o f its advertising. In Hartford than there are Rod Sox tans... and Bradley Hoffman, auto show chairman: •f! considering Involves funding a and support these very important In addition, as one Foundation tomobiles. Quaker State C ' Refining Corpo­ • Many faithful Whalers fansshowed uptogreet Ron ideas,” said Todd W. Hoffman, cultural program that provide But while the number o f female voice, we will have a bigger impact According to the Newspaper Adver­ ration for instam , recognizing that Francis, and DaveTippettonSunday.Alsoon president. underprivileged or handicapped DIYers is growing, not surprisingly and proud of It. On the local tising Bureau (N A B ), 39 percent o f all the most popular J lY activity among Sunday, Lisa Brown and frank Rynyoon ("Iva Snyder" According to GHADA Treasurer, children with tickets and transpor­ association scene, we think we're women still are less likely to do main­ maintenance or repair decisions are women is motor oil maintenance, took and “Steve Andropolous") from “As the World Turns” Mark Mitchell, “An initial appropri­ tation to specific performances of one of the first kids on the block to tenance tasks themselves than men,' signed autographs and acted out soap opera skits with 't the Hartford Ballet, Opera, Sym­ made by women. Interestingly, wom­ the lead in the motor oil industry by ation of $1(X),0(X) will be deposited put together a charitable Founda­ instead preferring to rely on others tci W TIC-FM ’s Gary Craig. On both Saturday andSunday, In the Foundtion as seed money, phony and Stage Company. en also are more likely to service their repackaging its entire line o f motor oil tion of this type and hope other perform the service. • Big D-103 FM (W D R C ) broadcast live from the show and each year a minimum of 10% of As far as supporting the needy cars more regularly than men. Fifty- in convenient re-sealable plastic bot­ local associations will follow.” and KISS personalities like Kathy Fox, Curt Monday the General Fund Balance also will and homeless in Greater Hartford, nine percent o f women responsible for tles as early as 1984. “According to our research, there’s and Scott McKay helped strap daring show-goers Into be allocated.’ The General Fund the G H AD A, with the direct assist­ “We want the public to know that, “ While both males and females pre­ a good number o f women, as well as car maintenance have their cars “Th e Convlncor", a machine that simulats a traffic Balance is accrued through mem­ ance of board member Diane as a group of automobile dealers, ferred the plastic bottles in our initial a growing number of men, who prefer ' I checked at regular intervals, as op­ accident and how safety bolts help protect against , I ; bership dues and any profit Lipman, has recognized that atten­ we are committed to enhancing the posed to 41 percent o f the men. consumer research, females over­ to have others perform their routind i ' resulting from the Connecticut tion now needs to be focused on quality of life In Greater Hartford." Injury. n n o E i m whelmingly indicated they would service needs,” says Petraglia. International Auto Show held long-term solutions and are, there­ continued Hoffman. As women continue to play a larg­ • A total of 50,200 people attending the show over a three day period. All In all, a very good show, indeed! ★ FEB. 11th — FEB. 16th ★ Things to come at the 1988 show this Novem ber... well, count on seeing some familiar Whalers’ faces ... ★ REGISTER TO WIN A TRIP Working To Be baseball fans will notbedlsappolnted .-andneltherwlll viewers of primo-timo TV, and, of course, wewiltseethe TO HAWAII ★ I I THE BEST... latest In automotive design, technology and products for 1988. ★ OVER 200 CARS & CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC. What Else Is There? TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM SS WINDSOR AVENUE • VERNON • 875-3311 Or Save Up To A O / *'*'*^*1* krcentme rate 3■ 9 / 0 FINANCIN6 TO QUAURED BUYERS s M - OR UP TO *1100 FACTORY REBATF Oft I ON S-10 PICKUPS A S-10 BUIZERS I


On Select Models I ^ THIS IS THE SALE OF THE YEAR... Plymouth Voyager, £ NEW 1987 SPRINT Chrysler LeBaron GTS Premium Chrysler LeBaron Coupe Optimistic smiies are radiated by Judy 2 Dr. Hatchback #6145 Premium 3.7% or ‘ 1000 Cash Back America's Favorite Family Wagon McDonough and Todd Hoffman at DON’T MISS IT S a ve‘ 400! Save ‘ 600 More On Chrysler Now Available With V>6 Power. charity night. Hoffman, GHADA presi­ dent, said $7,000was given to the G reater GHADA scholarship winner Susan Austin, a student at New P tM lv Eqalpmeat DiieraBt Package. Air Con­ LeBaron GTS Premium! Save ‘ 300! H you’re looking for quality *6149 ditioning • Rear Window Defroiter • TiltSteerlng Laxary Eqalpmeal Utcoaat Package On LE Ma-1 Connecticut Chapter of the Muitiple England College, is congratulated by Raymond A. Jansen of Popatar Eqalpmeal Diaeoaai Package. i.t Liter I Wheel • Power Window! • Power Door Locki • dela. Ught Package • Power U ft Gate Releaae • be sure to check theee Turbocharged Engine • Automatic Transmiiaion Scierosis Society. McDonough is M.S. The Hartford Courant. At loft is Sam Chorches, GHADA AutomaUc Speed Control • And More.t Tilt Steering Column • Power Locka • Automatic NEW 1987 NOVA • Automatic Speed Control • Tilt Steering Column Speed Control • Overhead Conaole • Power Win- | society treasurer. 4 Dr. Sedan #6431 scholarship awards chairman. Jansen and Chorches, along with • Undercoating • And More.t USED CAR SPECIALS! Perry Ury of W TIC radio, determined the winners of the seven dowi • Power Drlvei*! Seat • And More.t SAVE *800 $750 GHADA scholarships. S A V E *1000 79 OLDS DELTA CTM. = B ~ . 82 PONT. GRAN PRIX Crulaar Wgn., VS Auto, AC, Great deals Cpa., ve. Auto, AC, PS. PB. PS, PB. P Wndowa S Tilt *8499 H, n Window Dafog Wlraal NEW 1987 CAVALIER Auto dealers award await buyers <4995 & T <2595 2 Dr. Coupe #6121 S A V E *800 S A V E *1000 Th e 78 member dealerships of the Greater Hartford 83 CHEV. CHEVETTE 82 CAVALIER T-10 Automobile Dealers Association are celebrating their Hatchback Cpa., 4 Cyl.,>uto, *9899 2 more scholarships 4 Dr., 4 Cyl., 4 Spd., Radio, annual Washington's Birthday Sale with outstanding Roar Window Dafog • AC, PS, Starao Caaa. ANNUAL Plus OR if you don't want Wat*379S Waa'48e6 PERCENTAGE car values February 11th through February 16th. NEW 1987 CAPRICE The Greater Hartford Automobile Mark Terry of Plainville High School HATE* The 78 auto dealers of GHADA are going all out special 3.7% financ­ 74«t <3695 4 Dr. Sedan #6199 Dealers Association awarded two addi­ (sponsored by Schaller Oldsmoblle- C A S H B A C K preparing special Inducements and great sale prices to 7fU <2995 tional scholarships this year to children /Honda/Subaru in New Britain). ing on your new attrat the car buying public to visit their showrooms. of dealership employees, increasing the Harvey Lipman, GHADA promotion chairman Each student has been awarded a$750 S A V E *1000 > number of scholarship recipients to Every Plymouth Reliant Reliant, choose an pointed out that a tradition of offering extraordinary S A V E m o o 9 scholarship to be used toward tuition, 83 CHRY8. LtSARON * seven, according to GHADA Scholar­ deals during Washington's Birthday has made this 84 DATSUN 8ENTRA 2 Dr, 4 Cyl.. Auto. AC. PS. 13,899 fees, the purchase of books, equipment ship Chairman. Sam Chorches. promotion one of the major car sales events of the year XE, 2 Dr. 4 Cyl.. Auto, PB, Buckat Saata, Vinyl Roof, or other school supplies at any college, extra *300 cash for a AM/FM, Raar Window Dafog Raar Dafog. when the consumer can take advantage of great technical or specialized post-secondary The winners are Susan Austin of total of *900 cash savings In the purchase of a new or used car. school. NEW 1987 CELEBRITY Kensington, a sophomore at New This year th G H A D A Is offering a chance to win a trip Lv <4895 » r< 5 1 9 5 4 Dr. Sedan #6439 England College In Henniker, New Raymond A. Jansen Jr., senior vice 4' V back. for two to Honolulu. Hawaii via TW A with the winner Hampshire, who is studying athletic president and general manager, the C'- ) staying for six nights and seven days at the luxurious training and psychology (sponsored by Hartford Courant, Perry Ury, president Hyatt Regency Waikiki through arrangements by S A V E *900 S A V E *1200 8 Schaller Oldsmoblle/Honda/Subaru In Travelrama. Licensed drivers who visit G H AD A of WTIC Radio and Sam Chorches, 7/70 83 CHEV. CAPRICE CL 81 PONT. RRAN PRIX *11,999 New Britain); Ava Boornazian ot West member showrooms are eligible forthegrand prize and 4 Dr, va Auto. AC. PS. PB. GHADA Scholarship chairman, judged n o T E c n o Cpa., ve. Auto, AC, PS, PB, P. Hartford, a sophomore at St. Francis PROTECnON are Invited to Inspect or tost drive vehicles on display. P. Windowa S Locka, SWrao Saate a Dr Locka, Sun roof the applicants according to academic PLAN Caaa W/QB School of Nursing (sponsored by achievements an extra curricular activi­ ON ALL CHRYSLER For those who purchase a now or designated used Hoffman Ford in East Hartford); James ties. Only children of employees of BUILT PRODUCTS car, von or truck, a choice will be offered of a SSOdInIng NEW 1987CAMAR0Z-28 Goughian of Avon, a freshman at certificate to Gaetanos or Carbones or Panasonic K: <4595 Sport Coupe #6013 member dealerships of the G H A D A are s?r <6295 AM/FM/AM Stereo Headphone Radio. Harvard University, who is studying eligible to apply. math and physics (sponsored by The Greater Hartford Automobile Dealers Assoclaiton These are only a few of our used cars Mitchell Pontiac/Volvo/Saab in The G H A D A also sponsors a $1,0(X) tFlnaadni or coih back ia avallabla to Save ^671 More! Is proud of Its 78 years of community service as the 7 qiiaUfled retail buyera pn now modela from and trucks offered during our Annual Scholarship to the University of Popular Lquipiiiviii Disruiiiii Parkage. Simsbury). dealer atock. Financing nvallnMe Ihrough Chryalor country's oldest local dealers association. Each ot its 78 ,‘ 15,799 Hartford. This year the scholarship Crodll CorpomUon. Other lew raica ara avalalble > Tinted Gltaa e Power Steering e a M/FM Stereo With DIgitel Clock o member dealerships In the Hartford metro/central dapandlng on the length of ynur contract. Other scholarship recipients Include; award winner was Gwen Le who Is a Dual Remote Mlrrora e AutomaUc Trnnamlitioo • And More.t Connecticut area la pledged toa Code of Ethics In terms WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY SALE Leslie Grazlano of Avon, a senior at Avon senior accounting major. Any student of customer aervice. As a result, G H A D A is a major Th 0 p r i e t are fo r roof a n tf n o t • mlotoko. High School (sponsored by Jon Lo- attending the University of Hartford Is aupporter of the Department of Consumer Protection’s rensen’s Acura of Avon In Canton); eligible. regulatory efforts to promote truth and accuracy In the Susan OlaakawIcz of Bloomfield, a Todd Hoffman, G H A D A president, adMrtlsIng and sale of motor vehicles. fraalwnan at Central Conn. State noted that GHADA's sponsorship of The New Chrysler Corp. According to Brad Hoffman. Open House Chairman. Univeralty, who Is studying business these scholarship programs Isa vital part "Washington's Birthday Is a great time to buy a carat a management (sponsored by Thomas of Its community service activity. Overa significant savings. The Impact of 12,(XX) vehicles on Cadillac In Hartford); Adrienne Sholtls period of 11 years, G H A D A has awarded Newest PRICE LEADER sale In this area will be fantastic; and once again, make CARTER CHEVROLET over $50,0(X) in scholarship money to CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH. INC. this a peak sailing period." of Old Lyme, a senior at Lym e-Old Lyme SS WINOSDR AVENUE e VERNON e STB-MII High school (sponsored by Town & students at various colleges and

^SHABA,/. '7 WILL M E E T O R B E A T A N Y P R IC E PRlisiDE^rs MV FEB. 11,1987 THROUGH By Any Dealer WED. FEB. 11.1087 thru FEB. 16,1987 ESIDENiy MON. FEB. 16.1087... in Connecticut"! ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE Between Now CHOICE OF: PANASONIC AM/FM STEREO HEAOPHONE RAOlO OR and Feb. 28, 1987 150 OINNER GIFT CERTIFICATE TO CARBONE’S OR SS^TANO S... cominonAI RNANaNG TO QUAURED WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW OR USED CAR OR TRUCK... BUYERS... P L U S I CHANCE TO WIN A FREE TRIP FOR TWO TO HONOLULU. HAWAII VIA TWA 'T m Harv Lipman, President of the Lipman ^ * ‘ * * ^ ‘ fo r 7 0AY8/8 HI8RT8 AT THE LUXURIOUS HYATT RE8ENCY. WAIKIKI... Family of fine dealerships. If you’re in the ORAWIHO MARCH 4.1087... . ^ ^ ^ ^ PLUS 1!*600 CASH BACK! market for a New Car or Truck, I want you to visit ALL THIS PLUS A A A WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11, 1987 us," F BRING IN ANY LEGITIMATE OFFER, signed FACTORY REBATES | 1 U U U THROUGH MONDAY, FEB. 16, 1987... by another dealer — Domestic or Import, and we’ll BEAT IT! AND F.INANCINQ AS LOW AS 3.9% ON NEW CASH BACKI QMC 5-15 TRUCKS... _____ 87 REUANT LE 4 Door 87 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER If we can’t, I’ll Rustproof the car you buy at No Cost To You. This offer applies to any MAKE lAutomatlc, Power Steering, Tinted Glass, Dual Mirrors, WAGON of New Car or Truck. We’ll find a New Car of the VANS - WE’VE GOT ’EM! j AM/FM Stereo, Bodyside Moldings, 2.2 EFI Engine, Cloth interior. Automatic, Power Steering, Brakes, E Rear Defog., WSW Tires, Fuli Size Spare & More. #R802 Light Package, Rear Defroster, Duel Mirrors, AM/FM Brands listed below at the same list price OR Stereo, Quage Package, Pin Striping. #V219 MORE, with the same equipment OR MORE, and LEISURE VANS TO CAMPER VANS Stock « B0262 INC. sell it to you FOR LESS . . . or you’ll get a $289- FREIGHT GENEVA & CONSOLIDATED LEISURE Stock « W4146 NEW 1987 FORD *9509 WAS INC. Retail Value Rustproofing as our gift, ONLY AT . I *12.523 NOW I NEW 1986 RANGER 4x4 9.7% A.P.R. PLUS •000 REBATE OR *000 CASH BACKI ’11,857 FREIGHT ESCORT GT V6. PS. PB, AM/FM Stereo, Tinted QIaea, Step Bumper, Deluxe Wheel Trlm, r I PS. PB, HC Engine, AM/FM Stereo, Digital Clock and Much More. UP TO R/W Defroster, Tw o Tone Paint, We always carry a large selection of 87 PLYMOUTH TURISMO TintedTIntOd Glass GIB99 pre-owned Plymouth & Dodge Mlnl-Vansi 2.2 Engine, Automatic, Console, Power Steering, HOOO AM/FM Stereo, Dual Mirrors, Rear Defroster, PM Striping, #H732 86 DODGE ‘600’ msss ^9624 ’8495 ’11.279 2 Ten*, Autc, AC, AM/FM Sterec PS, Bucket Seat*, Ccntole. Rear Defcg. S DISCOUNT mere. N e w '11.369. O nly 145 mllee. Thie la not a mlaprint. Balance Chryaler’a WAS INC. 5/50 Warranty. *8979 NOW *8451 FREIGHT 3.796 *500 86 CHRYSLER 5th AVENUE #3366 M 2,295 A.P.R. or CASH BACKI Loaded, with leather Interior, listed new over $17,000, Waa '13,595

CHRYSLER Announces the 7 YEAR 70 ,0 0 0 MILE LIMITED DRIVE TRAIN WARRANTY! stock « X0753 3.7% Financing with Rebatca or Cash Back on Selected Models. stock # T4677 ^^Where Customers Send Their Friends NEW 1987 FORD NEW 1987 FORD CROWN VICTORIA LX ESCORT u Rt. 83, Talcottville 643-2708 2 Dr., 5.0 L V8. A C D , PS, PB, 2 Dr. Hatchback, Northeast Value Package. WE ARE GOING "ALL OUT" Handling Pkg. Tw o Tone Paint, AC, PS, PB, O/H Coneole, Digital Clock, 2 FOR 1 SALE & Much More. RW Defroster, Bodyside Moldings. TO REDUCE OUR INVENTORY. OI n EW 1986 CADILLAC SeVILLE • OVER 100 CARS MUST BE SOLD AMlMr powwr. Pam mm. Inol. 9ft Pmr. Pam aam id|uoitf. trunk Hd pul Gown. Floer mula. carpeled front A roor. trunk mul., four door odpt • OUR YARDS ARE FULL tm iPa, lilOBiir. nur window ofootitc Ind. heelod outside mkrors. Ik tuwdniHd entry eyetem. eutomelle dey/MgM mirrors — Mumlneied aaaPtf mkrore, drtver A pesssngsr. A1 Ulsr, VI on, enplne emission • NO MONEY DOWN (TO QUALIFIED eyetem— ledirsi.fdeMller leer remote relsws.erkeeitlsfcs— wke — ’15,289 *7500 BUYERS) I toekkiQ. dimmlni sentlneL theft dstsfiint eyetem. redto AM/FM etereo OUR GIFT TO YOU... I elf. eeek A eeen. dlgNil dtopley A oeseette etr., leemer eeeHno eree. YOUR CHOICE; PANASONIC AM/FM STEREO RADIO • BRING THE TITLE TO YOUR TRADE irNEW 1987 Pontiac T-1000 HEADPHONES OR $50 DINNER GIFT CERTIRCATE • EXTRA HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ONE feel, bucket Europeen doth, Defogoer, electric rear wirtdow, trane. 5 epd. manual, wheel trim | rlnge, AIA/FM Radio eyetem > Monaural. TO CARBONE’S OR GAETANO’S... with DVDry new car • NO REASONABLE OFFERS REFUSED 6 W U M / purchasDd out of invontory and every designated used car purchased! • FINANCE EXPERTS ON PREMISES GET BOTH CARDS FOR ONLY. Lipman M WHERE SAVINGS, SERVICE, AND SATISFACTION Stock# A7211 IRARE FINDI CLYDE’S COME TOGETHER! WE'RE *31,462 R A R E F I N D I FE6RUARY CONNECTICUT'S M NEW& USED 1986 CADILLAC SEVILLE MSR PRICE $32,417... 1987 PONTIAC T-1000 MSR PRICE NEW 1987 FORD 1986 FORD •7854... T O T A L MSR P R IC E 'OS.SIB... CLEARANCE VOLUME VOLKSWAGEN DEALER. F-ISO STYLESIDE THUNDERBIRD OVER 300 NEW CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK From *2000 - Soim have PS, PB, Sport Wheel Covers, Sliding ve. Automatic, AC, PW. PS, PB, OF OVER 125 USED CARS A TRUCKS IN STOCK Ealandad WarranMas Rear Window, Lo. Mt. Mirrors, AM/FM Dual Mirrors and Much More. A U NEW 1987 GOLF GT NEW 1987 JETTA up to 6 mot. Stereo, Auxiliary Fuel Tank. USED Stk. #3732, 4 door-5 spd.-met. Stk. #3512, 4 dr. - 5 speed pkg. - A/C paint-GT Package accent stripes, alloy wheels. CHECK OUT HOW YOU CAH SAVE $4686 ON THIS BRAND 1984 CARS NEW 1986 PONTIAC 2+2 LOADED WITH EQUIPMENT. PRICED 1984 CAMARO JEEP Z*2 8 Coupe MUST BE SEEN! CJ7 RENEGADE FROM 5 Liter H.O. V-8, PS, PB, ’8 9 9 9 ’ 1 0 , 5 9 5 AC, R. Def., Bucket Seats, ggVE..- List Price ‘ 18,297 6 Cylinder, 4 Wheel Drive, LEASE $0*9 <167 per AM/FM. Power Steering. <2995 Stereo Cass., Charcoal FOR MONTH FOR MONTH D is c o u n t 4.6S6 .Rear Seat, Full Hard Top, Grey. Was *10,395 *194® * Was *8695 TO SCRANTON’s .,1 4 a NEW 1987 OUANTUM NEW 1987 SCIROCCO PRICE *13,611 * 9 9 9 5 SYNCRO WAGON stk. # 3603, Met. paint- cruise control- rear| ^ 8 4 9 5 <6495 s tk . #3594, QL package - power pkg. wiper- A/C- powersteering- alloy wheels luggage comp. - A/C RARE, HARD TO FIND USED CARS...

’94 CHEVY IMPALA 4 DOOR ’83 BUICK CENTURY LTD. 9 1985 OLDSMOBILE TORONADO ’•6 CHEVY CHEVETTE 2 DOOR 4 Dr., a Cyl. Auto. FS. Btoet. Aa a DM.. Whu Auto. re. re, a c . am# m, m .om m .. sm. mtm 2 Dr., White, Extra Nice Cer with Extres. HIM.. 4 Oyl.. A.40. Bh». BuCe Swtt. WM4I4. Ctoto Int. Comoto, Storao Cm . _ _ _ stock « K2076 *0 4 9 5 Sn.fa72SaAFrH4WMMSM *6 4 9 5 Should M il for *13,500. Oar Frica Oaly ^ 2 , 4 9 5 tNuwN.1 <5295 PrtouWM• 8 7 2 - - 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 PER YEAR. TAXES, MAINTENANCE, REGISTRATION AND TITLE FEES EXTRA Is One Of The Last V8 Motor Pd'wer 88's Lett. Windsor Ava. Hurry Will Sell Quick. f Oaly ’10,995 ANY NEW FORD CAR OR TRUCK! B U IC K , IN C . Rockvilla/Varnon Exit 64 / 1-84 CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE • PONTIAC - QMC TRUCKS / > s t N c e R O U T E 83 J933 rCf Bu:C' <»tC 872-9145 iP ^ i DILLOn 24 Tolland Tpk. (Rt. 83) ^ M ' ^ o t o r s + ;6 H A D k / ^ VERNON. CT. 319 Hain SI, iAcm. f lo. tamnyi. Mandnster, CT 643-214S VERNON-MANCHESTER, CT \ MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Frt». !•. \Wt — tl 22 m — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuwdav. Feb. 10. \WI MANUTS by C ha r^ M. Schuli HAOAR T H I HOMIIM.E byDMBrowM SNAFU by Blue* BaattI* 'l THINK' I THINK PRBARIN6 HA«AfZ l^*T MOME MUCM 0UT WMEM ME f THIS IS A NICE SUFFER «MEUKE5 T0 5 PBMP<^/TYTIMf I AN art FOR YOUR P06 IS _____, WITM TME CHlUt^EM ■------^ 1 A REAL ART! h r




BLONDIE by Daan Young A Stan Draki


€ tWf by WA. k

AP photo Jerry Hayes of Axion demonstrates To y Fair Monday In New York, is a $250 Dom o^m . ^ VDOK»OW,WiKtlT TOYOTA OMmevihiON.DAD.'y R)a()YLRmL(lRRXK1M^ Tech Force, part of a new generation of set of robots designed to be placed on electronic toys designed to be used by the floor In front of the television set, children as they watch specific cartoon where they move around in imitation of shows on television. Tech Force, cartoon characters on the screen. ON THE FA8TRACK by Bill Holbrook unveiled at the American International ^ So wHftns oH.Voo^ i^msofiBfvs 3Dsr a 1 B tiie v e 1 m* USED CARS TNE FUSSIEST high-tech will boost sales ARE GUARANTEED OF BUYERS... ALLEY OOP ®by Dave Graue buttons on their stomachs. They’ll Tech Force characters battle evil­ AMA PECKEDCE! 8 v Bethany Kandel SHE RECOGNIZED ;rhe Associated Press sense each other’s presence, and doers on television, their toy 1979 VOLVO 244S 1986 TOYOTA DLX XTRA CAB begin talking. counterparts will charge around 3,000 mils*, TonnsI Cover, 5 Spd. j NEW YORK — Parents may soon They may discuss ice cream — the living-room floor firing laser U.B. ACRM by Jim Davla p e hearing strange voices coming some are programmed to like lights, responding to inaudible ^4995 4rom their children’s rooms late at vanilla, others chocolate or straw­ signals beamed through the car­ *8595 HCV LANOLIN, I'M PRV- ffight. berry. Children can join in the toon’s soundtrack. COME ON IN. CLEAN ONLV /^bookerI!? 2 ’There’s no cause for alarm, it’s discussion, of course. lfS3 FLTM0U1R RCUART WA80R IVtSCNEW ASTRO ViW THE WATER'S 5 Select Merchandise features. Vi­ eamr. 4 dr., 4 oyl.. S opd.. PB. PS AC ’ 3 N 5 Rtd. a oyl., AT. f*. PS ’ 8 N 5 M st the dolls chatting. These new dolls know what’s GREAT ~ ~ X . deo Challenger, a wireless video JT Members of a new generation of going on all around them. Take arcade gun that works with en­ 1M 3 P0R11AC TRARS AM ItiS OIM eUTlASS CALAIS Bhimated dolls introduced Monday them for a bumpy car ride and the Rod, a cyl., AT. PS. PS. PW. AC. T lopo. Moroo ’ 899S Oray. 2 dr.. 4 oyl.. AT, PS. PS. PW, AC. Mwm ’ 8595 coded videos of famous movie \ St the 84th annual American doll might say, “ OK, that's enough. battle scenes. A child shoots at John ltS 3 MAZDA RX76U ISSS FORD RROROO ■ utemational Toy Fair not only AH this bouncing up and down Wayne and he shoots back, regis­ ■uo. 4 oyl.. a Ipd.. PS. PS. PW. AC ’ 8995 saw. a oyl.. 4 ipd.. 00, PS. PS. M«r*o. talk, they answer intelligently and makes me dizzy.” Kiss the doll’s •unroof ’ 9595 tering a score on the gun. carry on entire conversations cheek, and it’ll say, "Thank you for lt$ 3 MERCURT LTRX WA80R ’ 3995 the kiss. May I have another one, Muo. 4 oyl. a Ipd., PB IN S CHEW CAVAUN WON. THE BORN LOSER ®by Art Sanaom among themselves. The developers say it will make 4 cyl., 9 ipd.. P8 ’ 5995 } Also unveiled were high-tech please?” television watching participatory, I t i S FORD FAIRMORT FUTURA HAVE A A variety of specialty pro­ Muo. a oyl.. 4 4pd., PB. flproo ’ 4 N 5 1SS4 OIOS DELTA SS ^ l.6 ?LA P Y 63 jacUon figures that take electronic instead of merely reactive. Critics ’ 8995 grammed tapes bring Ideal Inc.’s Vt. AC. PW. P SOOit. CMMWl 6 0 0 0 ' «ue8 from signals beamed by say it robs children of their 1063 FORD EICORTWAOOR J lL J?M [WT6Z)0 Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch and the Oroy, 4 oyl.. 4 ipd.. PB, 4MIOO ’ 3895 ^animated TV shows. imaginations, causes the TV shows 1SS4 P0R1IAC SORHCVRJE oAV' Cookie Monster to life. The trio can vt. Auto. AC. SMraO ’ 7 N 5 { Manufacturers are hoping such to become sales tools for the toys, IttSPORIUCTRAHEAM break into perfectly synchronized itoys can spark some life in the and creates a bigger rift between WhNo, a cyl.. AT. PB. PS AC, WirPO ’ N 9 5 ISSSTOTOTADUPKKUP song or tell a story as a team with irelatively flat $12.5 billion toy the kids who have the toys and those a ipd., TonntI oovor. 3.000 mSat ’ 8595 the new technology. 1002 TOTOTA COROLLA Astrograph (larket. who don’t. WMM. 2 dr., 4 oyl.. a tpd., PB. PS. •ttroo ’ 4995 Puxxlea ‘We see the area of growth in true Galoob’s Baby Talk will sing, 1SS4 F0R1IAC tSSS W8R vs AC. PS. pe ’ 6995 count and giggle along with one of 1012 TOTOTA OTtCEUCA linteractive toys,” says Rick An- However heated the controversy, WMIo. 4 cyl.. S Ipd.. PB. PS. itoroo ’ 6 N 5 zuilla, editor of the trade publica- three entertaining-educational vi­ analysts and manufacturers think 1SS4T0T0TACAMRT Answer to Previous Puzrle ACROSS 6 Bacchanals' cry ition Toy and Hobby World. "Not deo cassettes ($80-80). And Mattel’s they’ve discovered a new form of 1002 MERCURT CAPRI 4 0 Ipd., TuitM>-Old44L AC. onilM. ’ 7595 7 Spread to dry Blue. 4 oyl., AT. PB. PS ’ 3995 ^ I f o u r Nust toys that have something to say Baby Heather will mature verbally play. 1 New Mexico 8 Rope to limit tend randomly say it, but those that and aesthetically from a 0-month- IS N PONIIAC FHKtniD animai's range 1M 2 OUICR REOAL V8. AT, AC ’ 4595 art colony birthday almost seem to think and can have old to a 2-year-old, responding in For those parents who remember Blue. 4 dr., a oyl.. AT, PB. PS. AC, 5 Moist 9 Air (comb, HR nr., iloroo. vinyl lop ’ 5595 real conversations.” turn to a child’s voice and touch. the good old toys of yesterday that 1SS2 MEUCURVCAra 8 Hats form) ’ 3 N 5 Fab. 11,1987 FRANK AND ERNEST Bob Thavea - Put two of Coleco’s Talking Taking interactive toys one step took a little imagination, there are 1002 PORTIAC RORHEVIUE AutomoHo, P8 ■12 Architect------10 TV's talking Eabbage Patch Kids ($100 each, further is Axion’s “ Tech Force” still plenty of new plush toys and Rod. 4 dr., * oyl., AT. PB, PS. AC. ' Saarinen horse (2 wds.) In the year ahead you'll be very lucky in AN!> W1PN HpNeVMOON COUf>LB tm Mr.. Mproo. vinyl top ’ 5895 ~ i petail) in a room and press the ($250 for a dual control set). As no-tech game boards. 13 I possess 11 "Auld Lang getting involved with the right people. L g A V g / , t^ h io V J W H A T T t o (cont) The contacts you'll make will introduce NIAGARA 14 Weird 19- Grande happy elements into your life. 1967 TOYOTA CORONA 1984 PONT. PARISIENNE FALLS ' Won., 9 Pst*., P. WIndowa, Title, Cruise, Ceet 15 Kind of soil 20 Housecoat Employers begin to recognize 4 Dr., Auto, 40.000 miles 16 Grow drowsy 22 Sinewy AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) You’re n 17 Train |Sp.) 23 Decipher likely to be luckier In your monetary af­ OFF *2995 *9495 18 Widen 24 Seaweed fairs today than you will be tomorrow. If 2 0 _____Island 25 Bound you're working on a deal, close it pron­ lfg2 TOTOTA COROUA SOS ISSSTOTOTAMRR 21 Fleur^le-_____ 26 Moving to. Get a jump on life by understanding bhild care can keep workers ’ 5995 Loodod. a Spd.. Rod Blook/groy. 4 oyl., AT. PS. PS AC MMOO 22 Tribulation vehicles the influences wlhich are governing you ISSS mSSAR FMHUF 23 Proportion 27 Gone from in the year ahead. Send for your Astro- ; WASHINGTON (AP) —Families The change will result from the Responses to this change have I t i l FORD CRATEAU VAR ’ 7995 home 3S Songbird . vidi vici Graph predictions today. Mall $1 to As­ Oold. S cyl.. AT, PS. PS. AC, ON Mr., Moroo lopi a Spd. 26 Vivacious that have struggled to arrange shortage of workers expected to variecl from family to family and 30 Charles Lamb 28 Verna hero 37 Mincing tro-Graph, c/o this newspaper, P.O. . monster child care while both parents work develop in the 1990s as the small region to region, with some employ­ l t » D006E OMRI024 1SS4 FORD E-18S0 31 Weight 29 Adolescent 38 Thing in law Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. Bluo, 4 oyl. AT. pe. PS Moroo ’ 3595 a Cyl.. Auto. AM/PM 46 City in m ay find things easier in the future, Baby Bust generation enters the ers initiating programs to assist allowance 31 Makes same 40 Make broader Be sure to state your zodiac sign. Oklahoma WINTHROP ®by Dick Cavalli es employers begin to recognize the work force. their workers. Those actions will lO M O M C IM M T 32 Teeny score 41 Advise Stock, e eyi, * wd„ PB. PS. AC. Moroo ’ 9595 1SS4RISSAR XTRA CAR 47 Talk back to PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Your opti­ ^eed for benefit programs to keep This group of people is much become increasingly important, a Spd.. Cop . AMMM 33 6acoma mellow 34 Former 42 Down with (Fr., M Y PAP SATS H ELL IF X eRINEr TOO BAD.. IT SOUNDS says the study by Martin O’Connell (si.) mistic outlook is Infectious today, and ^killed employees on the job. smaller than the post-World War II 1004 RMIAR MAXMIA WAMR 34 Petite Communist 2 wds.) t a k e m e HOME A <5000 UIKE IT WOULD HAVE Qr«y. 4 dr., S cyl.. AT, PB, PS. AC. 1SS3 RISSAR lERTRA you'll have the wherewithal! to buoy up CAMPINSr > “ The continued demand for child Baby Boom — that massive group of the U.S. Census Bureau and ’ N 9 5 4 Spd. 35 Subdue leader 43 Hamlet 49 Clump 'RE FORT CARD. S E E N FtUN. m tlr., •tcrco. •unrod the spirits of those with whom you're in­ PURINS SCHOOL. care by working parents and the of folks who created the Baby Bust David E. Bloom of Harvard 36 Papas 8 9 10 11 volved. Spread your sunshine. VACATION... growing Influence of women in the by pursuing educations and careers University. 1004 CREVT CEUORITT WACOR 1SS3 FORD MUSTAR8 38 Artificial silk SHvor. 4 dr., e cyl.. AT. PS, PS. AC, im Mr. ’ 6995 vs Auto. PS workplace may encourage broader instead of marrying and having "Many women find it extremely 39 Army Transport 14 ARIES (March 21-April 19) Things have difficult to decide whether they are 1004VWRARRH _____ Service (abbr.) a way of working out to your ultimate changes in personnel benefits, tax families. ’ 5895 1SS3 P0R1IAC FARKIERRE mothers who happen to work, or Oroy, 2 dr., 4 oyl., AT, PS. PS. AC, Moroo P Window*. Cruloo. THI 40 Skin problem 17 advantage today if you don't rock the jhws and other aspects of women’s As these Baby Boom youngsters vs workers who happen to be mothers. IM S RWCR SHTLARR 41 Transistor set boat. Have faith in yourself and the out­ jives that will make juggUng jobs were moving into the labor market, ... Their simultaneous involvem ent Bhw. 4 dr.. S oyl. AT, PB. PS ’ 5295 19N MAZDA SM 44 Faces ’ come of events. . 'W V u..* ( „ ^ V,, „ and babies a little easier,” suggests better education, increased free­ 9 Spd.. AC. PS. PB TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Social in­ h new study issued Monday by the dom from housework and chil­ in career and mothering entangles I M l VOLVO OL WAOOR 9 48 Black iKk Brown. 4 eyI.. H80. 00 ’ 7 N 5 9 volvements could turn out rather lucky many women in exhausting lifes­ I9 N TOYOTA TE iC a 49 Join dWUl rivate Population Reference drearing, coupled with enomic for you today, so don't turn down any tyles," O’Connell and Bloom SN 8,9 Spd.. Storpo Sureau. necessity, drew an ever larger IM S TOTOTA MR2 so___ 23 24 29 invitations that give you the opportunity Lollobrigida share of women into jobs. observe. Blue. 4 cyl. PB. PS AC ’ 11,995 19N TOYOTA MOMVE SICftUD to share time with friends. Child care increasingly poses a 51 Small spear Today, more than half of married This occurred as women sought TowMt Oovtr. 9 Spd.. ARoyt 30 GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Career major dilemma and expense for lO M PORTIAC IM O 52 Chemical suffix women with a child under 6 are jobs in a market with a surplus of 0 Spd.. SSOOO ndtat ’ 3995 breaks which have been denied you famUies trying to cope with rising ISSSTOTOTACOROLUSRS 53 Wallach and employed, compared with only one labor, but that situation will change AC, * Spd.. PS pe. SToroo 33 might suddenly come your way today. costa of living by having both lO M TOTOTA LE VAR Whitney What develops could contribute to your Bridge such woman in eight in 1950, Census as the smaller Baby Bust genera­ Aids DuM AC Cmtop. THI ’ 8595 54 Notice 30 earnings. parents work. Burequ statistics show. tion comes along and there are 1984 CMC SUBURBAN 55 Loud noise CANCER (June 21-July 22) Don’t be “ The growing number of women more jobs than workers, the report J ' “ In the future, tight labor 8.2 Diesel, Auto, PS, PB, P Wind., 56 Radiation afraid to attempt things on a grander marketa will make it harder to working raises a number of very comments. 1983 FORD BRONCO scale than usual today. This is one of West might have started with only two Duel AC, Cruise, Tilt measures replace experienced female em­ difficult issues for them and their That means companies will be 302, VS, A C , Auto, Stereo those times when bigger is better. Closing hearts and would now have to lead families. Indeed, most working faced with competing for expe­ NORTH M#-87 clubs. But West won the ace of dia­ ployees who leave work to start a DOWN LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Be on the look­ women face a tremendous personal rienced workers and the result n 0 , 5 9 5 out lor possibilities to increase your in­ ♦ Q1087 a loophole monds and played a heart. South family.” the new report warns. ‘.‘Em ployers will have an incentive struggle In trying to balance their could be incentives to improve *9595 1 Distant (pref.) come through a second source. Some­ ▼ KJ2 ruffed and was sUll able to get to dum­ to cater to the special needs of personal and professional Uves,” benefits such as child-care 2 Vast period of one you did a favor for In the past may ♦ K74 By James Jacoby my with a spade to play a club. Ehrery- ♦ 7 4 3 the new study observes. programs. time provide you with a tip. thing would still have been all right if working mothers.” 500 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) Partnership 3 Kind of test WEST EAST North knew he could show a profit Elast followed with the club deuce, iMt arrangements should work out well for WEST 4 African land ♦ - - - ♦ 52 by doubling five diamonds. Since he Elast had heard about end play*. He you today, especially those with people 7 (e)1S87 by NEA, Inc. to ♦ 10 9 7 ♦ Q864 also knew he had plenty of cards to put up the eight of clubs 5 Airplane parts and declarer Condom giveaway urgee ‘careful love’ 7 you like both businesswise and socially. CENTER ♦ AQJ6S2 ♦ 10 9 8 3 help bis partner make a vulnerable LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) The harder had to lose two club tricks to go set.’ ♦ K J96 ♦ ^ 8 2 five-spade game, be didn’t want his you work today, the luckier you'll be. opponents to get away with an inex­ Where did South go wrong? He (sex) partner in a Ufetime can be average age of the school’s students Strive to utilize your time and talents In SOUTH GREENFIELD, Mass. (AP) — MANCHESTER pensive sacrifice. His thinking was should not play West for only two expos^ to a serious illness,” health is 27. CELEBRITY CIPHER ways that are truly productive. ♦ AKJ9643 jlreen fleld Community CteUege is CtiRbrtty Ctphtr cryptogram* ar* oraatad from quotatlorM by tamoua paopla. paat and praaant. “It’s not Uke standing at a SCORPIO (Oct. 24-No«. 22) Your orga­ ♦ ASS OK, but declarer joined 99 percent of hearts. To lock West , in with an end preceding Valentine’s Day with services Director Nancy Buchanan Eachl«ttarlnthaolpharat«>aaforanottMr. Today$ ckM: R pq M N. residence hall and handing con­ nizational abilities are rather remark­ ♦ - - - all bridge players by going set when play, he should play low on the open­ L’Love CarefuUy Day,” during said Monday. "Not that we’re 646-4321 ing heart lead from both bands. Now doms out to freshmen,” he said. able today. You'll have situations that ♦ A Q 5 there was a fairly obvious way to which school offldals wUl give promoting more than one partner, make the hand. he can proceed as above, along the Huskey said the irallege holds at others find perplexing and unmanage­ •w a y 500 condoms to atudents. but peoiole should develop ways to able running like clockwork. Vulnerable: North-South way cashing both high hearts, and least four health exhibiU yearly Dealer: West . The tfveaway Wednesday, which protect themselves.” " J N T K T CWOVCL IZFBFEIV KW SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) What West will have no exit card at the cru­ with props he considers Just as Declarer read the heart 10 as deny­ srill coat $700 for'the condoms, is Hyrum H. Huskey, dean of you unselfishly want for others you will cial moment when be is thrown ■ “ People who have more than one than other coUege students. The print." — Donna Keegan. When East played low, be threw his 0 0 Card Games " published by Pharos day for you. S|3end equal hours on lei­ BorAs. sure and work. heart away. His thihking was that > tt - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10. IM7

New W-4 form causes anxiety Government workers QUESTION: QUESTION: I keep reading and you your 1987 taxable income. get bigger pay hikes My employer hearing about federal Income tax Match that number with one of the has passed out “ brackets” and that the number of five tax brackets listed. Those new WASHINGTON (AP) - Em­ Jan. 1 after wages were frosen the new and brackets will be reduced as a result brackets range from 11 to 38.5 ployees of state and local for white-collar federal em; much more Investors’ of die new tax law. I have percent. governments covered by union ployees in 1986. Postal worker! complicated W- absolutely no idea what bracket I contracts negotiated last year got a union-negotiated 3.5 per­ • \ 4 forms for in­ Guide was in for 1980 or will be in this year. QUESTION: A reUred friend received nearly double the pay cent increase last year. come tax with­ How can 1 find out? prepared our tax returns. He does increases of workers in private State and local government C\- o\ holding. Besides William A. Doyle not use fractions. Instead, he uses industry, government figures employees had received first- S i :'■ I I my salary, I ANSWER: It’s relatively easy to full numbers. For exam^e, on a show. year pay boosts averaging 4.6 have about learn your 1986 federal income tax stock sales, he listes 23Vt as 24 and The Bureau of Labor Statis­ percent under contracts nego­ SIS,000 in divi­ AIbi bracket. Fill out your 1986 return, at 41'A as 41. Is this permitted? It has tics said in data released tiated in 1985, contrasted with a dend and inter­ least as far as the “ Taxable some of us “ gray beards” worried. Monday that the average an­ 4.4 percent average wage in­ crease that year for all Ameri­ ^ comi'wJ'"''* est income annually. I would like to meet your total tax liability — on income” line. That’s line 37 on nual pay increase in 1986 have additional tax withheld from salary and other income. Form 1040, line 19 on short Form ANSWER: Stop fretting. Round­ contracts negotiated by unions can workers. I have to say, however, you would 1040A and line seven on supershort ing off to whole numbers is not only About 4.5 million of the 14 0 my paychecks, to cover the tax on representing state, county and dividends and interest. be foolish to do so. Form 1040A. permissible, but is encouraged by city workers was 5.7 percent. million employees of state and Can this be done ? If so, how? And It would be far wiser to pay in Then, turn to the tax rate the IRS. ’That compares with an aver­ local governments nationwide how do I calculate what my total quarterly Installments the tax diie schedules in the Form 1040 instruc­ The 1040 instruction booklet ex­ age wage increase of 3.5 percent are represented by unions. Of 19S7 income tax wiil be, so that my on dividends, interest and other tion booklet. Depending on your plains: “ You may round off cents to last year for all American the 4.5 million, only 39 percent employer will withhold enough? income from which there is no filing status, match your taxable the nearest whole dollar on your workers and 3.2 percent for just were involved in contracts withholding. ’That way, you would income with one of the 15 tax returii and schedules. But, if you do those in the private sector, negotiated last year. ANSWER: You can accomplish have the use of the money longer, brackets — ranging from 11 to 50 round off, do so for all amounts. You according to previously re­ Contracts expire in 1987 for what you have in mind. By doing so, rather than having some of it sent to percent — listed there. can drop amounts under 50 cents. leased BLS reports. about 36 percent of the union- f s Uncle Sam each week. Anyone who For 1987, get a copy of Form Increased amounts from 50 to 90 Most federal workers, includ­ represented state and local you won’t have to send the Internal Revenue Service estimated quar­ will owe the IRS $500 or more, after 1040-ES from any IRS office and fill cents to the next dollar. For ing those in the military, re­ government workers covered terly payments. withholding, is required to make out the worksheet it contains, at example, $1.39 becomes $1 and $2.50 ceived a 3 percent pay increase under the major agreements. You will need a reasonably close quarterly estimated payments. least as far as line five. ’That will tell becomes fix on your total 19S7 income tax as your flrst step. You can caiculate that by using the worksheet in IRS Form 1040-ES "Estimated Tax for Individuals.” With that information in hand, you can fill out your W-4. On that form’s line 5, “ Additional amount, if any, you want deducted from each pay,” put down a dollar HEAT YOURSELF TO A NEW EXPERIENCE amount sufficient to cover the income tax on your dividends and interest. Step 4 on Page 2 of the W-4 IN BANKING m We’re proud to announce that all Heritage banking locations are now part o f the extensive instructions might or might not help you make your calculation. 7 You’re so right about the new W-4 ^ ^ ^ a n d s m a ll customers alike, are availing themselves of the personalized service that is the hallmark o C O M F^ being “ much more complicated.” That form is sending sensible retail banking. AtCOMFED, customer satisfaction is our first priority. This distinction makes COMFED nothmg less than people up the wall and into the arms of professional tax-preparers. ’The complexity of the new W-4 has a ^ greater understanding of checking, savings, and investments. We understand you want a better created such an uproar that ’Treas­ way to manage your finances. So we’ll do our best to make your money grow at COMFED. That s why we provide a spectrum ury tecretary James Baker has 100 asked the IRS to revise and simplify of personalized, secure banking products. The fact is, you’re as important to us, as your money is to you. that form. Whatever your banking requirements; retail banking, home mortgages, residenti^ construction loans, corporate The major thrust of the ne'" W-4 is NEW 1987 to have the tax withheld from each hanking, or commercial real estate financing; one of our five sophisticated divisions can be of assistance. f f p v ' employed person’s paycheck match the tax liability on his or her All of our locations are staffed with qualified professionals. Our people are why ^ « j h salary. By arranging to have a we’ve been a major New England institution since 1892. One with more than $1 billion I • • '■‘5" ' 'fy- larger amount withheld, you can COUGARS in assets and $90 million in (apital funds. , , . .i‘*.iri SAVINGS BAim Enjoy a more personable banking experience and return to good olu-iashionea You can bank on it AND SABLES G T E earns service. Thke a good look at COMFED— it’s a new and better way to bank. $268 million STOCK «7 0 0 n in quarter

STAMFORD (AP) — G’TECorp., despite continued losses from its long-distance telephone venture, earned $268 million, or 79 cents a share, during the 1986 fourth quarter. The earnings per share reported YOUR CHOtCE: Monday reflected a three-for-two split payable to shareholders of record on Jan. 14. ’The fourth-quarter net income compared to a $1 billion loss, of $3.27 a share, reported during the same period in 1985. The 1985 loss resulted from a non-recurring 4^ — -.-■ V i# ' •.•:■ . -s-'T-r*-:i » •' . -vr-i. after-tax business repositioning 3,599 charge of $1.3 billion. ’Thos charges relate to the formation of the US Sprint joint venture with United , ■ -. . /". P- . ■•.■ ■ .'•■• >■•>■< ■ Telecommunications Inc. and the STOCK #04580 repositioning of the communica­ tions system following a joint venture with Siemens AG. Sprint is G’TE’s long-distance ‘ ’- f telephone service operation. ’The 1986 Tax Reform Act reduced S , * ' the Stamford-basec corporation’s earnings by $14 million, or 4 cents a ' share, the company reported. The loss primarily resulted from the retroactive repeal of investment tax credits. For the full year, G’TE earned BOTH CARS $1.2 billion, or $3.53 a share, compared to a $161 million loss, or 63 cents a share. In 1985. ARE EQUALLY “ Overall, G’TE's results for the year were positive, even in a ^ h m WELL EQUIPPED sluggish economy.” WITH ALMOST ALL 9 9 • AUTO FACTORY OPTIONS... gc-rf* " • HOMEOWNERS POWER, POWER, PLUS! • LIFE •k FREE: 6 Y0ar/6O,OOO Warranty Ar INSURANCE . a A flZ ANNUAL PKHCKHTAOe R A n nMAMCINQ ^ ■k 3.9% TO QUAUntO BUYBM FOR 24 mONTHR ~k 8 8 Let us help you * $800 Caah Rabataa on Lynx (w/tu. mn*.) -k manage your OPEN EVENINGS personal MON.-THURS. TIL 9:00 P.M. insurance needs. ;. 4 , FRI.-SAT. TIL 6:00 P.M.

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if y; , t •. " Call or Stop in and see us. f e '’ OUVER-ZUCCARDY Insurance Agency CEMRAL CONNECTICUT OFFICES: Coventry Route 31,742-7321 • Manchester (3) 23 B toi 1 ^ Main St., 649-4586. 767 Main Street K-Mart Plaza, 649-3007 • Glastonbury “ Inside” Frank’s Supermarket, 633-7655 • South Windsor 29 Oakland Road, 644-2484 TREET 643-5135 MARCH M anchester OTHER CONNECTICUT OFFICES: East Haven. Hamden, Milford, New Haven, West Haven Member FSLIC. An Equal Housing Lender. M 3 - 9 5 M U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 10.1987 Business In Bri^' Fed won’t push rates I Call addratset probate seminar High School World Attorney David M. Call, a partner specializing in probate, down in ’87 OTtates, trusts and taxation at the law firm of Rogln, Nassau, Caplan, Lassman and Hirtle in Hartford, spoke at a Feb. 5 VOL. Lll — NO. 10 Newspaper of Manchester High School — Space courtesy of The Manchester Herald; seminar entitled, “ Estate Planning and Probate in Connecticut,” WASHINGTON (AP) - The sponsored by the National Business Institute Inc. on February 6. Federal Reserve, which aggres­ Call jives in Manchester. sively pushed interest rates lower last year to spur a sluggish economy, is not likely to repeat that MaePherson gets new W TIC post performance in 1987, many econo­ mists believe. School yearbook Process HARTFORD — The Ten Eighty Corp., operator of radio station While these analysts don’t look WTIC AM-FM, has announced the appointment of James A. for the Fed to tighten credit rates, MaePherson to the new position of d ir ^ o r of national sales and they contend that concerns over a begins research. MaePherson was formerly director of research and weaker dollar and rising inflation involves classwork development. will keep the Fed from pushing As director of national sales and research, MaePherson is rates down any farther. These forecasts came as Fed SOMANHIS, the MHS yearbook, Sira Berte, who is in charge of Manchester High School will be responsible for developing overall sales policies and techniques policy-makers gathered today for dates back to the time when the sports, remarked; “ It is interesting evaluated by the New England for national sales. He will be liaison between the station and Katz, their first strategy session of the high school was located in south working behind the scenes and Association of Schools and College^ WTIC’s national sales representative firm with offices new year, a key meeting at which Manchester. Many students don’t seeing how much hard work goes in 1989. During this semester the throughout the U.S. In addition, MaePherson will manage all they will establish policy targets for realize that the organization is into having a successful yearbook.” start-up activities for the evalua-< direct research efforts. tion process will begin. 1987. more than a club. It is now a class About her work on the clubs and MaePherson, who has been with WTIC since 1977, was formerly The following people have been that meets every day during the activities section. Heather Shaw director of special programs at WKSS. He lives on Hilliard Street The results of the closed-door appointed to the Steering Commit­ F first semester. said, “ Pressures of deadlines bring in Manchester. discussions will not be revealed Members tend to get involved us together as a group. Juniors and tee that will oversee the entire until Fed Chairman Paul Voicker with all school activities. Photo­ sophomores should choose this evaluation process: Lee Hay,; testifies before the Senate Banking chairman; Joel Chaison, assistant New V.1V. graphers and writers work to course as one of their electives.” Committee on Feb. 19. chairman; Paul DesRosiers; Lor- record history in the making. Debbie Debonee and Ken Graff Private economists predicted the The 1987 Volkswagen Fox, the newest of $5,600, will be available Initially as two- This year’s staff has shown a are co-editors this year. “ If you ena Dutelle; Helen Jette; Barbara' Champagne Joins savings bank central bank will decide to make no remarkable amount of school want to get involved in school Quinby; and Wilda Wyse. changes in its current credit the German manufacturer's auto line, and four-door notch back sedans. A The Steering Committee will be NEW LONDON — Floyd Chamifagne has joined New England spirit. For example, the 1987 activities, then definitely take this policies. Until recently, there had will be shown to the public for the first three-door wagon is scheduled to follow charged with the appointment of all Savings Bank as vice president and senior investment officer. picture of students in the quadran­ course,” Ken said. been wide speculation the Fed soon other committees. It will review Champagne will assume the responsibility of the bank’s time at the Chicago Auto Show, which in the spring. E gle featured earlier in High School Debbie said she is proud of all of would cut its discount bank lending opens Saturday. The Fox, starting at committee reports and determine investment functions and will report to the bank’s executive vice World was organized by the year­ the hard work and effort of this rate to provide yet another spur to a whether or not those reports should president and chief financial of­ book staff. Yearbook sales have set year’sstaff. “ This class has been so weak economy. be brought to the faculty at large for a new MHS record and a limited much fun that I do’t want to see it ficer, Robin Honiss. But recent economic indicators its approval. number will be a vailable for a final come to an end,” she said. Champagne comes to the bank are providing signs that economic sale in March. The following people are editors from First Connecticut Bancorp, g r o > ^ may be on the verge of Stock market activity defies Marilyn DellaRocco, editor of the in charge of sections for SOMAN­ where he had been responsible for strengthening. senior section, said of her experien­ HIS for the 1986-87 school year; a wide range of investment Members of the yearbook class gather day's work on deadlines for the coming ces this year, “I ’m really proud to Debbie Debonee and Ken Graff, sports; Sharon Sloan, ads; Holly functions for the past 12 years. He Added to these signs of renewed I I for their HSW picture prior to another publication. be part of this group. We have a co-editors; Marily DellaRocco, se­ Epstein, sales; Brad Cooper, art; served in Vietnam with the U.S. economic vigor are problems with statisticai picture of economy very good staff with a lot of niors; Kim Zinker, faculty; Andrea and Bonnie Spencer, faculty Air Force from 1969 to 1970, the dollar, which has weakened enthusiasm and energy.” Billey, underclassmen; Sira Berte, adviser. worked for the National Cash substantially since December, prompting fears of higher inflation By John Cunniff Since 1970, the report continues, or more in both large and small Register Co. from 1970 to 1972, and and possible foreign reluctance at The Associated Press the growth of American productiv­ manufacturing firms, and replac­ Video gives coiiege test tips was employed by Worcester investing the money needed to ity has been cut in half. And without ing them with jobs in services and County National Bank from 1972 finance huge U.S. budget deficits. NEW YORK - Do Investors productivity growth, it should be retailing paying less than one-half until 1975. standardized tests. Do you feel but you can prepare in advance to paragraphs; you don't have to “ Even if the Fed wanted to ease know something that is hidden from noted, material well-being cannot that amount. be sure that you get your best write anything down. It’s a video! Champagne graduated from right now, it couldn’t because it is the rest of the public? spread to a growing percentage of butterflies in your stomach just Since 1980, the report states, the results. Just press the button, watch and Holy Cross in 1969 with a bache­ hamstrung by the dollar problem,” It would seem so because the bull, the population. thinking about them? Most of us do country has lost more than one ETS, the people who have deve­ lor’s degree in philosophy and said Allen Sinai, chief economist of so to speak, has outperformed the According to the Office of Man­ whether we admit it or not. Tests listen. It’s easy! million production jobs in manufac­ loped many of these tests for You can use the disc by yourself received his master’s degree from Shearson Lehman Brothers of New cow that jumped over the moon. agement and Budget, the national are something we all have to face at turing that paid an average of $13 students and adults, want to ensure the University of Hartfoi^ in 1981. After one of the great leaps in debt doubled between 1980 and 1985. one time or another, whether they no instructor is necessary — so York. an hour, while creating 5.5 million are achievement tests for place­ that you do as well as you possibly you can review at your own pace, He is a member of the Hartford market history, stock prices are, And annual budget deficits acceler­ Sinai and other economists said jobs in services and retail trade at ment or aptitude tests for can when facing any standardized any time you want and only those Society of Financial Analysts and relative to a couple of years ago, in ate its growth. From 1954 to 1975 the the Fed fears any efforts by the $5 to $7 an hour. evaluation. test. That is why they have joined topics you want to cover. was an instructor at Quinnipiac Floyd Champagne outer space. debt grew at an annual rate of 2.8 with COLLEGE U.S.A. to produce central bank to lower interest rates Meanwhile, the rest of the coun­ percent; from 1980 to 1985 it grew at There are many myths about Just watching the video will College in Investment Banking. The commission has its own “ ON YOUR OWN,” a videodisc in this country would drive away try is concerned with a range of 16.1 percent, putting the annual what such tests measure. Some feel make you more familiar with the Champagne lives with his wife and their five children in response to this deterioration: spur which will assist you to this end. foreign investors and push the problems that, when viewed to­ interest cost at $180 billion. they only show yOur capabilities, format of the test. When you are Manchester. the small-business community into The production is 26 minutes dollar down even faster. gether, seem capable of causing Meanwhile, real wages and salar­ white others feel you only have to familiar with something, you are creating more enterprises that will long, but because of the videodisc Although both sides dispute any despair in even the most optimisUc ies, the Income on which most catch on to the “ tricks" of the bound to be more comfortable. So offer more jobs and more qpportun- technology, you can choose only differences, the Reagan adminis­ souls. families depend, have been falling system in order to score well. In when you sit down at a desk with a Itles for Americans to resolve the those areas where you think you tration and Voicker have appeared In a report called “ Making since 1972. Not rising, as many reality, the ETS (Educational ''lank computerized answer sheet Rogers reports Increase In sales problems mentioned. Testing Service) admissions tests need help. The video has chapters taring you in the face and your to be at odds over the appropriate America Work Again,” the Na­ believe, but falling, the evidence policy for the dollar. The adminis­ are a reflection of the mathemati­ with each one answering questions jmber two pencil in hand, you can ROGERS — Rogers Corp. has reported sales of $128,777,000 for tional Commission on Jobs and was somewhat obscured by heavier It reminds us that this technique tration has been content to let cal and verbal skills and abilities like. "Should I guess?” “ Howc.m I -lax, knowing you are prepared. 1986, up 3 percent from 1985’s $125,299,000. Net income for the Small Business this week detailed borrowing. is nothing more than the way developed by an individual over a improve my verbal and ni.ith . nd that confidence alone will help year was $2,327,000, or 78 cents per share, up considerably from market forces push the dollar lower some of the deep economic con­ And, wMle we have been creating America grew in the past, and that period of years through learning skills?” and “ How can I prepare Tor ou do the best you possibly can on the $772,000 or 26 cents per share earned in 1985. in an effort to solve the country’s cerns that contrast vividly with the jobs, we haven’t been doing so the technique is hard to improve experiences both in and out of the test?” il6 test. Sales in the fourth quarter were $32,861,000, up 18 percent from huge trade deficit, which last year rising market. swiftly enough. It is difficult to upon. Small businesses are the job school. The disc even has typical ques. “ ON YOUR OWN” is playable on the $27,850,000 in 1985’s final period. Net income for the quarter hit a record $170 billion. In 1985, it begins, the United ignore the numbers. Unemploy­ creators. They spur inventiveness The belief is that a lower-priced Therefore, you cannot “ cram” tlons you can review. You don t the COLLEGE U.S.A. videodisc was $796,000, or 27 cents per share, compared with a net loss of States became a debtor nation to ment averaged 4.8 percent in the and competition. They grow. dollar makes imports more expen­ before taking the test and expect to need to buy a book; you don’t have player in your school. Take a look. ■f $392,000, or 13 cents per share, in the 1985 quarter. the rest of the world for the first 1960s, 6.2 in the 1070s, and 8.1 sive while boosting the competitive­ percent between 1980 and 1985. measurably improve your score. to pick your way through boring It can make a difference. “ Although 1986 brought significant improvement in earnings time in 75 years. The following year And the stock market? It looks ness of American products on While critics can contest the over the previous year, we were disappointed that the recovery it became the largest debtor nation ahead; prices are based on expec­ overseas markets. in history. significance of these numbers — from 1985 was not greater,” Rogers President Norman L. tations of future success rather Photo by Splogol Voicker, in recent appearances, The U.S. percentage of world many people listed as jobless are Greenman said. “ Nevertheless, operating in the environment of than on past failures. has been emphasizing the dangers exports, measured in constant said to be shifting from one job to To m Lyon is active in school Pictured above (left to right) are Bill at Wesleyan University, March 9 and 10, the worst two-year electronics recession in history, profits of pushing the dollar too low, too dollars, shrank by nearly one-third another over a matter of a few On that basis, if it is saying I I increased and significant strides were made in operating fast, contending that it runs the risk anything sensible at all it might Iw Howie, Judie Libby and Chae Yi. All are 1987. between 1960 and 1984. Market weeks — they still are concerned readers of High School World may effectiveness.” The senior student profile for this and has also run for the track and of driving up inflation rates and share declined even in such high- about the pattern of employment. that investors sense we are about to remember seeing a picture of Tom participants In a symposium to be held issue of High School World is field team. He is president of the driving away the foreign invest­ tech industries as aircraft, compu­ That pattern is shifting. The stop talking about problems and get in an article we ran about the use of to work on solutions. Thomas D. Lyon. Tom attended American Field Service branch at ment America needs. ters, engines and turbines. nation is losing jobs paying $25,000 computers in the physics depart­ Highland Park Elementary School, Manchester High, and has also ment at MHS.) and then went to Rennet Junior participated in the activities of the Tom’s future plans include at­ IQgh School, and finally to MHS. In Current Affairs Club. People tending an institution of higher his three years here he has been a Tom said, “ Manchester High is education for four years, and participating member of many the best high school I have ever touring the world as a member of a school-sponsored activities. attended,” and mentioned that he selected especially enjoys his physics class local ro( ’’ band he belongs to. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Tom has been on both the cross Tom ’ band is called the country and indoor track teams. with Mr. Stanley Bebyn. (Avid “ Schwc»j.” A schwa is symbolized Two MHS teachers and one MHS by an upside down and inverted student have been selected to Business P rop erty...... 25 Entertainment...... 53 Farm Supplies and Equipment — 80 small letter “ e” and represents the N o tic e s attend the highly selective Connec­ Resort Property ...... 26 Bookkeeplng/lncome Tax ...... 54 Offlce/Retoll Equipment ...... 81 RATES: 1 to 5 days: 90 cents per line per day. phoenetic interpretation of certain ticut Junior Science and Humani­ Lost/Found...... 01 Corpentry/Remodeling...... 55 Recreational Equipment...... 82 Mortgages ...... 27 6 to 19 days: 70 cents per line per day. English vowel sounds. An example ties Symposium at Wesleyan Uni­ Personals...... 02 Palntlng/Paperlng...... 56 Boats and Marine Equipment...... 83 Wanted to B u y...... 28 20 or more days: 60 cents per line per day. is tte word “ schooner” which versity on March 9 and 10. The Announcements...... — ...... 03 Rooflng/Sldlng...... 57 Musical Items...... 84 Minimum charge: 4 lines. would be phoenetically represented participants are Mrs. Judy Libby, Auctions...... 04 R e n ta ls Flooring...... 58 Cameras and Photo Equipment... 85 with a schwa where the “ e“ is. A science teacher; Mr. Bill Howie, Financial...... 05 Electrical ...... 59 Pets and Supplies...... 86 schwa also is a symbol used to English teacher; and Chae Yi, an Rooms for R ent...... 31 Heotlng/Plumblng...... 60 Miscellaneous for S o le ...... 87 DEADLINES: For classified advertisements to render the Indo-European laryn­ MHS senior. Employment & Education Apartments for Rent...... 32 Miscellaneous Services...... 61 Tag Sales...... 88 be published Tuesday through Saturday, the geal. In any case, the band has four Condominiums for R en t...... 33 Services Wanted...... 62 Wanted to Buy/Trode ...... 89 deadline Is noon on the day before publication. talented musicians who greatly The ssrmposium, sponsored by Help Wanted...... U Homes for R ent...... 34 For odvertlsements to be published Monday, enjoy playing together. the U.S. Army Research Office in Situation W anted...... 12 Store/OffIce Space...... 35 Merchandise the deadline Is 2:X p.m. on Friday. Besides Tom, who plays the Durham, N.C., and the Academy of Business Opportunities...... 13 Resort Property ...... 36 Instruction...... 14 A u to m o tiv e drums, the other members are also Applied Science, supported by Industrial Property...... 37 Holldoy/Seasonol...... 71 READ YOUR AD. Classified advertisements are Employment Services...... 15 Cars for S ale...... 91 Manchester High School students United Technologies Corp. and Miscellaneous for Rent...... 38 Antiques and Collectibles...... 72 token by telephone os a convenience. The Trucks/Vons for S ole...... 92 and are Ray Memery who plays Wesleyan University, brings high Roommotek Wanted...... 39 Clothing...... 73 Manchester Herald Is responsible for only one Compers/Trollers...... — 93 electric guitar, Bobby Prytko who school students and teachers from Wanted to R en t...... 40 Furniture...... 74 Incorrect Insertion and then only for the size of Real Estate TV/Stereo/Appliances...... 75 Motorcycles/Mopeds...... 94 is theband’sbassist, and Seth West, all over the state of Connecticut the original Insertion. Errors which do not Machinery and T o o ls ...... 76 Auto Services...... 95 who does the vocals for the group. together for two days of intensive Homes for S o le ...... 21 S e rvic e s lessen the value of the advertisement will not Condominiums for Sole...... ;. 22 Lawn and Garden...... 77 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 96 The Schwas have a unique sound, communications. be corrected by an additional Insertion. Lots/Lond for Sole...... 23 Child Core...... 51 Good Things to Eat ...... 78 Miscellaneous Automotive...... 97 but are skillful enough to cater to Students and teachers will be Investment P ro p e rty ...... 24 Cleaning Services...... 52 Fuel OII/Coal/FIrewood...... 79 Wanted to Puy/Trode ...... 98 anyone’s particular musical tastes. lodged in the university as guests of They have informed the High J.S.H.S. School World office that they are Photo by Cruz available for all formal or informal Janet Cooke will be a banquet social gatherings. People inter­ speaker on Monday evening. The HELP WANTED Mr. Ken Krlvanec, MHS science teacher and Conserva­ Notices Employment HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ED ED HELP WANTED ested in contacting the band may do title of her address will be “ A tion Commission member, holds up one of many posters ED ED ED so by informing the High School Measure of Beauty: Mathematics World at Manchester High. in Art/Art in Mathematics.” She made by students. The project was designed to help As a condition precedent & Education Utlllty/dlshwasher/cosh- Carpenter or helper - (for Site w o r k - Clertcol-full time posi­ to the placement of any Cleaning person(s). Relia­ Dental assistant - 5 day 9 The editors of the paper would will be available after her address promote interest In Manchester’s waste recycling ler - Monday through remodeling contractor), Superintendent-full time tions available In pleasant advertising In the Man­ ble helper sranted. Must, work week Includes Satur­ office environment. like to thank Tom Lyon for for informal showing of a nine- days. Send resume to 147 Friday days, full and port own tools, drive standard person needed to coordi­ program. chester Herald, Adver­ be flexible. 649-3052. time. $4.50 per hour. Glas­ shift, own transportation, nate general contractors Health Insurance/benef- providing the information for this minute fllm, and for a discussion of tiser hereby agrees to East Center Street, Man­ Its program available, article, and wish him and the other chester, CT 06040. tonbury. Coll Jim 659-4640. pay depending on expe­ site work division. Should Photo by Splogol the book, “ Flatland,” by Edwin A. . protect. Indemnify and RN-LPN-Full time 11 to7 rience. Call Ron, 643-9966 be experienced In survey­ free parking. Experience members of the group continued HELP WANTED , Monday through Friday, Abbott. ■ hold harmless the AAon- ED General office - 2 positions before 8 am and offer 6 ing, lay out, heavy equip­ using adding m achine., Tom Lyon changing classes. success. s Chester Herald. Its offlc- no weekends. For more ment operation and utility Typlngsklllshelpful.$4.25 ~ Information please call valloble. Typing, book- Others selected ^ ers and employees Cleaning personnel. Even­ eeplng, wit' train. Non- work. Send resume to; - $5.00 per hour,dependlng - against any and all llabll- ings and/or weekends. Pam Olenchok, D.S.D., Driver - part time to do Box D, c/o the Manches­ on experience. Apply In Crestfleld Convalescent Excellent opportunity for esmoker pre .‘rred. Apply 8 Todd Powers and Tina Visco :: Ity. loss or expense. In- 643-5747. In person. Warehouse M Manchester Herald route, ter Herald, 16 Bralnord person : Prague Shoe Home, 565 Vernon Street, housewife or college stu­ were accepted to attend the “ Front­ eluding attorneys' tees. 170 Tunnel Rood, Vernon. Coventry Lake area. Place, Manchester. Company, 200 Pitkin Scholarships available for ' arising from claims of X-Roy Technician - Imme­ Manchester, CT 06040,643- dent. Part time mornings Street, Eost Hartford. iers of Applied Science” program or afternoons. Approxi­ Short hours, good pay. . unfair trade practices. In­ diate Medical Care Center 5151. Coll Frank at 742-8667. at Yale University. The series of mately 20 to 25 hours per Bookkeeping - full time Carpenters needed- New Cable TV advertising fringement of trode- has openings for full time noteoble accounts receiv­ lectures will begin on Feb. 7 and ; marks, trade names or registered x-ray techni­ Hygienist - Part time posi­ week. Monday through immediate opening for venture - seeks creative, able, accounts payable, Foreman - press room carpenters, framers and will continue for the next seven ', patents, violation of cians. These positions tion available Imme­ Friday for filling orders of experienced, familiar flexible, self-motivated Saturdays. Selection to attend was diately 2 days per week In Arthur Drugs Warehouse, payroll, payroll taxes. finishers. Experience person with micro­ several young journalists '• rights of privacy and In- offer a full package of Blonsteln's Comping Cen­ with power press and based on the demonstrated interest frlngement of copyright benefits, a competitive Manchester general dent­ Manchester. See Nancy to only. Must have tools, full computer knowledge. 15 ter, Route 83, Vernon, press brake set up pro­ time employment and be­ of juniors for future science and and proprietory rights, starting salary plus a ist's office. Excellent so- apply between 8 and 4. to 20 hours, weekends In an effort to open educational in the visual arts, crafts and dance and school programs abroad. U.S. 8754211. gressive dies. Submit re­ nefits. Call 7485317,8:30 to en^neering careers. The series of unfair competition and weekend differential. We lory and flexible hours. Monday through Friday. sume to Box DD, c/o only. Start Immediately. opportunities abroad to more young are also being offered by OPEN high schools which participate in - libel and slander, which Coll Dr. Bottoro, 649-27M. 5, M o n d a y th ro u gh Call 6456906 ask fOr April, lectures will be given by several also have part time and Attendant - personal core Manchester Herald, 16 Americans, OPEN DOOR Student DOOR in Great Britain, Germany the OPEN DOOR host program ! may result from the publl- per-dlem positions availa­ Secretary - to 20K, de­ Friday. Cox Coble (vreoter Hart­ 7 science professors and will also mole attendant wanted to pending on experience. Bralnord Ploce, Manches- Exchange will offer a growing and Spain, thanks to a grant from may award up to $1,000 in scholar­ •' cation of any advertls- ble. Interested applicants ford, EOE. '■ include tours of the laboratory Supervisor - Mechani­ core for a disabled young Strong word processing ter,C T 06040______the United States Information ship assistance to a deserving U.S. ment In the Manchester please contact Joanne at General cleaning person • variety of Scholarship programs facilities. cally Inclined to set upond man In Vernon. $250 and administrative skills. student for OPEN DOOR programs 1 Herald by advertiser. In- 7^-7393 between 9 and 4. full time position. Flexible this year. Agency. The government grant supervise production of weekly . Coll Paul Herbst Willingness to learn and Experienced Nloson for hours. Excellent benefits. also provides partial funding for up abroad. ■' ctudlng advertisements In our crew. Block, brick, Young high school joumaliuts ^ any free distribution pub- small assembly depart­ at 8754173 anytime for grow within area of envir­ For Interview please call Further information and applica­ Persons to work In kit­ ment. Competitive salary details. tile, and chimney work. and writers may apply for the to 20 young art teachers for a •• H eron s published by the chen making sandwiches onmental protection. Ex­ Lynch Toyota Pontiac, Bookkeeper F/C - expe­ OPEN DOOR “ Foreign Corres­ professional art seminar in Great tions may be obtained by writing or and benefits. Apply Able cellent benefit package Coll 742-5317. Monday 6454321. High School Wodci StaH 2 Manchester Herald. and other kitchen duties. Mason tender - must b e ' through Friday, 8:30 to 5. rienced required to per­ pondent Program,” to take place in Britain during the summer of 1987. calling OPEN DOOR Student Ex­ Penny Sleffert, Publisher Coll Oi Electronics, How­ and environment. Never a form oil accounting func­ Coll 6480305. ard Rood, Bolton. experienced. Apply at the five Latin American countries The traditional summer and change, at 1-800-645-2154. Co-Editors...... Deborah Bray fee to our applicants. tions on computer Andrew Ansoldl Com­ Contact Lolney Pellettler, Concrete workers- Receptionist - port time school programs offered in more OPEN DOOR Student Exchange Jeff Spiegel through F/S. Fast grow­ during the summer of 1987. Up to 20 ILOST Port time evening posi­ Dietary alde-lmmedlate pany, 106 Bldwell Street, Hartford Professional experlenced In oil phases fOr busy optometrist of- partial scholarship subsidies will than 20 countries also provide is a not-for-profit educational ex­ News Editor___ Jamie Hoffman of commercial, conerme floe. Hours Include 2 even­ ing company In new mod­ ANDFDUND tion ovo liable for general opening for part time Manchester. Placement Group, 724- ern focUlty. Excellent be­ be awarded to young journalists financial assistance to those U.S. change organization which oper­ Feature cleaners In a large Man­ person to perform a var­ 6543. work, footing, founda­ ings a week and Satur­ ates in 30 countries and works with tions and flat work. Lay days. Experienced nefits, pleasant working who will act as foreign correspond­ students whose families host an Editor...... Andrew Clevenger ' pdund^cot white with gray chester facility. Hours ore iety of kitchen tasks. Will Small Insurance agency environm ent. 289-2323, ents for their local high school and OPEN DOOR exchange student more than 1,000 high-school across Photography Editor . Alvin Cruz 5:30 to 9:30 pm, Monday train energetic beginner. needs a secretory/recep- LPN - RN - port time for a out through fInIshInB. Coll preferred but will train. and block stripe spots on 7485317,8:30 to 5:00, AAon- Call between 9 and 2. East Hartford Welding, community newspapers. from abroad. Up to $500 may be the United States. It has exchanged Graphics Editor . Bill Thompson bock through Friday. Call 649- Coll the Manchester tlonlst. Flexible hours. In­ specialty office In Man­ of head. Flea collar. Manor. 64641129. doy through Friday. 6483311. South Windsor. Up to 50 summer 1987 arts applied by an OPEN DOOR U.S. more than 15,000 students since its A d viso r...... ZaneVaughan .After 8,378,986,025 random attempts, 3101. centive. 69M2S9. chester. Call 6494)601. scholarship subsidies for programs host to a wide variety of summer founding in 1963. Bonzo fin a lly typed Shakespeare* I / M — MANCHEBTEft HERALD. Tuwdav. Fab. H. IMT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 BuIck Century 1901 - 4 door, 62K miles. Power steering, brakes. Rust- Get needed bock-to- free. Excellent condition. scbool money by selling Buick Skyhowk 1986 - 2 Shorpl $3300. 647-7777. i w R f w m a ■help wanted around MKCELLANEOUR door, automatic, all ex­ vour home. Utoolow-cost FOR RALE tras, under warranty. Chevrolet - 1971, 4 door, /Inapactlon - of repaired Boofckeoper - port time, Manchester - $114,500 - od In CloitKIod tor quick 7,700 miles. 643-0384 after 4 307 engine, automatic Cuatomar aarvlca/lnslde Badmokar/utllltv aide - Ambitious person - neat In precision tools such os A/P, A/R, aofeguard aya- hew to market - adorable 6 reeults. pm. transmission, all new solas - small business with Tripod, Silk Universal, Ml SUPERVISOIIS orientation and training appearance, energetic, Indicators, calibers, mi­ tem, plaotont casual room Cope In mint condi­ brand new, never used. brakes. Running condi­ plaosonf office conditions program to begin on Fa- reliable. Available for Im­ crometers, etc. Some fa­ country office. Folev- tion offers the fifst-time tion. $99.00. Call 649-S033.O located on the Vamon- $75. Originally paid $100. 1973 Pinto Wogon-rebullt GENERAL MEADOWS MANOR broury 23, 1967 for those mediate employment. miliarity with tools help­ Beker, Inc., Bolton, 646- buyer a golden opportun- Coll 742-7485.0 /Akonchaster line. Look­ Intarastad In o newly ful, will train. EOE Apply engine. (Sood body. Pri­ Large company, $300 a 4666. Itv to be a proud ho­ RECREATIONAL mer black. $99/best offer. SECRETARY haa Immadlata opanr ing for aomeona with good created, flexible position week plus potential. Coll at Holts, Inc., 78 Batson meowner. This dellphf- telephone and odmlnlstro- equipment 1981 Fleer baseball cords - Coll Chris at 646-1431. TRUCKS/VANS Inga for full tInM and In a long-term core set­ 646-3875. Drive, Manchester, CT Hairdresser wanted with fUly decorated 3 bedroom I 36 pack, wax box. $30. Call ttva skills. Wa ora offering ting. Paid training, excel­ 643-5157. FOR SALE part tIma, fraa-ftoating fbitowine: willing to work house features 0 remo­ 7424016.0 1968 Plymouth, 318, 86,000 MEMMIWSIMNOII o good compensation pro­ lent starting salary with Retail soles - opportunity for youraalf? Rent station deled kitchen plus formal SkIs-FIsher fiber glass 195- auparvlaora on tha 11*7 gram ok wall os tha oppor­ miles. Good condition. ia Making a full tima benefits and room for for self-moMvoted soles Retail paint and decorat­ (a). All Inquiraas confi­ dining room, full base­ cm with Solomon step In 75 LP Records - all for $10. 1974 Ford Van, good condi­ alilft. Excallant banafit tunity for growth. Call growth within tha system. ing center - looking for a Registered. Too many tion. $1500 or best offer. person. Furniture or bed­ dential. New Manchester ment, 1 car paroee, bindings. Very good con­ Call 649-3581.0 cars. Has to go. $65. ganaral aacratary. packaga, aalary 312.35 649-7700 between 8i30 am For further Informotlon ding experience desira­ full time soles person. talon. 646-7130. fenced yord, convenient dition. $50. 649^1794.0 B754344.D and 5:00 pm, Monday 646-5642.D Excallant typing akilla a par hour; our no banafit and a confidential Inter­ ble. Salary plus commls- Good storting pay and locatlon.Sentrv Real Est- Child's table and chair set. aalary la $13.60 par through Friday to set up view call Donna So­ slon. Benefits and benefits. 40 hours, 9 to Port time-mature retpon- Bte 643-6401 .o______Child's skis - boots, size 13 9 foot angle plow with muat. Wa ara offaring an Interview. 5:50. Contact Mike, Paul's 40 Inch octagon with 2 hour. Banafita Includa rensen, DNS, South Wind­ advancement opportuni­ alble core giver to work with skis and poles, $35., folding choirs. Very good Dodge Coronet - 1975. 8 mounting frame and hy­ axoallant wage and sor Nursing Center, South Point and Decorating Cen­ madical plan, dantal ties. Call 646-6262 between with Infants and toddlers. Manchester, starting at 649-3869 after 3 pm.o condition. $17.00. 649- cylinder, 4 door, good draulics. $485. Coll (914) banafit packaga. Plaaaa Windsor, C T , 969-7771. 11 ond 5 for Interview. ter, 615 Main Street, Man­ 647-0788. 8179,900. Elegance, com­ 355-1245, evenings.o plan, acholarahip pro­ chester, C T 06040,649-0300. 1847.0 condition. $1000. Coll John apply at fort and craftsmanship Bicycle - boys, 26 Inch, 5 days, 643-2711 or 647-0888 gram, tuition ralmburaa- TELEMARKETING Save money on cleaning Soles person-Port time, more than describe these speed, completely recon­ 1979 GM C series 5000 - V-8 products by using ammo­ Hundreds of gloss Insula­ nights. ' mant program, Ufa In- PART TIME flexible hours, store dis­ brand new deluxe single ditioned with $30. worth of tors. Great flea market gross w e igh t 17,000. Meadows Manor auranca, temporary dla- Wa ara looking for paopls nia, diluted to the strength count. Ideal for home­ family homes being built new parts. Excellent con­ Item. $90 or best otter. Power steering, brakes. recommended on the bot­ m / iP H 1974 Mustang - needs head 333 Bldwall Straat ablllty, pension plan and who Ilka to talk on the PASTEUP makers or high school In Twin Oaks Manor. Cus­ dition, $35.00. Col 649-1794. 649-0477. Evenings.o gasket, $500. Acytllne Asking $7000 or best offer. tle, for washing walls and Manchaatar, C T credit union. Call Mrs. phone; speak with s plea­ student. Apply J ft J tom designs Include 3 Torch and ore welder, Call after 4 pm. 647-0064. sant voles; who can work ARTIST windows. Bring extra mo­ MEADOWS MANOR Jewelers. 643-8484. b^ro o m s, 2’/i both$, 2 Beginner ski boots - good $200. Like new condition. Birmingham, 647-0101. ney Into your home by fireplaces, 2 cor goroge, condition, red and white. from 8pm to 0pm M -T, haa an Immediate open­ 6334082. and 0am to 1pm Fridays. To do newspaper selling no-longer-needed Child core needed I 25 full basement, plus nu­ Size 8. $50. Call 649-3879.0 ENDROLLS MI8CEI1ANE0U8 WE OFFER; rs" par hour page and ad pasteup. Items with o low-cost od In ing for charge nurses on daytime hours per week, merous amenities. Call ZTVi wkNh • 259 1977 Ford Pinto wagon, AUTOMOTIVE commissions; Incantivss; Classified. 643-2711. a part time basis for all for3ond5year old boys In for your personal oppolntr Ladles Ralchle ski boots 13Wi wMlh • 2 tar 259 automatic, very good run­ my Manchester home. Su­ ment and start plonnlnp paid vacations, courtesy shifts. RN salary up to size six. Excellent condi­ M U S T be picked up st the ning condition. Passed Honda ATC 250 R-low Some experience and In a recent national per wage for right your nOw home today. tion. Call 6494894 nights or mambarship; solaa train­ uirvey it was shown that $11.75, based on exparl- Manchester Herald Office Emissions. Call 643-6916. hours, $1500 or best offer. ing. Sound Ilka someth­ typing ability helpful. woman. References re­ Sentry Real Estate. 643- weekends. $20.o before 11 A.M. ONLY. $600. 93% of the personnel Call 649-7322 from 8 to 5. PART TIME ing you might Ilka to try? enca. LPN salary up to quired. 649^633. 6601.0______Call and employment exec­ $10.55 bated on experi­ Golf shoes, new ,never Call balwaan Osm and utives around the coun­ SHELDON COHEN ence. Contact Mrs. Bir­ Driver needed- Manchester...$124,900. In worn. Foot-Joys. All CUSTOMER SERVICE 8pm. 646-7006, ask for try use newspaper ad­ Monchester, Wllllmontlc mingham at 647-0101. this large 3 bedroom leather, women's. Call I Judy Nagy. Monday-Thursday vertising when they are area. Auto Point Distribu­ Cope, locoted on a cul-de- 649-2558. Size 7. Only $20.o I 10 a.m.-3 p.m. seeking professional or tors. 649-5211 and ask for sac, fireplaces In both DEPARTMENT AAA Auto Club exempt personnel. Tom m y. living room and 1st floor 301 Broad 8t, Manehaalar When hiring new em­ ■os 643-2711 PARTTMK family room, dining room I Mon.-Thurs. 3:00-7:30 pm ployees, the newspaper and small den on the main B0AT8/MARINE I R RTIBUSMESS Fri. 3:00-7:00 pm is still rated as the CLERICAL level, os well os 16' x 23' EQUIPMENT number-one choice for llaJOPPOBTUMITIES rec room with full both on reaching qualified pros­ Hours 10a.m. — 2 p.m., the lower level, 1 cor Sat, 7:00-10:00 am 16 foot Mad River canoe, pects! 643-2711. Monday through Fri­ International Metal Build­ garage. D. W. Fish Realty. ing Manufacturer - select­ 643-1591 or 871-1400. paddles Included. Used day. Typing skills or ing bullder/dealer In four times. Excellent con­ INJECTION MOLDING Caring peron to do child dition. $800. Please call previous C R T exparl­ some open areas. High M a n c h e s te r...$114,900. care In mv licensed Man­ Dormered Cape style 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- tru d c ftu i potential profit In our Wt'ru looking for poopio chester home. Toddlers ance required. Call Mr. growth Industry. (303) 759- home In the Bowers 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for and Infants, experienced Bob. Whitney at 568-2020 for 3200 extension 2403. school area. 4 bedrooms Opportunity for competent pereone wil­ with children, Monday or 3 bedrooms and a TRUCKS “R” US IS A WEEKLY FEATURE APPEARING EVERY OTHER ling to take a career poaltlon. Join a 19- through Friday, 6:30 am more Information. formal dining room os TUESDAY AND THURSDAY IN CLASSIFIED. MOST OF THESE ADS ARE to 6:30 pm. Lunch and desired. FIreplaced living DEALER ADS, BUT INDIVIDUALS WISHING TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARE preaa, steadily growing, molder of preciaion snacks provided. Call EOE room. Recently com­ cars ENCOURAGED TO PHONE 643-2711 TO PLACE THEIR ADS... geara with an outstanding reputation. Of Bruno at 649-8112. F O R S A LE pleted second level with 2 course — modern plant and equipment with large bedrooms, 2 zone KIT 'N' CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright FOR SALE Small Retail Busi­ heat, full basement, 1 cor H generous compensation. Please call for ap­ TOWN OP MANCHaSTER lOolTRUCKS/VANR TRUCK /VAN TRUCK8/VAN8 pointment or stop to complete application. ness with reguiar garage. D. W. Fish LEGAL NOTICE 8 8 NEWSPAPI^R DEALER Realty. 643-1591 or 871- IBZIfor rale FOR RALE |k ] FOR RALE ciientele. Estab­ 1400.O At o mtstlng of Ftbruory 2,1917 th# Planning and Zoning TAKE A LOOK Plastic Gearing Technology N E E D E D IN Committlon modt tht following dtcltloni: lished location. For SPECIAL PURCHASE GMC 1983 Suburban, e Mazda 1987 shortbed, GM C 1983, full size llmmv 139S TellMd Tpli. Monchester-See this ex­ BLANCHARD AND ROSSETTO CONSTRUCTION, INC. - pass, v-8, auto, ps, pb, air, Ondo blue,luxurv pack­ with 7'/j foot Fisher plow. MANCHESTER more information ceptional nice 7 room “A IN T ime PINAL PRO/WETLANDS/EROtlON CONTROL/SURDIVI­ From Dollar Raet-e-car red. Scranton-Cadlllac- age, gray Interior. 3 to V-8, automatic transmis­ MaReheater. CT 06040 SION - 414 WETHRRHLL STRRET (a-49) - Approvtd tho DEPENDABLE CAR A MUST... please write P.O. custom built Cape, 1st Sob tasH.* final PRO dovolopmont plan, opprovod tho wotlandt appli­ Oldsmoblle-GMC trucks. choose from. Moriarty sion, PS, pb, oc. Block and 643-6340 floor master bedroom. cation; and opprovod tho trotlon control plan ondtubdlvl- 1985 Mercury Lynx Route 83, Vernon. 872- Brothers, 315 Center St., red. Only 20,000 miles. Box 483, Manches­ ilon plan with modlflcatloni and tho condition that the 4 Ore, Auto. PS: Air, ' Manchester. 643-5135. i' Spacious family room, VA S to ehooM from 9145.1^ Immaculate. Scranton- CALL ter, CT 06040. baths, 2 fireplaces, cen­ oxocutod drainage oofomont than bo roftroncod on both tho Codllloc-Pontlac- SHanrlirBtrr HrraU tral air conditioning and orotlon control plan and subdivision plan with regards to Dotsun 19S4 xtra cob, 5 1974 Ford Von, good condi­ Oldsmoblle-GMC trucks, dood, volumtand pogo number under which It has been filed *3995 speed, white. Lynch, 500 FRED much more over 1 acre. with the Town Clerk; for a parcel of land consisting of op- tion. $1500 or best offer. route 83 Vernon. 872- Asking $264,000. U 8. R proxlmotlev 16.7 acres and known os 456 V Wetherell Street. W. Center St., monches- 875-6344.0 9145.1' NEWSPAPER 1985 Merc Marquis ter. 646-4321. 647-9946 Realty. 643-2692.P PAIRKHY AStOCIATlS - INLAND WRTLANDS BOUND­ 6 eyi, Auto. PS. PB. Al? INSTRUCrmN ARY LINR AMENDMRNT - VERNON STRERT IP-SS) - Ap­ B to chooD* from Mazda 1987 shortbed, GM C 19841984 J Immy. v-6, CARRIERS Brand new listing! 11 East proved the Inland wetlands boundorv line amendment for o Ford 1984 150 von, 6 cyl, Ondo blue, gray Interior. 2 5 speed, olr, ps, block. Hartford-Immaculate 6 parcel of land consisting of ppproxlmatlev 140 acres and auto, PS, om/fm, brown. known os 775, S61, S69 and S77 Vernon Street. *4995 to choose from. Moriarty Lynch, 500 W. Center St., NEEDED... SALES Free Introductory adult room Cape, full dormer, 2 Lynch, SOO W. Center St„ Brothers, 3)5 Center St., Manchester. 646-4321.t' art lesson. Materials full baths, storage build­ A copy of these decisions has been flled'In the Town Clerk's Manchester. 646-4321.v' office. Moriarty Bros. Manchester. 643-5135.1'’ MAMNEtTER Join what is becoming the $2.00. Beverly Kaiser, ing large master bed­ GM C 1985 W ton Cargo BFA, M.Ed.6464)231. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Used Car Specials Mazda 1987 B2000 SE5 c ^ Chevy 1986 k16 $' pickup, MEA most professional highest re­ room, newer roof and v-8 auto, PS, pb, 4 wheel von, 31,000 miles, auto, ps, siding I 83' x494 lot. LEO KWASH, SECRETARY plus. Canal blue, beige Dated at Manchester, CT this 10th day of February, 1987. Interior, leather package, drive. Heavy duty equip­ pb, red & white. Scranton WUtarall I t ______8-241 spected auto sales representa­ $127,900. Jackson 8, Jack- 84 Q-Marquis 4 dr. *8988 017-02 PS. Moriarty Brothers, 315 ment. $10,995. C a rte r Cadi I loc-Pontloc- tives in all the area. If you have PLACE son Real Estate. 647-8400. 84 VW Rabbit 4 dr. '5205 I NaCaoi I t ______all Real Eatate Center St., Manchester. Chevrolet. 1229 Main Oldsmoblle-GMC trucks. 84 G-Marquis 4 dr. *9895 I IMwall I t ______29M79 the burning desire, are neat ap­ 643-5135.>' Street, Manchester. 646- Route 83, Vernon. 872- Irlias I t ------all Brand new LIstInglll 83 Monte Carlo '5988 6464.^' 9145.^______pearing, well spoken, and have Manchester-Unique and Paftnal I t ______83 Chr. New Yorker •6495 Nissan 1986 pickup blue, 5 the ability to learn and take chock full of characterl 6 APARTMENTS H00MMATE8 Toyota 1985 4 x 4 pickup, 5 Mazda 1987 shortbed. T o r­ Csalar St |aM only) ■HOMES 84 Mazda S E -5 >3995 speed. Lynch, 500 W. Cen­ nado silver, gray Interior. room Victorian Colonial. FOR RENT WANTED 85 Mazda RX-7 <10,500 speed, 40M0 miles, white. EIbmhNIII direction we have an opportuni­ If o b o a l e 1.5 boths, spacious rooms. ter St., Manchester. 646- Moriarty Brothers, 315 Falnilaw— 84 Mercury Topaz '4605 4321 Lynch, 500 West Center ty for you. An opportunity to Excellent condition Inside Street, Manchester. 646- Center St., Manchester. ttJa lB iS L and out. $123,500. Jackson Responsible female to 85 Nissan Sentra '3805 643-5135.1' earn above average income with All real estate advertised TOWN OP MANCHESTER 4 room apartment - availa­ 4321. t' llaiia H.iii In the Manchester Herald & Jackson Real Estate. shore 2 bedroom duplex, ' 63 T-BIrd Heritage '6444 Mazda 1987 B2000 SE5 cab Because of our LROAL HOTICE ble Immediately. Adults Manchester. $2C0 per 85 Toyota Supra *13,200 Maan It M i aalyl all the fringe benefits, be sup­ Is sublect to the Fair 647-0400.a preferred, no pets. No plus, Dover white, bed- countless readers. Housing Act of 1968, which T h « Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on month, plus utilities. 82 Nissan Sentra '3405 liner. Moriarty Brothers, ported with a large inventory to appliances. Security and Available March 1st. 647- laapwaalDr. Classified ads bring mokes It Illegal to adver­ Brand new listing! 11 Monday, February 23,19S7 at 7:00P.M. In the Hearing Room, reference. 1 car. 649-1265. 86 Mil. Qalant *13,500 315 Center St., Manches­ FanraRIr. work from, a large advertising Manchester-Delightful Lincoln Center, 494 Main Stroet, Monchtster, Connecticut to 9425 evenings. 85 Cougar, blue •6988 ter. 643-5135.t^ such good response you tise any preference, lim­ hoar and consider the following potmon; tiaiaaralr. budget and managers wf. will itation or discrimination older 6 room Colonial, Manchester - one bed­ 84 Line. Mark VII *12,200 „ 1 M I 82 EIDorado Biarritz *8999 FanNMalr. assist help and respect you. may have trouble based on race, color, reli­ Cape. 3 bedrooms, French ITRM I RICHARD M. • JUDITH A. WHITE - Request a room apartment, close to Dodge 1985 Caravan Le Dr.. .70-2N keeping track of gion, sex or notional doors, large closets, 2 car HO, II7S variance to Article II, Section 6.02.01 to allow shopplno, busline. $435 Merchandise 81 Thunderbird *4495 Wagon. 4 cyl, auto olr, A vaalt. ____all Experience helpful but. we origin, or an Intention to garage. Handy locatloni exterior alterations to convert a single-family per month. Years lease, stereo, luggage rock. interested callers! $122,400. Jackson 8. Jack- house to o two-fomlly house — 23 North Street - IHaMlall I t ------all make any such prefer­ Residence Zone C. one month security, utili­ MORIARTY $11,295. Carter Chevrolet. Caalar I t (ana aalyl — 470452 are willing to train qualified ence, . limitation or dis­ son Real Estate. 647-8400.O Eager buyers read the ITEMS SHELL OIL COMPANY - Request o Special ties additlonol. No pets. 171 JHOLIDAY/ 1229 Main St., Manches­ laMlMraly I t ------ill people. crimination. The Herald NO. 1174 Exception under Article IV, Section 5.01.02 and Peterman Building Com­ ter. 646-6464.1,' Classified columns will not knowingly accept First prize for quality I'M searonal BROTHERS UM h I t ______12-71 Contact — Paul E. Sigrist at Article II, Section ll.OStoollow limited retail soles pany, 649-9484 or 643-1951. Praelar M .------all every day! any advertisement which young 3 bedroom Willi­ at on approved gasoline service station - 2S2 301 Center St. Spencer Street - Business Zone II. VMarla 1 1 ------~.,all 643-5135 Is In violation of the law. amsburg Colonial In Ly- Manchester-4 room, 1st Pools!...AAA pool distrib­ Manchester, C T doll Woods. Clear and WaU Caalar I t (alU. . 1 -2 2 0 ITEMS EAEEARA 8 KEITH PBZZBTTI - Request a floor apartment. $608 In­ utor must dIpose of entire PLACE YOUR captivating. The lavish NO. I17S varlancetoArtlclell,Sectlon4.01tooermlttheuse .all Government Homes • cludes heat, hot water, Inventory of new, left over 643-5135 M a i I I . Moriarty Brothwrs from $1 (U repair). Delin­ master bedroom boasts a of o portion oMhe land and building at 165Oakland Ira n l l _ .HI Street for o retail businss - Residence A and Rural stove and refrigerator. 1986 31 foot family size TRUCK AD M an chester quent tax property. series of spacious closets Residence Zones. Coll 643-4902 offer 5pm. swimming pools Including laUar I I . .HI Repossessions. Coll 1- 805- plus an elegant gloss sola­ HERE! .HI MANCHESTER ITRM 4 PAUL P. PIANO - Request a variance to Article II, huge sun deck, fencing, EvariraMll. 6 4 3 - 5 1 3 5 Lincoln Mercury Division 687-6000. Ext. GH-9965 for rium to embrace plants 4 room apartment, heat, Waillilll II... .HI NO. 1176 Section 5.01.02, minimum lot area andlotfrontage, filter, ladders, and war­ VOLKSWAGEN ONLY HERALD current repo list. from the world over. See It to allow tub-divislon of a Iwo-famllv unit along a hot water, appliances, ranty for only $987. Full BY UPMAN people read to d a y ...$149,900. B la n ­ common party wall at 22/24 and 16/11 Hunniford garage. Very clean. $530. financing available. Call CALL N O W dassHiod adt Manchester-Charming 7 chard 8i Rossetto. "We Street - Residence Zone B. References and security. ’14.55 Peter at 563-1161. VW JETTA ’86 TUE$. 8 THUM, pkoaa 643-2711 classified room Colonial, 3 bed­ Guarantee Our Houses". ITRM 5 DR. KRNNRTH WICHMAN - Request variance to 646-7268. 4 dr, at, ps, pb, ac, cats, low 643-2711 / 647-9946 room, 2 full baths, large 646-2482.a NO. 1177 Article II, Section 6.01.12(c) to permit a service low ml., $9444. CAU CUSSmED country kitchen on extra business to locate In a building located at 117 East Manchester - 5 room large lot. Excellent condi­ Center Street - Residence Zone C. VW JETTA '86 apartment, carpeting, ICLOTHINfi .5 spd, ac, cost, exc. cond, 643-2711 tion. $135,000. Owner. 646- L0T8/LAND At this hearing Interested persons may be heard and written stove, washer/dryer hook 3626. communications received. A copy of these petitions hove •old 6 tarviced here, $8995. FOE WOEE INFOl FOR SALE been filed In the Planning and Zoning Department and may up, parking, no pMs, lease Persian Lamb locket - iBiiiiiiiiiiiniie^§! be Inspected during business hours. and security. $500 VW RABBIT '84 mink trim. Excellent con­ 2 dr, 4 spd, ac, stereo, 2 to For love of lambs, goofs, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS monthly, not Including RETIREES... horses or other farm Land of opportunity 87 EDWARD COLTMAN, SECRETARY heat or utilities. Call 646- dition. Size 14 - 16. $200. choose from, $4495. animals this 5 acre "M ini acres In central Maine. 3190. 649-1042 after 5 pm. EXTRA Mostly wooded plus o Doted at Manchester, CT this 10th day of February, 19S7. VW J E T T A '85 Farm " In Bolton has 3 4 dr, at, sc, stereo, low ml, STUDENTS... possible provel pit. In­ 0164» fenced corals 24' x 32' barn Manchester - now renting $8495. plus a comfortables room cludes 0 modern 5 room, 1V6 story home with 2 brand new Love Lane fuhnituhe VW J E T T A '84 MOMS... home that won't foul your Village apartments. De­ TOYOTA MONEY... baths plus a semi Pnished ROOMS ( JAPAHTMENT 5 spd. snrf, stereo, sharp, ftnances...$210J)00. Blan­ 9 8 luxe townhouses, 2 bed­ $5995. chard & Rossetto Real­ 2 story oarope with FOR RENT ^ I fohhent rooms, 1 1/2 baths, over Large over-stuffed sofa, APPROXIMATELY WITH YOUR OWN tors. "We Guarantee Our both. $130JX)0. Coll Rain­ 1200 square feet. Individ­ solid brown, very good VW RABBIT '83 bow Realty. 207-706-2909 or condition. $50. 647-7119.0 2 dr, diesel, 1 to choose from, Houses". 646-2402.0 Gentleman - non­ ual basement hook ups, write to us at 449 Main Three room apartments- $3195. 20 HOURS PART-TIME smoking, central, private carpeting, appliances, 2 PER WEEK Manchester...Easily af- Street In Lewiston, Maine No appliances. No pets. air conditioners, heat and Floor lamp with attached VW J E T T A '82 04240. home. Pleasant room, tel-, Security. Call 646-2426 JOB... fordoble 2 year old 3 ephone, next to shower, hot water Included. $750 table, beige lamp shade, 2 dr, 5 spd, cess, 1 owner, bedroom, IVt both Colon­ weekdays 9 to 5. monthly, 2 months secur­ dork pine. $35. Very good ■harp car, $5495. parking. 649-6001. condition. 649-7625. ial. Large family size BUSINESS ity, no pets. Domoto En­ VW J E T T A '85 WORK kitchen plus formal dining Manchester - 2 family, An Excellent Opportunity PROPERTY terprises, 646-1021. 4 dr, 5 spd, ac. cats, sold & room or den. Priced right first floor, five rooms, two Sofa, end tables and serviced here, $7995. apantmentr bedrooms, appliances, lamps - Excellent condi­ WITH for housewives and mothers at $124,900. Joyce G . Ep­ HOMES with young children — bring stein Real Estate. 647- Multl-Use Building - In­ ponhent wall to wall carpet. $505 tion. Making room for VW JETTA '81 8895.0 dustrial, warehouse and monthly plus heat and FOR RENT new piano. Call 646-9563 4 dr, 5 spd, cats, axe. cond, YOUNG them with you and save on offices; large, open-span utilities. Security and ref­ after 6 pm. $4895. babysitting costs. New duplex-Loroe and 1st floor with concrete Manchester-2nd floor, 2 erences. 646-2M after 5:30 VW R A B B IT '84 bedroom, heat and ap­ 3 bedroom house. Cen­ ADULTS roomy and ready for you. floor; overhead door; pm. trally located, no utilities, Bunk beds with ladder. 4 dr, 4 spd, ac, dloaal, low ml, AGES 10 thru IS 21 Houra Par Week Three bedrooms, 1W multiple offices on 2nd pliances. No pets. $550 $50.00. 649-4140 or 742- axe. cond, $4995. plus security. Call 646- references and security. Salary Plus Oaa Allowanee boths-sporkllno new. floor; 4 baths and shower Manchester - modernized $675 monthly. 646-7336. 9611.0 VW C O N V E R T IB L E '84 READY TO PLOW... Greot for Investor or areo; opproxlmotelv 2810 3979. BRAND NEW 19ST TOYCTA 4x4 STANDARD BED TURSDCHARGED PICKUP wKh (Mttarn M O N D AY T H R O U G H TH U R S D A Y 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 pm. SOUND INTERE8 TINQ? 5 room, 2 bedroom, se­ 5 apd, ac, coaa, exc. cond, owner occupied. Coll for sauare feet; central air; cond floor, 2 family. Attic, 5 room ranch with fire­ TV/8TEHE0/ low loyv ml, $9495. plow and hookup. 2.4 SOHC EFI Engliw, B tpaad ovardrivt, 2 tpead HI Lo tranifar caaa. Fully In- S A TU R D A Y 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. ^ details. Joyce G . Epstein property completely Manchester-Immaculate basement, garage, deck, dapondant front tuapanalon. Ooubla wall cargo bed. All waathar oualom whaal and lira upgrada. You can be a Herald Area place on quiet residential APPLIANCES VW T U R B O D IE S E L '84 Circulation Craw Suparvlaors, muat have reliable transporta­ Real Estate. 647-809S.O omeslte. $ l9 5 jn o . Strano 4 room, 2 bedroom, apart­ porch. $575 monthly plus street. Appliances In­ Manual locking hub^ power diac brakaa front, front tow hook/lnl. cargo hooka. Cloth apIN bench Adviaer and handle and su­ Reel Estate Company, ment. New stove refriger­ utilities. No pets. Sue 643- 5 apd. anrf, ac, 1 owner, told aaat. Front t rear mud guarda. All waathar guard p • g ^ m ^ tion, have the ability to motivate young adults and have aoma 647-7653X1 cluded. $850 per month. 6 aarvicad here, $8496. packaga, lintad glaaa, vant windowa, power alaaring, k | 1 f 1 . | l f . V 0 2 I O n | l pervise our carrier boys and Yesteryear Chorm lll ator, $500. Includes heat 1591,643-1390. 6434421. Refrigerator - 2 door, 16 sales axparlenca. Unlimited earnings potential, based on $108,900. This 6 room Co­ and hot water. References cubic feet. Manual de­ VW J E T T A '88 •tiding rear window, euatom graphlea, oarpaling. Floor B » i m W l W W U V V I S girls. If you Ilka kids, want a mala, daluila rnkrora, heavy duty Map bumper, body straight commissions. lonial has a lot of poten­ Remove mineral buildup and security. 649-4003. Columbia Lake front - 1 frost. $25.00. 643-2809.O 4 dr, 5 spd, ac, caaa, local car, little independence and tial! 11 It Is located In a from your teakettle by bedroom apartment, pri­ SraREAND exc. cond, $M95. •Ida moldinoa, IHallma ruMprooflng, clean 6 wax. Special CALL SUSAN your own Income... very convenient area. pourlnp In hoN a cup of Manchester - Maple Wood vate deck. $550 per month OFFICE SPACE Color tv-Sears best 25 Inch VW J E T T A '85 CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Aluminum siding. 2 cor white vinegar and one apartments. New luxury, Includes heat and electric. console cable ready. Ex­ 4 dr, dloaal. 5 apd, ac, coaa, detached garage with quart of tap water. Hoot to two bedroom townhouses. 220-3639. cellent condition. $99.643- aold 6 aarvicad here, $7495. storage. Coll and let us 279 Bldwell Street. 649- Single room office - su­ 4535.0 rolling boll and let stand VW PICKUP '81 OVER SO TRUCKS IN 8TOCKI Call 647-9946 show you this homel tor one hour. Pour out 5249. Brand new 3 bedroom perb location In growing 647-9946 section of Manchester Oaa, 4 tpd, sharp truck, •UNLK88 THI8 EMBLEM •00 W. CENTER STREET Realty World, Frechette solution, fill with wotar, duplex - lost one of 12 13 Inch B and Wtelevislon. $2995. or 647-9947 Associates, 646-7709. boll again and discard. Spacious recently refur­ available. 2 baths, fully near East Hartford and $30. 649-5875.0 18 ON YOUR CAR, MANCHESTER Add buildup to vour bished 1 bedroom apart­ carpeted, new appliances, Glastonbury. 1/2 mile off YOU PHOOABLY washer/dryer hook ups,. Route 384 on Spencer UPMAN VW LYNCH Bolton • Super spacious, ment on East. Center Sylvanlo 19 Inch, black budgat by selling no- ROUTE 83, VERNON PAID TOO MUCH...'’ 646-4321 14 room, bMevel, S bed­ longer used furniture end Street. Available March 1. Private driveway, $750 Street. All utilities In­ and white, portable TV. MANCHESTER, CONN. per month. Coll Boland cluded. Call Jim Arm ­ Hianrliffitpr Hmift rooms, space for busi­ appliances with a lew-cost $ ^ ikw month. 6494665 Excellent condition. 649-2638 ness. 6 car garage. od In aosslflsd. 643-2711. and 6464260. Brothers, 649-2947. strong 643-2002. $35.00. Phone 643-7247.0 iB^BIIIIIIIBIIIIIIlBi SMOiMn ItonrlM/ XTT.rUM

r .;.