t $ - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Feb.». IWT MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS School budget Johnson recalls Pitt takes lead goes to Weiss long-ago winters In the Big East ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 12 Put your money A m erican Heart where your heart is. Association Mmxdmtn limlh WERE r g h u n g f o r v q u r u f e ) Manchester - A City ol Village Charm How Are Your Heart Fund Dollars Spent? Tuesday, Feb. 10,1987 30 Cents Phase-in F • Summer Fellowships introduce College Students to Car­ Speakers Bureau of doctors teaches school children, Soviets free diovascular Research. civic and fraternal groups, church and club organizations • CPR Classes instruct groups of nurses, paramedics, poli­ on heart risks. unlikely cemen and firemen and emergency rescue personnel in 140 dissidents life-savings techniques for heart victims. Lectures, Seminars and films keep physicians and nurses to pass • Heart Care Classes teach patients and families how to live informed on latest developments in cardiovascular medi­ E following a heart attack. cine. • Screening programs detect high blood pressure in adults. Legislator says from prison • Literature, films and audio-visual aids oh heart care are ' Answers to all questions concerning heart disease are other bills would distributed on request. provided and referral services offered. shift tax burden Bv Carol J. Williams The Associated Press By George Loyng ffeait Research and M escal Stalls Give Thousands Herald Reporter MOSCOW — The Soviet Union announced today that 140 dissidents have been freed from prison or A proposal that would allow labor camp and said other appeals of People a Second Chan€x. Manchester and other towns to for clemency were being phase in higher assessments from considered. property tax revaluations will face Foreign Ministry spokesman its first test Wednesday when it is Gennady Gerasimov said the pri­ considered by the General Assemb­ soners were freed by decree of the THIS PAGE PAID FOR AND SPONSORED BY THE ly’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Supreme Soviet, the nominal parli­ Committee. ament, on Feb. 2 and on Monday. “ As you probably know, the The measure, introduced by state Soviet Union has been re­ Sen. Michael P. Meotti, D- examining a number of cases, FOLLOWING CIVIC MINDED BUSINESSES... Glastonbury. at the request of especially cases related to those Manchester town officials, would sentenced on (Article 70) of the make it easier for residents to pay Soviet criminal code, concerning B O U N D BROTHERS, INC. CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY FRONT PARLOUR BEAUTY their revised real efilate tax bills. anti-Soviet propaganda,” Gera­ 51 BIssell Streat "Quality Service At It's Beat" 465 Hartford Road The legislation would replace a law simov said. Manchester • 649*2947 Route 83 Manchester • 649*7897 that expired in 1985, and it would During the weekend, dissident Talcottville • 643*0016 allow a phase-in over three years. sources in Moscow reported the early release from prison or camps JOHN H. U P P E N , INC. However, state Sen. William A. of more than 40 dissidents. NATAN SHARANSKY 164 East Center Street NISSAN BY DECORMIER piBella, D-Hartford, co^hairman The releases were hailed by .. thousands more in Jail CARDINAL BUICK, INC. "Sales, Service & Parts" of the committee, said today it is Soviet dissidents and the West, who Manchester • 649*5261 "A touch above first class." 285 Broad Street unlikely the legislation will win nevertheless cited estimates that about 1,500 Soviets remained jailed criminal code,” Gerasimov said. 81 Adams Street Manchester • 643*4165 approval. He said other measures Manchester • 649*4571 are being considered that could for their views. Natan Sharansky, He did not provide details of the GANOIDS BY CAROL result in the tax burden being who changed his name from review. 963 Main Street " shifted from homeowners.' Anatoly B. Shcharansky after being Earlier today, militiamen and Manchester • 649*6619 THE MANCHESTER HERALD s’ released a year ago, said in an plainclothes security police pre­ AL’S SPIRIT SHOPPE Manchester began working on its vented Begun’s wife and son from 16 Brainard Place interview published Sunday in The 225 Spencer StreOt revaluation of homes and buildings, New York Times that he believed leaving their apartments to demon­ Manchester • 643*2711 Manchester • 647*1840 in the fall of 1985, and the work is the total was 5,000-10,000. strate for his release. NORTHWAY REXALL scheduled to be completed for use in The mass release fits a pattern of Inna Begun, wife of the Hebrew PHARMACY levying taxes on July 1, 1988. The gestures by Soviet leader Mikhail S. teacher imprisoned on charges of DONALD S. GENOVESI revaluation is expected to reveal an Gorbachev that appears designed anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ “Pm criptlon Specialists" HALL & MUSKA OIL increase in the value of taxable to quiet Western criticism and ganda, told The Associated Press 230 North Main Street INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 152 Broad Brook Road property in Manchester since the demonstrate that some previously by telephone that six policemen 0 Manchester • 646*4510 “Serving the Manchester Area for OvetSO Years" Melrose • 623*3308 last revaluation was done in 1977. forbidden subjects such as religion were barring her apartment door 945 Main Street and emigration now can be and others were near the entrance . The revaluation will ultimately to the building. Manchester • 643*2131 discussed. BROWN’S FLOWERS, INC. *■ result in a tax decrease for most Those whose releases were re­ 163 Main Street LENOX PHARMACY residents. However, in the first few ported during the weekend by THE WILLIAM BELFIORE 299 East Center Street years, rates for some taxpayers Nobel Peace laureate Andrei Sak­ Manchester • 643*6455 harov and his wife, Yelena Bonner, Manchester • 649*0896 will increase because the tax State faces AGENCY . burden is shifted back from motor said they had not been required to CARTER CHEVROLET 431 Main Street : vehicle and personal property to sign any statements or make any promises to refrain from future 1129 Main Street Manchester • 647*1413 ; real estate taxes, Manchester As­ billions in ORLANDO ANNULLI & sessor J. Richard Vincent said. dissident activity. Manchester • 646*6464 But Gerasimov said today the GRAMES PRINTING SONS, INC. Vincent explained that motor AP photo releases were initiated by each road work JACK J. LAPPEN REALTY “Same day service when you need It In a hurry." 147 Hale Road, P.O. Box 669 vehicle and personal property prisoner’s application for pardon. 700 Hartford Road Manchester • 644*2427 reassessments are done every Loves a parade Some imprisoned dissidents have "You get action with Jack Lappan" year, but real estate revaluation is declined to make the applications, Ha r t f o r d (AP) — The state Manchester • 643*6669 257 East Center Street done only every 10 year.s, as he said, citing the case of impri­ might have to spend $2.5 billion to David Wagner, a prop artist for Blaine strangers wanting to get a preview of the widen Interstate 95 and the Merritt Manchester • 643*4263 required by state law. Over the soned Jewish activist Josef Begun. JOYCE G. EPSTEIN REAL Kern Artists, works on one of the many floats that will parade through the “ When an individual draws the and Wilbur Cross parkways unless JACKSON ft JACKSON ' course of 10 years, this results in steps are taken to ease traffic real estate assessments rising less projects for the upcoming Mardi Gras In streets of New Orleans during the Mardi government’s attention to his or her ESTATE Gras season. case and promises to stop the congestion in southwest Connecti­ REAL ESTATE than the other two categories New Orleans, La. While Wagner works, cut by 2010, according to a state MANCHESTER OIL & HEAT Don Jsckion Rose Viols Jsckson “Where The Individual Qeta Attention." behavior considered anti-Soviet Blue (lower right) keeps an eye out for Department of Transportation "Quality Fuel Products" 168 Main Street 349 East Center Street But after a revaluation, for propaganda, then this is being example, motor vehicle and per- considered and as a rule his or her report. 61 Loomis Street Manchester • 647*8895 The department also outlined a Manchester • 647*8400 sonal property tax bills may fall by request is being granted,” Gera­ series of less expensive alterna­ Manchester • 647*9137 $200 when the burden on them is simov told a news briefing at the Soviet Foreign Ministry. tives in the report released Mon­ DAIRY QUEEN JAMES R. McCAVANAGH lessened. Vincent said. The higher Stations say talks under way day, including improved rail ser­ OLYMPIA DELICATESSEN - values for homes and buildings. Asked if there would be more 684 Hartford Road prisoners released, he said “ of vice and construction of special 697 Main Street REALTY ■ though, could increase tax bills by commuter lanes to encourage ride­ Manchester • 647*1076 course, as soon as more applica­ Manchester • 643*0809 "Residential A Commercial Sales" $300, he said. The overall tax-rate tions are considered, this figure will sharing in the southwest corridor increase would be less than if a 237 East Center Street increase.” from New Haven to the New York revaluation were not done. between kidnappers, Israel border. KRAUSE FLORIST & Manchester« 649*3800 He said the Justice Ministry was PAP AUTO PARTS ; The phase-in legislation would undertaking a review of the crimi­ Without such measures, 1-95 will 307 East Center Street GREENHOUSES . make it easier for residents to pay Bv Rlmo Salameh reports. She said on behalf of the wives nal code, which includes articles on have to be widened from six lanes to “Largest Retail Qrowers In Manchester" the higher real estate tax rates. The Associated Press The radio stations said the that they “ will continue to strive anti-Soviet slander and anti-Soviet 12, the parkways widened from four Manchester • 649*3528 lanes to eight and 30 train cars and 621 Hartford Road TED CUMMINGS - Following Manchester’s 1977 reva- hostages would be part of a deal to day and night and ..
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