CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA CONVENCIÓN SOBRE EL COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPECIES AMENAZADAS DE FAUNA Y FLORA SILVESTRES CONVENTION SUR LE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL DES ESPECES DE FAUNE ET DE FLORE SAUVAGES MENACEES D'EXTINCTION Sixty-second meeting of the Standing Committee Geneva (Switzerland), 23-27 July 2012 Sexagésimo segunda reunión del Comité Permanente Ginebra (Suiza), 23-27 de julio 2012 Soixante-deuxième session du Comité permanent Genève (Suisse), 23-27 juillet 2012 List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (Total: 313) Member / Miembro / Membre AFRICA / ÁFRICA / AFRIQUE Botswana / Botswana / Botswana MACHEME Abednico Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O. Box 131 GABORONE T: 267 397 14 05 F: 267 391 23 54 E:
[email protected] MOJALEMOTHO Charles Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O. Box 131 GABORONE T: +267 395 30 10; 397 13 49 F: +267 391 23 54 E:
[email protected] SEKGOPO Motsereganye Ministry of Environment Wildlife and Tourism Department of Forestry and Range Resources P.O. Bag 00424 GABORONE T: +267 591 06 17 / 631 F: +267 591 06 16 E:
[email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 1 Botswana / Botswana / Botswana TAOLO Cyril Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O. Box 131 GABORONE T: +267 319 10 48 F: +267 391 23 54 E:
[email protected] Democratic Republic of the Congo / República Democrática del Congo / République démocratique du Congo AMBA NSANGO Clemence Service de la Conservation de la Nature 7ème Rue Limete Q.