Audition Packet – Jr – Twelve Corners Middle School

Auditions for Twelve Corners Middle School’s production of “Mary Poppins Jr” are Monday March 5, 3-4:30pm OR Tuesday March 6, 3-4:30pm in the TCMS Small Gym. You should ONLY ATTEND ONE DAY. Callbacks, if needed, will be Friday March 9, 3-4:30pm. You will receive an email if you are needed at callbacks.

At the auditions you will be asked to: • Read one scene from the audition packet • Sing a song segment from the audition packet. If you are interested in a character who has a solo in the show, you will be asked to sing by yourself. If you do not want a solo, you can sing in a group of people. • Perform a short dance number in a group.

Script and song selections for auditions can be found in this packet. Please look over all the scenes and the music. Have your parents and friends help you! Read through the scenes several times before the audition.


Tracks for rehearsal can be downloaded from Dropbox using the addresses below. Note you do not need a DropBox account to download these.

Vocal Tracks: Non-Vocal Tracks: (note that case matters, type it in exactly!)

If you have questions, please call John Barthelmes (Director) at 585-305-4767 or email [email protected]. ======Rehearsals, Performances Rehearsals will generally be: Mondays 3-5pm, Tuesdays 3-5pm, Thursdays 3-5pm, Fridays 3-5pm. Please note that you will not be called to all rehearsals. The last two weeks we will add in Wednesday rehearsals. You will get a detailed schedule of which rehearsals you need to attend by email and at your first rehearsal.

PERFORMANCES: Friday May 11 - 7:00pm Saturday May 12 - 7:00pm

Character List

Bert: The narrator of the story, is a good friend to Mary Poppins. An everyman, Bert is a chimney sweep and a sidewalk artist. He is a song-and-dance man with oodles of charm who is wise beyond his years George Banks: Husband to Winifred and father to Jane and Michael, is a banker to the very fiber of his being. Demanding "precision and order" in his household, he is a pip-and-slippers man who doesn't have much to do with his children and believes that Miss Andrew, his cruel, strict childhood nanny, gave him the perfect upbringing. Winifred Banks: George's wife and Jane and Michael's mother. She is a loving homemaker who is busy trying to live up to her husband's social aspirations while striving to be a model wife and mother. Jane Banks: The high-spirited daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Banks, bright and precocious but can be willful and inclined to snobbishness. Michael Banks: The cheeky son of Mr. and Mrs. Banks. Excitable and naughty, he adores his father and longs desperately for his attention. Both he and Jane misbehave in order to get the attention of their parents. Mrs. Brill: The housekeeper and cook for the Banks family. Overworked, she's always complaining that the house is understaffed. Her intimidating exterior is a cover for the warmth underneath. Robertson Ay: The houseboy to the Banks family. Forgetful and clumsy, he often bungles simple tasks. He should be a good comedic actor. Mary Poppins: Jane and Michael Banks's new nanny. She is extraordinary and strange, neat and tidy, delightfully vain yet very particular, and sometimes a little frightening, but she is always exciting. She is practically perfect in every way and always means what she says. Katie Nanna: Jane and Michael's nanny at the beginning of the show. Overwhelmed and upset, she has absolutely had her fill of the Banks children. Park Strollers: Citizens of London who go from drab and dreary to bright and colorful as they get swept up in Mary Poppins's adventures in the park. Statues: Stone sculptures. Thanks to Mary Poppins, these works of art come alive and dance with Bert and the Park Strollers. Neleus: A statue who, once brought to life by Mary Poppins, is very happy to befriend Jane and Michael. Strong dancing role. Bird Woman: Covered in a patchwork of old shawls, her pockets stuffed with bags of crumbs for the birds. She tries to sell the crumbs to Passersby, who ignore her as if she doesn't exist. Honeybees: Conjured by Mary Poppins to help teach the children the benefits of "." Clerks: Employees at the bank. These roles require actors who can sing. Miss Smythe: The bank Chairman's humorless secretary. Chairman: The head of the bank where Mr. Banks is employed, is an Edwardian stuffed shirt. Von Hussler: A businessman seeking a loan from the bank for a shady business deal. John Northbrook: An honest businessman seeking a loan to build a factory for his community. Vagrants, Buskers, and Passerby: Citizens of London passing by the cathedral during "." Mrs. Corry: Owns a magical Talking Shop. She is a mysterious woman of indeterminate age, but has plenty of spirit and is sharp as a tack. Customers: Bright, colorful British citizens visiting Mrs. Corry's Talking Shop. Miss Andrew: George's overbearing and scary childhood nanny. With her bottle of nasty-tasting brimstone and treacle to keep naughty children in line, she is a bully who only knows one way of doing things: her way. Kite Flyers: Families flying kites in the park. Chimney Sweeps: (including Sweep 1, Sweep 2, Sweep 3, and Sweep 4) are Bert's cheerful, friendly, and agile friends who keep London's chimneys in working order. Strong dancing role. Policeman: A neighborhood patrol officer. Messenger: Delivers a summons to George from the bank

Audition Scenes: Audition Songs: SCENE 1 – Bert, Jane, Michael Song 1 - Anything Can Happen Finale [Full Cast/Winifred/George] SCENE 2 – Mary Poppins, Bert, Jane, Michael Song 2 - Supercalifragilistic [Full Cast] SCENE 3 – Jane, Michael, Mrs. Corry Song 3 - Practically Perfect [Mary Poppins] SCENE 4 – Mary Poppins, George, Jane Song 4 - A Spoonful of Sugar [Mary Poppins] SCENE 5 – Mary Poppins, Jane, Michael, Winifred, Mrs. Brill Song 5 - [Bert] SCENE 6 – Mary Poppins, Jane, Michael Song 6 - A Man Has Dreams [George] SCENE 7 – Von Hussler, George Song 7 - Brimstone and Treacle, (Pt 1) [Miss Andrew] SCENE 8 – George, Northbrook Song 8 - Brimstone and Treacle, (Pt 1) [Miss Andrew] SCENE 9 – Winifred, George Song 9 - Jolly Holliday [Jane/Michael] SCENE 10 – Winifred, Miss Andrew, Michael, Jane Song 10 - Precision and Order (Pt 2) [Northbrook] Song 11 - Feed the Birds [Bird Woman] AUDITION SCENE 1 – Bert, Jane, Michael BERT: What's the matter and who's after you? JANE: The nastiest nanny in the world. BERT: Is she really as bad as all that? MICHAEL: She looks like something that would eat its young. JANE: Miss Andrew was Daddy's nanny. MICHAEL: Which explains a lot. JANE: Poor Daddy. Ever since he stopped working, he just sits and mopes… Mary Poppins used to say he needed our help, but now it's too late. BERT: Oh, I wouldn't say that. I tell you what: why don't we start things off with a bit of a shake for good luck? (BERT holds out his hand.) JANE: Why would shaking hands with you bring us luck? BERT: Didn’t anyone ever tell you it's lucky to shake a chimney sweep's hand?

AUDITION SCENE 2 – Mary Poppins, Bert, Jane, Michael MARY POPPINS: Hello, Bert. BERT: Hello, Mary. Hello, kids. JANE, MICHAEL: Hello. MARY POPPINS: We're off to Mrs. Corry’s Talking Shop. Care to join us? JANE: Talking Shop? MICHAEL: Who's Mrs. Corry? BERT: "Who's Mrs. Corry?" Mrs. Corry is older than anyone in the world. She talked to William before he went conquering, to Vlad before he went impaling, and to Alexander before he weren't so great. JANE: That's impossible! MARY POPPINS: Anything can happen if you let it.

AUDITION SCENE 3 – Jane, Michael, Mrs. Corry MRS. CORRY: Well, well, well… if it isn't Mary Poppins! With Jane and Michael Banks! MICHAEL: She knows us? MRS. CORRY: And how is poor little Georgie? MICHAEL: Who? MRS. CORRY: Georgie Banks. Your father. He used to give his nanny the slip and come into my shop here in secret. I remember Georgie used to love my gingerbread stars. Now, Mary Poppins, what can I do for you?

AUDITION SCENE 4 – Mary Poppins, George, Jane MARY POPPINS: Good morning. GEORGE: (stunned by the sudden intruder) Yes?? MARY POPPINS: I've come in answer to the advertisement. GEORGE: What advertisement? We haven't placed any advertise— MARY POPPINS: Now, let's see. (pulls a mended piece of paper from her pocket) "Play games, all sorts." Which I most certainly can. "Take us on outings, give us treats." (Bewildered, GEORGE looks at the fireplace, then at MARY POPPINS. He can’t believe what she holds in her hands. JANE and MICHAEL enter and listen.) JANE: Michael! It's our advertisement! MARY POPPINS: "Rosy cheeks and fairly pretty." (to GEORGE) There's no objection on that score, I hope? GEORGE: (flustered) Oh, none at all. MARY POPPINS: I'm glad to hear it. (MARY POPPINS stares at him so firmly that, for a moment, it is like a ray of light passing right through him.) GEORGE: But—oh, take it up with Mrs. Banks. She manages all that side of things. (heads towards the door) Nothing domestic has anything to do with me. (turns back and raises a finger) And don't forget the references! (GEORGE exits.)

AUDITION SCENE 5 – Mary Poppins, Jane, Michael, Winifred, Mrs. Brill MARY POPPINS: I make it a rule never to give references. WINIFRED: Oh, I see… MARY POPPINS: I'll see the children now, thank you. (JANE and MICHAEL step forward noisily and stand in front of MARY POPPINS.) WINIFRED: Oh, of course… You'll find they're very nice children. (realizing she doesn’t know the new nanny’s name) Now this is… oh— MARY POPPINS: Mary Poppins. (looks at JANE and MICHAEL as if she were reading their souls) Jane, don't stare. And close your mouth, Michael. We are not a codfish. (gives a sharp nod) Best foot forward. Spit-spot. (MICHAEL and JANE exit toward the nursery, followed by MARY POPPINS.) WINIFRED: Mrs. Brill, we have a new nanny. MRS. BRILL: She passed her interview, then? WINIFRED: Or I did.

AUDITION SCENE 6 – Mary Poppins, Jane, Michael MARY POPPINS: A very tidy nursery, I must say. Tidier than I was expecting. Who's responsible for that? JANE: Mrs. Bri— MICHAEL: Me. I am. Like to keep things neat. MARY POPPINS: Do you indeed? Well, I look forward to making use of that. If there's one thing I appreciate, it's a child whose word I can depend on. MICHAEL: We’d better keep an eye on this one. She's tricky. JANE: Mary Poppins, how could you know what we wanted in a nanny… when we made our list? MARY POPPINS: Your "list"? I'm not an item in the weekly shop, thank you very much. (MARY POPPINS takes another item, perhaps a plant, out of her bag and places it strategically in the nursery.) JANE: How did you come then? It was as if the wind just blew you here. MARY POPPINS: It did. Now, stand over there! (MARY POPPINS pulls out a measuring tape, holds it against MICHAEL, and reads.) Just as I thought. “A noisy, mischievous, troublesome little boy.” MICHAEL: You’re making that up! (Without a word, MARY POPPINS holds the tape for MICHAEL to read.) “A noisy, mischievous, trouble––” (Stunned, MICHAEL looks at JANE.) MARY POPPINS: Now you. (She holds the tape against JANE and reads.) “Thoughtless, short-tempered and untidy.” JANE: I don’t believe you. Let me see–– (JANE looks at the truth-telling tape in disbelief.) What about your measurement, Mary Poppins?

AUDITION SCENE 7 – Von Hussler, George VON HUSSLER: Herr Banks, what objections can you have? My security is more than adequate and Latin America is an expanding market. Have you no courage? GEORGE: But Mr. Von Hussler, what I haven’t been able to grasp is: What exactly is your final product? VON HUSSLER: What do you think? Money, of course! GEORGE: Yes, money. But I wonder, making money out of money, is that enough? VON HUSSLER: Are you man enough to be a banker?

AUDITION SCENE 8 – George, Northbrook NORTHBROOK: Have you come to your decision, Mr. Banks? There’s a town of good people whose future depends on you. GEORGE: I know that… NORTHBROOK: Give us this chance. The factory could be running in weeks and expanding before the year’s out. Please, Mr. Banks. I’d give it everything I’ve got. GEORGE: I believe you, Mr. Northbrook, and I’ve tried to find a way, but how can I be sure the money would be safe? NORTHBROOK: What about my workforce? They’ll make it safe!

AUDITION SCENE 9 – Winifred, George GEORGE: I used to love flying kites at his age. But my nanny, Miss Andrew, soon frightened it out of me. WINIFRED: Is it out of the question to do without a nanny? GEORGE: Don't be absurd! All the best people have nannies… so the wives can do charity work and entertain. Which reminds me, how is your tea party coming on? WINIFRED: I'm not sure. It seems so odd to send out invitations to people I hardly know. GEORGE: But they're people you should know. Remember: "By your friends shall ye be judged." WINIFRED: But that's the point. They're not my friends… GEORGE: Winifred. Dearest. I'm only thinking of you. Are you going to say something to Mary Poppins about this afternoon? WINIFRED: I don't think so. GEORGE: Very well. But just make sure she's doing things our way and not hers.

AUDITION SCENE 10 – Winifred, Miss Andrew, Michael, Jane WINIFRED: Miss Andrew! It’s so lovely to meet you at last! I do hope you had a good journey. MISS ANDREW: It was thoroughly unpleasant. It's not much of a house, is it? WINIFRED: We like it. MISS ANDREW: Then it doesn't take a lot to keep you happy. Look at the dust! There! And there! Filth! WINIFRED: Now, just a minute— MISS ANDREW: Ah. You must be the children. (examines the children) Pity. I don't suppose you know who I am? MICHAEL: Yes, we do. You're the Holy Terror. MISS ANDREW: Impudent boy! (to JANE) Why aren't you wearing stockings? JANE: I don't like them. MISS ANDREW: Tut! What manners! I can see there is not a minute to lose!

Song 1 - Anything Can Happen Finale [Full Cast/Winifred/George]

Song 2 - Supercalifragilistic [Full Cast]

Song 3 - Practically Perfect [Mary Poppins]

Song 4 - A Spoonful of Sugar [Mary Poppins]

Song 5 - Jolly Holiday [Bert]

Song 6 - A Man Has Dreams [George]

Song 7 - Brimstone and Treacle, (Pt 1) [Miss Andrew]

Song 8 - Brimstone and Treacle, (Pt 1) [Miss Andrew]

Song 9 - Jolly Holliday [Jane/Michael]

Song 10 - Precision and Order (Pt 2) [Northbrook]

Song 11 - Feed the Birds [Bird Woman]


Name ______Grade ______Address ______City ______State/Zip ______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Day Phone ______Evening Phone ______Student Email address (write neatly)______Parent Email address (write neatly)______

Vocal Range: (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass/I Dunno)

Roles in which you are interested: ______

Are you willing to accept any role? YES/NO a chorus role? YES/NO Are you willing to be in a PIT CHOIR? YES/NO

Previous Experience (or attach resume): ______

Training: ______

Why do you want to audition for this show?

This form MUST be filled out COMPLETELY before auditioning. Make sure to fill out the Conflict Form on the back. Be sure to have your Parents/Guardians help you with the Conflict Form as they may know of conflicts you’re unaware of.

Conflict Calendar

Please CROSS OUT any rehearsals you are NOT available for.

Monday March 12, 3-5pm Monday March 19, 3-5pm Tuesday March 13, 3-5pm Tuesday March 20, 3-5pm Thursday March 15, 3-5pm Thursday March 22, 3-5pm Friday March 16, 3-5pm Friday March 23, 3-5pm

Monday March 26, 3-5pm Monday April 9, 3-5pm Tuesday March 27, 3-5pm Tuesday April 10, 3-5pm Thursday March 29, 3-5pm Thursday April 12, 3-5pm Friday April 13, 3-5pm

Monday April 16, 3-5pm Tuesday April 17, 3-5pm Tuesday April 24, 3-5pm Thursday April 19, 3-5pm Thursday April 26, 3-5pm Friday April 20, 3-5pm Friday April 27, 3-5pm

Tech Week: (REQUIRED REHEARSALS) Monday April 30, 3-6:30pm Monday May 7, 3-6:30pm Tuesday May 1, 3-6:30pm Tuesday May 8, 3-6:30pm Wednesday May 2, 3-6:30pm Wednesday May 9, 3-6:30pm Thursday May 3, 3-6:30pm Thursday May 10, 3-6:30pm Friday May 4, 3-6:30pm

Performances: (REQUIRED) Friday May 11, 5-9:30pm Saturday May 12, 5-9:30pm