With Your Guide:

Phoebe Hart

Secretary, AISSGA ( Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group, Australia) And all‐round awesome person!


• a range of biological traits or variations that lie between “male” and “”. • chromosomes, genitals, and/or reproductive organs that are traditionally considered to be both “male” and “female,” neither, or atypical. • 1.7 – 2% occurrence in human births

REFERENCE: Australians Born with Atypical Sex Characteristics: Statistics & stories from the first national Australian study of people with intersex variations 2015 (in press) ‐ Tiffany Jones, School of Education, University of New England (UNE), Morgan Carpenter, OII Australia, Bonnie Hart, Androgyn Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia (AISSGA) & Gavi Ansara, National LGBTI Health Network XY CHROMOSOMES

 ..... Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS)

 ..... Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (PAIS)

 ..... 5‐alpha‐reductase Deficiency (5‐ARD)

 ..... Swyer Syndrome/ Mixed (MGD)

 .....

 ..... Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome

 ..... , , Aposthia, , Buried ,


 ..... de la Chapelle/XX Male Syndrome

 ..... MRKH/Vaginal (or Müllerian) agenesis

 ..... XX Gonadal Dysgenesis

 ..... Didelphys

 ..... Progestin Induced Virilization XX or XY CHROMOSOMES

 ...... Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

 ..... Ovo‐testes (formerly called "")

 ..... /Hypogonadotropic (HH)

 .....

 ..... Aromatase Deficiency

 ..... Cloacal Extrophy NEITHER XX or XY CHROMOSOMES

 ..... , 48, XXYY Syndrome

 ..... (or X)

 ..... XY/XO mosaics and xy‐Turner's Syndrome

 ..... Triple‐X Syndrome (also X)

 ..... Jacobs/XYY Syndrome or spontaneously occurring...


•48 % Intersex •20 % Intersex Variation •18 % Intersex Condition •25 % Specific Diagnosis •17 % My chromosomes •7 % Difference of Sex Development •3 % Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) sex marker allocated at birth •52 % Female • 41% Male •2 % X •2 % unsure 3 % another option sex marker now •52 % Female •23 % Male •7 % X •6 % unsure 12 % another option 8 % Transgender SEXUAL ORIENTATION

•48 % Heterosexual •22 % Bisexual •18 % Gay/Lesbian •15 % Queer •11 % Questioning •10 % Pansexual •10 % Asexual •10 % Prefer no label •4 % Another label ISSUES Health • Medical Pathologisation •Surgery –what : when • Maintenance ‐ HRT / bone density • Access to services Social •Stigma • Family duress •Isolation / secrecy / disclosure • Access to support •Intimacy MENTAL HEALTH

•59 % rated present mental health as good or better • depression, anxiety & PTSD

•42 % thoughts of self‐harm •26 % engaged in self‐harm

•60 % suicidal ideation •19 % attempted suicide


• Bodily autonomy •Consent • Recognition • Marriage equality •Protection • Legislative • Policy INTERSEX PEOPLE IN SOCIETY

• Families • Education • Employment •Sport • Media •Aged Care AND BEYOND…

•“Nothing about us without us” •Growing public awareness • Peer support and advocacy •International networks •Growing legal protection •Sex Discrimination Act Amendment 2013 •X sex markers •Malta ‐ Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristic Act 2015 •UN attention

THANK YOU! http://www.aissga.org.au/

I invite your questions 