Legal Analysis of Transboundary Waters in the Upper Jordan River Basin
Legal Analysis of Transboundary Waters in the Upper Jordan River Basin The Association of the Friends of Ibrahim Abd El Al The Order of Engineers & Architects - Beirut February 2014 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE FRIENDS OF IBRAHIM ABD EL AL ( AFIAL) SPONSORED BY: THE ORDER OF ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS - BEIRUT Written by HE. Ziyad Baroud, Esq. Attorney at law, Managing Partner HBD-T Law firm, Lecturer at USJ, Former Lebanese Minister of Interior and Municipalities Me. Ghadir El-Alayli, Esq. Attorney at law, Senior Associate HBD-T, PhD student Chadi Abdallah, PhD Geosiences, Remote Sensing & GIS MarK Zeitoun, PhD Coordinator Reviewed Antoine Salameh, Eng. President, Scientific Committee of AFIAL by Prof Stephen McCaffrey McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific Michael Talhami, Eng. Independent researcher TO CITE THIS STUDY AFIAL, 2014. Legal Analysis of Transboundary Waters in the Upper Jordan River Basin. Beirut, Association of the Friends of Ibrahim Abd El Al. 91pp + Annexes NOTES This study was undertaken by a team assembled by the Association of the Friends of Ibrahim Abd el Al, with the generous support of the Order of Engineers and Architects of Lebanon. Any questions or comments about the study should be directed to AFIAL. AFIAL would like to emphasize that the analysis and recommendations are suggested without any prejudice to the state of relations between the Government of Lebanon and the Occupying State of Israel, and the non-recognition of the latter by the Government of Lebanon. Copyright © 2014, Association of the Friends of Ibrahim Abd el Al. Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS III FIGURES VII TABLES IX ACRONYMS X EXECUTIVE SUMMARY XI SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION 1 1.
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