Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart F ACH:C Also available as an eBook. Okonkwo, a member of the Ibo tribe in Nigeria at the end of the last century, is a man of power and substance. He reveres his family ancestors and gods and unquestioningly upholds the laws of the tribe.

Adichie, Chimamanda Half of a Yellow Sun F ADI:C Set in Nigeria during the 1960s, at the time of a vicious civil war in which a million people died and thousands were massacred in cold blood. The three main characters in the novel are swept up in the violence during these turbulent years.

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Americanah : a Novel F ADI:C As teenagers in Lagos, Ifemelu and Obinze fall in love. Their Nigeria is under military dictatorship, and people are fleeing the country if they can.

Adiga, Aravind The White Tiger F ADI:A Also available as an eBook. Meet Balram Halwai, the `White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur and murderer. Born in a village in the dark heart of India, the son of a rickshaw puller, Balram is taken out of school by his family and put to work in a teashop. As he crushes coal and wipe tables, he nurses a dream of escape.

Adiga, Aravind Between the Assassinations F ADI:A An illiterate Muslim boy working at the train station finds himself tempted by an Islamic terrorist; a bookseller is arrested for selling a copy of The Satanic Verses; a rich, spoiled, half-caste student decides to explode a bomb in school; a sexologist has to find a cure for a young boy who may have AIDS. What emerges is the moral biography of an Indian town and a group portrait of ordinary Indians in a time of extraordinary transformation.

Adiga, Aravind Last Man in Tower F ADI:A Every building tells a story, but in the jungle of Mumbai, one building - and one man - stands on the borderline between India's past, and its future. Ask any Bombaywallah about Vishram Society - Tower A of the Vishram Co-operative Housing Society - and you will be told that it is unimpeachably pucca.

Alain-Fournier, Henri The Lost Estate (Le Grand Meaulnes) F ALA Also available as an eBook. When Meaulnes first arrives at the local school in Sologne, everyone is captivated by his good looks, daring and charisma. But when Meaulnes disappears for several days, and returns with tales of a strange party at a mysterious house - and his love for the beautiful girl hidden within it, Yvonne de Galais - his life has been changed forever.

Algren, Nelson The Man with the Golden Arm F ALG:N Frankie Machine, a veteran of the Second World War, returns to Chicago's Northwest side with a morphine habit. Nicknamed the 'kid with the golden arm', Frankie is an aspiring drummer by day and an illicit card-dealer by night. In Molly, an old flame, he sees the chance for redemption, for hard work and success - but the demons that chase Frankie are not quite ready to let go.

Ali, Monica Brick Lane F ALI:M Nazneen's inauspicious entry to the world, an apparent stillbirth on the hard mud floor of a Bangladeshi village hut, imbues in her a sense of fatalism that she carries across continents when she is married off to Chanu.

Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid’s Tale F ATW:M Also available as an eBook. In the Republic of Gilead, Offred is a handmaid. As one of the few women left with functioning ovaries, the one role allowed her is to breed. If she deviates she will be hanged at the wall or sent out to die of radiation sickness. But the brainwashing hasn't worked as she has clear memories of the time before when women were free.

Atwood, Margaret The Heart goes Last F ATW:M Stan and Charmaine are a married couple trying to stay afloat in the midst of an economic and social collapse. Job loss has forced them to live in their car, leaving them vulnerable to roving gangs. They desperately need to turn their situation around and fast.

Atwood, Margaret Maddaddam F ATW:M Months after the Waterless Flood pandemic has wiped out most of humanity, Toby and Ren have rescued their friend Amanda from the vicious Painballers. They return to the MaddAddamite cob house, newly fortified against man and giant pigoon alike.

Atwood, Margaret Oryx and Crake F ATW:M Snowman may be the only survivor of an unnamed apocalypse. Once he was Jimmy, a member of a scientific elite; now he lives in isolation and loneliness, trawling through the past - the disappearance of his mother and the arrival of his mysterious childhood companions Oryx and Crake.

Atwood, Margaret The Year of the Flood F ATW:M Adam One, the kindly leader of the God's Gardeners - a religion devoted to the melding of science and religion, the preservation of all species, the tending of the Earth, and the cultivation of bees and organic crops on flat rooftops - has long predicted the Waterless Flood. Now it has occurred, obliterating most human life.

Bail, Murray Eucalyptus F BAI:M There was once a man on a property outside a one-horse town, in New South Wales, who couldn't come to a decision about his daughter. He then made an unexpected decision. Incredible! For a while people talked and dreamed about little else...

Ballard, J.G. Kingdom Come F BAL:J Richard Pearson, unemployed advertising executive and life-long rebel, is driving out to Brooklands, a motorway town on the M25. A few weeks earlier his father was fatally wounded at the Metro-Centre, a vast shopping mall in the centre of this apparently peaceful town, when a deranged mental patient opened fire on a crowd of shoppers. When the main suspect is released without, the doctor who treated his father on his deathbed suspects that there is more to his father's death than meets the eye.

Bellow, Saul Mr Sammler’s Planet F BEL:S Mr. Artur Sammler, Holocaust survivor, intellectual, and occasional lecturer at Columbia University in 1960s New York City, is a registrar of madness, a refined and civilized being caught among people crazy with the promises of the future.

Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen) Babette’s Feast and Other Stories F BLI:K Also available as an eBook. Five rich and magical short stories. 'Babette's Feast' tells the story of a French cook working in a puritanical Norwegian community, who treats her employers to the decadent feast of a lifetime.

Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen) Out of Africa F BLI:K Also available as an eBook. Karen Blixen's extraordinary love affair with Africa began when she and her husband went to Kenya to plant coffee in 1913. The marriage and the plantation failed but Baroness Blixen's passion for Africa remained.

Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 F BRA:R Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are forbidden, being the source of all discord and unhappiness. Even so, Montag is unhappy; there is discord in his marriage. Are books hidden in his house? The Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department, armed with a lethal hypodermic, escorted by helicopters, is ready to track down those dissidents who defy society to preserve and read books.

Brooks, Geraldine People of the Book F BRO:G When Hannah Heath gets a call in the middle of the night in her Sydney home about a precious medieval manuscript which has been recovered from the smouldering ruins of wartorn Sarajevo, she knows she is on the brink of the experience of a lifetime.

Bulawayo, NoViolet We Need New Names F BUL:N Darling and her friends live in a shanty called Paradise, which of course is no such thing. It isn't all bad, though. There's mischief and adventure, games of Find bin Laden, stealing guavas, singing Lady Gaga at the tops of their voices. They dream of the paradises of America, Dubai, Europe, where Madonna and Barack Obama and David Beckham live. For Darling, that dream will come true. But, like the thousands of people all over the world trying to forge new lives far from home, Darling finds this new paradise brings its own set of challenges - for her and also for those she's left behind.

Bulgakov, Mikhail The Master and Margarita 891.734 BUL Also available as a Talking Book : TB F BUL:M One spring afternoon the Devil, trailing fire and chaos in his wake, weaves himself out of the shadows and into Moscow in Bulgakov's fantastical, funny and frightening satire of Soviet life. Written in secret during the darkest days of Stalin's reign, when it was finally published it became an overnight literary phenomenon, signalling artistic freedom for Russians everywhere.

Calvino, Italo Invisible Cities F CAL:I Also available as an eBook Each time he returns from his travels, Marco Polo is invited by Kublai Khan to describe the cities he has visited. Although he makes Marco Polo summon up many cities for the Khan's imagination to feed on, Calvino is describing only one city in this book, Venice.

Camus, Albert Exile and the Kingdom F CAM:A Explores the dilemma of being an outsider - even in one's own country - and of allegiance.

Camus, Albert The Outsider F CAM:A In his classic existentialist novel Camus explores the predicament of the individual who is prepared to face the benign indifference of the universe courageously and alone. In this world, cut off from a sense of God, society has created rules so binding that any person breaking them is condemned as an alien, an outsider. For Meursault, leading an apparently unremarkable bachelor life in Algiers until his involvement in a violent incident, these rules are an insult to his reason and a betrayal of his hopes; for Camus it is the absurdity of life.

Camus, Albert The Plague F CAM:A Translation of: La Peste. This book has a deeper level demanding a thoughtful, intelligent response from thier readers. "The Plague" is a case in point. It is really a high complex novel which seems at first to be the story of a severe epidemic in Oran, but it will not be long, however, before many readers begin to feel that there is more to the novel than the straight forward narrative line.

Carey, Peter American Dreams (in: The Fat Man in History) F CAR:P Mr Gleason, a ‘small meek man with rimless glasses’ is the title character of this particular short story.

Carey, Peter Illywhacker F CAR:P Illywhacker is a dazzling comic narrative, from the lips of the 109-year-old Herbert Badgery, the 'illywhacker' or confidence trickster of the title.

Carey, Peter Oscar and Lucinda F CAR:P A story about Australia's youth, before its dynamic passions became dangerous habits. It is also a startling and unusual love story.

Carey, Peter True History of the Kelly Gang F CAR:P Also available as an eBook. Carey's retelling of the Ned Kelly legend paints a vivid picture of an Australia where English landowners skim off the country's best territory while government land grants allow the settlers just enough acreage to starve.

Coelho, Paulo The Alchemist : a fable about following your dream F COE:P This is the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy who yearns to travel from Spain, his home. In the Egyptian desert, he fatefully encounters an alchemist. Will his life be changed forever...?

Coetzee, J.M. Waiting for the Barbarians F COE:J For decades the Magistrate has run the affairs of a tiny frontier settlement, ignoring the impending war between the barbarians and the Empire. When the interrogation experts arrive he is jolted into sympathy with the victims and into an act of rebellion which lands him in prison.

Coetzee, J.M. Disgrace F COE:J After years teaching Romantic poetry at the Technical University of Cape Town, David Lurie, middle- aged and twice divorced, has an impulsive affair with a student. The affair sours; he is denounced and summoned before a committee of inquiry. Willing to admit his guilt, but refusing to yield to pressure to repent publicly, he resigns and retreats to his daughter Lucy's isolated smallholding.

Conrad, Joseph The Secret Agent : a simple tale F CON:J The secret agent explores the confused motives that lie at the heart of political terrorism. This is the story of a terrorist plot and its tragic consequences for both guilty and innocent alike. Conrad discovers the strange in-between territority of the political exile

Daoud, Kamel The Meursault Investigation F DAU:K He was the brother of 'the Arab' killed by the infamous Meursault, the antihero of Camus's classic novel. Angry at the world and his own unending solitude, he resolves to bring his brother out of obscurity by giving him a name - Musa - and a voice, and by describing the events that led to his senseless murder on a dazzling Algerian beach.

De Bernieres, louis Captain Corelli’s Mandolin F DEB:L It is 1941 and Captain Antonio Corelli, a young Italian officer, is posted to the Greek island of Cephallonia as part of the ocupying forces. At first he is ostracised by the locals, but as a conscientious but far from fanatical soldier, whose main aim is to have a peaceful war, he proves in time to be civilised, humorous and a consummate musician.

Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe F DEF:D Also available as an eBook. Written in an age of exploration and enterprise, it has been variously interpreted as an embodiment of British imperialist values, as a portrayal of 'natural man', or as a moral fable. But above all it is a brilliant narrative, depicting Crusoe's transformation from terrified survivor to self-sufficient master of an island.

De Kretser, Michelle Questions of Travel F DEK:M Questions of Travel charts two very different lives. Laura travels the world before returning to Sydney, where she works for a publisher of travel guides. Ravi dreams of being a tourist until he is driven from Sri Lanka by devastating events.

De Lillo, Don White Noise F DEL:D Also available as an eBook. Jack Gladney, head of Hitler studies at the College-on-the-Hill, is afraid of death, as is his wife Babette and his colleague Murray who runs a seminar on car crashes. The author exposes our common obsession with mortality, and Jack and Babette's biggest fear - who will die first?

Desai, Kiran The Inheritance of Loss F DES:K At the foot of Mount Kanchenjunga in the Himalayas, lives an embittered old judge who wants nothing more than to retire in peace. But with the arrival of his orphaned granddaughter, Sai, and his cook's son trying to stay a step ahead of US immigration services, this is far from easy.

Dickinson, Peter AK F DIC:P A former child soldier tries to learn the ways of peace in an African nation.

Dobbs, Michael House of Cards F DOB:M A battle begins to replace the Prime Minister, and Francis Urquhart will stop at nothing to gain power. Only one woman stands in his way, Mattie Storin, a political correspondent who has discovered a web of intrigue and financial corruption at the highest levels in Parliament and Fleet Street.

Doctorow, E.L. The Book of Daniel F DOC:E As Cold War hysteria inflames America, FBI agents pay a surprise visit to a Communist and his wife in their New York apartment. After a trial that divides the country, the couple are sent to the electric chair for treason. Decades later, in 1967, their son Daniel struggles to understand the tragedy of their lives.

Dos Passos, John Manhattan Transfer F DOS:J Using experimental montage techniques borrowed from the cinema, vivid descriptions and bursts of overheard conversation, and the jumbled case histories of a picaresque cast of characters from dockside crapshooters to high-society flappers, Dos Passos constructs a brilliant impressionistic portrait of New York City as a great futuristic machine filled with motion, drama and human tragedy.

Your Fathers, Where are They? And the Prophets, do Eggers, Dave They Live Forever? F EGG:D In a barrack on an abandoned military base, miles from the nearest road, Thomas watches as the man he has abducted wakes up.

Eggers, Dave The Circle F EGG:D When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world's most powerful internet company, she feels she's been given the opportunity of a lifetime.

Elton, Ben Gridlock F ELT:B Gridlock is when a city dies. Killed in the name of freedom. Killed in the name of oil and steel. Choked on carbon monoxide and strangled with a pair of fluffy dice. How did the ultimate freedom machine end up paralysing us all? Deborah and Geoffrey know, but they have transport problems of their own, and anyway, whoever it was that murdered the city can just as easily murder them.

Evans, Alwyn Walk in My Shoes F EVA:A After a perilous and terrifying escape from war-torn Afghanistan, Gulnessa and her family find themselves in Australia, a place they know nothing about. They are exhausted and traumatised but so full of hope. At last somewhere safe to call home. But their struggle isn't over yet. They are confined a detention centre for asylum seekers and forced to prove their refugee status.

Faulkner, William As I Lay Dying F FAU:W Faulkner's harrowing account of the Bundren family's odyssey across the Mississippi countryside to bury Addie, their wife and mother. Told in turns by each of the family members - including Addie herself - the novel ranges in mood from dark comedy to the deepest pathos.

Foer, Jonathan Safran Everything is Illuminated F FOE:J Also available as an eBook. With weathered photograph in hand, a young man visits the Ukraine to find the woman who might, or might not, have saved his grandfather from the Nazis.

Foer, Jonathan Safran Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close F FOE:J Also available as an eBook. When his father is killed in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, Oskar sets out to solve the mystery of a key he discovers in his father's closet. It is a search which leads him into the lives of strangers, through the five boroughs of New York, into history, to the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima, and on an inward journey which brings him ever closer to some kind of peace.

Forester, E.M. A Passage to India F FOR:E Evoking the dangers and ambivalences inherent in colonialism in India during the British Raj. The plot hinges on a mysterious incident at the Marabar Caves involving a young girl newly arrived from England and the presumed guilt of the charming Dr Aziz.

Forster, E.M. A Room with a View F FOR:E In this brilliant piece of social comedy, Forster is concerned with one of his favourite themes: the 'underdeveloped heart' of the English middle classes, who are here represented by a group of tourists and expatriates in Florence.

Franzen, Jonathan Freedom : a novel F FRA:J An epic of contemporary love and marriage. This is the story of the Berglunds, their son Joey, their daughter Jessica and their friend Richard Katz. It is about how we use and abuse our freedom; about the beginning and ending of love; teenage lust; the unexpectedness of adult life; why we compter with our friends; how we betray those closest to us; and why things almost never work out as they should.

Frayn, Michael Spies F FRA:M In the quiet cul-de-sac where Keith and Stephen live the only immediate signs of the Second World War are the blackout at night and a single random bombsite. But the two boys start to suspect all is not as it seems when one day Keith announces a disconcerting discovery: the Germans have infiltrated his own family.

Frazier, Charles Cold Mountain F FRA:C A soldier wounded in the Civil War, Inman turns his back on the carnage of the battlefield and begins the treacherous journey home to Cold Mountain, and to Ada, the woman he loved before the war began.

Garland, Alex The Beach F GAR:A Richard, a gap-year student, is introduced to a beautiful island by the mysterious Daffy. But with drugs and the glamorised violence of Vietnam War films haunting his perception of his Thai paradise, Richard soon finds that the hideaway becomes a nightmare.

Gibson, William Pattern Recognition F GIB:W Cayce Pollard is a new kind of prophet - a world-renouned 'cool-hunter' who predicts the hottest trends. While in London to evaluate the redesign of a famous corporate logo, she's offered a different assignment: to find the creator of the obscure, enigmatic video clips being uploaded on the Internet - footage that is generating massive underground buzz worldwide.

Gordimer, Nadine Burger’s Daughter F GOR:N Details a group of white anti-apartheid activists in South Africa seeking to overthrow the South African government. It is set in the mid-1970s, and follows the life of Rosa, the title character, as she comes to terms with her father Lionel Burger's legacy as an activist in the South African Communist Party.

Graedon, Alena The Word Exchange F GRA:A Imagine a world in which books, libraries and newspapers are things of the past. A world in which we spend our time glued to handheld devices called Memes.

Grant, Neil The Ink Bridge F GRA:N Omed is a boy from Afghanistan. After making an enemy of the Taliban on the day the Buddhas of Bamiyan are destroyed, he undertakes a perilous journey to seek asylum in Australia.

Grass, Gunter The Tin Drum F GRA:G Oskar Matzerath, born with an unusually sharp mind, describes the amoral conditions through which he has lived in twentieth-century Germany, both during and after the Hitler regime. This strange narrator stops growing when he is three years old and remains three feet tall until some time later, when he decides to grow a few inches more. After the war he escapes to West Germany. Depicted as a freak Oskar symbolises the deformed society of this century.

Graves, Robert I, Claudius F GRA:R Into the racy 'autobiography' of Clau-Clau-Claudius, the pitiful stammerer who was destined to become Emperor in spite of himself, Graves packs the everlasting intrigues, the depravity, the bloody purges and mounting cruelty of the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, soon to culminate in the deified insanity of Caligula.

Greene, Graham The Quiet American F GRE:G Also available as an eBook. Into the intrigue and violence of Indo-China comes Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to promote democrasy through a mysterious 'Third Force'. As his naive optimism starts to cause bloodshed, his friend Fowler, a cynical foreign correspondent, finds it hard to stand aside and watch. But even as he intervenes he wonders why: for the same of politics, or for love...?

Grenville, Kate The Secret River F GRE:K Also available as an eBook and a Talking Book : TB F GRE:K After a childhood of poverty and petty crime in the slums of London, William Thornhill is sentenced in 1806 to be transported to New South Wales for the term of his natural life. With his wife Sal and children in tow, he arrives in a harsh land that feels at first like a death sentence.

Hamid, Mohsin The Reluctant Fundamentalist F HAM:M Also available as an eBook. At a cafe table in Lahore, a Pakistani man converses with a stranger. As dusk deepens to dark, he begins the tale that has brought him to this fateful meeting.

F HAM:M Hamid, Mohsin Exit West Civil war has come to the city which Nadia and Saeed call home. Before long they will need to leave their motherland behind - when the streets are no longer useable and the unknown is safer than the known. They will join the great outpouring of people fleeing a collapsing city, hoping against hope, looking for their place in the world.

Hamid, Mohsin How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia The novel tells the story of a man's journey from impoverished rural boy to corporate tycoon.

Harris, Robert The Ghost F HAR:R Adam Lang was Britain's longest serving prime minister of the last half century. Retiring to Martha's Vinyard to write his memoirs, his ghost-writer suddenly and mysteriously washes up, dead. Enter our hero -- Lang's new ghost-writer; and it doesn't take him long to realise he has made a fatal error in judgment, as he begins to unearth the circumstances of his predecessor's death.

Harris, Robert Imperium F HAR:R When Tiro, the confidential secretary of a Roman senator, opens the door to a terrified stranger on a cold November morning, he sets in motion a chain of events which will eventually propel his master into one of the most famous courtroom dramas in history.

Heller, Joseph Catch-22 F HEL:J Also available as an eBook. Set in the closing months of World War II in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, Catch- 22 is the story of a bombardier named Yossarian who is frantic and furious because thousands of people he has never even met keep trying to kill him. It is a hilarious and tragic satire on military madness, and the tale of one man's efforts to survive it.

Hemingway, Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls F HEM:E Robert is an American member of the International Brigade during the Spanish Civil War. Relates events that demonstrate the incredible brutality of civil war, in one case by the actions of a revolutionary mob and in another by those of governmental authorities.

Hemingway, Ernest The Old Man and the Sea F HEM:E Also available as an eBook. The old fisherman Santiago had only one friend in the village, the boy Manolin. Everyone else thought he was unlucky because he had caught no fish in a long time. At noon on the eighty-fifth day of fishing, he hooked a large swordfish and a mighty struggle follows.

Hosseini, Khaled The Kite Runner F HOS:K Also available as an eBook. Winter, 1975. Afghanistan - a country hidden in the corner of Asia, quietly ruled over by a fading monarchy on the verge of an internal coup. But in Kabul, 12-year-old Amir has his own concerns. He is desperate to win the annual kite fighting tournament, then chase the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. But when the day of the tournament comes, it brings with it events that will change the lives of Amir and his best friend Hassan forever.

Howey, Hugh Dust F HOW:H Also available as an eBook. In the aftermath of the uprising, the people of Silo 18 are coming to terms with a new order. Some embrace the change, others fear the unknown; none have control of their fate.

Howey, Hugh Sand F HOW:H The old world is buried. A new one has been forged atop the shifting dunes. Here in this land of howling wind and infernal sand, four siblings find themselves scattered and lost. Deep within the sand lies the key to bringing his family together - and tearing their world apart.

Howey, Hugh Shift F HOW:H Also available as an eBook. In a future less than fifty years away, the world is still as we know it. Time continues to tick by. The truth is that it is ticking away. A powerful few know what lies ahead. They are preparing for it. They are trying to protect us. They are setting us on a path from which we can never return. A path that will lead to destruction; a path that will take us below ground.

Howey, Hugh Wool F HOW:H Also available as an eBook. In a ruined and hostile landscape, in a future few have been unlucky enough to survive, a community exists in a giant underground silo. Inside, men and women live an enclosed life full of rules and regulations, of secrets and lies.

Huxley, Aldous Brave New World F HUX:A Available as an eBook and on OverDrive Listen. Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers.

Isherwood, Christopher Goodbye to Berlin F ISH:C The novel evokes the gathering storm of Berlin before and during the rise to power of the Nazis. Events are seen through the eyes of various individuals whose lives are about to be ruined.

Ishiguro, Kazuo Remains of the Day F ISH:K Also available as an eBook. It is 1956. Stevens, the ageing butler of Darlington Hall, has just embarked on a motoring trip through the west of England that will become a journey deep into his past.

Ishiguro, Kazuo Never Let Me Go F ISH:K Available as an eBook. The haunting story of how Kathy, Ruth and Tommy, slowly come face the truth about their seemingly happy childhoods - and about their futures.

The Figure in the Carpet (in ‘The turn of the screw, James, Henry The Aspern papers and other stories’) F JAM:H "The Figure in the Carpet" is an inspired joke, a masterpiece of double-entendre that demands the reader's undivided love and attention.

The Turn of the Screw (in ‘The Aspern Papers and James, Henry Turn of the Screw’) F JAM:H In the "The Turn of the Screw" a governess is sent to take charge of two orphans. Unsettled by a sense of evil, she thinks that something malevolent is stalking the children. "The Aspern Papers" tells the tale of a literary historian determined to get his hands on the letters of a great poet.

Jansson, Tove The Summer Book F JAN:T An elderly artist and her six-year-old grand-daughter are away together on a tiny island in the gulf of Finland.

Kadare, Ismail Agamemnon’s Daughter F KAD:I Sacrificed to further a father's blood-soaked career; sacrificed for the common good; sacrificed, then forgotten. This work tells a story of love denied, then shattered under the chilling wheels of the state.

Kadare, Ismail Chronicle in Stone F KAD:I In a seamless mosaic of dreams and games, Kadare's young narrator both reflects and distorts events as his ancient, magical home town are lost foever in the madness and brutality of the Second World War. A disturbing mix of tragedy, comedy, politics and sexuality.

Kadare, Ismail The File on H F KAD:I Society in rural Albania in the early 1930s had evolved little since the Middle Ages. What better place for two Irish-American scholars to study the tradition of oral poetry, in the hope of understanding how the Homeric epics came to be composed and handed down, to elucidate the strange commerce between memory and forgetting?

Kafka, Franz The Metamorphosis (in ‘Metamorphosis and other stories’) F KAF:F The Metamorphosis tells how a young man, Gregor Samsa, wakes to find himself transformed into a horrid beetle-like creature. It is quintessentially Kafka and deservedly the most famous of his works.

Kafka, Franz The Trial F KAF:F Also available as an eBook. Josef K is on trial for his right to exist in a novel which, more than any other, is infinitely perceptive about the nature of terror. Idris Parry introduces his translation with an essay in which he pinpoints the autobiographical elements in 'The Trial', in particular Kafka's broken engagement to Felice Bauer.

Kang, Han Human Acts F KAN:H South Korea, 1980. In the wake of a viciously suppressed student uprising, a boy searches for his friend's corpse, a consciousness searches for its abandoned body, and a brutalised country searches for a voice. In a sequence of interconnected chapters the victims and the bereaved encounter censorship, denial, forgiveness and the echoing agony of the original trauma.

Kerouac, Jack On the Road F KER:J Also available as an eBook. 'On the Road' swings to the rhythms of fifties underground America, jazz, sex, generosity, chill dawns and drugs, with Sal Paradise and his hero Dean Moriarty, traveller and mystic, the living epitome of Beat.

Kesey, Ken One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest F KES:K Also available as an eBook. Life in a mental institution is predictable and suffocating under the iron rule of Nurse Ratched, who tolerates no disruption of routine on her all-male ward. Half-Indian Chief Bromden, almost invisible on the ward because he is deaf and dumb, describes the arrival of rowdy Randle Patrick McMurphy. McMurphy takes on the nurse as an adversary in his attempt to organize his fellow inmates and breathe some self-esteem and joy into their lives.

Kingston, Maxine Hong Woman Warrior : memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts F KIN:M Tells the story of growing up Chinese in America in the second half of the twentieth cetnury.

Klein, Joe (afterword) Primary Colors : a Novel of Politics F KLE:J Henry Burton, a former congressional aide, is tired of the back-scratching, back-stabbing and back- watching of legislative politics. Then Jack Stanton, the governor of a small Southern state, half flatters, half shanghais Henry into joining his presidential campaign.

Koch, Christopher The Year of Living Dangerously F KOC:C An Australian journalist, Hamilton, joins the Western Press Corps in Jakarta, Indonesia, during the abortive revolution of 1965.

Koestler, Arthur Darkness at Noon F KOE:A Darkness at Noon is set in an unnamed country ruled by a totalitarian government. Rubashov, once a powerful player in the regime, finds the tables turned on him when he is arrested and tried for treason. His reflections on his previous life and his experiences in prison form the heart of this moving and though-provoking masterpiece.

Kundera, Milan The Joke F KUN:M A novel of thwarted love and revenge miscarried set against the background of Cold War Prague. A sharp, sardonic study in deception and self-deception.

Kundera, Milan The Book of Laughter and Forgetting F KUN:M In seven wonderfully integrated parts, different aspects of modern existence -- from the posthumous erasure of enemies of communism from the historical record, to the subtle agony of the fading memory of a lost love, to the bizarre sexlessnes of modern promiscuity -- are explored with boldness, subversive humor and the magical power of fiction.

Kundera, Milan The Unbearable Lightness of Being F KUN:M The story of irreconcilable love and infidelities in which the author addresses himself to the nature of 20th 'being', offering a wide range of brilliant and amusing philosophical speculations.

Lahiri, Jhumpa The Namesake F LAH:J Gogol Ganguli, a suburban teenager, finds himself caught between his Indian roots and his American birthright as he searches for his own destiny. From Calcutta to New York, Gogol and his Indian-born parents, must somehow strike a balance between age-old traditions and modern-day sensibilities as they search for a patch of common ground.

Lahiri, Jhumpa The Lowland F LAH:J Two brothers bound by tragedy.

Lahiri, Jhumpa Interpreter of Maladies F LAH:J Also available as an eBook. These elegant stories tell the lives of Indians in exile, of people navigating between the strict traditions they've inherited and the baffling New World they must encounter every day.

Lanchester, John Capital F LAN:J The residents of Pepys Road, London - a banker and his shopaholic wife, an old woman dying of a brain tumour, a family of Pakistani shop owners, the young football star from Senegal and his minder - all receive an anonymous postcard one day with a simple message: We Want What You Have. Who is behind it? What do they want?

The Drover’s Wife (in: ‘The Penguin Henry Lawson: Lawson, Henry Short Stories’) A823.2 LAW:B The story of an outback woman left alone with her four children in an isolated hut.

Le, Nam The Boat F LE:N Also available as an eBook. Short stories - Takes us from a tourist in Tehran to a teenage hit man in Columbia; from an aging New York artist to a boy coming of age in a small Victorian fishing town; from the city of Hiroshima just before the bomb is dropped to the haunting waste of the South China Sea in the wake of another war.

Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird F LEE:H Also available as an eBook. 'Shoot all the Bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a Mockingbird.' Atticus Finch gives this advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of this classic novel - a black man charged with attacking a white girl. Through the eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Lee explores the issues of race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s with compassion and humour.

London, Jack To Build a Fire (in: ‘Great American Short Stories’) F GRE A man ventures out in the subzero tundra of the Yukon Territory, accompanied by his dog, to visit his friends—ignoring warnings from an older man about the dangers of hiking alone.

MacLeod, Alistair Island: Collected Stories F MAC:A A collection of short stories set in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, a remote region where Gaelic is still spoken, old legends live on, and the same cold sea that washes the Hebrides beats against the granite cliffs. The joys, fears, darkness and the shining hopes of communities whose isolation is at once a curse and a blessing are laid bare.

Macleod, Alistair Lost Salt Gift of Blood (in: ‘Island: Collected Stories’) F MAC:A A collection of short stories set in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, a remote region where Gaelic is still spoken, old legends live on, and the same cold sea that washes the Hebrides beats against the granite cliffs. The joys, fears, darkness and the shining hopes of communities whose isolation is at once a curse and a blessing are laid bare.

MacLeod, Alistair The Tuning of Perfection (in: ‘Island: Collected Stories’) F MAC:A A collection of short stories set in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, a remote region where Gaelic is still spoken, old legends live on, and the same cold sea that washes the Hebrides beats against the granite cliffs. The joys, fears, darkness and the shining hopes of communities whose isolation is at once a curse and a blessing are laid bare.

Makine, Andrei Le Testament Francais F MAC:A The story of a boy's awakening in two parallel worlds: the Soviet Union of the Stalinist era and a mysterious, Atlantis-like country, created by a near-alchemical process from old photographs and newspapers clippings, and anecdotes his grandmother tells on the long Siberian nights of the school holidays.

Maloney, Shane The Brush-off F MAL:S Angelo Agnelli has been Minister for the Arts for twelve hours and already artists have started killing themselves. Or so it seems when Marcus Taylor's body is fished from the Arts Centre moat. Was it really an act of protest over the state of arts fuding? And what's the political damage if the suicide note becomes public?

Maloney, Shane Stiff F MAL:S Don't you just hate it when someone tries to kill you and you don't know who or why? Single father Murray Whelan thinks the life of a political minder is tough enough. Throw in a femocrat ex, a snap- frozen Turk and a killer car, and he soon finds things spinning out of control. Then the red-hot Ayisha knocks on Murray's door.

Malouf, David An Imaginary Life F MAL:D Also available as an eBook. Marooned on the edge of the known world, exiled from his native tongue, Ovid depends on the kindness of barbarians who converse with the spirit world. But then he becomes the guardian of a still more savage creature, a feral child who has grown up among deer.

Malouf, David Remembering Babylon F MAL:D Set in the mid 1840's, a 13 year old boy is cast ashore in the far North of Australia and is looked after by Aborigines. Sixteen years later, when settlers reach the area, he rejoins the world of the Europeans.

Malouf, David Dream Stuff F MAL:D Nine haunting stories.

Mann, Thomas Death in Venice F MAN:T Avant-garde composer Gustave Aschenbach travels to a Venetian seaside resort in search of repose after a period of artistic and personal stress. But he finds no peace there, for he soon develops a troubling attraction to an adolescent boy, Tadzio, on vacation with his family.

Mantel, Hilary Wolf Hall F MAN:H England, the 1520s. Henry VIII is on the throne, but has no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged with securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this atmosphere of distrust and need comes Thomas Cromwell, first as Wolsey's clerk, and later his successor.

Mantel, Hilary Bring Up the Bodies F MAN:H This sequel to Hilary Mantel's 2009 Man Booker Prize winner, Wolf Hall, delves into the heart of Tudor history with the downfall of Anne Boleyn.

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia One Hundred Years of Solitude F MAR:G The story of seven generations of the Buendia family and of Macondo, they have built.

Martel, Yann Life of Pi F MAR:Y Also available as an eBook. After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, one solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The crew of the surviving vessel consists of a hyena, a zebra, a female orang-utan, a Royal Bengal tiger and Pi - a 16 year old Indian boy.

Martin, George R.R. A Game of Thrones F MAR:G Also available as an eBook. In a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime, trouble is brewing. The cold is returning, and in the frozen wastes of the north of Winterfell, sinister and supernatural forces are massing beyond the kingdom's protective wall. At the centre of the conflict lie the Starks of Winterfell, a family as harsh and unyielding as the land they were born to.

McCarthy, Cormac All the Pretty Horses F MCC:C Also available as an eBook. John Grady Cole is the last bewildered survivor of long generations of Texas ranchers. Finding himself cut off from the only life he has ever wanted, he sets out for Mexico with his friend Lacey Rawlins. Befriending a third boy on the way, they find a country beyond their imagining: barren and beautiful, rugged yet cruelly civilised; a place where dreams are paid for in blood.

McCarthy, Cormac The Crossing F MCC:C Also available as an eBook. Following "All the Pretty Horses" in Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy, Billy and Boyd Parham are just boys in the years before the Second World War but on the cusp of unimaginable events. Together they strike out yet again to reclaim what is theirs - one brother finds his destiny, while the other arrives only at his fate.

McCarthy, Cormac The Road F MCC:C Also available as an eBook. A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged, nuclear landscape save the ash on the wind. Their destination is the coast, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there.

McEwan, Ian Atonement F MCE:I Also available as an eBook and a Talking Book: TB F MCE:I On a summer day in 1935, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis witnesses a moment's flirtation between her older sister, Cecilia, and Robbie Turner, the son of a servant. But Briony's incomplete grasp of adult motives and her precocious imagination bring about a crime that will change all their lives.

McGahan, Andrew The White Earth F MCG:A His father dead by fire and his mother plagued by demons of her own, William is cast upon the charity of his unknown uncle - an embittered old man encamped in the ruins of a once great station homestead, Kuran House. It's a baffling and sinister new world for the boy, a place of decay and secret histories.

Morrison, Toni Beloved F MOR:T It is the mid-1800s. At Sweet Home in Kentucky, an era is ending as slavery comes under attack from the abolitionists. The worlds of Halle and Paul D. are to be destroyed in a cataclysm of torment and agony. The world of Sethe, however, is to turn from one of love to one of violence and death - the death of Sethe's baby daughter Beloved, whose name is the single word on the tombstone, who died at her mother's hands, and who will return to claim retribution.

Morrison, Toni Song of Solomon F MOR:T Milkman Dead was born shortly after a neighborhood eccentric hurled himself off a rooftop in a vain attempt at flight. For the rest of his life he, too, will be trying to fly. As she follows Milkman from his rustbelt city to the place of his family's origins, Toni Morrison introduces an entire cast of strivers and seeresses, liars and assassins, the inhabitants of a fully realized black world.

McCullers, Carson The Heart is a Lonely Hunter F MCC:C Four lonely individuals, marginalized misfits in their families/communities, each obsessed with a vision of his or her place in the world, collect about a single deaf-mute with whom they share their deepest secrets.

Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita F NAB:V Poet and pervert, Humbert Humbert becomes obsessed by twelve-year- old Lolita and seeks to possess her, first carnally and then artistically, out of love, 'to fix once for all the perilous magic of numphets'. This seduction is one of many dimensions in Nabokov's dizzying masterpiece, which is suffused with a savage humour and rich, elaborate verbal textures.

Naipaul, V.S. A Bend in the River F NAI:V The novel takes us deeply into the life of one man - an Indian who, uprooted by the bloody tides of Third World history, has come to live in an isolated town at the bend of a great river in a newly independent African nation.

Naipaul, V.S. The Mimic Men F NAI:V It would be possible to describe this as a novel about London, about the disintegration of empire, about order and disorder, about placelessness or about self-discovery.

Naipaul, V.S. The Enigma of Arrival F NAI:V Taking its title from the strangely frozen picture by the surrealist painter Giorgio de Chirico, The Enigma of Arrival tells the story of a young Indian from the Caribbean arriving in post-imperial England and consciously, over many years, finding himself as a writer.

Ondaatje, Michael The English Patient F OND:M Also available as an eBook. A turbulent story of love of passion. Set in Florence, just as the Second World War is ending, three men and a woman are stranded in a damaged villa. Upstairs lied the English pations, badly burned and unable to move.

Ondaatje, Michael Anil’s Ghost F OND:M Sri Lanka, a country steeped in centuries of tradition, now forced into the late twentieth century by the ravages of the civil war. Into this maelstrom steps Anil Tissera, a young woman born in Sri Lanka, educated in England and America, who returns to Sri Lanka as a forensic anthropologist sent by an international human rights group to investigate the organised murder campaigns engulfing the island.

Orwell, George 1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) F ORW:G Also available as an eBook. Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the harsh totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party.

Orwell, George Animal Farm : a Fairy Story F ORW:G Also available as an eBook. At Farmer Jones farm the pigs lead a revolt to drive out the humans and put themselves in charge of the new totalitarian state in this classic satire on communism.

Ozeki, Ruth L. My Year of Meat F OZE:R In a single, eye-opening year, two women, worlds apart, experience parallel awakenings. Jane Tagaki- Little researches the consumption of meat in the American home for a Japanese docu-soap, "My American Wife!” This draws her together with a housewife in Tokyo, Akiko Ueno.

Palahniuk, Chuck Fight Club : a Novel F PAL:C Fight club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter and dark, anarchic genius. Every weekend, in basements and parking lots across the country, pairs of young white-collar men meet to fight each other barehanded.

Pamuk, Orhan The Museum of Innocence : a Novel F PAM:O Set in Istanbul between 1975 and today, The Museum of Innocence tells the story of Kemal, the son of one of Istanbul's richest families, and of his obsessive love for a poor and distant relation, the beautiful Fusun, who is a shop-girl in a small boutique.

Pasternak, Boris Doctor Zhivago F PAS:B Doctor Zhivago is the epic story of the life and loves of a poet-physician during the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. Taking his family from Moscow to what he hopes will be shelter in the Ural Mountains, Yuri Zhivago finds himself instead embroiled in the battle between the Whites and the Reds, and in love with the tender and beautiful nurse Lara.

Paull, Laline The Bees F PAU:L Born into the lowest class of her society, Flora 717 is a sanitation bee, only fit to clean her orchard hive. Living to accept, obey and serve, she is prepared to sacrifice everything for her beloved holy mother, the Queen. But Flora is not like other bees. Despite her ugliness she has talents that are not typical of her kin.

Pears, Iain An Instance of the Fingerpost F PEA:I Also available as an eBook. Set in Oxford in the 1660s - a time and place of great intellectual, scientific, religious and political ferment - this remarkable novel centres around a young woman, Sarah Blundy, who stands accused of the murder of Robert Grove, a fellow of New College.

Proulx, E. Annie The Shipping News F PRO:E Quoyle is a hopeless hack journalist living and working in New York. When his no good wife is killed in a spectacular road accident, Quoyle heads for the land of his forefathers - the remotest corner of far flung Newfoundland. With the aunt and his delinquent daughter - Bunny and Sunshine - in tow, Quoyle finds himself a part of an unfolding, exhilarating Atlantic drama.

Pynchon, Thomas The Crying of Lot 49 F PYN:T The Crying of Lot 49 opens as Oedipa Maas discovers that she has been made executrix of a former lover's estate. The performance of her duties sets her on a strange trail of detection, in which bizarre characters crowd in to help or confuse her. But gradually, death, drugs, madness and marriage combine to leave Oepida in isolation on the threshold of revelation, awaiting The Crying of Lot 49.

Rhue, Morton The Wave F RHU:M Nazi-style system sweeps through an American high school when a classroom experiment goes too far.

Robinson, Marilynne Gilead F ROB:M In 1956, toward the end of Reverend John Ames's life, he begins a letter to his young son, a kind of last testament to his remarkable forebears.

Roy, Arundhati The God of Small Things F ROY:A Set against a background of political turbulence in Kerala, this novel tells the story of twins Esthappen and Rahel. Amongst the vats of banana jam and heaps of peppercorns in their grandmother's factory they try to craft a childhood for themselves amidst what constitutes their family.

Rushdie, Salman Midnight’s Children F RUS:S Saleem Sinai was born at midnight, the midnight of India's independence, and finds himself mysteriously 'handcuffed to history' by the coincidence. He is one of 1,001 children born at the midnight hour, each of them endowed with an extraordinary talent - and whose privilege and curse it is to be both master and victims of their times.

Rushdie, Salman Shame F RUS:S Omar Khayyam Shakil had three mothers who shared the symptoms of pregnancy, as they did everything else, inseparably. At their six breasts, Omar was warned against all feelings and nuances of shame. It was training which would prove useful when he left his mothers' fortress (via the dumb- waiter) to face his shameless future.

Rushdie, Salman The Satanic Verses F RUS:S Just before dawn one winter's morning, a hijacked jumbo jet blows apart high above the English Channel. Two figures fall to the sea, later washing up, alive, on a beach. It was an ambiguous miracle, for both seem to have acquired curious changes. Both have been chosen as opponents in the eternal wrestling match between Good and Evil.

Russo, Richard Empire Falls F RUS:R Empire Falls, Maine: the Whiting family, owners of the mills and the shirt factory, have sold out to a multinational. The Whiting men have invariably married women who make their lives a misery. C.B. Whiting is no exception. Now his wife, the last Mrs Whiting, presides like a black widow spider over the declining fortunes of the town.

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de The Little Prince F SAI:A The Little Prince is the story of a little boy who lives alone on a planet not much bigger than himself. One day he leaves behind the safety of his childlike world to travel around the universe where he is introduced to the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a trip to Earth and further adventures.

Sankaran, Lavanya The Red Carpet F SAN:L A collection of short stories. From traditional mothers trying to marry off their Westernised children to software billionaires, chauffeurs and the legacy of the Raj, Lavanya Sankaran's stories of Bangalore, India's Silicone Valley, are a pleasure from first to last.

Sartre, Jean Paul Nausea F SAR:J In this novel, Antoine Roquentin, an introspective historian, records the disturbing shifts in his perceptions and his struggle to restore meaning to life in a continuing present and without lies. This is Sartre's first published novel and his first extended essay on existential philosophy.

Schlink, Bernhard The Reader F SCH:B Traces the relationship between a German lawyer, Michael, and an older woman, Hanna. Beginning with their brief affair in post-war Germany and goes on to reveal that Hanna had been a guard at Auschwitz, a crime for which she is imprisoned.

Sebald, W.G Emigrants F SEB:W Also available as an eBook. At first this novel appears simply to document the lives of four Jewish emigres in the twentieth century. But gradually, as Sebald's precise, almost dreamlike prose begins to work its magic, the four narrations merge into one overwhelming evocation of exile and loss.

Sebald, W.G. Austerlitz F SEB:W In 1939, five-year-old Jacques Austerlitz is sent to England on a Kindertransport and placed with foster parents. This childless couple promptly erase from the boy all knowledge of his identity and he grows up ignorant of his past.

Sebald, W.G. Vertigo F SEB:W Part fiction, part travelogue, the narrator of this compelling masterpiece pursues his solitary, eccentric course from England to Italy and beyond, succumbing to the vertiginous unreliability of memory itself.

Sebald, W.G. Rings of Saturn F SEB:W Begins as the record of a journey on foot through coastal East Anglia. From Lowestoft to Southwold to Bungay, Sebald's own story becomes the conductor of evocations of people and cultures past and present: of Chateaubriand, Thomas Browne, Swinburne and Conrad, of fishing fleets, skulls and silkworms.

Serong, Jock On the Java Ridge F SER:J On the Java Ridge, skipper Isi Natoli and a group of Australian surf tourists are anchored beside an idyllic reef off the Indonesian island of Dana. In the Canberra office of Cassius Calvert, Minister for Border Integrity, a Federal election looms and (not coincidentally) a hardline new policy is being announced regarding maritime assistance to asylum-seeker vessels in distress.

Shteyngart, Gary Super Sad True Love Story F SHT:G In a very near future a functionally illiterate America is about to collapse. But don't tell that to poor Lenny Abramov, proud author of what may well be the world's last diary.

Smith, Martin Cruz Gorky Park F SMI:M A triple murder in a Moscow amusement center: three corpses found frozen in the snow, faces and fingers missing. Chief homicide investigator Arkady Renko is brilliant, sensitive, honest, and cynical about everything except his profession. To identify the victims and uncover the truth, he must battle the KGB, FBI, and New York police as he performs the impossible - and tries to stay alive doing it.

Smith, Zadie White Teeth F SMI:Z Also available as an eBook. Tells the story of three families, one Indian, one white and one mixed, in North London and Oxford, from World War II to the present day.

Steinbeck, John Grapes of Wrath F STE:J Drought and economic depression are driving thousands from Oklahoma. As their land becomes just another strip in the dust bowl, the Joads, a family of sharecroppers, decide they have no choice but to follow.

Swift, Jonathan Gulliver’s Travels F SWI:J Also available as an eBook and a Talking Book: TB F WI:S Swift's great satire takes the reader with the hero, Gulliver, to the land of Lilliput which is inhabited by little people.

Swift, Graham Last Orders F SWI:G Four men close to Jack Dodds, a London butcher, meet to carry out his peculiar last wish: to have his ashes scattered into the sea. For reasons best known to herself, Jack's widow, Amy, declines to join them.

Tan, Amy The Joy Luck Club F TAN:A The Joy Luck Club was formed of four Chinese women recently moved to San Francisco who meet to eat dim sum, play mah-jong and to share stories. Forty years on they and their daughters tell wise and witty tales of hope, loss, family and history.

Temple, Peter The Broken Shore F TEM:P Available as an eBook. Shaken by a recent scrape with death, bit-city detective Joe Cashin is posted to a quiet town in on the Australian coast. But soon the whole community is thrown into unrest by the murder of a local philanthropist, a man with some very disturbing secrets.

Theroux, Paul The Mosquito Coast F THE:P Allie Fox abandons twentieth-century civilisation and takes his family to live in the Honduran jungle. There, his tortured, quixotic genius keeps them alive, his hoarse tirades harrying them through a diseased and dirty Eden towards unimaginable darkness and terror.

Toibin, Colm The Blackwater Lightship F TOI:C It is Ireland in the early 1990s. Three women, Dora Devereux, her daughter Lily and her grand-daughter Helen, have arrived, after years of strife, at an uneasy peace with each other. Now, however, Declan, Helen's brother, is dying and the three of them come together with two of Declan's friends. All six of them are forced to listen to, and come to terms with each other.

Tyler, Anne Digging to America F TYL:A Also available as an eBook. A story about what it is to be an American, and about Maryam Yazdan, who after thirty-five years in America, must finally come to terms with her “outsiderness.”

Tyler, Anne Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant F TYL:A Also available as an eBook. When Pearl Tull's husband, Beck, abandons her she pours her energies into preserving normality. Only gradually do her three children realise their father is gone for good.

Vonnegut, Kurt Slaughterhouse Five F VON:K Also available as an eBook. Through a series of randomly related events Billy Pilgrim describes his three lives: as an American soldier in World War II who survives the Dresden bombing; as a postwar happily married optometrist; and as a person kidnapped and transplanted to the planet Trafalmador, where he is on exhibit in a zoo. This is a satirical condemnation of war and violence and the people responsible for both.

Watson, Don A Single Tree F WAT:D These diverse and haunting voices span the four centuries since Europeans first set eyes on the continent. Each of these varied contributors - settlers, explorers, anthropologists, naturalists, stockmen, surveyors, itinerants, artists and writers- represents a particular place and time.

Wells, H.G. The Time Machine F WEL:H Late in the nineteenth century, a Victorian scientist shows his disbelieving dinner guests a device he claims is a Time Machine. Respectable London scarcely has the imagination to cope with him. A week later they reconvene to find him ragged, exhausted and garrulous. The tale he tells is of the year 802,701, of life as it is lived exactly on the same spot, in what once had been London. He has visited the future, he has encountered the future-race - elfin, beautiful, vegetarian, leading a life of splendid idleness. But this is not the only race; these are not our only descendants.

Winton, Tim The Riders F WIN:T Fred Scully waits at the arrival gate of an international airport, anxious to see his wife and seven-year- old daughter. The flight lands, the glass doors hiss open, and Scully's life begins to go down in flames.

Winton, Tim Dirt Music F WIN:T Set in the wild landscape of Western Australia, this is a novel about the odds of breaking with the past, a love story about people stifled by grief or regret, whose dreams are lost, whose hopes have dried up. It's a journey across landscapes within and without, about the music that sometimes arises from the dust.

Winton, Tim An Open Swimmer F WIN:T Jerra and his best mate Sean set off in a beaten-up old VW to go camping on the coast. Jerra's friends and family want to know when he will finish university, when he will find a girl. However, they don't understand about Sean's mother, Jewel, or the bush or the fish with the pearl.

Winton, Tim Breath F WIN:T When paramedic Bruce Pike arrives too late to save a boy found hanged in his bedroom he senses immediately that this lonely death is an accident.

Winton, Tim The Shepherd’s Hut F WIN:T For years Jaxie Clackton has dreaded going home. His beloved mum is dead, and he wishes his dad was too, until one terrible moment leaves his life stripped to nothing. No one ever told Jaxie Clackton to be careful what he wishes for. And so Jaxie runs.

Woodrell, Daniel Winter’s Bone F WOO:D Ree Dolly's father has skipped bail on charges that he ran a crystal meth lab, and the Dollys will lose their house if he doesn't show up for his next court date. With two young brothers depending on her, 16-year-old Ree knows she has to bring her father back, dead or alive.

Woolf, Virginia Mrs Dalloway F WOO:V Clarissa Dalloway, elegant and vivacious, is preparing for a party and remembering those she once loved. In another part of London, Septimus Warren Smith is shell-shocked and on the brink of madness. Smith's day interweaves with that of Clarissa and her friends, their lives converging as the party reach its glittering climax. Past, present and future are brought together one momentous June day of 1923.

Wharton, Edith The Age of Innocence F WHA:E Also available as an eBook. In the narrow, elitist world of upper-class New York, Newland Archer awaits his marriage to May Welland, a young girl 'who knew nothing and expected everything'. Into this potentially delicate situation bursts the mysterious and exotic Countess Olenska - on the run from an appallingly unhappy marriage. As she alternatively captivates and outrages New York society, Newland gradually finds his sympathy for the Countess turning into something far more dangerous.

Wright, Richard Native Son F WRI:R Gripping and furious, Native Son follows Bigger Thomas, a young black man who is trapped in a life of poverty in the slums of Chicago. Unwittingly involved in a wealthy woman's death, he is hunted relentlessly, baited by prejudiced officials, charged with murder and driven to acknowledge a strange pride in his crime.

Zamyatin, Yevgeny We F ZAM:Y The citizens of the One State live in a condition of 'mathematically infallible happiness'. D-503 decides to keep a diary of his days working for the collective good in this clean, blue city state where nature, privacy and individual liberty have been eradicated. But over the course of his journal D-503 suddenly finds himself caught up in unthinkable and illegal activities - love and rebellion.


Beckett, Samuel Waiting for Godot : a Tragicomedy in Two Acts 822.91 BEC “Waiting for Godot” is an absurdist play, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait endlessly and in vain for someone named Godot to arrive.

Bolt, Robert A Man for All Seasons : a Play of Sir Thomas More 822.914 BOL The classic play about Sir Thomas More, the Lord chancellor who refused to compromise and was executed by Henry VIII. A Man for All Seasons asks us, "How far would we go to remain honest?" In the case of Sir Thomas More, we behold a man who speaks with utmost sincerity, a virtue that will cost him his life.

Dorfman, Ariet Death and the Maiden 862.64 DOR A woman seeks revenge when the man she believes to have been her torturer happens to re-enter her life.

Murder in the Cathedral (in: ‘The Complete Poems Eliot, T.S. and Plays of T.S. Eliot’) 821.912 ELI Murder in the Cathedral, poetic drama in two parts, with a prose sermon interlude, is the most successful play by American English poet T.S. Eliot. The play was performed at Canterbury Cathedral in 1935 and published the same year. Set in December 1170, it is a modern miracle play on the martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury.

Accidental Death of an Anarchist (in: ‘Plays 1 : Mistero Fo, Dario Buffo’) 852.91 FO A man has fallen to his death from a police station window. Did he jump or was he pushed? The cops want a cover up, but first they have to contend with an unlikely detective – a certified lunatic with a knack for impersonation. Accidental Death of an Anarchist is a play by Italian playwright and left-wing activist Dario Fo. Considered a classic of 20th-century theatre, it has been performed across the world in more than forty countries.

Frayn, Michael Copenhagen (in: ‘Plays 4 : Michael Frayn’) 822.914 FRA Copenhagen is a play based on an event that occurred in Copenhagen in 1941, a meeting between the physicists Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.

Fugard, Athol “Master Harold”…and the Boys 822.914 FUG This play about a young white boy and two African servants is at once a compelling drama of South African apartheid and a universal coming-of-age story.

Gow, Michael Away A822.3 GOW Three Australian families set out separately but are driven together by a storm.

Guare, John Six Degrees of Separation 812.54 GUA "Six degrees of separation" is inspired by a true story. The play follows the trail of a young con man, Paul who insinuates himself into the lives of a wealthy New York couple, Ouisa and Flan Kittredge, claiming he knows their son at college. Paul tells them he is the son of actor Sidney Poitier, and that he has just been mugged and all his money is gone. They invite him to stay overnight. In the morning they discover him in bed with a young male hustler from the streets, and the picture begins to change.

Ionesco, Eugene The Bald Prima Donna : a Pseudo Play in One Act 842.914 ION:W The Smiths are a traditional couple from London who have invited another couple, the Martins, over for a visit. They are joined later by the Smiths’ maid, Mary, and the local fire chief, who is also mary’s lover. The two families engage in meaningless banter, telling stories and relating nonsensical poems. At one point, Mrs Martin converses with her husband as if he were a stranger she just met.

Miller, Arthur The Crucible : a Play in Four Acts 812.54 MIL Based on historical people and real events, Arthur Miller's play uses the destructive power of socially sanctioned violence unleashed by the rumors of witchcraft as a powerful parable about McCarthyism.

Nowra, Louis The Golden Age A822.3 NOW Francis Morris, a young engineer from Melbourne and his wealthy frien Peter, a geologist, depart on an endeabour of exploring the wilds of Tasmania. After becoming lost in the wilderness, they stumble upon a group of people who have been living in isolation since the mid-19th century.

Pinter, Harold The Caretaker (in: ‘Harold Pinter Plays : Two’) 822.914 PIN This three-act play involved interactions between a mentally-challenged man, Aston; a tramp, Davies, whom Aston brings home to his attic room; and Aston’s youngher brother, Mick, who appears responsible for the house.

Shaw, George Bernard Saint Joan 822.912 SHA This is one of Shaw's most unusual and enduringly popular plays. With Saint Joan (1923) Shaw reached the height of his fame and Joan is one of his finest creations; forceful, vital, and rebelling against the values that surround her. The play distills Shaw's views on the subjects of politics, religion and creative evolution.

Stoppard, Tom Arcadia 822.914 STO Concerning the relationship between past and present, order and disorder, certainty and uncertainty.

Thomas, Dylan Under Milk Wood : a Play for Voices 822.912 THO:D Also available as a Talking Book : TB 822.912 THO Gives an orchestration of voices, sights and sounds that conjure up the dreams and waking hours of an imagined Welsh seaside village within the cycle of one day.

Wasserman, Dale One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (The Play) Not held at SGS An inmate of a mental institution tries to find the freedom and independence denied him in the outside world.

Williamson, David Don’s Party A822.3 WIL Set during an election night party, Don's guests pursue the rituals of courtship and sexual competitiveness as a means of coping with the insecurities of their own empty lives. Williamson's brilliant satire examines a society on the threshold of emerging from a generation of comfortable, conservative political and social values.

Williamson, David The Club A822.3 WIL The Club is a satirical play that follows the fortunes of an Australian rules football club over the course of a season, and explores the clashes of individuals from within the club.

Williamson, David Travelling North (in: Collected Plays: Volume II) A822.3 WIL Frank and Frances find new life in a twilight love affair, to the consternation of their conventional children; their dream takes them north to the sun.

Wilde, Oscar The Importance of Being Earnest : and Other Plays 822.8 WIL Also available as a Talking Book: TB F

A classic comedy of manners in which two flippant young men, in order to impress their respected beloveds, pretend that their names are “Ernest,” which both young ladies believe confers magical qualities on the possessor.


2001 : a Space Odyssey (G) Director: Stanley Kubrick DVD 200 2001: A Space Odyssey is a countdown to tomorrow, a road map to human destiny, a quest for the infinite.

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (M+) Director: Stephan Elliott DVD ADV An Australian comedy about two drag queens and a transsexual who travel into the heart of the Australian outback to perform a cabaret show at an Alice Springs hotel.

Aguirre, the Wrath of God (PG) Director: Werner Herzog DVD AGU A few decades after the destruction of the Inca empire, a Spanish expedition leaves the mountains of Peru and goes down the Amazon river in search of gold and wealth. Soon, they come across great difficulties and Don Aguirres, a ruthless man who cares only about riches, becomes their leader. But will his quest lead them to "the golden city", or to certain destruction?

Alive (M 15+) Director: Frank Marshall DVD ALI The amazing, true story of a Uruguayan rugby team's plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes mountains, and their immense will to survive and pull through alive.

All the President’s Men (M) Director: Alan J. Pakula DVD ALL In the Watergate Building, lights go on and four burglars are caught in the act. That night triggered revelations that drove a U.S. President from office. Washington reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein grabbed the story and stayed with it through doubts, denials and discouragement.

Amazing Grace (PG) Director: Michael Apted DVD AMA Period biopic based on the real life of British slavery abolitionist William Wilberforce.

American Beauty (M) Director: Sam Mendes DVD AME The life of a normal guy in the suburbs of America is not usually what an audience wants to hear about. However, in this case middle-aged advertiser Lester Burnham is about to go through some rather interesting changes.

The Assassination of Richard Nixon (MA 15+) Director: Niels Mueller DVD ASS Focuses on the tragic story of the deeply disllusioned Sam Bicke who is bitter that the 'American Dream' is for him, and many like him, an empty promise.

Australia (M) Director: DVD AUS Set in northern Australia before World War II, an English aristocrat who inherits a sprawling ranch reluctantly pacts with a stock-man in order to protect her new property from a takeover plot.

Australian Rules (M 15+) Director: Paul Goldman DVD AUS In Prospect Bay, a remote outpost on the South Australian coast, two communities, the Goonyas (whites) and the Nungas (blacks), come together on the one field they have in common, the football field. But the underlying racism and class warfare threatens to make the team's greatest victories irrelevant.

Avatar (M) Director: James Cameron DVD AVA A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his order and protecting the world he feels is his home.

The Battleship Potemkin (PG) Director: Sergei Eisenstein DVD BAT Based on historical events the movie tells the story of a riot at the battleship Potemkin. What started as a protest strike when the crew was given rotten meat for dinner ended in a riot. The sailors raised the red flag and tried to ignite the revolution in their home port Odessa.

The Beach (MA 15+) Director: Danny Boyle DVD BEA Richard, a young American backpacker, is willing to risk his life for just one thing: that mind-blowing rush you can only get from braving the ultimate adventure.

Beneath Clouds (MA 15+) Director: DVD BEN A young Aboriginal girl, Lena, is escaping to Sydney from her remote town where the boys get in trouble from the police for petty crimes and the girls get pregnant.

Big Fish (PG) Director: Tim Burton DVD BIG Story revolves around a dying father and his son, who is trying to learn more about his dad by piecing together the stories he has told over the years. The son winds up recreating his father's elusive life in a series of legends and myths inspired by the few facts he knows. Through these tales, the son begins to understand his father's great feats and his great failings.

Billy Elliot (M) Director: Stephen Daldry DVD BIL A heartwarming tale of an 11 year old coal miner's son (Jamie Bell) in the north of England whose life is forever changed when he stumbles upon Mrs Wilkinson's ( Walters) ballet class during his weekly boxing lesson. Before long, he finds himself immersed in ballet, demonstrating a raw talent never seen before and reaching for a dream that changes the lives of everyone he touches.

Blade Runner (M) Director: Ridley Scott DVD BLA Rick Deckard prowls the steel-and-microchip jungle of 21st-century Los Angeles. He's a 'blade runner' stalking genetically made criminal replicants. His assignment: kill them. Their crime: wanting to be human.

Borgen (series) (M) Director: Adam Price DVD BOR A drama series about the fight for political power - and about the personal sacrifices and consequences this has for those involved on and behind the political stage.

Bowling for Columbine (M) Director: Michael Moore DVD BOW This anatomy of American culture is very funny, moving, challenging and surreal.

Brassed Off (M) Director: Mark Herman DVD BRA North Yorkshire, 1992. A local colliery band, led by Danny prepare for a national competition, despite the fact that they are faced with redundancy if their pit closes.

The Butler (M) Director: Lee Daniels DVD BUT Tells the story of chief White House butler Cecil Gaines who served eight American presidents over three decades, including Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan. Working intimately with these world leaders, from this unique vantage point, Cecil witnessed radical transformations in American history - from the civil rights movement to the war in Vietnam to the escalation of the Cold.

Cabaret (M) Director: Bob Fosse DVD CAB Classic screen musical directed by Bob Fosse and set in depression-era Berlin. Liza Minnelli stars as Sally Bowles, a singer at the decadent Kit Kat Club; Michael York is her gay flatmate Brian; and Helmet Griem is the rich aristocrat who sleeps with both of them.

Cabinet of Dr Caligari (PG) Director: Robert Wiene DVD CAB At a fairground, a Dr Caligari has a somnambulist, Cesare, who can predict the future. When a young man visits him and asks how long he will live the answer is until Dawn. The prophecy comes to pass and Cesare is the prime suspect. An early example of German Expressionist cinema.

Capitalism : a Love Story (M) Director: Michael Moore DVD CAP Moore explores the negative impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (MA 15+) Director: John Madden DVD CAP When Captain Antonio Corelli and his Italian army company arrive on the unspoiled island of Cephallonia, strong willed young Pelagia and the other villagers meet these univited guests with resentment.

The Castle (M) Director: Rob Sitch DVD CAS The Kerrigan family of Cooloroo, Australia live in a modest house. Never mind that it's built on a toxic landfill- adjacent to the constant hum of high-power lines- and sits on the landing path of a nearby airport. The happy-go-lucky Kerrigans consider their home as their castle!

Chocolat (MA 15+) Director: Lasse Hallstrom DVD CHO A woman and her daughter open a chocolate shop in a small French village that shakes up the rigid morality of the community.

Cold Mountain (MA 15+) Director: Anthony Minghella DVD COL Tells the story of a wounded Confederate soldier named Inman who struggles on a perilous journey to get back home to Cold Mountain, N.C. as well as to Ada, the woman he left behind before going off to fight in the Civil War.

The Corporation (PG) Director: Achbar & Abbott & Bakan DVD COR This film takes an in-depth psychological examination of the organization model through various case studies. What the study illustrates is that in the its behaviour, this type of "person" typically acts like a dangerously destructive psychopath without conscience.

Crash (MA 15+) Director: Paul Haggis DVD CRA Diving headfirst into the diverse melting pot of post-9/11 Los Angeles, this compelling urban drama tracks the volatile intersections of a multi-ethnic cast, examining fear and bigotry from multiple perspectives as characters career in and out of each other's lives.

Death in Venice (PG) Director: Luchino Visconti DVD DEA Avant-garde composer Gustave Aschenbach travels to a Venetian seaside resort in search of repose after a period of artistic and personal stress. But he finds no peace there, for he soon develops a troubling attraction to an adolescent boy, Tadzio, on vacation with his family.

La Dolce Vita (M) Director: Federico Fellini DVD DOL Marcello is a young playboy journalist who spends his days between celebrities and rich people, seeking ephemeral joy at parties and generally having a good time. When a famous film star comes to Rome, he does everything he can to meet her, and when he does, he is totally charmed by her.

Downfall (MA 15+) Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel DVD DOW It's the last days of Adolf Hitler, April 1945, and Hitler's personal secretary Traudl Junge finds herself in Der Fuhrer's bunker. Facing inevitable defeat, Hilter's moods range from defiance to thoughts of escape. Eva Braun parties while Magda Goebbels kills her children. The movie goes on to show how Hitler and Eva lived their last hours in the Bunker.

Easy Rider (M) Director: Denis Hopper DVD EAS Bikers Captain America and Billy set off across America on the proceeds of a cocaine deal. En route to the New Orleans Mardi Gras festival they stop off at a hippy commune, before being arrested in Texas for joining a street parade without a licence.

The Enigma of Kasper Hauser (G) Director: Werner Herzog DVD ENI Isolated since infancy in a dank cellar, the now-adult Kaspar is abandoned in 1820s Nuremburg by his unknown custodian; townsfolk futilely speculate on his origins, and he's shaped by a bourgeois villager who places rigid, conflicting restraints on his new and peculiar perspective on the world around him.

Fahrenheit 9/11 (M) Director: Michael Moore DVD FAH Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/ 11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation.

A Few Good Men (M 15+) Director: Rob Reiner DVD FEW Acclaimed drama about the dangerous difference between following orders and following one's conscience. A brash Navy lawyer is teamed with a gungho litigator in a politcally explosive murder case. Charged with defending two Marines accused of killing a fellow soldier, they are confronted with complex issues of loyalty and honour, including its most sacred code and its most formidible warrior.

Fitzcarraldo (PG) Director: Werner Herzog DVD FIT The story of Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald, an extremely determined man who intends to build an opera house in the middle of the Peruvian jungle.

Food Inc (PG) Director: Robert Kenner DVD FOO Lifts the veil on America's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of US regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA.

Frankenstein (M 15+) Director: James Whale DVD FRA Boris Karloff stars as the screen's most memorable monster in what many consider to be the greatest horror film ever made. Dr Frankenstein dares to tamper with life and death by creating a human monster out of lifeless body parts. But the Doctor's dreams are shattered by his creation's violent rage as the monster wakes to a world in which it is unwelcome.

Gallipoli (PG) Director: DVD GAL A compelling story of friendship and adventure between two Australian soldiers in 1915. The echoes of history blend with the friends extraordinary destiny as they become part of a lengendary World War I confrontation at Gallipoli.

Gandhi (M) Director: Richard Attenborough DVD GAN The biography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, who rose from a small-time lawyer to India's spiritual leader through his philosophy of non-violent but direct-action protest.

Gasland (M) Director: Josh Fox DVD GAS When filmmaker Josh Fox received a letter from the US government offering him a large sum of money to drill for natural gas on his land he decided to do some research into the process involved: hydraulic fracturing or "fracking". The things he discovered turned his blood cold.

Gattaca (M 15+) Director: Andrew Niccol DVD GAT Vincent is one of the last "natural" babies born into a sterile, genetically-enhanced world, where life expectancy and disease likelihood are ascertained at birth. Myopic and due to die at 30, he has no chance of a career in a society that now discriminates against your genes, instead of your gender, race or religion.

Gladiator (M) Director: Ridley Scott DVD GLA When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by a corrupt Emperor, he comes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge.

The Gods Must Be Crazy (PG) Director: Jamie Uys DVD GOD A comic allegory about a traveling Bushman who encounters modern civilization and its stranger aspects, including a clumsy scientistand a band of revolutionaries.

Good night, and Good Luck (PG) Director: George Clooney DVD GOO In the early 1950's, the threat of Communism created an air of paranoia in the United States and exploiting those fears was Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin. However, CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow and his producer Fred W. Friendly decided to take a stand and challenge McCarthy and expose him for the fear-monger he was.

Gran Torino (M) Director: Clint Eastwood DVD GRA Walt Kowalski has just lost his wife and his children want him to move out of the old neighborhood and into a senior citizens' home. Walt doesn't want to move even though more Asian people live in his Detroit neighborhood than Americans. Walt has a problem with Asians ever since he fought them in the Korean War. This prejudice explodes when Thao, the teenage son of the Hmong family next door, tries to steal his mint condition 1972 Grand Torino car.

The Great Dictator (G) Director: Charles Chaplin DVD GRE In Chaplin's satire on Nazi Germany, dictator Adenoid Hynkel has a double, a poor Jewish barber who one day is mistaken for Hynkel.

Groundhog Day (PG) Director: Harold Ramis DVD GRO A weather man is reluctantly sent to cover a story about a weather forecasting "rat" (as he calls it). This is his fourth year on the story, and he makes no effort to hide his frustration. On awaking the 'following' day he discovers that it's Groundhog Day again, and again, and again. First he uses this repetition to his advantage, then comes the realisation that he is doomed to spend the rest of eternity in the same place, seeing the same people do the same thing every day.

Henry V (PG) Director: Kenneth Branagh DVD HEN Henry V, King of England is not much more than a token, puppet King. Clergymen lead him to believe that he ought to invade France to secure his legal ancestral claim to the throne. The French King pondering his country's situation, is urged by the Dauphin, to enter into battle. What transpires is one of the great movie battle sequences in the Battle of Agincourt.

Holy Smoke (MA 15+) Director: DVD HOL While on a journey of discovery in exotic India, beautiful young Ruth Barron falls under the influence of a charismatic religious guru. Her desperate parents then hire PJ Waters, a macho cult de- programmer, who confronts Ruth in a remote desert hideaway. But PJ quickly learns that he's met his match in the sexy, intelligent and iron-willed Ruth!

Homeland (MA 15+) Director: Clark Johnson DVD HOM Carrie Mathison, a brilliant but volatile CIA agent, suspects that a rescued American POW may not be what he seems. Is Marine Sgt. Nicholas Brody a war hero... or an Al Qaeda sleeper agent plotting a spectacular terrorist attack on U.S. soil?

DVD HOU House of Cards (series) (MA 15+) Director: David Fincher A political drama series that slithers behind the curtain of power, sex, ambition, love, greed and corruption in modern Washington D.C.

I Love Huckabees (M 15+) Director: David O. Russell DVD ILO A pair of married detectives is hired to investigate a series of bizzare coincidences in the life of Albert Markovski. Chaos ensues as the detectives attempt to find meaning in Albert's life and in the lives around him.

In the Name of the Father (M) Director: Jim Sheridan DVD IN Tells the true-life saga of Gerry Conlon. A petty thief in strife torn '70s Belfast, Gerry's main interests are getting drunk and partying, much to the dismay of his quiet, frail father, Giuseppe. When Gerry angers the IRA, his father sends him to England, where his antics put him in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Interstellar (M) Director: Christopher Nolan DVD INT

The story of a team of pioneers undertaking the most important mission in human history. Matthew McConaughey stars as ex-pilot-turned-farmer Cooper, who must leave his family and a foundering Earth behind to lead an expedition travelling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future among the stars.

Into the Wild (M) Director: Sean Penn DVD INT After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete, Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life.

Invictus (PG) Director: Clint Eastwood DVD INV He was imprisoned 27 years for his heroic fight against apartheid. So what does Nelson Mandela do after he is elected president of South Africa? He rejects revenge, forgives his oppressors and finds hope of national unity in an unlikely place: the rugby field.

Japanese Story (M 15+) Director: Sue Brooks DVD JAP Against the background of an Australian desert landscape, Sandy, a geologist, and Hiromitsu, a Japanese businessman, play out a story of human inconsequence in the face of the blistering universe. The end of the journey leaves no-one capable of going back to where they started from.

La Jetee (PG) Director: Chris Marker DVD JET The story is almost entirely narrated using black and white stills. After Paris is destroyed by a third world war, the surviviors are forced to retreat underground where the scientists conduct strange time travel experiments in an effort to escape from a terrible present to a better past or future.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi (PG) Director: David Gelb DVD JIR A thoughtful and elegant meditation on work, family, and the art of perfection, chronicling Jiro's life as both an unparalleled success in the culinary world and as a loving yet complicated father.

The Joy Luck Club (M) Director: Wayne Wang DVD JOY Tells the epic story of four families whose extraordinary lives are filled with joy and heartbreak, richness and magic. From the war-torn fields of early-century China to the streets of modern-day San Francisco, the hopes, dreams and triumphs of two generations are revealed through the startling events that shaped their lives.

Kevin McCloud’s Man Made Home (PG) Director: Patrick Furlong DVD KEV Kevin McCloud has always dreamed of building an eco-friendly cabin in the woods - and now he's going to try to make his dream come true.

Latcho Drom (G) Director: Tony Gatlif DVD LAT Partly documentary and partly fiction, this is a re-tracing of the historic route of the Gypsies from India to Spain, told through gypsy music from around the world with no narration except for the songs themselves.

Lawnmower Man (M) Director: Brett Leonard DVD LAW Jobe Smith is an adult with the mental capacity of a six-year-old child whose uncanny gardening skills have earned him the nickname, "The Lawnmower Man". Though his mental deficiency has made him the target of local bullies, his innocence and gentle manner have earned him many friends. Jobe's life changes forever one day when he encounters the brilliant scientist, Dr. Lawrence Angelo, who hopes to help Jobe attain advanced intelligence through virtual reality and a new drug that he has developed.

Leviathan (M) Director: Audrey Zvyagintsev DVD LEV Set in a small town on the coast of the Barents Sea, the film follows Nikolai, who, together with his wife Lilya and son Romka, makes his living through his land and a small auto-repair shop.

Little Big Man (MA 15+) Director: Arthur Pen DVD LIT The Indian victory over Custer at Little Big Horn in 1876 is the setting for this sweeping epic, with Dustin Hoffman in a role requiring him to age to 120, as he attempts to right some historical wrongs by retelling his story of the massacre.

Local Hero (PG) Director: Bill Forsyth DVD LOC A Texas oil billionaire attempts to buy out a remote Scottish fishing village for an oil refinery and sends ace dealmaker Mac to secure his property rights. However, local eccentric Ben Knox refuses to sell his beach shack and Mac is forced to negotiate on Ben's terms.

M (PG) Director: Fritz Lang DVD M A psychotic child murderer stalks a city, and despite an exhaustive investigation fueled by public hysteria and outcry, the police have been unable to find him. But the police crackdown does have one side-affect, it makes it nearly impossible for the organized criminal underground to operate. So they decide that the only way to get the police off their backs is to catch the murderer themselves.

Master and Commander (M) Director: Peter Weir DVD MAS When 'lucky' Jack Aubrey's ship is suddenly attacked by a superior enemy, despite heavy damage to the ship and much of his crew injured, Aubrey sets sail in a high stakes exhilarating chase to intercept and capture their foe.

The Matrix (M) Director: Andy & Larry Wachowski DVD MAT In the near future, a computer hacker named Neo discovers that all life on Earth may be nothing more than an elaborate facade created by a malevolent cyber-intelligence, for the purpose of placating us while our life essence is "farmed" to fuel the Matrix's campaign of domination in the "real" world. He joins like-minded Rebel warriors Morpheus and Trinity in their struggle to overthrow the Matrix.

Metropolis (PG) Director: Fritz Lang DVD MET

Classic silent-film fantasy of futuristic city and its mechanized society, with upper-class young man abandoning his life of luxury to join oppressed workers in a revolt. Startling set design and special effects command attention throughout.

Midnight in Paris (PG) Director: Woody Allen DVD MID Gil and Inez are engaged to be married and on holidays in Paris with her parents. They are officially in love, but maybe what Gil really loves is Paris in the springtime. Exploring Paris on his own, Gil embarks on an enchanted journey to discover streets alive with hidden wonders that will change his life forever.

Mosquito Coast (PG) Director: Peter Weir DVD MOS Allie Fox is fed up with an America that "buys junk, sells junk, eats junk." So with a mocking "Goodbye America! Have a nice day," the brilliant inventor (nine patents, six pending) leads his trusting wife and four children into the remote jungles of Central America to carve out a new society.

The Namesake (PG) Director: Mira Nair DVD NAM Gogol Ganguli, a suburban teenager, finds himself caught between his Indian roots and his American birthright as he searches for his own destiny. From Calcutta to New York, Gogol and his Indian-born parents, must somehow strike a balance between age-old traditions and modern-day sensibilities as they search for a patch of common ground.

Nell (M) Director: Michael Apted DVD NEL In the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, a young woman lives completely isolated from modern civilization and other human beings. A local doctor discovers her, and tries to understand her unique language and behaviour, whilst protecting her from a hostile world.

The Newsroom (series) (M) Director: Aaron Sorkin (and others) DVD NEW The series centres on a cable news anchor, his new executive producer, his newsroom staff, and their boss. Together they set out on a patriotic and idealistic mission to do the news well in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles and their own personal entanglements.

North Country (MA 15+) Director: Niki Caro DVD NOR A fictionalized account of the first major successful sexual harassment case in the United States - Jenson vs. Eveleth Mines, where a woman who endured a range of abuse while working as a miner filed and won the landmark 1984 lawsuit.

Nosferatu, a Symphony of Terror (PG) Director: F.W. Murnau DVD NOS The first film to be based on the Dracula character created by Bram Stoker, a silent classic of German Expressionist cinema.

La Notte (PG) Director: Antonioni Michelangelo DVD NOT

A portrait of a marital dissolution in upper-class Milan. Giovanni, a succesful novelist, wanders around lost and bored between book launches and bouts of promiscuity. His wife Lidia coldly accepts her husband's infidelity, questioning her commitment to her marriage and her life.

Once Were Warriors (MA 15+) Director: Tamahori Lee DVD ONC Jake Heke is a violent man who beats his wife frequently when drunk, and yet obviously loves both her and his family. The movie follows a period of several weeks in the family's life showing Jake's frequent outbursts of violence and the effect that this has on his family. The youngest son is in trouble with the police and may be put into a foster home while the elder son is about to join a street gang. Jake's daughter has her own serious problems which are a key element in the plot.The themes in the movie have universal resonance that transcends class and culture.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (M) Director: Milos Forman DVD ONE McMurphy thinks he can get out of doing work while in prison by pretending to be mad. His plan backfires when he is sent to a mental asylum. He tries to liven the place up a bit by playing card games and basketball with his fellow inmates, but the head nurse is after him at every turn.

One Night the Moon (M) Director: Rachel Perkins DVD ONE Set in the 1930s, One Night The Moon is a musical drama about a young girl who goes missing in the rugged Australian Outback. A search party that includes an aboriginal tracker is sent out to find her.

Orlando (PG) Director: Sally Potter DVD ORL Young nobleman Orlando is commanded by Queen Elizabeth I to stay forever young. Miraculously, he does just that. The film follows him as he moves through several centuries of British history, experiencing a variety of lives and relationships along the way, and even changing sex.

A Passage to India (PG) Director: David Lean DVD PAS Tensions between Indians and the colonial British come to a boil when a white female tourist accuses a young Indian doctor of rape during a visit to caverns.

Promised Land (M) Director: Gus Van Sant DVD PRO Steve has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner, Sue Thomason. The town has been hit hard by the economic decline of recent years, and the two consummate sales executives see McKinley’s citizens as likely to accept their company’s offer – for drilling rights to their properties – as much-needed relief.

The Queen (M) Director: Stephen Frears DVD QUE When news of the death of Princess Diana, undoubtedly the most famous woman in the world, breaks upon a shocked and disbelieving British public, HRH Queen Elizabeth II retreats behind the walls of Balmoral Castle with her family, unable to comprehend the public response to the tragedy.

Rabbit Proof Fence (PG) Director: DVD RAB In the 1930s in the Australian outback three young aboriginal girls - sisters Molly and Daisy and their cousin Gracie are snatched from their mothers' arms in Jigalong, Western Australia and sent to a remote settlement at Moore River.

Ran (PG) Director: Akira Kurosawa DVD RAN Akira Kurosawa's re-telling of Shakespeare's King Lear magically mixes Japanese history, Shakespeare's plot and Kurosawas' own feelings about loyalty.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist (M) Director: Mira Nair DVD REL Follows the story of a young Pakistani man, Changez, chasing corporate success on Wall Street, who ultimately finds himself embroiled in a conflict between his American Dream, a hostage crisis, and the enduring call of his family's homeland.

The Remains of the Day (G) Director: James Ivory DVD REM Stevens is the perfect English butler at the estate of the politically inclined Lord Darlington. Steven's obsessively dutiful, thoroughly unsentimental way of life is challenged with the arrival of the new housekeeper, Miss Kenton, who is spirited as she is capable.

The Road (MA 15+) Director: John Hillcoat DVD ROA A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind and water.

Robin Hood (M) Director: Ridley Scott DVD ROB Following King Richard's death in France, archer Robin Longstride, along with Will Scarlett, Alan-a- Dale and Little John, returns to England. They encounter the dying Robert of Locksley, whose party was ambushed by treacherous Godfrey, who hopes to facilitate a French invasion of England.

Room with a View (PG) Director: James Ivory DVD ROO When a young Englishwoman and her spinster chaperone travel to Italy, they become acquainted with a free-spirited and unconventional Englishman and his enigmatic and romantically unhappy son.

The Secret Garden (G) Director: Agnieszka Holland DVD SEC It's a special garden where friendships blossom, illnesses fade away and sorrows flee. There troubled orphan Mary, her spoiled, sickly cousin Colin and kindly country boy Dickon discover that a world of caring can make a world of difference.

Selma (M) Director: Ava DuVernay DVD SEL The story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's historic struggle to secure voting rights for African-Americans - a dangerous and terrifying campaign that culminated in the epic march from Selma to Montgomery,

Alabama that galvanized American public opinion and persuaded President Johnson to introduce the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

Seven Years in Tibet (M) Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud DVD SEV Heinrich Harrer journeys to the Himalayas to climb mountains, leaving his wife behind in Austria. War breaks out while he's gone and he is placed in a prisoner-of-war camp. Harrer escapes to Tibet where he befriends the childhood Dalai Lama and witnesses the Tibetan/Chinese confrontation escalate.

Slumdog Millionaire (MA 15+) Director: Danny Boyle DVD SLU Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India’s “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much?

Stand by Me (M) Director: Rob Reiner DVD STA In a small Oregon town, four young friends are about to set off on the adventure of a lifetime.

Star Trek VIII : First Contact (PG) Director: Jonathan Frakes DVD STA The time is the 24th century and the ship is the newly commissioned Enterprise-E. Its captain, Jean- Luc Picard, has been ordered not to interfere in a combat between a Borg Cube and ships from the Federation. However, seeing the Federation is about to lose, Picard ignore his orders and take command of the defending fleet.

Strictly Ballroom (PG) Director: Baz Luhrmann DVD STR An accomplished ballroom dancer teams up with a beginner to compete in a prestigious dancing competition.

Ten Canoes (M) Director: DVD TEN A parable of forbidden love from Australia's mythical past, and a glimpse into aboriginal life centuries before European settlement.

Touching the Void (M) Director: Joe Simpson DVD TOU In June 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, two young but experienced climbers, set out to ascend the unclimbed West Face of the remote 21,000 Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. They managed to achieve the summit before disaster struck, leaving Simon Yates with an agonising decision to make - to cut the rope holding Joe or to surely die with him.

The Tracker (M) Director: Rolf de Heer DVD TRA When an Aboriginal man is accused of murdering a white woman, three white men are given the mission of capturing him with the help of an experienced Aboriginal (The Tracker). So they start their quest in the outback, not knowing that their inner wrestles against and for racism will be more dangerous that the actual hunting for the accused.

Treme (series) (MA 15+) Director: Agnieszka Holland (and others) DVD TRE Amid the ruins of an American city, ordinary people find themselves clinging to a unique culture and wondering if the city that gave birth to that culture still has a future. From the creators of The Wire comes a new series about adversity and the human spirit set in New Orleans in the aftermath of the greatest man-made disaster in American history.

Triumph of the Will (G) Director: Leni Riefenstahl DVD TRI Having made a short propaganda film for the Nazi Party earlier in 1934, Leni Riefenstahl was commissioned to make the official film of the Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg. Beginning with Hitler's God-like descent from the clouds to a rapturous welcome from the locals, the film is a series of rallies, speeches and parades.

True Grit (M) Director: Henry Hathaway DVD TRU A drunken, hard-nosed U.S. Marshal and a Texas Ranger help a stubborn teenager track down her father's murderer in Indian territory.

The Truman Show (PG) Director: Peter Weir DVD TRU He's the star of the show but he doesn't know it. The story about a man whose life is a nonstop TV show. Truman doesn't realise that his quaint hometown is a giant studio set run by a visionary producer/director/creator, that folks living and working there are Hollywood actors. Even his incessantly bubbly wife is a contract player.

The Tudors (series) (MA 15+) Director: Ciaran Donnelly (and others) DVD TUD King Henry VIII’s fierce passion to secure England’s world prominence and his own legacy leads him through a string of six wives, an ill-advised war with France and ultimately a place in history as one of the worlds most charismatic, most brutal and most deeply human kings.

Up in the Air (M) Director: Jason Reitman DVD UP Centres on Ryan Bingham, a business downsizing consultant who has spent his entire life booked into airport hotels, collecting air miles and browsing the departure lounge retail choices as he waits for his next flight across corporate America. It is a life that has left him detached from the real world, but it is a life that he has enjoyed, or thought he enjoyed. That is until he meets a kindred spirit in fellow business traveller Alex Goran.

Waking Ned Devine (PG) Director: Kirk Jones DVD WAK When Ned Devine dies from shock after winning the lottery, two longtime friends discover the body and agree that Ned would want them to benefit from his good luck. They embark upon an outrageous scheme to claim the ticket--but first they have to get all the townsfolk to go along with their plan.

Walkabout (M 15+) Director: Nicolas Roeg DVD WAL Chronicles the physical, spiritual and emotional journey of a sister and brother abandoned in the harsh Australian outback.

Wall Street (M 15+) Director: Oliver Stone DVD WAL In this behind-the-scenes look at big business in the 1980's, an ambitions young broker is lured into the illegal, lucrative world of corporate espionage when he is seduced by the power, status and financial wizardry of Wall Street legend Gordon Gekko.

V for Vendetta (MA 15+ Director: James McTeigue DVD V Tells the story of Evey Hammond and her unlikely but instrumental part in bringing down the fascist government that has taken control of a futuristic Great Britain.

Wag the Dog (M 15+) Director: Barry Levinson DVD WAG After being caught in a scandalous situation days before the election, the president does not seem to have much of a chance of being re-elected. One of his advisors contacts a top Hollywood producer in order to manufacture a war in Albania that the president can heroically end, all through mass media.

The West Wing (series) (PG) Director: Aaron Sorkin (and others) DVD WES Provides a glimpse into the inner workings of the Oval Office as seen through the eyes of an eclectic group of staffers led by President Josiah Bartlett. Pacing the West Wing morning, noon and night, Bartlet's loyal group strive to keep press and the public informed at every call.

Whale Rider (PG) Director: Niki Caro DVD WHA In a small New Zealand coastal village, Maori claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. When twins are born and the boy twin dies, Koro, the chief is unable to accept his granddaughter Pai as a future leader.

The Wire (series) (MA 15+) Director: (various) DVD WIR Viewed from the perspective of the principal characters, the police and their targets, The Wire captures a world where easy distinctions between good and evil and crime and punishment are challenged at every turn.

Yes Minister (series) (G) Director: Peter Whitmore (and others) DVD YES Yes Minister is one of the best loved satrical comedies ever produced and one that even politicians agree is frighteningly close to the truth.

Yolngu Boy (M 15+) Director: Stephen Johnson DVD YOL Three boys. One skin. One dream. Milika, Botj and Lorrpu are three Yolngu (indigenous) kids from the Top End of Australia caught in a collision between the brave new world of rap, football, street cred and the oldest living culture on earth. The three teenagers defy the law and embark on an epic journey to chase their dreams and confront their futures.


The Origins of Totalitatianism (in: ‘The Portable Arendt, Hannah Hannah Arendt’) 320.5092 ARE Describes and analyses Nazism and Stalinism.

Bryson, Bill Neither Here Nor There : Travels in Europe 910.4 BRY Bill Bryson brings his unique brand of humour to bear on Europe as he shoulders his backpack, keeps a tight hold on his wallet, and journeys from Hammerfest, the northernmost town on the continent, to Istanbul on the cusp of Asia. He traces his travels as a student twenty years before.

Bryson, Bill Down Under 910.4 BRY Bill Bryson travels to Australia and discovers "life on another planet, or a parallel universe where life was at once recognizably similar but entirely different".

Byron, Robert The road to Oxiana 915.56 BYR In 1933 Robert Byron began a journey through the Middle East via Beirut, Jerusalem, Baghdad, and Teheran to Oxiana - the country of the Oxus, the ancient name for the river Amu Darya which forms part of the border between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union.

Carey, Peter Wrong About Japan 920 CAR When Peter Carey offered to tak his son to Japan, 12-year-old Charley stipulated no temples or museums. He wanted to see manga, anime, and cool, weird stuff. His father said yes. Out of that bargain comes this enchanting tour of the namsion of Japanese culture, as entered through its garish, brightly lit back door.

Chatwin, Bruce The Songlines 305.89915 CHA The Songlines emerge as invisible pathways connecting up all over Australia: ancient tracks made of songs which tell of the creation of the land. The Aboriginals' religious duty is ritually to travel the land, singing the Ancestors’ songs: singing the world into being afresh.

Chatwin, Bruce In Patagonia 918.27 CHA Also available as an eBook. In Patagonia is an account of Bruce Chatwin's travels to a remote country in search of a strange beast and his encounters with the people whose fascinating stories delay him on the road.

Clendinnen, Inga Dancing With Strangers 994.02 CLE Because of the scarcity of written records of and by Indigenous Australians, their reactions, inner thoughts or spiritual responses to settlement is largely lost. Nevertheless, using the rich bounty of primary European sources available, the author attempts reconstruct the encounters between the convict settlers and the 'Australians' and the often disastrous consequences in a balanced manner.

Confucius The Analects 181.122 CHU The 'Analects' is a Confucian classic which appeared in book form in the Warring States Period. Comprising 20 'books' or chapters, it is a record of the words and deeds of Confucius, the philosopher and educator of ancient China and his disciples and students.

Davidson, Robyn Tracks 919.4 DAV This book is about one woman's solo trek across 1,700 miles of Australian Outback. A camel-trek from the heart of Australia, across 17,000 miles of hostile desert, to the sea - with only a dog and four camels for company.

Didion, Joan The White Album (in: ‘Live and Learn’) 814.5 DID Collection of essays about American culture and politics during the 60s and 70s.

Dyer, Geoff Out of Sheer Rage : in the Shadow of D.H. Lawrence 823.912 LAW:D Dyer was a talented young writer and determined to write a study of D.H.Lawrence. But when he sat down to write the book, he found himself distracted by ...everything!

Falconer, Delia Sydney 994.41 FAL Novelist Delia Falconer conjures up the sandstone, humidity, and jacarandas of Sydney. But she goes beyond these to find a far more complex city: beautiful, violent, half-wild, and at times deeply spiritual.

Fermor, Patrick A Time of Gifts : on Foot to Constantinople: From the Leigh Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube 914.04 FER In 1933, at the age of 18, Patrick Leigh Fermor set out on an extraordinary journey by foot - from the Hook of Holland to Constantinople.

Flannery, Tim The Explorers 919.404 EXP Tells the epic story of courage and suffering, of dispossession and conquest. It documents almost four centures of exploration and takes us beyond the frontier into a world of danger, compassion, humour, brutality and death.

Flannery, Tim Among the Islands 910.92 FLA Twenty-five years ago, Tim Flannery sets out to research the fauna of the Pacific Islands. With accounts of discovering, naming and sometimes eating new mammal species, he takes us on an enthralling journey.

Giddens, Anthony Runaway World : How Globalisation is Reshaping Our Libes 337 GID This book is based on the BBC Reith lecture series on globalisation delivered in 1999 by Anthony Giddens. Now updated with a new preface, it provides a succinct and skillful explanation of how and why globalisation is reshaping our lives and the effects it is having.

Gill, A.A. AA Gill is Away 910.4 GIL Twenty two long travel pieces.

Herzog, Maurice Annapurna : the First Conquest of an 8000-metre Peak 796.522 HER In 1950, no mountain higher than 8,000 meters had ever been climbed. Maurice Herzog and other members of the French Alpine Club resolved to try. This is the enthralling story of the first conquest of Annapurna and the harrowing descent.

Heyerdahl, Thor Kon-Tiki : Across the Pacific by Raft 910.9164 HEY This book tells the enthralling story of crossing the Pacific on a balsa-wood raft.

Hughes, John The Idea of Home 920 HUG Also available as an eBook. John Hughes writes about growing up in the Hunter Valley coal-mining town of Cessnock, in a household dominated by memories of the Ukraine, which his mother and grandparents were forced to flee during the Second World War. Hughes charts the effect their stories and routines had on him as a child, the way they shaped his imagination and determined his idea of himself, as a student in Newcastle and later as the holder of a prestigious scholarship at Cambridge University.

The Global Soul : Jet Lag, Shopping Malls and the Iyer, Pico Search for Home 910.4 IYE In the global village that our world has become, travel and technology fuel each other and us. Everywhere is made up of everywhere else, motion is our most constant state of being, our very souls have been put into circulation. Yet, as Pico Iyer points out in his fresh, acutely observant, and witty new book, even a global person must have a home.

James, Clive Unreliable Memoirs 920 JAM Also available as an eBook. "I was born in 1939. The other big event of that year was the outbreak of the Second World War, but for the moment that did not affect me."So begins the first instalment of Clive James's memoirs in which we follow the young Clive on his journey from boyhood to the cusp of manhood, when his days of wearing short trousers are finally behind him.

Jian, Ma Red Dust : a Path Through China 915.104 JIA In 1983, at the age of thirty, dissident artist Ma Jian finds himself divorced by his wife, separated from his daughter, betrayed by his girlfriend, facing arrest for ‘spiritual Pollution’ and severely disilliosioned with the confines of life in Beijing. So with little more thatn a change of clothers and twobars of soap, Ma takes off to immerse himself in the remotest parts of China.

Kingston, Maxine China Men 920 KIN Hong The author chronicles the lives of three generations of Chinese men in America, woven from memory, myth and fact. Here's a storyteller's tale of what they endured in a strange new land.

Three Men in a Raft : an Improbable Journey Down Kozel, Ben the Amazon 910.4 KOZ When Ben Kozel casually accepted a friend's invitation to raft down the Amazon he was setting out on the adventure of a lifetime.

Krakauer, Jon Into the Wild 920 MCC:K Why did Christopher McCandless trade a bright future--a college education, material comfort, uncommon ability and charm--for death by starvation in an abandoned bus in the woods of Alaska? This is the question that Jon Krakauer's book tries to answer.

Li, Cunxin Mao’s Last Dancer 920 LI A biography of a young Chinese peasant boy who emerged from abject poverty and became principal dancer with some of the greatest ballet companies of the world.

Macfarlane, Robert The Wild Places 914.1 MAC The Wild Places is both an intellectual and a physical journey, and Macfarlane travels in time as well as space. Guided by monks, questers, scientists, philosophers, poets and artists, both living and dead, he explores our changing ideas of the wild.

Macfarlane, Robert The Old Ways : a Journey on Foot 914.2 MAC In The Old Ways Robert Macfarlane sets off from his Cambridge home to follow the ancient tracks, holloways, drove-roads and sea paths that form part of a vast network of routes criss-crossing the British landscape and its waters, and connecting them to the continents beyond.

Machiavelli, Niccolo The Prince 320.1 MAC Based upon Machiavelli's first-hand experience as an emissary of the Florentine Republic to the courts of Europe, The Prince analyses the usually violent means by which men seize, retain, and lose political power.

Mandela, Nelson Long Walk to Freedom 920 MAN A Long Walk to Freedom brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A Long Walk to Freedom is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader.

Martin, Jesse Lionheart : a Journey of the Human Spirit 910.41 MAR On 31 October 1999, Jesse Martin, in his yacht "Lionheart", completed the last great adventure of the twentieth century becoming the youngest person to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world.

Matthiessen, Peter The Snow Leopard 915.496 MAT In 1973 Matthiessen journeyed with George Schaller, a field biologist, to the Himalayas, to study the wild blue sheep. They also hoped to see the rare, almost mythical snow leopard. Matthiessen is a student of Zen Buddhism and for him this was as much an inner journey as a field trip.

Mawson, Douglas The Home of the Blizzard : the Story of the Sir Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914 998.9 MAW A tale of discovery and adventure in the Antarctic-of pioneering deds, great courage, heart-stopping rescues and heroic perserverance.

McGregor, Ewan Long Way Round 910.41 MCG From London to New York, Ewan and Charley chased their shadows through Europe, the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Russia, across the Pacific to Alaska, then down through Canada and America. But as the miles slipped beneath the tyres of their big BMWs, their troubles started.

The Earth is Enough : Growing up in a World of Middleton, Harry Flyfishing, Trout, & Old Men 920 MID It is the year 1965, a year rife with change in the world -- and in the life of a boy whose tragic loss of innocence leads him to the healing landscape of the Ozarks. Haunted by indescribable longing, twelve- year old Harry is turned over to two enigmatic guardians, men as old as the hills they farm and as elusive and beautiful as the trout they fish for -- with religious devotion.

More, Thomas Sir Utopia 321.07 MOR Depicts an imaginary society free of private property, sexual discrimination and religious intolerance.

Newby, Eric A Small Place in Italy 914.55 NEW In 1967 Eric and Wanda Newby fulfilled a long-cherished dream when they bought a run-down farmhouse in northern Tuscany. With his characteristic wry humor and sharp eye for the quirks of human nature, he paints an unforgettable picture of rural Italy and its people.

Newby, Eric A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush 910.4 NEW Newby set out with a friend to explore the formidable peaks of the Nuristan Mountains in northeast Afghanistan. His witty, unorthodox report is packed with incidents both ghastly and ecstatic as he takes us where few Western feet have trod.

Ondaatje, Michael Running in the Family 920 OND Also available as an eBook. A semi-autobiographical account of a journey back to the beginning, to Ceylon where Ondaatje was born into a privileged group of mixed Dutch, Tamil and Sinhalese origine.

Orwell, George Homage to Catalonia 823.912 ORW In 1936 Orwell went to Spain to report on the Civil War and instead joined the fight against the Fascists. This famous account describes the war and Orwell’s experiences.

Orwell, George George Orwell : Essays 824.912 ORW Brings together Orwell’s longer, major essays and a fine selection of shorter pieces.

Plato The Republic LOEB 888.01 PLA:S Republic, a masterpiece of philosophical and political thought, concerns righteousness both in individuals and in communities, and proposes an ideal state organized and governed on philosophical principles.

Rangely-Wilson, Charles Somewhere Else 910.4 RAN Rangely-Wilson takes us fly-fishing around the world. It is a book about escaping from what you think you know, to find out how things really are.

Read, Piers-Paul Alive : the Story of the Andes Survivors 920 REA On 13th October 1972, an aircraft carrying a party of Uruguayan rugby players and their friends took off from Argentina to fly over the Andes to Chile. In the middle of those jagged mountains, the aircraft got lost in dense cloud, hit a series of air pockets and crashed. Some of the 45 passengers and crew were killed on impact, others seriously injured.

Robb, Peter Midnight in Sicily 945.8092 ROB A book about Sicily, the mafia; part history, part reportage, part travelogue.

Robertson, Geoffrey The Justice Game 340.11 ROB An attempt to explain why justice matters. Justice is the great game precisely because its rule provides the opportunity of winning against the most powerful, and against the State itself.

Sales, Leigh Detainee 002 : the Case of David Hicks 343.73 HIC:S In a remote American military base at Guantanamo Bay, 385 enemy combatants sit waiting for their day in court. Among them is David Hicks, who was detained for five years until the March 2007 hearing where he pleaded guilty to the charge of providing material support for terrorism.

Saul, John Ralsont The Collapse of Globalism 337 SAU In addition to the negative aspects of Globalism, Saul also objectively analyzes its successes, such as the astonishing growth in world trade and the unexpected rise of India and China, which seem slated to become twenty-first-century superpowers.

Simpson, Joe Touching the Void 796.522 SIM In June 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, two young but experienced climbers, set out to ascend the unclimbed West Face of the remote 21,000 Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. They managed to achieve the summit before disaster struck, leaving Simon Yates with an agonising decision to make - to cut the rope holding Joe or to surely die with him.

Stiglitz, Joseph Globalization and its Discontents 337 STI The author explains the functions and powers of the main institutions that govern globalization--the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization--along with the ramifications, both good and bad, of their policies.

Tacitus The Annals of Imperial Rome 937.07 TAC:G Tells of the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero - a crucial period when the Roman Empire was at its zenith and the foundations of modern Europe were being laid.

The Pillars of Hercules : a Grand Tour of the Theroux, Paul Mediterranean 910.91822 THE At the gateway to the Mediterranean lie the two pillars of Hercules. Beginning his journey in Gibraltar, the author travels the long way round to Morocco's southern pillar.

Thoreau, Henry David Walden 813.54 THO It describes a two-year period from March 1845 to September 1847, during which the author retired from the town of Concord to live about at nearby Walden Pond. This was Thoreau's experiment in transcendentalism.

Thucydides The History of the Peloponnesian War 938.05 THU Thucydides’ classic work is a foundational text in the history of Western political thought. His narrativeof the great war between Athens and Sparta in the fifth century BC is now seen as a hightly sophisticated study of the nature of political power itself; its exercise and effects, its agents and victions and the arguments through which it is defended and deployed.

Tocquevill, Alexis de Democracy in America 320.973 TOC In 1831 Tocqueville set out from post-revolutionary France on a journey across America that would take him 9 months and cover 7,000 miles. The result was "Democracy in America": a subtle and prescient analysis of the life and institutions of 19th-century America.

Tomasi di Lampedusa, Guiseppe The Leopard 853.91 TOM Also available as a Talking Book: TB F TOM:G

A bitter-sweet tale of quiet lives in the small and apparently timeless world of mid-19th century Sicilian nobility. Through the eyes of his princely protagonist, the author chronicles the details of an aristocratic, pastoral society, torn apart by revolution, death and decay.

Watson, Don The Bush : Travels in the Heart of Australia 994 WAT The bush: few terms are as powerful, and few as hard to define. Far from a conventional history of it, this is an idiosyncratic, highly original and insightful journey through Australian landscape, history and culture.

The River at the Centre of the World : a Journey up Winchester, Simon the Yangtze, and back in Chinese Time 910.4 WIN Simon Winchester and his plucky companion Lily travel upstream all the way from bustling cosmopolitan Shanghai to Tibet, deeper and deeper into almost inaccessible territory and the hidden recesses of early Chinese history.


Blake, William London (in: William Blake : the Complete Poems) 821.6 BLA

This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison (in: The Coleridge, Samuel T. Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge) 821.7 COL

Homosuburbiensis (in: Sometimes Gladness : Dawe, Bruce Collected Poems, 1954-2005) A821.3 DAW

The Waste Land : a Facsimile & Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations Eliot, T.S. of Ezra Pound 821.912 ELI

The Darkling Thrish (in: The Complete Poems Hardy, Thomas of Thomas Hardy) 821.8 HAR

At Mornington (in : Selected poems : a New Harwood, Gwen Edition) A821.3 HAR:K

The Violets (in : Selected poems : a New Harwood, Gwen Edition) A821.3 HAR:K

Hughes, Ted The Badlands (in: Collected Poems) 821.914 HUG

Hughes, Ted 18 Rugby Street (in: Collected Poems) 821.914 HUG

Hughes, Ted Your Paris (in: Collected Poems) 821.914 HUG

Hughes, Ted You Hated Spain (in: Collected Poems) 821.914 HUG

Lawson, Henry Faces in the Streets (in: Poems of Henry Lawson) A821.2 LAW

Translations from the Natural World (in: Murray, Les Collected Poems) A821.3 MUR

Driving Through Sawmill Towns (in: Collected Murray, Les Poems) A821.3 MUR

Owen, Wilfred War Poems of Wilfred Owen 821.912 OWE

Pound, Ezra The Cantos of Ezra Pound 811.52 POU

Sassoon, Seigfreid The War Poems 821.912 SAS

Tintern Abbey (in: William Wordsworth : the Wordsworth, William Major Works) 821.7 WOR:G

Wright, Judith Collected Poems : 1942-1970 A821.3 WRI


Baker, Jeannie Window PB BAK A mother and baby look through a window at a view of wilderness and sky as far as the eye can see. With each page, the boy grows and the scene changes.

Briggs, Raymond The Tin-pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman PB BRI A deceptively simple narrative about the Falklands War becomes a powerful and provocative anti- war statement.

Clennett, J.W. The Diemenois GRA CLE Containing a thorough investigation into the particulars surrounding the notorious Abeilles Massacre of 1842 in the French exclave of Terre De Diemen Quest, with testimonies, evidences, facts, letters

and authentic narratives etc, taken from numerous authoriatiative sources, and replete with detailed charts, photographs from life and illustrations.

Marsden, John & Tan, Shaun The Rabbits PB MAR The rabbits came many grandparents ago. They built houses, made roads, and had children. They cut down trees. There was a whole continent of rabbits.

Satrapi, Marjane Persepolis GRA SAT The story of a girl growing up in Iran during the Revolution.

Spiegelman, Art Maus : a Survivor's Tale GRA SPI Spiegelman portrays the Nazis as cats, the Jews as mice, the Poles as pigs and the Americans as dogs. They are all terrifyingly human.

Tan, Shaun The Lost Thing PB TAN A boy discovers a bizarre-looking creature while out collecting bottle-tops at a beach. Having guessed that it is lost, he tries to find out who owns it or where it belongs, but the problem is met with indirrerence by everyone else, who barely notices its presence.

Wheatley, Nadia My Place PB WHE Depicts the history of one particular piece of land in Sydney from 1788 to 1988 through the stories of the various children who have lived there.


Aung San Suu Kyi Keynote Address at the Beijing World Conference on Women (1995) Transcript available:

Gandhi, Indira True Liberation of Women (1980) Transcript available:

King, Martin Luther I Have a Dream Transcript and audio: Video available on YouTube:

MacArthur, Brian The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches 808.85 PEN Brings together the words of over one hundred men and women who helped to change the world through the power of their oratory.

Quarterly Essay (Journal) Located at the magazine shelves.

Whiticker, Alan Speeches that Reshaped the World 808.85 SPE A collection of sixty of the greatest speeches of modern times: speeches that not only shaped and changed the world but also moved us to action - emotionally, politically and socially.