
1,200 (au nty~~' ~· h~i ~1 ~_re~' A_" M~a~y! ---:·G~e~t ~P_e_1 i.o--':---Sh-----"---o_fs IfCommiHee The Weather

S U~htl, cooler, eo .....er­ OK's able elolld1Mss ioda,. au Resulls toDlehL Rich Wa, •• ~ 45. Low 3Z to II. Putl, "loud, aDd mild WHD,.· Of '54 Tesls OWQ·n day. 1868 - lease~ Tuesday, April By DON McQUILLEN Est. AP Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. 5, 1955 A'bout 1,200 Johnson eounty children In the first and second S I 'u -, .~ . ,, ~ l i A t l-~ I: 1i m.. -:I, I!l f ~fi.f1:~~t§~Mn~ ays ' owa · (lion '-i;Ol1!lpe,;es I v~; lI ; H " \1!!; ~lr ' ~ Atfis 'aurants proved by the polio evaluation The Iowa City Restaurant as------committee, Ann Arbor, Mich. soclation Monday accused the ThQ Union, he charged, has things which make the Union a trying to gd a bill inu'oduced lions or the slate, voted not to with the intention or bringing dghts. The Junior Chamber at Announcement of the plans Iowa Memorial Union for what violated the lows which control competitive body," he claimed. in~o the leigslature which would endorse the bill, Albaugh said. Iowa City restaurant ownerS Commerce ha~, in the past, sold W3! made Monday by Dr. an association spokesman termed it. "It Is a known tact tnnt they Frnnk Albau¥h, president of a. k fOI' nn enforc ment of the "We are a comparatively new closer together so the y could box lunches at sam e football Franklin H. Top, head of pre- "interference wiln private el'l- don't check identification cards stale law which prohibits any group," he said, "and we do not t've medl'cI'ne and h"'gl'Ane at the restaul'ant as oci, tion, cited find the best way to solve com­ games, cel'(llinly contrary to our ven I J ' "erprise." to prevent people who are not state-owned I' 'staurant Crom have nIl the data necessary on mon problems, Ali.J.lugh said. wlshes. The Chamber ot Com­ SU[ and director of t,he Johnson The Union was charged as op- associatcd with the university the case or a wire or an Iowa compelin' with private business, lhe subject. There are now 65 members of mel'ce has also tought to keep liS coun.ty Salk polio vaccine pro- erating a competit(ve body from eating there," he said. City rcstaurant owner bein~ in- Kes~ lcr sa id. "We do believe t hat there the organization. "Although we traffic out or 10WD City aft.er gl'am, 0 committee of the county against private restaurants in "A girl was just in the store vited to a luncheon at the Union A repl'cselltative of the state have ~en some flagrant viola­ are young, we hope to grow in football games, II detriment to all medical SOCi ety. Iowa CI·ty. t d (M a ) h t Jd h' h d b t . i . . . a ay on ay woo us sne w IC was sponsore y a own as oclat on vIsited lowa City tions on the part or the univer­ stature shortly," Kessler said. restaurants :Ind tavern~," Kess­ j tersTop oC currently pel1lT1ission is supplyingto all John- let- "There I'S no doub'• that the h a d us t ea t en a t th e UOIon" WI th group WI- th no a rtll"lallons w Ilh lecent Iv to IOform' the lowa City. sity but we cannot prove this. "T he Chamber oC Commci ce ler said. son county schools for distribu- Union is in competition with local a group of C:iends. She also said the univerSity. group at the proposed bill. The We do not want to cause 111- has not been able to cope with "We .hope to for m II troup tion In cooperation with Frank restaurants," Don Kessler, vice ·Lhat none were students and The (owa Rest:lurant assocla- \ Iowa City branch, although in feelings between the city and our individual problems and we which we can consider our own J. Snider, superintendent of president of the organization. none had nn v other connection lion, which htls branches III sympa hy with the problems 1)( the univelsity," he added. telt a need for a g I' 0 U P th.t Chamber or Commerce," Kess"­ county schools, and superinten. said. with the university. These are about 30 cities in the state, Is I' sto urant owners in other sec- The association was formed would be able to ligb\ tor our \cr added. den~ of the Indi~dual schools. ------~------~------~------~------\ ~~------Under National Plan - . The children were selected BC' cordln'g to a naUon-wide plan e develnped by national health and c:ducallon o~ncia ls and ap­ proved by 60 (owa counties. II plans go throu.gh, it w ill be the fiNo!, polio inoculation held in I()WlI under local su.pervision. Lallt summer olllldren In Seou, a I e Woodbury and Linn countles were inoculated as part of a na­ tional test. Top said the launc hing of the program hinges finally on whether the vaccine is licensed City and approved by the Naltlonal Bill Would'Give Sports funds To S'fo,te O~~cials: On~y Insfiitute ot Health. The polio evaluation committee is sched­ uled to release i~ decision on • 'f A bill "CO''". by tho to< ". Formalities Remam the effcs.'tiv :ness of the Salk vision commll tile in the lowu va.ccine April 12, Top said. Churchill and Heir A sen :l~e "would relegate the low[j By SANDY LlTVACK I The vaccine will be licensed 2% Beer, athletic ~I:lnt . and program to Procter and Camble will build a nbW d.rug ! ,1ll.n.t here, pending ,if results of tests held last year that ot a third or fourth 1 ate final cOI1'JirmaUon from the company's headqu.:u-t.ers in O:ncln, ti, show it to be worthy. This school," SUI Athletle Director city ot!icials said Monday. • means the vaCICine would be Paul • Brechler. said Monday. "Tbe plans are a'most definite and it certainly se~ms the plant placed on sale to privalte physi­ Cigarette James Jordan, director ot uni­ will be In IOwa Cily," Keith Kafer, secretary at the low3 City cians, Top indica led. versity rela tions said the propos­ Chamber or Commerce, said. "However," her ~ld, "Proct~ and March of Dimes Fund ed law ""ould "urreet SUI in ------.--- - - Gamble musl announce thLs Tlf the vl\("ci!le is a,prproved, many ways." definitely." the f-{ational Fountation for (n­ Tax Pa'sses The bill (Scn:llc FU e 41 t) pro­ Roberol Stc-venson, heo.cL of the fanUle Paral)'5is will provide vides thut (Jny and all moneys TwoPurged · Chamber of qomme~e's- Indtl'>1- funds through the March of DES MOINES (iP) - The first collected by "any state depart­ triol committee at, lh~ bflrlnnin,g ' Dimes for the vaecin~ ·which will .ax bill to complete the legis­ cJ the negnUations, felt tha L the be sent to the Iowa state dep3l\t­ ment ... or Institution thereun· iative course this session - a der tram any· source ... shall be announcement would be made ment ot health for distribution _ill to levy lhe two per cent salcs oCfi.clally from CJncinnaU within to Iowa's eoun.ties. deposited wUn the trea. urer of In Red (hina tax against beer and cigarettes - n week or JO da~s. The Inoculations come in a state ang p'lae&! In the ,enodl passed in the house today by a fun.d." TOKYO (Tuesday) (II') - Kao .~fMmloit series of.. throe.. _TId are given in vote of 76-24. a muscle of the arm. The second "It Is n v ry aWe ping pro}>O­ ~ang, who bossed ned China's An ~&ttm:tktf ~m\U.lon fll~ Among those voting for the Injection follolWs ~he. firSit by siUon," Jorpah said, "and, ap­ five-yeor pIon, hos "committed be spent dUring , the flt&t ·year one week, and the third is given bill was Rep. Scott Swisher (D­ parentLy all receipts woul<.! go to ~ buy IpJld, bu[ld bile .pLant, h;re :owa City). suiclde" arLer being purged from tour weeks a,tter the second_ into the g~t1er'l fund lor reap­ cJTl(l')Loyes and produce the dtua Top stres~d that although the The bit!, which would yield an propriation. That would appar· Lh e Communist porty, Peiping produobs Ito· ~ 1J\an.~actured. offidal go-ahead can not come estimated $3,000,000 in additian­ ently include s dent actlvitles, I'odlo said Tuesday. ~fa),ph ~rtz., OWner Of 63- arc~es before Apri·1 12 preparations al revenue per year, passed the dormitories, endowments, gifts He was purged along wjth Jao on the lower MUS'eatine roo,d ~ mUllt ~ made so that aU three senate March 22 by a vote of and gl ants, and athletic receipts. Shu-shih, for "conspiring" to on which the company hOpes to Inoculations may be given be­ JI-14. "I would assume thai the mon­ build, has detinilely sold his fore schools close tor the sum­ seize "leadership of the party and land., said his cousin W. J. Lenz. Before sending the measure to ey would hElve to be reappro· mer ond th~ polio season begins. the governor, the house spent priated in ordeJ' that university the state." Jao, who W:lS a party A delegation ot 16 men from Ur~es Parent Action Jess than ha l! an hour in hearing secretary for East China, is alive, the state o.l IOW'a, lnoludl"* Gov. He unged parents at first and departments could run as they mostly objections to the bill. One now run. Peiping said, and "altacking the Leo A . F£0E'Jl{ and SUI Pre... ldent second ~rade children to return party." !1gil M. Hancher, wm leave the signed statement of permJs­ of the arguments aga inst the "Apparently SUI would hove measure was that it would faise Im"a City Wedtnew:ly by pLane sion as soon as possllble if theiY to set up pro~)lecU ve budg ts lind Pelplng chargl'd Kao tried to tfor 1,ile Procter and Gamble wish their children to receive the price of bcer to the extent then ask IhlJ ~ompLroller for the ~et members of the Jluge Red headquarters in Cincilmn1J. ~he vaccine. Wri bien permission ~hat it would drive people to money," he said, "or, perhaps lh from parents is essential in ob­ hard liquor. legislature would have to applo­ army "to support his conspiracy." Compan, Sent Letten CAP Wlre"hoto, taining an accurate detennina- When the bill was first called SIR ANTHONY EDEN, LEn, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were all smiles a. priate the money." First Chl.na Puree O~her members or the groop b!. up, the dead issue or liquor by they shared the platform at the CoD cress of the British Conserva.tlve party In Blaekpool, En&'land, Won't OPPOIe It was the first big party up­ will Include representatives businoess interests and public the drinl{ came up briefly in an Oct. 7, 1954. Eden then Inlroduced Churchill saytn ... "Throu~hout the world you are today aeknow. (Continued on page 6) Brechler said he would not op­ heaval since the Chinese Reds schools In Iowa City. The troup amendment by Representative ~reatest It SALK VACCINE- ledced as the man upon thb earth." Is expected In Britain that today Churchill wtll re- pose the biH If the legislature seized the mainland tn 1949. It Milroy (R-Vinton). , 511'n bJs POsi and hand It over to Eden. is going as IUCb"ls of PIrocter and were "willln,· to keep Iowa ath­ involved two men long c(lnsider- Gam'ble In reply to a lettte.r sent The house previously had kill­ .Ietic facilities on an equa I basis cd high in the pro-Russian wIn, by the company to the various ed its own measure of the same with other BI, Ten schools. The offidals. purpose. It could be revived only only trouble Is that they prob­ MT. Hancher ~.t that the pro­ by a two-thirds vote or the house Churchill6xpected To .Resign ably wouldn't do it." po6ed plant would have l~ttrle d­ to suspend the rules. The bill ~ems to "completely red. UJpOn the Wllverslt,. ~' They A couple of me'mbers called' overlook ·the faet th a t over the might take one 01 our erm>loyes attention to this point and then yearS, no profit is made in the or we ml;nt take' 'one o! tJhelrs. Milroy withdrew his amenc,lmeni. Idc!lciy ~ as Prime Minisfer athletic d~partment," 13rechler But t.he el'icct would be CYf little added. "The alhletlc rund will be consequenrce,'~ Mr. Hano/.J.eJ: add- Representative Frey (R-Ne­ LONDON (A') - AU Britain ed. 1 ala) opposed the bill. He argued SPORTS FUNDS-- City Manager Peter F. Roa.n that if the sales tax were applied expects lhat Churchill will re- old comrades of W01'ld War IT ed in Downing st. knew, how­ telit that the plant would. be a to a glass of beer it would be sign as Prime Minister today and days. ever, that they were witnessing ( Contirulcd' 011 page 6) great boon to lowa City tJosiness. hard for the retailer to collect hand his hlah office over to Sir Meanlnrtul List a special occasion as the parade ....,...~ of,Trlp Mr. Handler said Monday at the tax although he would have Anthony It was a list to add weight to of British notables alrived. el:.. R e KANG 'SRU-SIfUI Eden. an SUlI-Clty meeUng that he to pay It to the tax commission. the belief that the 80-year-illd There were the Edens, Field Ignt' aln ot the party. Both have been He said the sales tax on beer Just why Chur.chi11 is expected L th.o;!lght the pur.pose or trhe trip statesman was winding up hi s Malshal Viscount Mo"tgomery, , ~ I misSing from the news for more would hit at low Income persons to step down ho one can say w.lth last full day as head of the Brit- ·Mrs. Neville Chamberlain, widow d was to .acqualnt repl'j!Sfnt:a.tives .than n ycar. and commented that "beer is the certainly. But the crowds out- ish government. of the Prime MJllister . who m He-re· ,"Ofna o ~ of the 'state of' Iowa wi~ '·the . ~ . Action was laken after a party compal1y', pnxIllOt and its .-Pet.­ por man's champagne." He add- si~e his off~cial residence at 10 Today he is expected to advise Churchill succeeded in 1940, and former Prime Minister Cle­ ·N·burn'· . conference called by the Central sonnel.1 ed: Downing sl. sensed history in the Queen to name Eden as hjs In , M, Committce in Pel ping March 21 "Procter' ani! Gamble would ment AttI ~e. "How Elap.happy can we get the air as the y watched the successor and there is no reason to 31. Mao Tze-tung, chair.man like the people at IoWa Ci~ to on taxes? We. passed up a means for the monarch to disregard Churchill has summoned a About .32 inthes of rain bwirl­ or ruler or Communist China. ~ aware 0( the ty,pe of work of getting $12,000,000 a year In guest I~'rrivl! tor tIIonday night's him. cabinet mcetil\g ror noon tomor­ ed l-e latively jehtly in IOwa Cily presided. they do ~ thEir f1ililtion to the Dr. Franklin H. Top additional revenue by refUSing party at which he was host to row. He could then say. Carewell Mondoay, but rtorlh o( Des Moines This will be.. the bi4gest story The conference was called to (.ommunity, &0 that the commu­ AllnmIllC~.f Polio Plalls to his government colleagues the rain tWirled harder and to legalize the sale ot liquor by the Queen. at the year (or Britain - and consider the five-year plan, which nity will be ready to aaceopt the who have served under him wound itself up into a twister. the drink." There wertl 50 Invited: thl! there are no newspapers here to faltered under Kao Kang, and plant and their employes," Mr. since 1951 . The tor()~dO wbich struck near I . * * * Rc " esentative Freed (D-Gow- 'Young. Queen and her ' husband, tell it. London's national circula­ the Kao Kllng-Jao Shu-shih antl­ Hancher saJd.' , To Ans'l\!er QuesUonl Minburn, '10., was described by The group going to Oln.cinnaU riel argued that passage ot the members at the Prime Mlnister's tion papers hove been closed part1 alliances. Vaccine tor wilnessell as having two funnel will leave the loW'll City aii1pOrt bill would mean "placing a tax ' family, 'h i ~ , closest ··personal down by (I sll'ike of maintenance Later in the afternoon, he is to Ullt "Crlmetl" on a tax." He mcant there al- friends, two members of the cab. men for II days. answer routine questions in' the shaped c1Q1Jds. Wednesdlly at 3:30 l>.m. by UnH­ ed Airlines wUl ready is special tax on both beer inet, leaders ol the opposition 1,000 Wjtn,~s Oecaslon house ot commons. His last words On the iui'm of Paul Golds­ The circumstances of Kao's and return 30 Million and cigarettes. . party ' and some of ChUN:hill',i The crowd at about 1,000 mass- as prime minister may be a reply ~rry, it dciltroyed a large Uve­ purported suicide were not ~ven. Thursday, arriV'i1\f at the cedar ,R0- • • I to a Inborite demand that any stock barn, damage(\ a corn crib, The committee listed "crimes" Raa>lda airport at 9:15 P.(n. a.~~0~ {~~:J:i:l~ 13lg Four conference be. held :n and rippeg out'a COMer of a large against the " parly and the peo­ an said that ca~ ,w:1ll be wal~n.g in Cedat Ra,pida to brine the \\ras origlnaUy planned for pro­ Scotland. ~ ' .. m'/linbatn. pamages were esti­ ple." group back to Iowa CitY. duotlon-enouih to immunize 30 mated at $'5,000. Peiplng said Kao was given n No Major Defense ('Dis: Wilson,'.Radford ------. 1'1:1. Gr,oO million people-Is eXipecLed to be At the neJghborilll .farm Of "serious warning" at a plenary Malenkov Seen at Party Making the tiWl to ,the com­ available hI' early summer, an W.ASHiIlNOTON (IP) - Secre-I Glenn W. Thompson, some 300 meeting of the Central commit­ authority' said Monday. tee began hearinlls on the de­ Hance on nuclear and other yards west, the storm knocked pa~s hea.dquarter$ will be: tary or Defense Charles E. Wil­ After 2-Week Absence tee, which was held in February Hoegh; Dr. Hart Van Riper, medical fense dElpartment's 34 billion modern weapons and less on dJ'N1'l a hOl house and II ma­ Mr: If'~f: LeRoy S. son and Adm. Arthur Radford ' 1954. He may have been dead Mercer, mayor of ]owa CU~; director ot the Nation.al Founda­ doLlar budget for U}e fiscal year m3l'l1p()Wer. Manpower, Wilson MOSCOW lIP) - Ex-Premier chine shed, tore out a seption of told con.gress Monday there will for months. Councilmen . Rob~ SteveMOp, tion [or Infantile rParalysU, said starting July 1. Radford t.stitied said, will COme down from 3,­ Georgi M. Malenkov, abs~nt a glassed-In fIOrch and blew oul Indications now are that pibar. be no more. major ,outs in mili­ in person. Wilson had a cold, so L14,OOO now for a 11 the services A communique issued by the Walter IDaykin, ~ Ch8.pnwin tary manpOwer beyond, those al­ from Soviet public functions all the wlndows In .8 tenant's Central comm!ttee Monday on and Clarence Patilkk. ,'0 maceutical hoU8t'B have greatly Underseoretary at Delense ROb­ to 2,859,000 on June 30, 1~6, house. ready scheduled, neal1ly two weeks, turned up the action of the party confer­ Harry ,Dunla.p, . presldeM J' ot upped their ' production vo~ume. ent Anderson reud his statement. Radtford and the secretary Other sectors of lI1e eountry "Unl'ortuna.tely," he s a I d, While. there had been reports The civilian and mhlitary said some minor reductions may Monday nig;ht at a party honor- ence said Kao InsistM that there the Iowa City Ohamiber ~ COm­ also surfere~ : I,.,pril's whims. A "there has been a tendency re­ of a compromise on U1e size of heads at the armed forces put be possible later on, but the lr.g Communist-governed Hun- violent bUazard' lashed the Rock- were two parties in China. m~rce; Buford O1lrner,. ."1\­ cently to build up scareS about ground troops, the tailure of new emp~asis on the adminis­ over-all s trengbh of the a live These were identified 118 "the tendem Gt tn& lowe City lJUblk lIbortages bhat I don't beUclVe Wilson and Ra9Jord to gQ along tration's position t,hat the de­ forces must be held to this gen­ gary. les Monday, and another storm sohoo~; ~ Naele, N~tn)8n Th2re had been considerable left New ~tand under a para­ so-called 'party of tne revolu­ are going to materialize." with the idea did not arouse. any fense prolP.'am must ~ a long­ eral level tor an indefinite num­ tionary bases and the army', the Shafter, ..Y(. W, ~", immediate npposltion. In the sen· discussion in the Western colony IyUllI blanket of snow that Dale Welt and W. T. Hateboeck, With a verdict on etfeetlve­ range prdilo6ltlon designed to ber of years. Each noted It will other the so-caUed 'party of ate ~ropriatlons defense sub­ here as to his whereabouts. reaci1ed a' «lepltl. of 24 inches in member. ck • Chamber of CoIin­ IICSS at the vaCIClne due April 12, meet the Cammlll$t threat for provide, as Wilson put it, ''by white areas.' " Van jUper laid his best irJfornna­ committee. an indt>flnite U~. ·Radtord said far the lar,gest mllit.ary estab­ He resi.gned as Premier Feb. 8, the Berlcahlr~ hll1a, Tempera­ menl6 Iftdunrlal develOfll\'\ent tlon Is that BU1i!icien t vaodne to The secretary and Radford, the it·. "may be 10 yeal'S' or It may lishment U1at this country has citing his "ine'X,perienrce" tor hls tures dL~ . 10 to 20 degrees Kao claimed "the party was oonWni~ aM Arthur 0 ,.. IAtf, moc~late 30 mUlioh people will chairman or the jOint chl ~ d's or ~ 50." ever undertaken to maintain tor "ra)lure" in o~rire~, partiC'Ularly Ieverywhera trow norther~ ~ex­ created by the army," Pelpln, local a~ ~or. Ptoct~ apd be ready before June 30. I!tatl, repor\ed as the 5UIbc.ommit. The proararp. pla~ more re-, an indefinite period or time." in advancini Soviet agriculture. as to the C~~"an bonier. said. ~ •. .. - , .. April 5, 1955 I . Sleeping Powder Interpreting the News J~pan Put More" Parking Proble"m" €omments Legi Mrs. Gladys 1/1 (Be.ader. are In,,((ed Co ex: ,re J opln- Jasper county rei 10D.I' 10 Je't.e.n to tbe Editor. AU le llen the fo wa house mu.st lntlude bandwtllien II.-.uturea per cent possible use which at out your window at the univer­ apartments in this city ior stud. an entire line of type in another led addrt .ses - lyJttwdUell III ..-nat.ro , will be lh On Spot no time are being used over 75 sity la'beled auto which has beat ents and others, no judge rebuk- sentence, took much of tbe .re Dot accept.ble. LeUer. becoUlo tbe the first annual I pr.pert, 01 The DaU,. Jo",an. Tbe per cent and which therefore you to a parking place. ed the authorities and vestcd in- meaning out of the letter by the IOWI D 2t ervu .be rliial to Iborlen, tri x Table for wo~ could be used more efficienUy? H. M. LJbowttz, G lerests for abuse of freedom. writer published in the Marcll l eied repre.e n~.U ve letters wben m •• y • ., N. Dubuque at. The banquet wil on the D me subJecl a.re rte~lved. or Have all the paridng facilitiES As a result men students now 31st Issue of The Daily Iowan. wltbbold .1eUtrs ~ Cen'rlbut or, ar. 22 at 6 p.m. at the By Dulles IIntlltd to DOt more lban two leUers In which could at present be live In rat holes (with live mice) The sentence, "Some of the lal Union. a.ay SO- d .. period. Oplnlool e.preaaed brought into existence downtown Mind of His Own for exhorbitant prices; and young present parking problem is due By J. M. ROBERTS do not. nere J:I.rU,. r e·preseat tbose of been brought into existence? Matrix Table is Associated Press News Analyst Tbe Dally loWeD.) TO THE EDITOR; girls from decent homes live in to the excessive parking areas Rho chapter ot Th A 1C0unt was made of the ll'tll'l)­ I strongly disagree with Judge barracks. ~ urrounding many of the princi- The J apanese government put Questions for City ber of university autos and GaJfney's sta tement in The Daily Lest in a few more years we pal buildings," 'omitted the word Secretary ot State John Foster TO THE EDITOR; paJ'kin,g spaces. Has a simjlar Iowan that students should not \1(j11 have to sleel( dn tents, for "metered!' count been made of farm autos? Dulles 01). the spot Flli~al, per­ Questions regarding the need, 'be aUowed to have cars on cam­ goodness' sake let us keep the It should have read, " .. . el(­ -of the VA hospital autos-of haps without intendtng to, and use and providing of parklng fa­ pus. ca s. They will soon be the on- cessive metered parking areas NewPr now Dulles has returned the the cross-'COuntry tourists' autos? cilities ought to form tne basis Perhaps Mr. Ga.ffney doesn't ly rea~onabl~ ,suPPlement for ... to Omission of th is word favor because he coul.dn't help Or is the finger of derision be­ realize that spn}e' students l\I:!ed Wheelchair on wh1ch any final resolvement .~t denf hOUS11g, 1 •• ' made the sentence illogical and it. of the ImV'a City paIikjng prob- ing pointed at the only labeled their cars to hrlve ~OfTle on the Relations between the two group around? How much of the , It ~lIld not be! surprlsmg If, incompatible with the point of To Climb lem is made. I weekends; and mayi>e he doesn't eve.n today, som~ stu~~nls u~e argument. countries have !been slipping for total use of our Iowa City park­ A count was made of the know that a big share of the cars theu cars as thelI offiCial reSl- The paragraph opening, "With NEW yoh!< (IP some time. Japan has been drag­ ~ facilities results from use by numll>er of university autos and on campus are ~G!t in their re­ dence. proper utilization of pre- ... ducts on the mal ging her feet on rearmament, the number of university p3rk­ whom? spectlve ,pal'king place~ until aogreed to in connection wit.h the Would it serve the Plll1J)oses Thus, a s~ ud e nt:s car is his foresight in planning for the fu­ are really old ing s.paees. Was a survey also events of some illlPOrtanee such castle, and. IS entitled to the ture automobile parking and peace trcaty. at ]o.wa City to ha,U 1l'1l autos aJt as dates and tr~ps home, war_ brand-new (eatur( made of the use to which these same sanctity. lraffic problems ...", omitted a She has Ibeen .working toward parOCing spaces was ooing put? the city ·bowers, to compel their rant their use. A wheelchair a II'csumption 01 diplomElltl.c rela- !For a pat1klnrg place to lie fal­ OCCUa>anls to dismount from their Also, when a student enters K. A. Monel~ , G iine following the syllable "pre-.' tions with Russia, which refused low does not improve its capa­ space consuming private ve­ college, rhe is relativruy indepen­ 120 E. Fall'ch.ild It should have read, "Wilh to sign the treaty agreed upon city to eol'lttain cars. hicles and travel around town in dent in matters concerning his proper utilization of present ~:~::d C~~~b e~~~~l: by th.e other f~rmer alli~. J a-l A the ipook. load of the day pUblic vehicles? welfare. University students Correction paTking areas and a li ttle tore­ York Univel'Si ty Public Transportation pan IS demanding ,the. nght . to are there spaces assigned to spe­ should be allowed ~ decide for TO THE EDITOR: sight in planning . . .. ' . from the Nation ~ eXlPand ~er tra~e relaliA>ns With cial groups which arc> not then Lf this were so, then who themselves whEther or not thcy Unfortunately, the omission Robert Claus, G for Infantile Paral Comm.u.n~t Ohlna beyond em- being used? Are these special fa­ would foot the bill to provide lege age, he has a mind of his of a word in one sentence. and A-27 QuadraDl'le Ing a crank thre adequate around~the-clock cov­ bal1gQ limi ts. cilities assigned on a Ibasis 01 90 need a car on campus. ------~------~ If legs lifts the f Asks Reduction el'age of Lhe w.!1ole city?...... an ex­ When a student reaches col­ on to the curb. Now she demands anolhcr re­ tremely valid. iPOint for consider­ lege age he has a mind of his the other way, 1 duation in her annual share ()If ation when one cOll5iders that at o.wn, and he Should Ibe allowed main.taining American armed legs are li fted u editorial present it is not economically to use it. He is no longer a .grade ' ~oflicial daily. The device takes fOl1CCS in Japan. This was cut feas~ble for such service to be school !C hild who needs someone press ure to opera End to Servicemen's 'Hopping'- {rom $155 .million to $146 mil­ provided for our present legiti­ older to teLl him what rid , home. If his Lim ' is limited, and he's stationed on week. They made Lheir request TOO Y'S S IIEDULE inches at peak he Friday. 8:00 Morning Cha,llJ. Thursday, April 7 12:30 p.m.-University Wom­ the coa ·t, the folks back home won't sec him. 8:15 News ,r uminum frame, a Dulles 'Was put in ~ bad posi­ 8:30 Life Problems 12 :20 - Beginning Easler re. en's club luncheon-University roof. and ~ides H e'lI have neither cash nor minutes to spcuu OJ! a bus, tion. He had no lime in which to 9:20 The Bookshelf cess. club rooms. 9:45 Women's Feature screening that ca train or auto carrying him to the hinterland. Commercial air Tuesday, April 12 7:30 p.m.-University chess study the problems Shigemitsu 10 :00 News at one or two s would want to dJsouss. If he re­ 10: 15 Kitchen Concert 7:30 a,m.-Classes resume. tournament-Sun porch, Iowa travel is prohibHively costly for short Icave periods. 11 :00 Let's Sing full sC l'eendoor at fused, it wouLd be intenpreted in 11: 15 SITlke Up Thd Band 6:30 p,m.-Triangle Supper Memorial Union. Up to now, it's becn common for soldiers, sail ors and TQkyo as caLlousness to.ward il:3D Amerle.n Red Cross Golf clubs n airmen stationed, for example, within a cO\lple of hundreclmiles Ja

THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa, Clip, la , -Tu~., AprD 5, 195$-PHe S GREEN SALAD ... Andy Christenson 11 Man Initiat d Serve a Greek saladl To malte It cut up grcen pcppcr, tu­ Is MEBOC of 1955 By Service Frotecni:y Imatoes and onions. Add minced To Andy Christensen, C4, Ames, Eleven men have been jnit- parsley aDd salt to taste. Now Legislator Talk At Matrix Table iated into Alpha Phi Omega, add olive oil and a little was named the Most EUgible Mrs. Gladys Nelson, Newton, Bacbelor on Campus at the an­ men's national service [rater- vinegar. Carni h with anchovies. nity. Jasper county representative to honorary professional fraternity Jasper county Child Wellare as- uate of the University of Norlh inkowitz, A4, New York city, nual Spinsters' Spree Saturday the Iowa house representa­ lnitiated were John Ashlinf'; ot for women in journalism. sociation. Dakota. publicity; Patricia Jensen, A4, night. Ch.ristensen was the Delta tives, will be the speaker fo r Upsilon candidate. AI. Keokuk: Gary Bos\.rom, A2, the first annual IO'fa City Ma­ Opeoa LeaialaUve Semon She has been a member of the Committee Chairmen Des Moines, and Sally Werner, Runners-up for the poSition West Union; Donalcf Bowen, AI, trix Table for women. Mrs. Nelson in January be- Newton Red Cross and Com- Committee chairmen lor Ma- A3. Rock Island, Ill., invitations, were Thomas Salkeld, A3, Bur­ Marshalltown; John Currcll, A2, The banquet will be oeld April came the first woman to open mUOlty Chest boards. a worthy trix Table include Jo Murray, and Kay Cross, A4, Oelwein, ant! lington, Siima Alpha Epsllon, Cedar Rapids; James Foster, A2, 22 at 6 p.m. at the Iowa Memor­ an Iowa legislative session. She high priestess of the White A4, Galesburg, Ill., and Marian Prof. Virginia Coverdale of the and John McLauihlin, A3, Wa­ Eldora; Thomas Hamilton, AI, Ial Union. is a past president of the League Shrine. and a member of Delta Shapiro. A3, Washington. D. C .• school of journalism, menu and terloo, Phi Delta Thcta. . Crystal Lake; David Hodge. AI, Matrix Table is sponsored by of Women Voters of Iowa, the Kappa Gamma, honorary edu- decorations; Jean Leil\hauser, hospitallty. Miss Coverdale is Cedar Rapids; Terry Leighty, Rho chapter of' Theta Sigma Phi, Newton Lea~, YWCA and the cation sorority. She is a grad- A4, Ottumwa, and Grace Kam- faculty advisor to the group. AI, Perry; Alvin Smith, A4, Ga- ry. Ind.; Richard Spring, AI, For an Important FIRST Joh word Madrid, and Fred Whitebook. Currier Council Su ..~ ..rul .ar..,r women r..,omlDend Olblle Mrs. Teasdale Gives Favorite Recipe- AI, Rock [sland. Ill. af!CreLariaJ train'n .. u the door.oprl!oer to . ex- lh.t Important '"nflt" Job, and the eU-round New Products Prepares Booklet preparation (or advancement. to the tap. BROWNING ROA T Write o~ce Deln rorG ..... C ..... ATW.. II.. Wheelchair Has Legs Currier Hall's New Student A~ow at least 30 minutes lor a,..f.1 c •• ,...... c ...... w.... coUMl.i1 is preparing a booklet browning a pot roast. When To Climb Curbs meat is browned slowly and Housemother. 'Enjoys University Life containing informa lion abou l thoroughly thls way, the color is NEW YO K (JP) - New pro- BJ AUDREY BELLE campus ol'galliza.tions apen to not llkely to wash away when _II, IIIIo'IDoI ...... St. NowV.. kIUlO",kAwL , ducts on the market this week Mrs. Teasdale lakes advantage undergraduate W 0 m e n The nre really old products with The "case 01 the substLtute interesting," she added. attends SUl home football and . ,~Lh~e ~b~r~a~is~i~n~~I~j~U~i~d;;;;J~'s;a~ d~d~e~d~,_~;';"';kI;-~";I~;-;;;;;Sl~;-~Idoir;;.;N.~I'~U;;",~-~..;; cooks" was the biggest problem of the SUI concer.l and lecture lub Pre ldent baskebball contests willi a pamphlet, to be sent to prospec- brand-new features. series and enjoys the universitY A love of reading. bridge, tive students and made avail­ confron4ng housemother Mrs. "spouse" ticket given her by the A wheelchair that also has plays. and the Motrutaineer travelogue able to all present students, wlJl Maude Teasdale at the Zeta Tau sororLty. legs to climb curbs has been de­ AlPha social sorority house \JUs "When you have girls in the are sonw of Mrs. Teasdale's inolude honorary and social so­ hoose who are taking part in aU other in·tere. ts. Soh is also presi­ Mrs. Teasdale likes to serve veloped by engineers of New fall. The first seven weeks of rorities, clu'bs, church groups, these activities it's always more dent of the Chaperones club and appetizing desserts and describes servIce groups, and governln, fore. school found the house without York Univel'Sity under a grant a permanent cook until Mrs. El- her fruht cocktail recipe as a organizatIOns. [rom the National Foundation len Benson arrived. "real favorite" of her house. OI'ganiJations which have not for Infantile Paralysis. By turn- "R's been a new experience "It is a bit rich," she warned, been contacted are asked to send What you wash today, you can ing a Clank three times, a pair Cor Mrs, Benson," smiled Mrs. "so small portions should be a card giving the name ot the 8f legs lifts the front wheels up Teasdale, "and I've tried to plan served." group and a telephone number use today. Wash automatically on tl> the curb. Turn the crank my meals accordingly." or address to Marilyn Lyon, ... dry automatically In less Here is Mrs. Teasdale's recipe Hutchinson house, 11 E. Daven­ the other. way, and the back Mrs. Teasdale has lbeen a for Fruit Cocktail Dessert: than an hour. Save money. _ , legs are. lilted up on the curb. ' housemother for two years and port 5t. _ave on clothes ... save your­ y SLft together I cup sugar, 1 The deVice takes ten pounds of finds her '00 interesting. self work. pressure to 0 pera teo J cup nour and 1 tsp. soda. Add "You really have to be a ,ood dry Ingrediellrts tOiether wLth I Welfare Meeting AT TH! Driving a tractor needn't be sounding board so that the 'girls beaten egog and 1'h cups of uncomfortable. ' You can use a will feel free to come in and drained !ru~t cocktail. Mix well To Be Held Here new vibrationless backrest that talk," said Mrs. Teasdale. and put in greased pan, Cover "Teamwork in Meeting Indiv­ Gradua~ Open 4 Evening • can be attached to an,y tractor SUI with Ih cup brown sugar and 'h idual and Community Needs" • seat pan. The Test is made ot Born in South Dakota, Mrs. cup nut meats, Bake in 325 de­ will be the theme of the sev­ welded steel tubing with the Teasdale attended South Dakota gree oven tor one hour. Cut in enth annual institute ot the lowa Easy Parking backrest suspended by four coil Wes.leyan and SUI. While at SUI squares anQ serve with whipped Welfare association April 28 and • springs fastened to the frame. she met her husband, a 1922 cream. Serves eight to ten. 29 at the Iowa Center for Con­ Upholstery is an inch thick pad graduate at ,bhe coJIege ()f den- tinuation Study. 01 rl.\bberized hair, and the tlsuy. The ~ple married and R a 1 and Artigues, associate whole thing adjusts automatic- moved to Wd;lto.n Junction where professor in lhe University 01 ally for any weight operator. a daughter Phyliss, was born. League To Discuss Illinois school of social work. Maker Is the L. A. Young Spring Phyliss is a 194a graduate ()f the will speak at the opening gen­ & Wire Corp., Detroit. SUrI college of commel'ce and Individual Liberties eral session ot the Institute, A portable porch or cabana was a member of MOl'tar Board which 400 Iowa welfoTe work­ lor your garden or backyard - and Allpha DeLta Pi sororIty. She "Individual Liberties" will be ers are expected to attend. ~\1 aluminum with a canvas and her husband and their two di cussed and the year's work Governor Leo A. Hoegh will is being made by Durall children live in Wilton root - now reviewed at meetings of two speak at the annual bahquet Products Co., York, Pa. The Junction. of Eli7.abeth Palmer of Des Moines, house, 9 by 12 feet and 7 feet 9 "I usually visit my daughter League Women Voters dis­ president of the Iowa Welfare Inches at peak height, has an a)- a.t least onre a week," Mrs. cussion groups this week. association, wiII preside a't gen­ uminum frame, a treated canvas Teasdale said. "I have two 'Won­ Southeast group will meet to­ eral sessions, roof, and 'Sides of aluminum del1ful grandchildren." night at 8 in the home ot Mrs. screening that can be rolled up Plana Partlea Bertram Cohen, 1202 ~iendl.v at one or two sides. It has a Besides her regular tasks of '1ve. full screendoor at one end. menu planning and grocery 01'- North group will meet at 8 Golt clubs now are being derJng, MIl"S. Teasd.ale must look p.m. Thursday in the home of ahead to $j)ecial ,sorority func­ Mrs. Samuel Hays. 414 Brown made of Fiberglas cloth and lions. In AprH the Zeta Tau A~- st. Mrs. Frederick Leach and Bakelite phenolic resin bonded pha "st3ile day" wi.J.l be held in Mrs. Hays will be co-leaders 01 to a thin steel core. They are Iowa City, which will require the group. "Investigating Com­ called "Lloyd Mangrum clUbs" planning interesting foodl fare MRS. MAUDE TEA DALE, Zeta Tau Alpha housemother, takes mittees" wi II be the topic tor and are made by Colfcratt Inc., for extra guests. Mother's day time out from a. busy day to admire a pot of spring flowers. Mrs. discussion at the meeting. Escondido, Calif. The company and Easter also are social high- Teasdale's duties Include planning dally menus and helping with says the new shafts eliminate lights at the sorority house. party arranltements. PEAR DESSERT distortion and wobble and ab- OLD-FASHIONED Qrb shock and minimize vibra- ;======---====-_--===:;-----;---­ Sprinkle sliced fresh pears tion. with lemon juice and arrangE' Levitt To Address them with alternate layers of With an eye to the safety as sliced oranges In a pretty glass WILBU~ JUST WOKE UP TO well as the economic status of Chocolate Malt Residents' Wives bowl. Sprinkle each layer light­ lliE FACT TH ..T He'S IN CLASS! most of the growing number of Prof. Eugcne Levitt of the ly with sugar, Top wJth moist Made with Junior gun n e r 5, Remington child welfare research station shredded coconut. It's a delic­ Arms, Bridgeport, Conn., Is AMATEUR RADIO CLUB trip to Europe. The SUI Amateur Radio club will address members of the ious dessert patterned alter the KEEP ALERT FOR A Nestle's c packaging highly frangible 22 WliJI hold a regular meeting BILLY MITCHELL SQUADRON Residents' Wives club at 8 p.m. tamous Southern concoction calibre "plinking" cartridges. lETTER POINT AVERAGEI Chocola ~e, only Wednesday nigh.t at 7:15 in room The Billy Mitche,ll squadron Thursday. called Ambrosia. The slugs shatter on contact. No 2S 206, Engineering b u i I din g. of the Arnold Air society wiJl Don', Jet tha, '-drowsy feel­ Delicious with one of our toasted sandwiches danger of ricocheting. meet tonight at 7:30 in room 124 The group will meet in the Thomas Mortimore of the CoUins home of Mrs. Merle Hale, 1100 r------· 1 ing" cramp your scyle in class Radio company, Cedar R3Ipids, of the Armory. Capt. Olarence ••. or when you're "hitting Highrtslioe, USAF rcscrve, wW N. Dubuque st. Mrs. Phyllis FREE RUSSELL STOVER CHOCOLATES will talk on "Antennas." Re­ Bagley is tea chairman. An el­ the books". Take a NoDoz New President fresh.ments wioll be served. speak. All actives and pledges Awakener! In a few minutes, IF YOUR PICTURE IS IN OUR WINDOW are unged to attend. The meeting ection of officels will be held. The group's spring dance, Res­ ICome in and try : you'll be your normal best ... TENNIS CLUB is open to all Interested AFROTC idents' Wives Club Cabaret, will wide awake ... alert! Your Tennis club members will hold cadets. dOCtor will tell you-NoDoz (1 Block South First National Bank) their first meeting at 4:15 p.m. be held at the Mayflower Inn Awakeners are safe as coffee. -CLEAN FRIENDLY COURTEOUS today Ln the small gymnasium SCHOLARSHIP DINNER Saturday evening. Leo Corti­ Parker's new: Keep a pack handy! Miss Helen Reich, assislan.\. di­ miglia and his orchestra will I 01 the Women's gymnasium. rector of t.he oMice o.f student at­ furnish music from 9 p.m. to 15 TABLETS, 35e , 5 INlTIA TED fairs, spoke at a scholarship din­ I a.m. Mrs. J ames Norris is Five men have been initia.ted ner a,t the Alpha Xi Delta social chairman of the event. Admis­ I ball point pen: "~.IIIII" • into Theta Xi social fI'ate.rnity. sorority cha:pter house recently. sion price is $2.50 a couple. 35::a They are Paul Coilins, AI, Golf, Active members were served Medical residents, their wives I I II 1IIIId, II. IIWII•••• IJI.; Mars Per1ll, AI, West Bend; steak dinners as a result of a and friends may attend. 6tc • Dave Gardner, AI, Des Moines; pledge class, Alson Braley. EI, lowa CiW, and Robert Peterson, AI, Au­ STUDENT MARKETING CLUB Ithe lotterl rora, HI. The fraternity held an The Student Marketi"" club Plan Now Jor "Underworld" cos tum e par,ty will hold its' spring business Executive Career I I F1riday evening at the chapter meeting today at 7:30 p,m. in U ' . . . . I house. room 214, Unjversity hall. All in RETAILING I .. .. members and interested students Unique one-year couree II'.d. DU WIVES AND MOTHERS are invi ted to attend. Plans for a Delta Upsilon Wives and you Lo MasLer's dl'gree. Indi­ tr~p and fOl'\.he annual banquet Mothers club members wJI! meet vidualized training Coc thoee wi1I be discussed. COLl. ECK GRADUATES who L~~ {.$2~ j Wednesday night at 8 in \.he desire top·paying poeition., . home of 'Mrs. Don.ald Guthrie, RABBI TO TALK have average or better aca­ .. . . . Jack Pepping 1634 Morningside drive. Mrs. IRatfui Stamm Cooper will give (I emic record, broad educa­ tional hacLgrollnds. Training Sigl1l(/ IV" WalTen B~r w'i!1I be the as­ a talk on "The Creek Federa­ sistant h06teSS. Mrs. Guthrie will in n8lioll811y known retajJ «­ • , . only ball point tions" at 8 tonight in room 110, ganizs'ljoM with pay (covera Jack Pepping, A,3 McHenry, seholarshi.p contest w;Lh the Schaeffer hall. Anyone interest­ tuiLioll, books. fees). Scholar· pen to givi you a Ill., has been el~cted president 'discuss her recent three-month ed is invited to attend. Re:lrellh­ ships. Coed. Graduatea plaCNI.. or Sigma Nu social fraternity. ments and a social bour will !()l­ Nat clue bcgilll! Sept. 6,1955. choice of 4 point Other new officers are Allan low. Applications ac· University Club cepLed now. Write Byers, A2, Spencer, vke-presi­ for BlIlIetin C. dent and social chairman; Rich­ Plans Luncheon, ard Hood, A2, Indianola, treas­ DON'T GET SCHOOL OF urer; Don Jensen, A2, Audubon, Tea for April recorder and rushing chairman; A luncheon, tea and evening MARRIED ••• RETAILING Bruce Gebhardt, AI, DeWitt, guest brid,e will be the April • , , wlibout seelnr our Bridal delegate at large and scholarship Services. _ , Invitations, Nap­ UNIVERSITY OF activities for University club PITTSBURGH chairman. The luncheon will be held 1t kins, Matehes, Weddlnr Books, ete. Don Halberson, AI, Des 12:30 p.m. April 14, with Mrs. BELTS: New spring color •• Plaines, Ill., pledge trainer and Franklin Top, chairman. Mrs. PURSES: New complete line Illinois sub chairman; Robert C. P. Berg and Mrs. A. K. Fish­ HALL'S Tangerine, a....oeado, tur· · Reimers, PI, Moline, marshal, er are co-chairmen for the tea 12'7 South Dubuque of .pring and .ummer quoise, and pastel.. Siz .. and Quad city sub chairman; planned for 2:30 p.m., Aprl! 21. ~~~~:;:~::;;;:~~:;:;~~~~~~~~~;:.:;;:::::::::;- styles. Available in beauti­ 24 to 30. A guest evenini ibridge will be . Jo~ Rahn, AI. Hartley, sentin­ d ful pastel colors. Straws COATS: Tailored and el and Iowa sub chairman. held at 7:30 p.m., April 28, with ,an •••'I· "····" ..I· Wi ••hhood ,. ,Wu'.... Y ''''s''·v..,,..,...., Mrs. Boyd McCandless in charge and leathers, fringed coats in suede and John ~andalJ, A2, Cedar Rap­ and up Ids, chaplain; Donald Aitken, of the evenin,. All events will S glove leather. Available in A2, Toronto, Canada, reporter; be held In the club's rooms 3t ASTHMA -. HAY FlY.R twelve beautiful colors. Donald Cole, A2, Des Moines, the Iowa Memorial Union. -- FREE TRIAL -- and up ALSO: Many belt•• tlll on BOng leader; Donald Bock, AI, Mrs. R. T. Sanderson is chair­ AMAZIN. NEW 'ROOUCT give. I lmol1 in.,.n' ,ell.f f,o", n ...1 Women's, men's, and chil­ canl, ..' I,"" Ind ''(rnpfom .. of SINUS which mly include, leVe,.. our sale rock. Wilmington, Ill., a thletic chair­ man tor the month. She will be fIIIIiiiI~Y, pounding he.dlilches in forehe.d, tempi.,. top of h ••d, dren's sizes. man; Phillip Lawson, A2, EI­ of head, .dling chetlc. bonts, ey., lorl 'od f •• 1 Ilk. assisted by MiSl MarIe Tener. ""vel il'\ them, ,orene1l down back of "eelt, drip ."d Choo .. the lurn, III., scrap book chairman, Mrs. Beri, MM. J. H. Croy, Mrs. dflin.ge of nOle .nd throlt, dinvneu. eaf nohu. cln', anq Jerry Miller, A2, Marshall­ Harvey Davis, Mrs. John Eld­ see Will " limes. Cln't think "'light, feell like light bind point that aroUf'd h ••d, tin', smell or IUltJ 'nd couihing. Thit Na­ town, room chairman. ridle. Mrs. Alton Fisher, Mrs. tionally Advenised product h., given quick ... d .mlZing up relief to thouurld,. ther~(ore no mltter how 1000 you hive E. A. Gilmore, Mrs. Virgil Han­ luff.red, how much you hive lpent or what products you h.",e .ultl your MEAT DISH cher, Mrs. Lloyd Howell, Mrs. ',Iod wri'. fo, 7 DAY f_U 'RIAL no COli a' obligation o"op' '0 r"urn Ind ply cents. pos,.,e if "01 delighted with result. as writing best I Good meat djsh: Spread bread Harry Jenkinson; thi, il not I "The Store vVith The Leather Door" ItuMlng over a scored flank Mrs. D. B. Johnson, Mrs. Wen­ NO SWALLOW INTO STO"'A'" steak; roll the steak and tie see die Kerr, Mrs. Avery Lambert, WHAT UURS Of SYNOL SAY Your new tr.atment il 'imply wonderful, I .m very p,oud '0 SlY 'hot yo." Synol 9:58. curely. Brown in hot fat, add Mrs. Jeronimo Mallo, Mrs. Mc­ II h.. don•• 10' 10' "'. '" • "'Y .hort hu don. wond." 'or mi. I no 1000"r 'ime. cI.".d up mf h.ld, ,oll •••d .ym· h,ve n .... 1 cOf'IQlliiort and my '.r,;hle about one-qUlllrter cup of \yster, Candless, Mrs. JoM Mercer, .-,om, 01 linus "ucl.ch. and ,II tor... rover and bake in a moderate Mill. J, F. Reilly, Mrs. Frilz .....d."' .. h",. b ••n complrl.ly ,ellev.d. ""' ton' .. •. 04: Rer_" M. 50,.. "'''lMe Ii..... : Mr>. Will. ' . ••••r, N. D.... f.~yauf .Leather oven tor l'h hours or until the Rohrllch, Mrs. Hunter Rouse, Goods SYNC' lIiv .. ouch g,III'v;ng rOuh. It u" b. lin. on F,-e TRIAL. i. will coli you meat Is lender, Serve with seal­ Mrll. Erlln, Thoen, Mrs. Top and no,hi"lI '0 ,ry 11. You ""Y bl ... ,h. dlY you w'o•• '0' II ...n.u ..nd. o( olne" 4 S. Dubuque Dial 9291 _ tomatoe. and ~taah. Mr •. W. R. Wicu. ""' • . Wril. lodey, NATlONAt l ...O .. ,OR"$, GALT, CALlfOIINIA

, . '. " • •

.....e t-mE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, ".-Tues., April 5, 1955 WilkiflSOA To Help .EVY·'s . Schoo'l Head football Coach Bud Wil­ CHICAGO iodine, kinson of Oklahoma, one of the prod furnace or most successful coaches in foot­ dren sutleri ball annals, will ~ the featured speaker at a school for college Discuss Tennis cer, Prof. Doil Iowan I of the SUI and hIgh school coaches to oe The laboratory, held at Iowa, May 6 and 7. Seven of Wilkinson, who specializes in Scoring System 9-12 with the balanced ~plit-T offense, in alive and his seven years at Oklahom3 h3s NEW YORK (JP) - The sim­ cancC'l', four a record of 70 wins, 3 losses and plified tennis scoring system, national champion said. "As a treatment. 3 tie s for a .909 record. His tried out by the plOS in Cleve­ girl, is still teams, which have never lost a result, Gonzales, who has one of land last weekend. met mixed the best services in the world, the atomic Big Seven conference game, won reaction in court eirellis Monday, had to hold back for accuracy's the cancer the national title in 1950, and "It seems coC",{eyed to me," 'Blakeslee, have garnered two Sugar Bowl sake." commented Renville McMann, Budge said the pros all felt the championships and one Orange Seaberg Rates 3d CIGAR!TT'ES vice president of the U.S. Lawn system would be in'lproveli if the '\Bowl tllIe. Ames, EUio11 Tennis association. "Tradition is tHis learns have won the con­ normal two services were allow­ hard to change." ed. ference ti tie for the last seven As Big Ten's Best However, Budge added, spon­ years with a record of 47-0-2. Don Budge, J ack Kramer, sors found interest higher in the Well QuaUfled Win in Track Frank Parker and most of the speedup game with the three­ "We felt that no coaching In Conference Poll other pros found some merit in Ames and little Elliot( are the day tOlll'nament drawing a bigger school would be complete with­ the new formula, with the eradi­ gate than out two different Offenses," Iowa new ti tie holders In their re~ cation ot a few flaws. Bill Tal­ live days last year. 1C0ach Forest Evashevski said specUve divisions of the Iowa beTt, U.S. Davis Cup captain, Monday, "Wilkinson will teach high school indoor track cham- said: "This may be a step in the ~~ tne balanced split-T and handle right direction but it's not the Senators Win 5th some defensive work, I know of answer." ODERN Ames won the Class AA crown SIZE no one belter Qualified," Eva­ In the World PriIessional In Row from Reds shevski added. Satut day night by nosing 0 u t Championships last weekend at HIGH POINT, N.C. (JP) - A • The Iowa foolball staIf of Des Moines Roosevelt by a frac­ Cleveland scoring was kept as in table tennis, Points counted 1-2- homer by Mickey Vernon fea­ E vashevski, Bob Flora, "Whitey" tion less than 1 Jh poin.ts jn a tured a five-run seventh inning 3-4., etc., instead of the usual 15, P iTO, Archie Kodros, "Bumps" duel that went down to the wire. Monday as the Washington FILTER TIP TAREYTON 30 , 40, "love," "deuce" and "fld­ &J.Uot and Jerry Burns will teach Wi th the last event col11!in g Senators won hheir fiJilh straight the unbalanced offenses, accord­ up-the mile relay- Roosevelt vantage." from the Cincinnati Reds, 8-5. Gives .You True .Tobacco Taste. ,. ing to Evashevski, who is well was ahead and neede.d only a The first player to get 21 points Wu ltlnCLon ., , 000 O'll iiOO-3 10 I known for his mixed Offenses. won the game. Best three-out-of­ Clnclnoatl , .. " on IlOO OOO--S 12 3 Bud Wilkinson few poin ts to talk-e the meet. But Slobb •• M.O.'mol~ ,~\ . 1(' -'" .) And Real Filtration" Too! Well Acquainted the Riders failed to place while five games won the match. There and Koreheck; Acker, Collu m (7)J Pod­ Best in Big 7 blelan 18) and Balle)'. W-bLoobs. 1.­ Evashevski said he is well ac­ the Little Cyclones came in sec­ were no sets. Collum. quainted with Wilkinson, having ond and finishEd with a point Pancho Gonzales of Los An­ Itome runs: \\'Illhln,tcm-Yost, Slev" coachcs are welcome to enroll," ers, Vernon. Clnelnnatl-Balley. Post, worked with him at the N3VY total of 39 7/ 10 to Roosevelt's geles retained his world cham­ J.blonskl. the Iowa coach emphasized. En­ Pre-cFlight school here in 1942, 38Jh. pionship by beating Pancho Se­ rollment can be accomplished by and before that when Evashevski Iowa City high school finished kura in the finals, 21-16, 19-21, The pa was at Hamilton college and Wil­ sending a $5 fee to ,Evashevski 19th among AA competitors at the field house. 21-8, 20-22, 21-19. of thyroid kinson at Syracuse. with 11h points. Don Coulter for the loss The school will cover football Budge, who aUended the tour­ Evashevskl said a good enroll­ finished in a four~way tie for nament, said the main objection gland. mcnt is expected for the school, theories and practices, and the third in the ,pole vault event the pros had to the new system In adults, first ot its kind to be held at (ee includes a Friday night din­ with an 11-6 climb. was the al,lowance of only one credited Iowa. ner at Which Iowa and Okla­ The situation was similar in sel ve, instead ' of two. with good "We expect coaches to come homa football films will be the Class C meet where Elliott "It made nervous wrecks of every 20 from surrounding states, as well shown. A COmplete schedule of needed its first placc victory in Bill Seaberg everyone," the red-haired former cer. 'Evans as Io wa," he said. "There will be events will be released soon. the mile event 11.0 overhaul New Third ill Big 11) -dren are some here from Illinois, Nebras­ 'Dhe annual intra-squad foot­ Sharon. Elliott wound up with than those ka and Missouri." ball game ending the Iowarrage ot THAN YOU T:flINK I has almost Sox pitcher to .go the route Mon­ James Bell, A2, T1pton, was 10 lPunches, started by a leH poses. day but the crafty littlc right­ h ig:h scorer fot' thc HalW1{eyes hook to the ja.w and ended by a made hander still beat the Sl. Louis w1th 238 of 300 possible points. si!llilar blow, sent Gene on his Bobby Jones registercd woods and irons, and Jimmy ,pile at "'.... "'11" <; Cardinals, 4-2. Other IOowa scores: John West­ back over the 1~.9i rOope. Thomson registered woods are SYNCHRO: DYNEO® tory at 1\1. Lou I, ...... 018 em 0IIII-': 0 1 wick, E4, Springfield, Ill., 286; here for !nse C .. I.... (A) .. 110 011 01,,-4 III 1 Bernard Sloter, E2, Solon, 282; HUItRICANE WINS clubs . . . the only clubs made that offer you pufect Wo.I'rld,e. Jonel (111. Jackson (8) , . er In cancer and Sarnl; C."lue,ra, Fornlt le. (8) an. Thomas Carson, A2, Britt, 277, NEW YORK (IP) - Tommy and ~ n COli Courtney. W-Conluerr •. r--Joaea. balance . .• identical tact feel. Rays from flo me runl: 8 Loul.-S.ra., Hllmu •. and Char.les. Griffith, Dl, Alli­ (Hurricane) Jackson scored his to 97 per Because everyone of these clllbs swinKS and feels alike son, 276. fifth stI1aight victory on the gland, about Each team member received a comeback trail Monday night­ ... your golf becoroes more uniform, your shots con· of a lima bea Bues Nip Orioles silver' medal for tin~hing in a 10-round unanimous de.cision sistently better. With golfer reporting handicaps cut by J only a fifth second place while Bell received over Mehle McBride of Tren­ as much 'as Vl ••• these are the clubs to play. just the g In Homer Contest another silver medal for win­ ton, N.J" at St. Nicholas arena. oo's have BEtUNSWiICK, Ga. (.4') - Th~ ning secolld high team member Jackson we~ed 199; McBride Make your next round a better one . .• witb Spalding. Best Pittsl>W1gh Pirates, colleoting aU in team competition. 167 '.4 . with breast thcir runs in bwo big innings, ..______iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiii~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ cancer of the defeated the Baltimore Orioles, medical team 9-8, in a bomer-laden exhibition ers visiting baseball game Mond'ay. ters under PIU.bur,1t ", . ,:.00 ~ uoo-» II ~ Spring ~howers Will Be Coming &alllmor. "., .4111 010 ~~ R II I ican Cancer Cole...... Ferrarel8 (l!) . PaUc. ((il. The p ituitar~ J •••••• tel aad M. ... 8m .. _ ("I : Dna· SPAtDING I ••• Sarko.1 (4) and AI ..e ll, W-Dour· SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS hormones whic Ia.. I_Ferrar8t1e. and adrenal · 1I .... e rUIIS: PIII.bur'llr"f'r..... AI· S00N out the pituil well. T ...... , r brought bene: ' DaM'areo, Welter King, shutdown of t renal glands. j To Box Carmen Basilio eration and it NEW YORIK (JP) - Newly .I move all the pi • crowned weltel1\Veight champion The radioacti Tony DeMarco of Boston will Now is your chance to have three outfits for the price of out the pituiu · defend his title against top­ pletely are a n ranking 1'lha1lenger cannen Ba­ One. 1.) ~latchillg coat and trollsers for busiJ1ess ,2:' ) coat is simpler thar. siUo in tne ~racuse, N.Y" Me­ aI, and patien' with contrtlsltng trousers for sportswear 3.) Extn~ trollsers morial auditorium June 10. and have 1ewe Tll~ IS-round bout will be for casual wear. ' All wool cba~~oal gl'ey; charcoal brown, er, the physicia broadcast and telecast. nationally Th ey are giv (NBC). light grey, beige, and bJue grey in regulars, longs and shorts. , thyroid hormon necessary horm " , Mix 'em and match "em, this is perfect for Easter and After. truction 01 the U', ~Ime &0 cd those Jackets A D V •• T and raincoats water· proofed. .. the "pain" New Proceas will make aby $&500 Item water repellent In anti­ mutiny cipation of allY mowers the ( . Overboard wilh weaibennan, pr~dlds. tiJ!!1 collars and IS THIS 511" shoulders! AFTER SIX .. brines a Wive of new cOllllor!. "nalural slyliq," stain·shy finish! No Ire.sur. cllt$1 ,needed 11110

313 S. Dubuque o S, Clinton TilE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa 'Clty.la.-TuK., April 5, 1955-Pare S Cites Use 01 A-Iodine Education.Head Sals Many In Cancer Treatment I CHICAGO (IP) - Radioactive Teachers Are Only Baby SiDers iodine, produced in an atomIc WASHINGTON (IP) - U.S. furnace or pile, is helping chil- . Commissioner of Education S. elemEntary education supervis­ dren suffering with thyroid can­ Apartment for Rent HelD Wanted Real Estate cer, Prof. Titus C. Evans, head M. Brownell said Monday teach­ Ol'S, Brownell said: WANT AD RATES "We know one of the big qu d.a7 __ IkI per .01'4 OWNER LEAVlNG CITY. New ranch of the SU I radla ,;on research ers in some places are nothing For rent: Two room lumlsbed aplrt· Every woman Is Interested In Avon'. .Iyle home on Sheridan Ave. 3 bed- problems you face is trying to Three dS11 _ 1241 per worel ment. Clofe 'n. For adulls. C.U 5710 blah-slyled cOlUllet .,.. Good Income rooms. dlnlp, room. baseboard heaUn" laboratory, said Sunday. more than "baby sitters." Seven of eight children aged get along with the baby sitters nYe da71 __ lk per wor4 lor appalntmen.. lor e.m.bltlous woman. Write Mrs. Or- breezeway with attached lIarace. Term •. tic per word 3 new ap .. tmerlS _ unfumlahed ex- man. Box 8'74, Davenport, Iowa. Meek. Refil Estate. Dial "58. 9-12 with thyroid cancer are He said he was much more you have in some places because 1'ea tlarl __ eoneerned about America hav­ you can't get adequately train­ ODe Moath _.. 390 per w .... cepl for refrl",-.. '"" and la. olove. WOMEN to do le~hone work call1ni ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS. alive and apparently free from Adult. only_ Dial !>75lf. ,trom Ibelr own home. Apply or eaU Now 10 lhe lime to sell. Belore 11.1_ cancer, four years after tbis i n g a n "adequate, prepared ed teachers." lIlDlmum claar.. 50. Mh. Butrom. Burkeley HOlel . Inl, contact Meeks Re~1 Elate. All teacher for each child," by 1959- treatment. The eighth, a little Men and women in the con­ 'ets CAR }fOPS wanted. 18 years or married Inquiries held conlldenUa.!. Dial "58. 60 Ihan having a place for the ference room stirred and some DEADLINES preferred . ALso mlsCellaneoU5 kitchen FOR S <. Tw ~.~ h fuD girl, is still being given doses of help. BIC Ten Illn. 513 S. Riverside A~ : 0 u=room OUII!. the atomic medicini to burn out child to sit in school. smiled at each other when the • p.m. weekdays for Insertion SPECIAL JALE on parakeet •• eanartu. Drive. Dial 6557 . bnemenl Dial 11611. feed. CII,e" Dla. 26G. the cancer, Evans told Alton Speaking to 75 educators gath­ commissioner said it. in following morniug's Daily LOST ..... wb"n you fall to take ad- N'lEDEDI Man Of woman at onel to Brownell said he wasn't trying Iowan. Please check your ad For .al~: Bird., cUve gold to In Class BDebate ' wood . Phone 73018. See. aller 5 p.m. vous) a person may be, or how treat cancer of the prostate Peterson is head of publica­ Inter.sled In child crBll plan. Phone tions management and the BUr­ Ford 18S5 MalnURe Sedan . Nearly new 7790 quiet and inactive. gland, perhaps the worst can­ University high school won Persor.als redia. heater. $1765 or $450 down . No ~:-:-:.:::-:~-:-____-.- ___ eau of Media Service in the , Evans said some types of the cer threat to men, was described the cla~s B championship in trade •. 1217 Pickard. 8·l280 ".enln", BALLROOM dance 1-.. JIlmI Youda school of journalism. ARTHUR MURRAY dancln, 1. n. {o, W uri u. J"bon. Mill. runaway cancer cells are hun­ at the convention by Dr. Ruben the finals of the Iowa High ... Ie al reduced tate•. Call 5091 eve· gry for iodine. The ,injected H. Flocks, SUI urology head. Peterson published the Mar­ School Forensic league tourna­ nlnp. shall (Minnesota) Messenger (or 4191 ment held at SUI last week. 8-2847. radioactive iodine atoms a, 'e In describing ti,e use at thc FULLER BRUSH dealer. Dial USED TV PERSONALIZED LICENSE PLATES grllblbeood Things To Eat line, 111., Saturday tonteited a $15 Dally fowan Business Otlice by payltlll \'Hot BBs' Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund, i SerUin,4n Cor this ad. bond on a change of megal pass­ Lubin's Lunchecnette leatureo a de­ 62·3 S. Governor st., a gil1l Satur­ Attractiue Pro{euion ing. lIclou. variety 01 nourlshlnl toOdo day at Mercy hO!lPital. and !ountlln . peelalll ... A!'thur Roland Casberg, Wat­ Mr. and Mrs. James Cannon, Doctor Optometry erloo, forfei led a $15 bond on a of Ignition Coralville, a girl Sunday at Mer­ Slow Cancer charge of intoxication. DEGREE CARBURETORS cy ho.ftPLtal. I IN THREE YEARS GENERATORS STARTERS CHICAGO (JPl - adioaetive Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Wise, Fender four ~Dt&I.. l6Cl E. Court sl, a girl Sunday I Blh are being shot into a gland Profeuiona.1 Reeornition by U. S. and Brlgg.s & Strotton Motors right under the brain to stop at Mcr,cy hospital. Edward S. Rose laYI- Dept. of Del. and Sd. Service. PYRAMID SERVICES pain and win extra months at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson, This month Is devoted to Can­ , useful life for some cancer vic­ West Branch, a Iboy Monday at cer Control - the ra lslJll' of Two Large Eye Clinics 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 tims. Mercy hospital. funds and rcneral diSCUSSion of University Environment. New 'Body Work Mr. and Mrs. William Nyc, 313 pro&,ress - PHARMACY is 3. Dorm. and Apartments on iarae Town ' and Country Store Rays from the tiny BB's or part of this worthwhile move· by S. Dod 'g~ st., a girl Monday at adjoin inc I. ). T. Campu •. beads destroy the gland. That ment - somewhe re along the EXPERT WORKMEN Hcadquarlers for Paint, Paint Sundries, Floor and WalL Coverings stops the production of sex hor­ Mercy hospital. line Pharmacists furnish medi­ Your Liberal Art. Credit. Ap. mones and other hOlmones on DEATHS cation and assist in varIous plicable for Entrance (60 Seme.· 209 Kirkwood Phone 8-0122 U!r Credits in Specified Course •. ) which some kinds of cancer feed Joseph Morrow, 73, Wellman, ways. We are a part 01 this Kennedy Auto Mart Saturday at U)'liversity hospitals. fine service - and grow. CHlCACO COLLECE of 708 Riverside Driv. Promising early results from Chalmer Young, 44, (Musca.tine, OPTOMETRY Sunday at University hospitals. DIAL 7373 New DIAMOND PAINTS this spectacular new treatment DRUG SHOP 3243 Soulh MI~hl~.n Avonu. were described Monday by Dr. Mrs. Hazel BrooldJart, 59, 109 S. Dubuque St. TechnoloD C~nhr. Chlc"ao .', III. Flat Wall Paint Alkyd Flat Enamel T. Yuhl, neurosurgeon, Dr. Muscatine, Saturday at Merey Paul V. Harper, surgeon, and Dr. 13 New Colors 20 New Colors Delbert M. Bergenstall, hor­ • Going Home One coat coverage. Washable and mone specialist of the University Highly washable. Scrubbable. of Chicago medical s'Chool. for The BB's are bcads of a che­ DRIVING HOME?" Quarts ...... $1.25 Quarts ...... $1.50 mical clemcnt, yttrium, which Gallons ..• . .. $3.90 Gallons ...... $5.30 has almost no other useful pur­ NOW'S THE TIME poses. The yttl'lum beads are HAVE A GOOD TRIP ••• Frcc Pulty Knife with Purchase of Quart or Gallon made radioactive in the atomic to make some of eithcr of above. Limit one to customer. pile at Argone National Labora- 10ry at Lemont, Ill., then rushed • Want a Ride? extra money! SEE THE NEW DIAMOND ALKYD here for insertion lwp hours lat­ DECORA TOR COLOR SYSTEM . er in cancer patients. BW·T·, GET THERE·! • Wont Riders Do you need c'ash RIGHT Rays from the BB's destroy 94 NOW? Who doesn't? Turn ~. 324 colors in odorless Alkyd Flat Wall Enamel • 324 colors In odorless Alkyd Semi-Gloss to 97 per cent of the pituitary to share expenses? your unneeded items - a gland, about the size and shape • 324 colors in odorless Alkyd High Gloss Let Us Give Your Car A Spring Checkup formal, tuxedo, or household • 265 colors in odorless Alkyd Latex Base of a lima bean. The rays travel A small word ad in the • 281 colors in odorless Alkyd Exterior House Paint only a fifth of an Inc.h, hitting Iowan Classifieds will save items into ready cash. just the gland. In a week, the you $$$$$ on yow' vacation Advertise them in the Iowan B'B's have !ired all' their rays. Floor Wax DON'T MISS SPECIAL trip! Classifieds f~r quick results. THIS- No. 1500 Best results are in women e Gas e Motor Tune-up Highest QuaUty with breast cancer and men with The cost is lowl Phone 4191, Phone Step 4" Nylon cancer of the prostate gland, the come in, or moil your ad to­ Vesta Gloss medical team told science writ­ Ladders ers visiting cancer research cen­ day. Vesta Cote Point Brush e Oil e Brakes 4-ft. $2.50 • ters under auspices of the Amer­ "Iowan Classifieds are (Slip resisting) Extra Fine Quality Ican Cancer Society. Quarts $1.25 5-ft. $3.00 $6.00 Value The pituitary gland makes . Today I YOUR Best Salesmanl" hormones which control the sex e Wash. e Air Gals. $3.90 6-ft. $3.50 Only $3.~0 and adrenal glands. Cutting out the pituitary gland has BLOND IE CHIC YOUNG brought benefits by forcing shutdown of the sex and ad­ ·e Grease e Radiator renal glands. This is a long op­ el alion and it is difficu I t to re­ move all the pituitary gland. Please You r Parents 0 • 0 The radioactive BE's to knock • out the pituitary more com­ pletely arc a new approach. It Get Your Car In Good Shape is simpler than surgical remov­ al, and patients recover faster and have fewer difficulties lat­ er, the physicians said. They are given cortisone and JONES TEXA60 , thyroid hormone to make up for I I necessary hormones lost by des­ 32 W. Burlington Dial- 4129 truction of the pituitary gland. ADVERTISEMEl"''=' ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT

-AND, WHEN IT GPCm5 BACK, KEEPS HAIR NEAT, BUT BE SURE. TO CONDITION IT, NE.VER·uGH.'!-GREA9i!! THE. NATURAL WAY, WITH ~LI£V£S DR)'NE.SS!! WILDRVOT CREAM-OIL­ I'Ve GOT T\.IE AMERICA'S FAVORITE!:" FOOD IN'TfE i~CK, aUT 1 FEEL I'VE FORGOTTEN EiOMETHIN6. Pa,e '-mE DAILY lOW '-Iowa Cilr. la. -Tuts., AprU 5, 1!I5! .. I Salk Vaccine- port Funds- (CuII/I/IlIL'e/from Pa lle 1) (C(J//lillll('ci /1'11111 I'oge 1) IRay To Talk in Louisville SU I Mother' ~o,"inations Due Wednesday tion of the quantity of vaccine prat;tically depleted by July 1. needed, the doctor said. Nominations for SUI mother "It would be difficult for the Distribution of the letters of and lepresentative son and athletic department to function AI National ODK Meeting explanation to parents should be daughter ore due In the office completed throughout the coun­ withdut its revenue. We are now Prof. Robel t Ray director ofl of student; affairs by 5 p.m. Wed­ Convict Kills 1, ty in the next two days, Top com~letely ~al!-sustaining, in- the sur Institute of Public At- point of 26 or above. Those nesday. said. The childrEn involved will CIU?I.n.g salaries, equipment and fairs, will speak at the national other colleges must be in t ~ The three people who win brinog them home and will re­ ~acll1tles. Money Is constantly bc-. convention of Omicron Delta upper third of their class. these honors ",III take part in turn the permission slips to the 109 spen! on .malntenance ~nd Kappa, men',s honorary servicp I The new members will be taJl1 Wounds 2 teachers. upkeep, Includmg money being fraternity, scheduled for Ap" ,] ped May 10 immediately rollo~ the activities oC Mother'S Day weekend May 7 and 8. Univer­ Other members of Lhe coun­ 3pent on the football stadium 21 through 23 in Louisville, Ky. 109 the Finltbine dinner, an an­ sity students are invited to nom­ ty medical society committee which mOlY not ue appOlrent. Ray', a charter member of the nual event honoling male cam- inate their mothers. Men's and In Escape Try are DOctOI'S Lorraine Frost, John "Of course I've only been here SUI ODK group, is scheduled to pus leaders. The banquet was women's housing units have RAIFORD, Fla. (JP'j-A robber C, MacQueen, Stephen C. Ware eight years, but I've heard of talk April 22. ' started in 1917 by W. O. Fink- been isked to nominate senior shOot three men-killing one-in and W. D. PlIul, all of rowa Oity, nothing like this during my time ODK is now receiving sugges- bine, a student herc then. and Geol'ge Zi'billch, Lone Tree, at the university. lions for new members from Finkbine provided a fund men and women for the repres­ stat~ pris~>n here Monday in a for entative son and daughter title. fuiile escaJpe a tt ell'lPt. and Jean Marshall, Solon. "We would IIPparently have ~o university department heads, in- the dinner. When it ran out , Helen Stoltz, A4, Ottumwa, The prisoner~orge A. He­ A'PPfoval 01 the I!ounty socie­ go to the legislature for money, structors and members. Polen- during World War 11, the dinner Mortar Boal d member in charge roux from the FBI's "10 . most ties Is requiTed. and' in the case of coaches, you tial members from the liberal was discontinued, It was start· 91 choosing the SUI mother, has wanted men" list-killed 1'. G. Rumored 100% Effeetlve get just about what you pay for." arts coJlege must have a grade- ed again two years ago. isked that the following ques­ Godwin, assistan.t sU'perinten­ Althou.gh the fate of the Salk Won't Affect ISC tiDnl be the basis oC nomination dent, with t'wo shots from B vaccine is secret, t.here have ' Jordan said that the proposed letters by students: Why do you smuggled .25 callb ~r, Itallan­ been news stories published 1n legislation probably wouldn't a[­ YOUR GREATEST consider your mother represen­ made pistol. the past week which declared fec~ Iowa State college at Ames, COMING! ENTERT AINMENT THRILL tatlve of SUI's mothers? 1f your Wounded were guards L. D. the vac::ine was J 00 per cer..i ef. because that school's athletic de­ mother a ttended college, what Dct.JJs-in one shoulder-and L. feotive. p'artment is largely subsidized by ------~------were her accomplishments dur- T. Wainwright in a leg. In a cOPYfrJghtcd story carried the state. Godwin, 56, muried and fath­ 4n, her college days? last Wednesday in the New York The full wording of the bill CEDAR 'RAPIDS COLISEUM er of three sons, had been wJ'lh World-Telegram and Sun it was states: • How ma'ny members of your the prison over 30 years. Supt. SAT. family are ,raduates or have at­ stated that an "unimpeachable "Any other statute or depart­ L. F. Cha'Pman t: rmed him "an medicai source" said that not a THRU tended SUI? Has your mother clClCeptionally cl:rpable and fine men ta 1 rule to the contrary not­ APRIL 16 a vocation in addition to being sin,g1e child taking the vaccine withstanding, all moneys accru­ prison officer." had developed !>Olio. It said this TOKYO ( a homemaker? What contribu­ ed and collected and all moneys Wounded Get First Aid was the gist of the report to be BIII.LlANT ;JUBII.EE OF JOYI tions has your mother made to to be collected by any state de­ China's Com DobIbs, 50, and Wail1OliC? evaluation committee. party, Peiping from any source, other than by .... The SUI mother will be guest Heroux was under thr ~ e sen­ nesday, thus But Franci/i replied "the offi­ appropriation by the general as­ ~o r honor for the program May 7 tences totaUn.g 50 years. He had cial re.M. had kidnaped !.wo police oUicers ." in East China • President and Mrs. Virgil M. ------However, Indiana officials Ayr, is chairman of the commit­ Telephone 2 · 6511 figures. at Miami in an attempt to escape Aa~Dtch Unh ( 'onnb ..tn Ii ~ Soclc:tr • llanchel 's tea and open house said disease thought to be clini­ tee. Other members al e: Frank B ....II C.Ud when they sought to arrest him, W.l,.,. and "' ..... Tralnl •• Peiping sai Sunday afternoon. Sunday eve­ cal polio develnped in 5 of 16,000 Hoxie, Shenandoah; Earl Elijah, suicide. Wa was in a detention corridor cell All Seah IRseryeci - !'rlces. tal I"clud~d I SCHEDULE or hin" she will present the troph­ Germans Walk Out Indiana youngsters getting the Clarence; Henry E. Heideman, believe he wa Easl PERFORMANCES, Rlnkslde . . ,.,. , . , ' . .. , .. 2.75 i~ to the winnel's of the Univer- for alekeeping Monday when vaccine. Rockwell City and C. S. Van 8al4'on1 . , ' . ,. ' ., . .. . ,...... 2.20 and others ''1Ilty Sing. he asked a guard to take him to Eaton, Sioux City, all Republi­ ScIt.. lIHItI"ft lit 2:3' 2nd Balf'ony . , . . 1.50 Sat., al,'t lit I:JI saved tor pub the tollot about 9:30. HEATED OFFENSE cans. Democrats on the commit­ The representatlve son and Produces Gun And a few boxes at $3.25 S.... 1II1It1_ lit 1:31 ers crack the GREENVILLE, Tex. (iP) tee are Edward J. McManus, daughter wlll be chosen from On Truck Tax Conference '! bndrfOn'.. an4 Qhltif'nt,' Rat •• h, "' .. Inet Rat.. SUII.. twlll,ht lit 1:30 ty and people He suddenly prodlJJCed the pls­ '1Ienior men and women nomin­ County Atty. William Pemberton Keokuk, and Leo n N. Miller, '.fll ' H· -( 'hll"t .. " and _t1ufhfl Q' ftlrh lII(!hoO I .re !Itondoy .Il,ht lit I:JO tol and demanded Lo be talOwer him. He was immediately Trucks are bringing In 44 per ~t W~o'e fJ"'i~ Best* Best on hcavy ind hints !.he letter demand ~ d full­ the university, . placed in solitary col'llfinement: cenL of Berlin's sur,plies from ~ctor Supporting* ing, bccause a Scale governmen.t trade talks. , State Alr'y. Ted Du~can began Is ~apr! Actress ot "imperialis the WfSt. There is a possiibility . ! ENDS TONIT~ • NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS an immediate investigation and Reports from authoritative some new tax will be sIa'pped on people werc to dnd BARBARA STANWYCK in JEOPARDY Sherir.t J. H. Whitehead of Un­ sour,ees in the Soviet zone say canal ballges. An East-West bells in the~e East Germany is using the new I .J;n~=I~ln#!1jaa ion county said, "We hope to be a,gl'eement on canal traffic ex­ 'People ' ~Awarded able lo determine where the gun tax to foree the West to recog­ pired at lhe end of last year and RE-OPENS came from." nize Eas-t German sovereignty. has not been rt nc.wed. g:~E [ [ ,WE~~~yDAY "The peop A.Z. country must The permanent Interzonal The r ailroads whJ~h bring lhc THURSDAY NITE trade committee handles details remainder of Berlin's needs to must put h APRIL 7th work into e : ~fudy al SUI Cancer Researc~er of a quarter or a billion dollars the city are Lunctioning under a • in annual !.rade between West sort of gentlemen's agre€mcnt• "YOU'RE TN THE NAVY NCONQUB A9U!I they must rai .: Two Ml.$souri students will NOW" tne strictest . &ludy at SUI nelCot faU under the and East Germsl1rY. l lhe West whieh could be ended today . -:- In 1952- In close coo 'Wooarow Wilson teUowshi.R .pro­ Dies of Cancer proposed negotiatipns within the Berlin's Western sectors have " RIDE VAQUERO" another so as . tram, Prof. R()bel't F. Goheen of committee as soon as the road supp!Jes for at least six mon.ths. "HIGH : Prinoceton I,lniversity said here HARTFORD, Conn. (JP) - A tax, nan,ging uP,to $50 a trip for NOON ..... fuUill the tirs Monday. young cancer researcher died at hea,vy .trucks, was imrposed four STARTS And while Mt. Sinai hospital here Monday in 1953- pIe struggle t days ago. 1:15 p.m. TODAY ; The st~en1S are John 'c. without ever knowing, a mem­ Despite the tax, truck lrarfiic fi!i~ __ i i• ':.1:'1___ •• rt\ ..SilANE ..... na, watchdo .Gardner ot Washington unlver- ...w "ENDS THURSDAY" ber of h i~ family said, he too .flowed into Berlin Monday. The and guard against 8ity in St. Louis, and Dudley E. was a victim cancer. type "conspi Maynard ot ·the University of at West Berlin and West German Abraham H. Weidman, 32, now­ "power in the MissoW'1. Bbth will study in the associate professor oC genetics PIliping said. d ' lPIlrtment of English. tl:.t! at Morningside college, Sioux 'Resolut A total of 159 students were SUI Men To Lead fallt City, Iowa, hod relinquished his "In view of awarded the fellowships Mon­ faculty post six months ago be­ word day. Three were Iowa college tance ot stren cause of failing health. Science Session In within thc pa students. They are Chal1les An­ Weidman was a graduate of derson and DeWayne Johnson of motion ent circumsta the Unive.rsity of Connecticut Four sm proCessors will serve Wi/iam HOLOEM at transition Grinnell and Paul Hasvold of where he engaged In research on picture Luther college. as section chairmen for the 67th Grace KELLY struggle is ae the hereditary aspect ot cancer session of the Iowa Academy of No sur stUdents received Fredric mi,ht! Daily, "tbe n until he joined the Morningside Science at St. Ambrose college of the pa rty a Woodrow Wilson fellOowships this faculty 18 months ago. in Davenport April 15-16. A MARCH "year. • on the forma In addition to his widOW, he total of 48 SUI professors wilJ Mickey local commit The fellowship program is is survived by two children and attend. ROONEY "The centr Iij)OI\S0red by the 37 membeors w his parents. The section leaders from SUI { tee already h the Association of Graduate are Charles Tanford, associate These commit Scllools within the American As­ TEXAS SLOW POKES professor in chemistry; Sher­ intenSify the sociation at Universities, the AUSTIN, Tex.(JP)-State Rep. wood D. Tuttle, assis.tant profes­ violations of Carnegie conporation of New Louis Anderson has introduced sor in geology; H. T. Muhly, as­ on the part York lind the Gen~a l Education a bill in the Icgislature to give sociate professor in mathematics and in partlc boord. police the right to order snail­ and astronomy; and L. H, Saxe. recurrcnce of Goheen said thaot the p'.ll'lPo.'le pace drivers to speed up or face Jr., assistant professor in zool­ the Kao Kan of the fellowshilps is to give a misdemeanor charge. ogy. "-party a1lla )'O\Uli people the opportunity ~ for eradua.te study in hope th a1 more might enter the college ceadlin, profession. It's -':0 \ In 1954', Paul Kitq" SUi gra­ Starts PLUS - COLOR CARTOON duale student in English, re­ ....ORIN ItOOENTIIOOO" ' ~lved a Woodrow Wilso n tel­ TECt1N~COLOR - LATIlST NEWS - Seaso Iowshl(p to/ No rl\. h we s t er n. ONIrles A. Carlson, graduate ot -:- Don't the. l1nivl!'1"Slty 01 Minnesota, is Adventure and Peril Be­ studying in En{lish at sm ' un· IDES MOIN der a 19M fellowship. hind the Unseen Force. mado season Driving the Indian West· the weather day your cha Across ward the by a tornado Nationl Student Art Guild are less than The estima proudly announces its connection w' ther bureau's Itorm alert 8~ ('Iowa may HlFOI.ATIO.AL aOOILET 14 torhadoes Art Film ·Series days in an a W.lH MAPI O' CANADA'S Weather bure MA.lOI UIANIUM AlIAS Two tarlTlB for members only . iID.--- . TORNADO S . (Continu "·C'.lllll· VI1IIV. Jull a remimkr that Euter win be here in Chaplln Festival April 15 . ~ . ,.. y' . ." ':I a mighty few days- that you'll want to look -----l --II'IEW" -­ your Iparldins beat. April 22 Blood of a ,Poet MAUD WITHOUT COST OR OIU· June Ann ClATION TO ADUUS ONLY WHO IJIl ~ I#I/thJt.llJlJr~1 April 2" ," ' . . " .'" ... Diary of a Country Priest Order. It CAN AFFORD TO SPECULATE. . May 13 " " '" ." .. .. " "."." Passion of Joan of Arc Visit Our SPECIAL SERVICE Candldltes -.lil -;';'.I-;';.~H, . May 27 " ...... ,,: ... ,:.. , .. " Children of Paradi.e ~:r pllCle. New Store Gar:ments broll,ht In IDeD' aanou •.!! f' ....!":'::, W', at by Friday mornln' IIJImI o'rlce, ~ '. ~ '''ONTO, CANAtA wUl be reacb 111 S. Clinton Sa&urdar • DElIA J£fFIEY MeJM,Jal Un1~ . . 8 P.M. -riD&' II Aprl Tbe ualt ~ER· LUND· PAGET • HUN! MCllllwrsllil' open to all SUI st lldents whlcb laelu. and lacllfty members. Ill'll/Ire at tile Art lil eaalOifare 1 S. D~buq~e 1(!lI$iMwaet;.jQ_ 1M &be DAVIS . , Added Fun BI/ildlng. 111 S. CUnto" 'Le,end 01 Rockab,e Point' - Cartoou • ---eteau.e'tJ Latest World News Events . '