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I fled8 ,0Ur fehc“y be Cunipleteiy sau*- 1 he Bdtst ]H orida Ilfia'd, Ithotisand ; e ne loui th of which have no lieve Upon my inquiring ot an intelli­ habitation, but pass their existence in gent fi lend some time resident in the Jjy E B. GOULD And you militaiy of all classes—-vet­ Pnblsher of the Lavs of the United States, and the t pen ’s reels. At present there is city, and who is writing the h*stoty of of this 'I'eiritoiy eran iroops and militia in youaiso I cua- » tevporaiy ufltx, piobab'y of one nde, that you follow the canerol hojoi; thecciuntry,what the present and intel­ TKiiUS, FIVE I)JELA>IS, FirtB E Iff ADVASCE thousa.d of the latter description of lectual and moral improveme. t was, & in that with your discipline ai d sufior- i populaton. dinatioi, you will be the first in ma/tn g whether it had ever been such as dis- ( [ fur die ( out er, fr m tue ilaviina The vae of A n huac.ol which Hum­ cribed by Humboldt, he answered me N.xlcioso ol the 8th inst.l 'he-laws and autnorities lespecitd__ boldt spe,-^ as ben g so spstious and as follows : “Baron tiumboh t’o histoiy Ihc nnlitaiy force pioclaimto iht con- ADDRESS •)/•’ GrjiEHAL VIVES t well cthtiv&ed se scatcely entitled io oi New Spam, abstracted Ironi his ma­ siitution and e'evau d t he ihroi c w i ttl* THE NLW G0VEKN"R OF CUBA the nan e olv radev II is a narrow thematical demonstrations, his statis­ gloilously j>, veins us but to sustain *., Jnhab tants of the Island of Cuba ' tot p of tounixy, cSc-v-h boideied with tics and philosophical observatn i s, it s indispi nsa' !e that yi ur conduct hi,is and n ounaois, cotcreti with vol- may be compart d to the picture of a At 1.IHJU1 I have la deiio your hap­ be not piaied in opposition . Never was tHra •aident iv.sheshad already flown, to ten­ is not one spi ig rt native i .nber, nei­ physical as well as intellectual charac­ moie severe disc iphne obstrw a amoijg ther on the lulls ncr in the valley, near ter of the country has, since he wrote, der, with your assistance, in the sphei. uie Gieeks and Romans than when the city Not is this owing to the been totally subverted. About 84 tn of i. 5 attributes, all the goo.l and hap n- se people enjoyed the greatest hbf r ptness to which your patilotic vmuts Grids being rultivateo, (fur tl ere is 100 persons,” continued he,” ate na­ iy Let the pacific cmz known liberal sound sense of religion is b > their*, they sha 1 tell hi n- You evei Ittlc vegcialion ihete is becomes kn„wn; anti wnen i have pr..(/wsed to of those who hear with oi i| ty no n are 0’a good soldier—you ate n t a as divas a ci"p. The Indians pack the cieigy the gratuitous distribution ther vo'ce but teat of ht 'aws, at d tf co: j itntiohul jia tard—y u deserve inaodJes, cos’, and mule’s dung the of the Holy Evangelists, to the extent the authorities which ex.* .*_ them_ iba enrni -n, — y u sh .11 «uff r it "i.nicof m.ny leagues upon their of a thousai d copies, I have been told I am placed at die In-ui f hi gover : h' c i c my it n ts, n. Pi ' nts *1 G V «, and sell it as fuel fi r c'r king ; that the book was interdict- d, and it meut of the who.e .si* n 1 as (’apuni G .' d, . *->hcs which .! I set reai1- . u i‘t n habitants make no other use was observed that the people were Genet at, tntl of this Ptovince as sup > !. in- n. i patnfi saci fi s wn b. of f"*« tin i * not being a chimney nor more happy in ignorance. Assassn a- nor Politic al Chief, and uiv'i r bntt t ’ d> .g lo int*. You ha*e ihe "a* s fii pace in > e tnipne. t'ors are common m the streets, yet I consideiatit n* I Sun i conscc- ite n v i .1 .veiling open at all he urs c* e M rico l* sa .egetahle market no have never heard of a punishment nor labuis, n. older that the hrnefit ent nn ■ ay (p 1 < ar yuu, and ihcsc of . y hf-aii infinir to any in the ** oild. These vr- complaint. pait-nti views of 1,is majesty and Ins ■ you with kiln ness— g* tre tultivaled upon wbal Ncwithstanding (he number of the wne * ns 't.i’n.iial trnve; *’ ..-I* ld and maimed of all ages, sex and col- uded n le.aii n- ite . b t.irles whlci me rn z.. s tovi each oil et, il tt.e ju floating ■ *.u i, an of pro Hu, tots, who infest the streets for alms, I may obstiu t the .ipgi.mdisemint of diciai | o *ei adn' n.sieis pr. n r> y ai d in 'ain*ed Ironi ike svan p on the jor- heat of no charitable institution lor this lslan i ,n its agi iculi m e, co i mei ce, coriect.i j js. c-, t he pu! pc .uii.i in deis of the lake, by digging ditenes their relief, and the expression of puy, .Hid Hidusti y, a d m ol.v j vipo. that f ne -tics .iu zealous m ih3 fu h rnent ot atid t.mals in diffirunt d.ue n ns inter­ compassion, or humanity, has never tr.u.cjutllity, oidc r, a..d sccuitty which tin ir duties, il tlic p'jvintia d< ptiLa secting ea-h other ; thus affording a struck my ears from man or woman — aie gu iraiHeed to l'o < it'7Pi,s, in tin lull tains promote wn .'nr- be foi u.c go'd free p “-sage for boats and skiffs to pass As to intelligence, what can be expect­ cnj~ t,m,‘t of their ugh s, he not aitei- O liieir p'ovincej, i: ... Ilinli.eipal , in eveiy direction Iron, patch to patch. ed from a people secluded from the ct . hetlhei will I t.epat. from the path auiliouties tideawn ii n*vt a good These aie the Baton’s “ floating gar­ wuild and piohibited ihe Uae of books! of e ( oi stituticn , noi will I suffer o- ponce, if ihe m o ** {• ■ tp a stnct de' s,” as firmly fixed as the Island of Will mere scholastic atquirments scat­ lh IS O do SO With 11- p, pi(y II ppt’y, and salutary tlnr p m,; m short if < uba. Ihere is moisture enough to tered with a sparing hand, convey to ihe |j- i^ ious cha'artei of the mlnl.i the ctns uuiion ..I the Spanish n'Oil suppuit vegtiiitic, .he whole y eai tue mind useful knowledge or piacti- touts t.i the ijiand of t "‘'a. fluids n e an hy n, 11 tpmtusiy pi ac ,s d ■ e '.a £ io.’i d atnlthne or four crops bf sen'e cal irfotmatioi? Nul ninety in one t 1 s 11) tr at ner tl jt I ( ,,.,r.'se niy- i of me gi ou* c) ts a tt3f y m r>c « \ t * spot itn re raised. But when Hum­ hundred aie bulled in the profout’dest. iii it ji w i}] not be rcc.ii^v u hicn is oi that au' hoi n \ , fa b Will boldt speaks ol tinee or four crops of ignorance, without morals, manners ii aLe the \\< \ gi.t. f **t .1 i.i*i 1 y felt by be lent with pleasure to i o tr.t.ute ct in a id wheat, upon coy part ... a lay of intellectual impioveniert. ih!? means ot *i srvi k a! i.d a!■J3 a.lute jn - .iil its stiengtii to such a subuirc ob- < 1 the o / i giouuo < - uble land, he 1 ueits, falsehood, fraud, gambling, tiee, on ii. if con I. IV. 1 1. i an! i oi i- jc l ; the other hall is ltfi to o-lieis ti dots it ivi bout auti i i Uy ; for euncg aril fornication, aie familiar, and ex- ty «p vsin l’S( ,f m » tl111 /A C< uise of do, voluntarily I hope, as it will be pain- the dry statin of tight months, P is cue i either disgust nor honor, and Us r » ti, s a bun ever y k ii • d < 1 b ne uj iie.ilm ....a ~cl.&. i~ 4o •» tl nJi rpilf »*-*---7 *'11 - -1* - . tvrl a Ui.iOi, a i.(I fi ft, ru’V ts H It11’ In- Hi-t . hicn he ought to do. t n . learned man’s oLservaiions on professions, fiom the purpitd bishop co ■ mend to v u hi I £ e sc iiA.b'li.y Inhabitants of the island of Pube, It t the features and agi.cultuie of the and the beapangled maiquesa, down to < f my bon! ; t 11 o '•11. I d be II 1 biu t.iy sentimenis he it* pressed on you, cmjn'iy are, as all modern travelleis the strolbng mendicant —Can such a JOl u*e piese*U . n 1 t, U. u* II* i ai d and tecur to me as lo your I net d, -o u agree, very inatcurate. Owing to a benighted race step suddenly into a p* )spci i^y t > «In. Ii taib fl as the ’inpjiuai pioteetor ol yout best 'am of umber, there is not a fence in flee and representative goveifu ent, is and is destined A div.mni bit.k- ligins all the country, and ditching is useless, —the basis of which are moral prin­ iiig *.i < tits which ni me anti cus cm 111‘NCISCO DIOM-IO MVtS. for the clouds of sai d which duit be- ciple, intellectual light, private vntue, li..v Gr fied for many enlu’ics, tl c • MhXIt O (ore the *'ind soon fill them up. The and public spirit ? Alas, I must nega­ s i ■ ..ics ‘-.ini k of thsi oi djsho.dd it once tarn ers iheiefore have he-ds nen who tive ihc pioposition. Ait Amenc.n citizen who has recently re­ tcite .old ppc*rosieisi ly, will put mi w. tch the slock day ai d night, I will add a few observations on the end in a moine i to u e riches ant. pop- in nul tioin a visit to that country, giv s the M-xico is ovei topped by moun'ains ttact of countiy lying between Tampi­ ula ion of ll c 'sland The day ol ill.i- f idowmg account of the appeaiance of the on three sides, and the vo canoes Po- co and the cny of Mexico. This tiact siD" is past by—nen no long.r s.u i - ciU olMexKO We copy it tiom tile Ken­ puiatepett and Iziaccieuat, clad jn is one hundied and twenty leagues m ii.c 1 h-mselves foi mere them ics Do tucky lit p. l ter eicinal snows, rear their hoary heads extent, the greater part of which is a no Ui yourselves be delude t 1 Co i he Arc lmecture of Mexico is truly ‘ full in fiont. petfect wilderness, inhabited alone by pare yum actual situation w to that cf splendid, and the bui flings massive be Tin ladies in appearance and man wolves, tigers, panthers and monkeys. o'hei co.intwes, o Un*.v how to v h.c yond conception Houses of fioni s*x nei s are r.ct so pleasing as the gemie- In passing it the traveller n ust piocure and i>* esarve n. Union li iternity to seven hundied feet squaie and occu­ m n Thty are in genetal of daik mules, (horses are not surefooted en­ ought to ne the expi esuon of yout gen­ pied but by a s ngle fa ily ate not un- complexion with roatse features, and ough for the road) a muleteer and erous gratitud —unn.n and fi aicriiiiy, ctiniinon. Their walls aie all ofvu ca­ cour.tei aners expressive neither of in­ giude, and pack all the neeetsaiies of that ot your on i utility and conven­ me stone,well plastei^d over and white­ telligence nor lefined feeling. They life The scenery on this ttact is tiu- ience. Sometimes ti.eie wi.l not be washed and many of the houses beau aie all critics upon Bull and Cockfigli- ly romantic and sublime— the road v m- ■wanti g those, who, under the u ff l-nt tifully painted without and within.— tn g—ihe two favourite spoits of all dtng thiough deep and dark chasms, masks, deceive you by fabc 1 hey aie built to last forever, and m cl.SsCS On one occasion, I attended a or over mountains the most precipi­ and alarming news which to be hue ennsequ* nee ol there being scarcely a Bud baiting, wheie there were about tous and elevated of the Eastern Cor­ it won d be necessuiy lo believe that puttie.e of wcod in the whole fabr c twenty thousand pci sons collected to dilleras. The traveller at ev leaving good pioduces evil, and tliat the Span­ aie file pioof The stair steps ate winess the sport T commenced at 3 the coasts finds himself gr dually as­ ish nation has vileiy rlegiadcd, the con­ matble, the railings and lalusliades of P M and by 6 o'clock there were six cending till he attains an elevation of st!. iitional system, to the e;:tremity non and bi .ss, and the flatus are mar­ Do Ts and four horses killed ; several fiom 3 to 5 thousand feet. This is the of in .laung despotic goveinmeivs in ble or tile The doors aie p a'ted over liaises were led fiont the ring with usual height of heavy land clouds, and then base and Machiav elian operation wall sheet iron or eioppe,, and the win­ their bowels trailing on the ground, as theie is but little vauation in alti­ treating the people as though they dows aie like those cf a prison, w thout while otheis with their rideis were tude for the next hundred miles, he is were slaves or l.etds of cattle. Noi the shutteis, and secured by stio eg grates much maimed This sight seemed to every evening envelopt d in clouds and inhabitants of this island are Spaniaids ol irojn. These wonderful buddings, aive life and animation to the ladies, heavy dews. 1 his region is handsome­ ly variegated and the sccneiy beauti* like those of the peninsula and their together with the great regularity ant! and excited immoderate laughtei.— ful beyond conception. The timber misfoi tunes or happiness will ever be wideness of the streets, their elegant They are all, young and old, smokers jn common The government watches pavements and fine sewers give to the of tobacco , and the first civility»ffered is palm, interspeised with gloves of thick foliage and under shtub- incessantly over your interests, and city an appearance which as far stupas i he visitant is a segar and invitation to bery of-cilrons, limes, lemons and or­ is disposed, I promise you, to view you sed my expectations as thecountiy a- puff with them, anges, all native, which strew the with the same predilection as hereto­ round fell below it. The chuich put Mexico at this time exhibits a scene giound with their fruits. The roads fore. Close your ears to the false­ up by Cortez looks new and undefaced of horror and human degradation The after leaving this legion of palm, as­ hood, I cannot be the organ but of the in any part. Their splent'id Caihe streets are throughout the day crowded cends briskly thiough oak land to that truth. dral cost the work of ninety years con­ with beggats, and at night with prosti­ of ptne Mountains now rise on moun­ Foitunately the liberty of the press stant labor. One hundied thousand tutes and assassins. The mines, in tains, till they majestically tower above famishes the human mind with the dollars is, in our country, thought an consi quence of the violence of (he go­ the clouds The traveller ts now com­ medium of making known its thoughts extravagant price for the building of a vernment, Bnd rapacity of the ruleis pensated for what he sufft red from the’ with dignity and energy. The consti- house, while here one million is i ot un- who seized on all the wealth taken from humidity of the atmosphere below : for UTional at thor.ties, in a representative frequeutly expended. In short, theie them, have been neglected. Enter­ he can sit in a clear and serene sun­ g. vemnrrent, are the citizens most in­ is no city in the woiid that can com­ prising f apitalists of the country have shine and look down upon the clouds terested in knowing the abuses, and pare with it in number of fine buil­ left it ,• while others who had money and lightning and storms that pass m even their own and involuntary devia­ dings. It is tiue, that in magnitude it out have called it in, and hoard it for terrible array, many thousand feet be­ tions. A friend to knowledge, I invite falls far below many cities of the old safe keeping ; thus leaving the country neath him.—Here might the poet con­ all the inhabitants of the island, who world, and is piobably but little superi­ almost without money, and reducing template with rapture the sub'ime by their knowledge and experience, or to that of Philadelphia and New many to acts they would scorn in bet­ works of nature, and the painter pour- by wilting or veibally may facilitate York ; though, notwithstanding, it has ter times Colonels and piiests are the discbaige of my sacred obligations. the advantage of ail others in one res­ now to be found among the most im­ tray her most wonderful, rude and ma­ jestic features. The track on some of That only is abhorred which is feared, pect, there not being an indifferent portunate beggars. those peaks is so narrow as scarce'y to and I do not fear to appreciate the building in it. Intellectual cultivation is also at a The city has a permanent popula­ low ebb, and has ever been greatly in­ affotd room for a single mule to pass; knowledge of those who may contri­ in consequence of which the muleteers bute, that my noble ambition of ma- tion of one hundred and thirty seven ferior to what we haye been led to be­ The North shall no longer claim Friday, June SO. have taken the precaution to bell their 1F The bill entitled “An act tolegize A resolution was presented by pre-eo inence m wit and humour-, [Qf mules, and such as are going from the ceriain conveyances m the Terriry Fry requesting the Governor and Sec­ the opinion of Fontenellefin'tw, plu^ city, hearing the bells, av,ail the pas­ of Florida” Was read a second time e- retary w audit the accounts for serv ny of worlds, is now confirmed—that sage of those tiavelling 'owards it — ferred to a coumttfeeof the vvi-le, c. s rendered to the territory under and the nearer we approach the sun, the Pieviousiy to ibis regulation there was repjrted to council by whom it ware- by virtue of the “ act to regulate the nioreluxurtait1 the fancy—the brighter much confus'oti. and those poor beasts committed till to-moirow counties and to establish I fenor courts the genius. were not unfit q lently prec pit ted Tuesday June If Territory of I- lorula,’ and the Too much admiration, indeed can­ from the road, and with their packs Mr Sa nuei Fry, ap leared,wasqaP in tne »—■ V> \,„r,n the Teiri not be bestowrd on the piece, with the dashed to pieces against the r.nks be ified and took his seat. 1 “Act to raise a R> venue m i'he Bill entitled “ An act assigimg tory of Florida,” in order tb^ .d®^ signa ure of Verus The satire is so low. On passing tnose straig. la fur the profound and acute, that half the teny^ duties to the Marshal,” was read, atd gate may be msti-ucied to t “ t first irae, you are seized with a vei tigo, are ar a loss to discover ihe drift oF w< iie the awful subutni'} of the s'en- or lered to a second reading p* f hues- tUme-it thereo wi the author—whether he be teally for or day nf the United Mates. _ ery a round paranses the movement of against courts of conciliation. This ele­ the feet. V petition from Franci'P-~ S nchez• \h Gibson gave notice for leave M introduce a bill foi preventing fraud gant Tanus-faced writer has a most hap­ From the London Muim Igi hroiucle was piesented, praying 0r ‘he puvi ...... ------, py obscurity m hisstyle-a dare obscure We alluded a few dais ago to the lege of disposing of rpiain 1 nils by ulunt conveyances , an H . in his diction which at once ei.coants march of a large body of Russians to Lotiery; and referred v the committee leaveHave and reportedreDorted a bill tn itle act conv< rmng Slav* if and tiee peisons and bewildeis his readers He has suppoit the French. Though some on Finance made a marvellous disc,.very, m the pci sons may yei doubt this mteliigencej I he peiition of He Floridian Vir­ of colour,” which was read and made the order of the day tor Thursday art of sa iricai composition, which was we again state that such a f uce is con- tues Lodge was igerred to a Select unknown to Horace oi Juvenal, t0 centratipg Even il tomnn n sense did committee co sistngof Messrs. Rey­ and lie a so reported a’bi.l entitled “An act to in. rpoia’e the Wnaif and Pofie or to Swift. The wounds he not tell us that the Fiench G ivernmeni nolds and Sell -ny Mr Rtynolds | liifl-cts are so exquisitely delicate and would never have advannd agains fiom the . omu.jttee to whom was le- Budge company of St. Augustine, which,on motion ofMr Call, w s post | keen.1 hat neither his adversary can feel, Spam without a ctitamiy of suppoit, feirsdth petition of the inhabitants of j or the surgeons discover them Thtre w c must have been prepared lor the the t wo off ernandina, reported a bill poned until the fit si Monday in January } is, in tiu h a total »„n‘ of what the cm, co-operation of Russia by Mr Can mntl, il “ An act the town of 1824. Mi, Reynolds reported a bill entitled ics call keefung in his piece-bnt gm-'e answei to Mr Waiie in ihe F'eiiiaiidiiia;”wiiich was read and order- “An act to i corporate the char.lab e ius always soars above the rules cf House cl Comm n-, the oth i evi niiig, eu V. i.~ . ii,P t ,bie until Saturday. t mt thnugi IV) r. gular tiea y was sign M. (ridton gavenotice to inuoduce society ot ht, Augu tint- .«*d a b.n art Although seems replete entitled “ An act to incorporate the »vitn the inosi tMUtiaot touches of ad by Russia. Austria, ai d “ -'-sin >• a bill to mi ,, >raie i Wo tit - ugustine s ippon 1-iance wuh all then fur'e a d Wharf n d Bridge con,pant. Floridian V rtues Lodge which bills and saure, we are tol that he s i assur­ a bill to csi ,blis - ouus of concilia­ day foi Mo day most poignant stroves, by a mistake of ances or unaeislandings upon the sub­ tion m the Ferntniv f 1 oula Mi. Call from the select committee the printer. ject between these .tilled Sovereigns U>jin shed business of Yesterday on the bill entitled ‘An act defining Tms is one of the “ calamilies of au- and Fiance C.-unril wmt nuo Co , mute ot the the dunes Ithe Marsha! of the teriito- th rs. In a moment when the/uror We leain th tt the Fi-tnch are ob'i- ivli de on ihe b, i entitled “ \ t Act io ry of Flonda” which passed ihrough vales must have been upon hi,n, he gedloappiopuate 20 0 0 men to mask leguLte pr u eet'mgs an Atiacime. ts,” the committee of ti e whole on ! report­ conceived ihe happy conceit of chatig. S' Sebastians anti Ra.opeiuna. tV e tvhic i was a end d, repone. io ihe ed with amendments ; bn1 on .notion of mg the signatuie of lm opponent, by say at least 20,000 more mus be Council, tee a n n I nems c a urred Mr Kingsley w.-s le committed and the subst lution of Far s for ( urrnt assigned to open tne commuim a- m. a id indued o a third reading oil made the order of the day for Monday . But aLs ! bow seldom .ue primus m t.on fiom Bayonne to Madud, con Fi i only 1 he bill entitled “An Act to legal­ The bill tegu ai na pioctedmgs in nut, Ciookihe place of ihe suirep- amount in 10 000 when it an lies at ize c nain conveyiuccs m the Teiri- chancery was postponed ud lo n oriow. lous F, ..nd this kcenesi of ad the Madrid I is said that on me libro toiv ol F onda ”nad a second reading! T. e lull entitled “ An act respecting s 'dfis nt the writer c me pom less ftoni it is to advance in line with tl.e ar ny and ri f, i red to (he committee of t»je tht Frohate < f A tils and the grantum the pi css emeei.ig Pcipignan, and that a V to whole repnr'i rl to council a. d paa.ed. of Leitevsof Administration, and Li Verus however, like a pip» of fine na it is to halt eight or ten d.y-., bill 'n de « of the day. ters Testamenlaiy olid tht dutie- , though sp..ikling and high fla­ we i nagine this is not liKely to be ef­ The bill entitle'1 “ \n Ait authori- of Fx'colors, At.mimstrainis and voured, at the top and m the nodoJe, fected until Mina isdiapu-ecl of, which zi g tin app intment of Jus.ices of ihe Guaid ans,” was lead a third time becomes fl t n turbid towards the may be a mote chHii ult task tt an M ,i- P.ate and il. fi ung their powers,” was .-ni’ passed bottom. I is d ffi ult fir authors of shal Muncey and tne Duke D’Anguu read a thud n ue and pass, ri. the highest genius, to avoid being ieme have anticipated Fhe bib entitled “\n Act auUiori &t. 3ngtt3ttn?: sometimes dull Ail manner of reports were -float zing ihe people of Biai k Cieek iu dis * Aliquamlo bonus dormiUl Uometus” SituHD\V * V, Msg jut Jl, 1823 yejtetday respecting Ministenai , han- charge dunes in Duval County,” was WAVtAW\\ ‘WlA.VWVWVW.Av'WSWt He endeavours vainly lo keep up the ges. The general imp ession amoi g laid on U e table \V v i»ckn » vvledge-he r,c,*,,it ol the e ve --puli i f Ins piece, by lesomng to a lellc.ung and well mtonnid pers'renvilliies conn,inmg a letter fiom tns city, d.ite i 3 appeals to be a punster of tare (mkn\- bill ei titled “An act app. imu.g cmiiiis could no> possibly act together. The May, beaiing the signature ot J H. S. which menls He chai ges the vvou1 hairier humility ot C W. \\ ynn’s sub'nission, of conciliation in the'i’erritoiy of Fie­ we proprse to nonce in propel ti ue, used bv bis opponent into b r, » older hi, only served to add t. the hauteur of ri a;” which was read and n ade tile io have an opportunity o' a cutting hit Mr P el, who has utieiaily iram(jlcd order of he day for Moidiy. beat f Ihe I'et wo ml Oovern-nent ,\t the Ian yets. Mr Gibson imorie/l . for mcor- n.. ,.,r ... r . me cstaoi sl.mento^ pna mg i ivoai I all liroige company “Gt ntle flulliu-ss ever hv * , j Ie” a capitol for the I eiuti ry of Flm .da has paa in S’. A. g is .ue Laid on he lab e With reg.-rd to Youiei—ms style until tin fi st Mori ay in August. sed T he aci r. quires i hat il -h ill he located tin,ugh tinged with the same gh u if in that part of the temt ,ry which Uesbrtwe, n ‘irdert, of the day eloquence, exmbi s a gl.-ring c„ o' t of the Suwalley and Octoctniy nvets. It ,1s., 1 lie bill tn i et. “ \n ait to esta­ bol<.ness, vvhirh is well can u ..ted to provides lor tlje appoimment of commission, blish tl e e,i ot government m Flori make us consider him a fit subject fir da ” — .ltd tne bill entitled “An aci au- eisto view this part of'he countiy, and -o se the lash of conciliation He, h never, th .t zing ihe aitotmys ol ilu l'crino- itet-h, most suitaole , and when thtv has given us mi outline ,.f these new­ fangled courts He stout'y denies that ry o ppo> i Deputies ” bad a s. coi.d have agre-,1, th y ire to report to {he Gov­ learn g p,-sed thiou'h coo miltee of ernor who is authorized, bv proclamiii m, to hey are the offspring of a monk ; but f lS'ioth. weie conceived end '..ouuht Iht whole, weie lead a third lime, ai o convene the next Terntonal Lou.,oil, at tin- filth by the Great Ftedcnck ! ! I passui 1 he lull ei.n led “An ait it place designated by the commissioners, if m Icgtslaltbe Council of JHarfta; fifth s (elebtated tyia.,t iv sioiy lias go. no. fxecutions.” was recommt his opinion, sufficient acc .mm .dations are to Monday, June 16 ted io coimni lie of lie wnole, was a g’ven us o-nt- account. Vqit.uic as be obtained tor th ir convenience , an I m piuued his heioisni and ndiruied his air. Simmons, obtained ieive and me, ded, uporud tome cou, ill, atiri upotltd a bill entitled ban act ,o au- case they sli ill not agree, the next Council vanity -nd weakness—but of vhe jutl.- oidired io ■ hi d r. ad ng on Monday will bt be d m this city. rhci zed the altoini y < f the Ten- t-.iy Thursduy June 19 riaiy f Prussia, other tha.i ilie ai„iu- to appoint depu ies,” winch was read On n.o ■ n >u At. Mttihel i was ic We hearlilv unite in the wisdom of (h irary an . des >t ic t'cct* es or us, ii/d made the order of the il y tor solve tnat ol, ss'a Aru, i.inisley aim measure, in designating a snte foi the se liistc rv and 'he annals of jur spi u J met, are t qua”y s lent Thursday, and Mr Call, with Iivve, re- Ihllumyn a conm met loicpor, by of Government, but why sit darn m the p tied a b II entitled -an act re >ulaung billon he ft, s of the several ifBitis woods * « hy not sulTer a population to ga Y Y tilee is so chaimed with the tie proceedings of chanteiym the of the lerri my. th-r first around tl. n'ra oflian slung the lawyeis flow tl vs Courts of Fl.rrla” wl ich was read Terntoiy, that he does not hesilaieto Ap inion was presented from Maiy Foi the Herald and made tha order if ihe day for In R tiiady, of Duval eoun y. praying for recommend the crude and raprnnus day COURTS i IF I I) si II.I vnov. notions of this royal-literary quack, to a tin on bum ner husband:—Rcfi e lea its ontangeie claim —Hoiuos. air Kingsley, ob'aim’d leave and te- red o essrs Reynolds ami Kingsley iht imitation of Americans i M hen f commuted to the pi ess a Bm to return tfs these courts as pro- poried a bit. en ted “in act assigning On motion ol Mi tall, the engios- few hasty observations on i he project duties to the Marsha, for the i'einlory nosed to be established in Flout'a — smg clerks were placed umhr ihe di. in agitation to establish ceium tub of 1'loiidi”, the reading of which w s i eci,on of the (ominhiee on Enrolled From the accoum which Youlee gives n. Is in this icirnory, cal ed “ Couits cf us offl.em they aie lo take togms nee postponed till to niormw, and Mr. Bills conciliation " I little dreamed that my Jlellamy, leported a bill entitled “an Mi. Kingsley from the committee re. ofall raises, whatever m ,y be their rtnuiks would have drawn foith in re- nature, or the sea; of the suitors—and act utvh ,r the lull b'tanis of Black laung io io uured peisons and slaves, p,y such an abundant effusion of wisdom Cieek to discharge ceitan.s duties in reported Ihai said committee could nut the most prominent, ation of the and wit as appears tn the con.niunici. judge is that he shall be a gentleman of Dut a* Co.inty,” which wa- also read, agree and . skid lo be disc barged; which 'mi s in the 1 isis wetk’s Herald, signed and made the order of the day for to- “ long standing.” w s agi e, d io Youlee and Verus. moirow, That theie are members of thiscotu- Mr. Gibson gave notice to bring in a 1 most cordially congratulate the , Mr- Gibson gavenotice that he would - unity ansvvenng to this de'cuption, bill concerifwg Slaves and fiee persons public and partiularly the editor of the on to mono • ask for leave to report a it would be an unpuM ion upon oar of colour ; and he also gave notice to Herald on the acquisition of two such bill to tax cattle, bel mgmg to non re inuoduce a bill to incorporate the whaif chaiacter to doubt. J3ut Youleespedks aiJtnts of this f'criitory piufound and ingenious wrtteis. }\r ■•nly of one judge. Surely he would and brideg company ol St. Augustine nobile fratrum. C Sj'flushed bumnesr of Friday J not impose so aidnous a duly upon any Mr Fry gav, nonce to introduce a A like elegant in style, pointed in Ihe bill tn tiled “An act concerning hill to pi ovule for the safe keeping of single gen leman particulaily when la­ Arbitrations and Awaidsjwas read a expression and conclusive m at gun ent. dies -nay be the paities, as the repeti­ the Spanish Aicluves of the teirilory In iheir productions reason and elo second time, and after being amended on Monday. tion of acts of conciliation would icquire in committee of the whole, was read a qvnee kiss each other. Thewieaths throughout the whole territur). And Mr. Reyn Ids gave notice to ol Fancy entwine the arrows of Sat third time and passed ; and the bill en There is one point of view in which bring in a bill to mcoipurate tlje char­ ir.. titled “ An act respecting iht Probate these courts of conciliation may be ron" itable society of St. Augustine. VvTe shall now, I trust, hear m more nf Wills, »nd the granting of letters Orders of the day. , sidered which appears to have eserped testamentary and letters of adniinistru complaints that the columns of the the sagacity of both Youlee and Verna. The bill entitled “an act defining the Heiald are too much devoted to graye tion, end the dunes of Executors, Ad­ This consideration, indeed, almost duties of the Maishals of the Tt rrttc ty discussions of philosophy and morals ministrators and Guardians,” was als< reconciles me, to them. I mean the . f Florida,” was read a second 11 future we may hope to see them read a second time, amend, d in com lirrad to a committee of the whole, re- promotion of population. This is the mittee of the whole, and made the or­ adorned with the most splended speci- gieal desideratum of our countiy. porud to council without amendments, nens of learning and wit, frdm the lit der of the day for to morrow. and after waids referred to a se ect cou • Malthus, who has written largely and The bill entitled “an act regulating erary cabinet ofti.ese admired authois learnedly on this interesting subject, nr.ittee, consisting of Messrs. .Call This little controversy lias aw-kened proceedings on auachmen's/’was real' Kv gsley and Mitcliel. ays it down as one ol his fundamental a second time, considered m lommu 'he slu nbering inspirations of genius maxims, that agitation and anxiety On motion of Mi Call, a bill entitled which unconsuous'y suirounded us? tee of the whole, .who icported pro mind are unfnendly to the increase of “An act regulating pioceedi gs on At and which we msf hope will soon give gress and obtained leave to sit again mankind Nothing assuredly cteates tarhmems.” was made the order of rht -animation to our litetature and yigour io-mon-ovy. day, and te&d a third time and passed, more agitation and anx-ety than a law to ouv political system. suit, Argo, a court of conciliation, by quelling the angry and litigious disposi­ i have increased and in the multitude 6F con- tions of our nature; nius; Utigmen th< t nding intereHts, haired rev enge and all t!ic* of u re active importance, namely, (if I ture, the uncertain profits of man . of ymen *ud cause it to bur .arkesi pMsionaufourMatureW0Jw ^ rmitteir so to call it) tfie fluctu and mechanics; all isolated, an icS™*?Ml atmg medium, in the form of Bahk Notes their own respec ive resources, and Yc“ J° with a moie pure and regula« fijine. MiicomnmUeci and compiled society to re- duce their numners by extermination or male issur ov^r and above its metallic capital the risques, and fluctuations to whict.?,e "ihere is another posnion, also ad­ a dii -sion into snul]. r communities Ihe mkswould neverdra the profiisthey a space of time, mat. and his opeiatio.Sc“ vanced by this distinguished author__ Our natural Pudency to a commercial in­ do, itheir buMnessWas confined to m*-rety inevitably exposed to. ■ re lei tit out their original meta lie capital on name]): that the mu ease of population terchange would have ceased altogether Before we proceed to apply what has het inteast, which the concerned may individu­ is greatly Chechen by the frequent ex­ oveipowered by irresis.abie c.uses 5 Mins here said,itwill be necessary to give ashgh, ally p able to effect w ithojt such an es*ah. ercise of mental the faculties. The naure would have seemed to efea, herscU sketch of the formerand pres nt condi io.iof by the'opemi.onol diametncafl) oppose r. hshrent. Indeed, banks would mv r have the prov uce 7 0 be continued J more stupid the patents the more nu­ suits ut luppiU m the ample prou-ion of existed if it was not tor the ci edit winch the merous the offspring. * the ■ reat author of natuie a remeily existed incorporated ssociation is able thus to at­ A X OP Fl 1 It T iMTYr' “ Les grands espri's, d* ailleurs U^-esti- • issue notes over and above Out fork peu deialenspour farmer leurs ' of commodities, and balance accounts. By JL IIKK^LD, published in the c.ti mat. their gold anasilver ; by which they com as sembiables M • thi- means each indiv dual is enabled to ren- Augtiitu.e, is offered for sale, if application it were the inidlectual lesources ol the com­ bt made to the editor, prt vious to the 1st of fierce n follows, that it would be bad < e* justice to himselt and Ins neighbour.— However tl e commodities and services may munity, and \i hid) they let out to as high an bepu mber. Letters must be post-paid. policy to have men in a new country dint r in vdue, i ie medium restores the .>a|- interest as their gold and silver I hereby June 21. * v ho should devote themst Ives to lean - . nee. Ih t’ifli uitus in w ich man w .s »u, they augment, ther profits, whtch but tor t is, ould have betn ve.y limited. \^hen cd and )i er^ry pursuits Now, Verus v Ivtd and his progress impeded, weretius §MM)P RAPID, ue view this great faiuC oi the ti&nkn.g sys­ a.lo s that the practice of the .aw aim removed md h\> faculties left unembarra'ssed s expected to arrive in this p .rt about the tem, we W11 find it bu.ii an»l supported on a -8 h, and u 11 return f r Charles.on, on and judicial oiSci.ssions. t. i.d io sfiaipen to march on in the scale of improvement to the goal H« wh-ch he was i itended thrice sohii found ttion Fust, on the capi Ihe. last voyage far the season, in aboil, three the jnte itets Coin s> i i Justice musi But’houg1 surfi a me turn is as necessary ini, which ref resents tht a^giegate labour of davs after. June 21. then fou be advt tse, ar a t oni .s of con to ’he ttody pohtiL a>* blood to he animal the indiv duals ol the community. Second, economy c* cu u ng thicugh and invigora­ on the credit, to which it is nulled when Sufienw Cnut t Jor bast blor da. filiation highly CvMahle to poj,u»a these resources aiecoliecied j jyi t theconh- ting the who> ‘.ji.em, >et the want of this Charles Setoh, tics •lence it i ispires b> w Inch trade is earned on circulating ined um n due proportion dcbilt- in FQUirr, Upop the w i o e this train of nfl c with o’her countries on an enlarged scale, . t tet the po dical body, whde a suueraouii* trom the late William Hall, and turn addeo to h s lui n acute iea dance . ndangeis its health or destiovs its es- 3d By enlisting anils side, the activity and mdustiyof the speculator his prudence aud ■ ounty otirt soiling of You! e ,n Ecrus> on ui< iste* ce. Catherine Hall. of ’it Juhm experience, nay, ev* n the Ws and i;oni»^i evils of aw sno jUsnce, n-uuie .m to Au.hois diff* rm their esiim.te of the a- influence of government lu short, the mu- OTICK is herein given to the i.eten ant ount of the r< quired cir ulat gmrd > im n> a withdraw m> oppo-» t’oti, and i o long; »al chaiscter «f die nation is ma*'e use or, and William Hal., in th. ab. ve cause, ilia II < omniums; , some place ii at 5.h of ns m N t i i .ise my ktb.e vu,cc hg mst the p -> in a ihanneradded to me whole, to wairant the pleadings and paj ers the. em have b en u** y pjodtirt otoeis afl0.h,a t3uth,a 3uth, tra .sterred Irom the 1 thee ot the Ute Uo.k of age id the conciaatoi > h 1 n Mu L^g s- and secure the value of tie fluctuating me­ fcc' h s ; idt diflVrei er between au hoi- dium, the-nutes issued by the bank ovei *.nd the County ( ourt of S. Johns, to the Supeti- or «« le Mi,;, wh witliouta tloubt were mas- lauve Ct uncii amicus urije above its unifisic capital A medium which, or Court lor th. District of hast Florida, a- sus**ft.t s bjttt, the) tuatedon, w*U na- without these aids, can m itself h Vc no value, cording to law. and that the said cause stands Cn tie project oj a Bunk csi.ib i hnent in Eus mi 11; e *d us m conclude, that if a an) ia>e lor it is unagiruay, and *.f itself represents tor trial upon the docket ol the said Superior ! to i la >e be,o eth a^ncu.ual audpo- teo t c ts right nr nearly so, nothing; anl ss tne expectation of unreah- Court. JOIIV H.IDM VV, Uuciv society J ./«« i»ty h *hei * .s« i»e oindeii on a mistaken rai- z; tl succ* is, m commercial t»tcrprtz,s, cun behetor for ( ompluinani. Y*,i ct nui i (.i n* *< lake i l co ♦'■it-1- c ’au .n, J) u if wee view the matter give it a value, i say il we view thiatabr.c.diid June 18. 3w. stunt e quemon i.o »f /t tin. sxietv, e wi 1 fi id, th t opinion ex sing i account^, b ween the * bout, jrg nuity ami bufieiiorC urts they /trmt 1823. a'esokmrtog ther, that h is nnjiossioie to IN CHANCtRY. th mu/sft e c nnui'ee, tl ey u duvivof en W e must net> -.sauly infer view the one without consulenng tue other tlia> e ch nit mbei *»h«* ct as.bjtct of debate, well \e Hie. hebalttic .faccomils, amon st those n te»-ested premise rjiemsetvts from not iuiu i nr u> n m cl s >y w txlu it in nt * pp sue class, b, would be greatei than it «II such ail institution. Ihe beiufii winch an I tl at the Defendant is no inha itantof the lai .d i.scou*- qu «ct s aud p.>m «»u» isi - ei» i u-i i ns, and of .nu -e a gieiter paitns expect arises fiom the-e very notes. Disturt. It ts ordeied, that unles*. he file his answer to the complainams’ bill herein, on or fiinici '•> ex' c .. mere, prompt! g qiunti y ol me i um would dm sue. a I lie bank stockhuldcis, are able to outaui in- agricuUure. ar*s and t e u un *.. u.) i ui tlie id t w.,ulu s'ai*d in nee dot befor* the next term of tins court ihe same teteslupon tins their imaginary capital---- will be taken forronfesse’L 1 he m't ic^s c ' th* af»i a Wi uojlii and t iis. he supplies .ftoide bv the l.musfnous and I lieu notes, issued upon the \alae and cre- Anil it is further ordeted, that a copy of a vannng moral man willi progressive Mndis >r* vliicmg t otlmig tiieinsclves, a proportion- * it winch tht ir inliinsic capital obUi. s loi this order be published eight weeks success* toa't-teti niprv«mei.t winch, t« jn M dlv luigu q amity of m. di im would be re- them, when support d by the m-eguiy, m thefutuieby* t -as will be as nu i cu. b. q nsite in oidei to furnish them with the ivelyinsome newqiapii, ol ibis *1 erruory uusir,, and success ot tluir « uslomcrs. I he or of the States of Georgia or Alaban a, and and be < ml tS m^tt, is < ui cm 1 i no.uM me.n^oisa id\ ng tlieu waits, riom these ind.viatiais on the * tiier hand, aie able to h.\c ; uiant. , a'ed >; < ui ai ink van ai- iu in I i.t^iere s we clearl) sc , that the that the fubhcHtian be made immediate­ c ii,i bv ‘ore hand into auruic), then* inttgri- ly. A ci pv tes'e, ce**tor? lint '»i r inqu \ is mi i ^ I qtun »; o! mediu * must t on.paiativelj van t), u.dustiy, amt expectation oi success , 3K ISS Tfv-f LE C.S.O. ’ a*ure 11 hisiit u c *o H c m i*\ cl » in ifteient coirniumiRin pi upon ion io ll e suppoited by the meUinc capita* oftiie ba.i- ^ack ngt*taroi'hmeii in !> i- t nu ni\ im Jchx Rodiiax, Sohcitoi for Comp umant * iuc.oe-.sof th 'jb'md vised for the pro­ keis, iih wtnen they aie eiunledtu cariy on der i’s piestnt CmCuim iiu> , tome June 21 4 -Sw per d »tr bu’h.n of Uboi among the individu- their mercantile operations with s\stun*Uc ian!) at his yj. ct r v, u i><- itti-ai}- *'*» 1 he medium in a community ol agucul punctuality Fiom the luune oi these not s, District of Fast FIoridaT" Irt l o i *» e a new < ■ >! c t> ip n o the juj sts and manufirtine s u'd \a v but to a toe issuing of tiicm nmsi dep nd on i e cxi Supreme Cauit May Venn 1823. ’a’kng-^sum and e- i( o’necu My las *er s'^wilegitt , and the evils c \p- rienced gtnuesof coniin. icul men which at jdta ? rr»% id *ff*\v i li hs c *1. e l u i *- tr u sup ribimdainM m ant of medium — ^.^Ie may be retienciitd oi exunded. i lie IN CHANCERY to 5 S C Cl it. of! * is b*. \* hal .if I a. com d i,o' e so s siblv fill as when that fl tctuaimg n*euium thus assum sun eiasuu Wdham Rohe, t-on, .mi uji his wife, Com* ra t ges t f t ji I. n ->«i M.u to r{ t pi< c c,|S c m.nii -ity num .crs an o g .Is cthci hi and,- ly ol cliajactct (it l av»> be allowed U*e ex phunanls agtunst of ih* vs’a' 1 s m n a *« u* th .« n *nu > .v .so 1 uustr;, that oi fort gn commerce p.ession^ wlnUim y be ma le to keep p Hu' p R Yonpre a » Zet haniah Krngshy, at lar, e, mi ori t r'o «s ’tan isli Ui m oui in* pies 11 gigantic and ' et yiowmg re- with the vicissituties ;*t cuinnicue and thLre J)t fendamts- countr »hcs me ua «n.\>nia Ik w h n* c sm»> <>m ami cii’iiim ..'v i s ore ol the links in hand thesaiu efemiani Yonge do file h*s ,tns\v. r t*i man-mmI of sonn cm cl . ; an l t. is i ‘ cliaio bv w h ch it must muie oi 1 o enforce the conclusion wh ch ihe tore- to the complainanis* bill lit rein at or before its ii 8 t • c h 1 tfiectrd t" hx «r 1 mit the qnan um gmngjrrumtnts cle«i<> admit of, dh moi the iisrxi teim *>f this court, the same wifi be U we'i'ar* l.cmu snouts to its o i*-tn and f tit nudhiin which it ma) ttijMiu to cart; force it w uld be * U to ask t would a t’aj i- t.k»nf r coi fe^sed again t him, And it is fiori tIj first pan in w oni i Ms c< an entile mi il-, rptjiion 1 he ft ic oaiioo is consunt tdlist engage in a Bank estabhs. nienl, il it t*’r her ordered, that a cop\ of ,!MsoHer be in m i uiinrsb t } bv it t) jm gb ci rets. there! u *h»- r medy wnch the a un -* N« te» of Hand ind ibe like, « oulil ne- funis,and pUcing the*., umiei the con.r< i oi A copy teste, and ml* rts'.s. this pic.i .r-n ol t ha ac et ; i keep pact w i*h such *raitsitmus, — Banks olheis C«.d being th- onh r« med) f*»r this, a man has J JMHN ROI*M\N, yond ihtr* capita f r he pm pose ol loa s I \ JOHN DRYbDALE, \n a'nrn st e\ery md ni'ua seems to d» ma d witmn I un- If cer ai. po eis and faculties the individuals -t the community wui pr »- some bend some m dnm fi Inc u»sl ahtcli ( whi- h although the) txutf d oruianhy in Ms fl.gate, s| endthults oi dishonest, or the Solicitors for * ompl.iimmfs,- sba Ibavi the lend icy \ > nni e l» e gn at * na uie ) et *le'eh pe th ctr- qouotiy ma sl«tL of anarc’.y, and wiu out Tu^eSl 43 8wr farm*) of man I Ins * md\ ctnipost*' of 1 tiinag to fit him for hi Jte* .ciioisand st«» comnitice ? certain y no 3 id .f it did, wno ti ks In ht like mam e» ct ni.ner* e bn ught N'lTICE. mei b srs«fiice.$£ Lmi td faculties united to ui Imnt d arpe promissory notes, when he knew that the until the 15ih diy oi JuH VTutteusealed tires hiid iiiclinasior s, must n« c ss ri’y be those poweis of baoki gs'stem itch fit issued not* s ot that « ank exceeded its Utpi tt d p for a more imp ovnl siate , aud to an TFt aposats, for siipplyinu th** United States depen lent on eacn other 'I o iso ateil '•ai, and w t te let out to persons who could not s er die hn her and utgmt wants of sonet) 'Iio ps stannned at this pUce with two hull' and in lepenilej^ in 'wicirds is i.hj oss ble — pay l he conclusion then is natuial, that the F.^c’ vi of servers is * s * lias to Ins u fa mi­ Itsorgin we ate told tr*ceut four dredc rtfs fFIKE WOOD . ui.k notes, are only good, when both par Persons wishing to contract u fl! state the nes a d weaki ess Kv l.ange of ccnm od c ihumsag* toafew unhviduaStii ttuse ito ties, Bankus and customers, are benefited 11 so i osom of die pu he markets m It h lowest p ice for which they wil furnish good tu s ai i' 1)k- necessaries of Ire is u uv o* ’ab'e an that the one, can nevei be benefited at a coni) ii uhich enjoved au immense com- meich intahle oak wood to he deliver.d be- amo* ij those whose a petnesand me inatiO's m evpence of the other from the argu o ’> ImiUdb) tie.ig.tfeofli.nik ge in.-ice coo pr**iiiig the Indian and Euiopean twe* n the fiisi of Sept mber 18J3 and tlie ments thus advanceil, I hnve atte pted 'firstnf April 1824 in such quantities as shall jiil \ tue tint l*a\c fauiui ll-enituu r tra .e . and without any other establishment ... piove, 1st That a medium, is mdispen- th»n a bench, winch >n the l1 lmn tanj.uug« be requir* d. rinithe. e ders a^s dutch nec*ss’r so e siblt to the uivanccment, a .d civilization of rnc .r.s ofreciproc.d mt« lrnui'-e. fi> n. the is banco (from he nee it clci ves ds name ) A bon . with two approved securities for thtyixr a’i<» M monevs, notes of liand, ^\c man; and th t its want or superibuudance the f ithf *1 performance ol the contract will posi ion, we ‘a-e that id roi paia.ive diaper- re al*kt peuucu us to society—*'d that the it\ i f man is an e^s. n u! »ne cdu nt, lu the Uic d fic ent bet dies, to ' emtate busii css be required specie or metallic cmrci c> is ol nu intrinsn P* rsons offering will name their securities perfection of oOiaU. *\nd of man i^as'-u. is ue l tin lr act omnmd tionno'e* winch v,crt value m itself, but as far as it serves as a cm i eutly receivetl bet;* een d em Io »In- in their proposals HAH\E\ BR* W'N, be ng \\elhrnf »t consdc. mui rni^'itu* medium to balance accounts between Uie ted 1 v mi me an 1 cr«unst nc;s a commer- simple an humble commencement, the great Post Q,r M tster. differ* nt labours and industiy ot man in so­ St Augustine lune 20, 1823 43~3\v cial being I Tils now examine h»* tins b inking s; stem owes its oiigtn 'I he capital ciety 3d. I hat the quan um ot medium, ne­ c-mnuical ‘ring wool I wa’uiaby act, or ofa hank ‘S prin-rpallv ot sp Cie, the mtr n- cessary ac< mmutmiiS, must vary an i.(hat Sir KR IF P'S S \L.I*.S ' siciiji esentative of l.ibmu, a d the medium what method he wm Id ado; t m the progiess Banks are the only remedy to uc dy the in- Y virtue of an order issuing out of the Su- a t*i iespe^uvt indtis*rv of individuals , of society *o iff. ct a fan * m liangc of ctM vemences.and ii ccssant variations, which ntnrr rourt for the District of ha*»t Flo- sen.ces, and the pro ucts of his various wh cb when so broughi t< gether, and cone; n- c mmtrce must occasion, by its *atuial vies BPida and undei a judgment obtained iu tlie traft d. iepie*** nts in a ntnier view, the res pow ers siiu-ies. 4tli IhatB inks are instituted only late County Court for the <‘ounty of St Johns, Abe I and Cam ' ave exchanged ouices and indus’n of the community, h •n create a thsposeahle ftuctuat ng medium ; by Charles Seton and to me directed, wi 1 ‘;e the «>mp e materials ar nigfrim ti«e»p res- assumes a poht-cal cliaractei and importance lut the first can only be suppoited by th sold on the5th day of July next, in front of pe* 'ivc cniplo\ments—th* fio ks fn thos« of unh lespect to commerre in general—and security of he othei, and that its «ecun.y the Court House in the oityofSt Augustine, til'age T ins simple b^r'ei in g • have gone jcqu*res a credit winch the interests ot the * ep* * ds on the benefits vvhtcn Banks and between the h*ursof 11 o'clock in the fore­ ei. a«* naHire eta ed for si veial gc**eratioiH, whok vhen hvided, could not in so higt a customers must mutuaffy dmw from external noon and 4 o'clock in he afternoon of the iiegi ee possess 1 he politician as well as tin But 1 ov * ill it * ontinuc when «ociet> commir^e. saim day, all iheright title and interest of the berime more numerous and the wants < i man m* rebaut i* euahUd to c Icul«te with adegi* t late El zar W aterman, into and upon the fol­ ofceiUintv the rel .turn his counlrv stands m, Tha. the Hantuir sjstem onpna ed from more com»diCdtec' ? < on:m. rce in the pr. s. n. get ers! acc. p a- io mg Negro Slaves, viz Ned, Cato, Arm- 1 he intercourse between men as commcr- wth regard to others and can through tin t.on >*n in an means of this accredited capital so brought Billa, levied on and to be sold at the suit of as if weie in battle an av, carrv on the gra d ly htnefi. this branch of industry, mat be-con. uninterrupted course. It must have beer, c usiv. h mftred from almost each and eve Cl ailes Sftnn, to s*tisfy r*,e amount of the check, i and restruned could a bus! el of contention lor the balanc; of Traile, between <4ud judum; nt an 1 cost. Purchasers to pay their own and other countries thus thui t> tendency of our foregoing argument. It corn r» s evl time ne exchange for one in may be how eft r palpably and directly pro- for all necessary papers harvest ? Shall a da\as labor of a tobust man the cautal of a giv-n numbef from the aggre­ JAMES R.HANHAM, v.d, simpl’ reft m.g to the face ol the notis be exchanged for *noih fits principally depend The met »lli< . rh the condition ot its notes * supposing cl mate of ahund ce aid scarcity, a. r we*-ha) tested, to the subscriber, and ib-se who may fuiv's, represent the profits of previous la j a moment the should be made find no end to the complication of unequahn- bemdehted are reques'etl to make payment. hour, while the credit it gives, represents the "si) ab]' in one year, or more, to tally with terests whic> ma». ru< st struggle with on ac­ By order of the Execntot s, means or profit which it can command for the ■ he time ot the rei hzation of the labours of count (fhis\aijn ir cnrumstances. H would *h country all around, to the ext^t oi 21-) consider no revolution in their affairs v.ta a todos los Espanoles Domdiadbsa! m‘ rilB OAK TREE. fial, carrying away, burying, St turning seuntes en el termorio de su Jurisd,c USin‘ as comparable in interest to the last presentarse a fa Concillena del con‘?i * We ku }\v not of aught that is better the houses, trees, and inhabits. term report of points of practice m Ban­ para mscnbirse en el libro de Mai adapted to indicate toe literaly and The news of tins lerr bie cltastro- co Regis. As he walks the streets he y consiliar por este medio Io prevem fCUl11 co .meicial importance of an incteus phe did n it reach the resident ill the must give way to no sentimental mus- el aruculo 24.. de la Constitution p„i,,° 10th, in the evening; he linneliately LMomuq. " it* and polished c immunity than its 1I)Ri —There must be no “commercing Tambien prebiene 6 los eapitanes a N. vipapeis, f lev a>e not on'y a repaired to the scene of desolation, in with the skiesno u.le dreams of love, the neighborhood of which he soon ar­ madores de buques mercantes, que ueL° *' Line: of custom house thermometer,ex and tainbows and poetic forms, and all rived ; buton account of the heat ofthe In 6 en adelante salieren para las costas * 81 hunting, oy the use or uy the depres. the bright illusion upon wh’ch the tos de Espana 6 sus colomas. qt.e & -— > *>Uet- lava on the one side, and the oveifljw 1 qwalqm ;,i m otmanne intelligence on then co‘ “fancy free” can feast If a thought bora del los despschsia 4 ha ae Qd nera mg of the tiver on the other, »h;ch luinns, t!ie actual stale of impoits, ex' of love intrudes, it must be connected suiran retardo sus expedicion. s, " e p m is, nod reports, the natuie and es had been ch k n up ly the etuplion, El Oficio es interinamente Calle de r i with the law of n.arriage settlements, sence of winch are sure to excite and he was biffl.d in aR his efforts, casa del Sr. FONI' t..\ E. “‘“k and articles of separation from bed and mteres' tne attention of, mq >ir .sia easthe I4>h t* reach the chief San Aijustm de la Florida 12 de Juniodel823 board So of the other passions, and ing, busy men—but they aicalso indi­ seme of misfoitune. Hospitals were ol all the most interesting incidents tes o£ population Like members of im Mediately estalAshed in 4 places to NOTICE. and situations in life—he must view Congress, they mu tiply in the direct tecetve the great number of wounded OY AootiSTijt de LETAMiXnr, consul them ma ely with refertnee to their ratio of the inci ease of numerical lep1 who have escaped death. the Spanish Nation for East l loud, ™ “legal effect and opeiation.” If a fu­ Bsulent in S,t. Augustine, invites all the Sn^" icsentation. Bui, wheie inhabitants J’he desolation is complete, and sur­ neral passes by, he must, instead of tards either transcient or domiciliated n, n,"' ate fe.v and si auer d and i us ness is passes ill description. Scat cely a sin­ permitting his imagination to follow teintory oflusjurisdiction, to presentthem Ji lined, miormalion <*q ini to tne de gle cri atuie -us esc iped ftom several selves in the chancery of tile t onsulate to* the moutnets to the giave, consider jirniid is easily suoplicrl ; an I a sheet of places, and nost of ihe corpses welt set ibe their names m the vegisier which f how far the executor may have mode keeps tor that pm pose, and by so doim. \v ime p t i r, sun v'dv nisi i ibcd m capi found o dy a few ol the kain- ta himself liable for a waste of assets, bv conform tliemselv to the regulation sneefi tals, Public Nouce, Ere. nailed to an bongs ; which ptoves that the liiliablt- some supernumeraiy plumes and hat ed m the 24th aiticle of the political L, mktiec, ii to a pine tiee whei e an oak .ints flying from their dwelli gs weie lution of the Monarchy'. u‘ bands ’’beyond the -ta-e and circum- is n it to no f luud, in when lieithu is at ovci iy toneiit, and their 1 ne Consul makes known also to the on hand, to each side of the much fr-q ie»- feci being fint burnt tney fed down ctaticcs of the deceased. ers, masters, or other pel sons fium3. 2, tf-d Pom oi piaai, jjostsof the fai fa and perisncd in the most ho rtble man- Such is a part, and a veiy small pait mci chant vessels which are ot may m futlT be bound to lilt coasts o< Spain or ns coij7 me ‘ vilLg" ale noose, fully answer nei ofthe probatinuaiy discipline to which ies, that he mlldespatrh them at all houis j 1 the puipose of satisfying a cncumscn Up to the 17.h, the distnct of Stn- the candidate for forensic eminence must be prepared to submit, and if he the day, in order they should m texperience bed cunosity. gapaiaua wjs inaccessible. I' seems delav till his .account. can hold out for ten or fifteen yeats,his It is thus in the infant state of a set­ to h ve suffered ess by the toirent of Ills office, is, for ihe present, in Cliadotie tle neiit Sen lements, however, like lava, but as u lies low, and the rivers superioi claims may begin to be known streLt, house of Mrs. 1'ovriNL the iduals of tv Inch they are com­ aie emoken up, the n undat.ons cause and lewarded But success will bring i o fat Augustine, lzih Jure, 1828. diminution of toll and sef denial. The posed, when they come to manhood, mere the m ist affl r.ting ravages Ac P ito i .TamatFTS 1 put away cli.ldish things cording to so ne acc mil s, wo hillocks, bodily and mental labot of a successful BY WILIJ IMP. DUVAL, We reme.nbei, and who can forget upon wiiR Ii 6 ) oi 8 ) persons tn leavor- banister’s life wuu d be sufficient, if t^e happy srcm s, men) nts and hours d to save Uiemselve from the waters known beforehand, to appal the slout- Govei nor of the Teriitory of Tloiida, -f h;s jou'h ' “ ’ 1 is thnty jeais •nr; I'ameJ away, and all those unhap­ esi. Besides this it has many peculiar ^HEREAS the fotmer acting since,3’ in boyhoods’ halcyon dais, we py pciso'is swept at once itn g ave annoyances. His life ispassed in a tu l T agen's for Indian AfLns, have well remembei aieneiatle o k stood London 1/terai y Gazette mult of peipetual contention, and he from lime to time gianted to chi t is per. must compound with his sei.sibdity to ■ n 'he Bav street in Gi oi gc.ow n, hard F o.m Camj.bc . v .... jjaziue sons licences to tiade w nh the I, than by the taiein, Up-.i known b> the name Till, , A iv , y A t-|i ,t c isiUV. give-nd rccuve the hardest lucks. He tribes within this teuuory, noiv I here, ofthe Oak Tavern, in lio.ioi of its ma Youi le.n ik sju.t, uiai mi Bat is has no coon eol cases ; he must thiow by proclaim such licences to be mill j**- ii ne qlib ii, thi1 b) tne numerous grnv ius.y uvei stocked, and crowds of himsuif, heart and soul, into the most and of no avail, from ai d after the 20th handbills con’inual i ta ked ait mist its tie,h membeis flick in every tetni, as unpromising that is confided to him day of this present mm li, anc! I lieicby iugged trn'ik, irua'.'y saved oil the iftor the -ole ,.nrp se, and ceiUiny lie must contend with obsliepetous forbid any person or pusoi s uhatsoev, put .* jses oi a g-ii d mtelhge ce of- w,t!i t. e cff.ct, of si uvi.igone ano.her. witnesses , he must have lungs to oul- er ftom Hading with any Indians with, ii.ii. Like the m,suc leaves at the If Lite annual emo u .u-nts of the pio- c'am or the most clamorous —He in this territory from and after that cave o! the Si oil , ,ike the made of tession wei e collected in’ o a common must make speeches without maten- date without having nrenotis v obra.n. De!n!i is, ib u o, k 'old of things pres fund, and equally dis'nbuied among als. He must keep battei ing far liouis ed a license from Col Ulmpbries, Vi1 and f letnld, of to come.— the corps, the propo rtiori of each— a a i nrpi egnable jury. He is belore Agent for the Indians m tins teintwy To n gLct cl. i y to repair to its fiiend- vv >uld not exceed a unset able pittance the public, and at the mercy of opini­ or fiom myself. l/s.1 Jc, oet.ajtd no g joJ y disposi­ The ord naiy explan ltiun ol l.os is that i on, and if eve. y nerve is not sti amed to Giteit under my hand at the city of, St. Augustine tins seventh day cf tion to the piib'ie ivcal Un .ei its widt the profession oi the law is l.kc a I it-1 the inmost to achieve wnat is l , pi ssi- teiy, wheie the giest pr zis iiitue ma 1 b!c, t.,o, w.h us usual good ca­ June 1823 -preaPin j .v •! iuxurunt boughs politi- WILLI YU P DrViT,. a is were (i !y w r,nt to meet,to d'seuss ny competitors. Tins h uuc l, a ct-r , lm e, w nl altnbuie the failure to want June 7. " 41 ,f ti.e affuis of , ..erchants to cxj min extent eve m E igland , but, I ,uv , of zeal or capacity in the advocate, ot • ;m< t ,e L'est pice oorient artich |iect, with this dilfeici ce,, m En to a y thing rather than badness m the BOARD OF HE YLTH. t id ar,iied fm.n Chaiicston ,d >c. gla d, every peiso.i b -fotc he put ciias- cac sc. T a meeting of the Boaul of Health , .s o consult o:i the saving nnpu- :s a ti ket, as,in es Ill'll - H .h'l lie ha, l-'i ially, he must appear to be san- on Wednesday eietmig the 7th. even uftLi defeat, and be picpar- 1 ’ u1 and exp" client y of a fee bill , m nut n y some ci.aiteof ilie higncal Ainst. for the puipose more effrtu.lli of cd to tell a Lriai iso client, beaten out of L ;c s ti ar ;na a moot point Even pr z s. but a great chalice of tne in preserving the health of tins City, it was the couitsot Con nion Lnv, that his is ■ ea^ed, .n 1 child. e:i, not unfi tquent- .er ne diary and smaller ones , inctcas theiefore resolvetl, that the Quarantine a cleat case lor iq my No man, vvitli- iv t .c.e isstinb.ed togethe., thelurmei with us, not more than one fouith oi Law be in full force from tlu* above date, ihe h ildcr, of ticket1', h ,ve the slight ent' the i.jrest q i . filiations,oi that foi- 'o rest, the latter to stop beneath ns & that the Pilots of the Rji be i equned , st g.ound tcdcul upon cithei tuttio.js aid up m v.nich few have a br.ii> ' es to anchor all vessels euteiing this port the one or il.c o.het ltgiit to cuun', can lationally expect to All s 1 where is no v that venerabl at the Quarantine giound until boardeyl A popu ar chum, I should ra’hei artive at eminence in the piotcsaion of oa’s 1 -r. 1, uhc.e a'e .1 e groups of by the Health Officer. say a deiusim , at,aches o tlu mm’ of, tne law, upon less n,pious conditions. In ud'y rlliag la that loved to visit it 5 W. Me. COSK.RY, 1 “ ounsclloiami pa'tnts,dupL by } H. , not the xe ol ihe I’b irer levelled A person speaking ol another who died Resident Physician and Pi esnient of tie .jktollie grrund ? Has not tin certain vague mid ob,o etc assuciat.oiis, Board of Health c H.tinuc to pitcipiuie, ilien sins n- in cons.quaiice of his intemperance, 1 *r d^ i'll bron ,h' down nost of sa.d ‘ he burnt his insides out tvuh lum.’ May 10. S8-6w *u v.i'ageis to the gr vt? Must no> o tins now m ire i an prevail us ca- re< r, without ihe least adveinn'e to A Ei ent nnian having occasion to i elate Kstnt of ol. Bulow. ’.lie fr.v of Us that yet remain, frail inon the fact, and vv ishmg to preserve the hen substaiit'al prcspecls of, 1 Ll persons hating cia ms at^a «i» the vve 's of tlie jeais ‘hat cte gone. same p' taseulogy said, “ Hum burnt . i foil jiv the u ? Shall we ais. • ud Hi u1 let igi oi ant e of tie pecu’ur | A \ a.te •)! the late 0*1. ‘’karli s W. u him ivicny tide outwards.” 1 hah s and tal n s requited to obtain it are recvues^eil to prest 1 tlie «amc tlu * * >t s on be cm, wther, am' teste U vo the subscriber, and th ise xi ho me 3 I. is a common by-vvoid with us, that bemdehied irenq.i s’el tn nicki p*jn no one who teally deserves to succeed Jiy oider oj the Exec tois, it ft ADA D'KWirin.Y ai the bar will fail Till, may b. vciy .! 1) I R IV St CO. M1J.I1 \M rRWniiS, The R i 1. n ad i o np. e , remark iru •, but weal a co p’.icatio i of qua Propose pub l.h i g In -ubscuption, a week­ * 'gent of the Executor r? upon the ,ccmt deed of gift bt ly naws-j . ,r.t t owaloos i, in the state o' lines, what a course of piivatiun, w, a1 June 7. 41 A r're--i(reip V Inns by which he has Ai.ib,(ii>j,o i ,i sapp ’-.oj'alsheet- to be en­ ti lals of taste and terms and pnde are titled NlfTI K. i mv eyed sever"! preccs of land, and invnlvtd in that familiar and ill-under ,.s rny to the .own ol Q uncy,say — “TE1E IHVK.” subscubers liavine on t' e fi st inst o d asseition. A young barrislet T .e terms and the in wotci H Yev ry well icguMtud comminnlty the dif- fel entered into copartn, iship 'he cornmis- looks to emmi'ic ilirnugh h.s J1 asi n ot k..owla.tge .s -m l.upoiUnt desi s, in business will be conducted l-ereaher ■n s bequest is made, are well cahu a- ,.»n unaided n.eiit,, mu,t have a d.r.initn Ours is.i goven mem ut the people, under tlie fi.m of Rohiou ii Feaison ted o touch the heai t. -Mr. Adams is mint) and Irame piepaicn uy natuie fo. ami tve.y individual, h »v ever humble, is a Lrt is U iRtOU. not lick , he has not swelled his coffers •he enduianre ut unremiUetl toil. Me men L>, r *>f Uu si, mi eonpact, amt seriously JO-IN U. PEARSON. at.i_o:| >i,e of his countiy , lie has mtces'ed m ik i itegral id mi ustratnn In ust emtn his memtny the oivi- i.u sp_ mus faims, like the M.xican order to sust'in ilia, i itercst, it i necessary They now oflor for sale on reasonable ’ rjiy p mciplos of a compL.t mid m terms for cash, the following ar'icles, viz: G. undoes, to giv e away ; but a pirt of tli't the Ucedoin of tile press, so dear to tv,-- io ,gt uous code, and Ut cqua !y picpa- ’o Ainvrua,i cn zen, si ou.d lie encouraged Beef in lialf and whole bbis. •• „ Ills ll.a. 1- h-s. like tl*e V 'doll ’* led, as occasion serves, to app.y oi an 1 pci pet' i. ted- With these vows the Pork in do do liii'e, is co .seciated to a i alf'cciing ') is apply them. He musl not on y st r- subsrnb s, with a dovotedness to the g.iv- Butter and Lard in kegs. pu‘p the service of religion, of e- F.i ur in whole hbL. pa"s Ins co peutors in the art of rca er mi'-nt equalled only In iheirdes re ti pro- du. aiion, and of iueiatui e. A temple, iwe its li.u mimv, i.s f licitv and tool house, ar.i a libraiy, are the n s,, piopose to oublisii11 . iic Hivr “ m the 3 Almonds m bags logic of common hk, but ho mus. be Raisins m boxes and kegs j cts -vMil h come within the grasp sangu ne hope tint tile son ere aud tiuly le- ■ q’uliy an adi pt m re,somng ilight Anchovies in bottles of ,.is liu , hie bene, ole- ce. Tiles publ.c.nidoctunis they shall essay to mcul f o n wrong principles,and wtong fiom c te, will nut unly be lcpeved is ordioiiox Olives i n do. 1«>. uic.oiials from a revolutiona.v Capers in do right ones. He must learn to glory tn m lhi end .ts suites uttliat it may be then p: mart h ; fio .. .tie of the hist fouu peculiar l appmess to “ hive’’ the dissestan Hams and Sausages p lplcxmg sophistry, as in the ms (I.’s of our hbvr .cs—ire calculated ti ■ o is sentiments ot the people, and teach Crockery and Wooden Ware t every of immort.l truth. He must Dressing and Hanging Glasses t.o' aiior to his own liberal spiii,, anti them to commmgl: in peace and concord, nake up his mind and his face to de- Hats and Shoes to the charjcler, of his eoumiy V. e that our pofiti al mu ulion mty be commi n- mmistta.e in open caun,vvith all ima surate tv tt'i our devoteress to the altar of Rum in bbls*. hail it wiin respect and vvitli grau- Whiskey in do. unable gravity, that nonsense is re­ our liberties-” Tuscalooa is well known tnlbe at the head Cordials in boxes plete with meaning, arid that the clea " steam boat niviga’ion, and situate ai fie Oil in baskets ih ta lf~.l erufition oj a volcano on the rest meaning is manifestly nonsense by fill, ot the Black Warr.or, surrounded by an Loat Sugar Island oj . const: uction. ex'ensive, beautiful, and most f.ttilc country: Figs in trails On the 8 h of October, last year, 'he This is what is meant by “ legal ha populated by a pe pie, as nguished foi English walnuts Soap in boxes mountain ui Ga oei g Gorng, sudekr bus ol thinking,” & to acquire them, fun- intelligence as tor 'heir wealth and hos- mah'y, and holding aim st dady mtercoust 'Candlesin do. ly emt'ted a mos devastating loriem he must not only ptepare his facuhie, Preserves in jars oflava, which de=troye 1 no fewer ihu witn the great cunniRrcial outlo' ofnursta e. by a course,of assiduous and direct cul­ With these advantages, thesubsenbetsfl.i' Powder and Shot 88 kam/wngs and in hich 2000 per­ tivation, he must absolutely forstteai ter themselves, that a kits theypeitmaci us Brushes and Bellows. sons peilsiied \n explosion resen all other studies and speculations tha. ty gua.d against ail parly influence, they shall bt'. g the leport o; heavy artillery w o ’’ai e it in their power not only to amuse, but A small assortment of URT GOODS. ^ay intei fere with their perfection.— June 4 1823 41~ heaid and a cloud of black smoke J'here must be no dallying with hliia u matiuct and e lighten those whose fast, may incite them to patronize them.' was seen to rise, accompanied by sucl tun j no hankering after ccmprehen 'I ERMS— Three Dollars, payable in ad Vignoles’ Map of Florida, a violent wind that houses and tretswert >ive theories for the good of mankind ; vance; or Four Dollars, at the exmratioh of gJlQfi^deat he office the KiorHU iferai thrown by it. On this complete dswn all such ■* trivial fond records” must the year, Tuscaloosa, 1st May, 1823.