The Library of Congress’ EARL YSTA TE RECORDS PROJECT converted from the original microfilm held by the Vincent C. Immel Law Library, Saint Louis University through the generous support of the following institutions University of Chicago, D’Angelo Law Library Columbia University, Arthur W. Diamond Law Library Cornell University, Law Library Law Library of Congress University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kathrine R. Everett Law Library St. John’s University, Rittenberg Law Library University of South Carolina, Coleman Karesh Law Library Stanford University, Robert Crown Law Library State University of New York at Buffalo, Charles B. Sears Law Library Yale University, Lillian Goldman Law Library And a shared contribution by libraries at the following Florida institutions: University of Florida University of Miami University of South Florida Florida State University University of West Florida Florida A&M University Florida Gulf Coast University University of Central Florida University of North Florida Rollins College Northwest Florida State College Florida Polytechnic University EAST FLORI3A HERALD. V6l. I.] :-^lt€!:fJ8rINK> Jl’ME 21, 1823’ ( > o. 43 I fled8 ,0Ur fehc“y be Cunipleteiy sau*- 1 he Bdtst ]H orida Ilfia'd, Ithotisand ; e ne loui th of which have no lieve Upon my inquiring ot an intelli­ habitation, but pass their existence in gent fi lend some time resident in the Jjy E B. GOULD And you militaiy of all classes—-vet­ Pnblsher of the Lavs of the United States, and the t pen ’s reels. At present there is city, and who is writing the h*stoty of of this 'I'eiritoiy eran iroops and militia in youaiso I cua- » tevporaiy ufltx, piobab'y of one nde, that you follow the canerol hojoi; thecciuntry,what the present and intel­ TKiiUS, FIVE I)JELA>IS, FirtB E Iff ADVASCE thousa.d of the latter description of lectual and moral improveme. t was, & in that with your discipline ai d sufior- i populaton. dinatioi, you will be the first in ma/tn g whether it had ever been such as dis- (ira.iM.ae [ fur die ( out er, fr m tue ilaviina The vae of A n huac.ol which Hum­ cribed by Humboldt, he answered me N.xlcioso ol the 8th inst.l 'he-laws and autnorities lespecitd__ boldt spe,-^ as ben g so spstious and as follows : “Baron tiumboh t’o histoiy Ihc nnlitaiy force pioclaimto iht con- ADDRESS •)/•’ GrjiEHAL VIVES t well cthtiv&ed se scatcely entitled io oi New Spam, abstracted Ironi his ma­ siitution and e'evau d t he ihroi c w i ttl* THE NLW G0VEKN"R OF CUBA the nan e olv radev II is a narrow thematical demonstrations, his statis­ gloilously j>, veins us but to sustain *., Jnhab tants of the Island of Cuba ' tot p of tounixy, cSc-v-h boideied with tics and philosophical observatn i s, it s indispi nsa' !e that yi ur conduct hi,is and n ounaois, cotcreti with vol- may be compart d to the picture of a At 1.IHJU1 I have la deiio your hap­ be not piaied in opposition <o what car.-c locks andbarren sat.^s There deformed object; unless mdetd the py chores,, w heie btfoie my person, nty ji commands* of u->. Never was tHra •aident iv.sheshad already flown, to ten­ is not one spi ig rt native i .nber, nei­ physical as well as intellectual charac­ moie severe disc iphne obstrw a amoijg ther on the lulls ncr in the valley, near ter of the country has, since he wrote, der, with your assistance, in the sphei. uie Gieeks and Romans than when the city Not is this owing to the been totally subverted. About 84 tn of i. 5 attributes, all the goo.l and hap n- se people enjoyed the greatest hbf r ptness to which your patilotic vmuts Grids being rultivateo, (fur tl ere is 100 persons,” continued he,” ate na­ iy Let the pacific cmz<n see in you wore, that one half untihable) but to tives and casts of c.ifferent gradations ; enl.ile you. If the ch u ge of my com i clef* rn.er of the < tjtiiiuy, dtid not an in nd is disagi eeable and onerous, fron the a; **enie M to ihty of the soil, v.hicb eighty in one hundred may read, a eniy to his Etst q iilny ar d irp <he -*■-* ?n JI A.^* « |y|A« n < —U *»ai*d j smaller number may write, Buin,lnt| the difficulty, from the constant am t si all go befell you wni, ihe rd i an and as * re aie eigu. r onihs in the and tducattd in the grossest idoiatiy, a one pmp ises, it is aiso a coi.solati n ■ es in iny hand, anti ne who (lues noi yvai titt i r uhirh it never rains, wh a when the good dispositions ar*> known liberal sound sense of religion is b > their*, they sha 1 tell hi n- You evei Ittlc vegcialion ihete is becomes kn„wn; anti wnen i have pr..(/wsed to of those who hear with oi i| ty no n are 0’a good soldier—you ate n t a as divas a ci"p. The Indians pack the cieigy the gratuitous distribution ther vo'ce but teat of ht 'aws, at d tf co: j itntiohul jia tard—y u deserve inaodJes, cos’, and mule’s dung the of the Holy Evangelists, to the extent the authorities which ex.* .*_ them_ iba enrni -n, — y u sh .11 «uff r it "i.nicof m.ny leagues upon their of a thousai d copies, I have been told I am placed at die In-ui f hi gover : h' c i c my it n ts, n. Pi ' nts *1 G V «, and sell it as fuel fi r c'r king ; that the book was interdict- d, and it meut of the who.e .si* n 1 as (’apuni G .' d, . *->hcs which .! I set reai1- . u i‘t n habitants make no other use was observed that the people were Genet at, tntl of this Ptovince as sup > !. in- n. i patnfi saci fi s wn b. of f"*« tin i * not being a chimney nor more happy in ignorance. Assassn a- nor Politic al Chief, and uiv'i r bntt t ’ d> .g lo int*. You ha*e ihe "a* s fii pace in > e tnipne. t'ors are common m the streets, yet I consideiatit n* I Sun i conscc- ite n v i .1 .veiling open at all he urs c* e M rico l* sa .egetahle market no have never heard of a punishment nor labuis, n. older that the hrnefit ent nn ■ ay (p 1 < ar yuu, and ihcsc of . y hf-aii infinir to any in the ** oild. These vr- complaint. pait-nti views of 1,is majesty and Ins ■ ici.ve you with kiln ness—Wi.al g* A.es tre tultivaled upon wbal Ncwithstanding (he number of the wne * ns 't.i’n.iial trnve<mnent be lul- p.e mi., what glory fur me, il under Humboldt very erroneously denorr-j. aged, the b ind, the dumb, the decrip- fi.. m Y - 1 will be I. fl x hie and de y con inapd. pio-pen.) fl'iuiislies, il tales ‘‘ f, /- -a-u-»>; *’ ..-I* ld and maimed of all ages, sex and col- uded n le.aii n- ite . b t.irles whlci me rn z.. s tovi each oil et, il tt.e ju floating ■ *.u i, an of pro Hu, tots, who infest the streets for alms, I may obstiu t the .ipgi.mdisemint of diciai | o *ei adn' n.sieis pr. n r> y ai d in 'ain*ed Ironi ike svan p on the jor- heat of no charitable institution lor this lslan i ,n its agi iculi m e, co i mei ce, coriect.i j js. c-, t he pu! pc .uii.i in deis of the lake, by digging ditenes their relief, and the expression of puy, .Hid Hidusti y, a d m ol.v j vipo. that f ne -tics .iu zealous m ih3 fu h rnent ot atid t.mals in diffirunt d.ue n ns inter­ compassion, or humanity, has never tr.u.cjutllity, oidc r, a..d sccuitty which tin ir duties, il tlic p'jvintia d< ptiLa secting ea-h other ; thus affording a struck my ears from man or woman — aie gu iraiHeed to l'o < it'7Pi,s, in tin lull tains promote wn .'nr- be foi u.c go'd free p “-sage for boats and skiffs to pass As to intelligence, what can be expect­ cnj~ t,m,‘t of their ugh s, he not aitei- O liieir p'ovincej, i: ... Ilinli.eipal , in eveiy direction Iron, patch to patch. ed from a people secluded from the ct . hetlhei will I t.epat. from the path auiliouties tideawn ii n*vt a good These aie the Baton’s “ floating gar­ wuild and piohibited ihe Uae of books! of e ( oi stituticn , noi will I suffer o- ponce, if ihe m o ** {• ■ tp a stnct de' s,” as firmly fixed as the Island of Will mere scholastic atquirments scat­ lh IS O do SO With 11- p, pi(y II ppt’y, and salutary tlnr p m,; m short if < uba. Ihere is moisture enough to tered with a sparing hand, convey to ihe |j- i^ ious cha'artei of the mlnl.i the ctns uuiion ..I the Spanish n'Oil suppuit vegtiiitic, .he whole y eai tue mind useful knowledge or piacti- touts t.i the ijiand of t "‘'a.
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