.' 1,200 (au nty~~'c ~· h~i ~1 ~_re~' A_" M~a~y! ---:·G~e~t ~P_e_1 i.o--':---Sh-----"---o_fs IfCommiHee The Weather S U~htl, cooler, eo .....er­ OK's able elolld1Mss ioda,. au Resulls toDlehL Rich Wa, •• ~ 45. Low 3Z to II. Putl, "loud, aDd mild WHD,.· Of '54 Tesls OWQ·n day. 1868 - lease~ Tuesday, April By DON McQUILLEN Est. AP Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. 5, 1955 A'bout 1,200 Johnson eounty children In the first and second S I 'u -, .~ . ,, ~ l i A t l-~ I: 1i m.. -:I, I!l f ~fi.f1:~~t§~Mn~ ays ' owa · (lion '-i;Ol1!lpe,;es I v~; lI ; H " \1!!; ~lr ' ~ Atfis 'aurants proved by the polio evaluation The Iowa City Restaurant as- - ------------ committee, Ann Arbor, Mich. soclation Monday accused the ThQ Union, he charged, has things which make the Union a trying to gd a bill inu'oduced lions or the slate, voted not to with the intention or bringing dghts. The Junior Chamber at Announcement of the plans Iowa Memorial Union for what violated the lows which control competitive body," he claimed. in~o the leigslature which would endorse the bill, Albaugh said. Iowa City restaurant ownerS Commerce ha~, in the past, sold W3! made Monday by Dr. an association spokesman termed it. "It Is a known tact tnnt they Frnnk Albau¥h, president of a. k fOI' nn enforc ment of the "We are a comparatively new closer together so the y could box lunches at sam e football Franklin H. Top, head of pre- "interference wiln private el'l- don't check identification cards stale law which prohibits any group," he said, "and we do not t've medl'cI'ne and h"'gl'Ane at the restaul'ant as oci, tion, cited find the best way to solve com­ games, cel'(llinly contrary to our ven I J ' "erprise." to prevent people who are not state-owned I' 'staurant Crom have nIl the data necessary on mon problems, Ali.J.lugh said. wlshes. The Chamber ot Com­ SU[ and director of t,he Johnson The Union was charged as op- associatcd with the university the case or a wire or an Iowa compelin' with private business, lhe subject. There are now 65 members of mel'ce has also tought to keep liS coun.ty Salk polio vaccine pro- erating a competit(ve body from eating there," he said. City rcstaurant owner bein~ in- Kes~ lcr sa id. "We do believe t hat there the organization. "Although we traffic out or 10WD City aft.er gl'am, 0 committee of the county against private restaurants in "A girl was just in the store vited to a luncheon at the Union A repl'cselltative of the state have ~en some flagrant viola­ are young, we hope to grow in football games, II detriment to all medical SOCi ety. Iowa CI·ty. t d (M a ) h t Jd h' h d b t . i . a ay on ay woo us sne w IC was sponsore y a own as oclat on vIsited lowa City tions on the part or the univer­ stature shortly," Kessler said. restaurants :Ind tavern~," Kess­ j tersTop oC currently pel1lT1ission is supplyingto all John- let- "There I'S no doub'• that the h a d us t ea t en a t th e UOIon" WI th group WI- th no a rtll"lallons w Ilh lecent Iv to IOform' the lowa City. sity but we cannot prove this. "T he Chamber oC Commci ce ler said. son county schools for distribu- Union is in competition with local a group of C:iends. She also said the univerSity. group at the proposed bill. The We do not want to cause 111- has not been able to cope with "We .hope to for m II troup tion In cooperation with Frank restaurants," Don Kessler, vice ·Lhat none were students and The (owa Rest:lurant assocla- \ Iowa City branch, although in feelings between the city and our individual problems and we which we can consider our own J. Snider, superintendent of president of the organization. none had nn v other connection lion, which htls branches III sympa hy with the problems 1)( the univelsity," he added. telt a need for a g I' 0 U P th.t Chamber or Commerce," Kess"­ county schools, and superinten. said. with the university. These are about 30 cities in the state, Is I' sto urant owners in other sec- The association was formed would be able to ligb\ tor our \cr added. den~ of the Indi~dual schools. ------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------~--------------------------~------------\ ~~--------- Under National Plan - . The children were selected BC' cordln'g to a naUon-wide plan e develnped by national health and c:ducallon o~ncia ls and ap­ proved by 60 (owa counties. II plans go throu.gh, it w ill be the fiNo!, polio inoculation held in I()WlI under local su.pervision. Lallt summer olllldren In Seou, a I e Woodbury and Linn countles were inoculated as part of a na­ tional test. Top said the launc hing of the program hinges finally on whether the vaccine is licensed City and approved by the Naltlonal Bill Would'Give Sports funds To S'fo,te O~~cials: On~y Insfiitute ot Health. The polio evaluation committee is sched­ uled to release i~ decision on • 'f A bill "CO''". by tho to< ". Formalities Remam the effcs.'tiv :ness of the Salk vision commll tile in the lowu va.ccine April 12, Top said. Churchill and Heir A sen :l~e "would relegate the low[j By SANDY LlTVACK I The vaccine will be licensed 2% Beer, athletic ~I:lnt . and program to Procter and Camble will build a nbW d.rug ! ,1ll.n.t here, pending ,if results of tests held last year that ot a third or fourth 1 ate final cOI1'JirmaUon from the company's headqu.:u-t.ers in O:ncln, ti, show it to be worthy. This school," SUI Athletle Director city ot!icials said Monday. • means the vaCICine would be Paul • Brechler. said Monday. "Tbe plans are a'most definite and it certainly se~ms the plant placed on sale to privalte physi­ Cigarette James Jordan, director ot uni­ will be In IOwa Cily," Keith Kafer, secretary at the low3 City cians, Top indica led. versity rela tions said the propos­ Chamber or Commerce, said. "However," her ~ld, "Proct~r and March of Dimes Fund ed law ""ould "urreet SUI in -----------.--- - - Gamble musl announce thLs Tlf the vl\("ci!le is a,prproved, many ways." definitely." the f-{ational Fountation for (n­ Tax Pa'sses The bill (Scn:llc FU e 41 t) pro­ Roberol Stc-venson, heo.cL of the fanUle Paral)'5is will provide vides thut (Jny and all moneys TwoPurged · Chamber of qomme~e's- Indtl'>1- funds through the March of DES MOINES (iP) - The first collected by "any state depart­ triol committee at, lh~ bflrlnnin,g ' Dimes for the vaecin~ ·which will .ax bill to complete the legis­ cJ the negnUations, felt tha L the be sent to the Iowa state dep3l\t­ ment ... or Institution thereun· iative course this session - a der tram any· source ... shall be announcement would be made ment ot health for distribution _ill to levy lhe two per cent salcs oCfi.clally from CJncinnaU within to Iowa's eoun.ties. deposited wUn the trea. urer of In Red (hina tax against beer and cigarettes - n week or JO da~s. The Inoculations come in a state ang p'lae&! In the ,enodl passed in the house today by a fun.d." TOKYO (Tuesday) (II') - Kao .~fMmloit series of.. throe.. _TId are given in vote of 76-24. a muscle of the arm. The second "It Is n v ry aWe ping pro}>O­ ~ang, who bossed ned China's An ~&ttm:tktf ~m\U.lon fll~ Among those voting for the Injection follolWs ~he. firSit by siUon," Jorpah said, "and, ap­ five-yeor pIon, hos "committed be spent dUring , the flt&t ·year one week, and the third is given bill was Rep. Scott Swisher (D­ parentLy all receipts woul<.! go to ~ buy IpJld, bu[ld bile .pLant, h;re :owa City). suiclde" arLer being purged from tour weeks a,tter the second_ into the g~t1er'l fund lor reap­ cJTl(l')Loyes and produce the dtua Top stres~d that although the The bit!, which would yield an propriation. That would appar· Lh e Communist porty, Peiping produobs Ito· ~ 1J\an.~actured. offidal go-ahead can not come estimated $3,000,000 in additian­ ently include s dent actlvitles, I'odlo said Tuesday. ~fa),ph ~rtz., OWner Of 63- arc~es before Apri·1 12 preparations al revenue per year, passed the dormitories, endowments, gifts He was purged along wjth Jao on the lower MUS'eatine roo,d ~ mUllt ~ made so that aU three senate March 22 by a vote of and gl ants, and athletic receipts. Shu-shih, for "conspiring" to on which the company hOpes to Inoculations may be given be­ JI-14. "I would assume thai the mon­ build, has detinilely sold his fore schools close tor the sum­ seize "leadership of the party and land., said his cousin W. J. Lenz. Before sending the measure to ey would hElve to be reappro· mer ond th~ polio season begins. the governor, the house spent priated in ordeJ' that university the state." Jao, who W:lS a party A delegation ot 16 men from Ur~es Parent Action Jess than ha l! an hour in hearing secretary for East China, is alive, the state o.l IOW'a, lnoludl"* Gov.
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