Today on the Radio Outstanding Events on All Stations
TODAY ON THE RADIO OUTSTANDING EVENTS ON ALL STATIONS. FRIDAY, AUG. 23,1935. 11:30 A.M.-12 M."Purposes of the U. S. Army Manoeuvres at Pine Camp," Major General Dennis E. NolanWEAF. 2:30-3:00P. M.Rosa Linda, Piano; Concert OrchestraWJZ. 8:15-6:15 P. M.Temple Emanu-El Ser(icesWHN. 7:05-7:15 P. M.From Rome: "My Interview with Premier Mussolini," Professor Vernon Mackenzie, University of WashingtonWJZ. 8:00-9:00 P. M.Concert Orchestra; Jessica Dragonette, Soprano; Rev- elers Male QuartetWEAF. 8:15-9:15 P.' M.Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra ConcertWNYC. 8:15-8:30 P. M."Answer to the Constitutional Cries of the Tories," Rep- resentative John W. Flannagan Jr. of VirginiaWJZ. 8:30-8:45 P. M."Streicher's Menace to Germany," Bernard S. Deutsch, President, Board of AldermenWMCA. 9:00-10:00 P. M.Operetta, "Countess Maritza''WEAF. 9:00-10:00 P. M.Scene from "Rich Man's Daughter," with George Raft, Joan Bennett, Billie Burke and Walter Connolly; Dick Pow-1 ell, .Songs, and OthersWABC. Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air. WMCA. .570 WEAF .. 660WOR.. 710 - WJZ. .760WNYC. .810 WABC. .860 WHN. :1,010 WLWL. .1,100 WEVD . .1,300 MORNING. 6:45-WORMusical: Gym Clock - WABCCadets Quartet 7:00-WMCAMorning CheerRev. G. A..10:00-WEATPress-Radio News Palmer; Music WORVariety Musicale WHNEarly BirdPerry Charles WJZPress-Radio News WEVDPopular Music WABCPress-Radio News 7:30:WEATJolly Bill and Jane WMCAMalcolm Eaton, Tenor WORSorey Orchestra WNYCPress-Radio News WJZPollock and Lawnhiirst, Plano WEINPress-Radio News; Songs WABCOrgan Recital 7:45-WEATYoicht Hiraoka, Xylophone 10:05-WRAPFrank Luther, Tenor WJZDance Orchestra WTZJohn North, Tenor WENLaymen's Fellowship WABCMelody Quintuplets, Songs WEVDMorning Devotions WNYCWashington Market News 8:00-WEATSpareribsSketch 10:10-WNYCString Quartet wiVORNews; BeautyNell Vinick 10:15-WEAFGirl AloneSketch 1.VJZMixed Quartet; Organ WJZ-31.azel Artb, Songs WABCDalton Brothers Trio WABCCaptivators Orchestra WMCABarnacle Bill, Songs WMCAFern Scull, Piano.
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