[.] . 354 [POST OFFICE Letters arrive through Lutlerworth at 9 a.m.; dispatched I BOa1'd School, F. Atkins, master at 5 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Lutter- CARRIERS.-Hipwell & Ward, to Leicester, saturday, worth . 7 a.m.; to , thursday Wood Rev. Lewis [vicar] Dunkley John, Crown ~ Thistle, & Oden Ogden, tailor shopkeeper Palmer Thomas, shoe maker COMMERCIAL. Hewitt William, carpenter ReynoldsAbsalom,Shoulderof J.lfution Bennett WiIliam, grocer Hobill John, miller Stretton Job, Crooked Billet Berridge William, farmer & grazier Hopkins William, farmer Sutton William, farmer Bird Charles, blacksmith J udkio J ames, farmer Swinfen J ames, farmer Bottrill J oho, colla.r & harness maker Masters Thomas, farmer Watts George, farmer & grazier Chambers John, farmer Moore Margaret (Mrs.), farmer Wright Joseph, shopkeeper EARL SHILTON is a township and ecclesiastical dis­ executors of Lady Noel Byron are lessees of the manor trict, 4 miles north-east from , 1~ north-west from under the Duchy of Lancaster. The principal landowners station, 6 south-east from , are the Corporation of Leicester, the trustees of the late 9 south-west from Leicester, and 100 from London, in the '1'. Atkins, esq., Joseph Pool, esq., Mr. J. Carr, and Mr_ Southern division of the county, Sparkenhoe hundred, Thomas Clarke. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel and Rinckley union and county court district, rural deanery of clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. Sparkenhoe, archdeaconry of Leicester, and diocese of The acreage is 1,981; rateable value, £5,001; in 1871 the Peterborough, situated on the road from Hinckley to Lei­ population was 2,053. cester. The village is lighted with gas; the company Parish Clerk, John Pratt. was formed in 1868, with a capital of £2,000, with power to increase it to £5,000. The church of 8~. Simon and Jude was rebuilt and enlarged in 1856, and consists of POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Sav- chancel, nave, and aisles, with a tower, spire, which was ing-s Bank.-Michael Pickering, receiver. Letters arrive restored 1874, and 5 bells. The register dates from the year from Hinckleyat 7 a.m.; bex closes at 6.30 p.m. Money 1552. The living is a perpetual curacy, annexed to the orders are issued & paid from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m rectory of Elmsthorpe, yearly value £200, in the g-ift of INSURANCE AGENTS:- trustees, and held hy the Rev. l"erdinand Ernest Tower, London Assurance, F. Rowe M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge. There is a Free Manchester Fire, F. Rowe school, incorporated with the National school. Here are Queen's, G. Barker chapels for Independents, Baptists, Wesleyans, and Prillli- SCHOOLS:- tive Methodhts. There are charities of about the value of National, Samuel Reynolds,master j Miss Emma Knowles;> £12116s. yearly, of which £2113s. is applied in education, mistress and the remainder in bread and in apprenticing. The Infants, Miss Jane Whitnall, mistress inhabitants are frame-work knitters and shoe finishers. The CA RRIERS TO :- Earls of Leicester had a castle here, of which the mound only HINCKLEY-Henry Bonsor, !I1onday remains . .A court baron is held annually in October or N ovem- LE I CESTE R-William R€ynolds & Renry Bonsor, monday', ber. The manor belongs to the Duchy of Lancaster. The wednesday &. saturday Atkins Miss Co-operative Stores(Joseph Best,man) Payne Benjamin, Bowling Green Carr Josiah Cotton John Edward, shoe maker Pegg John, carpenter Carr Samuel Cotton William, farmer Pickering Henry, market gardener Fulshaw Ralph Cuffin William, carpenter Pratt George, shoe maker Heathcote Miss Dalby Michael, shoe maker Price Francis, farmer Robill Ralph, Oldacre Elliolt John, shopkeeper Reynolds WiIliam, Roebuck King Mrs Everard John, miller & hosiery manufr Richardson Charles, watch maker SadlerRev.Edwd.James [Independent] Faulks Francis, shopkeeper Richardson William, saddler Toon Miss Foster Amos, ironmonger Roughtou William, framesmith Tower Rev. Ferdinand Ernest, M.A. Fulshaw Ralph, surgeon Rowe Frederick, draper [vicar] Gas Company Lim. (Fredk.Rowe,see) Rowley George, tailor Wri~ht Mrs Gilbert George, chemist &c Rowley Richard, shoe maker COM.MERCIAL. Gilbert George, farmer Saggs Charles, King William Abbott John, taIlor Gilbert William, Red Lion Sargent Sarah (Mrs.), grocer Almey George. hosiery manufacturer Greasley George, miller Sleath Thl)mas, farmer Arguile Arthur, shopkeeper Hallam Thomas, farmer Smith Samuel, shoe maker Atkins WilIiam, farmer Harvey WiIliam, Plough Staples George, farmer Bailey Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Herbert Charles, Lord Nelson Taylor Geor!.!e, hutcher Bannister Stephen, grocer Holmes Jarues, saddler Taylor Richard, farmer Barker George, shopkeeper Homer John, hosier Thorne JalJle::!, haberdasher Bentley Henry, farmer Jesson -, farmer Toon Arthur, Three Tuns Eradsha w lsaac, draper Kinder William, shopkeeper Toon J ob, shopkeeper Briggs Benjamin, framesmith Kirkland Thomas, tailor Toon Thomas, framesmith Brown James, tailor Lane Charles, carpenter Walker John & Reuben, plumbers &e Carr James, shoe maker Latkin Henry, baker Wells William, ~razier Carter John, butcher Linney Thomas, Dog ~ Gun West WiIliam, blacksmith Cbappell Thomas, farmer Lockley Georf.(e, seeds man White Ralph, farmer Clarke Thomas, larmer Mansfield Thomas, wheelwright Whitwell Francis, baker Coley John, tailor Nixon James, baker John Woolston, farmer Colver Joseph, coal dealer Nixon Thomas, shopkeeper Wileman William, IHltcher Cooper James, shopkeeper Norton & Co. shoe manufacturers Wright James, grocer Cooper Samuel, miller Pawley James, farmer Wright WillialU, farmer

GREAT EASTON (or EASTON MAGNA) is a township value £525, with 133 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and chapelry, in Hril,ghurst parish, a mile and a quarter and Chapter of Peterborough, and held by the Rev. Edward west from Rocking-ham station,96 miles from London,9 Bower Whyley, M.A., of Tdnity College, Cambridge. east-north-east from , and 5 south-west There is a small yearly sum for the education of a few poor from Uppingham, in the Southern division of the couRty, children. A School Hoard has been formed, and a school is hundred of Gartree, Uppingllam union and county court being erected. The majority of the elder children are district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Leicester, and educated at the district school of Rockingham. Here is a diocese of Peterborough, situated on the river Welland, chapel for the Independents, first built iu 1797, and a Wes­ which divides it from the county of Northampton on the leyan chapel, built in 1857. The sum of £125 2s. 5d., south. The Blisworth and Stamford branch of the London £3 10s. per cent. consols, was purchased with the follow­ and North Western railway passes through the parish. The iJlg bequests :-£.53 7s.5d. by E. Wilson, fur educating poor church of St. Andrew is a handsome building, ill the Early children; £71 15s. left by Thomas Molt-sworth, for the same, English st) le, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, and tower except 258. a year for 10 poor widows. The schoolmistress containing 5 bells, and surmounted by a ~pir(-'. in all 90 feet has also a yearly rent-charge 01 40s., left by Tbomas Collins high, alld was re-seated in 1838, and is in very good repair. in 1669. The poor's land, allotted at the enclosure, is The register dates from the year 17~2. The living is a 8A.'3R. 17p., let at £22 yearly. Thevoorhavealso£30yearly vicarage, consolidated with that of Bringhllrst, joint yearly from Goodman's charity. The church land, HA. 23p., and