What is ?

In the presidential race, there's so nobody can give go a quick, three-word code for racial - credit. There are no de and religious intolerance: Bob Jones ties, so no organiza University. credit, There are no f But what is this institution? Who large/regular donors, so no was Bob Jones? And why all the credit." fuss? By week's end, the The fundamentalist Christian BJU, ~obJones 111, ap school of 3,500 students in this some additional exp Appalachian foothills city entered needed. He bought full-page ads candidates Ronald Reagan, Bob the spotlight when Republican Friday in USA Today and the three Dole, Dan Quayle and Phil Gramm presidential candidate George W. largest papers, in all have appeared here. So did GOP Bush visited a month ago to bolster Columbia, Charleston and hopeful Alan Keyes, 12 days after his then-sagging campaign. Bush Greenville, defending the school's Bush, though in his speech he quickly came under fire for failing beliefs. challenged the university not to "let to criticize the university's racial This week on the campus - any sectarian bigotry, any racial policies and the anti-Catholic where students observe a strict dress prejudice stand in the way of the statements on its Web site. code of khakis and ties for men and unity that Christ represents for all As for BJU itself, it did what it long skirts for women - Bob Jones Christian people." Bob Jones Ill has always done when its views security guards stood watching as a Bush appeared at BJU shortly Bush said: "On reflection, I should cause controvers~:It firmly restated reporter talked with a man marching after he lost to Sen. John McCain in have been more clear in its beliefs, retreated to its fenced 200 outside the fence near a school the New Hampshire primary. The disassociating myself from anti- acre campus and went about its entrance, carrying a sign that read, South Carolina primary was looming Catholic sentiments and racial business. "Debate issues not BJU." at the time, and he went on to win in prejudice. ~t was a missed "Go find something worthwhile Charles Mosteller, 36, did not the conservative state. opportunity causing needless to report," spokesman Jonathan Pait attend the school but felt compelled After losing South Carolina, offense, which I deeply regret." said last week before announcing to come to its defense. "There are a McCain's campaign made "Catholic South Carolina House Speaker that school leaders, tiring of all the lot of people locally who don't like Voter Alert" calls in the next states, Pro Tempore Terry Haskins, a Bob questions, were closing the campus Bob Jones. But for the presidential and Washington, to tell Jones alumnus, quit as McCain9s to reporters. candidates to single out this school them of Bush's visit to Bob Jones. state campaign co chairman this ~e referred the curious to the to be their political whipping boy is McCain also attacked religious right week saying he could not abide by school's Web site, which says, "The wrong," he said. leaders Pat Robertson and Jerry the llnational media vendetta" University's refusal to compromise The school has long established Falwell as "agents of intolerance." ' against the school. And Gary Bauer, and contemporize makes it the itself as a bastion of . Bush, who said he came to Bob a conservative activist and former object of ridicule and hatred by those fundamentalism, Jones to pitch his message of presidential rival who now supports on the other side of the Cross." Jones 111, president since 1971, compassionate cotMervatism, now McCain, said McCain should That same site likens and his father, Bob Jones Jr., who says he should have spoken more apologize. Catholicism and Mormonism to cults died in 1997, have been sharp- forcefully about religious A resolution introduced in the and says the university is the work tongued about those they believe intoleiance. US House and Senate by democrats, of God and "exists against all human have abandoned the strict teachings In a letter last week to Cardinal this week also seeks to condemn odds. of the Bible, including Billy Graham John O'Connor of New York, a state. BJU. "We don't accept federal money, ~------"-- and the pope. Graham should not which holds its primary March 7, continuefi page 13 --- -+-- " - -"-

Rabbi Adam Purim (the Tuesday 3/21 of Spring Break) is quite a peculiar holiday. The account of how the Jews of Persia were saved from a Hitler type named Haman is found in the Book of Esther. Yet, this part of scripture tells of a victory without miracles. Instead, the Jews were saved through a myriad of "coincidences". There was no splitting of the Red Sea. No ten plagues. No &day- lasting oil. Instead everything was by natural "coincidence". the king of Persia wasconvinced to deny the holocaust plans of pis minister ~gmanby his wife, Estlpr?&hdju~t'"hhp"$ned" t$ be s$gfetly Jewish. Now Esther was "coincidently" the niece bf the chief Rabbi of Persia, Mordechai, and she won the Jews' favor in the king's eye by informing thq king of a plot to kill him-a plot that Mordechai had just "happened" to have ml?rIUCSll pllvllc Lalm .New Executive ~~~~l noor .New Private Jacuzzi Rooms *Fitness Room- overheard. Thus the Persian holocaust to kill the Jews '1 was thwarted by mere natural "coincidences". So what ~Non-smokingFloors kind of Biblical holiday is this? But yet, that's it! d Accessible Rooms On Purim we celebrate the fact that natural coincidences are of supernatural order. That nature and coincidences are reflections of the G-Dly realm. Not G-D as expressed spiritually. But rather, G-D as expressed physically. "Inn Keeping With ~he~ime@~"EXpR ESS OFFICIAL HOTEL OF For G-D is beyond limitations. As such, G-D isn't to be limited to the spiritual, but is found even within the physical, within "coincidences-known as "personal OP1 -800-HOLIDAY Divine Providence". ' Sponsored by the Chabad Student Club www.ChabadUSB.com Discussin Breast Cancer - Republicans Visit USB While Campaigning BY ERINRWENKING Sratmn Editor it has access, thanks in part to the University 's recent win to become co-manager of Presidential hopeful George W. Bush Brookhaven National Lab (BNL). "All good took his campaign trail to Stony Brook's science is big science," he said, "and we are Health Sciences Center on Friday in order to approachingthe problem [of cancer] with the pledge his support for breast cancer research. sophistication we need." The partnership with Bush, a Republican, attended the panel BNL now gives Stony Brook two locations discussion with Gov. George Pataki and New that house facilities for special radiation York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, the weekend treatment and imaging technology. before New Yorkfsprimary. The three took Bush also addressed the issue of cancer part in a panel discussion on breast cancer mapping as one of the innovations that will and promised their support for continued allow a cure to be found. With $4 million in research to cure the disease. funding from the state, maps are being Stony Brook President Shirley Strum computer generated which allow researchers Kenny introduced the panel discussion by to detect "hot spots" where cancer incidences calling attention to what she called Stony are highest. The areas are broken down Brook's "record of greatness in medicine," according to zit, code and color dedand citing for the invitation-only crowd a Johns they allow researchers to more easily idenhfy Hopkins University study that placed Stony possible causes.Although the speGific reasons brook as tied for second place among the of high cancxr rates on Long Island have yet nation's best public research universities. 7he to be recognized, some possibilities are panel also included the dean of the medical genetics or environmental concerns, experts school Norman Edelman, other cancer on the panel said. Bush praised the mapping specialists and Geri Barish, a breast cancer for allowingtaxpayers to see that their money survivor who has supported the Bush was being properly used. campaign. Barish, president of the breast After the panel, a press conference cancer advocacy group One in Nine, strd followed where all three politicians fielded the importance of research in finding a cure questions focusing more on campaign for breast cancer, saying she was willing to speci£ics than on cancer research. fight in order to find one. "Without research Although he was not officially invited, we can't find answers," she told the crowd. Polity president Andrez Carberry managed She also implored Pataki to continue to get into the conference. He said he funding for research programs. "We need supported moves to fund research, but more money in Long Island and in New expressed concern that the interests of other New York Gov. George Pataki (left) and Texas Gov. George W. Bush attended the panel York," she said. sectors of Stony Brook may get ignored. "I discussion. Pataki mentioned the strongbackhg that wanted to pose questions to Pataki regarding New York has shown for the institute, education," -ny said. He was not able including support for early detection, to approach the microphone to voice his I McCain Camp Responds I treatment and reconstructive surgery. He said concernsbut he was able to get the governor's that the issue deserves attention because the attention outside the conference. He called breast rate on Long Island is higher out to Pataki and asked him to prioritize I to Cancer Criticisms I than the national average. education. Pataki answered positively and he BY PETERGRA~WN Expressing confidence in being elected shook Carberry's hand. "It is great to have a Editor Emeritus the issue. Bill Wilson, a fundraiser for the to the White House, Bush promised to match commitment to research," carberry said,'%ut Less than one week after airing ads in American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Pataki's efforts as presidefit and put federal it is often forgotten that these researchers are the New York area chastising John inWestchesterCounty,defendedMcCain's dollars into breast cancer research. He said undergraduates first. They have to be McCain's record on breast cancer research, record, pointing to the fact that McCain's that he was confident the United States will supported too SO they can move on to research the McCain camp shot back this weekend, sister is herself a breast cancer survivor. "I find a cure for the dreaded disease, and soon. after." with the candidate himself calling Bush's lost my fiande, Kitty, to metastatic breast "It is not a matter of if but a matter of when," But Bush contended that giving to tactics "a new low in campaign politics," cancer in January," Wilson said. "I am an said Bush. He said that this can partially be research was a responsibility of everyone. in an interview on yesterday's NBC show independent voter and have never been accomplished.by "fueling the genius" at "We all need to give something back into Meet the Press. involved in politics. I can honestly say that Stony Brook. the system," he said. "An inherent part of The campaign pointed to the March Kitty would be appalled at the actions of Dean Edelman commented on the being an American is supporting these 2000 issue of MAMM, a magazine that the Bush campaign in running negative ads

bills itself for "women, cancer, and ?.that use breast cancer for political gain.

community, which callled ~ush'spositions ' Unfortunately, she can no longer speak out. on women's health care issues "vague" However, the cancer community in New while noting his "cozy" relationship with York can and will." the tobacco industry. Others have already spokenout against "Despite public outcry for attention to Bush: "It is unconscionable for Governor health care policy, no candidate has been Bush to try and scare women who may have as vague as George W. Bush about what, if been diagnosed with this terrible cancer or anyhg,he would do [regardingwomen's are in a high risk group for it for pure political health care concerns]," the magazine stated gain," said New York Congressman Peter in an article titled "The Makings of a King, a key McCain supporter. "It is President: MAMM Reviews the Front particularly wrong of him to atkick John Runners." McCain - who has consistently been a In addition, the McCain camp brought champion for breast cancer research- when out its own version of Geri Barish, the his own record is so tembly lakking. This breast cancer survivor who has led the Bush is ugly, ugly politics. The presidency is not StatesmanlRuth Chung The panel discussion was held in the HeaRh Sciences Center. campaign's attack on McCain's record on worth frightening women like this." . SPRING ELECTIONS STUDENT POLITY ASSOCIATION, INC. APRIL 1 lth& 12th, 2000 9:OOAL TO 7:OOPM



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. an obligation on your part to get involved. Just being' goid in and of yourself isn't good enough." In an effort to encourage students to support "There are ways you can get involved," said Stony Brook's chapter of the New York Public Todd Stebbins, the project coordinator of the Interest G-roup (NYPIRG) and its various Stony Brook chapter of NYPIRG. "It's up to you projects, a member of its legislative council spoke guys to get involved." Anyone interested is about the "rewarding work" the group encouraged to stop by the NYPIRG office, located accomplishes, at a general body meeting held in 079 of the Student Union, he said. Wednesday night. NYPIRG has had many victories since it's Russ Haven, an attorney for NYPIRG in founding by Ralph Nader in the early-seventies. Albany since 1986, addressed students and spoke Triumphs such as leading the fight to get rid of 08 his up close view of politics. "The closer you garbage incinerators in New York State, and the look the uglier it gets," he said. "It only works if effort to halt the increase of ATM surcharges and people participate. It's like muscles in a body, other bank fees have given NYPIRG a political you need to exercise for them to work." edge. Haven told USB students that they were According to Haven, students should join "phenomenally fortunate" to graduate with an NYPIRG because of their own self-interest as "...elite degree from a prominent university." well as the opportunity to, "...get real world skills NYPIRG is a not-for-profit, non-partisan and exposure," he said. "NYPIRG can help consumer rights organization, and is New York develop those skills." State's largest group dedicated to the advocacy Haven later blasted the political system as of higher education, environmental and consumer "completely out of whack." He cited that major issues. The group was established to produce StatesmanlRulh Chung corporations make contributions to presidential policy reforms while teaching students and other Russ Haven, an attorney for NYPIRG. political campaigns so that if the candidate is New Yorkers to be advocates. Students at elected president, "he's going to owe a lot of NYPIRG's 19 college campus chapters work on Haven urged students to, "...join with like favors." Haven also mentioned how Philip- projects that support NYPIRG's statewide minded individuals with a common goal." Major Morris, the nations largest tobacco producer, program and center on local issues. companies and corporations don't always do the continually bribes New York officials with sports A general body meeting such as this is held right thing but at least they know NYPIRG is tickets and expensive dinners to obtain support. once a semester, according to George Koutsouvas, there, he said. "That's what we're up against," he said. a junior that has been working for NYPIRG for Haven cited various acts of protest by college Haven applauded the work of NYPIRG three years. students who used what they learned in their project leaders in their battles to end sweatshops, Liz Kelly, one of the two NYPIRG classes and applied those ideas to real world to persuade legislatures to invest more money to representatives appointed to the board of directors situations to create change; from students higher education, to aid the homeless and to from SUNY Stony Brook, said that the meetings protesting the Vietnam War, to leading the register as many students to vote as possible. are held to "tell everyone about our different movement in Tiananmen Square, to the recent "NYPIRG has had great success with the projects." rally that organized nearly 50,000 students Homeless Empowerment Project in the last six "We have the meetings to get people against sweatshops in Seattle, Washington. mouths," Stebbins said. interested in pertinent issues," she said. "That's your legacy," Haven said. "There's "I f~,lit's [homeless empowerment] the most rewarding," said Nechy Marte, a project leader. "You can feel the direct impact in your own life." There are currently over 30,000 homeless people in Suffolk County. Amanda Nagy, a sophomore, said that she was, "...very motivated to help," after hearing about the causes NYPIRG fought for. What careers can you pursue at Northwestern Health Sciences University? In closing, Haver said, "It's better to be the Chiropractic Integ~tivehealth and wellness Acupuncture * Oriental medicine Therapeutic massage steamroller than the pavement." Northwestern Health Sciences University provides the widest range of choices in natural health care in the United-states.

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Student Leaders .Not Notified of Bush Visit

claims that notifying the media is not his body, but only after this person people who basically control everything Statesman Editor responsibility, perhaps Mr. Calabria is in specifically requested to be allowed that goes on in the SUNY system are Patrick Calabria came within inches the wrong position. access. acting secretly on a very campus under of making Stony Brook look inept, But with his finger wagging, double There is a lot to be said for being at their control. "I would have liked to have apathetic and plain ridiculous. On Friday, talk and condescending attitude, Calabria the right place at the right time. Rumors students there to get the opportunity to our campus received a visit from some proved that indeed he is qualified for the floating through the hallways of various hear and see what is going on." of the most prominent figures in national job of a Stony Brook administrator. buildings on campus were enough to Carberry was also made painfully politics and the government of New York When asked how he could commit such prompt some students to run over to the aware of what the administration thinks State and not one student organization, a gross oversight, he claimed that HSC with minutes to spare before the of its students. "Our not being notified media related or otherwise, was notified. because it was a "Bush event," it was not event began. Polity president Andrez speaks to how they value us," he said. Presidential hopeful George W. up to him to let anyone know. How is it Carberry was tipped off by "a little It would have been a perfect Bush, Gov. George Pataki and Mayor just a "Bush event" with USB's president birdie," but it tweeted the wrong time. opportunity for us to voice our concerns: Rudy Guiliani convened in the Health in attendance, in a USB building Intuition told him to go immediately and it is not every day that the governor, the Sciences Center where the three figures discussing a USB facility? when he arrived, it took about 45 minutes mayor and a presidential candidate come all espoused their support for continued Calabria could not answer these for him to win his way inside to the to campus. research on breast cancer, including the questions but he was able to say that he conference. He said that ultimately it was But one of the saddest aspects of this financial backing of Stony Brook's did not appreciate the "accusations" Bush's campaign people who allowed whole situation is that Stony Brook blew Breast Cancer Institute. They sat on a being leveled against him and he also him access into the room filled only with an opportunity to look good. This would panel accompanied by breast cancer denounced "words being put in his invited guests and the media. Even Fred have been particularly pertinent time survivor Geri Barrish and cancer doctors, mouth." Since when does being held Preston, vice president for student affairs considering the latest news coming from including Norman Edelman, dean of the accountable for your responsibilities offered no help in getting him in, campus is the fact that a car was stolen medical school, and USB President amount to accusations? Only when you Carberry said. from out of a parking lot in the middle Shirley Strum Kenny. know you are wrong. Carberry called the situation very of the day. Here we are getting national With an event of this magnitude it is disheartening and he was frustrated that attention for something good and we hard to imagine why Calabria, director Calabria was also content to pass the buck on to someone else and wipe his constant attempts to work with came this close to missing it. of media relations, would not notify hands clean of the whole matter. He felt administration are "stonewalled," a If there is one thing we should all anyone. He cleared up the matter simply confident in sending one person down sentiment echoed by students across learn about this is that we better start by saying it was not his responsibility. to the event to represent the entire student campus. He was also frustrated that the tracking McCain's campaign trail. If the director of media relations


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The University at Stony Brook is an Equal Opportunity and Aflirmative Action educator and employer. - ng the Ca New Club Campaigns Students to Vote in Primary Elections

BYJENNIFER Ikmx Statesman Editor

In an effort to encourage students to vote in tomorrow's primary elections, the Political Science Club at the University at Stony Brook launched a voter awareness campaign on campus. "We are trying to get more people voting in the primaries," said Benjamin Benner, vice president of the Political Science Club. The club, just formed this semesterwith political science Professor Howard Scarrow acting as the group's advisor, the club sent out voter guides to the Social and Behavioral Sciences building, the Student Union and political science classes. The pamphlet-sized guide explains the various platforms of the candidates: George Bush, John McCain and Alan Keyes, who are running for the Republican nomination for president in next November's elections; and Al Gore and Bill Bradley who are competing for the Democratic presidential ticket. The guide breaks down the candidates' stances on the issues of abortion, affirmative action, foreign policy, abortion, education and health care. Thegroup wanted to table in the StudentActivities Center tomorrow, but was not granted permission since they are not yet an official club on campus. However, Julius Shapiro, president of the club, said that members might just hand out fliers outside instead. Several members of the club will work as voter checkers StatesmanlRuth Chunn- at voting stations on Tuesday, taking the money they earn Members of the Political Science Club hold three of 3,000 of the voter registration guides the club has put out. and donating it to the club, said Bemer, who will be working at the Setauket Elementary School site. Whether you are majoring in history or another major, it is of what is troubling the students on campus and bringing The club is working in conjunction with other campus open to anyone who is interested," Bemer said. them to the Polity Senate, which is an organization that can organizations to encourage students to get out and vote. Shapiro, however, pointed out that the club is especially get these things done," said Shapiro, a member of the Polity According to Todd Stebbins, project coordinator of the Stony beneficial to political science majors and minors. 'You should Senate, Stony Brook at Law and the Faculty Student Brook chapter of the New York Interest Research Group be involved in some extracumcular activity outside of school Association board of directors. (NYPIRG), his organization is working with the Political so why don't invest some time in something that is related to The club's meetings, which are held in SBS S738 on Science Club, Polity and Ronnie Paschkes, associate dean of your major?" Wednesdays during campus lifetime, are open to all. Turnout students, to distribute fliers about the elections in all the resident Shapiro stressed that the club, which is hying to secure for the meetings has been good, ranging from 10 to 30 students, mailboxes. "It's great that the Political Science club is really funding fiom Polity, will not take the place of other student according to Bemer. taking off," said Stebbins. "They really formulated platforms governmental organizations. "The club is a forum to get ideas "Back in the 70s, Stony Brook was cutting edge and on what is important to students." now people don't have anything they want to fight for," Bemer Alan devries, assistant director of Housing said. "I know that was a dierent time back then, but the Administration is also contributing to the effort and sending students have to get onto the same page with the issues that out a mass phonemail to all students living on campus, are affecting them." 8 reminding them of Tuesday's primaries. Working with other campus groups on projects is exactly ,what the club will strive to do, Benner said. "As a young g club we want to organize general awareness but we also want %toorganize the political spectrum better on campus." E "We are trying to get more people involved," Bemer &aid. "We feel that there's a lot of apathy and it is a really aQ exciting campaign." After the primaries, the group will start organizing for students can E~ovember'selections and will invite the presidential cast their votes g candidates, as well as the senatorial candidates Rudy Giuliani E and Wary Clinton, to come to campus, Bemer said. After the elections, the club plans to tackle local political 5 issues, including those in Suffok County and USB. Benner Union Bi-level 'said that some of the issues that students are interested in 4 from 6 a.m. to Oep articipating in include the rising costs of higher education %and the rights of students. The group is also organizing a trip commuters can &to Washington D.C. vote at their 44 Although Benner and Shapiro are political sciehce majors, with Shapiro running for Polity vice president in April, sboth said that is not a necessary factor for joining the club. Professor Howard Scarrow, from the political science 6 "we want to make it more accessible to the average student. department, advises the club. A Look at the Nominees on the Primarv Ballots

Exile in Richmond, Virginia Supports automatic detention for kids who commit crimes with guns Supports requiring instant background checks at gun shows by allowing gun show promoters to access the instant check system on behalf of

* Supports law-abiding American's constitutional right to own guns to protect their families and home ' Supports the current ban on automatic weapons . Supports banning juveniles from On Education: possession of semi-automatic "assault" Favors tax-firei: saving accounts for Supports closing the Education children's education expenses such as Department tutoring,, computers and private school On Education: supports increasing the minimum On Gun Control: tuition * Supports expanding education age for possession of a handgun from 18 Against gun control legislation On Gun Control: savings accounts for parents to increase to 21 Bush supports voluntary efforts to Supports ,enforcement of the Supportscriminal background checks their annual contributions from $500 per equip all handguns with child safety locks current gun laws on firearm purchasers student to $5,000 and withdraw funds On Abortion On Abortion: .supports instant background checks tax free to pay for education expenses Prolife for all commercial sales, including from Kindergarten to college Prolife with exceptions for rape, . incest and life of the mother Supports abortion only when gun &ows and pawnshop On Gun Control: necessary to save the mother's life .wF federally waiting Supports stronger enforcement of Supports parental notification, banning use of taxpayer funds for abortion, and Favors nominating only Supreme periods existing gun laws, would provide more banning~artialbirthabortion Court Justice who oppose abortion .Supports use of trigger locks funding for aggressive gun law

New401-Jaccountswhereemployers students who are enrolled in On Gun Control: help employees save tax free for lifelong universities that offer rigorous teacher Ban all "Saturday Night learning for the employee and his or her training and who commit to teaching Specials" - completely . and spouse, or a child's college education in urban and rural districts. permanently. On Gun Control: Encourage partnerships between Require registration of all 65 Supportszero tolerance forguns universities and local schools to million handguns in this country. On Abortion: provide professional development for Require licensing and a safety teachers already in the classroom. course for every person who owns a To increase the options for choice handgun. and to encourage more innovation in Prohibit gun dealers from selling our schools, Bradley would also guns in residential neighborhoods. significantly increase support for Require mandatory trigger locks charter schools. for guns. Supports a program to reward college Improve Access to Community Require background checks at students who choose to teach in schools that Colleges, by providing child care and gun shows. need their help flexible class schedules for students * Limit handgun purchases by any Tough siandards for licensing or tenure, with full or part-time jobs, and one person to one a month. with evaluations by teams of accomplished strengthen those colleges by helping On Abortion: teachers and administrators them upgrade their technology Prochoice National Tuition Savings program infrastructure. Bradley will invest $2 *Supports federal financing of tying together state tuition programs in more Gillion in community colleges. abortions for women on Medicaid. that 30 states with a goal of all states participating in a program that would allow Former N. J. Sen. Bill Bradley parents to save for college tax free and use Information andphotos courtesy of each candidate's official website, with supplemented information On Education: m the New York Times website. Compiled and designed by Jennifer Kester, Statesman Edito,: those 'savings in participating states Offer loan forgiveness to I 10 TRAVEL Classifieds FOR SALE I Mazda 1990 RX7 GXL Mint Condition. #1 Spring Break Vacations! Cancun, EMPLOYMENT 65,000 miles. Automatic. Loaded. Sunroof. ~amaica,~ahamas,& Florida! Best Prices PIT Teaching - Kaplan, Inc. Seeks White. Original owner. Garaged. $5,999. & Parties Guaranteed! Space- is Limited! dynamic people with top scores on the (631)698-4762 Book It! All credit cards accepted! SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT or DAT 1995 Plymouth Voyager - Mini-Van.' 1-800-234-7007 to teach world-leading test-prep. Excellent condition. 6 cyl, PM, cruise, www.endlesssummertours.com Part-time positions available throughout stereo cassette, A/C, well maintained. GO DIRECT! #1 Internet-based comDanv Long Island. Paid training available on Must see. $5900. 666-8107. offering WHOLESALE Spring ~reak " campus. Visit our website at Leave message. packages by eliminating middlemen! www.jobs.kaplan.com or call Nordictrac Walkfit, never used $300. ALL Destinations! Guaranteed Lowest 1-888-KAPLAN-2 Soloflex 180 lbs of weights, $250. Price! 1-800-367-1252or NOTE TAKERS NEEDED. Take notes in (516) 567-2035 Leave message. www.springbreakdirect .com class and earn up to $9/lecture. Apply LAND FOR SALE #1 Panama City Vacations! Party online @Ushock.com or call 689-1668 Hancock, New York. Catskill Mountains. Beachfront@ Boardwalk, Summit M-F 12-5PM. TOP STUDENTS ONLY. 5 acres of wooded, level and surveyed Condo's, & Mark 11, Free Drink .Parties! Student who can design & maintain property. Property taxes $300 per yr. Walk To The Best Bars! All credit cards website for campus newspaper. build, camp, hunt & fish. Great views of accepted! 1-800-234-7007 Maintenance would be twice a week. the Delaware River (516) 666-8107 www.endlesssummertours.com C~l1632-6479ask for Jen or Erin. FOR RENT SERVICES Telemarketing - PIT Mon - Thurs, 5-9pm Studio apts furnished includes electric, Fax Service 50$ per each page sent Flexible hrs for right person. $10.00/hr cable, water, heat. Walking distance to 632-6479 or come to room 057 Union. Stony Brook location. call Mike 246-5700 Port Jeff village. startingat $500. SELF DEFENSE LESS~KS By appointment only. 473-2499 Learn self defense, street survival, ' GENERAL stick & knife fighting, rape prevention and grappling. Our professional staff SCORE BIG, SCORE OFTEN with will teach you to protect yourself with MYBYTES.COM . Register today and get the simplicity of Ju-Jitsu. a free CD of cool music and much more. Call hirican Samurai Ju-Jitsu Centers to try a FREE introductory lesson. 642-2350. Private lessons available. Volunteers Needed for Skin Cell Study Department of Oral Biology & Pathology School of Medicine SUNY at Stony Brook

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$3m PB, 8s 'w w Wednesday, March 15,2000 Et m'0 12:OOpm 4:OOpm 99, - H Sports Complex H=I z aiz P, For more information, visit our website: Y http://www.sunvsb.edu/career zP, or drop by CPC (located at the foot of the zebrapath walkway n'7 3 between the Library and Old Chemistry) m h, 0 0 0 A Call To All Native Americans On Campus

I Students, Faculty, and Staff I I are invited. I Please come to an informal gathering off campus at: The Java Cafe I at Hendriks Institute I (across from the Park Bench)

A chance to meet others, and discuss possible Native American activities on campus. Seats are limited Call (800) 2-REVIEW to enroll Hosted by the President's Office. Call 632-6270 for date and time.

(800) 2-REVIEW Refreshments will be served. ,,, ,,,,o.,",,~ ,, , ,u,,,,l,,,,,, ,,,..,,,, ,On re"* , ,, ,,,,% ,, .,,, ,.. ..,%#..r..s . wfl~,review,csm ,,, ,,, .,..,,,,.,,, , I . Better Scores, Better Schools

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, wf * . sctekth: a6z.~+-i;tb, ~0imig:rc~ucpcrmie * -timct/part- ti^ job3

' Ws6 hnpk .. , % of what yar +it #find .through the CQmtr Placsrnent Center1 I FULL-?"MEJOB PART- 77ME JOB Comoany: Northrop Grumman Corporation Comoany: 0uena Vita Pictures Marketing Oraankation: Office of Conferences & Special AEW Systems m:Marketing InternlRepresentative Events, SUNY Stony Brook Location: Bethpage m:$26Wmonth m:Commencement A~des Whpn: Fall Semester 2000 m:$5.1 Sihr m:AssistantiAssociate Engineer - Systems Position wiN t&ke @ace on campus as we// as at 3-5 mn:Friday, May 19 Analysis sebllite schools in fhe area. QuaIMcationq: Must be reliable. Good working Decrcridion: Devise creative promotional knowledge of campus and neat appearance (jeans QualWcationq: BE in Electrical Engineering or BS , in AMSlComputer Science or equivalent. MS or strategies and implement them on campuses; are discouraged). graduate level coursework desirable. Ability to organize promotional screenings, develop working develop high level language software (C, Ada, relationship with fie# agency representative and Descrintion: Specific assignments including - etc.). MATLAB experience highly desirable. Will report to himlher on a regular basis. Service convocation assistants, student marshals, ushers, work with senior systems engineering personnel to college newspapersiradidfll with press materials. and ticket aides, will be isdued at the time of define requirements for analysis routines and Develop story angles on upcoming releases and acceptance. Must be available onMay 3, from implement analysis routines. 0-2 years work arrange press coverage for promot~onalevents. 1:OO-2:15, for a paid orientation session. Those experience in a high-tech environment, laboratory hired will be allowed to remain In their spring or manufecturing environment. Qgf&flcatlonq: Must be an undergraduate and housing assignment until 5pm on May 19 maintain a 3.0 GPA. Must commit to working 10-15 m:Engineer - Systems Analysis hours a week and have mess to a car. Must be How to Annly: More information as well as available to work at least one day a week in field applications are available at CPC. Applications qu91Mcatiom: Same education requirements as agency office (where applicable). Must have an should bereturned by 3/17 to Ann Forkin, Director above, wtth 3-5 years work experience in a answering machine & e-mail. of Conferences & Special Events, 440 laboratory or manufacturing environment. Administration. 632-6320 Experience wwking withKor DOD desirable. Ability How to Apply: Fax a copy of your resume to to program using a high level software language Kristin Tunkel, at 212-735-5478, by April 7, 2000. such as C or Ada. Experience with developing MATLAB routines. Analyst will work with VV engineering personnel from all d~sciplinesto refine Want to make a difference and have some fun? the definition of the problem and gather information from various sources to help identify the potential The Smithtown Township Arts Counc~iis looking for causes. Analyst will define requirements for creative individuals with an interest in theatre arts analysis routines, implement required software, to develop a children's theatre program for locat review gatherd informationldata, and identify schools. Addaional opportunities available to assist causeleffect relationships. teaching art related courses

How to holy: Call John Betsch at 516-346-0014 For More information YOUR FUTURE CN FOCUS to arrange an interview and/or send resume to Contact Volunteers Fos Community Service at [email protected]. Melville Library, Room W-0550, (536) 632-681 0 631.632.6812 or visit us in the CPC. A Fundamentalist "Follow the monev.I '? d Christian School -"Deep Throat" to Woodward and Bernstein -" CoGinued f;i;m page*d A xr dr mrxxr -Am ------is a metro area of 350,000, a place "The issue is, does a religious where Germany's BMW makes cars, "Show me the money!ffI institution in the United States of France's Michelin makes tires and -Rod Tidwell to Jerry Maguire America have the right to believe the Chamber of Commerce flies the I something? That goes to the top list flags of 15 nations that have offices "It's the economy, stupid!" of the Constitution," says Pait, the or plants here. -James Carville to the Clinton campaign university spokesman. . Linda Bravo, manager of a The school lost its tax exemption bakery store across the busy six-lane in 1983 after a 13 year battle with street from campus, said, "1 have Take their advice - the Internal Revenue Service that total respect for ~obJones," but she Business and financial journalism is the fastest-growing area in the news business, in every medium. Demand greatly exceeds supply. cited the school's discrimination. worries about its control of students. I BJU now admits blacks but keeps the Noting the school's activism against ban on interracial dating based on a some rock bands appearing at a local The Master of Arts in Business Journalism at Baruch College/ CUNY offers: biblical interpretation that God arena and against video gambling, I created people differently for a she says, "It's the Bible Belt, not Bob Challenging Courses-From the basics to specialized cover- majors, from electrical engineering Jones Land." age of entrepreneurism, technology and international business. and aviation management to Bible The school tires to be self- Superb Faculty-Three veteran business journalists on the full- teaching, and 55 graduate degrees, sufficent, making its own electricity, time faculty. No other college in the nation can match this. most of those religious or musically doing its own laundry, building its Affordable Excellence-As a public college, Baruch's tuition is oriented. buildings and getting its beef and a fraction of that of private universities. Students pay $9,960 a year for dairy products from a school farm 15 Flexibility-Full- and part-time study. Start in spring or fall. tuition and room and board. Many miles away. It also operates its 'own Financial aid available. work on campus. Eighty percent are elementary, middle and high Great Location-26th Street and Park Avenue South. from out of state. schools. Many graduates have gone on to "If you really get to know the For more information or to request an application: make names for themselves. Among students, faculty and staff, you'd see phone: (212) 802-6640 them are US. Sen. Tim Hutchinson their actions speak louder than e-mail:[email protected] and US. Rep. Asa Hutchinson, both words," said the Rev. Alexander web: w~.baruch.cuny.edu/slas/MABusJ of Arkansas. The latter was one of McCormick of Heritage Bible the prosecutors at President Church in nearby Greer, who praises . Clinton's impeachment trial. the community contributions the When the school was founded, it school makes. "They don't hate The City University of NewYork was on the outskirts of a small city blacks and they don't hate Bariichcollege in the Appalachian foothills. NOWit Catholics." ~p

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4 While we're cleaning, check I d I I out our daily specials and in 8 STa6NY store sale table. P 8 BReB@K. STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK BOOKSTORE 2' P Frank Melvitle Library Building d Tell Me' Advice for the C ege-Aged Crowd By Carolyn Hax

Dear Carolyn: and improve your job prospects. should I do? bridesmaids, but she feels that if she I am a talented, hard-working Silly you.) --Seriously Peeved asks these two people to be in the senior in high school with a 3.9 My guess is, they don't want wedding, then she has to ask GPA. I have decided to go to the you to use your new wheels just to Short answer? Stop taking their everyone else in the groups as well same college that my boyfriend of ride around in your old circles. money, or start taking orders. (meaning 8-p-lus bridesmaids). How two years (who is also smart and Remember, too, that you're a Ideally, his parents would can she poli+ely tell them she hard-working) is currently talented kid with a high GPA. The understand that you're both adults doesn't want them in the wedding attending. I love the college, and it more promise you show, the harder despite your financial dependence. without hurting th-eir feelings? would be on the top of my list even it gets to watch you make mistakes. Accepting their money, however, -C. w. if he were not going there. Still, this is your mistake to means "ideally" goes out the Whenever I tell an adult where I make. If you insist on making it, window, along with your right to You could start by explaining to have decided to go, he or she acts you won't get any adults off your complain. Here's one thing you can her that this is a wedding, not like it is a bad decision to go to the back with the "I was going to go try-or, I should say, your partner inoperable cancer. same place as my boyfriend. What there anyway!" defense. That's not can try (you can stay out of it): He; three-bridesmaid plan is is the deal? a thoughtful argument; that's the Suggest that he go on a regular, fixed fine, and she doesn't need Lo tell the -Kate whopper you're telling yourself. payment plan to replace the money also-rans anything, politely or he borrowed, and ask in return that otherwise, because there's nothing That a 3.9 GPA makes you Dear Carolyn: his parents give him some air. to tell. Truly. If any of them smart, not wise. That's the deal. I My domestic partner lived with indicates she'd like to be included, have no doubt you can get a fine his parents until he and I moved in Dear Carolyn: your friend can explain, gently, that education at your boyfriend's together. They have been very My best friend and college she's keeping things small. I doubt school, and, why not, we'll stipulate generous in giving us loans when roommate is getting married next she'll need to-grown women can that it would've been on your list we needed a little more to scrape by year and is already stressing out accept this without rioting in the without him. But you're setting off (school and all that). He was on trying to plan it. Her biggest pews. all the adult alarms with that line their car insurance policy until problem is with the bridal party: She about its being your first choice recently, when they bought him his was friends with two separate groups with or without him. I'm sorry, own policy. growing up, but she's now only close Got a question for Carolyn there's no way you're selling this However, now they seem to feel to one person from each of those decision as an objective one. that our monetary situation (mine as groups. She wants to keep her Hax? Send her an e-mail in Consider the odds: well as his) is their eternal business. wedding small with just me and care of the Statesman at Of all the colleges in all the I intensely dislike someone telling those two other people as statesmn@ic. sunysb. edu. world, the best one for you is his? me how to spend my money. What - What acowinkydink! Please. You'd have far more credibility with the Old People if you simply admitted-to yourself first, then to them-that your boyfriend's a factor, if only because his being there allowed you to see more of this school than others. Then at least you can argue with them on the merits, which are ... um ...I know: You won't be leaving school every weekend to visit him. That's a good ' one. Plus, if you break up, surely the a school will be big enough for the 2 both of you. 2 The adults can then argue that there might be better schools that you simply know less about, and ' that tailing your boyfriend will make it hard for you to put any distance between the high school E you and.the someday-adult you- 3a which is what about 80 percent of your tuition is supposed to buy. a Right now, you're a dependent kid. Eventually, your parents want an & independent adult. College offers a a, semi-controlled environment to E learn semi-independence: adulthood 8 with training wheels. (And you izQ) thought it was to expand your mind Places To Go... People To See ... is a new monthly column P(acer 70 Goaaa about things to do in the Metropolitan area.

u3 E3 I~III~IIIIII~-III~~II~~~O-IU-~U~-~~ Compiled by Kat Fulgieri, Statesman Editor BY KAT h~mu Statesman Editor sinfully into comedic elements. While the story alone has value, tbe At 9 p.m. on k~h10th, the Staller complicated story elements are woven Center doors will' open up like the into a coherent picture. This picture is d proverbial gates of heaven and let mirror of sorts, one that can be looked patrons inside for a showing of Dogma. into only after making light of the A psuedo-religous spoof, Dogma blasphemy contained in the'mowie. The chronicles the attempts of two fallen offensiveness is not for everyone, and angels trying to return home. Numerous though tolerable, it is fiercely evident in characters attempt to sabotage their every scene.. Prominent matters of I effoks, because if the two succeed, life affront include an iconization of Jem on Earth will cease tb exist. as "Buddy Christ," a replacement for the The premise of judgment day, the crdcifix, and the insistence of every hierarchy of the Catholic Cmrch, the character that God isawoman wbloves foundations of modern faith, and real- skee-ball. Different .scenes pottrap - life issues of relationships, longing, and angels getti~gdm&, a muse (Selnta immature men are all'confronted and ~a~kk)vorllng as 5 strippcr, m- satirized during the 130 minute fib. If Satan's messengers as &key-play& 1- nothing else, it makes for an amusing street punks. - - - and well-researched delve iato the There is an entire back story that CMsRock,KwinSmith,J11.on~amlUmla~anau~h.n#. Catholic tradition, with faktors spun goes along with Dogma, one of controversy and heated debate. visit from Metatron (Alan Rickma), a Following it$ general theater release, the heralding angel sent fiom above .to tell I. movie was demkyl by several religious Bethany that she has to get out of bed groups and countess individuals, &my adst;p the two angelsw& &ve the of whom made suggestions and demands world from destruction. Fiorentina does C of extreme nature. Letter writing agrut~~aroIethatle$l$e~&@~~ campaigns were directed at Disney. . theatrid vas#ility and gomedic Writ. Offended parties asked for everything .Chris Rock is al& in Dogma, fiom a ban on the movie, to an apology, playing the forgotten 13th apostle, to the eternal damnation of writer Kevin Rufus. He turns in a credib!e and Smith, and b@imax Films. Samplings lively performance. Bea AMeck and ofhate-maiisenttopeopleaf£diatedwith Matt Damon play tbe, reaegade --m- e48 the movie are available at angels, Bartleby and Loki, wka'lnave 6 www.viewaskew.com. learned that the only way to return One lektgr from South .Carolina to heaven is the alk through a gate iGplorg4 !be :producers lo "fire the that absolves th$ of all sin. ~heii- aetorg, burn the scenery and scripts. Le3 return to heave%, though, would $ w .the footage alrudy made, everything, be rehdcr pod fallible, and therefore deshoyed." Another angry viewer, this must be stopped at all costs. Joining city* had this. is to help are prophets Jey and Silent I &n a devout Catholic, I Bob, played by Jason Mewes and. theVirgin writer , reprising their I, papular characters from "," 8 dR estotallyunfaif and adding more low comedy, a. Not tomention making the movie o true guilty Q - 0 Fr Tickets for Staller Center movie 1 are $4 for adults, and $3 for a children and USR students. Tickets are 4- C is working her way through a rough available at the box office, online at patch of life. Diminishing faith and www.stallercenter.com, or by calling # kn~~and~~.n*..thnhohlrbro6w~b-~ ,n~~eredp~yc~~t~s@ef~~a632-AR"J'S.