Chapter Ten STATE PAGES Everything you always wanted to know about the states — including capitals, population, land areas, historical data, elected executive branch officials, legislative leaders, judges of high courts, state mottos, flowers, songs, birds and other items unique to the states and other U.S. jurisdictions. Also includes information on state gaming laws. For additional information on Chapter Ten contact Mary Kyser, at The Council of State Governments, (606) 244-8238 or E-mail:
[email protected]. STATE PAGES Table 10.1 OFFICIAL NAMES OF STATES AND JURISDICTIONS, CAPITALS, ZIP CODES AND CENTRAL SWITCHBOARDS State or other Name of Area Central jurisdiction state capitol (a) Capital Zip code code switchboard Alabama, State of ............................................... State House Montgomery 36130 334 242-7100 Alaska, State of ................................................... State Capitol Juneau 99801 907 465-4648 Arizona, State of ................................................. State Capitol Phoenix 85007 602 542-4900 Arkansas, State of .............................................. State Capitol Little Rock 72201 501 682-3000 California, State of ............................................. State Capitol Sacramento 95814 916 657-9900 Colorado, State of .............................................. State Capitol Denver 80203 303 866-5000 Connecticut, State of .......................................... State Capitol Hartford 06106 860 240-0100 Delaware, State of .............................................. Legislative