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SPORTS: NASCAR .fever hits its peak -- PAGE 13 charged with conspiracy to commit' Around ten ycars ago the bowing pare%tho bowing pancls to any long 'year's show and the 'Y4 show, saysi I(burglary and possession of Could 27 be the age for a face Ilft'? and separating of the marble panel, term endeavor. Buildings take on I''we're confident" that gate-crash- \[anexplosivc device. (1 If your facade is-expanding and was brought to Jim McArthur's wear like everything else, and need ling will be eliminated this time - in1 bowing it may be something you attention. McArthur, Physical Plant repairs. want to consider. It's something Director, said it was after that, they According to New Stone that the Houston Cole Library may bega.1 keeping a close on eye on the Technology, Design and be facing in the near future. panels to monitor their movement. Construction for Exterior Wall Houston Cole Library was com- In the past ten years, engineers and Systems, the movement of the mar- pleted in February of 1972. Charles architects have been called in to ble panels can be linked to several H. McCauley out of Birmingham, look at the situation different factors : Alabama was the architect and the "At this point it is not an urgent *Thermal movement - Thermal contractor was Jones & Hardy out safety problem, but it could become of Montevallo. Containing 17 1, one if we neglect it," Bill Meehan see Librar~, page 4 See bv not s The 1999 Disability Challenge is under way By Phil Attinger lenge to JSU faculty to see what a She has trouble with JSU's zig- Editor in Chief typical disabled student must do to zagging sidewalks. The Quad is cope with even a "friendly" cam- especially frustrating since staying JSU student Tonya Robinson says pus. on the sidewalk, which she can feel that she is willing to face the chal- "I really feel accepted here," said with her cane, doesn't necessarily lenge of having a lead-dog find her Robinson in a preparatory interview take her where she wants to go. way around the campus. with Turner. Robinson has only But the brick benches at Dr. Rebecca Turner, head of the been at JSU since this past January. Sparkman Hall help orient her, and sociology program at JSU and act- She tapes lectures. Teachers will she appreciates having the talking ing vice president of Academic and say aloud what they write on the signals at the Hwy 21 crossings. Student Affairs says she is ready for board. Being born into a big fami- "The longer you don't ask for the challenge as well. ly helped her feel accepted, she help, the longer you'll be in that Tonya is going to lead her. thinks. She's the second oldest of predicament," says Robinson. From 9 a.m. this morning until 11 kids. "People are friendly here; they'll noon, Turner will lose her sight,'and Robinson says her parents wanted help" will have to cope with her morning her to feel like everyone else, and Robinson advises Turner to mem- workload without her eyes. they pushed her to succeed. Every orize the locations of numbers on Each year, the Disabled Student day she faces new challenges with a Services office sponsors a chal- positive attitude. see Challenge, page 3 THE CHANTICLEER April 8, 1999 Page 3 rally in By Eric L. Adler James increasingly sent education funds to Staff Writer primary and secondary schools. Kruzinski also explained that state funding Twenty students and the Pep Band repre- is important because it goes directly toward sented JSU at this year's Higher Education academic improvements, such as building or Rally on the steps of the Alabama State House renovating academic buildings. State colleges on Apr. 6. The rally takes place annually to must use tuition and other funds to make encourage legislation for greater funding to non-academic improvements. state-funded colleges around the state. Governor Siegelman gave a speech during The JSU students were among over 250 stu- the rally, during which he promoted state lot- dents representing every four-year college in tery legislation. Governor Siegelman intends Alabama. The JSU Pep Band joined bands to use profits from the lottery to increase edu- from the University of Alabama and Alabama cational funding at all levels. State University in playing songs in-between An organization calied the Higher Education speeches. A head spectrum of people spoke, Partnership sponsors the rally each year. including students, educators and government Approximately 150 people at JSU are mem- officials. bers of this organization. outgoing SGA president RY~kzinski, Members receive a monthly newsletter with who attended both this year's rally and the MelissaAccording to the "Wall Street Journal," there information about funding initiatives for state By Sarah Trotter News Writer has been an arrest in connection with the rally two years ago said that this year's rally colleges." was different from recent ones because For infomation on how to become a mem- Melissa virus. (With information from the "Wall Street David L. Smith, 30, was arrested on Ciovernor Don Siegelman had secured fund- ber of the Higher Education Partnership, con- ~~~~~yand GT~~~~~i~~~~star") Thursday, April 1 at the home of his brother in ing increases in this year's budget. tact Student Activities at 782-5490. Eatontown, N.J. Smith is charged with "con- "We've been cut every year for four years," You check your e-mail and discover an spiracy to commit the offense, attempt to said Kruzinski, explaining that Governor Fob important message from your best friend. The commit the offense and third-degree theft of computer service," reports the "The Wall Street Journal." Soon after Melissa began racing around the world, virus trackers began tracing her path. Global Unique Identifiers, or GUIDs, led to Smith. GUIDs are identification numbers attached to files by some versions of Word. Theses identification numbers are used to trace Web documents that have file name that have been changed. There is only one GUID for each file created. People who create virus- es can work from existing files instead of cre- ating new files. This throws suspicion on another computer rather than the criminal's computer. Smith may face up to 40 years in prison and a fine of $480,000. According to Steven Altman, Smith's attorney, Smith plans to plead innocent, according to "The Anniston Star." Is the Melissa virus a problem if it only slows traffic on the web and appears to do no other damage? Melissa itself is not the prob- lem. Melissa proves that when so many com- puters are linked together, viruses can spread very rapidly and are a potential danger. ~icrosoftoffers information about macro viruses such as Melissa. Theses viruses take advantage of applications programs - attack- ing documents , templates and other system parts. Macro viruses spread when they are downloaded or the e-mails they are attached to are opened. Microsoft describes signs of macro viruses as "unexplained behavior, such as error mes- sages with unusual slogans or files that have been saved as templates." To prevent infec- tion by a computer virus, Microsoft advises computer users to look for the symptoms and use caution when opening e-mail and when downloading information from the Internet. Antivirus software is also available, but Microsoft warns that the software must be updated if it is to catch new viruses. There are so many viruses that it is difficult for one software to detect them all. THE CHANTICLEER April 8, 1999 Page 5 Bv Phil Attineer Museums in Europe only began to accept Editor in Chief bequests from private collectors in the first decades of the 20th century. Imagine waiting (some information from "The Humanities," a until 2015 before getting to hear REM, the text by Witt, Brown, Dunbar, Tirro and Witt) Beach Boys or even Run-DMC. According to literature from the High, the You might argue that Impressionists were to French State almost refused the first gift of the 19th century what Rock and Roll music Impressionist paintings: the Caillebotte was to the 20th. (KIE-ye-bot) bequest in 1894. Most critics hated them. They argued that Names like Monet, Degas, Renoir, Pissaro, the works were unfinished and of vulgar, or at Van Gogh and Gauguin are familiar to us. least unworthy, subject matter. Female painters in France, like Berthe Yet today, we celebrate the painters in the Morisot (more-ee-SOH) and Mary Cassatt largest exhibit ever housed in the Southeast. (cuh-SAHT), prove that women took part in The High Museum of Art in Atlanta has these this revolution, a generation before American works on loan from collections and European women could vote. museums until May 16. Many of Monet's works hang with those of In the 1870's, in Paris-a city known for it's his old roommate, Frederic Bazille, who died art-certain painters began to experiment in 1870 in the Franco-Pmssian War. The two with short, bold brush strokes and colors, cre- met in 1863 as Art students. In addition to ating thick textures of paint on the canvas. sharing several studios in Paris, they painted These painters, both men and women, worked together on location at the Normandy Coast to reproduce what their eyes saw only for an and in the countryside near the forest of instant-an impression of what they saw. Up Fountainebleau. until that point, painters produced Realism: To visit their works in Atlanta will cost $13, the reproduction of the world as it was, not as and the show only lasts until May 16.