USPTA/USTA Innova on Tennis Workshop a Huge Success!

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USPTA/USTA Innova on Tennis Workshop a Huge Success! A Division of the USPTA December 2017 Happy Holidays from the great Southwest Inside: President’s Message -2 2018 Award’s Program 3-5 2018 Southwest Conference -6 Area News 8-12 USTA Southwest News 13-15 Innovation Tennis Worshop - 16 The second seismic shi is moving from our decade-old President’s Message na onal loca on in Houston to Orlando. We have tran- si oned from a mundane industrial park to a sensa on- al new facility at the entrance to the USTA Tennis Cam- Bri Feldhausen - USPTA Southwest President pus. Houston was a good decision in its me. Because of having that property and building that appreciated in value, we could construct an incredible new asset for our work. We are now posi oned at the entrance to Dear colleagues and friends: the largest tennis facility in the world. Our building is elegant yet func onal and will serve us well for further- Penning this last president’s ing research and as a springboard for the growth of our message reminds me I really membership. No other tennis professional cer fi ca on don’t use a pen anymore, group comes even close. thanks to Jack Michalko who made me convert to a com- Let me close with applause for our great board. That puter and email. That was a leadership group to a person has stepped up, taken few years ago when I became on responsibili es and fi lled the gaps. They are more the district coordinator for than fulfi lling their commitment. I know you share my the Tucson area. gra tude for that. I happily fi nish my term as president knowing that great people are inline. Being President of the Southwest for the past two years has come, as the saying goes, “at interes ng mes.” Two events in par cular — while not brought about by me other than by being a member of the USPTA — are profoundly signifi cant. The fi rst is crea on of an ongoing educa on require- ment that greatly increases our credibility as teachers. Being inten onal about gathering as professionals at the table of shared learning is proving immensely help- ful and s mula ng for all who too o en languish alone in our work. Now because of increased knowledge, we are even be er at what we do. We have gained increased apprecia on of the USPTA as a resource for professional development and have become more involved in our organiza on. For example, in the concluding phase of the three-year window for members to obtain the necessary con nu- a on educa on credits, we worried we could see as much as 30% decline in our Southwest division. The board rose to the challenge; even more so Amy Badger with her boundless energy. The astonishing result is a 96% credit achievement and reten on rate! I know you join me in being tremendously proud and pleased about our mutual commitment to prac cal and mea- surable advancement as tennis professionals. page 2 December 2017 Division Awards Nomina ng Form United States Professional Tennis Associa on 2018 Awards Program SOUTHWEST DIVISION GENERAL RULES: · Award period is from January 1 – December 31, 2017 unless otherwise noted in award category. · Only USPTA cer fi ed members, (Master Professional, Elite Professional and Professional) in good standing are eligible for USPTA member awards. · Only Facility Manager of the Year Award is open to non-members. · Only USPTA members in good standing may submit nomina ons in all categories. · Self-nomina ons are acceptable. · All award categories may not necessarily be awarded on an annual basis. · Awards Commi ee will determine if there are qualifi ed candidates in any category. · Awards will be presented at the USPTA SOUTHWEST Division Conference at LA CAMARILLA RACQUET, FITNESS AND SWIM CLUB, PHOENIX AZ MAY 18-19, 2018 MAKE YOUR AWARD NOMINATIONS NOW! APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MARCH 18th, 2018 ****************************************************************************** NOMINATION FORM AWARD CATEGORY:_____________________________________________________________ NAME TO BE NOMINATED: ______________________________ USPTA# _______________ NOMINEE CONTACT DETAILS: phone: ____________________ email: ________________ INFORMATION ON NOMINEE: Addi onal detailed informa on on nominee as to why this member deserves this recogni on is encouraged. Please submit a bio if possible and as much in-depth informa on as you can. NOMINATING MEMBER NAME: ___________________________ USPTA# ________________ NOMINATOR CONTACT DETAILS: phone: ___________________ email: __________________ ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE SENT VIA EMAIL TO: Amy Badger [email protected] QUESTIONS: Contact: AMY BADGER 505.379.6728/ [email protected] December 2017 page 3 USPTA SOUTHWEST AWARDS CATEGORIES 2018 STEVE WILKINSON COLLEGE COACH OF THE YEAR – Award recipient is selected based on his/her results as a college team coach. Nominee may be nominated for success during the 2017 college year or for long term commitment and con nued success as a college team coach. Include both spring and fall schedules and data. DIVERSITY AWARD – This award recognizes the USPTA member who has demonstrated an outstanding ability to unite diverse popula ons within his/her community through tennis DIVISION TESTER OF THE YEAR – The Divisional Head Tester will recommend a nominee to the Awards Com- mi ee. No other nomina ons will be considered. FACILITY MANAGER OF THE YEAR – Large Facility 9 or more courts, Small Facility 8 or less courts. This nominee may be a non-member or a USPTA SOUTHWEST Member. Nominee need not be a General Manager by name but must func on in the posi on of Manager of a USTA Member facility. The facility itself is not eligible for the award. GEORGE BACSO LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – Na onal Award Only! This award recognizes a member who has demonstrated exemplary achievement in seven areas throughout their career – contribu ons to the USPTA and USTA, achievements in teaching and playing both on and off the court, contribu ons of me and exper se to other organiza ons and/or chari es and commitment to growing the game through published ar- cles, presenta ons, educa on and communica ons. Applicant must have been a member 30 consecu ve years or more. USPTA SOUTHWEST PROUD DIVISIONAL AWARD – This award recognizes a member who exemplifi es in- tegrity, respect and passion for tennis on and off the court. This is NOT A NATIONAL AWARD. This award may or may not be given out each year. This award is at the discre on of the USPTA Southwest Awards Commi ee. HIGH SCHOOL COACH OF THE YEAR – Award recipient is selected based on his/her results as a high school team coach. Nominee may be nominated for success during the 2017 High School season or for long term commit- ment and con nued success as a high school coach. INDUSTRY EXCELLENCE AWARD - This award is given to USPTA teaching professionals who demonstrate an entrepreneurial and altruis c a tude toward their job. This award nominee should exhibit resourcefulness and show growth in their business and programs while bringing tennis to more people in their area. ALEX GORDON PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR – This award recognizes a member who has demonstrated exemplary achievement in these areas during 2017 only – contribu ons to the USPTA and USTA, achievements in teaching and playing both on and off the court, contribu ons of me and exper se to other organiza ons and/or chari es and commitment to growing the game through published ar cles, presenta ons, educa on and commu- nica ons. USPTA LESSONS FOR LIFE AWARD – This award recognizes a member who has done the most to raise money for chari es in his/her district through tennis events or tennis related fundraisers. While raising large amounts is wonderful the commi ee also considers crea ve and unique way to raise funds through tennis. USPTA STARS – The commi ee looks for members who have dedicated me, energy and much eff ort into vol- page 4 December 2017 unteering for grassroots tennis and mul -cultural events bringing the sport and sportsmanship to the players they touch. They inspire others and they deserve to be recognized. 30 AND UNDER AWARD – This award is presented to a current USPTA member who is under the age of 30 dur- ing the 2017 calendar year. This member exemplifi es the future of the organiza on and he/she must show dedica- on to the growth of the game and the desire to learn all aspects of the business of being a USPTA professional. This nominee must show ini a ve and be involved in ac vi es in their respec ve districts. This member needs to demonstrate sportsmanship, teamwork and willingness to reach out to other U30 members in the USPTA through social media or direct contact. This award winner should have served on a commi ee, task force or ini ated a pro- gram to help fellow members. Greetings fellow certiϐied teaching professionals! It is award time for 2018! Please read the award descriptions. Self nominations are welcome but if you know of someone that would be a great candidate please don’t hesitate to nominate him/her. It’s the ultimate compliment! Please read the form guidelines carefully as applications are all ONLINE ONLY now! Our division, as well as national have strict deadlines. The division and national deadline for applications and nominations is March 18, 2018. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you all for thinking of your fellow USPTA certiϐied teaching pros as we look for fantastic nominations! Best, Amy Badger, USPTA [email protected] 505.379.6728 December 2017 page 5 2018 Southwest Conference to be SOUTHWEST OFFICERS held at La Camarilla Racquet, Fit- President ness and Swim Club May 18-19! Bri Feldhausen 520-886-1885 by Dave Moyer, Conference Chairman bri [email protected] Regional VP Last month I had the great opportunity to visit the Jonathan Davis 520-360-0182 USTA Na onal Campus, the [email protected] USPTA Na onal Offi ces and at- Vice President tend the conference in Orlando, Dave Moyer 480-342-7240 Florida.
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