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IPHS International Planning History Society I.T.U. Urban and Enviromental Planning and Research Center 14th IPHS Conference 12–15 July 2010 Istanbul, Turkey U R B A N T R A N S F O R M A T I O N: C O N T R O V E R S I E S, C O N T R A S T S and C H A L L E N G E S CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 3 Istanbul, 2010 Taşkışla IPHS International Planning History Society ITU Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center ISBN 978-975-561-375-8 (tk), ISBN 978-975-561-379-6 (c.3) © 2010 Urban and Environment Planning and Research Center, ITU All rights reserved. Reproduction of this volume or any parts thereof, excluding short quotations for the use in prepertaion of reviews and technical and scientific papers, may be made only by specific approval of the editors. Copyright of each individual paper resides with author(s). The editors are not responsible for any opinions os statements made in the technical papers, nor can be held responsible for any typing or conversion errors. Editors Nuran ZEREN GÜLERSOY, Hatice AYATAÇ, A. Buket ÖNEM, Zeynep GÜNAY Kerem ARSLANLI, Kerem KORAMAZ, İrem AYRANCI Graphic Design A. Buket ÖNEM, Özhan ERTEKİN, Kerem Yavuz ARSLANLI, T. Kerem KORAMAZ, Zeynep GÜNAY CIP IPHS Conference (14th :2010 :Istanbul, Turkey) 14th IPHS conference: urban transformation: controversies, contrasts and challenges: proceedings /ed. Nuran Zeren Gülersoy – İstanbul : İ.T.Ü.,2010. 3c. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN 978-975-561-375-8 (tk) ISBN 978-975-561-379-6 (c.3) 1.
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