Report on Roles and Functions in Terrorist Groups as They Relate to the Likelihood of Exit April 2013 International Center for the Study of Terrorism 326 Pond Laboratory | University Park, PA 16802 | 814.865.5019 |
[email protected] About the Report The authors of this report are Mary Beth Altier, John Horgan, Emma Leonard, and Christian Thoroughgood. This report is part of a wider research project entitled Pathways, Processes, Roles and Factors for Terrorist Disengagement, Re-Engagement and Recidivism. This research is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate and coordinated through the U.K. Home Office. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Department of Homeland Security or the Home Office. Please note that this report is in an early DRAFT format, and thus is subject to change. Please send comments to
[email protected]. About ICST The mission of the International Center for the Study of Terrorism (ICST) is to engage in and promote the scientific study of terrorism and political violence. ICST creates multidisciplinary, cross-national research teams, drawing strongly but not exclusively from the social and behavioral sciences, to respond to needs and opportunities in the areas of terrorism and counterterrorism. The overarching goal of ICST is to help integrate theory with practice by providing actionable knowledge and a conceptual basis to policy-relevant and operational counterterrorism activity. For more information visit