The Presidential Advisory Council 2015-2019
THE PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL 2015-2019 COUNCIL ADVISORY THE PRESIDENTIAL THE PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL 2015-2019 HISTORY, TASKS, AND FUNCTIONS DalamThe Presidential melaksanakan Advisory tugasCouncil danof the Republic of Indonesia fungsinya(also known memberikan as Wantimpres) nasihat has dan a per-strategic role within the state timbanganadministration (Nastim) of Indonesia kepada as itsPresiden, main task is to provide advice and Anggota Wantimpres memiliki berbagai consideration to the President. The scope of its area is also broad, jenis kegiatan. ranging from the fi eld of economy, social welfare and education, Buku ini akan memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuandefense and security,kepada tomasyarakat politics and luas, law. baikEstablished di dalam only maupun one month di luar and negeri,one week after the proclamation tentangof the country’s perkembangan independence dan dinamika on August da- 17, 1945, the council has lamundergone sistem ketatanegaraanseveral changes Republikin line with In- the dynamic transformation donesiain the governmental sejak Proklamasi system Kemerdekaan and administration. RI tahun 1945. DiharapkanThis book, “Thebuku Presidential “Dewan Pertimbangan Advisory Council 2015-2019: History, PresidenTasks, and 2015 Functions”,-2019, Sejarah, talks not Tugas only danabout the activities conducted Fungsiby the Dewannine Wantimpres’ Pertimbangan members Presiden“ of the 2015-2019 period but ini,also dapat the history menambah behind khasanah Wantimpres, bacaan its tasks and functions, as well danas itskoleksi position perpustakaan within the structure-perpustakaan of the state administration. diHopefully, Indonesia this maupun book can di luarbe a negerireference sehingga and source dapat ofmenjadi information sumber for pustaka,the public khususnya as there isdalam a dearth of books which speak kajianspecifi- kajiancally of tentang the council.
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