ED 482 500 JC 030 664

AUTHOR Salmon, Robert O.; Wing, Barbara; Fairchilds, Angie; Quinley, John

TITLE Yavapai Community Benefits Statements. INSTITUTION Yavapai Coll., Prescott, AZ. PUB DATE 2003-05-00 NOTE 257p.; Prepared by the Office of Instruction. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Community ; Educational Research; Graduate Surveys; School Statistics; *School Surveys; Schools; Student Attitudes; *Student Characteristics; Student Surveys; *Two Year Colleges IDENTIFIERS * AZ

ABSTRACT The Yavapai College Districts Board and members of Yavapai College administration and staff developed this report. It contains 12 statements that compromise the core outcomes of the Yavapai College Mission. The extent to which each college addresses these outcomes is then reflected in a series of indicators that are tied to the individual Community Benefits Statements (CBS). Some of the major CBS are student satisfaction, graduate satisfaction with preparation for transfer and preparation for career development, access to benefits of partnership, and the capacity to access information, expertise, technology assistance, and resources needed to be competitive in a global economy. Some of the major findings of the study are as follows:(1) over three fourths of Yavapai College students were satisfied or very satisfied with how well they were prepared for transfer;(2) the number of occupational degrees awarded has decreased; and (3) students expressed high satisfaction with college services. The study concludes that more detailed studies centered on any of the indicators and CBS would be beneficial to aid in better understanding the college's achievement, the achievement of individual programs, and creating specific subsequent action plans. Contains numerous charts and graphs. (MZ)

Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. COLLEGE ED 482 500 yava al PERMISSIONDISSEMINATE TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL BEEN GRANTED BY HASAND 1 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESOrrice of Educational INFORMATION ResearchU.S. DEPARTMENT and Improvement OF EDUCATION CENTER (ERIC) Community Benefits 0 Minor changes have been madeoriginali.-.9rreceived torhis from document the person has orbeen organization reproduced as it Statements officialdocumentPointsimprove ofOERI reproduction view do position notor opinions ne,...srih; orquality. policy. stated ,.present ri this Angie Fairchilds, Dean of Instruction,Robert 0. Verde Salmon, Valley Vice BarbaraCampus President Wing, and Dean District of Instruction Provost and Curriculum The Office of Instruction The Office of Institutional Planning, Research, and Assessment John W. Quinley, Director May 2003 Introduction contentsTheCollegeStatements Yavapai under addresses College(CBS). each CBS. these TheDistrict CBSoutcomes Board, consist isworking ofthen 12 reflected statements with members in thata series comprise of theof indicators Yavapai the core College that outcomes are administrationtied of to theindividual Yavapai and CBS. staff,College The developed mission. indicators the The areCommunity extent listed to in which the Benefits table the of be ComparativeincludesOverprovided time, 70 is the indicators.given. data College is provided Forleadership each as indicator,a maytrend, make in narrative comparison revisions highlights to with existing other of the indicatorsinstitutions, results are or provided in both ways.with tabular Where and/or appropriate, graphic the displays date when of the an data. update will or add new indicators. The May 2003 edition of the CBS report achievementstudiesindicatorThe indicators centered in the of point desiredits on individual any to the direction;of theCollege's programs indicators target progress andfigures and services. CBS. toward could Detailed Studiesaddressingbe set studiesas will part the help ofmay CBS. thisguide be process.The needed subsequent College Theto better leadershipCollege action understand plans. leadership may develop the College's an action achievement, plan to help and move the may also elect to conduct more detailed an EmergencyInstitutionalThe data for Medical Planningindicators Services and were Research gathered Program from a wide range of sources. The following departments/programs provided data in this effort. NursingOffice of Instruction AthleticsParalegal Tech-PrepTechnologySmallFacilitiesRegistration Business Consortium Development Center SchoolLeadershipInformationStudentMarketing to Services Work Center Technology Services Science/MathEducationalLibraryGeneralABE/GED Education and Talent Division PEAK Search VisualAdmissionsDistributedCampusYouth and Count SafetyPerforming Learning and Registration Arts Department ResidencePurchasingCommunityFinancialVeteran's Halls ServicesUpward and Events Contract Bound Services MathematicsGunsmithingPurchasing Department Additional sources of data included college surveys, the administrative management information system, numerous external sources, and others. CommunityFollowing is aBenefits list of sources Statement for this Sources edition of the CBS.Source Update Schedule 321 GraduateASSIST data Follow-upExit warehouse Survey Annual 7654 CurrentExternalYavapaiDepartmental Student Collegesources Records Study (e.g.,Information System Department (AMIS) of Economic Security) ConductedNoAnnual regular updateperiodically, schedule beginning available spring 2000 1110 98 Non-returningCitizenHighGeneral School Studies Employer StudentStudies Studies Study ScheduledConducted asevery needed three years, beginning fall 2000 15141312 ProgramPartnershipServiceCurriculum to Review Community StudyArea NeedsExecutive Study Study Summaries and Updates Annual,ConductedPartScheduled of program programs every as neededreview two are years,reviewed process beginning on a five 2002-03 year cycle 2019181716 AdDegreesDepartmentalEnrollmentLong-term hoc Studies Awarded GraduateStudies Satisfaction Study Follow-up Studies Study Annual,AnnualScheduled beginning as needed summer2003 2002 1.CBSHighlights 1. High quality,of Results convenientforStudent and several cost-effective satisfaction different studentwith learning instruction groups, opportunities including and overallThe current students,level of satisfaction former students, with andinstruction graduated and students. with the Levels college of overall student's has satisfaction been measured are andgoodorconductedstrong very in with thefor good. recentall89%in-class groupsIn rating astudy, survey in of 2000,83% the 100%students, ofcollege over would of and 400overall students recommend thestudents findingsas ratedgood conducted thetheorhave very collegequality been strong(CBtelephoneof instructionIn SI.A.1, the across earlier in A.2).2002,90% several as study,good years or97% of very students of would studies.good recommendrated with In athe84% survey quality rating the of college ofoverthe instruction college 1,200 to family studentsoverall as orgood friendsas orgood very familyinstructionstrong;Surveys andthe of levelcollegewasfriends 82% of graduatessatisfactionwas in 1998-99,85%also strong-99%have has been increased in conducted1999-00, in 1998-99,98% each and year.every 87% The year in in proportion 1999-00, since2000-01. 1998-99. and ofThe graduates 98% proportion Graduate in 2000-01 who satisfaction of were graduates (CBS1.A.6, satisfied with that orthe wouldA.7). very quality satisfiedrecommend of instruction with the the college hasquality been to of 2. ,receivinglargestGraduate numbers ansatisfaction and AA 14% goingdegree. attending towith InNorthern 2001-02preparation the UniversityArizona there for were University. transferMost of 302 Arizona attending Transfers (CBS1.A.8). Yavapai Arizona include College state Yavapai university transfers College withattend graduates 60% the attending three and Arizona students NAU, State25% who attendingUniversitiestransfer prior Arizona withto Statethe CollegerangedtransferEach year from isprepared fromdetermined. a high the them graduateof 83%Forfor transfer.the and follow-up most 84% Overpart, in survey, 1998-99 threegraduates fourthsthe and percentage with 2000-01 of a graduates goal of toto Yavapai atransfer, lowwho of transfer College 69%do indeed in were 1999-00.graduates transfer. satisfied Thesewho Since or hadvery graduates 1998-99 transfer satisfied theare as with theirproportionasked the goal how preparation that thatwell actually transferred they Yavapai one-thirdTransferreceived1999-00, graduates forof and thetransfer graduates80% indicate whilein 2000-01 reported attendingthe number (CBS1.A.9, that the allof college. coursesof theirA.10). Thisthatcourses wereproportion transferred, not accepted has shownand at from the an transfer aboutincrease 40% institution. over to 50%the last Overreport three the all lastyears-74% but threeone course graduate in 1998-99,77% transferred. studies, about Somein tostudentfollow-uptransferstudents better transcripts, orreportdefine studythe process difficultythis of transferability. notingconcern used in what coursebyor Yavapaidetermine courses Onetransfer. approach Collegedid if Theorthis did isstudentssurvey would nota concern transfer. doesbe in to transferring. at notwork Theall provide (CBS1.A.11). withdata NAU inTofurther the shed (theCBS information more largest suggests light Yavapai on toa concernthisdetermine Collegeissue, here, itthe transferwould but nature further be institution) of necessary the information courses to to examine conductthat is neededdid anot Highlights May 2003 3. workingintoGraduate the workforce full-time satisfaction reportedare asked with that to preparation reporttheir jobs the extentwere for career somewhat to which development their or directly job is related related to to their their college college program. program-86% In 1998-99, in 1999-00, 89% of and graduates 91% in who2000-01 Each year the percentage of Yavapai College career graduates who go were defmetheThesatisfied(CBS1.A.12). survey degree levels or does veryof of Thesesatisfaction careernot satisfied provide graduates preparation within additional preparation theirare satisfactionasked preparation information forhow career well(CBS1.A.13). for Yavapaitograduates career determine development College is lower the natureprepared than ranged ofthe dissatisfaction.them degree from for 58%of a career.satisfaction in A1998-99 follow-upThe proportionexpressed to 73% study in by of could1999-00 transfercareer be graduates conductedto graduates; 67% in who however, better are ThecollegetoSome be most high. career nursing recent The graduates mostgraduates pass recentrates must fall for pass pass betweenthe rates aemergency licensure for 85% Yavapai to examination medical 95%. College In services 2002, before students Yavapai exam practicing taking was College 90% the in their exam(CBS1.A.14).nurses chosen for ranked registered field. the Passhighest nurses rates of is for all98%; Yavapainursing typically College pass ratesstudents for tend programs in the state. college,one-halftheirIn 2001, educational andof309 these a non-returning similar goal;same finding 77%students studentsof was these report reported whostudents one completed orin aremorea 2003 planning of six study several or to moreof or enhancementsall are careernon-returning considering course to hours their studentsreturning careerreported (CBS1.A.18). to development the that college 91% hadfor as furtherpartially study or completely (CBS1.A.16). reached Nearly a result of their attendance at the 4. comparesandCollege 6%older) toaged accessibilityOver 3%of 55Yavapai served and over by County the (CBS1.B.1). entire in credit nation Eight and for non-credit residentspercent of agedcourse Yavapai 18 work. years County Theor older. residentscollege serves aged 15about 16% of citizens aged 15-25, 10% aged 25-54, the last four fiscal years, the college has consistently served nine percent of the adult population (15 years of age years and older are served in credit classes. This CBS 2. Access to learner-centeredperiod,theIn 2001-02, Sedonaeducation courses Center the offered collegeand has training grown inoffered sites from other with3,840 an thana credit offeringwide-array centers courses of or64 campusesof withcourses life-long about in increased 1997-98one-half learning fromofto 172alloptions 168 courses courses to 658, offered in an 2001-02, increase at the an Prescottof increase 292% campus. (CBS1.B.2). of 169%. Over Over the thelast four same time years 5. (CBS2.aboutcoursesinteractiveIn 2001-02, the A.1).(1.8%), same video, Yavapai overprivate private theCollege music last music, five offered (1.7%), andyears. more.14 and Courses different interactive By far, offered methods the video most via of (1.6%).popularthe delivery Internet Thedelivery for haveproportion courses. offered grown Delivery of fromwas courses the 12 methods traditionalin offered 1997-98 included by lecture totraditional 68 traditional in(91%) 2001-02, lecture followed lectures, has byremained Internet, Internet a 467% increase Highlights May 2003 Technician,The college andinitiated Fire fourOfficer certificate Technical programs Certificate in 2002-03. (CBS2.A.2). These were Equine Management, Turfgrass Management, Cisco Networking averageCBS 3. wage Access and to results courses, in a programs, better-educatedwas199 the outside andhighest services, groups workforcefigure includingin which the last instillnon-profit, six years. competencies Thefor profit,previous local that high and lead was out-of-market 169to employment (CBS2.B.2). groups atused college facilities on the Prescott Campus in 2002. This or above the 6. preparedeclinedhasdecreasedOccupational increased graduates from from over a ahighdegrees highfor that ofhigh ofsame 163 126 wageand intime in 1998-98 1997-98technicalcertificates period to fromand anda low 1998-99 professional37awardedThe of to 14352, to anin a 2000-01, increaselowjobs of(CSB3.A.1). 93 ofa in 12%41%. 2001-02, decline. The combination a declineOccupational of of26%. both degrees The occupational number and certificates of degreesoccupational and certificates has number of occupational degrees awarded in each of the last five years has are designed to certificates 7.CBS 4. Graduates who will be bettercompleterratedEmployer prepared their orsatisfactionMoreemployee's graduate. for citizen overall(CBS4.B.2). participation than job 90%preparation of the and employers received for the at workplaceof the Yavapai college College as good graduatesor very good. and Mostcourse would completers be willing (e.g. to EMS hire andanother Fire Science) course 8.CBS 5. Enhanced capacity to attractBusinessCounty.1,006 and enhancementFrom newYavapairetain employees. businesses College In Workforce/Economic 19972002, through Small Business 2002, Developmentthe Development Professional trained Center Development 719 (SBDC) people Centercounseled (CBS5.A.1, assisted 408 B.1). and 293 trained 398 business people in Yavapai new business start-ups that resulted in 9.CBS 6. Businesses with the capacityinEconomic YC, to he generate or impact she will Students sustainablereceive enjoy a cumulative aneconomic attractive $4.35 growth 25% in higher annual and future returncreate earnings on living their wageinvestment jobs of time and over the next 30 years (CBS6.B.1). money. For every $1 the student invests Highlights May 2003 10.globalCBS Library economy7. The resourcesIn capacity the to most access recent information, report, 10,841 expertise, community technology members used assistance, college libraries. and resources The library's needed circulation to be makes competitive it the in a CBS 8. Educated and informed communitypreviousprovidedlargest research yearselectronic leaders (CBS7.A.2). collection resources who possessin Yavapai(Internet-based the County vision projects, with and a circulation knowledgeCD-ROM, total and to Lawofbuild 84,879an program healthier increase products) communities of totaled20% over 62,563, the previous an increase year. of The88% use over of library CBS11. Community 9. Access leadershipThe to a wide-array Leadership of participantscultural Center opportunities sponsored (CBS8.A.1). 29 projects to educate and inform community leaders. There were 3,313 CBS12. Cultural 10. Access access Into total,benefits 47,450 of individualspartnershipsat 1,089the Performance attended(CBS9.A.1, created cultural Hall. A.2). with In events various2001/2002, at Yavapai private Yavapai Collegeand College public in 2002.offered entities Of 88 these international/multicultural numbers, 27,610 attended studies events courses, which had an enrollment of CBS13. PartnershipsForty-nine 11. Learning environments partnerships whichagreements that share optimize resourcesand less physical formal and expertise arrangements safety andare detailed (CBS1O.A.1).supportive in the learningreport, including conditions formal intergovernmental 14. Developmental educationOver thewas past(CBS11.A.1).2001-02, no five longer academic12% mandated. Theof college mostyears, The recent studentsthe overall majority passing enrolled percentage ofrates students in for at of developmentalleast students seeking one remedial taking remediation courses remedial course, were did acourses sodecline63% in mathematicsin declined Englishfrom 16% byclasses only.infour 1997-98. percentand For 54% In between inJune Mathematics 1999, 1997-98 placement classes.and 2001-02 testing Over the 15. Student satisfaction with college good.servicesIn2001,last Studentseveral exiting a study years,satisfaction surveys conducted the proportionin with2000-01 inindividual 2002, ofand students 2001-02,81% support of passing the and services 294 in in variousrespondents English were studiesmeasured and ratedMath as inpart supporthas several of ranged program services different within review as studies,six good percentageover or including the very last points three the (CBS1.A.3).current years. Individualstudent survey in Highlights May 2003 departmental ratings vary from a low of 33% good or very good to a high of 97% good or very good. There are too many departmental results needsCBS of12. the Programs community and services,to whichprovide demonstrate in this highlight accountability (CBS11.A.2). with respect to quality, productivity, and the changing 16. Program Review There have been 19sometheinstructional instructional 137 recommendations, recommendations and and five service were especially made reviews area in reviews the onesof service19 requesting reviews.since areas. the Follow-up pilotnew A new staff,year summary reportsinrequire 1998-99. aretableadditional required Fourteenfor program resources for of three these review that years areincluded after not aalways this available. CBS It is importantreport With details the to noteexception the statusthat ofof were theAnotherrecommendationsrecent next reviews, twonine years, reviews almost that all pending instructional doall requirerecommendations from additional and last service year resourcesthat are areas canslated willbe have foraddressed have completion also been been by reviewed. addressed.the this department summer Five without reviews additional started resourcesthis year arehave well been underway; completed. within Many t13 startresearchinstructionalThe IRtheir office support reviews support will activities withrevise programs trend the to programinformationprovide and further informationreview for integrating keymodels elements to instructional this outcome summer. (CBS12.A.3). assessment and Particular service with attentionreviews program inwill the review. be years given Thebetween to IR developing office reviews. will a Inbeseparate thisdeveloping model for way programs will a matrix of

Highlights May 2003 CBS 1. High quality, convenient and cost-effective learning opportunities Table of Contents A. 2.1. PercentageHighSatisfaction Quality of currentof current students students who with would quality recommend of instruction, the college and Yavapai College overall 5.4.3. NumberSuccessful of studentsgraduates completer returning by ratetype for offrom developmentaldegree, previous certificate, semesters courses or diploma in English and Math 8.7.6. GPAPercentageGraduate of YC satisfaction of students graduates thatwith who transfer quality would toof recommendthree instruction/curriculum Arizona Yavapai 4-year Collegeuniversities program 11.10. 9. NumberGraduatePercentage of coursessatisfaction of graduates not accepted with with Yavapai transfer at transfer College goal school who preparation transferred for transfer 14.13.12. NumberGraduatePercentage of careersatisfaction of career students graduates with certified preparation in throughjobs directlyfor outsidejob or somewhatagencies related to Yavapai College program 17.16.15. NumberPercentage of curriculum of non-returning programs students with outside who transferredreach accreditatiotheaffirmation educational goal; plan to return B. 18. ConvenientPercentage of non-returning students who report job enhancement through Yavapai College education 3.2.1. ProgramsYavapaiPercentage College offered of Yavapai courses outside County offeredthe two adult by main locationpopulation campuses enrolled in credit classes 6.5.4. Number/typesLongitudinalNon-credit courses comparisons of services offered provided toby track campus improvement through location athletics in credit enrollment 9.8.7. AverageNumber/types wait for of servicesservice and provided average through number visual/performingresidence of phone halls calls made arts 12.11.10. IdentifyParticipationHours of demand access/payment and for evaluation new servicesoptions data tofor identify registration/tuition trends in participation, attendance and demand C. 13. 1. CostCost-effectiveEnrollment per FTSE and district-widegraduates in GED, PEAK, ABE 4.3.2. EnrollmentNumberCost comparisons of creditby campus classes of Yavapai site cancelled College by Tuitioncampus tolocation other Arizona colleges and MoreMetricCBS1CBS1.A.1 than A.1 1,200 current students indicated student satisfaction with the quality of education and with Yavapai College overall to be strong. Over 80 HighSatisfaction quality,quality convenient of current and students cost-effective with quality learning of instruction,opportunities and Yavapai College overall andInthesepercent fall their areas. 2002, of overall the current students satisfaction students responded withwere withYavapai polled either via College telephonegood orwas very togood determinegood or veryresponses satisfactiongood. to these with questions. instruction. Only Nine two outpercent of ten of indicated the students that were the quality dissatisfied of instruction with Current Student Surve Conducted S rin 2000 in class Current Student Satisfaction with Instruction and Yavapai College N= VeryPoor Poor Fair Good GoodVery Very Good % Good/ Student satisfaction with Yavapaithe quality College of instruction overall 1,2081,168 1% 1% 15% 44%57% 27%39% 84%83% Student satisfactionSatisfaction with Surve the quality of instruction Conducted fall 2002 via tele hone N= 408 VeryPoor .5% Poor 1% Fair8% Good 30% GoodVery60% Very Good % Good/ 90% Source:Student Current satisfaction Student with Survey, -Yavapai spring College 2000 overall and Student Satisfaction Survey, fall 2002 400 1% 2% 7% 42% 47% 89% CBS1.A.1 (05/03) OfMetricCBS1CBS1.A.2 more A.2 than 1,200 current students surveyed in spring 2000, 97 percent recommended Yavapai College to family or friends-83% without reservations. HighPercentage quality,quality of convenient current students and cost-effective who would learning recommend opportunities Yavapai College reservations.A second survey was conducted to 408 current students in December 2002 via telephone. All students surveyed recommended the college, 93% without Students Recommend Yavapai College 100% 90% 70%80% 50%60% 0Current Student Student Satisfaction 2000 2002 40%30% 10%20% 0% Yes Yes, with reservation No CBS1.A.2Source: Current (05/03) Student Survey, (conducted in class) Spring 2000 Student Satisfaction Survey (conducted via telephone) Fall 2002 CBS1CBS1.A.3 HighSuccessful quality, convenientcompleter rateand cost-effectivefor developmental learning opportunities courses in English and Math PassTheMetric followingrates A.3 for developmental is repeated from English the last High quality courses ranged from 63 percent to 69 percentreport. from academic Data will be updated in November 2003. year 1997-98 to 2001-02. The pass rate for consecutive2001-02developmental developmental year Math that coursesthe Math majority ranged of fromstudents 49 percent successfully to 54 pass rate (54%) represents the largest number of successful completers Successfulover the past Completer five Rates for Developmental Courses in English and Math completedpercent. aThe developmental developmental math English course. pass rate decreased six percent from last years, and marks the second year. The 100% 90% 70%80% wai cma, 60% _c.)4,cco 50% CI English a_a, 30%40% Math 20%10% 0% 1997-98 1998-99 Academic Year 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 CBS1.A.3 (5/03) Passing Rates for Developmental Courses in English and Math Year1997-98 Failed 261 English Passed 533 Total 794 Failed 971 Math Passed 946 Total1917 1998-99 31.6%32.9% 236 68.4%67.1% 511 747 47.4%50.7% 940 52.6%49.3% 1044 1984 2000-011999-00 37.3% 231242 62.7% 511407 742649 51.0% 811973 49.0% 886934 16971907 2001-02 37.2%31.1% 277 62.8%68.9% 468 745 46.3%47.8% 884 53.7%52.2% 1026 1910 Remedial Courses: Math:English: MAT032, ENG021, 082, 022, 092, 023, 122, 024, MTH030, 025, 026, 032, 027, 037, 029, 130 030, 031, 035, 036, 037, 038, ENG040, 060, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 100 Source:FailedPassed equal equalsInstitutional D, A,F, B,U, C,Researchor S,W or V Data Warehouse; secfmal; academic year: fall, spring, summer. CBS1.A.3 (5/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.A.4 A.4 HighNumber qualityquality, of graduates convenient by and type cost-effective of degree, certificate, learning opportunities or diploma DuringThe following the past isfive repeated years, Yavapai from the College previous has report. awarded Data will 1,341 degrees/certificates. In 2001-02 the majority (48%) of awards were academic transferbe updated in November 2003. NumberAwardsdegrees, conferredwhile of Awards occupational in 2001-02 by Type degrees represent of Degree/Certificateand an certificates increase of accounted three percent for 33 (9) percent over the and previous 19 percent year. respectively. AcademicNumber Degrees of Awards 1997-98 122 1998-99 116 1999-00 116 2000-01 126 2001-02 133 Occupational Degrees 44%43% 126 45%42% 126 41%50% 95 47%37%100 33%48% 93 TotalOccupational Awards Certificates 13% 285 37 13%277 35 232 9% 21 16%269 43 19%278 52 Source: Institutional Research Data Warehouse; trans_basics; academic year: fall, spring, summer. CBS1.A.4 (5/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.A.5 A.5 HighNumber qualityquality, of convenientstudents returning and cost-effective from previous learning semester opportunities Overall,StudentsThe following thecome proportion tois Yavapairepeated of studentsCollege from the whofrom previous returned many different report. in the springData backgrounds will after be attending updatedand with in in varying the November fall intentions. 2003. The determination of retention is ranges from 48 percent to 57 percent from academic year 1997-98 a complex matter. non-returningdramaticcontinuinglowerthrough and 2001-02. proportion full-time students students. Retention studentsincreasedchange isproportions have fromdue higherto 3,790 the for addition retentionto recent3,965 of yearsbetweenrates for-credit (seeare 1999-00somewhat graph elder on hosteland followinglower 2001-02; enrollment than page). forhowever, previousbeginning Looking their in atproportion fallproportions 2000, dropped which only significantly from 55 percent increased the number of years; however, the proportion of full-time students is also can be misleading. For example, to 48 percent. The 100% Students Who Attended in Fall but do not Return in Spring 80%90% w 60%70% 57% 50% 55% o. co 40%50% 42% 43% 44% 48% 51% 48% 51% ElContinuing Non-Returning 20%30% 00%10% 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 CBS1.A.5 (5/03) Academic Year 2001-02 studentsStudents takingwho take fewer three hours or more would classes also show in a term lower tend retention to be more rates degreeand vice oriented versa. than are students who take less than three courses. It follows that hoursIn academic were 74 percentyear 2001-02, and 84 40percent, percent respectively. of students taking fewer than nine hours continued while retention rates for students taking 9 to 12 and 12 Continuing Students from Fall to Spring by Credit Load or more 100% 90% 70%80% tocoa) 60% 00 1.2 50% O Continuing Non-Returning a. 30%40% 10%20% 00% Under 9 hours 9 thru 11 hours 12 hours or more CBS1.A.5 (5/03) Student Load Students Who Attend in Fall but did not Return in Spring 1997-98 Year ContinuingStudents 3642 Returning Non- 2726 Graduates Police 32 Degree/CertifGraduates 60 GraduatesReturning 20 Students* Total 6440 1998-99 55.6%56.6% 3714 43.2%42.3% 2883 0.7%0.5% 47 0.9% 62 0.4%0.3% 28 6678 2000-011999-00 55.5% 38043790 43.9% 40753002 0.4% 3027 0.3% 5619 0.1% 19 5 79466833 2001-02 48.5%47.9% 3965 50.6%51.3% 4138 0.4% 31 0.8%0.7% 62 0.2%0.2% 18 8178 CO1+ *IncludesGraduatesNon-returningContinuing duplicatesincludeStudents are those only are those notthose enrolled Graduating returning in Spring, in in Spring, Fall excluding Term including Fall Fall Graduates Graduates CBS1.A.5 (5/03) CBS1CBS1.A.6 HighGraduate quality, satisfaction convenient andwith cost-effective quality of instruction/curriculum learning opportunities program TheMetric following A.6 is repeated from the last report. Data will be updated in November 2003. High quality Graduateprograms.Yavapai College SatisfactionOver eight graduates in withten and were Quality completers satisfied of Instruction/Curriculum or indicated very satisfied. a high level of Program satisfaction with the quality of instruction and the curriculum in their respective YavapaiProgram College Graduates Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Satisfied 13% Satisfied 46% Satisfied Very41% Satisfaction* Overall 87% (N=65)Yavapai(N=104)2000/20011999/2000 College Graduates 1% 14% 37% 48% 85% Nursing(N(N=119)Yavapai1998/1999 = 38) Assistant College Completers Graduates 5% 3% 15% 3% 43% 92%39% 92%82% (NCompletersEmergency = 74) Medical Services 4% 3% 40% 53% . 93% CBS1.A.6*OverallSource: Graduate satisfaction (5/03) Follow-up includes Study, satisfied/very Nursing satisfiedAssistant and Emergency Medical Services Completer Surveys responses. MetricCBS1CBS1.A.7 A.7 HighPercentage qualityquality, of convenient graduates andwho cost-effective would recommend learning Yavapai opportunities College FromThe following 98 percent is to repeated 100 percent from of the graduates last report. or completers Data will would be updated recommend in November Yavapai 2003. College to others. Over 8 in 10 would recommend Graduatesthe college Recommend without reservation. Yavapai College YavapaiProgram College Graduates 2%No Yes with some Reservation 12% ReservationYes without 86% (N=61)Yavapai(N=104)2000/20011999/2000 College Graduates 2% 16% 82% Nursing(N=111)Yavapai1998/1999 Assistant College Completers Graduates 1% 16%17% 84%82% (NCompletersEmergency = 74)38) Medical Services 9% 91% CBS1.A.7Source: Graduate (5/03) Follow-up Surveys, Nursing Assistant and Emergency Medical Services Completer Surveys MetricCBSCBS1.A.8 I A.8 HighGPA quality,quality of Yavapai convenient College and transfercost-effective graduates learning at 4-year opportunities colleges FindingsThe following from the is repeatedsurvey of fromYavapai the Collegelast report. graduates Data willfrom be fall updated 1999 through in November springMore than2001 2003. one-half include: of the Yavapai College transfer graduates attend one of the three Arizona Universities: , Northern College,GraduatesMoreNorthernArizona than University, AZ,Arizona haveone-fifth Long attended University Technical ofor YavapaiUniversity other isCollege, schoolstheCollege of transfer Arizona. AZ,including: graduates Pacificcollege Old with Lutheranof choiceDominion a transfer University,capturing University,goal continue 38.5 WA. percent Concordia at Yavapai of Yavapai University, College College (23.1 OR, 2000/2001 Prescottpercent) College,after transfer graduation. Northland graduates. Pioneer What schools have you attended since graduating? Schools Attended Since Graduation Transfer Graduates 1998/1999 N=35 1999/2000 N=19 2000/2001 N=42 YavapaiUniversityNorthernOthersArizona College Arizona Stateof Arizona University University 21.4%42.9%19.0% 7.1%9.5% 40.0%25.0%10.0%15.0% 23.1%23.2%38.5% 5.8%9.6% CBS1.A.8 (5/03) transferYavapai school. College transfer graduates self-reported grades indicated that the majority (82.4 percent) earned mostly As and Bs at What grades have you earned since transferring? Grades Earned Since Transferrin 1998/1999 N=32 1999/2000 N=19 2000/2001 N=34 MostlyMostly C ABand and D CB 84.3% 6.2%3.1% 94.7% --- 82.4%17.6% --- Source: Yavapai College, Graduate Follow up Survey, Spring 2000, Spring 2001, Spring 2002 MostlyMostly incompletes D and F or withdrawals 6.2% 0% 5.3% ------NorthernFormerGPA of Arizona Yavapai Yavapai University College College students studentshad the who largest that graduated transfer number fromto of the former Arizona's three Yavapai Arizona three College public 4-year universitiesstudents colleges with finished 160 in their2000-01 degree and with 182 in 2001-02. Arizona State University Northern Arizona University an average GPA of 3.10 or higher. Source:2001-022000-01Academic ASSIST Year Data warehouse 7753Graduates 3.163.28GPA Graduates182160 3.433.34GPA 4359Graduates 3.383.16GPA CBS1.A.8 (5/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.A.9 A.9 HighHighPercentage quality, quality convenient of graduates and with cost-effective transfer goal learning who opportunities transferred Moreschool.The than following This eight is out ais increase ofrepeated ten 2000/2001 from from the the previousgraduates, last report. year's who Data graduatesindicated will be wheretheir updated primary over in69 educationalNovember percent of thegoal2003. graduates with the transfer goal actually transferred. as transfer to a four-year college, transferred to another 100% Percentage of Graduates with Transfer Goal Who Transferred 80%90% 83% 84% 60%70% 69% 40%50% O01999/00 2000/01 1998/99 20%30% 17% 31% 16% 10% 0% CBS1.A.9Source: (5/03)Graduate Follow-up Survey, spring 2000, spring 2001, spring 2002 Transferred Didn't Transfer MetricCBSCBS1.A.10 I A.10 HighGraduate quality,quality satisfaction convenient andwith cost-effective Yavapai College learning preparation opportunities for transfer ThesatisfiedGraduate following from satisfaction is satisfied repeated with and from Yavapaiunsatisfied. this Collegelast report. preparation Data will for be transfer updated increased in November in 2000/2001 2003. from the previous year. More students moved to very in Overall,2000/2001. 80 percent of the graduates were either satisfied or very satisfied with Yavapai College preparation for transfer. Eight Graduate Satisfaction with YC Preparation for Transfer percent were unsatisfied 100% 90% 70%80% 50%60% 51% 0 1998/99 1999/00 30%40% , 39% 32% 4 1% 0 2000/01 10%20% 10% 7% 8% 16% t6% 13% , 23% 4 0% Unsatisfied Sorrew hat Satisfied Percentage , Satisfied Very Satisfied CBS1.A.10Source: Graduate (05/03) Follow-up Surveys, conducted spring 2000, spring 2001 and spring 2003 TheMetricCBS1CBS1.A.11 following A.11 is repeated from the last report. Data will be updated in November 2003. HighNumber quality,quality of convenient courses not and accepted cost-effective at transfer learning school opportunities courses,ThroughcourseMore than not thethe numberArizona ofThree General Yavapai2000/2001 percent Education College transferwere coursesnotCurriculum students able acceptedto transferwere (AGEC), ableby 10 other toan or transfer articulationmore Arizona courses. all colleges Yavapai agreement and College thatuniversities facilitates courses should to the their transfer increase. transfer of lowerschool. division Fifteen general percent education had one Number of Courses(For Not students Accepted Who At Attempted Transfer School to Transfer Credits) 40%45% ry.)i\D 30%35% o_til 20% 0O 2000/011998/99 1999/00 CBS1.A.11 (5/03) None One 2-5 6-9 10 more Number of Courses Taken at Yavapai College Not Accepted at Transfer School 1998/1999 (N=66) 1999/2000 (N=20) 2000/2001 (N=41) None,2-5One courses allcourse courses transferred 27% 4% 35% 5% 29%12% 6-910 courses or more courses 23%12%14% 40%10% 5% 25%15% 2% Didn'tSource: try toGraduate transfer Follow-up courses Survey, spring 2000, spring 2001, spring 2002 20% 5% 17%

CBS1.A.11 (5/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.A.12 A.12 HighPercentage qualityquality, convenient of career graduates and cost-effective in jobs directlylearning oropportunities somewhat related to Yavapai College program NearlyGraduatesThe two-thirdsfollowing fmd jobsof is nursing repeatedrelated assistant to theirfrom collegecompleters the last program report. are working with Data 91 inwillpercent jobs be related ofupdated Yavapai to their in College November program. Career 2003. graduates working in jobs related to their program. ProgramCareer Graduates Working in Jobs Related to YC Program Not at all Related Somewhat Related DirectlyRelated Yavapai(N=34)2000/01 College Career Graduates 14% 9% 23%21% 63%70% (N=52)Yavapai(N=22)1998/991999/00 College Career Graduates 11% 25% 64% Source:(NNursing = 38) GraduateAssistant Follow-upCompleters Survey, Nursing Assistant Completer Survey 35% 17% 48% CBS1.A.12 (5/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.A.13 A.13 HighGraduate qualityquality, satisfaction convenient andwith cost-effective preparation learningfor job opportunities careerTwo-thirdsThe graduatesfollowing of thewere is 2000/01repeated unsatisfied career from with graduatesthe their last YCreport. were preparation satisfiedData will forwith be job. theupdated preparation in November they received 2003. at Yavapai College for their job. Fifteen percent of the 100% Career Graduates Satisfied with Preparation for Job 80%90% 60%70% 0N 2000/011999/00 1998/99 10%20% CBS1.A.13 (5/03) 0% Unsatisfied Sorrew hat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied ProgramGraduate Satisfaction with Preparation for Job Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfaction* Overall Yavapai(N=34)2000/01 College Career Graduates 9% --- 4%6% 23%18% 50%32% 23%35% 73%67% (N=52)Yavapai(N=22)1998/991999/00 College Career Graduates 8% 6% 29% 29% 29% 58% CompleterEmergency(NNursing = 38) Assistant Medical Completers Services 4%6% 3%1% 10%11% 49% 36%80% 85%80% (N*OverallSource: = 74) Graduate satisfaction Follow-up includes Surveys, satisfied/very Nursing satisfied Assistant responses. and Emergency Medical Services Completer Surveys CBS1.A.13 (5/03) MetricCBSCBS1.A.14 IA.14 High quality,qualityNumber convenient of career and students cost-effective certified learning through opportunities outside agencies rankedbelow(NLNAC).The Nursing are the the highestUpon graduates results graduation, in ofthe arethe state accreditedNational students of all nursingLicensure throughare eligible programs the Examination Arizonato make (98% Stateapplication for RegisteredBoard toof takeNursing Nurses the National and for the NationalpastCouncil LicensureLeague for Examination Nursing Accrediting for Registered Commission pass rate). seven years. In 2002, Yavapai College nursing students Nurses. Listed 100% Results of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses 80%90% 60%70% a. 50% 30%40% 10%20% CBS1.A.14 (05/03) 0% 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Results of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses Year 1996 Number Students Tested 53 Pass Rate 90% 19981997 5250 84%93% 20001999 4544 87%85% 20022001 4641 98%73% ForSource:state the averagesyear Arizona 2002, with theState a national 98% Board pass passof rate. Nursing rate was 86.6% and the state pass rate was 85.7%. Yavapai College nursing students exceeded both the national and Nursingsurveyed. Assistants Listed beloware certified are the through results ofstate those examination who took (CNA).the state Nursing CNA exam. Assistants Course Completers from fall 1998 through fall 1999 were TookNNursing = 281 CNA Assistant Exam Course Completers Results of CNA Exam 2000 FA 2003 SP 43% CBS1.A.14PassSource: Rate Departmental (05/03) Records 77% Emergency1998 through Medical fall 1999. Services completers are certified via state examinations. The following provides the results from a survey of completers from fall N PassTookEmergency= 74 Rate State Approved Medical Services EMT Exam (N = 74) Results of State Certification Exams 70% PassTookResults Rate State Unknown 1-EMT Certificate Test (N = 2) 100% 90% 4% Source:PassTook Rate State Program CEP (Paramedic)Review, Emergency Test (N Medical= 2) Services Completer Survey 50% 4%

CBS1.A.14 (05/03) MetricCBSCBS1.A.15 A.15I HighNumber quality,quality of convenient curriculum and programs cost-effective with outsidelearning accreditation opportunities theThe Arizona Nursing State program Board has of been Nursing. a part Beginning of Yavapai in College 1980, the since Nursing its inception program in also1969. became From 1969accredited through by 1979,the National the Nursing League of Nursing. The Associate program was accredited by studentsThegraduation,Degree Paralegal Nursing for studentspositions program program are as at eligibleparalegals isYavapai designed to Collegemakein to the prepare applicationlegal is accredited and qualified business to take by students the thefields. American National for beginning CouncilBar Association. employment Licensure The Examination as Paralegal staff nurses Studiesfor giving Registered direct Nurses. program is designed to prepare care to clients. Upon

CBS1.A.15 (05/03) MetricCBSCBS1.A.16 I A.16 HighPercentage quality,quality of convenient non-returning and cost-effective students who learning reach educationalopportunities goal; plan to return NinethanThein non-returning/former ahalfpercent career of the areaindicated former with sixthatstudents studentor their more (55 educational survey earned percent) was credit indicatedgoal conducted hours was "notthatwho in theirat springattended all" educational reached.2001 Yavapai with goal 309 College wasstudents "completelyin fall responding. 1999, or but almost Bydid definition, not reached" return in and spring, 36 percent "partially reached." a former student is a non-graduate summer or fall 2000. More Percentage of Non-Returning Students Who Reach Educational Goal Not at all 9% Partially 36% Completely or almost 55% CBS1.A.16 (05/03) Nearly half (45 percent) of the former students plan to return to Yavapai College; another 32 percent answered "maybe." Non-Retu rn ing StudentsPlan to Return to YC Don't know 6% 45%Yes

CBS1.A.16 (05/03) MetricCBSCBS1.A.17 IA.17 HighPercentage quality,quality convenient of non-returning and cost-effective students learning who transferredopportunities AArizonaYavapaiEighteen recent University.College, studypercent conducted ofmore the thannon-returning by three-fourthsSandra Golden students have and haveattended Associates attended "other in another springschools," 2003school 12 confirms percent since leaving attendedthe results Yavapai Arizona from College. the previous Of State University, 18 percent attended Northern those attending schoolstudy. sinceSeventeen leaving percent of the non- returning students attended another school since leaving Yavapai College. Attended Another School Since Leaving YC Non-Returning Students No 82% 83% E2 Survey 2001 Survey 2003 Yes 17% 18% CBS1.A.17 (05/03) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% CBS1.A.18 Percentage of non-returning students who report job enhancement through Yavapai College education notInMetricCBS1 spring continue A.18 2001, to receiveYavapaiHighHigh a degree quality College quality, or conductedcertificate. convenient aStudents studyand cost-effective to measuredmeasure outcomes completedlearning opportunitiesand six achievements or more cumulative of former hours students with who attended Yavapai College, but did an emphasis in vocational career areas. Nearly one-half of Yavapai College former students (49.1 percent) report their YC education resulted in PromotionImprovedChangeSkills needed performancein responsibility to get a at job work one or more of the following: Increase in salary Job Enhancement Through YC Education Non-Returning Students Skills needed to get job 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 27% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% improved performance at w ork 30% Change in responsibirly 17% Promotion 1 11% CBS1.A.18 (05/03) Increase in salary 115% In spring 2003, Sandra Golden and Associates conducted a retention study for Yavapai College polling Yavapai College former students from the past three years. Students reported the following achievements from attending Yavapai College. AcceptanceImprovedGet a new performance to job 4-year institution in current job Job Enhancement Through YC Education PromotionAnChange increase in responsibilityfrom in salary current employer at current job Improved job performance 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 40% 45% 50% Get a new job I 27% Acceptance to 4-year institution I 22% Change in responsibility I 20% Increase in salary I 10% CBS1.A.18 (05/03) Promotion I 10% MetricCBS1CBS1.B.1 B.1 HighConvenientPercentage quality, convenientof Yavapai and County cost-effective adult population learning opportunitiesenrolled in credit classes attendstudentsFromThe following at (15-24)about isthe attendedrepeated same proportion at from a higher the as rateprevious the than adult the population. proportionfiscal in the year overall 1997-98 to 2001-02, nine percent of adults in Yavapai County enrolledreport. in credit Data (8%) will orbe non-credit updated in(1%) November courses every2003. population; senior students attended proportionally less and students 25 to 54 year. Younger Yavapai County Adult Population Enrolled FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99by Age Group in Credit and Non-Credit Classes FY 1999-00 FY 2000-01 FY 2001-02 --. 1 Lc '5' L 0C..)m 215 0_1 pmctI1J U)ILI ' 0() 296 0C.)-I 0.wM I"f, U) 0C..)ZM 279 0 WCL ul 15-24- ' . - 15293 4% 86 '. -16/0 1593-1 3% 50 <1% 16525 10% 83 -*<1%- 17156- 73"1-- <1610- 13% 1770-1- -- 15% 89 <162-c, 25-54 13% 5-51-- 6% ---11;A:---46-6Z-11 13% 5% - < 1% -61-1-66- 13% 8654% 2% 5-245-8 13% 96;26% -26Z1-533-66--- 13% - .1-3-e1 5% 1.°70 55 a-nd O--,-/-e-r 165-6-4- '5472-6- ----6-6---- 41% 39% 162-0 5-6-725 41% 44% 467 < 1% 58746 40% 40% 969 2% 60E67 40% 100139% - - 2% 63167 40% 35%885 - 1°70 Un own 46% 49% 18 46% 48% 7 46% 45% 7 47% 43% _ .. 47% ._., _ 46% . 1 1% 1 <1% <1% < 1% <1% Source:Totil Institutional Research Data Warehouse - 1-16586 14-62 1* 122478 977; Arizona Department of Economic Security, Population Statistics< Unit 1* 126377 2139 2% 130281 2337 2% 134174 1915 1% CBS1.B.1 (5/03) TheMetricCBS1CBS1.B.2 following B.2 is repeated from the previous report. Data will be updated in November 2003. ConvenientHighYavapai quality, college convenient courses andoffered cost-effective by location learning opportunities availability of class sites year.coursesCommunitiesYavapai A recordin theCollege pastnumber such five offers as ofyears. Seligman, coursesconvenient For werethe Mayer, classacademic offered Congress,sites in yearnot Verde only 2001-02,and and onBlack itsSedona. Yavapai two Canyon math College City campuses represent course in Prescott offeringsjust a sampling and increased Clarkdale, of the three 77 but percentsites throughout that over have theYavapai hosted previous YavapaiCounty. academic College 2500 Yavapai College Courses Offered by Location 2000 ca 1500 13 PRESCOTT VERDE (.) 1000 COTNER CVPVSEDONA CENTER 500 CBS1.B.2 (5/03) 1997-98 1998-99 [7.Academic Year 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 PRESCOTTDesignation/AnnualCourses offered by CampusPercent Changeor Center List of Yavapai County campuses or centers where courses 1997-98 2117 1998-99 2228 1999-00 are offered2095 2000-01 1852 2001-02 1890 VERDE 702 5.2%1.6% 713 -6.0% 3.1% 735 -11.6% 2.9% 756 _ 2.1%1.9% 770 _ PVSEDONA CENTER 183 64 24.6%23.4% 228 79 -12.7% 6.3% 199 84 77.4%-5.0% 189149 15.4% 3.7% 196172 OTHERCV CENTER 168131 16.8% 219153 -11.8% 537135 3.7% 625140 10.0% 658154 TOTAL 3365 30.4% 3620 145.2% 3785 16.4% 3711 5.3%3840 _.., Source:, Institutional Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics; academic year: fall, spring, summer 7.6% 4.6% -2.0% 3.5% CBS1.B.2 (5/03) List of Yavapai County locations where courses are offeredt coursesList of Yavapai are offered County locations where_ 1997-98 2 1998-99 2 1999-00 2 2000-01 1 2001-02 3 BLACKBAGDADASHANTELOPE FORK CANYON H-GOLF CITY CRS 11151314 _ 20231413 20151-8 5 212218 6 . 21252211 CONGRESS6CHINOCAMP H 1140 VERDEAGRI Bi-J-6IiiES-S-dE-I;ITER C E N T E R i- E- R ------131 10-15 0 -153 22 70 135 0-18 --- - -126 2114 6 126 212810 6CROWNCORDES EW EY KING JUNCTION 11 -9- 15 9-1216 __ 13 9 1319 EMBRYELDER HOSTELRIDDLE UNIVLOCATIONS_ ._ 08 ----i- 08 150 18 201 10 1- 226 18 HUM6--tINSITEFREDONIAF-LAGSTAFF BOLT ACADEMY 10 6-0 -6- 7o 12 9-6-o 6905 - 14 52 MINGUSMAYERLKKIR MONTE-RIM-MCGUIREKLAI;ID UNION HS 35-1510 41 4427 o1 4324 4 --4-6- 18 2 --4-1--iii 28 7 is-FiEOTHER(5-fOTFIER FIE s Co R-CLARKDALE SEDONACOTTONWOODCAMP T T-C-AMP VERDE U S 2104 5815 0 2212 7413 0 2084 751819 1 1841 482837 0 1879 3527 1 PRESCOTT HIGHCOMMUNITY SCHOOL LOCATIONS 21 10 _ 19 04 175 -1- 0 224 0 188 _ 0 SEDONAF;-"FtPR_E_SCOTT E-e-c CTRARTS0 T-i- POLICE FORVALLEY CENTER ART DEPT CENTER 8, TECH 183 -6- 0 228 1 40 _. _ 199 0 _ 189 96 50- ._ 132196 50 SEDONA SCHOOL 12 21 30 9- 26 19 -6 VERDETERRITORIALSKULLSELIGMAN VALLEYCAMPUS COURTHOUSE --- 636 20 641 T72 645 60 638--6--- 60 656 o TotalYARNELLW ILH Num-13;r0num IT ber of C-P-ursesLocations: Taught 39 336-6- 0-13 3620 15 3785 16 3711- 13 3840 19 i CBS1.B.2*ELDERcancelledIThe number HOSTEL:courses (5/03) of classes Includes activities at multiple sites, both inside & outside Yavapai County. represents all course offerings as recorded in sec_basics 10/01/02, including open entry/open exit and short courses Excludes MetricCBS1CBS1.B.3 B.3 HighConvenientPrograms quality, offered convenient outside and thecost-effective two main learningcampuses opportunities plannedbestOverThe train followingthe to past students. move two tois years, TheChinorepeated Agribusiness a Valleyfew fromof atYavapai a the laterprogram last College'sdate. report. has relocated programs Data willto were Chino be planned updated Valley. to Technology inmove November to new (Welding, locations, 2003. Construction, with specialized and Computer) space and equipment to programs are theproducedproductionChino 2001-2002 Valley tomatoes, bays academic hasteaching bellbegun peppers,year. hydroponic to benefit strawberries, fromvegetable new and constructionproduction, lettuce hydroponically, beddingof the agribusiness plant andand ornamentalhave program, also grownwhich production, poinsettiasincludes and fish and production.numerous bedding Students plants have during Wetlands for water clean up and re-use have been completed, and a 207 yard par-three golf hole is nearing the a 7,200 sq ft greenhouse, with three primary distancePhasetheirrigation facility. II constructiondelivery Allstage. of lab, theOver willandfirst 10,000 additionalinclude phase trout systems an classroomshave16,000 are been sq designed fthatched and center office to inon teach 2002, space.the agribusinessmultiple and many use other siteconcepts which species for will includingwater. house Bream and Largemouth bass Groundbreaking of the new facility is slated for May of 2002, with a a mechanical shop, high-end science lab, are being raised in centerdrivingandcompletionScience a 50 at classes anft Technologyround dateunspecified for of pen equineearly for Center. future January,equine students. date. A training third 2003. This phase Thephasepurposes. constructionof hasconstruction Thenot yetarena management been at can the given host Chino athe program definitive Valleyentire animalwillsite timeline. includesjoin science the The agribusiness portion intent is of to the also program add the welding a 12,800 sq ft covered arena for the equine program, program in the new Agribusiness and as well as riding and program to the theprogramsofThe Justice Career Automotive instudies Skills Prescott program.program(AJS) Valley. and has Police Specialized entered training into programs a have partnership moved under towith consideration Prescott a local Valley. dealership to move tointo include the new off-site facility training. include The Gunsmithing EMS, Fire and/orScience, the Administration expansion of Plans include a new 18,000 square foot facility to house specialized CBS1.B.3 (05/03) CBS1CBS1.B.4 HighNon-credit quality, courses convenient offered and by cost-effective campus location learning opportunities TheMetric numberfollowing B.4 of non-creditis repeated classes from thedecreased previous 28 percentreport. Databetween will 2000-01 be updated and November The number 2003. of non-credit classes in 2001-02 Convenient was the lowest Theoffering table in on the the past following three years page with provides decreases course at figuresall campus by campus locations. location, The Prescott semester, and academic Non-Credit Courses Offered by Location campus saw the largest decrease (60 courses or 36%). year. 200180 140160 -- oEl Prescott PvSedonaVerde Center 60 OtherCy Center 2040 0 1997-98 1998-99 Academic Year 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 CBS1.B.4 (5/03) Non-creditYear Courses by Campus Location Campus 1997-98 Fall Prescott, 44 Verde 1 Sedona PV Center! CV Center . , Other 0 Total 53 Spring 5763 32 7 0Oi4' 582; i 132, c1 43 9984 TotalSummer 164 40 4! 15 ' 6,1 7 236 1998-99 SummerSpringFall 536457 26 54 4;00; 1115i 5 , 2,u| 20 928277 Total 1741 351 ____ 41 ______...... ___. 311 ., ...... _ i __5: ______2 __ . 251_ 1999-00 SpringFall 9343 16 8 0 32; ,1 i 21011 4127 155 80 TotalSummer 183 47 5733 4 6! . I 9426 347112 2000-01 SummerSpringFall 446754 3514 5 34'1 0:02 01,111F 325046 114136109 Total 165 54, 18 2 1 . 12' i 128 359 2001-02 SummerSpringFall 444219 271213 14 0 f1 iI 0;1 i 5239 1 114 4897 Source: Institutional Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics; academic year: fall, spring, Total 105 52 6 21 summer. 2 92 259 CBS1.B.4 (5/03) CBS1CBS1.B.5 HighLongitudinal quality, convenient comparisons and cost-effective to track improvement learning opportunities in credit enrollment InTheMetric each following B.5of the past is repeated five fiscal from years, the Yavapai last report. College has experienced an annual enrollment increase. The addition of elder hostel Convenient Data will be updated in November 2003. as credit enrollment YavapaiAsaccounts a proportion forCollege the ofmajority Credit total enrollment, Enrollmentof fiscal year full-time by 2000-01 Demographics students and 2001-02 and and students enrollmentFiscal from Year Arizonaincreases. counties other than Yavapai declined. Fall Enrollment FY 1997-98 r FY 1998-99 ; FY 1999-00 1 FY 2000-01 FY 2001-02 FemaleFull-TimPart-Tim e e 62.4%21.6%78.4%1, ,, 81.8%18.2% ,' 83.2%16.8% 85.6%114.4% '' 85.0%15.0% WBlackAsian/PacificMale hite, Non-Hispanic Islander 83.0%37.2% 0.6%1.0% 82.8%62.8%36.8% ' 0.7%0.8% 81.9%37.5%61.5% 0.5%0.9% , 62.6%70.0%37.2% , 0.5%0.9% 70.2%36.9%62.9% 0.5%0.9% HispanicNative American 4.2%2.4% 4.3%2.8% ,, . 4.2%2.5% 4.3%1.8% 4.5%1.7% Out-of-StateOtherYavapaiOther/Unknown Arizona County County Race 87.0% 4.8%7.4%8.7% 87.5% ,, 4.8%7.0%1:8.7% : 88.0%10.0% , 5.0%6.5% 22.4%16.5%77.7% 5.1% 76.4%22.3%17.4% 4.9% Foreign 0.8% 0.7% , 0.5% 1 0.7% 0.8% AnnualTotal FY Percentage Enrollment Growth 10389 [ 10875 4.7% ,, 13.0%12292 12.6%13838, i 14426 4.2% CBS1.B.5**ElderSource:Note: Enrollment Institutionalhostel (5/03) enrollment, is anResearch unduplicated which Data does Warehouse; count not collect by fiscal sch-cen ethnicity, year and for began sch-fm;credit in courses; 2000-01 fiscal year: Demographics from fall terms. summer b & c, fall, spring, summer a & p. elderFull-time hostel enrollment enrollments, for 2001-022001-02 was full-time at 15 enrollment increases to 17 percent. This represents a slight increase (1%) over the previous fiscal year. However, when controlling for percent. Examining the past five years, full-time enrollment is exhibiting a overdeclining three trend. times Itas is much important in terms to monitorof FTSE reductions as a part-time in full-time student. students because of the proportional effect on FTSE. Each full-time student counts Yavapai College Enrollment Demographics By Fiscal Year 100% 90% 70%80% cvei, 60% atiic42)a) 50% 0 Full-lime Part-Time a 30%40% 10%20% 0% FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FiscalFY 1999-00 Year FY 2000-01 FY 2001-02 CBS1.B.5 (5/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.B.6 B.6 HighConvenientNumber/types quality, convenient of services and cost-effectiveprovided through learning athletics opportunities AthleticparticipatingYavapai2002-2003 CollegeEvents in six hosts inter-collegiate an extensive sports. array ofAnnual college sport and event youth attendees athletic events numbered and programs.9,656. There In academicwere 3,291 year youths 2002/2003, participating there inwere five 93 college students Soccer Baseball programs. HometeamNumber game members attendance on 9 games 22 Volleyball 11 games 11 15 games 26 Cross Country N/A 9 Basketball 13 games Men's 13 BasketballWomen's 13games 12 attendancePost season game Total: 2,485 Total: 703 2 games Total: 603 N/A **Total: 750_ N/A Away Total: 1,4063,709*boys/girls 2 games Total: 3,709*boys/girls Away LeaguesLittleTournament Roughrider attendance No facilities N/A 176 14 **100 N/A N/A *boys/girls 488 45 *boys/girls 488 20 (Coaches)SpeakingFree clinics Engagements **1,500 9 N/A 1 25 2 N/AN/A 40 3 N/A 30 camps/tryoutSummer(EventsCommunity / # dayof Participants Service camps No facilities N/AN/A 22 / 34 1 / 4 174 / 110 Pitching N/A N/A / N/A 1 / 3 *boys/girls 65 / N/A 1 / 5 *boys/girls 65 / N/A 1 / 6 Summercamps tournamentsovernight No facilities N/A N/A 40 # Hitting Camps 80 156 92 N/AN/A *boys/girls N/A960 *boys/girls N/A960 CBS1.B.6*ProgramsSource: Departmental (05/03) combine for Records these events **Estimate MetricCBSCBS1.B.7 11 B.7 HighConvenientNumber/types quality, convenient of services and cost-effectiveprovided through learning residence opportunities halls andInofActivities 2000/2001,some employees of at the the Yavapai servicesat residence Yavapai Collegeprovided hallsCollege. rangehealth at the from centerresidence community was halls. opened service on a part-timeprojects to basis programs in Supai designed Hall. This to better health educate center theprovides residents. limited The services following to bothis a samplingstudents SupaiHall Dommy-SpringOne-TonEvent Sundae Show ToStudentSocializingPurpose show students Activities; event how for but STD's all with students. are the spread help Program of and the that RA's.was there conducted are consequences at the halls toby EasterPaint-ball Sunday tournament luncheon ableToactivities.every encourageinvite to action. be allwith students outside their families. tosporting partake events in a Sunday for those dinner. interested For those in hunting who were type not ClubBoulderingSundayPool TournamentFair Bar-b-que ProgramsurvivalHikingEveryA chance Sunday activity skillspromoting for students andSupai to keepnature students' hosts to students interact information a bar-b-que participation activeand have on forand Prescott allfunin outside. variousstudents forests. Also on-campus to relax teach and outdoor clubs. socialize. RAAZHarkins Movie Night RiddleRA'sRA's.Program participated to was get anconducted understanding in intellectual on campus of and community by social Student programs living Activities and for recreationalRAAX with the at help Embry events. of Valentines3SaveWing on 3lids Meetings Basketball to Dance save lives tournamentand rose making activity DanceYoplaitresidentsRA'sOutdoor conduct and yogurt for dateactivity social wing lids auction toorweremeetings keepinformational for collected studentsstudents. in each for activepurposes. of breast their while cancer respective gym research. is underhalls for construction their CBS1.B.7 (05/03) Kachina Wal-MartKarokeWritingSexSafe Education Trick NightRunyour or resumeTreat Game Show Provide a safe environment for community children to trick or treat ValentineCraftMaryStudy Nights:Kaybreaks Auction social/info duringmake yourfmals own frames Raised funds for Big Brothers/Big Sisters . TaxTibetanTrafficIraqMartin information Night Luther US: information How King it Jr.all celebration gotwith started Campus Safety By Officer Cooper, Campus Safety DuctPieBoulderingFireCapture Eating Safety tape competitionthecontest 101 flag ReadingLANOpen program gymto the (3 kids night/week) readGroupandShowed against to ofthem. students pre-schoolers each other. how to got connect a field their trip computersto Yavapai togetherCollege toand play YC games students with CBS1.B.7 (05/03) Marapai Dive-In Movie Program promoting the socializing between students. Program was AskSTDOne-Ton the Awareness Police Sundae Know Your Rights conductedProgram at promoting the hallspool by bythe StudentStudent socializing Activities,Activities, between butbut students. withwith thethe Programhelphelp ofof RA's.RA's. was SaturdayDUIHalloween Simulation Morning Haunted Hall _Cartoons Prescott.To provide a safe environment for trick-or-treating for the children in Valentine'sTimeClubMarapaiTalent Management Fair Show Spring Bachelor/8achelorette Welcome Program Auction Program promoting students' participation in various on-campus clubs.

CBS1.B.7 (05/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.B.8 B.8 HighNumber/typesConvenient quality, convenient of services and provided cost-effective through learning visual/performing opportunities arts TypesGraphicDepartment of ServicesDesign Performed by Visual & Performing Arts > PartnershipBonny Stauffer with served Agribusiness as judge Technology for the Bradshaw Center Mountain to develop High student School generated/created annual portfolio advertising review. Art Department > distributedUnitedRoycampaign Traver States posters. materials acquiredorchestrated Geological toan theextensive the Survey local creation high of donation Northern of schools two ofnew photography Mr. equipmentTraver classes. and supplies from the programs that are very much in need of support. supplied both campuses and > Arts.LauraBrettseries.Steve BlevinsMason,Bloomenstein andCindy Steve participatesDececco Mason and art in Karencontributors the artists Churchill in to residence the provided Off thefor Wallthe Arizona fundraisers. Commission for the guest lectures to the ALA Carte Art Gallery > publicEightPMA.KarenSteve art Churchillyear Mason shows round. on inacted 2002-2003;the assteering docent twocommittee for were the FRIENDS student for the shows. Tri-City field tripArt Mayors toGallery the ElBreakfast isGreco for the Arts. open to students and the to Picasso Show at the Music > Dr.ActProvideProvidedSponsored Breilingas resource music choral acts music and foras and adjudicator workshopslibrarycollege instrumental for activities. localandfor solo festivalsconcertsmusic and teachers. ensemble forto thearea public high music schoolthroughout festivals. students. the year. > collegeDr. FisherBreiling graduation provides conducted ceremony. specialcommunity 100 performancesmember choir honors for Messiahof bandthe Angelorium atperformance. Eastern Arizonachoir for College. community events. and the CBS1.B.8 (05/03) CBS1CBS1.B.9 HighAverage quality, wait convenient for service and and cost-effective average number learning of opportunities phone calls made TheMetric following B.9 is repeated from the previous report. Data will be updated in November 2003. Convenient AverageRegistrationIn 2001 wait registration for via in-person the becameinternet service availablealso has increased.via walk-in or phone-in at all College sites, i.e., Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, Verde Valley and Sedona. DuringAveragecustomersFor two May, days wait get August,each immediatefor phone-inin May,December, service; August, service andthere and January, is January, no wait. phone-in in-person customers customers may wait as long as four to five minutes for service. Typically throughout the may wait as long as 20 minutes to reach an attendant. Outside of those "crunch" times, phone-in year, in-person t.T1 haveAboutPercentagecustomers the seven option wait ofin in-personantenof averageregistering students and of register twothrough phone to in-personthree registrationsthe Internet.minutes. district-wide. Internet transactions The proportion have of accounted in-person onlyregistration for approximately by campus two percent of total district-wide registration or site location also is 70-75 percent. Students also Averageregistrations-10,654Theactivity, best number butestimate increases of phoneof in-personregistrations are calls expected received and in-person, phone-indue to marketing registrations2,880 registrations focus can and be functionality byextrapolated phone, and improvements. from 387 thevia tablethe internet. below. From May '01 through Sept '01 there were 13,921 CBS1.B.9 (05/03) Fall 2001 Monthly Registrations By Site and Type Prescott PhoneInTotal Person In May '01 1,091 283808 June '01 553474 79 July '01 1,2551,034 221 Aug '01 4,6943,5771,117 Sept '01 1,6951,395 300 Total9,2882,0007,288 66.7%Share Verde PhoneInTotal Person In ' 308249 59 167111 56 381115266 1,7671,268 499 436309127 3,0592,203 856 22.0% PVSedona In Person Total 2551 2618 2746 248253 9267 438415 3.1% PV PhoneTotal In 2517 0 1813 0 27 0 253 0 92 0 - 415 0 3.0% Chino PhoneIn Person In 2 1 41 1 180 11 59 9 310 24 DistrictOnChino Line In Total Person 1,150 4019 642 1614 1,414 5542 5,526 227191 1,922 4968 10,654 387334 2.8%2.4% DistrictSource: PhoneTotal In Departmental records 1,534 344 794136 1,806 337 7,3801,627 2,407 436 13,921 2,880 100.0% CBS1.B.9 (05/03) CBS1.B.10 Hours of access and payment options for registration/tuition TheMetricCBS1 following B.10 Convenient is repeated from the previous report. Data will be updated in November 2003. High quality, convenient and cost-effective learning opportunities degree-seekingHoursStudents of Access can registerstudents, for including courses transferonline through majors, the is availableInternet 24 at hoursall College a day, 7 days a week. Early in-person registration for certificate-seeking and campuses and centers. Times8:00Fall 2001am. - registration 4:306:00 p.m. schedule Tuesday-WednesdayMondayDays MayAprilDates 1,2 30 tft Regular8:00 a.m. registration - 4:004:30 p.m. - open to all students: FridayThursday May 34 00 8:308:30 a.m. - 4:30 -- 7:006:004:00 p.m. p.m. FridaysMondayFridayTuesday - Thursday AugustMay 8711 - 24, 20-August August -31 30 16 17 August 13 8:30Standard8:00 a.m. office--12:00 4:306:00 hours:p.m. p.m. TuesdayMondaySaturday - Thursday August 25 PaymentIn-person:Online8:30 am. Optionsand - Cash,4:00 phone-in: p.m.for Check, registration/tuition: Credit Credit Card Card, only or Financial Aid arranged beforehand Friday CBS1.B.10 (05/03) MetricCBS11CBS1.B.11 B.11 HighParticipation qualityquality, convenientand evaluation and cost-effective data to identify learning trends opportunities in participation, attendance and demand InStudent spring Retention 2003, Yavapai Survey College (Conducted hired Sandra by Sandra Golden Golden & Associates & Associates): to design, conduct and analyze a retention study. Listed below are highlights from that study. 1. classesnotManyachieved people to their getwho collegea leavedegree two-yeargoals. or certificate. colleges Furthermore, are not retention 21% problems.said that they In this had survey achieved over their 62% college of the respondentsgoals completely were atand the another college 27% to take nearly 4.3.2. guidanceThecollege.44%When most of the the andimportantrespondents respondents pre-testing services dropped indicated for programranked out that of by placement. "moneyYavapai respondents or College, fmancial were: the concerns"fmancial vast majority aid, were counseling/advising, importanteither went or to very workor important schedule continued tobooks them to mailed workas a reason full to theor for part-time.home, not returningcareer to 6.5. 36%factorsbiggestWhen of asked thattheobstacle respondentswould in an followed unaidedmade indicatedit byeasierquestion "finances/affordability/cost" to that return.what there the was biggest little obstacleor no (17%). likelihood to returning, Respondents that theyrespondents wouldindicated be mentioned interestedthat course "too in offerings taking busy/not classes and enough scheduling in the time" next (34%)were year importantor as the two, but 9.7.8. ThePart-timeOver45% highest saidtwo-thirds thatstudents level they of of werewouldthe goal respondents somewhat achievementbe likely moreor(69%) very came interested had likely from not to thosedeclared in take a certificaterespondents classes a major. in than that who atime degree were period. taking than were courses full-time for personal students interest, (17% comparedtaking courses to 8%). to improve 11.10. The largestyoungest segment segment of wasfull-time the only studentsmoreincreasedtheir one currentpersonal withwas with athe occupation significant problemsage. youngest or to percentagesegment takingdeal with, courses(57%), who and droppedandtheto transfer. 50-64it decreased out segment to continue with had age, too at whileamany 4-year the other institution, percentage things to theof do part-time25-35 and not segment enough students had time. CBS1.B.11 (05/03) InFormer spring Student 2001, Yavapai Summary College Highlights: conducted a survey to former students to identify why students leave, to determine education since leaving Yavapai orCollege, more earnedto report credit employment hours who status attended and toYavapaiI. give overall College program in fall satisfaction.1999, but did By notTwo-thirds definition, return in of spring,a theformer students summer student attended or is falla non-graduate 2000.Yavapai College in a career to "take courses only" and one-third attended to "earn a degree or certificate" area with six 2. Relative to goal: 38913914 percent percent attendedcompletely attended for foror personaljob almostpreparation related reasonscompletely reasons for (personaltransfer (acquire reached to interest/enrichment/improve skillsa their four-year toeducation get college.first goal.job/improve basic job skills/prepareskills) for different job) Other Studies: Stamats Communications3. formerCollege.More than students More two-thirds than defmitely three-fourths of the plan former to indicatedreturn students to Yavapaithat indicated there College wasthat nothingthere with were another that not the academic32 college percent could or "maybe" personal have planningdone reasons to help tofor return. theirthem decision to stay. Forty-sixto leave Yavapai percent of the In included:1998-99, Yavapai College commissioned Stamats1. Communications Inc. to conductpublicsUnderstand consumer were the identified research needs of inas: key the a) publics college'sarea adults, as market. they b) relatetraditional The to research Yavapai age prospective objectives College, its students, programs, c) non-returning services, delivery students, methods, and d)and area scheduling. business/industry The key 4.3.2. Determinerepresentatives currenttargetthe image audience trends of Yavapai that need may and College threaten support held existing for by growth key programs publics in programs to include and thefacilities identification of Yavapai's competitors A) Area Adults 1. Nearly three-fourths of the area adults are not particularly interested in attending college for any reason, 25 percent say they are or might be. CBS1.B.11 (05/03) Those most interested have varying levels of educational preparation. 3422 percent somehigh school college, diploma no degree or GED 2. much?Area adults are interested primarily in two basic features about attending college20 dopercent you have master's the programdegree (likely I'm interested interested in in and courseworkienrichnient) for how 3. Of those interested in continuing their education, the following reasons were given:InternetWordCareerNew occupation processing redirection skills PersonalImproveCertificationObtainCareer advancementdegree jobsatisfaction skills 4. The top 7 programs or classes indicated: Computer MusicNursingBusinessEducationArt 5. The desired day and time of day reported by area adults: WeeknightsUndecided most non-retired area adults would probably take courses on week nights versus almost any other time 6. Competitive positioning Overall,OverMost 60want Embry-Riddlepercent to attend prefer class ais semester-long viewedabout three as the hours coursebest a of week as the opposed four institutions to any other presented; option particularly with regard to overall quality and academics. CBS1.B.11 (05/03) NorthernYavapaiEven though Arizona College the University universityis the leader isis viewedrelativelyfor its location similarly expensive, and to Yavapaiholds adults its viewonown these itfor as overallqualities a good quality, value as well (based value, on and its academics quality and academics) B. Traditional-Age Prospective Students is not as well regarded as the other institutions on any of the qualities 3.2.1. Threeshould/willThe largestvast in fourmajority beproportion of these of these prospective (47 youngpercent) adults students of these are plan planningyoung to attendadults to attend collegeare unsure a public, on aabout full-time rather what than basis the private, educational college focus or universityof the institution they will attend 6.4. 5.A striking proportion of these young adultsInfluencerschoiceFullydo not plan 62 extendinstitution percent to incommute muchthe of thancollege all beyond tostudentsthe collegechoice other 30 minutes already students process:rather havethan livea first-choice college or university in mind. Yavapai County students are less sure of their first- on campusnearly 60 percent overall. Commuting times OtherHighGuidanceNoParents one school relative counselors teachers nearlyover 70 12 percent percent of indicated the prospects that noare one most will likely help to them turn in to this their process parents6 percent for seek guidance advise and from support other relatives 1215 percent lookof the to prospects their high look school to their teachers high forschool advise guidance on selecting counselors a college for guidance and support 1\.) C. Nonreturning Students 1. aThe specific typical program. nonreturning Median Yavapai age College student is a middle age white female, with some education seeking specialized coursework rather than 48 years 4.3.2. partYavapaireturningmostMore71 of percentthan the College collegehalf indicated haveof has nonreturningwould achieved little that have opportunitythey theirhad students accomplished nogoal impact to areand encourage planning see on their theirno goalimmediate students todecision return to to need stayover Yavapaileave to return 77College percent in thereport future. that Theany remainingresponse or half preventative will likely not be measure on the D. Business/Industry Representatives 1. Greatest interest from this group is in three program offerings: CBS1.B.11 (05/03) WeekendInternet/WebComputer college training training (not word processing) managers are more interested in weekend options than are their employees 2. College/university awareness: 86 percent spontaneously mention Yavapai College 3. notJust hiring 29 percent a Yavapai of these College respondents gradmore have than hired half gradssay no as one employees. has applied Those who have1066 percent feel good mention about Embry-RiddleNorthernthe new hire's Arizona preparation. University Reasons for Source: Highlights of the Results of the 1999 Comprehensive Market Research Project,Former StudentStamats Survey,Communications, Spring 2001 Inc.

CBS1.B.11 (05/03) CBS1.B.12 Identify demand for new services NoMetricCBS1 changes B.12 were Convenient reported at the time of publication of this report. The following is provided from the previous report. High quality, convenient and cost-effective learning opportunities Identifyspecificfaculty,Yavapai andcommunity College demand community initiated forneeds. new members six servicescertificate identified programs the need and for four the degree programs. programs The following in academic provides year 1999-00. a short description Before development, of selected collegeprograms administrators, that address RepairComputerNew Program Technician Maintenance Certificate and VerdeCampuses Valley OfferedCampus LaborBasedBackground Statistics,on the 1998-1999Information "computer Occupational support specialists" Outlook Handbook,are part of aproduced broad category by the Bureauof computer of entry-levellocalresponsibleperiodscience level, 1996-2006. occupations position sevenfor troubleshooting businesses This asconsidered a category"PC wereRepair toPC includes surveyed,be problems Technician" the fastest workers with and growing in theproviding withthe average $8 aoccupation variety-$10 technical starting hourly of titlesgroup salarysupport. range. who over for Atare anthe the Agriculture Technology Chino Valley Regional ThesupplementTwoareaIndividuals Board ofout employment of of everywiththeir Governors experience incomesthree that computing theheld by incertificate workingStrategic this adjunct field inrecipientsDialogues canthis faculty anticipate area. may inat Average YavapaiChino pursue a $12-$15 Valleyrates College,is "Computer arehourly in $251998 Verde wage.-$35 and Consulting." Campus per 1999.Another hour. Management Degree TechnologyCenter Skills asarea.MasterwithGovernment, a community theThe Plan Board Agribusiness and business, at need.for two Yavapai sessions.The industryTechnology agriculture College Duringand Programcommunity and industry the the third specificwas is leaderssession, responsiblespecifically plans met leaders for to for identifieddiscussChino reviewed20 percent Valley/Paulden community and the ofdiscussed proposed the needs retailAreasYavapaiOfficenation's nurseries, ofof economy,County employmentInstitutional florists, are both employed byResearch directlybanks, cluster eithergolf officeandinclude courses, indirectly.directly indicate grocery, realtors, or that Dataindirectly landscaping, 29 collectedGame percent in and the ofranches,by Fish, agricultureall Yavapai people horse wholesale College's employedindustry,industry. and in CBS1.B.12 (05/03) agriculture sales and service, education; water resources, farming, and communications. New Program Campuses Offered Background Information Digital Media Arts Degree andSedona Technology Center for Arts courseslimitedmediaVerdeThere isValleycourses due fillan establishedquicklyto andlackat the surrounding ofand Sedona adequate market students Center. for areas.facilities. must educational However,In be 1997, wait-listed.Frequently, opportunitiesYavapai offerings Enrollmentdigital College and inmedia delivery digital began data and technology showformatsoffering other that computer have digital in beenthe employmentownMakinginincreases increases works, program in thethusin options class number increasingwill sizes, in likely theof overall, courses industrytheirfmd themselvesopportunities atoffered include: that site. at directing,camerathe Students for present a dependableoperators, producing, who Sedona complete digital income.location and distributingthe(sound) haveAlternative Digital resultededitors, Filmtheir Early Childhood Education CampussomeVerde courses Valley Campus,at Prescott CollegeDevelopmentInfilmcomputer 1997, director, approvedNACOG (visual) andAssociate filmfundinganimator,requested producer. (CDA) to specialthat hire training Yavapai and (visual) Early for College Childhoodeffects,its Head provide cinematography, Start Education theemployees. mandatory instructor screen/scriptwriter, In 1998,Childhood in response Yavapai Northernresult,Headeducationto this Start thereneed.Arizona requirements employees isRecently, a hasgrowing augmented mustthe for demand National programhold this a for minimum requirementHead employees.Certificate Start of andan andtoThe associate's includeEarly Associate mandate Start all degree ofstatesDegreeprograms its employees.thatby programs the atincreased leastyear As2003.50%in theEarlya of Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Program/Curriculum Studies, Departmental Records ourChildhood communities. Education. The proposed curriculum is designed to fulfill the ECE needs of CBS1.B.12 (05/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.B.13 B.13 HighConvenientGeneral quality, Education convenient Diploma, and cost Adult effective Basic learning Education, opportunities and PEAK enrollment and completers 02,programEnglish(ABE)Yavapai 73 ABEprogram for Collegehours Speakersstudents are provides offers included receivedof aOther varietybasic in their Languages enrollmentskill of GED. educationaland General (ESOL) figures. services Education courses.Enrollment to non-traditionalBeginning Diploma for fiscal (GED) in yearfiscal adult preparation 2001-02 year and 2000-01 adolescence was courses. 332 only ABE learners.Thestudents and ABE 187 Thewho ESOL adult completed basicstudents. education12 In 2001- program also offers or more AdulttheirDistrictProviding local Basic (PUSD) Educationalhigh Education school. students. AlternativesEnrollment Enrollment Students fordoand notfiscal Knowledge graduate year 2001-02 from(PEAK) PEAK, was is 79,an but alternative and instead projected complete high enrollment school credits setting for that 2002-03 available is for 115. Prescott Unified School are applied towards graduation from Fiscal1999-001998-991997-98 Year ABE/GED Enrollment 621738740 Received GED 816581 ESOL Enrollment 234227170 Total Enrollment 855965910 Source:GED2001-02*2000-01**Beginning graduates ABE/GED/ESOL in must fiscal have year completedDepartmental 2000-01 onlyat least Records students 12 hours completing and graduated 12 or morein the hours year theywere attended. counted 332394 7358 as enrolled. Additionally, 187177 519571 AcademicPEAK1998-99 Enrollment Year Enrollment 131 2002-0332001-0222000-01''2000-011999-00 was the last year Chino Valley participated. 22001-02 includes Prescott Unified School District only. 115113129 79 CBS1.B.13Source:32002-03 Providing projected (05/03) Educational enrollment throughAlternatives June and2003 Knowledge for Prescott (PEAK) Unified School District only. MetricCBS1CBS1.C.1 C.1 HighCost-effectiveCost quality, per FTSE convenient district-wide and cost-effective learning opportunities theisAt comparison $4,860 $7,892, at Yavapai Pima; the College's state operating cost years. average cost is $5,415. Yavapai College's operating cost per FTSE has been well above the state per FTSE is the highest among community colleges in the state. The lowest operating cost per FTSE average for each of District 2001/2002 General Fund Operating Cost Total Basic General Fund per FTSE Source: Annual Report to the CoconinoCochise FTSE3,5971,564 Operating Expenditures $20,639,916 9,021,312 Operating Cost $5,738FTSE5,768 Per CollegesDirectors2001-2002,Governor offorand ArizonaState Community Legislature Board of FY PimaNavajoMohaveMaricopaGraham 59,779 2,5742,2573,357 321,547,75414,289,68814,586,67216,776,569 5,5526,4635,3794,997 StateYuma-LaYavapaiPinal Totals Paz 102,571 19,0263,8833,1103,424 $555,400,135 20,043,09624,545,59021,485,86392,463,675 $5,415 5,1627,8926,2754,860 CBS1.C.1 (05/03) Year Total Basic YavapaiFTSE College Yavapai College Eight Year Comparison Operating Cost per FTSE Operating Cost Per FTSE Yavapai College Operating Cost per FTSE AZ State Average 1996/971995/961994/95 2,6082,7182,490 $6,670 6,5116,206 $4,482 4,8604,680 2000/011999/001998/991997/98 2,9362,8852,8002,763 7,7277,1546,9326,935 5,3935,2605,0184,900 2002,Source:2001/02 State Statistical Board ofSupplement Directors forto theCommunity Annual Report Colleges to the of ArizonaGovernor, 1994 3,110 $7,892 2001; Annual Report to the Governor and Legislature FY 2001- $5,415

CBS1.C.1 (05/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.C.2 C2 HighCost-effectiveCost quality, comparisons convenient of Yavapai and cost-effective College tuition learning to opportunitiesother Arizona colleges and universities College.CommunityArizona'sYavapai College state College universities, offers tuition affordable $466rates inat learning ArizonaPrescott opportunities. rangeCollege, from $250 a highYavapai at North of $46 Colleges' Central per credit University, 2003/2004 hour at aand tuition Maricopa $690 at CommunityEmbry-Riddle Colleges Aeronautical University (Non-flight courses). was $38 per credit hour compared to $146 per credit hour at to a low of $29 at Mohave Community 2003/2004Cost Comparisons Undergraduate/Lower of Yavapai CollegeDivision Tuition Tuition to other Arizona Colleges Credit Hour Tuition / ArizonaYavapaiCoconinoCochiseCentral Western College' Arizona Community Community Community ' College' College College' $37$38$33$34 PimaNorthlandMohaveMaricopaEastern Community Arizona Community CommunityPioneer Community College' Community College' Colleges' College' College' $30$29$46$36 NorthUniversityGrandState Central Canyon Universities: of University Phoenix University2 ASU, (Undergraduate) (Undergraduate) UofA and NAU2 2 (Undergraduate) ' $422$250$458$146 $42 2TuitionOldEmbry-RiddlePrescott'Tuition Dominion College2 rates rates areAeronauticalUniversity are based for Arizona on (Undergraduate yearly University residents, tuition (Non-flight figures and divided courses) by 302 annual credit hours. - upper divisionare based on 12 credit hours. only)1 $150$690$466 CBS1.C.2Source: Figures (05/03) provided by colleges/universities admission offices or college web pages. CBS1CBS1.C.3 HighNumber quality, of credit convenient classes and cancelled cost-effective by learning opportunities campus location CreditTheMetric following class C.3 cancellations is repeated totaledfrom the 670 last (16%) and 661 (16%) in academic Cost-effective report. Data will be updated in November 2003. year 2001-02 and 2000-01, respectively. Total class cancellations dropped in subsequent ValleyOncoursesyears an from annual(13% over a thehighto basis, 17%) past of the 732 fivecancels Prescott (18%)years. proportionally inCampus 1999-00, tends dueless to primarily than cancel Sedona from (21% reductions to 30%), in Chinothe Prescott; however, all locations have reduced proportionally less, (12% to 15%) than the Verde Campus (17% to 21%). Among the centers, Prescott Valley (24% to 30%) and Other locations (17% to 28%). or had little change in canceled Class cancellations by semester and 35% campus for the comparison years are provided in the tables on the followingProportion pages. of Class Cancelations by Campus 25%30% 20% 0 SedonaPV0 Prescott Center Verde 10%15% I I=11 I In0CV OtherDistrict Center 5% 0% 1997-98 1 1111111 1998-99 Academic Year 1999-00 2000-01 1 2001-02 II1111 1 CBS1.C.3 (05/03) I I I 1 1,1111711M I I Number of Credit Classes Cancelled by Campus Fall Active 833 Prescott Canc 112 % Canc 12% Active 291 CampusVerde Canc 60 % Canc t 17%. Active 24 Sedona Canc 17 % Canc TotalSummerSpring 1997-98 1953 926194 281107 62 24%13%10% 662314 57 151 2962 34%19%16% 6035 1 26 09 30%20%41% 0% SummerSpringFall 199965890 131133 28 12%13% 325297 56 237082 29%18°k22% 3731 7 10 0 21%24% 0% SpringTotalFall 1998-99 2054 884849 126160292 12%16% 319289678 __ 175 8071 20%21% 393175 2011 9 22%21% TotalFallSummer 1999-00 1912 739179 131332 46 20%15% 291678 70 165 61 14 17%20% 608010 3423 3 22%23% TotalSummerSpring 2000-01 1687 767181_ 280107 42 14%19%12% 702329 82 148 3255 17%28°k14% 141 6318 4712 1 25%16%36% 5% SummerSpringFall _ _ 827760199 113 3490 12%11%15% 323309 79 406664 34%17% 157280 3625 7 32%33%24% ContinuedSource:Total onInstitutional 2001-02 next page. Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics; academic 1786 237 12% 711 170 year: fall, spring summer. 19% 167 68 29% CBS1.C.3 (05/03) Campus SpringFall Active 7052 PV Center Canc 11 9 % Canc 11%17% Active 5342 CV Center Canc 2016 % Canc 23%,32% Active 6471 Other Canc 2029 % Canc 24%29% FallTotalSummer 1997-98 168 7446 2619 6 20%13%12% 125 5230 305317 37%30%36% 161 9726 256314 20%28%35% TotalSummerSpring 1998-99 - 197 4974 3411 4 15%13% 8% 148 3858 581117 28%22%23% 217120 0 4620 1 100% 17%14% TotalSummerSpring--Fall 1999-00--- 192 387876 391114 22%17%15%16% 132 354651 482119 8 27%(31%27%19% 444259145 40 125 2888 9 22%25%18%16% TotalSummerSpringFall 2000-01 187 338569 3615 6 16%15%18% 139 483754 452614 5 24%12%21%35% 497252199 46 105 4850 7 20%17%13%16% SummerSpringFall 269177 20 49 13%18%10% 226664 2715 9 29%19% 340191 29 4664 1 25%12% 3% ContinuedSource:Total Institutional on 2001-02 next page. Research Data Warehouse; sec basics; academic year: fall, spring summer. 194 33 15% 152 51 25% 560 111 17% CBS1.C.3 (05/03) Total Canc % Canc TotalSummerSpringFall 1997-98 Active 312914621313 354 600223249128 27%16%13% SummerSpringFall 15791441 349 259299 67 ._ 16%14%17% SpringFallTotal 1998-99 -- 162514413369 340625301 17%16% - TotalSummer 1999-00 3438 372 732 91 20%18% . SummerSpringFall _ 15501406 397 251317 93 19%14%18% FallTotal 2000-01 33531481 267661 15%16% Source:TotalSummerSpring Institutional 2001-02 Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics; academic 35701719 370 670308 95 20%16%15% year: fall, spring summer. CBS1.C.3 (05/03) MetricCBS1CBS1.C.4 C.4 HighCost-effectiveEnrollment quality, convenient by campus and site cost-effective learning opportunities creditfromIn the 6,678 topast crddit. five to 8,191. years,All campus The Yavapai large locations Collegejump in have hasenrollment experiencedshown enrollmentbetween steady fall growth growth. 1999 andtrends From fall fall2000 of is 1998 due toprimarily fall 2002, to elderdistrict-wide hostel enrollment enrollment changing has increased from 23% over the past five years. non- 9000 Fall Enrollment by Campus Location 70008000 6000 0 VerdePrescott 40005000 Oo0 Sedona OtherCVPV Center 20003000 ,H-1 11 District 1000 I 1998-99 1999-00 1 2000-01 .1 2001-02 2002-03 CBS1.C.4 (05/03) I Mil1141 71;11 SRI I1P1 111111 1111 Academic Year Mil '0111 "MI Yavapai College Fall Enrollment by Campus 1998-2002t PrescottDesignation/AnnualStudent Counts by Campus Percent orChange Center 1998-99 4269 1999-00 4525 2000-01 4301 2001-02 4610 2002-03 4834 Verde 1474 -1.6%6.0%1451 . _.._ _ -5.0%_`..'f '..?....,____a1580 .0 OL _ -4.6% 7.2%1507 _ 6.7%4.9%1608 _ ., PVSedona Center 270557 11.5% 599301 24.6% 550375 -3.7% 533361 _ 29.1% 593466 _ CV Center - - 253 .2._-!'`'..5.5%7.aoz. 267 -3.4%-8.2% 258 12.4%-3.1%_ 290 18.3%11.3%, 343 . _ OtherDistrict 6678 180 -23.9% 6833 137 842.3%. 79461291 _ 0.9%81781302 _ _ -31.6% 8191 890 Source:tEnrollment Institutional as of Census Research day (45th Data dayWarehouse; of instruction), sch-cen; includes fall. short and open entry/open exit 2.3% courses.16.3% 2.9% _ 0.2% CBS1.C.4 (05/03) Table of Contents A.optionsCBS 2. Access to learner-centered education andLearner-centered training with a wide-arrayEducation and of life-longTraining learning 3.2.1. NumberNewCourse program by of delivery degree development and type transfer-applicable courses available in alternative formats B. 2.1. ListWide-arrayUse of ofprograms college of Lifelongofferedfacilities by Learning outside groups Options TheMetricCBS2CBS2.A.1 following A.1 is repeated from the previous report. Data will be updated in November 2003. Learner-centeredAccessYavapai to College learner-centered courseseducation by education and delivery training and type training with a wide-array of life-long learning options DatainteractivebetweenIn 2001-02, table the isvideo Yavapai Prescottpresented and CollegeandInternet on Verde the offeredcourses.following campuses, 14 page.different Internet delivery courses, methods and more. for Thevarious most courses. popular Delivery delivery methods type offered include is traditional traditional lecture lecture, followed interactive by video

CBS2.A.1 (5/03) Yavapai College Courses Offered by Delivery Type TRADITIONALChangeClasses by Delivery LECTURE type/Annual Percent 1997-98: 2949; 1998-99 8.5%3201 1999-00' 7.6%3443 2000-01, -1.3%. 3399 2001-02 2.9%3499 CABLEDIRECTED TV STUDY 18131 77.8%76.9% 2332 -56.3% 14 114.3%. 30 2 10.0% 33 0 INDEPENDENTINTERNSHIP/SERVICE STUDY LEARNINGCLASS 97.63 -19.0% 9351 -41.2% 7630 -13.3% 4826 34.6% 3635 -4.1% -18.3% , -36.8% -25.0% OPEN-ENTRY/CLOSED-EXITCORRESPONDENCE 6 -33.3% : 41 75.0%, 7 33.3%14.3% 48 PRIVATEOPEN-ENTRY/OPEN-EXIT MUSIC 112 28 -22.3% 10.7% 8731 -38.7% 6.9%, 9319 -15.1% -5.3% 7918! -19.0% 0.0% 6418 TELECOURSESPECIAL DELIVERY TYPE 11 -36.4% 7 57.1% 11 -36.4% 7 42.9% 10 1 INTERNETINTERACTIVE VIDEO 12!60. -3.3% 3158 -5.2%, 4155 j -7.3% 37,51 17.6% 6860 AZ LEARNING SYSTEMS 158.3% 32.3%1 OF -9.8% 25.0%83.8% 5 CBS2.A.1Source:TOTAL Institutional (5/03) Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics; academic year: fall, spring, summer. 3365 7.6%3620 4.6%3786 -2.0%3711 3.5%3841 MetricCBS2CBS2.A.2 A.2 Learner-centeredAccessNew toprogram learner-centered development education education and training and training with a wide-array of life-long learning options NewYavapaiCertificate Programs College Programs Developed initiated four for certificate Academic programs Year 2002-2003 in academic year 2002-2003. FireAgricultureCisco Science Networking Technology Technician Fire Officer Technical Certificate TurfgrassEquine Management Management AssociateDegree Programs of Arts Degree in Elementary Education Source: Departmental Records CBS2.A.2 (05/03) CBS2CBS2.A.3 AccessNumber to learner-centered of degree and transfer-applicableeducation and training courses with aavailable wide-array in ofalternative life-long learningformats options YavapaiMetric A.3 College offers five associate degrees and basic and advanced certificates in 37 areas of study. Learner-centered education and training AssociategeneralcommonThe public education agreement of community Business requirements is andknown colleges the asAssociate for andthe any universitiesArizona of of the Science General state's in Arizona degrees. public Education universities.have Core agreed Curriculum Aton Yavapaia common (AGEC). College, structure Completing the for AGEC a general theis embedded AGEC education will in core fulfillthe Associatecurriculum. lower-division of ThisArts, Yavapai College Degrees/CertificatesAssociate of Arts AssociateAssociate of ofArts GeneralAppliedScienceBusiness in Elementary StudiesScience Education BasicArizonaTechnicalAdvanced Certificate General Certificate Education Core Curriculum CBS2.A.3 (05/03) MetricCBS2CBS2.B.1 B.1 AccessListWide-array of to programslearner-centered of life-long offered education learning options and training with a wide-array of life-long learning options Elderhostel/Edventures),internetinclude:traditionalIn 2002/2003, courses,credit curriculum, Yavapaifor open prior entry/open the Collegelearning, and college high offered internships/serviceexit offersschool courses, 70 many equivalency certificate, telecourses,learning learning, degree,program options senior andnon-credit (G.E.D.testing).to programs transferfit the courses,lifestyles/circumstances options (retirement college to students college, for kids, in Yavapai49 of high different its Learning programs partnerships Alternative Institute, of study. (dual learning In enrollment), addition options to ProFor informationrams of Stud on new programs developed for 2002/2003, see CBS2.A.3 Area of Study Certificate AAS Degree* Transfer** ArchitecturalAnthropologyAgricultureAdministrationAccounting Graphics of Justice . BusinessBiology/ZoologyAutomotiveAstronomyArt (admin., Technology mgmt., finance, Marketing) DigitalConstructionComputingCommunications/SpeechChemistry Filmmaking & Management Information Systems . . EngineeringEmergencyEducationDigital VideoMedia Medical Arts Services . EnglishEarlyCBS2.B.1 Childhood (05/03) Education Programs of Study (continued) FireGeology/EarthGeographyEnvironmental Science ScienceStudies Area of Study Certificate AAS Degree* Transfer** . InternetHumanitiesHistoryGunsmithingGraphic PublishingDesign Russian,MusicMedicalMathematicsLanguages Hebrew) Transcription (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Latin, proc)ParalegalPhilosophyOfficeNursing Administration (med.asst., legal asst., word . Pre-ProfessionalPoliticalPolicePhysicsPhysical Certification/Law ScienceEducation/Recreation (health fields,Enforcement law, architecture) . WeldingTheater/DanceSociologyResidentialPsychology Building Technology . Most**Transfer* Associate Yavapai students of AppliedCollege will Science coursesselectGeneral an can AssociateStudies be taken degree of forArts, plan personal Associate as appropriate enrichment. of Science, to the Associate area of study. of Business, or Associate of Degree CBS2.B.1 (05/03) MetricCBS2.B.2CBS2 B.2 AccessUseWide-array of to college learner-centered of facilities lifelong bylearningeducation outside options andgroups training with a wide-array of life-long learning options Non-profitA Yavapaimanpowernumber of groupsCollege outsideto setup are Facilities groups activities,charged including Usage room for usage rental non-profit, of fees DBLC of for $10.00/hour facilities profit, local or whileusage and For-profitout-of-marketof computer groups labs. groups, are charged uses Yavapai $20.00/hr. College Additional facilities. costs are charged for Prescott Campus Year19981997 Non-Profit Groups 4243 For Profit Groups 4739 Clubs/Programs YC 6336 Total Groups 152118 2002200120001999 83447516 42264352 44659856 169161199115 Verde Valley Campus 199919981997 N/AN/A N/A N/A 345143 Source: Department Records 200220012000 N/A 1012 N/A 41 N/A 3123 453653 CBS2.B.2 (05/02) ReligiousPrescottNon-ProfitSports Campus: Clubs, Organizations, Groups: Homeowners' Music Associations, Lessons/Recitals, Prescott Music Frontier Scholarship Days Committee Competitions, Mtgs, State Prescott Judicial Downtown Hearings, Association, Hobby Clubs, State Computer Weavers Clubs, Club, State VerdeWoodturners ValleyNAU Club.Campus: (year round) VeteransHeadODUGrandMentors StartUniversity Canyon ofUpward (3)Challenged University (2) Bound Adults (year (1) (1)round) Clo14::* CleanUSUnited Army Elect Way Recruiting Candidate Board Meeting (2) Forum (various) (1) PrescottFor Profit Campus:AARP Groups/Conferences: 55+ Driving Class (1) Contractors' Assessment Institute, Cell Phone Venders, Habitat for HumanitySummerY.C. BaseballBasketballSoccer Conferences Camp Camp Camp (2included:(2 Weeks) (5weeks) weeks) AntiqueArizonaAdvanceY.C. Volleyball ShowSportsDetention Accident (2 Camp (1 Day) ReconstructionAssociationwk) (4-5 weeks) (6 wks)(6 wks) CBS2.B.2 (05/02) AZ. Senior Expo (2 days) FellowshipDesertAZCritical Youth Vista AccidentLeadership of Marching Christians Investigation (1 Band week)Cheerleaders Camp (1 week)(1 week) NikeMountainFoothillsPrescottHassayampa Golf Marching TopCampHome QuiltWriting (1Show Band week)Show Institute( 2Camp (2days) days) (1 week) UCAYouthYCSOTeamTalent Cheer of forSearchExplorer's Champions Understanding leading Program Post Camp ( I (1 week) week) Verde ValleyPairsTown Campus Program of Clarkdale (1) (1) Yavapai Classic Cruisers Car Show C...71CO Yavapai SouthwestYavapaiCollege SuperiorClubs/Senior Regional Court Council Programs/Partnerships: Parenting of Carpenters Classes (10)(1) Prescott21Examples Y.C. Campus: Clubs of Clubs, and 4 Programs Interest Groups and partnerships that meet asare: frequently as once per week to once per month. CareerPDC:SummerElderhostel:Yavapai 6-12 Fair LearningSrs: 1-day(1 2-6 4-6 day classrooms classroomsseminars Institute:a year) throughout 12during during week summer summer sessions the year sessions sessions per semester/7 classrooms CBS2.B.2Club Fair (1 (05/02) day a year) NursingNAUPrescott Classes Clinicals Campus 2 Clean-up Day (2 days a year) 6 classrooms during Fall/Spring Quarters CollegeTransferArtSBDCACCPRC A La State GoalStudent Cart Summer Directors Sunday (1 Workshopsday Retreat a (FinancialMeeting month/Sept (2 days (1 Workshop week athru year) aMay) year) 1 day a year) A.S.E.State-wideCreativeWomen'sState Compensation Testing Writing History Teachers' (4 InstitutedaysCelebration Fund Conference a year) (1Safety week (1 daySeminars(1 each day a year) summer)a year) (3-4 times a year) OD JobFoundationA.A.YouthInstitute Development and Step for N.A. ProgramsBoardApplied Meetings Consortiumand Gerontology Foundation Meetings Education Meetings CJI AZ.Americorp.YavapaiOldSr. DominionDesigner Health Superior Fair Craftsman University Court (Divorce Studio Tours Classes) Veterans'EpilepsyAZVerde Employee ValleyFoundation Upward Benefits Campus: Bound program Program NCAYavapaiManagementTeen Meetings Maze Community (3) (numerous)Team Mfg Foundation (4) Mtg (various) CBS2.B.2GED (05/02) Testing (year round) StudentGED Classes Leadership (year (1)round) AdjunctNARSCAAWCCCulturalStaff Support FacultyDiversityMeeting Meetings Meetings Association (1) Day (7) (1)(3) (4) CoffeeVFNCFacultyRacquetballEarly Childhood MeetingsHouse Senate Tournament (16) Meetings (11)Ed w/DES (2)V-Tel Modules (4) (year round) ClayPhiCampusVerdeStudent Theta Club Valley Art Fellowship KappaMeeting Show Sedona Meeting (1) (1) (12) Transition (7) Team Mtg (7) 00 IAGYouthClubsCommunityStudent Meeting ExecutiveStep Art Program Lecture (various)Sale Board (1) Series(summer) Meetings (6) (8) ComputerInstructionalAlcoholicsEcologyNative American Club Club Anonymous Support Meeting Meetings Student Council (2) (ongoing (6)Assoc Meetings (1) (7) CBS2.B.2 (05/02) atCBS or above 3. Access the average to courses, wage programs, and result andin a sentices,better-educated which instillwork competenciesforce that lead to employment Table of Contents A. 2.1. NumberWorkforce of studentscompleters with who Competencies in attainedhigh wage their technical for educational Above and professional Wagegoals Employment areas CBS3.A.1 Number of completers in high wage technical and professional areas TheMetricCBS3 following A.1 is repeated from the previous report. Data will be updated in November 2003. andAccessWorkf'orce result to courses,in awith better competenciesprograms, educated and work for services above force wagethat instill employment competencies that lead to employment at or above the average wage AccordingaverageDuring the wageto pastthe technical United five years, States and Yavapai professional Census College Bureau, occupational has women awarded with areas, 1,341 some the degrees/certificates. collegeremaining earned 48 percent on average In of 2001-02 awards 21 percent the were majority moreacademic then (52%) transferwomen of degrees/certificates degrees.with only a high schoolwere in above NumberMediandiploma. hourly Similarly,of Awards wages males forby selectedwithType some of academic Degree/Certificate college program earned 19 related percent jobs more are thenprovided their onhigh the school following diploma page. only counterparts. Number of Awards 1997-981 122 1998-991 116 1999-00 116! 1 2000-011 1261 1 2001-02 133 Academic Degrees , Occupatonal Degrees : 43%1 126 ; 42%1 126 50% 95 47%1 1001 I 48% 93 44%1 45%1 1 41% I 37%! 33% Occupational Certificates 13% 37 13%1 35i i 9%' 21 16%! 43' 1 19% 52 Source:Total Institutional Awards Research Data Warehouse; trans_basics; academic year: fall, spring, summer. 285 2771 232i 2691 !1 27-8- CBS3.A.1 (5103) AreaSelected of Study Completers in High Wage Technical and Professional Areas 1997-98 through 2001-02 Graduates Job Title WagerMedian Job Title WagerMedian NursingInformationComputingFireParalegal Science and Systems 228 712646 ProgrammerFireNurseParalegal Fighters Entry $14.64$15.33$20.26$17.34 NASystemsFireNA Fighting Analyst Supervisor $24.45$24.94 NA Source:Automotive Arizona Department of Economic Security, Employer Wage Survey 22 Automotive Mechanic $13.43 March 26, 2001 NA NA

CBS3.A.1 (5/03) CBS3CBS3.A.2 AccessandNumber result to courses, of in students a better-educated programs, who attained and work services, their force whicheducational instill competenciesgoals that lead to employment at or above the average wage OneTheMetric hundredfollowing A.2 percent is repeated of Nursing from graduates, the previous Nursing report. Assistant Data will and be Emergency updated inMedical November Services 2003. completers either partially Workforce with competencies for above wage employment or completely attained their Moreeducationalcompleters than 9 andgoals.goal; out graduates of more 10 former than completely 95 students percent attained completely of graduates their or educational either partially partially reached goals. or Fifty-fivecompletelytheir education percent attained goals. of theirYavapai educational College goal.former From students 63 percent completely to 86 attainedpercent oftheir Graduates, Completers,Who Attained Former Their Students Educational Goals tr)0'16 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% P ercentage 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Completely Partially 0OEMS Former Completers StudentsNursingYC Graduates Assistant CBS3.A.2 (05/03) Not at all Students Who Attained their Educational Goals (N=115)YavapaiProgram College Graduates (98-99) Not at All 1% AttainedPartially 21% Completely Attained 78% (N=13)Yavapai(N=63) College GraduatesNursing Graduates (99-00) (99-00) 5% 10% 100% 85% Nursing(NEmergency = 74)38) Assistant Medical Completers Services Completers 3% 34%18% 63%82% Source:(NFormer = 306) StudentsYavapai College Graduate Follow-up Survey, Nursing Assistant and Emergency Medical Services Completer Surveys, Former Student Survey 9% 36% 55% CBS3.A.2 (05/03) articulatedCBS 4. Graduates in the Qualities who will of anbe Educatedbetter prepared Person for citizen participation and for the workplace, as Table of Contents B.A. 1. NumberGraduates of students Prepared involved for Citizenthe in civicWorkplace Participation and community service 3.2.1. NumberStudentEmployer of experience graduates survey results whoportfolio received promotions or stayed in their jobs CBS4CBS4.A.1 anGraduatesNumber Educated of whoPerson students will be involved better prepared in civic forand citizen community participation service and efforts for the workplace, as articulated in the Qualities of activities.YavapaiMetric A.1 College students are involved in a number of community service projects. The following provides a partial list of their 2002/2003 Graduates prepared for citizen participation Student Organization Yavapai College Partners Community Service Activity throughSponsoredOffice the by Student or Coordinated Activities YavapaiPrescottChannelSky View PoliceCollege3 School,in Phoenix, and Marketing KTVK Fire Y.C.'s Depts. TV Dept. Phi - Theta Kappa, red,MarketingSeptember white andDepartment 11th blue Ribbon ribbon purchased Project and star over pins 700which yards the of August. membersKTVKassistancestudents ofTV of P.T.Kfrom filmedSky ViewPrescott it and School Policeaired assembled it and over Fire 4 times. Depts.with and . YavapaiOffice,School,AirAmerican Force Sheriff's PrescottFire Base,Legion Dist., 615' MobilePolice Post Yavapai Fighter 116,U.S. andCommand FirePrescottSquadron, Dept. Dept. Crew, Indian of ,Y.C.Sky Defense, Central Tribe,View Sheriff's Luke SchoolapproximatelySeptember and community11th 1500 Memorial attended members Ceremony from campus, Sky View ofMedicalValleyPrescott ShuttleYavapai, Florist, TransitCenter, U, Local Globe AZ Authority,Chino MilitaryDept. Theatre, Valley of KPPVRecruitmentTransportation, Youth Unified 106.7 Volunteer School Offices,FM, VA Prescott District,Services Mr. CBS4.A.1 (05/03) Jim Burns, Ms. C.J. Barnett, Mr. Steve Annibale, YavapaiSafety CollegeOfficers Marketing, and Volunteers, Yavapai Yavapai College College Campus LeagueNativeCampus Americanof Life Women Club Voters VoterFlyentertainmentNative Bread Registration American sale and NativeDay Day American Club sponsored provided Native conductedAmerican in September Prescott College, U.S. Navy Special Programs office Navystudents,makingChief"Men Deep voterofPetty faculty Honor"Sea registration Officer diver, and the staff. status,lst story Blackeasy Over of l' and manCarlto 60 achieve very peopletoBrashear, be accessible reinstated Masterregistered. 1st Black for to Embry Riddle A. University VeteransnextserviceConductedOpen night afterto DayCarlcommunity. an in Celebration Brashear amputation.the Food spoke Court Movie toand over wasGame 180 shown Roompeople. and area November. OpenMLKBahai toDayClub, everyone, Diversity held Alliance in Performance of Yavapai Hall January. February.NationalMLKopenOpen to Day Salute everyone, to Hospitalized held in Performance Veterans Hall January. Resident Hall Assistants duringAuctionValentine'sWentappreciation to Valentine's VA Bachelor/BachloretteMedical program Dance Center for with resident to proceedsassist DanceVeterans. with benefiting their and February. 3 RA's conducted auction Harkins Movie Tickets DiscountN.O.A.H.Yavapaisaleanimals). of Bigdiscounted Movie(Needy, Brothers/Big Tickets orphaned, movie - SistersAssisted tickets abused and to in andstudents, and helpless coordinate faculty CBS4.A.1 (05/03) and staff. Student Organization Yavapai College Partners Community Service Activity AssociationStudent Government AAAActivitiesY.C. StudentTaxi Office Support Services and Verde Student taxiSponsoredreducedBroadway"Swing" rides for rates. showResidentCall Open ASwing Ride Hallto community. atand students. Gammage Live providing at significantly free, safe April. Co-sponsored day trip to see Student Nurses Association United Blood Services National60OctoberCommunity pints of2002 Bone blood Blood 43 Marrow pintsdonated. Drives of Programblood conducted donated; Drive in March 2003 boneShowoneMarch135 marrow nursing tonew talk donors.potential student about student appearing donors participation were on signedthe Tonya in up this toMock becomedrive. Nursing students conducted sign ups, with Prescott Valley Head Start providedParticipatedandassistedstudents purchased by withparticipated schoolin Dressorganizing clothes nurses A by Child for enteringintodonated 80 programchildren studentclothes database,from forinformation the shoppers November Nursing YavapaiParalegal Association of SalvationYavapai Food Army Bank Food Bank nonThanksgivingHolidayBank.Prescott perishable ValleyFood Foodfood Drive Head and Drive Start donated Program. it to Yavapai Food December November. Collected Salvation Army Angel Tree purchaseearnedChristmasSalvationParticipated itemsworking Army. Angels in for Food the10 needyconcessionProgram Drive children. with Money stand donation was this madespent club to CBS4.A.1 (05/03) Student Organization Yavapai College Partners Community Service Activity . Community Legal Services, DivorcestudentsFundEstablishment with inClinics $600the Paralegalof conductedscholarships Paralegal program. in Scholarship availableMarch in toPrescott assist and PhiKathy Theta McCormic Kappa from ADR and 4 attorneys In'sAdvancedassistprogramJune and in 29 Verde out's,alongclients Directives of how'swith seeking 2003. community and Seminar 22 divorce why's students offorserviceinformation. AdvancedfromSeniors partnerships Paralegal May. Environmental Club GrandHavasupaiChartwells Canyon Reservation in the ClubTraileatingWorkingDirectives membersand ware toCampGround bringto hiked our more cafeteria to Havasupai earth-friendlyCleanup Reservation utensils in theand open to seniors in our community. Student Activities Office admissionEnvironmentalDavidcampground.Grand CanyonRovics by donation Concertpickingand political up trash entertainer on the trail with and in the beneficiaryFebruary. was Prescott filmThisCommunityOpenUnion "Barakaclub to for the hostedPeace community Potluck- journey anda potluck Justice. of with rediscovery dinner about and 100 thatpresented attendees. plunges the into October Phi Beta Lambda VA2intonature, students Hospitalthe into realm and history, Visit oftheir the advisorinto infmite." the visitedhuman thespirit, residents and fmally at the January CBS4.A.1 (05/03) Student Organization Yavapai College Partners Community Service Activity PrescottMichael SamaritanBacigalupi Village TherapyScrabbleopenPriorities to everyone. departmentDay of Financial club Planning members March will participate seminar in April Through the Recreation Phi Theta Kappa AmericanCity of Prescott Cancer Valley Society Action Network AnplayingcityPrescott ongoing wide Scrabble Valley cleanproject with up Clean in day residents.which Up P.T.KDay May chapter Participate members in Skyview School, Y.C. Student Activities Office join thechapterSeptemberemail.about Network cancer members 11th torelated communicate Ribbonparticipated issues Project via with with phone legislators Sky calls, View letter School and August. P.T.K. American Cancer Society WorkSkinpatiencewithchildren eventCancer shop toand programs.assembleopen meaning Prevention to everyone ribbons Lessonof volunteering. Project thatonlearned how were towas handed prevent patriotism, out Skin Sept. County Health Dept. - AmericanRepresentativesGreatCancer American Lung Associationfrom Smoke-Out County provided Health November Dept. information and and Native American Club VABig Medical Brothers/Sisters Center and Y.C. Student Activities Office ClubVeteransParticipatedworkshop members on in how participatedNational toraised stop Salute$150.00 smoking. in Bowl to for Hospitalized Openfor this Kids organizationto March February CBS4.A.1 (05/03) Campus Crusade for Christ Student OrganizationYavapai College Partners Move in Assistance Community Service Activity August Residence Hall Student Assoc. andEventBlocktoClub res. get members forHallsParty to allknow andresident assisted eachprovided hallother. resident studentsbottled hall water. to students mingle, movedance in September MCK Woodworking, Inc. flyers.CotterbyOctoberHelen folding Proceeds whoCotter Club brochures, is battlingmembersbenefitedGolf Tournament stuffingcancer. assistedcommunity envelops with and member project Benefit and putting mailingHelen up KGCB 90.0 Radio, Voice of the Martyrs Christianitydifferencesseminar1000For the members Loveto gainin beliefsof of a Islambetterthe betweencommunity Seminarunderstanding Muslims attended of and the this February. Over International Club Resident Hall Assistant AttendedBuddhistSeptemberPot Luck Monkperformance& Foreign speaker Film SAMITE "Himalaya" in Performance Hall October Source: Departmental Records ERAU InternationalWorld Hunger Festival BanquetSeptember February October CBS4.A.1 (05/03) CBS4.B.1 Number of graduates who received promotions or stayed in their jobs MetricCBS4 B.1information to be gathered from Long-term Graduate Follow-up Study. Scheduled for academic year 2003-04. PersonGraduates preparedwho will forbe betterthe workplace prepared for citizen participation and for the workplace, as articulated in the Qualities of an Educated

CBS4.B.1 (05/03) MetricCBS4CBS4.B.2 B.2 EducatedGraduatesEmployer Person whopreparedsurvey will results befor better the workplace prepared for citizen participation and for the workplace, as articulated in the Qualities of an overallMoreThe following than job 90preparation. percent is repeated of More the from employers than the two-thirds previous of Yavapai of report. the College employers Data graduates will are be willing updated and course to hirein November completers another paralegal 2003.indicate graduate; satisfaction 100 with percent their of employee's the nursing completer.AllCollegeassistant of the EMS employers employers completer. indicated surveyed they for thewould Fire hire Science another and course Automotive completer programs and 92 indicated percent ofthey the would EMS employershire another would Yavapai hire College another programYavapai NursingEmployers Assistant of: of Graduates Completer and Course Completers Satisfaction with Overall Job Preparation Verypoor Poor Fair8% Good 59% goodVery33% (N=13)Emergency(NParalegal = 3)12) Graduate Medical Services Completer -- -- 15% 54%33% 31%67% (N=4)Automotive(N=7)Fire Science ProgramCourse Completer Course Completer 50%14% 25%57% 25%29% CBS4.B.2 (05/03) Percentage of Employers of Graduates Willing to Hire Another Graduate or Course Completer Nursing(NEmployers = 12) Assistant of: Completer Not sure No reservation Yes, with defmitely 100% Yes, Fire(N=12)Emergency(NParalegal = Science3) Graduate Medical Course CompleterServices Completer 33% 8% -- 14%17%33% 86%75%33% Source:(N=4)Automotive(N=7) Paralegal Program Graduate Course Survey, Completer Nursing Assistant Completer Survey, EMS Completer Survey 75% 25%

CBS4.B.2 (05/03) MetricCBS4CBS4.B.3 B.3 EducatedGraduatesStudent Person experience preparedwho will forbeportfolio betterthe workplace prepared for citizen participation and for the workplace, as articulated in the Qualities of an required,Theadaptableaccommodate Capstone to completeto Portfolio the students: workplace. electronic course, pre-session Students LSC200, portfolios and also now summerto have allow has the10 classesfor instructorsoption easy and archivingof onlinecreating familiar sectionsbut a with portfolioalso thebesidesto showcasematerials organized the regular aand greateraround the semester course varietya Resume isclasses. of offered theiras the Students skills,in start ofincluding the technology skills a variety of formats to are encouraged,an employability but not portfolio. InstitutionalwellandExhibits software as collaboration showing Assessment applications, preparation in teams of and a sampling for andreflective the synthesis/transfer workplace of writing portfolios havethat from of highlightsincluded skills 2000-fall from accounting workplace one 2002 area was spreadsheets,appropriate of completed their life outcomes to businessin another spring suchplans, 2003.(academic, as Resultsself-directive, workplace, of the assessmentcritical, community, and have reflective etc.). documented thinking and power point presentations, computer graphics as Source:andanalyzed published Departmental in a report on the from College Records the website.General Education and Outcomes Assessment Coordinators. The report will be presented to the various academic divisions

CBS4.B.3 (05/03) Table of Contents A.CBS 5. Enhanced capacity to attract and retain businessesEnhanced Capacity to Attract Businesses B. 1. NumberEnhanced of employeesnew Capacity businesses counseled to and Retain new or trainedemployeesBusinesses CBSCBS5.A.1 5 EnhancedNumber of capacity new businesses to attract and and new retain employees businesses FromMetric 1997 A.1 through 2002, the Small Business Development Center assisted 293 new business start-ups that resulted in 1,006 new employees. Capacity to retain businesses New Business and Employees in Yavapai County Assisted by Professional Development Center New businesses 1997 37 1998 41 1999 49 2000 47 2001 58 2002 61 1997-2002 293 NewSource: employees Departmental Records 123 219 289 115 123 137 1,006

CBS5.A.1 (05/03) MetricCBS5CBS5.B.1 B.1 EnhancedCapacityNumber capacity ofto retainemployees to businesses attract counseled and retain or businesses trained In 2002, the Small Business Development Center counseled 408 individuals and trained 398. Yavapai College Small Business Development Center Yavapai County Businesses Assisted by

ElTrainedCounseled 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 TotalCBS5.B.1SBDC Cases Counseling (05/03) 4082002 #SBDC Trained Training - 2002 398 InCaPE 2002, Training the Community Figures and Professional Education (CaPE) was integrated into the Office of Workforce and Economic Development. 2002 NumberCustomListed of below TrainingCourses are the training figures for the year 2002. Performed on-site at a business and agency for their employees only. 47 TotalNumberheldComputer Course since of Attendees YavapaiContactShort Classes HoursCollege vacated the Elks building Held in Elks Computer Lab until May 2002. Open to public, but often attended by business employees. No longer 353434 NumberTotal Courseof CoursesAttendees Contact Hours 112117 26 NumberPublic Workshops/Courses of CoursesAmerican Management Association Courses Advertised and open to the public. Primarily workshops put on by the Institute for Applied Gerontology and AMA6 NumberaSpecialTotal one-credit Courseof Groups Attendees course. Contact Did Hours not come in summer 2002 due to health of the leader. This is primarily the Japanese Exchange Group that comes most summers. Although their stay is several weeks, they complete 168 80 TotalNumber Course of CoursesAttendees Contact Hours 00 CBS5.B.1Source: Departmental (05/03) Records CBS 6. Businesses with the capacity to generate sustainable economic growth and create Table of Contents living wage 1. Capacity to Generate Sustainable Economic Growth B. 1. EconomicCapacityBusinesses impact toassisted Generate and with return salesSustainable on and public finance investmentEconomic Growth MetricCBS6CBS6.A.1 B.1 BusinessCapacityBusinesses with to Createassistedthe capacity Living with to salesWage generate and Jobs finance sustainable economic growth and create living wage jobs FromUpdated 1997 data through for this 2000, metric 28 businesses is unavailable were assistedat this time. with fmancingThe following totaling is $14repeated million from dollars. the previous report. BusinessofThe these Yavapai items Assisted College have withbeen PDC Salesrecently or the and Stateinstituted; Finance does however,not track theresults revenue are not available at this time. generated by growth, average employees, etc. Procedures to gauge the growth of some Bank Loans , $2.8m 1997 $3.1m 1998 $4.6m 1999 $3.5m 2000 1997-2000 $14.0m Total Source:Clients Assisted Departmental with Financing Records 5 6 9 8 28 CBS6.A.1 (05/03) CBS6CBS6.B.1 BusinessEconomic with impact the capacity of college to generate on Yavapai sustainable County economic growth and create living wage jobs directly.YavapaiMetric B.1 ForCollege example, provides it is majornearly economic impossible benefits to place to a the dollar local value economy. on the Some economic of these benefit benefits derived are fromsignificant having but a traineddifficult and to educatedmeasure Economic impact and return on public investment,property,areworkforce tangible, salaryand available and invest payments, their forin value the local andcommunity. is businesses. possiblecapital construction. toDollars Nonetheless, estimate. are circulatedTheThese many college dollars of throughout theprovides in economic turn stimulate jobs;the localbenefits its employees theeconomy providedlocal economy throughand by students Yavapai collegeleading consume College purchasesto new goodsto jobs the of and andlocalgoods additionalservices, community and own firmInState academic that of Arizonaconducted year 2001-02,Study the association Yavapai ofCollege college participated trustees study in a conducted statewide thiseconomic study. impactReports study were for provided the community for each communitycollege system. college The and same statewide. YavapailessTaxpayers than College1 year.see a return pays $20.3on investments million in indirect the Yavapaifaculty and County staff Communitywages and salaries, College and District explains of >100% an additional and recover $62.3 all million investments in wages in millionThesheandStudents willsalariesState per receive of year. enjoy offArizona campus.a ancumulative attractivebenefits $4.35from 25% improved inannual higher return futurehealth on earningand their reduced investment over welfare,the next of unemployment,30time years. and moneyfor and everycrime, $1 saving the student the public invests some in $2.1 YC; he or CBS6.B.1 (05/03) AssociationPrevious Studies of College Trustees Study Yavapaiunemployment.theIn 1999-00 measurement College in conjunction This ofStudy social model withbenefits. computed the AssociationSocial a tax benefits investment of College include return Trustees,such range factors of Yavapai 11:1 as reduced to College29:1 ratio.crime, participated improved in health, an economic lower welfareimpact studyand that included economy.returnedIn 1998-99, $175 This the million includes: tax investment to the local in Yavapaieconomy. College For every was tax $19 dollar million, invested, including nineCollege county dollars expenditures property taxes in Yavapai and state County tax support. This investment were directly returned to the Yavapai County IncreasedTuitionMoneyAdditionalStudent collegesavings earningand business related employeesover of studentsstate visitor/Elderhostelrevenues universities spend and generated ingraduates Yavapai expenditure by Countythese expenditures in Yavapai County

CBS6.B.1 (05/03) neededCBS 7. Theto be capacity competitive to access in a global information, economy expertise, technology assistance, and resources Table of Contents A. 2.1. NumberCapacity of tolibrarycomputer access users labsinformation from and theutilization community, rate number participating in Internet training 5.4.3. NumberList of all of divisions fullagencies and part-timeand assisted depts. byfaculty in-house Information involved with andprogramming professionally Technology expertise inServices community and inside skills and outside Yavapai College t--1-461\.) B. 2.1. NumberCapacity participatedof information to access in extensiontechnologyexpertise mobile courses lab offered through various divisions , CBS7CBS7.A.1 NumberThe capacity of computer to access labs information, and utilization expertise, rate technology.assistance, and resources needed to be competitive in a global YavapaiTheMetric following A.1 College is offers repeated students from access the previous to 728 computers report. Data available will be in updated 47 locations in November throughout 2003. the district Capacityeconomy to access information a 7.5 percent increase over the previous year. CampusYavaallowThere Internetareai ColleLocation 408 andcomputers e Com email uter access. at theLabs Prescott 2001/2002 campus, 252 at the Verde Valley campus, and 68 at other college locations. All computers are configured to Lab Name Number of Computers Prescott Anatomy/PhysiologyAutomotiveArt/MusicAcademic SystemsLab Lab Classroom/Lab Lab 2116 29 Business/ComputerChemistryBotany Lab Lab Science Science CI Classroom as sroom (C(13-101) SA175) 2012 32 EnglishCiscoBusiness/Computer Classroom Classroom and Science LabScience Lab CI Lab as sroom (C SA150) 21304840 ForeignLearningGunsmithingForeignFinancial Language Language CenterAid/Student Classroom Lab Services 36 435 MayerMath/ScienceHousingLibrary Access Applications ClassroomCenter On-line 2528 21 CBS7.A.1 (05/03) NursingPeak Lab 12 8 Yava ai Colle e Com uter Labs 2001/2002 Continued Campus Location StudentResidenceLab Name Clubs Hall Lab Number of Computers 10 9 TestingVeteransTechnologyStudent Center Job Upward SearchLab Bound 1016 91 VerdePrescott Total AcademicWeaving Systems Classroom 408 13 1 Business/ComputerBiology Lab Science LabClassroom III 551616 2 LibraryLearningFinancialEnglish Classroom/Lab CenterAid/Student Services 172322 1 SedonaSkillsCampNursing CenterVerde Center Lab Lab Arts/Technology Medical Transcription Lab 5020 56 OtherVerde Total MobileSedona LabCisco Classroom and Lab 252 15 6 Other Total ProfessionalChinoPrescott Valley Valley Development Center 681817 YavapaiCBS7.A.1Source: College Departmental (05/03) District Records Total 728 MetricCBS7CBS7.A.2 A.2 CapacityeconomyTheNumber capacity ofto accesslibrary to access information users information, from the community, number expertise, technology assistance, and resources needed to be competitive in a global participating in Internet training averagelargestThe following research daily patronage tables iscollection repeated detail of inYavapai fromYavapai Yavapai the College College'sprevious County libraries withlibrary an is academic 1,098. report. Data will be updated in November 2003. resources, and the growth in the use of library services. The library's circulation makes it the year 2000-01 circulation total of 84,879an increase of 20 percent from 1997-98. The Yavapaitheof Inlibrary previous addition College provided years. to Yavapai libraries electronic Colleges'are openresources tolibraries, the (Internet-based public. students In academic and products,faculty have CD-ROM, research and avenues Law programthat reach products) literally totaledworld wide 62,563,year through 2000-01, an increase use 10,841 of ofthe 88 The members used College libraries. percent over use CirculationDistrict Circulation Figures 1997-1998 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 VerdePrescott 56,91214,114 66,41215,142 63,95919,742 24,03960,840 TotalSource: Departmental Records 71,026 81,554 83,701 84,879 CBS7.A.2 (05/03) Circulation by Patron Category Prescott 1998-99 Verde Total Prescott 1999-00 Verde Total Prescott 2000-01 Verde Total Students (YC)(others) 16,488 1,535 2,816 0 2,816 0 16,806 1,161 4,926 0 21,732 1,161 13,982 943 4,641 --- 18,623 943 Non-teachingFaculty staff 3,2975,756 2,8411,192 2,8411,192 3,2205,175 2,5952,345 5,8157,529 5,795 3,739 9,534 CommunityDepartments 10,597 199 2,179 0 2,179 0 9,880 38 0 13,119 38 2,734 19 3,010 --- 5,744 19 Inter-libraryOther ILI} loan (ILL) 16,114 1,339 4,2941,587 4,2941,587 14,844 1,184 4,6321,7373,239 19,476 2,921 8,0621,247 2,7791,793 10,841 3,040 TotalOther 66,41211,087 15,142 233 15,142 233 63,95911,651 19,742 259 83,70111,910 60,84012,49915,452 24,039 4,319 206 84,87912,70519,771 Source:*Inter libraryInter-library Departmental loan outside loan Records within of the the Yavapai library consortium Yavapai library consortium CBS7.A.2 (05/03) Library Content Statistics BooksPrescott (volumes) and Verde collections 1997-98 88,189 Total 1998-99 92,555 Total 1999-00 92,693 Total 2000-01 Total PeriodicalDocuments subs. vols. 70,051 1,107 70,087 1,109 71,670 1,118 68,57096,796 1,118 ItemSource:Audio in Dynix Visual Departmental titles Records 94,216 5,858 99,024 5,634 106,266 6,796 96,796 7,032 Average Daily Gate Count 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 In-house Electronic Resources 1998-99 1999-00 VerdePrescott 1,091 235 1,274 259 246897 232866 CD-ROMInternet-based 26,393 28,045 2000-01 62,563 832 Total 1,326 1,533 1,143 1,098 LabLaw applicationsProgram 1,1053,658 4,543 679 71,803 209 Source: Departmental Records Total 31,156 33,267 135,407 CBS7.A.2*Prescott (05/03) location also includes Community campus figures MetricCBS7CBS7.A.3 A.3 CapacityeconomyNumberThe capacity ofto accessagencies to access information assisted information, by Information expertise, and technology Technology assistance, Services and inside resources and outsideneeded toYavapai be competitive College in a global departments.YavapaiThe following College's Additionally, is repeatedInformation ITSfrom andassists the Technology previous some local report.Services school Data (ITS)districts will provides be(see updated highlights hardware, in Novemberlisted software, below). 2003.and programming support within the college to all Chino Valley and Skull Valley School DistrictsB.A. ProvidesFunctions technical as the Internet and installation/troubleshooting Service Provider (ISP) assistance GO Prescott Unified School District A. trainingWorks with to volunteers the Prescott to helpUnified with School computer District support (PUSD) at the Information PUSD schools and Technology department to potentially provide technical Sylvan Prometric Testing Center A. Yavapai College has been accepted as a Sylvan Prometric Testing Center. Yavapai College may now offer testing and assessment Source: Departmental Records oneservices would for have professional to travel licensureto Phoenix and to certificationtake a certification in over exam 80 subject areas - including testing for Microsoft Certification. In the past, CBS7.A.3 (05/03) CBS7CBS7.A.4 TheList capacityof all divisions to access and information, depts. in-house expertise, with technologyprogramming assistance, and expertise resources and needed skills to be competitive in a global SurveyMetric ofA.4 in-house programming expertise and skills to be determined at a later date. Capacityeconomy to access information

CBS7.A.4 (05/03) CBS7.A.5 Number of full and part-time faculty involved professionally in community ResultsMetricCBS7 A.5 of the survey conducted by The Leadership Center on the college community volunteer efforts will be provided at economyCapacityThe capacity to access to access information information, expertise, technology assistance, and resources needed to be competitive in a global a later date.

CBS7.A.5 (05/03) CBS7CBS7.B.1 TheNumber capacity of information to access information, technology expertise, courses offeredtechnology through assistance, various and divisions resources needed to be competitive in a AllMetric of Yavapai B.1 College's information and technology courses are located in the Business division. During the past five globalCapacity economy to access information years, over BasicSelected100 uniqueCourses Information computer courses and Technology have been developed Courses and offered. Hardware Related Courses Software Usage Courses WindowsMeetGettingBasic theComputer to Macintosh TipsKnow and Literacyyour Tricks Using Personal Claris Computer Works UpgradePCComputer ArchitectureInstallationTroubleshooting your Upgrading Personal and Maintenance Computer Repair AccessPowerpointMicrosoftAdvanced for WorksExcel MicrosoftWindows for Windows Fundamentals I Word ProgrammingPrinciples of Programming in VisualBasicCoursesC++ Basic JavaSurfmg3-DCreatingInternet WebProgramming the WebDesignRelated Internet Pages Courses NetworkWideNetworkCISCO Area Routers AcademyFundamentals Networks (WAN) CBS7.B.1 (05/03) TheMetricCBS7CBS7.B.2 following B.2 is repeated from the previous report. Data will be updated in November 2003. EnhancedCapacityNumber capacity participatedto access to expertise attract in extension and retain mobile businesses lab roster.DropyearThe use1999-00 in usageof the and forextension 2000-01,the past mobile three usage yearslab has has beenmay increased beincreased attributed steadily for to academic marketin Yavapai saturation. year County 2001-02 Only from with 10 1995 16classes additional offered students to date (21in 2001/02 percent) have over made the previous the year. 1999. While there was a significant drop in academic fmal 180 Number of Students Using Mobile Computer Lab 173 140160 145 a)*- 100120 02 2 60so 66 2040 Note:CBS7.B.2 Numbers (05/03) include Custom Training and Career Skills. 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Table of Contents healthierCBS 8. communitiesEducated and informed community leaders who possess the vision and knowledge to build A. 2.1. AchievementsNumberInformed of participants Community of graduates, in community long-term seminars and forums; accomplishments and impact MetricCBS8CBS8.A.1 A.1 EducatedNumber ofand participants informed community in community leadersleaders seminars who possess and forums;the vision accomplishments and knowledge to and build impact healthier communities Availabilityassistance,Yavapai College Yavapai of Leadership offers County a wide will Training variety have citizens ofand leadership Assistance who possess training Supported the and vision assistance by and the knowledge Leadership to Yavapai to CenterCountybuild healthier residents. communities. With this training and PurposeServiceProject TitleArea opportunitiesPredominatelyThe1 dayComing conference andof statewide Age challenges training Moderator but self-selected includesof an Training aging 9 from populationcitizens Yavapai the skills County to moderate public forums on the Participants 43 . PurposeServiceProject TitleArea . ToTfi-CityThe gather Coming Area input of fromAge Choicecitizens Workon how Dialogue to prepare Arizona communities for the opportunities 40 ServiceProject TitleArea RuralGovernor'sand challenges Northern Education presentedArizona Summit: by an aging K-12 population Classroom Spending . 200+ PurposeServiceProject TitleArea ToRuralGovernor'sof administration gather Northern input Annual Arizonafrom and Forestcitizens,educators operating Health elected on costs. how and and YC to Safety appointedget provided more Conference money officials,facilitators back and forinto forestry breakout the classrooms experts sessions on and how out 400+ PurposeServiceProject TitleArea ConvenePrescottTreeto care City, for Area community U.S.ANorthern Arizonapartners develop YC plan provided to become facilitators a tree cityfor breakoutU.S.A member sessions allowing 12 PurposeServiceProject TitleArea ToYavapaiSavethe conveneCity Young's ofCounty Prescott community Farm more leaders grant opportunities to save Young's to protect farm from the forest development and urban through trees 30 CBS8.A.1 (05/03) conservation easements, grants, conservation farming, etc. PurposeServiceProject TitleArea ToNationalAchievement design Project a discussion Gap impacting guide Yavapai on the issueCounty of the achievement gap to be used in community 20 PurposeServiceProject TitleArea PresentationBlackCareerforums Canyon bySkills citizens. on GraduatingCity leadership... class "Just in do Black it!" Canyon City 12 ProjectPurposeService TitleArea TeachingPartnersstudentsCivicArizona Engagement civic tofor be participationActive involved in Leadership Servicein practicestheir communitiesLearning to teachers Curriculum to use in their classrooms to inspire 100+ PurposeServiceProjectPurpose TitleArea GubernatorialWestTrainingTri-CityGubernatorial Yavapai Areaseminar CandidatesCounty onForum Community (Primary)Forum Leadership at YC Performance Hall August 6, 2002 20028 ProjectPurposeServiceProject Title TitleArea U.S.StateWestLegislative CongressionalLegislativeYavapai Forum County District (Primary) Forum #1Candidates (Primary) at YC Performance Forumat YC Performance Hall Hall August 8, 2002 August 12, 2002 120 ProjectPurposeService Title Area SedonaCleanCongressionalWest Yavapai Elections and East CountyDistrict YavapaiForum in LegislativeCandidates County Forum Forum (Primary) in Sedona August 13, 2002 12045 PurposeProjectService Title Area GubernatorialWestState LegislativeYavapai CandidatesCounty & District Legislative #1Candidates & State Forum Legislative (General)Forum District #1 Forum September 18, 2002 200 ProjectPurposeService Title Area CleanInformationEastBallot Yavapai ElectionsPropositions Forum County Forum on Forum Ballot Legislative (General) Measures Forum in Clarkdale (General) in Clarkdale October 2, 2002 October 10, 2002 25 CBS8.A.1PurposeService Area (05/03) StateEast Yavapai Legislative County District in Candidates Forum 25 ServiceProject TitleArea WestBallot Yavapai Propositions County Forum (General) in Prescott October 24, 2002 25 PurposeServiceProject TitleArea ManagementCitizenWestBureauInformation Yavapai participationof Landplans Forum County Management on for Ballot Agua Measures Fria Public National Meeting Monument (2 session) & Bradshaw-Harquahala Land 200 ProjectPurposeService Title Area CityWestAffordableStrategic ofYavapai Prescott planningHousing County General for two Plan affordable housing commissions Board of Directors 30 ServiceProjectPurposeService TitleArea Area SedonaBigInvitedCity Brothersof Prescott800and PrescottEast Big Yavapai Sisters Residents CountyBoard to attendof Directors open houses Retreat for draft City of Prescott General plan - 800 18 PurposeServiceProject TitleArea DesignWestTri-CityBoardDesign Yavapai and of Partnershipand Directorsdeliver deliverCounty strategic strategic(For Children planning planning withsession session Special for for the VerdeHealth members Valley care needs) Big Brothers Big Sisters 35 ProjectPurposeService TitleArea FileTwo-hourPrescott of Life ValleyValley training and Chamber on Tri-City reinvigorating of Area Commerce board Non-Profitmembers of Organizations Non-Profit Boards 70 ProjectPurposeService Title Area YavapaiFlightEmergencyGranite Safety Shadows College Medical Survey StudentsNeighborhood Intervention from Yavapai Association, for housebound County Prescott 7420 PurposePurposeServiceProject TitleArea LeadershipYavapaiAmeriCorpSurvey by County ERAU training Partners Graduate for and Partners Membersstudent and on Member LeadershipAirline of Safety the Training AmeriCorp Procedures partnership & Exit Row Training 26 CBS8.A.1 (05/03) Project Title PurposeService Area developmentlocalToBagdad,Bagdad improve government CoreAZ the projects. Community quality and private of life Monthly industryin Bagdad Meetings to byaddress partnering problems with and local to communityimplement economicorganizations, 20 PurposeServiceProject TitleArea severalresourceProjectPrescottBurying communitydesign Areadevelopmentthe Utility to teach partners Lines and collaboration, environmental Mountain conflict Club protection Park management, to the residents community of Mountain building andClub and 369

CBS8.A.1 (05/03) CBS8.A.2 Achievements of graduates, long-term AchievementsMetricCBS8 A.2 of Yavapai College graduates will be collected at a future date in the long-term graduate follow-up study. InformedEducated communityand informed leaders community leaders who possess the vision and knowledge to build healthier communities

CBS8.A.2 (05/03) CBS 9. Access to a wide-array of cultural opportunities Table of Contents A. 2.1. NumbersNumberAccess ofto participating a Wide-array in culturally of Cultural diverse Opportunities. classes and programs and events offered at the Performance Hall and people attending programs MetricCBS9CBS9.A.1 A.1 AccessNumber to a ofwide-array programs of and cultural events opportunities offered at the Performance Hall and people attending AnotherattendedYavapai estimatedCollege'scultural events Performance19,840 at individualsYavapai Hall College. is participated a cornerstone In 2002 in alone,Yavapai for cultural over College 27,610 events supported peoplein Prescott attended cultural and Yavapaievents and community at County.the Yavapai events. In total, College an estimated Performance 47,450 Hall. individuals 2002concertsIn a recent Yavapai in surveythe performanceCollege conducted Supported hall. on Performance Attendance/involvement Cultural andHall Community usage in increases Yavapai Events toCounty, more thanover 6139 percentpercent inof the the Prescott respondents region. district wide reported attending Participants MartinMusicInternationalPrescottArt Gallery Department'sLuther Symphony and Students King Sculpture Jr.'scommunity campus birthday Garden and brown activities Exhibitions community bag lunch activities concerts 2002SubtotalPhoenixFacilitiesMusic on Department SymphonyCampus Rentals Events Concerts 19,840 TotalChildren'sPerformance Attendance Artist Hall in events Residence attendance programs (see below) all events 47,45027,610 N/A CBS9.A.1 (05/03) ArtistYavapai in ResidenceCollege/City Program of Prescott/Acker Trust/Pam & Bob Haber include:needsTheyareEach featured year alsostudents Abia serveYavapai in Judd, specialand YEI!, College SterlingChristian thedaytime Arizona presentsRanch. Academy, performances Pioneers Most a varied Granite of Home,the scheduleduring performances Mountain VA the of Center,school artists Middle, are year.Margaretin atresidence Hall YavapaiThis Home T. program Morrisprogram College School, servesCenter, forPerformance Headstart, the students Prescott youth Heritage from of HallAdult Yavapai public,(YCPH). Day Christian County. Care,private, Prescott Y.E.S.Educators; Music,charter schools the dance and ARC,Lincoln, servedhome and special theaterMiller schools.this year TheCoyoteCharter,Valley, cost SpringsMountain Taylorfor performances Hicks,Elementary, Oak Charter,and atWashington. FranklinYCPH New isAdventures Phonetic $1 Other per student, YavapaiPrimary, Pre-school, teachers, County Heritage Prescott aides,schools Middle, Mileand include: Mayerparents. High ChinoMiddle, High, Or, if ValleyParkview thePUSD artist High Home Middle,visits Life Bound, their Skills and respective Paulden Primavera,Club, Cottonwood Elementary. schools, Sacred the Heart, Elementary, cost Skyviewis $200 Sources:per performance. Departmental Records Master Plan Survey, November 1999

CBS9.A.1 (05/03) MetricCBS9CBS9.A.2 A.2 AccessCulturalNumbers to adiversity wide-arrayparticipating of culturalin culturally opportunities diverse classes and programs diverseCulturalThe following cultures. diversity is Last isrepeated a year,necessity Yavapaifrom in the today's College previous global offered report. economy. 88 Datainternational/multicultural Yavapai will be Collegeupdated offers in November studiesstudents courses, multiple2003. which opportunities had an enrollment to study and of 1,089.learn about an array of YavapaiCourses College International and Multicultural Studies Offerings and Enrollment and Enrollment 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 InternationalSource:EnrollmentNumber Institutional of and MulticulturalResearch Data Warehouse;Studies Courses sec_basics; Offered academic at Yavapai year: fall, College spring, summer Courses 1256, 82 1252: 86; 11791 831 1035 74 1089 88 ANT211ANT102AHSAHS150 151 WomenIntro.Chi Kung To in Cultural IICross-Cultural Anthropology Perspective GE0105GE0104GE0102 Intro.TheWorld International To Geography Cultural ExperienceGeography - East LSC/HIS201LSC1010LSCIOIL Western Civilization I Connections:Connections: Culture Women & Human Issues/Options Values ENG217ART201ART200ART100 MajorArt HistoryAppreciation Issues III in World Literature HIS281HIS242HIS241HIS230GE0201 Global Issues LatinModernTraditionalIslamic American CivilizationAsian Asian Civilization Civilization Civilization PHE132MUS240LSC251LSC/H1S203LSC/HIS202 Western Civilization IIIII CulturalT'aiMusic Chi DiversityAppreciation Chih GE0101ENG239LENG235Source: World Travel YavapaiImages Geography Literature S.W. College Chicano General- West Literature Catalog LSCIO1AHUM242HUM241 Humanities Connections: in Athe Sense Western of Place World III PHI245PHI240PH1201 IntroductionPhilosophyComparative East toReligions Eastern and West Philosophy CBS9.A.2 (5/03) CBS 10. Access to benefits of partnerships created with various Table of Contents private and public entities A. 1. PartnershipsAccess to Benefits with private of Partnershipsand public entities InterMetricCBS10CBS10.A.1 overnmental A.1 A reement Partners ListPartnerships of partnerships with created privatecreated with and private public and entities public entities PartnersPurposePartnership EmploymentYavapaiDepartment'sToNACOG/WDC provide College, workshops specified and Northern AWEE tocurriculum Temporary AZ Council Assistance of Governments for Needy Families (TANF) and Food Stamp Workshop participants utilizing the Economic Workforce Development Center; AZ Women's Education & PartnersPurposePartnership Yavapaigradessocial,ToEducational help 6 College,emotional students Talent Bagdad developand Search academic USD, better Camp growthacademic Verde of skillstheir USD, childrenand Chino career Valley awareness, USD, Excellincrease Education competencies, Centers, completion Inc., Humboldt & graduation12, USD, help Mayer students become better prepared for postsecondary education & help gain greater parental participation in the rates in PartnersPurposePartnership YavapaiToTech-PrepUSD, provide Prescott College articulationConsortium USD Departments: of and vocational/technological Tech-Prep Business & Articulation Computer instruction Science, Agreement forConstruction students during & Building high school Trades, and Automotive, their first Welding, two years of college Partnership YavapaiJUSD,Centers,Manufacturing, Seligman Inc., County Humboldt Agriculture, USD Alternative USD, Early MayerEducation Childhood USD, Program Mingus Education; Springs Ash Charter Fork JUSD, School, Bagdad Mingus USD, UHSD, Camp Prescott Verde USD, Sedona-OakExcell Education Creek PartnershipPartnersPurpose EducationaloutToYavapai provideof school, College,an Services and/oralternative Prescott who methodhave USD the of academic academic ability instruction but are for not students achieving who at have their dropped competency out of level school, who Coconino Community College District are at-risk of dropping CBS10.A.1PartnersPurpose (05/03) YavapaiA basis for College, a cooperative Coconino endeavor Community in the College Sedona community between Coconino Community College and Yavapai College. PurposePartnership CooperativeJoint Use Agreement venture to share public facilities (Roughrider baseball field, Roughrider Tennis Courts, Ken Lindley Field, Walraven City of Prescott PurposePartnershipPartners ToYavapaiGym, provide Roughrider College, County Yavapai CityLeadershipsoftball County of Prescott, field, citizens Collaborative Yavapai Parks with &Performance opportunities Recreation CenterDepartment to develop and Yavapai their knowledge, College dorms skills and abilities in community leadership Partners ActiveYavapaidirectedprovidecapacity, Leadership citizens,government,College, to demonstrate the Embiy-Riddle (PAL), private cultivate the Youth sectorimportance entrepreneurship Aeronautical Count, and the ofUniversity publiccommunity University, in sector the of localArizonaleadership with Prescott non-profit a frameworkCooperative development College, sector in Tri-CityExtension whichto inempower fostering theyTown and may community Hall,several effective, participate APS, community inclusivedevelopment2020 in theForum, leadersprocesscommunities, Partners of a self- for to PartnersPurposePartnership moveYavapaiToODU providetheir Teletechnet College,locality access Old to higher Dominion education University through distance learning opportunities for students of Yavapai County who are unable to PartnersPurposePartnership TheAArizona andcommon Leadership expand State desire state Governor's Center to services provide at Yavapai Officeto Yavapai communities College, County AZin communities Yavapai State Governor's County with increased Office, Northern access to Arizona state resources Office Governor's and to serve Office the need to provide PartnersPurposePartnership andTheofToA meriCorpvolunteerism build GirlsLeadership civic Club Partnership infrastructure of Centerin Central Yavapai at YavapaiYavapai, County by recruiting College, Yavapaiand with volunteers Youth Tobacco-Free the employees Count, for vital United Partnership, of community Yavapai Way, SteppingCASACollege organizations (PUSD's Stones, andafter YMCA, the school college Big program) Brothers and by promotingBig Sisters, a Boy'sculture CBS10.A.1 (05/03) Partnership Arizona Civic Leadership Initiative PartnersPurpose TheCollegesbetweenhowTo convene LeadershipArizona Arizonaand citizens, Communityto enableCenter Community community peopleat YavapaiColleges Collegesin theleaders, College, can community andassist elected theCochise them communities toand insee Community appointedaddressing the relevance they officials College,those serve, of needs their toto Coconino expandfamiliarize communityand issues. community Community them Tocolleges. broadenwith ownership College,community and deepen ofCentral Arizona needs the Arizona and relationship Community issues and PurposePartnership ToACCESSNorthlandCommunity define theCenterPioneer provision College, Community Easternof services, College,Arizona facilities PimaCommunity use, Community access College, to College,services Mohave Yumaand Community facilities; Community and College, defme College Maricopamutually exclusiveCommunity responsibilities College, in PurposePartnershipPartners providingProvidesPOSTYavapai Articulation a College, 15jointly-developed semester Yavapai hours County ACCESSof credit Library to Center students District, in Mayerwho Mayer have Public graduatedPublic Library Library from Board Arizona Peace Office Training (POST) certified police PartnershipPartners AlliedYavapaiPoliceacademies. CertificationHealth College, The Professions Arizonacourse curriculum competencies POST Partnership at Yavapai of theCollege Arizona POST academy curriculum are embedded in the Administration of Justice and PartnershipPartnersPurpose FacilitiesYavapaiOffers provisions College,College Use Agreement DistrictCentralfor Central boundariesArizona Arizona College College to offer on-line programs of study in Allied Health Professions (AHP) within PurposePartnershipPartners DevelopFacilitiesYavapaiProvides College,agreementYavapai Use Agreement VerdeCollege for Pest Rural use (Prescott Control ofFire the Department Testing VerdeCampus) Rural Fire Station facilities for college classes CBS10.A.1Partners (05/03) Yavapai College, Metro Institute for Pest Control Testing PurposePartnership AllowFacilities Yavapai Use College Agreement extension classes to be held at Antelope Hills Golf Course PartnersPurposePartnership UseYavapaiYavapaiFacilities of space College, College, Use at Territorial Agreement City Chino of Prescott ElementaryValley (Chino School Valley) school District PartnershipPartnersPurpose NorthernInternetIGAYavapai Service service Arizona College, Agreement agreement University Chino (Chino Valley ValleySchool DistrictInternet) PartnershipPartnersPurpose YavapaiinTo providing defme College,County the jointly provision CommunityNorthern developed of services, Arizona programOriented facilitiesUniversity initiatives Policing use, access Services to services (COPS) and facilities, and to define mutually exclusive responsibilities PartnersPurpose YavapaiofstrategiesTo YavapaiCottonwood work Countyas for Collegepartners prevention Police Sheriff's District, with Department, and/or parents,Office Yavapai reduction educators, Prescott College of Policeschool-relatedand Campus community Department, Safety, violence members Camp Prescott Verde in Valleythe Marshall's identification Police Office,Department, and Chino implementation Sedona Valley Police of effectiveDepartment, City PartnersPurposePartnership Prescott/AckerYavapaiToYCCE present Discovery College the artsTrust, Community Seriesto thePerforming underserved Events, Arts populations schoolCharitable PTA's Endowment,of Arizona Yavapai Commission County Veteran's in orderAdministration on the to educateArts, Western and develop States audiencesArts Foundation, of the future City of CBS10.A.1 (05/03) Partnership Youth Count PartnersPurpose Anonymous,funds).PrescottYavapaiCommunities Participating IndianCollege Juvenile creating Tribe. School-to-Work, Organizations: Court Privatenon-traditional Center, funders: RehabilitationChildren'sTown solutions Margaret of Chino Council, to ServicesT. theValley, Morris uniqueYavapai Administration,City Foundation challenges Countof Prescott, Health and facing school TownYavapai Dept., our districtsof youth YMCA,PrescottCounty today CommunityBigValley, Brothers Yavapai Foundation Big County, Sisters, (Advise Yavapai-Parents PartnersPurposePartnershipOther Partnershi s andProvideYavapaiNursing Yavapai clinical CollegePlacement College placement Nursing Head Partnership forStart, Department, nursing Granite and AmericanMt. nursing Home assistant LutheranHealth students Preschool, AZ Pioneer Home, Chino Valley Head Start, Cottonwood Prescott & Verde, The Guidance Center Flagstaff, Prescott Head HealthAffairsYMCA,NorthernStart, Department,Medical HospicePrimavera Arizona Center, Family Healthcare, School, Yavapai WestCare, Renal County Yavapai PrescottRobert West, Jail, H. FreeGuidance RioJochim, Yavapai Clinic, Verde ClinicLtd., RegionalPrescottHealth Kachina Care OutpatientMedical PointCenter, CenterCare Surgical Rummel Center, Center, Eye Maricopa Care, Prescott Verde Health Samaritan Valley System, Medical Village, J. Dan Center, PrescottMorris, Veterans MD, Hillside Center, Barry Wade, MD, A Woman's Place, Yavapai County PartnersPurposePartnership YavapailibrariesResource (currentlyCollege Librarysharing Library, usingNetwork over a600,000 commonArizona items) Archaeologicalautomated in the libraryYavapai Society system Library that Network provides patrons with access to materials from all the member Yavapai Chapter, Ash Fork Public Library, Bagdad Public Library, PrescottHeritageCottonwoodSchool,Black Canyon Chino PublicMiddle Public CityValle); Library, School CommunityLibrary, Public Prescott(Chino Crown Library, Valley),Library, Valley King Clark PublicJeromeBradshaw Public Memorial Library, PublicLibrary, Mountain Library Library,Sedona Del RioHigh (Clarkdale), PublicMayer Elementary School, Library,Public CongressCamp School,Library, Seligman Verde Public Embry Prescott Community Public Library, Riddle College, Library, Aeronautical CordesLibrary, PrescottSharlot Lakes Chino HallHigh University, Library, Valley Museum, School, High PurposePartnership retrospectiveToYavapaiSmoki assist Museum theCollege Arizonaconversion Library, Library/Arizona Archaeological ofWilhoit materials Library, Archaeological (convertingSociety Yarnell in original paper Public Society catalog cataloging Library, cards Yavapai (creating to an Countyelectronic a bibliographic Library format District forrecord the frompurpose the ofitem multiple at hand) access and Yavapai Chapter CBS10.A.1Partners (05/03) Yavapaipoints using College computers) Library, Arizona Archaeological Society Yavapai Chapter PurposePartnership Veteran'sServes any Upward qualified Bound veteran who desires to obtain a GED or take college prep courses absolutely free. As part of TRIO, Veteran's PartnershipPartners WalnutUpwardYavapaiScience CreekBound, College, Center a federally Veterans for Educationfunded Administration program, and Research offers courses in English, Math, Computers, Language, Social Studies and Lab PartnersPartnershipPurpose NorthForestYavapaiOffers ServiceCentralinnovative, College Arizona Science/Math field-based Mathematics experiences Division, and Northern inScience environmental Arizona Consortium University, education, (NCAMSC) appreciationPrescott College, and research Sharlot Hall Museum, United States PartnershipPartnersPurpose YouthSAFEagenciesYavapaiRegional College andtraining 5 private Science/Math center schools for mathematics, spread Division, over 17science most school of and centraldistricts, technology and 2 charternorthern schools, Arizona 5 higher education organizations, 2 community PartnersPurpose SedonaCountyYavapaiSchool/law MiddleSheriff'sPolice College partnership Department, School, Department,School fundedHeritage to Work, and Prescott by U.S. Middle YouthU.S. Marshall's Police Department SchoolCount, Department, office(ChinoGranite of Justice Valley)Mountain Prescott to andreduce MiddleValley law violence enforcement PoliceSchool inDepartment, (Prescott), middle entities schools. Campin Chino each Verde Valleyjurisdiction Middle Police including School, Department, West the PartnersPurposePartnership YavapaiDistrict,ToBagdad improve College, BagdadCore the Meeting Leadershipquality business of &life center, religious in the Insignia, unincorporated communities Yavapai and area County several of Bagdad Sheriff's citizen by Office, leadersimplementing Phelps of Bagdad Dodge community Bagdad building Inc., Bagdad activities Unified School PartnersPurposePartnership AnYavapaishareCommunity aggressive resources College, far-reaching Leadership available Leadership multi-organizational toCollaboration create Center, sustainable Embry-Riddle effortleadership toAeronautical identify education service University, in Yavapai gaps, prioritize Partners County forobjectives Active Leadershipin leadership (PAL), education Prescott and CBSI.O.A.1 (05/03) College, Tri-City Town Hall, Youth Count and 2020 PurposePartnership ToArizona convene Civic citizens, Leadership community Initiative leaders, elected and appointed officials to familiarize them with community needs and issues and Partners CommunityThebetweenhowColleges LeadershipArizona Arizona and College, Community toCenter Community enable Eastern at peopleYavapaiColleges ArizonaColleges in College, thecan Community communityandassist theCochise them communities College,toin Community seeaddressing the Mohave theyrelevance College,those serve, Community needsof to theirCoconino expand and community College,issues. community Community To Maricopa colleges. broaden ownership College, Communityand deepen ofCentral Arizona theCollege, Arizona relationship Community PurposePartnership opportunitiesToComingNorthland convene of Pioneer Agecitizens, of Arizona'sForums Community community aging College, populationleaders, Pima elected and Community to and create appointed community College, officials Yuma change to Community help by familiarizeinvolving College them them in with change the challengesefforts and to make Arizona Partners TheDepartmentCommunitycommunities Leadership ofCollege, moreCenter Health elder atNorthlandEastern Services, Yavapai friendly. Arizona thePioneerCollege, Arizona Community Community Cochise Department Community College, College, for GilaEconomic PimaCollege, Community Community Security, Coconino College, College,The Community Governor's Mohave Yuma College,Community Community Advisory Central Council College, College MaricopaArizona Arizona on Aging, Pima PurposePartnership ToTheArizonaHealth create Achievement System Health a discussion and Care GapServices, Association guide forThe community andAlzheimer's the Arizona forums Association, Senior on The Center theAchievement Foundation Association Gap for andSenior to Living, The Arizona Office of the AARP, the convene forums on the achievement gap in Partners College,DistrictDuPage,TheYavapai Leadership #99 CountyGulfNaperville in Coast Downers Center SchoolCommunity at Grove Yavapai District Illinois, College College, #203 Center in ThePanamaNaperville for Kettering Civic City Illinois, Participation Florida, Foundation, Office Kent at of UniversityState Maricopa the DeputyUniversity, ofCommunity IllinoisChief Illinois of Cooperative Education, College Board ofDistrict, Community Extension,Higher Montgomery Education College High School of PurposePartnership Nationaladdressissues.National IssuesThey complex Issues areForums rottedForumscommunity (NIF) in the is problemsnotion a nonpartisan, that that citizens cannot nationwide need be solved to networkcome by together government of locally to deliberate, sponsored intervention. fmdfor the consideration of public policy common ground and act publicly to CBS10.A.1Partners (05/03) The Leadership Center at Yavapai College, The Kettering Foundation PurposePartnership publiccooperationATree partnership City attention, U.S.A. with to helpandthe nationalUSDA the City Forest recognition of Prescott Service forbecome and urban the a NationalandTree community City Association USA, forestrysponsored of Stateprograms. by Foresters, The National provides Arbor direction, Day Foundation technical in assistance, PartnershipPartners CandidatesDepartment,The Leadership &The Ballot Center Prescott Measures at YavapaiArea Wildland/Urban Forums College, in APS,Yavapai Interface City County of Prescott,& Individual Cooperative Prescott residentsExtension U of A, Prescott College, Prescott Fire PartnersPurpose TheA Commerce,County.partnership Leadership (The withThe Centeronly Prescottseveral partner at Yavapai community Valley who participated College,Chamber organizations YC of in Commerce,Small every to Business forumconvene The is Development theCentral8 candidate Leadership Yavapai and Center, Center ballotLeague The atmeasures ofYavapai Daily Women Courier,forums College.) Voters, throughout Prescott The League Chamber Yavapai of Womenof Partnership MaricopaArizona,Voters of The Sedona-VerdeCommunity Citizen's CollegesClean Valley Elections Chapter, Commission, The American Arizona Association Community of University College Association,Women, The Center League for of Civic Women Participation Voters Of at PartnersPurpose TheFriaAAgua partnership LeadershipNational Fria National Monumentto Center help Monumentconvene at andYavapai Bradshaw-Harguahala citizens and College, Bradshaw-Harguahalain Yavapai BLM andCounty Sharlot to give Hall Land input Museum Management on the BLM's Plan 10 year Land Management Plan for the Agua - BLM PurposePartnership specialTri-City healthcare Partnership Partnership needs. is parents Including partnering but not with limited professionals to: Physical, to improve Mental, the Emotional, lives of children, Behavioral, adults Learning, and families Developmental, with disabilities or Partners District,Associates,TheCognitive, Leadership HCEI Medical Horses Speech Center with Therapy,at Heart, Yavapai Civitan, Prescott College, Governor's Valley DDD, Parks Yavapai Office & Recreation, for County Children Health AIRES, with Department, Special Prescott Health Parks Creative care & Recreation, Needs,Networks, Humboldt ChinoEaster Valley Seals,Unified DePueSchool School & CBS10.A.1 (05/03) PediatricDistrict, Four Occupational County Conference Therapy, PINS, on Developmental Sander Physical Disabilities, Therapy, AZEIP,Raising SpecialPrescott Kids, Unified High School Country District, Early ARC Intervention of AZ, Prescott Partnership Mountain Club Park PartnersPurpose residentsThedevelopmenthealthierTo bury Leadership the communitiesof theutility and MountainCenter stewardship lines byat in YavapaiClubencouraging Mountain of resources." County, Club people Park Yavapai to thereby participate College, saving in APS, governmentthe 200QWEST, year and old Cable designPonderosa One, their Yavapai Pines own futurein County, accordance with City sustainable withof Prescott "building economic & the PartnersPurposePartnership FireResort,YavapaiTo provide District, Poco College, College custom, CityDiablo L'AubergeofPartnership on-site Resort,Sedona educational BestdeSedona, Program Western opportunitiesArroyo Inn of Roble Sedona, for Resort, managers Town Los of AbrigadosCampand staff Verde, of Resort the City Verde and of Cottonwood, Spa,Valley's Town Large of Town Jerome, employers of Clarkdale,Hilton Sedona Sedona PartnersPurposePartnership ToArizonaYavapaiBusiness simplify Small College, Administrationthe Businessprocess Maricopa by Development whichby Communityincorporating the participating Center College these Network assurances institutionsDistrict, U.S. and agree Small certifications to complyBusiness withinto Administration athe single requirements agreement. (SBA) set forth by the U.S. Small PartnersPurposePartnership tyingArizonaYavapaiStatewide individual Learning College, plan community to Systems Maricopainterconnecting college County anddistricts' Community consolidating electronic College community delivery district systems college, together university and K-I2 telecommunications systems and PurposePartnership employmentToYavapaiInvestment build aCounty workforce skills Area One-Stop of thedevelopment customer Delivery whichsystem System will and benefit eliminate employers unwarranted and the duplication economic of development services that of will the substantially Local Workforce improve the PurposePartnershipPartners ofTheZaki Yavapaithe Zaki Gordon program. Gordon College, Institute Students Institute Yavapai for learn is Independent Countya privateto product Workforce foundation Filmmakingall-digital Investment with independent ties to Board film films industry. with classroomZaki Gordon learning provides in arealecturers such andas scriptwriting shares in the and cost CBS10.A.1Partners (05/03) editing,Yavapai hands-on-instruction College, Zaki Gordon with Institute digital video equipment PurposePartnership StateNorthern grant Arizona to provide Regional training Skillsservices Center/Early in Yavapai, ChildNavajo, Care Apache, Training Coconino, and Mohave counties . PartnersPurposePartnershipPartners YavapaiSummerHassayampa College,writers Institute program CityAdoE of and Prescott, Northern Sharlot Arizona Hall tribes Museum, and childPrescott care College, facilities Arizona Humanities Council PartnersPurposePartnership YavapaientireProvideGerontology country trainingCollege, in resources25 State years DoC to agencylocal service on Aging, providers, local long-termand document care facilities,a model community University thatof Arizona, will be theArizona demographic State University norm of the

CBS10.A.1 (05/03) Table of Contents A.CBS 11. Learning environments which Supportive Learning Conditions optimize physical safety and supportive learning conditions B. 2.1. PhysicalNumber of Safety students satisfiedenrolled inwith remedial Yavapai and College developmental services and the courses and programs learning environment 3.2.1. FacilitiesSafeData workplaceon campus upgrade statistics crime TheMetricCBS11CBS11.A.1 following A.1 is repeated from the last report. Data will be updated in November 2003. LearningSupportiveNumber environments of learning students conditions thatenrolled optimize in remedial physical andsafety developmental and supportive courses learning and conditions programs InYavapaiOver June the 1999, College'spast fiveplacement academicstudents testing enrolled years, was the inno majorityat longer least onemandated. of studentsremedial The seeking course, overall remediationa declinepercentage from did of 16 sostudents percent in mathematics taking in 1997-98. remedial only. For courses the academic declined by four percent between year 2001-02, 12 percent of AcademicNumber1997-98 of Year Studentsand /2001-02. Enrolled in Remedial Courses Remedial English Remedial Math Remedial English Remedial Total Percent of Total Row1997-98 Percent Only 14%235 Only 106865% and Math 21% 350 1653 Student PopulationRemedial Course Enrolled in a 16% 1999-001998-99 12%201208 1146114967% 21% 292350 16391707 13%16% 2000-01 17%12%278 102164%70% 19%18%297 1596 12% RemedialfUnduplicated2001-02 Courses: headcount by academic year and fmal day 14%247 119067% 19%339 1776 12% CBS11.A.1Source:Math:English: MAT032, InstitutionalENG021, (5/03) 082, 022, Research 092, 023, 122, 024, Data MTH030, 025, Warehouse 026, 032, 027, 037, 029, 130 030, 031, 035, 036, 037, 038, 040, 060, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 100 CBS11.A.2 Number of students satisfied with Yavapai College services and the learning environment dataManyMetricCBS11 from surveys A.2 the Student have been Satisfaction, conducted Current at Yavapai Student, College Exiting to measure Student, the and level Learning of satisfaction Center surveys with college conducted programs in the and last services. three years. The following provides Learning environments which optimize physical safety and supportive learning conditions ConductedStudentSTUDENT Satisfaction fall SURVEYS 2002 Survey(via telephone) ProgramConductedCurrent Student Service spring Survey Area 2000 Review (in class) Survey Learning Center accurateefforts,StudentConducted a Satisfactionand telephone spring unbiased 2002 survey Survey: measure was As ofconducted part satisfaction of the to college's current in: Yavapai ongoing College assessment students of student in December opinions 2002. and Theneeds objective and to provideof the study data wasfor futureto provide marketing a complete, Cr) CollegeFacilitiesInstructionSupport overall service providedDepartmentdepartment.The questionnaire the raw analyzedSurvey data and toresults the thetelephone datacollege. were and linkedlist wrote were to the thedeveloped study. college's The by database surveyYavapai was for College administeredstudent Institutional demographic by The Research Call information. Center Department Inc, Yavapai an independentwith College input fromInstitutional telemarketing the college's Research firm, marketing who CBS11.A.2 (5103) springmoreCurrent than 2000. Student 287 Additionally, sections Survey: selected The students Yavapai randomly. who College utilize The theCurrentIR departmentlearning Student center received Survey were 1,250surveyedwas distributed completed this past in surveys yearspring as representing 2000part of to their students 15.6program percentcurrently service of enrolled district area review. enrollmentin classes fromfor Highlights of Student Surveys YavapaiFrom the College Student overall Satisfaction ratings Survey, (88.8%) the and area support with the services highest (81.3%) degree wereof satisfaction also strong was among quality students of instruction. polled. FromMoreParkingphone-in thanthe was registrationprogramCurrent 8 outthe lowestof Student service10 (77 current with percent) Survey,area 38 students review, percent andsatisfaction business were Learningsatisfaction satisfied with office Center programs with(76 students percent)the andquality reported services of instruction thewere highest rated and levelthe with highest of Yavapai satisfaction with Collegethe within-person overall94 percent registration "satisfied/very (82 percent), OverSurvey 90% Trends of the -Satisfaction students polled with in the StudentQuality Satisfaction of Instruction survey rated the qualitysatisfied." of instruction as good/very good and is on par with the Exiting TrendsStudent - Student survey results.Satisfaction The results with Qualityare higher of thanInstruction the Current Student survey. N= Percent* ExitingCurrentStudent Student Satisfaction*Percent Survey ratedSurvey (conducted good/vety (conducted fallin goodclass 2000/spring2001/spring December spring 2000) 2001)2002) 2002) 1,168 408131 96 90.192.790.283.0 CBS11.A.2 (5/03) Survey Trends - Satisfaction with Yavapai College Overall TrendslevelClose of to satisfaction- 90% Student of the Satisfaction fromstudents the polledCurrent with in Student,Yava the Student ai ExitingColle Satisfaction e Student Overall andsurvey Graduate rated Yavapai Follow-up College surveys. overall as good/veiy good. These responses parallel the ExitingCurrentStudent Student Satisfaction Survey Survey (conducted (conducted fallin class 2001/spring December spring 2000) 2002) 2002) 1,208N= 408 97 Percent* 88.684.088.8 *PercentGraduateExiting Student ratedFollow-up good/very Survey Survey (conducted good (conducted fall 2000/springspring 2000)2001)2002) 2001) 117104133 59 86.491.591.992.5 0041. conductedAllSurvey but one Trendsby of thethe college,students- Would nearly polled Recommend allin ofthe the Student Yavapai students Satisfaction Collegewould recommend to survey Family would andYavapai recommendFriends College the to collegefamily andto family friends and (Table friends. 9). Similarly,Those that in would other not studies Trendsrecommend - Would the college Recommend number Yavathree percentai Colle or e less. to Family and Friends N= CurrentStudent StudentSatisfaction Survey Survey (conducted (conducted in class December spring 2000) 2002) 1,144 408 83.092.9Yes % reservation % Yes with14.0 6.9 3.0No% .2 GraduateExiting Student Follow-up Survey Survey (fall (conducted2000/spring2001/spring spring 2001)2002) 2001)2002) 131104 6195 82.086.490.891.6 16.411.7 8.4 1.61.9 .8 0 CBS11.A.2Graduate Follow-up (5/03) Survey (conducted spring 2000) 111 81.8 17.3 .9 Current Student Survey N= Poor/Very Fair Good Very good Good/ overallStudent satisfaction with Yavapaiquality College of instruction 1,2081,168 poor 2%1% 15%15% 57%44% 27%39% GoodVery 84%83% (ListedStudent below)SatisfactionBusinessBookstore with SupportOffice Services 1097 998 20% 3% 21%26% 54%39% 15% 54% ClassCafeteria/SnackCampus Schedule Security Bar 1009 868847 19% 7%8% 24%21%29% 50%51%39% 20%22%19%13% 69%52%71%76% CareerAcademicParkingMail Center Guidance Advising 1017 689826461 32%14%10% 5% 29%25%30%23% 36%41%28%50% 21%24%22%10% 65%38%72%57% StudentsPersonalJudicial Coordinator OmbudsmanCounseling ...... -- 354746344520 10%12% 9% 37%35%27%33% 44%47%39%43% 22%14% 9% 53%56%61%57% Financial Aid VeteransEmploymentApplicationAdvising Benefits Referrals Processing 203409613642 11%12%15% 8% 28%33%27%26% 36%39%46% 20%18%19% 58%66%55% Campus Life StudentClubs & HousingActivities Organizations 258420416 22%18%13% 30%34%36% 37%36%40%43% 12%11% 48%51%61% CBS11.A.2 (5/03)Learning Center Out-of-classIndividualizedTutoring testing Classes 569522513 10% 5%7% 20%22%21% 47%49%43% 23%24%29% 73%70%72% In-Person 1048 14% Program Service AreaRegistration Review Survey On-linePhone-In 376651 Unsatisfied/ 12% 4%8% Somewhat 19%15% Satisfied 39%35%46% Very 30%42%36% Satisfied/ 69%77%82% Learning Center . 201 Unsatisfied Very 1% Satisfied 5% 32% Satisfied 62% Satisfied Very 94%

CBS11.A.2 (5/03) EXITING STUDENT SU VEY graduatesstudentsAsConducted students are in Fall preparegivenDecember 2000 the for and Exiting 2000graduation, Spring and Student 2001 May they Survey2001. must requestto solicit a feedbackrecord review on their with Yavapai the registrar College to verifyeducation. that allThe requirements following summarizes have been met.the results At that from time, the Highlights ParkingexitingThe business students. was rated office the was lowest given among the most general favorable services satisfaction with 35 percentratings ofstudent either satisfaction. "good" or "very good" among general services (92 percent) by Ranked Ratings of General Services (Percent Good/Very Good)* Poor/Very Poor Fair Good Very Good Good./Very MailCampusBusiness Center Security Office 108132 55 4%1% 14%18% 7% 51%45%53% 31%37%39% Good 92%82% ParkingCafeteria/SnackBookstoreClass ScheduleResponses Bar of "not applicable" are not included. 129121133132 37%12%13% 2% 28%37%29%17% 25%38%34%47% 25%34%10%12% 35%50%59%81% CBS11.A.2 (5/03) Highlights More than 7 out of 10 exiting students considered all of Campus Life services as either "good or "very good." Ranked Ratings of Campus Life (Percent Good/Very Good)* N= Poor/Very Fair Good Very Good Good./ ClubsStudent and Housing Organizations 6530 Poor 5% --- 18%17% 48%53% 29%30% GoodVery 77%83% HighlightsStudentResponses Activities of "not applicable" are not included. Counseling services were considered either "good" or "very good" by more than 70 percent of the exiting students. The students' ombudsman 66 6% 23% 50% 21% 71% service received this rating by nine out of ten respondents. Ranked Ratings of Counseling (Percent Good/Very Good)* Poor/Very Fair AcademicStudents' Advising Ombudsman N= 132 24 Poor 2%4% 9%4% Good 31%46% Very Good 46%58% Good/GoodVery 89%92% JudicialCareerPlacementPersonal Coordinator ResponsesGuidance Counseling Testing of "not applicable" are not included. 100 247265 6%4%3% --- 17%15%11%12% 30%59%28%42% 22%46%47%58% 77%81%86%88% CBS11.A.2 (5/03) Highlights Among financial aid services, application processing, veterans'good" benefits by over and 80financial percent aid of advisingexiting students. received satisfaction ratings of "good" or Ranked Ratings of Financial Aid (Percent Good/Very Good)* N= PoorNery Poor Fair Good Very Good Good/Very EmploymentFinancialVeteransApplication BenefitsAid Processing Referrals Advising 36869411 8%6%1% --- 19%13%18%13% 35%20%27%42% 46%53%55%44% Good 73%81%82%86% HighlightsResponses of "not applicable" are not included. TutoringEight out receivedof 10 exiting the highest students rating considered among thelearning Learning center Center services services with over 90 percent. as "good" or "very good." Ranked Ratings of Learning Center (Percent Good/Very Good)* N= PoorNery Poor Fair Good Very Good Good/ Very Out-of-ClassIndividualizedTutoringResponses Testing Classes of "not applicable" are not included. 795375 2%3%1% 19%13% 7% 36%38%29% 44%47%61% Good 80%85%90% CBS11.A.2 (5/03) Highlights Nine out of ten exiting students considered in-person registration "good" or "very good." Ranked Ratings of Registration (Percent Good/Very Good)* N= Poor/Very. Phone-inIn-Person 128 54 Poor 2% Fair 9%6% Good 28%31% Very Good 61% Good/GoodVery 89%92% HighlightsOn-lineResponses of "not applicable" are not included. Among academic services, library facilities, quality of instTuction and distributed learning support service received the highest ratings by 9 out of 28 14% 36% 50% 86% Classrooms10 exiting werestudents. rated the lowest among academic services Ranked Ratings of Academic Services (Percent Good/Very Good)* (72 percent satisfaction). Library facilities N= 127 Poor/Very Poor --- Fair 9% Good 47% Very Good 44% Good/GoodVery 91% ComputerQualityDistributed of accessassistanceinstruction learning supportin the library service 128131 65 2%3%1%--- 11% 9%9%8% 36%37%45%49% 53%52%44%41% 89%90% division/HelpfulnessAvailabilityInformation department oftechnology instructionalinstructors assistants (ITS) administratorssupport help or heads desk staff (e.g., 132121103 82 3%3%1%--- 15%14%16%11% 49%47%48%43% 33%36%45% 82%83%84%88% CBS11.A.2ClassroomsClassLabs/shops offeringsResponses (5/03) of "not applicable" are not included. 132130122 2%3% 26%20%17% 50%53%56% 22%25%24% 72%78%80% TheMetricCBS11CBS11.B.1 top B.1 three crimes on campus are theft, liquor violations and vehicle accidents. This replicates data from 2001 with EnvironmentsLearningData on environments campus which crime optimize which physicaloptimize safetyphysical safety and supportive learning conditions a slight increase in incidents. District crime data is provided in the table on the following page. Yavapai College Top2002 Three Crimes 100 90 7080 5060 52 50 3040 31 2010 CBS11.B.1 (05/03) 0 Theft Liquor Violations Vehicle Accidents Yava ai ColleMurderCrime e Cam us Crime 2002 District Totals0 2001 0 2000 0 1999 0 AggravatedRobberyForcible Rape Assault 01 0 0 01 AutoTheftBurglary Theft 5220 3 50 28 53 81 37 07 ArsonSimpleOther YCPD assault Statistics 21 15 20 17 02 19 20 DrugBombDomesticCriminal Violations Threat Damage Violence 2913 01 11 0 13 0 11 01 LiquorHateHarassmentDUI Crimes Violations 5014 01 3914 0 2920 0 3614 0 VehicleWeaponsSex Offenses Accidents Violations 3117 21 2616 31 1217 32 26 471 TrespassForgery/FraudExplosiveDisorderly Devices Conduct 05 206 16 20 11 31 TotalsOther by includes: campusOther* willAgency be provided assists, recovered in the November vehicles, 2003 abandoned report. vehicles, minor in possession of tobacco, fire alarms, college violations, warrant 128 79 17 157 CBS11.B.1 (05/03) arrests, suspicious circumstances, suicidal persons, R.A.J., etc. CBS11CBS11.B.2 Safe workplace statistics InMetric the year B.2 2002, there were 50 accidents reported district wide. Previously, only the Prescott and Verde Valley accidents EnvironmentsLearning environments which optimize which physicaloptimize safetyphysical safety and supportive learning conditions were reported. TotalYava Recorded ai Colle Accidents e Accident Summa 1998 50 1999 81 2000 31 2001 34 2002 50 VerdePrescottSedona 47 3 76 5 N/AN/A 32 2 45 1 Accidents by Status: PrescottChino ValleyValley 1 VisitorsTotalStudentsEmployees 502125 4 813144 6 3128 03 3427 16 503115 4 Types of Accidents: Slips/trips/falls 18 20 29 14 19 Twists/sprainsPinch/punctureCuts/scrapes/bruisesLifting 20 04 12 67 29 415 3064 Bites/insectsElectricRepetitiveStruck shock by motion object 301 051 04 002 10 01 CBS11.B.2 (05/03) TotalMiscellaneous 50 4 8130 31 5 34 8 50 7 F/YWorkers Compensation Claims # of Claims $ Amount of Claims 1999/001998/991997/98 (6 mos.) 221119 $26,916$37,168 $4,289 2001Source:20022000 (no Departmental major claims) Records N/A 9 $33,642 N/A

CBS11.8.2 (05/03) MetricCBSCBS11.B.3 11 B.3 PhysicalLearningFacilities safetyenvironments upgrades that optimize physical safety and supportive learning conditions theOverThe projects following the last that five is have years,repeated been Yavapai completed from Collegethe previousto date. has taken report. great Data strides will tobe meet updated American in November Disabilities 2003. Act (ADA) standards. The following reflects a portion of accommodatebuilding.FourDuring handicapped the Yavapai past disabled year, parkingCollege's electrically access spaces phone from opened were systemground added doors waslevel on were enhanced theto libraryinstalledPrescott to level. trace Campus,on the Braille emergency Prescott and signage a wheelchairCampus 911 has phone been (buildings accessible calls. completed Past 1 andramp upgrades on 6) was theand Prescott added toinclude: the toentrance and thethree ChinoSedona wheelchairof the campuses. Conference Chino lifts Valley Performance installed Center to Center. cii high(TDD)elevatorstepsHall renovations contrastin machines aisles,emergency signs East includefor with and communicationsaccess WestBraille, the to addition lobbies the and telephone automatic ofretrofittedsystem 22 wheelchair system, installed. doors with ainstalledrailings wheelaccessibleOther chairandADA in the properlocations, accessible related Library, slopes, projects ADA Distanceramp restrooms signage toon building Broadcast,campuses throughout,modified 13, include Learninga wheelchairfor two accessibility, three dual Center, Telecommunication liftlevel equippedand drinkingshower buildings van,stalls fountains, one,approximately modified,Device four illuminated andfor and the15. 600 Deaf ElectricallyFacilitiesEnvironments upgraded opened Optimizing doors to ensure installed Physical safety on the Safety Prescott Campus (building 1 and 6) and the entrance to the Chino Valley Center InstalledHandicapped three parking wheelchair spaces lifts added to accommodate to the Prescott disabled Campus access and wheelchairfrom ground ramp level installed to library at levelthe Sedona Center ImproveEmergency lighting installed around parking lots and buildings blue light phones installed throughout the Prescott campus CBS11.B.3ImprovedProgress made landscaping (5/03) in meeting throughout ADA concerns the campuses YCEmergency instituted Response Plan emergency response phone system to track source of 911 calls Source:YC adoptedinstituted Departmental Hazardous comprehensive Event Records EmergencyCommunication Plan -plan The plan is coordinated with all other Yavapai County Agencies

CBS11.B.3 (5/03) Table of Contents andCBS the 12. changing Programs needs and of services, the community which demonstrate accountability with respect to quality, productivity, A. 1. RatioAccountability of credits taught to Community by part- or full-time faculty 4.3.2. ResultsChanges of made stewardship,assessment through of Programmoney internal saved Review services and/or cost avoidance MetricCBS12CBS12.A.1 A.1 Ratio of courses taught by full- and part-time faculty AccountabilitycommunityPrograms and services, which demonstrate accountability with, respect to quality, productivity, and the changing needs of the educationInThe community following courses, colleges, is repeated which full-time typically from facultythe have previous thetypically largest report. teach enrollments. Data 50 percent will Inbe orthe updated fewer past fiveof in credit November classes. 2003. However, full-time faculty teach the majority of general years, courses taught by full-time faculty accounted for about 40 to 43 02.percent In 2001-02, of full-time Yavapai student College equivalent employed (FTSE). 92 full-time The proportion and 364 of part-time classes taught instructors. by full-time faculty was 33 percent in 1997-98 and 28 percent in 2001- FTSE Generated by Full-TimelPart-Time Instructors. 100% 90% 70%80% 60% 60% 59% ca,asu)a) 50%60% 57% 59% 0 Full-time o.V, 30%40% 40% 40% 41% 43% 41% Part-time 10%20% 0% 1997-98 1998-99 Fall Year1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 CBS12.A.1Source: Institutional (5/03) Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics, sec_instructor, ins_basics; fall. proportionallyNote: Instructors based listed on asthe staff employment are excluded type from of the the instructors. analysis. Also, team-taught courses with Classes Taught by Full-Time/Part-Time Instructors. a mix of full- and part-time instructors were categorized 100% 90% 70%80% cocacu 60% 2cuca) 50% 0 Full-time Part-time CT)l'...± a 30%40% CA) 20%10% 0% 1997-98 1998-99 Fall Year1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 CBS12.A.1 (5/03) FTSEFall Generated Semester by Full-time/Part-time Instructors Full-time Instructors Classes with Part-time Instructors Classes with TotalGenerated FTSE 19-6-6-991997-98 40.3% 1049 59.7% 14261554 23872603 1999-00 ------961E 41.4%40.3% 995 58.6%59.7% 1412 2-4-07 2000-01 1050 1384 . 2435 2001-02 41.4%43.1% 1067 58.6%.56.9% 1510 2577 CoursesFall Semester Taught by Full-time/Part-time Instructors Classes with Classes with t Total Number 1997-98 Full-time Instructors 33.4% 414 Part-time Instructors 66.6%! 823L :I of Classes 1237 1998-99 31.0% 423 69.0% 940t __..1 1363 1999-00 32.0% 423 68.0%! 900 , 1323 2000:01------30.3% 415 69.75%4;1. 9 ----71-3-66 Source:200-1702 Institutional Research Data Warehouse; sec_basics, sec_instructor, ins_basics; fall. 28.4% 408 71.6%! 1030 1438 proportionallyNote:CBS12.A.1 Instructors based (5/03) listed on asthe staff employment are excluded type fromof the the instructors. analysis. Also, team-taught courses with a mix of full- and part-time instructors were categorized MetricCBS12CBS12.A.2 A.2 ProgramscommunityResults andof assessment services,services which of internal demonstrate services accountability with respect to quality, productivity, and the changing needs of the center,servicesResults switchboard fromwas theassessment highest and courierrated surveys service as of "good/very internal area with customers good." 100 percent are reported satisfaction. below. More Satisfaction than 9 out is of high 10 internalamong Yavapaicustomers College ranked internal the business customers. office, Printing mail Service Area N= unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied SomewhatSatisfied Satisfied Very Overall PrintingShippingPurchasingBusiness Services Office& Receiving 217 724454 2.8--- 6.8%9.3% .5% --- 20.5%18.5% 2.3% --- 29.2%45.5%44.4%36.9% satisfied 70.8%27.3%27.8%57.6% satisfaction* 100.0%72.8%72.2%94.5% *OverallCourierSwitchboardMail Center satisfaction includes "satisfied and very satisfied" responses. 317165 --- 1.4%1.5% --- 6.5%2.8%7.7% 38.7%23.9%35.4% 54.8%71.8%55.4% 93.5%95.7%90.8% CBS12.A.2 (5/03) Program Review Three Year Follow-up May 2003 No.YearinKey Recom. review= Year =review Number completed of recommendations made PI = Recommendation Recommendation responseresponse in-progresspending respondedPct.No. Finish (excludes= NumberPercent dropped) of recommendations ProgramgoingC = Recommendation response completed or on- Year D = Recommendation dropped Recom. No. C I P D Finish No. Finish Pct. GunsmithingAdmissions and Registration 1998-99 78 77 0 0 0 1 7 100.0 EmergencyMathematics Medical Services 1999-001998-99 3 7 75 0 1 0 1 0 75 100.0 71.4 Nursing Assistant 1999-00 86 45 1 2 1 0 54 66.6 MusicSocial Science 1999-00 4 6 5 0 1 0 5 83.362.5 ConstructionAutomotiveAccounting 2000-01 1110 5 24 351 030 031 24 44.480.025.0 FireEnglish Science. 2000-01 5 18 6 12 6 06 0 0 12 6 100.066.6 CBS12A.3 (05-03) Graphic Design 2001-02 1 8 2 5 1 0. 2 25.0 Auxiliary Services 2002-03 6 52 02 2 1 0 25 33.3 PurchasingModemBusiness Languages Services and Contracting 2002-032002-03 5 30 23 02 0 03 60.083.3 0.0 StudentSpeech CommunicationsEmployment 2002-03 6 35 0 34 01 0 0 0.00.0

CBS12A.3 (05-03) Instructional and Service Program Review Update May 2003 academiccompletedReviews to year thisbe Police,PhysicalBusinessInstructional NARTA, SciencesAdministration Administration of Justice DistributedServiceHonorsCurriculum Learning )-4 FinancialTestingCampusInnovationLearning CenterLife CenterAid College 00C7) Reviews 2003-4 PhysicalInstructionalInformationCampus SafetyEducation/Recreation Technology Services AthleticLifeLiberalComputer SciencesManagement Studies Programs Systems Core Skills InstitutionalInstructionalHumanSeniorService Resources Programs ResearchAdministration CBSI2A.3 (05-03) Reviews 2004-5 WeldingInstructional AlliedEarlyIndependentDigitalAgribusiness Childhood Health Media Filmmaking TechnologyNutrition MarketingPresident'sFacilitiesWorkforceService DevelopmentOffice and Community Programs

CBS12A.3 (05-03) CBS12CBS12.A.3 ProgramsChanges and made services, through which Programdemonstrate Review accountability with respect to quality, productivity and the changing needs of the community Metric A.3 Programs and services ACCOUNTING PROGRAM 2002-2003 SeeRecommendations/Follow-up below. There has been no significant change since the reporting of last year. All of the follow-up is listed. Curriculum Changes Associate- Accounting of Applied Clerk Certificate Science Degree Program in AccountingAll of the curriculum changes that were suggested by the committee have been implemented. Curriculum Changes - Accounting Assistant Certificate Program All of the curriculum changes that were suggested by the committee have been implemented. Technology theTheas immediate technologyneeded. future, enhancements ITS has committedasked for are to providebeing considered internet connections in the Master in allPlan. needed We are classrooms working withand provide ITS to developlaptops and data projectors for an overall plan, but for use CBS12.A.3Program Support (05/03) beenhas not toldWe been that have formed, requests provided but for discussions softwarebrochures as are haveneeded being occurred to considered all adjunct to identify as instructors part possible of a largerto participants. allow marketing them Weto approach.prepare have contacted for classes the from Marketing home. TheDepartment separate and Advisory have Council

CBS12.A.3 (05/03) CBS12CBS12.A.3 ProgramsChanges andmade services, through which Program demonstrate Review accountability with respect to quality, productivity and the changing needs of the community MetricRecommendations/Follow-up A.3 Programs and services ACCOUNTING PROGRAM 2001-2002 Curriculum Changes Associate- Accounting of Applied Clerk Certificate Science Degree Program in Accounting All of the curriculum changes that were suggested by the committee have been implemented. I-- Curriculum Changes - Accounting Assistant Certificate Program All of the curriculum changes that were suggested by the committee have been implemented. Technology astheThe needed. immediate technology future, enhancements ITS has committed asked for areto provide being considered internet connections in the Master in all Plan. needed We areclassrooms working and with provide ITS to laptopsdevelop and an dataoverall projectors plan, but for for use Program Support hasbeen notWe toldbeen have that formed, requestsprovided but for discussionssoftware brochures as haveneeded are beingoccurred to all considered adjunct to identify instructors as partpossible of ato largerparticipants. allow marketing them toWe prepare approach.have contracted for classes the from Marketing home. The Department separate Advisoryand have Council CBS12.A.3 (05/02) Recommendations/Follow-up ADMISSIONS & REGISTRATION 2002-2003 Improve District-wide Coordination- Complete assuranceplatformDistrict-wide for of answeringrecords meetings integrity. ofquestions Admissions and addressing and Registration concerns, were the organized. assurance The that meetings all registration provided sites the are opportunity following tothe exchange same policies, information, and the a UndertoValley,On provide April consideration Chino 22, updates on Valley, the and Prescott for Sedona training. purposes Campus, and The of the improvingregistrar theVerde supervisor Valleywill knowledge, spend sites.of registration the Both communication,first the day registrarand of recordsSummer andrelationships, andsupervisor & Fallthe registrarregistration and have consistency metmade at with therepeated representativesVerde are staff trips campus. exchanges to the from various betweenPrescott, college Prescott sites Increase Customer Choice- Complete Incampuses an effort and to providecenters. customers with more choices in how, when, and where they transact business with the College, several actions were taken. Expand Service Hours - Complete beganContinued in May efforts 2002. to publicize and market electronic student services. Upgraded functionality based on feedback. Capability to drop courses Admissions and Registration Involvement in Staff Development Days resultedorderTo better to openin accommodate expanded offices hoursearlier prospective till in 6the p.m. morning and one current day and per extendstudents, week, hours plus who atadditional work the end from ofhours 8the a.m. day.and to SaturdaysAdditional5 p.m., an during effortfunding waspeak was made periods. not tomade secure available. additional Staff funding realignment in - Complete CBS12.A.3 (05/03) concurrentAlthough Admissions heavy registration & Registration period, supervisorsstaff are unable have to participated participate partiallyfully in Staff and providedDevelopment information Days during to staff. August and June due to the Admissions and Registration Space As a part of the Integrated Master Plan, space for the Admissions and Registration functions on the Prescott and Verde Valley campuses will be - Complete Reduce Wait Time Complete lowerThedesigned Assistant level to ofprovide DeanBuilding ofmaximum Student One and serviceServices staffed for isby customers.heading a cross-functional up a team toteam design at a ancentral, integrated prominent student command service unit center. physically located in the renovated Electronic Kiosks - Dropped arelinesTo cutbeing were down investigated explored. the wait However, time as methods for customers there of wereincreasing utilizing no funds response phone-in available time. registration, to automate the telephone potential registration. of fully automating Restructuring the system staff schedules and also adding and cross-training more phone 04:6".1 Pilot Cross-Functional Generalist Position - Complete Funding has been requested to develop cross-functional generalist position.

CBS12.A.3 (05/03) ADMISSIONS & REGISTRATION ImproveRecommendations/Follow-up District-wide Coordination 2001-2002 OnassuranceplatformDistrict-wide April for22, of answeringrecords onmeetings the Prescott integrity. ofquestions Admissions Campus, and addressing theand supervisor Registration concerns, of registrationwere the organized. assurance and recordsThe that meetings all and registration the provided registrar sites the met opportunity with representatives to exchange from information, Prescott, Prescott a are following the same policies, and the campusesUndertoValley, provide consideration Chino andupdates centers.Valley, and for Sedona training. purposes and The of the improvingregistrar Verde Valleywill knowledge, spend sites. the Both communication,first the day registrar of Summer andrelationships, supervisor & Fall registration and have consistency made at therepeated Verde are staff trips campus. exchanges to the various between college sites CJ1 Increase Customer Choice In an effort to provide customers with more choices in how, when, and where they transact business with the College, several actions were taken. Expand Service Hours forContinued release inefforts May to2002. publicize and market electronic student services. Upgraded functionality based on feedback. Capability to drop courses due Admissions and Registration Involvement in Staff Development Days resultedorderTo better toin openexpanded accommodate offices hours earlier prospective till in6 p.m.the morning one and day current andper week,extendstudents, plus hours who additional at work the end from hours of 8the a.m.and day. Saturdaysto Additional5 p.m., duringan effortfunding peak was wasperiods. made not tomade available. Staff realignment secure additional funding in CBS12.A.3 (05102) concurrentAlthough Admissions heavy registration & Registration period, supervisorsstaff are unable have to participated participate partiallyfully in Staff and providedDevelopment information Days during to staff. August and June due to the Admissions and Registration Space ThelowerdesignedAs Assistant a part level toof ofDeanprovidethe Building Integrated of maximumStudent One Master andServices service staffed Plan, is for spaceheadingby customers. a cross-functional for up the a Admissionsteam to designteam and at an aRegistration central,integrated prominent studentfunctions servicecommand on the unit Prescott center. physically and Verde located Valley in the campuses renovated will be Reduce Wait Time linesTo cut were down explored. the wait However, time for customers there were utilizing no funds phone-in available registration, to automate the telephone potential registration. of fully automating Restructuring the system staff schedules and also adding and cross-training more phone Pilot Cross-Functional Generalist Position Fundingare being has investigated been requested as methods to develop of increasing cross-functional response generalist time. position.

CBS12.A.3 (05/02) CBS12CBS12.A.3 ProgramsChanges and made services, through which Programdemonstrate Review accountability with respect to quality, productivity and the changing needs of the community Recommendations/Follow-upMetric A.3 Programs and services ADMISSIONS & REGISTRATION 2000-2001 Improve District-wide Coordination District-wide meetings of Admissions and Registration were organized. The meetings provided the opportunity to exchange information, a Building.Onassuranceplatform April for 13,Staffof answeringrecordson from the Prescott integrity.the questions Verde Campus, was and not addressingthe able registrar to attend. concerns, met Awith day the representatives earlier, assurance on April that from all 12, registrationPrescott, the registrar Prescott sites visited are Valley, following the Sedona Chino the Valley,Center same policies,andand metthe Elkswithand the personnel Increase Customer Choice Inthere. an effortThe next to provide scheduled customers meeting with of District more choices Registration in how, staff when, will and be heldwhere in theySedona transact during business the last with week the of College, June. several actions were taken. withElectronicSubmitted e-mail addresses astudent request service on for file. resources options to expanded purchase for a Touch-Tone Spring 2001 Telephone Registration. Registration Personal Identificationsystem; request Numbers rejected. (PINs) were issued to all students Expand Service Hours ToGreater better accommodate marketing efforts prospective are needed and to current promote students, awareness who andwork use from of Web 8 a.m. self-service. to 5 p.m., an effort was made to secure additional funding in CBS12.A.3 (05/01) order to open offices earlier in the morning and extend hours at the end of the day. Additional funding was not made available. Admissions and Registration Involvement in Staff Development Days Student"informationAlternative Services plans loop." personnelwere Discussions developed will continueare to underwayassure to involvementbe byunavailable the Executive of toAdmissions attend Leadership Staff and Development Team.Registration Days staff induring August staff and development January. days to keep them in the Admissions and Registration Space As a part of the Integrated Master Plan, space for the Admissions and Registration functions on the Prescott and Verde Valley campuses will be functionalityBuildingThedesigned Director Oneto provide asof and oneFinancial staffed ofmaximum their byAid performance a is cross-functionalservice heading for upgoals customers. a team forteam 2000/2001. to at design a central, an integrated prominent student command service center. unit All physically Student Servicelocated instaff the will renovated have cross- lower level of Reduce Wait Time maximumlinesTo cut were down capacityexplored. the wait has However, time been for reached. customers there were utilizing no funds phone-in available registration, to automate the telephone potential registration. of fully automating Extra phone the systemlines cannot and also physically adding morebe added; phone Electronic Kiosks OneinformationPlans into will an be integratedon designed class schedules, studentand budget service unofficial requests unit, transcripts, madethere willfor the befmancial ainstallation self-service aid, and of area electronic other located information. kiosks, to the whichright As part as can students of be our accessed redesign enter, atwith ofany themultiple time lower by PCs levelstudents (a.k.a. of Building desiring kiosks) Pilot Cross-Functional Generalist Position thatCross-functional they can access Generalistto self-serve. position created by Michael Dougherty was a great success and more such positions are in the pipeline. CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Avoiding Part-time Staff Turnover ("Churn") ServicestheIn order specifications toTech avoid approved the for continuingthe and new now position problems operational. of Student of heavy Accounts turnover Cashier of part-time / Student staff, Services the Director Tech. of Funding Financial for Aid the has Student submitted Accounts to Human Cashier Resource / Student

CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Recommendations/Follow-up Admissions & Registration 1999-00 Improve District-wideHowever,District-wide Coordination turbulence meetingsandfor answering ensure in of staffing Admissionsrecords questions and integrity training and and Registration wereaddressing at all planned. registration concerns, staff on sites a ensure regular frustrated that basis all efforts inregistration order to toschedule exchange sites are regular followinginformation, meetings. the provide same For example,policies a platform and a procedures, CDCo Increase Customer Choice attend.meeting was scheduled on April 25 and then cancelled because no one except staff from the Prescott Campus was available to In an effort toPlans provideactions are inwerecustomers place taken. for with touch-tone moreStudent choices registration Administration in how, as awhen, part is years of and the awaywhere People and they Soft there transact software is no business budget package. for with Touch-ToneHowever, the College, implementation several of People Soft Online registration forPasswords)onlineother continuing students application will students during be for issued wastheadmission Spring successfullyto students. 2000.was added OnceimplementedFor Spring inthey Spring are 2000, duringin 2000. place, online theIn more FallFallregistration 2000,electronic1999, personaland was self-servicethe extended systemidentification towas options new expanded numbersand will returning follow. to (PINs, students a.k.a. and Expand Service HoursTo better accommodateavailable.funding in prospective order to open and officescurrent earlier students, in the who morning work from and 8extend a.m. tohours 5 p.m., at the an endeffort of wasthe day.made Additional to secure additionalfunding was not made RemoveAdmissions Outdate and Registration TerminalsAlternative Involvement plansthem were in the developed "information in Staff to Development assure loop." involvement Discussions Days of are Admissions underway andby theRegistration Executive staff Leadership during staffTeam. development days to keep Admissions and RegistrationTerminals atSpace registrationallocation.Valley and sites Prescott have Valley.been removed ITS will and replace replaced the remainingby PCs with terminals the following as soon exceptions: as PC's are two available terminals from each elsewhere in Chino for re- TheAs a Director part of the ofstafflowercampuses IntegratedFinancial will level have will Aid Masterof Buildingbe cross-functionalityis headingdesigned Plan, One space up to and aprovide teamfor staffed as the toone maximumAdmissions design byof atheir cross-functional an service performanceintegrated and Registration for customers.student goalsteam atforservicefunctions a 2000/2001.central, unit on prominentphysically the Prescott commandlocated and Verde in center.the Valley renovated All Student Service Reduce Wait TimeTo cut down morethecannot wait phone timephysically lines for customerswere be added;explored. utilizing maximum However, phone-in capacity There registration, haswere been no fundsreached.the potential available of tofully automate automating telephone the system registration. and also Extra adding phone lines Electronic KiosksPlans will be rightredesignstudentsdesigned as students desiringof and the budget lower enter, information requestslevel with of multiple on Buildingmade class forPCs schedules, One the (a.k.a. installationinto kiosks)an unofficial integrated ofthat electronic transcripts,they student can kiosks,access service financial towhich unit, self-serve. aid, therecan and be will other accessed be information. at As part of our a self-service area located to the any time by Pilot Cross-FunctionalA pilot Generalist project was Position in place for Fall 1999, utilizing a full-time, cross-functional generalist to assist students in advising, financial ResourceInAvoiding order to the avoidTurnover specifications the continuing for the problems newaid, position of and heavy registration. of Studentturnover Accounts of part-time Cashier staff, / theStudent Director Services of Financial Tech. Funding Aid has is pending. submitted to Human Mathematics Review Follow-up 2002-03 CourseRecommendation Outline Review/Instructional Delivery Format CompleteStatus _ Activities Recommendation addressed, detailed in the last update. CorrespondenceReview Computer-Aided Systems Instructional and Developmental Complete notdiscontinuedbeforeAcademicsemester significantly we neededSystems after because mostincreased to was purchase itof wasdiscontinued the in determineduser sections more licenses of afterusing them. that had the theretention It beenSpring wassoftware used 2002was and discontinueofferingsInsemesters. andthe fallthe werenumberof offering 2002, reviewed of the theenrollees developmental courses.and it failedwas The decided to coursescorrespondence increase that were weafter would several adjunctthatthetheyreviewed courses the had facultycourses beento weredetermine designed member had not become reaching if thatto they reach. hadhard werethe been tooItintended reachingwas manageteaching determined students the for them. students the and that Policy for Graphing Calculator-Based Classes Complete AlgebrawithrequiringIn the Intermediate Spring (MAT graphing 2002 152), Algebra calculatorssemester, as had (MAT been the in department maththe122) policy classesinstead previously.began startingof College ownteachinggraphingmanufacturers,Using unit department classesforcalculator the the semester.requiring supply department overhead funds the unitscalculator has and obtainedso free that canoffers instructors enoughhave from their CBS12A.3 (05-03) Alternative Use of Instructional Space for Lab-Based Courses Complete onespaceMore of creativeissues the department's caused scheduling by the heavily has conversion temporarily used classrooms in summer reduced toof some a 2000 of of the campusmasterandMacintosh withutilization. plan charette thewill laboratory. Prescott onhave Discussions April long-term campus Obviously,28th) taking on academicimpacts need theplace for implementationon leadership andwithin our naturespace the (Prescott divisionneedsof of the Progress from Developmental to College-Level Courses Pending developmentaltakenNospace. formal to examine action, to the college-levelbeyond degree the that initial courses. students program The progress Department review, from has needsbeen Curriculum Standards Outside the Traditional Campuses Incomplete developmentalto examine more to fullycollege-level the degree courses. that studentscampusThe creation progress mathematics of thefrom review-recommended faculty to help insure community- district-wide positionsproposednotcurriculumitem survive for werefor this andthe next under year'sbudget-buildingquality years consideration. budget. standards budget And because process. was again, again no It this newwas proposed position notfaculty as did an ofcommonAs assessmentMath), part of fmal final MATthe plan,Math/Sciencewilldistrict-wide 092 bethe (Beginning given Math in DivisionDepartment theMAT Algebra) Fall 082 outcomes 2003. (Fundamentalswilland This beginMAT using122 a Data Systems for Program Review Complete Recommendations addressed, detailed indistrict-wide.curriculum the(Intermediate update. standards Algebra) are beingand is met intended in math to insureclass's that CBS12A.3 (05-03) MATHEMATICS PROGRAM 2001-2002 Recommendations/Follow-upNo update provided.

CBS12.A.3 (05/02) CBS12CBS12.A.3 ProgramsChanges andmade services, through which Program demonstrate Review accountability with respect to quality, productivity and the changing needs of the community Metric A.3 Programs and services MATHEMATICS PROGRAM 2000-2001 CourseRecommendations/Follow-up Outline Review/Instructional Delivery Format Review Computer-Aided InstructionalretentionAcademicRecommendation and Developmental reasons. Systems addressed,The instructional Correspondencenumbers detailed ofmaterials enrollees in Systemsthe were lastin the madeupdate. Academic available System online in the spring of 2001, although portions of the class remain site-bound for courses remains low, although student satisfaction is generally good. The Policy for Graphing Calculator-Based ClassesThereAcademicdepartment has beenSystems. is considering no recent attempt other computer to obtain aided/online information instructionalon Community packages Campus correspondence offerings. as we are going to need to soon purchase additional user licenses from manufacturerscalculatorThe department projection supply systems budget (added was increased to the four from we $2000had at tothe $3000 beginning for 2001-2002 of the year) (50% through increase). We also obtained five additional graphing . a combination of purchase and free offers from Alternative Use of Instructional SpaceAprilneedsheavily forMore Lab-Based 28th)and usedcreative utilization. on classrooms need schedulingCourses for Discussions and to naturea has Macintosh temporarily oftaking space. reduced within Obviously, some the division of the the and implementation with the Prescott of the space issues caused by the conversion in summer of 2000 of one of the department's campus academic leadershipmaster (Prescott plan will campus have long-term charette onimpacts on our space CBS12.A.3 (05/01) CurriculumProgress from Standards Developmental Outside to the College-Level TraditionalNolevel formal courses. action, CoursesCampuses The beyond Department the initial needs program to examine review, more has fullybeen thetaken degree to examine that students the degree that students progress from developmental to college-level courses. progress from developmental to college- Data Systems for Program Review RecommendationsagainThe creation proposed of theas addressed, an review-recommended item for detailed next year's in the update. And again, this mathematics position did faculty not survive the budget-building to help insure district-wide curriculum and quality standards was process.

CBS12.A.3 (05/01) (Update expected in Fall 2000-01) Mathematics 1999-00 Recommendation Automotive Review Follow-up Status 2002-03 Activities CompleteChevroletEstablish anthefor agreement instructionaloutcomes toassessment utilizepurposes service plan forbays the at automotiveLamb IC hiUnknown. process for last two years. Status incomplete. ArrangeinternshipsRequireprogram degreeinternships during seeking various in accordance automotive phases of with students their a trainingstudent's to participate in I PilotCompleted. program Students summer informed. 02. Told not to implement during IncreaseandIncorporatespecialization repair the simulations thenumber interest. use of of computers students who for instructionalcomplete degrees diagnostic or IP heldWeChristmas diagnostic have fixed 02. scanners. real cars We for dothe not last work 15 years on simulations. using latest hand EvaluatePursuecertificates. NAREF alternative reaccredidation delivery of curriculumafter move to Lamb Chevrolet CI unclearNATEFdirective.SeveralCourse at to sizethisalternative return nowtime. in limited Fall delivery 03 to for 6 methods update visit.developed. New curriculum 8 students per administrative Conduct a needs analysis for a collision repair program C = completed P = Pending I = In progress D = Dropped P ? = Not sure Need still exits. Previous input from community not used. CBS12A.3 (05-03) AUTOMOTIVE PROGRAM 2001-2002 TheRecommendations/Follow-up program should be continued, but upgraded, in order to keep pace withThe the programrapidly changingis slated for and continuation. sophisticated technology in the industry. Establish an agreement to utilize service bays at Lamb Chevrolet for instructionalAn agreement with Lamb Chevrolet wasThe signed present by the space Yavapai allocation College is not Governing sufficient Board for current courses - evidenced by the necessity of doubling up classes in the shop area. purposes. on January 8, 2002. InofferedwithThe addition presentLamb each toChevrolet space semester. space has considerations, will prohibitedThis provide will also the Yavapai much programopen ofthe College the fromdoor Yavapai forgrowingwith continuous, eightCollege bays automotive short-term and will allow equipment instructional for all is eight outdated.modules automotive toCollaborating be interspersed with with Lamb internships. Chevrolet - evidenced by capacity enrollment and FFSE for the past five years. Partnering core instructional areas to be TheStudentswill opportunityalleviate will somebenefit to learnof from these automotive observing, problems skills throughfirst-hand, in a innovative brand the day-to-day new, scheduling modern, operations automotive of students of repair and equipment facility, utilizing the latest equipment and gadgetry, a professional, automotive service establishment. usage. Complete the Outcomes Assessment Plan for the Automotive Program. Ongoing. will undoubtedly attract new students. Require degree seeking automotive students to participate in internships duringPilot programvarious phasesbegins Summerof their training.2002. Internships available to non-degree seeking students as well. theArrangeCBS12.A.3 Ford internshipsdealer. (05/02) Those in studentsaccordance wishing with ato student's be "generalists" specialization or who interest. are undecided, That is, could intern with a student wishing to specialize in Fords would intern with an independent repair facility. Incorporate the use of computers for instructional diagnostic and repair simulations.Pilot program begins Summer 2002. Increase the number of students who complete degrees or certificates. WhileNo progress. no increase has occurred, this is part of the objective of the new delivery schedule which begins in Fall 2002. EvaluatePursue NATEF alternative reaccreditation delivery of curriculum:after move tofor Lamb example, Chevrolet. eight weeks of classNATEF reaccreditation application has already been submitted. - eight weeks of internship. Conduct a needs analysis for a "collision repair" program. NoThe progress. new schedule for the delivery of the automotive classes incorporates the eight week format. Reorganize the Automotive Advisory Committee to align with and better supportcommitteeThe terms the ofrecommendationhas the not existing been formed. Automotive in this document. Advisory Committee have concluded. New membership recruitment is underway, however, the fmal CBS12.A.3 (05/02) CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2002-2003 TheRecommendations/Follow-up program is serving the college and the community needs and should be continued.Right now the construction department is in a state of flux. Building 10, its current home, is slated for demolition and new facilities will not be Enrollment has grown and consideration should be given to hiring one full-timeTheready program faculty until memberisspring slated of for tonext teacher,continuation. year. Most and helpof the manage recommendations the Architectural cannot be easily implemented until permanent facilities have been secured. (Dropped)computerGraphics program.based construction This person management would also courses.assist in Note:overseeing NCA therecommends construction aThe full-time technology Construction faculty computer Program member lab will for and be each possiblymoving degree to teach Chinooffered. some Valley. of the Therefore, a recommendation was made to John Morgan (who will serve as (RevisedandThe marketingprogram and Completed)needs for the a full-time technology counselor programs. that is not only familiar with all ofAssociate the technology Dean for degree the department) programs, forbut the is alsoposition capable referenced of recruiting above. (PendingclassesTo meet to trends inmeet consideration currentin the global needs, of constructionprogram i.e., beginning mix marketplace, at andskills advanced center) suggested architecture curricula (ArichiCAD) is as follows:This and need Redevelopmentcivil has (AutoCAD). been met by of counseling the CADD coming program. to the Restructure center twice a year for a two-day period. . ThisthereStill recommendationis under enough review. uncertainty At is nowthe that end pending we of theare in springwaiting consideration semester, before weof we fmalmake have decision any an architecturalcurriculum concerning changes. graphics the mix instructor of programs who at is the leaving. new skills We knowcenter. we are moving and CBS12.A.3 (05/03) Offer a community class or weekend seminar in home repair and remodeling. Offer(Pending) various home performance workshops Once we're in the Chino Valley facility, we fully expect to offer these types of courses. - designed to educate consumers, builders, sub-contractors, designers and architects, building (In-process)durable,inspectors, and and environmentally others in the construction friendly. industry to design and build housesThis that is arealready energy happening and resource to a small efficient, degree healthy, at our job safe, site comfortable, with visitations, open houses, etc. In addition, the head of our department, Tony (In-process)Integrate applied communication skills, math and problem solving skills, withactivityGrahame, vocational/technical once has we been are interviewedrelocated interests to byC.V. intolocal core TV stationseducation about requirements. how to build healthy houses. Nonetheless, a greater effort is planned for this type of With(Pending) the growing Hispanic workforce, add a class in Spanish for constructionwaySome supervisors. to progress go to achieve has been the madegoal stated with theabove. communication department. In addition, a technical math class was attempted. However, we have a long (Complete)Creative a resource library for both students and the community at the new NoAgribusiness progress. and Science Technology Center in Chino Valley. (DroppedPurchase adue new to bobcat cost) for construction technology class. materials.There is currently a library space dedicated for this purpose in the new center and the construction department already has a start on resource CBS12.A.3Purchase a (05/03)new non-ammonia blue print machine for architectural graphicsNo classes. progress. (Dropped due to cost) This will be part of our capital equipment request for FY 2002-03. (In-process)Monitor the transition and impact on students in regards to the move to the newThis Chinowill occur Valley then Technology the move is made.facility.

CBS12.A.3 (05/03) CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2001-2002 TheRecommendations/Follow-up program is serving the college and the community needs and should be continued.Right now the construction department is in a state of flux. Building 10, its current home, is slated for demolition and new facilities will not be Enrollment has grown and consideration should be given to hiring one full-timeTheready faculty program until memberspring is slated of next for continuation.year. Most of the recommendations cannot be easily implemented until permanent facilities have been secured. to teacher, and help manage the Architectural computerGraphics program.based construction This person management would also courses.assist in Note:overseeing NCA therecommends constructionAssociate aThe full-time technology Construction Dean faculty for computer the Program member department) lab will for and beeach forpossibly moving the degree position toteach offered.Chino referenced Valley. Therefore,above. a recommendation was made to John Morgan (who will serve as some of the andThe marketingprogram needs for the a full-time technology counselor programs. that is not only familiar with all of the technologyAgain, with degree the program moving to C.V., it is hoped this position can be secured for that location. programs, but is also capable of recruiting Toclasses meet trends to meet in currentthe global needs, construction i.e., beginning marketplace, and advanced suggested architecture curricula (ArichiCAD) is as follows:Still under and Redevelopment review. civil (AutoCAD). At the endof the of CADDthe spring semester, we have an architectural graphics instructor who is leaving. We know program. Restructure we are moving and Offer a community class or weekend seminar in home repair and remodeling.Oncethere iswe're enough in the uncertainty Chino Valley that facility,we are waiting we fully before expect we to make offer anythese curriculum types of changes. courses. CBS12.A.3durable,inspectors,Offer various and and(05/02) environmentally home others performance in the construction friendly. workshops industry to design and build houses that are - designed to educate consumers, builders, sub-contractors, designers and architects, building energy and resource efficient, healthy, safe, comfortable, Grahame,This is already has been happening interviewed to a small by local degree TV at stations our job about site with how visitations, to build healthy open houses, houses. etc. Nonetheless, In addition, a greaterthe head effort of our is department,planned for Tonythis type of Integrate applied communication skills, math and problem solving skills, withSomeactivity vocational/technical progress once we has are been relocated interests made to with C.V.into the core communication education requirements. department. In addition, a technical math class was attempted. However, we have a long With the growing Hispanic workforce, add a class in Spanish for constructionNoway supervisors.progress. to go to achieve the goal stated above. I--1 Creative a resource library for both students and the community at the new materials.ThereAgribusiness is currently and a Science library space Technology dedicated Center for this in purposeChino Valley. in the new center and the construction department already has a start on resource CICO Purchase a new bobcatnon-ammonia for construction blue print technology machine for class. architectural graphics Noclasses. progress. Monitor the transition and impact on students in regards to the move to the Thisnew willChino occurbe Valleypart then of our Technologythe capitalmove is equipment made. facility. request for FY 2002-03. CBS12.A.3 (05/02) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM Recommendations The program is serving the college and community needs and should be continued. Complete 2002-2003 TheMaintainSupport full-time the program currentfaculty staff managementand in offices acquiring have and new movedplacement facilities to the of fornewthe classes. program Prescott Complete inValley the college facility. structure. Complete Complete CoursesDevelopSecure re-writtenways additional to enhance and qualified presented written faculty. inand Spanish. Completecomputational Complete skills in the curriculum or through referrals to other course work. Complete Follow-up Activities: EMSlanguageCourses provider. have in delivering been re-written services and or presentedwho only inspeak Spanish. Spanish. These The classes courses are were made re-written available by to EMSgroups staff in thein collaboration community who with use a Spanish the Spanish speaking unsuccessfulCollaborationThe full time instaff between gaining has movedprogram admittance to facultythe to new EMS and P.V. classescollege facility. duetesting to lack and ofplacement basic reading personnel and computational has been initiated skills to are insure encouraged that students to enroll who in are remedial increasehasSinceclasses continued the where in program population improvementto increase review and while wasneed may started, forcertifiedoccur. EMS a minor adjunctpersonnel concern faculty services has has grown inbecome the intocommunity, increasingly a major one.but hard also Enrollment toby fmd. the quality Thisin the condition coursesand quantity andis brought the of coursesnumber about offered,of in courses part therebyby offered the CBS12.A.3 (05/03) ofthe the increase state to demand take advantage for the classes. of the quality Instructors programs are traveling offered toby allYavapai parts of College. the county to deliver classes, while students are coming from all parts program,forThe certification National when Department youof students consider of and Transportationthey instructors. already have Inand most other the casesArizona full timequalified Department jobs. adjunct of haveHealth a very Services limited have amount increased of time their to requirements dedicate to the salaryimportantprogramfacultyAs mentioned since for while pursuits. the the in program.allowing full the Adjuncttime program Adding theperson facultyprogram review, willa full pay be coordinator stafftime teachingcurrently hasfaculty continued thetoallocated person, spend classes to the willin monitorformerly thetime significantly department she this taught spent trend bybenefit recruitingbudget and adjuncts. has thewill begun partconsistency be timeused the faculty,searchto offsetof instruction for on the another other full moretimein full the faculty time builtThis hasnext been the Verde accomplished Campus throughbyin Cottonwood.recruiting the construction and hiring several of the newnew facilityadjunct in faculty. Prescott Valley, and the building scheduled to be

CBS12.A.3 (05/03) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM 2001-2002 Recommendations MaintainThe program the currentis serving management the college and and placement community of needsthe program and should in the be college continued. structure. DevelopSupportThe full-time ways program to faculty enhance staff and in written acquiring offices and have new computational moved facilities to thefor skills newclasses. inPrescott the curriculum Valley facility. or through referrals to other course work. 1-- Follow-up Activities: EMSlanguageCourses provider. have in delivering been re-written services and or presentedwho only inspeak Spanish. Spanish. These The classes courses are were made re-written available by to EMS staff in collaboration with groups in the community who use the Spanish a Spanish speaking CollaborationThe full time staff between have program moved to faculty the new and P.V. college facility. testing and placement personnel has been initiated to insure that students who are hasSinceclassesunsuccessful continued the where program in improvementto gaining increase review admittance whilewas may started, certifiedoccur. to EMS a minoradjunct classes concern faculty due tohas have lack grown become of basic into increasingly readinga major andone. hardcomputational Enrollment to fmd. Thisin skills the condition are encouraged is brought to aboutenroll inin partremedial by the courses and the number of courses offered oftheincrease the increase state in populationto demand take advantage for and the need classes. of forthe EMSquality Instructors personnel programs are travelingservices offered in toby the allYavapai community,parts of College. the countybut also to by deliver the quality classes, and while quantity students of The National Department of Transportation and the Arizona Department of Health Services have increased their requirements courses offered, therebyare coming from all parts CBS12.A.3 (05/02) program,for certification when youof students consider and they instructors. already have In most other cases full timequalified jobs. adjunct have a very limited amount of time to dedicate to the importantprogramfacultyAs mentioned for while pursuits. the in program.allowing the Adjunct program Addingthe facultyprogram review, a full pay coordinator stafftime currently hasfaculty continued toallocated person, spend to the willin monitor thetime significantly department she this spent trend benefit recruitingbudget and has thewill begun partconsistency be timeused the faculty,searchto offsetof instruction for on the another other full moretimein full the faculty time FundsadjunctThesalary staff sinceto faculty coverundertook the thewerefull salary timean located unsuccessful personwere and shifted willtraining attemptbe from teaching is underthe to locatePublic the way classes and Servicesto ensure hire formerly a budget.qualifiedthese taught individuals full-time by adjuncts. meet faculty national member. standards Several for new certification. trainable

CBS12.A.3 (05/02) Recommendations EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM 2000-2001 MoveMaintainThe program the thefull-time currentis serving faculty management the andcollege offices and and placementto community the new ofPrescott needsthe andValley should facility. be continued. program in the college structure. Program Goals DevelopSupport program ways to enhancestaff in acquiring written and new computational facilities for classes. skills in the curriculum or through referrals to other course work. InstillDeliverProvide competencies, learner high centeredquality which accessible education lead to training withcertification life opportunities long and learning employment for options students expertise in the field ProvideEncourage outreachadvanced and prepare programs course students work for communitiesand to seekcontinuing opportunities in educationthe entire for countyadvancement in the field programs Follow-up Activities: EMSlanguageCourses provider. have in delivering been re-written services and or presentedwho only inspeak Spanish. Spanish. These The classes courses were re-written by EMS staff in collaboration with a Spanish speaking are made available to groups in the community who use the Spanish CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Plans have been made to move the full time staff to the new P.V. facility when it opens. classesunsuccessfulCollaboration where in improvementbetween gaining program admittance may facultyoccur. to EMS and classescollege duetesting to lack and ofplacement basic reading personnel and computational has been initiated skills to insure that students who are encouraged to enroll remedial are theincreasehasSince increasecontinued the in program population demand to increase review for and the while wasneed classes. started, certifiedfor EMSInstructors a minoradjunct personnel concernare faculty travelingservices has have grown into become theall partsintocommunity, increasingly of the county but hardalso to bytodeliver find.the quality Thisclasses, condition and while quantity students is brought of about in a major one. Enrollment in the courses and the number of courses offered courses offered, therebyare coming from all parts part by the of the state to take advantage of the quality programs offered by Yavapai College. program,forThe certification National when Department youof students consider of and Transportationthey instructors. already have Inand most other the casesArizona full timequalified Department jobs. adjunct of haveHealth a very Services limited have amount increased of time their to requirements dedicate to the salaryimportantprogramfacultyAs mentioned since for while thepursuits. the full in program.allowing thetime Adjunct program person theAdding facultyprogram review,will a befull pay coordinatorteachingstaff time currently has faculty thecontinued toallocated classes person,spend to formerlythe in willmonitor thetime significantly department taughtshe this spent trend by recruitingadjuncts.benefitbudget and has willthe begun part consistency be timeused the faculty,searchto offset of instructionfor on the another other full moretime infull the faculty time

CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Fire Science Program TheRecommendations/Follow-Up program is serving the college and the community needs and should be continued. (Complete) 2002-2003 Maintain the current management and placement of the program in the collegeThe structure. currentprogram management (Complete)has been continued structure and and is program undergoing placement significant has upgrades.been maintained. designedMove the tofaculty, accommodate staff and theoffices majority into theof trainingnew Prescott and course Valley work and Verdein the ValleyFireThe Science facilities Prescott Valleywhen they campus are completeddedicated its since new theyaddition have in been Spring 2002. Its primary focus is Public Safety Education, including Fire Science, program. (Complete) Increase the program budget by 15 percent to reflect its growth in operatingphase.planning expendituresEMS, Administration stages, andwith capital the of IGA Justice, equipment and propertyand the needs, Police lease beingOfficer negotiated Certification with Academy the City of(NARTA). Cottonwood. The VerdeAfter negotiation,Valley Center is progressing through the we will move into the design as reflected in budget (Complete)planning submittals. In the past these needs have been met by transferring ThisdollarsServices recommendation from Department. other has Proposals been satisfied for 02/03 in the will 01/02 be part budget of the year Division's by transferring budget permanentproposal to funds the President's from another Office. department within the Public programs in the Public Services department. (Complete)Support program staff in planning and designing new facilities to meet the risingBowmaster,The staff student is receiving Jim enrollment Gillespie, tremendous and theincreasing support College's in legalthis area, professionals starting from have the been President's instrumental Office in providingand working support down. for Neil the Goodell,various facilities Terry Walsh, projects. Teny program requirements. EnhanceCBS12.A.3 written (05/03) and computation skills. (Complete) someProcesses courses, to identify a Nelson and Denny enhance testing written process and computationis being implemented. skills within Students the curriculum will be assessed are being in thisinitiated. method In andaddition advised to adding or assisted prerequisites as to beappropriate given the opportunity in ways of toimproving participate their in peerskills. groups Some with students individuals will be whoprovided have withdeveloped tutors andhigher Resource educational Center skill opportunities, levels. while others will adequacy.supportFirefighterThis program methods Certification goal through was initiated Academy. College in resources. theThree Spring students The 2002 curriculum exhibited semester assessmentswillwith consistently the administration that indicatedbe reviewed of athe need toNelson-Denny evaluate for assistance, areas assessment of and written all were examand offeredcomputational to the astudents variety skills inof the

CBS12.A.3 (05/03) Fire Science Program TheRecommendations/Follow-Up program is serving the college and the community needs and should be continued. 2001-2002 Maintain the current management and placement of the program in the collegeThe currentprogramstructure. management has been continued structure and and is program undergoing placement significant has upgrades.been maintained. CD designedMove the tofaculty, accommodate staff and theoffices majority into theof trainingnew Prescott and course Valley work and Verdein the ValleyFireEMS,The Science facilities Prescott Administration Valleywhen they campus of Justice, dedicated and the its Police new addition Officer inCertification Spring 2002. Academy Its primary (NARTA). focus is The Public Verde Safety Valley Education, Center is including progressing through program. are completed since they have been Fire Science, the planningIncrease thesubmittals. program In budget the past by these15 percent needs to have reflect been its met growth by transferring in operating phase.planningdollars expenditures from stages, other andwith capital the IGA equipment and property needs, lease being negotiated with the City of Cottonwood. After negotiation, programs in the Public Services department. we will move into the design as reflected in budget Support program staff in planning and designing new facilities to meet the risingThisServices recommendation student Department. enrollment has Proposals beenand increasingsatisfied for 02/03 in the will 01/02 be part budget of the Division's budget proposal to the President's Office. year by transferring permanent funds from another department within the Public program requirements. Enhance written and computation skills. Bowmaster,The staff is receiving Jim Gillespie, tremendous and the support College's in legalthis area, professionals starting from have the been President's instrumental Office in providingand working support down. for Neil the Goodell,various facilities Teny Walsh, projects. Terry CBS12.A.3 (05/02) beappropriatesomeProcesses given courses, the to in opportunityidentify waysa Nelson of and improving Denny toenhance participate testing writtentheir in processskills. peerand Somecomputationgroups is being students with implemented. individualsskills will within be provided Studentswho the havecurriculum with will developed tutorsbe assessed and higher Resource in educationalthis method Center skill andopportunities, advisedlevels. or whileassisted others as are being initiated. In addition to adding prerequisites to will adequacy.supportFirefighterThis program methods Certification goal through was initiated Academy. College in resources. theThree Spring students The 2002 curriculum exhibited semester assessmentswillwith consistently the administration that indicatedbe reviewed of athe need toNelson-Denny evaluate for assistance, areas assessment of and written all were and offeredcomputational a variety skills of exam to the students in the

CBS12.A.3 (05/02) GUNSMITHING PROGRAM 2002-2003 Recommendations/Follow-UpforGunsmithing entry into theis a workforce competency-based, and to develop project their oriented, own business. occupational, There Associateare only a offew Applied programs Science of this Degree kind in program.the country. It prepares students Reinstatement (Complete) ThisAs directed objective by wasthe Collegeaccomplished Governing and a Board, comprehensive the Gunsmithing process Programwas undertaken was reinstated to support to beginit. The offering classes program is now finishing the second academic as of the fall semester 2000. studentsinInyear 358the with fallcredit enrolled successsemester hours inin of 2001, theterms Gunsmithing degree 50 of studentsmeeting program, course enrolledthe carrying goals work in outlined 341a full credit load in the hoursof recommendationsGunsmithing of Gunsmithing and otherlisted course relatedin work.the program course In the work. springreview. Nine 2002 of semester these students 55 students enrolled a total of 699 credit hours of gunsmithing for the 2001-2002 academic year. This includes 25 came from schools.Inenrollmentout addition of state There into theenroll. is afirstsuccess plan Seventeen year in described placeclasses ofto startingthoseoffer above, overstudents inthe thefifteen program fall.will one-week Itreturn ishas anticipated received for intensive the second certification that credit enrollment year and classes by non-credit the in intotalNational fall, will and beRifle there 30 Associationstudents are already for for theover thefall six 2002 applications courses this summer. Classes begin in May. summer short-term semester. for Staff (Complete) memberA new full-time has extensive faculty experience member was in the hired field to andprovide has beguninstruction, to make coordination changes with and directionprofessional from operation the Director of the of the Public Services Division. program. The new faculty CBS12.A.3 (05/03) andMr. maintainingrecruitingAlan Lohr students, was college hired hiringequipment. in this faculty position. and He working has excelled with industry in his role partners as lead for Gunsmithing program support. instructor As well and has been heavily involved in marketing as coordinating the NRA summer classes WhenhaveIn addition been appropriate, added to the to one otherthe full-time staff. experts faculty in the membersfield are brought originally in ashired, guest several lecturers. more adjuncts that teach subjects such as Auto-Cad and Stock making Marketing (Complete) theWith web the on new other staff related member pages, in place, advertising an aggressive in several marketing national effortpublications, was implemented. attending trade This showseffort includedin several creating locations, and making telephone and a web page, advertising on willtheseInterestwritten enjoy responses contactgenerated a healthy withand from thosegrowthindividuals the that webrate the pageforand staff some corporations alone receives time has to resultedduring come.related the in to hundredsvarious the field. marketing of This inquiries plan activities has from been as being farvety away undertaken, successful as Germany, there Indonesiais anticipation and England.that the Based program on CA Facilities (Complete) andupgradedA complete upgrades or remodel,replaced will be made.asupgrade necessary. and enhancementThese changes of have the lab served and facultyclassroom and was staff initiated. well. As All time equipment goes by, closeand class monitoring supplies of conditions will were evaluated and occur Curriculum (Complete) variousalsoThe instructorsstate other complete types have ofsatisfaction stated classes overwhelming and with activities, the classroom satisfaction in addition and with tolab the thesettings. Gunsmithing efficiency The classroom and class convenience activities. is that the now being utilized by other departments in conducting new design brings to the facility. Students A EveningASaturday continuous and lab weekendclass review was process classesadded for tohave allow the been entire students scheduled. curriculum to participate and program in more is practical in place. application activities. CBS12.A.3 (05/03) More of these type classes are planned for the future. The degree program was restructured to offer over a period of two years. fallIndustryCurrent of 2001. and representatives prospective havestudents been have contacted expressed to begin great the satisfaction internship with program; this change. this option will be offered to second year students starting in the The stepsArizonaPolice necessary Armorer Peace Officers tocourse reinstate has Standards beenthe NRA rewritten and summer Training and programsoffered Board threeapproved have times. been the Ittaken, coursewas overwhelminglyincluding for credit a requestfor required accepted to be training certified and supported for by Police the NRA.with Officers. attendance. SeveralorganizationsAn advisory "Partnerships" committee in the community. have has beenbeen developedestablished and with is membersmeeting; thisof the committee industry. is made up of several owners and operators of related businesses and GrowthBudget (Complete)(Complete) As previously reported, it is anticipated that the existing budget will be sufficient to support all these ongoing activities. offeringAsmoreThe requested, efficiently Gunsmithing a few programselect utilize programevening expansionevery classes.issquare running has foot Spacebeen at of 100put availablepercenton hold capacitydo at tothat budget time. with andHoweverthe buildingspace additionalavailable. concerns. staffThe It lab and classroom may maybe possible be an issue. to attract more students by are scheduled for adjustment to CBS12.A.3 (05/03) GUNSMITHING PROGRAM 2001-2002 Recommendations/Follow-UpforGunsmithing entry into theis a workforcecompetency-based, and to develop project their oriented, own business. occupational, There Associate are only a of few Applied programs Science of this Degree kind in program. the country. It prepares students Reinstatement ThisAs directed objective by wasthe Collegeaccomplished Governing and a Board, comprehensive the Gunsmithing process Programwas undertaken was reinstated to support to beginit. The offering program classes is as of the fall semester 2000. now fmishing the second academic studentsinInyear 358the with fallcredit enrolled successsemester hours inin of 2001, theterms Gunsmithing degree 50 of studentsmeeting program, course enrolledthe carrying goals work in outlined 341a full credit load in the hoursof recommendationsGunsmithing of Gunsmithing and otherlisted course relatedin work.the program course In the work. springreview. Nine 2002 of semester these students 55.students came enrolledfrom a total of 699 credit hours of gunsmithing for the 2001-2002 academic year. This includes 25 schools.Inenrollmentout addition of state There into theenroll. is afirstsuccess plan Seventeen year in described placeclasses ofto startingthoseoffer above, overstudents inthe thefifteen program fall.will one-week Itreturn ishas anticipated received for intensive the second certification that credit enrollment year and classes by non-credit the in intotalNational fall, will courses and beRifle there 30 this Associationstudents are summer. already for forClasses theover thefall six summer 2002begin applications in short-term May. semester. for Staff memberA new full-time has extensive faculty experience member was in the hired field to andprovide has beguninstruction, to make coordination changes with and directionprofessional from operation the Director of the of program.the Public The Services Division. new faculty CBS12.A.3 (05/02) andMr. maintainingrecruitingAlan Lohr students, was college hired hiringequipment. in this faculty position. and He working has excelled with industry in his role partners as lead for Gunsmithing program support. instructor As well and as has coordinating been heavily the involved NRA summer in marketing classes WhenhaveIn addition been appropriate, added to the to.the one other full-time staff. experts faculty in the membersfield are brought originally in ashired, guest several lecturers. more adjuncts that teach subjects such as Auto-Cad and Stock making Marketing theWith web the on new other staff related member pages, in place, advertising an aggressive in several marketing national publications,effort was implemented. attending trade This shows effort in included several creatinglocations, and making telephone and a web page, advertising on willtheseInterestwritten enjoy responses contactgenerated a healthy withand from thosegrowthindividuals the that webrate the pageforand staff some corporations alone receives time has to resultedduring come.related the in to hundredsvarious the field. marketing of This inquiries plan activities has from been as being farvery away undertaken, successful as Germany, there Indonesiais anticipation and England.that the Based program on Facilities andupgradedA complete upgrades or remodel,replaced will be made.upgradeas necessary. and enhancement These changes of havethe lab served and classroomfaculty and was staff initiated. well. As All time equipment goes by, andclose class monitoring supplies ofwere conditions evaluated will and occur Curriculum variousThealso instructors state other complete types have of stated satisfactionclasses overwhelming and withactivities, the satisfactionclassroom in addition and with to lab the the settings. Gunsmithing efficiency The and classroom class convenience activities. is now that being the utilizednew design by other brings departments to the facility. in conducting Students EveningA Saturdaycontinuous and lab weekend review class wasprocess classes added for have to the allow been entire scheduled.students curriculum to participate and program in more is in practical place. application activities. CBS12.A.3 (05/02) More of these type classes are planned for the future. The degree program was restructured to offer over a period of two years. fallIndustryCurrent of 2001. and representatives prospective havestudents been have contacted expressed to begin great the satisfaction internship with program; this change. this option will be offered to second year students starting in the TheThe steps ArizonaPolice necessary Armorer Peace to Officers coursereinstate has Standards the been NRA rewritten andsummer Training and programs offered Board have threeapproved been times. taken,the It coursewas including overwhelmingly for credit a request for required acceptedto be certified training and supported by for the Police NRA. with Officers. attendance. I%) organizationsAnSeveral advisory "Partnerships" committee in the community. has have been been developed established and withis meeting; members this of committee the industiy. is made up of several owners and operators of related businesses and GrowthBudget As previously reported, it is anticipated that the existing budget will be sufficient to support all these ongoing activities. offeringAsmoreThe requested, Gunsmithing efficiently a few programselect utilize program evening expansionevery is runningclasses.square has foot Spaceatbeen 100 of put area.ispercent availableon hold capacity do at tothat budgetwith time. the andHowever space building available. additional concerns. The staff labIt may and beclassroom possiblean issue. to attract are scheduled for adjustment to more students by CBS12.A.3 (05/02) GUNSMITHING PROGRAM 2000-2001 Recommendations/Follow-UpforGunsmithing entry into theis a workforcecompetency-based, and to develop project their oriented, own business. occupational, There Associate are only a of few Applied programs Science of this Degree kind in the country. program. It prepares students Reinstatement yearThisAs directed withobjective success by wasthe in Collegeaccomplished terms,of Governing meeting and atheBoard, comprehensive goals the outlined Gunsmithing process in the recommendationsProgramwas undertaken was reinstated to listed support into thebeginit. Theprogram offering review. classes as of the fall semester 2000. program is now fmishing the first academic GA) thestudentscarryingIn the fall. fall Itwilla semesterisfull anticipated return load of2000,for Gunsmithing the that 34 second enrollmentstudents year and enrolled classesinother total related in inwill 202fall, be coursecredit and twenty-four there hours work. are of Five studentalready Gunsmithing of these forover the students12 coursefall applications semester. camework. from Twelve for enrollmentout studentsof state in toenrolled the enroll. first in Elevenyear the classesdegree of those starting program, in Staff schools.In addition There to the is asuccess plan in described place to offer above, over the ten program one-week has intensivereceived certificationcredit and non-credit by the National courses Rifle this summer.Association Enrollment for the begins in May. summer short-term andMr.memberA new recruitingAlan full-time has Lohr extensive students, was faculty hired experience facultymember in this and position.was in industry the hired field He to partners hasandprovide excelled has forbeguninstruction, the in program.tohis make role coordination aschanges lead Gunsmithing with and directionprofessional instructor from operation the and Director has of been the of theheavily Public involved Services in program. The new faculty CBS12.A.3 (05/01) haveIn addition been added to the to two the part-time staff. faculty members originally recruited, several more adjuncts that teach subjects such as Auto-Cad When appropriate, other experts in the field are brought in as guest lecturers. Marketing With the new staff member in place, an aggressive marketing effort was implemented. This effort included creating a web page, advertising on theseInterestwrittenthe web responses contact generatedon other withand related from thoseindividuals the pages, that web the advertising pageand staff corporations alone receives inhas several resultedduring related national the in to overvarious the publications, 200field. marketing inquiries This plan attending fromactivities has as been tradefar being shows undertaken, in several there locations, is anticipation and making that the veryaway successful as Germany, Indonesia and England. Based on telephone and program Facilities upgradedAwill complete enjoy or a remodel,healthyreplaced growth upgradeas necessary. rate and for enhancement These some timechanges to of come. havethe lab served and classroomfaculty and staff well. As time were initiated. All equipment and class supplies were evaluated and goes by, close monitoring of conditions will occur 1\..) Thevariousalsoand instructors upgradesstate other complete havetypeswill bestated ofsatisfaction made. classes overwhelming and with activities, the satisfactionclassroom in addition and with labto the the settings. efficiency Gunsmithing The and classroom classconvenience activities. is that the now being utilized by other departments in conducting new design brings to the facility. Students Curriculum A Saturdaycontinuous lab review class wasprocess added for to the allow entire students curriculum to participate and program in more is in practical place. application activities. TheMoreEvening degree of theseand program weekend type classes was classes restructured are haveplanned been to for offerscheduled. the overfuture. a period of two years. CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Current and prospective students have expressed great satisfaction with this change. ThisIndustry option representatives will be offered have to beensecond contacted year students to begin starting the internship in the fall of 2001. program.. TheThe stepsArizona Police necessary Peace Armorer Officers to reinstatecourse Standards has the been NRA and rewritten summer Training and programs Board offered approved have twice. been It the taken. was overwhelmingly accepted and supported coursewith attendance. for credit for required training for Police Officers. ThisAnAs statedadvisory committee above, committee is our made request hasup ofbeen to several be developed certified owners by and andthe is NRAoperators meeting. was ofreceived. related businesses and organizations in the community. crit Budget AsSeveral previously "Partnerships" reported, it have is anticipated been established that the withexisting members budget of will the beindustry. sufficient to support all these ongoing activities. CBS12.A.3 (05/01) GUNSMITHING PROGRAM 1999-00 ReinstatementRecommendations/Follow-upsemesterAs directed 2000. by theThis College objective Governing was accomplished Board, the andGunsmithing a comprehensive Program process was reinstated was undertaken to begin to offering support classes it. as of the fall Staff facultyServicesA new member full-time Division. has faculty extensive member experience was hired in the to providefield and instruction, began to make coordination changes withand professional direction from operation the Director of the of the Public program. The new 0")M--IND Marketing toOneIn assistaddition, part-time in processing two clerical part-time applications,person faculty was members hired to complete in anotherwere background retained area of to Public supportchecks Services andthe studentsto coordinateDivision. in the This purchasing provided and additional marketing. time for existing staff program. staffarelocations,advertisingWith that andthe this newthe and onplan newly staff makingthe was webmember formed successful. telephone on other programin place related andContinuous an advisorywritten aggressivepages, contact monitoringcommittee, advertising marketing with and whichindividualsin effortseveraladjustments is made national and corporationswill publications, occur. This related effortattending was tradeaccomplished shows in with input from was implemented. This effort included creating a webup page, of several individuals in the community who are to the field. Preliminary indications several Facilities A evaluatedinvolvedcomplete in remodel,and the upgraded industry. upgrade or replaced and enhancement as necessary. of the lab and classroom was initiated. All equipment and class supplies were Curriculum TheEveningA continuous degree and program weekend review wasprocess classes restructured for have the been entire to bescheduled curriculumoffered overfor andfall a period 2000. of two program is in place. years. SeveralAnTheIndustry advisory stepsPolice partnerships representatives necessary Armorer committee tocoursehave reinstate hashave been hasbeen been establishedbeenthe developed contactedNRA rewritten summer with and to and beginmembersis meeting.offered the internshipof twice. the industry. It programs have been taken. was overwhelminglyprogram. accepted and supported with attendance. MUSIC DEPARTMENT TheRecommendations Music Department has grown to a point where the institution might consider increasing its support in terms of additional faculty and staff and 2002-2003 servicesstaffcommunitybudget,Follow-up are orinfinding itsome requests should itway. increasingly allow for classes the department difficultand concerts, to to respond reduce in addition toits these services to growingsupporting to students demands. a student and/or It recruitmentmight the community. be time program to eitherThe for Music expand the college.Department the program The attemptstwo or full-time consider to respond faculties reducing to and the their Administrative Structure Eliminate the "Music Volunteer" program oand the Volunteer Coordinator position.CompleteReassigned ticket sales and ushering to the Community Events Office. RetainedEliminated a part-timethe part-time "Music "Music Department Department Secretary".o Administration Assistant" position.CompleteReassign work to the "Division Administrative Assistant" position. Instructional Offerings RetainedComplete five Choral Ensembles On-going RetainedDropped twothree Choral sections Ensembles of Music Complete Appreciationo Added a 4th section of MUS 240 Music Appreciation in Spring semester On-going CBS12.A.3 (05/03) Retained a piggy-backed Piano Class I-IV On-going, however we have separated the enrichment/retirement and degree seeking piano students. Retained an eleven concert "Concert Series"o in the Performance Hall (as Class Assessment)All concerts were broadcast on Channel 13 (Nominated by Channel 13 for "Outstanding Entertainment Award") Public Relations EliminatedOn-going the 10 "Summerconcerts this Renaissance year. Banquet" performance (effective Summer 2002). Complete "Angelorum" (the College's Public Relation'so Choir) performed for: CommencementAssociation,Prescott Downtown Channel Partnership, 13 Christmas Acker Program, Music YC Showcase, Evening Yavapai of Recognition, Symphony YC Guild, Verde YavapaiValley Commencement, Regional Medical YC Center, Prescott Sister City Student Recruitment The Music Department provided recruitment programs at four county high schools.Performed at scheduled events. Continuing. o InPrescottBagdadChinoBradshaw Addition: Valley HighMile Mountain Dr. SchoolHigh Breiling MiddleSchool High has School School traveled to all high schools in the district. EliminatedOn-goingTwoTheOn-going, Music Open House/ScholarshipDepartmentthe complete high school for provided this Honor academicprograms scholarship Band Festivalyear:were flyers offeredcontinuing Complete and (November information 17, to 2001 all Arizona and April high 20, schools 2002). (both Fall and Spring semesters). Advancement Dropped Advancement financed monthly advertisements featuring Music and Art Department events for the Daily Courier. CBS12.A.3 (05/03) On-goingDana Wingate, a volunteer, continued to write articles for the Daily Courier regarding the Choral Music concerts. Budget oInstitutional funds were used to fmance Theall Music Fund Department02 accounts activitieswere frozen (Fund (pending 02 administrative review). Complete, reviewed and used. accounts were not used). Complete Scholarship: All scholarship allocations from the institution have been CANCELLED.MusicPrivate facultyFinancial and appliedare Aid now will lesson paid $30 fees per were hour increased for private complete lesson instruction (effective Fall semester 2001). honor those awards committed for the fall scholarships)semester, evidently there will be no fmancial aid support for the spring 04 semesteroInstitutional funding for vocal music departmentSixty-four scholarships choral ensemble was reduced scholarships by $250 were (from issued $6250 at $31 per student. or the future. (This does not apply to foundation supported to $6000). r\..1 Fouro private music lesson scholarships wereSixteenCollegeTwelve issued choralprivateFoundation at $300 ensemble vocal per vocal music student. scholarships music lesson scholarships scholarships were issued were were at offered $31 issued ($1700) at $250 per student per student Facility oRoom list Retained four practicerooms for rooms music (rooms instruction 207 A, (rooms B, C, 205,and D)206, 208, and 210) o ReceivedAcquiredRetained onetwoextensivelecture percussionmusicfaculty room supportoffice offices 209 storage and forfrom (rooms oneMusic room facilities adjunct 203 Appreciation (room and managementfaculty 204)206 B) workspace to renovate (both inmusic rehearsal hall. room 206A) CBS12.A.3 (05/03) MUSIC DEPARTMENT The MusicRecommendations Department has grown to a point where the institution might consider increasing its support in terms of additional faculty and staff and 2001-2002 servicescommunitybudget,Follow-upstaff are orin itsomefmding requests should way. it allow forincreasingly classes the department and difficult concerts, to to reduce respond in addition its to services these to supporting to students a student and/or recruitment the growing demands. It might be time to either expand the community. The Music Department attempts to respond to program for the college. The two full-time faculties and their program or consider reducing the Administrative Structure Eliminate the "Music Volunteer" o Reassigned ticket sales and ushering to the Community Events Office. program and the Volunteer Coordinator position. RetainedEliminated a part-timethe part-time "Music "Music Department Departmento Secretary". Administration Assistant" Reassign work to the "Division Administrative Assistant" position. position. Instructional Offerings DroppedRetained twofive Choral Ensembles Retained athree piggy-backed sections of Piano Music Class Appreciation I-IVo Added a 4th section of MUS 240 Music Appreciation in Spring semester' CBS12.A.3 (05/02) Retained an eleven concert "Concert Series"o in the Performance Hall All concerts were broadcast on Channel 13 (Nominated by Channel 13 for "Outstanding Entertainment Award")(as Class Assessment) Public Relations Eliminated the "Summer Renaissance Banquet" performance (effective Summer 2002). Student Recruitment "Angelorum" (the College's Public Relation'so Choir) performed for: Association,CommencementPrescott Downtown Channel 13 Partnership, Christmas AckerProgram, Music YC Showcase, Evening of Yavapai Recognition, Symphony YC Verde Guild, Valley Yavapai Commencement, Regional Medical YC PrescottCenter, Sister City The Music Department provided recruitmento programs at four county high schools.PrescottBagdadChinoBradshaw Valley HighMile Mountain SchoolHigh SchoolMiddle High School School IN)ZN.)IN) EliminatedTwoThe Music Open House/ScholarshipDepartmentthe high school provided Honor programs scholarship Band Festivalwere flyers offered and (November information 17, to 2001 all Arizona and April high 20, schools 2002). (both Fall and Spring semesters). Advancement DanaAdvancement Wingate, fmanced a volunteer, monthly continued advertisements to write articles featuring for Musicthe Daily and Courier Art Department regarding events the Choral for the Music Daily Courier. concerts. Budget Institutionalo funds were used to finance allThe Music Fund Department 02 accounts activities were frozen (Fund (pending 02 accounts administrative review). were not used). CBS12.A.3 (05/02) MusicPrivate faculty and applied are now lesson paid fees $30 were per hour increased for private lesson instruction (effective Fall semester 2001). Scholarship Institutionalo funding for vocal music departmentSixty-four scholarships choral ensemble was reduced scholarships by $250 were (from issued $6250 at to$31 $6000). per student. Fouro private music lesson scholarships wereSixteenCollegeTwelve issued privatechoralFoundation at $300 ensemble vocal per vocal scholarships music lesson scholarships scholarships were issued were were at offered $31 issued per ($1700) atstudent $250 per student Facility oRoom list Retained four practicerooms for rooms music (rooms instruction 207 A, (rooms B, C, 205,and D)206, 208, and 210) A orequest has been submitted to complete Retainedsubstantial onetwo work percussionmusicfaculty to Buildingoffice offices storage and (rooms 15, one roomroom adjunct 203 (room206. and faculty No 204)206 work B) workspace (both in room 206A) was completed.

CBS12.A.3 (05/02) CBS12CBS12.A.3 ProgramsChanges and made services, through which Programdemonstrate Review accountability with respect to quality, productivity and the changing needs of the community MetricRecommendations A.3 Programs and services MUSIC DEPARTMENT 2000-2001 servicesstaffcommunitybudget,The Musicare orinfinding itsomeDepartment requests should itway. increasingly allow for hasclasses the grown department difficultand to concerts, a point to to respond reducewhere in addition totheits these servicesinstitution to growingsupporting to studentsmight demands. a considerstudent and/or It recruitmentmight increasingthe community. be time itsprogram tosupport eitherThe for Music inexpand the terms college.Department theof additional The attemptstwo faculty full-time to andrespond faculties staff toand and their program or consider reducing the Follow-up The decision was made to maintain the current level of support for the Music Department. However, several specific changes were 14:1b Renaissance-Add-Eliminaterecommended 3.0 release 1.53.0 Banquet. torelease timeclarify toload theDr. for MusicFisher's both Department's Drs. summer Breiling schedule services: and Fisher, to compensate which had for been the administrativeused for StudentDepartmental responsibilities Advisement. Administration. of producing the Summer -TheRecruitmentThe Music Music Department Department will will continue continue to to provide provide instructional scholarshiprecruitment informationprogramsopportunities at tothe for the county both county enrichment High High Schools. Schools. students and music transfer students. promotion-A-AdvancementAdvancement representative of the Musicwill from fmance Department the Music the production FacultyConcert will Seriesof three-fold meet into with Community promotional the director Events. materialsof Community for the Events Music to Department. open discussion to incorporate the operation and CBS12.A.3 (05/01) -FundsBudget were provided to purchase a music library storage unit. -IncreasePrivate-InstitutionalScholarship and the Applied student funding lesson fee for for feesmusic private department and applied scholarships music lessons was to reduced provide by a $30$500 (from $12,500 to $12,000). per hour salary for Private Lesson instructors.

CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Nursing Assistant Program Review 2002-03 RecommendationContinue offering NSG 114 Status C semestersTheActivities course on continues both the toPrescott offered and in theVerde summer, Valley fall, campuses and spring Increase emphasis on computation skills C resident'sposition,computationalFaculty who fluid teach intake skills NSG and required 114 output. continue for a nursing to emphasize assistant the with applications such as calculating a assistantRecommendationObtain additional spacefor a full-timeon the Verde instructor Valley for campus nursing CP butThisCompleted again request was was not appmved.made in the budget building process, WorkOffer morewith designsections of for new the building VA C I beexistingWorkAdditional space with buildingsfor the nursing sections design in labsthe offered.of Master newand adequatebuildings Plan to classroom orassure modification that space. there of will CB Sl2A.3 (05-03) NURSING PROGRAM ContinueRecommendations/Follow-up offering the Nursing Assistant course, NSG 114 2001-2002 Increase emphasis on computation skills FacultyThe course who teach continues NSG to114 offered continue in the to emphasizesummer, fall, the and computational spring semesters skills required for on both the Prescott and Verde Valley campuses a nursing assistant position, with applications such as Obtain additional space on the Verde Valley campus calculatingCompleted a resident's fluid intake and output. FutureRecommendation Plans for a full-time instructor for nursing assistant classes This request was made in the budget building process, but again was not approved. andContinueWork withadequate with clinicalto the advocate classroom design agencies. forof space. newan additional buildings full or modification time faculty memberof existing to buildingsteach nursing in the assistant Master classesPlan to and coordinate the classes between assure that there will be space for nursing labs campuses CBS12.A.3 (05/02) Recommendations/Follow-up Nursing Program Continue offering the Nursing Assistant course, NSG 114 nursingadditionalThe course assistants section was offered forwas employment created in the summer, in Spring at that fall, 2001 agency. and at spring the request semesters of the in Northern 2000-2001 Arizona on both Veterans the Prescott Affairs and Health Verde Care Valley Center, to campuses. An prepare Increase emphasis on computation skills additionalThe only resource section ofexpended the class this to meet year thethat request was increased of the VA from Medical the usual Center. expenditures was the salary for an additional adjunct faculty to teach the 00 Obtain additional space on the Verde Valley campus ThisdedicatedFaculty was whodone to teach theprior Nursing NSG to the 114 startDepartment emphasized of the fall and the semester. computationalwas used Dr. for Dean classesskills authorizedrequired this year. for an a nursing extra classroom, assistant position adjacent during to the the nursing past skills lab, year. to be FutureRecommendation Plans for a full-time instructor for nursing assistant classes OfferThis request more sections was made for inthe the VA, budget if they building secure process,the funding but wasto pay not tuition approved. for additional employees to take NSG 114. andContinueWork withadequate with clinicalto the advocate classroom design agencies. forof space. newan additional buildings full or modification time faculty memberof existing to buildingsteach nursing in the assistant Master classesPlan to and coordinate the classes between assure that there will be space for nursing labs campuses CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Purchasing and Contracting Program Review Follow-up ThereRecommendation will be at least one professional purchasing staff in the DoneStatus 2002-03 ActivitiesScheduled a staff member to be present at all times between 7 provideandPurchaseaccommodateoffice proper during better software processing normal liaisons'customer program business ofconcerns. service. requisitions to hoursprovide as and formuch purchasea faster as possible turnaround orders to to In research tightsystem.Lookingam. budget, and 4:30for after a p.m.desk the topabandonment package to of make the Peoplesoftthis possible financial within a werewhereexpediteperimetersYear-end implemented their these orders of orders fiscal orders. cannot mayin closure. last The getalways year's departmentbogged New beyear-end proceduresaccomplished down. now arid These educates were withinprocedures setvery liaisons up the to Done AprilcalendarsmoothlyYear liaison of eventsand meeting. efficiently for Thisyear-end withwill closing.beall repeatedprocedures Last annually year handed went out in our end starts in April with a meeting of the liaisons and a thoseattendeesTheresuccessful. whowill and arebe twoinunable writing liaison to attend.of meetings any changes a year to with procedures notice givenfor to Done October 30 and April 22 toattitudepromptThe the Purchasing suppliers. andwill courteousbe presented DepartmentThere customerwill to be thehas a communityAn in enhancedpurchasing themselves as positivewell for to as In progress customerallOne telephone customer and calls, supplierservice and classsatisfaction. inquiries was attended have markedly and prompt increased return of customerseminarsavailablelevelsolving it service shouldproblems. and/orfor resolution. be,and training then Iftry problem for the Theto an directorimprove Purchasingexemplary is not should solvedto an level.staff acceptable be satisfactorily contactedwill attend level and at of the CBS12.A (05-03) Recommendations/Follow-up PURCHASING & CONTRACTING 2001-2002 Measure Cost-Avoidance and Cost-Savings Cost avoidance inwas negotiations measured throughout with architects the year and withcontractors a total withof a total of $350,000 $45,000 Reduce Paperwork TotalCost Savings savings realized was achieved for the throughoutyear the year with a total of $500,000$105,000 Thepaperwork.made goal to install is to reducedo the away Legacy the with paper system the work physical Purchase needed check Order to processrequest and then awas purchase aalso web not enabledorder. realized. People PO Thisform Soft is to wasthe make property tabled it easy as of ato thesoftware utilize. Business The solution finalOffice soresults anda new not should effort willthat be of reduce Accomplishments IncreasedWePurchasing. were ablethe useto post of the all Purchase the training Card information by 2% over on last the year,Intranet thereby this yearreducing that significantlycorresponding reduced Purchase hard Orders. copies on campus. efficiently.ReorganizedDesignedRedesigned Requesta Liaisonall the the entire forcontracts, Training Proposals department Powerterms that work andPoint roll conditions flow,into Presentation effective including and Contractsbidfor the futuredocuments filing forgroup systems major to trainings. reduce bothprojects manualthe inpaperwork the and Master computer and Plan increase basedimplementation. efficiencyto fmd needed of the documentation workflow. more Liaison Training Improveddepartment.Reorganized dramatically the various the entities relationships that report between to purchasing the two majorShipping college & Receiving, contracts printing and mail center to become crossed trained to support the bookstore (Follett) and food services (Chartwells). CBS12.A.3 (05/02) AtOver least the 50 past individual year, we refresher have held classes two liaison and new training liaison session. individual training sessions were held. Future Plans outsideCreate an community. Internet Purchasing Although Sitepart whereof this internal has been forms accomplished and training manual will reside more needs to be done. as well as the ability to post bids and proposals to the ContinueWorkLead the with effortswithto ITS refme managing to to bring theput purchasingin theplace increased guidelines policies workload forand copyright procedures incurred policies byto furtherthe toMaster be in Plan up the Legacy Purchasing system and a web enabled purchase order. improve upon the improvements made thiscompliance year. with the copyright laws. Implementation.

CBS12.A.3 (05/02) PURCHASING & CONTRACTING 2000-2001 MeasureRecommendations/Follow-up Cost-Avoidance and Cost-Savings TheCost new savingsavoidance purchasing was was achieved measureddirector throughout is throughout evaluating the yearthethe yearpurchasing at a astotal last of yearfunctions $44,000. with to a total of $45,500. see where more cost may be avoided and savings secured. Reduce Paperwork paperThe goal trail; is designto reduce work the will paper begin work as neededearly as to this process fall. a purchase order. People Soft will be implemented in the next two years to reduce the Liaison Training IncreasedThe goal is the to usedo awayof the with Purchase the physical Card by check 49% request,over last People year, thereby Soft will reducing also address corresponding this problem. Purchase Orders. AtOver least the 40 past individual year, we refresher have held classes five liaison and new training liaison sessions. individual training sessions were held. Future Plans outsideCreate community. an Internet Purchasing Site where internal forms and training manual will reside as well as the ability to post bids and proposals to the CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Redesign all the contracts, terms and conditions and bid documents. Reorganize the ShippingPurchasing and department Receiving to function provide on for campus more efficient to increase processes. efficiency.

CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Recommendations/Follow-up PURCHASING & CONTRACTING 1999-00 Measure Cost-Avoidance Ato programhighinflation). priority was wasset up given July to 1, setting 1999 to up measure a method cost of avoidancemeasuring fromcost-avoidance actions like (i.e., renewal avoidance of contracts. of costs The one effectiveness might expect yardstick to pay due Reduce Paperwork Severalprogramwas either meetings will the continue Producer took inplace Price FY and00-01. Index various or the methods Consumer were Price examined Index. inResults light ofthrough the latest May state 2000 auditor are $52,600 requirements in avoidances. and the needsThe of 5,988purchasingThethe dollardepartmental use transactions of limit thecards purchasing on purchasinghas departmentalthis increased fiscal card year.liaisons. program55 purchases Thepercent After meetings was throughfrom considerable promoted $500and May programs to to 2000; $1,000discussion, reduce 4,098will which paperwork continue ittransactions waswill decidedstart in(i.e., fiscal 7-1-00 werecheck the year completedbest andwriting 00-01. increaseway and to last reduce reconciliation).the fiscal The use of the purchase card.paper work wasyear to compared raise to use of Implement Automated Purchasing SystemfollowingfutureimplementationThe increased plans, the successful Purchasing difficulties plans forimplementation & theand Contracting automated expense associatedof will purchasing the generate payroll with system implementation action on Based the plans shelf. on concerningofthe Implementation the committee's PeopleSoft the automated review planspayroll willof system purchasingthe be payroll reviewed has putsystem.implementation infuture the fall of 2000,and Eliminate Check Request Form form.The purchasing It appears liaisons,to be meeting staff in the Business needs of Services, all parties and for the record auditors keeping, all have and strongly resisted the elimination of the check no further efforts will be made to eliminate this form request Liaison Training Inas Susanaorder means toSpector avoidof paperwork fromviolations the reduction. Human of purchasing Resources rules Department and regulations, started purchasinga peer training liaison group, training made up of Paulawas stepped Hammer, up. Kirsten Adaniya, achievementsDemoree Anderson, are recorded Nancy below.Bennett, Plans Benjamin are to Moss,continue Margo these Roberts, efforts inCaye fiscalThe PattonfoundationalTeam yearteam conducted and00-01. sponsored Julia block Sow a an needsat les.instructor-ledthe assessmentJanuarySome of 2000 the (Terry for Development the Bowmaster liaison population Day and program. Bob and Lynch) prioritized session training needs. on the YC budgeting process as a many CA) DayThefrequentlyThe teamprogram. team designed developed asked questions.and electronicdelivered The a supportmanual basic purchasing ismaterials, designed processincluding to be used review/refresher a aspurchasing a "just in liaisontime" workshop training manualan at thetool. Februaryonline database, 2000 Development including FutureTheemphasizeddevelopedreconciliation, team plans gave includeand the a greenonlinedistributed. usefulness continued bar account budget ofParticipants peerthe access workshop resource training and rated general materialssessionsthat various highlighted budget and and aspects the the record-keeping development bestnetworking of thepractices workshop opportunities. ofstrategies. and an includedasonline "very A manual. liaison good"instruction resourceor "excellent" list and on the processes of was also SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 2002-2003 NewRecommendations/Follow-up psychology faculty position for PrescottNo action. campus Pending LiberalNew psychology Arts office faculty location position for VerdeLiberalNo action. campus Arts office location will be taken care of as part of the Master Plan. In-progress Pending WorkshopsCourse outline reviews Complete.An extensive review and revision of course outlines has been completed. This includes virtually all core course outlines and most elective courses. Funding for summer coverage of LA office.effectTheWorkshops extension on July for 1LSCof of the thisteam Liberal year. taught CompleteArts courses, Administrative Assessment Assistant'srubrics, HUM205, contract and through Language the courses have been implemented. Complete summer is under consideration and will hopefully take IncreasedFunding for resources increased for adjunct classroom instruction. projectionBudget capabilities. increased for 2001-2002. Complete. CBS12.A.3 (05/03) Included in the Master Plan. Complete SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 2001-2002 NewRecommendations/Follow-up Psychology faculty position for PrescottNo action. campus LiberalNew Psychology Arts Office faculty Location position for VerdeLiberalNo action. campus Arts office location will be taken care of as part of the Master Plan. WorkshopsCourse Outline Reviews WorkshopsAn extensive for review LSC teamand revision taught courses, of course Assessment outlines has rubrics, been completed. HUM205, and Language courses have been implemented. Funding for summerincreased coverage adjunct ofinstruction. LA office.No action. Increased resources for classroom projectionBudget increasedcapabilities. for 2001-2002. Included in the Master Plan. CBS12.A.3 (05/02) CBS12.A.3 Changes made through Program Review MetricCBS12 A.3 Programs andand services,services which demonstrate accountability with respect to quality, productivity and the changing needs of the community SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 2000-2001 Hire an additional full-time psychology faculty to reduce the proportion of coursesdiscussionsmetIn Februaiy/March and taught discussed were by adjunctcompleted the2001 hiring theinstructors and Prescottof new recommendations faculty.Campus The Executive Social made ScienceDeanthe psychology (Bob psychology Salmon), position position Assistant came was outDean considered lower (Barbara along Wing) with and a the number Prescott of others.Division When Chairs on the priority list than positions being asked 1\D Noforfor inresources theother next areas. were budget There expended. hiring was process. notThe enough objective money was givenin this a year's fair hearing budget and to meet will bethis higher objective. on the priority list next year. This objective will continue 00CA) Hire an additional full-time social science faculty person on the Verde campusinstructionalThis social science positions. position was brought up during budget discussions during this school year. It lost out in the overall discussion of poolforNoBartels someoneresources of adjunct expressed with were faculty. a expended. psychology/sociology the view thatObjective at present was background Paulnot accomplished Ewing would and he be this (Dieter) very year. helpful. areIt was able They given to coverdo have the the social advantage science of classes being able to draw from a fair hearing and will be considered next year. Dieter on the Verde, however the need a good Relocate the Liberal Arts Division office to closer proximity to social scienceobjectiveNovemberThe classrooms College will 2000 Master andbe waspromoted faculty Plan a significant calls in those for stepthe discussions. expansion in this direction. of classroom Design and committees office space will be organized (April-October) to determine on the Prescott Campus. Passage of the College Bond in space needs. This CBS12.A.3 (05/01) pursedNo resources through were design expended. committee The work.outlook is positive for accomplishing this objective as the Master Plan is implemented. This objective will be Course outline updating project to bring up to date with new curriculum guidelinesthroughThe Liberal the curriculumArts Division process Chair eachthis yearsemester. asked In full-time the last facultyyear more in the than division ten social to update science at courseleast one outlines course have outline been in updated.their area The and idea send of case-by-caseNohowcompleting resources many basiscourses werethis project willexpended. have continue. through been This updated Setting funding is an ongoingcompareda summerfor a summer process. withproject theproject Atto number fmishthis has point theyetnot projectaneedingbeen review pursued by toneeds 2002 be. to The to woulddate. be division made be appropriate. to chair determine program the of state tackling of this this objective objective on i.e. a Scheduling of workshops for adjunct faculty participate.The College Adjunct assessment faculties coordinator have been scheduled invited threeto attend adjunct division faculty meetings, workshops however in April since 2001. these Social meetings Science are facultiesheld during have the been workweek invited andto thegoalNoduring endsresources area. the of Beginningday this were mostobjective. expended. adjuncts with Fall areActivities 2001 not theable Liberalin to support attend. Arts of division this objective chair willare aschedule beginning. two The or more Liberal special Arts workshopsdivision must with be adjunct more proactive faculty to in further this IncreasedFunding funding to extend for division adjunct personnelinstruction support to facilitate needs expansion over the summer of courses in Nothe activitiessocial science were completedarea in support of this objective: Future plans include reassessing this objective. ResourcesnumberSchedule of usedsocial building to science address activities courses this forobjective deemed Fall 2001 were necessary were undetermined. completed and appropriate. withoutAt present placement it appears of thisfinancial goal islimitations. being addressed. The division No future was actionsable to scheduleare planned. the CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Funding to upgrade classroom projection capabilities TheMasterinfaredIn the actual Fall PlanKodak 2000cost that Slide was theone College$2,843.67. Projectoror more provided classrooms remote. The outlook moreThese available thanfor items the $2800 forarefuture sociala for significant is the positive science division improvement with to Masterpurchase planin this implementation. use will be equipped with such projection capabilities. a 700 LMN SVGA Polysilicon 8.6 lb Projector asarea. well Itas is an expected that with implementation of the

CBS12.A.3 (05/01) Recommendation Student Employment Program Review Follow-up Status 2002-03 Activities A.Assessment, Personnel Evaluation and Tracking In-progress The Student Services department on the Verde Campus is , ExperientialresponsibleAddCoordinator, one full-time for Learning theEmployment position duties Coordinator. of on Student Services the Verde These Employment Coordinator, Campus positions to andbe forprogramoutcomesresultedundergoing dropping into has restructuring thesome teaching been Financial reorganizational reassignment load of Aid/Academic fromseveral his of changespositions. theschedule). Student Advisor which One New Employment (in ofhave exchangethe thesecampusofcurrently three services. hasfull-time exist 20% on of andthe one Prescotttwo employees' part-time campus employees;time with dedicated dedicated the toVerde staff Toorientationplacements,responsibilities assist in for theseon new andinclude new studentoff-campus duties, coordination employees. and student to addressof employment,work-study the increase in supplies,relatedwouldThis new includeexpenses, position funds travel, should for professionalthe have employee's an operational memberships, salary, budget employee- and that supportincreasedexclusivelystudentfinancial servicesposition aidhours with applications to assistantwillthe three-quarter Financialbe instrumental positionover Aid/Academicthe time. waspast inIt reassigned two addressingis also years, Advisor; anticipated toa the half-timework influx this ServicedevelopmentorientationThe new Federal position for effortsincluding new Work-Study will, student for the employees, placements, Verde those forValley increase Community offer area, career job offer futurethatRegionalof FAFSA need services. Skillscompletely, applications Center it programs. forwill students provide Although in the the conduit Northern this willfor Arizona providingnot fill Center.anticipatedplanning and needs graduate of the placement Northern services,Arizona Regionaland serve Skills MayofferCareerOne full-time orfull ServicesJune. service counseling Coordinator career center position on thehas Verde been restructured when filled toin a position currently posted. Will CBS12.A (05-03) B. Organization In-progress This item is under discussion. newresourceAsLearning a Coordinatorfirst servicesstep be towardlocated of for Experiential students,providing near the we one-stopcurrentand recommend Credit location career for Prior thatofand the thejob aspriorpresentCoordinator.Student practicable learning inEmployment delivery We services. all dothe of not employmentexperientialOffice We know also and of recommendanythe learningservices Employmentproblems or staff thatcredit this be asServices wouldlocatedfor soon couldifPrescottsuggestin placing the increasesame that Campusat leastarea the efficiency college someascareer career of consider and them counseling. jobimprove in resource reorganizingthe sameteamwork. Additionally, services department the various to we see C. Program Outcomes employees.Develop an Internet-basedThe orientation orientationwould include for newimportant student topics In-progress thosefull-motionbasedThis with has presentation high-speed been video modified and ItInternet audio.will to be a IfCDconnectionsa itmulti-media wereformat Internet-based, rather would presentation than be anable only Internet- towith StudentsregularorganizationalYavapailike sexual sessions College would harassment structure be inMission, ablethe fall thatto and completeon are thedrug-freeYavapai currently Prescott the College policies,orientation offered Campus. safety,in during MostourTheaccess live topics of theOrientationthe covered material.videos, forPowerPointwill Newstill be Student the presentations, same Employees as those and sessions. covered narrations in areas.beformat.studentany able time Also,toemployees of complete the students year, to the even offerattending orientation ifthe there training any are in campus theirnot in aenough geographical regular or site new live would studenthave beenuse by completed. the end of The the CDspring will 2003 be completed semester. and ready for CBS12.A (05-03) Modem Languages Program Review Follow-up Assessment,Recommendation Evaluation and Tracking Status 2002-03 Activities to madetheforThefill thelackthe demand it past need difficultof aseveral full-timeinfor that Spanishat times yearsarea. instructor coursesto(13Therefore, fmd enoughon has the webeen Verde recommendqualified consistently Campus instructors that hashigh a 19 sections per year) However, beenbutUnder no made consideration,decision to date. has HopefullyadditionThe current of this new budget will faculty besituation given positions somehas prettyin priority the muchcoming in theprecluded year. future. the regardingtaughttofull-time Currently,teach by the instructor adjunctthe transfer all quality of instructors. theof courses and Spanishlanguage consistency and This be coursesto hired createsoversee of at atlanguage the somethe the Verde Verde program. concern instruction Campus Campus are TheonSpanish that relatively campus. languagecan lowbe met demand position with adjunctfor would language instructors. be between courses Budget $39,000 other thanfor and a new toWeexperience$43,000 serve recommend asdepending bothof the athat newplacement on a instructor.Spanishthe training, exam proficiency and educational a pre- exam and level, bepost-test purchased, and for purchase.No action to date on toLanguage be piloted faculty next Fall.have developed an in-house placement exam yearsfortheirstudentsa given studentsthey proficiency course. haveregistered to studied achieve This in forthe exam the thegreaterlanguage language correctwould success and helplanguage in nothigh inthe ontheir school,program coursethe language number allowingbased get of on requestsoutcomescourses. that This forthe each examMinnesota course, could Languagealso i.e., servean exit Proficiency to exam. measure The examthe committee learning (see . below)CBS12A.3 be purchased (05-03) for Spanish and that a departmentally- Italian,generated and placement American exam Sign beLanguage. created in French, German, theModernwillUniversity state meet of Languages Arizona the of needsMinnesota (at departmentdescribed another has created communityabove, will request aand proficiency itcollege). isthat being Yavapai examThe piloted that in investigatedstatewideisacademicCollege about license purchase$2000. year. for TheThis the this cost isproficiency examinationa ofone-time a site examlicense fee. is currently Thein forthe possibility this2002-2003 being examination of a Campuslanguagestechnology.ofMore the fundscurrent and under need Threeone language the onto smart bethenew allocatedclassroomVerde classroomsMaster Campus. toPlan to languages takeneed advantageto be for allocated the ofupgrade current to two on the Prescott theIn progress Master Plan. as part of theAdditional Prescott classroom Campus renovation space has project.been recommended as part of enhanceacrosssubmittedSpanish,Course thethe outlines French, degreedistrict.with majorfor German,of theconsistency changes. conversational-track and Italian This of language needs need to coursesinstruction be completedrevised in and to progress.completed.Spanish outlines Others in outlines.Kaarin Collentine This should is coordinating be completed the in revision the near of future. language conductedlanguageandGiven the need theinstruction, regularly. broadto maintain range workshops aof high courses degree for offeredadjunct of continuity across faculty the need in district, to be In progress. implementedInnovationLanguage training workshop. next year.program Additional completed workshops at College will ofbe CBS I2A.3 (05-03) A. Organization This LearningnewresourceAs a Coordinatorfirst servicesstepbe located toward of for Experiential near students,providing the current we one-stopand recommend Creditlocation career for of Prior thatandthe thejob arePlanholdrecommendation completed. untilrenovations Master on aspriorpresentCoordinator.Student practicable learning inEmployment delivery We services. all dothe of not employmentexperientialOffice We know also and of recommendanythe learningservices Employmentproblems or staff thatcredit this be asServices wouldlocatedfor soon couldifsuggest placingPrescottin the increase samethat at Campus least the areaefficiency college some ascareer career of consider and them and improvecounseling. jobin reorganizingthe resource sameteamwork. Additionally, department services the various to we see B. likeemployees.DevelopProgram sexual an Outcomes harassment Internet-basedThe orientation and orientation woulddrug-free include policies, for newimportant studentsafety, topics No action to date. YavapaiStudentsregularorganizational College sessions would structureMission, be in ablethe fall andthatto completeon Yavapaiare the currently Prescott theCollege orientation offered Campus. in during . areas.beformat.studentany able time Also,toemployees complete of students the year, to the offerattending even orientation the if theretraining any in arecampus their in not a geographical regular enough or site live wouldnew CBS12A.3 (05-03) Recommendation Speech Communications Program Review Follow-up Status 2002-03 Activities deliverydegreealsoEffective currentlyprogramsmust district-wide fall take 2002,pursuing asSpeech well. toall an studentsInCommunication.a increasing Speechorder toseeking requirement insure number an Thequality AA, of programfor students, AGS course applied or is ASit is In progress Twodistrict-wide,giving additional the department adjunctas outlined faculty 6 Speech below: members Communication have been facultyidentified, one3 adjunct on the instructors Verde campus) (two on the Prescott campus and otherbotharecommended cadre oncampus of the instructors Verde sites that recruitmentasand whowell Prescott (a)and are (b)efforts campusesand willing satisfy be and focusedNCA able potentially criteria. onto teachbuilding at The first additional adjunct faculty member, Tedi Patterson, betweencampus,2 full-time butboth instructors with campuses) one of(both these located instructors on the traveling Prescott currentlywasSpecialother certified new being Note: adjunct to sought. teachin April faculty Speech '03, member, full-time in fall '02. Denise instructor Certification Woolsey, and Speech of is the ofWeekendoffered anCommunicationSpeech overload a one-year College.per semester,by Mark interimProgramMarjorie Woolsey.with position Coordinator,will other continue If sectionsas the Director Weekend Marjorie teaching being of the managed CollegePrice, 2 newsections was YC in Because of the growth of the Speech Communication program In progress Discussionsfull-timeprogramadjunct provesreplacement instructor. regarding successful, forbudget Marjorie, it willand facilitiesthen and beshe necessary forwill the serve Prescott to as fmd an a hasallocated.additionalsecond,over negatively the full-timepast Thefunding three growthimpacted permanent years,to support of the thefunding Communicationinstructor Speechgrowth was Communicationof recently position. the program Division allocated However, has programbudget. forbeen no a technologies,However,groups,campusshare andtheirhave district-wide COM computertakenfacilities, division place labdiscussionsetc. with in assistanthave 3-213), ITS, not theregarding Kirsten yetMaster Math taken Adaniya. divisionPlan use place. ofdiscussion common Marjorie(we WithCBS12A.3 the addition (05-03) of Speech Communication as a degree will meet with colleague Mark Woolsey, do discuss the Aswiththefacilitiesrequirement, partuse the of Masterneeds newthe it research technologiesis projectionPlan recommended conducted be in conducted, the that inclassroom, identifyinga district-wide including and what a a budgetgood focus fit onand In progress Before2003.pursuit anyof this further agenda exploration item over of summer certificate and and fall degreesemesters, Communication,Conflictofcurriculum,constitutes communication Management an new appropriate, trendsTeam/Small-Group were & andidentified Negotiation, contemporary job markets for Communication,consideration:Intercultural within communication the broad field coursesmet:suitable,faculty (a) agreewhichin anycontemporary Communication new that would topicsthe followingarticulate Communicationthat is lend made, withthree themselves bothAZ goals curriculumuniversities, full-time in to designing undergraduate Speech should a be 3DNirtualConsulting/CorporateMultimediaCommunicationCustomer ServiceReality; Writing, (including & and RetailDesign training, Communication Communication,Broadcasting, and Human Technical Communication for Advertising, Communication); theMass and and stand-alone,articulationtopicsfromincreasing a thatvariety offeringscan courses specialty ofbe areas,folded slatedfor courses shouldCommunication into for existing design,are be considered;designed willcourses, majors be first; addressed (c) or and (b)intoany studentsnew topic before appropriateneeds,In toAging/Healthcareorder identify it tois recommendedcontinue to which add to additional Industry,meeting the curriculum.that students' aareas feasibility of Further, Communicationtransfer study it and beis conductedcareer may be to departments,department/division,areasprevent that duplication may must be more be of or discussed effort. sensiblythat may withhoused have those application in anotherother departments in several programscourses.recommended be explored that in the addition feasibility to stand-alone, of certificate service and dekree MarjimadelistWith ofthese isPrice:new indicated topicsgoals in toin mind, parenthesis:be explored, the two as instructors outlined below.divided Progress up the Intercultural Communication (Marji is exploring addresswithcommunication.whatcourses otheris alreadyandthis departments programstopic; covered In since fall created to'03, ona seenew interculturalMaiji howby "global Jamie plans other awareness"Bennet,to instructors dialogue to see byCommunicationMassEducationrequirement Colette Communication curriculum)Strassburg--Director has coursesbeen added(There offered to are the ofat already the YC,revised YC taught some General largely Mass CBS12A.3 (05-03) Roughwriter. To prevent duplication of plans and exploreexample:strategyregardingeffort, Madi theis The newworking, design met YC Mass with Athletic of illustrated Communication aColette course Dept. to inby askeddiscussSports the followingcourses. Maiji Broadcasting,plans to This sportscaster,abroadcasting.Coletteusing sports a localStrassburgunit Tom forsports Maiji Bird,the already broadcasterexistingmet to explore with teaches broadcasting Colette theas the adevelopment course and instructor. class.the in Mr. of Birdthewhetherclass, has existing to been awork sportsstand-alone invitedbroadcast with unit theas should course)astudentscourse guest simply speakeris and warranted; furtherbe tointegrated Colette's explore or into Mark Woolsey: actionHumanConsulting/Corporate yet Communication taken) Training and 3D/Virtual (no action Reality yet taken) (no negotiation)Argumentation"incorporatedesignedConflict Management a course concepts for Springtitled in & Com.conflict Negotiation04. This 200, management course " Introduction(Mark will has and to willrequirementsCommunicationindicatesTeam/Small begin that design Group Developmentat allcourse of three Communicationthis would courseArizona of meeta forSmall universities. '04)lower (Mark's Group division research Mark neededastransferconsumerCustomer a short-term to explorerequirement, Servicecommunication existingor & lhr. Retail and seminar courses wouldcourse Communication course. probablyor would plans Follow-upnot that work (Ameet other best a is CBS12A.3 (05-03) divisions have in this area) (ThisCommunication year, Mark fordeveloped the Aging/Healthcare a themed section Industry of our healthcontactingEducators.ofexisting a professions)themed COMtheHe COMhealthis 100following 100 course,dept. section regarding up designed on for this students the especiallyidea, development by in the for measured,outcomesbetterrequirementBecause communication for andSpeech to this monitored;satisfy new Communication stakeholderskills,requirement to itinsure is recommended demands behasthat carefully beenemployer for added graduatesdefmed,that needs as learning a degree with In progress writing;areasdesigningDivision,The Outcomes that with ofoverlapan which assessmentpilot Assessment the exercisesMarjorie disciplines plan Committee tois to aassess address member,of speaking, the for seven firstis the in reading,three Communicationcriticalthe process areas skilland of students'outcomesthatcontinue all program tocommunication assessment, be understood facultyfull to insureskills and and met. district-wide.consistent part-timebe Further, measurement it is trainedrecommended ofin CommunicationItattached).taking seems place a logical over dept., fallstep '02 formay and assessment be spring to first '03 ofdiscuss semesterscourses learning in (seethe Speech outcomesdotheoutcomes(COM discussdistrict. 100, for may the COM Marjorie131, pursuitbe and coursesconsistently 134);will of this thatmeet and agenda meetand determinewith accurately degree colleagueitem overhow requirements measured Marksummercourse Woolsey, andacross AA,CommunicationIn AGS,addition or ASto the degree, program degree it requirementis provide important support forthat students tothe Speech seeking an Pending recommendation.wideDeanfall semesters, taskof Instruction force 2003. be created; Barb Wing to explore has suggested how best that to addressa division- this withplancertificatethatoccupational/technical thedesignedessential, communication programs toemployer-demanded insure for programs thatneedsoccupational occupational for asstudents communicationwell. areas studentsIt in beis degree recommendedassessed, graduate skills.and and a CB Sl2A.3 (05-03) Recommendation Auxiliary Services Program Review Follow-up Status 2002-03 Activities isbePrintingThe cross centrally Auxiliary trainedServices, located Services to coverShipping/Receiving on theareas, all main areas. Mcluding campus If these and the together functions Purchasing Mail Center,as arepersonnel need to No support as yet MastercentrallyWorked plan with located to the date. facility,Master Planbut none project has manager be located to secureyet the a deliveriesneedswithouttheirrelocated to customers, be withoutan into increase anan areaoutlying blockingwhich wherein budget,include area, traffic. the theylarge staffstudents, will trucksand not equipment.faculty canbe able make and to Receivingstaff, service fromcompletetheThese Master other areas their areasPlan also assigned isrequireof complete. the college. dutiesa larger In without thisAreas work way, andalsohaving they officeneed towill toborrowspace be ablebetter when space to No support as yet See above Theappealingplanned implementation and and have accessible proper of uniforms tostorage customers. sofor that all thesethey areservice more areas will Done Many compliments have been received and the staff pride in Therecognizeenhance Shipping/Receiving the the professionalism staff members area asand requires part the of campus athe smaller service community vehicle team. (such will Done Ourthe department cart is on order has increased. and should be here very soon. In the mainduringusedovernightas acampus. golf for construction largercart) packages, so deliveries. that whenamong quick itThis deliveriesotheris difficult cart things, will can to also when movebe madebe the aroundbeneficial vanfor isthe being meantime we are using a loaner. CBS12A.3Part time staff (05-03) and student employees require proper training In process A training regimen has been set up and qualified students TheandSwitchboard supportdistrict couriersto completearea. require their an jobs updated as demonstrated list of all employees in the In process Listhired and to manadequate the switchboard. budget will be supplied in the next fiscal andValleythatcampus/department alleviatetheircouriers before locations canthe returning concernsdeliver so the that to firstto deliveriesofPrescott Sedona time.late deliveries. An andwould increase stop also back bein inbudgetbeneficial Prescott so go to the correct year.courieranothercampus Plans expiresmeansas are soon in thanJulyplace as Chartwells' 1,the to 2003. courier.begin deliverysupplies The contract tocan the be Sedonawith delivered Yavapai by

CBS l2A.3 (05-03) Recommendation Business Program Review Follow-up Status 2002-03 Activities BusinesstravelallContinue District expertise Services the personnel in-houseof staff.departmental toProvide travel attend. training liaisonstraining Inform classes, in classescollege addition encourage/invite oncommunity ato semi- of Continuing onTraining April 22,held 2003. on October 30, 2002 Next training will be held quarterlyleaveContinueannual summary basis. "Duckto encourage reports Soups" liaisons/budgetto reminding payroll in liaisons/budget a timely managers manner. to managers submit Provide Continuing "Duck Soups" are being sent quarterly employeeResearchmanner.of the necessity alternativesleave. of submitting to the existing leave reportssystem infor a reportingtimely Completed Alternative system tested not accepted ofcustomerproblemMeet material with areas satisfaction ITSchanges identifiedstaff arethis survey as fallby follows: Business toin developthe AMIS Office a timetable system. staff and A to summary reviewthe startPending early summer expect to reportingCovertDevelopRedesign trial consistency the balance NF Budget report, in reports report NF Budget report to "period" Implement"modifiedConvertcardsImplement accrual" fromencumbrance electronic the basis "cash" interface ofsystem basisfinancial offor for financial all thereporting purchase posting reporting oforders purchase to in the CBS12.A (05-03) excess of $1,000 auditors.ResourcesTechnologyContinue to as workServices recommended with to Human transfer by Resources the the District's hiring and process independent Information to Human Completed Transfer of hiring completed January 31, 2003 Improvementsmanagers/liaisonofincluding:Implement report, and redesign improvements provide to atthe ofthe budget annualbudget beginning to reportsthe trainingworksheets, budget of have each to preparationbudget been budgetimprove identified process. readability system and budgetimplementedcompletedReport cycleredesign this forheldTraining November in October, held November,2003. 2002 for new2002 liaisons. for leadership Next training group planned training managersTrainingbeforInformation completedimprovements will and/or beprior Technology scheduledliaisons. to to the the budget start inServices the of worksheets. thelate hasnext fall, begun budgeteach This theyear, cycle.project redesign to budget will work

CBS12.A (05-03) English Program Review Follow-up 2002-03 Assessment,Recommendation EvaluationContinue andto gather Tracking data regarding student satisfaction, OngoingStatus DLActivities course evaluations forwarded to supervisor; retention and developstudents.Workretention awith readiness and Registration, pass assessment rates in ITS online andtool courses. Distributedfor prospective Learning online to Complete onlineSelfpass assessmentrate English data available students activity through available IR to prospective and registered sequencewhoportionAssess took theof in ENG theeffectiveness the program coursescurriculum. byand of surveying the reviewing applied certificate thecommunications ENG completers135-136 Incomplete COME-mail and discussion Eng 135 regarding curriculum overlap between . self-assessProvideAssess the resourcestheir effectiveness ability. to help of prospective English placement and entering testing. students CompleteOngoing recommendations"VariousCatalogCOMPASS faculty language results have added takento student regardingCOMPASS writing "preparedness test;samples faculty in SP compared 02 grades.PeriodicallypersistenceEstablish the through evaluate process the ofa recent compositiontracking semester's developmental sequence distribution of student courses. of CompleteIncomplete discussionGrade distribution initiated, data FA given03 to full and part time faculty, Program Buildingnon-nativeExpand thespeakers ESL curriculum in the county. to meet the growing needs of Incomplete CBS12.A.3 (05/03) growingthepopulationcreativeDevelop fact group that writinga marketingdemographics the at the 35-59and college), summer plan and of toover-60 theretheincreaseschool. college's is age potential Considering interest cohorts service forin are literature, areathe the (andfastest Ongoing suchscheduledwithFirst assistanceas"Lit Southwest Go for Days" April from Writers 03.event Marketing Courses heldSeries on Dept;marketed readings Prescott second atCampus local Lit Go arts in Days FAvenues 02 developedmarketingcollegeenrollmentincreasing resources plan forgrowth summer 200- should could inlevel literatureofferings. also be literature employedinvestigate and Catalog courses creative effectively. the language feasibilitywhich writing, Themaintains needs if of to be Revisedoesthe necessary not the deter Communications informationthose who may regarding Division be seeking prerequisites webpage enrichment. to butassist which in Ongoing Page updated in SP 02 to reflect current membership on toContinueinformationattracting courses the studentsin about locationspractice classesto theinitiated other program and than faculty. of assigningthe and Verde providing full-timeand Prescottthem faculty with Ongoing facultyFulldivision time assigned and faculty provide toassigned PV updated in SP to Chino03information since FA 01; full time Advocateeducationthroughoutcampuses, forrequirements to the provideseparate district uniform appropriationsand conveniently. enable service students forand EDU standards to pursue and COM general to Incomplete fundsEnglishobjectives.budgetrelieve for fmancialand in general order Recommendallow topressure forexpenses. offset further additional theon Estimate developmentthetrend Prescott ofappropriations ofdecreasing resources English of program availableDepartment needed:for mentoringPositionAdvocate$6500. duties for adjunct a wouldnew faculty full-time involve and position developingpiloting on a portfoliothe on-line Verde courses,project. campus. Incomplete CBS12.A.3 (05/03)Estimate of resources needed: $55,000. Stewardship, Leadership and Service supervisionschools.creditContinue English All the will dual steps offerings participate credit taken coursesat to area inensure the high under portfolio the schools highPrescott programquality and campus charter of to dual Ongoing project,Current instructoronly dual observedcredit course in March participating 03 in portfolio duringwillHoldensure evaluate college regular consistency dual staffmeetings credit days of coursesstandards. betweento facilitate each Prescott The collaborationsemester. division and Verde assistant on faculty such deans Ongoing wcirkshopSeveral collaborative in February meetings 03 held, e.g. the outline revision InvestigateIdentifyessential appropriate duties the feasibilityas curriculum prerequisites of a revisionlab infee 0-level to and offset program courses. high review. CompleteIncomplete Lab fees minimal but several thousand dollars in savings writingsupportiveinstructionalSupport skills. othercurriculum costs programs in the to computerenhance by identifying studentclassrooms, needsreading and and developing Ongoing providewritingBeyondanticipated acrossreadingTesting by curriculum;revising supportworkshop lab as facultyheldmonitorrequested in SPmember usage by02 instructorsfor in identified FAinstructors 03 to using

CB S12.A.3 (05/03) MetricCBS12CBS12.A.4 A.4 AccountabilityProgramscommunitytheYavapai changing and College services needs programs ofthat the demonstrate community and services accountability which demonstrate with respect accountability to quality, productivity, with and the changing respect to quality, productivity, and needs of the YavapaiThe following College represents has a number a partial of departments listing of that programs have demonstrated demonstrating productivity stewardship. and stewardship This resulting in report will be updated in November 2003. significant cost avoidance. DepartmentsYavapai College Programs Demonstrating Productivity and Stewardship 2002/2003 Cost Avoidance The Leadership Center (Funds generated) AmericorpAssistantGovernor's GrantIntergovernmental Agreement Contribution for Administrative underwriting for a position to develop and implement the $25,500 $8,000 TheCitizen'sCampusArizonaOffice Kettering of Community CompactCleanCommunity Foundation Election College Service (Community Commission Contract Issues (Contract(Convene Moderator to Forums convene Training Candidate's Contract) forums) on Aging) $5,000$8,000$2000 $400 Source:Total Departmental Records $48,900 CBS12.A.4 (5/03) U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) E KIC National Library of Education (NLE) Mediae Amiga !Oman tais Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)


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