Newsletter 14th February


Our traditional St David's Day will take place on Friday 28th February. Children are invited to wear traditional Welsh costumes, rugby shorts or simply something red to school on the day. Every pupil will be involved in performing a poem, song or rhyme to the school and there will be singing, musical instruments and our Chairing of the Bard ceremony. Please can you rehearse these over the holiday.

Mrs Hughes sent a letter providing details of different competitions that will be judged for the Eisteddfod. All entries will earn house points and the points will be counted during the day and our Eisteddfod Cup awarded at the end of the day.

Children can enter any of the events:

Handwriting- 'Dau Gi Bach' (FP), 'Es i i sw i weld cangarw' (KS2) with a decorated border

Cookery- 3 decorated rich tea biscuits (FP) 3 decorated cup cakes (KS2) with the theme ''

Art- using any medium and size paper to illustrate Monmouth

Photography- 'Wonderful Wales'

Please ensure your child's name and class is written on the entry. Diolch yn fawr.

Fairtrade Rice Challenge

The Fairtrade Committee are asking for families to send in recipes that use rice to help create a recipe book that will be sold with bags of Fairtrade rice as part of our '90kg Rice Challenge'. If you are able to help, please send hand written or typed recipes in to Miss Morgan or Mrs King. Diolch.

After School Choir

Please can we remind KS2 pupils that Mr and Mrs Chant are running an after school choir at St Mary's Church on Thursdays at 4.30pm. A number of pupils are attending, but there is a need for more pupils to join! Disco Success

Thank you to all families for supporting the PTFA Neon Disco. The event raised £700! This money will be used to help purchase additional Chromebook laptops for pupils.

Head Lice Alert

During the holidays please could we ask families to check children's hair for head lice. We are receiving regular reports of head lice in classes across the school. Many thanks.

KS2 Trips

The residential trips to Gilwern and Llangrannog will soon be upon us. Please can we ask families to ensure payments are being made. All outstanding balances must be paid before the end of the spring term.

After School Clubs

Dydd Llun/ Monday- Chess Club

Dydd Mawrth/ Tuesday- Bake Through the Bible

Dydd Iau/ Thursday- Minecraft, Dance Club, Art Club

Dydd Gwener/ Friday- Netball Club

School Lunch Menu

Dydd Llun/ Monday- Carbonara or veggie carbonara with garlic bread OR vegetable ravioli

Dydd Mawrth/ Tuesday- Beef and pie or quorn pie OR chicken or vegetable balti

Dydd Mercher/ Wednesday- Roast pork or and Yorkshire pudding or veggie Glamorgan sausage

Dydd Iau/ Thursday- Beef meatballs or veggie balls

Dydd Gwener/ Friday- Fishwich fillet or beef burger or veggie bake in a bun with chips