OCTOBER 2019 Toward a More Effective UN-AU Partnership on Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management DANIEL FORTI AND PRIYAL SINGH Cover Photo: UN emblem, October 3, ABOUT THE AUTHORS 2017. UN Photo/Cia Pak; AU medallion, May 21, 2015. Andrew Moore. DANIEL FORTI is a Policy Analyst at the International Peace Institute. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper represent those of the authors Email:
[email protected] and not necessarily those of the PRIYAL SINGH is a Researcher at the Institute for Security International Peace Institute. IPI welcomes consideration of a wide Studies. range of perspectives in the pursuit of Email:
[email protected] a well-informed debate on critical policies and issues in international affairs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IPI Publications Adam Lupel, Vice President IPI and ISS owe a debt of gratitude to their many donors Albert Trithart, Editor for their generous support. They are particularly grateful to the government of Norway and the Training for Peace Project for funding this research initiative. The organiza- Suggested Citation: tions are also thankful for the AU Permanent Observer Daniel Forti and Priyal Singh, “Toward a More Effective UN-AU Partnership on Mission to the UN for its support to the project. Conflict Prevention and Crisis The authors would like to thank the many UN and AU Management,” International Peace officials, member-state representatives, and independent Institute and Institute for Security experts who shared their insights and perspectives during Studies, October 2019. interviews conducted in New York and Addis Ababa. The authors are also grateful to the individuals who provided © by International Peace Institute, 2019 All Rights Reserved feedback on earlier drafts of this report, including Jake Sherman, Gustavo de Carvalho, Annette Leijenaar, Liezelle www.ipinst.org Kumalo, Muneinazvo Kujeke, Sarah Taylor, Gretchen Baldwin, Marta Bautista Forcada, Gabriel Delsol, and John Hirsch.