Nomenclature of Pathogenic and Parasitic Organisms
NOMENCLATURE# of PATHOGENIC AND PARASITIC ORGANISMS NOMENCLATURE OF PATHOGENIC AND PARASITIC ORGANISMS 1945 Connecticut State Department of Health Stanley H. Osborn, M. D., C. P. H., Commissioner Hartford, Connecticut Form O-L 138 (6-45) 3060 BUREAU OF LABORATORIES Friend Lee Mickle, A. B., M. S. 3 Sc. D., Director DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES SANITATION SERVICES Earle K. Borman, B. S., M. S., Omer C. Sieverding, B. S. t Assistant Director in Charge Assistant Director in Charge* DIVISION OF DIAGNOSTIC DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY AND PHYSICS D. Evelyn West, B, S., Arthur S. Blank, B. S., Chief Microbiologist Chief Sanitary Chemist DIVISION OF SEROLOGY DIVISION OF SANITARY Olive Ray Benham, B. S., MICROBIOLOGY Chief Serologist Richard Eglinton, Chief Microbiologist DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION OF BIOCHEMISTRY Kenneth M. Wheeler, Joseph Bemsohn, Ph. D., Sc. B„ Sc. M., Ph. D. Biochemist Research Microbiologist DIVISION OF RECORDS Edith E. Wahlers, Chief Clerk DIVISION OF SERVICE Raymond M. Ellison, Supervising Technician • In Military Service, Major Caryl C. Carson. NOMENCLATURE OF PATHOGENIC AND PARASITIC ORGANISMS 1945 Connecticut State Department of Healtk Stanley H, Osborn, M. D., C. P. H., Commissioner Hartford, Connecticut Form O-L 138 (6-45) 3000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 3 I. BACTERIA 7 II. RICKETTSIAL ORGANISMS 22 III. FUNGI: MOLDS AND YEASTS 24 IV. PARASITIC PROTOZOA 34 ' V. TREMATODES (FLUKES) 40 VI. CESTODES (TAPEWORMS) 45 VII. PARASITIC NEMATODES (ROUNDWORMS) 48 VIII. MISCELLANEOUS PARASITIC HELMINTHS (WORMS) 55 Index 57 3 PREFACE This booklet is not intended as a guide to the etiology of com- municable diseases. That has been the subject of another publication ‘‘Physicians’ Guidebook to Public Health Laboratory Services”.
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