One malpractice insurer is dedicated to continually serving only Alabama Attorneys and remaining in the Alabama marketplace! AIM: For the Diff ere nee!

Atto rneys Insurance Mutu al of Alab ama, Inc.• Telephone (205) 980 -0009 200 Inverness Parkway Toll Freo (800) 526 - 1246 D Birmingham, Alnbomo 35242-4813 FAX (:>05) 980 - 9009 •CHARTER MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOC IATION OF BA R•RELA TED INSURANC E COMPANIES. Sure, we're the choice of top law firms and Fortune 500 c,ompanies. But you don't r,eed a big name or big casesto get big ta lent. Our profeS$lona1s don't need training wheels, they start performing from day one. So, whether you need an attorney, a paralegal or an entlfe legal department, call ustoday. We'll help you keep yovr project moving right along. (205) 870-3330 • (800) 737-3436 • (205) 870-3337 f ax S~ecial Counser - rFio"c:;l obnl ~tJ.ll(Jt:rIn l..oga/solut/Qns www.spoclalcounsel .com AlabamaBar Institute for Continuing LegalEducation

Advancingth e Legal Profession thl'ough Educatlooaod ScrvJce

ABlCLE hus been csscntlal to the educ.::ition of Alabama attar, neys pmccicing in the area of bankrupt cy l.nw. The :mnual 1:3ankruptcy Law Seminar , schecl, uled chis year for November 1.6, 200 t, has become a mainscny for dissemi.nacion of rhe latesr in for• rne cion ai1Jdi scussion of rhe bes, p,·acclce mec:hods. Mar,y indi· viduals conrribu1.c r.oI be success of thl 8 prog1-arn,bu es pecial rhnnks iso wt.:d too ur B:~nkruplcyJudges in Alabama whu gcni.:rously givc of their time and cx.pcreisc to help the practicing bar. l aL'rl proud to serve as the Chairman of the plannin ~ co mmitt ee charged with developin g thi s ongoing educr1t!onal program.

ClauJe Burns B1~ms & Wil.~on, LLC TuscAloosa, Ah1bAmA


Coll ABICLE at 1,800-627,65 14 or 205-348-6230 for program information. www.abid TH E A LABAM A LAWY E R Vol. 62, No. 3 / May 2001

On the Cover A view frvn1the 13th floor orthe: lhll .011Snndcstin Hench&.Ciolf Rcson, the "Jewel orlhc Emerald ColL,t." In Destin, Florida. TI,a l'Cll. (Sec the lnMin In 1h1.\ lssuclof the wwyer for ulOfC mfonnat101L)

159 Profile; FredD . Gray

181 Local Bar Award of Achievement

182 The VolunteerLawyer s ProgramStudent Award By M eliS.\'(J Brigg.,· N11rcl11111,f

184 VolunteerLawyers Program License Plat e

185 Thanks! Pro Bono Mediators

186 What is "Fair Value" Under Alabama's Dissenting Shareholder Statute? B>• Cam/int .'imitl, Old/en•

192 Insurancea nd Cyber-Losses: Coveragefor Downloading Disaster By Sp,mcerM . Tt1y/oranti Sean W. Sltir'ltt>'

200 Smith v.Atkinson : The SupremeCourt of AlabamaHold s That Liability Can Be 6 Imposed On a Third Party For NegHgentSpoliation of Evidence By Brit111W. 1#1,wlrk


I II I t /. t II I I/ I /. I 11 I /' R 153 Pubhlhod'8Vlffl t1moto roar!the Juou ,swo 1s a bclrd,1"'1o,y edlt,onl bv tho Alilb.Jmo Stuto 841. PO Ooi4166, Mnrtoc,mmy,Alnbomo 3GIOHl!i6 Phone(334} 269 161&• wwwalnbn,CMQ THE "*''A IMlak"of Chait& l:d,10, SulanSh11oc~ 0..Piol• Y1Qt-th<111I Anoooto Cdlto, Suinn II /lod,01 StqlfIIAIIOl1 &Cli111munlco11on1 Ol1UCIIJI ALABAMA M111gn1otl Mu,r,h y S1nltIIAl1on l'lrnlSen C.Wt. £1<*b .. s ~ fual.oooeIAAC.W.t. l'!a Ho I w StouDlltlAldlOI! . f•ai«iN 6illC.t1111. • No2 . J luolnOII '"' C#cuoc.W.U,,111 H S,00,111.Mn,11G11 8fll CitDJot . W,H,orn( ShiM,.Jt o,,...,,.!111,C,m,,1 WN w,11on.F1 Excwri11e /Jirtctor~f Report P"!N 100,C,ra,,L Pbce No I. AnlhooyA J,,"~"R,im,19lllffl IOffl C..wiL rw. No 2 T !lwivh1Sloan 111 , U.m,opm10th Cva.4. l'lu ~®• No :I,J ~""1,'MMIO, 61tm,noh•n10111 C.IClll1 , f'lacaNo •. Chnil,nA Ji)lwan1011, #1, B•mlll(Jl,lllllIOl!l Clfl:Ult , l'l,!r;tNi, &.IJIY,~1d P 160 MQ\'lll10tl.Qun,.nol~1111 llllhC1tt111, 1'111lt No n, M¥ fl GroliYlli,Owm111Qilllffl ltllhC1n:u1L l'lnco No I S1qpj11!1lA flnwl< .1Mmwnvfl,1ffl, 111111 C11g1111, PIIICDNo 8, MaxC l'lip1,J,, U1rmlnuhnm101hCl1wl 1, l'lnMNo n . Cniol11 Su1w,u1. B11111lnph«m UUJIIOIIU·I CuluH , GIIOIQIIM • lflUQlnll(ltlimn.Ueubmo, 11111 c1,cul1 Aqbon L Oonr.o,nllnl11C11 1,111 Cl1cuh ,J!lllu1vW KUllll'/,EIIJ!I 13111 C.ie1111. f'111111 Nd I. W11lll11Yf~pa1, liar llrltl,f Mt••tll Sl!gall MontQ01""1'/ !&th(11,1111. l'lac~ No 1 J,11110 162 II Mdilttclt\Mel/I~ 16111CN1:1"1. Pb:~No 3 Jamu t W,11-. MonlQllfflOIYISlhCi1t11tt l'll1ttl No 4 flw!ir,1J MoillM!l MMIQOfflll!Yl!ilhOm,,1 , l'l.!(fl Nth Clft1JII. Oll'llt fnidl,cld.W(l(ICI ltllfttlllftll 1GU1 Ctlcu11 Amor,,: Firms Ilomnt w ComotlJ, f'hon11Ct( 711hC11Qlll , JohnC Gunllhurn.Nllflttvilln 111111 CirtllOI , Ct 0..yMlnt!Ha nlh C,rcull. A llfllu, I ~,ont,y, IAll,llf'1Jn301h C,,cult, w,111a1tt J riuuall, Pnll C 11v3111 Clrcull, Wllllpm K HIIWlotllUltllmblb 371,d Cln.,•ll Auy W Wi1llu1111,J1 164 Mmnn3:l1d 011cul1 , 1~111Yfloe , Ill,Oo 11U\'\I34 111Ql,cul 1, Lukll[ Aluxundut, Runull'lillU:J1JthCl1t11l1 Jul111U 111111~11 . Ill,Mo1wo1rv1llo 36th - Cllwllnmolhy D Uwull,MOU11 u1131111 CJ1~1,II. J hJ11 il1111on . ()j,ollMI38 th011cult , llotuli:1nPaull. Sc:o t1Abo1039111 Cl1cuu J1w1'( l- lla1ta, AU1(llll'1011> Clrtuil Jofin K JoltuQUAR'ffiRS S1'AHI 41~ lxJUer AH·n~. Munli.1111,cry, AL 36104 (334) 211'1-j ~ lj . l'AX ll:'4) 261-6311). 1!·111111l11fn (1hl11b:.r.C>rs l..eflislativt1Wr<111-Up Wch•he , www.1dnhm',orG ill!! 168 D0r11thyll • UAC!lrnctoro l l\d1111,11nn1...... Jol\111011 ll>.~111lvcA1•l•l• nl ,.,,,.,.,,,,, ,., ,,,,,,,Ma,,11ro1Ooon e Ad111lulon• Atlmlnl~1,1i1IV(' A,.*IHt1 111, ... +m+l lcidl I\IVIJI Pl..:,·w of l'manm1> .. , ... ·- lWwllldM Pou,111111 S.1nlA0ou&IIS l\~minl•inni•el\ul•t•m (ot l1hllt• 111, ,wRII•(lray Alo~omnl •w f'oundotiOll, 111,. lllt,, c-011,,w•r MembonlllpI\J.oinl,1111ll>t A.,.i.,•111 Mymn Md tenT) AIMbUIIIILlwyc, ""'"""'" l'rnl!MI 174 PtuI I ~ Vi« MminbtmMIAalita nl ..~ hi), Corbiu f)lre<101•. l••m~ M•rl, I r•llc Cl'4·1~1M V1tl11111fnLM-.)m Pro,.,1111DlrtUIW ....I jo,L, Ltu•l I ,) MAI'•1111 Al.lJl •• VI ,, Admlnlm1l1>

1 Or 111tJ1IC'o\J!l-rl , m ... 1 ,a, ,.,,..1 ..... """' ....,, ,, C'IM:l}'ll. R1111kln Oiscl11/11111ry Notices A•tl,1111,t Clrun•I C1m11.. 1 ,, ...... I OllbcrtKendnck C•rnl Wr1wh1 A,.t,1u111Cleiirnal CIHl'llµ1,u11Clc11t1iil C11u11,.1 , Rohrnl! t.u.L.J, Re,tpd011Ja1...... ,M•li"I 811r1cn Ktml:111• IPl.i#fr.,,-·•l--(1)]1-

212 'w l)f!l~~Clt11i!tllllll..f!beeW,lldtfll."'"''"fll•1t"ftdr!..,.,hC""'tw",-.,ttllt8~,f# fl ~!•IN'J1,ill'9~"'ftit,llfCt .... ,...WIii l"1'1'iln"1\lft,...... ,!Nl-11CtMl!IIYM ..... ll'OO"'°"Oonnlc:.....I ...... , ...... _.,.,..._.,.....,.....,.,...,,..ol"'!,n,l"IJ-lltni /ltt~l-,,_,.,.,v••i,ict"11.,..,,,..._c,,,,,,11>4111111h1A>o1-&1.t~ ... M1y"'1-

1 64 MAY 2 OU I

An InterviewWith Sam Rumore

Editor's Note: We co11tinue the annuuJinterview of The ye.rwlth the Alabama State Bat Preside,u.

The Alabama l.awyer: Snm, you arc more 1banh o.If way through yoµr torm as president of 1heAlabama Slate Ber. Whut hove been your most, and your least, pleas1in1experiences as sLBtcbar president'! Rumor(!: Ts uppose lhe most ple11sn111experience is the Rirnplot!\ ct ot' being state bar was n tremendoushonor hcs1owcdon mo l)y lho luwycrsof Alaboma.And believe me, you don'I forget for one day lhiit you ure preiiidenLL 11wycrswho I practice with al Wadt' Baxley. 1999,2000ASB pre.flde1,1, oj)'erlnk,1 ew the courU,ouse, 1.hoscI roeeton the street, und the one~ r Pl'l:J•/ilc111Sam R11111ord"wu,rls ti/ ,1d11/c~" seeon sociul oecusions invmiubly greetme with, "ficllo, Mr. Preside11t,'' or "How is 1.hcs tate bar, Mr. President?" I.he hor. I had served on loc11I committees of the ll is rruly g.r'llcif)'lug to be acktlowIedged Lbatway. 13im1inghumBar Associ111.ionfrom my earliestdays us 11 The only negative that T have oncotmtcredi s the luwycr. Doing bur-related work is its own rewardns far juggling of 1ime. I hnve co11rtappeill't1nces several ,is pel' professional satisfaction.1 lowcvcr , there times cnch week. II is a bnlancingacl to take cnre of ls tbe added benefitof woddng with luwycn;you would tho bar's business. my client's husincss, my own per­ not 11onno.lly meet. My suggoslion Is to get involved with sonal and iamily responsibilities, and also get enough progmmsthfll you really enjoy, I SC1'Ved01; 1hcLaw Duy sleep. Bui most luwyersknow that to be successful Committeein Dinnlngllrun for manyyears and when they i:'nuSI munnge Lhcirtime wisely. Overall, the posi­ Charles NajjnJ' txicamcbn.r president , he oskedrne t o be tlves outweigh the negatives and ( hnvc thoroughly the overallc hainrn\11or l..awOay, 111 is w11sn grem enjoyed my yearas bar prcsidenl. opportimitylo show loadorship. Over the next few ycnr~.o ther nppc,111mitjcs opcnccl AL: Were you surprised at the amount of Limeit up. State Uur President Ulll H11ir:;ton knew1 l10tI prnc. takes LO serve us lhe stutc bnr president'/ li1.:edforn il y luw und he uppointedme chaim1anof o Rumore: Not rcnlly. r becnmea bnr commissionerin comruJnee to work on UJecrea tion of II Pmnily Luw 1990. 'lb be a responsible bar commissioner,yo1,1 Section. Thntwas most cojoyoblc 1tnd because or 1hul going to spend time In committeework, or on discipli­ experie11ceT hnd lo uppcurbefore the biircommission to nury panels. 1 had budgoted th111time into my proc;tice seokth eir npprovalo f Uie secllon. A few yeD.l'iiJocer. U1 e for tllue ycrml.Wben l decided to run for prc:.qident, l number Qf commissioners was expandedbased oo knew wbm to expllCL.Al so. dw:ingmy ltllilycur as a bur lnwyer population, Formerly,enc h circuit IWI only ooc commissioner Tse rwd on Pn:sidcnl Vic Lott's bur commissioner. Birmingham,with its tilousnndsof ExecuUveCounci l. Thal was on cyc•OpetilJJgexperlencc luwyers, had only one commissioner,jusl like the smnll• hccauscl got 10 sec the work thlll lhe leadershlp of d, e es1circu.i t. ThL~chun~ed in t 9!l7und so I ran for one or bar put~ forth before each commission meeting. And the new positions,but Josi. Throe ycn:ralatcr I run again u,cre is a continuityof le11dernhip because1h e lmmedin1e for bat eomrnissioncr, 1md won. I hove 1Jmroughly pas! presidcn1, as well a~ the prosidem-otcct, also serve enjoyed my experienceswitb the b!lr. 011 lhe £xcculive Council. f wos most impressedW ilh Flnnliy, I was fo11unuleeno ugh Lo bovcu pussionfor Dug Rowe's continuedinvo lvcmenl ofter his yc11rQS history 1t11dsome skl ll m writing. My serlc:..~in The president VicL ott and Wudc Buxluy also shared their A/abQmaf,, mvyero n the courthouses smrtedas o 1>xperlencetlr1d co unsel In their yenr us pust president Bicentennialh obby lo visit each co1111ty seal jn 1976, AL: What advice would you s'ivcn lnwyer who Who would have though1thai history could 1uke you so rarl Over the years I received scores of letters from rr1igh1one day uspirc 10be the bur president? lnw-yersnud Judges who appreciated my articles.So, in Rum oru: F irst of all, I.hey$ hould becomeII staff writer any event, heru I tuh todoyw. sttlte bur pre,ident. for 11,eAlnbam(I Lawyer! Th11t'sjust n joke, but serious­ Fund111ne111olly,1he rccognitlon u~ presiclenl ls given ror ly, u bur presidentn eeds to he involvedwith the work of ynlli' work ovor your entire career.

166 MAY 2 00 I A /,.: Whn1 have been your gonls nq expansion as the need nrosc. We hove prt:sidenl this year? 110W built DUI the lhircJnoor. fr lhert: R1J1nore: Ra\icolly I wanted 10 is n need for further cxpnn~ion.we Improve 1hc Image orlnw yers. will probnbly hnvc to lukc in the park­ cnhnncc lnwycr coileg:iulityand get ing area u11dcme11ththe hnr bulJtlJng. lnwycrs involved in some impon11111 Cfthm boppen~. we will n~cd uhcrmuc Issues. pnrking. The Ronrdor Rn r Commissioners nu1horlzcd Kcllh A/,.: Wh111huvc you done 10 reach Norman to inquire nho1111h c uvnil• these gouls'l 11bility or Lile smnll ~trip of lnnd Runion•: Pir~t. we htwe eo111inucd directly ncross 111111S1rcc 1 from our the bllr''I p11nncrshi1,with the building. IL wns not ncllvc:ly roJcs~lonnlism hns 10 st:in with cnch indivldunl Jnwyer as 1u1dh uw we trelll each other. I om pie~ to sny 1hn1o ne of thesehi ~toric n1':;IS willsoon wkc Anotln:r wuy I hope to improve collcgfallty is through the pluc:e. J.'rcd C:roy of Tu.w:gcc wM 1hc 011ly l11wycr 10 (flllllifyfor continued work of the Bench nnd Bar Rclulions Commhtec president-elect by 1he deadlineclmc of Morch I. Fredh as had a choired by Cnrol Ann Smilh of' Uirminghum and the lntm­ long nnd fulfillinglcgul cn recr which incl11de~ rcpre~ntmionof Bench nnd l:ior Co111111unlcatlou 1'usk Poreei: hulrcd by Terry Rl'Ow11o f Molllgomcry. Through thci;c co111111iltccs. Juwycrs of difforcn1 bockgrnnnds :incljudges share thuir co111111onconcerns 11ndw ork nu hnr-rel:itcd mr1uers. Al,: In whot lssu(l.\huve yuu been intere~ted'! Rumm'll: 1>01,siblyth e f{l'Clllcst need of the Stntc of Alnbnmois o new co1Nltullon. ihc presento ne is IC)()ytnl'li old this ycur, II h11.s RuuoJI Pinlllc:lalCONUltlng, Inc . I~ an beenamcu dcd hum.Ired.~wid hundred~ ortimes . So mnny of the lndepcndonc certified professional flnn problclllb In uur ~ltlle cun be linked to ~ho-ncommgsin our consLi­ IJ*iallzlna In bualncu appnllllllk.Deirdre uuiou. 1h1:1110~1 UL~k 1h111 Pc.rhnps imp<>rtunt force l estnbli&hccl RUJ1Cl1, ownu, 1w the urcrirncr 11nilre c· wns rho one on constitutionalrevision . Ju dge Sum Pointer ogrt<.'<.1 industry crcdrniilll~ 1h111 pruvltle 10 serveu s choir. 111, pu1p ose of the wsk rurcr IN10 ge t the orgun- lhc: hlgbc:sl 4u111i1y, c)lport vnlu.ulnn~ lor 11.cdbar involved in 1hc di(llogue on conMit11Lionnl reform elTorts. businc:i.scsru1d prufosMonnl prnctlct li, Uc!' I! mny inke mnny mnrc ye:u'Sb efore we gel 11,,ow co nstitution, but 11flillnllr,n wllh the A111crlc1111B11sin c:,1R we huve lo \)Cgln somewhere and I hope 1hls tnsk forceco mrlbntcs -~); •- Armml~ernNc1wurk, 11 n11trn11ul cnnlltion nf' to lhu di~ousslun. 111~cpendc111huslucs s 11ppr11iNc:rr., c~pnml< Anothur project we initiotetlU1i s yenr i~ 1he t.nwycrCttmpnlgn her rcsoam:c<10 offCI o wlJe rangt ul lmslue~w11mi111IN11 i 11c1id,. for Legal Sc:rvkcs. I numtlonedthe problem of funcli11g rorl-.cgol VALUATION SEltVICE USf.S1 Servicelli n one or my"Prcsldcn 1':. Pages." I ~n1 11h:ttcr 10eac h • LmGATIONSUPPORT SERVICES member orthe hur nsklng 1hcrn to pledge 1he c:quivnle111c,r on e • ESTATErLANNING hillnble hour ln 111oney10 Alnhama Legul ServicCl>for n period ul • MERCERS&.. ACQUJSmONS three ycnri,, The purpo,c of the CtUTlpu.ignis t u gel lawyu~ • EMPLOYEESTOCJ< OWN ERSHIPPl.ANS • INVE.SlMENTAND FINANCING DECJSI ONS involved In the effort~ 10 sec dim poor peoplehnvc ucc:c~ to h:gul rnprescnlulion. RUSSELLF INANC IAL CONSULTING, INC. At : Hnvo lhcro been :iny other occompllshmonts this ycur'/ 6U S 1N tSS VALUA T I O N SERV I CES Rumol'o: I would suy 1h111on e lilllc-publlci1.ocl hu1very PoNI OITiccllox 241672 • Montaomory. Alnbn111n.lC,1 24-1672 lmpurlanluctio n Lookpin ce this ycur involving the future of our 1illaphOnQ334 .613.6044 • f1nx3:l d 6l :i 6029 M~m~rllnl

I II /. I I I fl I II I I I II ) I H 167 Ro!lnPIU"k.~ ond Mortin Luther King,Jr. Fred is now our presidente,lect dcsigume "Professionalis,n begins with each o.f us." und will serveas the I 26th AlubrunnStutc Thisquoto from A SBPrasldem Sa m Rumorein his"Preside nt's Pogo· servosas the Bur ?residentf or lhc 2002-2003tc11i1 . beginningat tho bar's speciiil efforts to haveevery member sign tho Profossionallsm I 11lso cneourn1;:cmor e womenlnwyen, r o approvedby tho Board or BarComm issionersThe pledge Is locotodbolow. or gel involved i11bur uctivhics.W o now have u Women's S<.'Ction nnd many lender.; mayba do1M1loaded rrorn the bor·sW ebsi te at A personalloller from 11111011gthe femalemember!! of our bnr. Our PresidentRumo rehos been sen t to all barpresidents. and special • hnr n~soc:iotloopt'ebentJy i\ more thon 25 cortificatesmd 0schedu le mat· • boovor mlndlu l thotany motio n. 1m11.court tors withopposlno counsol lly ooroomonl uppourimco.deposllicm, p lua~lng or legal to nctlvcJydevel op young lnwycr leader­ tochnlonlltycasts somaono limo ond rnonoy ship. And we needto cont11111c our c[ons • rnalntolnII co 1dlaland respectful relationship withopposing counsel. • novorhnvo ox pane c,mmunlcntlons with OI diversityi n lhe profcs.\iOn. lhocourl • aock soocti:>mogo,nst opposing counsel Al .: Any Instth ought~·/ • stand10 address tho court. bo cou1t11ous onlywhere roqulrod for tho protection ormv Rumore: Servingns su11ebar president clientand ro t forme10 1oct1cel odvontooo . and not ongago In roa,mlnatlon with the COUit Is the highesthonor th nt cnn be bestowed • notmo ko unfoundedoccuso tlonsof unethical hy one's peers. I will ulw:1ysbe grutcful conduct aboutopposi ng counsel. • drossIn proper ottlro du1 Ing ony co u11pr O· coodlno.wh ether In thecounroom or to the lnwycr:i of Alubnm11for this privi­ • neveil ntontlonollVombo rrnssanot her chilmbers. ta showproper rospcct for tho lege. We nrc nn honorable professionthnt lowyorand w ill ovoidpersona l criticismof counand lhe lllw ovc, the yeurs Im!>he lped to rnnkco ur anotherlawyer • notbOCOmo too closelyassociated with my country II grcUlcountry. I 1,inccn:ly upprc· • onempt 10olwoys bo PiJflttuol cllont'sac1lv11les. or bocomo omotlonally cinte the opportunities gi,cn to me in lh1s • seekinformal agrooment In procedural and involvedwith myclien t lnnd becnuseull four of my grundpurcnts. preliminarymonors • olwoysremember thm t hopurpose ot the ns well n.~my fatl,cr. were immigrants. • shake handswith th e opposingcounsel at practiceot lawia n olthor011 opponunlly to 'll1is co11111ry 1111d1hi s profession hnvc theclose ol Advef8nri11I proceodlnosend mokooutrageo us domoodsupon vulnerab le been very good to my fnmliy 1111d me. • will refrainfr omonooolng In ony cond uct opponontsnor blind roslstonco to o Just which ongondorsdls1ospoo1 !orthe court, claim;bolng stubborn ly lltlolousfor n myadversary or the pnnh1s plalntifror a defendantis no1 professionol

!Thisplodg1 ii adJptodImm too Alabama Stall Ba1Code ol ProrewonulCoYrtosy odoptC>d by tt,o Bo3rllof 8')1 CommiUloomonApnl 10. 19921 Onto. _____ Signature;

PrintN ame:------FirmN orno:______Address.______

City/S1e1e/Z1p; ------$11111R11111111-r 011d fc1ml/.1t t1/ 20()(}I\ Sll Annual M/jl't/1111or Ora,1g8Bea rh

168 MAY 2 00 I FredD. Gray

P11rsua11110th<" Alabw11<1 Stutc Bar's mle 1101111m//18the ttlect/011 of pr,sldt!lll-dcct. tht follmv/111:hiosroph lc(I/ .,k111ch/.1 wo11idcdof FrrtdDt1 vld Gtt1y. Gmy ll'll ,I '"" sole qual­ lfy/1111rmulitlut e for the pt>~ltlrmof prt!sidcnt-elcct 1>/tht' Alubama StUtr JJ11rfor the 2001-2002 tl'nll , and wlll 11s.f11111t!the prnside11cy i111"/y 2002.

red l)uvid Oruy is II nntivc of Pt1tk.t. He was Dr. Mnrtln Luther King, Montgott1eryund u clvll rights Jr.'11linn civil rigbis ouorney. F lawyer. Ile was cducnted 01 the Crny w11s nlso one orth e l11'!ttlJlu ckl' Nnshvllle CllrlsllUnLnslltut e, Alnbnma 10serve in the Alabama LegihlUtUl'i:si nce State Univcrsllyand CUl,eW e..,ttm Rc:con$tniction ( 1970-1974). I le received Reserve tJnlversity. the Capitol Press Corps Awnrdfor Oest An udmittce LOLhc Alt1b11111t1 ond Ohio Ormor In the Houseor Rcprcsentntivc. ~ In bu1·N,Orny is nlso ndmittcd to pructice In 1972. ruH) wus u memberul' the Nntlomtl tlte following courts: Supreme Court or Soclotyof Stutc Leglsl11tors from 1970• Oh!u, Supromc Court of Alnbnmo, 1974. He served tts the 43rd presidentof United Stntc~District Couri ror the the NntionnlBur Assoclotion1111d was Middle Di~lrict or Alnbumn,Supreme inducted into theNBA Ho.IIor Fame in Couf1or thU e U.S., .S. Court of' Appcnl!I August 1995. for the Fifth Citcult, U.S. Di~trictCourt Crny iRthe senior pnnnor in the firm for the Nonhem Di1tricL ul' Aluhumn, of Omy, l,Jingford,Sapp, McGowirn, Frrtl I) , Cmy U.S. Court of /\ppe11ls for the SixtlJ Gruy & Nuthunson, with ol"liccsi 11 Circuit, U.S. Court of Appcols for the Montgomeryend Tuskegee. mcvcnth Cfrcuil, and the ·nixCourL In October 1999. he hccamc n Fellow A recent author, R11sRld r 111Justice Cray's lcgnl career span~ ff period of of the AmuricnnCo llege or Trial wai, rclllllllCdin February 1995 und Thr 4S yeurs. Out of law school lcNSthnn ti l.nwyeri.,nnd in March 2000.u Fellow of Tuskegee Syphilis S111tlyIn M11y1998 . lie year, he representedRo su PtHk s. wbo the lntemntionnl Society or l3unistcl'l;. also wrote 11,eSullivan Ca.rt':A Dil't'rl wns 1.u'l'i:sted becauses J1erefused to give Omy hns beenthe reclpl t nt of numerou!I P1'Qd111·1of th e Ci11ilRight s Muve111tt111. up her scm on u bui; to II white 11111n, uwnrdsnnd honors, Including lhc An elder of the Tuskcgc:e Churchor which ignited the Montgomery Aus AmcrlcunT3nr Assoclo tion's Spit'itof Christ. Groy hns four childr(lnund six Boycott. City of Mo11tgh111tJry v. Ros11 l~xccllfmccAw11rd in 1996. gn111dcl1ildrcn. •

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t II I I t I II I .I/ I I I II I I H 169 l(ollh B. Nom1n11

ProfessionaIism: OneWord That Says It All

ur profession Im~wken several posi1ives 1cps Albert Urcwcr. Birmingham; .lud"e Oen l1'ullcr. 10 inMill in our newc,1 members. und rt rnind Prutlville: Keo Simon, Birmingham: Lnuru Petru, 0 tho~c nlrendy In prac1lcc,wha1 ii mcam 10 he u Binninghwn: John Lcutin e, llinn ingh.un; Carol Aun ''profcssionnl," This year bcAins tl1csecond yea• of Smith , Birmingham; und hllilo bur Prtsidcnt Som rnundntorypmfe~siunnlism training for new bnr mem­ Rumore, Binllingham. bcrs. The trnlnlng progmm covers such topicl>n ~ "An The Alobnmn Bar Institute fo1 CLB (/\ BlCLE) Auomey'~ Relu1ionship wrth the t>rol'cssion," nrga111lcd1111d achninis1ercd 1h c first yc:nr's trnining scs• '·Courtroom Decorum." "llulldlng Your J)ructitc mill slons. l.11s1year's 1mlning sessions went very smoothly Your Relt1tionshlp wllh Your Clie111s.'' nnd "1'he Joy of thnnks it, Steve J_;;mcns. 11ssocio1cdcon, Univer sity of Being H L11wyc1'." 'rhc 1rui11l11g 11c.~slcms urc helo four Al11horn1tSchoo l of 1.nw, 1111dAA ICLJ! diree1nr, and tl111cs n year. A11lh1 Ham lett, ABICL.E n~soelotc director. This t.a~, year. ncurly !'iOOnew rncmbc,·s uueodedth e ycur's professionalism training will be ndministercdby uny-lont: training RC~~ion~10 h em from n rm::uhyof Cumberland lostituu: for CU~ (CICLE) under tlic able Alnhamn's finest nnd 111os1highly regarded judses and dircc1fonof LnVooe Wurrcn, ussi~tlUltdcun Cor CLE lnwycn,. l_n.\l year\ fncuhy mcmbcn, Included: John ut Cumbcrhmd School orLuw . Steve. Aniu, and Popp nnusto.s, Montgomery; Kulph Gai nes, 11Lllodcg11: LnVo11c. os well e lawyc:ri.und jmlgcs servingas J udAc Art Hones, llirminghnm; Fre d Gray , fncuhy lor the professionalisUJLruming programs. Tu~kcgce;S tun Sturnc.,, Birminghmn: Steve deserveo ur praise 1111d1h n11ks. GlussroUi. Mon1go111ery; ,luslicc Rulpb Cook, A1101her positiveste p being co11sldcrct1is one hour of Montgomery; ond Sklr1A ntes. Mobile. In uddilJon to prolcss101111lism or ethics ll'llining for nll liccnscd mcm­ Judge I lu11cs, Skip /\mCN. Sum Stnrnc:sund JusLicc hcl's. The MCLE Commission is proposing n ohonge in Cot1k. this year'11rn c111ty Includes fo1mc:r Govcmor 1ho MC:Ll! nrles 10h ave one hour c>fthe unnual CLE requirement dcvotcd to c1hlcs or profcssionulism with an uccompnnylng increase in llie onnunl minimum number of hours from 12 to 15. 'n1c MCLI:!Commh,sion is pro­ Do You Need a Tree Expe rt? po,ing two udditionul chungcsthul would he.Ip facillllitc the two chnngesmentioned above. One:would be u • Tr ee Vnluntions • T ree Pr otection "comity" nile lhut would ullow 1111011 rc,idcn t bar me.m• • Pesticide Dnmu~cs • Tim brr Trcspn ~s bcr 111compliance with the CLU ruks l n the Juri diction • Tre e Cnrc • Tree As:.cssmcots where he or sho resides10 be lu co111pliancc in J\, The other change WOlJld pcl'lt1lt111cmbc1R 10 oblllin up LO • Rcgistcr ccl Foresters • Certifi ed Arbori sts ~ix hours CLE crcdil for intcmciivein~lrucLion re ceived Southern U1·b1111Fo restry Associ:ll"cs vin the lnterncl. These J)l'()poscd CUl rule chnngc.~nrc posted 011th e bar's Web site, 205-333-2477 "11111lly, I encoW11gc.every luwycr tu rem.Iund sign the P. 0. Dox t,i03, Northr,011,AL 35476 "Pledgeof Profc.o;slonallsm." ndoptedby the Dowtl of

160 MAY 2001 Comminsioncrsthis pnsrOcruber . 11\e pledge nod occompnnying Educational Debt lom1 an.: posted on the b:ir's Web bile. (Abo. see page 158o(this Continues to Increase l~hUC,) Youcan prinl n copy or rhc f)lcdgc fonn, hign It itnd return ii 10 state hnr. Your name will be JlOSled on the bnl"sW eb she with Rducntionnl debt for thoses ilting for 1J1c Alnbamn hnr exnml­ the orhe,· lmr 111e111bcrs who hnvcslg 11cdth e pledge. Abiding by n111ic,n hos lnc1-e1m:d rhu l!1Nl two cxnmi1111tion periods. Tho ch11n rho plc<.lgl!wlll nol only engcudcr rhc public\ rcsr,ccLnnd 1rus1, below rollccrs the cduco1io11tJcbL lo ud or bur eimmlnccNover the bu1will mnkc us foci l'K:llcrnbout t he f'uturcor our profession, ptu.l nve )'Cllrll, •

EducationalDebt ForBar Examinees

Fob01 FebOO July 00 Fob99 July 99 Fob98 July 98 Feb97 July 97 Feb96 July96

ExamineesWith 137 122 317 144 297 125 310 105 317 148 327 Educational Debt (39%) (36%) (57%) (41%) (54%) 144%) (60%) (63%) (68%) (51%) (73%)

AveroooDobt $48,920 $44,865 $50.4~1 $46,500 $60,070 $11.885 $50,418 $35,308 $44,528 $35,000 $40,892 lloial OobL $14.870,00CI

DebtService $:,SO $533 $599 $552 $594 $497 $599 $420 $528 $415 $474 7.5% For Pet Pet Per Por Pet Pet Por Por Por Per Per 10 Yoers Mon1h Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Monih Mon1h Mon1h



I II I- I I I II I II I I I II I I H 161 • WiUium C. Thompson, judge of the Alab11mnCo urt Starnes of BirminAham wa~ named Distinguished of' Civil Appeals. bas been uppointeclc hief judge of Alwnnus for 200 I, Ii:. Murk Ezell of Buller was U1c Cout1of tbc J utllcl11ry. mU11cd200 I Friend of' Cumberland und Steve Drockln of Dolhun wus numeclVolu nteer Alumnus • Wllllnm J. Bt'Ynllt-, n shnl'eholdet wiU1the of the Year. Birmlngham llrm of Feld, Hyde, Lyle, Werthelmer& Starnes,who is o senior parmerwi th tlte flnn of Arynn1, P.C.• w11srecently 11a111cdchni nnM of the Starnes & Atchison. graduated,1·1 111111111c11111 lm1dC1 in nntlonalbmlTd of directors or the American Heart l972 ft'OmC umberland School of Law. whe.l'eh e was AsRocimion. He will he involved in the overallaclmin ­ n 111cmberof Curill 1-loooris ond the Order of i~trnlionof Lhe AHA's public rcl11Lion$,11dvocacy nn d Barristers, and wns editor-in-chief of the Cw11bflrla11d fund-ruisfogactivi ties. Bryant is the flrsl Alabnmiant o Law Review. Starnes haRserved as presidentof U,c t:huir this nutlonulvoluntary h ealth ogency,with rour Cumberland NationalAlumni Associution, and ns u 111illlonvo lUJ1teerSum l 3.000 ernployees. member of Lhc luw school's AdvisoryBoord und of two Doan Search commlttces. He hui;also ohuircd Lhe • Brynn Stevenson. an u11omeywilh the Equal Justice C11mberla11dL mv Revic>wPoundi1Liun . One son, J.T. Lnl!Jativeof Alabama. recently wasawarded the Olof Thompson,Is a llrs1-year srudemm CumberJru1d. Palme Prize fol' out:stwdiog nchiovemcur. Tho prize. &e ll, who procticosl11 Buller. &l'l1d uu1e

• Paul Myrick, 111 nutneri n • Recenlly elecLed officerso f ihe /\lnbttmac hopter of the Mobile firm of Adnms !be AmoricnnA cademy of Mau'imomoJLowyers 11rc & l~cc$eLLP , was recently Sammyc Oden Kok, president, ond Denise J. appointed a fellow of the Pomeroy. secretary, bolh of ~hefirm of Dominick, College of Lubor uncl Fletcher,Yeilding, Wood & Lloycl,P .A. Rundall W. BmployrnenLLuwyers . Nichol.s of Massey & Stotscr, P.C. was clccLcdvice­ Myrick is a past chuir of president und L. Stephen Wright, Jr. of Najjar, the ASB Labo,' and Denuburg.P .C. wu.~elec lecl lreui;urcr. Employrnem Law Seclloo 11nd is the co-nuthor of the • Shnron Byrd Patterson rece111ly wi•b awarded the Al ttbnma Employurs Departmentof the Amiy Superior Ch·UlanService 1/nndhnok. Paul Myric k Award for her 0111standingsuppor 1in providing legnl advice to the United States Anny. She is II mcmhc!'ol' • Cumberland School of Law al Samt'ord University the Office of u,u Chief Counsel, Acquisition Law recently honored severul Alubium1u llorneys 11s Division,U.S . Army Aviationund Missile Command, amoug lls 111os1.Joy!~ alumni uuclfriends. W. StuncU Redstone Arsenal, Alubum!L •

16 2 MAY 2 00 I • Electronic • CO-ROM • Print

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M~11indolu ftubbttll, LEXIS andNEXIS oro r11;la tff11KI1rndom1uM 01 Rood Elsevier Propenloa In a.. used ufldorlloe"9e C 2000M at1ltldOl@·Hubooll. /Ill ,1g111ar,mlrvbcl MARTINOAl.F·I TU131WJ.L• II Lr.xis NL.XI~l,n.i1• l "'"t'"~

I II I I I I II I II I I I 11 I /· H 16 3 become a slwe holder ond Trovts R. Wisdom has Due tQ llw lmgu incre(lse 111n oticesfu r "Ab,1111 become associnled with 1he [mn, Members, Aliwng Pirms," The Alabamn Lawyer will 110 lm1gcrp ublish a,lclresse&· mul lclvplwne 111,111bers Rhl!ll1 Boyd & Rhea 11nnounccs 1h111Gin n O. "''less the 0111101111ccm e111rolules tu the opening of" CogJ,oin has become n member of the firm. Tho firn1 new firm or ,tolo practice. Pleasecomt 11uc to s«nd 111 nume is now Rhcu, Boyn, Ilium & Coi:gln. a,11101m c1.m1ents and/or address changes to the Alabama .State Bar M111111>11r,1·1iip Dep(lrtmc111,(II (J34) .Jomes 11. Rk trnrdson and ,Jolln .). Collnhon, J r. 261-6310 (fax) or P.O. JJ"x 671, Montgomery 36101. 111111out1ceth e formation of RJch11rdsm1& Callnhnn, L.L.P. Offices are locmcd m 30 I Wuslungto11S 1recl, Suite450. tlumsvilh:. 35801. Phone (256) 533·2440.

About Members HUI, HIii, Cllr ler, F1•anco, Cole & Block, P.C, Kuthll·c11A. Brown, formerly or RobiNon & 13clscr. announces Um Doy Lcale McCa ll, HI hn~ become n P.A., mlfimmces the opening of her orAcc ut 423 S. member of lhe firm, nnd Michael ,I, Coban and Ilull Street, SuJle 2F, P.O. Box 1606, Moatgomcry Shown J uukfo.s Cole have become osstloistcs. 36102-1606. Pbo11e (334) 954-4445, Clork & Scoll, P.C. unnouncci; the opening of their Raym ond C. llry1m 11nnou11ccs 1he opening of his new ofTicc fll 2450 V111lcydule Roud, Birmingham, office al Suite 2C, Lyde Sq uare, 13()2 Noble S1ree1, 35244,Th e finn also Mnow1ces1hm J ock lllirrlson bas Anniston. 36202. Phone (256) 237-5018. become

Among Finns Duvicl P. Shi!phcrn Rnd Mark S. Cohl!r nnno11ncc: th~ rormotlon of Shepherd & Cnbor. m liccs arc: Michaul A. lfrlt.7., Sr. t111nouncos thftl he ha~ hecomc locuted ut 913 Pl11n111tion Bou lev11rd, Fairhope, 36533. the bunknipicy attorney for the Unit ed St11tes Phone (334) 928-4400. Dunkrup tey Admiuist rution , MlddJe IJistricLor Ala bamo. Hatcher. Stubbs, Lond, Hollis & Rothschild Lee A. Mciver Md Oebm Hoynes Poole:i lllnouacc onnm111ccs 1hul Ncnl ,l . Cnllohnn !ins becomu u pur111cr the formation of Mciver & Poole, l' .C. omcesare in 1hc firm. Officesn 1-el ocated in Columbus, Georgia. located at 321 N. Hull Street, Montgomory. 36 104. Phone (334) 834-2 135. Andr ew 'I: Citrin 1111d Mlchncl S, McGlothrco a11nouncc the formati on of Citrin & McGlolhr en, NodJc_r & Associates, P.C. tmnounces that Fronct:S P.C. Of!ices nro locn\c:d ac 1703 Main Street, Daphne, W. Motches hns beco1t1c associulcd with 1hc Jinn. 36526, Phone (334) 626-7766.

Hubburd, Smith , McJlw11ln1 Br11kcl1el{I & Glodden & Sinor, 1'.C. announces Lhot Sheri J. Browder, P.C. announces lh11~ Gory E. Sullivan h11s Lowde1· hos become ussoci,11edw ith the firm.

164 MAYZOO I McKenzie & 1nylor, V.A. announce~ M. Mllmn ;ind Pnlrklo A, GUIhove lfar c, Wynn. Newell & Newlon thnt J oseph A. Zurxuur, Jr . ha., become become os ociotcd with the li11t1,nnd unnouncc.~that Justice Rnlph 0. Cook asso<:l(lted with the firm. Offices nre Quentin Hrown, Jr. nnJ .Jomes r,, Clnrk ho.~become uf co11111'clto the lirm. locotcd in Pensocoln. hove becomenf cnw1st'l to the fim1. Amhrechl, ,Jnckson, Dcmouy, Wulluce & Wyntt, P.C. nnnounces Wolfe, Jones & Uoswcll nnnounces Crowe, Holmes & Reeves, 1.. 1 ,.C. 1hnt C. Brinn 1)11vldson hasjoined the thut .Joel R. Ullmncr ru1dIJ chrouz K. 111111ounccsllrnl the 11nn1111111 c '111~t,cen firm as purtner und tho fim1 name is now Ruh111ullhtt ve bec1>mepurt11ers in the changedto Ambrcchl;cm L .L.P. Wynll & 011,;(dsun, l'.C. nrm. 1111<.Itlmt Jmlµc Edwnrd U, McUormoll lrni. be1.omc o.f t•r11111.1·1.'l to the l1r111. <.:orlcy, Moncus & Wind, P.C. Dominick, Flctchc1·, Yicldh11,t,Wood nnnounccs thnt Anucttc T. Ruff bus & l.loyd, P.A. unnounccsthut Mnrc C. Lightfoot. Frnnklln & While, l..f ..C. joined the lirm us no nssociote. Dnwscy hns become as~ociutcdwith the nnnmmces thnt Melody l,. Hurdle m,J nm,. Rohin 1L Grnvcs hnve hccomcmembers Oliver, M1111cr& Croy, L.L. P. ol the lirm. announces thut Robert B. Grny ha.\ Cn1wll& Hownrd, 1',C. nnnounce become nssoch11ed with the lirm. thnt Dnrbarn J. Gilbert. Dnvld ll. Cossody. Fuller & Morsh, L.L.r. Byrne, .Ir. 1111dRobert J,'. NorChcutl 111rnounces thttt M. Chutl Tindol hw. Rnbcrt W. l,ee & Assoclntes, 1'.C. huvc become members uf the !inn. becc,meo po,tn or In the llrm. announce~ 1h01 Wendy N. T hhCr jnined the nnn.and Peyton O. Ulbb, ,Jr. joined the linn ns nn associate. M. Gfll. 'rnlcy rt Dm•ls, U 11tn g)', Brook. 'i & SmiCh, L.I~.C. IIS COUIISCJ, Offlces IU'e located in nnnounccslhnt 'l'honm-.A. Davis, Tommy Burlington, Vermont. L. Dobbs nnclCl mrles A, l'mH!ll, IV hnv1.1 become tncmbc:n. of lltt 1km. Miclincl K. Abcrnnthy announces the l'ormntion orA bcrnnthy & Assodntcs, ltyste1', Key, Tubb, Wl.'.uvcr& l

Lyons, rl1>cs & Cook announces thttt Crittenden Martin annouuce,thm S. Wesley r l1lcs, J111ncsD. Jeffries, Jr. Cnndncc F.. Hrannen hM Jo111cd the nnd Roger rt Cole hnvc heco,ne p!lrt fimi ns on associate. ncr~ in the linn nnd S, Trnvls Borlcc, NuUrnniel A, Unslo nnd Hrundy H. llums, C.:unnin1,1h11111& Mnckcy, P.C. Osborne hnvc become as~ocinted wi th nnnounccs 1h01 Cury FlllllnJ.llmh n~ Ileen the firm. 1r111dc II J>nrtncr in the fi1m,n nd the Jirm ,l~p ,4,,. ... 1111111e has 1.htingcd to Hurns, J. 1rofrtStcr DeDuys, Ill Ct,U .r. Myrn11S mith & Assoclnte.s Cunnlnghnm, Muckey & li'llllni.:lm, nnnounccs thlll Jim T. Normon, m hos P.C. The f1rmuJ so announce.~th nl You estublish gonls for crcttt ing become nssoclnced with the lih11. Mcllsso A. Tllon111s hru,become u~soci­ wenlth. We help you meet your meclwith the firm. 9oals, while protecting your S1)uln & Cillon, 1• . L.C. announces the lumlly nnd c~tutc 1hruush fommlion of the pain GIiion MedlolJon Hrndley Arnn! Rose & White LLP 111sumnccurtd finuncinlpmuu ct~ Center. Mcdiutors arc Quenti n Urown, unnouncc~th nl .Jny Bender, RM. 110~1011, .Jr., Eugene I'. Stutlli,S wnucl ll , 1"razicr hdul Knllnn, Kim Martin, Rodney nnd Mylo Culhoun Choy. The center lb r,.,10.1;.~.l)omtb y D. Pok, and Rlchn,·d loc:ited ru 2 117 SecondAvenue , North, Shnrlf hove becomepnnncrs in Jilt: fim,. 11 Binninghnm, 35203. Phone (205) 7 1.5· The CompanyYou Ke ep.• 6589. Spnin & Clillon, 1..1~.C. nlso Ulnuir, l llllmun. BHllnrd & nnnouuocs llm Roderick K. Nelson nnd Nlkolokls, P.C. u1111ounccs ih t111h c nnn 2.1/ I lll11Mtm1/Avm,11r S11 111II S11/trJl)IJ Murk W. Mucoy have become members muuchn s beenc l11111ge

I II I, I / . I II I .I/ , I I . \ 11· I /·. H 165 Q Otto Ernest Si111<,11

OllO Brne.~l Si111011. o nntlvc of Mobile, hud o disLln­ guished career os n soldier, lcglslntor and luwycr. After srnctunting from Murphy I llgh School in 1.936 nnd working briefly for the OM&O Rullroad, he eniered the Army Air CorpRdurin g World Wor II and hon• orably dischnrgcd os fl mnstcr scrgcunt, His 1111dtrgrnd• uate studies were 111S pring I Iii! College, and he oblnincd hL~luw degree from the University of Alabwnn School or Luw in 1949. During the Kl'esont­ cd Mobile County In tho Alubnn1t1leg islature from t 955 to 1959; ~crved whh the Alnhnma lnsurance Commission, us n chuinmm to the Alabruna Bducntion Study Commission, und n~ 11city nltomey for P1ichnrd und for the Priah11rdW utcrworks and Sewer Bocrd; :1nd wns uct.lve in Masonic 1111d other local 011tanization~. Always seeking new chollenges, uficr his retirement he Oun l;'mr 1rSlnum bcg111111 n ew et1rccr In 1t1edl111lon. A member of the SJ)r IAng Ilill venue Methodist Church, he i~ survived by his wife, C11therine Doyle 'fhc Mobilu B11rA ssociation honors the life 011d Simon: two sons. Ono M. Simon and Erle 11.S i111011: 11 mourns the dcnLhof Ouo Ernest Simon on September daughter, Lee Simon Hightower; two grnndchlldrcn, '.lO, l 999, nftcr 50 years of fnilhful Rcrvlcc Lo hJs pro• Cody nnd Haley Hightower; stepsons Jomes Gncsseu fcsslon. who served hL~co untry in wnr, his cc1mmunity Hickmun, 1JI. Robert D. llickmnn 1111d Gregory ,\, nnd stmc throughout u distinguished curecr, and Hickmon; four si~ter~. Bnrbnru Lewi~. Vesta Simon brought honor tlnd rei.l)Cct lo hh family. Evans, Kuthcrlne Lllizubcth Simon nnd Munh n Simon - Fred l¥. KIii ion, past president I lemlerimn: aud other rclntive..,. Mobllr JJ<1rAs.soci at/011

George Joseph Moore

George Josllph Moore, 11hi ghly respected member of pnst prcsidc111or 1he Friendly Sons of St. Pn1rlck. ll c tho Mobllc Rnr Assocl:11io11, deported thiNl ife 011 WM O Nnvy Vctcrnn orWWII . Thursdny, Janunry 20, 2000. George Joseph Mooro is survived by his wife, Thi~ n.~sociution mcmoriulizes his nccomplishrncnts Robcl'UlS . Moore of Mobile: dnughtcrs Cnthcrine M. ns n proficient prnctiti()ncr of his profession i:111d his McCorklc of Mobile and Eli1.11bc1h M. L.connrd or beneficent influence on th<>~ow h1>kn ew him. Nonh Pulm Dead 1, folorida; a ,on, Ocrnrd J. Moore of Ocorge Joseph Moore w :i..1bornM in obile on the Mnricmu,Georg ia; u son-in-lnw, fame., Leonard of I0 th day of September. 19111,u nd wns 11g mduou1o f No1th Pnln1B i:ilch. Plorldu; n duughtcr-ln-lnw, McOill lnstitutc, Springhill College nnd the Uni,crsity Bcnedene S. Moore of Mnrieuu; u gmndduughtcr, Brin of Al ubtunu School of l..uw, receiving his LLB dcwco In A. Moore of Marietm; two brothcts. Brother John 1948. He was o member of the MobUe und American Moore, SC {Brother of Socrccl Hc11rt) ond Brother hnr nssocintions, ns well 11sth e Amerleun Triul Lnwyors Michno! Moore, SJ (S0cic1y of Jesus) or Ornnd Coteau. Association. He begnn his lcgul c11reer 111Mobll u whure Louisinnn; n sister-in-lnw, Sister Anne Robena he ope.ralcdII priv11Lo lnw practice for 51 years. Schilling, SL (Sisters of Loretto) or Norin:<,K entucky. He Wll.~ n member of St. lgnntiu~ Parish, St. Vincent -A /a F. Lt111kJ<>rd, ()ti.fl prt Nldt:hl DcPuul Society. :md KniJihls of Columbus 11ndwa s o Mn/Jlle /Jnr A.rsoclarlo11

,ee M AY 2 0 I>I Sidney Moxey Harrell

Sidney Moxey Hnm:11, n native of Sunnower, 11ndo longtime I le ii. ~urvlvcdby his wifo, Anne B\)udousquic lfam:11;three rci,ident 01 Mobile, 11groduntc or the University of Alnbomn children, Ct11hyI lurrcll Pennington of Allnn111,Mo llie Loul~ School of I .uw.11 YclC:nm.ru1d n relired major in the United IlrurelJ und Sidney Moxey Harrell, Jr., a Mobile n11ur11ey:o S1n1csArmy, 1111nlnedwide renown as 1111eitpe11 In rc11l property gr1111ddough1cr, MurySlt1dc l )cnnlngton: u hrolhcr, Clnude law throughm1tSouth Alnbnma, whcre he pructiccd lnw, lnvnri­ E11goncI 11 11rcll, U.: und utl,cr rehuive~. ttbly diRplr1ylnuon nuru of quiet dignity, until his death on - Alex f: u.mkftJrd, pr1,vtp1•Pslde111 Nc>vcmbcr 20, 1999. Mo/JI/a Har A.v.vociarlrm

Ja,nes Tyler Strickla11d

On Wednesday,April 2, 2000, Jn111csTyler Strickland, u dis­ pass n hond issueof one millJoodol1i.l.f!; to establishlh e first tingubhcd jurist nnd member of the Mobile and Americrmbur youtJ1ecn 1crIn 1he State of Mobile County. In nssoci11tionh,deported this life, and the Mobile 13nrAssoclutlon 1984, the center wus ronnmcd in his honor by lhc Mobile rccoguizci,und mcmorializes his very colorful :ind ou1st1t11ding County Commission1111d ii- now known ns 1hcSlrlcklunrhi $ (mrnrnuniLy. Judge SlricklnnHticnlfigure:. witJ1 1ough 1952. lie pmcticcd lnw in Mobile from lhc mid• l950s to 1965. Cfimprugnsto win elections in Mobile County, u~well 11, lie also ,ervcd us u purt-timc nssislllnltlistricl 1111omey,rmd bis throughout the Stnte of nggrc~sivci.tylo us II prosecutor garnered him tho nlcknnme of Judge Stricklnnd i~ survived by his wife. Joun Kcclur ''Tiger." III I965, ht wui;appointed purt-tirnoJ uvcnilu couli Su-loklund:u 11011, Wuyne'Ty ler S1rickl11nd, a d1111ghtcr,Mory jurlgc nnrl wu~lac er uppolnted us drcuiLjudge, becoming the Lowery: grunclsonsJumcs Donald Lowery nnd Dnnkl 'Tyler 1111,t rulHirnc juvc11lle courljudgo. I le wus rccogniicd through­ towcry, all of Mobile; und a sister, Ccrlic Slrickl1111cl Grubbs or out 1hc Stme of A lnbumnns o lenucrIn Juvenll c Justice. In the Jucksonvll le, Florie.tu. 1111c'60s. due to hi~ pollticnl gcolus, Ile wu~nble 10 convince Lhc -Alttx umkfortl, ptw pl't',\'itlitrll locul legisln1lvcdclcgntion from Mobile County to sponsorMd Mobile /Jar As.voe/orion

llluck, WIIU01uVcrbon Scbmurkcy, John Cnr l I lunt!lvillc Mountoin Brook Athnillcd: 1959 Admitted: 1957 Died: !)cccmbcr3 1. 2000 Died: Murch 8. 2001

Duke, WilliumS tephen Seale, Albc1·1 .lnckSon Monlgomcry Moblie Admitted: 1929 Admlucd: 1951 Drcd: J.tnuu_ry3. 200 I Died: Febronry25. 2001

1,urgc, Enmcsl Ruy White, Wllllum Bew, .Jr. Birming.hum Binnin11hnm Adn1i11cd: 195l Admitted: 1946 Died: Junuary 13. 200 I Died: Junuury 17. 2001

LumJ)kln, Willi11mH. , Hon. Mctculf, Rumsey NcJI Wllllcsldc, Ouvlied:Junuury 18.200 I Died: Jnnunry29, 200 l

TIii · \I 1/111/1 I 111)/1( 167 - -- •11111

Rubftrt L McCu1lny, Jr.

llh one-third of lhe h:gislulive session uver, Business no bUJs hovebe en Nor were lbere possecL One bill culls for the revision of Article 9 of Ille 11nybill s passed in the n.·st Specinl Session W VCC (Sl3. 146, H.13. l34) (seeJ unuury2 001 Alabama thnLw1111 h eld during Pebrunry. The first third of the la1Vyer), unclanother for U,o Electronic Trunsuotlons session did seo l, 100 hi Us inl.roducod. lf experience of Ac1 (SB. 132, 1113. 170) (sec Junmu·y 200 I Alaba ma prior holds most of sessions Lruc, the lcgisl11tion will u1111yer).A bill calls for l11c reglstrtltioo of l'orelgn pass durins Lhc l:inultw o weeks of the ~cssion, wilh the I .I~Ps 1111dLLCs; fall11re to 1·eglstcr would ~uusc the duy Lhe lust possible thut legislature c11n 111ecl being entity to not be nble to enforce their• co1Hfncts rhc ~rune Mo11drty, Muy 2J. 200 I. 11sbusine~s co rpormion11(S B. 377). It Is hurd to give busy, practicing lawyers un ulert to possible bills per1dingin the lcgisluturc. The following bills hove beet1id emlfied ond Usced by cmegory.Till s. Real Estate by no means. inJers there may not be local bills uff'ccting Severn! bills coll ro,· the reductionof the stmutory n pnnicula,· coumy or city and othc,· 1>icccsof gene,·ul right of ,•edc111ptio11.S0111e bill s lin1l1th e reduc1lo1110 legi~larion of intcrosl. 111ese, however,nre Lhem os[ propeny sold for ,axes,and otJ1ers for all redemptlons. pmb11blchi lls would be of intorcst lo lawyers. Snmc ()f the hjlls redi1cc lhc 0110-yeoe smtulory-of­ I am li~ling the topic along with the l1ill numbers In rcdcmpLlon period 10 90 dnys, and others to 180 days the event that you wish lo contact the Sccretfil')'of the or nine months ($13. 44, S13. 172, H.B. 423. HB. 125). Sennle or Clerk of tJ1cI-l ouse to obtain a copy oftJ1cbi ll A new provi~ion Is punding ror lhc vucntion of roads or wish to review the entire bill on tllc LegisJuture's pub­ (SB. lOJ). '!'here iN u blll making changes 10 the lic Webs he whit:h i.s: ww1v.leglslall11't!.. rtaie.o l.w;/. mcchtmic's lien luw (SB. 268. I-IB. 97. l-113. 40$). 'rhcrc ate two cllamtnrlcully OJJpOslte 11pp(011cheli lo lhe lund­ Constitutional Revision lord and tcnUJH law, oneby the Rcultors and another by tenoms' g,·oups (HB. 433 nnd I TB. 40). Introduced One biJI culls for a constitutional convention (Ii B. 11gai111hl s year Is a bill Lhmwould requJre for dl!edgt o 143, HD. 3), and another uuthorilClltJi e legislature to be reco1·dcd u111clttilio 11to the our1·enl requirements us revise Lhcco nstitution Four bills nrc a (S13.2, H13. 66). 10 who prepares ihcm, the nrnrhni stotus,e tc., 1hot1h e part of Lhe House of Representulivcs' systemutlcr evi­ deed must ~tntc the price pnid nnd this must be cctli• sion of ihc consLllutlon. They 11roArticle I revision lied by a party as the rrne nod correct price (SB. 37 (HB. 63). Article 11( JIB. 64). Article Xll (I 113. 452) and HB. 104). and Article Xlll (HB . 451), Courts Family Law A bill denls with lhe Unlform lnier:muc Enfo1•cemen1 There is tJ1e annuul bilJ J'orn onpurtisune lection of of' Oome~tic Orders Acl (S.13.55. HB. 112) (see March judges (SB. 280 and JIB. 411), another requiring Inter­ 2()() I Alabama Luwyer). '111crc1s a lso u bill lhsl would preters for wlrnesses( Sl3. 32), and anotherwhicll ere, crcutc II cuusc of 110L1on agulnRtth e oustodiul parcm if ates an imemotionul notary (SB. 403 and 118. 440). civil they deny visit11lion (Sl3. 231). 'l'hc most uctivc blll ls 011c lbm would effect u change of custodyu ·th e custodi­ Estates al pm·e11t111 oveso ut of thu Slilte or more Lhnn7S miles A bill would allow the cxecmor to lllc an uffiduvit from 1he ot.her party (S.B. 177, SB. 15.5,S B. 65. und HB. stALing theren 1•e no taxesdu e rather Limn wul1for IJ1e 95). Anorher bill dealing wlU1c ustody Is one concerning Departmomo f Revenue LO send n notice (SJ3. 388. 1113. gmndpnrcm custody in ccrtnin instances( U:B. 158). 362). There Is also u bill tlrntwill require II pom1anencyh CM·

168 MAY 2 00 I ing whhin 12 monih~ frorn plncing II child 10co mpcnsn1cpersons for wrongful budget nnd the education huJgcl will in II foMcr home (SB. 40 I). lncurcl!flllion (SB. 166, HA. 473, llB, consume much of the lcgislmure's time. S82); ullernl1ono( boat idcmitieN (SR. The on1ciol census figures were deliv­ Sports 252); rcgululion of bRilb11Nincs s (SU. ered April I SI which will cuuNcth e Joint 304, 1113. 459): crcut.ion of u higher Coi11111itLce 011Rcnpporlion111cn 1 to Rpcnd TI,c,·c ix a 1\lvlslon of J\lubnmu'sAth lcLe offense ror uggruvuledc l:tlld nbuRe(S B. o 1;t11cnt dcnl of time rcudyln8 thcmsclve.~ /\gem Act (S8. 153 nnd I fB, I OS)(sec 305. IIIt 507); allow Juvenile proceed­ for an expected Special Session to Imo­ Murch 2001 Alabnm11l.nw yer). Another ings to be conducled by vldcu c:0111muni­ die rcnpportionmcal 1101only of the biU i.snimcd nt nlhlclic hoosters (1lB . cncion C~B. 390): crcniion of the JndigenL Alnbumnlcgislnturc but 1heco ngrcs~lon• 641 ), nnd n Lhirdhill is directed nt the Defense Commission(S A. 433. 118. 57): ul disiric1s. hnnissmcnl of i;pons oflicin lll {SA. 299). expnnslon(I f 1hedefinition of ~crious. To look up tiny of thc~c bills, go to lhe physicnl injury (SB. 422); n rcdiwibll • leglslmurc's Web site al www.lPfll.11/t,. Criminal Law tion orl)U I lines (SB. 370. un. 421): a 111n •.. 1· tfltc.ol .11s/. • Various hill ~ create tho ct'imc oridentl • IICWdunniLion oruggrnvntcd rape (I IA. ty Lhefl (SB. Is. SB. 23, SR. 144, Im . I 59): und on ndditionulbill nllowing for For more lnfonnutlon on the Institute 123), Several billll concern the tlenth chemical c,l!>lrtttlon for 1,exo(fcndcn, or nny of it~proje c1g,conwc t Uob pcnnlty. One crcnln n mon11oriu111on the (HB. 209), McCurley, director. Alnb11111uLaw dcolh penalty (SB. 14, SB. 292), while ln~1itu1c, P.O. Box 861425. Tu~cnloosn nno1h~·rch,mges the execution method to 35486-00 IJ, fnx (205) 348-8411,or lcthnl lnjec1loncsn . 52, SB. 229, MB. Other phone (205) 348-7411. 12 l ). The followlng blIt s ttl'fcctu speci lie There tu·c other bills 1,rorosing for o nrci,of criminal law: redcllnilIon of vio­ "Stnicturcd Seulement Act" in civil cusc.s lent offense~ (S8 . 34): new crime for fll­ (Hit 460, nlso HR. 258). nndservice of ing d11im11a gainst the S1111cof Alubttml\ procc:.i,by publicnlion on non•rcsidcnl8 Roblt1L McClilley, Jt {SU. 64); assisted~ uicide {SR. 110, SB. the ~ume :t.\ on rcsidcn11 undl'r Ruic 4.3 llcall I McC111lt-t.J1It N d,,.;u1tol flO~ 95); counting nolo contcndcrc pica,~ os (ITU. 476). law lnlllilllt •11ht UrliwllnyolAltbln,1 Ile fCKIMG guilty plcns for hnbilun1offenders (SB. During Lhellnal Lwo-lhirds of tho ses­ NI u11do1011dlJilo,nd tow doQ111t11 homtl11 U111Y111111v 130. 11ll . 277); credtlon of o cnmmiucc slun ii is expected I.hut the gcnernl fund


l\t! S0/11$ Fables were not wrl11cn f01 c/1/ldtrn Titcy werewrh tt•n 1n l\clp lcudorsln1µrovc their live~ltnd the llvcs o( the people I lll"-IC lc:,,dl.'llserve. Acat1p'1foblc\ cui, x lcaUCl'lll O makedlOlcCS bl!t WC:Cll ~11ch 1hlngs ;J.111rccu nnd 1JIVhi1:1,

llmJl(llflCI! ttndh111nlll1y 1 nnd Ncl(J~h inJl(fol'l!HCC11ml compassion. Order Today: 1-800-577-9499 Pupantoalo'snew rclc.111c,wh h forewordhy Robcn H Kennedy, Only $24.95 per book Jr., cxplure~1hr 1lc111il, of the ph1\ $3.00S& I t C11chItem tlnu:le, w!Ad(,rnleft hy Acwp. (AJJ FluriJ11"''le,i nix if 11ppHcnblc) I le hwlccs lawycr,itn think nl,out charocuirqu11lh les I h11l wr ~houlclbm.h reYl.'I\' nnd revile In lcndo"', Or by chc:ek 101 flupunrnnan~ hnw~ how Sevlllc Publi~hing, P.O.Box 12042 A1!5up'swl.kforn c11n Jx,neflt Pcn$0coln, FL 32590·2042 lawyersan lhcir role ,L,l'ra.

- I II I. I / . I II t ,I/ I I I II I I N 189 •

J, Anthony Malnln

FormerClient Conti ict of Interest

Question : tell me uny de1nllsof thlll commu11JcaU011unless he "I wibh to thwtk you for your responseon Tuesday wnmedto woive tire privilege. li e told me he did not when I colh:tl you concerningu connict o:f intertSI wont to waive 1heprivilege onJ only told me 1h1111.bere question. Judge Rite, nt my request when defense were things thnt he told Anomcy John in the courseof counsel did 1101 wlthdrnw, has w.ked thol I write you 10 his rcprcscntntion th111he did 1101w1111 1 to hccurne sec if I could get n formul opinion 011this issueso as to known outside of the ottomey-clic111privi lege, guide our next steps. In cose you don·, remember. 1 nm "I do nol know what, if any, informationClient A involved in the cusehccnu11c I nm still working pnrt guveA HomeyJ ohn In the cour~cof his reprc~cntalion time in the District Attorney's Office 1ryins felony which muy nmount to lmpcitchuble matcrlnl und have been curuful not lO broochth e privilege lo And out. fl is cosesns I um needed11nd WI!$ assignedt o try 11* case Lhi.~week. 111y opin1on tlint 1111uc111aJ eo110ic1 ex_ists cmd 1hu1 '~rho is~ue is whelhcr nn attorney may cthicnlly rep­ A11omcyJohn will hove lo be removed Crom1hc case If resentII dcfcndunt In :r murder cusc who is charged he does not wilhdruw volunwlly. Allomey John's posi­ with ki lliug the brother oJ'a former t:rlmlnuJ ollcnt of tion is thm he did 11ol learn unythlng in the courseof th~ r111orneywhen 1hatformer cllc,11was the only eye­ his rcproscn1111ion thnl would be suilnblof or lmpcoch­ wnnc~s10 the inciden1giv ing nbe 10t11e mu rder t harge mcnLond Lhathe would absolutely keepony confi­ and will be the key whness for the S11ucand the dence~ he hnd with Client A priv111e. He runher says Defense. Lhuthe has nssocintcdanother lawyer, a Auorney Bill "The n1c111,11 s I underNtand them, nre 1h01so 111e ycnrs rrurn Oigclty; AL. lo be co-counsel In the cuscu nd that ago [between I 991 nnd 19931. prior 10 the incident thnt he hos kept nny lnfomllltionhe knows about Clh.1111A gaven~e to this chnrse, Allomcy John reprc!«lnted conlidwu1al ru; regardsAllorney BIii. AIU1ough1111: Client A in u DUI cn.scIn munioipnlcoun in Anyt<>wn. Motion to Removewns nJc:d yesterday. At1tm1cy 8111 hn.~ beenIn the cnsc for lwo ,nonthN, There Is II di~puto whether he rcpresc111ed him in nny­ Lhing ulsc, but for lhc sake of' Lhls urgumcnL,I wil l " I hove nor enclosedth e Mo1lo1110 Remove,t he sup­ assume lhlll he dld not. AL the prclimlnaryh earing porting affidavit or brief which wus filed In thl~ cnse, docket of September 15. 1994,Auomey John told bu1I can forward it to you if you like. TI1cprellmimtry Chief Asslswm Pete1h01 th e victim nnd llis brother henring inf

170 MAY 200 I "J. If 1his is rut acwat conllic1 of in1crc~1.Is 1hcrenny way " I representedClient B. in n he11ringbefore JudgeRite , cou­ Attorney Jolln con remain in the c-ascrepresenting the ccming Attorney John'i. concinuedrcprcsei1tatio11 of him. Oefcndnm7 Attorney John gnve u s1utcmen1in open coun nnclen the record: He hnd In foci 1-cpl'tsen1edClicnl A in the pn$ton n O.U.l. ''ii. WhetherAttorney Olll, under the factsof this cnsc,con churgc nnd had recciwd no conlidenlinl infom1utionof nn u11dcr1akc1hc 1i.:prcsc11u ,1ion of LheOefcndnnl on his own, impcuohlngnoturc from him. I-le hud Informed Client B thuLh e with or wiU10111Auorncy John's ru.sislnnceor wholherh is hud roprcscnLodClient A 111the t)llNt,C lient B con11nncd Involvementin the caseso far busre!iultccl In hiRbeing taint· Attorney John•, s1ntcmcn1.Client B rntLde It clear ht wanb cd by nny ethicaldu1ie~ Auoniey John owe.,to Client A 7 Allomey John to rcpn:~cnthim In this cosc. " I appreciateyour 01ten1lonin 1hi11matter . Al 1hi1lime. 1 "ApproxJmntcly two month1iprior to this henring, Attomcy believe Judge Rile is going 10reset the case for September,s(I John oonlUclcdme pc11uining10 thJs case. We discussedthe pos­ 1hcsoo ner we hnvc your 1111swcrthe bolter," sibllhy of 1ryl11g!hi s cusc togclhcr. During the courseof our dis• cusslons,over the aex.ttwo months, h WM evident I wns 1101 Additional factc; p1·ovldcd by Attorntiy John : going to be able to try the cusc• .1 hud n cnpitnl murder ca~c " I representedCl ii:nl A on 11l!l1t1rge of driving under lhc influ­ pending in Another c,mnty, which wns scheduled on the snme ence of ulcohol in Anymwn Municipal Coun. Thlh wus before dnte. Atton1eyJohn did not enter my oumc In the case. the murder chargewa.~ mndc nanin~tCUent B. my cul'l'CnLclienL " It becameuppnront M onduy I woultl be nvnilnblc10 old in I never me1face Lofoce with Client A ; nil of our discus.,;ions lhc defenseof Client B. ofter the copitul murder cusc in Another were over 1hctelephone . At Lhntpoint in lime, he residedIn County wrui sclllcd. I conrnc1edAuot11ey John . He infonncd me Snndy Bench. FloridtL. he hod receivedn mo1io11rrom the District A11onicy'11Ollicc, "Zcnlously guarcllngtbo conl1den1inlity of his s1atcmcnts to lnl1ulrlng Luwyer, ~pcclficnlly, nsking thnt he be rc,11ovedns lhc mo I Rh111ls1n1c only in gonorul 1unnsthe Nubjcclof our commu­ lawyer f'or Clicnl B. On lcnmln1' this, I informedAttorney John nic111ions. I discussedthe derails or Lhcdriving under lhc innu­ I would be glud to serve ns co-counsel for Client 8 und pro· cacc offense nnd he commuulctttedto mo hls crlmirml history. cccdcd to A11ytown, " I wtLi.compe lled 10withdrnw as counsel for Client A when "On my urrivol, r dh,cusi.cdrny Pro Bono reprcscntntionwHb 1J1ccu~e was called for trlnl nnd he fniled 10 oppeur.I also listed C'licnl B. I-le requestedI rcpn:~cnthim with the obJccliveof 1rno1hcrrenson to the court. Th111ren son wos my rcfusul to move keepingAttorney Johtt as his luwycr. Additionally, ,rA11omey ror t1co ntlnuunce upon represcntt11ious from my client l knew 10 John could 1101for some reasonrcprcNcnt him, he requested1hot be folNO(L hc cusc wus oon1inued 1wo limes previously). I would representhim in the murder Ctlse. " I hnvc never representedor udviscd Clicm A In nny m!lLter " My Notice of AppC11runcewns entered10 the Court on the olhcr thrtn describedabove . About six mon1hsngo he had ru10Lh· aftomoon of Tuesday. the 27th of June 1995. A hearingwu s sci er rlriving•ullder•the-lnnucncc cu.~eand called up my omcc to on the motion 10disquolify A11on1eyJohn . Tho Coun insisted rcproi 0111him . l 1okl him I would not lBke hii; cn.~cnnd the dis· oo on in-chnmbershearing . Presentwere myself, Attorney John. cu~sion ln_stcd lesslhM a minute, yielding no detnll~ of nnythlng Inquiring Lawyer. Client 8, Judge Rite. nnd u court reporter. I except 1hefact he wn~chllrgt:d with DUI. 1equcs1edthe Stale lo make n proffer, of the confldenti11linfor ­ "During 1hoch11mbcrs hcnrlng Inquiry Ulwyer lold Judge Rile motion which might be disclosed by Allomey John, bccuuseof thnl bccuuseI was fnmilinr whh Client A's urlmjnul history I his r•eprosentulion of Clicnl A. They were u11r1ble 10 clo RO, l would b.: in o position 10 Impeach hlm If he denied under onlh uskcd 10 conduct an cxu,,ilnutlon of Client A for the Coun to pnm of thnl history. I w11s n~toundedot his sL01crno111.If 11dls- doccrmlne whether or aot there WM in fact ony1hin3 lhnt would 1rlct 11ttomeyplace s u witnc~s on the stnnd ond hlL~in his me on be discoverableor could be con~Lruedto be conndcn1lnl,which NCIC bhcct showing that history und such witness lies nbout his Auorney John n,jght use to ltnt>ettchthe wilncs~.Tho Coun crlmlnul hl!,tory I hope thtll thnt district nuomey would infonn denied this motion. Further, 1110Court wus laformr:d I would 1ho001111 thot the witness wuNswearing fnlscly. I hope no dls- txnmino Client A. A11omeyJohn would not pa.rtklpttleIn the 1rlc1ouomey ir1this SlilLC would ullow whnt he p<:rsonallyknew exmnlnu1fon of Client A. 10be perjury to go to o court 11ndjury 11sl'ec1. " I huvo never reprc~cnted Clle111A, nor had Allor11eyJ ohn "Al 1hehcnring in ch11111b1:rsI stoled on 1herecord thnt my dlvulgud uny infonnn1ion which could be remotely 1hought10 previous rcpresentmionor Cllc:111A yielded knowledgeof ()Illy be conl1dcntlal concerningC lic111A . two things: ( I) the detail~ of the l)Ul , nnd (2) his criminal hisco­ " Inquiring Luwyer mnkes the 11sscrtionth:u Anorncy John, by ry. The:district attorney ha!tnot nlleged I possessnny 01hc:r knowing something or possibly knowing wmcthing, or speculo· knowledge." lively knowing sometldng.there would be o 1oin1to Anomcy John which would somehow now to me. That is nbsoluuilyludi · Additional facts pro vided by Attorney DUI: crou~.Once I agreedto do 1hcex11mim 1tion of Clienl A , uny " I nm Auomey ll ill und I hnve entered:rn nppearuncc on clo1mr hnl could n_rJscfrom lncITectlvetLSsisuu1ae of onunsol bchulf or ClicnLB , In the nbovc referencedcase. ll tqulrlng b1l!icdupon Attorney John's rcprese111ationuf Client A In 1he l..11wyer.n depury dbtrlct mtorncy ror This County, /\ lnb,111,0, pu.stbccmne moo1. I have never represcmedClient A; I um not a hn~ reque~teda fom,al opinion ubout Attorney John'~ eominued lcgoJpnrtncr with Attorney John," ruprescntntionof Client B. 1 would like Loaddress ndditional fuc1sr egurding this manor ond corrccL some or Lhei,u uemcnts of fuet~tho1 Inquiry Llwycr hns 111(1dei11 hi s correspondencedn1ed Answer, Question One: June 28, 1995. Yes, AttorneyJ ohn lrM ll cu11nic1of intere~11hn1cli~qunlilics him .

I II I I I ·\ II I \I I I I II I I II 171 Answer, Question Two: "Co111ldenlinl infornmtiun" us It 1~ Thtm: ls nu queNLioa lhul bel11g used In the context of 1he Rulcs of hnpe(lchedor huvlng your credibility No, Client A cannot be compell ed to P1·ofessionol Conduct is brondcr h1scope att11cked Is a disadvM1agcoususe or reveal pusl allorncy-clicnl communica­ 1.llun iofommion subject 10 lbe mtomey. ioformmloo. us fur asCUem A ls con• Lluns ltl fill effort 10 dctecminc whether client cviclentillry p1'ivilogc. H extends10 COl'ned. Allomey Jolw has a cMy to pro, Atton-iey John bas u present co11flicL nll information nbouLa clicnt ncquircd hy vidc his prcsen1c lient with nn effective the lawyer during tho course of 1he rcp­ criminnl dercnsc, However,h e mny be Answer, Question Three: rcscullltion. Rulo I .9(b) precluclcs the limited il1h is 11biLityLQ cmss-exmnine un No, ir there is a conllicl of lntcrcsl, udverso disclosureof u ror111cr client's eyewitness. Therein lies II true conflloi, then Allomey John is disqualified l'rom confidontiulinfomrn tion. Therefore, und Allomcy John must withdrawus the 1,;ru;e.He ooulcl 11otpar ticipulc short Attorney John ccu1notdl sclose a11y infor­ defenseco unsel. Client A should not be of cross-examining his fonncr client. mnllon abou1C lient A If lie learned or it compelled 10 make ony dlsclosure from Client A or during the prior rcp1-e· 1'Cgordlllg co111rnunito1io11swith his senm1ion. lawyer in the pdot cnsc. Legally. he c1m• Answer, Question Four: AttorneyJo hn s1mes all he knows 11ot be compelled, bul he is In u difficult Attorney Bill c11n continueo n the case about Client A is his crimin11I hi ~tol'y(al si\llntion. ProrcssorW olfrnm points 1his unless confidcntial lofo1mtuion r1bout the time of the DU!), :ind lilcts 11bo11t lhn1 Olli., Client A has, in fact, bclln communicn1cd offense. If it is likely I hal there would be to him by Allomcy John. I-Jc says that n disclosure of this inl'ornrnlion.Lhal is "As diRCUSRlldea rlier, if II client nOLhing lmli been communicated. enough. The rule i~ not violated only wu~r equired to offer evidence on when u luwyer m:lunlly uses confidential the c~mtenll, of confidcntiul com­ lt1fom11tHonco u former ellc111·s disud. munJcullon!i ln order 10 have the Discussion: vnntugc. client's runner lawyer di~qunli· Thct'C ls fl presumption 1ha1dL1rl11g the Whenever there is n re..11 fisk of disclo• fied, the Confiucnlittlity Of Lhe course or his prior represen1111io11Qf 1lie sure.there should be o dlsqualllkatJon. In ioformulionwould be lost in 1.he victim's brolher Attorney John obtained the seuin~ of n trial. au adversedisclosure very process of :memptin g to pro· confidential information. ct1nbe inndvencnt u~ woll as imentionnJ. 1ect it. TI1n1p oii11hn s bee11nppre • cioted hoth hy courts,in the dcvclopmon1or 1hc common 1!1w rules 1h01di squnlify lnwycn1 bccnus~of II fom1crclio 111co n­

Oow11lood nl . llict, and by Lhc framers of Lhc www.blumbtl1y.(o111 1983 Model Rules." Wolfram, Why pay more ot t,111800 221-2972 I II I exl 565 AVAILABLE Modem Legal l!thics. Secliun than you have to 1 7.4.3. p. 369 ( 1986) Name-brand law offi ce softw are at discount prices. Thc1'CIs 110 Ii miLed way 1h01A1Lor11cy The biggest, most popular lilies In legal softw are arc available trom John can remoJnhi the case Ir he Is sub­ Blumbero E.xcelslor at substantial savings below publisher list prices. ject lO ls remalndel'i n the cnse, in any fashion, would o,1ly con• ~~ 1inue the risk 1ht1lih erc would be nn ' "'&"'. 11111,uHhoriic d disclosure of his former = client's confidences. --- Allomcy Bill is co-counsel with Allorney John. If he were a member of A uorncy John's lnw l'ttrn, he, too, would be disqualified bccuusc there is u pn:­ sumplion of shored t:onCldencoSamong linn members. That preswnp1lon does 1101exis t with respect1.0 co -counsel arrnngements between lawyers from sep• llmclllp~ Deluxe, ormefirms. In order for AnomeyBi ll 10 AbawsLaw, be disquAlili cd, there must be pmof thnt Aml,Yi Attorney, he hRsacq uired acturtl knowledge of con­ Tlmo& Profit, B1umbergsxce1~!9.r~ PCLnwIr ,, lidcn1inl information from A~tomcyJohn. 800 l,.AW MAltT 800 529 -6278 Allorney Bill can remain 111the cai.e sub­ ond moral Fnx; 800 S61·9018 ject to Lhut. Jfo states thu1nothing hus Allln91011,IX Norc,011,G I\ /\lbMY, NV Orlu11

1'72 M A Y 2 0 0 I D ~:i~:~~o~u~i~~l~r~up; - 101 Monroe Street • Huntsville, Alabama 35801 (256) 533-1720 • (800) 416-1946 • (256) 534-8558 Fax .com

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I II I I I I fl I II I I I II ) I I' Snmugl A. Rumoro,Jr . Escambia County Established: 1868 EscambiaCounty

scnmbin is anotherAlnbitmo co unty whose Indian name is open 10 speculation. One opin­ E ion Is lhnl the name is of Creek Lndiundcriva ­ Lion from tho word "suhambn" and mean~ "elenr wmer.''An other sources tores thUL Lhennmc to mes rrom two Choctuw words. "oskl" 1ucw1lng "t;uoc" und

CCI "ambcha" meaning "therein," for n lite~ol Lru.11sliitlon or '< ·•caneU1erei11 .'' This theory ls plausiblebeca use "oskl en D,I Hmheha"co ulcl be contrr1e1ed into "osk11mbehn" and a C then slurred by pioneeringAmericans int o Escambi11. m Unclor eilhcr lhcory. the county was well-named - because it hns ohundontclear water and in it1;e!ll' ly dayi; grew dense stnnds of cane. The Creek Indian Wnr wa~ fought in the hmd Lhnt would becom.u Alubomadutin ~ 1813 and 1814. After the war, sevcrol fortllicullonNwere bulll LhrougbouLlh c First t:011rthr11~r~ir, llrcwtim, complctrrli 11/ Hf/S territory to p1'0luCLSClll ers fro1Tih ostile Tndfo.11uctivily and LOmo nitor u,e SpruilslJill Plorlda.Ar oltrtd 1816, rknccd n period ors table boundary li11estha t Jnsted Major Genernl Andrew Jack.~ooo rdered lhe con»truc- 11lmost o htllf•century.Sparta become til e county soni or t ion of a fort in the futLll 'C EscombioCounty . Tlwu .s Conecuh County in 1820. Over the next decades, the named Fort Crawford in llonor of a young Georgia building of the railroads would help nrnkcposs ible Hie oniccr, Joel Crnwford, who h!ld fought gallanlly in the creation of Bscnmbin County after the Civil War. Crook fndion War nnd then rclurnecl 10 his law prnc1ice Churlcs T. Pollard, I.he man most responsible for in Qoorgin. bringing rnilroudst o south Alnbumu,wus born in Fort Crnwl'ord was located near the Conecuh River, Virg.iniuin I SOS.As a young man he cumeso uth with between Um:nt Com and Murder orccks. A scLLlomcnt his uncle LO rnttkc his fortune.H e cvc.ntuulJy settled ln soon grew up in Lhem·cu. T he curliest name for the sol­ Mo11tgomc,·y whereh e becnmeo weoltby plru1Lerand Llemeot was "fl)e Cros&"bec11usc the Old Wolf invoi.tor.H e soo11hud o vision ubout the future or trndc TrnU nnd the S pllrtn Road crossed ln the uren. Lalor IL and transportation In the sl!lte or Al11b:m111which he Thofollowing contlnuos o was called Newport becauseiL wus (t Jcu1ding pli1Ceror helpedbring lo re:ility. He recognizedlhal commerce historyof !Vot,amo~county the two largec 1•eoks nenrby.1\vo of the earliest seLtlers heLwceri11 01ih nnclso ulh Al11b1111111would rcmninseve re­ courihOOS//$- t/111/r ori IJ1th e areowere brothers l3ellju:minand JosepbBrut on, ly limited unlesstran spo11111lonbetw een tho two nrcus g/ngfind SO/lltl O/ f/10 fx)I) · In the 1830s thcil' 11cphcw, BmMuel, came 10 the nre11 improved.As early as tho 1830s he worked to build a p/o w/Jocontrlbutod to their growthIf youheve any from Georgia. Although spelled differently, their fnmi• rallroad syslcin !hut would connect the two sections or p/1pmumv11snf1N 1rly II( ly name would ullimaloly become the name of the the stule 11swell ui; link the port orM obile through prosonrr.owth(/I/Sfl$, plo,?se town which evolved from this early settlement, the Montgomery with Lheeas tern Unilcd Stnles. I01Wordthem to . SamuelA town of Urcwlon. Pollard's lnvolvememwith rllilrood constructlonlas1 - Rvmoro,Jr. Migl/on/co& The future E8cnmbiuCo unty wus once purl of ed more tha1130 is li rsl ve11wrewns the f/111110111,1230 flruWrr Mm11 TOIWr,8/m1/llf}110m. Wushlngton. Buldwlu. Monroe llutl Conecuh countfos. Monti;omet'y R11Jlrondth~L link ed Montgomeryto Alo/Jama:J520,1 . Mter Conecul1 was establishedin J8 19, Lhearea expc· Columbusand WesLPoim, Georgln on the Cb111tnhooohee

174 MAY 200 1 Riwr . TI1e next venturewas the County. It was choH:np1im11ri ly Alnb11m11nnd AoridJIR uilwny because of the hu~ine~scentered Compunytht11 sought n rail con­ Ill the ruilrond junction there. nccllon 10 1hc Gulf. This erro,1 Besidesu depot, l'ollurd hnd n went 1h1'(1ugh bnnkmptclcs. l'llOI'· ro1111dhousc,tu1· n1u1,1c nnd repnir i,;unl1,11tlons and aovcmmcnt shops for Un: rullrond. Three rnil involvement before It wus C()lll line.~converged on the town. plctcd. Anotherc-0mpany in The Alabam11nnd l-1oridocon­ which PollnnJ had m mlcrcst,1hc nectedM omgome,y to Pollard, Floridolllld AlabumuRailwa y the Florida nnd Al11b11mncon­ Comp11ny,pushed northward nected Pcnsacoln 10 Pollord. oncnsucola. Finally, the roi1 . U1eCrent Nonhern couneclcd 1'()11dNjoined ma spot just lnsldu 1'en$UW,n cur Mobil~. lO Pollord. the Al nbum11Stille 1 1110. The link­ Thr l'lrst commlsNioncr~· up wtL~mnde In November1 861, court Wits held J1cbrnnry 22, w1d for the lirst tirn: there WM h 1869 to orgunite the county. 11/stnrlcnwrk.0:1L 11was the hcndqunricrs for u LyonR. l.yonNhod seuletl 1n Pollnrd fol­ The bids wereopened on M:trch 22, 1869 cdus tw1.1s tories courtl1ouse in Spartn burned0 11 choose county ofliciuls ~nd to select a November I0, 1866. and the coumy scat counhousc site. The to\\ n uf Pollnrd M arl

C,111rtlm11rrttfla rrm,l'l11/011/1111J N!,1 ·ltlr11c:rfnr r.n. Ctmt1ll!y C,1111·1/wttrr IY'lllt1rl11l1Jdi11tri /ar,

r II I· , l I A If I ,I/ ·I I I II ' I /: ll 17 9 lhot u mistnkohad been made and court would not be held for two more dnys. lt was reponcd th!lt the men were given no pay for their time, nnd lhcy were very upset Soon 1l111rcafl11r'l11 e Ot11'i ho1,.rtt In B~w,011,cmnpll'ltd lo 1902 Upon lreurlrrg thl8 Interpretationor the luw, a ,IILzen wrolt to L11elJrew/011 Blade In heighl umJ consLructcd of pine lu111bcr chullengedPollard for Lhecou nty seul. newspupcros follows: "Oc111lon1e11o f thot hod beeninlll ed In Llie area.Th e ln I S681h o town of Bl'OWIOJl hud Escambia County, ru•cnot such transac• coumy had lo l~vy u 11pcciul iax in order souglll lhl) col1rU1ouseblll lost lo Pollurd. lion~,1 M1mc h i11your nostrils:hns honor. to ,,(lyfor the courthouse. Co1111ty rcco11ls Since 1868. rhc fonuneso r Rrcwtor1h ad J)lrr·ity. and Jtrs1icefa llen so lov1 th11i 1 ii s revcnl u,atin 1877 the commissioners improved while thoseof Pollnrd hncl hcsmonredwi 1hn ll 1hc tilth or tJ1c purchased lightning rods for the court­ declined because, in the meantime, the: Augeanstu hles and no redress? Will we house Ill u cost of $50, pay11ble $25 11yea r ruilrouds hud movedth eir Junction from be taxed LO build u counhousc Ill Poilitrd in two installments. Pollard to Momnlon. Brcwlon wns now o where 11uch a ring ns Lhnlco ntrols it'/ Sir, Perhaps Lhc lightning rods were defec­ more Lhriving locutionthun Pollard und it my langu11gel'uils me to express my tive. Or, more llkt:Jy.u dlssruntleclllt ig11111 wns ceotrully located in the coumy.Also, lndignution ULs uch doings.When the decidedl o venl his wmlh ug11instthe court­ some time during Lh1s pcdod. 11n incident f7alhcrof nil creutcclthe hcuvcnsnncl lhC house. ln any event, In July l879, Lllu occum:c.lLlmt rulscd Ua~ ire of' muny eutlh It w11sgnm tl When ltu placed thu coW'tbousc wru;

176 MA Y 200 t A11t11hu,,iriv <>!1902 cu111tllmtrt Citypt1rk. Bn'll'trm, rilr/y /9()(),1

Aflcr 1helirs1 clcct1onwns voided, 1hc lt~mbln Coumy.Dc.~pllc 1his n1li11g 1he wonhy bccnu~ amnnuel8ft'wto11 wus the lcJti~ln111repassed unotbcr ucl i.1111mgthn1 connty com,uission rcful.Cdtn lcflvc swm: l!mimucl !Jr111c111who hod come to 4Lmlilicdvo 1cr~ only could vo1c In t11c Pollnrdnnd lhe contmvcll,y 00111in11edlmo 11Je1tt'Ct1 fro m Cicorginas o you11111m u1In new clcctlon. Wheo the votcNwere 11!83.As hueas April !), I 8K3,1 hc commis• 1hc IR30s . Elizua nd Bmnnucl's ~on, cou11tcd,B rewton had won by 54 votes. sionors~u11cd lhm ~;e ll uwkln!!ll ouscin 11dmund Troupe Druton, wu, employed by Stlll. lhls did not settle 1hccontrovcr:iy. 1>011nrdwhere 1heyniul WIL~sLlll 1 hc official the rollroud l1Sthe firi, t s1Dtlonngcnt when Pollard appealed and employed 1hebe~• countycourthouse . n,ccommissitlll ulso the railroad tlrrivcd. Timt firs1t rain cumc legal u,lcnt m the smtc to ligh1 1hercsu1L culh:10 upport Flomnltm,then cnllcd areachunged the spellingof 1hcirname 10 week, n rcspondcni from Pollt,rd replied Whiting. us Ille county ,cm. The court­ Brewton und U1efonncr town orNewport lhnl if ii Will> n CUI fip.h1B rewton \I/Wiled, hou~ocontroversy, which hud lru.1cdi;cv­ becameBrewton in honorof 11~!inn sin II wus u cn1 ngh1 thi;,ywou ld get. crnl ycnl'li,wns resolvedwhen Brewton 1io11ago111 Lh erc und the Brewtonfmnily. MystorlouNly, a boxcur loa1lcd with Ctll,~ won this election. On Muy 14, 1883 Lhc In J 1111c 1883,the county cn1crcd 11110 11 und kittens nppcnrcd in Brewton one county received n report 1hmt he election contmc1wit h A. M. Wllliumsonfor the 111ghlund tlu: uulmnls were 1u1nedl oose commission hod rented n lWo•Story constr\lclionof a jnll at llr ew1011.'!'he on the town. I lundn:ds ol' l'rcn1.lcc1 frume building from W. W. Jernlgnnfor low bid wns $2,248.75, 1l1ejail WO!> felines mu111edlhc !lrccl!>.One nccoum one yeur beginning April 30, 1883m designedhy H. C. Knox. II Wll~ complet­ called the condiL1011u "cut -m,1mphy.'' \275 po, 4uurtcr. Brewton wu~ now ed unclrecc1vcd by the county 011 JudgeI lubhardiswed 011order to lhc legully nnd llciuully 1hc cou111ysen,. November 1, 1883. cou111yonicinls 10 show causewhy 1hcy On Mfly 29, 1883, 1J1ecounty bought a The construction of n cou, 1housc In should n01 removethe cou 111y ulliccs to 20()hy 300 foot lot for u pcrniunc111co urt­ Rrcw1011t ook longer nncl wns more 8rew1on. Mcnnwhilcsome local cltl.icns house1111d Jnil for $100. 1'he 101 wus pur, expensive.O n Nuvcmbcr 3, 1884, 1he ol Urcwtontook mrmcrsimo tluiirown chn~cdfrom Bliz.jjBrewton. w ho wn.~M rs. county pcthloncd Lhulcgi11ln1urc for J'>ilr• lumds. One nigh, they lllippcdInto Pollurd, llmunuel Brewton. 1l1ispurchase Is note- mi~~ion10 Issue $8,000 ln bonds, bmkc into the IC!TIJl<'nJI)'counhou'>l.l, und loudcdtwo wugonswith coumy record~. 1l1cy nipidly meed10 l:1rcwton but one of 1hcwttgons overturned und someof 1hc hMks were1hruwn lr uo u strcur11. Bccnusc t>I'1h c hurried elTort1111d the dnrknc~s. somemes were neverfound. Toduy there are g,upi. In the Esc:unbioCounty rct.'Ord., due to both the Pollard courthou.,;cfire and this Brewton counhou~c"thefl ." Finully,on Jnnuary23. 1882,Ot'llWIOn wns umciu.lly

I ti I· l I ·\ II I If · I I I II I t ll 17 7 p11ynbleovor tive yc~1rs, in order lo ing a new courthouie, A committee visit­ the old courthouse und lot l'ur sule. 11 linancc the courU10uscco 111Jtrucliun, Tiu.: ed reccnlly-buJJtco urthouses In stuyed on the u111tkeLun uJ August 25, petition WU/l approved and the coumy Evergreen. Montgomery,Ope lika and l 904. bul there were no inreresied buy­ employed Rudol1,h Bundyc to serve us Ll,Fnyetl<:to get ideosfor the new ers. In the 1neun1iine. the building wos arcllltec1 and to supervise all construe• Escambia Courthouse. Lockwood and usedby the Brewron Rines und ii 1ion. Charles Sneider of Mobile received Smith. Archilec1s orM omgomcry. rcmulncdII NMioni1I Ounrd An11.oryfor 1ho co111,·nc1 10 build 1hc cou,·1housc for designed 1hc new building. P. M. Dobson several ycnrR.Af ter the urmory moved $7,74C), The conlract W11ss igned Mnrch served 011co ntruclor. The contract price out, I.he buildin g wns somclim e-si nvudud 14, 1ll85 , the boa1cls wore Rold in May, Wfl/l $26,5()0. by curious neighborhood youths. nnd construction soon bcg1111. I loWcvcr, they stuyed uwuy The now courthouse wus a from the upsluirs becuusool' o LW(Milory brick building with huge, scuffed t'f1tlles11uke lurng• wooden noon; and pluster Ing lo the mtic window. 1n wulls. County uffke.~wotc 1909, 1he building was sol(l 10 loc11tctlo n ihe Orsi noor nnd u l11c president of the Escn111bin lnrge eounroom nnd other Tobncco Company who used office.~ror 1hc Judge.j ury nncl the properly u~u lohacco witnesses were on tho second warehouse.On Augusl I. noor.One iotcrcs1ing poim is 19 10, lhc proporty was sold lo 1hu1th e lumhor for the con­ buHincssmun C. H. Conoley struction oJ'lh c co1H1l1ouRc who rcnovuted the building cnmc from Oshkosh, uml co,wertcd lt I 1110 11co lonlul Wisconsln . Ncwspupcr reports style hmne. On Novembe1· 20, ut the time cxprcs~cdthe ungcr Nl.rtor/e Le/git Plew.. _ 200/ 1911, Mr. Conoley deeded1h e of locul lumbermen who could p1·opc1·ty to his wife. And on not bellcve LhutLh eir product was not The new courtbouse wos accep,edas August 8, l 919. Mrs. Conoley sold the used lo build their own courth()u~c.Thu CMlplete by the county 0 11Jun e 9. 1902. home to Mabel C. Leigh. The " l~clgh building wus received ns con1pletc by the ft was bui 11 of b11fF-colorcd pressed brick Place" wns ncqulrcd by Thomns E. county on SeptembeJ'I 0, 1885. and stor1c. ll w11strimn1 cd in 1crrn c<>m1 McMill:111and w11sco mpletely rcmod­ The town of Brewton prospered ofter il ll!lfl hud m111Jicolored gla~Nnho\lc lhc clcd for orticcs in 1969. 'rl11: structure lb hecnmeI he eount y sent or gscn111 bi a doors and windows. The buildlng con­ stil l u!!tid ns un ofll cc builcllns toduy and Coumy. 'r ho economy wns bnscdo n lim­ tained a sc;mring central tower und l·our iR listed on the Alnbnmn Registryof ber, lumber, nuvnl stores and the ruilmad, smaller turrt:L~.'f hc structure had L11ndmurks 1111dH erituge. creating much wt:11lth in Brewton. In Romanesqueund Gothic fcutures. I l wus Brewton Is loeutcd between the Ctmoouh 1'11c1,accord ing to the 18110ce111, us. 11g rnnd 0011rthow,c for I lie town of River und Burnt Corn und Murder creeks. Urewlon, AJ11buma,toge ther with Brewton. I 11 190.5, the county obtulucd It has sufferedm1u 1y lloods ove1' tl,e yem'S, Pusudenu,Co lil'ornlu,hu d llie highest ptir two eu1111ons rro1t1Port Borroncasnenr but hi 1929 Brewton1:xperle nccd ooe of cupilHweulth of 1111y cities 111th e Unltt.ld Pensucoln n11dlr ud them plnced 0 111h c 1hc worst noodsi11 ii ~ hist\\ry, Mnny 1111-c<:ts States. Thercfot·e, the coumy commission courthouseJ nwn 1ogcu1er with a pyramid we.recom plc1cly covered overwi l11wnter .

178 M /1 Y 2 0 0 I £.,rn111lil11C1111111v C:1J1trtlw11st1 -1 00 I baru.~cnuse< I ~1orcfrom gins,~windows 10 break.'111iN low remained in place for yeurs nnd wns comn11:111cdup on worldwide. Unless one knew 1hu his1oryof Brewwn. JI did seemodd tll outlnw 1hc drivingof n motor bom l)n tho 111uinstreet of tQwn. 13y1 93!!the counly neededmor e room ando Courlhuusc Annex nnd County Ac1lvltlcs Oulldlng wus constructed.Thi~ work wu, ctnnplctcd fl~ WPA Project No. 4 169, ·n,i~annex ,1111 Mnntb toduy. 8rcw1onund Esc,1mbiuCounty conlm· ueclt o gmw Since tile county owned the propc11ynonh of 1he counhouse.coumy C111m/,r1111,Amit., - r1111,pll'trtl/11 /9.Hl ofliclalsdecided to builJ a new court hou~cndJoinlng til e old one, Cons11uc tlo11 1\vo nddilionolco urthouse projec1111ook begun in 1959 nnd lhc building was com• plnco i111hcI !)!!Os. In 1985, 1111c lcv11tor Sources: Fmm C11hiiM'1t1Mt111.1 ·im1: µlctcd In 1960. The cost ol' tho third nlldition wus completed lo mukc the G/ra11il1ssf,vm Sc1111/,111c.vrl\lc1bama, Browlon courthou~c wu.~$613.000 . TI1c courthouse wheelchair ncccssihlc. Mnry E. Bramley, 110d111c: lllswry of building WIili designedby Chnrle,~11 . 01u11picr,I lurrl s & Associntcs,Archllcct11, Escm11bft1Co1111/,\\ A.lr1h11111ll, A1111io C. McCauley of Birrninghum nnd lhc con­ Bnglncc:rs& Plunncrs.dcst!Jncd lhc proJ· Wntcr..,1 983: Article~. Mt1/11/1f'rr ,H· lrilClOr w~ Ocar Brothen.Construction cc1.u1nry I lull Construe-ion.In c. wai.the Rf!gistf!-r,"Life in Pioneer P\C1mhi11 Co111p:111y. '111copen houi.clook place on genorul conlnlctor.The otltcr project w 1L'l County Told Vividly by Old Dt,cu111c111s," Sunduy,Octohcr 2, 1960. CongrcsJ>mnn n Vetcmns'M emorial on lhe courthouse Ford Cook, Suncioy,Jnnuory 11, 1959: George Om111clc•llvt-red the speech. srounds.It wus d~lie111edNovember 11. Mobile Prl?s,r-Regiwrr." ijn:w:on ii, City Th e ncwc~t P.scnmbloCo u111y 1987 nnd ii listed the &cnmbio County of Courthouses," W. l!mmc11U rook.,, Counhou~els built or~ tcel nnd concrete. nntivc sons who died In 1hc World wnrs. Sunduy,Augu~I 28, I %0, puge5-0; Murblc is UNcdthrou ghout the interior. II Koren und Vietnam. II nlm listed Mr>rr/gomcryltdverlls11r. "l.!.scn mbltt Willi orlglnnlly built with more thn11 l~scumhi11's 1wo Mccllll of Mono, rccipl· County's Pollaro t las I h:rilllgc," Sum 40.00()~ quurc t't:ctof Rpnccnnd 126 cuts, Sidney E. Mnnning frctmWorld Wnr Duvall.Tuesday, J1111u 1u'}' JO, 1978. roo111b. It hus two ~toric.-innd a bnscmcnl l, und WllliumW. Seay,who wns kill ed In and 1~comp letely air-conditioned. 11ctionin Vietnam. Shortly uncr the new counhou~cwn-i 111cnuthor ucknowlcdgcswllh grntcCul co111plc1cil,1111 11r11clc 11ppcurcd 111 the 11ppreclu11onthe USJ1Jst1111ccof the Jule SAmuetA . Rumore, Jr. Mab/I,: f'rc .u•H(giJtcr proclaiming Jud ~c ur r robute Morlhu KJrklund for s.nuelA Ai'"'""' Jt I ptua,. oC!IMI U, l'S1 IVol Brewton II city of courthou~c~.II noted ob111l11111gthe historic photos ond tcnuin No"' D:tflll1,.i a.. i.....n

- ·1 II I: I I. I II . I .II I /. I It I" /, H 179 ColoPon la

ecently, l met wilh the members of the the "call-ns-nccdcd" ln1ck.mentor s ore nskedto com• Executive Committee for the Alabnmn Young mil to being 11vall11blc 10 mcrnor n 111i11irnumorthr ee R Lawyers' Section. This group of young luwycr~ prot6g6s by phone over a onc-ycnr period. Mentoring from ruOUJ:ld th e s1me hus been u remurkuble one. Each phone conl'crcnces would be C$t11hlishcd by appoint• one or these lnwyers Is $clfless wiLh their time and they mcnt Ill a time Ll111lis mutuuJly acccptahlc to all panic$ expend gre:11e nergy 0 11wotthwhlle projects. nnd would not lasl bfl'Cuterlhon .30minuteR. This wol'ld is s(rewnwith hnlf-complccedpr ojects Wi; believe thul this progrnm will hcncfit our slate and people who do J\OI llnish whnl Lhcy start. 1'11c blU'. Thus, we will wholelleortedly endorsethe progrurn lawyers on tho YI..S Sxecuiive Botwdare 11iodels or l\Llddo whatuvcr is 11cccssnryto ensure thul It ls u suc­ suc.ccssful peopl e becauseth ey persevere.persevere cess. und persevere. ln other words, they follow the advice or Winston Churchill who forcefully proclnimed in o,1e Minority Law Conference or his most fnmous 11peeche~. " Never give upl Never, Lnllnrron lloonc, wirh the help of Christy Crow. never, never. never 1;11ve upI" once ugnin hns developed II mjnorlry Jnw conference A llow mt: to shure the following wo1ihwhilc projects l'or the bcnclit or high school minority 5111(kt11S, This 1hn1lt nvc begun 11.ndwill be completed before my tcrn1 one-doy conferencewus held May 4 u1 AlabnmaS 1n1e ends i11Jlll y. These projects include: University's Acudomc. ~c h ycnr, rcspcotorl nttorncys sµeuk lo mlnority high scJl()ol students, and Illig year iR Disaster Assistance 110 exception. Lee Loaclcr, ciLy ce>uncihnun nnd tHtor­ A long wilh 1he leftdersllip of the AlobamoStmc llur, ncy r,,0111Bin nii,ghurn, und Judge Hcrmnn 'rho mns, llob Buill'y, i\p 11lc Mllls111,s :mdS teve Mnrshull were circuit cou11J udge for the ThlrtccnLhJutl icinl Clrcult, lnvolvcd in helping cl1i1.e11s of 0111· Slfll\: ll

180 M AY 2 0 0 t cduc:,tion for Alnt ,11111H'\young lnwyers. Newlon. Foshee & 'l\Jmcr Court The scn,!nnr,10 he held Mt1y18th and Rcpol'lcl'Sum.I Ilcnd crtmn Court I!> th in Snndcstin. will fe1m110 Jud ge Rcportet'S urc supporters of our semluur. U. W. Clemon, Brynn Stevenson. Wnrr cn Ll~hL(oot, .Jere Hcn~lcy, nnd Teen Court Lee Cooper . l!uch portic1pnnt will offer ·n1c Sn11des1inScmin11r nllow~ our iuslgbt to young lewycri.nnd cncoumitc group to :,uppon ~pccinl project!)lhlll nre young lnwycrs Lodevelop u ptt\,ion Im l>cingimplemented ncros$the suuc hy the law. If you l11M•1101 nlrcady rcgi~­ local young lnwycr groups. For cxnmple, DEBTORMANAGEM ENT tered for thi, ~emlrutr, do so toduy by in Andnlusiu. Patrick McCalmnn hnd n contactingTodd Strohmeyer.11 Sitm. vhion to Implement n teen coun In SOFTWAREUNIQUELY Grnddick & Docl~o11In Mobile. Covmgtort County. Now. over 50 teen DESIGNEDFOR Not only will you enjoy thCl>C~cmimu volt1nteer:,an: certified lo pllrl1cipnlcm s:peakcn;,but you will nl~o,mjoy the iOOd teencourt . Teenager:.huve tried lawbul1i. COLLECTIONSATTORNEYS . fellowship wilh other young lnwyc,s. the nntl hccn involved usjuro~ 011co~cs PRICESSTART AT JUST $1700 . $unny benchesof Sundestln.nnd the fun invo lving their peers. TeenCoutt works putties held cuch evening. We nrc grntcful in do1erteen s from hcing lnvolvc(I in 10 tJ1c sponsorsof this semlnnr,cspccln lly illegal nclivity. These courts also provide lhc lt1wf1m1 of' T11 ylor, Mnr llno & conlidc ncc 1111dskill/! 1hm will be u~cd Hedge. which spn11~ori1th e Pr'ldnynig ht lulcr In lire by the tccnngcn1. pnny. 6coslcy, Allen, Crow, Methvin. l l11JVt:on ly touched on some or the Portis & MIies, which spo11Ro1s our worthwhltcprogrwns Lhnt young lnwyerR brcnkfosts, 1111dLu cn~. Wnsh & r ctwny, oversuu. We urc fortu nate to be given 1111 1.800.827.1457 which Rpon~orsour g.olf lou11H1mcr11. In "PIX)rtllltltylo ruukca differenceIn our com­ JS TECHNOLOGIES. INC. addition, Hill'c, Wynn, Newell & n1unhic.~. We111l 1S1co11lJ11uc 10 pcr,;twcre. • 161B WI LLOW!A WNDII VE RICHMOND. VA 23230

'rhc Alnbam(I ScnrcBar Locol Bar Award or AchievcmenL recog­ nizes locul bot ll$SOcintion,for 1hcir ouistunding contrihutlons to 1hcir communilh:s. Awards will be presentedduring tbc Alubnmn Stnte llor's A1111uulMeeting, July IS-19 in Sru,dcslin. Locul bnr nssoclntion:icompete for thesenwards basedon their • FRt!E: Mcdlc:il Tc:1n1Pre view size, l11rgc.medium or ~mull . 1111dWr lltcn Flmllngs Conference:i nd Reps The following criteria will be usedto judge the conresuuusfor each 'l'o Your Offlcc cntcgory: • f'REE: WrittenR eports If Case ll rt!!N o Merli • T he clugrcc of pnn icipotion by lhc indivlcluuJbaJ' in advancing pro­ S'l'A'J' AFFIDAVITSAVAU ,ABLfl grums to boncli t the co111rm111ity: We have successfullyc ompleted • The quulity and extent of' the impttclof the bar's purticipation on over J0,000 cases for 3,000(+ ) law Orms. Our board certified the cit iz.cnsin thut community: uud experts work with you to • The degreeof enhancementto the bar's image in the community. mnxlmlze recovery. Health Care AudJtors , Inc. To be cor11,idcrcdfor thii.Clwurd. lticnl bar nssociatlonsmUM complete 13577l 'c•ther Sound Orhe and s11bmilnn mvnrd nppllcmion by June I, 200 I. For an application. tlld~. ll. Suhe 190 Clurwacer, florid.a 33762Hl2 con111c1&I Pllllcrson,AS B tlirector of (800) 354-6154or Toll freet -877·390·HCAJ (334) 269·1515, cxl. 16I. or P.O. Box 671, Mrn1tgomcry3610 1. 'l'elcplwne (727) 579 8054 Tdcw pler (7:t7) 573 ·1H 3 lie 1trep l•-d 10~

tit/ ; I/ 111 1 111 I 11\lf ·. N 181 The Volunteer Lawyers Program Student Award

/I) ,I,////.\\ :\ /IN/<,'(,' .\ ll/ 1/('l/f, .V.\

he Alnbm11aStale Bnr Volunte(!r.l.owycrs Progmm (VLP) S1urlcn1Awnrd was Instituted by U1cAlahumn S tntc Bar T Boord or Bor Commillsionersin 1999 tu l111rocJucelaw slu­ dcnLrobo no legal work. To cum the studcm 11ward,lnw students mu~t work for 50 hours ut u Lcgul Serviceso fficc during tholr Jawsc hool curcer.The work c1u11tot be compcnijutcd 1hro1,1gh coursec rccllt or 1'1l111uncrmlon. Students 111-enl so cncoumscd LOattcnu the nnnunl8rlr/lJ C'rh e Gc1p Coml11uL1gLegal 13duootionprogram olfored by ABICLE since lhis CL!! review. ureasof low provided by the VI. P. Additio11ally...... ­ the student muMindicn lc his or her intention to join n pm hono Homµ 8(1\/cy, Nir'ul~ Gt1111/u,md Robin Kt'llt1v,.,,Jny ,t,r VI.I' rrrcp • proirom UfXlll gmduruionand pa~suge of the bnr cxnm. 1/0111/11111111 1hr ASB 2()()()Aw11JJJI Mu1l111t . S1udc11111who e11rnthe awatd utc recognized durina grndun­ tion ceremonies m their Jnw school~. In Muy 2000. Duwn Montgomery. completedh is hourso f service for the VLP ~,udc.:nl OUvur ni1dl fohl n Kelley were rccognited at the Universityof program 111L cgul Service.~Corpomrion of Alnbnmnin Alnbumn School of l~nw's gmduotion ns the first two recipientq Montgomery.Kellcy '11hancl 11-on experienceenlig htened him us 10 of the VLP SIUcl~m tlWnrd. the type or ttllsi~tnnco Lego!Service $ provi(lc.~. Ry volumcer'ing In nddltinn to l'Ccognition nt gradunlion, rcclplo111s of Lhc YLP whh Lcgul Services ho •·wuRabl e tll meet the lnwycrs t1nd the peo, student uw11rdwill ho honored m the t\l11ln11noS lltlc Bar pie who work ul the courthouse.'' His time nt l~cgnl Services mmle Ad111l~slonsCere mony nnd rccogni1.cdin TIie Aloba11wlm vyl!r. him "re111lze LhtllL egul Services Is fillingn void hy providing legal lhli111 1 ll n.~lcy, 11third -year luw Rludllnt n11dpr esident of the rcprcse11w1io11fo r those who c:mnal ufford nn attorney;· Student Dllr Assoointion nt the University or Al11bnmn, pt11liCI • Jhn Smith, 11w111glugultu mcy ul Lcgul Services Corporation pated In the VLP student program thi~ pn\t summer hy working orAlnbnmn. Montgomery Regionul Otficc. supcrvlst.'dK elley ot the Lcgnl Service.,Corporatio n or AlnbumoRcgionnl Office and i1,cnthusiu\lic 11bou1th e 1,tuden1VLP progmrn: ··11is n won­ in Doth:111, wlticb is Baxley's hometown. derful program nnd nn experience thot nllows lnw sludenb Roxley soid, 'Working lit Lcgul Service\ h like dny 11ndnight exposure to pmblcm


The promise of equal justice is one of the basic foundations of our democracy. Alabama attorneys continuous ly strive to make the promise of 11just ice for all" a reality for Alabama's poor. Alabama lawyers provide pro bono services

through the Volunteer Lawyers Program 1 they support non-profits and work to Increase resources for this important purpose. The public, however, knows lit­ tle about this important work . Supportthe promise of 'austlce tor All"and adverttse the outstandingwork performedby our profession by purchasing a specialty license plate. Please make your commitment to providing access to justice today. Just complete the attached form and send It with your check made payable to your county • licensing official to: Alabama Law Foundation P. 0. Box 671 Q:l'l Montgomery, AL 36101

······· ·· ······································· ·· ··················-······································----····------LIMITED POWER OF ATIORNEY

Make of Vehicle ame equestedLicense Plate Volunteer Lawyers

Model of Vehicle Mailing Address No. of Corrmitments

Year of Vehicle City FeesRemitted ($50 X Nos. o Commitments)

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Zip DaytimeTelephone labama

I certify that the Information llsled above Is true and correct and that I own/lease the vehlcle{s) de· scribed above. I authorize the release of this Information to the sponsoring organization. I hereby grant a llmlted power of attorney to for the purpose of executing a "Commitment to Purchase"Appllcallon for the purchase of a ''Volunteer Lawyers Program" distinctive lioense plate and any other documents required for the Issuance of such plate to me.


Ill/ I/ 1/111/ ·1 I 1111/H 183 VolunteerLawyers ProgramLicense Plate

he ~quare dancers hove 0110. The lir clightcl's hnvc 011e. The T Re11ltors haveo ne. Even 1he Sons ALABAMA of Conf'cdcmtc Vctcr:inRha ve one. But . until now, A fut:rnmal nw)'Cr:i haven't hnd • one to cnll their own. I . r I Whut is lt'l A distinctive license plate, of course. You probubly huvc noLiccd Ihm u sizublc p1m.;e111ugc of Alub<1mt1 motorists spurt u disLi n ctlvc Jicunsc plulc :1 \'., /'' on their vehicles. 1>rocluimiJ1g their uflili­ .,. ruion with their ruvorlte school or orgt11il· VOLUNTEER 1.niion. Now, /\labamo lawyers have their LAWYERS own worthy c11use to support with a tog: the Volunteer I..uwyers Program. nm J.• Tag purclnm:.~. which are not limilcd to volunlccr lnwycrs, will raise monc)' income citizens who o111el'wise don't hnvc been purd,used. The VLP tng de.sign fo1· the four volu11lecr l11wyur programs in know where lo turn for help. Also. It will hns boon upproved under the 2S0-plflte Lhc stulc (Jcff'crson County, Madison help expoRc the progr11m10 member~ or 1:mcgor·y 11.lld inust receive thnt rnuny C1)t1111y, Mobile Counly uncl lhc Alubunrn the gencrnl public, most or whom huvc npplicmlons before November I, 200 I 10 Slme Bot program whfoh covers the resl no idea that lawyers mflkc .~uch II large go inlo production. of the ~talc). Ot the lW(·deduc.alble $SO orgunlzcd effort to provide free legal "Wc' ll 11111kc ii e,tSyf or you," e;.tplttius fee, $4 1.25 gue, 10 the Spunsurfo g 01'gun­ services lo the indlgcnl." 'lr ncy Dnnlel, director of the Alabamn ization, which is 1J1e Al abama Law The Mobile Bur Association's Pro Bono Lnw Pound(1tion. " tr you wil l fill om U1e F'ounclution. The foundmion then wlll Coinmiuec wo1·ked wlLhTo 111M ulion or form und send ii lo the Al11hirn1n L.i1w distl'ibutc thosefuocl s 10 tile 1>nnlc11l11r Mr,son Communicmions on u dt!sign l'or Foundation with )'OUI' check, we'll tnkc Volunteer l..!IW)'Crs Program which scrv• thi: tag. Perl111ps becuui.e of Lhe proliferu­ rosponsihility for gctcing it turned in 10 the ices lhc county where the lag WII$ pur­ tlon or distl nctlvc license wgs, In 1998 the uppropriute lice11se office or probate court. chased. sln\c legislature 1lght~11ed the rcqulrc­ We'll ulso lel you know when lhc mg hns A ccurdin s lo Lindu Lund, director of mcmRf or Nt1eh rngs. A distinctive pl111e go11c:int o produclion und send you lhe the A lubumuSto le Bur's VLP, "'!'his lag cnnnot go into production un11Jm least rnmel'loJ you need lu pick up your tug." will ht1vc i:evcrul bcnul'IL~. Most impor­ 25() nprlicntions tmd fees hnvc hec11 flor more lnfor111otlo11, conluct Linda tuntly, lt will incrcuse 11wurcness of the received, und lhc iug design is llmitl'.:cl to l 11nd, VLP dll'l:ClOr, !II (334) 269-1S 1 5, Volumeer LawyersPr ugrum umong low- the left side ol' the pinto until 1,00() togs ext. 11R . •

The Volunteer Luwyers Program Student Award gcL~s tudents involved in ~crvic;c,l ets them leorn nbOlll opporwni• ( Co11ti1111od fi'om paf/D I 82) Lies in public ~crvicc,n nd give hnck to 1hc co1111111111ity. The VLP shines a bright light on the lc11ol profession," snicl Jooes. the University of Alabumu Schooi of, 1111ds tudent Vl~P Accordini 10 Bucy. the Accessl o Lcg!il Service., commiuee. court.llnulur ul Aluuuma, secs the VL P sllldent projp'am 11s11 realizing tbc progmm is stlll in its inrnncy, look~ fo1w11rdL O work in progress. She feels the pros rum " tops into the tradition cxpumling ii. 1'he committee invite.~!111 )' kind of suggestions for of se,·vicc Towst udents huvc when they enter luw school." 1he l111pt'OV<:menl nmJ develop1mmto r tJ,c program, Pro[es~or Bucy hopes the progrom wil l c111:uur11gc h1ws lud cnL~ If you have questions or suggestions for 1l1e Volunteer ,to be involved In the VLP once they 1u·e llccused tu1uview their Lawyers flrogl':11)1 S1udc111/\w ard, please contuct Lindu L und 111 rro hono co11trib111lo11s u~ n privilege. " You t1lwuys gel buck (334) 269°15 15, CXL, I 18. • more than )'OU give,'' she ~aid. Jun Jonc.'i, ussi!.lant director of cnrccr services ilnd coordlnmo, of the VLP student program ul Cumhcrland School of Lnw. h1i1j. Molis~nlh "9hon, uted the progrum during the 2000-200 I ~chool ycnr. "Our denn, MollqnI l ulchons laaurrom lyn nocqnd,vuor lnw 111Jdon1ot 1h o Unlw11il'fol Alooomo School al low Shusu1v ud ns a NVSLClnllow with th o Al•bnmnS1n1n 011! Vol un1oqr nd1ni11istrntio11un d fm;ully wuntcd lo ruisc awareness of public liwyei1l'looiam 111lll o tuillmor01 2000 service WOl'k lo lhc legt1J profession. The VLP sludc_ntpro ynm1

184 M AY200 1 The Alabama Center fur Dispute Resollltion I thanks the f ollowi11gmediaturs who per • ~.. .., I furnwd Pro Bono mediations in 2()0().

HonSarnuol Adams HonRobert A Cothren SammyeO . CarylP Pnvett,esq . JoyL SamuelN JohnA Lavene. esq MrchaelC. Quillen, esq HonDaniel B Banks,Jr GregoryS. Cusunano . esq HonLione l L.leyden HonDaniel J Atr1t1old JohnB . Baugh,csq JosephW Davenport, esq HonStuan leach J WesleyRomine , Jr., esq RichardW Boll,osq JamesA Oav1s,l)S{I L Tennentlee. Ill, esq SandraH SegallLPC WllllarnK . Boll.OS(l HonJohn W . Oavis OebreSlack Leo, esq . HonKenneth 0. Simon JohnT Bonder, esq KennethF Dunham. esq EdwinK OonnoWesson Smalley, esq MaureenKane Bero. esq MylanA Oav,dL . JohnJoseph Smith, Jr• • esq. Hon. ClydeAIM Blarikunshlp HowardFurman, esq . DouglasMcE lvy, esq Hon. JohnD . Snodgrass LeeW. Bordon, osq EdwordM George,esq . ThomllsMcPherson. J,. AlyceManley Spruell, esq . Ja,nasE Brldyos.111.usq lauraS . Gibson,esq . EdwardP.M eyerson,osq . RobertT. Thetford , esq. AlchArd o.amoks. esq. GaryK Grace,esq , Charlesl Miller,Jr .. esq. Hon. H. RandallThomas HowardF . Bryan,Ill. esq. JamesP.Greer ,. esq. StephenCharles Moore. esq . Woyne PTurner, esq. HanryH . C~ddoll,esq . Hon. RogerHalcomb WllllamM . . GoorgoM. Von rassol. Jr,, esq. MnriaB , Cffrnpbo ll, asq. J. PatrickHarris. esq . AmyK Myors, esq. GlonnG. Waddell.osq . MalcolmN CFJ1mlchuel,esq , Christopher J. Hughes,esq . HonClaud 0. Neilson Mlcl1aol~ Walls.asq. PlillllpC hA11cey,esq AnneB . Isbell WalterM Northcuu,esq , Hon, GeorgeD. Womer.Jr.. osq JamesL Cla rk. esq HonJohn Karrh Hon.John P. Oliver, II PatriciaD. Womer,esq . StephenFrwin : Douglasl Key, esq CliftonB Parry,osq AlexW , Zoghby,OSQ. WilliamD . Coleman,esn KarlKirklnnd, Ph. D. Ezra B Perry,Jr, , 0,,;q. LouisC . Colley,asq . I hornasB Klinner. osq AbnarP Powell, Ill,osq.

The Alabamn Stutc Bur l.:nv1ronmt•nral L:w,, ccrion nnnn11nccsr hnr 1hh year's nnnunl ~minnr.. willbe at the Omnd Hord in Point l.'lc::lr, On Friday ,lftllm1111n, June 8th, .u,d t,111unlaym \1mmg, June 9th, lcnm how ro n11v11,?atcrl'w1l 11ro11s h 11:tl~ in n m•w 111111,•t"' hun 1111d1 md~r tlw 81lih ndminlstmtion. We hnve lnvlted di)tinguishcd ~pcnke~ .md pt>lltirnl lemicrs rrun, Wm,blngcon nnd Montgomery,ll5 wcll ns locnl officinls who n 111 td l µ~ how 10 keep our clicn1~out of legal nnd rcµ11lntnrydifficulties . As nlwnys, rhcre will be n fnmily soclnl cvcnr rridny evening. set llRRlnstthe hrtckdmpof rhe ~unscr on Mobile Ruy. Snw the dnrc·nm ! plnn t'o h~ln )l' y,our fumlly 61r n '1grn11d11, lnw a1 1h e (.i111nJl l~)terl Fnr reser­ v11t lt1)11;, pho1w (800) 544-99 33°and_request dtc Etivlr11nmeot11ILn w Scdl on rate I f $ 169 per ni14lu.A block of n m111s has been.reserved for FrlJuy ,11\JS1m uJoy hlµl11s, h11tdw y will !'lo fusll

- I II I I /. I II I I/ I /. I II I I, II

--- /11 < .\/WI/ ,\/ 1.\///// c;I/Jl/ /0

guesslt bus beens ioce childhood Service's rcount rcvisiun of 26 U.S.C. tlult I hnd II bl11ck-1111d-whitc ac,rnc § 136 I LO c11ublcbunk s lo quuJlI y t'or "S" I of what is "fair ." I wni; rcminclcclo f C.:orporntlon ~uuus where there itrc fewer rhol on n rcccm outin& with my nephews. th111175 shareholders. Such II chunge It seemed to me (a~ Lhcy !'ought over Lhc ullows the co1porutlo11to uvold wed ou• discrepancyIn the numberol' 1-rcnch blc lltxotlonI ncurred by rcgul:tr"C" cor­ fries included in their kids' meals, Lhc porouoos mid their sl111rohohlcrs. Muny nrnount of time ulloned on the 11.hlli'l!d bunk.\In other Jurisclic1ions haveunder ­ Game Boy, and any other Jiscrcpnncy Utkcnrever se rcorgu11i?11tionsin order 10 rcuJO r perceived) that Whlll WOS ufoir '' rnkc ndv1111u1goor§ 1361, cllmi nnting wa~ not only excruclnllilgly cleru to cuch shareholder.. in order 10 prnfi1 from the of tbem but thol it wos olso o very high lucnuivc tax ~uvlngi.. Alubumubunk!. 11re priority. A~ I hnve ma111red.I hn ve sure 10 follow. And with u reverse rcor­ lcMled, along with most otbcr ganlzotloncome~ the inevitable dis.~ent. "grownups," that ''fair' falls ~omcwhcrc The Alubamu Busincsi. Cllrporutlons In the gray area beniiw1 black und Act. HI0-213-1.01 l'f Sr

I II / . I I I II l 1/ I I , I I\ I /: II 187 S•a•ntor, lki.Onltloo of ""l•,11lr.. bcc,111~cuf their minority ,1u1u,nnd, when uppllculllc, b«nu!ie of their luck of murketubility. 1J ntlcr 1heAu. "luir vulue" m the contextor di\WIIIC'l'li' ~hures, mean~1h e vnluc or11h11rc., lmmcdimc ly hefore the cffecl\loLionof lhc corporute 11ctlnnto which thu dis· Nemer ohjcc,~. ex.eh1dln1,1tu1y u pprccintion or clcprc• Of course. lhcrc i~ wo 111ror the 11uurncy. Thi.! nllorn\ly rm~s, cintion in un1icipntlo11of 1he curporulc uctlon unless dcl.!idco n the npproprintr level of value upon whlch lhc expert exclusion would he lncqultuble. 1~lo opine. Al11 Cooc § I 0·2B 13.0 I (4) ( 11)1)4). Given 11,vug11enc11,, thill 11you Intend 10,ir&ue that m1nori1yd1scoun 1~ an: i1111pplict1- dcOnltion und 5() ccn1<1{woll, a dollur und .'iOcent~) wilt huy blc. u good pl11ccII) ,lill t is Oclawnrcca,c f(lw, AIU1ough you o cup of coffcc. Dcluwaro'i.stulutory dclinltion ot f:tir vuh1ciis 1101 idc111ical10 For1u1111tcly, 30 other J111i~dlc1lo11s huvc udoptcd u dclini 1ion Alt1b11111u's,h Is similnr. Sl!t' Del. Code Ann. Iii. II, §262. The of "fail' value" iden1icnl or ~11hs11111tinlly ide111icul10 Alubuma'N, body or lnw Is well nm mtcndcd to 11,sumcor nn11cip:u1on111 1he corporate action recon~1ruc1u profom,a ~ale.but IO n,sume unlcs\ exclusion i:. h1c4uitublc. 1hcn1111urity Mockho ldcr WM willing 10 1984Act ut §13.01(4). ·1110191!4 M odel mt1in1t1inhis positlon und i.omedny ,hare /\cl is silent un tt0w full vuluc is to be 11,,m raw portion of 1hce ntire corpo- dc1crml11ed.nnd U1e Oflicin l • , . 1111101111 s II gm' 11g concllrn nnd that Co111111cntto th, ; 1984 Act provides "10 full lo ucco1t l l0 u minority only 1h11tthe intun1iu11b to lcnve In the court~ ''the lcd,moi.t coum huvc held that foir v,1lm! Is the controlling maJOrtty~hnreholdcl'\ who may rc.1pu windfall lntcrc:,1value, the m.,rkclrthlc mlnon1y iJucrcst vuluc, or the lro1111he,1ppruisu l proccs~by cw.hins out di$,c111mg ~hrrrchold· non-murkctablc minori1y interest volue. Because 1hc two lutu:r crs, 11 cleudy undeslruhlc rcsuh." Id. at 5(1-1A.2d ni 1 I 115. vulucNe mploy dlscountNl'or minority blntus 1111d/111· luck of mur­ Accordingly. th<:cour t hul(J 1h01 the corporn1io1111111 st lirM he kctuhllily(co lleclivcly rcl'cn·cdIO as "mi norlty dli.coums"). the vnlucll us 1111O t)1.mt1l11g cntlly, und the dissenting ~hnrcholllcl"s typicul bnttleground in 1nterprc1111g "fair vnluc" Is the npptlcabll­ pmponlcmntci111cres1 ts clc1cn11111edwilhout uppliomionof di~­ ity of tho,c dbcounls. count, for minority ,11;111,or luck of murketnblhl), Id. nt 11-14. A numberof stntc<,con,idcring the b.,uc havemfa ph:d the l) eh1w11rcSupreme Coun'i, 1c1v,011111gill C"l'llltrrOil prolubiung U11d("1~1nndlnJ( tlH" 'li.1Lru1b1oloJ,tv the uppllcnlion of minority dbcoun~. A 1011g,but u~i:ful.~t.nng A~ 11lw11ys,th e 11,oNt impnrtunt fir!>l~ lcp in unruveling n com­ chc of lhci.ecuscs follows : IIMO-W Im·, 1•.SSM I h'11/1ltC(ll'C' pllcutccl issue like this i~ hit ing II good cxpe11. prel'crobly II ch11r­ Sy,1·11•111,.598 N .W. 2tl .577,51!3 ( Wis. Ct, App. 19991(J'<'cog nl1,i11g tcrcd li111111cinl unnlyst with Cllpe1iencc vu1uoting eorporutlons in lh111, 11s 11111ntt c1· or luw, 111lnorlty dlscou111snrc iooppmprlutc1, 1 the reh:vunt lndu.,try. dl~~cnicrs'1•igh~ cu~cs);Ar11111ul 1•.Sr()ckgrrm•el'~ SIIII<' Bank, 992 Gcncmtly. there ore three pos~ihlclevel\ of b1t\llle\\ vuluution: P.2d21 (i, 220 (Kan. 1999)(holding thut di11tou111s,hnnld 1101be CI)· n1c rnmml//r,11 i111r1·,,.,·1 )'(1/u,.is the value of Uteenterprise upplicd): I JJwscmMorr/011 IV ht•11u111,Int:' 1: Smirh, 714 A.2<173R. n~ 11whole; (2) lite 111,,rk('lnhlt•111i11ariry l111C'rr .rt w1/w or frl'cly 749 (N.J, 1999)(rccog1111.h1g HIid mJupting Ure muj<1nty view thm 1md11bll!/111erc ,11ml11r repre~enls1he hypc,1hc1lcul value of the ~hnrc~,hnuld not be diM:011111cdubMlnt "ex1ruordlnury clrcum­ cntorprl~ct liirlvetllwm dlseou111111gthe co mrnlli ng i111crc:s1 to stunocs''): Fov I\ Kap,11,1/1•1·, 992 P.2d 774, 7110-81(Mth Cir. 1993) uccnunt for minority Sllllus: und (3) The 11011-111r1l'k1•1(1/,l1•111i11ot'l• (holding lhUI lmpoi.i1in11of' U 111l1101'11y dl~counlWits Cn'Ullt:OUS 1y /11/l'fl',~/ rCJ)l'Cl>CtllN the vuluu of lhc tmtcrprisc dcf'lvcd from under Mlnm:sota luw 1111~l notil1j.'nit\j(lrlty rule ugaln~Idl$couml11g di~ct>unlins the co1111011l11p lntcrc.~110 uccount for minority 'Ill!· minority bhlll'C vulucs): Jfislw1, ••n,11,.r; $68 N. W. 2d 728, 7'.12 lu~ nnd for luck of mnrkctul>ilityand i~ mo~t commonly it~~oci­ (N.I) . 1997)(following Ccwalle,, nnd no1ing1hm mlmnity




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I II I·. I I . I II ..1 ,II . I I ,\ 11· ) /: 11 189 (l'\:JCCtingminority and mnrkccnbllily or "11Uquldl1y"illscounlS); Sub~cctionCiii ). in coruunction with the lend-In lnngungc MT Prope_rtfos, /Jrc. 1: CMC RMI £suucC<1rp ., 481 N.W. 2d 383. tu lhc definition, is 11lbO dc~igncd to :1doptlhc more mod· 3R7(Minn . App. 19()2)(prohibiti ng minc,1ity diM:ou111,1,,und noting cm view thnt appmt~alR hould generolly owurtl u i.lmn:­ thnl this Is the 1110jurltyview); l/ a11se111( 75 Rane/, Co11111c111y.915 liolder his or her proportionul lnteresi l111hecorpornlion P.2d 32 (Mom. 1998) (111ln11rhy 1.Hscounl!tore l1111pprup1'inle);Rigel nncr valuing the corporr11io11ox o whole, ruihor 1IH111tho Coq>.1 1 C1111;hnl/, 5 11 N.W, 2d 519(Neb. 1994) (oiling Covnliel' vfthrc of the shurcholdcr's shnrcs when volued nlone, nnd finding thflt noi1hc11ni11uri1 y nor 111urke1ubllitydi11Co11nt11 an:: Sae 191)9Act nt § I ;\.OI , Officinl Comn1ent. npproprinte): Wt1<1(fv. U11/vrr.l'IIIFidelity Ufc Ins. Co., 849 P.2d 1093, 1095 (Okin.App . 1992) (recognizing 011dadopting lhe 111e Oclclis 1101as plentiful Ir you choosetc> n111ue in favor or Dclowun:rule of'not allowing minority dibCounts): Srmrity Srole di~counts,bu t it is not co111plctely devoid of pronusc. A numbc.r 81111k1 1 Zlegl1ldo,f.SS4 N,W. 2d R811,889 ·90 (lown 1996) (hold­ of ctu,eshn vc approved discounted vuluulionof minority~harc.i;. ing thm mntketublllty()r minority disco11rits pl'cvcmn1 lnorl1y St•(• ll emtmdo Bank 1t fluff, 609 P. Supp. 1124, 1126(N .D. Miss. Nhnreholdcrs fromrcucivi ng fair vuluc or their pro rwn sllaros); MT 19g5) (holding lhal n minority discount shOtLklLi e upplled when Pm11ertlcJ',In c. 11 CMC Uc•ttl 1:.:r1a1t C017,.. 481 NW 2d 383 dcturml11lng the vuluc of the minority shurcholdcn;' l111crcs1s): (Minn. Ct. App. 1992) (Hnding that minority discounts dcslroyed l't'r/11111111i Pu111011iteMf g. Ct>., 56R P. Supp. 222, 231• 32 (N.D. legislmion cnacied10 prote ct 111inorily'srigh t 10dlmmt fmm Ind, 1983)(illlowi ng lrlnJ court expert witness 10 npply 111iuori- fundnmcntalco ,pomtt:clmngus): ClinrlaJUI It 1y and murkewbilhydi~counts) : At/11111/r StM•s Co,wr. Cow11ry~ell' Golf C/111/,Jn r.. S83 A.2d 1•. Bruiw~. 3 14 S.E.2d 24S (On. Af)p. 609 (IU . 1991)( ~hm-c~1101 10 be discount· 1984)(holding thn1h h not oi;11ins1public cd bocuuse of minority Nlntui.): C'11/11mbla policy lu apply II mmorily or mnrkctubility Mo11ag111111111tCo. 11 ~w .1•, 765 P.2d dlscoulll bui thut ii should be done "with 207, 214 (Or. CL App. 1988) (llnding c1111tlo11"); King 1: J•:1:J.. Int·., 765 S.W .2d 1h011n inori1y discountsserve lo pcnnli1.c tr}'.;::,~~~~ 30 I, 306 (Mo. App. 1988) (holding thut II the dlss~11tel'bwhile allowing the corpomtion ~ w11~ nppmprimefor lhc lriulcourt to npply u 10 cheaply putelloselt ii. shtltl!s): l1row11it Al/it'd 7 percentminority discount); (11tdM c·Cnulcy 1'. Cnrr1w11;,dBox Co., IS4 Cut. Rptr. 170 (I 979) 1bm MrCnulr)' if, Sm1,/111 :., 724 P.2d 232 (N.M. (holding the mnjor'ityco111111i~sio ncn. crtcd by devalu­ Ct. App. 1986) (holding thm 1heu lul cou111>rop- ing minoriiys hares): BNI}' Mos.v. Corp. 1\ Sim.v,S8X el'ly cxcrcisc:dIts discretion whc11tt npplicd 1125 N.H. 2d 147 (Mass. App. Ct. 1992) (indlcmlng u percent discount). minority di1,coun1wou ld be inupproprlnte). Most uf thosec11.Scs wer e decidedh cforc the Another good source for nrgulng ngoinst the inllucntlol 191!9Delaware dcci~ion i n lhc C(ivf.llh:r uppliculion of minority di~counts ls the 1999 Oil CIISC, I lowever.IWO Ulinoi$ell .~ decided ,uh­ Revised Model Acl. which cxprc&~ly p-rohibili, scquem lo Cm•ttlkr Oil npprovcd minoritydiscount"S 1hc oppllcotion of minorhy dbcounL~. except in 11fnir wlue nppruisoJ. S11cW dgt1/ IJ/'l)(///t:11,fti1111 under quulifying tircums lnnccs: Co., ,: Smit/,, 682 N.E.2d 7p. 1996) (holding 1h31 dlsCOltrltof fair vuluc of dissonlel'li' ''Puir value'' means the vuluc of the torporu• shnroi; hnscd on illlquiditya nd mblorltys 11uux wus 11011·~ shares determined: proper in detcnnlnutIon of ·•rair volllc"), O/J/ll!.ccp t, if uppmprintc, for "fulr" ccrtalnly will 1101 Include discounts. And untilAlub11m11 :uue111Jmcn1~10 the urticlc:i;to section court., weigh in cm tht: is~ue,there will be rooin forbol11s1tlc:s 10 I 3.02(u)(S). l\rgue llmt ll1e1rchoM:n vuluntion is the only "fair" uoo. • Model 8 us1nc:si. Corporation Act of 1999 (the 1999 Model 811slncssAc l ur 1hi.: 1999 Act), § 13.()I (4) . While II few Jl1rlsdic- 1ions hove ndoph!d lht 19119umcndmcni.,. Alnh:tmfl hns not, Carolin~ Smith Gldloro The Official Commom 10 LhcJ 999 Act cxpluins thni subsec• Ca,ottneS 1ml/1Oldl o11pmtt leo• wllht1 1Pfirm ol cui,,poott, Lion (iii) orscc1i o1113 ,() I represents the modem view thnt dis• Wnllur McC.llum IIIlo pa•. lLCIn 011ml~ham Sl101oc111'1ld 1wJO r.amtl l(l ll!llvil1111yo f fllnli,smo~ll'll! I ofLaw cc1untsarc in:ip(J(op1iatc: bcc11u~c. among ulhcr thing~. "dis­ counts give lhc majority 1hc oppormnlly to mke advnntagc of minoruy shnreholdcf'\who hove been fo~d ugainM their will to 11cccpl the opprwsol-triJigtring 1r1111M1c1ion." The Comment fur­ thc, provides Lhnt:

190 M A Y 2110 I Three statewide associations, lhe Alabama Stale Bar, the Medical Assoclatlonor tho Stale of Alabama and the Alabama Hospital Association, with support from the Alabama Public Health Departmentend the Alabama Organ Cantor, aro participating In a program to deliver a valuable public service and give Alabama citizens the opportunityto moot and work with attorneys and health profosslonalsIn a non-adversarialse tting.

It's called LIFEPLAN2001 .

It ls a unique opportunity for legal and medical professionalsto demonstrate tholr cooperation by providing a valuable service lo their communities.

WHAT IS LIFEPLIIN2001? tt ls e statewide PUBLIC EDUCATION campaign to promote ruture health care planning, encouraging ramllles to discuss health care wishes and to prepare advance directives now, rathor than In a limo or crisis.

HOW WILL IT WORK? Volunteer attorneys and health care professionalswill attend advance care planning training (CLE credit wlli be given), then assist In presenting Llreplan 2001 workshops. To help you in lhls public outreach effort, there will be a volunteer planning guide and free comprehensiveconsu mer guides for distribution.

WHERE? Service clubs, church groups. student organizations,community centers and even local businesses or libraries all wlll be venues to help citizens better understand health care Issues.

WHY? Working together, legal and medical professionalswill holp tho public prepare for future health needs. Llfeplan 2001 will help ensure lhat peoples' wishes are accurately documented, shared with families And ultimately carried out correctly.

WHEN? Kickoff dato ror tho campaign Is October 1. 2001. Attorneys InterestedIn participating should contact their local bar president, who has already received Information on the project. Initial training for volun• teers Is scheduled for May. Local organizers begin work in June, with a statewide publicity campaign planned ror September and October. Along wllh local speaking engagements,thi s campaign wlll help raise awarenoss about the Issues of advance earn planning, Including powors of attorney for health care, declarations lo physicians and organ and tissue donation. Tho publlclty campaign will Includea toll-free number for more Information.

For more Information, check the Alabama State Bar Web site at or contact Susan Andres, director of communications,Alabama State Bar, at 334.269.1515 or via e-mall al [email protected].


/Ill \/\/1\\/\ /1111/11 191

INSURANCE AND CYBER-LOSSES: Coverage for Downloading Di!ia!iter

/ff Sl'FNCf,.R M. IA l'f.()N ANI> SI-..\N W SIi/NU . i '

n Lhe world of elc-0ttonic commerce h1s11mncebusine~s. BDJ ,1ll ows clolms ngc?r s com1,u1er darncovered property'/ (e-commerce) llnd the Jntcmct, busi­ ndjustel'S1 0 quickly determined amages Does loss of systemaccess constitute :t I nes~ei.huve become more clepcrn.lent ond linhility, cnnbles policy underwriters business interruption? on technology In Lhelr hy~ically link· 10 one unolhcr. This simple hypothuliclil operotlon7" J lax property becn dumngctl Ing. through an lmcgratcd line or modem, hnpllcmcs n number of msurnncc issues: when uccess is

'/' II Ii ,t / . A II ..\ ,II I / . . I It' l' I,' II 193 --- ~ computer co111ex1. SeeSrn1i11cl M gmt. fmm Connec1icu1, Minnesotn.M l~ouri beef packing pl11n1nnd e~ulc feed Im in Co. 1: Nh\11Htu1111sltifl' Ins . Co.. 563 und New York.•The co11n found slgnifi• Dodge City, Konsu~.I n 1993, Hyplninll N.W.2d 296 (Minn. Ct. App. 1997) ctUll tlmt lnwmakersnround the cot11Hry installed 11compu ter fnbric111ionnetwork (holding thut n direct physicnl loss dcu:nnlnedthat o computer wm,d t1111ngcd designed1 0 collect electronic du1aund resuh~when 1ubes1os has 10 be removed when serviceswere interrupu:d or son­ createinven1ory records o r 1h11beer. from o structure due to the loss of use or wore 01· networks w e1'e ullcrcc.J. A fler inswllotion, I lyplnins bc:c11111e thnl RtrneLUre); Fl11wer.rlfls . Cn. of Unlike /11grw11, 0U1ercou11li huv c HW!lretha t the computer 8ystem did not On,go11v. 71·1111111/ch. 8S8 P.2d 1332 (Or. declined 10 hold lhulco 111pulcr failure operntc properly. but con1lm1cd t o oper­ Alli>· 1993) (holding 1hu1the cost of omounl/lt o n business lntccruplio11und er ate to the best ol' its nbilily . After nu1ncr• removing odol'3from melhomphettunlnc commcrcinl propertycoveragu. Sci', 11.g .. ous auempti. to correct 1'10 system, plant cnused physic:uJin jury to home due J\111ulca11Stales /11.t, Co. 11 Crr,11ll•t• I lypltdns submillctl a clnlm for los~ of to los1 oru se), Walki11g,lnr., 16 l~ Supp. 2d I062 (E.D. business income 10 its hnurnncc cnrricr, In J\111uic(l11G11t1rt11uu & liability Mu. 1998) {holding thut n slowdownof Tbe ll ome Indemnity Compuny (Home). l11.:mm11crCn111pn11y 1•. l11 gm111M icro, operullonsis not a bu&lncssln1cm1p1ion); Hyploins' commordul IJ'Opcr1Ycoverage l11corptm11ed,No . 99-185 TUC ACM, ltoyal lndom.In s. Co. 1: Mlkob f'roperrlrs, contolncdII provlsionthm suucd "(w]e wiU 2000 WL 726789 (D. Ariz. Apr. 18. Jnr., 940 F. Supp. 155 (S.D. 'Thx. 1996) pay for the uc1utd los.~or slncss Income 2000), le11vrtn appeal 11ra11ted(D . Ariz. (11nding lhot a decreaJleIn Incomedue to you sns111l11doe 10 the necessarys uspen­ June 14, 2000), o United Slates District loss of occupancy orop at1111eu1co mplex ijion of your 'opcn11ions"' nnd "the su1spen­ Coutt of Arlzotlllwus fuccd with the cnuscclby fire is not ll buslncs~ lntemip­ sion must he cnuscd hy direct physlcllllo ss qucsllt)n or whether the 1cmpomry 10~11 Llon): fl omr lrtde111.C<1. 1•. lfy(Jlc1i11.1·/Jee/, or or dumuge 10 propc11yHl th e prcmiRes.'' orpower rcsu l1ing l.nlhe loss of comput­ LC., 893 F. Supp.9R7 (D. Kun. 1995) Home sought 11dcclnmtion thrit the husi• er duta cons1itu1cs II physicol injury. (cHsousscdbelow); Htll'ly's Ct1diflt1c­ ness interruptionclnusc did nm cover a Ingram Micro., Inc. (lngrnm)ope_rotcd 11 Po11tiac-OMC 7'rurkCo. 1\ M/Jtors/11 s. slowdownof opcmtion~d ue 10co mputer worldwide computer nelwork to Lrllckhi. Corp.. 486 S.l!.2d 249 (N.C. App. 1997) inefficiency. customers, productqnnd clnily 1ron~r1c• (holding thnt n mowstonn causinaloss or J11uw11rtllng ll ome summaryjuclgme m, tlon~. All of lnl\mm's cu.~1omcrorders profitsdid not con.,;tituto n businc.s~inter­ the c:ounfou nd U1a1dee.reused efficJency were tnu:kcd U1roughi~~ intcgnllcd sys• ruption):Kcerd, 1•.Mur,ia/ of Euumrlnw 11udproduction did not 11moun1to a sus­ 1em: Lhereforc, Ingram's business opcrn- /11s, Ct1.,831 P.2d 784 (Wnsh. App. 1992) pension of oper111ions.Des pite IlypluinN' 110 118 depcndi:cr22, 1998 , Ingrum's sys­ explosion causing reduction in tiush1c1isi s l)usincss, the cou11t· e11~01ledthut cover• tems opern1lon.~ hendqulll'lcrs suffcm.:d n not n businessim emlf)tion): I Imel age wM 1101 triggered nl>mnt n complete power mungewhich resulted in the loss Pmpe,1/e,v,l11 c. " Htrltt ,sc l11s. Co. of cessation or business. of' nil or the progrn111111111glnfom111Lio n Amerlcn,4 56 So. 2d 1249 (Pin, Ap11, 1984) The distingui~hingfcuture o r the IWO stored in its 1emporory memory, requir­ (holding that lo:i.~o f bt1sinc~'lnt the hotel easesIs that in IIWYltn the computer ing lngmm employees to reload the lost due 10 the closing of the res1111m1ntbecousc equipment completely shut down where­ infom1ntion. lngrnm 1m1den claim under orn tire was not 11business i merruption): as in tlyplal11s tl11icomputer equipment its commcrcml property domngc policy Rorlu:nbef8it J..ibl,n:,Mm . lnr. Co•• 153 continued to function. u lbeit ut on incffi­ wilh American Guarantee & Liabilit y S.B.2d447 (Ga. App. I 967) (holding 1h01 cienl pace. 11,econc lusion thul con be Compn11y (Amcrlcnn), which insured the lossor inventc,ry due 10 theft w 11,,;n ot n drawn from tltes1icttses is 1h111in U1e ogoiiisl "oil risks of direct physic111 loss huslnessInterrup tion). But sf!e Pres.mumv. ficlg of computers, ns with 0U1c.r fom1s or dnnrngc frorn ilt1y ouuse.'' American Mt11t1Cas. & Swwy Co., 574A.2d 757 orprop cn y, lhere must he o complete denied the clohn 11nd liJl!d11 dc clurutory (R.I. 1990)(findiug tbot o f)Owcro utugc cessation of opcrntio11s111 or dur 10 trigger judgment netI on, und fllgr(1111n tcd 11 preventing n doctor fro111usi ng his omec U1e business intem1p1lonc lause. couniercltlim rorbreach of co111rnci. due to the folhwcof a compltter chip wus 11 An int1m:s1ing question rcm11ins: I-low In nwnrding[n gntm summaryj udgment. businesllInterrupti on}; Gt•Mrul/\cc . Ins. long muNLtho computer system be inop- lhc court found 1h111the loss of power ror Co. 1i 80 Malden lAJteAssoc., 675 1mtblcin order for there to be II business ncmrlytwo hoursconstituted "physicol N.V.S.2

194 MAY l O ll l 111t1kl11g1hcdcfcndanl liublc umlCTd1c .side the scope or covenigc. However,In policy provided coverage for "bodily Compu1crFroud and Abuse Ac1). Only todny's hii;h-trx:bworld. the value li~s injury and property dmuugelmbility;" lime wilt rell if there IRo durotlortal not in the Lunglblemedium. bul in tho prope_rtydumuge meum; "physicnJdum­ rcqulrcrnen1for bu~incss in1erruptio11s. lnforr11utlo11con t,tined lhereln. While ii is oge to tnnglblc property of othur111 includ­ tnre thnt the idea hos rhe lntl'inslc volue, ing nit resultlng loss of u~e of dmt prop• Third-Party technology and the thought processhnv c erty; or loss of ll8C of tnnglblcp1·opo11y of becomeso Integrated thut 1hc rncdium 01hcrs1h111 Isn't physicnlly d11111ngcd." Los!les m11ybe the only place where the idon is SMRate, 11 F. Supp. 2d n1 1153. The sto11dnrd commerciul gemmtl liu­ conlnined. In finding 1hn1the i111egn11ionof 1hc bility (COL) polit.-yco vets»lhllL In the ruiurc, courts muy look to the clcrcctivedlsk drive.~did not cunRtiwtc "the in~urcd becomes legully obligo1ctlto orlglnullty of the dulll lo~tin de1cm1inlng physical dnnmge to Ams1r.1t1·~computers, pay 11~dn11111ge s because of 'bodily tangibility. tr the dalll u, nllll!, produced the court relied on prcvloui,co:.cs holding injury' or 'propeny dnmngc."' I Susnn J. nnd cupublc of being c.luplk, e loss that the inlegrndonof II defectiveprodu ct Miller & Philip l..cFcbvro.Miller' s i;hould be held 10 be int;tngiblc bccousc does nol constitute propcny t!Jmugc Standard lnsurunce Policic.~Ann . 409 1heIden still remains.If the dma I~ ullless die integrotcdproduc1 Is l11hcren1iy (41hed. 1995). 1'he policy defines "prop­ unique nnd prototypicld.the du111should dangerous.' ·n1 0 cou11rea.~oncd 1hm com· erty dumugc" us "phyxicul injury to tnn­ ho deemed 10 he tangible ond wi1hi1 1 tho puler drives ore not lnhcrcn1ly dungcrous glblc property, lnoludlngresulting losNof soopa oI' coverage. products;th physicali11ju 1'Y use oCLhtU propcrty .. ," or "loss of U8C 2, lnlcRrutinn of u Dcl'cclivc occurred. As II ma11crof ri~k lll!Scssrnenl, or wnglblc property Lhu1ls 1101 physically Comr,oncnt. the pos.~ibiJityor replncln~11 defective Injured.'' Id. n1439 . The policy nl_sopro ­ As bu~inessesupgmd e their computer product is comiidercdu comn'X!.rcinlri~k vides protection for pcrsonnl und odvcr• 1ech11ologyin order lo compete In n that t\ not pa.,;scdon to the lmurcr. 1i~lnghtjury llnhility. /ti. 111424 . chunglng economy.they become vulne,r. A. 77,e /11/t:ml! t and A1/v1mislngl A. Phy.,irat 1tu11rv nblc 10 foully installation~ or dufccti"e f'crs<>1wl /11)11,y I. Computer Oatn ns Thnglble componc:ms thot urc inccgrotedinto their Tile r111erne1who c1t:mcs the po sibility Property systems. ln Seogore'·~chn ology. 111,·. 1\ rorlo sses 111111rrigger odvrnlslng or per• There Is c1 split nmongcourt.~ rcsnrding St. Ph11IF'lrt' & Mnrltu • f11surmrrt1, sonnl injurycovcrogc under II com111cr'Ciol whcthuroo mputcr-relnted tnpe und d11tu Co111p1111y,11 F. Supp. 2d 115() (NJ) , gcneml linbility policy, While lhc coverage uonstltu1c"tunglb lo property" for com· Cul. 1998), tho NorthernDlNtriol of nnruysisgenorn lly is 1hc SAlllc,Int ernet 111orclt1I goncn,l llnbllltypurposes . C:ullrorniu uddre11sedwhether Lhe intcgru­ rcluted causes ol' 11c1io11for dofmm11ionand Comµan.•/11gra111 , 2000 WL 726789. ut tlon orddcc1Jve componen ts into u com­ trademark inl'rlngcmcntpresent uniqu e •3; Rcwll Sy.v•• l11c. v. CNII Ins. Co.. 469 putur system constituted property dum­ problemsth :11should hu conhidcrod. N.W.2c17'35( Minn. Ct. App. 1991) (hold· ugc. In Seagme, Amstrutl integn1tcd I. OiiCamullon Ing 1hn1computer rnpci s Ulllgibleproper ­ Sc.1g111edisk drives into /\rnMrnd's com­ The Commu111cutlon~Decency Act of ty when in1esn11cdwilh ll tangible mcdi· p1111,rs which resultedin hard drive foll­ 1996 mukcs lntcnrcl Service Providen. um); Srort Fon11Fifi' & Car. /11s.CtJ . 11 uro nnd computer dnm loss.AmMnld Immunefrom dcfom111iu11linblllty . Su 47 Wl,itr, 777 F. Supp. 952 {N.D. Oa. 1991) \ued ScngatcaUcgiog 11101 the drives U.S.C. §230 (West Supp. 1999); .rer a/.t(J (finding thal nn:hitccluralplnm, in o blue­ were defective. 8r11Euu , We/11~'/l'ill, & Co. \\ America print were lunglblc propcny), witlt l11cktJr When the Initial suit Wit$ Oled,Scmgntc 0111/rti'Co., 206 F.3d 980 ( I()1h Cir. Mfg. v. 1/0111<'111.~ . Co.,23 R3d 808 (3d. tendered iLsinsurnncc covcmge clnlm II) 2000) (holding thnt 1hcC'omm 11nic111ions Cir. l 994) (holl.ling thut loss of use of St. Puul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. (St. !'mil) DecencyAct hiUTcdplnintlff'g c lnims system designwo s no1l oss of Lunglblo based upon the suit tiled by Mnstruc.l. ugninst11n lnt ornc1~crvicc provider).cer t. propo11.y): Sc/rr11fa/KnrpfProdu ,•1/011.1· v. S0ogu1e'sc;ommerclul UnbUlty umbrcllu dmi,u/, L 21 S. Ct. 69 (U.S. Ocl. 2, 2000); rN11/11 s. Co.. 76 Cal, Rptr. 2d 42 (Cut C1. App. 1998) (holding that videotape is umgihlc property, however Idea on 1n1>ci~ not); St. Paul Ff Pt! & Mnri11eIn s. Co. 1\ Na1io11alCm11111 11erSy .r.. 4!)()N .W .2d 626 Hooked on Alcohol or Drugs? (Minn CL.App . 1992) (holding 11101then You don't have to be. of computer lnfonn.nion was not then of tu11Kiblc r,r•oper1ywhtlro informulionuml TheAlabama Lawyer Assistance Program 1101medium wus stolen). canhelp . Calls aros trictlyconfidential. Couns finding 1haic-0 1t1putor

tiff\/ \(/\\II / 1111//l 19 6 7.A!rtlll , ••Amrrltt1 0111fnt!,Inc. , 129 P.Jd there 11,case law in Alabumn nddro~e/11c., 776 P. fn l\mC'ricanSrales lnsunmce Computer Servlct>s,/11ro171ora1t " I. 349 So. Supp. 135(S.D .N.Y. 1991) (finding 1hnl C(lmpn,ryI\ Mc1rrl11,11 Lhc/\lub1111111 2cJ116 0 (Alu. 1977), which origlnully nn Internet serviceprovider Willi o "dis­ Supreme Court held thnt ccunomic lo8sos held Lhotcompu ter soflwnrc was intangi­ tributor," nol u publisl1er,u 11dcould not nre nol 1r111gible propcny ror lnsuruncc ble properly mnl wus 1101subject lo 1hc be held liable for cJcfumuliun). Under 1he losses.I n M(Jl'ti11,the coun defined Inn• grossr,eceip1s tox . 'TI1ecourt In Central Act, lmemet providerssuch us AOL, glble property as: CompmerSt•rvlces rcu.~oncd that the YuJ100{Ind Ncm:opcare not publlshcrs: buyer of soflwm,:so ught nfonmuion thcrdoro, they cunnot be held Hubiefor property (lhllt) lltU)' be rclt or nuherthnn the medium in which ii wns dcfomntory 1,11uemcnt...,. Sele47 U.S.C. !Ouched:such propcny us m11ybe conveyed:therefore. there wns 01\ly an §23()(c)(I ) ("No provider or user of nn seen. weighed,m~m1red, :inti c~Ll· incidcntnlcomminshns nf 1hcin1nngib lc mu:1u.ctivcservice ~holl be treated ns lhe mated by the physical ~cnse.~: 1luu in(om101ion~ought . In rc\Cl'tiingits previ­ publiNhcror \pcnkcr of any infom101ion which is visible Qndcorporcnl: ous holdlng, the W11/.M11nco urt held lhat provided by another inf'onnnlioncon1ent huvins 1mbs111ncc nnd hody n~ con• the saleof computersof t warehru; become provider"), '1110Acl nmkcs It cleur thut u·nstedwith incorporcul propeny mONprcvulcnt. and is llkc the snlc of n in11ivldt1t1IWeb si tu Opcmtors urc the rlijhts such 11sfrnnchlses , choses in book- f)tl1\:hu~cn:desire 1hcinlormution proper p1111lc1110Rue in a defornu1lon 11ctlon,copyrigh ts, the circulntlon insidennd 11011hefo1 m contolnlogth e netion , Ser, 11.s.. IJ/11111c111Jwl11 Drudgf!, of u newspaper,llnnuhJes 11nd the informution. As such, coll\putcrsoflwurc 992 P. Supp. 44 (D.D.C. 1998)(dofoma• like. Tongiblcproperty must ncces­ is mng!blc pro1,cny.the l!nlcof wltlch Is lion suit ugoln~,Web <; ilc opem1or). ~arlly be corp0ret1I,but It 111uybe subject tn grns, receipts~ales tm< . Conscquc111ly,~uju, ngoinst 1hcsc Web citJ1erreal or personal. The holding in \Vt1l•Mtirl Slr>ll' ,\ could site operuto!'l',for publishing defumntory be applied in the contextof commcrcinl Manin, 662 So. 2d nl 2411(quo ting mntcrinlnn: likely to lead to claim~ for property nnd commcrcinlgcnoml li11bili1y Prln<:<'I\ lliggin s, S72So. 2d 1217. 1219 ndvcnising injury. insurance. Since courts npply the dcfini­ (Ahl. 1990){quoting 73 C.J.S. Prope11y 2. 'Jrod,uunrk J.IiCri»Acmcnl lloll of w. distinction is thal intunglblcproperty ·nic Internet hus led to at leust three "cunnot be readily located,and lhorc is dlffcl'cnt type:, of i.rtldcmurkinfringement no 111e1hodby which illi exl~tenccor Preventing 1hr11muy 1riggcradvertising iujury ownershipcon bi.:oscertulncd ln 1hc:.HIie clnlms:' U11ou1horlteduSc of II domuln Cyber•Lo!ises: ol' its si1t1s,except, rerlrnps, in the cuJJe 11111m:! 1110111-111g1.1ir1g,• and unfuli• li11kJng A.ddltlonal or rno11gogesor shoresof s1ock. 'l'hu prnctic;cs.mCren 1lve lawyers mny 01temp1 vnluc of intangible propeny is 1101ca~lly Coverage '' to l1l thesec lnlms within the scope of 11 usccnuincd." Id. Beiiides tuklng steps to preventcybcr­ COl. policy. With rospcc1to clnims involvingdam • lusses,there ure u number of spcciali:,;cd ugo to computer dotn and informrulon, covernges thUIcan be purllhn~edthat Alabama perhaps the most important lnngungein ,pecin~ lly pru1ccllo,~c s e1epcriencecJ Insurance Case the cusels "that tllllglblo property, unlike through the lmerne1. Mo~: of these puli­ 1111economic inte~1. IAge11erally .rnbjtct cics t1rcbn&cd upon tn1dlt1011ttlMundutd Law-What is 10/)l1y11ical damagt! or dc.rtrurt/011."Id . at policies: however,due to the necessity of Tangible 249 (empJ)(l_slsodded). Au lll'gument CUil using ~pecinli;,.cdtcnn s, 1hereis very Iii Property? he m11dc1h11t compu 1e1· druncon ho tic judiciul constniotlon. As II result, cypi· dos1roycclrmd pbysicnlly dnmnge(land Is cal disputes 11111y11risc over the cxtcn1or A l11btunu courtshuve not yet hutl tho thcrcroro ilmgihlc p1vpcrly. coveruge, the offcot of thu spccinlbied oppOllllllily !O ltllCl'])l'ClC001Ji 1Crclul In Wal-Mori SIOl'l!S,Jm •o11wrc11111l1•, coverage 011111 urc tmdhlonnlcovorugc. pl'Oponyor commercial Lioblli1ypoli cies Cily of Mobiltt, 696 So. 2d WO, 291 (Alu. ondwhethtr there urc go))!,In coverage. In the con1ex1of cybcr-losses. Ho,vevcr, J996) the AlubamuSupreme Court held Someof the new policies urc as follows:

196 MA V 2 00 I rNSUR Etn 1st writes u Tcch11ology c.;ondilions p1'i:cedc111to receiving cover­ that covers losses us~oointcdwiih the lirrors nnd Omissions Policy U101pro• age.Th e poUcyholdermu st record log-ins, laternel. This polJcy is designed for the tects aguins11hird -porty claims for loss install survcl 11011cc aud Intrusion detcct:lon specif1c purpose orc liminutlng gaps In or duta, acce~s to c-nu1il, or e-commerce equipment, fl'llqucntly change passwords. coveroge 1hutco uld be crontcd by mm·c that urises out of tho use of lhc lnlcrncl. and providecompu ter lxlckups. u·ndlliounl policies. Lloyd's syndicutt:soffers o Web site und A10, like INSlJRE!tni sL, h11s developed Intorno1Sec urity l'rogrum tho1covers l ost u Technology Errors nnd Omissionspoli­ Webs ile and advertisingrevenue due It> cy for Internet Service Provider.;, compa­ Conclu!!ilon un11uU1orlzedeutry, viruses, e111p loyuc nies providJng lntcrnel access, consulL­ As new trends in 1cd111ology emerge. error, 1tieft of credlt cw'ddmn. Md Li_rst• WllS creuLlng Web sites, udv(JrtJsers sup­ will trends and lhird-party vinisc lcn11up, 11swell us plying co111c11Lf'or Web sites, und orguni­ so i11i1lsui 'm1ce. Business some intellectual property claims. zatlons rnonlLorli1gW eb slces,s uch os inte1Tupllon,property damuge,udverlis • Additional covcrngc may be purchased Cybor Nonny. Ing ir\j111·y and otherc laims ore likely lo thut protects against cloims of lnlerncL Chtibb hns crcotcd a M ul1i111cdiu take new rorms as businesses suffer com• p11tcr- nnd l ntcrnct-rchllccl los~cs.Whi le libel, slander. dofamaLlonand invasion of' L.iabllity policy lhm is designedspec ili• it is unccrtuin how Ah,hnmn courts will privucy. The udditionuJcove rage aL~o cally for sof1warc developers.The insur• trout these issue~, undorstuncling the expuuds covcmgu for lruduimtrklnfrlnge- uncc protcctll asainst publishing claims, scope of your clienl 's oovcruge 11nclLh c 111e111u11d c1TOr~und omi~~io ns. 11nd trndemarkor copyrighl infringement. possibility fur tbcsu lossei;wllJ help CIGNA developedSecure Sys 1cms The mosl unique feature is 1h11tlh e poli­ avoid a future coverugedispute. • 1nsumnce,which pro1cccs the Insured cy is cxplicaLly wrilLen lo protect ug1Liust fmni caused by hn1:keI'S. i:xposurcs in cyberspncc, 1il'8t•1mnylosses oil possible Endnotes 10 worldwide. The policy spccil1cally insu,·esngainst which applJes claims 1 Thol.ov o Buuwa s o VBSarlplwo,m tl1at spread iap. loss of data in1cgrilyand sys1em nvullabll· Swckey & Company developed a pt'O• Idlylh1Dtl!lh cQmponv o•moll avstoms on Moy 4, 2000 lty (system failure or system crash). g1'llm cnlled SnfetyTek,whlch ls u com• nndc/UJ!OO ono~llnlHtod $16 30 billionin doinnaos C!UNA's policy ha,, several demanding prchcnsivefirst · nnd 1hird-party policy worlctwldol he 'l.ovoBug downlollds andtnsinlls on

FreeReport Shows Lawyers THE Howto GetMore Clients Callf.- Why tlo soml! ore unprcdlctullle.You moy l!,ol HIGHEST IMwyersgo1 rloh while 01l1er~ new clients tJ1ismo111h, you moy strugglelo poy1hulr bll ls't no(," ha SOYS, The unswer, Ltccordlng m A rcrurrnl sys1e111, Wurd QUALITYIN ullnn1cy, Dnvid M. Wnrd, ha~ says, can hdnQ lr1 11 Ntc:ucJy 1101ht11g 10 do with wt~nl, stream of new ellc11L\,1110 111h cducntJon, hnrd work, or even oiler month, year oiler ycor. COURTREPORTING luck. "II feels grcm 10 come 10 the ESTABLISHED 1974 "The lawyersw ho 111111wlh e nflic;c eve,, duy knowing 1hc big money ore nm ncccssurltyr, h1111c,vii i rin11 nnd new CorodonMKIIJt lr)do xad l1C111C1!pt1 be1tcrlawyers," ho iroys."They bu~l11c88wil l be on Iha lina.'' PlloovooyZX,ASClt& Word Porlo01Ol!l IIM hnvc simply lcamedhow m Word ho~1111, l!hl his rcfcrrul rlllQlltmn&, OQlly Copy AlodQblgVpon ll~Ut>II ninrk~tlhcir service~." !)'Sten, lO tWer 2.SOO111,vy cr~ £)(!)9dlltdDo!lvety V1t• Tirn .. lamplng A suoocuful sole 11111.i u wortdwlJc, hus wrhtcn ~lootrorlo fior'l1c,lpl ~'I proc1lllu11~rwho 011ccstruKQlcd new ropon, "ll ow To (;c1 Oopo11ilonSull o lo OltJ'Ocl clients, Wurd crcdil~ More Cllen1; l o A Month his tumnround LO II retcrrc,1 T h11n You Now Ge l Alt '/.yler mnrkcting systemh e developed Vc11rl" which rcvculs how ony ~111yeurs ngo , luwyer ~1111118C 1his sys1em 10 Eaf1Jn ·'I \vclil from dcudhroke nnd gci more oJ1¢ 111~1111d lncrcttll<: Morgan dr'<1wrllilij111 debl 10 eomins their Income. Nicliols Pritchett S300,000 n year, pr11,1lcnll) A lobamo lawyers cuu gel u ovcmigh1." he suy,. FREE copy of 1his ropor1 by COURT Most luwycrs depend lm c:nllh1i l-800-l!62-il627,n 21· REPORTERS rolbrml~.h o no1cs,b ut nm ono hour free recordedmell$0E1u , or 19/~ 5oulht,u~I t owv1 • •l:lO 20th ~d10,• I North Ul'qs I11 IO() 11rclilrml .iyst~m . visit111 11, Wnrd's web site. B11m 1nohum A l abama Jt,20J "Wltlmul tl syslon1, roli;rrnl.$ b llp ://,~ ww.tluvid n1 70~ 2~?. 9 1!)2 • WA TS I 800 ,J ~O 60JI FAX 205 nJ 0 196

I II Ii . I I. I II ,1 ,\I . I I . . I II I Ii ll 19 7 . oxocutoblorr10 • ' rromtho lnterno1 • Intocompo ny (smtlr,ge ~arsonisguilty o f c011iµ11lu11u111purino In thn 11 Alobomocour1s. ror o~omplo. h11vu ro!orre/JoS 131\ 8· Auto. Ins. /j)., 709So 2d 1161.1bS8 (Alo . 190/J. i ossos:35Tori & Ins. L.J. 891, B94(Summer 2000) , 103119991.a porsoo commlis ~ a l~s, A ml$

lwmoJ; Trodosof1Tooh. 1 Inc. v./'ronkl/n M11L Ins Co., So!AhumCollDQa 10 746A .2d1078 (N .J. App. 2000)(soinol , 19!13nnrt roco lvouh l1 JU lrornlho Unlvo1 1itv CLE Opportunities 7 TurrvBudd . rrod/tiori/1/lnvflro(Ju Argumums for ol AlobomoSchool of Lnw In 1996 . ThoAlabama Maf)da101y C LE l11to//Dtltmll'ro,;e,1y Cln im$nnd T'/rqir lrrtor~uction WllhCy/Je(Spllt'B .' V/111009 W/nhIrr O Now Qf)llitJ , Commissioncontinually ovaluotos and A.B.A. Sec. or Lil Ins. Coverage,Midyear M oating approvesin-sto te. aswon as nation Mor 2 4, 2000,01 15 . wide. programswhich are maintained 8 Suo,11 .u.. /11/orsl//llorSwrslrlp, Sorw., Ltd v.Eplx , S0ar1W . Shirloy In a computerdatabase . Allare identi , t11c., 164F ,3111107 19th C h 19!!91. cvrt r/u11/11r/,120 SvunW Sh11lov,un rladby sponsor, location, date and spe ­ S.Ct11 111(Fob . 22,2000) , osaoclarewith Dakl1 & PlnGhgrn,II PIn Ill oialtyarea . Fora completelisting or 9 See,e. u, N/1onCorp v Rod,arlonMoni111ri11u B1rr1111uhomoll,coI la currentCLE oppot1unitles or a calendar, Oovlcss, /nc., 27F. Supp . 2d tOi(0 . Mass. 1998), Ufll~oa1od"'8f)lin cum contoc11110 MCLE Corr,mlsslo11 at l'/oy/Ji)yEr,turs., Inc . v.Ar,ofocus lnl 'l, Inc., No. C,v. IB~olrorn 1ho omce UnND1Sllyof Alobnma (334)269 ,1515,extension 117 . 156or A 97. 734 ,A, 1998WL 724000, DI '3.'0 •7 (r I) Vo Apr 10,1999) In1997 end rocu1vud 158,or you may vlow D cornplote !isl· Ml. hl1JO1tnm1hn 10. See.e .g., 7lc*olmnstorvMic1osoll , /11e.. Nu 97. ingof currant programsat thostate Umvorslly'aSo l,oolor Low In 2000, whoroho WU! a 3055OPP IC .O Col IliadApril 28 , t 0911,Washington mornborof1ho A/ob/Imo low ffovrow, tho Ordor 01 u10 bar'sWeb site, . l'0,!1v. fowlNows Inc . 97Clv , 1190IPl(LI (S. DN .Y Da11i1tarsondJcw upl 111omn1lonnlMoa1Cfl ~ntenm IliadFeb. 20, 1897)),

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- /Ill 1/ 1/111/1 I 1111/11 199

S )I I '11D \ T • ii '11 li I N S f) N : The SupremeCourt of Alabama Holds That LiabilityCan Be Imposed On a ThirdParty For Negligent Spoliation of Evidence

Persons accepting responsibilityfor e11idence to be used in trial 1nust be able to put up the evidence, or pav up on the p/aintiff 's clai111s.

/1)' /IN/ 1\N IV.\VAN\VICK ------

client wnlks into your oflice and you 10 the "red one in the bac~.··Upon explains !Im he ho~ju st been rcnching this vehicle, you discover thot, l released from lhc hospilal after npnrt from being red, ii docs not even being involved in Rn nutomqbile 11cciden1 resemble your client's vehicle. Arter in ' which some pan on his newly pur­ scouring the lot, the attcndum, who hus chnseds port-utilit y vehicle foiled, cnus­ joined you on your desperate scurch, lng the uccidcnl, all well as hill injuries. udmlts Lhat "your guy'i. cur must have ror Lhc S,lke of tlrgumcnl, tlllSL11t1e Lhnl been uccid1mtttlly sold for sorup ulo11g his story puint-11dirct'tly Luwhut you wilh 1.hc others we sent oboul two weeks believe Is o v11lldp, ·oduw: llabllily claim ago." l le makes n brief telephone call (lgrunslth e manufucturer of u,e vehicle. which connrms thULyour client's vehicle You 1&11'11tlm1 yo ur clle11t's vehicle wns wns, in foct, sold for ~cn,1) ~ndho s l>eco taken l'rom the scene or 1hc 11ccidc11110 deslroycd. " I' 111real sorry." he soys ns 1tic impo1111dlot nwncd by the lnsur1mcc you l<.lnvo. compnny lhuLin Rured hi5 autornohilc. Until reccnily, ''I' 111rea l sorry," would Your client cx:pluin:i thnt he hos noUlicd h11vcbeen the only solncc you could Ll10 insurer that Lhc vehicle i~ to be used lmvc:o ffered your client In such o sce­ us evidence in u potentiall awsuit und nurio, because o producu1li obillty ucLion that t.hcins urer has agreed to preserve aguinsl the mnnufucturcr would huve llic vehicle. For gt10Um easure, you cull been fULilewll ho111the ucfccllvc vehicle. the !usurer to conflrm that lt has volun• See Townsl!ntlv. Gc,wral Morors Corp., htrily ugrecd to preserve the vehicle for 642 So. 2d 4 11,4 15 (Aln. 1994). 1·he foreseenblc future. Everyrhlng seems However, fnccd wi th rhese filers today, to be in order. your clienl may have some recourse :iftcr Afrer severnl weeks or investi911tio11 all. However, the rccour~e will not he 11ndnumerous sc heduling confltcts. you ng11ins1 1h e manufacturer Qfthe vehicle 11ndyo ur nutomodvc cxpe1i tnwel to Lhe under a products liability theory bul Insurer's impouud lot to Inspect the vchl­ against the ll1Jrd-party lnsurunct: compa­ clc for lhe purpose of' dctcm1inl11gwhut ny l'ur 11cgligcm1spo liutlon of evldem:e. nh1y huvc caused Ih e uccidcnt. Wht:n you On rcb rum•y 4. 2000, Lhu Supl'l!lllC arrive, the uucndumgroclous ly dll'ects Cow I of Al nbumnrccognlzcd, for the

------'/'I/Ii .1/ . . 1/1 ,1 ,11 I /. 1111'/i/l 201 nn.1 lime, neghgenceclaims nrlslng l'romthird -putty spo­ tions for potenlial defendonis. The court, in c.~sence,ere­ liution orevidence. Smith "· Atk/11,wm, 771 So. ld tiled n negligencehybrid In the 1ot1or negligent bpoliu­ 429(Alu. 2000). Allhonsh the court previouslyheld lhut Lion. The three-pan tcJ;tsr>ecificolly affects only the 11cnusc uruction ror spoliationof evidence:cnnnot be duty nnd proximatecau e clements of negligence, and brought ngainst n party to the underlyingnction, the the burden shift operate.~M a final cautionarymeM • court recogni1,edin Atkinson thut spolinlionby a ure to protect defendants from liability, even if nU third puny pre&ents II very different sltun1ion. other elements huvc been cstnblishcd.At lil'!lt A1kl11.vu11lnvol .ved M insumnccco 1npnny thot hud gloncc, this tort muy look convoluted, but n close mistnkcnlydestroyed S111Hh 's ml11lvon,Ctl ong with e.x.nmlirntlonwllJ reveal thut th e processof upply· his potontlnl productRliubility c lr1lmngoinst Ing the test it is ucLUullyr111her si111p le. Chrysler Corporation,the 111ani1f(1Cturoror the mlnivnn.O n four occnsions, Smith hnd infon11{idhis hl~umncccompany of his intelll 10s ue Chryslernnd of the importanceof pre- ))IJ'l'Y serving the minivnnus evidence. I lowevcr, No genemlduty to prcser.c evidence onervolurll{uily nsi;umfog lhe duty to prt· exists in Alnbumo.11 11d the coun wascnn:ful serve, the insurancec:ompuny mibtukcnly not lO ere-atesuch n duty InAtklnm11. To do nllowccJthe minlvnnto be destroyed. so wouldcertitm ly plucctoo heavyo bur· Smith sued the lns.ornnceconipn ny, den on soc:iety by requiringopprc.-.sive nlloging,nmo ng other things, negllgc111 retenrlonpollclc.'i. I luw ovcr, 11m11jority spoliationo f evidence. The insllrer of the court obviouslybulieves thtlt , if removedlh o c11~eto l'cdcrnlco uct on ... by requiring a third porty who Is 111possc.q~ion of diver.shyg rounds, and tho United importuntevidence ngree.q or voh.rn· S1t1tcsDistrict Court for the Middle notice to be given tccrl!10 prciiervcthCl evidence, thru Districtof AJubamucertified two party shouldhcur the ris~ of loss questions10 the Alabama before the spoliation , when the evldenc.::L~ Inter found Supr,:mcCourt. asking whether 10 be unuvuilnblc.In order to Alnhnmnrecognizes n cause of the court virtually protectour cour, ,ystcm from action for the independentton beingovemm wllh ~poliation of spollntion orevidence eliminated the number cases, the coun nddcdtwo 11gnins1a third pnny,nnd, if oddhlormI prong.~to lhe so, whut nre tho clements of manufactured d111yelo111e nt or this negll­ of th111tori' ? goni:c:ncliM: lh cse uddi­ Wril Ing for the court, spoliation lawsuits ... lionolprongs ru-c deslgm:d Justice Champ Lyons,Jr. 10 nvoidfrivolous spolln· answered thu district tion clnims. court's first questionnffir- Fim, the p11rtyin the mmivcly,nud set out the follow- underlying lnw~uit~coking to ing test: use the evidence 1h01iR no longer nvoilublemust hove given 1l1ethird pany "We onnouncetodny n lhn:c-pnn test for deter- actunl notice of the peodlng01 polcntlul lltigalionprior to tJ1c mining when o lhird-purty cun be held liable for negligent spoliution.· n,c courl noted in A1ki11sm1lhtll Srn.ith hud informed spollo1ionor evidence. In uddltion10 proving n d111y.n lhc insurnnccc:ompnny on numerousoccusio ns lhfllh is minivnn brcnch,prox 1mntc cuusc. und d11mu11c.Lhc plnlntirr 1n a should be preserved for lirigoiion purposes. The court spccifical· thircl•1>1111yspo llntio11case must 1tlso show: ( I) 1hnLthe ly held thlll the nollce must be 11c:tunl, rather 1hn11co nstructive. (lcfcn(ln11tsµ oliotor hnd 11otu1tJknowledge c11' pending or Although lhe court did not indicate whn1fo 1111th e notice 111t1s1 potcntlnlltti gntio,1: (2) Lhnta doty WuN l111poscdupon the toke, U1ebest notice would be in writing nnd wouldinclude a dcl'cnd11n1lhrough o volun111.ryundc11Ukl11g, nn ugrcemenl, sp<:cll1cdCSllription of uJIrclcvun1 evidence souiht 10 be pre· or a specific request and (3) lhot the mis~hlg evidencewo.~ served. I lowevor.11otlce to the third party or It~ ngcntby tclc· vitul to the plaintiff's pending or po1en1inl:1c11on. 011ce all phone nppcnrs10 be adequate under Arkl11.vo11. thn:e or thc.,cc lements nrc cstabli~hcd,there rui\es 11 Requiringnotice to be given lo the third p11rtybefore the evi· rcbuttnblcprci.umptlon that but for the fnct of the ~polia­ dcncc is lo~,or destroyedeliminates the possibilityof u not-so­ tlon of evidencet11e plaintiff would huvore covered in the cthical plnintiffwniting 10 pounce on n ~pollntlon c:luim lho pending or l)\)tentiallitigution; the defendantmust over• moment n t11irdpnrty innocently dcmoys or loses propertypre ­ come that rebuttoblcpresurnpllon or cl~ehe linhlc for dam­ viously bclunglng to the plninriff. Without n notice rcqulrerucnl, ngcs.'' u po10111lolpluintiff, for example, coulclreturn 10th e gnmgo 771 So. 2d n14'.12 -433. where his broke shoes had reconlly been rcplnccclnnd dcmond By l'ormull\Lingu "three-purl t ext" to be used in 11ddition10 10h nve the old puds returned,11l leging lhnt those pnclswere the clements or n Lrodilionulnegligence cluim nnd shifting the going 10be the bnsls of u lawsuit ugnlnstthe mnn11roc111rcr. burden of proof. the supreme court oddcd some sturdy protcc- Withoutc1mrni11ing the pttdl;,the garage would lind It difficult10

202 MAY l 00 t disprove A spolin1io11clnltn. However,by requiring notice to be emphasizes In A1ki11so11thnl ''Li]fII third p11rtydocs not wish lo given before the spollmion.the c:ourtvirtunlly climinnted 1l1c take responsibilityfor cvidcncc,h cun tfocllncthe rcsponsll>illly, number of m11nufocturcdspolln1ion lawsuits. bccau~cit would shifting tho risk of loss bnck to tho plaintiff." Atkim·o11,77 l So. be senseless for one to clalm thlll n l11wsui1is pending on the ofT 2d 01433 . The coun then glvebII hypo1hetlcol!11 which the third chancethnt the third party would coincldcntullylose the evi­ plll'lyseU\ the evidence 10the pl11ln1lff. By nnology. n third party dence speclf1edin the notice. 1i1ls n1tio110Jcsupports the coun 'i; thtu provide~copie~ of writtenevidence to ti plointiJT,or that position 1h11tallowing recovery for 11cgllge111~poliaiion pru1ec1s ~ells evidence to the 1)l11in1!1T,or 1h01 s imply turns evidenceover panicsiJ1 pending or potentinl lnwsuitsfrom being u11dulypun • 10!he plaintiff cnnnot he held linblc for negligentRpoll111ion. ished through the ncgligcn1nc~ of n third porty. hcc11uscno duty to preserve cnn be c~tublishcdunder Atki11So11 . TI1esecond pmng 1hecourt 11ddcdto 1hcduty clement is Accordingly,p11nic~ resulnrly In pos~csslonof evidence thut designed 10protect defcndnnt.i by specifying Urelhrec ways a mi&htbe used in litigntionshould be informed of their potentiol duty to preserve con he crcoted. The court de_tcnnincd!hat a liability ,rthut evidence is loMor destroyed after 1l1eyhove duty 10preserve con arise: ( l) by the thlrd purty's voluntnrily agreed 10nwke It uvaih1blc for lltlgotionpurposes . llo~pltals. undcnaldng lo prc~1.1rvcU1e evidence und the plnintiITreason­ insuruncccornptmle!.. guruges, etc .. ~houldInstitute II procedure ably and dctrimcn111llyrelying thereon to hb or her de1tunen1: ror dealing with evidence In order to protect ogolnstinndvencnt • (2) by 1111ugrce111cnt between the third pfirtyond the plalmlff to ly ossumlngsuch a outy to preserve. ror l11s111ncc,ndop ting a pro.serve;or (3) by the 1,lolntiff's spcclllc request 10the third policy of copyinll documcntNthnt mny Interbe usedus evi­ pnny 10 pre~orvon pnrtloulnrilcrn, nccoillp1111icd by nn offer 10 dencermd sending lhcrn to the plnintiff 111his cost will pince pny nny associatedcos ts 01• to ol horwlso bcnr tho burden of the evidence in 1hehn nds of rhc pm1yw ho nced5 il 1111d muy pr•cscrving. A1kl11s()11,771 So. 2d u1433. (citing .loh11sm1v. also prevent II subst11ntl11I l>urden from being placed on U1e U11i1tulSt!rv. A11 1(1./\.1·.rn,·., (17Cnl , App.4 th 626,79 Cnl. third pnrty. Ru111omborthut suoh n duty cunnot nrise until Rptr. 2d 234 (l)i~L Ct. App. I 9V8)). the plulntl ff' hus given aclll lLI not.foeu nd hus gpccHlcolly ln Lhoopeni ng hypo1helicnl, the insuruncecornptll1y requestr:tl1hu 1the third purly pre~crvethe cvideucc. volunturlly ugrcee111:cdcd Lu even with consu'\Jctlveknow ledgeof 1hmlitigation, o 1>otc.1111lullc1w1mll ugains , the mnnufocturor. This docs 1101creme II du1yto preserve. nction by the lnsunrncccompony constltutcs11 "vol - untru·y undcnaklng" and, 1hus,created n duty 10pre- serve. If the lnsuroncecornpnny hod not volun· lllll~ 1 f;II teered to keep the vthiclc but hnd insteodngrccd Brenchi s by far the eMlei.lelement or negli­ LO keep 1hevehicle ofter the client requested a gent spollntion10 undcr su111d. The Lhirdpany storoge arrangement.the rcsuh would be the immc. However, thr duty would arise because brcnchcs ii~ duty to preserve ir II duty hn~been cstnhlishcdnnd the lh,rd party c11nnotproduce o( the ugn:emcntrn ther thnn because of 11vol ­ the evidence al is:iuc. untary undertaking The more lnterc:.tingund difficult QUCl>· lion involvesthe third eitcumsu1ncein which II duty 10prcse , ve con nrise when 1•11ttXl)li\'ffi the third puny hns not yet agreed or declined to keep lhc oviucncc,bul sirn­ (j1IIJSI~ ply receives n spcclnc request nccom• ... only Atkh,.1·011nlso tullorsI.he deme nt of ponied by on offer to pny the cost of proximatec11u11e to fu rther protect storage or otherwise bear the burden dcfcndunts 111third-plll'ly negligent ol' preserving U1c evidence.Bcou usc spollntlont:nscs . Obviously, not these eircumstunccs wore 1101 pres• the lOS'S cvur)' piece of ovldenc:.-ctl1 u1 Is Josi cnl In Atkinson, the court (lid not or destJ'Oycdthrough ll 1ea .egU­ discuss ht Lhm cuse tho spcclflcs gcnt UCLof ll thlrd J)fll'tYWatl'lilllS of when such II duty would of '~vital' i n clolm for negligentspo lintion. arise. h op,,enrs 11lm,if 1hc In Atkl,wm, the eoui:theld evidence wos nlrcndyln tho thnl only the losi.of "" third party',; possession e.vidence is evidenceIi, nelionahle . No when it received notice th111 other court in lhe nation the evidence would be pll,ce..~i.uch II protective needed in n - rll.',trlctlonon spohution suit, It would huve ti limit- actionable. clalm~. As a result.the ed duty not Lo d~t1oy the question in Alilbama evidence umll I! could be bccom~ whnt evidence is delivcl'i:(lto 1hcplnintiff 111 hi 6 considered"vilnl ." 00111or until 11nngrcemcnt could In A1ki11.wm,the coun defined be reached. I [owcv: r, rhc coun "vltnlevidence" ns evidence without

Ill/ 1/1/111/1 /\Ill/// 2 03 which the plnimirr cnnno1survive n Nummuryjudgment. 771 ngoinq1th e untlurlying um!cusor. Rnrhorlim n holding the So. 2d ut 435. In olhcr words, if u ~u11un1iryjudgment b third patty liable for dumugei..the court In t\1JJ11.m11crc­ due 10 be entered llccnuscthe ploln1IJTc1mno1 prove one or utcd II rcbmrnblc prcsumplion dc::$igned10 ,afcgunrd more clements of the underlying c11uscor action thut p<>tcn1i11l1hird-party d1:fcndu111~ from ,aoh situn1ions. would have beenprovable with the Josievidence, lhut 11,e rcbut1nblcpresu111p1ion n~Mlltlc.\ thut "the evidence lb ''vital" 10 the plaintlll''!>c laim. f'n1 exnmplc, plnintiIT would have,,rcvniled In the underlying :1 proouc1~ linbilhy clo.imc11nno1 ,urvlvc u :.ummnry uctlon bul ror the lo~s or dcst111c1ionof the evidcuce Judgment without the producl 11llegedtu be dcfeclivc. by the tl11rd-p1111yspo liaror." A1klmo1177 1 So. 2d In the upening hypo1hetlcal, whc111h t: l11~11ru11cu u1435. In the opening hypo1hu1lcnl. lht: following compnny mlstflkeoly destroycJ the vehicle proNumption would nrisc- lhll client would h11vc ullegcd to be defective, the client's rate with successfullylltlgutcd hi~ products li nhilii y tegurd to his potcntlnl clnim n1toinMthe 111111111• clitl111again};t lhe munufocturcrof llu: ullcgcdly facturcr w11~~cnled. Without the opporlunily tlcfcctlve vehicle. In order ror the Lhird-pnrty 111it1'1pcet tbo vcbick, tbc plulmiff's products defcndom 10 ovoid linbllhy, ihe tbird party linbillly claim will not survive n summary m11s1re.bill thi s pre~ump1lo11. In cs~oce. if judgment. See C'upi1alChevroll'I , i n third-puny s1,olimor can \how uny reu• S11wdlt'.\', 614 So. 2d 439 (Alu. 1993). ~on why the plaintiff would not hnve pre­ On the 01hc1hnlld , suppo~c thut Lhc vailed ngoin~tthe undcrlylnl( wn:fe11sor• products lluhllhy cl11in,s raised ln the . . . upon receiving tbe third puny cun rcbu11h c prcsum1l· opening hypothc1ic11lInvolves lbl' lion und therehy uvnid linbili1y. Por defoctlvu dcslg11or the sent bolt In thi.: notice that evidence lnsluncc, if u 1hlrd party discovers vchlclc. Alrhough 1111cxnm inmion or lbllt the SIUllllory ll111i1111lot1!l period the 1es1rui111syMcm whi le 1h111SY/!· in its possess ion hus run on tht: plulntiff's claim tcm 1ss till instullcd m the vehicle ogulrtMIlic underlying c.lcf'endunt i~ bc~t.if the nmmint system was n1ay be used in before the pl11i111Hfguve notice of removed from the vehicle before the pou:ntlnl lillgution 10the it wns dc~rroycd, e.'n or the risk plnintiff', ubility to prevail on the or co111nb111oryncgllp,cn cc. The merits of his clo1m, it does nut uppcur lo basis orthe rcbuttnhlc 1>rcs11111p1ioni~ thnl prc~cnt n cuu~cor nction for negllgo111~r,oliution under the plniniiff 1110,thuw had the posi;ibilityor prevailing ngoinsi Atki11stm. the underlying dcfcnda111 before the 1J1irdparty will he hold In uddlllon. n ~houlclt,c noted 1hrn lhc phtlmiff need not octuul­ llnble for ncgliijcntly destroying evidence. ly hnvc 10 suffer u ~ummury j11dg111e111111 order 1 0 show lhul the spollulcd ovltkncc wns vital. The coun in /\1k/,1.w111d<:lc1 ·mlncd 11\111n showing by the plnintiff that u summnry j11clgme111wou ld hllVl.lbcon pro1,erly entered nbRc nl the mi~slnsevi dence will suf. Us1111lly the th11nogeselement ul u negligent spoli111iMcnsc lice. Jmllclol l\!.~Ourcc1owould be wasted by f'orcin1111plnlnllff lo gives pnu,e 10mo~t court~. At 11rstglnncc, ii M:cmsinherent ly file r11tilelltlgnti on simply 10huve u Judgment entered nsolnsi unfair lO hold n third pony liable for compcnsnturydamages hJm In order 10 be ublc lo pn:serve u Npollutionc luim. cnui,cd by nno1hrr'<1wrongrul co11duclwhen h 1~not cennin whether the plointlfThnd n winning clo11nIII the fin.I pluce. In Mklmrm, the coun expressedthe ba:.ib ror such rcluctnnce ru. III Jlll)EN SOIi.''., follow~: Once the plointifl'llas established u duly, n hreuch 1111dproxi ­ "The upproprimc mcnsure of tlnnmgcsis dffncuh 10 deter­ mnle c1111xcu11d h lls satisfied the u111.Jcdylngthree -port 1e~1. he mine 1nspo li111io11cusc$ because, without the missrng evi­ bu:; cstubll~hcd n primn fnclc caseor nt:gllgunt spoll111lo11of evi­ duncc. the likeli hood or lhc ,,111ln1lf'r'~ p1·cvtllll11g un ll1c dence. 1l owcvcr, it is conccivnblc thm a plulnllfl' could establish 11u:ritNcunnot hu precisely determined," u pl'lmu f'ueleeusc hy showing 1lw nhnvc crlu.:rl11when, for one runson nr unothcr. 1hcplaintrn· could ncvcr p1ev11ll011 the rncrils 771 Sn. 2d lll •116.

204 M A V 2 0 (I I Rccogni1l11g1hm Lhls foct weighs nguln,1the J)lninLiffas well ru.tJ1e defondnm, the coun refused10 do M other srnteshave done nnd tic the plui11tiff'& recoveryto the likelihood or success on the merits. ~cc, e.g.• P('tr/k v. Mn11a~I,P, /111i11KCorf)., SOI N.H.2d 1312, 1320(Ill. 1987). ln~tcnd,the coun reasoned lhnt Thefollowing analysis can be used to quicklyde termine "coun~ hnvc long recognized the need to rcmudy II wrong whethera claimfor negligent spoliation eidsts unda, despitethe fuct Lhulu proper uwurd of d1lt11ng

A 1hird party who ncceptsresponsibility ror vhnl evidence nnd who ~uh~cqucntlylose~ or destroy~ lhnt evidence can be B. Breach held lioblc ror all lhc compensntory dnmnges1h01 would hnvc If theevidence at issuecannot be produced, proceed to C. hccn rccnvct"Cdhy the plaintiffagni11s 1 tho origlnnl tortfcnsor. 1n rccoAnlzlngcuusc of action for spollnllon undur trudiLionul neg­ ligence, tho AlnburnnS upreme Court hus uucrnptcdto provide C. ProximateCause some p1·u1cclk111to p o1c11tlnltJurd -pu.rtydcfondunlli, while ul the WasLhe mi ssingevidence vital to thep laintiff'sc lailn same time J)l'Ovldl111,1u remedy to plulntiffs who huvc lost11 againstthe underlying tortfeasor. i.e .• could the plaintiff viable cuusc of nctlon Lhrougblhe 11cgligc111conduct orll tJiil'd survivesummery Judgment in favor of theunderlying tort­ purty. feasorwithout the missing evidence? However. third panics do 1101hove 10 bear the riRks11,soci11ted with thi, 1or1. To the contrnry, upon receiving 1101iecthnt evi­ If Yes- No spoliationclaim denceIn hs JlOSSCS(ionmny be u,ed in potential or pending liti­ gotion. :1third pnny ha.\the option of refusing to nccept respon- If No-Proceedto D. 11ihili1yfor such evidence.After all, 11uchn prcciou.~commodiLy is best plucedin Lhchand s of the proponentor th e evidence. D. BurdenShifting Ncvc11heles~.u lhii'CIparty Lhotco mmits lo keeping evidence hnd bcucr tnkc u good, hard look Ill Lhe potenLioldumugcs for Canthe third -partydefendant show that the plaintiff which it 111uy be hold uccountublc. tn other words. third1 1nrtlcs wouldnot h avepreva iledaga insttho under lyingtortf easor bhould be preparedto put up, or puy UJ), in light of A1kli,.vo11.• evenwith the missing evidence? If Yes-No spoliationclaim If No-Proceedto E

Brian W. Warwick E. Damages e,,..,w Wilrw,ckp!DCIICU wllh Wolltr Iii lop,ff . The elements of third-partynegligent spoliation have ll c ill B1rm1nolillmItor11CtM1d hl1U OA ,,om lht tolleg1 of So1111f/1111,11, h11 M QII from&lmfnrd Univa,my , ni,dhi• beenestab lishedand the third-party defendant sha ll be J 0. fromCumb1Hlnnd School of Law. ro!low,nouroduotlon . liablef or all compensatorydamages that the pla lntff1 h!!MMld 81 IOW cloril 10 1110 I to1101Abl1 Ctmmp Lyon1. Jr of thoSuprnma Coun of /llnbnmn, would haverecovered against the underlying tonfeasor If successfulon Iha merits .

-- -- I If I I I I /I I I/ I I I II I I H 20 6 • Mnrk J>wyer McKnight, whose whercnboul!Iore 11nlmow11, must ru1sworIlic Alnbnmn Stale Bor'~ formul dlRciplinnry charges within 28 d11ys of Murch 15. 200 I. or. 1hc1~tlf1cr,the clltll'l:l¢11contn ln!:ld therein sh11U be deemed ndmittcd nnd nppropriu1cdi soiplinos hhll bu imposed ag11ins1him 111ASB nos. 00-23(A), 00-24(A) nnd ()0.221(A) before the Disci1)1in0tyB owd of the Alnbnmn$11110 Bnr .

Reinstatements Disability Inactive

• Brfec1ive November 17, 2000, nuorney AUic Vincent • Mobile ntLomcy (;corRc Guy Hnycs wns lrnnsfem:t.l Clovncco of Birmingham, wns suspended from tho to t.lisubilllyi nactive stnt:useffective Macch I. 200 l. pmctice of lnw in the S1111eorAl nbnmn for noncom• by order of the Oiscipllnnry Board of the Alabamn pliance with tile l999 Mondn1ory Continuing Legnl SrmeB nr. (Rulo 27: AS8 Pet. No. 01-021 Educotion requirement$ of the Alabamu State Bur. On 11cbrunry 6, 200 I, Ciovncco C,tme Into compll­ uncc with the MCL B rules nnd was relostutt d lo tho pructicc ol' luw in the S1n1c of Alnbauna, !CLE No. 00-43] Disbarments

• 1110 DisciplinaryBuard . PtmclV, upon heruin; the petition for rein u11crnc11t of Blnnlnghwn lawyer • On Match 9, 200 I the Alabama Supreme Court Robert Wllll nm Gmhom, ordered111111 Graham be entered an order based upon 1.he Jonunry30, 2001 reinstated to the praclico of ltlWIn tho Suueof decision of the Disciplinary Board, Panel V. wherein Alobnmn. (Ornhom was

206 MAY 2 Oli I orher csrntc thot 1\1ckcrhnd wrlth,n the procticeof lnw in Lhl! S1111cof checks for his por;onul use in excess or Alnhnmn,e ffec1ive Noven1her22, 2000. ALABAMA LAWVER $ 134,SOOfrom the client's checking Burrell wns servedwi th disclplinary account. On July 2. 1996 11hcnrlng w11, charges on Oecembcr27, 1999,Md held in Clark Cou111yCircuit Court on upon his faUurcto answer or otherwise Assistance Chll'lJ.CSbl' OUgh1ugoi nM 'l\lckcr IISll plcud to the ch,uges. e motion for rc~ull of his thcll from hi tHcnt ilntl defoull judgment wru.CiJc:tl by the bur Program her e:,t.'UC, Ourina the course of the on Febniary17. 2000 . TI1c motlon for he-ruingon July 2, 1996. coun~cl for defnult wnsgron tcd by order of the 1\1ckerndviscd thm ·nu:kcr wiRhcd10 choir orDisciplinary Board, PMcl II. Areyou w atchingsomeone you rcpoy tJ1c hcin ort he e~tnle In nn elTon cnrc:redo n March 2, 2000. An order set• careabo ut self-destructing to 1,vold unothcrcrimlnnl trlnl. Between tfog the dnte and pinceof hearing fo1 becauseof alcoholor drugs? July 2. 1996 nnd July 16. 1996, November 14, 2000 \\IIS scm l(I Bnrrcn 1\1ckcr's nuomcy 1.'<>n111c11:tl1hc hwcMl­ on October I0, 20<>0, 1-lowcvcr, Bnrrcu Arethey tell ingyou th ey glltor of 1J1c Alnh11n10Alt did not appear at the hearini;.· me haveit undercontrol? Gcncml'~o ffice 1111d ndviscd 1h111c, sc i• Discipllnury Board proceededto tlcmc-"Ih 11dbeen rcnchcd hc1wccnth e receiveevl dcnot: w1d rundcrJudgment. Theydon't. hcirli of Iha cslnlc mul 'T'11ckcr. As n tlo.rreu was found guilty by tbc c11lJ')'of result, the AllorncyOc ncrnl's ofli co dcfouhfor repentedvlo li11lo11$ or rule~ Areth ey tellingyou they closed 1J1cir 111c ug11ins1· 'l\1ckcr. On 8.4(b), 8.4(c) noel8.4(g) fmlsconductl, can handle it? December 9, 1998, counsel fol' lhc heirs 1111dth e specifi cations of Count I of tbe'~ cslntc udvlscd Lhc bur 111111 Include 1111111)' item~ nlqo sopnr•111clyso l Theycan 't. he wus unnwurc of uny scltlomcnt holns out In Rulo 1.15 [snfekcepinti of pmpcr­ Maybe they'retelling you reached betweenth e heirs of 1hc cstntc Ly of' othersI , of lhc Rules of nnd 'l\ 1ckor. 1\1cke1wus servedwith Profcssionll.lCo nduct. Bumm hns lcfl it's none of yourbusi ness. chnrgcs on Docc111bcrI 0, 1999 for vio the Stme of Alubnmaand now resides It is. lntions of rules l.15(n), R.4(11),8.4(b), In TC1im:sseu..whero he h1L~flied hunk­ 8.4(c), and 8.4(g) of the A labomn Rules ruptcy proceedings.tJ1e effectw of hich Peopleen trenchedin alcohol of Profcs~ionalConduc t. 1m1ybe 10 thwnn the righ~ of his or drugde pendenciescan' t see In AS8 No. 97,323(A). Tucker wn~ clients ng:iins1 him. Prior discipline w1111 whatit ls doingto their lives. hired in August 1992 lo reprCM:m lhc con~idcrcd.n.nd the evidence cstab complalnun1 with II divorce mn11crnnd llshcd that Barrcu engagedin n dallbcr• Youcan. ~he, cnt him u chi;ck in the umounl ol ute, ncealed schemehy $127. 111M o.n:h 1993, the cu111pluimm1 which, over a period of month~. large Don'tbe partof theirdelusion . wro1eTu cker srnhng that ho hlld nut i.umi. of money-as much ns $40(),000 been in iouch with her 1101 n:1um1:d her or mori.'-belonging to clicnL~were Be part of the solution. calls and to "speed u1>''her div(1rcc. On mlsupproprlntcdeither in the form of Forevery ono person w ithalcoholism , August 19. 1993. lcaul ~crvJccso f the expendituresfor the U$C of 13tUTellur Stoic Depnatn1e11tor Mcntnl I lc11l1h his lnw lirn1. or cash. Barrett di6ploycd at least fiveother ll vesare nega 1lvely wrote l\i cker on behalf of the com­ n panemof misconductand multiple atloctodby tho problemdrin king. Tho plninunt. 'J"uckerdid not rc~pond to offenses;Ol ed n false sworn affidt1vlt AhibamaLawy erAssistance Program either of' Lhcsc letters. 1'uckur took no Intendedm mislead ond ohstnict the Isovollob le to helpmembers of th e acalo11 In the co1111,l11lr1011t's divorce. bar's investigationn nd process: refused I profosslonwho s ufforfrom a lco· 1\1ckcr wus burvcd wlll 1c lmrges on July 10 ncknowlcdgc the wrongful nntnrcof toga I 6, 1999 lor vloh11lo11s orrul es 1.3, hlx conduct, but sought f'alsu cvidcm:c hol ordrug dependencies . Information I .4(n) 011d8.4(g) u r 1hc AlnhumoRul es lt) uonccal tuidJustify 11: preyed on the anrlassis tanceIs alsoevellab le for ihe of' Profcssionnl Conclucl. v11l11erubill1yof hi s vic1im,bei ng u spouses,famlly mombors end orflce Tucker wns prcvlonsly disbnn·ecl smllll compml)' which relied upon steff orsuch mombors Al.AP Is oom· effective Mnrl.lh 21!, 1996 bused upon Btureu; Mel showed ludiffcrence to bis plcu ugrccmcnl, pursuant to Ruic mnking restitution.but took octivcsteps minedto de velopinga ure11ter11ware· 23(n)(2). of the Aluhumn Rules (l( t0 conce(ll ossccsnnd ovoid rc.~111u1lo11. nessend understanding orthis Illness Dlsclpllnuty Procedure. Tucker\ prior IASB No. 99-312 (A)I withinthe legal profession . If youor discipline wn:, nho II considcnuion In somoonoyou know needs help call 1hi\ rnnuer. JennnoMnrio Leslie (ALAP dl•octorl at • I luntsvillc uuomcy Cttrl llr AJun Robinson surrenderedhli. lict11se10 (334)834 ·7576(o confidential d1roct • The AlnbnmnSupreme Coun 11Jlinncd pmctice law ,tnd consented LOtlbbur ­ llnelor 24·hourpage at (3341395-0807 on order ol 1hcOisclpllnnry Bonrd, meni In the Stmeo f Alnbonn1. In so All callsar1:1 confidrintial Puncl II, disbnrringformer l:!irminghnm doing, Robinson acknowledged 1hnt anorncy Denni s Mk hucl Dnn'\'tl from the consent to disbam1en1nnd surrcn

/Ill 1/1/111/1 / 1 111/H 207 dcr of' his llc:cnseWlls mu missed (or fntlurcto pro~ccute. 'Ili c violmion of Rule 8. 1(b), Alubnulll nvold further proscci.,tloui11 the nbovc clicmLb1lbsequenUy sued McClcndonfor Rulc.1of Profes~lonnl Conduct. IRule rcrercnecdmn11crs. which Involvenllc molprncdccand obtnincd 11si1.:.1blc judg­ 20{n), ASB Pct. No. 01 02] gatlons thni he willfully neglected m\'nl. McClenrob0tlon Incorrect. The clicnc cvcmuully n:tnlm:d coun enteredthe order bn~d upon the ru; ordered by the Di!l<:iplinuryBc,ard . rhc services of differentcoumcl lo decision or Pnncl I of the Disciplinary 'l11e b isclpllnuryB onrd of the tL~i~t her in her bankn,ptcy. Uponter ­ Soun.I. ln udditlon to the suspcn..~iou, Al11b111naStme Bur ordered thm the minolinglhc!.! client Morgno receivedtwo public repri­ disbonnent be effective February S, rcquc~tcd tllllt McClcndon return hl'r mund~with gencrul publication und 2001. !Ruic 20(u), Pet. 99-07: ASB Ille, but he did not honor thnt 1cq11eM. two public rcprhnandswithout ge.nerol nos. 01 03(A). 00-122(A), 99-245(A), Busedupon McCJcndon'b fnilun: to publication. and wns ordered to make 99-255(/\), 99•256(A), 99•285(A), 1u1d comply with the 1tm1sund conditlonR restitution 10 vnrlousc l11J1HS 111ihe towl 99-286(A)I of probutlon, the Disclplinury 13onrd amountof $12.000. •n,cs uspension revoked hh, prohntionund ordered tJm1 nnd ro11rim11nclswere the result of for­ the 91-duy suspensionbe placed into mal chargeshrought ngnl1111t Morgnn on effect iminciliutcly, IASU nm,. 98-09(A) tho basis of nine differentdl1,clpllnary Suspensions nnd 99~193(A)I compluint:.. All the c11sosinvolved n slmilut puucrn or co11duo1on the pnn of Morgun of ucccpclngcnt ploymenl • On Febnmry 9. 200 l. the DiM:iplinary • Birmingham attorney l.nmn r Fnmcll fromII client, failing or rcrusing to pro· Bomtl orthe A lohnn111Slfite Bor, Puncl 11nm, ITI was inlcnmly /lll~pcntlcd vide ony legal services to the client, V, orderedthnt Bessemern uomey frorn the practiceol lnw in lhc Stmc of foiling or rcf11si11gto com 11111nie-01e Kkhnrd l,ntTy McClendon be 8US· A lobumupun.uunl 1 0 Rule 20(u), with 1hcc lient, nnclfoiling or refusing pendedrrom lh c pmc1lcc of h1wi111hc A lub1111111Rules of Dlsciplinury to communlcntc with the AlnbnmA Su11u orAlnbrimn for a f)t1011~ n:gordl11~ Alnbamu pursuantto Ruic W(a). reflects on hi~ fiu1e.11S10 pn1c1ice low. the involvcmrm of 1\nothernltomey nnd AlubrurtoRules or Oi.scipllnary rASB no,. 97 '300(A), 97•135(A),98· the n:fclT!IIof the matter10 McClcndon, ,,rocedurc, by order of tht' l)isclplinnry 060(A). 97-159(A),98-032(1\) . 98• there wns cv1dcncc1hn1 McCh:md on WM Co111missio1iof tlicA lt1br11110Stutc Bur 230(A). 98-058(A).98-076(A). nnd 97. the nuomcy for the client and responsi· effectiveMor ch 5 200 I. The orderof 238(A)J. blu for her cnM:.Aflar bclng re111incd, the DiRciplinnryCo n1111lsslo11wus McClcndon did UtUcor 11c1work 1111d based on n pctit ion Ii led by I he Office fnlh:d10 con1t11u11lcutcwith the client of ()e-nerel Counsel evidQnclng thnt • The AlabamaSupreme Co urt 11dopted rognriJlngh er case.The communlcutlon:. l::Jridgemunhnd knowinijl,Yfnllecl l o 1111ord1Jr of the OisclpllnnryB ourtl. 1hu1he did have with lhc cllcm were respond to repented rcquc~tsfor lnfor­ Panel V, suspcndl11g Montgomery attor­ misleading. P,vemuolly,the Clisewn~ dl ii- mution from u dls.:iplinu1·ynuLhorily in ney Kenneth 'l\1lvln HemphlJIfrom

208 M A Y l () 0 I 1hcpmc1icc or lnw in 1hcStou: of • 011October 23, 2000, 1hcDiscipllnn,·y however.occording 10 1hc c l11imsman ­ Alnbomneffcc1ive Pebninry 18,200 I Boordof 1he AlnbomaScmc Bur ncccpt­ oger.Scllcrn hud nol comnctcd Alfn. for a period of oneycnr. Hemphill ed Curl Brundon Scllcrs's plen ln two In ASl3 No. 00-059(A).Sellers was enteredn guilty pica to viol111lni;rules pendingdisciplinary matters. Sellers hired to rer,rc.~cntII clie nt in u dlvorce. I, I S(n) 1.mdI . IS(b) of the A.R.P.C. receivedn 91-dnysuspension, 10 be held ·meclicm t paid Scllcr~11 $700 1111or­ Isafekeeping propeny J . Hen1phillrepre­ h1ubeyunoe for u two-year probationary ncy\ fee. Sellersnever med u illvorce sentedun estute In connection with 11 period. Condltioni.of th.isprobation nclionfor chcclie nt und mi~rcprcsemed limbersule ondreceived su le proceed~ denuu1dcoinpllr mce with cennin this fact w him for nlrnos11wo ycnrs. or S220.500.which he dcpo~itedinto requ1remenrnset fo, me Anor 1heclient loltnlcdof Sellers'sfail­ hi11tn1~1 accoun1 tm Novcmhc.,rI 0, Alnb:unn f.jlwyersAs,istam:c Progrom , ure m lite 1hcdivon:c, he filed 11 hnr 1998. From November10 until nntl1hc imposition oflhis public rcpri­ complnlnt. Scller5foiled to re.~pondto November30. 19981-l emphill drew a mnndwith gcncmlpublicnrlon. I n ASl3 rcc1uc.~tsfor infonnntion from the bar seriesof checks or 01hcrdcbiL, nguin~I No. ?9-140{A),Alfa ln.~umncc ubout lhc m1111er.On Junuory26, 200 I, lhc 1rustoccoun1 tornlins in excess of Companyhired SellcN to hundlc scvcrul SellersWIL~ given II publicreprimand $45,089,none of which were lor limber 1mbrog11t1ontlnims. During lhe period wim gcncntlpublicmion for violnllonor sulc expenses, heir dis1rlbu1ionsor rrom l 997 to 1999, the All'ti subrogution rules I .'.l. I .4(n)n11d 8.1 (b). of lh~ Rules nuorncyfees. 011 Occcrnbcr .30, 1998 cllllmsruw1uger wrote ScUerS numerou s of Prol'csslonul Co11d11c1.N1>prlor discl­ Hemphill issuedc hecks in p1111luldls trl• lcners requcsllngstatus updmc s on the pllne wns Involvedor consiclcc'Cd. IASfl buiion 10 some of 1hc hells. After being variouscases referred 10 him . Sellers did nos.99- 140(A) tllldASB 00-59(A)J conwctcdby nn nllorncy rcgnrdlngtho not 1-e:11:iond lo these lettersor otherwise issunncc of rhc rcmninins heirs' por• com1111111icntc wirh Alr11. Alf;i 11en1n let • • f.!1lco1ivc Novemberl 5, 2000, nuomey lions, Hemphill issuedlive checks but 1orof complnint to tho bnr. A copy of' MnrJ.lUl'Cl lll'lun' I~orencc only deliveredfour. I n Fehrunry1999 , the complninl lellcr w11ssenc 10 Sellen. 1111shccn suspi:ndcc.Jf'rom lhe practiceof l11es11111e u1mrney con1nc1ed I l emphlll on April 20, 1999, with u rcquc,~1 for n lnw in 1h11Suite of Alobumnfor non­ ugaln tlnd I lcmphill hnnd-delivcrud u response.Sellers did not respond until complluncc wll11the 1999 Mandotory check 10thu1 hei1 1hc ~nnle tluy . August 9, 1999. SellersStu tcd 1h01he Con1lnulngLugul &lucncionrec.iulre­ hud since beenin touch wll11Alfa abou1 mcn1sof 1hc AlnbnmoState Bar . fCLB the 111111terscontnl11ed in 1hc co111ploin1, No. 00-40)

S".rne ancl a.9a J'n, lhe /eaders i/J ded./calion anc/ i ce.

ce)iih more than half a c1:ntury under

our heh,you coulcl'Ill)' w,·know all 1hcreis to know aho111mk l11~111,111rc. llm It'~ 1101j111L about k11owing011r

business. I1 's abom k11owi11gour dlcnt.~and 1•arnin11their trust.Our lawyer~h avedone just t lrnL.l ly havingt lw cxp<'rlcncca11<1 lnsighl Lo J)l'OVicJCVital lllldC 1WI iUIII( SOl lltitlnS. We'rermctl 1lw1111mb cr ont· titleinsurance romp:111yin Mi~si( sipplmid Alnbama, receiving "unsurp:medfina11dal swbility" r.ilings. Tiumk C.f/ lt '74!,1 1<1111\l,il\ 111 I ,in,, \la11hr"' 1,..,,.\1111lm , llmhhR.,,.,.,11 you for puttingyour f,tilhin u5.

: MISSll,$1Pl'IVALl,l~V 'l'l 'IU: ',, , ,' !NSUltANCI~ COMPANY r.:1. •r .. }/., , "

Ill/ · I/ 1/11111 / \Ill/ · // 209 Public Reprimands of nnothcr, nnd for engaging In con• Al the clinic, she was lirst exumioed duct prejudicial to the odministrotion by II doctor and then referred 10 a chi• • On Murch 2, 200 I Montgomery ottor• of Jwake. violations of mies 1.3, ropr0ctur. The chiropmctorreferred her uey l)uvid Mnrtin Folmar received n 1.4(11),3 .3(u)( I). 4.1(11) • .S.3(b). und 10 Fleming 111 l'hc Mobile Lnw Center public reprimand withom general pub• 8.4(11)un d (d). rc,puctlvely. Amos met for possible legut rcprcsc,itntion. After llenLlon. Polrnurnnd an indMdual with a client01 un inltlul conforcncc con~ulting with Fleming, she nnd her named Mike Warren founded 1111 regarding a divorce mhltt:r. She did father chose not 10 pum1clegttl uction. Investment co111pr111y culled lTMW, not meet with the client 111 11.ny tii nc Luter, they lcurnccl lhnl their insUfllocc lrwes1men1s. I.LC (I CMW). Wu11'C11 thereafter. The chont nnd her husb1111d company hod no connoe1ion with was rendered (>(traplcglc in on nutorno• were left to consult only wl t·h 110 11• Clinic Scheduling of New Orleans, bile uccidenl He reccivcclo. ve ry lurgo luwycr staff regarding their divorce. Dnupl1lu llualtb Clinic or rleming. settlement from a trucking compnny 1-\11)0S delayed filing the divorce for Based upon th!~lnfonnation. u griev­ 1111dhe used part orh is s1?1tlcmcn1to more lhuu five mon1.hs und did not once wns tiled with the AlubnmnSli1te fund the company. Folmar's mlc was respond to Lhc client's nurnerou~ Bur. to monngc Ilic company and seek out n11cmpts 10 ob1ni11lnronnotion rcgurd­ During the bnr\ i11vcstigt1tlon. investment opportunities. Pmtits were ina the Rt:1rnsof tl1c matter during the Fleming ndmi1111dconi.ulling with the to be split cquolty. On or 11bou1 course of the rep1escn1111io11. The young rcmok nnd her rn1her.Fleming Jnnullry 2. 1997,F'olmar sold some client wns finally able to tnlk to Amos nlso acknowledged thn1he knew tltc property thnt wns owned Jointly by uhoul the:s tatus of her divorce nlier doctors at Dauphin llcalth Clin ic nnd him t1ndh is wi le 10 HMW. for she contncted the bur nud thren1e11oll lhut, Ost UCCUNIOII.lhoy rCCQllllllOndod $ 155,000. Folmar prepared n deed, to filu a grlcvancl.l Ul;lflinsl A mos. At clients Lo him. f lowcvcr, Fleming did slgnud It nnd forged the signmul'e of 1hr1t 1line, Amos udvlscd the client th111 nol nddress whether or 1101 the cusc Joyc1.1I li lt ui; notary on both the deed the dlvorce hnd been f11cdwhen, in wns u r·efcrs•ol from l)auphln I lcnlth and u mortgage. Luter, Folmar nncl hi11 foci, it had not 011dwus not filed for Clinic nnd denied nny rel111ionship wife Hold their property at Lake Mortin nnother month. When the divorce wns wit h Clinic Scheduling of New directly to I IMW. Polmur ugaln prc­ linnlly filed, the cllem's signature un Orleans. Fleming nlRodenied thOIhe pnred the documents,forged bis wire's the testimony nled in support of the horl ever solicited hu~inc,s fro,n sign111urcand that of Joyce I IIIJos complaint for divorce wa~ nornrlrcd Dauphin I lculth Clinic or Clinic notnry. None of the above documunts nnd elatedJ :munl) 5, 2000. even Scheduling of New Orleans nnd were recorded by Folmar, 1n Polmor's U1ougbthe client hnd ~ianed it in June denied 1ht11he wns Involved in nny response10 the cornph1im liled ugaJnst 1999. soliclu11ionsc heme with Dauphin him by nn nuorney lor Warren, Polmur ll ealth Clinic or Cli nic Scheduling of Slfllcd thnt ho cle111l witl1 these legnl New Orlcnns. documents ns he did because he was • Mol>ilu lawyer Tlmolhy Wuync In his roi;ponsc to tho SllCOnd grfov. "rcp lnclng" originals which had been Flemlni:treceived n public rcprimnnd nncc, Plcming denied persormlly solic­ lo~t by Worte11. Wurren has denied ever wil hou, general publicotlon for iting pm$pcCtivcclient~ ond denied having thc111In his poi;sc:ssiun. improper ~oticitntion of prospective havins agent~or employees solicit The OlsclplinoryCo mmi.\sion elic:nts.a violntior of rules 7.3(n), client.~.He cxploinc:d1 h111when he accepted f'ohnnr·~ cor1ditionnl gullly 8.1(b) nnd 8.4(n},A labnmn Rules or wcnc to work for The Mobile Law pica for violmlon of Rule 8.4(g) of tbc l>roressionolConducL Both Cll'

2 10 MAY 2 0 0 I • Alhcnvillc uuonicy Roger Dnlc Integrityobtained n judamcnl in the Centers receivedn public reprimand umouo1or $34,370.82. (ASB No. 00· whht.lutgeneral public11tio11. Ce111ers 20(/\)J . wus hundlins n oriminnl nppcnl fro111 the Circuit Court of MnrRhRIICo unty. 011Nov llmbcr 3, 1999 Centers tiled u • On November22. 2000. the Alabamu "no merit'' brier. Ou Februury4, 2(){l0, Supreme Court Arftr111c<1on order or the Alnbn,un Court of Crhninul 1hcDisciplinary Board im1}0si11go Ap()Clllsmdcn.:d Centers 10 meII sup· public rcprimnnd with gcncrnl publico• plemcntnlbrief oddrcsslng certain lion on MobUoullomcy l~rncst issues. The court gave CcnterH 14 days Eugene Warbursl On Murch 2, 2001, to nlc the supplcmcnrnl hricf. Cont.cts Wnrhurst received the reprimund. On did nc,tlilt u brief w1thln the time April I0, 1997, Ms. Dclphlu o,'crccn1 Centers on Februury25, 2000 he stnt­ contingent rec comrnct with Mobile cd 1h111hi8 brier would be 111cdwithin nnomcy Ronnld Herrington In co1111cc­ one week. However, no hrlcf was filed. tion with n c;eriousa111omobilc ncci • On Mnrch 13, 2000 the cowt of crlml­ dent. Approxlmnt.cly two days Inter, nul uppcnls rcm(111dedthe cn~e 10the Wurh11rst and his partner went to sec 7 1 circuit court nnd directed thlll Ccnte1•s Ms. W11shi11gto11tu c.lhcuss her cnsc. 111lN'll~I): be rumovcd n11nppc llutc coun~cl. nnd AltJ1ough Ms. Wusllinglontold dls11llow hi:. fee~and expenses. After W11t'11lll'S1 1h111she hull ulrcndy retnincd Historic being notified oJ'lhc complr1in1from 1111nllOtncy, tu ::eicp lnlncd hill e>.pcri­ Baldwin County the court. CcnLcrsJuilcd tn ~ubmit n cncc wiih nuto accident cases tind rcspon~eto the b.u'. On Junuury26, urged her 10 give more tho111iht10 Court Information 2001, the DisclpUnuryCommission whom she wanted 10 rcpre~cnther In issued n public rcpri1111111dwithout gen­ her cose. On April 15, 1997, Ms. In recognition of the 190th crnl p11hlicatiou, for vlolmlon of rules Wushington siw:iodu 25 percent con• anniven;aryof Baldwin 1.3 und 8. I (b) of the Rules of 1l11gcnl!'cc co 11tn10Lwilh W111'11urn1, and Cou11ly's first superior court Prof'cssionnl Conduct. No pl'ior disci· he nottncd Herrington thnt Ms. lem1 on March 4. 1811, a pUoewr1s involved or conslclered. Woshinglonbud termh,utcd hb servic­ IASB No. 00-064(A)J C!), The next dny Ms. Wubhlngtontold revised local cout1hi stot)' con­ Wurh11rs11h01 she wanted llcrrington taining runny court stories wirt to reprC!ycd I hirrlng1011 's ship fund for chiJclrenwhose coun-nppoint.cdi ndigent dcfen e fee fonncr secretary. Wurhurstfiled u sex· dcclamtion to integrity Copirnl, Inc. uni hurusMn<:nt.i.uil on behull of thi1, parent or parents have oocndi s­ Integrity purchases fee declnmtions scc:rcturyugaillbt I lcnfogton. While abled or killed in an on-the-job from cou11-nppointcdnlLOrnoys nt 11 both 1111111erswere pending, Warhurst accident, or Lo help pmvidc discount. 'rhis ulluws the cou11- tried 10 hnvi,th e bnr comr,luint with· legal se, o the indigent in nppolntt1cJnuorney to be puid lmmedi­ cJrownby Herrington In rc111rnfor u ntely for his services. In cxcho11ge. lhe dismissal or~he scxun l hnrnssmcnt this lllil tc. court-appointetl111101 ricy 11~sig11sthe sulL I lcrrington roruscdtwo scpunue Sand copiesof any cm111- voucher 10In1 egr1y nnd ngfe~ 10 ovcrtun:s 10do this. 'Ilic ~cxunl homss­ rclntcd photographs, historical deliver the total :unountreceived from mcnt case wus ult.imotcly di~misscdfor notes or funny local cour1s to· the ~tnlccomptroller 10 l111cgrity. fntlurc 10 nmkc discovery und 11f1cr lnh:grlty purchasedthe foe dcclomtion W111hurst und hl8 pw'lnerwithdrew ries to Maura Dismuke,7 I 33 for 80 percent of its vulm· or $22,400. froii, 1hc cu8e. Sw,,e Drive, Daphne 36526or 'l'l1rbervllleossig ned tJ1c voucher to The Disciplinary Co111111issio11f'ound e•mttil lhl)m to Integrity !Indugrecd lo deliver the Wurhu!'llt'~actions conMl1111ed n vlo lo­ [email protected]. check to Integrity (IShOOll (IS ii WIIS lion of rule.~7 .3(n) [direct contoct wilh received from I.hes101e comptroller . prospectiveclienL~ I nnd 8.4(d) Imis ­ /\II items needto be received However, when Turhervlllc received conduct) of lhc AlobnmuRules or on or beforeJ uly I. 200I lo be the check, he cashed11 . Integrity was Profei.slonul Condm:t. No prior disci­ included in the book. rorccd to file a civil nction ng!lins1 pl lne wus Involvedor considered. 'l\ 1rbcrville to recover tho nmuunt due. LAS13Nus . 97- ! 88(A) & 97•262(A)j.

- I II I I I I /I ,\ II I I I II I /· I( 2 11 Rotes: Members: Twofree ll stlnos of 50word s or lessper bar member per ca lendaryoar EXCEPT tor "positionwantod" or "position orrare: $35p erl nse,tlon of 50 words or loos.$ .50per additional word . Classifiedcopy and payment must be receivedaccording to thefollowing publishing ~chedula : May2001 issue-doadline Mar ch 15, 2001: July 2001 lssutJ-.desdli11sMay 5,2001 . Nodead line extensionswi ll bemade . S!lndclossif iod copyond payment. pay ableto ThoAIQbama Lawyer. to: Al{)bamaLawye, ClassH,orts, c/oShannon Elllou, P.O . Box4156, Montgom ery,A labama36101 .

Services po1od10 lllustrmo his opinions . Ovor42 yuots ' ungi11aoringexpo · rioncoRoo lstorodproloss lonolonginoo, and lull ACTAR ourtUico , • SECURITIESAND TRUST INVESTMENT EXPERT! Twcnty ·flvo 110n, ContactJohn T Botos.P.C To lHroe1800) 299·5950 . veara· investmentexperionco. Former vlce -presidoni/porrlollo manager.Chese M anhattan.SunTrust Banks. United Jersey Banks. Charteredfinancia l analyst. C11m/nude , WhArtonSr.hnol, • INSURANCE EXPERTWITNES S: roo,only oxportwltflOSS Universityof Pennsylvania. B.S. Economics.Dua l major, oconom­ Twentyyear s· oxpe1loncoIn uskmonooomont lnsu,once consult · lcs/llnance. RegisteredInvestment advisor . StevenStern, CFI\ ing Pre-filingevah1fl tlon.deposmon and 1 11111, Polleycovoraae. P.O. Box310157, Miam i, Florida,33231 Call (305) 374-8493 captives.excess. cfeductiblo s. self Insurance.aoency operations . (volco), (305)37 4-8494 (lox) , or O•mall: Sturnlnvos( dlrec1writers, property losR rrepa retlon Menter S,R,M.C. ContactDouglas F. Millar,Employers' Risk Ma,agemont . Phone (205}895-000Z. Birmingham orWATS (800} 462 -5602. • DOCUMENTEXAMINER : Examinationof questioned docu ­ ments. Certifiedlorenaio handwr itingand document ax~mlner , Thirty-fouryearn ' experiencein all foren sicdocument problems , • HIGHWAYSAFETY ANO TRAFFIC ENGINEERING : Highway formorly.chiuf quostio111td docurnanl analysl, US .A Criminal saloty Md troHicer1gi11eer ingin theroadway environment, con ­ lnvustigatlon Loburatorlos. Oiplomatll(curtlflod) -ABFOE. Member: struct,onwo,k LOilOS , roodwoyhoLords, 1uQdsldo huia rds, RR ASOD[.IAI , SADrE;NA COLRosumo ond roo schodu lo upon orodocrossings . trofllccontrols. hlohwoy onolnoorlng sofoty roquostI lans M ayerGldlo11, 21U Morryrnor n Drlvo. Augusto. standard$,accident reconstruction , driverreactions and oxoocta · Goorol11. 30907Phono (7061860 -4267. UonsGE Lohr, PF. , Box12339, Charleston, South carollno, 29422 · ?339 Phone(043) 795 -721R. F-mall: loh19({Pmsn,cnm. • ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTIONEXPERTS : drainage, structural. mochonlcol,roofing , oloculcol. processchoniicar. EJFS(& , mold • FORENSICDOCUMENT EXA MINATIONS: Sovemeenyonrs' ond mlldow. I IVAC. lot rosldonUolhousing, lndustrio l ondo lior111cot f11re11slcdocumQnt examinations; 27years' total forensic oxperienco . racllllles. plpollncs. conwcssorstations. com 111orclol bulldlngs, ond Retiredsonior documents examiner and disciplire cOQrd lnlllOr, portstrncturos . Provldoexpert consiruction clolms and dispute AlabamaOepanment orForensic Sciences. Member, Duastioned analysis. Providecomrutar An imationof struclllralbehavior undor DocumentSoohoo-A mericanAcademy of Forensic Sciences; loads. Experiencedtestifying oxp ertswith llconsesan(f creden­ Southoasrnrn Afsoclotionof ~o,ensi c Oocumonll:xamlners: tials. Companyengineering and contractor licenses in Alabama ~outllornAssoclotlon olI ow11sic Sclontlsts, Alubo111u Stato

andLouisiana . ContactHal K . Cain, Mobile. Phone(334) 661 -2605. Assoclmlo11of Forons,c Sclcncos (post prosldo 1111• Co1110GtRlthmd A. l:,rnall: hkcuiM1'ilkcoin.cotr1. Wobsite : Roper.Ph. D.. 7956Vaughn Road , 1141, Montgomery36116. Phono (334)260-2552 . Fax(3341260 ·7929. F·rnall, [email protected], • TRAFFICACC IDENTRECONSTRUCTIONIST : FvAIIIAliOnof highwaydesign . This engineerhas reconstructedover 3,000 acc1 • REGISTEREDFORESTER : Forty·oneyear s' e~perlenceIn pri · dentsIn 20 stateson hiohways, streets, railroads and highway vale, Industrial and federalfnrest management ~nd prnct1ces . consuuctlonLOnos Involving trucks. vans. ems, pedestrians, and SpecializingIn timber trespass eva lua1lonsand acquisi tion formlmplomoms . Computerunlmotiun and CAD drawing s pro appraisals. ElwynA Spence.Anniston Phone 1256) 237 -4309.

212 MAY 2001 • HANDWRmNGEXP ERT/FORENSIC DOCU­ Positions Offered MENTEXAMINER ; ABFOEcort1hudFomwrly • ATTORNEYP OSITION: Growing1nau1nnco Chlol.Ouostionod Oowmonta 01vts lon, U.S tvmy dofonsohrm see ks licensedllllornoy, with ono Crlmlnullnvas1lga1ion Lobor0101y . A1noilcofl lo hvoyoars' a xparlenca; £endreswnAR In O(lnri· Soclotyof QuestionedDocument [xuml no,s. l)o You I-lave uonco101 llrl ngPa rtner,Austill. Lowis & Simms. AmericanAcarlarny of ForanslcSclo noosCivi l and PC., 2204Lukoshoru Drivu Suito 215. nrlmlnolcases accepted Farrell Sh1vor , Sh1vor& !\ifore Work Birmingham. 35209. NolsooDocument lnVl!Sligation tobaraU>ry . 1903 LilocR1dgo Orrt'G , Woodstock.Go01gia , 30189 'l'han 'l'imc'! • ATTORNEYPO SITION: Altomoy noodod for Phooo(II0) 517 600l ns1ablishodmid-sized dOVv111own B1rmlnohom • CONSULTING ENGINEER/EXPERTWI T· low firmAllornay m~$1 hava 5Cvon 10 10n If you don't have NESS: Prriro~sionolong11mar with ?4 voa,s' of yoors'oxporlonoe Ine mployrnanl/laborl awand the tin1e Industrial,cons truction,sore1y, 111achlr10 1y. pulp ustabllshodproo tlea. Excellent banefllsanrl necessary to andpnpor experience . Industrial nco,denrs. lo11g-1nrmcareur opporrumly All ropllosw ill be tcop1str1clly confldonllal ln1eros1od altornoys research your OSHA. buildingcodin. au 1omoblleaccidents. oppon ent 's pioduttlfnbllhy. and doronso Roboll Tolbert. muyapply by s011d lnga rusumu10 Human PCPtio1101205) 8569922 Rnsou,cos011cc10, . PO 80I:1 Dl>81, arguments or writ e B1rmmgtmm. 35202 • STATISTICS, DATAANALY SIS, S0f1WARE your bri ef, then EXPERT: lillgationS 1Jl1P01Ion lnAllors lrNolvino • ASSOCIATEATTORNEY : Small plnln!IHfirm In onnlysi$of large so1sol dntoand lnf11rma ·tlon llirminghnmIs seekingal!ornay wit~ 1 -3 yanrR' ICAN systemspracllces . Customprogramming nlso oxpor1oncoMu st be llcen~dIn Alabama I& avollubfoW o usetho SAS Sy$1Um ond 01h01 Mi5Slsslpploptiona l) Compa!ihvosalary HELP! producisConsultant; with yonrs of oxpenonco B011of1111ncludehoaflh1ns1ttmco ond 401(kl in hrmncc, monufactu11ng, pharmocou1lcafa. f:!xrusurno 10 12051 879 9C63 . Attn Rocrultlng. lllMll.crodh Coll Hold l Morkoviu, COPot (305) 9650~39 or visit our Wob silo wwwSimply Sysroms.1;om.Simply Sys tomR, 161 Crondon For Rent/Lease Bivd.. Sto 325.Key B lm1vna,Florido , 33149 • LAWO FFICEAVAILABLE:: FlvoPom1s. newly • MININGENG INEERING EXPERTS: txtonsrve roinodolod, Souths,dulow oftlco nva1loblo for o~pcrtw11noss oxpurlonco 1n 1111 oroos of mm­ soloouornov(s) rost OSL lntuinut access. 1 I 17 lnQ surfoceond urldaground mlnos . coal, quar­ 22noS11oe1 . Sou1h. B1rmlnghllmNow phono noa.01c Accldom lnvas11go11on , lnJuuos. sys1om,otc ·v1t111al"office or "co,poroto wrongfuldea th, m1noconstruction , lmngQ'also Mailable for thoso noodlna llmllcd houlage/trucking,ooraernont. dlsputos . produc1 conlerencoroom time Rocopllonlst nnd01hor llublllty, mineralpropo rty mnnngo111nnt.asset o"clllaryservices pro vided Ono1fn1 roo endmlnarof appraisals for os1omand mx pur ­ Includesphnne. ull lilies. ale CollTom Pfo11fl, As nn nuomcy with olgbtuen posos JovceAssociales (640) 989 57?7 USllnl 1205)939-0000 years of oxperlcocc in rcJ011rcb and writing l hove tho Limonoces~ary fo r lbe$US· 111.in11d, unintenuplcd res.,atcb so ofton needed to win u i:n~e. Whun your cns11 Is fully rcsourcbcd you cnn roprcKcnl your client wil.h mon: conn­ Attorney Positions doncc nnd b11boner prGp11rcromincntlllW firm s ncros~Al [lbama h[lvc immcdiulc openings for ussocinte5. In cnurL l 11m uv1Uloblo for short rcn;m;b qucsuon, or nnd p:tnTicr-lcvcll nwycrs wiU1experience in any of lhe followingareas: lungtbler briefs. My role 1s • labor and employment law SJS .00 per hour. Knthcr lno S. Wl.~d • 11tx und e~111tc plttnnlng P.O. Box 590104 Blttnlngh11111,AL JS2SU • i11tcUcoti111J property (205) 941-1490 [email protected] • Ii tigation No ""/l"'M••.ilonIt -d • that th• quol,ty ul jho '"901 "' """"to~ . , . tformed .. WNOt. , '"°"...... , AIUnqyiriesurc s1riclly confidcntjuL Plcu sc con1nct Richard G. Brock, Bsq. " "'4c,o, ...... d "' .. i.. , lowr•" Phone(205) 871-3223. rux(205) 871-3224. E-mnil: [email protected],

- - I II Ii I I I II I I/ ,I I I II I /,' II • VACATIONRENTALS : GullShoros/ro,t 1538Gull Shores Parkway Contact Tommy • GULFSHORES PLANTATION : TWO•bodroorn, Morgan/Dauphlr,1,1ond llouso~ on tho Gull Ktycont (334)968 ·7291. two.bathcondom a fornily roson th01 offers Two.three and four bodrooms. sloep 6· 10,fully 2.000foot of privatebeachm wllh six outdoor furnishedPhon1 1205) 678-6319 Fax f?05) 678 · • LAWorFICE AVAILAB LE: looitudOl 100 po11ls, onoIndoor pool , puttinggreen and other 6142 Wobs lto'. wwwbcitycom/slh PainterAvenue. 01arl , oneblack from court omonitlusN&xl 10 K,va Dunes golf course . $800 houseFurn onesystem. lax ond potwool( Coll (20S1 870 1986 • • GULFS HORES:lwo roomofhco f10x17 & lnterootlmos , wirndfor computor no1workit1Q 12x23approx 4bO sq rool)ovoifoble In a build 1,800sq . feet, 2·3 auom.iyoffices . Occup.,ncy Ingwllh on ostab ll,hodanornuy , rontln cludt>S ava1lobls1mmod1ately Call Ken Quattlebaum at useol thoconrr.rcnco room ond rocoptton nroa . (334)774 -3726or (3341774 -9217 ulilitios, froel)lllcing , greollocnt lon1n town 01

Notices - Positions Available CircuitMediator Position Available 1he Circuit M ediationOffice of theUnited States Co1.1rt of Appea ls, Elevo111hJudicial Circuit, has two openings tor thoposition of circuit mediator. Oneposillon is locatedin Atlanta, andtho o thorin Miami.The lncumbonts will presldu11 1111o

Staff Attorney/ManagingAttorney Position(s) Available LegalServices ol Motro Birminghamhos positionsavailable for a staff attorneyand a managingattorney . Bothpositions require a license to practicelnw rn tho Stato of AlabamaTh o salaryrango 1s $27.316 or above.DOE . LegalServices of MetroBirmrngham, Inc is en equal opportunityprogram and employor, mrnorltlos. womon, tho elderly anc persons with disabilltios are e11couraged to apply . II interesled,send a letterof interestand a resumeto KennethA Cain.Jr. , executivedirector , LegalS0rv1cos ol M etroBirmingham , Inc., PO Box11765. Birmingham35707 Positions aro open un trl ltlled

2 14 MAY lOOI ~wr cliienifsJiJn 't J0et&m ''justany attorney" fu represent their legaliint&er estso

Don 't retam ''justany valuation firm" fu advise and assist Y-

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ith West Group, you can count on Alobomo Roporter 'M Alabama Ruh~, of Civil Proc:odure Ahnototed , 3d getting the legal researchtoo ls you need i. Code of Alabama 1975 W Alabama Rules of Court, to builda solld practice.You can choose~he con te11 L Alcbama Law001k • Stohs and Federal you need.In Lhe formal.ay<>u p tefct. from reHobl'!. WOJt'i' Alabama Digcut Comprelu!nJlve Guido to Alcibamo Prcittition cr Alabama Workers ' uul.horitaJlveso urtes l.hat hovec!beert aro und about S0riu1 Poraonal Injury Compon,ation Act as long ns tho stccJ lndusLryin Alabama. and Tort, Trial Handbook for In oddilion. you can count. on our time-1,cstecl Alabama Paltom Jury Alabama Lowy11rs, 2d ln1trudions • Civil 2d WesLKey Number System•- to jump boLween related cases.statutes and expert analysisfor I he Foro personal domonstrotion, contact rnost comprehensiveco verageava llahle. Koonu yourloca l Alabama representative , else can olTer yc,uLhlfl a dvtinLage. phono 1·800·762•5272, fo)( 1-800-291·9378, So whether you're n solo practitioner in or go onlino lo Irondale or a partner in a large firm in Montgomery, Whanyou coll, pl110&11provide OffER NUMB ER 142298. West Group wiUprovide you with the maLedals you need to build a successfulpracLice.