The Alabama Lawyer

The Alabama Lawyer

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(205) 870-3330 • (800) 737-3436 • (205) 870-3337 f ax S~ecial Counser - rFio"c:;l obnl ~tJ.ll(Jt:rIn l..oga/solut/Qns www.spoclalcounsel .com AlabamaBar Institute for Continuing LegalEducation Advancingth e Legal Profession thl'ough Educatlooaod ScrvJce ABlCLE hus been csscntlal to the educ.::ition of Alabama attar, neys pmccicing in the area of bankrupt cy l.nw. The :mnual 1:3ankruptcy Law Seminar , schecl, uled chis year for November 1.6, 200 t, has become a mainscny for dissemi.nacion of rhe latesr in for• rne cion ai1Jdi scussion of rhe bes, p,·acclce mec:hods. Mar,y indi· viduals conrribu1.c r.oI be success of thl 8 prog1-arn,bu es pecial rhnnks iso wt.:d too ur B:~nkruplcyJudges in Alabama whu gcni.:rously givc of their time and cx.pcreisc to help the practicing bar. l aL'rl proud to serve as the Chairman of the plannin ~ co mmitt ee charged with developin g thi s ongoing educr1t!onal program. ClauJe Burns B1~ms & Wil.~on, LLC TuscAloosa, Ah1bAmA THE U N IVERS IT Y OF ALABAMA SCHOOL OF LAW Coll ABICLE at 1,800-627,65 14 or 205-348-6230 for program information. www.abid TH E A LABAM A LAWY E R Vol. 62, No. 3 / May 2001 On the Cover A view frvn1the 13th floor orthe: lhll .011Snndcstin Hench&.Ciolf Rcson, the "Jewel orlhc Emerald ColL,t." In Destin, Florida. TI,a l'Cll<lrl i~the~itc: or thi~ yci1r·~Mill AnnmilM eeting. July IS-I'>. (Sec the lnMin In 1h1.\ lssuclof the wwyer for ulOfC mfonnat101L) 159 Profile; FredD . Gray 181 Local Bar Award of Achievement 182 The VolunteerLawyer s ProgramStudent Award By M eliS.\'(J Brigg.,· N11rcl11111,f 184 VolunteerLawyers Program License Plat e 185 Thanks! Pro Bono Mediators 186 What is "Fair Value" Under Alabama's Dissenting Shareholder Statute? B>• Cam/int .'imitl, Old/en• 192 Insurancea nd Cyber-Losses: Coveragefor Downloading Disaster By Sp,mcerM . Tt1y/oranti Sean W. Sltir'ltt>' 200 Smith v.Atkinson : The SupremeCourt of AlabamaHold s That Liability Can Be 6 Imposed On a Third Party For NegHgentSpoliation of Evidence By Brit111W. 1#1,wlrk 19 I II I t /. t II I I/ I /. I 11 I /' R 153 Pubhlhod'8Vlffl t1moto roar!the Juou ,swo 1s a bclrd,1"'1o,y edlt,onl bv tho Alilb.Jmo Stuto 841. PO Ooi4166, Mnrtoc,mmy,Alnbomo 3GIOHl!i6 Phone(334} 269 161&• wwwalnbn,CMQ THE "*''A IMlak"of Chait& l:d,10, SulanSh11oc~ 0..Piol• Y1Qt-th<111I Anoooto Cdlto, Suinn II /lod,01 StqlfIIAIIOl1 &Cli111munlco11on1 Ol1UCIIJI ALABAMA M111gn1otl Mu,r,h y S1nltIIAl1on l'<M nnAOll!OEdllo1 Sh,11111011lllloll Comn•IIIIC4111bn1I\ l\,hhi:~llon1 Anl11onl LAWYER llo1d ol Edl!on 11o1.r1H ll<lt91. 811min!IMffl • t:h1111i!li O Olli! U,Nnillglwm • Unt110 flll'IIO , Dm111V'lffl • O.n VG/1111, Mur~fNIV • N,~n,111 Jiilllanb,w\Jt ~ • Nadwlw ~ e.nn.nv,wn• MdlNI A x.111,.. d M!1111QClfflOIY• Ma,vorn1 S-~ lli,m,nr;wn• Vol. 62. No. 3 0.bolllh~ ~ IMl!QIIIIIIIV• ~ l lk( Moblt •,.A Mw!JII, Jr. flllhope • 1\111~ PMen., "' ~lt,,lll"""'f • Glcr,aJ~~ • AIMI ltc,o,n.~ • JonllUWIC~ .lo'l8"• KAW1~Dothll • llob11M~ M.iy 2001 M<"1ll)lllllW'( Olfln•• Snmu•IA Ali(llOfll.J1 , U1m111iohnm r,01,do111 L~1,y W Mo1111,AlmndOI' Ch/ l~o11ifnr11Floc1 Po111okII Or~vo1.Jr, llunl.lvllla Vlto·f'to11don1 /'re,1idcnl t1• l'ngc kolthO Norn1<111.MOIIIOOflltlY S-011014,y ~ 156 Ooo,do f Cornmlulon111 lit Cm,,1.C Mm1t£nll. Uutlot 21111 C11tw1 , fti!MAH.dnw\ Gtr••l'li4 ~ llll C•,:,,ilW,lflilm I O,ubb • £111*111*II CIIM. fli•l'II Hlltly liu S<>lrnlSen C.Wt. £1<*b .. s ~ fual.oooeIAAC.W.t. l'!a Ho I w StouDlltlAldlOI! . f•ai«iN 6illC.t1111. • No2 . J luolnOII '"' C#cuoc.W.U,,111 H S,00,111.Mn,11G11 8fll CitDJot . W,H,orn( ShiM,.Jt o,,...,,.!111,C,m,,1 WN w,11on.F1 Excwri11e /Jirtctor~f Report P"!N 100,C,ra,,L Pbce No I. AnlhooyA J,,"~"R,im,19lllffl IOffl C..wiL rw. No 2 T !lwivh1Sloan 111 , U.m,opm10th Cva.4. l'lu ~®• No :I,J ~""1,'MMIO, 61tm,noh•n10111 C.IClll1 , f'lacaNo •. Chnil,nA Ji)lwan1011, #1, B•mlll(Jl,lllllIOl!l Clfl:Ult , l'l,!r;tNi, &.IJIY,~1d P 160 MQ\'lll10tl.Qun,.nol~1111 llllhC1tt111, 1'111lt No n, M¥ fl GroliYlli,Owm111Qilllffl ltllhC1n:u1L l'lnco No I S1qpj11!1lA flnwl< .1Mmwnvfl,1ffl, 111111 C11g1111, PIIICDNo 8, MaxC l'lip1,J,, U1rmlnuhnm101hCl1wl 1, l'lnMNo n . Cniol11 Su1w,u1. B11111lnph«m UUJIIOIIU·I CuluH , GIIOIQIIM • lflUQlnll(ltlimn.Ueubmo, 11111 c1,cul1 Aqbon L Oonr.o,nllnl11C11 1,111 Cl1cuh ,J!lllu1vW KUllll'/,EIIJ!I 13111 C.ie1111. f'111111 Nd I. W11lll11Yf~pa1, liar llrltl,f M<itwlll13111 ClriulL Pl.JC$ No 2.a111y C.HlllbolU. Mobile 13th Cln:ull , Pia No 3.Calno O'Rofil , Ill, Motolall lh OICUII. 1111(0 No 4 , r.eMJ ;:, CoCllntMobill 14th Cl1t111l Phl1j1 P Nulllltl.Jas11111 l~dl (,1tu1l 1'1o1Ct N4 I. RC>t••tll Sl!gall MontQ01""1'/ !&th(11,1111. l'lac~ No 1 J,11110 162 II Mdilttclt\Mel/I~ 16111CN1:1"1. Pb:~No 3 Jamu t W,11-. MonlQllfflOIYISlhCi1t11tt l'll1ttl No 4 flw!ir,1J MoillM!l MMIQOfflll!Yl!ilhOm,,1 , l'l.!(fl N<i5. D.MttI! Rc,y,sM<!NQ!"'*Y lfilh Oltlll\ Gc,o,otiP Foll! Gatbdon 11111 C11t11Ulljlcw I ""I'/. Jt Oemopof1111111 Oitllll. Jcil, E ModM11,..._ llkhCilwtl ~11 l lmletl,l'nrnifflP4 2Dll1Cilall .laul'ilA IJ,;,r111llocMI 11ll C.0.1 l.....t~ltA Pnct.J<. S,t1W11l1\t2tel Ultolll[ot!Y .Jahnta\~ 1l!dC.IL.. l !'la Nil I, ~s Pait tt,... ,,,.11,1l)d c.-i_ Pia About Member.~, No 7 l'•1td.ll (il"11S,JI H;J11I,ill~ 7•1hC."UII. Ch,,1111 It. 1,Q1uy f OVVIII1'.>th Clft1JII. Oll'llt fnidl,cld.W(l(ICI ltllfttlllftll 1GU1 Ctlcu11 Amor,,: Firms Ilomnt w ComotlJ, f'hon11Ct( 711hC11Qlll , JohnC Gunllhurn.Nllflttvilln 111111 CirtllOI , Ct 0..yMlnt!Ha nlh C,rcull. A llfllu, I ~,ont,y, IAll,llf'1Jn301h C,,cult, w,111a1tt J riuuall, Pnll C 11v3111 Clrcull, Wllllpm K HIIWlotllUltllmblb 371,d Cln.,•ll Auy W Wi1llu1111,J1 164 Mmnn3:l1d 011cul1 , 1~111Yfloe , Ill,Oo 11U\'\I34 111Ql,cul 1, Lukll[ Aluxundut, Runull'lillU:J1JthCl1t11l1 Jul111U 111111~11 . Ill,Mo1wo1rv1llo 36th - Cllwllnmolhy D Uwull,MOU11 u1131111 CJ1~1,II. J hJ11 il1111on . ()j,ollMI38 th011cult , llotuli:1nPaull. Sc:o t1Abo1039111 Cl1cuu J1w1'( l- lla1ta, AU1(llll'1011> Clrtuil Jofin K Joltu<in. lb:Ulltl Menwrlllls llwlAl,ll»m., 1~11 publ,lllf1d1,,,,,,,, time,• \'ll'lf lolS20 Pi'.,.,,, In111'1 Unllttd $1'llt1 lftd il!i I* yt,11 wt•tl,, tli,ilklli,•I St11D by J.~W U,oAi..bomft S1111 Oar ~tGOo.1« Awn,,, M<,nfllQln,lty, l\llbtnll 3811MSln(Jlo ,- h S5.00llll d• fOlll!l,\l11111 Sl'!l/'ltlDlor lhll ditltJQIY ' 1\1. 166 ,- ....i ...i,poa1Agt Phi II Motiool!IIIYAlebo!na and mtmaJ 11!111~o11.u ALAIIAMASTATE UAR IIF'.Al>QUAR'ffiRS S1'AHI 41~ lxJUer AH·n~. Munli.1111,cry, AL 36104 (334) 211'1-j ~ lj . l'AX ll:'4) 261-6311). 1!·111111l11fn (1hl11b:.r.C>rs l..eflislativt1Wr<111-Up Wch•he , www.1dnhm',orG ill!! 168 D0r11thyll • UAC!<lutlvcllll«!. ~tor •••••,..... ... 1 "o""'""" K(lilhn , Nornrnn l>lrnctoro l l\d1111,11nn1................. ....... Jol\111011 ll>.~111lvcA1•l•l• nl ,.,,,.,.,,,,, ,., ,,,,,,,Ma,,11ro1Ooon e Ad111lulon• Atlmlnl~1,1i1IV(' A,.*IHt1 111, ... +m+l lcidl I\IVIJI Pl..:,·w of l'manm1> .. , ... ·- lWwllldM Pou,111111 S.1nlA0ou&IIS l\~minl•inni•el\ul•t•m (ot l1hllt• 111, ,wRII•(lray Alo~omnl •w f'oundotiOll, 111,. lllt<CI"' 'l'111CrO,m lel ~ Opl11io11s "I the Oc1111ral l.&W)~ RclcrrilSd:1<1•,y C1rolThomioo AU' Admln1,u11IYi/\111Jtan1 /c1111lterB"""hu; M•••t.1,1ry('0111 ,nulna l~1•I IIIIOU,tc/l<I , Cl1loSkinner Co1111sel l;J,i.11iunf)ir«tor Kin, 011,,,.w.,ll ASII 1'<11111tl•ll{111Aubw\1 .Ann Kltulklllf 170 CLLAdmtnl.rulu\1: /\ k1anl ""•'· c-·c Oroflhiu /\rt, l)u«tor Mlllik: S1unc, -- l·t HS.-<ictat)' C'hruun, Lawne:nc• 01~pl11c,/\tti 1\1,ihlolH K«Jrntk f .. 1mn l)lt«lor t,f Communlull1m1I!. ll<,:ori11,nl•1,. .S1trt,111ieOclnby f'ubllc l11lomm11on.•. .... •............ ~•••11 II 1\11~1<• Al•b""" Ctnlct for Ol•('llie l\1lrllcft1/01a Olt«llOt •. , .. Mortiotcl I. Murphy Rc,olullun1)11-..: 1or .........J udhhM K••ll,A•1269·(~10?) lluildillg Alt1b,1111<1s C\u1111111niljath111,& l'ublli;Atlum, Alli( l\ll111111l"1111lv~,..,i.i.1111 .

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