On Little Bias

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On Little Bias ■■A- -’ “ 1 ■5^ :,Ar ; ■ ■■’V . J- ■ ^ ‘I) ATerax* Dail.v Net P^en Run tAXURDAY. AUGUST *8, 1999 the Waeh Th$ Weather p i j G « iHanrliP0tpr lEttrnina 'Iipralb .JaoMU, IMS Foreeiiel of O. 0, Weetber n ereee 12,701 \ Cleerfng, cooler tnnight,. l*>w In divisions of 'the Chamber of Com­ the SO*. Fair little chniige In tern- merce. It will be held at the Cham­ Member of the A'nd|t About Town ber's annual outlij; at Rose'mont, Krause 9 th Riepublicari ^ DIR. RUTh I pANTA narehtt e f Olrealatla p ^ tu r e Tneodny.. High In 70*. Heard Along Main, Street in Bolton, Bapt. iTi • ManchPBter— 4 p ’fy of Village Charm n e AadlM of St. James autumn r Both chalTenges are for 3-inning CHIROPODIST buf^t supper will take place on And on Some of Manche»ler'$ Side'StreetBy Too baseball games. One challenge was given to Andrew Anaaldl, al^air- VOL. LXXVn, NO. 277 \ ( 8SIXTEENi x t : PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.; MONDAY, AUGUST iS, 1958 (Claaatfted AdyePttatng on Pnge 14) Uonday, 'Sept. 8, rather than on ..s-sr To ^Seek . Directorship 9BB M AIN ST. ^ p r i c e 'FIVE CENTS . next M o n d a y , as erroneously man of the contractora’ division, printed In yesterday's Herald. wish Yoti Were Here that at dinner each night x run­ by Atty. Jay E. Rublnow, chair­ (House and Hale Building) ' Those wjho live near a lake or ning' commentary was carrli^ ^n man of the profeaeional men's Manchuter ,IUf>ui)lic«na hav»BFinlmy, who suceMded him In hfr. and Mrs. Fred Bantly. 9h the 8cashosa.nre quite often envied by the other female vlaltor regard­ baseball team. added a ninth name to their Hat April --A '-,The other, to William Slelth,' of HAS RESUMED . WiUnut St., will celebrate' their during the summer, because of ing his appetite. of primary candloatea for Board Thii candidates' are State Rep. 53rd wedding anniversary quleHy- these supposedly advantageous lo­ For example, she would care­ the^vnaamifacturer's - division, ,by Rodnfy 'Bielson of Trumbull, HER REGULAR :e T e lls N o r fully count the number of eara of BnicaS^atklni, of 'the retail divl. of Director homlnatlona, but' it candidate for comptroller, and wlth a dinner at their home for the cations which allows them to enjoy Sion. Immediate family tonight. vacation privileges without leav­ corn ho ate and throw In little ian't that of Mayor Harold A. Mrs. Mary Fahey of Torrington, OFFICE HOURS .Turkihgton. who U running for eecertary of ing home. lemarks like "look at him eat . , RTCisons. Henrj’ T. Owens. 10-year-nld son Balancing the scale, however. Is where's he put it all . he eats . The new Director candidate ia state. » .Board Restudy Bi Two Questions.'X Albert D. Krauae. ^4 Ridge St., Mrs. Lillian Howay, co-chairman In LosV Plane of Mrs. Mildred niarret, 211 Main the fact that almost everyone of like he drinks," and so on. Have you seen sbn^ of thoM St., arrived yesterday from Lih- [ these "luck.v" individuals, is the One night, over the reluctant an employe .of the Aetna Caaualty of the dinner, also' eald that Atty. long distance tranipnrfbtjon vans and Surety Co. Hie name waa an­ John S. O. Rottner. candidate for erty. Tex., by Greyhound bus afier | lliroughoiit the season for host's violent protests, his wife covered with Incitea.of dust4,. i^ford. Mass., Aug, 26 (IP) spending tpe summer with Mrs. j visiting friends and reiatives who served lobster as a special tj|-eat nounced at a Town Copimittee State 'Senator from the Fourth Sure you have. District, will be toastmaster. The Of 151 N e^o Pupils -*nSdme 2,000 square tniles Tharrefs sister, Mrs. Lsmis Nu- g]^^.ays gfcm to be dropping in for for the New Yorkers. meeting aat night by -Chairman , And have .vdu seen or he*>g, buffet dinner is to be held Sept. 13 were M n g searched from the gent In Liberty. | g ,)ay or two or more. Apparently It was the outspok­ Maael Finlay. some of the takeoffs of the "Have -r But the local OOP %aa kept in at the Rosemount In Bolton. air tod^.for a single-engine --- - i Oiie Manchester area resident. en "corn i-ob counter's" first en­ Gun - Will Travel" show? ihool ag' '\ sole legal axeuae for Mons Ypres Post of British War has a 0-roorii house, recently auepenie reiardirig Turkingtoh'a Anbthera State , ticket candidate Norfolk, Vii., Aug. 26 (/P)-^t» light plaivB, carrj’ing four pas­ counter with the crusty crusta­ Sure you have., . who will be in Manchester next r snying an otherwiae qualified On Little Veterans will hold a club social at I three such visitors who weie plana aa he repnained mum during Bias ceans. for stie took one look at the Did you see the truck, go through A federal district judge today sengers. It\anished during a the BriUshJVmerican riiib tonight ! passing through" on their the meeting In the Municipal month la former XJ.S. District f egro child admittance into a pre- boiled lobster on the plate In front town last W'eek with this cut out em Office Atty. Simon Cohen of Tolland, returned to the Norfolk School V oiisly all-white school." rainstorm la^night after the at 7:30. Refreshments will be wav from New Yoik to Canada. of her and said In disgust. \"ynii Building that dealt mainly with served nf the dust by finger? . Dr. Joiin n.'-^ordby announces who is running for attorney gen­ Board forj^f^rt.her considera­ The Judge ixatructed the board pilot’s frantic Nvords; t ■ , Thia trio, a mother and her moan people eat them things^" Have Wife, the party members who have an­ the opening of arlxpfflce for the nounced themaelvea aa candidatea eral. Vincent Oenovesi, president tion the applications of all 151 il is not requited to. admit a Negro "Mayday! Maydtkj^! 1 am going! grown "son ami dHiigliler. arrived The choking boat hiinlodly'yefi Wife Has Kids, of the Young Republican Club, Army Pfr M.vles K. Biardi. son practice of general deiftistry at 351 for nomination in the Sept. 9 bii- PINE LENOX Negroes who sought admis­ c lild whose scholastic quallfica- Into a spiral.” ’% with Cie voired intention of atay- the table and retired to his favmi- Kids Have Dog. said Cohen Will attend the rally for on* have been determined by Faubus Set of Mr and Mj's. Merle .lenkins. .lot ing "jn.st overniglit ' Tliey were mary. V ‘P a yd a y" la the eq'i)(yalent of a I Ruling Due Ite spot hack of the-barn where he GLAD TO TRAVEL!! Cenifer St. ' - "U.S. Rep. Edwin H. May Jr., to be sion to white schools. •sts and Intetvlewa to be insuf- Autumn SI.. Is a member of the there eight days, mtn h to the J'jy Krause, who has never tried for Judge Walter E. Hoffman re­ ship's^ SOS. \ spent the real of the evening A giaduale of the University .of held by the "Young COP at the PHARMACY cient. Minutes before the pilotvPaul R. PTIh .Signal Battalion's sni i er of the homeowner, uho gradually- mumbling strange ctirSes amj Tliat's OK public office before, la married ferred the-'applications back to team in Boblingen. Germany He Connecticut, Doctor Nordhy rfe Manchester Country Club on Sept. Hoffman said the board would Gellnaa, 32-year-old Manchester turned from a genial liosi to an throwing rocks al an inoffensive Two fellowa were working oiit- reived his DMD degree from Tiiftir and the father of two aons. A 27. 2»e m. Center St.—IMI M U M Oia board "for auch further con­ On .Closing Before New Is a radio operator in the bat­ embittered miilterer as the days Msflcheater native long active Ih sideration, if an.v, - as you may riot .be required to reconsider the N.H., automobile dealer, lola\Bed- apple tree. Kldej a downtown building recently. Uiilvcr.sity in June 1968, He is a e ppllcationa of t|je$e 26 Negroes talion's Radio Operallons Co. dragged hy Maaohlc tffaira he Is a past maaii- Also announced last night waa deem proper and 'legal'^ by reason fprd Air Force Baae he, waa'tost .Several times the giie,sts re­ One worker w-aa on a ladder waaii- veteran of World War II, having the organization of a' local com­ I nd also of those 63 who did not After tliey Imd been lliere sev­ served with the Elglith Air Force •■c of Majicheste. Lodge. • of .his Interpretation of the board’s in the overcast and had insuffi­ Art McGinley. sports wider marked (Without mill h conviction) Ings-ccond floor window'a and at mittee to work for Fred Zeller, ijake the tests. cient instruments for lilind flying.\ High School Glass Term eral days, he hegaii In heiome in­ they should be leaving! but then In­ second was holding the ladder ill Ruropc. His parents, Louis and The Republicans last night Were duties as related to principles of wtth the Hartford Times will Republican gubernatorial candi­ law. The board may defer enrollrnent The final "Mayday" message creasingly restive snd started variably ended up deciding It was steady. Corn Nordhy reside in Naugatuck. able to-1111 oiu their slate of can- date,. Mrs. Finlay said that -Attys. speak on sports at Thiirsda.v s ftidates when Webster Copp, 28, if a Negro applicant for one year came al 8:52 p.m.
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