.'•: ,'•'.•••!>

HONORARY SPRINGFIELD RESIDENTS — Kazlmlera jezlenlckl; second from left, and Stanislawa Chodor Bardzlk/ second from right, pose wlth,_Norman Salsltz, Mayor Edward Fanning andTWanla Salsltz. Both women, who live in Roland, were given keys to the town -for-saving.the'Salsftzes lives In separate Incidents during the Holocaust. They are holding proclamations authorizing Oct. 18-24 as 'Respect for _Hupiian Life Week' In the town.

County Leader Newspapers

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'<"*•($••,! can pay in 3 easy installments! --•• ; •••' «6.77 By JOHN A.GAVIN ~ \ V in trucks that were not registered to been movedtothBTproperty, accounts with United Counties Trust . ,- Lisli (inonth- when Howard;-Sch'- travel on the highway. Paijl Condon, Please check: ;< VHe's breaking the law and.Company. Those investments are to . UCU A sig ns contracts;. ' ,wart2,'.the township attorney, took a 30-year "resident of.. the area', nphpfljr is_ stopping him: from Torm. Curios. 9 mos. lYr. n 6 months receive 6.75 and 6.80 percent Interest; (26 Issuos) his seat In front of the Springfield echoed those views and said that he breaking the law," Crosett, said, rates for three-month terms., Covor $52.00 $76.00 $104.00 . D'9 month's v ^he UWonJ^untvlUtilities Authority signed contracts Tuesdaywith" '-''iTimuMp^Committee, he. was all saW ^cfcs'in[..yi9latipn'of,the •or-: • "This) is the part that upsets, me. . In other action, committee Prico (38 Issuos) m Odgen Martin Systems, Inc. of Fairfleld for the construction and Smllea/He'had'goocl clews to tell!the dlnarice • bn M^ay^.to^e "night HS'sgot all of those trucks in there D 1 year : members made the following .Your Cost** . $20.31 $29.91 $.4.1.00. (52 Issuos) ,it^atll}rtof UnionCotinty's resourcei recovery facility./ ' • board members and members of the meeting..-' '' tf c •"': i;5'i-V' I there's no license plates on '..(•audience a]?out;an agf^neijt Uiat :>^p^!of#etla*^«sr^)art3 6.77; $9.97 $ 13.67 '•• V'VMM'bewJfcf" ' " problems with ;Schaible Is that he's In explaining the situation, Sch- ^Appointed Leo Ecltmarin, "Each Only' onclosbd •^.i'/br'&llBlWp.i ,.: ilslng^lltee old oil trucks," McKee wartz said that Schaible officals township engineer, as the recycling . D Bill mo in 3 '•.;' •.sald;?''!?|fer"brttigsj;'them v!pn '• •• the: co-ordinator for the upcoming year. installm'onts ^^^ . r'.'backed^rf7 .from- signing, the Ogden MartinS^tema;Presldeiit DavidScfeol toinfed UCUA Cihaiiv v oil; company' execijtiyes had property and i8ilsihgthem'as above- •Appointed Raymond Forbes to D Bill ma in Full 1 • .agreement with the townrHoweyer, MU./MKS./MS (eircloono) tonKeMethL.Ma^ agreed toadher e to state Ordinance - ground storage'tanks; They are not Maypr: Edward Fanning said that the Zoning Board of Adjustment. He_ D Ronewal T (attach label) No. 87-5 which puts restrictions on ••' road worthy ajia I;doh't]behjeve that "thero'.were still ways to^regulate 'will be filling the unexpired term of ; Edward OlesU. •••••.• - . . OlliraoodinU.S. . ' exhaust .emissions of' idling dlesel- • they have Iicenso '•'. plates on . Schaible, adding that "what we are onlyandtubi«cMo '.' clianQB- •' '' ' . . LWV schedules forum , powered .engines. In. addition, .he them.,.As. far as I've seen from our going to do is to simply enforce the - ^Appointed Alan B. Segal as an cpnfinned;' that. Schaible,officials zoning laws, these are Illegal." ordinances that are available to us." - alternate on. the Zoning Board of Night for candidates for the Springfield Township Committee and for had agreed to leave, their Mountain McKee made reference to the "We are going to have to take Adjustment. Segal will be taking 71360733-30 '. the New Jersey Assembly and. Senate in the 21st legislative district Avenue location ho later than Sept, town zoning laws of 1954, the year matters to these people," Fanning Forbes'spot on the board. • l .1,1988. •' ' Wv."' - • . . ••••• ••'.. • which includes Springfield. The event will beheld Oct. 26, at7:30p.m. in 1 _ Schaible iilbyed to , its present continued. '.'Each time thero~is~a~ •Appointed .Joe Veccl as' a_ ' .. the Gaudlneer School on South Springfield Avenue at Shunpike Road. .". However, at last Tuesday's' ' location. Accqrding to "nbin- violation, they will be summoned.'' football assistant in the Recreation :, The legislative candidates will appear on the first half of the program Township. Committee meeting, those confprming use" statutes, the oil'. Also in the public comment por- Department. -:••'.'' and candidates for Springfield Township Committee on the second. smiles quickly turned into frowns of company is- allowed to have the: tion'of the: meeting," township- State Senate candidates are C. Louis Bassano, Republican Incumbent; discouragement.as Tooker, Avenue, same amount of above-ground tanks committee members -heard, •Appointed Mona Slanl as a ..and Anthony. E. Russo, Democrat challenger. Assembly candidates are residents marched one after another it had then, even though a similar suggestions from Michael Hausmah, soccer referee in the Recreation before committee members^ to give, amount would be illegal today. Department. • Robert. Blitz, Democrat challenger; Brian W, Fahey,, Democrat : a local accountant, on the rates the challenger; Peter J. Genova, Republican Incumbent; and Chuck. , stories of recent violations of that' Francis Crosett, who regularly, town was getting on certificates of •Appointed Jack Bogel as an Hardwick, Republican incumbent. . • — ordinance. One of those.residents, attends, township committee deposit Investments. Earlier in the armed auxiliary police officer. . , Pat McKee, said that,he has seen meetings and complains about the meeting, committee members . •Accepted the resignation of Local candidates are Philip Kurnos, Republican, and Bill Cieri, 1 Democrat. The format of the program gives each candidate the op- more, trucks at the site .and neighboring diesel fumes, agreed: approved investing $200,000. and Joseph Parente as a laborer In the portunity to state his views and answer questions from the audience. It questioned the legality of storing oil that more petroleum equipment has $400,000 in • certificate of-deposit Road Department, , was pointed out by John Tomaine, president of the Springfield League, that "This is part of the League's effort to get public participation in '• .government. The candidates who will be appearing on Oct. 26 will have Polish 'heroines' arrive •'.' an influence on the quality of your life. Let them know what's on you

;; " mind." ; . ' ;.'• ;.•••• •••-•. • - ',---5 : ••:•..::;i;:•..:../•••:•-.;••. . The. Springfield League of Women Voters, in cooperation with the Union County Leagues of Women Voters,' iscosponsoring a Union County Freeholder Candidates' Forum Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m.' In the Westfield Town Hall on EastBroad Street, •., . - . yOANA^GAVIN Speaking- through the in-since that time, but I could recognize he also had no hesitation about As LOT iFlig^riooe from Warsaw - terpretatlons of the Salsitzes, both them. •••.''• ' ' .' ..•••••• • . • helping too." . . , touched down at New York's John F. women said that they were sur- "But the feelings didn't'change," For Mania Petranker, who is also Candidates on television Kennedy, International. Airport- Oct. prised by the reunion and all the he continued,. "Maybe now,.looking known as Amalle, that help was her V Springfield Township Committee candidates William Cleri and Philip 6f~th —activity for their arrival. back, we can appreciate their help . last resort to staying qllve. After kumos-wffl-be thei guests on "Eye on''Springfield: The Candidates' minds .'of-: Norman and .Mania .' "I couldn't believe this was not a more because we know what we losing 100 members of her family hi Debate'! televta(6n;show on Wednesday, Oct. 21 atd:SO p.m. on Channel Petranker Salsltz, And as the dream," said Jezienlckl, as she sat achieved, We are alive arid they are her eastern Poland hometown of 36 of the Suburban Cable Television Network.. - . • ; .Springfield couple waited In an.- hi'. the ^Salsltzes/lamily room, apartpfpurlives;" Stanlslawow, she took a cross- • The hourrlong show will be: moderated by Arnold Gerst. During the ticipation for the passengers on the recounting the moments of the For Bardzik, the thought of country train ride through the war- first portion of the show, the candklates will answer guestions fromarea RoitiSWan^made airliner to., pass reunlon/^'JThe reception and the way helping Norman . Salsltz and thetorn security-tight country to. find reporters, Jay Mcbanlel of the Star Ledger and John Gavin of the through: customs, (hose memories 1 was.approached by the reporters other Jews' living in Poland was a the only people she knew In western Springfield Leader. During the last 20 or.25 minutes of the live broad-' Went blSck 48 y^ars when Adolph were wonderful. They didn't seem to natural part of her upbringing. As a Poland, the Jezienlckls. As a Polish cast, viewers will be able tocal l the studio to ask the candidates their Hitler unleashed his "blitzkrieg" want to Impose their views. They poor girl living in rural, pre-war well-to-do family, the Jezienlckis own questions. invasion of Poland to start the just let us talk and they did. the Poland, she said her parents often were able take her In as governess Second World War. For tho Salsit- recording." '•••• made friends with some of the for a few weeks and make the zes, bath Polish Jews who survived Jewish merchants and "business' connections toget . her jobs as- a Teen Halloween party set Oct. 30 the horrors of the Holocaust, their . However, to the Salsitzes and people who lived nearby. - housekeeper working for German very existence during that period about everyone In the busy airline "My parents were very friendly to families living In Poland. During A Halloween Dance Party for teens will be held by the Springfield -theJewishunderground^OTiaturalljr^that period, Petranker Recreation Department at the Chisholm Community Center on Oct. 30 was a result of two of those terminal, the two Pollsh~?women~ passengers. I felt sympathy for the Jewish masqueraded as a Polish Catholic from 8p.m. to 11 p.m. were heroines of modern times* L Consequently, when Stanlslawa When she.was the young Armenian people too," said Bardzlk, now a 60- girl who spoke fluent German. - ' A dtac jockey will have the latent music and lead gamed and dances. year-old-librarian in . Warsaw. Now a widow with three adult Prizes will be awarded for a costume contest. Chodor Bardzlk and Kazlmlera wife of a Polish aristocrat, Jezienlckl walked In the waiting Jezlenickl risked her life and her Before the war, many Jewish people children living in Switzerland and Admission will be41,_whlchJncludes-soda and refreshments. More had been veryfrlendiyto my father; Poland, Jezienlckl Bpeaks lightly of information can be obtained by calling376-5884. area! of the international arrivals family's life-to-help-Manla-Per- terminal, that reunion was. special tranka, then a petite 19-year-old girl We were very poor at that time and. her .risks .during the war, adding > As news reporters and television _whahad-lost-her whole family with many times the people who would that, "I don't think that I have done Quarry task force to meet Oct. 21 camera crew members rushed over no one else totur n to And when -help us — let us borrow-money or let so much that I should be so The Ad Hoc Task Force on the Houdaille Quarry has scheduled its toi capture-the - special moment, Chodor bardzlk was a 16-year-old Us, have .merchandise.oh credit — honored.";. :: •••y • ;;>-p^-^- next meeting for Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Norman and Mania Salsitz em- peasant girl living in the woods of Were Jewish pepplerWe never forgot However, both she; and Bardzlk : have been receiving accpladei and Trailside Nature and Science Center in Mountainside. braced the ladies and, gave each red western Poland, she risked her life, their kindness." .. ,: ' ; and white carnations as a symbol of dodging Nazi guards and Polish awards that they '•never thought their love and 'thanks for risking partisans to warn Norman, Salsitz Making reference to her Ar-possible. On Tuesday, tlght^ M»yor their lives To save them during the and the other members In his Jewish menian background, Jezlenlcklpaid .- Edward Fanning and members of . >> i IJ^.I In Focus war. Red and white are the national underground group ' of upcoming that Bhe also had felt suffering In her the'Townahlp Committee gave; both dangers, • : past and was compassionate for women a key to the town anil made a inSlae^StOry Business directory .. PagesSfl-W colon of Poland ,T0 Bardzik and Jezlenlckl, the Consequently, those sacrifices and others In need. , .• ••'. '• ' .•'•'\-',.">\-- ' p'roclamation authorizing Oct. 31-14 as "Respect for Human Life Week" Editorial ./>PaHe4 cl^JMife " -*•*» special attention was a surprise, gambles weren't forgotten and it "WheriiMania—small, petite, so :•' Letters . PaS< a d Pages9h23 In Springfield as> tribute tothem . Ob^aries .. , " Page^^\Crosswordpuzzle Page7 Although they knew that it was a showed when the SalslUes met their. fragile, the .daughter of my dear unique experience, tob e given an all- saviors.1 _ •''.• ... friends —' first entered my door- On. their first; Sunday' In America, expense-paid trip to the United "It waB'a~very emotional steps; there was no question that I they were guests of the Shrine of St. Religiousnews Pagel3,14 gSffl^'""'' "•' w*S5RS States by their war-time frlenda, meeting," said Norman Salsltz, who would help her,": said Jezlenlckl, Joseph Catholic Church in Sttrliog Sports Pages 17-10 ' gSL?tltf^<:'" P^^ they said they were flattered to gain met Mania1 after the war and im-, now a 76-year-old former teacher. where the., priest guve • apedml kucn recognition for something that migrated to the United States in "My husband felt basically the same sermon about jjjelr • "Undneis as happendsolongago. " " . 1947. "Naturally, we have changed way. When he was told who she waa,' 3 — Thursday, October 15,1OT — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -2* ••'V 2.1A* -COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday,October 15,1987 — 3 Cookie sale under way Author to autograph books Girl Scout coedde sales began on Octi, in Springfield. ' •.':.%•>' This is the third In a series mey-musthey-must dispose of theitbelr owOWnQ reduce tb« garbage; tonnage, and Scouts will sell cookies through Oct. 18 as part of the Washington Mountainside author/novelist wedding...Philip, wearing plastic tings, was picked as an alternate ~of~ questions being- asked—leaves, toSpringfieMth e town picks iciNegottBtinit R«4 Girl Scwt Council's faU sale; CooWetWlverieswmbe^* Timothy B. Benford is scheduled tovampire teeth,-declared himself a selection-in Doubleday's Military. •'—^dates running for office them upup. Nor do I believbli e thethy wan tt municipal employees, thereby.' the troops from Nov. 16 through Dec. 6.- '• ' ,-,-C'; '&•-.. meet the public and sign copies of "Count" Dracula and chased a Book Club, has had-two Berkley effective ways toget there. We can savingcostlyattorneyfees. mass-market paperback 'printings v. 3electlon. ——toreduce the library or recreation do that. The girls will sell six varieties of cookies and one kind of cracker. All his latest Harper & Row Book "The screaming Elizabeth around: the ways can the services given by the town. For . , • „ > Taking advantage of bulk rate (ha prnjjjif tii «ra hn Vpd by ttwBurr y I/jjOyi'ipwHy in EUlzabeth. The sale _ Royal Family Quiz & Fact Book" at royal train...Prince Andrew dumped and resulted In the 1984 sequel, As far as other sources of reyanjia, „ and reduced rate mailing. Is the primary fund-raiser foriSpringfleld'Oirl-Scout troops and hiihhia bath- Into thn Windsor ynlnmc? there are several. Thr town.must ..... town'*flnoncai to twoand three—more efficiency and y Putting Insurance contracts out Washington-Rock Council. Each box of cookies sells fur. «2.5(>nmd" Wftstfield, on Oct. 22 between 7and«—fountaUh^PWllp-used-a-lup hat to • I i improve its uncollected taxes In 1985 Benford teamed up with cut down on fho iubtianfla\ fa* other money sources. In the area of for competitive bid!. generates a'11.78 .contribution to Girl Scouting. Profits from.thejale th 0W U m a performance. I understand we have p.m. It is the only such appeifgnce T P -: repairman spanked a broadcast journalist Brian Wilkes to lnena$*M Incurred by rmtldenh efficiency some proposals can be < Reducing absenteeism by support troop activities; programs and facilities at Camp Hoover; in Union County before Christmas. disobedient Elizabeth, etc. produce "The Space Program Quiz not received all the fees and sewer! improving employee morale. bteauf of propmrtyrmvaluaflon carried out by the Township Com- training and insurance for Girl Scout volunteers;.and publications, According to a spokesman-at Besides the nearly 1,000 odd and & Fact Book," another collection of taxes we are entitled to, I think we , e Taking advantage of private, and fixed costs for garbage mittee alnhe unri some require the equipment, and services provided by the Washington Rock Council; '• Harper &' Row, nationwide sales unusual facts, "The Royal Family entertaining and little-Known must take a careful. look at the state and federal grants as much as eollmeflon and Inturance ? cooperation of the regional and local have made copies difficult to obtain- Quiz & Fact Book" is illustrated with material. - • j! school boards; We should remember degree to which we want to en- possible.:! ;_„ . . •'.- :•:.'•- . 126 photos, some not previously WILLIAM CIERI— _couragelsew ratableS to add to the in many areas. Pre-publication sales' His first novel, "Hitler's IT that the schools collectively spend " •> Reducing the costly effects of of 12,500 copies out of an initial press' published; contains an. index, Democrat more than half the tax dollars paid tax base.' Finally,' I believe the vandalism by providing Inexpensive bibliography and appendix, which Daughter," 1983, won the West Coast '' - Township Committee Wasserman at conference run of 20,000 caused a backlog. Review of Books Porgie Award as . in the town. The local government apporUonment of tax burden-bet-— diisk-to-dawn fighting in our'parks, Though publication was officially set includes a complete list of England's , There-are three ways that the tax. s "oiiTofthYthreebestfanfaiy-fictlbn ~ uses' 27 cents and the county ween residential and business playgrounds and schoolyards. Myrna G. Wassermanr—an Wayne. The conference, Dyslexia for Aug. 1, most bookstores in New monarchs, the current' line' of "sue" paid by our citizens can be cut down: properties Is unfair. I would pursue works of the year and has been freeholders spend the rest. I believe Additionally, considerable.' tax educational therapist, learning^ 1987; Update on Medlcal.-Legal and Jersey did not receive copies until cession,' a reproduction of Edward Reduce the services offered by the a partial revaluation of the com- optioned as a made-for-TV movie. we must establish liaison between dollars can be saved by careful consultant, author, and inventor, Psycho^Educatlonal Issues, is" co- mid-September. The book remains VIII's Abdication letter and several township to its people; perform mercial properties. . - . Zebra-Books, which purchased, the the Township Committee and the- planning, something our Township from Springfield will address the sponsored by the New Jersey Orton on the publisher's'"hot list" and is other goodies. these services more efficiently; or "Commltteehasfalled todpttpugh issue of homewortand train parents'' assets of that book earlier this year, raise the money to pay for services school- boards to seek areas' of PHILKURNOS Dyslexia Society and the Depart- still unavailable in several areas. Benford's "The World WarJI Quiz the years.iFor Instance, a few yeans to be homework helpers at the an-' & Fact Book~^882. has gone • has just . announced plans to from BOmennw PIQB . cooperation. We share with them the ' . Republican ,. . ment of Special. Education • and Heavy pre-publication publicity^ before Springfield was due fornual Continuing Education Con- Counseling Services and the! School through eight Harper- & Row prin-_j republish the novel in 1988. I don't believe the people need to maintain vehicles, to. buy • Township Committee was cited as the reason for demand. insurance, to employ school crossing revaluation, the" Township ..Com- ference on Oct. 17 at the William' of Education at William Paterson An upbeat review in the July 24 issue Springfield want at this time A township should _be run like a Paterson College of New Jersey In business and the townspeople should mittee should have used whatever .College. •» ..';:.• ••••''. of .Publisher's Weekly .said the-book itf resources it could; find! — offered by the town. Springfield, lawyers, accountants,' financial be regarded as customers- — had "entertaining anecdotes" and - . experts and a host of other Interests. customers who could go elsewhere economists, real estate executives was "a royal feast of regal facts." In Students commended unlike other towns such as Moun- — to try to determine when the best Pollsh-herolnes^-arrlye: tainside and Westfield, for example, In each area we and they operate~~for their services. CONSTITUTIONAL PLAY— Pptricla Cataldo and Nancy Werber, third-grade "July The New York Times Syn- talnside residents Anne Hoilistcr, time for revaluation would be. In- dication Sales Corp. sent excerpts to Twelve students from the provides garbage pickup as part of independently, often duplicating Sadly, that has not been the case (Continued from page 1) everybody can develop according to teachers at Thelma L. Sandmeler School, produced the play, 'The Great Com- Ted Roth and Jeffrey Sumner are stead, they waited until,they were 300 newspapers around the country, Jonathan \ Dayton Regional High their taxes. In other-towns people resources employed. I know the and, as a result, tax dollars are true Christians;" Later they are their ability,/ regardless of the Jonathan Dayton seniors.who forced torevalu e and when did that promise' in celebration of the 200th anniversary of theConstltutlpn^i Pictured are the Associated Press wire parried a School in Springfield have attained must arrange and pay for their own school could beneficially use .the being wasted as a result of both poor, come? It came at a time when the scheduled to be guests on a radio-; background." • the New Jersey delegates: from left, Kathleen Hart as William Livingston, Chris "are. among approximately 35,000 town's very, capable auto mechanic. managementsand a dire lack of story, Benford did a five-minute Commended Student status by garbage pickup. I do not believe the value of single family dwellings was talk show and will be visiting New As both women venture through Carlelloas William Raterson, Jennifer Frlcke.as David Brearley, and Adam Selde) virtue" of their outstanding_per- youngsters-nationwide honored as people want to go to that I believe the town could draw on planning. To begin with,' there.are York City, Boston, Washington, D.C, town with their American friends, segment on NBC-TV's^ "Live At at its peak. The result: the highest ' as Jonathan Dayton. _____ ••. . — , ' Five," there were two mentions on formanceonlastyear'sPreliminary~~Commended-Students out of more arrangement. Nor do I believe they school custodial staff for help jn the. certain practices that should be tax rate possible to the Springfield ~and:Atlantic"Cityr ' - local citizens, have been crossing guard area. We might do standard operating "procedure but ABC-TV's "Eyewitness News," an Scholastic Aptitude Test/National than one million high school students Would want to rely on a volunteer homeowner. The . Salsitzes said that both congratulating them and welcoming Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, who took the 1986 PSAT/NMSQT and •fire department Instead of a paid : well to pool our insurance or con- are not. For instance, substantial item appeared in the New York_ entered-the-1988-Merit-Scholarship ^l9eT~self-uisurance iiTIIght of the Tho tax dollars being" spent "for w°J"™ will hp thnlr giiwitH nnHl thp them to the area: That show of loye , "Post; also, in AugusftfieTTfmillion •PSAT/NMSQTr- —— department as is done in many other Savings can be realized by merely: •l ,_ ____•*____ ' _ ___ .i • .. \_aatnn\nttbeginning ntof MniumhANovemberv. ' AlthougAliliniinh nnrandl ihnnlrthankas hahnsa haabeenn , jus4noft a• sna- Newsbri program. Three weeks ago^three greater common size. Also in the garbage hauling are, another result circulation tabloid, The Star, ex- towns. I doubt that they want to K- Reducing supply costs by taking they have only been in the United. gratifying as the Interviews and Jonathan Dayton seniors — Gregory area of efficiency, I believe we must advantage of bulk purchasing With of the hick of planning. It's .not obtain further information should The course will be given at the , cerpted 30, items, . Springfield residents Lynne reduce the size of the police or public States for a little more than a week, awards they have been receiving. - The Kenllworth Girl Scouts are Dahmen, Kenneth Ferig, ' Eric SalicelC Andrea Stein-and'-Gwen extend our • recycling - program to other towns. enough tous e the excuse that "It's looking for new members to join' call 272-8694 or 245-8147. Westfield-Mbuntainside Chapter To date, Benford has made ap- works department. In other towns happening all over" or to cry out both said that they like what they "Words can't describe the hap- House located-at 321 Elm St. in Luper, Monica Magee, Pamela Thompson — were announced as : their organization, where they can pearances on' the Louise Collins see. ', ..• '. • • piness I have at having'all this at- Nadzan, Gurpreet Singh, Lauren belng_among the 15.000 students that "It's everyone else's fault but Westfield. All registration and .radio and TV shows,atEncore Book • ''I am very impressed with your . tention," said Jezienicki, fighting to enjoy learning new skills, par- The Westfield-Mountalnsldc Sueskind, Staci~Uchitel and "nationwide who achieve' mino.'J_The.fact.ls.that with proper course information may be obtained Storesin Pennsylvania, plus several way of life here," said Jezlenickl, hold back tears of.joy. "I'm very " ticipate in a variety of fun activities Chapter of the American Red Cross Nathaniel Zoneraich and Moun- semifinalist status. "planning and timely action, the by calling the Red Cross at 232-7090. telephone/radio interviews around issues candidates' sheet who has lived In Krakow since the - touched that the Salsitzes still and mak...•-,-.e new friends.. ' will be offering—^—course in impact on Springfield's .taxpayers A.new, AARP Chapter is forming the country. _ could have been drastically early days of tbe way: "It seems that remember us after all these years." ,'••'•' ' ..•'•• ' •( ' Multimedia Standard First Aid on The Springfield League of Women districts which include Union County in Mountainside. The next meeting In this area the Courier-News and : moderate-income housing and lessened.- Among the planned events are the—Oct73iandNov.7from9a.m.-lp.m. is today at 1 p.m. in the Moun- ky Seal lunch menu Voters, in cooperation with the -communities, and questions which childcare facilities. Juliette Low Dance, named for the ' In Multimedia Standard First Aid, Daily Journal did feature stories. Union County League of Women The very least we should expect tainside Board of Education will appear on the ballot on Nov. 3. .The back page contains in- ifounder,; of the Girl Scouts: the citizens learn the skills needed to Meanwhile, there are feature The following is the schedule of the OCTOBER 19 - Veal roll-up with Voters, has again issued a "Know from our elected officials Is for them building. The speaker will be Union formation on local . candidates Mitten Tree; roller • skating; ice- handle most emergency situations. stories, interviews" or reviews meals to be served over the next gravy, green beans, egg noodles, Your Candidates" sheet. - :' "to be diligent guardians of our tax County Surrogate Ann Conti who will- . Freeholder candidates were asked running for. township committee. dollars. • ' skating; and the mother-daughter This course-uses demonstrations, talk' on ''The Need for Estate- fresh fruit salad, chicken rice soup, Prepared annually to acquaint the to respond to questions on thThee y were asked torespon d to DENTIST film, a programmed workbook, and Monthly magazine, Center at the former Raymond bread, margarine and milk. .'•.-. ~ public with the candidates and the luncheon.. V Planning." •'••.••.• Times, The Star-Ledger and the Joe ...... — County Utilities, Authority, which questions on. the township "Budget Those who would like to register or practice sessions. Chisholm School building, OCTOBER 20 - Swiss steak with issues, the four-page publication this" will-operate the-resource recovery and the Springfield recreation Franklin TV show. '".-•'••. Lunches are served Monday l_gravy, carrot-raisin-salad, rice, j-^year provides information on Union plant to be built in Rahwayratid"the program; Set in the popular qucsHon-and- through Friday between noon and apricot halyes^pineapple juice, Course on careers offered answer format, the book contains • —County ffeeholdflr nnrl Hiirrngfite c(mtyj)udgetrgenate^ndA4iBiTiulV'' Coples- -Yi HOWARD DOPPELT, D:M D: ^lvf^ ,iinn»^nli and milk. 1 candldates, Candidates for State •-—»"-'-•candidates wer• e aske•d • question .^'""s onJ ' dldates" will be mailed to registered ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE Career Options' UnlimitedJsiof- ; This workshop is being offered by. nearly" 1,000 odd, unusual, • in- over, regardless of financial status. OCTOBER 21 - Stuffed peppers, " Senate and General Assembly in their positions on low- andvoters in Springfield, -..'•— Cprrectlpn fering an opportunity for area the Career Options Unlimited teresting and little:knbwn items The cost is $1.25 per person, $2 for ' lettuce with egg wedge and French, FORTHE Gfor/ficof/oif residents . to learn about "Em- project of the Plaihfield/Nor'th about the royals. For instance, did guests. • '".•-. dressing, mixed vegetables, fruit „ on 10/8/87 an-= PRACTICE OF GENERAL DENTISTRY _J_ployment Agencies and How To Use Plainfield andr-Summit--YWCA's- -k -Reservations must be made one jello, chicken noodle soup, bread, • Report-of~the- sale of Mrs, Tribute to Women. und Industry Prince Charles' collects old toilet margarine and milk. -GUR'.NSAVET-————~, ad appeared In^> Prince's Farms in Springfield.in- Them." ' •.., •-•- ' ..:' day in advance-by calling 376-5814 : A panel of representatives from (TWIN) Program and will be held on seats..,Queen Elizabeth''• II and OCTOBER 22 - Barbecued' the Oct. 1 edition was premature. between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday jCl.N.wlthah v top employment agencies will help Oct. 19 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Prince Phillip were reported tob e on' through Friday. chicken, carrots, cauliflower and treasure attic , —'- 5 MILL ROAD In an article concerning the sale the verge of divorce more than SO shatter the .myths and solve the Plainfield YWCA, 232 EastFrontSt. THURSDAY - Pepper steak, sliced broccoli,- mashed .potatoes, antiques &. interiors Incorrect spelling., of Haines Farms, Ray Haines times during their first 25 years of IRVINGTON, NEW JERSEY mysteries associated with using an Cost of the workshop is $3 per per- carrots, rice, chocolate pudding, pineapple tidbits, cream of bh made reference to the Prince marriage...Prince Charlesjput a. Ourjargo variety of agency., Focus Will be on how grapefruit/orange juice, bread, mushroom soup, bread, margarine antique table lamps property sale. Donna Prince whoopee cushion on the Bishop of arid unique ^OFFICE HOURS TELEPHONE assures' her customers that she' agencies are organized, how they margarine and milk. and milk. ' can work for you and the many ways — Registration/ is limited and- is Norwich's chair...Princess . Anne FRIDAY - Omelet with cheese, — OCTOBER 23 - Baked macaroni, art pieces will BY APPOINTMENT- will' "still be here next year." locked her husband out of their surely create d REMODELINQ 372-7049 According to Prince, the property in which their counselors can assist requested by Oct. 15. Reservations, stewed tomatoes with peppers and lettuce wedge with Russian more Ufe and 1 rjob applicant. Employment or additional information on this and bedroom because he. drank too onions, hash brown potatoes^ dressing, Harvard beets, fruit ""MlSS* .113. llillJo is under contract for sale;"but mn'f M'" oiiK •IO'I'V iuiJinui-ioqqo nothing la final as yet; • '• ":'t "•"".' opportunities for the '90s—and other Career Options offerings can >,->Nbreaai< cocktail, i;lam chowder, 'bread, i l i Via; : .:'; :i!.';-i- --i.'i: '!pi;i;:i;!/.•;-••;•;,:!,•,•,•,).• problem's facing the re-entry worker be obtained by calling-the Career margarine and milk/ •'•'• •. • - ' ' ' margarine and milk. f' :: .'• _i_.>... in your home" Traditional, D .C6.nt;ern.ppr>ary a,European j will also be explored. [, :--< Options Coordinator at 756-3836, • Assorted shape Efficient, Quality Cqnstrucfcion vases and jars can be made Into classic In the October 8th ~~ \ lamps to meet CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. edition of County Leader SHOR'S DRUGS your special needs CALL Newspapers, the coupon for THE MEDICAL YOUR ONCRA-YEAR Builders S .Gdritnactors 233-D5G4 101 E. Westfield Ave; Rosel le D Reoldenblel • ' "T~~T''"!' B and M ALUMINUM SERVICE CENTER — ' "completeHealtficare" -. - CHANCE TO BE THE • Commercial.:..*: .-••,:• •'.••'. '....-;.. ~ : should have read . (201)245-4414 .-• Save.MOO"oH (llstprice) 1401N. Wood Ave., Unden '•'Industrial ' '. .. . '..'• !'; -' •.•'-.••:•..".". . _ that for every 5 Replacement Windows.. -—486-4155 VVe regret any. inconvenience n.Frirg:3O*^ PATTF this mighthave.caused, _ Sjlt:30im,t69p.m. Fqrjnforrnatlon call :4B6-9l56V ft Sun. t Holldijj 8:30 «.m. to6 p.m. HATHAWAY SHHTF FALL CLASSICS iCdl • Seethe ad In Focus Rim . • ujevour • forrnerlyof" We'reUp Hair" FUm.Dmtlopjni • fannlla Matter cnarge Home Improvement Section has joined our stafLof professionals. We'd also like to thank Her customers for their thought- For only J21.9& ; Restaurant Specials This Week ; YOUR SYMBOL fulness and patience. _ . Regulariy $30,00 Fried Shrittip-. • •..... • ••;»•; »v> ..... $^95 rinee^s^Stand »t Print* Farm 379-2368 Broiled or Fried Bay Scallops . ••-• $*79!i 169~Mountain Aye. Springfield OF STRENGTH Broiled or Fried Flotincler^.,. • ^ -$1^93; OUR ANNUAL CKRISTWIAS SHOPPE

Stuffed Breast of Chicken.....;;'..;.-.-; ^ y95 It's nice to know that In the year 1987, VQU can still find a working farm In the area. Prince Farm has been a landmark for 75 yearsj and many people know how-Mrs.- Prince's Stand CATHbLIC BCRJCATION.... AND SECURITY Fried Chesajpeake Oysters •••« -*•*_•_ changes frorty a produce stand Into a pleasant, friendly .Christmas .shoppe. If you haven't, stopped by In the past, make It a "must" this year. Donna devotes a great deal of • SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Shrinip Stuffed with crabmeat time getting everything ready. It's.deflnltely a labor of love . LEADERSHIP,OPPORTUNITIES •• and It shows! •••' - .••'. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE •Specialty Crate •Of namentj Galore ' •• . • • .ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES r/COLC/MBIA •Gifts-Teddy Beare- •FolkM " .";••• •,.•• • 'SOCIAL-GROWTH '• "'.: . 'The above entrees include salad bar, potato and vegetable. •British Gingerbread •Homemade Wool Stockings. •Arid much, much more , ;! .: ; ..WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH Fresh Trees and Wreaths Available bee. 1st W-iM : Ask about Our Stand-Strait; stands --, Enjoy a cup of hot milled cldtr uyou lool throufhqur COIIKUM.. Macoun Apples Now in Season %7 Springfield Ave., Springfield • 376-1360-" Open 7 Days- '

JUPON SIEQ1L Now it's easier than cwr t°'«tho man In tlve Hathaway shirt Ilccauoo DON'T MISS THE BOAT! riljht now mimy of our nliirlsiiwBpoclolly priced to lit into o\'ory man's . : liudgct So tho Hathaway quality thatb Important to you all your long- Vauk'it•»•_»il'___it'~i*C'l^i%i'iI' ' |5(KoiI 50$ OFF OFF slnglo-noedlo stitching, stronger throVholo buttons and hnni-tumotl /fDtprDtcCtCQDysoui EACtlGALLON I collars-Is avallablo to you at onco-n-y«ilr savings, Who's tho man In.th'o "Our Ice Cream IlathawayshlrWYou.Aftordll.nobody'Vjf •j.l.^-i,»_-, ^M^^^^^^i||aj^«^ertce;^ Rg '2" I EACH 9" PIE olsomakosaahlrttho"Hothnway.". . JLlSUlSEVvctyv fe™Pj|BSiii^:%^^'Si|ppS^lce':ln rrany Highlytechnical areas ; And our A;---: :'; '•:,:*p-^';iiv:^^^0 EXP.1 ; EXP.1O/2O/B7 Cakes Are The Best ^»M;;»^,S-^Ip^ and reserve iallos arts a farther V '-•'.";' '^': V^V^^TSV^M SAINT MARY :: In Town" ^ l :i :V 1 V: • •'--• ••""• '•••'•_!_. 8top$y-"' ' .''•:, VVHtei Blue and Ecru only. Sfe#&*^)«HiM^ffewhiiDl&bf;theXss^ .'' •.'-."• .'". -: ''--'.-V''v". . '.'.'Wi^-:'. Ttyfenuki OF THE ASSUMPTION FOR A SAMPLE OF APPLE CIDER!! uki and whipped cream (ratlnj. Big& Tall Sizea.20% OFF : HIGH SCHOOL ; il/.':^:^.'^1,^^ ^onfldehcetQCplum^ '"''•'- V• ••.•:'"' •V '•.--••'':''V .•:•-,''-t'-'W-^- ; ; ? v;:'Vv 4^!A''::;fl¥.iV''i ;^;';'*'-v'''-'''-'--"''' '-''iflnaricia'?''''\fln3rtciai'sejfyicesa/tdsecuri(y;i services a/tdse l'\A^'!ib.confidentyou'illikewhai •• -,'''•-. ••.'.•••••' ••',' •''•••'v',1 •'•'.••,; '•' CONDUCTED BV tllE SISTERS OF CIIAIUTV • Now through October 24th..Hurry!. : : : : : : : ; 237 South Broad Str»l, Ellubxth, N J. 03202 J'i^^^^'^^-^Viiwiu'see^":;;;•'fiK0:0' ^,-:^'M.&^; h . :"•'.'::•••••' '-•--•:••• \••."•.':-'. i\-' ••.•'• ;• •. ••'.<•'':'''•'•'• •'/ ,/-~"-:-, ,:. ~' .-'' NEW THIS WEEK •Homemade Candies "Serving the communltica ol Union and Euett Couutiea" »mMWW •Gourmetfumpkin ICOLUMBIA AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Bakery 8130-8 PM, Ice Cream (or the OPEN HOUSE Fl &S llP ,: Re»taur»nt»Lunch»Dlnner»Evcryday Hobdays SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18,1987 - 2:30 P.M. SAVINGSl X...::_. :;5W SHADE .'•'' '. »••••' MARLBOHO-MIDI>NDPARK'MOUNT.UUREL-mRAMUS-POMWONLAHES ' Plug Aa Always... \ ', Fqr further information call '. V; '-.• Our 60tK Year 1927 - 1987 ; r : • •',•.•/ .'- -.'•'' »•••••• ••!'•'•( "•'•:'• ••••"'-. , PpMPTONPLAINS'TURNERSVIUETWAVNB ""'' -! '; •'•'.' ' -»Homemade waWe tones .Frozen Yoourt* ice cream 207 East Broad Street, Westfield • 233-1171 waffle Sandwiches •pretzel Cones • SaDrett Hot Dogs , Sister Marion Scranton, S.C. Principal at 352-4350 ' Malor Credit Card's Accepted . 15 N. 20thSt., Kenllworth • 276-5423 ^^SiiiSiiiiiii^^

i' •'•'••• i"V, •' .....

'•'•;•• •'•>:'•.'•.•''!•, T)2,3,4,5,o* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, October I5,*I987 — 5 4 — Thursday.-October 15; 1987!—' COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Finance facts rates

•ByJOEJSPITZ when the issuer pays back its bon- bonds. If rates fall, you'll have lock- Some experts believe conservative TOe ups and downs of interest dholders full face value. Until then, ed in higher rates on your long bonds investors should stay with an rates can be damaging to invest- the price rises and falls relative to f menr porffnlina, Especially-* those—the returns availible on comparable -.early maturing issues at ;• lower Because bonds are sold in in- XSoocLnews,j primarily made up of debt securities new issues. 'rates. crements of $5,000 and because a such as bonds'and bond mutual V Remember, though, .that ladder- laddered portfolio should contain funds. So reducing your exposure to A technique called laddering'can big is a conservative strategy in the several maturities, you need at least flven the sad state of the garbage disposal affair in interest rate fluctuations should be a smooth out the gains and losses in ' most literal sense — it conserves $25,000 to structure a portfolio with New Jersey, it's nearly impossible to say anything positive top priority if you are concerned your portfolio resulting form volatile your, capital. While you'll miss out individual bonds. If you have less about the situation. about'maintaining capital at a con- interest rates: The object is to stag- on big capital gains if interest rates money to invest,.you can achieve But several events during the past month, just by their stant value. ger the maturities of your bonds — move in your favor, you'll' also be much the same effect by buying a The problem is that if interest treasuries, municipals or corporates cushioned- against major capital bond mutual fund or unit trust com- very happening, give us some glimmer of hope mat the crisis rates rise after you buy a bond or — over whatever number of years losses. •. , ••.••••'. /'• posed .of several portfolios. with will be solved in this lifetime. •' ..••.. other fixed-rate security, its price, you wish, so that you have a balance The traditional way to ladder a specific maturity dates (e.g., 1990, The most significant occurrence , for Union County which represents the value of your of longer and shorter maturities and portfolio is . to buy bonds, with 1993, 1996) and spreading your in- residents was the sighing Tuesday, of contracts with Ogden capital, will decline. But if rates fall higher and lower interest rates. roughly equal face values and which vestment over three or four of these Martin Systems of Fairfield to build and operate the 1,440^ after you buy the security, its price Laddering is nothing more than mature every year, every two years portfolios. You also can ladder you. ALL .E.ARS.v James" will increase. ^ the common sense notion of not put- or at some other, regular interval. CD investments. Simply divide the ton-per-day resource recovery facility in Rahway. Fluctations~uTthe prices of bonds ting all your eggs into one basket. If Thus, you might divide $100,000 into ., amount you invest in CDs with four We'd like to say, "It's about time,"Jbiii, reportedly, Union Caldwell kinder-garden often come as a shock to investors interest rates rise, you'll have some twenty $5,000 bonds,- with one com- or five maturities ranging from, say, County is actually way ahead of the rest of the state. But pupils listen as teacher because they equate a bond's face boridsrmaturing soon that can-be- ing due each year until 2007. Or you —six months to five years. • . don't get top excited yet. Only extremely optimistic Joan Magee tells them a value with its actual value. But the reinvested at higher rates, offsetting. •might choose ten$10,00 0 bonds, with Your financial advisor can help' story. any losses on your longer-term one maturing every other year until you determine If laddering Is right estimates still target 1991 as a completion date; resource . 2007. If you want a shorter period, for you and, if so, whether you recovery is, by most estimates, about five years away for you could ladder your ten $10,000 should do it with individual bonds, UnionCounty. bonds from now to 1997. and whether these should be What we'd really like to know is the bottom line on the How to recycle How many years you choose for treasuries, municipals—or cor- garbage disposal situation in Union County: the where, your, ladder depends on your view of. porates, mutual funds, unit trusts or when, why, how and what.of resource recovery, the Route 1 NEWSPAPERS must be clean ALUMINUM SCRAP includes future Interest rates and the average CDs. He or she.wilLtheri assemble a and dry. Tie or bag, as required, lawn furniture, window and door maturity you're most comfortable portfolio with the average maturity -alignment, transfer stations and hauling fees. Bundles should be no more than. frames, gutters, siding, pots and with. If, for example, you want an you selectr~and"wiUnninimal ex- 8-inches thick. No magazines,- pans. Remove as much non- average maturity of 15 years, you .—posure to interest rate savings. • •^"•nother significant move recently was the telephone books or glossy paper.' aluminum as possible. No glass might distribute your investment JoelSBJtzJi^.gaancJaLcoBsultant or screening. evenly among bonds maturing in the who deals with individuals as well -designation-by-the^stete^epartment-or-EnVir(mirientat~: GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS SjrEEL:CANS_are also called 13th, ,14th, 15th, 16th and 17tK years. as Institutions. ' -Protection IM.TPHr tn hplp qnliri , particular- issues.. Your letters Dear Senator Doe: ti4^^d^tteid managers and recydors-to add PET containers to their recycling programs. THE MAGIC 13...RECYCLING PAYS Mqsterson, along with the other 50 law enforcement officers, will be • People,who because of circumstances beyond their control such as being count! honored at'a luncheon on Capitol Hill and greeted-by U.S. Represen- soft drink bottles in all recycling programs in NNew Jersey. We encourage civic leaders and local government officials to take advan- The Honorable John Doe: • confined to beds at home or in nursing homes, veteran hospitals, senior Be sure to write on printed per- tatives and Senators. .••.•'• ..• ^Assistance isjiowjvailable through the NJPRC to help solid- citizen homes, young chjldren.-folks in mental or physical institutions, and of tage of this new opportunity to expand their recycling efforts as the most ef- House of Representatives waste and recycling coordinators to add these containers to course my aunt Anna who just cannot fight the crowds, won't be able to fective means of dealing with the garbage crisis which confronts us all. ' Washington, D.C. 20515 Free safety belt programs, including lectures, films and-brochures watch the games. : . . .-. '. ... .'..'•.. THOMAS FARREIX are available by contacting Carof Ann pillqhTDirector; New Jersey their recycling programs^ Committee For Safety Belt Use, c/o New Jersey StateSafety Council, 6 ' . I' , ' .•• •'.•' . ' ••• • 'President' Dear Representative Doe: The best part of all ^is that the New Jersey Soft Drink It's time for the Sports Authority to require all'home games be played on Commerce Drive^Cranfordf272-7712r^; ™~~r '". Association Inc. supports the need for atf aggressive regular television, and not on pay or cable television. '•'• . '•..•". New Jersey Soft Drink Association Coming To Springfield How about it Sports Authority? If you really want to be a sport about this recycling effort and is encouraging officials to expand their issue, just give the little people the unequivocal promise to televise all home recycling efforts to include plastic soft drink bottles. • and away games on regular television. Complains about lack of school spirit But what about those companies which package their Remember, the little plSplecaTrh^^ GrandTfpeniiig products in bottles? Why can't they turn their "throwaways" ".' BERNARD E.O'CONNER I was visiting Springfield and Went to the football game last Saturday, and '••-•••'; ', '• ;'"!''~"—•; • ... '"•"•. . ' •• Belleville. what a shock! I couldn't believe the lack of support from the parents and October 17 into"reusables" by going back to a returnable, deposit bottle fejlowstudents^f Springfield high school. "~~" ' '•' J ^ .W>er.e iglme^achggl spirit? Whajeis the hometown suppprtTWhere are the— «ai, C&un^where-Wbbttle'biH 'id 1jei|ig;te6nBiderea;^ecycling!i fans? Whafhappened to the ola school spu*it? Are the parents of these young bottles, whether they be plastic or glass, might be easier if men too busy to get involved? Are the fellow students too Involved with other . New Jersey faces a waste disposal crislsV.That is clear-fa anyone who .;'• things to support their school? How can you expect to have a winning team if ' there's an incentive to do so. , , '.'. . reads the newspaper. ' . :. you don't b.uild the morale of the:playeraj^th:your;suppprtT:Mt's notjet^ The new Mandatory Recycling Act signed into law in^ April of this year these guys down any longer. G^t involved -r-'hoot, hollar, yell and scream — Wild Bird Food Specialsi '• JT. • inally, recycling has been implemented in all ofrepresents a major opportunity to help conserve the waste disposal capacity support the home town team I ,• • ' which Is left in this state. The New Jersey Soft Drink Association (NJSDA), /Union County as a means of reducing the amount of trash •;-—;..•;•••'•.• ,'r • •••• •• •'' ••':..• ' ::-'\ '• • DIANE MORRISON, and its container materials suppliers, support-the-need for an aggressive . - • . ;\ . Nashville,Tenji.*' being sent to landfills: Even UnionjLndSptingfieid, which are state-wide recycling effort. In particular, our industry is committed to the CARDS already durnping trash oukof-state and are not mandated by ' MR. BASEBALL the state to recycle, have instituted programs, i ;Therejrnaynever be a reduction[in-thepqst per tonnage of J Ba hauling our trash to a landfilljor resource recovery site; but Statewe rein Licensed Items, Mets Lyric Value there are ways to reduce.the number of tons being tran- Lyric Lyric Extra Wild Bird sported, and thiis, the final cost.. YahkeeSi Giants, Jets and all other pro teams Bring tBiis ad tin Supreme Wild Bird Food If everyone cooperates, whether ordered to by law or noitT" left to 'throw away' Wild Bird Food Food SLbi. |99#LVS : . \ . By DAVID F.MOORE so we must ship it out of state. be a major national answer to IFOif a FREE GIFT Special that will be good news, - •"••\-''''. - ! •':, they can'tbe mixed. Towns will find • 5Lb. '. "<& »LSt si.b«.-< Z utts * 6y the time this year ends, gar- There is a push on now to get what's plaguing New Jersey, has they get the most value from the 5Lb.LLb. Lyric Extr, bage will have crowded just about recycling established as a partial some pitfalls we must learn to know, most homogeneous materials, such 232 Morris Avenue breeder-Filler ,J0.Lbl.--13 *LSSO 20Lbii 8 ILE30 anything short of World War III off answer to solid waste disposal. But with our state's mandatory recycl-. 40 Lblb.1389. « as newspapers,' bottles - and Springfield •376-2288 nd Urwv M*d. O'ctobec r has been proclaimed League of Women cost each of us vdstly more money to and sustained for recyclables. a great job In recycling newspapers to. keep'. things separate at the p»**d ' Voters Month inINew Jersey, an appropriate month to get rid of the stuff. Otherwise collected recyclables can and corrugated paperboard, to say household level;.otherwise we have As a matter of fact, the end of 1987 become heaps of solid waste.", . nothing of glass, office paper, oil, to pay extra for separation later on . recognize I the accbniplishments of this volunteer .should see 'New Jersey exporting aluminum and old cars, there are all —If It's possjble at all. organization. -; , r^— more than half of the 10 million tons A lot of people have beenseduced.. sorts of different manufacturing Plastic•»»—•• s are a rea•l problem. There It is during this month that activities of the LWV are most of garbage we produce, each year. by NIMBY, propaganda into believ- processes.: which have specific re- are so many kinds which are not . Exporting it to landfills in places ing that recycling' will sontehow: quirements when itcomes to recycl- ^compatible with each "other for.. Performance Checking. visible. Candidates' nights are scheduled with LWV mem- make the controversial resource : bers as moderators, residents are urged to register to vote like.Pennsylvania, which already is ing, Magazine paper contains clay recycling, yet to the layman are vir- trying to figure out legal ways to recovery installations unnecessary; which has to be removed when tually indistinguishable, that it will and cast their ballots on Election Day, and voter information Top much of our economy is geared Let it pelrforifi stem our outward-bound tide of remaking paper. The day- can be hard to collect enough to interest . Lyric Medium Lyric Black Lyric Special sheets are prepared and distributed by members of the trash. Pennsylvania fears loss of to one-time use;'the experts are still become a pollutant and.when it's a potential buyer. Worse yet, the Lyric space for its own garbage. . banking on resource recovery to for you." Black Stripe bit Sunflower QuacVN Snack .League.' • ,V-V. . , ' •'•'••,. •; .;•-'." '':/•:'.•'•'•.•'.• •'••• gonen there is a lot less paper fiber to plastics are the major cause of pollu- Large. Lyric And speaking of garbage and .handle 65 percent, of the waste, Evert Sunflower What most people don't Enow is that the League of Women recycle. Colored paper must be tion in incinerators and will never Gray Stripe 9 Lbi. Wildlife Finch ••' tides, who ih this state we're ih has then, what's left'over must be land-:' segregated if white paper is to be rot away If landf tiled. •.. •'. Voters is a volunteer, non-partisan, grassroots organization 1 filled.1 : •:... '.••;:•,':. '.. .-.; • ' "• J tiiiu Formula* failed to notice the recent delugfe of 'produced. Ditto for glass. . But in the final analysis, although Sunflower^ with membetghip or_ associate .membership_:open_to_alL garbage from tlie sea onto our resort- - Thjs^mean's- thei'" v' secondary-^we^householders"may"be"lhconve- '' 3 Lbs.' •195 -' begun to discover that there is no 20 U». 3 Lbs. 3& citizens, women and men, of voting age. Established in New beaches just-at the height of the materials .purchaser ..and his' nlenced a little by mandatory ,b«. ll l» 1O*> An tiptUrt ilwrfMfcw ii more away. : ~~~~~. 35 ii 28 "••:: vacation season? It was almost sym- specifications will spell out .the recycling, we must; accept-thefact EvpoOy tamulitad to aHrtd • Jersey in 1920, the League is recognized as an effective and Until society matures enough to Lbi. II vLogrsis bolic, reminding us that we cannot things which any given town can that we will be paying our dues for -399 :b>. I it .IBSf »U Smaltor in suo lhan medium, powerful force within the state. abandon overpackaging and other black sunllowar, bui hiQhor in lound, t escape the. reality of garbage and • recycle. Add such conditions to the enjoying the so-called "good life"' : Confociunary 'gra(]o. liQhl In the 1940s, the League spearheaded the formation of a factors which increase our1 per b.24«».u^ o'l conlohl Mo'o sofids por dotf.qui our responsibility to dispose of it varying ways different towns:run which all these wonderful products colOfBd.- worv largo kmnols Urgo Iminol tnaVos ihis a ~ pound UbuaUy mo.ini moro broadbased coalition of civic groups and individuals in- capita output of garbage, we will be popular-bird load AHracib a ' I visits , '. ' . ', *LQ20 properly;' . '•:::' their recycling programs, including offer us.' ..-•••. '•',., variety oi birds, ospocially' • terested in constitutional revision in.New Jersey, And' the ! Thanks to various county govern: confronted . with .environmental collection modes, and we can predict We will wind up with a safer and • cardinal AM f)fQSboaks ing bodies in New Jersey, which have tradeoffs;: some air pollution from a complicated situation. . = cleaner environment for now and the League has since been active in the passage of laws dealing resource recovery Incinerators, to with education, environment; social policy, taxation, voting refused to confront reality'and'in- : Metal rings around bottles future New Jersey is leading the Lyric Lyric Lyric Nkjer •stead succumbed to the threats of say nothing of the threat of water sometimes *nUst be removed. • So way again for the rest of the nation rights and many other issues affecting life in the state; ••-.'';., •pollution from landfills. Both can be Sunflower Cracked Seed NIMBY (Not Ih My Back Yard) must staples and clips from paper. to emulate. .', .'. •."..•' ••,;';: •'. ;''•.'.••• .•' •'.., We urge all residents to join us in recognizing the ac-. groups, the crisis. Is upon us: Many deal|; with, but there's always that Eight bulb and wlndbw glass is very Kernels \~Oom •••'•"• • little bit left over. Moore fa executive director of the 3 Lbl. complishments of the LWV and their affect on the quality of of us have no resource recovery different from the glass -used in New 'Jersey Conservation rounds- • -facility or landfill for our garbage, Even recycling, which has got to Checkwhat you get with "Performance Checking" our lives. mayonnaise jars and beer bottles, so Won. 199 10 Lba. II HMtl 5 Lba: EsiucKVy Wnctlva to Keep $1,000 or more in your account and earn M«al of tho SUOIUMW, ' 5 Lbs. facet llnchM ind tnat bMlad IOOA41 odibla. no wnBt«, .btfdl. 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Subscriptions.....686-7700 RaeHutton ' lates subject to change. There Is a service charge when the balance falls below S 1,000; however, this, 215 Russell Senate Office Building, Union, 731 Hart Office Building, Sports news t Mark Yablonsky, sports editor. Business Office .... 686-770F Executive Editor I S'Lba.. does not apply to customers over 60, Minimum balance-of Jl00 to'earn Interest. y". AlrMltwtntdl Washington, D.C. 20510 (telephone: ^Washington, D.C. 20515; District of- County events Marie Dutter, Focus managing editor. • 1-202-224-3224), or 1609 Vauxhall fice, 1901 Morris Avenue,' Union 1291 Stupui.nl A*nue, Union, N.J. 07083 Marie Dutter SRVIflGS BflflK : T-tS Road, Union 07083 (telephone! 688- 07083, He serves the 7th District, Associate Editor 0960). Election letter policy - Springfield Leader (USPS SU-720) Is. Letters toth e editor concerning the upcoming election will be published. published weekly by County Leader Don Patterson When you're banking to win Newspapers Inc. 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)•• • •I • !. '

^—TlHirsdny, October, J5,1997 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2,3,4* 2,3,4* -COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday,October"15/1987 — 7~ Mountainside docket Town return to Sarah Bailey center fines levied •rTti)~ Seniors -of Springfield are be used in its place until it is The group encourages new available by calling 376-5884; or back in full swing. MU(* acUrity has o,return«l. Anyone__wlth_quesUons members whp^like to bAactlve,and dropping by the Sarah Bailey Civic A 17-year-Old Hillside maif-was MASKS ; found" guilty oTtwo motor vehicle .. was-fined^lSO for speeding on—driving^thotitteiiiinrancecardin b«afgoing on at Sarah B«UerwiU>; •"maycair376 5884. ~ ' participate to join.' Information is Cehter73O Church Matt'~'~ '•". " '"•"" violations and fined $140 during the Charles Street. Simoes was possession. Valdez's auto was •MAKE-UP mud more planned for the fall. Upcoming events planned are: a , Oct. 7 session of the Mountainside traveling at 63mph in the 25-mph stopped by police Sept. 6 at 8:20 p.m. •COSTUMES Surrogate Ann Conti visited on Halloween party at Sarah Bailey on • , • ' • ' J Municipal Court. ' ' zone when he was stopped by police, on Route 22 West, .. ' \ .' Sept 30 toanswer'questlon s and help' TTCHristnasParty wilTSe h3do^^. FrOHICS~f©COI V©S^5ECa9"O WO fCI . wno pleaded 1fte offense took place at i2;i&p.m——^Alfre4-^fe-l&ioblauchr-3l~iif ACCE$SORIES ; members.make their wUl *'Self y not guilty, was fined $70 for driving on Aug. 25. North Plainfleld, was given a 170 , OVER 2,000 COSTUMES Provtagi",/ •' ' " •.,;- \ ' ' , 5 at L'Affaire, Route 22, Moun- Assemblyman Bob Franks (R- his' "tireless work toward the on the wrong side of Tnfcy Drive. In .-Bruce S. Phillips, 22, of Mid- fine for careless driving EVERYTHING FOR HAUOWEEN Flu shots were administered on tainside, from 12 to 4 p.m. Al' Union, Essex) has been named as creation of the Study Commission on addition, Martin was fined $70 for dlese^, m^m *m mm » • » mm wm m mw m^mfus mj 4^BA4W<19764 BuicVTC^*4 * kftCU^ft,C*4 was Oct.' 5, and over 200 members par- Costello's Orchestra will provide the this year's recipient of the Out- Regulatory Efficiency and Tram careless driving. In a letter in while on the suspended list. Phillips' over by police Sept: 25 at about 4:46 ticipated. . The" Summit Board' of • music. -. • ' standing Legislator Award sportation Trust Fund renewal." car was stopped on Route 2? East p.m. on Route 22 East. Health provided the shots which presented by the New Jersey Society defense of his actions,' Martin "SEED is a leader in promoting claimed he was forced to enter the Sept. 22atabout6:l5 p.m. were given by Dr. PeterBeimann. A Arts and Crafts will begin on Oct. for Environmental and Economic •-Betty Sangiovanni, 33, of Union, * James V. Guerriero, 19, of make-up date for any senior,who 26 .at 1:30 p.m. Members must Development(SEED). balanced '.environmental and oncoming traffic lane' to avoid economic development In New colliding with the auto in front of was fined $30 for failure to make Garwood, was fined $70 for careless MAOtC PAIACJ - AtOUT FACI COSTUMK "missed the shot is scheduled for Oct. register before the date and pay a. The award recognizes members of repair_». * . s and____•: ^_$3» 0 • for noa t• havin• g mher Jersey," said Franks. "To be named him, which had made a sudden stop. driving on Route 22 East in the W6-A StuyvMMt Avt., Union-687-3444 20 at the Senior Housing Complex on' fee of $2. After the first class, no new the' New Jersey Legislature who driver's license in possession. '. vicinity of Mountain Avenue. The Independence Way from 9 to.10 a.m.' members will be allowed. have demonstrated efforts to im- . as the Outstanding Legislator of the According to court records, the ^CarloTT. Valdez, 28, of Pater- Year is a great honor." incident took place July 28 at 7:40 driving offense occurred Sept. 5. Upcoming tripsI for. October are: ' prove our state's business climate son, was fined $40 for failure to make Franks will receive the award this p.m. ••'-. •.•••'•'• ' . ' "•. •'•.••. •Victor Britt, 35, of Newark, was The senior citizen mini bus will be Oct:'23, Hotel Plate, Pomona, N.Y., and encourage government repairs on his 1975 Chevy. Valdez given a $20 fine for failure to have going in for repairs from Oct. 13 Octoberfest; a triji to Bally's Casino programs that produce private week at the sixth annual N.J. SEED >Joao B. Simoes, 20, of New York was fined an additional $30 for his oar inspected. , " ••••••.. through 16. The Recreation van will in Atlantic City on Oct. 29. sector jobs; • Governmental Affairs Seminar in NJ SEED rernpnlzes Franks for Atlantic City. Kenllworth police blotter Richard Hr Kress •- '-';;•• and •'• - ."; Dee^ldishqstforprogrqm Kidney group meeting is set Donald D. Hamilton "Use your head-to protect your getting children to wear, protective' Kenilworth driver injured in crash , life," a program of instruction The Kidney Research Foundation) University of Medicine and Den- Announce helmets while riding their bicyles, of New Jersey, Ruth-Papier - tlstry of New Jersey and maintains a A Kenilworth resident was injured ringing her doorbell and banging on •A Monroe Avenue resident regarding Jiead .injury prevention' Many a serious injury has been 1 HOW WELL THEY SERVED — Kenllworth police officers Lt, Joseph Rego and for bicycle rider?,, will be presented Chapter, will hold its regular ' pediatric nephrology ~clfnic at in a two-car collision on the the door. Machuzak was' charged . reported oh Oct. 12. that someone .sustained because a helmet had not meeting at noon on Monday, in the' Children's Hospital, both in Newark. Sgt. Charles Evans display plaques recently given them by the borough for their , on Wednesday, at -7 p.m. in the been wbrn,"'stated Gemma Lyons, a Boulevard between North ' 26th with disorderly conduct.- . ' stole a' bronze' plaque from the ."'.. the partnership.for Springfield . Public . Library, Anyone, interested ,in joining the . years of dedicated service to the community. From left are Police Commissioner Street and Michigan Avenue.Oct. 7, Deerfleld School gymnasium. . Children's Specialized Hospital- Frank Ferrara, Rego, Evans, and Mayor LivlaMahciiio. . ^A man and a-woman were mausoleum of a relative at the the General Practice of Law Mountain Avenue, Springfield. Foundation or receiving Information according to police. , arrested at a North • Michigan Graceland Memorial Cemetery. The The Deerfleld School is located on •' cognitive therapist, y ' •• „ •• Stephanie Sesser, president, will ••"•This' program is a.joint com- can write to P.O. Box 772, South Nicholas Chonko Jr., 35J was Avenue tavern Oct. 8 and charged plaque was worth about $250, ac- - Central Avenue, Mountainside. - preside. . Orange, 07079. . ~ traveling west on the Boulevard and with possession of a controlled munity -. effort sponsored by the icding to police. ——The featured gpeaker at the event __A $1,000 Bloomlngtia'le's,. gift attempted tomake~a sharp leff turn" dangerous substance, according to • *A North 24th Street resident --MoUntainslde PTAi-andOur-Lady of- will be Dr. liana Zarafu, medical 'Lourdes, Vail Deane and Deerfield certificate willT>e one ortfie prizes across, the center Jane when he police. Paul,Feola, 21, ofRoselle reported that someone broke into his Robert -T. N I -for one ottheinany projects put into" collided with a vehicle driven by Park and Jacuelin Chaya, 23, of vehicle on Oct. 12. The passenger : • director of Children's' Specialized schools," said Jean Pasculti, a • , •••. •'.'. .,.-.•• and: -V- -y- 7 .':",.\ , Children's Specialized Hospital effect to raise money for the foun- Give a hoot. Janet Jorn, 54, also of Kenilworth, Elizabeth allegedly had less than 50 . door was smashed and a radar Hospital, a comprehensive pediatrlc dation, • • who had been traveling east.- '•• rehabilitation-hospital which 'in- ; - volunteer froni the Twig I auxiliary. grams of marijuana' in their detector valued at $69 was stolen, James D. DeRoise r The-Kldney Research Foundation Don't pollute. Chonko suffered head injuries in possession, and were both released according to police. .'•-'•"• cludes among Its services a brain • "Not only parents from Moun- the accident and was transported to tainside, but also parents from the of New Jersey supports pediatric on their own' recognizance. •-. : - ^Police report the theft of two. .injury treatment program. nephrology research at - the Forest Service, U.S.D.A. I University Hospital where he was ^.^A Toms Riyer resident reported truck mirrors from • a. company Norton, DeRose, Hamilton if Kress ''. "Emphasis wilT.be., placed on entire area are invited tScbmei" treated and released. •. ;. that someone broke a window on her vehicle' owned' byTTMarket-StreeF • • • ••'•-.. . • " • Police arrested Daniel truck while it was parked at Harding heating company sometime last MachUzak, 32, ho address given, on School Oct. 6. Police say the incident weekend. The incident was reported 2 locations > "' Oct. 9 after a South 18th Street Involved an attempted theft from the by a company representative on Oct. resident reported the suspect was Jldi^^V 12: •• ' _^__ '• -' . • '•'. ' : rt140ElmStreet^Westfietd, Springfield blotter • ••;:;• ;; 054-5717 •" '-f ;••••:; 416 No. Wood Ave. • Linden Cops bust man with loaded gun 925-9400 ' A routine checkof a suspicious was also cnarged with.giving lalse juvenile. A subsequent compute, parked in a handicapped vehicle information when he gave a false check of his background found that parking space led to the arrest of a name arid said that he was he was on parole for armed robbery. man carrying a loaded handgun and ^haying an outstanding warrant. On "last Friday, Officers'"Peter" Mountainside blotter Davis and Steven Stockl of the Springfield Police Department- John franlcs of home arrested Maurice Smith, 19, of Newark and a' juvenile while in- Police report 2 auto thefts is continuing its •.- WELCOME ABOARD — The Union-County-Reglonal-Hlgh-School-Dlstrlct No.-l-, ...vestigating-an automobile". in the Holiday Inn parking lot. According The ,., Mountainside Police belonging to a Springfield auto parts recently welcomed new staff members to Its four high-schools during the annual Department reports that two Monte New Teacher Orientation and Luncheon. Standing.fromJeft are: Margaret Par- to a report, the officers found a store caught fire Sept. 12 on Route Davis Industries 32 automatic Carlo autos were stolen from Route 22. The 1979 Oldsmobile caught fire 20% mentler,, Arthur L. Johnson; C. Pauaul HaaseHaase,, DaviDaid BrearleyBrealey; LindLinda McCulloughMcCullough,, 22 businesses this past week Jqnathanpaytpri NancyannKoglnl dit dlt dti Bb handgun in . Smith's automobile. at about 11:45 a.m; The. fire was • Jqnat.han_paytpri;. NancyanneKopP/ceglonal director, adult education; Barbara f William' Alder says that, ai rextlnqulshed by the Mountainside ' opteCin|o'(Hjadtirby;ClievbTeC~ rf"ti'e'Pt5pa.euhont. No InjurfesTwerr ' '— ancpistrftfaAxelifad,Dav'ilffBfcar,fancpistrftfaAxelifad,DavilffBfcar,f# arttrfeovei-noarttrfeoveinor Livingston. Seated/*froSeated/from left, ported missing from the Echo JJeanne , BuryB , GovernoG r LivingstonLiit ; AnnA a SmithSith , GovernoG r LivingstonLiit ; MarlenMl e , 'V y author^tfes nabbed a f •reported.'.''. •..' '" '.;'... M•';'•' * Lanes parking lot Sept. 9 between Mpscowitz, Governor Livingston; Dr. Gregory Gal lick, physician. Governor local painter after he unsuccessfully 5;30 and 6:50 p.m. Tho car's owner, Livingston; and Susan Ravlv, David Brearley. • tried to elude police while being a resident of Kenilworth, told police Craft show set now iluuugh chased along Route 22. On Oct. 8, the car was parked and locked when Saturday, October 17th. Officers Peter Davis and Joho The Golden Goose Craft Club will , itwas taken, Rowley arrested John Edward be' displaying many specialty Siiv«2Qy< on our entli-e stock.of'•' Kelly,. 33, of Springfield^ after he —The-second-incldent.-Alder-sjsysd— —productsat thePourthAnnual Craf t—- occurred between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Boutique to be held at the Westfield Topcoats, Overcoats and Ruincoals , * \ assaulted both officers after stop-' on the same day. The owner told in the Clothing Department ping at a hotel parking lot on Route Tennis Club on Oct. 15 from 6-9 p.m., police that he parked and locked his Oct.-16 from 10 a.m to 6 p.mrand now through Snturdiiv, October 17th; 22, ,.. '-.-: . ••.. .-;'. ..•:. • . .-.-, 1 ^0 According to the report, Kelly .car at the L Affaire Restaurant Oct. 17from 10 a.mi to S p.m. . where-he-was attending a wedding-"7^~Crafters' are~~from~ Onion" failed^to^stop' wheii^ ^he~'officers" reception, ';-: - .,.....•.•;..-.... flashed their •ernfergency lights, in Springfield.rLinden, Mountainside, Alder says neither, of the cars has • Crariford.TSdotch Plains, Berkeley with a Howard Powered chase along the busy highway and continued to drive for a "few miles." been located at this time. Heights,' Clark and Watchung, and However, when he finally pulled •Police report that a motor vehicle Westfieldi-" • "..• / • over, the officers reported that he verbally and physically assaulted John franks them to avoid apprehension! Kelly Our 60th Year 1927 - 1987 was charge'd with resisting arrest, simple assault, eluding police and '-• 207 East Broad Street, Westfield. • 233-1171 drunk driving, Kelly; who also had •';' ' . -... . Malor Grddlt Cards Accepted .'l^_ll_ an outstanding warrant from Chester Township, was jailed and bail Was set at $150, • . yOn Saturday, Anna Struss If you own your home, let a Sonya, 23, Summit, was arrested for Howard banker show you HOW contempt of outstanding bench YOU'RE to use the equity in your home Call for warrants, According to a» report; for home improvements, bilL...' Sonya has outstanding warrants i consolidation, "automobile current from Westfield and Warren. | INVITED purchases, education expenses .: >^On Oct. 7, Ronnie Griffin, 24, of TO MEET AN OUTGOING & -and personal Investments IN THE RAIN — Mountainside residents attended the borough's salute to the U.S. low rate! Newarlc,_was arrested on an assault • PRACTICAL FAMILY MEMBER Your home is your Constitution during ceremonies held Sunday. These youngsters'were listening to charge. ^ .':' ' '..•••' , . •. {• \- ' That makes a HERO even more the Joshua Huddy Fifes and Drums as they played the National Anthem/ ;• ^OhOct. 7, Myron Orlando Smithi financial castle. Valuable to you, since consumer . We'll show you WHY a Howard interest deductions 6n personal . 27, of Springfield was arrested on a loans, credit cards and other bor- burglary charge! : • Powered HERO* (Howard Equity •:• ""• - • •. PUBLIC NOTICE ^•-•'-- .'-" • ' • • ,'• -: •• Reserve Option) can free up your : rowing are being phased out, It's i-OnOct, 7, Michael Wilson, 26, of home equity to qualify you for another way you're better off, 3, • Final Malor .Subdivision Approval • Was ihg tbok'actlon oii thu lollowing applicationv Newark, was arrested for driving Howard Powered!.-.- .. •••' ESTATE OF- JACK, G. HANSEN, DiSconsmT • MomorlalUedby Resolution, -. . ' . Manor Hoallhcaro Corp.. llflo Routo 33, Dlock ' a line of credit from $5,000 to • Pursuant totho6rdor of-ANN P. CONTI, 5ur- ' Application No.s-87-S, H. Harding Brown, 10 ' 5-T, Lot 43, to pormlt nnurslno homo undor con- with a revoked license. He was also as much as $500,000. With a roaato of the County of Union, mode on the 9th- • storn Avenue, Dlock 110/Lot 5, Preliminary and . struction that oxcoeds the maximum height Pnoro By joe Long H's easy to be a HERO. day of October, A.p., 19Q7, upon tho Application . F|nal Site Plan Review Approval was limitation In tho R-C Zono contrary to Soctlon charged for driving an uninsured HERO you can have up to 75% of tho undorslohod. as Executrix of tho estate of LOOK CLOSELY >— AAountalhslde youngsters watch as a Memorialized by Resolution, . 10)3(c). ol tho .Mountelnsldi) Land Uso vehicle and making an Unsafe lane of your home's appraised value It makes sense to apply for a said deceased,, notice Is horeby • given to the ... Application No.7'fi7-S, Bumoardner.'Hardln & •' Ordinance-Granted, - . ' '• ' . tnember of the Mott's Artillery, dressed In colonial garb, creditors.of said deceosed to oxhlblt to tho Ellis; P.A., ««8-«o Morris. Avonue, filocK ' 731 Enterprises, Inc., T-A H.A. Wlnslon S, Co., (less any outbtanding mortgages HERO today, so you'll have your -.subscriber under oath or affirmation tholr. 71.03/Uts IS & 14, Preliminary and Flnarslto1 ' 1031 .Route 33, Dlock 34-J, Lot I, to permit thb ex makes a corn husk doll. The children' Viewed this room of the equity available whenever you need claims.and demands against tho estate of sold Plan Review and Variance Approval- was . . panslonof a non-conlormlng use lor patlbdlnlng , p-0n Oct. 7, Tommy. McLean, 22, • or liens), to spend on whatever .deceased within slw months from the datoo) sold •Momorlalliod by Resolution, *.. • In. tho.L-l Zono.contrary to Soctlon 10050) of tho Newark, was arrested for shoplif- historic Hetfleld House during AAountalnslde's celebration of you need most •• • •- _ it Wlien your application is approved, order, or thoy will be forovor^barrod from pro- - Application No.B-87-S, staples. Inc., 1SS Route' ' Mountalnsldo Land Uso Ordlnanco-Grantod, the Constitution. In back from left:' AAandl Oberhauser, 13, your HERO money is at your fingertips — all you do Is write a check. wcutlno or recovorlng tho samo against tho NO.32 Egstbound, Dlock 14J/UI i\ Prollmlnary ; John Aklan, 533 Woodl.and Avo., Dlock 33-A, - ting at a local convenience store. subscriber. '•. • : • . ••.. •. . • and FlnaKSIte Plan Review Approval'was Lot 31, to pormlt a residential, garago undor con- Cathy Venes, 11, Bret Oberhauser, 7, and David Klndrachuk, The tax benefits of a HERO. Unlike some other home equity credit lines, the Howard charges MO- ; . • Anna Mao Hansen ' Memorialized by'Rosolutlpn. ' < •-..•. '. struclion - that exceeds ,.1he maximum holgttl According to the report, McLean application fee, no points, arid no closing costs, and, until you use your Application No.3-87, toon Plrsk, 500 Mountain limitation In tho R:3 Zono contrary to Section 8. Infronf are Alison Klndrachuk, 5, and Erin Watson, 5. Under the new tax law, interest paid on HERO home equity loans • Attorneys • . .. • . l003(o)(t)(B) of the Mountalnsldo Land Use Avonue, Dlock 137,01/Lot (I lor Minor Subdivi- 'Ordlnanco-Grantod. . '' . and your existing mortgage balance remains deductible, provided that HERO, no minimum monthly payment is requited. ,.,,,„, YounohansB* Burke . '. ' . . • sion and Variance Approval was continued to tho Find out more about HOW you can tap your, home equity and WHY 220 Lenox Avo. .' .'•'.•'• " • ftpwt Reoular Moollno of the Planning Board to Authorliod • 'Foreign • Car' Specialists of the loan is on your pnncip.il or second residence, in an amount up to;' ' P.O. Box 340' ' .. . ' ' . . be hold oh Wednesday. November 4, 1987 at 0:30 . Wostlleld, Inc., 1094 Route 37, Dlock 7-D, Lot 14, PUBLIC NOTItE the purchase pnee of your home plus improvements Interest, on addi- so many New Jersey residents are getting more out-of life with a . Westfield, N;J. 070^1 - . . P.M. • " '• .- ''•'., • to pormlt the sorvlco ol imporlod cars In tlto L-l ; 07735 Mountainside Echo Oct. 15,1997 tional home equity borrowing for education and medical expenses Howard Powered HERO. Call toll-free and let. the Howard give you— — . Application No.(••ar-'s, Mario -Curlalo, 30 ' Zone contrary lo Sbcllon 10131a) & (b) ol the Ihe Housing and Community'Development Act of'. -person Intorostod IKoreln will t>o given an oppor* 1 .*•; .•"...... the . P.M. . - " ' .'•'••. ' -•• Amonament . In the oulstlno Interlocal Towmhipof Springfield by Jack Uudlnon behalf Ordinance-Granted- '•>. „ •-•* agreements for the'eounty, Its participant.1.' '. - public Nollco Is hereby given that.the Undersigned, Ih'e Collector ol Taxes of the Boro of Moun- Application No. 307, Jack ahd sheila Uidln, . ; .•••-...•• "ValerloA. saundors talnilde.-Unlon County, N.J, will sell.at public auction on the Jlst day ol October, 1»«7 In the Tax . ol hlmiolf for malor subdivision and variances l ; munlclpallllbs, and Us people to benellt from this David S. Macdonald pursuant to the Land subdivision-Ordinance, of, Vista Way, Dlock lso.nl/ Lot 13 for Malor ' '.•*', • ' Secretary to tho • program,and ' ' • • '• . Collector's Office In the Municipal Bulldlno. IMS. Route 32 Mountainside, N,J. alf] o'clock In the Preliminary Subdivision and Variance Approval afternoon, the following described lands; - • - • • 1-800-4-HOWARD the'Townshlp of Springfield Section 500, so as to •'•-. . • • - - Doard of Ad ustmonl : was adlourned to the next Regular Meeting of. WHEREAS, an Amendment has been propos- ^ Invctlmenl Counselor, 1H Yr« permit the development of four single family , 07490 Mountainside Echo, Oct. 15i 1987 ' nd Under which the Township ol Sprlnglleld and >',/T' Thh e slsaid landld s will bbje midd to makmake the aamounts ol municipal liens chargeable against the same (1-800-446-9273) . :'." the planning Doard to be hold on Wednesday, ' '• .. •' • .'••• • . • • lFee:tl4.00| • . dwelling lots located at Vlsto Way ahd Sunrise November4,\watB:3oP.M.- • - ~ •- .' . . me county ol Union In cooperation with partici- < C r B rw 1 0 1 I I M|O h -Way. This application Is now Calendar No.3-87,, • pant municipalities Will modify the Intel-local ' °len^or'"xes 'forth° 'ear iw7 ' '°^^^° ''r •?^^* ^S *'-' '" " " »JK9" ,ow»v«''of lh« At Fnmlly Investors, our touch Is a common sense 8am-6pm Monday thru Friday, 9ani-lpm Saturday . • '•' on the Clerk's calendar, and a public hearing has' Application *»7, Carol Dausar, 45 Park' Lane, •' ' • ' .' YOWNSHIPOFSPRINGPIELb Services Contract pursuant to KIJ.S.A. 3O:JOA-I, . Said lands will be sold In fee to such persons as will purchase the same, sublecfto redernollon at been ordered for November 4A 9S7, at 3:30 P.M., Block 43,03/Lot 4 for Minor Subdivision Approval COUNTY OF UNION; N.J. - . ' ..the lowest ra » ol Inlorest, but In, no case In excess of eighteen 111) per cent per annum'pavmonl approach »o money management. In the Municipal Dulling, 100 Mountain Avenue,. was adlourned by. request .1o the Regular •.AM 'ORDINANCE \ ESTABLISHING THE WHEREAS, It Is In the: best Intorest of Iho' for the lalo shall be made before'concluslon.oUhe sale or the properly will be resold. We listen, we advise, we perform and most of all Springfield, New Jersey; and When the calendar Meetlno of tha Planning- Doard to 'be held on POSITION OF BOOKKEEPER AS AN 1 Township ol Sprlnglleld to enter Into such, an Any parcel or rea property for which there shall bo no other purchase will be struck oil and sold it called/you may appear either In parson or by • Tuesday, December), 1987 at 8:30 P.M. • -• , • EMPLOYEE OF THB TOWNSHIP, IN THE OP- to the municipality n the fee for redempt on- at eighteen (IS) percent ber annum and the «,eca e TM's been the Family difference for over agent or" attorney! and present any objections Application No.n-87-s, schlott Realtor!,. 133 ' FICE OF THE TREASURER/AND SETTING . '"NOW'THERSFORE, B'6 IT ORDAINED.by P Mlllburn Avenue, Block 33/Lot 3 for Preliminary municipality shall havetherloht to bar or foVeclose the right ol redemption. ' * ' ' Twenty «v.y«». And we won't change It because . which you mafr have to the granting of th'sop: THSDUTIESOPTHe POSITION, • the Mayor and Governing Body of the Township . The sale shall be made and conducted accordance with the provisions of Article '4 chaDter S of ftnii Final Site:Plan Review Approval-was ad-, s plication, All papers pertaining to thls'hppllcd- ' TAKE NOTICE, that the foregolno^Ordlnance. ol sprlnglleld, that the amendment entitled, TitleM, R^lwdSJratutesofjNow Jersey,l«37endameKentsthetiv. "';"'"' * ^<"" "' It has worked for our clients. juuinod to lltu n«xt Kouular Moollng of the Plan- ' was'passed and approved at a regular meeting ol ' "Duration ol Contract to Modify Interlocal Ser-. tlon may be seen In the office of the Ad- nlno Board to be held on Wednesday* November . .. mlnlstrtttlva Officer of the Planning Board of the the ToWnshlp committee ol the Township ol spr- Vlcos Agreement dated December IS, .1974, a perty, with Interest and costs Incurred up to the tlme'o'cayment!lime of payment, 'by certified check or cash, 4,19a;»t(:MP.M.'-. -•• • . . InoNelci In he County ol Union and State ol New copy of which Is attached hereto, be executed by Townshpof Springfield located In (ha Municipal' Application No.VB7, Jade Meadow Eslatei, . : The said lands so sublect to salerdescrlbed Inaccordance wltt' i the tax duplicate, Including the Family Building, Springfield, NeW Jersey. - Jersey, hod 6n Tuesday evening, October. ,p,. Mayor and Municipal ClorK In accordance with ' name of the owner as shown on the last tax.dupllcate, and the total. amount due thereon respective' South Sprlnglleld Avenue,.Block 117/Lots 4), ' ' 'IIIK •'• -•• 'I •' ', • • • •' 'theprovlslonsollaw,and • ~..-..-' -' . . JackUsdln •. 43.03. and'43,03 lor Malor Preliminary subdlvl- . b low ^°V °'PC' ' '• °) ' Company ..Meeting tol the Planning Bodrd to be held on '. 07«WSprlno«old Loader, Oct. 15, \»87 . , '. Wednesday,Nbvember4,lVB?ot8:30P,M, . . enactment...i^» .V' '.'..•..- '.','•'• • '-:•..• ,'••',,.'•.",•• '• L«oEckmann. • I, Kathleen D. VVIsnlewskl, do hereby, certlly , 1 :••'. TOTAL. 265'South Avenue '.'.- - ' . .Planning Board Secretary that the loregolng ordinance-Was Introduced lor LOCATION, AMOUNT DUE ; PLANNING ' BOARD-TOWNSHIP OF SPR - • !.',Townshlpof Sprlnglleld-.i-, • ,ti llrtt reading at i regular meeting o)'tho Fanwood, NJ 07023 :i r 'JM Camelot Court'. —.-J-' '-• i ,.,.:.. .Townshlpof Springfield - *TS; 1 1 ', -' ,. county of unUHvN.J.' ' ' , ;• Township Committee of the Township of Spr- 201-322-1800 :"' PLBASE TAkE NOTlce that the following ac- 07«W Springfield Uadar/Ocl. 15, lm . IngCo.. J.A/l.L • ' -.'.- "'3.49 - ' Servingyou locally at 2000 Morris Avenue and ".'•'•; '•'•-. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ingfield In ttw county of Union and Stale of New . 441 Bayberry Lane _.,. KoWeganiRobt, 4.C/3.A 3,-M ' - tions. werttaKan at ttw Regular Mteilng 6f,the . AND MUNICIPAL CLERK TO,AMEND'AN , Jersey, held on Tuesday evening,' October 13, 1911 Rising Way - Plllionmayer, o, a, K. Planning Board of the Township of Springfield 1 . a.c/5 3,337.15 '' 2784MorrisAy.enue, Union. •..'.••••":"• '. ', .' .• , '—r•'•"•••''_1 ,'-'.i AOR8BMENT;*?iTH UNION GQUNTY TO , 1917, and that said ordinance-iti«ll be submitted 1357Tedar Avenue Sareka.J.U. • '. lj.p/9 1 ' i 1,?7I.O9 M*mb*r BIPC Securities Invtjslw Protection Corporation held on TUMCtayV October 6, Hlf at 8:30 P.M. In ' • •')'" .'. RiiBUICHOTICB-.'•. •• • i~^| •MODIFY THE INTERLOCAU SERVICES. for consideration and final passage at a rcgul»r your IIFRO low will bo tho Al K In «Bect «M your Uno bl credit Is ipprovcd: Your Inlewst nto nuy chuiet. However, tho llow«d*jll jive nolfcyt last 30 oiy. thlh«e council CtMrtbtraiwiAbtrto. olf tttha» MunicipalMunicipal BulldinoL" -"•— , .TAKE, NOTICE on tti« tourteenth day 01 ' AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 15,1*74 meeting ol said Township commhtee to be held . 07703 M«inlaln's|(ie Echo; Oct. IS, 1»«7 Septemder; the: Zonino Board of -Adluilment ol. -•,-.*- WHEREAS, certain Federal,funds v pot«0' on October lh 1917, In ttw Municipal Building at ' "Financial Planning Since 1960' Sunimlr Boad and ^ylvan (.ana, Block U7,01/Loi the Borough of Mountainside alter public hear- tlally ovalloblo to Uplon County under Title lot, •too P,M,, «t.whlch time and ptKM

: • '"'' ,-:l'-/-...' ; •• T- i ,"'-.'. • ••„>•.'•••' ;', .''.'U-'1,,'

'".' •• ^ .'.•' • '•"' ' •'•• • .. • '•'. 8 — Thursday, October 15,1W7 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -1,2,3,4,5,4* 1.2.3,4,5,4* -COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, OctObeM5,1W — 9 Center*br Family Foot Health care freeholder candidates Red Cross to hold benefit Dr^am^B The annual luncheon/fashion show on behalf of the Eastern Union . At fee invitation of the County palgned very hard for the :im- ' is picked.. .the person that runs for *« county- Stfracttve place ynsj&fi* have in Union County already, going west more than ever.. .It is , Podiatrist-Foot Specialist Leader _Ngwspqper». _ seven JtilLtb f County Chapter, American Red Cross; will beheld Oct;Z47at the Town ave-ty)gp| o county) ROWE:. . .the better you make is literally impossible to be moving and Campus Restaurant hi Union, at noon. freeholder candidates aSended a managemenHorm of govenunent.. h lfi ll development, we ha ve an Economic to encourage and work with the have any qualifications at all. . It SULIOA:There are a number of Warts •,-, the county, the higher the property into these homes for the first time.. Genevieve P. DiVenuto, of Union, chairwoman of the event, says: forum at its Union editorial offices .1 believe very strongly that we must couldbeanybody.apopularpolitical ingredient*: 1, Job opportunities; 2, Development Corporation, we have industry that exists here, .-.it's going Bunions . values go,, which discourages the .(without equity) It's not easy to 1 Corns , . _"This is our 11th annual fashion show on behalf of our local Chapter on Oct. 8. The candidates were asked have professional management. , .1 person.. .then they have to hire an an environment which you want to a Private Industry Council, we try to to take planning and we are going to Corns ... ^5_., Hammertoes glteJlllth -crack for-young people.—Things we 1 -inorownNaHs ^gppg AmericanTted Cross, and every one of them has been a social and four QT-ifFft !***—devff]oped—by the— nm ppmn H In ffRyy thah t I WflHn Onn' ththee -administrator< sonowwe^retaUdnig—zrraise-a-fainUy-lntTind S, of course— work with Uw iumiMpautterwhiere "lave to look to the fraeholdersand spurs" ~ county... I don't see Jobs as a real being done. In Elizabeth there are editorial staff and were given three board, that selected the first county that -everyone's' concerned with, —we-as-a-county can be' compatible Rinflus Nails Foot & Ankle injuries financial success. It is because of the wonderful response we receive about, paying two levels. . .that's : the people they have on the planning problem right now.. ,1 have to deal condominiums going up.. .Elizabeth from our friends and supporters of Red Cross that we are able to ef- minutes in which to respond. In manager. One of the areas of what! see as a problem.. .and the taxes. . .1 am a big believer hi with them, help-tnem. .'.so J think boards.,.look to our public relations with' the quality of life and'making is making a comeback. . .There is addition, they were permitted to greatest deficiency of the county planned development. Union County there is a great deal more we can do. ficiently anil effectively function throughout the 12 communities we politics involved with it. to attract those people to come into the quality of life better.. .1 have a hope in the port area for people of serve." . . :. give a wrap-up and reasons-why manager form is who gets hired? COHEN:.. .Two aspects should be right now is at a critical time, we I think there is a lot we have done. . Union County .: .It's amazing bow •, great concern that we are letting our middle income levels and for young they chose to run following the It's only good as the hiring process. ~MghligbtedTT~.credential8 overlap have a chance to develop industry, MACCARELU:I'm in real estate, the. people know that almost 40 people to buy in.. .1 think things like . "This is a fun afternoon," DiVenuto says, "and we will display both Remember, YpurFeefHaveToLastA Lifetime! park system — the maintenance of male and female fashions with models from our own.chapter. A question and answer period. An executive is only as good Us the with the partisan problem, you can't develop our county.. .we can attract ; sol get to work with the people . . percent of their taxes (are Union our park system -v deteriorate for this are going to be our future... The candidates in attendance elective process.. .The third county have a county manager who has not industry here, attract job op- .Environment Is always an issue; County costs). They - can't un- S v 964-6990 delicious luncheon will be served and prizes and gifts will be available, other pressing needs. I think we BORIGHT:Why would somebody as well as a cake sale. , were: Alan Augustine, incumbent; manager was hired without the had past experience in running a portunities... , . , ' tax rate is always an issue.. .With deratandwhy. ,",, ..•••..' . 934 stuyvesant Avenue* union have to rearrange our priorities. move to Union County?. . . Thfiy RM» Edmund A..Palmieri, incumbent; benefit of a screening process.. .the government.. .a local government, AUGUSTINE:! am proud of what the opening of 1-78 we see industry (Continued on page t>- —"Proceeds^ from this event will be donated to the Eastern Union Day and Evening Hours by Appointment COHEN:Iam (on the) Planning a county government that is con- County Chapter of American Red Gfoss to help them carry on their and. Jeannlne R. Rowe, ~NeU~~M. fourth-and present manager the running a county agency, running a Board in Union, I think I understand tinually in crisis. . . The situation Cohen, Joseph-Suliga, Jeffrey W. Jxxard hired was,, I'" believe, a state government, they have to-be mandated.programs: disaster, service to military men and women, and.' something about land development, here also deals with taxes.. .the way to provide blood banks throughout the communities. This, in addition to MaccarelU, and.Walter E. Boright. political decision that never should " familiar with the particular special ratables, attracting business, money is being spent now in an Not. in.. attendance was Edward have been made. The political 1 problems hi managing departments its voluntary programs: braille, safety courses, registering aliens for O*EN THURS. NIGHTS TIL 8 PM —planned growth — once you address almost unbridled sense by the amnesty, aiding the homeless, dispensing food, etc." Slomkowski, incumbent. connections were very obvious. . .1 and dealing with budgets. . .they 1 those issues there will be a natural county, the long range impact is >; : Anyone interested in obtaining reservations for this event is asked to Editorial staffers included Rae believe the county manager form of have to know how to handle both THE.-". • ' • -. -•:.. ••••' attraction.. .Hie county can be the going , to greatly destroy HuttOn, executive editor; John A. government needs one more try to political parties.. ..The feeling that I municipalities', abilities to forecast phone the Chapter House, 353-2500. — try to salvage it... . conduit for assisting the townships.. Gavin, Ken Shankler, and Marie have is that policy is being set by the A LEG ISLATOR WITH A PROVEN .it can be an Information source in their own budgets. . .for example, Dutter. Sitting In were Walter PALMIERI:. . .1 have observed county manager and then submitted conjunction .with the state. The the resource recovery plant when it 'Worrall, publisher, and Ray the process of the county manager to,the board of freeholders for them ' quality oLlife and attracting people was first designed, you were talking Worrall, general manager. being selected, a ' blue ribbon • to enforce..; MATTRESS • also involves taxes, problems such _about a $100 to $116 million project.^ The questioning began with the—committee was-put together. ..I 1 MACCARELLL-_As_the_. former' RECORD IN TRENTON -"-as garbage.. .'A young family hasi foi Zjvlthlthe delaysnowthey-estimate— ers support surrogate Republicans taking a first turn, think anyboby in private industry chairman of the Union County Board plan for its expenses, they have to from $150 to $175 million, and that's thereafter alternating with the would-share the difficulties in taking of Social Services and as an elected 1 know what the costs are. . .We can currentcosts...'... William Holzapfel, chairman of of Elizabeth also serve as co-chairs. Democrats, with the , Individuals over where a fired person left off and official of Berkeley Heights, I have ' help bring In people to Union County the "Lawyers for Conti'^ommittee In a. paid advertisement placed in within each party responding to the because we had a string of problems, had the opportunity to.work with Open to the public! by resolving our problems... announces that more than 60 at- Union'County's major newspapers, .question at their own discretion. at the county manager level, it was every county manager this county PALMIERTniTs~raTr~excellent- Schools secretaries torneys have expressed their sup-- the lawyers said, "By expanding the The candidates' response to two not easy for somebody to land there has had to date. . .County manager question — you can't get into trouble port for Union County Surrogate Ann hours and accessibility of her office, questions follows. Their response to and' land on their feet and totally form of government did work under Mattress and Box Springs answering this question, because all schedule dinner— Conti In her bid to gain re-election. _ she has assisted, the legal com- please everyone. . .1 think we cer- the other questions will appear in a George Albenese, but in the past few Made on the Premises of us here are very proud we live in Union County Association , of "As attorneys, we know first hand munity in . providing services to ... subsequenlissue. tainly: have some_difficulUes,_but JL years there has been scandal,; _.Union^County^andjve_want_to_do_ the value of competence in the Union County residents." •• Question I: Union County la the don't' think_we_:have—any ,in-- -Jjeadlines^ jujd^a county^manager ' something better as residents or as ^^SurrogateTOfficeTburing the past- "WeTbelieve' such dedication Supper on five years, Ann Conti, a lawyer, has only county in the state with a surmountable difficulties, being putout of office, ".".'the questiblfr elected officials. ..The reality is Oct. 22, in Cafeteria B, Westfield should be rewarded. We urge you to county manager form of govern- .although I would ijot be vehemently that arises is the selection process SEALY»SERTA what do we have to offer (young brought a higher level of efficiency support the re-election of Ann Conti - Senior High School, Rahway.Avenue. and compassion to that office." ment. Do you think the time is right opposed to reviewing the form of that has been used. .'.' .when you Also on Display people) In Union County for a small and Dorian Road at 6:30 p.m. Denise as Union County Surrogated-—— to examine .an . elected county government we have . ..select an individual for. county |—down-payment?:. .We are a heavily Holzapfel, a former Union County_ In response to the endorsement, 11 Hosier, vice president and program Bar Association President, chairs executive form of government SULIGA: As far—as the county manager and it is perceived to be a populated _county with some old chairman, and Pearl Battschinger, Conti said, "It is always an honor to public figure, that's when the public GARWOOD PARMiUS E.HANOVER '-—the 'group. Richard Kress of earn the respect and endorsement of '•' AUGUSTINE: I think there is no management form of government 51BNORTHAVENUE «5 ROUTE U S M4ROUTE10W communities where property values president, can jbe contracted in .harm in looking into the feasibility of goes, I thinlc it can work.. .there are loses faith in county government. . FACTORY SHOWROOM . WAREHOUSESHOWROOM .WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM have skyrocketed to a ooint where It Mouritalnside-and Michael LaPolla your peers. .when you select a county manager, Westfield for informatio it, provided certain things are done,—basically two problems. . .the • Mattresses' through the state legislative process selection process and, more im- it cannot be because of bis political • FREE Delivery . affiliation, his political support, his • Box Springs •Bed Frames to Insulate the county manager from portantly, the role of the. • Brass Beds whatever-ihepollUcal-whlms might—freeholders, v.the freeholders can "political ties, or his political friends, •Bedding Removal . itJiasto_be based on his experience • Hi-Risers be, whether In the form of a specific make it work.. .the freeholders have Custom Sixes 7tenn~or-Bbmetype~0f "legislation—to set policy and allow the manager and professionalism.. ;I think it may which- would allow the county to handle day-to-day decisions. . .1 be time to look at it very closely.-; ' manager to be removed only with think the present form can work. . .and maybe go back to the voters to . «Thor». 10 AM-I.PM* cause, which is not the way it is now. .however, if it keeps going In the see if they are happy with the county /The. county executive system has direction^ It is, it's obviously not manager form of government, or if merit... .but I can't be sure if, the working now, I would not at any time they areTinterested'in a" -county-executive form of govern=^Tbe^agaiiist"examining£|njrformsrof rcounty-executive form of govern- ment is Insulated from politics. government,. .but I, as a candidate, ment, or If they are interested hi the" There is much to be said for the Would like to make sure that our freeholders running county- KEAN COLLEGE county manager form of govern- presennorm of government works., government... :••.•: ••.••• ment if It is streamlined to avoid the possibility of some of the situations ' ROWE: I quite agree that it is Many young families are moving. OF eetYour -Which could develop; worth looking into. I believe that the" out of Union County to other areas • BORIGHT: I served under the old: • county manager form of govern- " around the state which offer.more form of government. . .and-I cam- ment should work if the right person opportunities for them. What NEWJERSEY .• suggestions do you have for making Hew Jersey ' ANIMAL MEDICAL v THE SURGICAL HOSPITAL P.A BOARD OF TRUSTEES REALTY McCOY in MAPLEWOOD g$^;i^r!iirvi2^*WiwS^^ Shirt and Help ••.••••'•;'.:-'';E»I: 1945'•••-.:•••'• by present Director The Kean col lege of New Jersey Board Albert M. Berkelhammer, V.M.D. of Trustees will nieet on Monday, Oc- FREE CAREER SEMINAR Dogs, Cats, Birds and Exotics treated Major Surolcal.Medlcal ftDenlal.. tober 19, 1987. The Public Meeting BUM Drugs' Earn unlimited Income 6n a part-time basis, which can 'cases accepted Cr^tmont Federal Sayings & Loan needs vourhelp to work toward a 'become a full time position. If you are a self starter who Is Dog and Cat Boarding by Appointment originally scjieduleclfor 4:30xR.m,jwlll -drug-freefuture-for-the Garden State. -We'reoffering hlghqualltY-T=w^ ^motivated and eager to, jearn, we can tralrj youjrjipne Hours-by.Appolntment shlrts that show our.prlde In our home state.to all concerned dtizens "shorir weekend. Improve your, own "financial position Dally, Evenings & Saturday now take place at 3:00 p.m. In Downs who wpuldllke to Join In'our fight against drugs. For each T-shirt you through common sense planning, Mark your calendar, Albert M, Berkelhammer, V.M.D. PETER '%CENOVA Hall,fining^ Room 1, on the Kean col- ; purchase, Crestmont federal will donate $1.00 to a local drug Octobei22,1987, YT Ossama Barr, D.V.M., Associate titl'^raTtellk 1723 East 2nd St. Scotch Plains, N.J. Phone 761-6266 We following is a recap of legislative bills sponsored by Tlege campus. ™- on the shirt is from original artwork from New Jersey artist Scott or Call Ed or Bob (201) 762-1184 1589 Springfield Ave. - Assemblyman Peter cenova which have been signed Into law by Oistafson, whose, work has been seen In national publications. This Maplewood artwork highlights many of the things that are distinctly New Jersey: (B«lw»n Bumil» Boydtn A»ll.) ' Governor Thomas Kean xlurlng Assemblyman cehova's first full term in the Assembly: /our heritage/oun/acatbn-lands;j^t SHOW YOUR PRIDE IN OUR STATE AND HOUR STATE'S FUTURE. • AOOI- establishes a reward for persons who riotlfy .: Help us and help New Jersey win the fight against drugs, as we strh/e • ; toward pur goaiof $25,000 In contributions to New.Jersev's future. ••. FIVE DOLLARS OFF! authorities of illegal solid wastedumping, These, shirts are available In each of our 22 branch offices for Just $4.95,.. TRIAL.CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 10/21/87 or you can order your T-shirt by mall, by sending In your payment with ... ; Find out why Jiffy Lube, at over 600 locations' coast to coast, Is changing the way • A8B2- establishes a Senior Citizen pilot program for u.'-. • 1_ ••...' ..';. . ' ••;• the/attached coupon.. America takes bare pi Its cars) and SAVE $5.00 with this coupon. , Work studies In public schools: • These T-shirts are machine washable,, made of a long-wearing blend of - . ; IN JUST 10 MINUTES..! WE'LL DO ALL THISI . , .50% combed cotton.and 50% pdvester, with a high quality silk.saeen Chaiiflo you1 oil wrth Peniuoll * .& Chock nnd «ll britocy .' print on front and. back. They are available In Children's .Sizes 10-12, and lllll 0 Chock you1 air tllw ' . •A2626- prohibits the sale of combat, survival and Ram- O NewJersey^ffiiYou •14-16, and'Adult Sizes, SI32-34), M(36-38), U40-42) and XU44-46). ' Cwnplololy lubclcMa Uw chaills a Fill wlodihWd Wuhw fluid Cluck nnd lop-'oH lmitml««lon fluid H Cluck oripM btodM bo knives to persons under 18 years old. Chock nrxi lop-on diflennllal fluid' [21 Pfoiwly Inflate HIM Bl Clock or>d lop-oN llw bnki fluid E) Vacuum ttw IntaHor 22 Convenient Banking Locations (3 Chock ind lop-oll pomatMflng fluid Q] Tl»nwaahyouriMlrtdowaloo! DURUNGTON COUNTY MIDDLESEX COUNTY Monfatowa • A2T26I521O9- permits banks with trust powers to In- Mariton Edlun On tho Qroon ' ' (Inndo Shon-Rilu) : 46 Paraonano Rond 22 Polk Ploco WO APPOINTMENT EVER NEEDED' JRESTAURANT & LOUNGE RoulOs 7O&73 • Edlnon.NJ 00037 Monlslown, NJ 07080— vest or deposit excess trust funds. ' Mnrllon, NJ 00053 (2011549-0707 201)267-0600 , • Cranford Rosalie Hazlet Rockaway Belleville Presents (009)500.1313 . • Edluw .. Natcoa* 102 North Avo Wosl 235 SI Goorge Ave RI35N 133 Rl 46 .491 Washington Avo CAMDENCOUNTV 2035 Lincoln Highway 0 Lodoowood Avo, ' Colllniiwood Edison, NJ 08017 Nolcong.NJ 07057 • (Opening soon) • A2BS7- allows amendments to secondary Mortgage SPECTACULAR 545 Hnadon Avqnuo ' (201)207-1561 (201)347-1443 Valid at those locations- Union " Wall Twp Plmbrook CollmoBWOOd, NJ 08100 • loopon 10/67) UNION COUNTY po Morris Avo at Lehlgh Rl 35 R! 46 W 1600)540-6033 . •.'•.• SliMlnSoiiliiMalnnaMM . daft . . 176 Mountain Aw Loan Act. HadJon HelakM - . - Mdl>«. Mall Sldlloh Rd. . Dradloos Shopping Clr.. . HI 5 Slation Avonuo So Plninliold. NJ 0703d Claik.NJ 07000 . . SUNDAY Hnddon Hoinl.lD. NJ 00035 1201)753-0151 • A3OO5- provides for a Vietnam Vets' Memorial Commis- 600) 546.6033 WdbMWodbiMp' .. WWll l 370 Amuoy Avo. 'ffiiasaffiiasarr ; 421 Cryslol Lnko Avonuo' •Woodbiidgo, NJ 07095. . (201)030-0100 . B65 Mounlflln Avo. sion. HnUdonlmld. NJ 00033 M6unlalnsldo:NJO7002 : (800)054:2204 MONMOUTII COUNTY (201)232-7073 CLOUCESTEH COUNTY FnahoM. ' MalaflaM 10:30 AM. to 2:30 P.M. Woodbury :— RouloOACampbollCouM • 335 EBSI From SI. • A32OOI52719- changes Injury benefits for state 157 NorlhDroud Strool Froohold, NJ 07720 Plainllold, NJ 07060 . Woddliury. NJ 08006. (201)431-0000 . (201)764-100SfriuDald 0 • •••• • 16091845-2121 Mlddleuwn 175MOHHAVO. • Bagels, Danishes, »Eggs &L Omeleies • 1580Routo35 -.• SprlnglieldSriuDld. NJ 07081 Militia. . ~ . _ V ESSEX COUNTY . . Middlotoivn, NJ 07740 (291)376-5040 Pastries made to order '• Maplawood. (2011071 -4001- IBSOSprjnnllold Avonuo MOBRIS COUNTY 733 Efounlaln Avo. »Eggs Benedict Moplowood. NJ 07040 Sprlnnllold, NJ 07001 •113797152919' reduces record date for business tran- • Fresh Salads 2011763.4700 -'• M.dUon • . - •• . lOWavoilyPlaco . 1201)370-8121 • Fruit Filled Pancakes • Fresh Carved Meats Mapiawood. Waitflald . sactions conducted by New Jersey's banks. 1040 Chancollflf Avonuo Mndi'jon. NJ 07040 • Pasta Usplouiood. NJ 07040 (201)377.0310. . • • 173 Elm Slfool • French Toast 1201)701-4300 • • Woilllold, NJ 07000 • Belgian Waffles »Hot Entree Items (201) 232-7400 Lee - Terrl • A3seais2Di9- provides Agent orange Commission made to order • Bacon, Taylor Ham, Sausage Formerly of Halrcore — with funding for Phase II project. CRESTMONT ...Additionally, Assemblyman cenova has sponsored 7 AND MORE FEDERAL Are Back in Union and Joined Dontia and Denise At other bills that have already passed the Assembly and are - SWINGS awaiting action by the senate prior to being signed Into > Includes: andtoaii Association. .''_ Mair Together law by Governor Thomas Kean: i , Fruit Juices, Coffee, Tea or Milk^^ Mimosa (Champagne and Orange Juice) Sendjfils coupon with 'your check to' . '••; Please sencj me the folioyying T-shirts and contribute. itoOfor each T-shirt 9 I purchase to the local,tlruacenter, The donation should be made In the Donna & Den ADULTS $9 * Children Under 12 $4" • •.:•' "Crestmont Federal ••Marketing Department • following name, ' J •'_. ,„; -,,-• , •' ——'• ; COUPON •' COUPON | •RE-ELECT SENATOR LOU BASSANO Children Under! Free, ._-P.O.:.:Bbx^l%«.Springfield,ltJ-O708t 05i8 ;••.;•• - Please indicate quantity for each size. — MambyMadacM • I WANT TO HELP FIGHTDRUQS WITH CRESTMONT FEDERAL! 93.00 Off Any I Senior Citizen I Children! M_. L_ L-'"-- . ••. -^—_-.: - 5 Special! S Every Tuesday Night Storting at 8 P.M. •RE-ELECT ASSEMBLY SPEAKER— !'Adults:'- S, '• :,M.•'• ' -L^—-'XI,,.' ••' • 2 »10.M«n-S12.&UjWomcnl -| f 10% Off Any SCTVlCC JJ .Nama. OLDIES NIGHT # of T-shirts ordered (XJ4.95 ea;i amount enclosed <• ' '••••• : Address:. , - CHUCKJiARpWICK _ 50'i&60'»StarringDJ.Walt _ ; HELP MAKE THE DIFFERENCES NEW JERSEY'S Free Prl«» 'Trivia Question! • Lots of Fun. • -City.; .State:. .zip: FUTURE, FK^TDRUOSXVimaiESTMONTFEDERAL! I Union •RE-ELECT ASSEMBLYMAN PETER GENOVA For Reservations Call 686-6666 *5.OOOff Any Perm J «O«-iai8 [637 Vauxhall Rd & Rte 22 '¥ ' " TitB.ISy.fiiUji ' I OPEOPENMONDAYN MONDAYS8 THURS. ^ FRI. EVENINGS 10 — Thursday. October 15.1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -5,7,3,4,5,4* 1,2,3.4,5^* COUNTY LEADER NEW^APGRS- Thursday, October 15,1987 -11 Elderly needs to be focus UCC's alumni will it up Ex-smpkers In demand for training "Ex-smokers with extra time are extra-special people, and we need at lie l#h annual Kean College Jersey's Office of the Public "Remembering Teddy Wilson" Jazz pianist and composer, whose them " says the American Lung Association of New Jersey. It wants By JOHN A. GAVIN facility was designed to handle 400 stations everyday .and there are said. "Right nmy the City of of New Jersey Protective.Ser- Guardian for the Elderly;" will be the theme of the Union style consisted of single-note lines, them to join a Freedom From Smoking Clinic Leader Training Although the state Environmental tons of garbage per day buthasbeferi problems there, gentlemen." ___ Elizabeth has been waiting for three vices. Institute will explore what' "Advocacy: JHelpr- or Jfln- County College Alumni which was revolutionary in jazz -workshop on Oct. 22 and Oct. 23. . . -. -; ~;.^_ r "Hfeedff'tffijeTlpneior vulnerable Ata^^""h*S^~lr"HifldJ Protection Agency,"has directed "forced to handle 800 tons~dally. That "Under the EPA ruTingTTJune, monlhsit^hear'fromTHe^PU (on drarice?" and "Developmental ^^^py7J For Information, contact the association at 791-6600. those Union County towns currently change came on Aug. 1 when the which backed an amendment to the those commitments)...If we are and elderly adults when, the event Disabilities: A Neglected Aspect day,.3 p.m., at the Campus Center musicians throughout his career. dumping garbage at the Edgeboro Board of Public Utilities ordered the Union County Solid- Waste waiting three months for a host convenes, Oct. 16 at the college. of Adult Protective Services." . Theater on the College's Cranford The public is invited to the Dick Disposal Inc. landfill In East Elizabeth facility to process trash .ManaiemenLPlanjJhejnajori^Lpf community fee, how long Is the 'Persistent and Emerging Panelists will. Include Dr. Campus. . ' Hyman Quintet's tribute to Teddy. Brunswick to three county transfer ~from Union Township as a result of "the county's solid waste was tob e Utilities Authority going to wait """Issues in AduirProtective Ser^ Meyer Schreiber, a professor of " "The concert wiineatureThTDlcTc Wilson7tb~felive~uW8oundVorthe~ stations, a new. snag in those plans the v closing of the Hackensack directed to those three transfer before there's to be construction?" vices in New Jersey," wiU run.^jQciaLjvork: at the college, and Hyman Quintet with Dick Hyman on- swing/jazz era. Tickets, which'are has developed; Construction has Meadowlands Development Com- ' stations when Edgeboro closed. from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 'coordinator bf the Institute. Some piano, Phil Bodner on reeds, $10, will benefit the UCC Part-Time been delayed at the two newmission. The other proposed tran- Under that ruling,. garbage from Freeholder Brian Fahey agreed cover such issues as ."Where We of the other panelists are drawn . Michael Moore on bass, Mel Lewis Student Scholarship Fund. Further that some pressure needed to be put Are in Terms of Adult Protective, LWVsets candidates forum faciliUes^and local health officials sfer station, Automated Modular Union! as well as Berkeley'; Heights, from the public and private on. drums -and-Joe—Wildler—on information can hfl ohtained_byr. predict chaos if all the transfer System Inc, in Linden, Is also far Cranford, , Garwood, Kenilworth, on the UCUA to speed up con- Services in New Jersey." •. agencies that are. jointly spon- trumpet and flugelhorn. contacting the Office of Alumni. TheUnton County Leagues of Women Voters will present a candidates " • stations aren't in operation by. the from being operational. Mountainside, New—Providence, struction of the transfer station. In Other areas to be covered will soring the event with the Kean Teddy Wilson was a well-known Affairs at 276-2600, Ext. 208. forum at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 21, in the Westfleld Town Hall on East Broad addition to meeting the January Street. Jan. 1 target date. ' Consequently, with the ,Jan^.l_ Springfieldi-Summlt and-Westfield .include,-"Are _ We Making College Social Work Program,_ Last Thursday, John Surmay, dumping deadline at Edgeboro fast were. to~be directed-to-rWhite deadline, Fahey mentioned the need Progress in Dealing with Elderly Institute for Human Services, _ Surrogate and freeholder candidates running for election this year to beat inclement weather con- director of Health, Welfare and approaching and with no contracts . Brothers while Ellesor was tohandl e 1 Abuse in New Jersey;" "Can We and Department of Special nave been invited to take part in the program, which is open to the local garbage from Elizabeth as well ditions why* nnnlH fjifthiT lfBtf)ft Change the Mental Health Sets English class sign-ups public. . •••, . • . • - Housing for Elizabeth, told mem- finalized with the two -proposed , Education and Individualized bers of the; Union County Board of transfer.vendors, Surmay warned as trash from Hillside, Roselle and construction^ , — [ System in New Jersey;" "New Services. Democrat Ann Conti of Mountainside, who is running fqrreHelection to Freeholders that the White Brothers •that Ellesor-is-in^-no;position to Rpselle_.Psr]5. Thi-Linaen.facility. .... "If we get an early winter, if we -In-person --registration- for the"Plainfield Center. a five-year term as surrogate, arid her Republican opponent, Susan pisposal Company on Olive Street is- •handle-all-of-the-garbage for the" would have handled garbage from get some snow and ice, there are not second module of Union County The Institute, which provides Witsaman of Union, will open the program with brief statements. • way behind in its construction. In county. : ~ Rahway, Clark, Fanwood, Plain- going' to be any footings laid in . Plans workshop on financial planning College's. Institute for Intensive concentrated instruction in English They will be followed by the eight candidates seeking season the field, Scotch Plains and Winfield. English will be conducted on Oct- 22 for speakersjrfjother languages, is addition, he says that the Ellesor "I'm stating for the record that Elizabeth or Linden," Fahey told the "RX for life," a workshop on Neil'- tr-Prupls, a West Orange Great Selection Board of Freeholders in the Nov. 3 election. . Inc. transfer station is already Those transfer stations would other-board-members.- "You are at the Elizabeth/Urban Educational located In the College's Elizabeth the transfer station in the city of financial planning, will be held on attorney,, will present "Practical Center and on Oct. 26 at

Assembly EUfNR.GREENBtRG 686-7700 (Across Irom St. George Diner)

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KlEiSCR PWMIMTUE IDVWEREAtK . Frefeholder Fahey's Endorsements m-vm '• .''. '.;'. ' . ic vni I NOTICE ONE OF THESE DANCER SIONAIS.NO MATTER HOW MINOR, EVEN IFiVOllIARENT•SUREITHE EXACT CAUSE, Yfau SHOULD CALL... '• "He exhibits an intenso Independence and is • "Assembly candidate, Brian Fahey's ; ; not afra|d to'Vpte^lfferently from his proposal to painlessly offset a Republican DR. WILLIAM1WALTA : TomDeverin George Hudak brethren.'' '.. proposed nickel a gallon tax hike for road For Ad At Concept Therapy Center we take a personalized approach -Dally Journal 10/28/86 maintenance, Is the kind of common sense CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN • ; to health care, From prevention and maintenance to high-tech problem solving voters should be looking for Information 'pain management techniques, we'll design a treatment and I SPORTS INJURIEJRIESS B• WORKMAN'WORKMAN'S COMCOMPENSATIOI N : "•^"Fahey'V.otadraisalnst the hefty salary in legislative candidates " AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS rehabilitation program just right for you. . Increase the^Preahplders awarded • Central Jersey Home News 6/11/87 CALL SENIORITY tharriselyea." '.'• .' •,..••• , ^INDUSTRIAL IN JURIES - Union Leader 10/30/86 • "For starters, try Brian Fahey who refused 289-6667 1219 Liberty Avenue, Hillside to danca while Freeholders played musical 6867700 ^AUTOAGCipENTS (one block from Bloy St.) ' , * • , !/FaheV's Ipdapendence arid probing manner chairs with County managers." & SPORTS INJURIES Is especlaliy useful," •"': ;' - Cranford Chronicle 10/30/86 ' ; - Courier News 10/21/86 L;.| ATHLETIG CONDITIONING "Besides being a dedicated office holder, ATTORNEY AT LAW EXPERIENCE • "Fahey,acted as a watchdog against some of Fahey is known for his Independent, rational PROGRAMS •r^thB-lllradylsed-deClslons.xof-Republlcan •—•— -thinking rather than blindly following the- ••••.••,counterparts."' •': •'''.! ' •' ; ' party.llnd." ' ;; ; - Sprlngfloldieader';10/30/86 Westfleld Leader 10730/86 NED ^ARTHRITIS INTEGRITY Brian Fahe'y is a 46 year old attorney He and his wife, Catherine, are the onccpt parents of six children. You have elected Brian to two three year terms on the EXPERIENCED IN ALL TYPES OE 20th Legislative District Union County* Board,of''.'Freeholders, In part because of his commitment to PERSONAL INJURY Vhcrapy JJ Cull today about .oiir.froe\ 'Vote Row A On Election Day home health care programs such as the Center for Hope Hospice. Brian has also CLAIMS T MI enter video clnssws. Most served as an eledted Westfield town councilman; assistant county attorney and Physical Therapy incdlcal Insurance pl«iis accepted. '• • • prosecutor. He Is a Democrat who gets elected in Republican territory for good & Rehabilitation " Novembers, 1987-—- • AUTOMOMLC ACCIDENT! JOB^ELATEP ACC1DKWTW>PMK**M reasons. He needs and Reserves your support as one of your two Assembly 329 Chestnlit Street, Roselle Park, N.J. 07204 ; 17 ACADEMY STREET Votes.': ."• .'"."".'.""."••'••••'•'•.».';• , :'V • '.' NEWARK SUITE 301 (201)241-4390 Louis M. Zamora. Director Dr. Ohad Llfshltz,Ph.D. I P«id IM by Itu FrUndi ol Bilfn VV_ f P«ld For By Campaign Funds of Lesnlak, Dqverin. & Hudak y Cimp.lQo J D Agomnl 1,faaui« •••> • 12 — Thursday, October 15,1987 - COUNTYT^ATSETOIEWSPAPERS-U.3,4.5,0* _..- ' 1,2^3,4,5,6* • COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, October T5,1987 — 13 Milt Rakita, Ray AlllSonrTom and America, will be the scholar-in- Church, Newark, the "Mother Elaine Krauth, Jodl MarUelU-aod . residence at Temple Beth Ahm, Church of New Jersey," will be held Alcoholics' kin Family sexuality panels set Cathy Hoffman, Sophia and Jennifer Springfield, from Oct. 23 through Saturday and Sunday at the Cald- er MacWewJcz. Those staying over- Junday, Oct. 25. . " . . udan well College—Student center; "toe growth of the Coalition for. Americans. We also have * the ParentrChllChild Communication is the ththeme e forr W -Famll; Housing for homeless »»vebeen Involved during the night are Kathy Beach, Cathy Pinch, Ryerson Avenue. The two-day affair lMmmtion Month. Tn mark the observance this month, the Lisa Figuelredo, daughter of Jose Berkeley School of Garret Mountain. Chllflr^ pf_ChmicalIy_Dependent- t^ Y , -and rBemadette-Figuelredo-of- _tte Rev. SldnejrPinch^^red Teufa, _will offer guests food, music, crafts public is inviteidd toattend two panel discussions titledild: 'Timi e To Tl Talkk: Jiathy Adorna, Irma AnSTt, Carol — Rabbi Gillman served as dean'of— Runillee of New Jersey has been - Alcoholics with chapters In 43 slates 'Linden, was named to the dean's list Barry Cohen of Union was named the seminary's Rabbinical School and culture. 'Featured will be ' B t 9B T Perrtol to Communication Skills For Parents On Sensitive Subjects.": These, at Kean College of New Jersey, Orbanp, Andy and Nancy Mako, souvlaki, homemade moussaka and Pn F? "£ , °u,, «*ve as an advocatenET programs are being organized by Planned Parenthood of Union County to the dean's list at Falrleign Dick and Shirley Schmidt, Jodi through 1981 and as associate activist in the alcoholic co- formation, education and referral Union. Her cumulative average was Dickinson University for the spring provost responsible for the pastitsio and honey-drenched dependent field.. — —SOurceforCoA issues," says P«rrin,— Area and co-sponsored by the Plainfield YWCA, Elizabeth YWCA and MartieUl and Cathy Hoffman. pnntrjpa, Aton-featnred will be small -the Union County Urban League.— •—~—;— : —^ _3.73;-3.45U necessary to make the semestavHelfl an undergraduate f l^, ~8eminary's~outreach~progratu from "In less than a decade we have dean's list, She will be a sophomore ""Coordinators at Connecticut Farms boutiques with Greek handicrafts Thefirst program will be held on Oct. 20, at the Plainfield YWCA, 232 student on the Rutherford campus. Hospitality Network is^artoTlhe are Kathy Beach and Kathy Adorna.' 1981 to 1986. Born In Quebec City, gone from a gathering of a few. this fall. InterfalthlCouncil of Union County. St. Luke's provides the location and jewelry and live Bouzouki music concerned professionals in The coalition is a grassroots non- East Front St., Plainfield. The second panel will appear on Oct. 27; at along with some vplunteers and Holy Coordinators at St. Lukes-Holy Canada, he' was graduated from profit organization committed to Kara E. 8chelnmann of Twenty-four churches and : McGIll University, Montreal in 1954 will be played throughout the Washington, D.C., to a nationally the Elizabeth YWCA, 1131 East Jersey St, Elizabeth. Both evenings will Spirit coordinates the program. Spirit are Cathy Hoffman and Jodi weekend. The festival hours are educating the public about the begin at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served and.there is no charge Michelle RrRosenbaum, daughter Springfield was named to the dean's synogogues in Union County are part with honors in French and recognized self-help movement Of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenbaum of of tbe_ Hospitality Network. The Other churches in Union that have Martielli. Those who plan to par- Saturday noon to midnight and offering more than 4,000 meeting disease of co-dependency which for the programs. •,'•'•' - list for the spring semester at Johns ticipate can call 964-6997. philosophy. He was ordained at the affects so many children, from Springfield, was named to the dean's congregations provide housing for assisted the host congregations, are Sunday noon to 6 p.m. Additional each week. In that same time we Panelists appearing both evenings are Lf. Alan August of the' 'Scared Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Grace Lutheran and Christ Jewish Theological Seminary in 1960 chemically dependent homes.-The Straight" program at Rahway State Prison and Marylyn Luster, school list "in recognition of her out- Scheinmann is a junior majoring ' the homeless for a week at a time on and completed studies .for his Ph.D. Information can be obtained by have developed an extensive body of standing performance during the a rotating basis. Members of the Lutheran. Their participation may calling 623-6211. literature, tapes and videos dealing coalition meets on the . second peer counselor-adviser. Luster will be bringing one of her outstanding in international studiesr - in philosophy from Columbia Monday, evening of every other, 1986-1987 academic year" by the -congregations- provider meals, have' included,., .cooking. a meal, Rabbi plans sermon DR.NEIL,GILLMAN...... " ' with the speclaTproblems, concerns, students to each program.. Appearing in Plainfield will be Dr. Karl "staying overnight or providing some University in 1975. His dissertation, month at the .-Ethical Culfiire Russell-Brown, area pediatriclanr "Dr. J6hn'rHb, "adolescent University of Pennsylvania, the Perry Spada of Everett Circle, shelter and fellowship to homeless — Rabbi Joshua Goldstein, spiritual "Gab~rieT~Marcel - on' Religious and needs of both Children of School of Veterinary Medicine, people. . activity time for the children inThT" Alcoholics and Adult Children of building" "at 516 Prospect St., psychologist, will complete the Elizabeth panel. Union, was graduated cum laude ' leader of Temple Sha'arey Shalom, Knowledge," was published by the Harvest festival slated Church lists activities Maplewood, at 8 p.m. Philadelphia. program. Alcoholics: An ever growing list of Chairwoman for these events is Barbara Maltesta, board member of and received a bachelor of science This,'Is, temporary shelter to • Many people from Connecticut Springfield, will dlicuss. the. University Press of America in 1980. Springfield Emanuel United The First Presbyterian Church of Rosenbaum is a third-year student He is completing a book in Jewish professional .treatment programs, Planned Parenthood. Maltesta stated: "It is very exciting to be degree from Kean College of New enable the people to '.'get back on ; Farms_Church are participating this theological aspects as same relate to Methodist Church, 40 Church MaC Roselle has announced that plans bringing such outstanding people to the public on a topic ofsuch vital and plans to specialize in bone • their feet." Guests are in the" modern reform Judism as same philosophy for use in undergraduate facilities and therapists has followed On Nov. 6 and 7, the coalition will Jersey, Union. He has obtained a week by preparing meals or staying' wiU observe its harvest festival and are progressing for the Roselle- to deal with'this special form of importance. This is the first time that Planned Parenthood of Union surgery in race horses and smaller position with Bell Corp., program for no longer than 30 days. relate to the "Baby M" proceedings. and adult education course. Gillman present the second annual animals. ' overnight Those preparing meals teaches in the adult education friendship this Sunday. Worship Roselle Park Interfaith Council's family dysfunction which is County has provided this kind of educational service. We believe that Piscataway. Guests include women, children and are the Senior High Fellowship, led The rabbi's sermon which will follow Meadowlands Conference for. Her sister, Amy Rosenbaum, is a families. , .program at the—Park—Avenue servicewillbeatl0:30a.m.atwhich participation in tHo "Hospitality estimated to affect 28, million these evenings are a logical outgrowth of programming that has by Ray and Marion Gray, Lois * directly after services tomorrow time new members will be brought Network" ' of the Union County provided assistance to educators, parents and children in the area candidate for a master's degree in This is the'first week that Con- Synagogue, New York City, and has Local students recently completed Schmeider, Maureen and Bill Glenn, evening, will be entitled "Baby M: • Coalition for the Homeless and is through an extensive film library, resource center and speakers art history at the University of Internship programs in .the necticut Farms is participating in •—The Ethics of. Surrogate Chicago, and her younger sister, thePetkov family, Jackleand John beginning to enlist volunteers for the. bureau. We want the public to know that this kind of programming is Cooperative Education Program at the program.- Other-churches in Ellertnan, Bob and Laurie Glaser, Motherhood." The Reform temple, adult education weekend retreats. available tothem through.our education department." ;: v Stephanie Rosenbaum, is a junior at Saint Peter's College, Jersey City,: which serves. Union County mem- He has served on Uie faculty of the '-The-churchsays that "our com- Princeton University. vegetables and foliage by Richard Anyone seeking additional information may call Planned Parenthood' hist summer. They were among the bers of the Jewish community, will • Women's League Institute, co- Wa'lter. munity will be of many in the county at 756-3765, or either of the YWCAs. 154 students in' professional in- begin its regular Friday evening Sponsored by the Seminary and the that will provide overnight housing ternships related to their career Grace's50th year service at 8:30. Myron Krop, the Women's League for-Conservative - for 15 homeless persons. We will also Elizabeth A. KUng, daughter of goals. In addition to salaries, temple's president, has announced Judaism, ""and at the Seminary- . Rummage sale planned fl COME JOIN US ON : serve an evening meal and break- -^-William-and-Mariann-Kling of- -students had the option of earning up -Theyear long 50th anniversary- Saengerbund,.Swabian- Singing that Irving Kramerman, cantor Women's League Institute in fast the following morning. We will State's lottery marks record pay-off to nine academic credits, through celebration of Grace Lutheran emeritus, will assist. Further in- Philadelphia. • A rummage sale, sponsored by the . 0 OCTOBER 31 Sttorbo Roselle, has been selected to receive Society, a missionary Women's Fellowship of the Battle be assigned this responsibility three . a $2,000 Lutheran Brptherood Four- their work experience. Church, Union, will culminate representing the Bible Tran- formation can be-obtained by con-, weeks each year.This year's weeks The New Jersey Lottery an- Uie fourth-largest source of revenue Year. Renewable Scholarship for the — Among^ither: students.. are^ Sunday beginning with a worship^ Hill Community Moravian Church; Customer nounced last month"that7it corF^~for thestate^gpyenpehCWhile"the" slators, jnade-a-presentation;-A_ tacting th'e.temple.office at 379-5387. will be held tomorrow from 9:30 ?lll be Dec. 6 to \£; Feb. 14 to 20,1987 1987-198B academic year. KlinB ^ in,the worship service Deaf in Klewark,' • _•_ the FellowshipHall of the church at for the program. It has announced 0 Ages 8-12 vrs. at 3:00 PM the Lottery was.,.well,.over, that Brotherhood contract members to. Trust Co., both of Unlonpand-Bar-— Will :b N.J. cumulative contributions to thestate Missouri-Synod, and the current Ecuador, and the Rev. Peter 25, the concluding topic will be "Tlie The Lottery, Marrow notes, is-now— total approximately $3.1 billion. Call 686-7700 : which now serves as.a fellowship, -ICoiman, ' missionary.to_Burkina_ -World According to Neal Gillman.--— Jewry Sunday and welcome Boris _ The churches are trying to "enlist^ -—Beth Auer of Springfield has been and education hall, Klbtz, the former Tefusenik" and" enough volunteers from the chur-, named to the dean's list by the Faso, will be guest speakers. . Chairman for the. Scholar-in- • : Visitors are invited to all services. Residence weekend; Barbara and activist, to New Jersey in ches of our two towns so-each in- . Throughout . the year-long '• The current worship facility of Israel, 20 dividual's involvement wHLJje_one celebration the congregation1 had There will, be a family dinner^on • Grace Lutheran Church was "Saturday evening. The Rev. Hank one night, three times a year. To do a collection of stuffed animals for completed in 1963. Three pastors this, we need approximately 10 " children in various hospitals, a - : __Qzerwlnski is pastor,of thechurch.J program jn.conjunction r i -have served Grace in-its-50 year j calllngTthe- MetroWesrConference—volunteers-=f•rom'-- -ea ch - LERNER PODIATRY balloon launch, a__ son of the history; The founding pastor,'von •; ' education co chairmen, Claire on Soviet Jewry, 673-6800, ext. 53. congregation. Additional in- congregation who is now a pastor : •.•-.•." Falkin and Lenore. Halper,. and ft p Spreckelsen served until 1973.^ -i- • formation can be obtained by con- in Nf w York r tnmpfl to pri SeholaF-ift-residenee-r— fompto vinTvprpsiripnt Rnheri tautlng—Inleiluillg i —Cuunuir one Sunday, a concert was* • • .,••••'• • . Steinhart. Further information or Anpual Greek festival 1980 and Brand was installed In 7 representatives, Betty Lee, Jeanne presented by the, Schwaibischer Dr. Neil Gillman,. associate reservations can be obtained by 1981. The annual Greek festival of the Struck or the Rev. Max Creswell, DR. MICHAEL B. LERNER professor in Jewish philosophy at calling the temple office at 376-0539. . _the Jewiah Theological Seminary of St..,. Nicholas Greek Orthodox j ^Continued on page 14)' DR. JOEL M. LERNER ' specializing In medical and surgical treatment of all foot disorders HOSPITAL AND OFFICE SURGERY Senator : I MOST SERVICES COVERED BY INSURANCE PLANS7

WORD OF LIFE 445 chestnut st. • union .'V;, •".•". ' SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL 687-8100 t UNITED METHODIST CHURCH World Outreach Cenler u _^l (near The Five Points) • -ALLIANCE 40 church Mall Springfield. Rev. REFORMED S^ J. Paul Griffith, Pastor.. Chufch "lailh Christian (eilov«Jilp"_ _' Pastors Efralh and Phyllis • THE ORCHARD PARK CHURCH C ST. LUKE ft ALL SAINTS ' School-9!l5 a.m.. Morning :wor- THE REFORMED CHURCH— THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . shlp Service with Nursery 10:30 Valentino,. Union, N.J. Call 487- •1144 Victor A\renu\, Union 487-. Colon)?!/ Avonue and , Thore'au EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4447 for more Information and' OF LINDEN . a,m, Fellowship HourJ.l7i3Q.a±rn_- 0344. Servift? hours: Sunday 9:30 Terrace, Union. Church 668-4975; 398 Chestnut Street,.Union, 488- directions. 400 North Wood AVe.,' .Linden, A.M. Christian Education Study 944-8429. Dr, Robert A, I 7253/ Sunday Worship Services 1 John L. Magpe, Jr. Pastor,. (Biblical Toachlng4or ALL Agos) "Ra5mussen~Mlnlster—Sunday!^ ~are~Veld aT 8~a.wrand";io" a.mr NAZARENE Smi'day^Worsh.lp.^and Church^ 10:30 A.M. FelloWshlp Break. 9:45 A.M. Sunday School for all Sunday Schpol and NU,rsey at 9:45 School 10 a.m., Junior Chir 11 ages;._Mor_nlng•.. Worshlp_w(lth_ PENTECOSTAL a.m. Youth Fellowship 7 .p.m. * 6th Annual irisli DinnerpartyJ 11:00 A.M. morning worship ser- —a.m,-Mornlng'-PMyer-d.ally-at-9 — -: SPRINGFIELD CHURCH— vice; 6:45 p.m. Evening worship- ,y7fcgyfllltlsthi!oug, h a.m. Evening Prayer daily at s- . DELIVERANCE JESUS IS Tuesday: Men's Brotherhood 8 BASSANO OFTHE NAZARENE ; p.m. The Holy Eucharist Monady p.m. Wednesday: Women's GuMd will be held service. TUos. & Frl. 7:30 p.m. Prlmary. age; 5;4S P.M. Junior a 34 Evergreen Avenue, COMING ASSOCIATION it Home Bible Studies. Wed 10 A.M. Senior High Youth Meeting; 7:00 i at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday at 10 801 Sprlngflold.Ave., (at Harrison 12 noon. Thursday:, Scouts 7 p.m., ( Womens Bible Study, 7:30 PiM. P.M. Evening Praise Service I a.m., « Fr.lday at 7 a.m. Vicar, Sprlngfipld, 379-722?. Rev. Place), Irvington;. 375-8500,,^ Senior choir 8 p.m. • Paul Burrows. Richard . A. Miller. Sunday; Saturday, November 7th Praise S. Prayer. Friday 7:30 Wednesday: 10:00 A.M. Ladies Sunday School for all age, groups, Sunday School 9:30a.mi, Sunday P.M. Youth Group. Women's mis- Bible Class; 4:3.0 P.M. Pioneer 9:30; Morning Worship and' Worship-It a.m. and..7:V p.m-. sionary prayer fellowship • 3rd Club for children grades 1-4, 7;30 l -Tueday-4:<10-p,m,-Prayer—aod_ In Springfield lbl~td~rd~Pt Chlld'M!!tl(ll Thursday o|-each month. Revr yyt -^"TRINITYIPISCOPALCHURCH— Sundays pf the.month, children's Bible Study, Annolnting Service TRUE JESUS CHURCH Henry C. czerwlnskl, Jr. PastorA Meeting; 8:40 P.M. Choir Friday 7:30 p.m, Evangelistic 329 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, A Corned Beef Dinner Will Be Served 34-40 Myrtje Avenue, Irvlhgton, choir rehearsal; and. Sunday ,of Si Teacher, rehearsal. Saturday: 7:30 A.M. tho month, children's' missions Service 24 hour prayer line 375- 352-7990. Service-Hours: Friday, Men's. Bible. CLass (second and New Jersey p71 II,.372-4095, The O777.chrlstloe pay School, 4,ySar S;30to9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11:00 Rev. Monroe Freeman, Rector. program; 4th . Sunday ol the 4h fourth of the month); Men's month, ehlldrenVseKmon)-10:4S. old, K-Bth Grade, for information a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Fellowship Breakfast (third of Sunday Services: 8:00 a.m. Holy ! call 478-2554. to 3 p.m. skyh-Kuang Yang. Irish Soda Bread •Beer •wine & soda s ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Communion, lOiOO a'.m. Holy Evening Service and Children's Jhejnanth). Women's Missionary , Blblp Study, 6:00, Wednesdayt Circles meet monthly. Communion and Church School. ZION GOSPEL CHURCH Music by Ireland's Best Known- . CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Weekday Services: Tuesdays and Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, 953 West Chestnut Street, Union 7:00. -.•' (A Foursquare Gospel Church) Thursdays, 10.00 a.m. Holy 3rd Ave & Chestnut St. Roselle, ROMAN CATHOLIC AGCordlan player ; 944-1133. ; Sunday School 9:30 communion, Transportation a.m./ Worship Service 10:45 a.m., N.J. 241-4470 Church, 241-4074 EVANGEt BAPTIST CHURCH Available for all services.. . NON- Parsonage.'Rev. Ed & Ann Kiena Evening Service 7:00 pjn,,Jlues^ 243 Shunplke Road, Springfield, • .;• .ST. LEO'S CHURCH •;• permot O'Brien . . :••. .. .'. • "... [ " • • • ; •• I DENQMINflTIONAL Pastors; Services Sunday 10:30 M day; Bible Study^awdTrayer7:30 379-4351. .Wednesday: 7;15 p.m. a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Nursery 103 Myrtle Ave., Irvington, N.J. Tickets s'20 each p.m, Interim Pastor, Rev. Harry Prayer Meeting; Choir, P.G'sand ECHO UKE CHURCH OF CHRIST 372-1272,. Rev. . .Dennis |R- Battalion. Sunday: 9:45 a,m, LUTHERAN available a.m. Service. Bible For More Information Call: Dietrich, East Broad St. at Springfield Study 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Hour ' McKonna, Pastpr. Schedule of Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worship; Masses: Saturday Eve. 5:30 p.m. Maureen Hamilton 4 p.m. Evening Service. Friday; | ; CHRIST LUJHERAN CHURCH Ave., West'lold- 233-4944. prayer Friday 8:00 p.m. "Thy; Ministries Jerry.L. Daniel and C, will be done" Nursery & Day caro j Sunday 7:30 a.m., 10.00 a.m.,' . BAPTIST 7:15 p.m. Pioneer Girls, 1359 MbrVlsAVO., Union, N.J. 484: • 11:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Stockade; 7:30 p.m. Youth Grouo Artie Shaffor. Sunday service starting soon, taking application i 0188. Rev. Glen A. Englehardt. 9:30 a.m., Bible Study; 10:30 a.m. now for workers. .Call for infor- i (Spanish). Weekdays: Monday to " ••••"• .°r"' •••"••••. Rev. Joseph Lombard!, Pastor. •Friday: 7:00 a.m,,- 8:00 a.m., CLINTON .HILLBAPIISt CHURCH Worship Service 10:30 A.M., Sun- Worship. 4:00 p.m. Worship. mation. "Zlon" means: city; | Mary Cameron 3815 Morris Ave., L|nlon, 467-9440. day School 9:15 A.M. ages 10-13, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible 12:00 noon. Saturdays: 8:00a.m., ' 10:30 A.M. ages 4-9..Nursery dur- place; people of God. All are | 12:00 noon. Holydays; Eve, 7:30 ' Pa*tbr/Teacher Tom: Slgley; welcome here |_LL -.- ' • i 467.0978 Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Bible School Mng worship -service available. p.m..j Holyday: 7:00 a.m.. 9:00 lor children/ youth and adults; .11 CHARISMATIC Holy Communion 1st Sunday. a.m., 12:00 -noon. Miraculous KENILWORTH GOSPEL CHAPEL Medal Novena: Mondays a.m. Worship Serylce, children's Confirmation. Class Wednesday Corner of Newark Ave. & So. 23rd PRESBYTERIAN Churchy. Nursery. 4 p.m. Gospel GRACE* PEACE 7:00 P.M., Choir Rehearsal following tho 12:00 noon Mass and St. Kenilworth, 276-8911. Sunday at 7:15 p.m. Sacrament ol Hour. Monday: 4:30 a.m. Men's FELLOWSHIP CHURCH Wednesday 7:30 P.M., LovoXIr- Commgnlon 9-15 a.m.; Bible . Prayer. Tuesday: (2nd & 4th) 950 Rarltan Road, Cranfordi 274- clelstTuesday 12:00Noon, Faith " COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN 'Penance: Saturday: 1:00 to 2:00 Circle LCW 2nd. Tuesday 7:30 Hour, Sunday School 11:00 a.m.; p.m. and following the 5:30 p.m. • '7>30'P.nik Home Bible Study. 8740. Rev. Dean Knudsen, Pastor, . Evening Service 7:00 p.m.; CHURCH OF MOUNTAINSIDE Wednesday: 7.:30 p.m. Prayer P.M., Seniors Group ' 3rd; .mass. • ••'• '.'•• '••' ••• . V . Sundays 10 •.rn.'.'.Prilie & ..•: Thursday 12:00 Noon.- . Wednesday Night. Bible Study MeetMig. Friday: 7 p.m. Pioneer Teaching Service and Children's 7:30 p.m. For further Information Deor Path and Meeting House L Olf Is, Boys Stockade a Battal on. Ministry. Wednesday In; oh Classes and Clubs ploaso call Lane, Mountainside, . 232-9490. r Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Men's Bible tercessory Prayer-Maetlno 7:00 Rjchard Arthur at 274-8911 or 241- Rev. Chrlstophor R, . Bolden, ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL - Study (2nd f. 4th), Men's 0484, • , • Pastor. Sunday School 10:30 ' Breakfast (3rd); 7 p.m. Jr. & Sr. P.M,,, Wednesday Evening REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH a.m., Nursdry'care during.sor- 1212 Kelly Street, Union. Rev. Assembly Speaker Assemblyman High youth Group. (Ladles' ServleeBiOOP.M. . : , 134 Prospect Avenue, Irvington, —vIocrrChoirRohorsal Thursday B Ronald J. Rozniak, Pastor. Exorcise .Class: Monday « N.J. ?74-9377. Rev. .Hpnrv' E., MOUNTAINSIDE GOSPEL CHUPEL p.m. Holy communion 1st sun- Schedule Of Masses: Sat. Eve. llso Spruce Drive Mountainside Thursday 7 p.m.) Transportation Dlerk, D.D. Pastor 375-4049. —dayol each-month———. —__ :7.:00rp.m,:s«nday7:30. a.m., 9:00 HEUOAHN, ITS ffifrl RVEMBWS provided II needed. ~WhWor«hll p "(£erv(£SS. 8i30-ntt-10i38i30antt10i30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., .12 p.m. V0M££ia!KSUnDW1 i CONGREGATWNAL" a.m., Choir Practice 9:15 a.m., E. Garlppa, Weekly Activities: Weekdays: Mon.-Sat. 7:00 a.m., Thursday 4:00 PM Children's Boy scquts, Mondays 7 p.nw 1 7:45 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Sacrament.ol Choir,- 4:00 PM Jr HI Youth TOWNLEY PRESBYTERIAN ' Penance: Sat. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., FIUST ^BTIST CHUSOI of VWXHMLL Senior Fellowship. - 1st.Wed, CHUCK PETER FIRST CONGREGATIONAL I nesdavs and. 3rd Thursday, 1. Fellowship, 8:00 PM Ladles CHURCH •••'.- Eve of Holy Days & First Fridays Outreach Codee. Friday 8:00 PM „ Salem Road and Huguenot 4:30-5:30p.m. . ; 1 5 Hilton Aveiiuo, V»uxhali, 070BB., CHRISTIAN CHURCH [ P°M; Second Tuesdays Church College & Career Bible Study. Avenud^Un|on-4B4>1028r-Worshlp Church office, 487-3414. Dr. council ap.nt.> AASteps, Fridays Sunday 9:45 AM Sunday School and church Schpol. Sundays a.t 1 Marlon J. Franklin, It-.J'^: 8 p.m., AA Saturdays 8 p.m., 1240 ciinton Avenue, Irvjngton, j Classes for ALL ages, beginning 10:30-a.m. Nursery Care During Sunday School - ALL AGES) »!30 A.A.R.Py Irvington CHapler 1919 with, two-year plds, with Nursery all Services. Holy Communion, A.M. Worihlp ,serv ee Includlna Rev. William R.MUIford, Senior I Third Tuesdays 1 p.m- ST. PMLWAPMLWAPOSTLP E HARDWKK Pastor; Re^. Dr.' Audrey V. Leof, I provldpd for nowborns to two- the First Sunday of Each Month. Nursery room lac IKIea...and. A Assoclatd Pastor, 373-4883. Sun- ! year. O|ds, Adult Electlvos this Visitors Welcome I .The Rev. Jack Moth«r'» Room • « OFTHEP.C.A. , ST. ROCCO'S CHURCH ' .Treocllmbors Program for boys In first and second grades with FELLOWSHIP CHAPEL QHURCH • A National Historic LandnWk, EPISCOPAL BETHEL AFRICAN METHOblST their, dads.'. *;00 PM Evonlng ; 212' Hunterdon St., Newark, 824- IBB Union Av«noej Irvlngton 373- 1452. Rev: John P. Nlckas, ElP Praise Service, Tuesday. BiOO PM 0147, Ed Brown Padtor, Worship' ,•'•'• ST LUKE EPiSCOPAL CHURCH Women's Missionary Prayer. Pastor, , Ms. Anna Hooper, WorshlD Service - 7!S0 P.M. ^East Fourth Ave. and Walnut St., ! )4l Hilton Avenue, V»uxh«ll, N.J, Services on Sunday. 10 a.m. a 11 ^Pastoral Minister. M>- Monse Fellowship. Wednesday 7:00 PM. A.M., Wednesday night bible r No"&r*lee, Juna 10, "People Roielle 245:0115. Holy Burcharlii . 070JI, 944-)2«2. Sunday. Church; MID-WEEK SERVICE - FAMI-, V«la»quei, pastoral -Minister. VOTE UNE B - NOV. 3 th. Church «n do without", June i stiidy 7'(10-ti3.0 p.m., Vouth 7:30 aini. Holy; EurcharUt or School 9.: 30 a.m,; Church Worship ( • Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.'Mass- 1 1 LY .NIQHT,: Blblo .Study, «., ^W...ofth.Cj.urehc.nno. Mornlng Prayer 10:00, a.rn. Sun- 10:45 a.m. Wednesday: Prayar' .prayer, Pioneer Girls (for glrlsi' Ministry 8. Women's Fellowsh p. IEnglish, 11:15 a.m. Masi- -day School and Nursery. 10 a.m. Meeting A Blbla study 7iJ0 p.m, True to the bible Relormed Fallh < Spanish.. Bible - School Every WID FOR BY NEW JERSEY REPUBLICAN 8TATE COMMITTEE 310 WHI SUM Bu—t, THoton. NJ OBSIB ~ ^^IPP" Rev. Oladwln A. Fubler-Pastor. ;> Grades 1-8) Christian Service , Great Commlslon. . ; J_ The Rev. Kenneth, porman, Rec- . Brigade ,(fof bqy»-.Grade»-..um-.: ;! J«hiUi0O0ll<^^ '"• 'tor; ^..•:.1 !' •• •••;:•..'!'.•••':'; '••: •' :•,•• '•••'. 7;30PM Choir Rahoarsal.

3-.---..•(••-•. • / . -COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, October 15,1987 - 15. »'•=- Thursday. October 15,1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS-l,2,3,ia**i ( uinoh, Peggy, Day and Donna Yancbok lived in Springfield for 32 (Continued from page 13). " s moving to Linden SO pre-wbool children from 2ft to - TH&pood Friday tbe Annual Crop planned a murder mystery dinner visited six cities in Poland and eight U abbs.-and five grandchildren. at the Short Hills Caterers, Snort • v* Frank Yancbok Builders in tindeergartenage." ''-,., Walk (or Hunger will be held. party, pet. 24.\Tbe annual fall, event dtjesand 12 BapUst churches in tbe:. HIHS. Personalities of the Jewish Toby and Alfred; a daughter, .pastor of- the First Presbyterian will be sponsored this jear by a Springfield for 40 yeares before Church of Roselle. '. ,( A bus will pick up kindergarten Officers for the InterfaHh Council Soviet Union; in the Ukraine. Dr,; and clvln communities will join the* Federlco A. 8oll«, 77, of . Lavante, five grandchildren and a children after their morning public °* Roselle-Roselle Park are Lois • professional theater group ,fxom Springfield died Oct. 8 in Overlook great-grandchild. -• _ • retiring four years ago. He was a The Christian Education Committee MuUer Boltalew will show slides*of,nlslidesof,nls visit congregation at the banquet; A' Is Joining RosellelUnited Methodist school session and transport them to\ > chairman; the Rev. George New York, Biyth and Co., which'has to the SoiSoviett UUnioi n SSundad y at 7 pJn. tribute calendar will be published Hospital, Summit.- '"• • , member of tbe Summit Chapter of I aiul St. L^e's Episcopal churches in ' the center for lunch and an af- W.Harkless, vice chairman; Helene two mystery shows running in tbe The public Is invited to attend. The fortheoccasloq. . ' '.' Born In Newark, Mr. Solla lived in Rita DeStephan, 92, of Union died SPEESQSA, a barber shop quartet city. They, will entertain the guests ••rank J Itn iri -Oct&in-the Cornell-HallNursing., soclery, and. the JWIkins_ Eureka j planning a Halloween.party fur-lhe_ ternoon program. There also is pn Melsch. secretary; Nelson Ellis, church is !gcatedLaLj391-Llberiy —Schiffman, aco-owner-of-Lee's Bon In Newark IJK II vl I habt Springfield for 30 yyears. He had been with a murder "mystery," engage' Avenue. Additional information can 11 1 11 /..? Lacz>nikl » •, muibtr of th Lodge 39 of Irvington. children on Oct. 31. The party will be after-school care for children up to treasurer/ and Dorothy Lark, Drug Company in Elizabeth, has «ti(H.ti( Llocmtrb in the liuvirwt, if uraiufe btfort, iiiuvwfc to Lmdui Zl u bus .operator for Public Service in Home.Union. for Sunday S#»ool children of the 10 years of age. corresponding secretary. them in some high-style sleuthing, be obtained by contacting Bolmiew been active in the congregation and yearsagoyearsagarsagoo. ~ ' Maplewpod for 35 yearsI until hihiss Born in Elizabeth, Mrs. . Surviving aree a son,, Edward S.; and challenge them while they dine. at 688-6176. , . 1 Pennsylvania. She had been a staff three churches. It will be held in the The doors open at 7:30 a.m. and. in the community 'for many years.. reporter foirtheJonrnal Inquirer in SiSurvivini g aie three Bons, John F. 1 eUieiiieuUl l ia yyears-agor-MrrSollfl—-DeStephag ll n lived in Union-foi r 34" two sisters,Elizabeth Nasissl and ieilowship-haH _of_the^Eirst- .the center operates until S;3o p.m. No one "watches" the show; all are ManchesteM t r since March. Earlier, .ii-;j, BhRnhwrt nnii Blhd ^ hrt b d tte ypfli-g SSht p wflff fl nipmtvt r off ththn Maryy ReynoldReynoldss , anand thre threee grandgrand-- p!5Hcipate¥"ta~lhIs7d^ama71t"wi '^Before-moving-to-Springfleld.-he— h > Mh Eli was a charter member and tnmte* Presbyterian Church of Roselle The center is licensed under tbe was'founder and-trustee of the she had. been the editor of the Nutley daughters, June Ober and Betty for the hist 10 years of the American- Rosary Society of Sf. Michael's children, x Annual flea market announced. The evening activities where he worked for 41 years. He x from 6 to 9 p.m. State Licensing Board "and our staff Hillside Jewish Center. He has Sun for a year. '. ----- Lou, two grandchildren and three Italian Cultural Organzation. Church, Union. Creswell has reported 'that the and facility meet state, The Catholic Daughters of the - will begin at 8:30 in the temple. worked with youth as a former Boy ' . Surviving are her parents, Ed- 'great-grandchildren. • Surviving are his wife, Helen; a Surviving are two sons, Joseph EUiabeth C. Barry, 95, of Roselle . church's support of the Children's requirements, y Americas, Court of the Immaculate Additional information can be ob- Scout leader and as a current coach ward and Frances Laczynski; a son, Jerry; two daughters, Elena and Charles; a daughter, Rita . Park died Oct. 11 in the. Delaire tained by calling Lynn Goldberg at a member of tte Singa- 40-Year Specialized Hospital in Westfleld "Our trained teachers and aides Heart of Mary 1360, Union, will hold of the seventh and eighth grade a; a brother, Edward; Ida E. Herbst, 89, of Linden died Adamczak and Eleanor' DeMarco; Kleniewski; a sister, Anna Kelly, Nursing Home, Linden. "has been an" ongoing project for .wear many hats," it was reported. .its annual flea market in .St. 56M185. '•••'".'• basketball team at the Jewish three sisters, Anna Pescatore, and six grandchildren. • Born in New.Haven, Conn., Mrs. Michael's School auditorium, Kelly Oct. 5 in Elizabeth General Medical many years through Benevolence "They mother the children, first by Rummage sale planned Education Center in Elizabeth. He Is Center., •' Eleanor Hentsch add Clara Plaia, Barry lived in Newark before preparing and serving breakfast. Street, Union, Saturday from 9 a.m. a member of the Springfield Lodge Laczynski.' - \. ... and seven grandchildren. Christina R. McDonald, 70, of moving to Roselle Park 38 years giving and the . Church Family to 4 p.nu A variety of items will and The Evening Group of the Ladies tricians. He had also been an umpire She was a member of the Emmaus Christmas Card donations."T They nurture physical and ofB'naiB'rith. linden died Oct. 7 in Rahway ago, She was a communicant of the refreshments wijUbe on sale. It was Benevolent Society of the .First with the Union County Softball Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Tbe physical rehabilitation emotional needs as they arise. They His professional education was Alexander L. Lampariello Sr., 78, Star of Linden. Arthuf-A.'Louden, 88, of Roselle• Hospital. . Church of the Assumption, Roselle conduct structured, educational announced that tables are still Presbyterian Church in Springfield League, a member of the Dads' Club of Haverhill, Mass., formerly of died Oct. 7 in Union Hospital. i " Born in Scotland, she lived in Park; ' through expert therapy which the available. Additional Information will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in obtained at Rutgers- University . Surviving are two daughters, children receive through health care 7 programs. They supervise playtime, College of Pharmacy from which be.. in Roselle Park, a member and past Union,, died Oct. 10 in Hale Hospital, Born in Plainfield, Mr. Louden Elizabeth, and Roselle Park before Surviving are a son, James Jr.; can be obtained by_calling 964-5889, the Parish\ House on Church Mall. secretary of the Holy Name Society Marion Pfitzenmayer and.. Irma professionals and volunteers, it was both indoors and outdoors, weather 7 was. graduated with'the degree of Haverhill. Relnshagen, two grandchildren and lived in Roselle for the last 40 years. moving to Linden seven years ago. two daughters, Myrtle Hubert and permitting, and also naptime. 964-1799or688-1817. , ^ ~ Final preparations will be made for and an, usher at the Church of the He was a foreman for the Nuodex . She was a secretary for the past 17 reported, "has reflected a standard a rummdge sale to be held on Oct. 22 bachelor of science and bachelor of. Born in Newark; Mr. Lampariello two great-grandchildren. Alice Barry, two grandchildren and —of excellence over the years. Just Progress reports are kept on each pharmacy. He Js a recent recipient Assumption, Roselle Park. He was lived in Union before moving to Corp., Elizabeth, for 20 years ago years with the ' Lincoln Electric two great-grandchildren. child and are available to parents from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Oct. 23 also a member of Elks Lodge 1744 in retired in 1962. Later, he was a toll Products, Inc., Union. • recently, the hospital has. been Guest speaker slated. from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Clothing and of the Eli Lilly Community Service Haverhill. He .was graduated from Michael, Roman, 71, of Roselle awarded a certificate by the Joint daily. Parents or guardians sign the 1 iWard. Schlffman 1s a member of Melbourne Beach, Via, where he Newark.College of Engineering and Park, a lieutenant with the Roselle collector for the Garden State Surviving are a son, James; a children in and out each day and are Shirley Tin.tenfass, a.psycho- bric-a-brac can be" brought to the kept a winter home^ Mr. Buonvino was employed by Western Electric Parkway for 13 years. He retired in Commission on Accreditation of Parish House during office hours or the National - Association of Retail Park Volunteer Fire Department, daughter, Jane Decker, and a sister,. Manuel M. Freljomll, 85, of advised of any particulars affecting • . therapist, will discuss the abuse of Druggists, a member of the New had served, in the Pacific with the . Kearny/ first as a draftsman, 1974. Mr. Louden was'a Navy Hospitals for its consistent quality of the elderly as guest speaker at a at other times by request. There will in died Oct. 9 in Union Hospital. Isabella Piersbn. Roselle died Oct. 7 in the New performance." In November, a their child on that day." Jersey Garden. State . Pharmacy Navy during World War II. advancing to engineer and tran- -Born in Elizabeth, he lived in veteran of World War I: Brunswick Manor Nursing Hqme. bo a brief business meeting led be i n speaK 10 me ___. , v_ . . R'nnl R'rilh Lwfae: 1782. Knmtav'nt ..June DeFino, chairman, and |—Gwners-and-of—the—New -Je d SurvivinffaTe"his"wife7Dorotl llchard Peterson, 75, bT Born in san Martin DoPorto, La cooks who prepare and 'serve B'nai.B'rith Lodge; 1782, Sunday'at two sons, Frank and John; three- transferred to Western Electric in First Presbyterian Church at a • refreshments will be served by tiqra Pharmaceutical Association. k In been an iron fabricator for 35 years _daughter,_Betty_Goegelman, and a_ Kenilworth,—a—retired—mdustrial—CbrunarSpaln,-Mr.-Freijomil-lived- planned nutritious lunches daily in 10 a.m. in Congregation . Beth daughters, Phyllis Muscatello, Mary Sunday morning service. Shalom, Union. Jack Kaplain, Speicher and her. hospitality com- Haverhill as a product engineer of with'the Materna Steel Products grandson. engineer, died Oct. 6 in his home. in New York City arid Elizabeth the 'lunchroom.' The very young are llee : SIDNEY SCHIFFMAN Jane Dercole and Terry Swick; two Power Coils. At the time of hia Corp. of Kenilworth before his Born in Rochester, N. Y., ~MT. . The Roselle Day Care Center, president,, has invited members, *"} - , ;.'V..'".';'r,-. i:-;." He has studied Jewish.and Hebrew before moving to Roselle"20"years" sponsored by the church, has begun served in their classrooms and-are brothers, Charles and Joseph; -two retirement in 1974, he was a senior retirement two years ago. Mr. Anna ''Sis'* Schuster, 78, of Linden Peterson lived in Kenilworth for 34 ago. He was a freight handler for the wives and friends to attend. ' Trustee to be honored in Jewish Day Schools and has a sisters, Carmella Marino and Mary its 17th year of operation with ap- helped in eating by the teachers and Pastor to show slides graduate degree with special honors staff and consulting electrical Roman was a member of the West died Oct. 8 in Rahway Hospital. years. He was a 1955 graduate of Central Railroad of New Jersey for proximately 75 youngsters. The ~aI3es." Additional Information can . Sidney Schiffmari, a trustee of from Yeshiva University High Scatutro, and nine grandchildren. engineer, ending a. 44-year End Club of Roselle Park and an A lifelong resident of Linden, Mrs. Newark College of. Engineering and 40 years and retired 19 years ago, be obtained by calling the director, • The Rev. George Boltniew, pastor association. Mr. Lampariello was a center provides day care for ._, • , L . „ Murder mystery party Orthodox Congregation Israel of School' and has taken courses at organiser with the Roselle Park Schuster was a communicant of St. a member of the Senior Citizens Mr. Freljomll had been president of of the Evangelical Baptist Church in Springfield, will be honored as the Daniel R, Veglla Sr., 69, of Union communicant of St. James Church, Elizabeth's Church, Linden. She was Club in Kenilworth, He had been an the Centro Espanol Club, Elizabeth; Children of working parents, some of ' Janet Cloninger at 241-8787, The Couples' Club of Congregation Yeshiva College.' He is married to Civil Defense. the~former"Marilyn~Charles^7Bnd7 _,died .Oct.Bat home- Have'rhillr Surviving are his~wiferMilliertwo"—a-member-of-the-Peaoh-Orchard—-vengineer-with-the-Gurtls-Wright—the RoselIe Club ahd-the-Pinewood _ii-Whichpay-full.tuitionandothers-whO "B'riarjeshurun' iiTShorrHuTs was Born in Newar^, he lived in Union r pay on a sliding scale with help in Special events schedule they have a son, David. 'Surviving are his wife, Grace; two sons, Larry and Michael Jr., and two Towers"Social Club. Corp., Caldwell, for 23 years before Hall Senior Citizens of Roselle and funding by the State, -federal for the past 34;years. Mr. Veglla was daughters, Genevieve'Mauro and Surviving are her husband, retiring 13 years ago. • the Men's Club of Roselle Park. ' . a postal employee in the accounting daughters, Doris Cullen and government. and the- United, Way. The Interfaith Council of Roselle- Elaine Sears,; a son, Alexander Jr.; Lorraine Tucci. ' • William C; a daughter, Eleanor Surviving are his wife, Wanda M.; Surviving are his wife, Victoria; a The center .'is a' non-profit Roselle Park has announced' its department of ,the Newark Post two brothers, Mario and Vincent; . Dietz; a brother, John Mahar, and too sons, Eric and Van, five grand- son, Manuel Jr.; two daughters;. Office for 34 years and retired eight organization and "while fund- special events schedule for the year five sisters, Marie Kennedy, Mary Silvasl, 90, of Union died three grandchildren. - children and two great- Josephine Donovan and Dolores - raising and occasional federal 1987-1988 This month, appeals for years ago. He was a past president Katherine Codella, Theodora Russo grandchildren. . Coyle; a step-son, William of the/ National Association of. Ocit. 9 io Union Hospital. grants go a long way to help us UNICEF and Dollar-A-Month will be and Ann and Louise Lampariello, Born in Hungary, she "lived in Gertrude Hcrshlps of Springfield Cikanovich; a step-daughter, balance >our budget," it. was an- made Next month, there will be an Retired Federal Employees^ New and four grandchildren. died Oct. 6 in St. Barnabas Medical" Frank Yanchok, 72, of Springfield Catherine Pereira, and six grand- Jersey, 1985-1986, and president of Union since 1914. Mrs: Silyasi had nounced, "the fact is that there are InterfaitlrCommunlty Thanksgiving been the owner of the Homestead Center, Livingston. died Oct. Tin his home. children and two great-' always continuing needs for the Service the National Association of Retired. Born in Newark, Mrs. Herships iBorn in , Pennsylvania, .Mr. grandchildren. . ; Federal Employees of Suburban • Reglna Helm, 69,; of Union, died Tap in Highland Park for 15 years •— support of our congregation.^ In January, 1988, the council will < Oct. 7 in Union Hospital. before her retirement 25 years ago. • lived in Hillside before moving to "We can accommodate babies celebrate the Week of Prayer for "EssexrChapter 476. He also waS"aT~Tg5fnln'Newark, she lived inUriion nBefore^h^t7^h^h¥d^wred~the~^Springfield-19years-ago^She had from ages fi weeks fo,2!<. vejirs nnrf past grand knight, Knights of for the past.35 years, She was a Peach & Apple Orchard in Union for been a supervisor for the. Depart- Columbus, Local 5560, Springfield; bookkeeper for the New Jersey Drug many years." She was an air raid ment of Welfare, Newark, where she past navigator of the fourthdegree, Co., Newark, for 15 years, and a warden during World War II and a worked for many years. Obituary listings Knights, of Columbus, John F.— member of the Rosary Society of volunteer with the American Red . Surviving, are a son, Michael; a Kennedy-Council;-and an Army- - ChristiheKing Church, Hillside, Cross.; • ,....-.;..—_ daughter, Gloria Friedman; three BARRY->ElizabethC.,ofRosellePark;Oct;n. . feOYNE—Ellen M^of Roselle Park; Oct. 9,r•-• - veteran of World War H. - .- Surviving are her husband, Frank - Surviving are two sons, Frank and brothers, Gustave Schwartz, Dr. Kent Place School 'Surviving are his wife, Rose; BUONVINO-Frankj., of Roselle Park; Oct. 10. J.; two daughters, Trudy Helm and Stephen Perger; ' a daughter, Edward SchWarz and Dr> Mortimer. BIISCH—RlldplphQ., nfTJiUgnn, fnrmpHynftlpInn; rtn\ f k 1 7 Li. Schwartz; iwo sisters; fTdPTte" HVliere-ArW A Woma< n s I'ulurelxjgin«^n B • T'tlu'ee'80iis,"DaiiieHt.-'Jr.,.Ai:Uiur'6r uitnenne Probert""~* , and'two""' ' granJl' Margaret Moyer; four grand- COLO—Josephine, df Linden; Oct. 7. and Thomas V,; a brother, Gerard; children, „ , . children and a great-grandchild, — Schlossberg^ and' Celia Leof, and a sister, Rose Grandone, and four three grandchildren. DELANO—Evelyn, of Springfield; Oct. 10. ' granddaughters, ' Irene'C. Men,'75, of Union died DELEO-SophiaA.,ofUnion;Oct.ll. • . \ Open House Rudblph O. Busch, 82, of Edison, Oct. 10 in Union Hospital . DESTEPHAN-Rlta.Of Union; Oct.6. . formerly pfUnion, died Oct. 7 in the Born in Newark, Mrs. Merz Jived Morris Sclincrfer of Colonia, FARINELLA—Josephine, of Toms River, formerly of Linden and for prospective students and Kara ' Ann -Laczynski, .24, of North '.Princeton Developmental in Maplewood and Summit before . formerly of Linden, died Oct. 6 in Roselle; Oct.8... V . ' Hartford, Conn., formerly of Union, _Center.inPrinceton, -moving to Union seven years figo... Rahway Hospital. their families fc tff t f Mht BlNk PREIJOMIL-ManuelM,, of Roselle; Oct. 7. . '-•-•' fc staff reporter for a Manchester, Before his retirement in 1966, he She was the organizer of the lendin'gT GA'RLITOS-Anna C, of Union; Oct. 11. worked as an insurance agent for the library at the Ehrhart-Gardens strahged in her home in Connecticut moving to Colonia 11 years ago.. He GILLISON-JohnR.ni,ofRoselle;Oct.l0. " ••<•• Prudential Insurance Co. in Ir- Apartments "in Union, a senior :HEIM-Retgina,ofUniori;Oct.7; L '"on Oct. 5.' ••'''••• vington for 22 years. citlzen«housing complex, where she had •been a jewelry salesman for : Born in Elizabeth, Miss Laczynski Adler Jewelers1 in Westfield'since HERBST-IdaE.,'of Linden; Oct. 5. ''.J Sunday October 25 Surviving are his wife, Anne; two -Jived. HERSHIPS-Gertrude, of Springfield; Oct. 6. . ; lived, in Union for 20 years before . song, Edwin and' Richard, seven Surviving are a daughter, Doris last year. Before that, he had been a "~ 1-3 p.m. manager, of . Adler Jewelers in .^LACZYNSKI—Kara Ann, of Hartford, Cohn.,,formerly of Union, o '•' , t moving to Hartford seven^months : grandchildren and six great- M. Wyckoff; a brother,. Louis LAMPARIELLO—Alexander L. Sr., of Haverhill, Mass'., formerly of ago. She was graduated in-1985 from grandchildren. . Linden for 27.years. Mr. Schaeffer Kent Plncc School Campus, 42 Norwood ^venuc, Summit , Papcsy, and three grandchildren.j serve4^in.Jtbei"'Army during World Union; Oct. 10, , : 1 •: the.^University . of • P.enns .•LQUpElS-ArthurA., of Roselle; Oct. 7. \ ' • . • "" Fo'r 1uAt>& infoWil'ioS, pleoBe call •'••<*-~w-;*~"-t'reteivecl''va^ldei War H: He was a. member of the' '''.' ' "'' '' '^IPalBy Kiiiili-knwn, Dirccloi- of Admissions ; Marie M; wmiams/79, of Linden John R. Gillison HI, 52, of Roselle -MCJDQNALD-Christina. R., of Linden; Oct. MERZ-Irene C, of economics and died Oct. 6jn her home. Elmora Hebrew Jewish Center aijd : ; Telephone 273 0900 • died Oct. 10 in Union Hospital. the Jewish War Veterans, boUi~of ' *"< Union; Oct. 10. ' ' __v ' Born in Union, Mr. Gillison lived Elizabeth. ; ' . PEDERSENi-Ada, of Springfield;-Oct. 8, in Newark before moving to Roselle PETERSON-RlchardrofKehilworthTOct;er :'.• Surviving are his wife.Adele; a Cocdiicnlionnl: Nuraerv nnd Kindci-gartej! Death Notices- in 1967. He served as a machine set- ROMAN—Michael, of RosellePark; Oct. 9. ' up operator fnf Rnglphnrd fn- son, 'Dan; a daughter,, Cynthia _SCHAEFFER—Morris, of Colonia, formerly of Linden; Oct. 6. All-girls: Grades 1 through 12 FREIJOMIL —Manuel M., of Roselle, On Elizabeth, Relatives and friends at- Sparer r'a~brother,~MeIvin"Fcrsko— Wednesday, October 7, 1987, beloved tended the Funeral from The HAEBERLE dustries in Union for 22 years and SCHUSTER—Anna, of Linden; Oct. 8v~~ "~"—— —— and a grandchild. ., SILVASI-Mary;of Union; Oct. 9. : ' Kent^ Place:docs mil diBi-rinilnnlo Baptist, etc.? Does the Bi- one else can. , ble teaching niake anyone a Catholic; Baptist, NOW $2.75 at the LOW PRICE of Now $2.49 & STYLE Lutheran, etc.? DOES IT? $5.79 And ypu set the standards for your financial Instltutloh the I with thl« coupon [Reg. $15-$25 • therefore, In effort to teach the " way you set them for yourself. TRUTH-from the word of God, centrum 967 we are offering a FREE Bible . • : It has to be The Best. Investors Savings. : Correspondence Course, with vitamins STUYVESANTAVE. Valid Thru October 31, 1987 100 with 60 FREE NO Obligations, or Private BI-, : rble Study in Your Own Home at Reg. $9.50 UNION your Convenience. FREE for • TheAsk|ng. : 686-2974 > Walk-Ins only • No Operator Request < Please call HARRY PERSAUD, Evangelist (201) 7A1-087K • Last Walk-In 3 pm Saturdays Blood Pressure Taken INVESTORS SAVINGS The VAUXHALL CHURCH OF CHRIST meets at 2859 Vauxhall Rd. Every Wednesday ANt) LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 pm Sundays and smith St., Vauxhall, N J. our services are as follows: 6 pm Weekdays ' Byjt.N. 1W OFFICE E4? Mlftum Avenue, MUbum NAVESINK SUn. 10 AM-Bible Study . Sun.ll AM'-WorihlpSel-VlCB FWJGE B7Pro«M0t8tr«rt , ' Sun. t PM - Evenlna Sarvlce Wednesday 7:30 PM-Blbl« Study

) T~ i' . _J Warren Avenue Please call Bl BLE MOMENT - 964-6356 MmtwFBLIC MNION B77-97B etuyvewmt Avwmo We Use and Retail: Dennis Bernard "Power Tools" Hair Care Products 16 — Thursday,October }S, 1997 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -1,2,3,4,5,6* 2.3.4*--COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, October 15,1987 — 17 SPORTS s upset Roselle, 15-12 Bears chew up Bound Brook Union looking to 'Marter'field hockey foes 1 "~ . ByMARKYABLONSKY .blame the same on one play. '—; -.appeared to have finally run out Capizzano lookntlhTand^along'Wlth" By DAN BLACKWELL ., there can be little doubt that Scott • Actually, it was two plays in luck—until Walsh; who completed 5 ByMARKYABLONSKY to a perimeter attack. Our return ' seventh grade and is enjoying her But all the credit does not go Her goals in life are simple. , an extra point from Mike Vergura, yardage continually set up good field When you think of Union High Baldwin has the ability to turn a particular that did In a strongly- of 13 passes for 102 yards, hooked up 'And so, the 3-0 Bears keep on best, season. She, along with her towards camp, as Marter will admit. "I want to make a lot of money," the score was 15-4, and growing. football game around almost single- favored Ram <*i"h| which is con- ' with Lee, whose dutch 12-yard rolling. Victim number three for the position. So I feel like we were an School, the first tbougt that comes to teammates, has set a goal to win the The girls have what Marter shesaid. > v: - : The coup de grace, came when'' handedly. Just one year ago, in fact, sidered to be one of Union County's reception on fourth down had set up unbeaten grizzlies this time was an opportunistic team." - mind for many is "a model school county tournament, even if it means describes as the "perfect" coaches Marter is interested in business Brearley recovered a Bound Brook - this Btar tailback fired a five-yard quicker, more competitive teams. Staffer's scoringrun earlier.. •' outclassed Bound Brook team, And what.about that game'tom" district." For others, the first thing becoming the top team in the county in Hochuli and assistant coach Lynn ' management and wants to own.a fumble on a Chalenski punt, just two touchdown pass on an option play to The. first of those plays occurred The final nail in Rooelle's coffin which went down to & 31-8 defeat at morow night? , ' . that comes to' mind is the ahead place of Cranford; VoUmuth. ' retail store one day. - ' RoseUe: teammate John Smith that came when Dayton defensive tackle Ward Field on Saturday. . yards from the opposing goal line: "They've done then- job and we've powerhouse football team that has "Cranford has been the top team "They have got to be the best," with little more than a' minute enabled the Rams to stun the Dan Francis stopped. hone other . Once again, Brearley, which Big Chee himself ran it in for a 21-4 done ours," answered Taylor of the emerged as one. of the top programs in the county, as well as one of the Marter explained. "They ''»~»»»- She is a "B" and "C" student and remaining in the first half, when Bulldogs, 25-20, at Meisel Field - than Baldwin in the-end zone for a amassed 257 yards in total offense, lead by halftime, with Vergura feisty Panthers, "and now we've got in the country. top teams in the state for as long as Iy really get angry at us and at the is not too excited about graduating. Baldwin, who had just scored on a and with noTime remaining on the safety with just 1:30 left to play. struck early and often, just as they missing the extra point. to go out and prepare for war. It'll be Others think of the highly-rated can remember," Marter said. "We same time, they don't take slack on "I like school," she readily ad- 25-yard run to tie the game at 6-6, clock; And last Saturday afternoon After that, it was simply a matter of had done hi previous victories over With linebacker Corey Boll falling a classic, and it always has been. Softball team and to take it further; want that position and I think it is in us. They tell us what we have to mits. "I enjoy what I do because of fired a 58-yard halfback option pass in Roselle, Baldwin almost sue-, running out the clock, with the Rams Governor Livingston Regional and on another Crusader fumble early in -There's always a nice > feeling of the championship riflery,' bowling our reach." know in a way that we can easily the people I've met. My friends tell toSmith for an apparent touchdown, ceeded in being a"7"Dawg catcher" and hence; either a six or seven-._helpjesst, 6 do anything about it. North Plainfield. Led by the rushing the third quarter, the Bears stret- electricity around in a game like and swimming teams that make • Marter knows that this year's relate to. me college will be just as enjoyable, but I really don't have an idea of once again, so to speak. But as was point half time lead for Roselle. — Tliatwasit. . of Joe Capizzano, who - gained 65 ched their: lead to 28-0 by driving 25 this." •", their marks in the athletic program team, is something special and "We know tha,t when they get on yards in 12 carries; and' Mike. yards in just two plays; Capizzano what it's like. For now, I'm going to' the case a year ago, almost doesn't The play, however, was nullified • "We thought — we know — we can And that's not just static elec- at the school. describes the atmosphere as family- our case, it's to make us a better Chalenski, who ran for 50 yards in 11' ran for 24 yards, and then went in on stay tuned to high school and have count. •:•.:•• because of an offensive interference play with these guys," explained a tricity, either, mind you. But as of late, there's a group of like.- team," she added. They correct us carries, the Bears used their the next play, with Vergura again an enjoyable senior year.'' Fdrthlsyear, it wdsDayton's turn -call on Smith. Thus, both teams left pleased' Bulldog •"coach John ladies who are going out of their way "We' play fop each other," she after every game and will work on strength and hustle to make quick, adding the extra point. to pull the rabbit out of the hat — and the field still deadlocked at 6-6. But LeDonne, who found himself having to turn the Union High School field said,. . "We stand by each other and our weaknesses until they become a work of Bound Brook, which has ., A 21-yard field goal by the Marter'wants to'stay close the rabbit this time was one William for Roselle, the worst was yet to to "put a challenge" to some _hockey_team-into-a-championship we^j, stong poimV^ managed to show some im-, Brearley placekicker capped -B. Brook 0 0 0 '•" 8-8 v : home andls Gee, and not Baldwin. come. members of his team after an un- Jype caliber club. • • _-l _ atalUirnes^ ' The team was provement over last year's dismal 1- Brearley's scoring for the day in the Bears 6 7 3-31 -Only_16 seconds after the speedy- successful practice just two days i5 . The'LadyJigarmers, coached by Muchiof the team's togetherness is — After :a scoreless:-third quarter, 8 season that included a 54-6 final period, before Bound Brook her education, where she boasts "her Baldwin had give.n the Rams a 12-6 earlier. "Last year's team lost to Lois Hochuli, have 'enjoyed their due to the participation at camp this -game. „ Baldwin, who ran for 117 yards in 25^ crushing at the hands of Brearley. quarterback Bill Hurley threw a 15- boyfriend,. MSC quarterback Ed lead by scoring on.an exciting 76- them after time was out. We just best start in the school's history, summer, not individually, but as a "That game was an emotional carries, broke loose again early in yard touchdown pass to Scott • Baffige of Union, now attends. yard punt return, Lee, a e-foot-3- r kept on sticking, ' After holding the Crusaders in the going 6-0 before finally losing to team, The girls went to field hockey.—-game for us," recalled Marter. We. the fmal period, this time running Caruso, thus sparing the Blue Jays But for now her focus is still on inch, 192-pound junior tailback, / ' "We had to give him his yards," opening series of plays, the Bears Cranford, now the number three camp at Muhlenberg College in played our hearts out, and there was back a punt for an apparent fi5-yard from being the victims • of a field hockey, where she and the grabbed a short, hard strike from continued LeDonne in reference to happily took over at the Bound team in the state, 1-0, letting the Pennsylvania. - just not much that could be said. touchdown. But a clipping penalty team have a goal to achieve. quarterback Gregg Walsh and sped 1 Brook 38-yard-line, following a punt. "whitewash. Gary Ulmer added a CAR WASH game slip through their fingers in "We learned more than I Emotions'told the entire, story, nullified that tally as well. Once Baldwin. "But our team came back. 63 yards for an even more exciting, again, after Dayton — which finally We played a great defensive game, In just six plays, Brearley drove to two-point conversion to cement the the last 50 seconds. '-; - imagineo d at camp,ri " said Marter, "Coach Hochuli just.congratulated.us__ s —ilAs-,with..anythlng.iiullfe,Jf:you gameUying touchdown that quickly scored its first touchdown of the and we beat a quality team. Let's pay dirt, with'runs of eight and nine final score.' "We wanted that-game badf-said—whSTadlatesrlllte'flh'ajrofrsUrishfriS—for agreat effort" can set"a~goal"and7picture lt:in'ybur yards by Big Chee and Faucher, "Our kicking game really cqn- turned'- the-Arminio Field^faithful ~year midwayrthrough-the-second-—-face-itr;Offensively(-we'ro-no-great- senior left inner Jenny Marter. "We when she smiles. "We' not only The team will not get its sticks mind and strive for it, you can be respectively, paving the way for a- trolled"fiel3rposiQ"olinheentire3ay7^~ nto a quiet; almost disbelieving quarter on an 11-yard run from Jeff shakes, but we scored 13 and they had the second-rated team in the learned various skills at the camp, : going against Cranford until October successful," she stated. "And that's seven-yard scoot by the'.latter said Brearley skipper Bob Taylor, mass "of unhappy'spectators. And' Stoffer — was forced to get rid of the scored 12." i state in our grasp and we let them but we learned each other. We were 28, in Cranford_— unless the two' how our team is. We have a goal to player. The older Chalenski topped who has been preparing his club for when Glen Miske added'the extra ball after three unsuccessful plays, Dayton will travel to Berkeley slip away." in Pennsylvariiajwith no one to turn meet in the- county tournament be successful and we will/go lex."'—, off the drive with a two-ppint-con^ —atrip down-Michigan Avenue and a point to give Dayton a 13-12 lead with Baldwin grabbed a punt and did his Heights for a 2 p.m. match with Marter is curently fifth in the to but each other, and we learned the beforehand. . . . • As coach -Hochuli sums it_up, version run, making the score 8-0. . . 7:30 p.m. showdown with undefeated s just 5:52 to play, it soon became "thlhg'in running for the 76-yard Governor Livingston Regional on county in scoring with six points, lifestyles of individuals a nd we were "We must continue to stay con- "They ha ve the skill to go all the way And after holding Bound Brook on apparent that an upset was indeed in score. And although the Rams did . Saturday, while Roselle will travel Roselle Park tommorow night, in behind teammate Laura' Poland, all we had fora week." " fident," emphasized Marter. "One and they know it; They have to want the ensuing series of-downs, the the making. . / miss out on a twice-attempted to Hillside for a 2 p';m. klckoff with yet another "Boulevard, Brawl" who has eight after scoring three The team was split up in the loss doesn't represent a defeated it to win it." "•'••• Bears launched a nine-play, 67,-yard between two of. the state's firiest And what an upset it was. conversion run. It was Dayton .that —the-1-2 Comets. '• points in the last two games. morning into stations with other season, We still have' our goals to drive, with the big play being a 20-. teams. "So most of our drives were .Neither Marter or''Poland' is The Lady Farmers are making it .-"It's a tough way to lose," said campers, and would not be joined accomplish. Plus, the entire school , yard reverse ruii by Mike Ramos, not that long. They did a nice job of recognized as the team's main count this year and are setting R^oselle coacjLj^pu.jGrasso, whose again until the evening, when the is behind us. The football team was who was stopped just five yards overloading the' interior running scorer, and as Marter will tell you, talented squad is now 1-2, as is tpam-patticipated-in-the-camp—cheering-us-on and-even-after-we_Jtejias_as_^y_prepareJox^iopi_ Brearley blanks Roselle Park --from-the end zone,-Onthe next play,- —lane, and we immediately had to go ve are tfielop scorers aflfiis point7 tournament; , " lost, they were still supportive. coming night game under the newly- Dayton; "TJiere's not much youcan- but next week any one person on the By-week's end the girls had gotten That's a good feeling. Especially installed lights at Cooke Memorial do about it, We had a breakdown in ByMARKYABLONSKY ^But after more fast-paced action : TheCarSpa team can take on the role as leading more than their— money;s-worth; coming-fromour school, where the field. ••••' ;,.!,,•... ••. the secondary. Our safety fell and After withstanding a strong attack in the early part of > the second Brearley Regional scorer." including the championship trophy. ' football team is the best. That's "It will be exciting to play under that was the end of It. The kid was in the opening quarter of play, the period, DePalma . later strode wide open, But you can't really Marter refuses to.-take on the role "That's when we realized what.we/-/ .-probabIy;Why.they!r^,,wjjnnera._,_. __ 2.; the 'lights," said Hochuli; "We're Brearley Regional soccer team went several feet across the middle of the SPRINGFIELD AVE : i v - - .__ -Football _-L- - astheteam leader but was chosen were capable of," Marter- stated. Marter aldo.jjas herTgoals set.on lookingforward to that;" —-on to defeat-Roselle Park, 2-O, on field. and—beatv~Panther "goalle- r ==== -Arthur-L. JohnscWgjOct. 15, 4,;p.m,, Roselle Park, Oct; 16, A; 7:30 p'.m'r- hy fht> toqm "In ||'^ hi^UM tiwlrt ^•"Tflat-s^Vhat-gave^-the-cpnfidehce^—college—As-of-now—sheV-iiot^yet- ' ' Tt sh"ulH givp thil gonll s hy .Tol;nTl . hflPnlmhl n niirrii .Imp. fjlnytnn Dnvny fwim 1(1 fwt nut with H. ... ••- ^ , '-• . . •_ UNION t by coach Hochuli, because of her• that we now share as a team. There interested in continuing as a field and a feeling of high achievements, hockey and a smile to match, Union's Jenny Marter Is a main Dayton 0 ,.' .6 0 9-15 Venezia last Friday night in Roselle just t:45lefttoplayirithefirsthalf. Field Itockcy - , . ..- .(in The Unjon Mirket PaMting lot) J.V. Football Governor.Livingston, Oct. 13,4 p.m., plqy in the first seven games of the were some good players as well as hockey p\ayer, but if someone offers But no achievement will be as reason why the Lady" Farmers are en|oylng a productive 1987 Roselle. 0 .6 0 W2 Park. Brearley then took control of the season, -. • • " . satisfying as finishing with a county— season; The team-has-champlonshlp on |ts mind, either on the •' Brearley, w.hich improved its game in the final two periods of play Roselle Park, Oct. 19,3:45 p.m., A. H.. . ' . . good teams, up there,, and we her a scholarship, she will consider WITH THIS COUPONJ Marter has played the game since or state championship. county or statewide level — or both. •••••• record to 6-3 with the win, was and went on to register a 17-6 ad- Roselle Park', Oct. 15,4 p.m., A. -emerged as the best." , •„. it, . .••'.', ''..'... Scoring ' •!'•'••• /•'••. . Freshman Football . outplayed in the first 20 minutes of vantage in~~shots-ori-goal. Venezia 'Roselle Park, Oct. 17,3 p.m., A. Dayton- Stoffer, It ruii (kick Roselle Park, Oct. 16,3:45 pirn;, H. action by fast-paced action from the converted a penalty kick late in the •-Denotes UCT contest , failed) . . • Soccer '.. rl^-' - Panthers, who. tested Brearley third period,, after teammate Mike-., 'The Car Spa' Roselle- Baldwin, 25 run (kick Roselle, Oct.,19,4-p.m., A. netmin'der Jay' Krihak several: SlkucinSkl had been tripped, from -failed)— :.... :.,„ :.__ Cranford, Oct. 21,4 p.m., H. timesr Krihak, who recorded his behind. Soccer correction Soccer Roselle- Baldwin, 76 punt return Girls'Tennis third shutout of the season, grabbed (conversion failed) • "' "We've been going the.last couple Bound Brook, Oct. 15,4p.m., H. , In last week's edition,'themame of Majors*,.,.. ...;„...... ,. . 1-2-1 a high, hard 40-foot blast from Nick (MetExpires10/22/W_ T« • The Union Soccer League; which defeated the Spartans; coached by. Day ton Lee, 63 pass from Walsh of years with a very young'club," Roselle, Oct, J9,4 p.m, A.-— Brenda Hockstein' was • mistakenly Florio with eight minutes left in the r has been in existence for four years, Manny Rosa, 3-2, in a game that was Kpights, i.. !-<•;•""•...,....;... 3-1-0 (Miske kick) said Brearley coach Allan Czaya, Mother Setbn, Oct. 20,4 p.m., A. identified as Laura. Brenda quarter, after having stopped a free has over 400 boys and girls and is see-saw j£om start to finish. Joe Cyclones '2-1-1 Dayton-Safety, Baldwin tackled -whose team has also shut out ,'•• Gymnastics Hockstein is. a current member of —kick-^fronTTfaHlipAmbrosio just still growing-There-are-mree-age-T^Rotbarirscored flrstrforthe Spartans Prowlers. ,,... 4-0-0 in end zone .. • ' Hillside, as well as Roselle Park In Jonathan Dayton, Oct. 16,4 p".m., H. the Jonathan Dayton Regional High ; three minutes earlier. ..: " group divisions: Pee-Wee's are 5 assisted by Manny Rosa.' The 7 un earlier game that was shbrtf.nea Crosscountry ". •• School girls'soccer team. and 6: Juniors..7 ahdjB, ahd.SenioTsT7 Pirates came right back with a goal - 9 and 10. '- • '" ; by Michael Vincent assisted by ! .Game of the Week " '•','. . The 26 teams, currently in the fall ' David Capuano. The combination of'. Knights vs Admirals . season, play . at Weber Park, Rotbart and Rosa worked-again The .Knights,' coached by Pan GREGORY S.GALLICK M.D. GOOD LUCK BEARS! Kawameeh Park, Biertuempel makingit 2-1 Spartans. Just before1 DeTrolio, boosted their record as from....** Park, and Bierfuempfel Park Basin half timeSteye Graul scored with an • goalie Zack Drake . recorded his Orthopaedic Surgery in Union. Pee-Wee's Play for fun and assest by Gerry Galindo to tie the second straight shut-out by i_instructlon..JuniorsandSeniors.play___game :The.game.remainediied.for__. SPORTS MEDICINE t -defeating the Admirals, coachediby NiewAddress_ ;. for fun, instruction and competition. most of the second half. David Buhs Pete West, by the score of 2^). Both Nd r Play-off and championship games was outstanding as the goalie for the teams engaged in. a halfback play 2780 Morris Avenue— - will be played at Kawameeh Park on Pirates. Great defensive work was which resulted in a scoreless first ial Square-Office Building Rent Any Sports Tape for 9.9* Nov. 21 and 22. All games are open to seen from Adam Jovic. With only half. • Ricardo Luis~was great as ' Suite 2C '•;..;'•;.•- ^the public^ndarefree of charger—-—fou?_minutes_to-play_MichaellVJn^_ goalie-for-the-Admirals-whileGhuck > with this ad - -— , SonToFBivisibn : -^_cenistole the ball.and scored on a, West, Brian Vincent, Ron Zieser and Oaklands...... ;. 3-1-i hard shot from 30 yards out, winning Charles Bassinski tried to perietrate Hours By Appointment Football ___ Field Hockey i Mariners ' 1-4-0 tiiegameforthePirates,__ ^ - the Knights defense.. Midway into Day - Evening Emergencies- Mon-Sat 10-9, Sun 12-6 :. 245-3090 '.Pirates'..',.':... -...'.'...•'! j 2-3-0 Junior Division •'.'"". r the second half, sweeper Chris Gibki 686-6665 Brearley 31 ...... Bound Brook 8 Royals ....;...;....!....-.. 5-0-0 'Steelers...... 1-2-1 broke the deadlock by scoring from Dayton 15 ...... •;'...... Roselle 12 UnibnO ...... ; Cranfordl Spartans.. .:.... 1-3-1 Islanders \'.,\_!^..,. 0-3-1 the edge of the penalty area on an Union 3 ...... Demarest 1 THE SNEAKER FACTORY Rowdies .„..,.;,,...,..... 2-3-0 Barons ...;.;-...... O-3-i assist from Patrick Stanco. Stahco Linden37 '...... '..... CranfordO Senior Game of the Week " "Admirals ...... ,...... :.-. 2-2-0 later scored in !the closing minutes Roselle Park 10 ...... Middlesex8 "Carrying The Best , Pirates vs< Spartans .'...-"• . Pacers,.,.,...... ;,. 3-0-1 on an. assist from Danny DeTrolio :Union34 :.;".,.....,,..... Westfield3 in Athletic Footwear'' The Pirates, coached by Al Graul, Generals.,.,.,.,,.,...;..... 0-2-2 and John Overberger. • Featuring • Nihe •.Footjoy • Reebok . •Tiger • Saucony • And much more Kean hangs on to beat Stony Brook, 14-7 Soccer Brearley 3"..'...... , BoundBrook 1 Coming off of a conference loss;, Tire Nike Headquarters sluggishness arid drove 56 yards in of five Interceptions. Brearley 2'.7>...... Ros.ParkO 315MillburnAve. the Kean College football team six plays to score the game-winning '•'We have to be the team we are 1 Dayton 9 .....,...... ivHillsidel Millburn . •traveled to Stony Brook, New York touchdown, . which came when capable of being,"- said Kean head 64 Broad St., Elizabeth 376-6094 and inched past a stubborn Patriot quarterback Dave'Johnson of Point coach Glenn Hedden. "Our offense Dayton 2 ...... Gov. Liv. 0 club, 14-7, this past weekend. Kean is Pleasant hooked up with Scott-on a did not click until the second half 352-4219 Ros. Park 12 -.'•'. St. Patrick's 1 , now 4-1 on the season.'. 42-yard post pattern play. Mattos The kids hung in there arid made the Roselle 1"...... A.L. Johnson? After falling behind by a 7-0 score again added the extra point. big play when needed. The breaks Linden 3 ...... ,... Cranford 2 early in the second quarter, the Defensive- back .Dennis Pren-; fell our way and we took advantage Cougars struck hack when Rodney dergast later ended the game with a of them. Penalties are a major area Union! ... .Zj. •'.'.•....'•', Westfieldl" Scott of Matawan took the. ensuing clutch Interception. The, game was we will work to improve upon. The Union 3 ...... ;...,..... Linden 1 klckoff and raced 92 yards all the filled with penalties, as both clubs players must become more GOOD LUCK ;'••" ' '.''.••. ' • ' '• .•' ':' way to the Stony Brook one-yard- lost a total of 163 yards because of disciplined, and- that will come in iJJfRCflAlKlP^Rt 86236 Shape line. One play—lai&v-Daryl Butts, falling flags. There was also a total time." ..'.. • Prlrtiary Training Advanced Cpmmerlcal Training., CONTESTANTS also of Matawan, scored on a dive Girls'Soccer at into the end zone that tied the score DaytonO i...: Gov.Liv. 3 at 7-7; along withan extra point from . Photo By Jot Loiifl Plaza IN GOOD STANDING T— And that's probably an understatement In the case of -Cessna""CossnaT —. DaytonO Summit 1 John Mattos.:' ;••,•' nsur sia With just 5:08 left to play In the the Classifieds! these two unknown leggy cheerleaders, who were present at the recent Pride Bowl Flight Training, Ground School, Audio-Visual Tapes game, Kean finally shed its game between Kean College and William Paterson at Schools Stadium In Newark. for Further Information, ball Us At 201-862-3846 Girls' Tennis - VIDEO RENTALS Brearley 0 New Prov. 5 BRAND NEW 1987 CHEVROLET Brearley 0 No. Plain. 5 f Dayton 3 Roselle 2 MONTE CARLO ^ Ros. Park 1 Bound Brook 4 A R M Y & NA V Y Roselle 0 G.L. 5 Stand equip incl: 4.3L EFI V6 engine, auto trans, pwr/str/ . TOWNPHARMACV ' Union2 Scotch Plains 3 brks. Opt incl: power door locks, tinted glass, door edge c m Specials as low as guards, inter wind wipers, elec rear wind defogger, air * cond, spt remote mirr, radio, floor .'..' ; '' '; with membership gross-Country mats overdrive. LIST: $13,403. VIN #154231. 1 in stock. Roselle 43;•.TTTTT.;;'.:;'i-.':-WINE'. ' |MOST SERVICES COVERED BY IHSUBWtCEPlAWSi Local High School DEALER LuiKh, Wniw,* UtlNWtSMdJ 4kiia22 anzanetti JQi(.ft ^5'cnesthutSt. • Urtlbh 339RihwiyAv«. 2612 Monti Aw. EjliaMth • 352-4486 Union* 851-9890' ! '; «i off A WPiaaa or stroniDoii !-*-. 7~ • •-'•

18 — Thursday, October )5,1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2,3,4* 1,2,3,4,5,4*-COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, October IS, 198/ — 19 Bike riders sought Hie March of Dunes Birth Defects Dayton kickers get hot, win 4 straight An M.D. involved with sports Foundation is-looking for bicycle Do You Suffer From... enthusiasts to help fight birth yJBKYABLOKaKY__ _ —T1»e-Maccabl-Games,-thlsyear- Linden High School,- Roselle High '. Leg Pain I—^Gregory Sr ijaUlck,—M;D.T^an- -defects on-Oct. 25r at its Union - After losing its first two games of _ i a scoring touch aa Shoulder Pain. beld from July 19-27, have been a School and School District, Cranford the season, the Jonathan Dayton play the rest of the season," said want,buttbe.thii«ttatcountote(he iNeckPaln '' ' Arm Pain Orthopedic Surgeon with sub- County Super Ride. well;' the senior midfielder specialty fellowship, training In spring board to other international High School, Governor Livingston Regional High boys' soccer team registered three goals against Ortiz, who has Kelly and forward day in the Held. Hopefully 1/ • Work ln|urle» Auto Injuries ' The SO kilometer bike-a-thon 1 Chris Moreno back in healthy form. • everybody stays healthy and nothing Sport! Inlurles f 'Sports Medicine, recently returned . competitions for several top Jewish Regional High School, among route, plotted throughout Warinanco as come on strong, wirming four miiBir - — -others: straight games, while outscortng its after-tejtirleg-had kept them out of—nappensrwe'U^be"ablgt^g1ve the TWtehi«5l^C€OREY7D^: home from the Pan American^ ^Tg^Wtiddtoltp d —Park;—is—designed—foi—healthy- Effective as well on defense have action earlier. "My goal is tohi t the other ball clubs a good fight." Maccabl GameSr-held in-CdracaSr- Mitch Gaylord. Every four years the He works closely with athletes, recreational, activity under opponents by a 19-1 margin in the been senior stopper Craig Carson, 2415 Vauxhall Road 1 athletic directors, coaches and process. Venezuela, where Dr. Gallick was World Maccabl Games take place in supervised conditions. In addition to and juniors Brian Teitelbaum and Union, N.J. (201) 964-8607 : Orthopedic Surgeon for the/ U.S. trainers and not only treats injured Three of the wins have come by Israel and attract athletes from practicing' skills while cycling, . Richard Markovich, all of whom i*intOUitmtaem team of over 100 athletes competing around the world. Dr. Gallick plans athletes, but closely monitors their participants raise money to fund shutout, and the Bulldogs, who are have given ample protection to in all traditional .Olympic sporting progress, m well as other team now 4-2, are hoping to continue their to join the U.S. team,'once again," ' programs of research, education goalie Peter Sadin. The senior 338 Lafayette Street competitions. when it travels toth e World Maccabl members,. by attending t football and medical, services for the winning ways—whert the Union nebninder stopped six shots against , Newark, Njf. (201) games, wrestling matches, County Tournament begins on or by Games, in Israel in 1989. prevention of birth defects. G.L., and has a total of three basketball games and other-events. Super Ride is open to bicyclists of Saturday. '•.'". ..shutouts to his credit, along with the In addition to his work -with Seeding for the annual countywide team. Since moving to New Jersey from all ages. To register, entrants must"— Los Angeles, one • year ago, Dr. schools, Gallick was the Orthopedic obtain a sponsor sheet from the showcase event was to have oc- Ortiz, whose club was 4-1 in Surgeon. for_the_1987 New Jersey curred on Tuesday night. Gallick has demonstrated his firm March of Dimes. . Mountain Valley Conference action '. commitment . and - dedication to* Waterfront Marathon site of next • The Union County Super~Ride _ In particular, it was Dayton's play entering'play this week, feels that year's Olympic trials, and was also during a 2-0 win over Governor Sports Medicine, and toth e quality Committee includes Joseph Lorenzo with continued team ^'correlation," treatment of athletes at all levels of the on-sito physician for the Garden of PSE&G and David Biagini, the Livingston Regional Iast~Thursday —his squad can enjoy another Games this past July. afternoon irnSpringfield that had development. Perhaps his greatest - president of the Elizabeth Midtown productive season and will be on impact and contributions have been Dr. Gallick is on staff at Union Merchants;^ • • - Bulldog head coach Frank Ortiz solid ground when seeding, for the Hospital, Overlook Hospital, Saint smiling the most. Backed by a 13-10 Now Open Mondays Due To Customers Request to high school and college sports in Refreshments, will be served upcoming North Jersey, Group 2, the area as he is the team physician. Barnabas Medical Center and throughout the day. More in- advantage in shots-on-goal, Dayton Section" 2 playoffs is conducted Sale PricH Valid Thun

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Wln'nmt 4ni»« lo p«tmli Ihc Uw ol Itialt pamw. pr^V' • Union 688-25?0 1 •OIMMNTUD Lowaar Milciat - i < . |UI«I and blogitphkal Inlomullon In order to.piO' rt OcloUt ; .moio WJDM. iriadv«nlMr« and Ih-lrpfoditcl., , LOTTERY CUIM CENTER —OPEN 7 DAYS y m.il »nd N,J. LOTTERY CENTER ua MWan anal o) hnm laiva anl Wa« MonlivhM l' ' • H. EmploMM and'(hilf Imrrt.dlal. f.mlllf. ol WJDM'. OPEN 7 DAYS WE DELIVER i, Wlnnmhuy d£gn»M ';.'" V RadJd ElliaUth Bnd,p*rtklp«lli>g iporuojl *nd itvitr',.: 1 w ^ibuHban Cabfevtsion lh«m Ih. oilglml coiln^ I >' advcrllilnaaoinclm,in&jMnty**'.*™ \ «Ufl«>l«Ki ' S^jjMAInarfMa!*^ llx winner It noi t abbU tbt 6V« prtMnl [n , , I'I I ' ' 20 SUPER—STOCKED STORES THROUGHOUT THE TRI-8TATE.AREA ,i ;. .-'penon, ...,,'• . . •;, . ,,• . t_ ;• • •• . •_.: ' ( . • •. ©BN SHOP-RITE LIQUORS 1 " r4: Only 'am Inilinl prlwt w(nn«r p«t houwhold, bawd.' ' 9.' 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-.•'.••:•••;. .- .'•.'•: 20 — Thursday, OCtOber 15,1987 r- COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -1,2,3,4,5,6*

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' October 15,1987 . ; si Section Two ot th«Un(onL«»d«r,Sprlng»eldLe«d,r,Mwnt.ln»ld» Echo, Linden Leader, The Spectator, Kenllworth Leader- * "*" Over 70,000 Readers nara : • ByBEASRBMt.--•. ; never know that she spent appeared on Broadway, on business• =- works very hard rare to find a native New To look at the-beautiful, ./nearly herentire lif^^tto^Lltelevision, Jnilbpera, has and it shows. . delicate, petite, soft-voiced Yorker.,But I was born-and- pubh'c eye. Or thai she has written and recorded music, • As Hana-ogi in the Paper bred in New York/Angela is ~\\ and youthful star of the excelled in every media of has directed, produced, Mill's original musical, -my middle name. I had been Paper Mill's production of show business with the ex- written and starred in audio based _on James A. using my entire name for a VSaybnara,",. June • Angela, ception of full-length book cassettes~Snd home Michener's novel, while, but my last name is so. whose porcelain-type Hollywood movies. Since she . videos. :'.: ."•• '••'.• •;' ..' •• Oriental features indicate a x "Sayonara," Angela sings hard to pronounce, I decided 1 was^5 years old; the, per—-^'.. • . love duets; with Richard tq_ drop it. from jny doll-like quality, one would former has been a model, has She loves every facet of the White;_in an all-consuming, professional name!,, I'm a powerf Dl,-ir4)ut teminine p^ operatic style. She performs, says as proudly as she sings

• •• I whips huge Japanese drums "Japanese — and ProiKkto and flies across the Paper Be" in the show. Mill stage with the greatest Angela tells about how she : of ease.' . . —- became a model at the age of Wrapped, in one of_her_ 5. "When L_was 4, my ' exquisite Japanese kimona : brother, Gene, was born.'I- costumes, Angela, with the went to see my mother in the '•-- resounding applause still hospital, and in the next bed lingering in her eats, trotted there was an English actress — off the stage last week after a who looked at me and told matinee performance, and my mother to take me to taking tiny, delicate steps, modeling school. So, the next walked over to this reporter year she took me, and then I for a chat in one of the started doing the Jan Doll theater's offices. from Japan. The Jan Doll "It's a lot of ftin, really," was me — you know, just like she says, smiling shyly, as the Heidi doll. I was the Jan he.r makeup emphasizes her Doll. perfect teeth and lovely eyes. ,"I took singing lessons, She offers~a~tiny, fragile and my training followed. hand in greeting. "We are My parents had three rules always running around for me that I had to follow. backstage, . going crazy, First, if I didn't like what I trying to make all those fast was doing; I wouldn't be : ' ,i it: The most difficult part of to keep my school work up to changing costumes date. And third, I wouldn't backstage is in changing my become a stage brat. I tried flying apparatus. This has to to be good;" she recalls. be done so rapidly because "My parents are pretty I'm in the very next scene. I proud. They're real shy, you haye to take off my-clothing know...not what you would and my flying harness, and call stage parents. They're I've got to run across the not that way at all.'1 • backstage. Her education included "I really don't have to do attending "a. Catholic any jogging outside," Angela grammar school, ah all-girls grins. "Idoitallhere." . high school in Manhattan, The actress's "flying the State University in New scenes" look so simple when York and the. Empire State ' one is sitting in the theater. College, where I received,a "Actually," she admits, '^the bachelor of arts degree at the people who handle the flying age of 18." I was kind of are very competent. I'm in young, yes, but I skipped very good hands, ItrustPthem"^ sixtlrgrade "Bnd~12tir;grade^ implicitly. And;I;;enjoy it!;;;j and a iyear and a half in tp^ej'^lwa'ys'1 Wanted! t^flyivfj'i1-' ijtiigeliiMysyi'^na'illlknew'^-i. forr. people who g? but on their !p^!He^^%tei1'Pari;!»:?;: she"'' muses'' good-naturedly. have to do much more work "Different type of race, you than normal," says Angela. know. But flying's great. And "Wherever I went, I used to WESTFIELD-Yoy'll find tilings in the new NYNEX Yellow Pages that you llsl WORLD PREMIERE — Richard White and June Angela In romantic scene 'Sayonara' gives me an take my suitcase just for my can't find in your present yellow pages. Because we've gathered information from the musical stage adaptation of James A. Michener's novel, 'Sayonara,' opportunity to fly." books. I could go to parties which will continue Its run thrqugh Oct. 25. Angela, who was boririn only occasionally, but I had from many different towns and put it into one book. New York City, says, "It's (Continued on page 3) Now you can find listings five blocks away, or five towns away. And if we could find Venus'flytraps at Vance Florists in-Westfield, just imagine what you'll be able to find. The NYNEX Yellow Pages for Union, Middlesex, and Eastern Somerset Counties.

I'i NYNEX Yellow Pages £ ' :• *•.«•', in onora of the month, orientation, 7:45 p.m. ; Services and Union County Hospice The Resource Center for Women Echo like NatoraUtti Cub plans (Coathiued from page 1) ' •— ' Compaby,? forPBSwith BlllCosby- dance, 8:30 p.m.; September's-on- Consortiums, wUl be held on Nov. 16 begins six-week support groups • a trip Oct 24 to Pyramid Mountain to study for master classes, in which she played Julie of the, 12 Newark Musenm is exhibiting, the-HIll, Bonnie Bums Road, at the Grantor d Public Library on "Mother Burnout" and "Single in to .view foliage, ferns and Tripod especially during the run of The_ "Short Circus." ' " — fc "Realism and Abstraction: 20th- Watchung, 527-0479 or 469-7795.. ' Walnut Avenue. For information on. Suburbia". Oct.15. Support groups Rock. Call 232-5930 or 561-7730 for King and I.' Iahad to go to London"" "I was with the 'Electric Com- P Century . American Art." The New' Expectations, single adult the series and the topics, call 527- meet- at the Calvary Episcopal information; Regular meetings are " with the play. I had been taking pany''show for 15 years," she says, § museum U located at 49 wijshlngton p, discussion followed by, Church, comer of Woodland and open o.Uje general public and teaching and directing in my master _^ght_from the beginning." She ; 4870OT527-1872. . -.. : |-StT-NBwark.-T-Admlssion-.-to -the TTUBway' HMp^rhas-TbHnea-a -membershinis open to all who share classes at the New School for Social received an Emmy Award of Honor Research. But I had to give it up. > museum is free; parking' is Fellowship, Normandy Heights '. bereavement group for widowed information about fees and to this - interest. For • further~in- in 1076 for her work on the Series, Someday, I may go back to finish." 2 available in the Museum Penny Road, Morristown; every, Friday, 8 people' which meets on Thursdays register, call 273-7253. formatloq, call 233-9749. and'her voice is on the Grammy- z> Lane lot at the corner of Central and Self Help for Hard oT Hearing Angela says that when she was a winning album. "That show was p.m., 984*158. The group wJU holda from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For Information The Watchung Amateur Ski Club 3 University avenues. For in- a singles dance Oct. 17 from 8:30 and to enroll, call 499-6169. ' People meets Oct 20 at the Madison very young child she "used to speak quite popular,"; she says, "and that meets at. the Mountainside Elks ' was quite an honor. It is still in z formation, call596-6550. - p.m. to. 1:30 a.m. at Neil's-New . CHEMOcare, an organization to YMCAat7:30p.m~ ~\" Japanese fluently. However/ once I Club, Route 22, east,, at 8:30 p.m. reruns in Russia, Japan, Australia 2 The Art 8todio-Fine Art Gallery Yorker, 90 Route 48 East, Mountain help cancer patients cope with their Jewish: Family Service of .started to at.te.nd school, I forgot; Oct. 15. Call 233-4159 for additional ' rand the Caribbean. It was wonderful |will .'feature the. works, of 14 Lakes. •-.—• •. • " • ': treatment, has moved to Livingston. -MetroWeit' is forming a support information. '••' ---•;•, everything. Much later in graduate z American arts through Oct 31'in the Single Faces, dances, Saturdays, Information can be, obtained by group for new mothers. Sessions will school I studied the Japanese working with Bill Cosby and Rita o Union County Arts Center, 1605 . 8:30 p.m.; Sundays,,8 p.m., 238-0972 contacting its new addressrP.O. Box begin at the end of October and will The Deutuher Ctab of dark 787 language.' I ev^en visited Japan jvlm—JMpreno^Jpe^Riposo => Irving St., Rahway. 0x679-4311.' ' "'., • • 203, Livingston, 07039. Chrysalis be held weekly In the JFS's Featherbed Lane, dark, will hold a j my parents, and now I can speak it poser.: Patricia Busch, who worked -W— Kean College of New Jersey has New "Jersey "Moonrakers Ctab, Gala, adinnerdance andcelebrlty Livingston office/Anyone Interested dessert card and game party Oct. 15 fluently,— It's'- a . very C difficult: With Hal Prince, was our composer, u. added 30 works of art to be exhibited dub for tall, single adults; meetings benefit, will be held Oct. 23 at 6:30 in joining the group should contact at7:3Op.m. .; language." too. A couple of the writers are now" .•' through. Oct. 16 In the James Howe followed by dancing, every second • p.m. at The Madison Hotel, Convent Ellse Pearl at740-12S3. . The :versatile actress made her Hollywood producers and writers." Gallery In Vaughn-Eames Hall. Tuesday of the month, Meadowlands Station: For Information, call 233- '. Association For Advancement of the New-Jersey Association. of opera debut as Flora in Benjamin , Among her memorable work, Angela says, was a television movie Admission is free and hours are 10 Hilton, 2 Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, 1103. ' •••.' •:. '; •'.'.. •'•.••• the Mentally-Handicapped, The Women Therapists will meet Oct. 18 Britten's "The Turn of the Screw" at a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. today 8:30p.m:;29&0984:- " People Responsible for Elderly Concerned Families Group, for at 7:30 p.m. at Fair Oaks Hospital to the age of 10, and had sung as a for Fox-TV as the daughter of Cloris dlOa.m.tonoono. . . n tomorrow. ™lUnlon County COPO dance/socials Persons meetsOcL 20 at7:30p.m. in parents,'guardians, siblings and discuss clients who suffer from soloist soprano Witwith the New York Leachman and Pat-Morita called ' friends of developmental^ disabled, AIDS and other' life-threatening 1 The Trenton Artiste Worluhop tot wldows and widowers bold ^the lounge at St. John's Lutheran' City Opera; She also sang at Ken-' "Blind Alleys.' "Cloris was great. j Association's will |eabire aayUc "aances on the third Wednesclay at Church, 587 Springfield Ave,, adults, meetings, second Tuesday of IllneBes: New members .are. nedy Center andattheiilBfropolltan She had her own way^of doing things *""* * " "~ ' tKTWestwood" in Uarwood. *'or. u>, Summit.. For .information, call WB^ath7TirstBaptichTlR -welcome; ; For';;Information, calH—• 0rfIWhh°d;' was *° awn rf hl>r " ht t1 Springfield, in an exhibit at the formation; call Harold Brown at 241- Carolyn Epstein, 273-5551. .. ' Elizabeth, 7:30 to9 p.m., 354-3040. Barbaravon Klemperer, 352-7474. made her Broadwaycttiebut to movie in Boston, and she fold, me Federal Building hi Trenton through 3315. RESOLVE of Central New Jersey Cancer Care, Inc. offers. In- "Lovely Ladles, Ktad Gentlemen," that she felt the same way when she ._• Oct. 26. : •' '• '.,,'';' • '.. is the local chapter of a national self formation and ^support group or Surrogate Parenthood In New and in 1977 performed Ore role of' worked with Katharine Hepburn. Hie Jacob Trapp Gallery of 7 7 help organization offering support adult relatives of cancer patients. It '. Jersey is* the topic .of "a panel Tuptim hi the Broadway revival of That was an exciting time." • , _;_ Community House, 4 Waldron Ave., •AAuslc^'-T -' '^};, groups,' doctor referral and meets Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 discussion at the Jewish Community "The King and I" with Yul Brynner, Angela did another TV movie for Summit, The Unitarian Church, will . educational meetings to couples and p.m. at 24 Lackawanna Plaza, Center, 1391 Mairttaei Ave., Scotch then played the role for the entire ;CBS-TV with Pam Dawber "called The IseUn Jerseyalrts Barbershop • Plains, Oct. 22 at 8, p.m. Speakers 1 - exhibit oil paintings by Margie.' . professionals 'healing will unpaired Mlllburn. For information call 379r" run in the London Palladium • "American Geisha. ; "We were in Mencher from Oct. 18 through Nov. Harmony Chorus will present its linclude State Senator Don 28th annual ' show- "Harmony fertility. For Information, call 731- 7506.' , .;,,-; •,•;.'• •"" -.v.-. • -..' : production. .Kyoto, Japan, for three.weeks 15, 9 a.m. to p.m. weekdays, and . Emotions Anonymous; for those DIFrancesco and, Rabbi, Barry "I was the youngest actress ever shooting that film," she says,, I Highway" at 8 p.m. Oct. 17. at 9011 or 873-8787, M . ': Freundel of Yeshlva University. from 10 a.m. to noon on Sunday. Mended Hearts; a support group of having a problem coping with life,. to play the role of Tuptim," Angela -played a . geisha, Kohana. I'll Rahway High School, Madison and Admission Is free and open to the PLAYING TAIKO DRUMS—June Angela pounds away at legendary Japanese Central avenues, For Ucket_Jn-_ people who have had heart surgery Chlego Center,, .Church- of The recalls. "I remember . Richard probably never have another op- community. •'.'•'.:..:• • • drums, which she admltsrtook a long time to get used to. She stars as Hana-ogl In formation,'call 486-2100. : or any other type of heart problem, - Assumption,' Roselle Park, Fridays Rodgers being worried at the portunity to do that again: It was Theater atsp.m. • • . fun. I had a wonderful role playing 'Sayonara'at the Paper AAIII Playhouse; • •••:,' . ' • Square Dance Open House, pet. 19 visits patients awaiting surgery, to • -He dark Historical Society runs beginning when I auditioned for the The. Scotch plains Players from 8 to 10 p.m. at Summit High help them by sharing experiences. presents "Damn Yankees" at the guided tours of the Dr. William School. To register and for. more Endorsed by the. American-Heart . Robinson Plantation, a restored 17tli video, which will soon be released everything transported:" ' : person I choose to marry. But Jewish.Communlty Center, 131 SZo. information, call 371-5561 evenings. • Association, the group holds Potpourri someday, I will get married. Martlne Ave., Scotch Plains •century farmhouse'and 'grounds! at nationwide.. The Minstrel Show Coffeehouse, meetings on the third Tuesday of the Unden Hungarian Club, 431 Maple 593 Madlsbh Hill Road*; Clark, on the "I'was hi Florida when a call One wonders why a beautiful "In the meantime, I was told to beginning Oct. 24. For Information Friday, night concerts,. Somerset month m Springfield.-Anyone-In— person such as June Angela is not . keep the next couple of years free, regarding show datesz and tickets, first Sunday brevery month, except" came In from my manager saying County Environmental Education : terested In becoming a member or 18 at 2 p.ni. Call 486-5711 evenings for January, February, and March. . that my stage agent wanted me for married. "Right now," she smiles and I. haven't made any , com- call889-2214. . - Center, 190 Lord Sterling Road,. receiving more Information can information.. V . .'•:•. shyly, "my career Is very important mitments'. : George Street PIayhouse.9 .Groups may visit by appointment. . the role of Anna O'Kee," she laughs. Basking Ridge, 8:80p.m,, 335-9489. contact fended Hearts by calling Eti Chaylm, a young couples unit "I didn't really think I could dp an to me.' It would not be fan- to the; "I love doing It . alii" Livingston Aye., New Brunswick, sponsored by B'nal B'rith, will go to opens its season Oct. 16 with Irish girl, but when he mentioned Hosplcellnk, service' assists a comedy show at the Penny Arcade The Polish Cnltoral Foundation 'Sayonara,' I said, 'You must mean "Princess Grace and the Fazzaris," Support groups persons seeking care for terminally in Clark Oct. 24 at 8:45 p.m. Dinner dinner dancels Oct." 18 at the Wayne a comedy,-Fpr reservations, call 246- Hani-ogi.' I came to audition for the Newark Boys Chorus seeks Project Protect,' a support group ill patients and their families. The first for those who wish. Call Allan at Manor, Route 23, Wayne. Reser- •workshop and that was that. '7717. • • „ •• • -:••• ' , . . • toll-free telephone number is 241-7383 or. Elaine 'at 232-0082 for ' vations may be made., with,Hallna for battered women, 'meets ; ; . "Everybody here at the. Paper pool, pingpong game tables Tuesdays from 7:30 to9:S0 p.m. For (800)331-1620. '••'. ;• -r -----— details— —. •-•;•".- ' ;• ' Hillpowicz of Union, 687-2414. Mill is so nice;" she says. "There's a Singles information, call 355-HELP. . ' relaxed atmosphere which is so The Newark Boys Chorus School Is which measures achievement in The Cenacle Retreat House, 411 important, especially In a hew work. seeking donations of pool and math, reading and other areas of ; The Gregory Club of New Jersey,, River Road, Highland Park, is ' And working with Richard White is pingpong tables for use by the study. •••'' '.'. will hold a getacqualntedsocinLfor-. Jsponsoring a retreat for compulsive JCraftsjcorikib aMAonf claiFiStateGpfi0ge "funrHe'ffbadrHe-makeslne laugh^^ -studentfl-during-thcu^luhch-break— —The-schborsTfacllityrlocated"on~ 30-pIus singles at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 17 at overeaten Oct. 30-Nov. 1 with Sister In less serious scenes, of course. and after school hours. the premises of Symphony Hall in The Red Cross Bulldllng, 169 Mary Sullivan. The program is open What wiU happen to crafts in the Jersey State Council on the Arts and .opportunity for mutual exchange "Then there are the huge Taiko Founded in 1967, the Newark Boys, Newark, affords excellent Chestnut St., ' Nutley. For In- - to women and. men. For information yeaear 2000? Will It be a viable the two colleges, the three-day event 'among state, regioiial and national drums that I have to pound. When I Chorus School provides an intensive ' classroom space but somewhat less formation, call 991-4514 or 667-5580^_and reservations, call 24M10O. profession as compared to more will include panel discussions', professionals as the American craft first started to do it, my hand program of academic and musical than adequate recreational Parents Without Partners- Bereavement: Seminar , lucrative fields such as business, lectures, workshops and an op- movement prepares'for the next swelled up and got injured. But I training for boys .uufifth through > facilities, a problem which the Watchung Hill Chapter 418', 8eries^ponsored by the.. Union law and- medicine? Will; crafts portunity,for artists, collectors and: century,,'! says jeffr«y;A. Kespcr, worked hard to learn the drums and eighth grade for T/i hours daily, five school' Is currently attempting to dance/social every second Monday County Department of Human galleries continue to'suffer a high crafts aficionados to discuss every ' executive director of the state arts. had no Idea that this would be quite ' days a week, 10 months a year. Tho address, . _ mortality .• rate as a result' of aspect'of the field with Borne of the council. !'The need for the hand- painful for a while. 60 students, who come from the Anyone who would like to donate a ; escalating rents, and If so, how will best minds in the business,, .v —made object will become even "But now," her eyes light up, "It Is Greater Newark area, have been . -pingpong or pool table or other . craftspeople sell their work? Why According: to NJSCA • crafts."": greater as the anonymity brought so exciting to beat them.^The scoring two to three years above tabletop games may call the school have crafts stilLbeen unable to at- coordinator Hortense Green, about with high technology In- adrenalin comes, and It's so dif- their peers on the national Com- at 621-8900. All donations are tax- prehensive Test of Basic Skills, tain credibility as a yalid.art_fprm,?ji__^Making_ConhecOons,_haa^beei~crea»^ ferent. So unique! I love them. deducUble. Five nationally known figures In planned" for all those Interested in Activities begin on Oct. 22 at Kean "" "This company hero at the Paper the crafts world will; discuss the the. field, craftspeople, collectors •College • .with a day-long demon- Mill is a very dose company. I am answerstotbeseandotherquesUons museum and gallery directors, and . stratfon and lecture by woodworker very fortunate, to be here. In all njNKANGEIJV August was all-wet indeed! at "Making Connections III," a tl»i»iiAr=imiWi<..g p » . Sa- m —Maloo - f- fro- m 10- a.m. 't o 4:3..0. shows, we try to become a family, national crafts . conference which' "With a burgeoning communit-„y of- . p.m.. Th6 iaetion then shlfts-to the Japanese sister. Imagine," she and with this one there Is no ex- A drenching 5.68 inches of ram fell 25th. The mean for the month was • role. I was a teen-ager then But Yul 71.24 degrees, 5.90 degrees above will take place on Oct. 22, 23 and 24 morore thathnn 5,005000 craftft s professionalfils Montclalr State ''College for Iho grins shyly, "playlngn geisha." ception; And I have worked with on the Union Cbunly area In August, Brynner. was so supportive, and I normal. The mean temperature for at Kean College and Montclalr State Angela also has. appeared oh some members of the cast before, 1.79 inches above normal, according working In New Jersey, the con- remaining two days. !On Oct. 23, a was in such awe of him. I couldn't August 1986 was 70.67 degrees, 5.33 College, Sponsored by the .New ferenco will provide an important meeting' of;: heads, of ^national, call him Mr. Brynner, because that Broadway, off-Broadway, at the So,'it's nice," .•'.••'. • to the U.S. Cooperative Weather —^StaUon at Union County College's degrees above normal. The • regional v and state crafts was too formal. I couldn't call him New York Shakespeare Festival and maximum average was 82.8 degrees organizations Is scheduled. . Yul, because that was too personal. in national company revivals of : which Cranford Campus. • This Is the Plans Harvest Festival at arboretum - A free conference brochure can bo So I caUed him King. I was in such . Broadway musicals. '• .-:. ' monthly total precipitation. and the minimum average was 59.6 ; 178 when Uib'monthly total, degrees. In the spirit of celebrating the York City, will tie featured along- Pbtelned_J^ni^Hortense .Green, ,'. : aweofhiml . ' : She had the title of musical earth's: bounty, the Reeves-Reed w"h music, wood carving and other • cratts coordinator^Tllew Jersoy rr director-composer-producer—wlthL ' Anffpln was 6.74 inches. - . The highest dally average tem- •''.; ''rworked with him forJW years, ;—i*'***4——withthe-5;68-inches-thatJell_lasJL_perature was 83.5 degrees on the Arboretum ,will present its first crafts, a "pocketlady'! antjother- State CounclJ on the; Arta/Depart- and for me, he was wonderful. He ..the. 1985, Aqtion for /Children's month, the total precipitation since 17th, wh ly average community Harvest Festival on Oct. games for' children. . Bonsai and ment of State, 100 W, State Street, ' treated me lJke a daughter. And he Television , award-winning' radio radio across the country; We're i 1 Jan. 1, Is 33.34 Inches. The total at 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain date is topiary design, dried end silk CN 306, Trenton, 08625; (609) 292- never missed a performance, even ' campaign, ''Get It Straight,' with keeping our fingers crossed because temperature was 58.5 degrees on the this time last year was only 29.48 Oc"'"t 18. flowers, potpourri and more will be &&>'•• ' ''-'' ' '' • when he was so ill. And I never guest Bill .Cosby. She.now.stars on It's getting a lot of attention. 24th and 25th. August's record high . Inches. Thfi greatest August rainfall of 98 degrees was recorded ui 1973 i missed a show." : ,.'' • •':.•. -'• Wamer Brothers* "Sweet Valley- ; • "We also are keeping our fingers :.From dancers on stilts to jazzy demonsh-ated and live plants will be on record was 10.64 inches In 1971, '••'•• Earlier hi heir career, Angela [ crossed hoping to get 'Sayonara' to and 1983. The record low of 39 GEESE AGAIN —Ceramic geese made by Cafole Schmidt of scarecrows, from the art of pumpkin for sale. Home-baked or harvested High" series of audio book cassettes, ' while the lowest rainfall on record • i starred as a regular, pnltelevision's Broadway. It's an expensive show, degrees was recorded in 1966. ' Union are among the hand-crafted articles oh display at the ••'•'•. sculpting to basketweaving, from specialties and; lunch will be and the show's popular theme song, occurred in 1964 when a tnlniscule "Moving Right Along" for PBS, with at least a $5 million musical. But the Humidity reached a maximum fourth annual Golden-Goose-Craft Boutique at the Westfleld ' storytelling to pony rides, the available for purchase,' along with was co-produced, written . and 0.4S Inches fell on Union County. HrtERiU''MT«Ti" costumes are already made, and the level of lOO percent on three days. On Tennis Club today from 6 to 9 p.m. The boutlque'shours f^festival-will-offer-acUvlties-forTall apple dder fresh Uus season." ~~ , HowartE.RoiUns,Mr.T«(Tina, performed by her. Angela recently . The temperature rose to a high of tomorrow are from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; on Saturday from 10 ages. A fife and drum procession , ABC prime-time, with Pat Morita co-wrote the music for ABC-TV's scenery is already made. And we the 24th the humidity dropped to 57. The Arboretum U located at 1M 1 03 degrees on the 17th and plunged to Dercent. The average humidity per a.m. to 3 p.m. The club Is located at 139 North Chestnut St./ opens the event • i and thelworldwlde multl Emmy "Morning Stretch ' With host Joanle have the cast. All we need is a Hobart Ave., Summit. More In- 1 a low of 44 degrees on the 24th and y was 79.74 percent. '..•".,•"' between Mountain Avenue and East Broad Street In West- . "Friends In High Places," the formaUformatioo n can be obtainebtidd blby i f award-winning series,''The Electric Greggalns new home exercise theater where we can:~nave field. baroque stilt dancers from New 273-8787. ' Stork club

A 6-pound, 11-ounce son, Brian. .Mrs. Elaine Ratner of Union and •n Edward Kuril, was born Sept. 14 Mr. Franklin Guttman of O Buday-Up$on in Morristown Memorial Hospital Plscataway. Paternal grand- c to Mr, and Mrs. Martin Kurtz of parents are Mr. and Mrs.'Nor- Kathleen J. Buday of Maplewood, daughter of Mr. White Meadow Lake. He is the man Kurtz of Union. Mildred James Z. BudJy of Parlin and Mrs. Olga Weed of couple's first child. Purdy of Somerset Is the baby's •Jeanette~Avtaiue7n[Jnron, • was married" recently to Maternal grandparents are great-grandmother. Richard S. Upson of Maplewood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bergsten Richard Upson of Garden Street, Union. ' , Isserman Nancy Joan Flagg, daughter of— The Rev. Charles Hartling officiated at the Margaret Lovett, daughter of Mr. ceremony In Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church, Mrs. Joan M. Flagg of Union, was and Mrs. Thomas P. Lovett of Battle Union. A reception followed at Marcher's Grove married recently to Carl John Hill Avenue, . Springfield, was . Restaurant, Union. -• Bergsten, son of Mr. and Mrs. John' married recently to Michael M. Bergsten of Douglasvllle, Ga. - ' The bride was escorted by her father. Linda Ann Isserman of Garden Oval, Buday of Pericnsie, Pa., served as maid of honor for -The Rev. Donald L. Brand of ComeTryUs...You'IIUkeUs 2 Springfield. • ,- r her sister.— --•--••, .._••• O ficiated at-tho ceremony in Grace Daily Dinner Specials Monslgnor Francis X. Coyle and Lutheran Church, Union. A ' Michael Upson of Kenllworth, brother or the groom, D Rabbi Alfred Landsberg officiated served as best man. _ O .reception:, followed at ' the Old • includes: soup^salad^vegetable, O at ceremonies In Town and Campus, Mansion, Elizabeth. .„- • - Mrs ;• Upson7wh6 was graduated frohif UnTonTIigh- |_JfeL_Orange,_jyhere.j_recigpt)gn ) .;_.....pptatQ,.D.ess.ert,.&.Beyerag.e_i_: .^t —Catherine M.Quinlan of New York— •' School, -U-emplpyed by-UnitedCounties Trustr Co.7" 1 followed!" *.-•• Springfield. 95 •V. City served as'maid of honor. Broiled Vz Garlic Chicken 595 The bride was escorted by her Bridesmaids were Candice C- Her husband, who also was graduated from Union Broiled Filet of Blueflsh 5 father. Rita Potomskl of Springfield Bergsten of Douglasvllle, sister of High School, is employed by Sheet Metal Workers Broiled Whole Baby Flounder 64S served as matron of honor. the groom; Linda" Simehsky of . Local 22, Cranford. ': 95 Bridesmaids were Catherine Lovett Union, Jean Corrie of Staten Island The newlyweds, who took a-honeymoon trip to Bar Prinze Rlb_. 7 • of Cranbury and Mary De Rose of and Amy Moskowitz of New York Harbor, Maine, reside in Maplewood. Hamilton Square,.both sisters of the Breakfast and Luncheon Specials, ' " and—ktae—Bonifacio—df- Siay: Fruit BaTwitrrBfreakfait Springfield, Kelly Lovett . of . ileterD.SchullerofChicago,111., • Millburn, niece of the bride, served served: as; best man. Ushers were, And More! as flower girl. •;•: - • .... Scot J. Bergsten of Douglasvllle, 1 Joseph Coll of Springfield served brother of Jhe groom; Mark A. • Fresh Seafood 'Steaks as' best man. Ushers were Peter Stiffler of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mil; AND MRS. RICHARD S. UPSON • Chops •Chickeri Rossomando of Springfield, William Robert B. Parsons Jr. of Ambler, Pa.'' ' •- • .- ,' • >„' ^ .• • •.' • • Italian Specials;* Salad Smplinski of elemental land An- p thony Volpe of MUlford, Conn, Mrs. Bergsten,' who _was Bar • Children's Menu Daniel DeRose of Hamilton Square, graduated from Union High School nephew of the bride, served as ring and Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., where she received a bachelor of .'bearer.. . ••• .' .' ^ • 376-1259 The bride, who was graduated science degree in mathematics, is a Gallagher-Rokos from Roberts Walsh Business programmer analyst for Macy's Rt 22 • Springfield School, id employed by Autoland, New Jersey. •.'",'"'':, "• ' _J L OPEN 24 HOURS Her husband, who was graduated Caroline Gallagher of Los Angeles, Calif., daughter Springfield. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gallagher of Lowell, Mass., from New Trier'.'High. School, '. Her husbvand, who was graduated was married recently to Jeffrey J. Bokos of Los 'from Muhlenberg College and the Wlnnetka.i 111., and Lafayette Angeles, son of Mrs. Helen Rokos of Locust Street, College, •;- where he,; receiyed. a University of Connecticut School of ; Rosclle, and Mr. William Rokos of Annandale. Pharmacy, is employed as a bachelbrr'' of-' science' degree in chemical engineering, is a project Dick Wilson officiated at. the ceremony at thp home registered pharmacist by CVS. of the: bride's brother and sister-in-law, Michael and engineer for U.S. Gypsum. The newlyweds, who took ;a Llndan Gallagher, where a reception followed. honeymoon trip to Hawaii, reside in The newlyweds, who took a . Alison J. Klcly ofXowcll, Mass., served as maid of honeymoon: trip to the Canadian Springfield. ..'; - ., MRrAND MRS. CARL Jf. BERGSTEN honor. MR. AND MllS. MICHAEL ISSERMAN Rockies, reside in Garnerville, N. Y. James W. Rokos of Carboro, N. C, served as best man for his brother. is splendor is The bride, who. has retained her name In full, was Wiikowski-Urbari graduated from Fitchburg St. College, Pltchburg, Mass She is a self-free lance videotape editor. solid etod genuine -•'••Stork-club- Mr. . and Mrs. John P. bachelor ot science degree, is a Her husband; who was graduated from Rutgers Angione-Kulig troth Aj _tt-pourid; 7-ounce daughter, Witkowski of Faltout Avenue, microbiqlbgist for Roche- Univeralty^New BrunswIckrls-employed-by-Safecbir: —Ttlmberly Gra"ciTlplegeirwas~born -Itoselle-Park—have-announced- -Blomedical, Rarltan; •• ~ Insurance Co. ..'-.•.. ling Mr. and MrsrCharles Angione School and Kean College of New the engagement of their, . of Jeanette Avenue, Union, have Jersey, Union, is employed as a Sept. 1 In Overlook Hospital, The newlyweds, who took a honeymoon trip to Puerto daughter, Jessica of Highland ^ Her fiance, who was graduated Vallarta, Mexico, reside in Los Angeles. ~ announced the engagement of teacher for the Orange school .'.': Summit, to Mr. and -Mrs;- Larry Park, to Lawrence J Urban, son Spiegel of Linden. She joins a sister, from Union College, Cranford, icle- their daughter, Yvpnno Laura, to. system. of Mr and Mrs Joseph L Urban Kathryn Michelle, 3 with an A S degree, and Montana Robert G. Kulig of Springfield, Her fiance, who was graduated ofCranford. State University, where ho son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kulig from Westfield High School and Mrs. Spiegel, the former Carol received a bachelor of science ...The Manor of Walnut Port, Pa. Lincoln Technical Institute, is Murden of Union, is the daughter of degree, is 'an environmental The announcement was made employed by Homecraft Mrs Florence Murden of Union, and The bride-elect, who was graduated from Centenary specialist with the New Jersey , on Sept. 12. • Manufacturing Co ..Newark the late Mr. Charles Murden Sr. Her Department of Transportation, husband, formerly of Springfield, Is College, Hackettstown, where CAROLINE GALLAGHER The "bride-elect, who was A summer, 1988 wedding is Ewlng JEFFREY J.riOKOS graduated from. Union High planned tho'son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles she received an A S degree, and Spiegel of Springfield.. Kean College of New Jersey, A September 1988 wedding is Union, where she received a planned Over 30 years dedicated to the pleasures of the table and REGISTER NQW continuing our grartfi tradition of fine dining. FORGHILbCARE Luncheon Bvgei • Wed. Noon to 3 pm '•'. "IFITS PAGODA DINING . •••'•" A La Carle LunChedn - Mon. '•> Fri Noon to 3 pm - • MITOMOTIVE 15 months -J 1 years Elegant Chinese Restaurant tt Cocktail Lounge AND tt' • A La Carte Dinner-6pm- 10 pm . MOSTURELY WE HAVE IT." Specializing in Szechuan, Cantonese DANCING ^ Full and partial days ' Lobster. Buffet-Tiies..- Fri 6pm -9:30pm : . Candlelight Buffet - Sun.1 pm -8 pm . , . ', Hunan, Shanghai, Manderin, & Taiwan. Nursery school, supplemental pre-k, before and after WHOLESALE Gourmet Luncheon Menu care for the elementary aged child. : .••'•.• •,...' Elegant Party Facilities Available . ; •'• TOTHEPUBIIC Take Out Available _ Every Friday Evening Several sltes^ rWOTO PARTS Join our Monthly cooking Class conducted By Our Registered Dietician and J-Star Chef BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, Iwdtoptittint. fHE CONTEMPORARY SOUND Options to suit your needs. This Month ' OP ...Pre-school classes... OrENSUtlNVtMl IPH ' Sweets sour shrimp, Pearl Balls: MIUHMVS7:30MI WtM A Meatball covered with sweet Rice Sandijarvis WEQUMys7J0HEQUMys7J0HH 1tU1U For Information ft Reservations PLease call CtOSB>NEO.EVES.S4SrM •NORTHERN ITALIAN 688-9622 MMSMIICMIDWE. CUISINE FIVE POINTS 1=F PAGODA *§- •RESERVATIONS REQUESTED 201-731-2360, VAWH»a(UHKH(|,«J 201 TUCKER AVE. YMCA 111 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ 1085 Rt. 22 EastuMounta!ns!dc X76-7775 BUY-WISE UNION * Restaurant Hospitality Magazine 11/86 AUTQ PARTS 789-9777 572-BOULEVARD • KEN1LWOHTH ^

(Continued from page •) - membership and - associates' Jersey Stale Federation of Women's "its annual dinner and bazaar Oct. 29 chairman. Clubs in New Brunswick, financially digent, the veteran and provide elude, in addition, a ride through sky, chairman, has announced that Act in Greenbrook. Further ln- Mrs. ZlaUn will report on the health and safety classes of which Society Hill and the Waterfront, coflponsors are Wdchert Realty, formation can be obtained by calling at the Craftsmens' Club, 522 E. supports the Meta Thorne Award Elizabeth Ave., Linden. The bazaar, harvest luncheon to be held Nov. 10 scholarship sponsored annually by. CPR, First Aid and Water Safety followed by dinner. Additional in- Warren, represented by Anne Day, Mrs. Borsky at 378-0738 or Mrs. Day at Highlawn Pavilion, West (frange. classes are the most popular. We aid ' formation can be obtained by con- and-Town-Snopg-of-Punellen-and-,.-at7577780. . . ; ... ' featuring handmade Items, the NJSFWC in the field of music; , , In disasters when called upon." tacting Hadassar/s tour chairman, Bound Brook representedbyTnUan '"••:••>-. - Christmas gifts, plants, Bated goods' Lillian'Mayer will present a skit, •Wce.JBhjexwiJLfeatute-TheModelB__EMMANim CHAPTER NQJ83- and white elephant tables, will be "The Golden' Girls Discover J_THEJB!NAI-B'iUTa..Women_oi,- open from~2Tb¥|>.m..A ham dinner. Baaassah7*"wrltten and directed Dy -SprmgfleIdrwiHjneet_Wedoesdayat chapter for more'than 35 years, says and The Fashions. Hair-styling will Order of the Eastern Star, will hold Dorothea Mayer, Mae Schulman' "We run the chapter with mostly Ifce Golden Age Qub of Linden be coordinated by Renee of Class .' .", • •• premises "so that the chapter can • program now Includes:.' and lubricate ' . _jtAdjustbumor-for--i ; " continue to fUT the blood needs of the" JAEGER OVERHEAD -•-RNsfarimgsalirrlcr—T'- ' • Check blower (or ' efficiency • . 12 communities It serves. We also -rQARASErDOOJt ^ —from $10.70-14.65 per 1 .. cleanllnoss. • Chock gas.valvo ' •ooKYourtloll-Miyl»art-«sMoMff •r ••". are assisting aliens, who are eligible hour; ' . • •'.'...,"' • Tosl lor gas Idaks • Chock fumaco oporatlon .'• unit-based substitute ' for amnesty, at our Chapter House," Call Jodi Diane for a Free in-home consultation. Hayeck s Fine Pood In (urnaco • Inspect wiring on furnace . says. DiVenuto, "Any alien needing rates from $13.50-15.50 Restaurant and catering • -perhourj * • • Test, and adjust pressure : • Chock Ihormocouplo . assistance in filling out forms, -• rogulalor: ' . . fc"d. Box 876 Springftetd • (201) 277-4Z3Zz • supplemental staffing:' : • Chock hoat oxchnngor having their picture taken, or who • Cloap and ad|usl pilot 515 centennial Ave., cranford team salaries from • Chock draft at broaching ~~ have any questions, can contact the $14.50-16.50 per hour, . . assembly. . . •._..• • • Check for combustlblo Chapter House at 353-2500. "We aid and ...'.', . .. , •••.'•• Chock gas filter tor pilot. : ; ' material near furnace ' the homeless,; the elderly, the in- ; 276=8404" . • weekend premium pay ' • Cleans arid adjust all ' rates from $18.00-20.00 . • ' controls • 1 Catering for all Occasions per hour. ' ' . • • •.-•••• •' MiiPny REPLACE YOUR OLD .'; In addition, advancement ' Club awqreness Corporate Catering Our Specialty is typically swift at Over- - The Union County Council on ' On Premises Catering for Parties up tb 60 WOODEN DOOR NOW! .look, where senior nurses can easily attain their mnximum annual salary. ; • Alcoholism, Inc., has announced $44900 ad, imbued* — that it is trying to locate all Union - With clinical specialties in the forefront of today's health care, we pro- . BE READY FORJIOLD WEATHER! County Women's Clubs interested 'Standard Width 8'or V vide an environment )n which you can build on the solid expertise you ; ••'-. Special Offer Expires 11/15/87 In working on the New Jersey Thursday Luncheon Buffet * Standard HolBht 6' 6" or 7' 95 ' already have. •,. ' ' ' : • '... • We Service All Makes, g Office of Highway Safety Thursday Evening Lobster Night*10 * We Invite you to Investigate career opportunities at Ovcrldok where we . And For Replacement W«S Carry '-rrr* "Community Awareness Cam- Double Doors 16'Wide bank on your experience —and you can too. ".: paign." The campaign will focus •Includoisiladbar.potato.v*fl«tibl« , ' OUR NAUeA-ON_ WILL MAKE VOU FEEL COUFORTAB-- on .New Jersey residents being •II peal N' «at shrimp you want 749j sober, safe and buckled up an •'."'• ••••-. drivers. ' Sunday All You Can Eat Buffet* Two Single Width Doors Barbara Plucltnlk, RN, MSN, 4PMT08PM . Nursing Recruitment and ME DEPEW It is a comprehensive program •Include- »Jiot (tem««salad bar - ' 749 Retention Coordinator ' Overlook to raise /public awareness all peel N'eatihrlmpyou w«nt»d«wrt _ - ' 'Includes: Door, trim • ', «t|20)| 512-2238 •' . • -;<:-^WeathentrlpplnB,—-- through education and public ,M ..III An cuiial oppunutriiy Information. Special attention Try Us For Dinner! • •'• Lock a Inttallatlon ,'employer mllAAIH/V . . ; will be given to pedestrian safety, FREE ESTIMATES 99 Beauvoif Avenue at Sylvan Road seat, belt usei bicycle and Ml NURSING OPEN HOUSE Summit, N( 67901-0220 motorcycle safety and SOBER *io"» DinnerSpeclals EDJONES October 18-lS.noon-J p.m. A major teaching af/ilitiie of ' 309 Lafayette Avenue "P.O. Bo__257' activities. Slow on the Bottle, Thursday thru Saturday 'V ..'.'.'i '• 'or. ,.. ' • tiolumbia University College •'. KENILVVORTH, N.J.;07033 „ J"^ * ^"P * S31*1 • vegetable Enjoy the Road, for adults and ^86-0074 ' November 10-7 p.m,-9 p.m. of Physicians phd Surgeons I Phone (201) 272-2100 O Phone(201) 76&6600 Potato • 1 Beverage • PudrJIna orJello, 1L Stay off the Bottle, Enjoy the •': /.. : Division ..:.•... •-..! ' (llfrtl' Road, for those under 21. In- THIS COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED TO terested clubs can contact Carol Lorstan-Thomas JAEGER LUMBER SEFWICEMAN AT TIME OF CALL FOH Leyine.at the Union County on , • your Wedding Photography professional since 1920 J 2322 Morris Avenue . THIS SPECIAL PRICE; ., Alcoholism by calling 233-8810. .,w-;,;.:.:-;.Vv...::.•• ,. ...yjp Union NJ-07083 _OHJP0H. 11050CommerceAwnui,Union*686-5600 ' Theater series begins pew sepsorr~ Strollers'five shows KEAOEKAOSIN'nra -"The Strollers of Maplewood will aHaEUffl7 SECTION FREMJt£D BY Linden Disposal —The-Major—Thealer- Series —of • COWIWACT open its new season with three Production director ' is Lore ADVERHSINOJNC. Mpntclalr State College will open its festival will feature an appearance formances will be in the Studio' EVTEW AIJ. MOOTS Business owners, contractors, homeowners and others have learned tord y on linden. Ullrich of. Union. Serving on the XES&IVED. IW7 . curtain on a new season, beginning ~by"Dance. Compass.: and theTheater, v y~ productions, five performances Disposal for -a complete and reliable garbagc^ojlecacfl scn^ Waste removal and disposal is tricir each., • •; • •- • '••••••- ' ' • ' board of "trustees are Keith only business, and their growdi is an indication of rhc fine service they offer. . with Bertolt Brecht's classic parable choreography of Rachel X-ampert. Further Information can be ob- . DriscoU of Union, Peter Staffers, . The season will end with William tained by calling 893-4205. Next month, the. group will Rjr your convenience, diey supply and maintain 1 to 42 cubic yard trash containers, which arc of good and evil, Good Woman, of present "The Odd Couple." Kate Cawley and Carol Sherman. sprayedand disinfected regularly. Trucks on regular routes sec to it that your container is rourindy Setzuan, Wednesday to Oct. 24, in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer • emptied so that it is always available foryou r trash disposaljjecds.JLarBecrollflfitcontainers and: the Memorial Auditorium of the Night's Dream" May 4 to7. •''.' February's performance will be ' '. The season is made possible Ballef \azz dancers ''Mary, Mary" and May will compactors are available ] OC ,' ww« * College Campus. In addition to the Major Theater- _thjcpugh_t!Mb.C«)peratlrin-j>t.ihe- d —The-Wjestmlnster-0ance-Theater~ —conclude the season witirthe the Maplewood Recreation Depart- If you have not yet discovered Evelyn's Seafood GriH, located at 624 Wcstfidd Acnuc in linden Disposal, located.in die Union and Middlesex County areas, phone 862-0409 or Is seeking "strong jazz dancers1' fpr_. musical "Guys and Dolls." - ment, it was announced. ' Elizabeth, phone 3522022, you arc missing one of the most pleasant seafood experiences this area 381-7475, serves commercial, industrial and residential needs and offers construction debris Lanford" Wilson's comedy, "Hot L Department of Speech and Theater : rcmoyaObu are invited to call at any time fora free survey of your waste disposal needs. Remember. the fall season, who must be baUet- The new president, Marianne has to offer: • •••' •. • . • ' ••••• '•'•'.'•; . ••••.•.'•• •.'•••" Baltimore," winner of the 1973will, continue Its Studio Theater , New members are Invited to When you dine at Evelyn1* Seafood Grid, youwill enjoy deliriously prepared food in a . they're at your "disposal," so give them a call today.The y can handle any trash problem. Drama Critics Circle award, Dec. 2 series with four productions, trained, it was announced. CulUnan, has announced that this Rehearsals begin Oct. 28 with Daniel . will be the Strollers' 56th season. attend monthly meetings on the rdaxed, ccmfbnnblc airrwsphcn^ Tlrar octcnsM Tw •ur A TM tas. • • • , :,.. ; . • •••• . •' "Godspell," by Tebelak and Sch- first Wednesday of each month at wartz, Dec. 10 to 12, "Under Milk Tinazzi, choreographer, in the-"Joining her on the board is new cooked tDpcrfccrioa There is only_onc. place, vvim fresha-fish dian those served at Ewcjyn's lift In P. r% VtlXVMl' The annual Spring Festival of' vice president Frank Cangialosi, the De Hart Recreation Center, Dance stepswill be presented March Wood," by Dylan Thomas, Feb. IB to Westminster ,.iP.anc_e_iheater/ . Seafood G&fll—and that's the c«eanlT^pieparce^ detectable fish srjccbltywim supreme care MM^M J.M.%' xm. .•.-JO. WJ.. Studios, .1156 East Jersey St., Richard Hlrschfield, treasurer, Maplewood. •--.- -. ••" " to preserve its mosrnost dHK?tdelicater flavorsflav^TlicuuraeanppcWnisingst^. Their unoomprdmisuig standard^ s have eamcdfor-uicm a laigc ' • forjus t die right treat anytime, stop inat Do Me A Havn; locked at 2195 Monu Aucnue 3 to 5, 1KB. The blend of modern, 20, —Accidental DeaUj of an number of patrons who, return time and time agaia ^&u^ appreciate UK nSoKlly, personalized in Union, phone 686^&223. They feature delicious ice cream served in a variety of taste tempting % classical, and jazz pieces is created Anarchist," by Dario Fo, March 17 Elizabeth. Additional information .service and the consistenriy attractive way thesaVory-entrecs are presented Tlie degance and can be obtained by calling 354-6767;.•' ways, toca t on the premises or available;for takeout ... *- _by__re8ldent,l_guest^and student to 19, and "American Buffalo," by .' wamtth of the surroundings further enhances a defightM cEning experience. '.Rom huge banana splits, toscrumptiou s sundaes dripping wim ha choxJatc, to a;simple S• —' Order from an impressive array of deHcious~scafood speaaldcs that indudc lobster, shrimp, ' sugaroancwimacSpofyDurfavoriKfJa^Ite "^ scallops, stuffed fkunda;filet of flounder and much more. Regardless ofyour sefcctioh,yciuVc sure everyone's sweet tooth! wu arc sure to ,0^0^ the smooth creamy texture of their ice cream, and find< £ Ristorante &Kzzem Friedman, Hschbein & Co., • to agree Ewdyrfs Seafood GeOl is a dining expcricrice you y«wiY want tomiss . . its. frahflavor better than any youVecvcr tasted ,__^_ TfcuVc really missed something if you havaWtricd uSe desserts at Do Me AHawoc'Ihcyih3yc__.. BotmatyBunkyV-NewOwner,AnAooyGa^ Uc accounting, as «dl asirrtany otheraspects of^^our prcscnisocie«y,hMcli»i^dnnwdaIdnnwdaIy dozens of flavorso f ice cream to choose from, each more exciting than the last All of thar ice in the last decade A- wood accountanountant must now. be many things to hhis or h hchentde—d a M&O Construction Co. cream is home made with brfyuVpurcst of nature's ingrccficnts. And not Only can you buy meir Hna lownfirmd wi* know that the ***V*^ maragcmcrradyisoi; l^^ "Setm^ The Aia VotOva 3$ ^bt^ - products to eat in, but you can also purchase tiSeiric e cream in pints and quarts total i home. Stop __JEfa*cri»,Joaird at 333 St Georges Avenue in West Linde in today and see for yourself why everyone is saying, ^s die best ice cream Pve ever fasted? ' hhatyp3iradywncny«ianiye . •; M&O Construction Co. in Union, located at 2204 Monis Aienuc, phone,|6872233, is ran ncurjv- JffiriA «if ait.Only.the finest Italian in-. __ —- — nng needs ofoVbuea anndd. here, fresh douoh and sauces are made daily. They* have captured rite true Italian HayOjl dm ppcy and quickly. M8K> Owstxikctk^ by USUM the exat:—t spice• s necessarr\L-'-~ y todehgh izi:-i t your t^n^j-.^, incy otter a true taste otltaly tom e d d ikl M8K> Otkk General Sewer Service" : r financial servicesaixlaoxuntingskilkTikirofitecanbcfou^ at 2333 I^ms Awiuc ui Union, work—excavation, foundation and concrete work, commercial and residentialbrildirigs , icmodding iwwfc CM mis'area. ' ' ' ~' ~ '~ dkd l : 'and additions and metal buildings for i^ application.^-^—^J '-^-", . k. . DonVtake dunces on contracting a sewer and drain service diat may not have the proper ^Thcy serve many bnds-of pizza with different toppings and combinations. Moumwatering plwne851 JS700. Bricdnun,1faclibeln & Co. have always been deckcatod topersona l attention JrjsLgood to know that when you employ a cortraoor yc« can depend on him ro_do_thcjo b equipment to handle me- job. Many times, because of die use of improper equipment, a drain or cheese and spicy peppetoni, sausage and mushrooms arc among Ac'dttTercm toppings served hcrc. and Quality standards of service. . • • . • ; y;t A^.'J , ' i«. j. •' • according to your specifications .or to advise you on the most cost-effccavc and high-quality sewcrsystcm must be doneaUovcr because of faulty workmanship. - . They ofe bom NeaJWitari aridSidKan type pizza. They also feature cahonc, raw*, lasagna,- Using modem computer technology and nSe latest acooumin£t«nnio^whic^itv» contin- prcdiios and c^gn to use TIK inanagpnau of M£K) CkmstrtKt^ Co. will gladly sit down/ The professionaU at General Sewer Service, located in dtc Eliiabctii area, plionc 355^460 uing education poBcy assures, they fill an ever widening; range ofclicnr iice&JWieuieryou owi or 382^)111, arc specialists' in this field Sewer and drain cleaning is their business, not just a tpe<^ submarine sanawicha^ both hot ana cold and other Italian favorites. . . _ ala^oiSGSncssor rirnr^ncca sor« P • with you tp discuss your'Drojcct'worJcout'all the cfctallsand present ycu\^ an atxiuaffiest • \Ar C!afinA Wslntante*: Hzzeria, youil find only fast,mcndly service They arc open / a large or small business or simply need some personal finanga2JgjanntngJWrtc«lrnan,M«aine«i .••of die costofthe materials and labor. Their cxperienZc^ha r«op« cquipnicm: enables uScm to sideline. Tnrough years of experience,' uScy know just the tight methods and procedures to & <5. arc the accounting profcsaonals to secTlicy wiU ptinKar^care cf aoDaience a^ . "tackle any contracting)ob and complete it on ame with expert craftsmanship. They will handle any accurately and effidentjy get die jobidonc right the first time Stoppages in drains, sinks, toilets and dWa week ifor your convenience. But dorrt just sit there, stop in at Cafaro's Ristorante & nibs arc dcancd with ttKlatcst equipment, seven days ? week, dry or night Rzzerb today for the best pizza i" •"•"" toworkforycu part'of your project or take care ofthc entire construction job. , : . • Gall them when you need a contractDr for any rcasoajtfyouarcccmtcmplatinganytypeof At die General Sen*r Service, you^will find competent professiM^ who know the business till be " •••••••'• \vork of M&O Constjtuctlo- ...o —Co. tliorouglily and can be depended on to handle your account in a prompt, efficient manner. Bom A.A. Action CoUection Co., Inc. Dougfcs l^e Chester, BDS building' project, yoiill be morc than residential and commcrdal jobs are completed wim total sanslacucin at prices to meet your budget Everyone smiles in the same languagcWith t»">~ ———-77™ —••~rv—^~~i.^rz Tfiar'ycars ofexceUent service to the area is your assurarVc tf a jefc wdUkwe. AD types of businesses and professionals share at least one problcm-thc nonpayment of great Dt Douglas lee Chester, located at 1226 ftunet Avenue in Union, phone 688*388 Action Jeep & Eagje Products accounts. iSomc people canV pay their total bill, some dont pay any of it, and some simply refuse ! to pay. Wharever^the reason, Utar delinquent accounts cause problenis for yoitt business. Ifou must offers you quality dentistry at reasonable rates. - •; • "•...*... ,•,',' ' HkR^ ^ General Managegr ;' " " '"''' .. Beflotti aad Witsaman Attorneys at Law spend time, effcrt and money to contact these, people, and your cash flcW may be cflectcd by thcir Dental health has improved enormously among Americans in the lastfifW years Uvuiks to better oral hygiene, the use of fluoride and advances in professional dental care. The services at: the TWs progressive dealership is considacd by many tobe ; me ITK» oubtanding car and truck When you arc rooking for a legal representative, you want someone with both expertise and nofKnyment The best solution to ydur ccJIccrion problems could be to contact A-A- Action , office of Dr. Douglas Lee Chester include total preventive care and counseling, children's and dealer in the entire area.- ActionJfoe p & Bagle Products,^^kicated at 595 Ovstrait Street in Union, experience. With these qualifications' and the determination to obtain the best legal solution- CouWJon Co., located at 223S Monis Aawc^in Union,phonc 686-5434. '. . ' general dentistry, cosmetic dentisny and emergency treatment DtCSiestier is a member of The phone 686-6566, is your authorized dealer and seivice lvadquartcrs for the (anxxis Jeep & Eagle . possible, BeHotd'and Wtsaman arc ready toserv e you. They provide professional services at The people at A-A. ActionCollection Co. are collection specialists. They ckalwim delinquent: American Dental Assoaation, The Union County Dental Society and The American Society of fine up^ofcirs and trucks. Here, you will find a unit: best suited toyou r driving r«x^ and dicy can ' affordable fees fiornididr office in Union located at 427 Ghestnut Street, phone 688-4448. . accounts of all tyrxs-^ummercial, retail, professional and mcdicaL Whether your accounts are Denteny for Childrcn, HeI is a^KdloW in The Academy of General I>3Ttistiy.ThcprofcssJore^hcrc special order a carclr thick built to^vourexac t requirements. The general law1 practiccofBcDotti and WJtsaman handles a^dc range of cases, estate. . numerous or few, large or small, AjL Action Collection Co. handles each one with die same arc dedicated to serving alliyour dental hygiene needs, Their offices arc comfortable and relaxing The management at Action Jem & Bade Brodnctn, Don Higate, Service Managci; has 7p^anhingj personal injury, domestic; criminal, corporate and business and real estate. They give proftaiomlism, oJitrlry ai>d or»rifi^p«aliiy Ttvy maltir prompt personal contracts and will not andu^arcopm5d^awcckforyourootivcniehce. . V • , ,'••'.• made it^^a point tohire orilyfuUy qualified tcchr&ians.whb can hancfe any service OTitpair job.'^ personal attention to each of tharciicnts, ana quick and effident attention tocach_cascj,Beflott l give up until they resolve the account in a manner most beneficial toyou . '• ._ will find'that they.have; one, of the best service ciepWtmentsahyvvhcrc, and keep a complete : DtDoi^as Lee Chester honors most dental insurance pjans and will discuss your require- ; • and TOtsaman offers a free initial consultarion so that you dearly understand the Ic^litics of your. They can rcBcvc your collections department of access volume or problem accounts or they ments and thar costs before treatment is started. He takes pride in offering a new concept in inwnitory of parts and accessories on hand for^^ your convenience '.'••.'•• - . situation and your legal options, as well as the services diat tlicy can render. The fees for routine, ' can free your business of the necessity of having a collertc^ dcpanlncnt altogcoier by handling •dentistry—quality care, convenience and affordabiKty. Preventing dental disease, improving the Nowadays, wioS so many firrns offering care and .trucks for sale, it is hard to select a dealer uncontestod legal services arc moderate, and those for. morc complicated or contested cases arc _ aO ofyour past due accounts. ' • . .'-•,..••'• - v- who you know to be reliableSmar t buyers have learned that they can depend upon Action Jeep ; appearance of your teem and kecpingjyour smile bnght—uScsc arc d^ prkmtks of the caring staflf : appropriately priced . : ' .'•••'• . *M arc invited tocal l with any questions you have about thdr procedures or rates, tor cTprofissionals at the office ofDc Douglas Xee Chester. . ,v * , '" & Ejudc Products fora U diw automotive needs. If you're in me market for a new 1988 Jtcp, _l^_l__^o^MHiisuays»going4]CixourtuBdlo4ti^i^^ ooaJlcnt resub in collecting your accounts,,contact AA. Action CnllcrrinhCoj today. . Eagk.or a qual^ reconditioned used c» possible. Their Icnowlcdge of the law and thdr commitment to your best interests arc qualities Action Jeep & Eag^ Brdancte They' are sure to have ju« what youVe looking foe ^ which make diem a wise choice for all your legal needs. Tlvar fine reputation also speaks forthem , Maplewood Parts v; ^v ... ••.-; -, If your situation calls forlega l advice or services, give Bcflotfl and Wlraman a caU Atlantic Federal Credit Union ^^^ Atlantic Bedeml Credit Union, located at 1700 Golkiping IM Ra^ in Kcnihvord^ rJione 37gO, offers the people of this area complete personal banking services; This reliable credit , As Americans soniire more, leisure time,they arc spcncSng a propc«tionaj,amount ofdut :. 'ibur: child deserves the'best care rJossiblc. That care should indudc die special medical Insurance Kingdom Agency, Inc. union offers many services free of charge and the rest at lower rates than arc .available another nW irmde thek autonwbUcs. Tiiis can fc^ attention ofa pediatridaa Hi ihis area, the Pediatrlc Group offcxs orocrt medical care for infants, "AWho%OwDcdSubsMiajyOfProtcctAuI^^ _ . insntunons, • '"•'•'• • .• • '•••'•' •''••* • • •' '' ' • ' '••'.'• ifyoilrcarisnotequippedw|thiairconditionings -,•_. ... . - . .'•'•-• j- • J children and adolescents. Their officc'is -located inUnionat 381-Ghcsmut Street, and maybe Ariantic Federal Credit Union was established solely to provide low;cost financial services Rr the finest in automotiye air conditioning, equipment and repair on air conditioning ana reached by calling 964^000. , ' .'...,. ' . . The people of our area arc indeed fortunatet o have in dieir midst a fiicndly insurance agency to its members. As a non-profit organization owned and:bpcratcd by its members, it offers low; hating systems, stop in or call the MaplcwoodBarts, located at 2250 Moms Auenuc inUnion, "The physicians herc;haye been extensively trained in ttie development, diseases and care of that lias built a fine reputationb y serving local needs uirc«^ all types of insurance • • interest rates on all types of loans and high interest rates oh savings accounts and other savings phone 687-JB444L Tncir experienced. pcrsonnd will be glad to explain how.itasonably an air children. Tjiey provide regular well baby and child cxaminatic^ .routine and special vacant Insurance Kingdom Agency is dedicated to the individual as Aval as me miluori-dollar • plans. All accounts arc insured up to $100,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, a conditioning unit can be insollcd and how this practical option adds bo the tnde-in value cfyour other prcycnnve healdi •care and advice on nutrition and pertinent health issues. When your child corporation. These cxp^icncedagcnts provide irBuranctmanagcmcnt for companies, including US. gowmmengmmentt agency. A wide range of services arc offered here, incniding financialcounseling co , car, They have new units ready for installan'oa If you have factpty wt conditioning that^rieeds is side;you can fed confident that the DedlatAGioiip wiU diagnose the problem quickly and surveys of needs, analysis of policies, determination of risk and rccoirunendations.They underwrite free checkingki , lifife einsuranc e ainidd credo d: cardds whhh loloww finance financechame chame ss anandd nnoo annua annuall fee.fee , attention, this shop employs skilled technicians whplknow how to sofcc any proWemsqUiddyand prescribe the best utatmcht possiblci They take.spodal care toput your child at case when you business;and industry including group life, heahh, 11^ plans, pensW^KaDU^, bonds ana workman's' fiicndDy, personal service is another outstanding feature .ofthe Atlantic Bederal Credit at the least expense. "They arc auto air spedalistsand'kccp:nccessary:replacemcrff bring him in and will explain me procedures and insmimc^ he used in otdcr to decrease your compensarion, as well as personal, auto, life and homeowner evaluation assistance with same day :l ; Jiacs. Insurance Kingdom Agency is located at 525 Boulevard m Kcnihvc^ Phone them at Union. "Kw will never fed like iusr an account number at this credif unioa Members are always incist automobiles.' '' *. • • '•• • • •' •'• .••"•••. ."•. t '\ , • . -*- asanxiety. , .'.•'••-.. •• ""'''••••:• ...;.;'• ,,'•, ...... • ..•••. '6-8010 and^Ict these trained spedaBsts take a fresh look at yc«rcc*ieragc. Thdr sound comprc- .assisted courteously and efficicnuy. The directors are! officers are ccouriincd to giving their mcmbcB Why suffer in trc hcat.of die surnmcrortr« chill ordSc waiter fto^ 1£»1^~1U b^e Pplease^—d b~y, th-„•„e gend e treatrncnt'and , ci-jv _^j.xoiaiiK; 276W10Mid let me* trained spcdal^ . the best personal and financial service possible. '•';':'•• ._,..;.'-._ . ' • conditioning or hearing system. The cost of most repairs or uSe installation of an auto air 5y*jPV Group. Thdr staff consists oFtR. Rnx, MD, MJ^ Hschgrunl^^, HW Zanga; ^^)^J^J_hensive-iavlcc^s pcrsonalizied to each dicr^ large or small, no matter what the dmcreaon of risk, . "Jfcu arc invited to call or come by Atlantic Bederal Credd: Union .for information on is less than you diink when you contact these auto air conditioning and heating experts. KecpTBOl, OxmarZMD,alid^l^t^indii!,MD.^^ they concenttatc on you and your needs. Insttram^WiMdomAgciicy rcprcsents^omcof die becoming a member and cijoying all the apVintages of bonldngwim mem T^ v4U fird tr«m » this summer^^and warmdiis winter ^ callir^.dK Aliaplcwood E^ now. : ^; ' , . are always available for emenaamy situations, such as sucllm acute illnesses c* accidents. . leading insurance companies in our nation and believes Out your best lmurancc is chpoang the. forthe finest patfatric arc in the area,ccdrresidcnts.Tneir trained cn£ prepay to handle all of'your real estate needs. Their knowledge: and skills have been acquired t .vertebrae and your spinal column,.,'..;:, • .... ; . . ,' ....•.' v .. . . dids, if needed, arc monitored for^ each guest This health care facility has been, equipped with one r planning a party thdr banquet facilities will accommodate both' large and small extensive study and cxperichdyand oSdr certification camt through cxarninanon. They At Grennan Chiropractic life Center, the doctor is abk tokxar c the place akxlg the spine of :the most modern fire alarm and smoke detection syislrjra availaMe, isWdl guatantecs total safety v arcopen for^inchand dinner, and major credit cards are honored'VoudonTt have. , themselves on accunjey and precision in all. appraisal work. • •• ''.\-< •,-, ••',;'; .••.' .• •'.;• '•;';'';':•;'" . where nerve pressure exist* With the use of x-ray andprbper adjustment, he maybe able to restore for die guests in thdr charge.'' ; • , ...... : • A. .: to oe of uaLm descent to enjoy what ta Catena Restaurant has to offcr^-modest prices, a . ••' Whether you are bfyinp "r selling uSis w, or ">onld simply like an accurateappraisa ippnisal lofyou o r . — vour spine and vertebrae tothei r normal position without die use « surgery or drugs. It has often It is conifbrting tokno w mat retired scraoran^ , pleasant setting, and food that is prepared according toauthenti c old world rcdpes. ' property, giv' e McMaho»«-»•-•-—•»-«n & Somme• r a call". been'said, that with the hdp of a good duropraar*^^y«i can addTiic toyou r years and years to your they deserve with companions of the same age. Bdafae Vhndng&Gmv*1eaocntCteite*Utrudy Kfe a home away from home, and your personal inspection is invited. : . ; ..•,'. Pauline Hahn to teach children series -----tlEz -Pauline - Hahn of -Springfield, provisation, ventriloquism,-puppet1 The Cathedral Concert series will : • Broadway, television and flhn ac- making, re-enactment of fairy tales, solo —'open its organ recital series Sunday tress, director, ventriloquist and and for the older children, beginning at 3 p.m. with Keith Chapman, bead ' professor of dramatic literature and acting technique.-Hahn will be in 1986, when he wrote-the sound- organist of the John Wanamaker acting at Vassar College and assisted by the director of the Tall track to the number one too*.office Grand Court Organ In Philadelphia. Columbia .University, will teach a Oaks Art School, Lynn CeUer. . hit, "Down and Out In Beverly' •TalsjWiU be the first of five series of eight classes for children 3 Hills." The following year he scored scheduled recitals to take place at to 5 years and 6 to 8 years old at the Classes for the younger group wijl -&Vs ^End of the Line" for Mary Newark's Cathedral of the Sacred jail Oaks Art5chool, Summlt.:___ begin Monday^and_fpr_thel6Ider_ Steenburgen. Classes will Include im- group, Oct.,. 24. In addition W working on the A recording and concert artist. musical side of films, Andy has also' Chapman has appeared regularly •OCTOBER 15,1987* made an acting debut. In 1987rhe with the Philadelphia Orchestra, He played the lead in an episode of "Hie" also has appeared in Lincoln Center Hitchhiker" for HBO. . and Carnegie Hall in New York, and Before his Involvement with film, the Crystal Cathedral in California. The remaining recitals in the Bargain Brakes Andy often spoke in interviews of his series are.- Nov. IS, David Messineo, associate organist at the Cathedral & Mufflers of the Sacred Heart and finalist in SAVINGS the 1986 Nattonal American Guild of' : Brakes Organists Competition; - Feb. 28,. ! Disc or Drumjiake Service passion for the visual arts, taking lip 1988', David Fedor, organist and photography seriously in 1979. It ' •• Sd oil Iravy Duly Brata Sues or Pads music director of the Cathedral of (ollia.liQoUHjaiLliQOLl ' . seemedthe perfect compliment to the Sacred Heart; March 20, Gillian • .'• Rcsufbce RolQfS or Drums | • Add Braho nuld if Necessaty -reinforce both his musical pursuits Weir, International recording artist and personal relationships, bringing and music scholar; and April 17, [Mrtalllcs Slightly Higher a certain. cohesion to. hls-dlverse John Rose, concert and recording ; Most Cars Starting at lifestyle. By 1981, he had his first artist and originator- of the 'V,.-.. .lloH ! ' Uon and-in-i983ra-book-of-his- =mfi\e^ ANDY SUMMERS photographs, ' 'Throb."-- was Cathedral Concert' series. Rose is. with this coupon with' this coupon i donating' his recital as a benefit published with great success. Since By MILT HAMMER performance for the restoration of then, his pictures, have been the cathedral organ. Dual Exhaust System Starting at '99°° Headers ti.ick Most Cm -+ Pick of the LPs:' "XYZ," by Andy exhibited"regularly all over, .the. Summers (MCA Records), ' ' All recitals take place on Sunday Hours, ,'.•• 254 Valley St. v world, including .shows, in London, afternoons at3 p.m. at the Cathedral M, W. F 8AM-6PM "XYZ" is Andy's first solo album. , Los Angeles, New York, and the So. Orange Phone 762-0575 "-Since-1982, he has developed his of the Sacred Heart- Guided tours of |Tu«s.&Thurs.8AM-8P.M V Recontres d'Aries in France last the cathedral will begin at 1:30 p.m. Sat.8AM-3PM ."•' many talents in several solo ven- summer, .' : •• tures running concurrently with his Additional information can be ob- Foreign Cnr Brake mid Exhaust Specinlist "XYZ" marks a change in Andy's tained by calling 4844600. career as lead guitarist of The 'musical career, in that Andy is Police. featured as the lead vocalist on ; The years 1982 and 1984 saw the_evcrytrack. -- "^ - release of two critically acclaimed The album was mado at Dcvo instrumental albums, "I Advance studios in Los Angeles in the sum- Masked"-and "Bewitched," written mer of 1986, all compositions written and performed with another of by Andy Summers. The record was Britain's premier guitarists, Robert produced by Andy and David' TOBE Frlpp. He has been voted "Number Hentschel, the veteran producer of- One Guitarist" for the last three years in Guitar Player magazine. many Genesis albums. Andy and David also are the main musicians Entertainment Andy expanded his career, as a on "XYZ." composer by turning to film scores Want Ads Work... Call 686-7700 MORE] While slimming—wo show, STUYVESAN you how to pro|ocl Iho Imngo you want In Iho way HAIRCUTTING you walk; talk, woar clothes and cosmollcs,' Quality Hair cuts *: otc.Tno Farrar Imago , Program, developed by at Affordable prices! '•••• Stephanie Farrar, ol Iho : Fashion Institute ol -\ Technology.',1.1 Bo Iho woman you cmien25%OFF waul lo bo. Special MON.thruFRI. upon Receive OPEN MON. thru SAT. FIRST MEETING

'•IF ITS SATURDAY OCT. 17,1987 . AUTOMOTIVE MOST LIKELY 9A.MT0 4P.M. LOOK FOR LEAN LINE GOURMET FOODS At YOUR LOCAL WE HAVE IT." SUPERMARKET OR SPECIALTY SHOP. (Nol • nqolranwil ol M U« Dili pngHMr" WHOLESALE MOTHER SETON REGIONAL O Loan Line Ino 1087 TOTHEPUBUC HIGH SCHOOL. CLARK.NJ, CURK LINDEN SPIINGRELD 1 C.K.[[Jit«,eli itmpU Otwn SUM AUTO PARTS TtxCiinCwi raWIt fnita (Ittawood km* W« Cany all tfct (REAR PARKING LOT) (HuSl'«|«lCliuiVU karitofttittm. LINDEN FALLHOM CRMFORD WWlWWrUChmb UNION , GARDEN STATE EXIT 135 MMxiilntiiwil 113 MMd b«iu« Hoith vr,w TundHHSnt TOJS730«.ll.445 UlllallilWoafaMtt Tundittlsul ilSPM NEWrmVIDENCE CUBED KID. HEl MS fcll. OPPOSITE RAMADA INN. EUMM/ELIZMETH UNION RAIN DATE OCT. 24,1987 IMPROVEMENT SCOTCH PLAINS KEJIIUnRTH WESTRELD ; BUY-WISE rMbfiuciwtli (Xtr*ihm» inOaSial AUTOiPARTS. M«nH5un7isr-u llwidwTlirtl COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS . UNION LEADER • SPRINGFIELD LEADER • LINDEN LEADER • MOUNtAINSIDE ECHO • KENILWORTH LEADER • THE SPECTATOR • H _l ___. ' I • j t _ _.__.- *lr4 t _ _t __•«* .. . . which many "homeowners are, - board.——~ -•- ••,r - —:-•- -.—r-; and remodel then- homes. homes in the area drops sharply. there are taV Incentives to promote can receive grants to pay for needed Grants, .13. Evergreen Place, East another perfect spot to use leftover First, wrap the insulation around- .—EoE_more infnrmation_nn . ln^_ basement measures a typical 20 unaware —and the best news Is that insulation. First, measure the size of •bjrsrfeet; you've already got Government at all levels This accelerates, the cycle of efficient energy use. . . repairs such as access ramps and Orange, 07018; or by caUing 1-800- the pipe.Then, secure with duct tape sulating projects, write to the recognizes that neighborhoods are degeneration. These programs are not restricted . widening of doorways, USA-0121 for credit card order. . they can help save beating energy: the door. Next, use a utility knife to CertainTeed Home Institute, P.O.- $30,000 Invested in your . and Improve household comfort. cut the material to the appropriate or wire. ..••••• basement. BuUts real value lies the basis of life In our country. When In order to keep and maintain the to low-income people, slum areas or Some of the other home im- ' Robert t.Berko of CBRC.teUs us, For instance, the CertalnTeed If you have a pet .who lives out- Box 880, Valley Forge, PA 19482, for a neighborhood deteriorates, many nation's housing and neighborhoods,- urban neighborhoods. Owners of provements covered under .these '.'Some of these programs have no measurements. Lastly, glue or tack doors in the whiter, insulating its a free copy of the booklet, "How To in the dividends it pays when It's. Home Institute" recommends insulation to the door. .' fimshedoffjroperly. ... , things happen both physically and governmeht "at all levels! has' single or multifamily dwellings are ', programs are: attic and wall in- income ceiling and others allow making an insulation blanket for home' is another beneficial way to Insulate.". socially. When the homes look programs to give homeowners, eligible for some programs sulation, new windows, outerwall income pf as much as $50,000 per Wrapping indoor water pipes with shabby, a neighborhood seems more your water heater. Wrap the fiber additional pieces of Insulation Isnlso money, that does not have to be regardless of income. Most of the siding, security doors and locks, year. There are even programs for attractive to crime and criminals, repaid, for repairs or to lend them loans offer long terms and. low window guards, sidewalks and, which tenants are eligible and many ..An area In decline is like a spreading. money at below market levels or at payments.: masonry work, bathrooms' and allow loans' or give grants to poor cancer. As homes become shabby'. no Interest. In many, areas utility Some programs have no Income kitchens, electrical and' plumbing credit risks. In many areas, people looking and In need of maintenance, companies will either do energy ceiling and others allow income of as work, new roofs, gutters or down- with disabilities can receive grants the_residents lose their* desire- to conservation work free or atlpw cost much as $50,000 per year; There aroi. spouts..- '_. ._ ..____>! pay; for Jiecded_5epairs such as Consumer Education Research access ramps and widening of Center, a national non-profit con- doorways." ••'•,.' , suraer group, has compiled a 184- Since it Is Important that the work Lung group offers radon test kit page book which lists over 4,000 bo done properly, the book includes sources of loan and grant programs a section showing'how Jo pick a AREA'S LARGESTLSELECTION OF ANTIOUE PRINTS feels, what steps to take if any. are IMPORTED ORIENTAL WATERCOLORS ON SILK When It comes to radon,; New request,should besubmitted to the offered by all levels of government reputabl. e cbntractoivriegotiaf, .___, o a •Jersey home, owners have been American Lung Association of New. required, and important state in addition to.utillty companies and ^^contract and insure that thework is * LeRdy Nelman ' ~~ n —urged^by-Btate-offleials-to-be-suro- -Jer-Oy--J600-Houtc-22-Ea_it,Unic-nr telcphnne ndmhors to rail for flir- oth'srs, ti'plrnl proflrams offered ^ "° pr^p^rly nnd for a fair prico." • Susan RToii~T~r-f^»-Plisson COMING HOME • that their residence is a Bate and 07083. A $20 check, payable to the ther information and assistance.' and eligibility requirements. Form And to help you communicate with • Yamagata _ Christian Title >'•••• Susan Rlo$'?; »•• '• healthy place In which to live, and Lung 'Association',' should 'be in- The results of all tests will be kept letters for inquiries to these loan and your contractor, lender and lawyer, • McKnight Erte' .••• :- the American. Lung Association of cluded with each requestraswellas confidential.— : :——— ' grant spurces are included as well as the book contains a dictionary of • •Mark King i R.C.Gormgn. GIFT CERTIFICATES New Jersey—"The Christinas Seal your full name, mailing address and . Requests will be processed in the detailed instructions on determine terms used by Uieso professionals. JWAltABLE People".— can help with its inex- zip code. .-. -order In which they are received. pensive ''do it yourself" testing.—-Jacobtesting s says that the three-month Individuals requesting tho service 2O% OFF service. . .. •' '.' "' ;•"' ' monitor was selected because that should allow about two to three 2O% OI=F ___pr Fred M, Jacobs, Lung time period most accurately reflects weeks for delivery, based on the ALL CUSTOM FRAMING ALL ART IN STOCK annual exposure to radon in the volume of orders received by the :' SUT.f S llmrs'i M •• .-s [iclua Association president, says that a •NO EXCLUSIONS- l recent survey by the N.J. Depart-. home. The "heating season" when Lung Association. The orders will be windows and doors are (dosed is the • shipped from the R.S. Landaucr Cannot be combined Cannot bo comb'lieci mentoif-Envirtnmental Protection with any other offer with am other otter revealed that 33 percent of all homes period which yields the most typical' • headquarters inlllinois. _ _ , Witn Ihis Ad • [mill's I? •. KJ tested in the state exceed federal ; results. . New Jersey and federal officials WHAT TO DO — with leftover insulation? The CertalnTeed guidelines for maximum accepfible" ^Tlie Rodlrak service kit contains a recommend taking remedial action Home Institute recommends'wrapping your, water heater, * New Providence Road Kot&tlM level_ *_•__s o»f rado_'__._n gas. . ' ' . • . •monitor ______! 3 _L _«___', ' -monito _m-|l—ru _sealsH _,«_,* _a^,. Iden! j*l_n_A- if radon levels' are above 4 Hun 10-9 . picocuries per liter • (pOI/1). A Insulating your attic trap door, wrapping indoor Water pipes Mountainside Sun 12 5 "As a cAjununlty—aenrice,'!!, _U£icatlon_control_cards,--monitor and ducts, and/or Insulating a doghouse. Jacobs says, "our association Is hanger strips, return container and plcocurie is one-trllllonUi of a curie, again offering Its 3-month Radtrak ,an easy^to-read.,',. instruction a unit used to measure radioactivity, testing service to all residents'of the brochure., . ••'"."•. The average radon concentration in. state." The "do it yourself" device is , When tho test has been completed Union County is 2.32,; in Essex, 1,23; rnnnnfHrhiroH hy Biff R.S. Landaucr and the monitor Is returned, k the and in Morris County It is S.13. Company of Glenwood, IU., andLung Association will send an In- Huhterton County registers 6.88; ]"' L. FALL HOME IMPROVEMENT SALE $ f available . through the Lung formation packet to all participants Sussex has 6.47; and thohlghest 1 'I*.™__- ftJtL •*• ^^m- /tin*. ir*"Ti wr^^i CT^NIII Association at a price of $20. ,. With advice on how tolnterpret the levels are found in Warren County, ELECTRIC To obtain a test kit, a written results of their test, the health ef- »:83. . • START KIT RETAIL VALUE...jno.00 t«tCA Pick up a ISO V. kit whan you buy a 4 Platforms &Waterbeds or 5 hp snowttirower at regular .retail price. And take your winter Savings BATHROOM 25"x2Z", 20ga homo today with snap-credit. Hurry, Stainless Steel offer ends soon at J & A Mowor.. VANITY* MEDICINE Sink w/faucet & NO SPRINGS AnACHED MBINET SPECIAL Spray & Strainer j pitunii you Wtlh > iwolutionaiy comljul nuitiesi n ihii itp<»ccs mtiil tpfinos w.|h indvKiual wiie'-IUled' , 1. SUPPORT . Even ad|Usi U-h tide lo a dilleie... to you'll 19x17 Oak Base i twill be luppyi • lOtif olio*, pull molli*.! top it i ^ ' & Cultured Marble Pine Top with 4'" Chrome Finish Is There Really A Free Lunch? Platform All Brass Faucet Voo'ia Obl« to conkol Ino t**t ol NMMTINO H-UOtf •• IHBRI your, Somma by vaivma the nd Pop Up Assembly, There Could Be With The l oi wow *n WVB Bed With Matching Oak Medicine Cabinet ADJUSTABLE Stainless Savings You Get From With 6 Steel Steam 3. CONVENIENCE Storage Cabinets Air Valves Sommo mol|iifii«i oi« dQhl Iht lh«v IH« ilonoofd bod ona o itOAOo-d c«<>io' tup \MOtiQrn» And. ot ( oo*«, Complete with 9S you ooni n«od o h«oiM w*i oi headboard. - 129 A New Beckett High Efficiency ^398 Value

$ • American Standard and Kohler Fixtures PRICES START AT 299 • Delta, Valley, Moen Faucets and many others YOU GET:A new Beckett Burner, completely installed with 3 years FHEE 199 • Medicine Cabinets MAINTENANCE; There is NO DOWN PAVMENT_and NO INTEREST • Faucet Replacements ' ' S ' •HABGES ': ••; : /•• HI-TECH GLOSS BLACK • Water Heaters ....•'-•• YOU PAY: Only W8.96 per month for 38 month*. . • Pipe Cut and Thread BEDROOM SET . YOU SAV£: Between 20% and 39% of your fuel bill, and that could mean up. to *32 NO MONEY M kcMa laU', WE CATER TQ THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER! v. ••',• .'.'•:. •'.•-';' •••.•';'•.•• >:...<•',': per month, . . . '•:; '.'>.••. ' •'.. ••' . .••:'.• DOWN. 1^{^;S--;WV^ ';/:•:••• : :, LOWMONTHUr SATISFY ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS AT PAYMENTS. =S|^ . kljH,^m,,,*,,hl). 599^ * YO VALUE $1198 ELMORA PLUMBING SUPPLY ' .-.; MORE THAN YOU PAY! Enstbouiicl O|_|j. Tho R..'d Lobster 100 Elmora Avenue Open Daily & Saturdays »J & A MOWER ROUTE 22 UNION 96-4 B63-I Thurs,'til 7:30 Union CounVCuy s larpirg t Mi Elizabeth • 355-1777 LEXINGTON AVE • CRANFORD •279-0900 1338Stuyvcsant Avenue • W-9199 --'•—•• rUnlort OH I 1 PROFESSIONAL REPAIR SERVICE AVAILABLE WindoWs are wise task Cleaning 'maid' easier with a ' A good improvement is one that enhances a home's appearance. A Hiring .a professional house the vacuum cleaner's manufac- owner's manual available to assist better one is also easy to care for. Best of all Is a home improvement. cleaner, once, a luxury for the af- turer. Cheap bags can rupture, In answering any questions. that offers eye appeal, low maintenance, reduces the cost of beating and fluent, Is now an affordable option ' leaving your cleaning person with a Joyce says that you can help your , MACHINERY COMPANY cooling and improves a home's value. for many two-income families. bigger mess than when he or she ' One of the few projects that meet all these criteria is the replacement Professional cleaning help gives started. , . . cleaning person be more efficient by making sure that your vacuum of old, Crafty windows with contemporary-counterparts. Anderson ""working cwp)esjnorejlmejto_spend_ _!LA vacuum cleaner's dust collec- :deaner-ls-ln-worklng-order*-l'Keep Corporation, a leading window and patio door manufacturer, says It's with each other and their families, Uon bag should be emptied when it's . Distributors of the finest hand-tools, the vacuum's hose oh a rack near wise to shop for the best window that money can buy. Why? Because it is • enjoying hobbles, exercising or just about two-thirds full. This helps the where the vacuum is stored. Check power tools, woodworking machinery somethlngyoudon'twanttohavetodoagaln. • - getting de-stressed. vacuum operate at full suction to see that all the attachments — Anderson Perma-Shleld windows and patio doors, for instance, are A professional cleaner can do only power and clean more efficiently. floor brush, dusting brush, crevice . and supplies-for industry, craftsmen precision engineered and have_a preservative-treated wood core sash as good a job as his or her tools Some new vacuums, Including tool, etc. — are readily available," and framejiheatbed in vinyl. Wood is used because it's a natural in- permit. This Is especially noticeable— Eureka's Express, have an indicator ami the hobbyist. _ z^ i she says. - - — sulator. The vinyl adds an extra thermal barrier, in addition to low in carpet and floor cleaning. If. a light to remind you to change the E-i HOW NICE — Thls.teen.- maintenance protection. Double-pane insulating glass Is standard. vacuum cleaner isn't properly, bag._^_.... Eureka's experts also suggest o High-performance insulating glass windows' are also available m maintained, or not powerful enough Be sure that your cleaning person checking - the vacuum cleaner's ager's room_ might be Force Machinery Company considered less than 201-688-8270 Perma-Shleld double-hung, casement and awning windows and in patio .for the job, your cleaning person knows how to operate the vacuum; drive belt and brush roll bristles for _ desirable because of the 2271 Rt.22 212-964-6830 doors and roof windows. This special glazing consists of double-pane won't be able to get good results. demonstrate any special features on signs of wear, and replacing them as imprinting glass with a metallic coating bonded to the airspace surface The Eureka Company asked Sue your partlcular_model. Have the , needed. ' .._. ' *" low celling. By sllhoueK Union, N.J. 07083 Telex 844-838 ting,._ the ratters .with of the inside pane. t .''..''. • ••• -• , . Joyce of Quality_ Building Main- wallcovering borders, the The coating is permanent and protected so It won't crack, wrinkle, tenance —Inc., a Chicago-based - slanted celling becomes an discolor or roll up. It is 72 percent more energy efficient than ordinary cleaning service, for her tips on how interesting focal point.. In single-pane glass in winter and 42 percent better than uncoated double- homeowners can make vacuuming addition, the widely- pane glass. '; ' .'•••••'.— ..•' • •••''• ;'•••• '.'•'• • • •• : . '' :. easier for their house cleaners, spaced wallcovering TOP HAT & TAILS CHIMNEY SWEEP In summer, the special glazing blocks outdoor radiant heat from "Everybody has a vacuum pattern on a light getting lndoorsrThls means a home stays cooler so the air conditioner cleaner," Bays Joyce, "but some are background on the walls i 213 Valley St. ..Suite 310 .South prange, N.J.'.p7p.7Sr\' (201)761-1054' I doesn't have to work overtime. ' • .. ' ' - in much better condition than J U_ Winter storm makes the closed-ln space —Theenergy-eHkieneyKrf-th&glaiingls^Spereentbetter-irt shade 4han ordinary single-pane glass and 28 percent better in sunlight. ' have-is finding extra vacuum appear-more open. I cleaner bags around the house to, JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER •i r For southern regions where air conditioning costs outweigh heating I !• costs, Anderson offers high-performance sun insulating glass windows. replace the full ones we find In the i The outer pane is tinted. The interior surface of the tinted glass has a machine.'! '." . itsTimeFor YourYearlyCleamng-And/Or special low-emlsslvity coating bonded to It. -This combination prevents To this, Eureka adds that you Inspection. Dirfy Chimneys Ace Fire Hazards. 73 percent of the sun's heat from entering a home. It also blocks most of . should always use bags specified by j the ultra-violet rays that could fade carpets, drapes or upholstery. Call Us Today and Protect Your Loved Ones Free information on high-performance insulating glass and the complete line of Anderson windows and patio doors is available from Anderson Corp., Bayport, Minn. 55003. ,

Foundation to provide trees Present This Ad For a $5.00 Discount Ten free flowering trees will be flowering trees" to peoplo who make given to each person who joins the, a $10 membership contribution National' Arbor Day "Foundation during October. . ' during October. "These . trees were selected The foundation will give two white because they will give a colorful dogwoods, two American redbuds, flowering of pink, white, and red NOW ONLY two European mountain ash, two blossoms throughout the spring," 5 Washington hawthorns and two Rosenow adds. '"The 6- to 12-inch $724? flowering crab trees to members trees will be sent postpaid at the joining during. October. The free' right time for planting between now trees 'are part of the foundation's and Dec. 10, with enclosed planting The Toro 521 was rated the #1 efforts to Improve the quality of life instructions.., The trees are .two-stage snowthrower by a . in America by encouraging tree guaranteed to grow, • or we will, leading consumer publication. planting. • replace them free of.charge." , -— . •':"The National Arbor pay , To become a member of the It performed "excellent" in Foundation is encouraging more foundation and to receive the free • dry snow, wet snow, packed trees, a $10 membership con- people. to plant trees In the fall,' DON'T BE snow, and throwing ability. . which is an excellent time for tree - tributlon should be sent to Flowering planting," John' Rosenow, the Trees, National Arbor Day Foun- TWoryearlinutecP- THERMAL-VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Foundation's executive director dation, 100 arbor Ave., Nebraska FROZENpUT! warranty., City, Neb. 68410 by Oct. 31. • : says, '.'So we're giving- these free. L^_ If you suffered last winter No money down with poor service-fort your on Toro's revolving bpuble Hung heating unit and unreliable Limited deliveries of fuel oil, let us charge pjan. Ask for . details. •* \ Offer I ; show you what reaj prompt service Is. If we seem too self confident/—then—: ask your;, HERE1S.WHAT YOU GET: [-_-_ Aluminum Company neighbor: or we-.will give you the name of a satlfsled cus- tomer on your street or ln~ yo'ur Immediate- neighbor-, FREE ELECTRIC STARF •hood. A recpmmendatlon 29 VALUE from them wll| convince you with this couoon • olfer oxplros Nov. 30,1987 to switch to WObLLeVand * whili itippllM UatKlUi in> 2 ilm mm bloww Installed I LIST PRICE I —relax.. • '•,. •:••.;. : ";;, ;•' Master Plumbers For 25 yrs. no. 46B3 I for Every 5 Replacement windows I 0»r CtmfMf liiMt&thrfil. * Deal Direct & Save Bet our tmfhjfns makmi tiuBtit. • Guaranteed S Insured I .Valid with coupon f expires 11/10/87 I •••. /presentcoupon upon Arrival J Jaeger Germalne Oil Co. ; *Up to 73 United Inches-Offer expires MA, 1987 • ' of Union Is now 351-1487 Member of the Better Business Bureau of Union Member of Better Business Bureau WOOLLEY -CALL NOW FOR LAWN and SNOW EQUIPMENT 2064 Morris Avenue > union FUEtCO. ACME 2472 Vauxhali Rd • Union FREE ESTIMATE Heating Oil - Diesel Fuel • kerosene . .' 12 Burnett Avenue ••••';.^Q.•;•• 964-3776". S3 ..... •-. FINANCING AVAILABLE 686-9661 ; at Springfield Avenue ixmo Mon. thru Frl. tlUp,m>Thurs.'til 7:30p.m. ' Maplewood Havertt you done without a Tbro long enough? 762-7400 • •-.-• • . • '\. ,; • ; ,, .... ,, „ Roof replacement increases home's investment • Is it time to replace your home's materials fall prey to the kept naturally cooler in the summer fire rating. Rustic Shingle's -light When applied by a qualified Selecting therighttoolfor the job can mafce work easter roof. Even though you purchased elements. Clay and" concrete roofs professional - installer, Rustic and warmer in the winter. . weight aUows it to be instaUed easUy If you take pride in your home and get visible joints. The hacksaw is held parallel to stud and wing nut lock the blade in the handle ' done can be changed easily. Use wavy-set your home as an Investment, attract'mold and fungus, which., . This makes it particularly popular Shingle, will provide unmatched, over most existing roofs. satisfaction from -home improvement the surface of the work. ' and permit changing blades easily when blades for thin stock, standard set for general temporary roofing materials don't cause -deterioration, requiring in the-Sun-Belt-where-it-reduces'-. - home security .and long-term __Rather than a temporary fix. projects, owning an assortment of saws will The coping saw has interchangeable blades necessary. A special pistol grip handle helps work. Grip the handle with one hanaand use earn you .money — they cost you cleaning and maintenance. Steel economy. ". '. hbme cooling loads by 34 percent Rustic Shingle is a permanent in- undoubtedly help you do better work. ' held taut hi a spring steel frame. It's used for guide the compass saw even more accurately, the other to. hold the end of the hacksaw money from the moment they are roofing loses its permanency to rust. For free information on Rustic. and more. - vestment to protect, beautify and 0>operTodls, which manufactures Nicholson cutting curves and intricate shapes in wood, The keyhole saw, similar to the compass frame. Apply downward pressure on the installed. Aluminum, however, is still Shingle,.contact the manufacturer , Fire resistance' is another im- distinguish your fine home. The saws, offers the following information about plastic and other materials. Cut on the pulling saw^Jias_a-narrower-tapered-blado-that_.iorward=stroke-antl ease up~on~the~return~ —Only—permanent' building--protecting roofs-on-whlch it-was- v product's-natural—wood—colors saws and how to use them: • :~ -~ portant- factor-in-selecting -a -roof .-'• ;ras-foa«rai'aassic--Prnducts-inc~ stroke. ~~^r\ v ' ' . ~ permits starting inside cuts for opening holes stroke for longer blade life. • materials give your family the instaUed in the 1800s: Aluminum is Aluminum Rustic. Shingle carries a coordinate beautifully, with Glid- Dept M-ll,. P.O.: Box 701, 299 The crosscut saw — .the most commonly The compass saw is used to cut curves in as small as one-quarter inch. These are - Trim Landscape — security and- long-term economy respected and used by many In- Class A Underwriters Laboratory den's house paints and wood stains. StauntonSt,,Piqua,OH«356. ; used hand saw — gets its name from the way wood or: plywood. Its nine-point blade is drilled In the corners of the opening to be cut. Pruning saws, though not usually con- that you sought by purchasing your dustries 'for its permanency, the teeth are filed to smoothly cut across the tapered to a point lor cutting sharp curves. A Insert the tip of the blade In the hole. Cut all sldered a *hop tool, are essential for main- home. That is why it's common feather resistance,:heat-handllng_ __;• _grain of the wood. An eight,[_ 10..qrJ2-polnt.. four corners. Use a file or the saw's teeth to: tabling the landscaping around the house sense to seek out a permanent roof characteristics, and low crosscut saw should be suitable fonnost trim the corners square. The keyhole saw-will They are available in a variety of curved and a qualified installer. • weight/high strength engineering in cutting applications.' The points refer* to the Tips for wallcovering GET $300°° In REBATES also cut sharper curves than the compass shapes and tooth sizes. A handy tool for use g — Few roofing materials, however, 1959 to combine the sought-after look number of teeth per Inch. Hold a crosscut saw •';'- To assure success when redecorating with sawr are permanent. The common of wood shakes with aluminum's firmly in your hand with the Index finger around the home is a double-edge pruner with S' arid Credits When .You Purchase wallcoverings, be sure to follow some baslo—• The hacksaw is used to cut bolts, metal . fine teeth on one edge and lightning or I asphalt, composition, fiberglass and many advantages. This product has pointing toward the blade. For good control design principles. There aren't that many and : tubing, angle iron, sheet metal and just about wood shingles are vulnerable to the such a successful track record that A High Efficiency* Heating System and to minimize splintering,, use a crosscut they are fairly easy to follow. pruning teeth on the other. The fine teeth are g any other metal found hi the home, shop or used to trim small branches; the pruning '5 weather cycle. - ':.>.•.."' its manufacturer backs It with a 40- : saw on the sanded or finished side of plywood . . It is.the color,' pattern and.style of the ..•• •.•' ,-•• •' from •••••• .r:/ "': • •' : garage. Blades suitable for the work to be teeth for thicker branches. £ They dry out, curl and crack year limited warranty! Coated with - orwoodpanellng. For accurate cutting, draw wallcovering that will establish the decor of during hot weather, while cold Glidden's Endurall. finish, Rustric Future Air Syntams, Inc. Bryaiit & Future Air two lines one-eighth of an inch apart and the room because the walls are the largest weather inajces-them brittle and Shingle achieves the peak of roofing Hiating and Air Conditioning • Brvant- the No.l name In forhaces and _gulde the saw between the lines. , : and most dominant surface, To create a weak. Wet weather causes such performance. . ' ; ? ,; Future Air Systems. The No: 1 name for ; '. ' ;. Cutting Edge •. • ,.'..' warm and friendly atmosphere, says the materials to soften, and harbor In-' ThiB product1 is ! also engery- •••..•••• •. >sSfaafiaj.. • • quality and service, combine to offer you The ripsaw^ with five to seven-point teeth, Wallcovering Information Bureau, choose a sects and fungus; effident. Because aluminum the most Dependable, Economical .and Cost makes short work of cutting with the grain of wallcovering .with a floral motif in a pastel Even .many, supposedly ;per- reflects a radiant heat, homes are Efficient Heating Systems available today., the wood. Set' to provide clearance, the teeth shade. ' :\ • Efficiency Ranges from 74%througn ?•%. in a ripsaw are filed straight across to form Remember-to relate.the size of the jMrttBrn^^ -•We cover all Vour heating neeflS: Hot Air; -littlexhiseln Uiat uliip the.wiwd.'\Vueu.uaiiigicrd rofUiB'ruuiiruclng'decoTaisanira" Screens Included on all windows Hot Water and steam. v , • .ripsaw, it's best to support the .piece of large room, choose a large pattern, in a small • Maintenance Free Vinyl throughout OlHM SIVLIS _ lumber being cut on two saw-horses. Shift the room, a small pattern. The choice of pattern never noodspulnt , • • , :- • SIMS AVAILMU • Call todaylfor a Free estimate and ap- • Aluminum reinforced master frame • Plcluro Windows . lumber as the cut progresses so that one of the is lmportantrsaysWIB; because It establishes pointment. • • • :\ ["' .;.,i ' .•• •;•;'•• • • .. • Both sashes tilt In for safo easy ••' Bow Windows "saw-horses provides support near the cut. For a sense of harmony. cleaning : . . efficient cutting, hold the ripsaw at a 60- • Casomonl Windows •••••••••: '•••'• *85%OR9496 •••.': '•' Next, consider the texture of the • Head and Sill fully weatherstrlpped • Doal Direct & Save ' degree angle to the lumber. When ripping wallcovering, Smooth texturesthat simulate, • 7/8" Insulated glass provides large air long boards, clamp a second board along the the feel of linen or silk create a sophisticated, barrier for extra protection • 2 Sash LocksI- Vent Locks (with ttils coupon) cutting line as a guide for-the ripsaw. If the urbane, atmosphere. Those with rough tex- EATING TUNE-UP • Check Belts • Weservlcewhatwesell ' -CheckFilters, . ':.-. • •" " ..••'• • Test Gas Valve saw begins to bind, insert a thin wedge or a tures go" well with a. country setting. No, • 100% bank financing . ' • Check LWCut-oW • Master Frame Vinyl Clad •_ I • Check All Switches screwdriver blade In the cut to keep it spread matter whatThe decor, consider coordinated • Check 8. Oil Motors . • Test All Relays .... : • Test Fan Llmlt/Aqua stat . • CheckjHumldlf lers . ' apart, ..'. ; .' ' . •'.• • • . . '.. • ."" .' '•• •. fabrics In; upholstery and drapes as an ex- All For . The hacksaw, a short, rigid hacksaw or cellent way to tie the entire look together. FREE IN-HOME DEMONSTRATION CALL 964-8400 • valid thru 10/31/87 S3595 : • clean Exchangers:, . • check Gas Lines . : crosscut saw with a steel stiffener along its If easy care is as important as appearance, • •.Test Thermostat at Heating Appliance ' top edge, is used to precision cut miter joints, buy washable or scrubbable wallcoverings. Vinyl Tilt In MAGNUM WINDOW BECAUSE half of a home's exterior Is roofing, It makes Commercial & Residential cans 688-3310 dovetails, molding arid other types of wood Those that are washable can be cleaned with NJ State sense to use a distinctive product which wll also Increase the trim. It Is often used with a miter box. The 11- a soft brush and a- mild detergent. But, Licensed. REPLACEMENT CO. home's value as an Investment. "The Future of Conditioned Air Systems" polnt teeth producer smooth, splinter-free whether, washable or scrubbable, never use cut that makes it easy.to form almost In- strong cleaning agents or harsh abrasives.

PRE-SEASON INTRODUCTION Exciting Nciw Trepds in Design Don't Settle For Less Than A Honda Manufacturers D 8 H.P. 2 stage with. O' Available In track or D. Exclusive automatic electric start standard •;. wheeldrlve •. : . decompression easy D Exclusive Honda: •• D' Blowsapprox ipOO' starting system. overhead valve pounds of snow per D Also available 2 Name Brand Sale • engine minute ' • - stage 5.5 H.R . O Auger height According to RobcrtaKopitelh, -•••' adjustment pedal on a lucccwfuf Short HIIU. ddlgncr, track models thU U a very cxcltlnA Hme to be We Carry Quality Name Brands of Bedrooms, Dining Room, tletlgnlngjnterion. "We are uilng tropical print* In Caribbean colon to reflect the aensatloiu of Bdh and iky; they are applied, fresh.from Dinette>-Teenage, Formica, and Occasion Furniture. the palette, with broad brush. Even flat whites have been replaced by rainbow ' hues, and '. leather < has :.> 4 emerged In soft pastels. We'are . t. .. applying mottled pastels to celling* and walls for a scenic* effect, often enhanced by a variety of beautifully painted screens Upholstered furniture shapes are softer, ctlrvler and.more sell' suous. Elegantly designed' rattan and wicker In natural finishes are FURNITURE BEDDING combined' wltn' finely grained woods, • blond,—bleached- or weathered,.and grassy ulsalirugs:to create soft and sophisticated •Basset- - "Dixie •Serta »Continental Ltd. •Stanley •Keffip •J.B Ross «Sealy "We see more natural materials, such as itone tables and artful metalwork. Crafts are back- Picasso-Inspired pottery combined •Lea ^Broyhill •Dream Sleep^ •Wesley Allen with lots of glass, etched, sahd Waited or opaque. Boldly pattenied Indian blanket!, vibrant with color, are hung on walls, draped on •Young-Hinkle furniture or used as rugs." ' . Uy*wiyi Honda and pick It up it - thaFInt Snow Storm; Mrs. Kopsteln, a graduate of Parsons School of Design, feels tliat Sunset Sleep Shoppe It Is possible to Inject new life Into a "tired old scheme" by in- corporating As few as one or two of the new design elements. She Showroom Hours: developed what she calls the minlconsultatlon to enable her to Featuring Onaoftheltwgeatdoalan In Union County solve a multitude of design problems In less time and for less money than the conventional residential or contract consultation. She Mon.-FrL 10 a.m,-9 p.m. National Furnishings - advises clients on color, space planning, window and wall treat- I personally guarantee chc lowest HONDA ments carpeting, furniture, lighting ana accessories for a room, u 1 Wednesday 10 a.m.-6 P.M. possible price on bedding, brass Chestnut I ofaro m a I el • off I e , t beds, and all name brands of fur. Exchange Power Saturday 10 a.m."8 p.m. —hlture. If 1 don't beat the price on Mower & Equipment a .bonlfide offer from any Rt. 22 West & Hillside Ave. Equipment For more information, call 4A7-O699 authorised retailer I will pay you a *421 Chestnut St. Sunday 12 p.m.-5 p»m. $100 reward. Philip J. Vitale 376*0500 Union • 687-5270 IfsdHohda Owner In World of Tile Mall • Opposite Autoland .e ind w/ely \w Bcomnwnd you rad (ho owiwrt miniul before onmtlnj your' . C1086 American Honda Motor Co., Inc V Get outdoor living pleasure witjrprotective screening at Interior design makes the most of small space A new deck, porch or patio dark,too. style of outdoor living. They can 8 A home doesn't have to be big to counter extending from a square waU between the kitchen aod dining entirely. ceiling in the "former hallway give represents, a substantial in- A screen-enclosed deck, porch enolose ah existing porch, deck, .feel big. It's boar yon use the apace fjoar-to-ceiling pillar which contains room which, with the addition oJ four Eggshell, too, is the color of the that part of the kitchen an arbor vestment in outdoor living, but or patio extends living space patio or pool. Or partially enclose you have that counts. . shelves for books and a television. wing chairs, now does double duty as pearl glaze, no-wax flooring which atmosphere. And the kitchen suite is biting insects often limit :outdoors at minimum cost, light—— a-deck,-with an open area for For example, the interior From a window seat in the former a family room. For company meals, was installed throughout the entire ' accessorized in the.EogjUsh country homeowners to only part-time and airy by day, and in the sunbathing. ~! designers at Armstrong took a too- hallway you can watch TV, read or you roll the trolley table from the .. suite to help unify the decor. The no- • style, with decorative china plates use of this investment, par- evening without moths arid A folder illustrating some ; small lrih*h?Ti and «fining room in a dine on a *troflcy table" that parks Utcben intothe dining room-family wax floor has a special sparkle ' mounted on walls, a soup tureen in ticularly after dark. An mosquitos contemporary designs of . little cottage and, by knocking out a under the counter when not i extend the table'S-drop-sides tw_«lilmnn»y^_l'pi>orlw»nt" the shape of a rabbit, and petit point economical solution is an easily Screened . enclosures ' are screened enclosures is available 1 wall-here, adding a paES-through- The window seat b-big enough for and-pullTnr'therwmg-chairSrFour—chips are embedded in the flooring ^pillows™ the window-seat" ~~~- -.consbructed-screened -enclosure,— versatile. With design and func- from-the—Insect—Screening • there and other deft ranoddiog twoadults tositsideby side. can dine conf ortably that way. The new Utcben layout puts' all To receive a free brochure on this which makes-outdoor'living a tion limited only by imagination, Weavers Association, Box 8727, touches, created a spacious Since this is the sort of small bouse The color scheme is a dreamy and major appliances within a 4-foot remodeling project, containing pleasure all day long, and after homeowners can create their own . Harrisburg, Pa., 17105, multipurpose Utcben "suite." Iten a young couple with a baby might very English salmon and eggshell. radius of the kitchen's center. There numerous color photographs, write, they decorated, it in a romantic own, the designers came up with still The Utcben counlertops and all is plenty of storage, too, including a to: Armstrong World Industries, fr>giigh country style, perfect for a another use for the window seat By walls in the suite are salmon. The closet just for cleaning supplies, ATTN: Free Small Wonder cottage interior. '. lowering a detachable railing into Utcben cabinets and the built-in another that holds four wooden Brochure, P.O. Box 3001, Lancaster, The first step was" to expand the grooves at the sides of the window shelves and cabinets in_the_ dining folding chairs, a pantry for canned Pa, 17604. Or call 800-233-3823 toll- tiny kitchen by removing the wall seat.it becomes a playpen where ' room-family room are painted goods and a small-appliance garage. free and ask fora complimentary CHRP€T between it and a hallway, gaining a baby can watch whatever's going on eggshell. Originally they were dark • Arched moldings fixed to the copy of the Small Wonder brochure. valuable'extra few feet Hie-only in the kitchen — and be Watched in. mfwwl hqqf. "qntigiiing— —-painting- CMPOMUM thing~THJW standing between the turn. them and then wining them with kitchen' and the former hallway is a -A pass-through was made in the stain — transformed thdr looks • QUALITY FOR YOUR HOME, clqstallatioiis

put togelherthe perfect combination of fashion and practicality to •"!:;•.. give you years of beauty and durabjjlty. All our carpets foalure a M. Robinson & Son -Iromondous-solectlon of toxturos In a wldo range of glamourous • •' . ' ¥ .UnAyqpf TWignprs «ft»fr ?n yr< nf Full Tim» E«B«fi«nt» :. colorations and multlhuos to satisfy any decorator.,. •Over 8000 fence installations floor safe/ such as-those manufactured by Sentry. Do-it- INTEREST FREE!'NO MONEY DOWN* """^Professional, Experienced Installer * yourselfers will be ableto handle the prp|ect themselves, Starting-today — up to 12 months to pay on any Our 58th Year •A Complete Do It Yourself Department creating a hidden, secure environmenHor |ewelry, cash and """• broadjoom or custom design area rug! other Irreplaceable possessions. For the nearest store, call •We Install Fences Ml Year Round • ; Olstlncllve carpels and area rugs al competitive prlcos-lrom l toll-free, V800-828-J438. ; : ; ,; ; -: 'V Cabin Cralt • Fabrlca - Whllnoy • Galaxy • Columbus • ~~':Acres of Plants at our Cranford Nursery •' »N) License Mo. 4456>1 , Balta • Cumberland • Wollco • Davis & Davis • Classlquo • •Fully Insured Imago ySalern * Kano • World * Downs • Weave Tuft * Malsland •Patcralt •Tuftex and more.. - - —-— HWejise onlyqualitymaterial—'.y q _ ;^ ' Almost nine out of 10,homebuyers bought detached single-family Fall is good for planting •FREE ESTIMATES homes.four percent of buyers chose townhpuses or rowhouses,while 3 Visit Our New Oriental Rug Dept. percent chose apartment condominiums.—^—-- •] :. Over «i porr-ent of the homes bought in April 1867 had three or more -Monday-Saturday 9:30-9, Sunday No6n-5 , Hloomlngdiile Ave • Cranford NOT All FENCE CONTRACTORS ARE AUKE bedrooms. Specifically, 54 .percent of & properties ,had three For a limited tlm'« lo [jualillftd buyera. 276-188O. ...CHOOSE WISELY bedrooms, 29 percent had four bedrooms, and 4 percent had five or more bedrooms. Homes/with two bedrooms accounted for I3 percent of : < thenewlyboughtproj^Ura.Homeswithonebedroomrcpresentedonly off Michigan Avc, Kenilworth 1 percent ofApril borrfe purchases.- . -. ". ;.* ' v*. •; *'• off Elizabeth Avc, Cranford COME AND SB OUR SAMPLE DISPLAY AT MiHiiiMniiiiiMMiiiiiuiHiiiiuiMiUMiuiMiMniitutiitiinnniMtaoMotatintauuiaiinuuttioiiiuuuuui^ Next to the Cranford Community Center 448 ST. GEORGES AVENUE-RAHWAY open Monday thru Saturday 8 to 5 amm o. Window Works Gives You Established 1896- ;,;. RIGGIARDI. THE DECORATOR STORE UNION^ UNBEAIABLE WITHINTEWOR COUNTY ArtSuppies* Service, Quality WAREHOUSE SPECIALS: Paint and Wallpaper add the final touches to your & Great Prices PHILADELPHIA INSTALLED home improvement;pro|ect. Finish the job right WITH Nationwide < REDUCEDTO PADDING with a quality product from Kosberg^Sv , or; INSTALLED 1095 MOHAWK J We are the most complete paint store in_ Union lo REDUCEDTO ' WITH PADDING County/recognized experts in our field, ready and ^abie to answer all jrpur paint and wallcovering Linoleum Rolf Specials: needs. Our prices ar^ low^ri^icejinsur^ass:

^^e^And certainlyenpugh interior 498. 7»8. g98_ Q designers around. At Ricciardi weVe combined the two to give you the very best in custom design help. We have Interior Designers on staff plus quality: PER SQUARE YARD products at affordable prices. Visit one of our showrooms for a . (Installation available) free consultation.'Also available, private home consultations, Paint & Varnish Corp. WALLCOVERINGS-CARPETING • CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS ALL REMNANTS / /SCtPIC SAVINGS ON DRAPERIES, •'••••: ., i. VERTICALS • UPHbLSTEBY O Urr VERTICAIS, PLEATED SHADES / BEDSPREADS • COMFORTERS • COMPUTERIZED COLOR MATCHING front - LEVOLOR RIVIERA AND MORE. SAVE NOW AND LOOK 2M Broad Si MINI BLINDS GOOD FOR THE HOLIDAYS! ' WE FEATURETHE GIARENCE HOUSE JUBILEE COLLECTION BY! Elizabeth imperial Monawk •Mannington 520 Chestnut St. Columbus •Congoleum • Free Deliveiy • Galaxy •Tarkett Always at Union •687=3022 Philadelphia On Sale 352-2773 •Armstrong . ; MAW*. thru Rock Bottom CWOIt VWORKS* TKe Best Views 1ft»u Can Imagii__ , CMOS 122 LWestfieldAve.Roselle Park 10/20 Prices me. Mxtnio : MAPLEWOOD BLOOMFIELD MOflRISTOWN iiujiiiuuuiukiuirpiwiiiuiuiiiiutiiinu^ 1925 Springtield Aye. 285 BloomfiekJ Awe. — -146 Sooth Street- 74S-3900 v 538-3222 Suggests how to work with wood moldings Skylights sized CROSSWORD Your Horoscope- Wood moldings, those pieces.of How to Miter exposed profile of the molding then kind of detail and. warmth of wood to tit PorwMkofOetiB would'norammly discard without reading A0.UARIU8 (1/20-2/18) Travel Is In the wood used to protect walls, ceilings _ - Hitering is a procedure common becomes a guide line for the coping- -that give rooms a finished look. just-might be an opportunity. Domestic .stars this week, whether. It be a planned trip and floors, come in lengths of three to working with moldings Most saw: When finished, the cut results Wood moldings come lna range of Want to let natural light into PUZZLE ARIES (3/21-4/19) You're In a cooperative chores need your attention, so spend time or an unexpected business trip. Your adven- mood and an glad to help out when others getting the house splfed up. Invite company , to 20 feet. Sometimes, however, it miter joints are 45-degree angles. in a duplication of the molding styles and sizes at home centers, your borne without a lot of ex- Edited by Trade Michel Jaffe turous nature will take over and you'll get to may be necessary to splice separate Depending on bow the molding is to pattern which will then fit snugly building supply stores or lum- pensive remodeling? Consider need you, whether at work or at home, for the weekend. • . • , see some Interesting places, as well as meet XCHOSS 3 Greedy one . Family members arejn agreement concern- "" newpeople. ; ~ pieces of molding together. be used, place the molding flat on against the face of the ..adjoining beryards. They can be installed by skylights. 32 Mystic writing 50 Figure of speech- LIBRA (9/23-10/22) Your wardrobe has .1 Obstinate 4 Hospital 33 Take It or 52 Trunk, in Toulon Ing financial matters All in all, this Is a .' Splice the two pieces where they . the bottom of the miter box or ' moldings. This technique is most do-it-yourselfers and can be stained APC Corporation's Roof-Lite _longJ)een-neglected.(notcharacteristlc.of_ _PiaCE8^(2/(9-3/20)-You-havecsome- .flFnort for baby employee leave It — - 53 Rural byway " -harmonious week.—— 1nsalatat^twtn?layer-skyllghta, you).. Get out and do some shopping to llgltlmate financial concerns on your mind. -.can-be nailed into -a wall-stud, top— against- the-back—When— Joined- -often used in comers when butting to~~brlng~uut the natural grain of" 9 Peters out 5 American 34 Country's 54 Chemical TAURUS (4/20-5/20) Someone who Is correct that situation, You'll feel like a new. - II would be wise to seek out the advice of ; plate or bottom plate. Position the together, the two mitered members base or celling moldings wood or painted. are available for placement in 14 — man Revolution's. citizens endings close to you finally solves a problem which person. .Tasks wtilclli you normally dislike some experts on this. Be sure to examine I pieces in a miter box, says the Wood for" m a 90-degre- - e •angle -••. Fo- r a tight Moldings Decorate More information Is in "How to pitched or flat roofs. Write for a (unanimously) Silas 35 Nazlmova 55 One oil 2: Abbr. has been bothersome for quite some time. will be easier to tackle. more than just one point of view. Concen- • molding and Millworlc Producers Selector Guide for Skylights, 15~Author Levin 6 Commiserate 39Brewlng joint, nail and glue the pieces In addition to protecting walls, Work With Wood Moldings." Copies 56 Irish Gaelic Although you are productive don't hesitate • train on what's going on at Work. I Association, as though the back of APC Corp., 50 Utter Ave, 16 Sand away; Lai. 7 "Exodus" hero 42 Drum beat 57 Hardy herolno together. Then countersink the nails. ceilings and floors, wood moldings can be ordered by sending 40 cents to to ask for help if dd SCORPIO (10/23-11/21) Tops on your list Hawthorne, N.J. 075O6. 17 Valletta's Island 8 Lustrous fabric 44 Cut loose 58 Soil-soap i the miter box were a' wall. Miter To cope wood moldings, position can be decorative.. They. can im- WMMPA, Dept. HP7, P.O. Box of things to do this week is some charity 18 Explosive . 9 — it (can do) 48 Christmas carol GEMINI (5/21-6720) A positive attitude both ends of the molding at a 45- the molding as though the back of prove appearance by adding the 25278, Portland, OR 97225. 59 Sweet — work. Consider volunteering at a local hos- situation' 10 Bargain for. goes a long wy for you this week concerning Seek host homes degree angle so one piece overlaps .the miter box were a wall Trim the r 20 Warmth . 11 Sodety's buds ANSWER TCTPREVIOUS PUZZLE: your career plans. Business partners see pital or nursing home. Those of you who are the other. Glue the joint for a good molding at a 45Klegree angle.. The Intellectual might want to get Involved In International Studenl Exchange is 22 — than (to the . 12 Piccadilly Circus. your way of thinking and are In agreement. seeking families to house students = tight fit. tune of) . . sight .When socializing, stick to the tried and true; some local literacy programs for adults, 23 Misfortune: 13 White or from Brazil,' Mexico, Japan, Scot Red — CANCER (0/21-7/22) It Is Important to SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21) Although Colombia, Spain, Germany and spend some tlmo with your family this week. youhaven'tsollclted It, someone close to Thailand. 24 Other . 19 Plaything 1 How to decorate halls 25 Card gama 21 Britons and Plan on a special luncheon or get together you seeksjDU out to share a conlldsnce. The student will live as a member 26 Take oil Abbr Gauls for this Your energy Is at a high point, so Whl(e~7ou;mDy find It difficult Jo slay of the family, while he or she attends. 29 Martin — King 25 Sanction take advantage and got things done. feoutral, thhi i< ,)0 time for you to Interfere. . It™ Im-ni high school. They are very Jn style wilh wa 11 paper 33 Cordoba's land 27 Short biography LEO (7/23-6/22) It would bo wise to devote Got out and socialize to lake your mind off carefully screened, covered by 36 French soldier 28 Organic this week to catching up on various tasks s • ••..••,..• medical insurance, and provide on the expertise of the wallcovering 37 Lose tautness compounds Some people who like both the Winters coming -which hve been neglected. Also..., look over CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19) Your best - theiroWnspetidlngmoney. . _38_Town In Klng_ _30 Words_ looks of wallcoverings and the idea retailer. The salespeople at jialnt yourtlnances You just might have missed work will be accomplished prlvately_thls_; InteceatejdJfamilles_may_contact. Arthur s legends attributed to lhe'~ of doing it* themselves think a good . and wallpaper stores, home cenjgrg_ paylng-an-lmoortant-t)III^Commurtlcatlon.ls—wook^allhough-ievoal-buslrwsE-meetlngs internaUonal^^Sdent—Exchange" 40 Coop occupant . Lone Ranger place to start is a bathroom.-That and decorating stores can help. They favored which goes far to effect changes mauy be on your schedule; Pay attention to P.O. Box-58 Fort Jones Calif 98032 41 Uke some gases 31 Actress could be a mistake. Though a bath is can also help determine the number VIRQO (8723 9/22) Check your mall doUll1 ' ills ofa certain assignmenasslanmen"""-''--"t to make sura" or 1-800-233-HOST' , o• r 1-916-488-226' ' 4' 43 Throe words Verdugo carefully this week. Somolhlng which you that It Is,completed correctly. often small, it frequently has lots of of rolls of wallcovering you'11 need to in California. ,. r-r angles and corners that could make complete the job you have In mind from the Three andyouire— Musketeers 10/3/87 the job of hanging wallcoverings Just show the salesperson a sketch 45 Lineage difficult and tune consuming. of the area you plan to decorate with • 11 1* • 47 — Mlquel. ' Instead, advises the Wallcovering wallcovering with the dimensions Azeros'lslsnd l.Informatlon.Bureau.istick^ to Jhe _ marfceoV 48 Dos Passos straight and narrow, especially if ' "As For the tools you'll need, most opus it's a hallway. First-timers will find are available in kit form or can bo 49 Night on the stifi relying on town UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED It easier to hang wallcoverings in an purchased separately at the area with straight walls and without . wallcovering retailer. • 51 All: Comb, form More Information on how to hang 53 More svelte lots of doors and windows. Select a 55 Hollywood ~~ -random design and you won't have wallcoverings can be obtained by aspirant RIGHT to worry about matching patterns. "writing to WIB, Dept. HP, 60 Morris 58 Type of molon Table Saw.-10", Vt horsepower Consider pre-trimmed and pre- Ave., Springfield 07081, 'for a free 60 Book. In Caon motor with extra blades. AWAY pasted wallcoverings and the job is copy of "The Wallcovering How-To 61 RyanorTatum Good conditions even easier for the do-it-yourselfer.- Handbook." ' 62 Campus rally Pre-trimmed wallcoverings are 63 Loamy deposit ready to apply right from the 64 Ravens' havens Asphalt istops 65 Dine package. Pre-pasted means there Is ,. M«" for lln'f 38 words a dry paste on the back of the The most widely used roof ing in 66 — de ralson USE A PREPAID •l each added 10 words! (Imaginary Enclose check i wallcoverings so all you have to do is-' both new construction and beings) dip the strip in water to activate the reroof ing is asphalt shingles or money order paste, Pro-pasted wallcoverings are The Asphalt- Roofing DOWN. CLASSIFIED AD strong, yet supple enough to move Manufacturers Association 1 Certain around and Bllde into place. Just bo points out that a new generation Nlcaraguans. NAME. TELEPHONE- sure to read and follow the of prestige shingles is par- Z Munich's river manufacturer's inatructions. ' Ucuiarly desirable for creating AskReUller long-lasting roofs with dramatic, ADDRESS. If you're hesitant when.it comes to bold; textures "and a distinctive - the choice of colors and styles, rely appearance/; CITY. ZIP DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE AT U.C. Write your ad In the spaces below and mail to £RAFIpH>lECURITY SYSTEMS COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS CLASSIFIED theLatest jhTechnology installed P.O. Box 3109, Union, N.Ji 07083 L With Old World Craftsmanship 1. Switch to Natural Gas Heat. There's never been a better time. Burglar - Fire Alarms Before your old energy-wasting oil furnace Information Kit 5 6 ,7. 8.v.... breaks down again .or runs out of fuel on a loaded with __ (?alLC2ffli)?64-5555 cold day , or ends up costing you another valuable fads winter of outrageous healing bilk, consider the on gas heat And 9 in ii 12...^. For your FREEEstimate switch to natural gas heat an Elizabelhlown A new gas furnace Is much more efficient rcpresenutiteulll __ lhan your old oil furnace, so you could sj\e j conduct A free, no obligation __ 14. ,.« «.• ~10. 16. . ... bundle on your home heating hill And right now heating surm of your home thai1 toil l tell Elizabelhlown Gis is offering a $150 rebjte jnd you turn much the conversion to riaiural'gas a chimney cleaning worth an additional £60 00 heal could save >ou 17 18 ;_...„....; 19. 20...... if you make Ihc conversion before December M. • .No don t ttjil nil Old Unreliable leaves you 1987 out in ihc cold Call lodjv. while our rebate oiler We II also give you a free (.onsumer lluiing is Mill hot' 1-800-624-0400. Vinyl CMM 21. 22 23. 24. ClulnLtak a '.Sections • ChoiceolColor c OPEN HOUSE .lizabethtown Gas October IS, 1987 25 26 27; .....„....; 28. S^SS^S^H; Since 1855 7:30 P.M i f r You just can't beat the heat. Union Catholic Regional High School 29 30 ^.^..^7^vr31- ...... 327 U 061 16OO Marline Avenue cuteL tfbod SCOTCH PLAINS 8891600 FINCICOIIR ORANGE . Large it*ciou» i"?j. ._, • _.._..,•-•.;.< . , \ •< .:• "HOUie - ' room apartment, tincr lyl» A"! HANDYMAN, GENERAL REPAIRS '; ! poospECI '

walnu* '| Urds. * jlur | (fill, 6 , '• fuj>. i and ' boou. ] I«CLASSIFIEDfiD other. '87 TAURUS CL a-DR. r.«i. »m i' •rort;std:i^::pwr.Strg.7Pwr.Brks., Auto, Trans., Tint, cit; optrEq:rA7c,"3:o^ t pint-1. r i x~» nr H<:~T I" < "•"JBSnTWFJIm •mllBich enck) i o early bird* ' ," liter EFl V-6 Eng.. Spd. Cntrl., Rr. Defr., Rocker. Panel Mldgs., Lt. Crp., Tint. • »ear» olp\ eaoeUrnt'condition' |l IS nsS 1 • 57J WhL, Finned wnlrCovers, AM/FM stereo/cassette. Demo, 10,053 ml. stk >-•• sum. elc. MUrdock J-UM. I34» I Bodyi,FendtVparti" _ Can evenings. }'. ."'ts . . ,.' '• .-...-'..!..« . AvalUble «l s; !, HELP1 #795^9. VIN /158646 z •n. succ. irrr MICE iu,ra ~ ' => MID DKCOUNT 200 - .' O •rVMN OtSCOUHT 1,627 ' ' '••;-;.-.• ALL COLORS IN ALL MODELS BUT COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONI W«MN DISCOUNT . J.J2S TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED , like new. $1500. Days, 212-9530100, 1979 BUICK REGAL—61,000 miles; 20 words or less... •—. .".-•.-;,'.'...'.'.,..;.... •;..... (minimum) J5.50 evenings.488-0521, , . ,• •,•••:••••:• • Good condition. $2600. or best offer. 1985 CAMARO Z28 — Fully loaded; —EadraildlHorralKhianfatirleu.'....,'...".'.;'." I vtrar T.-ropfr-extended warranty, 21,000 •••••..'• Four Times or More . '. _.' • .. .,'"' 1983 TOYOTA-Starlet, 41,700 miles; miles, T.P.I. engine,-1 owner; Best 20 words or less •;...... v ....•;.,.:..... $4.50 one owner.' Good condition. Five 1984 BUICK SKYLARK — 4 door offer over $10,500, Call 484-5141. Each additional 10 words or less. .'. ;","W.5O .'.• speed. $1,950. Call 944-6271., loaded, 18,000 miles, extended war- ' •'- II set in all CAPITALS ~T •-";"•• ranty. Asking $7,900 or best offers 1984 CAMARO— Z 28, am/fm sterlo, BRAND NEW FORD 10 words or less. .,,,...... '. ..;,..... 15.50 .' 1985. HONDA PRELUDE-fted, 2 Call 4720100, 9-5, Mnnrfav-Frlrfav nr air conditioning, power steering, BRAND NEW FORD Each additional 10 words or less-. 52.00 door, 5 speed, air, power brakes, ,488;4474, any evening after 4PM.; power brakes/ power, windows. . ' ' Classified Display Rate (mln. 1 column Inch) . • • power steer,lng,_electr.lc_suru roof, 25,000 mites. Immaculate condition, '87TffitWBIftR WAGON Bosch fog lights, alarm, garaged, 1984 BUICK. j7- ,LeSabre, 4,: door $8,500. Call 75374919. •> ' P« Inch (Commlssionable). ;\ .•. /...... /JM.OO' custom,..fully equipped, new tires, WESCWfvGt2*R.: Std. Eq.: S.o Liter 6 cvl. Eng., Pwr. strg., pwr. Brks.; opt. ErJrAufoFbD Trans., "' .••-.• —--PONIRACT RATES FOR AD5 THAT :. -••-•• . undercoated.. New condition. Low Std. Eq.: 1.9 Liter EFl 4 cvl. Eng., Pwr. Brks.; Opt. Eq. Auto. Trans., Wide mileage, $10,000.884,1700, ext. 209,9-. 31,000 miles. Garage kept. One 1979 CAMARO — Automatic power XLT Model Trim, Lt: crp.. Dual capt. chairs, 7 Pass., spd, cntrl.._TlltJrVhl., —••>:-—:r— ..--••-•••• .RUN ON CONSECUTIVE WEEKS . . •Owner. Asking $7,500. Calf 944-3955,; Bodyslde Mldg^. Dig. Clock. Tint, ck, Pwr. strg., Inter. Wipers, Instrumenta- privacy Gls.,-3 Pass. Bench.-DIx Tii-Tone Paint, Rr. Defr./wiper/Washer, Elec. 4 to 12 times ....•,...'. ,.-. ..;....'...... $12.00 p«rinch steering, brakes, windows, locks, air tion Crp., DualElec. Mlrs., Rr. Wind. Defr., A/c, Radio Prep pkg. Stk f 8077. VIN -instrument cluster, super Sound syst, pwr. Wlnds./Locks, Trailer Towing after6:3Opm. N ... .,;.. .' ; conditioning, AM/FM cassette, flood /144480. 13 limes or more..•...... ; ;.. .-. i 7:.... $11.00 per Inch 1973 APOLLO— 66,000 orglnal miles, Pkg., High capacity Air..stk 7T1608. VIN/A72947. Bordered AdS add $4.00 . condition. Best offer. 487-2920.~"~~7~: HFI. SUCC UST NICE $M75 »FR. SUGG. UST MICE $18,594 am/fm/alr. Good condition, $400. 1979' BUICKr'rCENTURY Wagon, tmUUI PISCOUHT. -TOT- FORD DISCOUNT' 424 Call after 3pm., 487-4129. 1979 CAMARO- BERL1NETTA,V8,;. V6,/Excellont,condltlon. Air condi- WVMKN DISCOUNT —2,000. $ Visa and MC are accepted ; tioning, automatic, roofrack, new AM/FM radio; cassette, allpowerr- 1979 AUDI 5000 Automatlc, 4 door, brakes and radiator. 49,000 miles; new tires, must sell. Must drive to Classilled ads are payable within 7 days. If ad is paid by Wednesday before Insertion deduct 25 cents. p;s, am-fm, air condition. $3500 Bestoffer..488-8910.-,. . . appreciate, call 741-7068 after 6 PM. 58168 Payment for transient ads should be received before the publication date/Payment in advance for: negotiable. Call 645-2347; after 9pm, Will take best offer. ••' ' 15.970 Out of town advertisers, Employment Wanted, Apartments Wanted, Wanted to Rtit'We will not be responsible for errors unless they are detected before the 2nd Insertion; County Leader Newspapers - -reserves the right to classify, edit or re|ect any advertlsinj. No cancellation will be accepted in classified advertising after Tuesday noon. The final deadline for classified is 2:30 p.m.. Tuesday, but earlienecelpt of copy will be appreciated, , .: ; • .-...•. Service Managers Special SUBURBAN TRADED USED CARS COUNTY LEADER , 84 RELIANT 4-DR. '82 ARIES 4-DR. 85 CITATION P.O. BOX3109 .-.,•• '84 ESCORT 1 WGN. JCTIONINUODUCES JG NEW SERVICE MANAGER DON FHtATI WITH Plvmbutti, 4 Cvl, Eng., Auto. Ford, 4 Cvl. Eng.. 4 spd. Trans., Dodge, 4 cvl. Auto, trans.. A/ 4-DR. HATCH UNION, N.J. 07083 Trans., Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks., Roofrack. A/c, Pwr. strg.,: • ,c, Pwr. Stro., Pwr. Brks:, AM/ Stereo/cassette, Rr. wind. Do- Pwr. Brks., stereo /cassette, • Chevv, 4 cvl. Eng.,'Auto,, . • •Unionleader ' , •KenllworthLeader ———• ' • fooaer. 68,163 ml. VIN "~T=M stereo, Rr. Wind: Defofl- irans., A/c, Pwr. stra., Pwr. Rr. Wind. Defogger. 50,459 ml. ger. 75,711ml. VIN 1121185. Brks.. Radio; Wire Whl;., Rr. • .• 'Springfield leader "Linden Leader . . •',:,- . VIN (300870. Wind, oefogger. 55,049 ml. . •Mountainside Echo' "The Spectator of Roselle/RosellePwIi 1. Change Oil up to 5 Quarts < . 13. Vaccum Interior $ VIN A126OO3 FINANCING 2. Install Oil Rlter C ; v UNION/ESSEX COMBO RATES 14. Wash Windows ;. *2995 2995 AVAILABLE • '•.. • COMBO DEADLINE: Monday'5 p.m. •,'. • '. 3. Lubricate Chassis ;;, y 15. Clean Battery Terminals (If qualified) •••••; ., TRANSIENTClASSIFEDRATES " ; .'•... 4. Check and Fill Transmission Fluid : 16. Deoderlze Interior '82 OMEGA 4-DR. '84 ENCORE '83-CAVALIER-CS 86 CALAIS 2-DR. .20 words (minimum) ...... ,,.,..,.. $10.00 —oldsr6 cvl. Eng.rAuto. trans., Additional 10 words or less...;,.:..Trrrvr,-;-, T;.,V.;VVT. ;:;.•::...... J2.oo 5. Check and Rll Differential Fluid 17. Check Window Wiper Blades oids, 4 cvl. Eno. *uto. Trans.. 4-DR. HATCH 4-DR. IIMITEDIZ pwr. strg., pwr. Brks., A/c, ASK ABOUT OUR Classlfed Bon Number,,. ..• r,;, ;.:'. ,.;,., J5.00 6. Check and Fill Brake Fluid ; , 18. CheckJreather Element _._ Renaultru-cvlrEnoTTAuto. chew, 2.0 Liter Fl 4 cvl. Eng., pwr. winds./Dr. Locks, Tilt BORDEREDADS. •.:. .", ::.....'....'.....;...... $10.00 Trans., A/c, pwr. strg., Pwr. AUto. trans., Pwr. Strg.. Pwr. Whl., cruise cntrl., stereo/ Cassette, Split Sts. w/console, ••.'. '••••-.. . . CLASSIFIEDDISPLAV ••••. . • ' '; •..-.:... 7; Check and Fill Power Steering Fluid 19. Check PVC Valve Brks., stereo. 39,595 ml. VIN . Bins.. IA/C, stereo. 37,719 ml.. VIN1137708. Rally Wfils!,, Rr. Wind, oefog- 1st TIME BUYERS Classified Display open rate (cornmlsslpnable) ..;.:.'...... '$26.00 per Inch'. 8. Check and Fill Window Washer Ruid 20. Visually Inspect Exhast System .. 1.184580..' ger. 42,886 ml. VIN 1348103. •13 weeks or mor , ,. .*...,..,.,...... ;.,•.....;...;;... $21.00 per Inch ; 9. Check and Fill Battery Water 21. Visually Inspect Transmission PROGRAM V- ' '•• •. •' CLASSIEIEPJUDEX '"' '']'. ,-^--^-^- *3995 •SI • 10. Check Air Filter i 22. Check All Hoses , ; I;AUIOMOIIVE-- SI SERVICES OFFERED 8.,REALESTATtT' • • • , • Price Incl. freight & prep; ejtal. tax & lie. fees. ^.ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. MISCELLANEOUS 9. RENTALS-. - . ' "" 11. Check Radiator Riild 23^Check AU Belts 3: EMPLOYMENT 7. PETS 10 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 12. Check Tires and Inflate to Prop.er Pressure 24. Horn/Ughts Safety Check 4. INSTRUCTIONS One of the Oldest Ford Dealers in New Jersey 1-AUTOMOTIVE AUTO DEALERS We're can In-Town Ns-Hassle, Down°to«Earth Dealership AAA sfervice leasing.inc with Over 50 Years of Honesty & Integrity. BEAUTIFY YOUR CAR . dutoLeaiinj Terms • One toFim Years • FOR THE SUMMER! MIMikasindUadeb . Car simonlzlng, pfnsfrlpping (paint or tape); Inside cleaning Included In 1561 Mwris Avenue simonlzlng. Also minor body Union, HI. 07083 repairs. For Information call 944- |201)S87-7200 7392, If no answer, leave message. Coihmeicial t Professionil • OUR 24 POINT MAINTENANCE SERVICE •••V OLDSMOBILE ? Oldest 8. Largest AUTO ACCESSORIES" Exclusive—• Olds Dealer In . , Union County OPEN DAILY 9-9 ELIZABETH BUY-WISE MOTORS, INC. Value Rated Used Car's FRI. 9-6, SAT. 9-5 M 582 Morris A^o. "WHOUESALE to the public*Oper>7 Elizabeth 354 1050 days, Sunday 8am to 12 pm, Wednes- day and Saturday, 7:30 to 5:45pm, SMYTHE VOLVO ASK FOR weekdays 7:30am to 7pm. -Exclusive Volvo 1713 SPRINGFIELD AVE., MAPLE WOOD 761-6OOO ..-•. •••.•'••'.'. Dealer DON .: 324 Morris Ave .Summit FUGATE n VAUXHALL SECTION '•, 7273 4200 rui>Ait JEEV-EMiEE 7=SL". «U i Authorized t!5t 2091 Springfield Ave. Union Factory Service Long Term Leasing L 595 CHESTNUT ST. UNK)N,NJ 201-686-6566 ,~ I •Or : < ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••# EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED •a AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE RUCKS FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 19*5 NISSAN- 300 ZX, Turbo - mint 1976 FORD-F150 pick up-super C!UD~ «CT5IIECEiyMU ...... J16-17K 19*4 DODGE- OMNI. Gold.- 34,000 A-l PROFESSIONAL TYEIST- Administer A/R for well managed 78 AUTO * . ; ' ~'- im CAPRICE CLASSIC — 4 door, miles, automatic transmission. condition, metallic blue, 17,000 cab, cap arid slide-In camping unit, BOOKKEEPER 123,821 miles, white with buroandy miles, many extras. $15,000 or best automatic, 69,000 miles, good condi- years voung company. Work on CRT Original owner. $5,000 or best offer. fo-malntaln-A/R files", record sales ASSISTANT Interior, power steer- Call after 5 RM, 964-7642. ._: offer. After 6 PM 687-4099 or 584-3400 tion. Call 687-9649; Tjplnj done In mj home TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ . CLERICAL OPPORTUNITIES Ing/brakes/door locks, AM/FM and other accounting functions. Re- We seek a detail oriented Individual days. Ask for Jeff. quires 1 plus years Invoicing, CRT ... • CASHIER stereo cassette with equalizer. $400. 197* FIREBIRD.— White with white 1978 DODGE Van-Plumbing service Old ?.stab"shed auto dealer seek with previous A/p, A/R, and payro Call 687 0595, after 5pm. ' 19*5 NISSON PULSAR — Red, 28,000, truck, VB, PS, PB, A/C, complete experience, some college accounting experience. Any compute Interior; V8, air, AM with Cassette. •Resumes . .nice but not necessary, No fee. Call qualified " telephon Good condition. Only 53,000 miles. miles, automatic, air, - AM/FM with blno, $1500. or best offer. 486- operator/cashier with auto ex knowledge a plus. Light typing. 5045,: ^ -rj, • __•_ .....„.,,.__' •Rep 447-j9511. - . .. .^—.' . i .— Im CAMARO- Berllnetta~V8r 5 Must see.-«fr90IZ^' Stereo,, sun roof.. Excellent.cojidh. perlence. Good pay and benefits foi tlon, $7,400.686B880, after Jpm.. BRy«NTRIIRFH \ \ right person. Call for appointment. Excellent company benefits In speed, air colnditlon, am/fm stereo, 1 \ 1974 FORD LTD - Automatic, ; Willow St. Mlllburn eluding profit sharing, call: «,995 negotiable also 1984 Pontlac 1977 NOVA-4 door, auto/ ps/pb, WMANF0RD_ PURCHASING SECRETARY MOO. 92A-2288 or 665-23*7, after 6PM. am/fm stereo cassette, air condi- 2-ANNOUNCEMENTS •TermPapers tion, power steering, power brakes, 83,000 miles. Some dents, runs very 1713 Springfield A»e " Mapltwood •Statistic*! Typing 687-1313, eit. 280 I9S4CELEBRITY- Four door, air 8 cylinder. Excellent running condi- well. $1500. or best offer. 686-1587. 761-6000 tion. $500; call 964-7714, anytime. ENTERTAINMENT CALL 964-7392 „ ADULT CARRIERS Full-Time conditioned, four cylinder, fuel In- 1981 OLDSMOBILE-Wagon, loaded, Permanent part time positions are jection, power" steering, power 19*0 FORD — Fiesta. Solid running -tip top shape. Mustbe seen to be ap- ACCORDIONIST — Also Strolling available near your home early mdr- Work Mon-Frl 8:30-4:30 In this lively offlceTwTneed someone brakes, 52,000 miles. Excellent con- OR 687-7071 a ableo comuter car, good tires, AM/FM preciated: Asking $2900. or. best of- Violinist or Orchestra for any home nlngsr" Newspaper routes earning BACK TO SCHOOL!- BArK —"BOOKKEEPER/FC «£•»!" J P, ' "Baling many activities at oncersffisti"c- dition. $4,500. 273-?170. • stereo, sunroof; original owner. $750 fer. Call 686-9356. ' or hall party. -•- - $35?,~ uo° per mon^ Plus cash In- -Tcworlcln a public accounting firm V ln skllls a d flood phorl0 r BROKE?- Work for a number o nhnnl. vB 5 ", Personality to handle busy or best offer. Call 688-3520 after 6pm John Lenard "~\~~ \-: 353-0841 HOUSECLEANING-Apartments, centives will help you supplement' Diversified .cMontlo. Excellent rd gift and.toy party, plan. Free kit an Pinht ' ^ . Pfoc'Sf/no experience a plus but-wlll-train the 19*4 CELICA GT-Llft back, P/S, or weekends anytime. 1980 OLDSMOBILE — Cutlass, V-6, houses. Experienced, Call after 12 your income. Make your early mor- PP co| benefits. Brand-new office. Growth right candidate. Excellent benefits package. P/B, A/C, AM/FM. MetalIc red. Ex- 76,000 miles, power steering, power noon. Referencesr353-U73. nings productive and prof Itablo. Ap- l " • J? l«»ln9ddeHVeryH . opportunity. Salary open. 486-2353. cellent body and motor, garage kept. 1943 FORD GALAXY 500 — 4 door, brakes; AM-FM radio. Good ENTERTAINMENT .,V- > proximately 1 — IVi hours per day, 739 6818 Barbar; Original owner. $6300.964-0983. V8, black, 1 owner, 82,000 miles, transportation. $2,400. Call 763-0531. HOUSEKEEPERS- Day workers.:, seven days. Call toll tree 1 (800) 242- BUlLDER-Needs experienced con- FORALLOCCASIONS^ ; struction finishers. PRIDE and /SECRETARIES ~~ garago kept; Interior mint condition, References and . experience. 0850 or 877-4222. • . : 1981 CHEVETTE — 4 speed, 4 door, passenger side minor damage.To 1981 OLDS Cutlas Wagon-PS, PB, Transportation .provided. Call workmanship a must, call 762 9032, great mileage (30-35), 70,000 miles, settle estate $600.687-7071... PW, AC, cruise, new .tires, clean; Amelia, 688-9477. • between 9-5. Good condition, $1300.00.241-7783. .-- Must sell, $2500.686-9045. _;•-•••. ADVERTISING Part-Time Blood Banking Department BANDS UNLIMITED CARPENTER MALE/Fomale-For 197* FORD GRANADA-4 door. Good 687-9283 ' 1963 CHEVY CORVAIR-BlUe, 4 condition. $500.686-7727. . . 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA-Whlte, 2 HELP WANTED Interior finished carpentry work, "~> « Mon-Frl 8AM12PM , Music to enhance any special party f LAYOUTARTIST _ _ door, 60,000 miles, auto, trans. Good door, ps, a/c, new brakes. Good con- doors, trim, cabinet Installatlon.otc 12:30PMO"'Fri 1PM-4:30PM & alternating Saturdays 9AM- condition. $.950. or best offer. 688- 1974 FORD THUNDERBIRD- dltion. Excellent local from traditional to top 40. Singles- on large custom homes. Minimum 4264. ' Automatic, all power. Excellent transportation. $500.964-3697. small combos-Full orchestras. Part Hme Uwut irtW needed ifof busy newjpjpet adwrtising departnunl experience 4 yoars.lncludlng^Uwa- =SilSnVIl»S5,1fi'*il-^-'•^"[''""SiJncludlng Interviewing donors, mechanical condition. $500.709-0932, ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC Itairiflexible.Nempjperadvertisingliyoute«per!ence-pnfemd._ ... tlons and ^framing helpful. Ex- schedullng^ppolntmontsTining and light typing. after 5 pm. -.— " , 1979 PONTIAC- BONNEVILLE - perienced need only Spply. Cal 1979 CHEVY CAPRICE WAGON — 9 Power steering, power brakes.^alr Fully ex.perlenced_top-.senl6r for boforo 7am and after 7pm, 3750323. passenger,, p/s/b, AM/FM stereo, JSMJiQRD^eiNXQ^IWo.dQOCi.four mriltlnnlno. AM/FM Casettft. -EENTAGOFLSOUND- mnrilum «lr» M I rPA «lrm gll-y - roof rack, electric rear dcfogger, speed manual. 60,000 miles. $1,000 automatic transmission. Loaded. $45,000Jo start;- Also,.seml:.senlor_; -RADIOLOGY-RECETOQNIST- two tone beige. $2150- or best offer. or best offer. 862-9423 after 6 PM. ... Runs good. $1,500° 925-3468: DISC JOCKEYS opening. Phone M. Schuhalter, (201) . CASHIERS Call 688-0038, 8am-4pm, Monday- BIGGEST MUSICAL SELECTION 428-0084 or-t201)-992-0310; after 6 PM. For interview appointment 1 Part-Time Friday. •;, . 1973 FORD- GRAND Torino, 2 door, 1977 PONTIAC- Grand Prix. Good DRIVERS power steering/brakes, excellent running condition. $650.00. Call 686- Professional Music Engineers. 3PM-11PM 1981 CHEVY- CHEVETTE - Brown, running condition. Asking $500. Call 5721 after 5:00 PM. ,. Evenings, Weekends & Holidays automatic, power brakes,.alr-condl- - - ';•.-. .Of ..'••. ' '' Full time, part time, morning, after- tarry.372-1784 or 374-3418. , noon, evenings. Good working condl tlonlng, AM/FM cassette, approx- 19*4 PONTIAC '— Flero SE. Sliver, DJ Your Own Party ADVERTISING d pC l n busv co for 1975 FORD • GRANADA-80 plus tlonsTApply In person. !i«» u • S M "?. J«. u°!" wmeohe who has the ablll-- imately 58,000 miles, $2,000 or best fUlly equipped. $5800 or best offer. Large corporation has .position tor W l lf l0 p b c and our miles, am/fm stereo cassette, oil, LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE hai^'n» h '» RiV J V " ' P^'esSlonal staff. Must offer. Call 486-6696 after 6 PM. 687-4010. ,v person w/accountlnd background. SALES AID flUTO "~ ••inH°.5i»f C.n attltudo to assume a variety of responsibilities. change every 2 months, new tires. CALL FOR RATES Including light typing, answering phontis and filing. .1970 CHEVY NOVA — 4 door, Excellent running • condition. $500. 1977 PONTIAC-Astre wagon, power Associates degree w/1 year accoun- Career opportunity, for male/female to Join newspaper" advertising lliTion auto/trans, P/S, 6 cylinder, elec- 688-2084'.— steering, power brakes, body and ; 759-5316 J^__ ting experience will qualify for this staff. Must en|oy people and have some Sales background. Typing and' tronic Ignition, perfect mechanical motor In good condition, .111,000 opening. High growth potential, ex- art helpful; -- . CASHIER-Typist, Part or full time condition, needs shocks. Original 197* FORD THUNDERBIRD- miles. Best offer. Call 289-3465, after cellent benefits,-"Including—prof It Salaried position with benefits. Car required for jocalselilng. Nawrockl^s Pharmacy, 688-8052. CORRESPONDENCE CLERK owner, call 376-5660 days, 964-6837 Diamond Jubalee edition. Excellent 5pmv . •'• ..•••'..-'. ';_ sharing, tuition reimbursement and evenings and weekends. mechanical condition. $1100. Can be SUPERSOUNDS full medical coverage. Good starting CHILD Care Aid-Full and part time seen at 100 Grant Avenue, Now Prod 1979 PONTIAC-98,000 miles. Good salary makes this opportunity a 686-7700 position at Toddler Center of YMCA ' . Full-Time •....• 1966 CHEVY- IMPALA 283, vldence. 444-7405. • •••>. V> condition. $500 or best offer. Call 0 J For All Occasions •'•. nood choice, company fee paid. of Union, 18 years plus. Experience 759-6436. to arrange an Interview appointment ••• '- p referred. Call 688-9622. automatic - needs work - must-sell - BOOK HOLIDAY GENERAL PERSONNEL . ' mll!H»aiA?-ni[HL"lnB/-Dopari!nnent'15 seeklno Individual with ap- 1985 GRAND AM—LE V6-HO .tltudo for figures. Good phono personality Is noodod for heavv will accept best offer. Please call 1982 SUBARUBrat-4x4, canvas AND TECHNICAL SERVICES -964-1038. . . . • • engine. Mint condition. Fully load- PARTIES NOW! CLEANINGTFeopIiTwantod-for sue 0 ac & p pnt bil| n r | cover, 60,000 miles. Excellent condi- cessful cleaning service, Sn2"tn ,?\ J ?" l o, o atlons. Accurato typing skills ed, all power, alloy wheels. Call 688- Adv.rtliino and knowledge of general-offico duties required. Accounts tion. $2995. Call 964-8210. 374-9362 ' 125 Broad.Street.Elliabetti 07201 Berteflts/advancdmont. 245-1949, u 15 1976 STATION WAGON Chevy Im- 0816. -.-'•.—-• BOOKKEEPER receivable experience a plus but horessentiiil. ' • " pala 350 motor. Runs well, $325 or -..". -. • " 289-7050. '•','. : • '—Ttw-Worrall Piibllth- _best.offcr.-a'_readlng tool boxes, $50. 19*4 HONDA CIVIC — Silver, 1981 SUBARU WAGON —Good con- LOST AND FOUND Ing Group hat an •«clllno Garden tractor; $300. Brian,: 688- automatic, A/C, AM/FM cassette, dition, needs- some mechanical -- .opanlng for • uln repr*r r: Call Personnel Department (after 8:30AM), (201) 522-2247) 99 repairs. $995. Call' Mr,. Doyle,"376- FULLTIME— BeauvolrAvo. at Sylvan Rd, Summit, NJ 07901-0220 3699. • sunroof, 26,000 miles. $5500. 245-0255 LOST- DOG - German Shepard, lentatlv* In our dltplay CLERICAL/ '7650. .•.-.•:.:. . , . •': ' • An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer m/f.. weekdays. . ';••'.•••.. black and gold/ Female, approx- ' Bdvartlilng deptrtnwnt. Springfield manufacturer re- 1973 CHEVY — Capri, 53,445 miles, imately 60 lbs., white on chin and ACCOUNTING . ' • . . • Tho position' will r»- SECRETARIAL good transportation. Telephone 688- 1980 MAZDA— RX 7, automatic, air SURPULS- CARS sell for- $155 u iqUlres responsible Individual condition; am/fm cassette, rear win- (average) I .Also ieeps, trucks, etc. chest; no collar. Lost Sunday, ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT qulra urylclng and «ll- for Full Charge-bookkeeper up 5417, anytime. 10/11/87 vicinity. BurrietAve., Union. . Ino advtrllilng In ah •«• Full time position for mature mind- dow louvers. A fast sharp looking Now available your area. Informa- NEEDS YOU! "" to General Ledger. Manual ed Individual with good typing skills. car. Call 684 0284. ' . ••' tion 1-805-687-6000 Ext. S-499)... Answers to the name Delilah. Call Due to expansion, we now have full ' Istlng territory for on* of system and ADP payroll. Must Overlook 1984 CHRYSLER- Laser XE, Turbo, 339-4287 or 684-7452.: .••••.';• ., Must-be-very-well organized with fully loaded, air conditioning, 31,000 time position available In our ac- ~~oorl Clong:.:, Mtabllihad type and have good math ap- take charge capabilities. This Is a miles, original owner. Excellent 1982 MERCURY— LYNX, 3 door, 1977 THUNDERBIRD-Super Sport. counting department. If you have weekly niwipapcn. v . titude Non-smoklnn office, Ex- Low mileage: Needs transmission LOST — Medium black dog. Mostly 1 very excelling opportunity with a condition. $7,500 negotiable. Call hatch, manual transmission, am/fm data entry experience, college ac- Prior newapaptrcx- ,cellont^"beneflts. Call Ginger high volume ad .agency located In stereo, front wheel drive. Needs work. First $800 offer. 686-5644. labrador. White chin, greying counting credits or two years ac- Rich, 241-3969 evenings, or daytime, around mouth, short hair, long tail, 1 parlanca and/or collaga li Stevonson at 376-3255. Union. : .... - •;.. some engine work. .122,000 miles, counting; work experience we are \ . . . •' • . 687-7030. '"~ T *- ~ 19*0 TOYOTA- CELICA -Less than floppy ears. REWARD. Days 675- :aplui;::- • .' . •'••• .•-."•, $500. or best offer. Call~9«4-7714, definitely Interested In you. Take Excellent company benefit package anytime. .— - ' 50 K miles. Verygood condition.: 5840, evenings and weekends 992- advantage of this fobtlnthe-door op-. • Our congenial work Inner-Tite Corp. -mr-CHRYSLER- New Yorker, ,4 Excellent stereo with cassette and 9846. .'...".• . .. '• Including Profit Sharing. To arrange door, 8 cylinder, leather, power pbrtunity, Perfect for night accoun- environment Includes n 'or an Interview, call: CLERK TYPIST • • brakes, steering, air conditioning, 197* -MERCURY—': STATION equlllzer. Five speed; air condition- ting student. • . . salary bated on «x- COOK & SCHOOL FOOD WAGON, excellent condition. $795. ed. ". $3,000 or best offer. 654-1351 or .-, porlenca and B full benelll 78 Diamond Roa I Mature mlndod Individual to work In ._, r~^SERVICE WORKER AM/FM, Electric windows; door PERSONALS Springfield, N.J. 07081 small office handling all offico or best offer. Call 687-1450. . 789-9750. , . —t: ~>Tikii; 687-1313, ExU80-; ideal for parent of school age locks, excellent condition. Single We offer excellent salary and ; dutlos Including typing -and owner. $1,700. Phone 3766615. benefits package which Includes tui- ;..._ •Pjaawlcmi, (h» Ad- children. Call: 1985 MERCURY. — MARQUIS 19*1 TOYOTA CELICA — 59,000 CEMETERY PLOTS answering phone and customor con- A35-4A30. miles, excellent condition. Louvers, tion reimbursement. Call Janet , vertlilng Director . at BANKING . 1974 CHEVROLET Nova-Good "Brougham, 4 door, excellent condi- "" HOLLYWOOD - Hamilton at 376-5500 for appoint- v tact, etc. Call Doloros . tion, air conditioning; full power, Mlchellns snows, etc, etc. $3,800. ' MEMORIAL PARK 674-8000 for more In-. CLERICAL/ 862-3223 ; COSMETICIAN - Full olr part starter car. V8 350, air conditioning, mentor send resume to: _.•.,„•. ,.. .formation. •-.. • - • -power steering, AM/FM cassette. am/fm cassette, 30,000 miles. $5950. Call564-6329. '.••.'•••'• ••' : •••.-• KEYPUNCH -••: time. Must havb transportation. Call after 6pm, 487-4474. \ < Gethhesmane -Gardens, SANDIER* WORTH >T TELLERS Confer Pharmacy, Livingston. Call Excellent running condition. $950 or 19*J TOYOTA- Cellca St. Coupe •- Mausoleums. Office: 1500 Stuyve- Full/part tlmo position, experience Mr. Llss, WS-4800. -best offer. Call 674-8000, ask for Automatic, air, AM/FM, EFI, R/P CLERK/PART TIME santAve., Union. .---•; • :•• We have openings for part-time requlrerd. Ploasant office environ- Peter. . •. ••• '.' •. . ..'.-. ' MONEY SAVERS . steering. Must see. Excellent condi- APPOINTMENT :' ;•.' "••• •.,-. 488-4300 .'•' • ... '' ••' tellers In our Union County offices- ment. Benefits for full timers. Good tion, 54,000 miles $5,400. '298- : starting salary. , Needed for group of weokly 1979 CJS JEEP — Good condition, 0950/687-9189. ; ';".' ~7T"T:SETTERS' ^^ Will consider training-' applicants newspapers. Some phono & bill- •, -• COUNTER PERSON $2500. Call after 6pm, 636^4451. '83 • '85 models at wholesale prices. LADJESOnly-Lonely, alone? with cashier experience. We olfor Call for details. Sincere man seeking sincere lady; ing responsibilities, minimum Maturo' minded conscientious per- 1972 VOLKSWAGON — Make offer: M-$ip per hpuV, days & even- competitive salary. For Interview I. CUSTOM LEASE 417-7400 ; Non-smoker/drinker. Age 50 plus; typing skills required plus other son for high quality dry cleaner. Call 1980 CORVETTE — Z-87. Automatic Call 486-6696, after «pm'. . Ings available." No experience call: , :.-... .. • •• . . ... •_ • • INSURANCE BENEFITS Monterey cleaners, •%• block from Immacglate, garage kept, low Write P.O. Box 4313, Linden, N.J; ,Fyll..tln)e._or part time dally. Ex- office duties Included In this 07034, If you are theone._^ . —"'""" necessary. Call Bob Anderson: : INCLUDING DENTAL, FULLY PAID diversified position. Call: No.70bus.37«-0411. ••• . mileage, p/s, i a/c, p/w, b/l, c/c. 1944 MUSTANG- Convertible 289 AT/ perience .with dally deposits, '._'... 245-2313 •';. ,'. ~ Price negotiable, $10,500. Call after AUTOS WANTED posting,' statements and to assist .401 (li) PENSION PROGRAM power steering, 29,000 miles, dark ;: VACATION BENEFITS 5:30,687-0646. ; green lacquer, garaged, im- CHILD CARE bookkeeper. Industrial firm In Spr- ' 396-7171 .;••' ' 686-7700 maculate, papers. Asking $9,500 TOP ?$$ IN CASH ingfield. Benefits. Call 376-7550 or COLONIAL PERSONAL/SICK DAYS CRAFTERSH 19S2 DATSUN 210-Runi great, looks (201) 376-8065 after 5 PM. .. :..: • ,.:. BABYSITTER — Responsible per Write P.O. Box 149, Springfield, NJ good. New clutch, tires, am/fm :''•••_ SAVINGS son .with references needed for oc- 07081. . ... " -, ;..'.. ASSEMBLER Coll ext. 35. . ' ' COLLEGE STUDENTS HOBBYIST!! cassette stereo. $1400 or: best offer. For ALL Cars 8, Trucks casslonal babysitting, evenings and PERFECT PART TIME JOB 687-0210.——-— ^_ 19IS MURCURY ' Marquis weekends In your home or Vnlne. Call .OVERHAUL* 351-2636 Brougham-Dark brown, Fully equip- Equal Oppty Employer M/F FLEXIBLE HOURS YEAR ROUND 19*0 bATSUN—,510,4 speed, am/fm ped, 19^400 miles, oarage kept,ex^ CALL DAYS -589-8400 Equal oppty Bmployor M/F~ No soil Ing I Busy Kenllworth offico r BE YOUR OWN BOSS!! - cassetterexcellent condlt|dnr$2 ,2Oor cellent condition. Must see. Asking prE«S.;688;2044 BABYSITTER- I am available for «CCOU«TSPM«U ? *" 'Expanding NorlhernNJ aerospace seeks bright persons to call back ; : .-manufacturer, has Immediate oppor- customers to sot-up specif Ic appoint- Call 241-8697. ••• „•..'••• . •.••'•• $6800.688-7784.'. •',-•.-.' ' •'.'•, • . -, • • •• babysitting In the comfort of my ' ••-••'•' • • •'• "'CUM' •'. ,•'"'''• '-.••'' : . BANQUET SERVER Union home. Part time or full time. Position—available Immediately. tunltynror qualified Individual. In- Work In New Jersey's finest ments. Call Sqptt 241-2500. Turn space time and talents In- 1979 DATSUN- 280 ZX TURBO, (Sameday prck-ups) „ spect mechanical 8, electrical parts restaurant. FleXlbleTiours, mostly, 19*4 NISSAN — 200 SX-XE, 2 door Reasonable rates, 487-4195.'. • .-.>' Real-estate company In summit General office duties for small ap- to ««. CALL: ; automatic, T-Roof, full-power, good coupe, power steering, brakes, win-, seeking Individual who possess good & assemblies. Assemble/disassem- weekends, will tra|p. Year-round condition. Must sell. $4,200 or best ble, expedite, wire, solder & f It parts employment. Competitive! salary, illance distributor. Near number 70 dows, locks, sunroof, AM/FM WE PAY CASH- FOR YOUR JUNK BABYSITTER- I am available for organizational skills, detail oriented ', IUS. Answer telephone, knowledge COMPUTER OPERATOR offer. Pete, 647-3300 or 276-2871. cassette, air conditioning, 5 speed babysitting In myhome or yours. and good with numbers. Send & components to blueprint speclflca^ Immediate openings. Apply In per- SYSTEM 38 BACK-UP. EXP- 486-0407 or 687-0945 CAR' OR TRUCK. 375- : tlons: Must have previous assembly son, Tuesday or, Wednesday 9am • if typing. Good benefits, fbll tlmo manual trasnsmlsslon, 25,000 miles, j253.IRVlNGTON. HIGHEST Reasonable rates., Ca|| 842: resume to Ms Miller. , • •.- :•' '• /;', lermenant. Call for Interview, 379- PERIENCE NECESSARY. 3-10 PM. 19U DODGE COLT E Hatchback, 4 *10,500.'48»-8016. ;;:.-;,•,: -j . .•;.••<• experience with mechanical 5, elec- Ham ONLY. The Manor, 1)1 Pro- CALL KAREN OR PEGGY, SPR- cylinder, standard, front wheel . PRICES PAIDI,,.";"V.':-..-'.;*.!..'.-T-'..i" LOVING MOTHER —In Union area ^MWREAUOlKAUOlK ' ;; ' trical components. ' Competitive spect Aye.» West orange or call to 200. Golden. Electric Co.,' 70 East INGFIELD OFFICE, 467-WXM, EXT, 687-0407 or drive, 16,000 miles.'Excellent condi- K 480 Morris Avenue-. Lv- VlllowStreet, Mlllburn.. . : 19*5 NISSAN300ZX 2 plUS 2, black, will watchyour-chlld In her home. Wages «, benefits/ Send resume or arrange an appointment 325-2064). 330.' -.•• .. . ',-• '' . '•' tion. Call 762-1659, leave message. only 31,000 miles, loaded, showroom Summit,N,j;Q7901' ;i: call for an application: DEPT KG, . 687-0945 MOTORCYCLES Full or part time. Please call 351- CLERICAL ' PERSONNEL condition. One owner user. Asking 0091.'".;.' - .-•..-.. i.'.:. ,...'.•• '.-•. ' •.."•• CONSTRUCTION - Laborers. App- 1973 DODGE- CORONET, Light EPARTMENT-T Springfield area $13, 775 or best offer, call 447-9393 .MlS»IMO00 .., BEAUTICIANS ly In person; Immediate openings blue, black vinyl top. Air condition- Weekdays; 822-1322-evenings and 19*1 HONDA-ATC-200. Engine.in ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK- •etall chain's corporate office look- available. Park Place Townhouses, Monday-Friday 6-9 : ; good running condition, Needs some ing, power brakes, power steering, weekends. ::..'. >'^ : ,/Y..'.::"• ... 3-EMPLOYMENT Sprlrigfleld area. Leading retail R E E I E'••••;•£ A S T E R N 'Beauticians and manicurists. Go In-. ng for a bright, organized person to 957 Sprlhgflold Aye., Springfield, Saturday - 9-3 two new tires,!our door, $375 or best body work. Asking $400.851-2878. to business for yourself. If.you have work In the Personnel Department.. chain looking for a bright con" 700 Liberty AvenOe 7 ,NJ.See.Paul.. offer. Runs good. 373-6656. 19*7 NISSAN SENTRA-Brand now. EMPLOYMENT WANTED sclentlous person, for thler accounts . Union, NJ 07083 '! a following and would like to rent a ome typing required, Good com This car was a contest prize driven TRUCKS FOR SALE payable' department. Hours 8:30- An Equal Oppty Bmp. M/F . chair, call days, 762-4200, evenings, any benefits, call for Interview, 1»B4 DODGE COLT E Hatchback, 4 only from dealer to home. 4 door, 763-2356. .; •,.-,.. ,.-_,^ .7-2200, ext..233rMrsrStummer. > cylinder, standard, front Wheel FREELANCE Proofreader and '4:00, Good company benefits. Some automatic, air condition, am/fm. 1973 MOTORCYCLE-CB 175.,, ru....n J editor-wishes work. Guarantee oxperlencerequlred, but will train. BEAUTICIAN — Comfortable quali- Needed part:tlme to assist In. the drive, 16,000 miles. Excellent condi- List price $10,300, asking $8950. 686- ty Beauty shop In Mlllburn seeks a BOOKKEEPING — FUII time, A/P, XERK TYPIST — For small, con- service, position. IBM, PC ex-' tion. $5000. Call. 762-1659, leave good, needs work. $200. or best offer- .Error-free work, call 964-1244, after Call Mrs. StUmnier, 467-2200, ext., preparation of meals. Hours Barri to perlence In software.and hardware - 2274. '•-.• . '.; ,- '-.••• .' • ... snampooer willing to assist In A/R, good with figures. Filing and lunlal office, benefits. Part time, 2pm. call ('summit child care message. . . . '•-. • .-•• • :•. .. , Call 686-7924. ••':•"- helpful. Please call: Computer Tech : general shop duties, hours flexible, Ight typing. Call 964-1930. all 964-5460, between 9 8,4pm only, Centers, 273-7017" Call467-0446. •'. . at.201 344-13W,askforMlkeor Ray. I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ; HELP WANTED Assistant Credit Manager needed BOWLING for financial company. Duties will DESK CLERK : Gas Station SUBSET Include screening credit appllca- Exciting growth:.. Managers, lions, reviewing credit reports and Monday, Friday, Saturday, 5:30 to -documentatlon—preparation.'—EX-— Asst Managers, perlence required In approving con- mldnlght.-Call Danny, 487-9300, : v sumer loans, credit reports and CRT Xasfifers, o usage. .Company presently located DRIVER/COURRIER Attendants ti In Bloomfleld but relocating to Part time routine delivery of Inter Exciting careers... -O—Union.-ProfIf sharing and benefits—pofflce correspondence and supplies" I Please submit your resume along from corporate headquarters . to > with salary requirements to branch offices. N.J. state drivers (- Manager, P.O. Box 12)8, Dloomfleld, license necessary. Must have own § N.J-070D3. • car. Call Ms Miller, BURGDORF These are Yours when You -8- REALTORS, 273-8000. z Join the Kings Family! o Busy Industrial distributor has Im- DRIVER/ • mediate opening In Customer Ser- Exxon is now CHEF vice Department. The right can- MESSENGER Wl it takes to DIAUMERICA MARKING INC. didate should be organized, detail Applications Now Being Accepted 'offcrininal ' Sunset Eiion qualify is deter- ' In Springfield Is looking for Sous' Chef/Alrllno Catorlng;- oriented and have a good telephone Full time, Monday - Friday, 9 AM.- 5 2573 Rt22 W. Dobbs Int. Services; a ma|or' ROY ROGERS PM. Deliver' mall and packages incinUras for ', initiation and mature, articulate individuals. food service organization-: personality. Experience preferred between our Union and Cranford of- IndWdmUwho -Union, N.J.— thewilllngnejs _ Flexible part tlmo hours; Morn- but will train the right Individual. Ing, evening, Saturday : located near Newark Airport, Is We . offer an excellent benefit fices. Use own vehicle. S5.00 per Students...Parents...SingIes -denronjbitjr 37&O50O to worii. Then, seeking a skilled sous chef to hour plus 22 cents a mile gas reim- schedules available. For more package and competitive salary. Marrieds...Retirees ouWindinf 687-0924 jet ready to Information, call: supervlse-prep. of meals for In Clark & Union need station Call for appointment. Alroyal Com- bursement. .'• ..•"••••• ' Atta:, now International . & attendents. F/T & P/T pos. performance... watch your sophisticated domestic service. pany, 43 Newark Way, Maplewood, and for those seeking a second income Joe Carbons avail. Apply In person: N J. 741-4150. Excellent company, benefits In- totnliffin- salary really Must be exp. In hot.a cold food cluding profit sharing. To arrange ctaseslNow - Philip Vltilo accelerate. 467-8645 production. Garde Manager, 59 Central A«e.,ClinV . for an Interview call: Part Time/Full Time! AIIDepts! you can get our An Equal oxp. Beneficial, attractive hrs. DATA ENTRY 687-1313, Eit 280 1 Exc. benefits, comp. sal. Send 2650 (W.Z2, Center isle, Union Flexible HOUR! top rate inn . For immediate \ rosumo, Incl. sal. requirements INVENTORY CLERK DRIVER- Needed for movie Jiffleai three Employer considerition, to: , ••• • • '• • E.O.E. frUII annd parpart timei posltlpositiono s now months!., • SECRETARY -nuallahln In^olic-Inuontnry rippnrt- delivery to h'omes.ln Mlllburn area 4 apply In person, — 1 "PM^8-pMTlallyr-Satary-ptus-HpsT-| -D.OBBS—INTERK _ment.' Data entry and custotoer set - Airline Services 1 vice experience required. Retail Auto required. OPENING NIGHT' .mftit, tlxn Kinp Super n Short Hills may hw the PERFECTJob SERVICES-— ••• background a plus. _ ; ... VIDEO. Call Susan, at 3760707. foryoul •• '' '' '' TOOMorris Ave., Dopt. 103-C Do you have l-2yrs. dfflee exp., , Springfield, NJ 07081 typing skills, speed wrltlna~«r-| Join us In our corporate head- EiO-Er- — , M/F R I V E ~R S •Good starting salary with regular HEALTH CARE OPPORTUNITIES _ shorthand? A/p & computer: quarters and grow with our Com- STRAIGHT JOB The Summit Medical Group, P.A., A Multi-Specialty Group Practice, exp. a plus. We are a ma|or In- -TELEPHONE pany I Competitive salary and clean driving record. Exp'd In Stop- salary increases. ^ , Is now accepting applications for the following Idealopportunltles: ternational airline catorlng co. NATIONAL COLOR LABS benefits package for full time To-Stop dellverlesrseasonal work, seeking a dependable, solf needs SALES employees. Call Janet Hamilton at full time Nov 8. Dec. Apply In person •Paid holidays, vacations and company ' Collections Clerk F/T Days" motivated' Indlv. w/organlza- 374-5500. to Mr. Park bet. 2-5PM. ' benefits that build in value with your . tlonal_abllltles for busy office •Photo Printers : SANDIER* WORTH ; : : Housekeeping F/T -—— located near Newark Int..Air- i •Part Time Position • ROGERS WHSE . "'• • years of service. , -rr: - :/ . port. Mon-Frl plus 1 weekend a—| •Film Processors " •Full Time Pay : LPHP/T -.', ....'.-• ••••. •••.,•:• '• •„' •"•••. -••:••.• DELIVERY Person-Needed for &TRANSP.CO. month. Bic- benefits, co. •General Clerical Positions •No Experience Necessary ' print shop. Some Inside work. Call - 16 Bleeker St, Mlllburn, NJ 07041 •Training development and • Maintenance F/T =-——- - -.- :.> . • salary. For consideration call: .379-4990. •- Equal Oppiy Employer M/F advancement opportunities, ~ Medical Records File Clerk P/T' i — r Training program. For Inter- For more Information, Call DOBBS INTERNATIONAL view call: • KlmSokolat: Medical Technologist FT/PT SERVICES ' DELIVERY PERSON EARN V.75 HOUR Meat with Both Gaittj...learn about flaxible xchedulinf to mart your n«di-.diqi Medical Transcribers P/T . 379-7430 Needed part time between the hours We need assistance In evaluating ornlt8...p»rtHmeorfulltime.Stoplntame«tB«thortallltMit . • E.O.E. M/F 2411010 3764410 of 9-4. Excellent position for college and responding to dally work reports Nursing Assistant F/T • An Employeo owned Company student or mature person. Call Sum- submitted by our agents throughout PhlebotomistsP/T mit Child Care Centers, 273-7017. tho state. No experience necessary; Paid to compleie_tra!nlng. Work at h Kings Super Markets, Inc.'";;, Recpetionist Float F/T V DENTAL — Administrator- ome. For Information send self- HELPFUL HINT FOR JOB INTERVIEWS adrrcssedi stamped envelope, 9Vi In- JMPIOYEBS: Receptionist wanted for busy-grow- 778 MORRIS TPK, SHORT HILLS Receptionist Ready Access P/T Wo communlcalp tho news of Ing quality practice-In Kenllworth. ches long to: AWGA, Dep;t. E, Box . RN- Obstetrics F/T . ' ."Remember, believing equals receiving, 49204, Atlanta, GA 30359. . . . ; Opportunity your job opening in lour media: .Must.be experienced with dental In- v v.:. •;., -••... •.•- •'467-2311 '. • •'; ••:.• .. •. •;, sobelleveinyourseHandyourabllitlesjThink radio, cablotv, newspaper, direct surance. Excellent salary, benefits Storesjnd Receiiring Clerk F/T about whatYOUcarido fbrthe company and.^ & staff. Call 276-4652. ;,.'... EXCELLENT Income for part time Information mall. Qur network concept home assembly work. For Info, call Switchboard P/T 5 Twfmt special skills and experience can be provides high Impact and 504-641-8003 Ext, 8383. X-Ray Technicians PT/FT Network " tailored to the job you are applying for. • - maxlmum.olfcctivcnoss. 1 DENTAL ASSISTANT For more Informational/! THINK POSITIVE" Full time for South Orange office. Experience and X-ray license We off er excellent salaries plus company paid benefits with most posi- (20V376-W0 J preferred. Excellent salary and • FACTORY HELP ~ tions. If Interested, please call Personnel, 277-8433. MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER benefits. Call 763-2940. '. NEEDED TYPING JOB Immediate opening for. assistant NOW HIRING PARTTIME shipping,, light assembly worker. In- Su*Hf*^& P-A- Decent typing speed and. high ac 1 -..I.-'- DENTAL ASSISTANT fection molding machine operator. V 130 SUMMIT AVtNl)£ SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 curacy can be your ticket to an In FoK our store romodold'wlth TYPIST Part time/full time for quality prac- Full or part time. In Springfield terestlng |ob In the fast-paced, ex state of the art equipment, tice In Union, Call: B51-9100. area. 484-41B2. . - • • citing world of weekly newspaper publishing. You'll pick up a valuable NEEDED!!' DENTAL — Assistant or Hyglenlst. FEDERAL- STATE & CIVIL SER- Up;to.$5,00-tp start. AN shifts VICE JOBS $14,707 to S44,819/Year, MODELS NEEDED |ob skill when you're trained on oi)r available. To work for group of Weekly, Full or part time. Seeking en- VDT's. Minimal experience newspapers. Good working con- thusiastic persons to loin unique NowHIrlngl CALL JOB LINE 1-518- ; • -..•/-.' MECHANIC, . • :-, CHILDREN ONLY 459-361.1-Ext F5380 for Info. 24 H R. necossary; perfect for homemakor dition, excellent opportunity for dental team. Focusing on warmth, 3 MOS TO 17 YEARS returning to work. Full-tlmo, but Start now and boa part of our student qr for mother returning caring, organization and com' FLORAL Designer-Experienced. To repair Industrial scales. hours are flexible. Maplewod loca team I-Apply In person: to work. Flexible hours. Call munlcatlon. Great potential for per- Full or part time. Good salary plus Good pay and benefits. No ex- TV commercials-catalogs. No ex- tlon. Benefits. Call Brott Bayno, Nancy Coragglo at 684-7700. sonal development Continued benefits; 245-4300. , . • perience needed. Call Mr. Fox. perience necessary. Excellent In- 743-0700,9 A.M.-S P.M. education for career minded. Earn come part tlmo; Minimum $50.00 per MCDONALD'S OF UNION r top dollar with benefits package. 371-0635 hour If qualified. .We have new NURSES- ; i, RT. -itii NorthMichigan Avo. PART TIME- To work in medical CDA, RDA, X-Ray license FOODSERVICE assignments dally. "Call In con- eye doctor's office. 'Pleasant per- beneficial. Cal[ Trlsh, 9940078.- fidence for a no obligation Interview. . ATTENTION NURSES Omna Health Care Services Is pleas- sonality needed. Be a part of a grow- equal opportunity employer M/F ed to announce new pay rates (effec- ing team. Will train. Call 558-1091. KITCHEN CREW -^ 882-9150. ' tive October 26th, 1987): RNs up to Order Entry Clerk DESIGNER MEDICAL ASSISTANT COMPLEX IV,. 15 Gloria Lano, $21,00 per hour,XPNs up:to $14.00 PART TIME-Salary, M.25 to $10.50 HOME-Cleaning people wanted to (2) positions available, 1-3 days In Falflold.N.J.' ••..--• per hour, Certified Homo Health ,. TRAINEE; . per hour. Clark office. No typing |oln successful cleaning service. Aides. Up to $7.25 per hour; *No Expanding* 406 plus'bed suburban Cranford office, 2nd/ 3 days In cran- Summit manufacturer has an im- necessary, morning, afternoon or We have an VmmecJTale opening.for Benefits/advancement. 245-1949, MAINTENANCE ford off Ice plus lday.ln Chatham. No minimum number of shifts required. mediate opening for a trainee. Tyb- evenings available, Students high school or technical school hospital is-seeklng a-KITCHEN Weekends. Call 374-39M. . Call today or come to our OPEN Ing Is essential. Ability to work with welcomed. Call 815-1394. graduate with five years exprlence CREW LEADER. -.'. . HOUSEKEEPERS — Live-In. Non- Fast growlno co. looking for WORKER/CUSTODIAN PARHIME HOMEMAKERS HOUSE, October 21st, 1907, 4pm- numbers a plus. Small pfflco; at- In design/drafting of sponsoring. Kind families. High paid Machinist w/general machine 7pm. Bring friends to sign up, also tractive working environment, good mechanical/electrical machines. •12PM-8:30PM, rotating work |obs. $200 plus per. week.._ Please shop knowledge &,sKHIs,,Com- Earn Extra Money Moonllghtlngsoll be ollglblo to win-free rplzos. So call starting salary and convenient-loca- Individual should have knowledge of schedule with alternating weekends. come Into our office Bl Halsoy 1 Fulltime MEblCAL RECEPTIONIST — Part latest-Black^Whlte-Sumnier: Hlgh-I today_and. INSTITUTE' : ; Plpase call Personnel: 277-8433. A.M. part time hour's arc available but not necessary, call Mark Red Devil Park office. , ... , to candidate who Is unable'to work Cornwellat: . FRONT-DESK-Part time. Respon- Equal Opportunity Employer Red Devil sible, mature. Friday 6 PM • 4 AM, Individual needed to workTn local full time. Enloy an>xcellent salary 24OOV«u«hi!IRoid factory. Must have electrical 377-2770 .••->• In a congenial. ,smoke-free at-1 T Saturday 7 PM • 5 AM. Good oppor- ^, P. rt. -^ 686-/700 ZWOVauKriallRoid- -••Union, —~ N7)r 07083 tunity for person who en|oys fast background and medium size mosphoro.. For an appointment call pace. Will train. Call 686-2100. machinery experience. Company •-'; IJ0SUMJWTAVENUE ; • SUMMIT.N£W.'fRSEV07W) Janet Hamilton at 376-5500. . between 9am-5pm Unkxi, N.J.07O83 Equal Opp'ty Employer m/f benefits. Call 344-03331 SANDLERt WORTH. Equal Opp'ty Employer M/F HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED INSTRUCTIONS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WAHTED, SECRETARY OIL PAINTING CLASSES — Now S RESTAURANT- HELP - Part Time, Springfield firm looking for ex- TELEPHONE TEMPORARIES TEACHER :— formlnorat local artists studio. Cer-—7 PARTTIME fEUCAN 'Bus Boy. Flexible hours. Call 789J perienced secretary; Word process- tilled teacher. New York Schoo|-of 1 9777,-' . .- • ' ••' /'•..• • •;• ing a plus; Pleasant working con- RECEPTIONIST Visual Arts. Call Renee PJevy Gor- • 3 PARTTIME^— EMPLOYMENT RETAIL Typisb Needed Immedlilery don,734-0421. • . n SKISHOP • dlfons; Benefits; Salary open: Call GuwnteedWihestPiy ASST. TEACHERS CLASSIFIED SALES OPPORTUNITIES RETAIL SALES- Full and part time for appointment, 467-0380'. •'—•- Needed for computerized :•'•• RT.22E*tf BED 'N BATH of Springfield Is help needed. Call 37A-2288or 534-4122 Answering Service for 3pm- Highly prestigious, nationally PIANO —. Drums/ College prep, For busy weekly newspaper . Unlon,'N.J. now hiring for the following orf74-8506. . distinguished Child Care theory lessons In your home. o SECRETARIES... ;.,- . ,,%\I.K llpm, 4pm-).2pm and TEMP FINDERS Degreed professional.- Children, . chain. Pleasant • telephone •ADMITTING INTERVIEWER*' ..' Center Ida. ," ; positions: weekends. Day jhim Must .Organization has several op- z manner and good spelling •Sat,Sun,Hol:9am-5pm•:....•.. : ROUTE- SALES PERSON - Needed adults, beginners thru adVaaced. All • ' ' Across From Harrows ; ; to sell new and service parts to body IF**BUT**THEN« . know.h«w.to .tvpesttli i portunities—for qualified- Styles. Cairrbm, 289-4453. • .c habits essential. Some typing •Frl, Sat, Hoi; llpm-7am teachers to work with Infants, Position -Involves~lntervlewlng In- shops arid dealerships. Must have a If your secretarial and word-pro- -z- Required. For . In- •CASHIERS -toddlers and pre-schoolers, PIANO Lessons-Given by profes- tervlew/appolntmont call: coming patients. Must possess good Now hiring full/part time great personality and a good driving cessing skills have gotton good In the verbal and written skills as well as" employees for all departments. •SALES record. .. Excellent company" paid past 1-2 years BUT your salary ages 5 months to 5 years, • sional pianist beginners of all ages. 5 accurate typing, , :•' . Positions available in clothing, benefits. Weekly pay plus commis- hasn't made the progress you have. TOOL & DIE MAKER Call Sandra, 272-0535. 233-0786 Full and part time positions z "6867700 hardgoods,' shop ' rnechanicsT" •STOCK sion. Good opportunity for the right THEN-think about lolnlng a fine -o i stock help, cashiers, etc, Exp.' person wanting to advance. Call 824- company In a suburban location that We have an immediate opening for available Background In child o "CLERK TYPIST' . , not. required however, 9473.. . . an experienced tool & die maker to Development preferred, but not ' c V rewards performance with $M and required. SUCCESSFUL MATH TUTOR Low Vision Center -understanding of sports helpful.,' Part and full time flexible promotions: Multlmate and Lotus a TELLERS repair, maintain & build all types of Z ' PART TIME- Cafeteria position : hours to fit most schedules. Call SALES — Full time/part time for progressive dies for our Production avallablo In the Summit Public •MOn'toFrl: 10am 2pm Day time hours available for plus. No fee. Call 447-9511 FultTime Includes light- typing, filing, and homemakers. Schedules flexi- Mr. Lynch, 379-4203. fine retail lewelry store. Must be Department..Well equipped air con- We offer outstanding benefits OVER 25 YEARS TEACHING Schools. Call 273-1393. BRYANT BUREAU which include medical and den- phone activity. Some office/clerical ble. Call 201-686-4040 bet. 9 a.m. neat, personable and trustworthy. U«e around dltloned tool room. Excellent star- —:— Hich School/Cotlega experience required; & 12 noon, ask for Mike or John. Apply In person, 1000 Stuyvesant LINDEN ting salary & full range of benefits. tal coverage. Choice of S loca- PART TIME-Holp needed In doc- 37E. Willow St. Mlllburn tions throughout Summit area.. Algebn 1 through Calculus tor'sofflco. Call 447-4412. Ave.>.Unlon. • Centrally located with on premise parking. Call -Human Resources For a confidential Interview. . - RESULTS PRODUCED •SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR" SALES HELP • — Male/female, SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER, Dept, for appointment (488-6900) oxt. please call 273-7017. • • • '. •Sat, Sun, Hoi: 4pm-llpm mature minded person. Ideal for col- pleasant office. National Health • ' • • Why not work Pelkar. RETAIL SALES 1 Duties Include taking messages, lege student or young retired person. - agency, Maplewood, NJ. Full or part' here.too? 686-6550 paging and providing patient infor- SKI SHOPS Work at Union Market Place. time; Call 761-5858. ; SUMMIT Caring, rellabfo Individuals to work mation. Good organization and com- with the handicapped, In their own (3 ml. west of Somervllle Large sporting goods dealer Is Frldasy only, 11 am-9pm (supple- Save yourself the time, trouble and munication skills required. In need of top notch experienc- ment your Income!. Call 374-347? or SECRETARY- Good typist, Child Care Centers home In Union County. Flexible Drive-In) , l telephones, filing; diversified posi- expense of traveling far to work with T G hours - 10 • 29 weekly. I$5,35/hour ed sales people. Full & part 484-5173 (for Friday, Saturday & a |ob close to home at First Atlantic MATH, 8. PWS12S by AT&T time for their camping, ar-~ Sunday). . . tion. Call Kay 687-6430.. SCIENTIST & Experienced. weekdays, $4.35/hour weekends. No "CLERK WIST* Savings. Good communlcatlon/peo- IS Bookman Torraco training necessary. own Rt22Whlt.houso.HI -Chery, fishing, dept. Qualified pie skills/required. Cash handling Teacher. Can help with any pro- applicants should have retail SECURITY- Mature, responsible. RedOevil Summit, N.J. 07901 ' blems. Reasonable Rates. Call 233- transportation helpful. 'Call (201) .534-2534 Full time,-nights only. Must have experience a plus. If you'ro eager 3«8?9aBt9AM:Mfel -Mon to Frl: No6n-4pm background, be ambitious and ^SECBEURyiBOOKKEEP-ER- "SncrWlllmTto learlT,' we'll 'train you .4210. — -. " 3«;8?9aBet filing and -THableHegtt- Rays "Sp6i~ transporTaTlon. Busy motel.' nppnrtilnlty Involves-llght typing, op«n Mui;-Pi I iff J.ni-8 IOI Rays Full time or part time. Must be well Intcllerlng. , ' Equal Opptir Employer Shop. 561-4400. Personnel I Previous experience helpful but not 2400 Vauihall Road Saturday 10 a^rnT-4 p.m. organized and detail oriented to han- necessary; Will train. Call 484-2100. PART TIME- To w6rk In real estate Sunday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon-Fri.,9AM.-.5PM. . dle telephones, billing, filling out In- We offer attractive' compensation, Union, NJ. 07083 SiSERVICESOEEERED office. Secretarial skills • diver- »MftllR00M CLERK* surance forms, etc. , • SECRETARY ;..._. I...... S18-I9K regular salary reviews arid com- Equal opp'ty employer m/f sified clerical duties. 241-5500. . . •Mon, Frl,Sat: 8am-4pm • prehensive benefits..Apply In per- WORD PROCESSING -S AIRCONDtREFRIG. ,Dutles_lncludo—sorting—mall-and CalI:372-5640 . Tired of Dull Typing? son. . • . ••'••.' '• . , • •••••;• -PART-TIME--FOR-HOMEMAKERS- delivering It to various departments. UNITY AIR • EASY.-FUN, EXGITING WORK. PHLEBOTOMISTS PARTTIME If you want to add challenging ad- •••-.•'• WANG~ Requires accurancy and good ministrative work to. normal FAST SERVICE EARN GREAT CHRISTMAS organizational skills, • SECRETARY MONEY. CALL 756-1285. secretarial duties and your skills In- FIRST Tho Vitamin Factory Is looking IBH0PC REASONABLE RATES Immediate fulltlme and r. For Mlllburn law firm seeking a clude'word processing, here's the for an energetic sales person • CALLANYTIME PhlebotomisH. Excellent company paid benefits package with full ATLANTIC PART TIME Work-Near your homo, 'SECRETARY* person with good typing skills who spot I A well managed suburban full tlrno—ijor part time. DISPLAY WRITER 3 353-5980 supervising newspaper carriers In time position. If Interested call Personnel 277-8633. can work Independently. Congenial • company has exciting opportunity In Knowledge of vitamins helpful Emergency Room atmosphere. Excellent benefits, con- but not necessary • learn on tho DECKMATE - the early morning hours. You will •4pm to Midnight •• personnel and engineering. Ex- a^ad oversee the carriers delivery, sales venient location.Call 447-8080; cellent benefits. No fee; Ca|l 447- |ob and receive employee dis- MULTIMATE Involves CRT. and light typing. 9511. - . ..'. ''•'••••.•". ' : cranford, NJ 07016 - . count. Coll Suzanne at 926-0814 and collection activities. Permanent Heavy phone activity. Hospital ex- B.F. WORLDWIDE .positions aro available In the areas EqualOppty Employer M/F or apply In person, 201 Route 22 IMMEDIATE perience preferred. • l3OSUMMItAVENUE ' SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY O7M1 BRYANT BUREAU of Essex and Union Counties. Make ; SECRETARY/ Hillside. -.'•.• '•• ASSIGNMENTS^^' ""AIRFREIGHT your early mornings productive and 37 E. Willow St. Mlllburn '. . : REqEfTI0NIST(2) TYPIST— (Good Skills) For real ' For profitable. Call toll freo 1-800-242- Wo offer an excellent salary and estate department of Summit Law 0850 or 877-4222. work environment—Please~call for Experienced Operators International, Competitive, Dependable, application: '•'••• Full time; weekdays.and part tlfrie SECRETARY PT Firm. Call Mrs, Christian, 277-2200. • Excollqnt positions with PUBLIC WORKS EMP10YEE Retail ••' : Fast, Handling Shipments Worldwide .' \' Department of Humin Resourcts weekend position available In busy For busy real estate office. Satur- Loca| Pick-ups. . real estate off Ice. Attention to de,tall, day, 9-5, Sunday, 10-4, Good phone (201)533-5499 . PART TIME ATTENDANT Indoor and outdoor -labor as ARE YOU LOOKING accurate typist and pleasant phone manner and typing a must, call for TEMPORARY TOP COMPANIES 'IV At automatic Approx- 1 part of two-person crew. Wide' manner a 'plus. , Call Maureen, appointment, ask for Gall. 378-8300. NO FEE jtomatlc car- wash. At 1 In Essex & Union Counties CALL: 997-6577.._! imately 20lbr more hours per week., SAINT BARNABAS variety of tasks. Experience FOR A JOB THAT BUR6D0RF REALTORS, 374-5200; UPTO$11.50/HR Mornings,-afternoons and Weekend ' MEDICAL CENTER preferred. Salary $11,000 plus CAN TURN INTO A CAREER? hours available. Steady work. Call benefits and opportunity for SECRETARY- Food brokerage - CLERKS TOP PAY! Mr; Rooney for Intorvlow appoint- Old Short Hills Road company, Union, .N.J: 'has-, CLERKTTVPISTS Livingston, N.J.07039 some overtime. Call Ruth Rees SHEETROCK REPAIR ; Phonoa/Flllng/Good Handwriting MAJOR MEDICAL CALIGRAPHY - Invitations, ment. Speedy Car Wash, 515 Lchlgh at 232-2409 for application form * All the training you need. secretarial position < available. 45WPM •;.., ' ortvolopos, pooms, stationery, cer- Avenue, Union, 967-8838. • . . or1 pick up at Municipal to feel comfortable and confi- Diversified duties. 8:30-5. Benefits tificates, cards. Will pick up and Wo are an equal opp'ty • dent ,._ • . ' Included. Call Terl, 487-4500., Part time days/Flexlble hbursTNo DATA ENTRY _ wllh Denial Option omployor, M/F/H/_V_^_ Bulldlng/.1385 Route 22, Moun- ( weekends/Excellent pay for r|ght KEVPUNCH deliver. Call Nancy 742-18B9. tainside, N J 07092. Apply by Oc- •IBM PC, lOTUS 1-2-3 _ NIXOORF, IBM 120-029 * Fun responsibilities. SECRETARY-Full or part time. person. Call anytime. PART TIME — Receptionist for tober 23,1987. Equal Opportuni- Including plenty, of people American Heart Association,. 857-1708 • leave message LIFE INSURANCE Springfield firm looking for part Chiropractic office, efficient, ty Employer M/F. contact. ••-'••• • . . ' . .? Mlllburn. Good typing, language DO YOU NEED time receptionist, typing, some motivated, typing. Will train, WORD PIlOCESSOR SECRETARIES PAY EVERY WEEK skllK._Ben.efJts,iiCall Marilyn;, 376- clerical. Call 447-0380. Wednesday 8. Friday, 10-lpm, Satur- 3434. • ,--•_: :___ ' 50 WPM, |BM PC, SAMNA, MutU-Mate, Woidpetted Display Write lil & IV, FREE GIFTS! day 10am-12noon. Call 486-4884. * incentive and bonus plan Someone to help' you prlco your PART TIME-Office work. Perfect :"•;..- Synlrex LIBRA & AQUARIUS, WANG REFERRAL BONUSES '(I , RECEIVING CLERK * Exposure, to the business Springfield "ocksmltn—distributor " garagosalosiJ_Houso/ostato sales , for returnees i to the work force; • 9 PART TIME — Receptionist for has opening for shipping and receiv- CAR NECESSARV FOR ALL POSITIONS- conductedin a professional and AM :1PM. Pleasant working condi- Chiropractic—office, efficient, Immediate opening.for M.S. grad or world. • •. •'.•• • .,. courteous manner. References equivalent ..with two years SECRETARY : ing clork. Call or visit any of our offices tlons. Call374-2293after5PM motivated, typing. Will train. •; with the chance Permanent.growth position for a ac- WE OFFER: available. For. Information call 944- warehouse experience. Must read -to learn Important ski Ms '••• , TOD'AY, , : Monday-Wednesday, Friday, 3-7pm. counting firm In Union. Must be ex- HOLIDAY PAY 7392 or 487-7071. PART TIME r- Person with own Call 684-4884. and write English and be good In perienced In Word Processing with ,467-3820 VACATION PAY Vehicle from Union area to be math; ablo to drive forkllf t) CRT ex- * Part Time positions •' •• • PAYFRU1AY Bloomflold 748-7541 excellent skills, steno a must. Fully BONUSES EXPERT FLOOR available, If called, between 11am & PART TIME — Secretarial, small perlence'a plus. Responsibilities in- • Mornings & some weekends ' paid medical and dental plan. 686-' SUBSTITUTE COUNSELLORS - To 574 Bloomfloid'Avo. . 3pm, Monday-Friday for messenger office In Kenllworth. Call 276-4444, clude unloading trucks and Inven- .2353.;.. ..'..•-..,u::.-.\.:.±:; •;..'.• :.. train 6 . mentally retarded group fOR POSITIONS IN MORRIS «• ESSEX COUNTIES CALL Union . 684-3241 work. Minimum $50/woek days.' '' '. ' -."••' . :•" tory records. .Applications wllf be * Potential fopfutOre career home residents In Independent Hy- . Sanding & Refiniihing ' guaranteed. Ideal for stu- accepted between 9 AM • 3 PM;, growth opportunities. ing skills in Summlt/Borkeley MRStPMNY : UNHMJ 2333 Morris Avo., Sulto A-17 dent/retiree. Call 694-1714. ;; PAfcT TIME — Hldh School student planning to attend 'local college. SECRETARY SALESVf Heights area. Work when you: arc on all hardwood floors Your hopes can be reality, with available, evenings and/or Weekend 428-8100 0640070 PART TIME- Medical technician ex- Dependable ' cashier/typist. Llfetouch Portrait Studios. We Prestigious local suburban Reasonable rates. Free ' hours. Creative, rewarding position. estimates on any size |obs; perienced Invenlpuncture. Call 761- Nawrlckl's Pharmacy, 688:8052. are a .leading 'organization publisher, seeking experienced .' ••. ':'• ' ' OflTOULFREE: .'.'"'.' ' ••' ':;' 5722. . Secretary to |oln staff In fast-paced Excellent for college"stOdentsrCal|- Call Dave or Al: operating over 370 In-store. June Anderson, 444-8008. photography studios In retail sales arid marketing department. ! 1-800-IAM-TEMP >•• •'•) stores throughout tho^natlon. If Type 60 WPM, some customer con- PARTTIME you enloy Interacting with peo- tact, no steno. Word processor ex- Opportunity 371-0016 •:'-'•' FILE CLERK Red Demi ple, we can train you to be a perience a plus; Looking for a SWITCHBOARD , 7HLEB0T0MISTS —r240O Vauxhall Road challenging position, attractive loca- ^ (a ( photographer. We'll provide the GENERAL HOME REPAIR • And Progressive 600 plus Columbia Individual capable of accurate at- Union, NX 07083- _, opportunity -you provide the tion an$ pleasant working environ- Individual needed to answer swit- painting. Very reasonable Call Joo University affiliated, teaching tention to details: Some flexibility In Equil Opp'ty Employer M/F enthusiasm. : , ment? Please call Mrs. Rosclgno chboard as welt as perform various aflpr3PM, 484-8413. ' a daytime work schedule that, re- 743r6000,for appointment., . , clerical duties. Previous experience hospital offers two part-time posi- WORD PROCESSOR .. . ..$18-22K tions; .... . ' •, • quires 15-20 hours per week. Spr- if you desire an opportunity to •preferred. Full time, Monday • Fri- JOULE JANITORIAL- SERVICE - United ingfield location. . Call Personnel travel the U.S. While working as day, 8:30 AM - 5:00 P.M. Health plan LOVE NUMBERS? Sorvlce & Maintenance Company ••• •Mon-Frl> 4AM'10:30AM. & ovory. Mahager, 379-5900. -RECEPTIONIST >;: a photographer, please Inquire and annual reviews, Growing firm expanding Word pro- Wo do commercial. Industrial, SECRETARY/OFFICE MANAGER cesslng-depaftmonti—If-your—skills residential complete ianitorlal ser- Other weekend 6AM-2PM. PART TIME-Insurance agony. about our Traveling FULL TIME/PART TIME INSURANCE BENEFITS Photography opportunities. TEMPORARIES aro good and_you'ro after'high'In- vices, office'^'loaning, carpet sham- Diversified clerical duties. Accurate Full time tor busy weekly International economic consultancy INCLUDING DENTAL.FUILY PAID come with growth potontlar~aricr poo, floor stripping, . waxing, •Every other weekend 4AM-2PM or newspaper office; Good spelling and seeking mature person for typ- typing essential. Call 944-1100. •••• .401 (h) PENSION PROGRAM have Wang. OIS-105 andCPA book- polishing, window cleaning.. High • 2:30pM-10:30PM. ••-..-• typing necessary. Pleasant phone Positions . available In Liv- Ing/phone/admlnlstratlve duties In keeping background experience, quality service satisfaction assured. PART Time-Help needed for gas sta- manner, Some sales experience ingston and Union. Those In- South Orange office. Recent grad or .VACATION BENEFITS WAITRESSES/WHIitRS they want to talk to you. No foe. Call Call 924-9158 and see tho difference. Hospital phlebotomy experience tion In Union. Hours flexible. Good helpful, but will consider trainee. terested In either of the-^bgve person returning to work force OK.. TREECLIMBER 4 4.7- '9 5. V 1 . Free estimates. Fully.Insured and with adult, podlatrlc and newborn for retiree or student. Call 688-4480, Company paid benefits and:Vaca- locations may apply In perStn Computer experience a plus. Must bonded. .•.' \ '•••.•••• patients required. Attractive, com- ask for John. • ' •.' tion. Call 474-BOOO for Interview ap- at the Portrait Studio, KIDfi be organized and personable/ Call Counter persons, catering chef, BRYANT BUREAU pehsatlon. Call or apply Personnel pointment, ask for MrsSutterlln. • "R" US.599 W. Mount PleasahK Mr', Brown 742-24447 • , EXPERIEftCEp tree.climber with top salary, short order cooks, —-37E. WllloMfst. Mlllburn (after 9AM); 99 Beauvolr Ave dt PART-Tlme telemarketing position Avenue, Llvlnflaton or 'Rf. 82, a minimum of 5 years experience In Bartenders 8. Secretary. Please DECKS Sylvan Rd, summit, NJ 07901-0220, available In Springfield, .E^ollent Bradlee Center,"', Union, Frl.,. SECRETARIES . . ..J18-22K tree Work/, Aggressive; punctual; , call & ask for George at: (201) 522-2241. An equal opportuni- opportunity for qualified Individual crrnpTaDV Sat.' & Mon. from 10am-2pm & Equal Opp'ty Employer M/F well rounded Individual with .ad- 4 INSTRUCTIONS t :•» ty/affirmative action employer m/f. to provide telephone. follow-up on 3pm-7pm; . ..'••.;..• v•.'•••,"•. vancement, potential. Good, per- DECKS Budge? Tient-A-Car located on South ONYOUROWm CLASSICAL* GUITAR • playors • leads for U.S. distributor of robots orange Is looking for a reliable and sonality and'drivers license o rhustl 686-2683 Leading publishing & Information TELEMARKETING Rep-Part tlm.e. Sond rosume with references and- any level. Call: 233-4210 If In- and systems. Technical degree motivated • Individual. ' Individual company"seeks.secretary for VP. • Salary; commission , and , bonus. and/or experience a plus. Salary wage requirements to: • ' terested In a classical Guitar Socie- EXCLUSIVE must have a pleasant personality LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT Requires extensive PC experience Leads provided, In your home or-my- ; OVERLOOK commensurate with ^experience. and be able to type 40 wpm. For con- With' packages like Multlmate, WAREHOUSE ty. '•• • •'••.'".":••• Contact: Raymond F. Rellly, 374- STPOS _5mcej_uYou set up appointments, HOSPITAL sideration contact Jim Kosclca, Lotus, Display Writer IV, steno or \WMdojhe rest, 232-4449^ ,ARMR ASSOCIATES LOADING MATH- TUTOR - 10 years. ex- ALL SIZED CUSTOM DECKS 7406. - '• ••--., • • :..-.•• -•.': . betwoen4«<6pm,741-1313. i J1 IL speedwrltlng plus plus, plus, some Seasonal work;' Nov & Dec Full perience. Reasonable rates. KIDS R US payroll and 55-4Owpm typing. Able to P.O.BoX 1150 tlrno, 4 nights Mon thru Thurs. Apply References. Call 245-7970. REAL ESTATE-Realty McCoy and RECEPTIONIST/SWITCHBOARD wqrk Independently and organize' In person to Mr.. Park bet. 2-5PM. • FULLY INSURED PRINTING-Front counter person, CrestvleWRealty seeks full time and .TELEPHONE OPERATORS •••. . ••• 'Union,,N.J, 07083 • some paste;Up, room tor advance- OPERATOR for summit law.firm, Equal Opportunity Employer- work Important. No fee. Call 447' Only serious minded applicants need ROGERS WHSE MUSIC- INSTRUCTION • Current part-time, new 'and experienced full time/part t|me, duties Include Answering service In Union Is seek- ment. Top salary, Excellent 95119511. - ' • ' •'• v Bassist with Gerry Mulligan now ac- agents for their.South Orange and light typing and filing. Call Mrs. ing operators for evening and mid- apply!".-. ...- .:•::• • ;'•".•' """""^STRANSPrCO; ' ~ " benefits. Pleasant working, condi- ; : cepting students In Theory, Har- CALL 372-4282 Scotch Plains-residential and com- Christian, 277 2200r r BRYANT BUREAU night shift. No experience 14 Bleeker St. Mlllburn NJ 07041 : tions. Call 379-6990. . • • • Equal Oppty. Employer M/F mony and Concept. ALL IN- mercial off Ice. 742-1184,; . . •- 37E, Willow St, Mlllburn: necessary. Will train. Call 688-2727. STRUMENTS. Call DEAN 742-3,347. ALUMINUM SIDING HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS CARPENTRY ALUMINUM SIDING BARRY'S: — Home' Repair' »nd STEVE'S RESTORATIONS —Vinyl MASONRY PAINTING RUBBISH REMOVAL TILE WORK TYPEWRITER SERVICES Maintenance. All types of Inside and & Aluminum 'siding. Gutters & PROFESSIONAL S. FINE HOME CARPENTRY outside .work. Including small and Leaders—Call-.9*4-8039. : Free •::;,. MASORY . :'.,.v,;. INTERIORS ONLY TYPIST • I Alterations, Paneling, Sheetrock, odd (obs. Please call 484-8829. Estimates, All Work Guaranteed. RUBBISH REMOVAL- We remove DENICOIO TILE CONTRACTORS J. Ceilings, Doors, Replacement Wln- Apartments, heases, prages, offices. odds ev ends & old furniture from No job too big or too small.. Resumes, Dissertations, Statistical S dows. Free Estimates. Call 687-8520. TOTAL ' .'"••••' HOME ;:••;..> Brick/StoneSteps your home. References on request. Established 193S Tables, Letters, Theses, Term STEVE'S RESTORATIONS — : CONSTANCE ...-• IMPROVEMENTS— Decks, Patio Sidmilks*Pbsterin| ' • TREE ESTIMATES Papers, Legal and Medical Doors, Mirrored Walls, Interior/Ex- Call 851-2507 or 687-8379 Charles Mikulik 6S8-11M G.OREENWALD . CONSTRUCTION CORP. terior Painting, Attic and Basement \ Basement Waterproofing Kitchens, Bathrooms, Repairs,'Gouting, Transcripts. Reasonable Rates. Call Union Eileen 944-1793. ' . Carpenter Contractors Complete line of Home Renowrtiow Renovations. Free estimates, call Tile floors, Tub Enclosures, Showerstalls Winjl I Aluminum Siding- 352-5242. " WORK GUARANTEED. SELF -Alt~type-rcpalrs—remodeling', kit- Gutters • leaders * Roots "MQiuons . -- _, - - •nnwwiis EMPLOYED -INSURED. -35 „. INTERIOR &'EXTERIOR*— ... Free Estimates :.." Fully Insured: -ti- 7 RESUMES ' er chen, porches, enclosures, cellars, •Baths " Baseineirh YEARS EXPERIENCE. CALL: 373- No job too small or too large Painting. Leaders & Guttors. Free o I attics. Fully Insured, estimates Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed •Ptumbinj ."••••• _ -—^Electrical UNITY INTERNATIONAL' 8773 , - . "•••.. 686-5550/39IM425 ., TYPING SERVICE z . given 488-2984. Small.|ob5.'_'_.; •;..:. estimates. Insured. Stephen Deo, P.O. BOX 3695, Union, Nl n Reasonable Rates — CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 233-3561. o | Free Estimates Resumes Specializing In: Resumes; Letters; c 964-8039 RENATO CAVALLARO Term Papers; Reports; Thesis. All z • JOEDOMAN Fully Insured BUILDING 1 REMODELING TRAVEL BUREAUS |obs- done professionally- on com- 8 JHt'n not satisified until your satJsrfied) _ OormefS, Additions, Sldint Kitchens» JERZY PAINTING , Fast Professional ' L puter with letter quality, printer. Bathrooms, Pairing, Masonry. Call: '. MasonryPairlng Companies welcome. z 686-3824 JOSEPH FRANK DRIVEWAYS ELECTROLYSIS 688-Z460 Interior, Exterior, Paperhanging, Typesetting service . FAR WORLD OF TRAVEL 2411633 Brickwork,-i. Steps, , Patlds, o. Sidewalks, Stonework, Driveways. Sheetrock, Paneling. No job too big or too •Alterations/Repairs Interested in starting a new career.. Completo Personalized Sorvicc Call: 688-7976 z •Closets/Cabinets Free Estimates. small. Reasonable rates. Friendly & _j n> B. HIRTH PAVING CHRISTINE'S HANNAM CONTRACTING IEWELERS Want to change jobs.. See us for type Worldwide. Charters-Honeymoons- •Customized Tables •, dependable. Free estimates. cruises-Car Rontals-Travel TYPING -Done In my homo • ox- -^ •Storage Areas' ELECTROLYSIS • 23Z-O710 v setting your resume. • porlonced In legal work • IBM Cor- - SKI SETTING CO. ^ la5uranco-Groups-Golf-Tennis- U •Formlca/Wood/Panellng Residential and Commercial. Roofing/Siding/Decks Special Packages-Multl-Llneual. reeling Solectrlc 11 • Cal 19&4-0919. - ^ •o /Wlndows/Doors/Sheetrock Asphalt work. Driveways, parking 379-5366 Medically Approved Method Of Per- Bathrooms/General Carpentry . 31 W. Westflold Avenue u. areas, sealing, resurfacing, curbing. NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, ANT- MOVING & STORAGE Call RosollePark , TYPIMG-By experienced secretary Free estimate. Fully Insured. 687- manent Hair Removal. First Treat- WERP, DIAMOND SETTING EX- Including statistical, resumes, term ment Half Price. Free Consultation. J.LCAROLAN papers, letters and transcripts. Fast R. Potter Home Repairs 0614. . TRAORDINAIRE, MANUFACTUR- Reasonable. Rates. (201)862-0178 NG SPECIAL ORDERS. OF- AMERICAN RED BALL PAINTING 762-0303_ 241-4422 and accuratorosults. Call Judy, 376- DOORS, WINDOWS, ROOF REPAIRS, & FICIAL GlI.A. IMPORTER, AP- Local & worldwide' movers. Red 1920. -•";'• ~ MORE. ;•',•... 245-7467 HOME IMPROVEMENTS RAISER. . . , . ,. ,; Carpet service to FLORIDA. Agent INTERIOR'EXTERIOR MARSELLA BROS. PAVING < UNIVERSITY Van Lines. 276-2070, TREE SERVICE TMNT FRET CALL RHETT! . Asphalt-* Driveways, Blockwork, Quality Workmanship Maple Composition V&J TYPING SERVICE- Profes- Free estimates, reasonable rates, 1401 W. Edgar Road, Linden. PC Reasonable Rates sional; Reasonable Rates. Thesis, •R.R. ,Tles, Backhoe & Dumpiruck, SPECIALIZING IN . 905 Springfield Am. 00102,. '•..-.•• -Insured—;==; _U tzil '' ~ •Serylcer' -FENCES. - Sprinifield, New hrsey Free Estimates • Dissertations, form Papers. 815:0261/688-5457 y Reports, Journal Submissions, 298-0031 CALL 889-6205 3764*81 or 3764880 NETHERLANDTREE TMnrronEDiuir ' . BERBERICkaioN Maplewood Resumes, Mailing Lists, EXPERTS Manuscripts, Correspondence, Die- B .& Z FENCE C0. ,. CARPET CARE : M)BS KITCHEN CABINETS Expert MOVING ,8, STORAGE at PAINTING & ^New Jersey tatlon/TranscrlptlonsV; etc. low cost. Residential, Commercial. Prompt service. Safety at all times. AVallablo evenings and wcokends. R&TPUGLIESE CHAIN LINK, WOOD, DOG RUNS, Shore Trips.. Local & Long Distance. PLASTERING Roar of NoWs-Rocord Bldg. Removals (also stumps), pruning, Call Vickie: 374-3008. - , POOLS. Free estimates. Free walk CALL: 688-8285- ; JAN'S KITCHENS INC., , Morr,, Tues., 7am-5pm cabloand-cavlty work, loo ft. crane gate with purchase of 100 feet or CUSTOM KITCHENS AT ~ No |ob too small. 298-0882; Lie 00210. CARPET SALES Asphalt Paving, Driveways/Parking Lob, Wod.,7am-5pm. service. Free Estimates. Fully In- UPHOLSTERY more. 24 Hour Service. . ' Home Interest, Inc. STOCK CABINET PRICES surod. M-WSq.rard Curbs & Concrete. Quality Work. Fully In- 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Frl 8. Sat 7am to 4pm. But M Builders Prices European & Traditional Concepts. DON'S-MOVING AND STORAGE. sured, Free Estimates. Residential A Com- Kitchens, Bathrooms) Siding, Roof• (The Recommended Mover) Our „-.FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING PATRICK BUCKLEY Free Measuring 1 Featuring the Dorwood. Custom 25th Year. PC 00019. 375 Roseland mercial. 381-2094 Ing, sheetrock,: Decks , Window?, Cabinet Line. CALL LENNY TUFANO ; 752-0165 JG UPHOLSTERY . (Mln. 50 Sq. Yards) 272-8865 Doors, Repairs^ IM- • PLace, Union. 687-0035. •large SeIection«Many Colors PROVEMeNTTS/ALTERATIONS, Fora FHee In Home Estimate. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL. CLARK BUILDERS 298-1331 I—ROB'S FENCING . PAUL'S 273-6025 STUMPED..- Rid your yard of un- Any stylo kitchen chairs recovered. Call: . wantod'trco stumps. Fast and easy' Roupholsterlng of bars, booths and LANDSCAPING M & M MOVERS SERVING-UNION COUNTY FOR 272-2886 grinding and rom6val. STUMP couches. Now foam rubber. Pick-up CHIMNEY CLEANING ' RENATO CAVAttARO—— -INSTALLATION K. SCHREIHOFER-Palntlng In OVER 17 YEARS. NEW ROOFING BUSTERS,7400724. . ' and delivery available. BARRY'S — Landscaping Service. terlor, oxterior. Froo estimates, In and REPAIR. ALL WORK From lawn maintenance to land- "Fdrmely.iof~Yale Avenue, Hillside. ALL TYPES ' Local and longdistance moving. sured. 687-9268, 687-3717, eves GUARANTEED -IN—WRITING. 1001 Vauxhall Rd; • AARON Panng*Masonry scape design. Please call 686-8B29. . • . PM00177 Weekends, FULLY INSURED. FREE FREE ESTIMATES IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH GIL. ; ESTIMATES. CALL; ™~^ WOODSTACK •:•;.-••- 688-7768 -TREESERVICE Brickwork,. Steps, Patios, MAHON LANDSCAPING 1*25 Vauxhall Rd. Union.., 686-5953 MAINTENANCE Sidewalks, stonework. Driveways. ' CALL ••7"r:;i'.- SINGLE FAMILY 381-5145 Fred Estimates. .-"• . ••T-*-,; ALL TYPES TREE WORK. FREE Cleanups, Power. Thatching; Rb- NURSING CARE $400 SUP ESTIMATES. SENIOR CITIZEN _687-9229 seedlng; New Lawns & shrubs. Mon- 20 Years In Business, Complete Chimney 232-0710 ' ROOMS & HALLWAYS DISCOUNT. IMMEDIATE SER- WINDOWS „ Service. Roofing-Masonry. ;' thly Maintenance, ' Reasonable'. —No Job Too Small or Too Large VICE. INSURED. , Custom Built i Repairs CALL CHRIS: 686^638 -.—$30.«UP. ••—-r- DUN -379-6865 Wood Fences * Basements COMFORT CARE 687-7071 CARPENTRY ALSO ^—All-Types of Repairs CLEANS SHINE FREE ESTIMATES 276-5752 SEAL-A-DRIVE - : Save Your PRECIOUS LAWNS TEMPORARY NURSING SERVICE Stale licensed MAINTENANCE CORP. CLEAN UP SERVICE Driveway, Make It look better and 964-8364 9643575 INC. •''•: -.. ••••.•; 678-3543 Gutters Leaders •'ill last longer by having a Seal-A-Drlve GARAGE DOORS Tired Of Mowing Your Lawn,. Now you can afford quality health TYPEWRITER SERVICES Complete ianltorlal sorvlco AppllcatlonrCall 273-8588 For Free Relax, Let Us Do It For You I care service. 'Whether you need RosldonTlal/Commerclal Cleaning DIANE'S- EVENING CLEANING Estimate. . ;: RN's, LPN's or aides, Comfort Care . J&RWOODWORklNG REASONALBLE RATES. . COM-, DOTSYLOU Floor waxlng-bufflng, carpet, win- SERVICE. Apartments, homos and GARAGE DOORS Installed, garage PLETE LAWN SERVICE. Lawns • provides the finest In hospital and WILLIAM E. dow cleaning. offices. Reasonable rates. Dlano, extensions, repairs & service, elec- Hedges -Flower Beds • Fertilizing - home health care. We are fully bond- A-l PROFESSIONAL TYPIST FREE ESTIMATES ' INSURED ~789"-8782T^Loavc' messago If no tric operators & radio controls. All items custom designed, spedillring In Tree Trimming. Call now for ed and Insured. Roofing Contractors - — answer. BAUER SUBURBAN PAVING STEVEN'S 'OVERHEAD DOOR, hard wood and formica. ' estimate. Union, Nl — Typing done in my home 241:0749. . ••.••• ; .. 673-1741 " COMPANY •WallUnitsfDesk>laniJies TOM MICHAELS . PETER or DEE, ?41-2681 Professional Painting HOME CLEANING METROPOLITAN DOOR CO. •Bool> Resumes ' Residential, Commercial, ' FREE ESTIMATES For People Ori The Go. ~- -.'••• *Dmeways Sales, Repairs & Installed ^Reports "Specialty 0« The House" Exterior/Interior •Parking Loh«Curbing ' Service & Parts Department We don't ju^t • Letters WE DO WINDOWS! _ Programs Doslgnod By FREE ESTIMATES. Automatic & radio control. - 964-4676 HANDYMAN-Odd |obs, Painting, Paperhanging : WILLIAM H.VEIT Yol) - door openers, create carpentry, general repairs, Indoor- Roofing Soamloss Guttors. Free •Term Papers outdoor cleanups, also auto repair. Estimates; Own work.- Insured. Residential ;window clpanlng TqMeet Free estimates. Fully Insured Tieautif No |ob too big or too small. Call Jeff rNSURED -" •Statistical Typing our specialty. Call for appoint-' 6.87-3133 , • 241-S55O : Since 1932.241-7245. YOUR lawns... t2454382 mont and free estimates, Gret- Needsl , PAINTING/ CALL 964-7392 ta, j;c. Borrnan,379-7479. We do it at an 964-4942 • t' GUnERS & LEADERS SLIPCOVERS-DRAPERIES PAPERHANGING : ELECTRICIANS aHordable HOME HANDY MAN ' —'0R 687-7071• Executive & Professional AND ALL ODD JOBS PLUMBING & HEATING CUSTOM- SLIPCOVERS, Homo Care, Inc.. Painting, paperhanglhg, carpentry DRAPERIES AND RE- Fully. Insurod - GUTTER CLEANING SAFTEYS QUALITY WEEKENDS ONLY oY odd lobs, clean-ups. No Job too UPHOLSQTERY. Guaranteed • Full Lawn small. 964-8809. • ADAM PLUMBING & ~ workmanship. Your fabric or ours; IN YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Minor Irco trimming and small Maintenance HEATING COMPANY • 36 years experience, formerly at MOORE'S repairs. CALL JIM,' 925-5448; CALL 379-5266 • Spring* Fall ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, STEINBACH'S. Discount.for Sonlor • .•• •' J-D-S •..••••:•/;:: Linden. JAMES REGAN PAIKK Cleanup RUBBISH REMOVED WATER ' HEATERS, GAS Citizens. FREE shop at home ser- - CLEANING SERVICE INC. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING TINGCOMPANY. • • Railroad Ties BOILERS; BASEBOARD HEAT, vice. Call Walter Canter at 757-6655. BUILDING MAINTENANCE •Sod/Shrubs NEW INSTALLATIONS. FREE CHARGE-IT! •SPECIALISTS* N.J. State license "^"RTTAVARES" • Top Soil All furniture wood &, metals taken ESTIMATES. . Business Permit No: 7413 away. Attics; basements & garago •Floor Wating HOME IMPROVEMENTS cleaned. Reasonable rates. Lie. 7183 ADMIGMVREK TYPESETTING All work In compliance with Na- GUTTERS & LEADERS For your free estimate _Classiflecl now accepts •Window Cleaning - tional Electrical code; „ AddiUons-Dormers-Decks 325-27T3 228-7928 • 925-O3Z3 Commercial/Industrial : Roofs- Windows -Sidinji ll«73MS ' "WeLoad'NotYou" NO JOB TOO BIG fJR SMALL Thoroughly cleaned and flushed. In- : INSURED •".."'•• 964-1245 sured. J30.W to *50:00.- Minor: tree Free Estimates . . Insured PRINTING COMPUTERIZED trimming. Prompt efficient service. PAINTING Visa, MasterCard 763-0913 I also work Saturday and Sunday. , BOB 964-5813 ' , TYFESETTING 964-5576 BORIS RASKIN ft SON - Painting; PRINTING exterior/Interior. Free estimate. In- r: NEDSTEVENS SPUDS sured. Reasonable rates. Quality CALL 762-0303, • Keloxes. . ! SUPER MAID- Quality homo clean SPURB ELECTRIC; : |Sa>icjte For A Bid On All • Ruled Fomis , _ 226 7379 clijteDliy workmanship. Work guaranteed. Ing. Houses/apartments,condos,of •LIGHT HAUL1UN Call 544-9293. ;> Your Printing Needs • Negatives 7 flees. Call Mon, • Frl. 8 AM -7 PM . New iHltention Work 245-9542.., , •GUTTER CLEANING .No |ob too big • (• Specializing In recessed lighting and •RUBBISH REMOVAL LAWNMOWERS CUSTOM INTERIOR or too small Maple Composition GUTTERS-LEADERS Publication printing • ALUMINUM SIDING service changing, smoke detectors, •INT. & EXT. PAINTING yard and security lighting, altera- DRAINS PAINTING a specialty REASONABLE RATES 463 Valley SLMiplewood COUNTirLEADER ALL TYPES — Of Surface cleaning* tions^ and r new developments. URUJNNMPWERSHQP :•• Maple Hot & Cold pressure washing. Free License No. 7288. Fully Insured. No Thoroughly Cleaned I Flushed ' FREE ESTIMATES FREE, v ESTIMATES, Composition estimates. DAVE'S STEAM Job Too small. COMPLETE LAWNMOW^R SER- REASONABLE RATES, FULLY (Rear of News-Record Building) NEWSPAPERS 1 •REPAIRS*REPLACEMENTS FULLY INSURED Mon. Tues. Wed. 7am to 10pm CLEANING. 7*2*027, Leave VICE AND TUNE UPS. PICK UP. INSURED. Special Discount for 463 Valley Street • -V, •;" •' 851-9414. .'. ,.;•••: . •Fully lnsured«Fre« Estimates _•_ Frl. 8V Sat,-7am to 4pm . message.:,; . • •'„ ' • ••. 686-3576 AND DELIVERY AVAILABLE. Senior Citizens. Call Bob, Monday • Mark Mebe...... Z2M965 PLEASE CALL 4M-0O13.: . . Friday after 4 PM. Saturday 8. Sun- . Inrearofthe , -day-atteri PM;; .r -\- - . '• ;•.; '" , • : News-Record building CALL 762-0303 \ Mon. TUes. Wed.7am to 10pm •..•'•' ••' .... 6864484 "..•• ,'. • Frl & Sat 7am to 4pm .. . l»0O. ,r-.... I ORANGE Large <»cioul S"n . M HOUSE SALE "• ~. room apartment, rartcf typ«. Airi H- GENERAL REP eit, Customer; iftQO pjir II ISP6CT ST (oil Parker ~ ' " •''»« pntMCanJ /alnu | V,. MO rd», ^ - .. ^,. Big Results! CLASSIFIED ADS! lur c . .__—, ,—•«..,**ncT^Drch fficlo- _±!^_1 °B?IANa^lIli!WE7spiN3^T0^"M^S™i NEW* USE ' Ao eafly birds • ' __ ' *""• old. enoellenl fondiiton' |l 15 HIS 7 5» ; 1UCM, etc. WUrflrxk j.au; I2i« T c I Ar)SOnoll« Plact, Union. " . Body & Fendey Parts : sum, tic. MUrdock 3-uii. \:t$ it . "ex. '" """'"«•''--"'s - ••--—-• Available al j..«jaanoll<".PIici.'Unlsn. • '

GARAGE SALE WANTED TO BUY WEDDING INVITATIONS UNION-MULTI FAMILY - 2129 and 2130 Brlarwood Lane (off Liberty) AnStSSale LIVING ROOM — Furniture, sofa, TIRE RIMS-r-^Chrysler Corp. rims UNION- 1157 Jeanerte Avenue- Orlg. Recyclers of Scrap Saturday, October. 17th, 9 • 4. Metal 5SGreenbil(Rd.,Sprinifield tables, Karastan carpeting, custom and 2 Toyota rims In NEW condition. Saturday, October 17th 9 AM • 3 PM. Clothes, toys, records, housewares, "kENILWORTH- Six rooms, three OdI6*17 , - iou4 drapes. Reasonable. Call 228-4173, Best offer. Call after 6 ptn or FOUR FAMILIES. Household.and etd.'Ralndate:october24th. ' bedrooms, llvlngroom, dining room, after 4pm. 'J • weekendsr686;3259\~ baby Items, clothes, stove, HdXWEINSTEIN SONS, INC. kltchon, JVi baths. S850 month plus Wedding Din Shunpile to Mount View to Tree Top dishwasher/ sofa . and loveseat, D WANTED TO BUY SINCE 1920 utilities. 1V*I. months security. No Announcements to Greenhill. Interior decorators home in- miscellaneous.' ' • pots. 276-4525. a MAUSOLEUM-THREE - Hollywood , o cludes: dining room with 8 chairs, UNION TICKETS AH commhslon ratal nugollobto u. Memorial. Park. $3,000 each. Call I UNION —.1223 Jeanerte Ave., Satur- Dally 8-5/Sat.B:30-12 SPRINGFIELD- Two bedroom etagere, sofa, chairs, cocktail table, 687-7146. 2022 Morris Ave., Union day," October 17, 9-5. Miscellaneous Example apartment with living room/dlnlng pedestals, teenage bedrooms, game table, 851-2880 household Items. Rain date October ESTATE SALES 68S423S— SAIE PRICE - .6%' AVA% room, kitchen, two car parking' Im- U, golf equipment, poker table, clothes, MOVING SALE — Many antiques, PlnkFlojd«U2 ,. 24. •••-. v; .,- .; ••• •'- •- . . . 1 CONDUCTED OF HOME COMMISSION • COMMISSION mediate occupancy. Heat Included. Napkins and round oak table, corner Curio, trunk/ $850 a month. REALTY CORNER, Anita BaJter-hEM 100,000.00 $6,000.00 Souvenir Matches linens, brie a brae, outdoor furniture, plus enamel stove and much more. 722 UNION-1387 Brookfall Avenue, Oc- COMPLETE OR S475O.00 Realtor, 376-2300. YARD SALE 150.000.00 $9,000.00 "Til • more. . • —-—•'• • Colonial Ave., Union, October 17, Dan Fogeiberg*Anne Murraj tober 17 8. 18, 9;5. Kitchen set, llv- PARTIAL CONTENTS S7;125.OO 9am-4pm. . , ' FrankieValli Ingrooni set, TV plus other 200.000.00 12.OOO.OO 59, UNION- Attractive three bedroom It.'' J;; APPRAISALS 25O.00O.O0 15,000.00 Maple APPLES- PUMPKINS, SQUASH. Mets-Vankees.^ _ miscellaneous Items. MAPLEWOOD-Fantastlc 5 family 111,875.00 apartment .with garage, second Pick your own. Trout Brook Farms, PINE TABLED Inches round with yard sale, Thursday, Friday and 300.000.00 18.000.PO. 14,250.00 floor: Close to all transportation. leaf and 4 chairs. $100. Antique wine UNION-1387 Brookfall Avenue. Od- Sntlirriay. Ortnh 15 •H^j^a4A0S -Composition- Stata Park Road, Chester, N.J. 079" -VIDEO—rCiimerarSystuni) By can- Sriay. ther 15, H^jT^a4rA0S i.000. 6,625. •Adults-onlyrrNo pets, SBOO-per Inuiilh 5935. Open dally 9 AM - S PM. press, $100.. Bed frame with head- ToBer 17 s.,18; 9-5. Kltchenjei, llv- Plymouth Avenue, (off Prospect 24,000.00 17,000.0, 0 plus utilities. Available Dccomber board plus footboard and nlte stand, non, color~ camera, portable Ihgroom set, -TV plus other recorder player, tuner timer with 14 687-7071 ^Street). Fulrnlture, llnons, clothes^ 1. Call after 3 PM 964-1359. •463 Valley Street ARTIST-Reproduce treasure photos $35. TV table, $25. Call 381-4956, after miscellaneous Items. „.!,—T ',. Christmas Items plus too much to ..•; Professional Services for lesj 5 pmr^— ''"" day 4evenfpi-ogramlng. Camera Is mention. JANE. • : UNION-Flrst floor, 5 room's, all (In thereat of the In oil, Great holiday gifts, portraits, new. $450. Call 964-7832, UNION-1434 Carlsen Drive, Satur- • .1 Compulorljod Mulllplg Usllno Servlces^Piectuollllcallon pi Duyets landscaping, weddings, graduation, '• Guarontooa'Adverllslno Program • NollonwIcte.Rolocollon Sen/ico utilities Included. No pots, children Nows-RbcortrBuTiaingT" RADIO.Control Jet Ski: Brand new, day, October. 17; 9-4, ralndate, Oc- .ANY LIONEL,t=LYER, OK. Available after October 1st. $925 pots. 50% off, 127 Division-Street, WESLEY Allen-Queen size brass Homoownofs Vitoiranly • IMMEDIATE cosh available for your homo "os Is" 1 Maplewood Elizabeth. 352-2145. ' never used, will sell for Vb the retail tober 24. Men suites, ladles clothing, IVES AND OTHER month. Socurlty required. Call after price. Kiwi motorcycle helmet, full headboard. If you're a brass lover furniture, • household Items, TRAINS 7PETS 6pm, 356-7494. , , and have seen "Wheel of Fortune" miscellaneous. . SHARPE REALTORS BABY STROLLER - single stroller, face. Best offer. Call Mike at 687- you'll know Vanadosen't He. Have to 32 Moms Ave. 762-0303 $25. Good condition; Call.925-A548. 9085. 1 '•• ' ...... •' . Top prices paid. GERMAN SHEPHERD-Full bred UNION- Largo flvo room apart- sacrifice $200. Call 245-3909, leave Springfield. NJ. ment, 2 bodrooms In 2 family home. message...... 635-2058 female-15 months old. P apers, AKC BAXON-5 piece drum set with REFRIGERATOR-Welbilt, 10 cu ft, roHSALE 334:8709 registered. Call 687-8132, anytime. 376-8700 Newly docorated, yard. Near shopp- camber 2 hl-hats, cymbal stand, $95., • Panasonic quad-stereo, $90. ing and transporatlon. $875 Includes ^MISCELLANEOUS stool, like new. Mauruna electric Panasonic portable am/fm tape Wo SOLD over 825,000,000 at 4V<% heat and garage. 741-4409. recorder, $3O.OO,'19 In RCA color TV, In loss than 1 year and saved ' guitar, strap.stands and Peavy BOOKS 1 .M5_othetapar.lmenUtoms^Cal|(18••••• tober 21,9am-nopn. ANTIQUES & OLD THINGS Ingroom. Garage. Deck off Kltchon. Neighborhood Ptofessionals APARTMENTS WANTED MA'AYANGIIa Hadassah-Jonathan WEEKDAYS 9am-5pm All this and more. $115,000. Financ- 1921 Morns Ave. Union ESTATE SALEUNION-1330 Stuyve- RjDGE^63_GJen_parl<.Road, UNION -JB42 Long Terr., (between . "••::•''• MID. ••••- ',.•• Dayton high school In Springfield, - ing available. Located one block SMALL FAMILY-neods'2 bedroom Sunday, October 18, 9-4pm. Rain- sant Ave.Thursday. to Saturday Oc- SAU SatUrdayTTSctober 17, loam-4pm. Stuyvesant & Oakland Aves), Fri- MAHOGANY FURNITURE from West Orange. Call: Frank 851- apartment In Linden. Call after 5 date, October 25, , tober 15-17,10-6. Antique carved and Giant sale. Anything and day and Saturday, October 16& 17, V- 2384. ' . . , . •• ', -•'. PM, 486-0407. '•.••••••,, Inlaid furniture, porcelain, art glass, 406 Prescott Road everything. Rain or shine. ' , 4. Furniture, clothes, china, small P=1 (Putrrian Manor Section, Union) 574-3981 ' SHOPPERS- WANTED • For sterling, paintings, clocks, bronzes, appliances, - bric-a-brac, We will, remove odds and Catholic Daughters 1360, St. old Hummols, Lladro, lamps, •Saturday, October 17,9:30-4 -IRVINGTON — 44 Bruen. Ave., miscellaneous household '.Items. ends annaold furniture from your ROSELLE PARK CONDOS Michaels School Hall. Kelly Street, chandeliers. Tiffany, Jewolry, MAPLE: oval dlningToom table, 3 (between Springfield Ave. & Clinton Something, for. everyone. No early home. (also lower rates with proof of cer- Union. Saturday October 17th 9 AM - More. Bargains. UNION loaves, 6 laddefbacks, hutch, tea Ave.), Saturday, Octobor 17, 9atn- birds, ••.•.," •".•, tain fed. or state Assist. Prog.) FERNMAR REALTY 688-6000 4 PM. COME IN AND BROWSE. GALLE RIES, 964-1440.' > wagon, Ethan Allan cabinet, lamp 4pm. Kitchen set, desk and miscellaneous household Items; CHARLES MIKULIK ROSELLE/LINDEN BORDER Something for everyone. • tables. Pair Colonial lovesoats, UNION- 1970 William Street 1 (off : Buying or Soiling ' . ESTATE- SALE • Selling antiques, mahoganmy chest, maple tono Stuyvesant Avenue) ^ Saturday Oc- 688-1144 UNION Realtor ' 241-5885 REAL ESTATE J, Amana refrigerator, color remote LINDEN — 321 Princeton, (off tober 17th, 10 AM - 5 PM. Beautiful 8-REAL ESTATE LIVE ON THE PARK t;i round table, 4 Captain's, chairs, DeWItt). 3 family.-Household, baby 31 W. Wostfleld Avo., RP VENDORS-Stock Up I Costume ty, mirrors, machinery, household telephone table and chair, pictures, ha.ndmade crafts. Wdmens, wens,. ( UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY One bedroom moderniied tcondb. lewelry, $2.00 to $6.00 dozen, Pins, Items. October 16th and 17th at 127 Items, furniture, wicker; marble, boys, baby clothes, excellent condi- HOUSE- SALES CONDUCTED BY, This 3. bedroom bedroom, 2 bath : llnensibrlc-a-brac. ! „ Cul do! Sac.: N.Y. transp^tatlon. earrings, rings, etc. Call 325 3022; Hickory Road, Union between 9 AM - THEATTIC . ...•:.:. , 233-1954 clothes, books,, records, toys. tion.. Housewares, miscellaneous. TWO FRIENDS ANTIQUES. home Is situated on over a acre of 5PM...... -.; .-...,.:. . . .- Friday-Sunday, October 16-18 & 23- No early birds. Ralndate 10/23. KNOWN , FOR- TERRIFIC AMERICAN PRO REALTY beautiful treod property- In Mustsoo. From $ 169,900, j .. 24. • • . '••••.•• . ' ' ..' RESULTS. ALL SIZE SALES CON- prcstlgedus Far Hills. It also UNION FOR SALE FIREPLACE-Malestlc modern TELEVISION —13" portable, black MOUNTAINSIDE- 469 Bayberry SIDERED. J72-3386or 467-1146. foaturos a den, living room with design gas fireplace also 4 block A-Whlte. .Good picture.. Best offer, LINDEN — 910 Dennis Place, (off Lane.(Off.summit Lane) Saturday,' fireplace and In-ground pool and a 2 wrought Iron kitchen chairs, best of • takes It. Call 686-3259 after 6pm. Park Ave.), Saturday & Sunday, Oc- October 17th 10 AM • 3 PM. Fur- car garage with an apartment also fcr. Call Bob, 376-3466. tober 17 & 18,9-5. Rain or Shine. Ap- niture, lamps,'tables, mirrors, five INTERESTED - In buying pain- making It a possibility for an cxtpnd- THEPOINTE •••'». !.•:•' 1 DAY ONLY! pliances, furniture, 'clothes and ; SAT, 0CT17, 8-8 piece rattan den set. *544329. tings, linens, silver, Oriental rugs, 3% ed family situation. Being offered at OPEN HOUSE ••%• 16UIMP«R4 FREE- FIREWOOD • You take tree more. Barglns Galore I . >v toys, vintage furniture, etc. House $299,900. Call Jean or John Springfield TELEVISION SUN. 10/18, !2-5 •# (oHMilltown) down - the wood Is yours. Tree UNION- 2945 Aberdeen Road, Satur- Sales Conducted. Call'.'.Anytime" 'Brockolman. already topped. 272-3558. MOUNTAINSIDE-MOVING SALE - day October 17th,8 AM • 5 PM. Raln- Hunter 8. Owen. 277-6BB7.. 2 bedroom, 2 bath luxurWAcondo. 295 Partrldfle Run (Off Deerpath), date October 3fst. . Huge garage RE/MAX one ' Fireplace, dock, -A/Cl;' W/D, Treadmill,, washer,' dryor, RCA; 25" color, console: Ap- •Friday & Saturday October 16th and BOTH BUYER AND SELLER BENEFITS dishwasher, upgraded wAffcarpet,- FURNITURE- Bedroom set, kitchen proximately 6 years old. Good sale. Antiques; clothes, furniture, REW.TORS •'-• 273-6000 refrigerator, boys 8. gkl's teen set, maple loveseat and two chairs, 17th 9 AM -3 PM. Household, hard- household appliances, etc. . • LIONEL And Other Toy Tralhs-Any attjc storage, custom./window bedroom sets, In excellent condition. other odd pieces. All excellent con- working condition. Must sell,' ware, tools, linens, kids stuff. •:• condition. Absolutly highest CASH treatments. By .owner, vSM-8728, 5. Chandeliers, ABSOLUTELY $100 flrml •,Call 964-9503, 3 Month Listing Contract - : leave message. Asking $153,000. dition. Must sell, 3760577. Monday-Friday after*. 5:30pm, UNION-309 Wayne Terrace, Satur- PAID. One Item to entire collection. IS Time Sharing for you.. For a 4 MAGNIFICENT GREEN' day, October 17, 9-4 a|r condition, CaH Days, 831-1930. , page report-send $2.50 to Chatham GAS_RAMGEy.HOOD_-r 36: Inch, weekends anytime, or leave UNION- Tho Polnto • End unit. Liv- . CRYSTAL STEMWARE, (service message.. some ..furniture, miscellaneous Guaranteed Service or Your Usting Back Pride Distributors, P.O. Box 1045, ing room, dining room, two for 13). Kitchen tables & chairs, den caloric, self cleaning, good condi- FOR SALE china, lamps, etc. . Chatham, N.J. oMiB- ILJ..- furniture, hlde-a-beds, clothes, mink tion, $120 negotiable. PURITRON bedrooms, two baths', jUreplace, range hood/light, $35. Call after : OLD CLOCKS a dishwasher,.... air conditioning, coat; beaver, lackets (men & UNION - 409 Bergen street, (off ; POCKET WATCHES 762-1616 HOUSE FOR SALE washer, dryor, pool, spacious patio. Women's), linens, loads of silver ser- 6pm, 654:4059. • Washington Ave.), Saturday, Oc- Asking $149,900.. MUst "" ving pieces, new microwave oven, tober 17, 9-4. Household Items, col- GIRLS- BEDROOM SET. . Kodak THIRTEENTH MNURL CRMT SHOW AHO SALE Highest cash paid, also parts..Union, SPRINGFIELD-Cqzy, qulot street, 3 'House Sunday 12 noon • • . desk, miscellaneous and brlc-a- lectibles and tools. 964-1224. —J . bedrooms. Hying room, dining room, ToUrnamont Drive, Apt.'fl protector and screen, splicer,'Super : ; "It pip to deil with the pros" .brae,etc,etc. - : -...•'. modern custom kitchen, 2,baths, air S movie camera, and rugs. 273-0663. - U.M.W.-MORROW CHURCH UNION - S34 Andress Terr., (off 4318.. ...•••.• ~^::« SANDRA KONNERASSOC ' 40 Rldgewood Road, Maplewood, NJ . Colonla Aye.), Saturday, October condition, finished basemont with GRACELAND-Memorlal Park,- , Saturday, October 17,th 10AM-4PM. 17,9-4. Lots of chlldrens clothes and wtft bar and summer kitchen., Conve- ; Ai,l. CASH- Paid for any homo, 1 -10. niently located to NYC, tomples and Konllworth, 1 plot; 2 graves (Portal lOODealerjl Luncheon Available) Free Admission I ,-• ,••• ••:=V;'.i~,".;JusEo.nms;. .,.-;.-. •;••,;• OFFICE SPACE •:v toys, Household Items, refrigerator, families. 2 weeks closing, no obliga- UNION Gardens-Block A)! Asking $350. 201- ! schools. Asking low.$200,000; 376- AIL MUST GO bdlt rnassager; exerciser and !•'•.•;•.•:• ,-Ki,.'.r.-;W«WE0.'' -••'.'• .•':•..):• tions. Essex and Union counties. 920-9031. ..; miscellaneous Items. Highest prices, paid for fur coats & 5668, .'••.- '•.-•'" SPRINGFIELD- Large •S&rpotod Contents of beautiful . Approved contractors. Mr. Sharpe, BUY OR SELL CALL room available Immedllffly, Ex- home. • Llvlndroom, dining room, HALF PRICEI Flashing arrow latketsyou no longer wear, FRIED- 376-870O. ....:• UNION-Prldo and' care shows cellent location near ^Municipal bedroom, .kitchen; den, curio UNION-745 Mitchell Avenue (Liber- MAN FURS, (609).395-8158. . slons~i2??|- Lighted, non-arrow, GARAGE SALE •V»o.Klll^n to Mitchell) Saturday throughout' this 2 bedroom colonial building; Central air and aUjiltllir . cabinets. Tons of artist equipment, $2891 Unllghted $2491 Free letters I GOVERNMENT-Homes from $1 (U located In the Hamilton school sec- Included. Call 376-3760 dayS".^ ROSELLE PARK- 529 Roosevelt October 17th,; 1o AM - 4. PM, Rain- r.eRalcUBollnquont tax property tlon-The nowly docoroted.lnlerlorjs garage full of stuff, plc-nlk table, See locally. Call today I Factory: TIRES : Street,-Saturday-and"Sunday7~Oc " date-Sunda)t_Q<;tpber lst(i. Toys, Repossessions. Call~T-805-687-6000, enhanced by a 20X1B' living room, a •:-:-_-•}/-, .. etc.„ 2513^-Stlllwell Rdadr-Unlonr ir.8OO)42T:oi63,anytlnie. •-.-;-—•-- household Items, miscellaneous:" UNION — 400-800 sq.ft., 'paneled, (back of Battlehlll school), Friday tober, 17th, and 18th 10 • 4. Music Ext.GH-1448. for current ropo list, i spacious formal dining room and first floor, Stuyvesant Ave. location. and Saturday, October US, 17,9-^. . JUKE-BOX- 200 Selection, 45's, Good Year Wranglers, 14", set amps, clothing, chairs, lamps, etc. modern eat-In kitchen. Tho panelled UNION — 894 South Park Terr., (off •Estate, home and apartments con- LETS — Make a deal I Principal Air: conditioned, own thermostat, Conducted By 2 rrimds Antiques $1150; Casino Slot machine-takes of 4. $60.00. Fair condition. Call 1 rec room with wet. bar Is perfect for SPRINGFIELD- 44 South Maple Elmwood), Saturday, October 17, tents. Antiques, used furniture,'etc, wishes to.buy bi-level or newer 2, private-lavatory. Call 687-4418, y:30-. quarters, pays token, .skill stop but- .Mark at 686-7700, Ext. 23 days vam-^pm. • Clothlno, household Realty' Realtors '.i8S-42o6 entertaining. Make an appointment 5,Monday-Friday.: , •; :.• -— 467-1146,27Z-338S ton, $1200;. Plnball machlne-S200; or 371-9057 evenings. Avenue (off Morris Ave,), Saturday, Summit Cilleries " 446-3088 family In Union/Spt-lngflold areas. todayl FERRIGNO REALTY...'.,•'•- Arcade version Pac Man-$795.00. October 17th, 9 AMv- 3 PM." tems,_ weights, miscellaneous Fastcloslhg. Call 373-2430. • . ' Realty ..' ; . . 686-6333 Call 226-7742, :•• . . Miscellaneous household Items. tems^Soniethlng for everybody, No earlyblrdsl . • • •. ' ' • Transacfions psurw, elci MUrdock ;J~<4JJ. 1348 ,o I 5J«gnoll4iPI»c^ Union. • „ v 1075SunnyvlewRoad ..... MS5.000 Buyer: Dorothy Green z Seller: H.A.B. Reality Association Buyer: Paul and Raymond r> Inc. -•"..... Seller: Manuel Vazquez • : '. 837ErcamaSt...... $143,000 1053 Sterling Road $l«0,000 Mocombe". Buyer: Michael and Susan L. 220 Gordon St.-.,'...... f 135,000 Buyer: Keith and Barbara Williams Seller: George and Mae McGlnty Seller: George K.Koukoa • Buyer: Scott and Shery IE ttlnger Friedman , Seller: PatrickA. White 1438 Fernwood Road'.. .T77'f3M,0M- I Law, due to Itw fact that this service It._ Buyer; Susan G.Denham . • 300 E. Price St." $156,000 WHEREAS, thlt contract Is awarded without I hereby certify me above to be a true copy of a 412 Tournament Drive..... $141,000 Buyer: Edward JrLevyr Seller: David and Rose Rodman competitive bidding as a "ProfeiUon*l~5«rvlco", ad . and , qualitative ( requiring extensive resolution. Adopted by the-Board of chosen' 652 FalrfieU Way «285.000 Buyer:. Jay and Phyllis B.Karp Seller: Gordon and Lorraine Eitel In accordance with «A:)lStl) (a) ol ttw Local knowledge of. the conversion of financial data Freeholders of the County of Union on the data Seller: H.A.B. Realty Association Public Contract* law becauu the services to be 'from the IBM System 34 to the new AMS system, Seller: .W. Glenn and Maria V.Steele GARAGE WANTED af part of the MI5 system, as well at requiring a above mentioned, ' • • Inc. • Buyer: Joan and Steven Cohn performed are ftnglneerlno services: •• . — ' '. ElleenA.Chrenka Buyer: Joseph and Janet F. King NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by proveo reputation tnthlifleld;ond . Buyer: Elan Goldstein . 1526 Bergen Ave ,..'., $125,000 the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County ol BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.that the Clerk APPROVE AS TO FORM • • .* 203 Aradale Terrace ..... ,-|»9.900 Seller: Mark and Micbele Gaydos For winter months, ln"unlon area. Union that" Aurnhammer Astoclatev Inc.. A"•oMhls- Board trail caused fo be published In a Robert C. Doherty ' ' 373 Wayne Terrace .. .V... $210,000 newspaper auttwrlzed by laW to publish Its legal Seller: CartierDev. Co. Inc. S i Please call Don: . • • Division o, Keller 8. KlrkpaWckr-flOO-tanldeX COUNTYATTORNEY Seller: John Q.Robinson 50Rose/t9 Larch St. e Par, $160,50k 0 Linden Buyer: Robin E. Maher Plata, Partlp^any, New Jersey 07054, It hereby advertisements fuch nolle* of this award ai re- 07729 Focus, Oct. 17, IW —— • Buyer: James Prime . awarded a contract to provide the necessary quired by4he Local Public Contracts Law, Buyer; Jerome and Patricia Seller: Edward and Elizabeth engineering services lor the-HorMinoe^Roed- I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of a •479 Winchester Ave...... in^OOO 414 Gable Lane ...... $95,000 • ' 9644759 Detentlon Basin required for the John E. Run- resolution adopted by the Board of Chosen .Chambers ' ' ' . "' Schneider " •. nells Health Care Facility; and . ' • . Freeholders of the county of Union on the date Seller: Stanley and Maureen Kraw Buyer: John E. Callery Seller: LorretU Gooney BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Coun- jibove mentioned. • • ' ' •' Buyer: Michael and Janet Muller Buyer l Joseph M^Gooney —-- Kenilworth — 10-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ty Manager and Clerk of this Board be and they " -.,/ ••. •'•; Eileen A. Chrenka' 2S0ColfaxAve.-TTT.-..T7T; r$124;000= are hereby authorlied to execute said contract Cl rk 1310 Orange Ave...... 1180,000 344 S. Wood Ave.;...... '. $155,000 upon approval by the County Counsel's Off Ice for APPROVE AS TO FORM ' * Seller: Margaret Wheeler the aforesaid protect; and Robert C.Doherty '....'.... Seller: John K.Antholis Springfield Seller: Peter De Rasmo 649 Newark Ave 1190,000 COUNTV ATTORNEY Buyer:' John and Mary Balkun BE IT FURTHER -RESOLVED that the said ; Buyer: Salvatore and Deborah sum of hot to exceed 150,000,00 be charged to Ac- 07730 FOCUS, Oct. 15,1987 ; . 517 Myrtle St. ...7;;;...... $178,000 Buyer; James and Margaret Hutton Seller: Richard andEUlcnSedlak _ count*No.O50-800-et7-B&-19/and, . • ' • Vigilante/,/.-. ;. '.. •; •.'.. "••.'"' 200 Marion Ave. $285,000 Buyer: Joseph, and .Suzanne Lan- dealership BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai a copy of ', 121 Lyons'Place ...... $260,000' Seller: Cipriano .and Miriam. 272BeecliwoodAvc,'...,.. .$210.000 -Seller>EleaiK«4iadArthu^HaiTifl(m Rollnr-Plf nacnflnrixl '. _ -logJiomes- . passage. UNION COUNTV BOARD OF CHOSEN Seller: James and StaceyZebrowski Buyer: Trent and Nancy Mnttcrn Buyer: FaridMenst' 578 Passalc Ave. >.'.,.!..,. $131,000 • I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of a FREEHOLDERS ,1 T""' ' ' " AUTOMOTIVE Buyer: Michael and Gcraldlne resolution adopted by the Board"of "Chosen ,..•••• ' .RESOLUTION NO. 752 B7 Buyer: FranltandJean Morn Gardner: . .'•'.. 316 Spruce St $159,000 9 Chatham Place ;...... $150,000 Seller: FranlcP. Sorrentino One of Aroctia'i finest, Freeholders of the County of Union on the date DATE: I0/B7t7 above mentioned. 1479 VatuhaU Road ...... $185,000 Seller: William and Carol Nulton Seller: ..Frederick ' and Nancy Buyer: Georgips (and Loren lino, toning at $13,800. - WHEREAS; there exists a need for profes1- . 23 Garden Oval...'. |200,000 ' . , Eileen A, Chrentca sional services to provide project management Seller: AJTCompany : Hanger , Trikallnos - • \ • Great earning potential, • .. •' • . . , .Clerk. services.for the construction of a new John E. Seller: Alan B.Slegcl Buyer: Michael and Pamela Darras APPROVE AS TO FORM Runnells Healthcare Facility* and ' , Buyer: Peter and Marion Caggiano Buyer: Janice L.Mallon Buyer: Ernesto and Lillian Gonzalez wjil not ihtc^cxe with ; Robert C.Doherty WHEREAS, Waoner-Hohns-lnglls, Inc.. 10 present employment. In- COUNTY ATTORNEY Hloh Street. Mount Holly, New Jersey 08W0-H94, JWSalemRoad ...... $162,500 608W.BIanckeSt...... $220,000 0773B FOCUS* Oct. 17,.$67 has agreed to-provide the necessary protect Mountainside Seller: Donald W. Burnett vestment fully iecuieoV If management services for the construction ol the' Seller: Christian and Vivian DON'T MISS A WEEK you can purchase or mort- new John E. Runnells Health Care Facility In ac- Schulein • • • ' . . RosRoselle 132! Stonybrook Lane .....$170,000 -Buyer: HenrykJaskiewicz OF LOCAL NEWS " cordance With the attached cost proposal dated : UNION COUNTY BOARD OP CHOSEN July 24, 1987 and Initbe sum ol no) to exceed Buyer: MarilenaE, Garcia ' ' 113 Kennedy Driver $167,500 Seller: Michael Suchomel " 1150-1190St.GeorgeAveiu. $123,000 CALL 686-7700 . gage a model home, call ' FREEHOLDERS ' J r *S9a,000.00; and ' " 51iaubhoo»ea.Apt.« ...$143,000 ' 11 Kd Dri Buyer: Peter and Hope Saladino 'Seller: Diane Frank and John Metz FOR HOME DELIVERY collect 615/ 832-6220; RESOLUTION NO. 7M-B7 WHEREAS, the Local public Contracts Law. Seller: Phillip and Evelyn Mangum HobDcmdt DATE; 10/W87 requires that a Resolution authorlxlrtg the awar- WHEREAS, there uMUti a need for profes- ding of a contract lor professional services .slonal services to provide Tuberculosis Control "without competitive bidding" must be passed Services for Union County residents; and by the governing body and shall be advertised} WHEREAS, Michael J. Schwartz;" Pfesl- and ' . • . • dent/CEO. Alexlan Brothers Hospital, 635 E. ' WHEREAS, Itits contract Is awarded without Jersey Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey Q7204, has competitive bidding as a "Professional Service" aoroed to provide the necessary Tuberculosis In accordance with 40A;M>5(0 (a) of the Local Control services for Union County residents In Public Contracts law becsuwttWwrvlces to bo the sum of not.to exceed S7.476,00; and ' > ., performed- are engineering and - construction ; The Extm-Effort Peottle _ WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law management services: ' •' . • . 442-D METROPLEX OR. - requires that a Resolution authorizing, the awar- SQJLOTT ding of a contract tor professional services NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITJlESOLVED-hV NASHVILLE, TN 37211 the Board ol Choten Freeholders ol the County of •"Without competitive bidding" must be passed Union that WaQner>Hqhns-lnglls, Inc.', 10 High by the governing body and iMillbe advertised; Street*.MounV/Holly, New Jersey 08060'147J, is and . , , herby awarded a contract to provide the WHEREAS, this contract It awarded without necessary protect management servfees lor the OWN-YOUR OWN APPAREL OR competitive bidding as a "Professional Son/Ice" construction of the new John E. Runnells Health SHOE STORE, CHOOSE FROM: In accordance with «A; 11-5(1) (a)'of the Local Care Facility; and • • -.-:••'• JEAN/SPORTSWEAR, LADIES Public Contracts law because the services to be . DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Coun- APPAREL, MENS, performed are medical services: ty Manager and Clerk of this Board be and they NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by are, hereby authorized to,execute said contract CHILDREN/MAT E R N I T YT theHoard of.Chosen Freeholders of the County of upon approval by the County Counsel's Office for Union that Michael J. Schwarti, presldent/CEO, lha aforesaid protect; aiid-—— ' : LARGE SIZES, PETITE, Alexlan Brothers Hospital, 455 E. Jersey Street, Uk DANCEWEAR/AEROBIC, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07304, Is herby awarded a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said BRIDAL, LINGERIE OR AC- contract to'provlde the necessary Tuberculosis sum of not to exceed U9fl.000.00 be charged to Ac PREPAY YOUR AD FOR YOUR CAR OR Control Services for Union, County residents; count NO.050B0OB17-84-19; and •, . . ! CESSORIES STORE, ADD COLOR and . 7 • . ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of TRUCK FOR TWO WEEKS FOR ONLY ANALYSIS. BRANDS: LIZ 'this* Resolution be published according to law CLAIBORNE, GASOLINE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Ihe Coun- within ten (10) daVsof Us passage. If ty Manager and Clerk of this Board be and they- ., 1 hereby certify the above to be a true copy of a HEALTHTEX, LEVI, LEE, CAMP are hereby authorized to.execute said contract - upon approval by the County Counsel's Off Ice for resolution, adopted by the. Board of Chosen- BEVERLY HILLS, ST MICHELE, the Aforesaid project; and Freeholders of the County of Union, on the date above mentioned. , .,.'•• : 'CHADS, OUTBACK—RED, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said $ 00 MAPLEWOOD $145,900 MAPLEWOOD ..'" (234,900 ROSELLE . ,''. $139,000 UOSELLE $249,900 GENESISj FORENZA, sum of not to exceed S7.a7&.00 be charged to Ac- -' - ' ElleenA.Chrenka count NO,001-«39A0A-13-3); and ' '. • .•".: ' ;'. Clerk 4 bedrooms, IVi baths, fenced yard (UNM«9) 5 bedrooms, den, dock, fireplace (UNI467) 2 bedrooms, eat-In kitchen (UNI4«3) 4 bedrooms, pool, over-sized lot (UNI54O " ORGANICALLY GROWN, .OVER APPROVE AS TO FORM . PAYABLE IN UNION OFFICE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of Robert C. Doherty up to 20 words UNION OFFICE' "~~ T—" — UNION OFFICE : UNION OFFICE MOO OTHERS. OR il3.9» ONE this Resolutlon'be published according to.law COUNTV ATTORNEV CALL48/-5050 CALL487-5O50 ...... CALLM7-505O ' CALL 487-5050 PRICE DESIGNER, MULTI TIER Within ten (10) daysof Its passage. . - . 0J733 FOCUS, Oct. 17.1987 . ' i ADVANCE PRICING DISCOUNT OR FAMILY I hereby cert|lyjh« above to be a true copy of a to resolution 'adopted by the Board ol Chosen AND WE WILL SELL SHOE STORE. RETAIL PRICES- Freeholders of .the County of Union on the'dote UNBELIEVEABLE FOR QUALITY above mentioned. . YOUR CAR FOR YOU! ... - ' - . . -EileenA.Chrenka UNION COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN l-% SHOES NORMALLY P'RICED 1 FROM *19. TOP MO. OVER 250 ' • ' : : . . ' •• • Clerk FREEHOLDERS . .• . • . IF IT DOESN'T SELL, APPROVE'ASTOFORM RESOLUTION NO.71SI7 BRANDS 2600 STYLES. $14,800 to Robert C. Doherty ; • ; . • •' .! •.' ^ • • DATEI10/S/B7 WE'LL RUN THE AD «o,»00: INV/ENTO.BY,_TRAI.NI.N.G,. COUNTY ATTORNEY WHEREAS, there exists a.need for proles- FIXTURE'S,' GRAND OPENING, 07731 FOCUS, OCt, 17,196)1 '-•.'• •slonal services to provide legal services for Cor. THE THIRD , recllons Olllcen' Jack W. Tackasi Nalmah AIRFARE, ETC. CAN OPEN 15 Sadlq and Mary Ann Fllzharrls In the matter en* ^— WEEK AT DAYS. MR. LOUGHLIN (ol2)SSB- titled "Elenl slpsas:v. Jack W. Tackas, et ol" BUSINESS OPPS presently pending In the Elllabeth Municipal I'M -.4228.'.:; , ':: ••• •.•.•• '••••• • • Court, Docket NO.OM77I and . ;. —WHEREAS, Joseph P. Depa, Jr., Esq!,' la Broad street, Elllabeth, New Jersey 07101, has 1 agreed to provldethe necessary legalservlces on OWN YOUR own apparelJlore, Featwlhg Jean-Sportswear; Ladles behalf of Corrections Offlcers/ Jack W. Tackas, Apparel, Large Lady, Maternity and Chlldrens. All top quality na-' Nalmah Sadlq and Mary Ann Fltzharrls In ac- SPRINGFIELD $344,900 UNION -•••• , . $185,500 UNION ' $18/,900 UNION $199,91)0 cordance with Special Counsel fees as set forth In IN FACT, WELL CONTINUE tlonally known brands: Liz Clalborne, Guoss, Foronzo, camp Beverly Policy Resolullon-No.iu adopted by this'Board1 : Princess Estates, 4 bedrooms (UNI505) . Aluminum sided,3bedrooms (UNI547* 3 bedrooms, m baths, fireplace (UNI450) Malntcnancolreo, 3 bedrooms (UNI523) . Hills, Lee, Levl.Jordache, Diane Von Furstonrburg, California Ivy, on February 38, lew, and In the sum of not to ex-. UNION OFFICE • — .'. UNION OFFICE . UNION OFFICE . . UNION OFFICE : TO RUN THE AD : : Healthtex; Her Ma|esty, Feltman and many more. Your "t" cash In- ceedU.000.OOt and . CALL 487-5050 •„•••• : CALLM7-5050 • : -. CALL487-5050 '...'•• CALL487-5050 vestment of J22.9O0 Includes beginning Inventory, training In store, WHEREAS, the Local public Contracts Law .complete line of fixtures and supplies. Calj todaVj Btostlgo Fashions 1- requires that a Resolution aulhorlilng.the awar. UNTIL YOUR CATTIS" ding of'.a contract for professional services 800-247-9127. VVe can have your store opened In Ts.days. ' '.' . ."without competitive bidding" must be passed by the governing body and shall be advertised; and -.--• • ' . , „. . WHEREAS, this contract Is awarded without competitive bidding as a "Professional Service" In accordance wllh «A:)V5(1) (a) of Ihe Local SOLD — PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Public Contracts law because the services to be performed are legal services: ': NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by INSTRUCTIONS: simply write down your ad UNION COUNTV BOARD OF' CHOSEN UNION COUNTY BOARD OP CHOSEN Ihe Board of Chosen Freeholder! of the County of- FREEHOLDERS . FREEHOLDERS . , ••-:. ' Unlon that Joseph P. Depa, Jr., Esq., 125 Broad. and mail it with your payment to: ' RESOLUTION MO. 714 81 ',, V , RESOLUTION NO. JIIB7 Street, EJIzebethj' NeW Jersey oraoi, is hereby f ' •' • • •' • . ' • ' 'DATE: 10/B/a7 •••.• "••:->.. • • • • DATEM0/8/H7 awarded • contract to provide the necessary' WHEREAS, there «i » nMlorprtiv BE IT RE5OLVED by the Board of Chosen legal services for Corrections Officers' Jack w. - Ilonal urvlcoi to provldo Mglnrarlng terulcM Freeholders of the County of Union that It hereby Tackas, Nalmah Sadlq and Mary Ann Fltiharrls . COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS lor Hie Honethoe Road Delentloh B»ln re' : retains the consulting firm of New Jersey In the matter entitled "Elenl Slpsas v. Jack.W. quired for Ihe John 6. Runnell! Health .Cure Municipal Data Management of 15 Prospect Tackas, el al" presently pending In the E Iliabelh UNION $]34,V00 UNION Facllltyihnd' ' ' Lane. Colonla, New Jersey for the purpose of Municipal Court, Docket NO.C-31771 and : CLASSIFIED 5 rooms each< separate utilities (UNI4S3) Spacious t WHEREAS, Agmhhmmiir Awoclatej, Inc., A providing convenient of financial data from the* •.'bedrooms, 1V!I baths, family room (UNI371) 3 bedrooms, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Coun- UNION OFFICE - - UNIONOFFICE" I DlyUlon ol. Keller a, klrkpatrlck, no lanlden IBM system M to Ihe neW AMS system, » part ty Manager and Clerk ofthliBoardbeandthey P.O. BOX 3109 : •: 1-. CALLM7-505O , -' CALLMrand—r~ . • • . "Without competitive blddlno". mint be baued ' Unspeclflable 5ervlcet"« and as such; fhli con- _DE.IT FURTHER BESOLVBD that a copy of by Hie sovemlns body and ah>ll be advertludj tract Is to be awarded without competitive bid" this.Resolution be published according:.lo,law and .;••..• ding, pursuant to the Local Public Contracts within ten (10) days of Its passage. More man Hw> oniccs in INCW jcrscyt i ir ...... pi- •

F' • o ••-. £ • i v r-

iii•••••' •' 19 8 o•n - • »n o . i_ c Cf:| (A o • 1 z f+ .: MoFtgagi interesi^elimb d^f^ Travelers Realty achieves-top ranking . c Doing yourowfiihing Travelers Realty Network for brokers nationwide with at least 200 z Ff~ "£• The sales rate for previously- $85,400, dropping. $800 from the rising of late," Tuccillo says. The cause an easing of prices. show,a "cooling off' pattern, be achieving the No.2 status among the p| • ••• • : : „, ** •»-- sales associates'. revised July price of $86,200.— NAR currently is predicting a total says. • .••.:. •> ' - -" z owned, homes dipped from July to ' However, Tuccillo notes that the network^ largest brokers for closed Travelers Realty Network is a O August, continuing a trend down- Hwever, the medium was $3,400 of about 3.5 million existing single- • The Northeast's sales pace for outgoing referraLfee3_QV£r_the past higher^ than JhaLfqripne yearago,__Ja,mjlyJiojiesilraXor.thl8 year;_;. __^ Northern median price for August August changed little from the: division of Travelers Mortgage dULMbJldJJt) r remained above that for the-first —. . year. '.' Services formed this year when the z~ Increases In mortgage Interest showing a 4.2 ppercent annual ap- . ' • , , previous -month—or- -year.—Last 77 --•-• - He says the $8,400 month-to-month five months of, this year, and was month's pace of 680,000 was 1.5 —Burgdorff—is^judged—among— -parent-company aaruirod ~ ' "' ' o rates, according to analysts for the preciation rate that is consistent median price drop in the Northeast,., 25.4 percent-^—^$27,300—a,bove percent higher than the July pace "Peanuts," the rocking z National Association of Realtors. -with-NAR year-to-year price in- . that for August 1966. One month's The NAR's monthly survey\ of from $143,200 to $134,800, is a telling and 1.4 percent lower than that for elephant will put a big smile on oz crease predictions. decline in price is not sufficient, to. Augustl988. •:: >••• .•••:. .-•;..'~-~-~-:-. anjLyounster's-faceLA-fullrsteeL LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? it w existing-home sales showed a Yet to be seen is the brunt of the sign of activity; there! "The drop In I • D Northeast prices shows a softer traceable pattern includes stcp- • '•• rrica Sib(«t to ckatfmHimri aoOci Following are the winning GhtYeomUWutYoii'MllhimKuU. New Jersey Lottery numbers for the weeks-of-Sept 14, 21, 28 «» DtdiMi Utchm tm Oak Cblort» KEMUIO I-••"'••• i . and Oct. 5. '[ Mtli S*H-CUinJii| Own ••"_: Sept.21-Ul5,1622 '.•,. •IB* Datitw Bitfa Witt Wall To Wall Sept. 22—735,9544 ELIZABETH " $174,900 GARWOOD . . . $174,900 HILLSIDE $154,900 KENILWORTH $215,000 Sept. 23-765,1152 Elmora Hills, spacious robmsl (UNI474) 4 bedrooms, mintcondlfloni (UNI530) 4 bedrooms, 213' lot, many extras (UNI389) Maintenance free, large yard (UNI44B) . "Sept. 24r-974,8154 UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE • UNION OFFICE Sept. 25-587,1667 . CALLM7-5O5O CALL iia7-5050 CALL 487-5050 . . CALL 4^7-5050 •CmnMtal toStxwlu , bttaoniits * Wioob Sept. 26-312,3724 •l«tt 2M0 Mlnita toHialuUii b« CarixMt Bu Smlo OR N1 TramU Sept. 28—285,5133 -,-• , CmiHtar Tula b hta Stata OR tejbMt S«nlc< Fran rout Dlnkrtl Sept. 2?=243;77i6 ToWallStmt i * •:-'" Sept. 30—560,6891 • Oct. 1-005,6409 Oct. 2-888,8669 SALES OFFICE t H00O. UPMTMENT •'••'•.•'.•.• :0ct.3-«63j'l744 -••• ' ••: i IMMACULATEEXcEPTipN WT21.BIOG5 Opt 5-656,4410 OPEN HOUSE HOURS dct! 6—252,2622 '••:. Revitalized 4 bedroom 2 baths on corner tSoii(UjlZ-5W : property. AH the improving has been finish: •••... Oct. 7-491; 8594 . ed from top to bottom, so you can, move in. Oct. 8-422,7616 "Sparkle and Shine at $219,900, Call 353-4200.' FOR INFORMATION Oik Ml-J6M707S Oqt. 9-225,9942 TIME EQUITIES, INC. LINDEN ' $149,900 LINDEN , , $1«9<9M LINDEN .. $229,W0 Oct. 10—169,6246 Spotless 4 bedroom, 2 full baths (UNI522) Dining room,oaWn kitchen (UNI372) Sunny side area, 3 bedrooms (UNI470) Beautiful property) 3 bedrooms (UNI47B) UNION OFFICE • . !PICK6' • :'• ' • ••' 212-206-6044 l/- UNION OFFICE , UNION OFFICE . UNION OFFICE .——•• CALL 487-5050 CALL 487'5050 ; Oct. 1—11, 13, 22, 24, 29, 42; lulEsbtaRrabr , CALL 687-5050 • . CALI1487-5050 ' bonus 'J TlwcMphtatttmianliiwo(fsHii|p(»TinllaVl«lrnttMtponer. Oct.1 5-1, 10, 14, 24, 31, 37; • Thf«e Iteasons Why Now I|S The Time To Buy A Home;.. • bonus—22211. , — Oct,8-6, 10, 16, 17, 27, 33; Low interest Rates, Stable trices, And O^T^menddmSelectioii Of Homes! bonus-27176. ,::..:!.... -•...• ^X-'- More than 160 offices In New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Florida, BUSINESS DIRECTORY

HOUSE CLEANING KITCHEN CABINETS LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING AUTO LEASING TERMS ~6~ DAVE'S STEAM CLEANING ONE TO FIVE YEARS HOWIE CLEANING JAN'S KITCHENS, INC; fERRIGNO'S LANDSCAPING c A UNITY ALL MAKES AND MODELS FOR PEOPLE ON THtGO!- •Aluminum -KotiColdhniuieWiihmi OLDSMOBILE ' "MMCMIIIVOI III! tlOUSl" . CUSTOM - COMPLETE LAWN MAIimiANCE We do ie at an affordable price! 5 AIR KITCHENS z •Biitk, Slow, Cwuiele • Oldest & Largest PROGRAMS DESIGNED BY SPRING t FALL CLEAN-UPS TOP $$$ IN CASH AT STOCK •Full Lawn Maintenance n •Punt ftepuiltwi WHOLESALE PUBLIC , VOUTOMEET-WUR— LOW RATES O •Fl«l Vehicle Exclusive service leasing,' For All Cars a Trucks CABINET •Spring » Fall cleanup • C FAST SERVICE •Gttnt Rrmovjl * MM« -Olds Dealer in NEEDS) PRICES •Railroad Ties 2 REASONABLE RATES Union County ' CAttrDAYS •sod/Shrubs ' CALL ANYTIME— ELIZABETH • 1561 Morris Awiue" 245-1945— , European S Tuditionil Concepts TREE ESTIMATES" "iTOPSOll 589-8400 • "featimnjthe J: MOTORS, INC. EXECUTIVE ind PROFESSIONAL Value Rated Used Cars or EVES Domood Custom Cabinet line o 582 Morris Ave. 688-2044 HOME CARE, INC ' dUinit Elizabeth 354-1050 2091 SpriufMd «m^ Union M7-4SU FUUVINSUItED 376-3647 a0 LANDSCAPING' NURSING CARE MASONRY MASONRY ENTERTAINMENT MOVING & STORAGE FOR ALL OCCASIONS WALL TO WALL MAHON CATERING BVAHTOINE CUANlNGSitVICIIMC R.C. CONSTRUCTION T.BASILE .DON'S Inc. IUIUHNG MJMNIiNANCI LANDSCAPING .mowing your lawn? COMFORT CARE MASONRY PAVING MASON CONTRACTORS TEMPORARY NURSING. TtOfJS7 EECJAUSTS -^—Relai,-let u» fireplaces, driveways, curbing, New of Entailed t quality. Etepatt; and creathn- •HuiiSavlnp: -Shop it Home v 326 MORRIS ML SUMMIT . •VyiNDOVy CLEANING healtti qqre ser\>lce. Whofher Curbs • Concrete Work < masonry repairs. ClOSETS/TABINETS- -687-9983- fjrjiniiarerd for thhe dkrimmtlnii " ' lelMDienice Commercial/Industrial' s*Hon(Bus yolP heed RN's, LPN's or Stone Work • Sidewalks • MOVING & CintemiudTMLES/-.. Music to enhance any : palate. Call 65U292U292 . No ||obb tot ob bllf or MONTHLY Muter Cvd INSURED aides, Comfort. Care provides Steps • Patios ~ SMALL & BIG JOBS 273-4200 . STORAGE MUS- ' special party from loo mull. MAINTENANCE the finest In hospital and home STORAGE AUTHORIZED Vba 298-1331 FREE ESTIMATES .F0RMIM/W00D traditional to top 40. health carp. We are fully bond- FACTORY SERVICE REASONABLE Pjnilllnj/Shei track singles-small .combos- 7U-O9I3 ' ed and Insured. ' 687-0035 .LONG TERM LEASING WHY PAY MOKE FREE ESTIMATES WINDOWS/DOORS Full orchestras. 964-5576 -^' CALL CHRIS 686-063& 241-2681 ;233-O564 375RoMlindPlice. llaw 673-1741 23£071Q PC 00019 CONCERT TICKETS C0NSTRHCTi3N ENTERTAINMENT CONTRACTORS 'CLEANING SERVICE MOVING & STORAGE PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING HAVEYOUR _ SUPER SOUNDS HANNAM RJ's CUSTOM DESIGNS M*M UNIONllCKETS R.TAVARES : PAUUS TJ'S J.LCAROLAN D.'J. For all Occasions' •. • ' • HOME':-:. •• , '-I ' "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS"; THOMAS PAINTING CO. 2022 Morris Avenue HOME IMPROVEMENTS -CLEANEDPROFESSIONALLY I '• CONTRACTING PORWeRLVOP HILLSIDE yAL8AVE,;HltLSIoe; ' Will Paint Your Home ),( PAINTING PAINTING Union, New Jersey I PAINTING i INTERIOR I EXTERIOR Monthly, weekly or pne. >M 00177 PAINTING BOOK HOLIDAY time. We don't, cut corners, All Snap«i t Sins With fcmiimin Moore Pilnt^l Where Quality Counts 851-2880 •Addlt>ohs«Dormers«becks« Interior • Exterior 25 Y««n Experience f •Rools»Wlndows«Sldlng» — we . clqan thorn. Honest, ROOFING Quality PARTIES NOW!:"", discreet service. Workmanship Special Swnnw Dncounh SIDING fully lnsuted_ Guanntte S jeirj From Pexlin| DECKS SPECIAI: • WUBlkM • REU . Froo Estimates Insured 30% Off •Yankttt—-—»Dan fcfi Windo»n.»ndGutttB.- : -BATHROOMS —HUMMER-C- REASONABLE RATES b V»nw Murray other services a»ill«ble. GENERAL. FREE E8TIMATE8 one Year warranty CARPENTRY RATES Call Very neat, no |ob FREE ESTIMATES LociL at LONO • FnnUsValll . . Just Call Ray 5YEARSEXP. too big or small ' INSURED, BOB: 964-5813 DliTANCEMOVINO 964-8537 yolroionilDilhrinn; 756-6108 8620178 CALL27W253 (Seniors blscount) , . Anytime 923 0731 815-0261 Banjitnin M«nt Pilnl uud. Call 688-7768 CAUTOM: 923-7471 688-5457- 276-4253. DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICIAN FLOOR REFINSIHING GUnERS & LEADERS GUTTERS & LEADERS PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING =7S>»UR RJ2LECTR1C ; EXPERT aooH GUTTERS; R&TPUGLIESE - LEADERS |S? SANDING &REFINISHING CUSTOM INTERIOR JERZY PAINTING ASPHALT PAVING . lie. Ho. 72*8 S_jc^' throughly v PAINTING FERDINAND! PAINTING SINGLE FAMILY$400SUP cleined, GUTTERS«LEADERS •••• •. ••-.AND;•-.:-..;•: AINTING DRIVEWAYS ! INTERIORS ONLY ROOMS & HALLWAYS $300 ' .•Interiori - •Smoke DetKSon ' flushed •DRAINS „_ PARKING LOTS . Hardwood Floors PLASTERING . •Apb«Houj«j •Pipeihinjing - CURBS CONCRETE •Vud * Security Uthtlnf . INSURED ' Thfoufhly cleaned •- ••• • • . interior- ^ FREE ESTIMATES • •JUIeratlau ' ' ' REASONABLE 25 Yetn Eiptrienco ••• >Gara|es» Officer ' •Sheelrock —" • WORK $30lo$50 ' ' t Hushed ••. Fr«Ejtlmal«i-' ,• Exterior REASONABLE RATES •New De«lopmenb__ RATES v Nojobtoobiiortooinull ''Paneling _ Professionally Done Minor Tiee Tnmmlng i "REPAIRS Reasonable R Shettroci INTEREST, INC. CONTRACTING •SHEET ROCK Professional WEEKENDS ONLY - Blockwork ALL HEATING & PLUMB- •SMiR| Ctlllnn-


To qualify lor thisoffof. all cats must be delivered by October 3 hi. 51500 to be applied as down pint. Oiler excludes tax.and' licensefees. Not responjibVlor typographical'errors. CHOOSE~YOUR OWN DELIVEftY AREA & SCHEDULE.