HIS 340L (38555) / ANS 340L (31010) POST-MAO CHINA CHANGE AND TRANSFORMATION Spring 2015 Prof. Huaiyin Li Tue. & Thur. 3:30-5:00 pm Office: GAR 3.202 GAR 1.126 Office Phone: 475 7910 Office Hours: Tue. & Thur. 2:00-3:30 pm Email:
[email protected] Course description: This course examines contemporary Chinese economy, society, and politics in a historical context. It covers the following major themes: the transformation of China’s rural and urban economies and its social consequences; change and continuity in government systems, political ideologies, and popular values; and China’s integration into the global system and its impact on China’s role in world politics. Using a comparative and historical perspective, this course aims to identify the characteristic Chinese path of economic, social, and political transformations and explicating its implications for existing theories of development and modernization. Required readings: T. Saich, Government and Politics of China, 3rd ed (Palgrave, 2011) H. Li, Village China under Socialism and Reform: A Micro-History, 1948-2008 (Stanford, 2009) B. Womack, ed., China’s Rise in Historical Perspective (Rowman & Littlefield, 2010) T. Kacka, A. Kipnis, and S. Sargeson, Contemporary China: Society and Social Change (Cambridge, 2013) Grading: Class participation (20%): including oral presentation (10%), and participation in discussion (10%). Four pop quizzes (5% each, 20% total): for each quiz, write a synopsis (100-200 words) of one chapter from the reading assignments for the day, to be finished in class without prior notification. Midterm Exam (30%): on Thur. Mar. 12. Essay (30%): 6 to 7 double-spaced pages, due Thur.