World Prayer Day Addition to Will Be Observed 2 Buildings
( All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse , ews Complete News Coverage of All the Poiutes Home of the News VOLUME 24-NO, 9 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post' Office at Detroit. Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY28, 1963 'Ie Per C9j)7 M.OO Per Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION HEADLINES ~"ToConstruct 01 tb~ World Prayer Day Addition To 'VEI~K A.s Compiled by tbe Will be Observed 2 Buildings Grosse Pohlle !\'eu's Government to Pay Half of $363,640 Cost of Thursda~', :February 21 At W d SOVIET SHIPS capable of I. ~o~__s___Churc h Pub~~.~:~;,tbP~.d. transponing 8,000 of thc esti- mated 17.0('0 Russi.1l1 t roo p s Women of Pointe Houses of Worship Band Together! Garag.e ~till in Cuba are headed toward the bland. American officials For 77th Annual Observance Scheduled Th C 't F 'l't' F .- 'd M h c ommum y aCI lIes rev('aled yesterday that two of or r-n ay, arc I at I p,m. Administration in Washing- ,he four SOVIet vessels nearing y.<;)'" I Grosse Pointers will observe the 77th annual World r ton, D. C., gave the Woods Cuba arc empty, indicating they ha\'(' been sent spC'cifiea!ly to . ',~"'::?~:~i:~Day of Prayer o~ Friday, March_I, at Grosse Pointe I the .g? ahead ~ignal to .b~ld Implement Khrushehe\"s prom- ',:;::'::),i'f!~ Woods Presbyterian Church, 199;)0 Mack avenue at ~ddItJ.ons to Its MumcIP:l ise to \\ ithdraw "several thou.
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