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All the News of A.11 the Pointes * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete New~ Coverage of All the Pointes Home of tbe News

Entered as Second Cla~s Matter VOLUME 23-NO. 24 at the Post Office at . Mich, GROSSE POINTE, , JUNE 14, 1962 7c Per Copy 54.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I

• ~, t UK"DI~INES:Art Institute Boost Drive For Art Institute 708 GPHS Pupils Only 1,375 of the ,AssigllS Day IBotlIer to 'VEER 'To Poi'lters As Compiled by the To Get Diplomas Go to Polls Grosse Pointe News , Founder's Society and Me. New Trustee Gets '------/ moria I Center Cooperate ',115 Thursday, June 7 I to Make Tour Family Thursday Night Votes Compared to 247 A ~59 :,I1LLIO),' NUISANCE, Affair For Richard Hudson~ No Other Issues TAX package has bc(n passed I Th h d f th . . . ,. 'T' C ea S 0, e vanous Traditional Commencement Exercises to Be Held In by :\Irchrgan s State Scn:lte. .le city governlTIents of the Gymnasium.Auditorium at 8:15: Honors to Be Grosse Pointe vat e r S lawmakers. yotlng on srx sepa- five Grosse Pointes, have Announced by Principal Gehrich w,,'nt to the polls Monday rate measlll'(,S to increase beer. combined in proclaiming! ---______in relatively few numbers cigarets. liquor. telephone and i Thursday, June 21, Grosse I Seven hundred and eight students, members of to elect Mrs. Alice Mary telegraph use and the corpora- I Pointe Day at the Detroit Grosse Pointe High School's Class of 1962, will receive Hvkes trustee of the Grosse tion franehisl.' taxe,;, passed the; Institute of Arts. In co- their diplomas tonight at Commencement exercises, PClinte Board of Education. il u i san c e le\'ies Wednesday: operation the Grosse Pointe scheduled to begin at 8:15 o'clock in the gymnasium She gained 1,115 votes to night lespite vigorous objec-: War Memorial Association auditorium. defeat Richard Hudson, the t I' tions from De m 0 e l' a t s. who: is sponsoring a chartered The traditional s a ins 0[")------only other candidate, who voted "no" on all the bills. Only, bus trip from the Center to "P 0 m pan d Circumstance." IS P 1 H. 1 reeeived 247 votes. played by the High School Con- t. au tg t :\1:rs.Hykes will serve a four. two Ikpublicans. Carlton H,' the. Mu~eum. o~ thi~ oc- cert Orchestra under the direcw year term, beginning July l. 'I . (K I d lIarr"" ' caSlOn. The trIP IS desIgned "' orris 0 a amazoo an ,;y' f £ '1 tion of Richard H. Snook, will Holds AnllUal The seat she will occupy is that Litowieh of Benton Harbor. . or amI y groups. follow the graduates as they formerly held by the late Bert . .. I Chartered buses will leave the march to their seats. H. Vhcking who passed away JOllled th('1I' Dl.'moc.:l'atlc ~'o.-: Center. 32 Lake Shore road, at Two to Give Speeches :gl'Jt" (, last February aftp~' IlNrly 19 leagues in opposing al,l the b~lls. : 6:15 p,m, Hot box suppers will Torc1t N years of service to the school and one other Repubhcan .. C aI'- be served on board, On arrival The invocation will be given dHrict. ('nee c.; I' a l: b n e I' o~' Sagmaw: ,at the Art Institute the group by senior class president Jon Many Honors Announced Voters turned out in the n~toed an Increase 10 the ~ax: will be taken on a special guid- Gandelot, after which senior greatest numbers at Richard on beer and the corporatlOn, ed tour of the Museum. speakers Ann Hock and Gregor During Traditional Cere. Scll001 where 309 balloted. The i'ranehisE' tax. McGregor will discuss two as- monies Held Last , total votes cast in the whole Children will be entertained * * \vith puppet shows. There will be pect,~ of "Responsibility." t?is Wednesda I dbtrict. 1.375. represent only yeal s . commencement t?!? ~c. y 3J/.~ percent of the eligible Friday. Junc 8 a demonstration of painting and I Ann WIll speak on responSIbIlity S 't . I d 'th voters some 35000-40000 in . . erem y mIn 0' e WI I .' • • PRESlDE:\'T KEXl'- I all. This total compares with pIe d g e d across-the-ooal'c1 tax: lowC'd by a reception and re- amine responsibility to one's I sadness p.revallea last Wed-I 5,700 who voted last June when cuts in personal and .corporate i freshments. self. nesday mght, June 6, at 170 I' two trustees wcrc ~elected from income taxes l.'fi'cctrve next ~ Home by 9:30 Principal Jerry J, Gerich will '\Grosse Pcinte boulevard. a .~'ieldof five candidates. Janll~I'v 1 a full veal' earlier i . u, .' < '. • : The buses WIll then return to ..• recognize various award win- Two hundred spectators I No other issues were voted than prenollslv antrcrpated. At: tl W IVI . 1 tt' b k . '.. 'le ar emona ge rng ac ...... :~'""~ ners, including those in the top watched senior and junior on in this special election. A IllS news. confer~nce ~esterd~), , by 9:30 p.m. The cost of the en- ..... ~ive . perc~n~ of ,.the class,. wh~ students of St. Paul High \ precinct, by, preeinc:. breakdown t. e P 'eslc1ent vrrtuall" admrt- n I.. .. ' .' ,tire evenin" including transpor- _, Iecerve dIct~onalles. T?e wmnCI exchange candles for roses of the \ otes follo\\ s. I. '" ted th~l the Unrted States i u ... I tatlOn. supper. tour and enter- of the PlebIan AthletIc. Award, at the annual Torch Ni2'ht HYk~S Hudson economy :reeds ,\elmlnrstratlOn, t . t 'II b $2 Meeting at the War Memorial special tours of the Art Institute. the Rotary Club SerVIce Tro- ~ ; Tt"ombly .. ~1 "; . . . h' Id: ammen WI e per person. ",\lei phy, and sehola:ship winners ceremo~lY. ! Defer 100 lZ hel;)!,L anel that e \\ ou ,'P"dal reserva t'IOnS must be In. to Center, which was formerly a branch Grosse Pointe's Day is June 21 and personally ask. ~ 0 n g res s to: the Center's office (TU 1-7511) will also be announced. The lIghted tOi'e-hes symbo-I' Maire _ __.. ._ 153 22 of the Detroit Institute of Arts, this there is a story about it on page one. Mr. Gerich will then present lized. !oyalty and learning, the Richard 270 36 enact tax 1'c1l('t measures to,' bv l' tles(1av, J une 19. prevent t~lC Io',rcscnt rcc,o.~crYI; . The Fo~nders Society of the group gat her e d last Saturday to Pictured here are left to right: FRANK the senior class to public school qua!I~l(~Sexpected of the new. I Kerby _... 203 56 from runnJn~ out o£ gas. Institute is much interested in further plans to increase interest in BUCHANAN of the Institute staff; superintendent Dr. James W. ly Imt~a.ted seniors. Th~. roses \ Ferry...... R8 ZZ '" '" '" I the success of this project. Bushong and, as counselors p~rSomf1ed the memones of 1M ason 77 38 the Institute, The Founders' So~iety MRS. A. D. WILKINSON, M~S. Saturday. June 9 'Among the many actively sup- read the names of the gradu- t e graduates. J l\Jonteith h...... 77 38 porting it are Mesdames Edw is sponsoring a number of Area Days CARL B. GRAWN, MRS. ALGER ates, Dr. Bushong will present The officers of the underw Poupard __ 34 18 THE SOVIET UNION yester- ward S. Evans, Jr., A. D. Wil- during which many of the munici- SHELDEN and MRS. EDWARD S. them with their diplomas. classes exchanged banners sym- Barnes ~ 70 16 day charged Britain, France and kinson, Alger Shelden. Carl B. Last Song Together bolic of their ascent to a higher palities in the Metropolitan District EVANS, the Unitcd States with provok- Grawn, and Charles Wright, Jr. JR. After the final diploma has grad~. . Totals 1.115 247 ing incidents along the Berlin will be honored a.nd conducted on been received. the graduated TIll:' year, as m the past, w~l1. and de<:1arl.'d it will no Service Clubs Join seniors will sing their "Alma superIOr studen.ts w~re hon- longer permit the Western The heads of the Pointes' Mater" for the last time as a ored for acadenue achIevement, Park Approves Powers to use Wc'st Berlin as 'I many service clubs have also dass. ~ome of the awards are men- a base fOI'revenge-seeking mili- , pledged their cooperation to this Following the benediction, to tIoned here. Garhage Pickup tarists. In lhis, their strongest! enterprise including Miss Caro- Fine Opportunity Offered Dry W,eather be given by Jon Gandelot, the GeneraJ Excellence was pre- recent statement on Berlin, the llyn Wicks, president. Soropti- graduates will march out, again sented to Tho III a s Cox and The Park council on ::\10nday. Russians listed a s~ries of bor- I mist International of Grosse To' Meet~Ql1iz Candidates I(.e:eps Farms tu "Pomp and Circumstance:' Mary Schuma~llCr. . . June 11, approved a contract dcI' incic1l'nt.s as evidence of Pointe; Mrs. Walter Stewart, A non-date party, with a midw L Excell,ence In '..ranou~ credI- for garbage pick up for the re- Western "interference" in East prcsident, Grosse Pointe Artists night buffet supper and danc- oed subJec~s were :e~erved by maming householders and busiw German affairs. but neglected i Association; Carl Liebold, presi- At Rep,ublican Rally Today Pumps BltSY ing, will follow the commencew the followmg; Rellglon, Mar- I ne~s places not yet having dis- to mention that the majority of i dent, Kiwanis Club of Grosse Illent exercises. It is to be held garet Do?ley and Steven ~and- pmals or incinerators, cases cited involved East Ger- i Pointe, Inc,; John J. Zolad, at the Lochmoor Club, and will los; EnglIsh, Pamela Mo.rns :nd The bidder for the contract Many Aspirants to Office to Attend .Gather~ng In Unusually Rainless April man border guards firing on' president, Exchange Club of continue until 2 a.m. ~~ary ~et~ ~e~;; Soc~alP;:,~uwis ~he Gator Trueking company Country Club at I P.M.; Tea on Terrace Will Iron Curtain escapces. Grosse Pointe; Alonzo O'Connor, and May Shatter Many ------res, .aro a.n . an e er I of Detroit, who offered to pick " * >,< president of Grosse Pointe Optiw Follow Program of Speeches. Water Usage Records Palombl~; MathematICS, Thomas up garbage in the city for 75 mist Club: Edward Taube, Jr., Cox.; SCience, Steven. Handlos; cents a week per household, Sllnday. Junc 10 in Pointe Safety Plaque president. Rotary Club of Grosse A unique opportunity to meet and q~esti~m ma.ny of Latm, Pamela Morns; Short- and £5 a week per business THE l.:~ITED STATES CUL- Pointc. the Republican candidates for State offIces IS avmlable Add C. hand II, Margaret S c h u I t e; 1 TURAL CENTER in Algiers I to all interested Grosse Pointe today. Eight of these The Pointe and surround- 1;Var e lty I Home, Economics, ~ynn Fox; p ~~i~~' Manager Robert Slone was bomt~d yesterday, No in- • • candidates have accepted invitations to "explain them- ing areas experienced an DraftIng, Ke~Ul~th ZImmerman; I inforl;lcd the council thai there juries \licre reported as a result. Bu,rglar VlSltS selves" at the Annual June Candidates' Tea, sponsored unusually dry April and Grosse Pointe City has won Choral, Chrlstme Cook, .Bar- I arE still 188 residences that re- May this year, as evidenced an Honorable Mention from bara Gard.cner, Mary ~ltter, qUIre such pick UP. and 12 busi- of the pla~~'.c-bomb attack. 01'-1 by the Women's Republican Club of Grosse Poin~e. dered by the Set' r c t Army !J,J4 the American Automobile As- Annette Wlbbelman; Typmg II, . 1 es Holne ill, P k Speeches are scheduled to begin shortly after 1 p.m. In Organization as a gesture of I by the lack of normal rain- sociation (AAA) in recognition Mary Jo. Decker; Activiti~s, ne;~l: af~rn~, the only bidder, defiance toward the U.S. State . , the Country Club of Detroit. fall :cor these months, and of its efforts to save pedesw Gary SchICk and Jack WaC_l- stated it would accept the COIl- n parolee, conviction can bring a greater ll1.the W,alker home whIle Mrs. 147,760,000 gallons. The Park Council approved If the city does the billing Mr. anp Mrs. James Yates of who last month completed a 90w prison sentence. Vmcent s parents were out of a contract for the repair of 318,- and collecting, the four-inch Ekalaka, Mont., died of suffoca- day sentence in the Wayne Judge Schemanske referred town By comparison, April 1961 500 square feet of SI'd ewalks' sl'dewalks \"1'11cost a t;otal of Woods Councilman Marvin R. County Jail for assault and Th' Walkers returned home saw _arainfall of ~.75 inches, with and curbs throughout the city. $114,000; six-inch sidewalks, Boutin has suggested that lake- tion in mud which had seep~d Wynn to the Recorder's Proba- e water consumptIon set at 68,- 'd lks through the door of her raIl- battery, was found guilty of tion Division and will prow on Tuesday, May 29, and check- 740000 all . d' lV- It took this action on Monday, $7,800; eight-inch Sl ewa • front park officials set up in- road car before a worn a n, statuatory rape by a Detroit nounee sentence on Tuesday, ed to see what had been stolen. ' g ons, an .m iay June 11. $2,000; and the curbing, $1,900. spection points, s i mil a I' to thought to be her mother, could Recorder's Court jury on Tues- June 19. They told police that the thief, 19.61, there were 2.61 mches of If the billing and collecting those on the Canadian-American or thieves, took a solid gold ramfalI, and a pumpage of 86,- The contract for the program is done by the firm, the cost dig her out. day, JunE' 5. border, The Detroiter was originally man's wrist watch valued at 430.000 gallon.s of wate~. was awarded to J. J. Barney will be $120,000; $8,062; $2,044; Devilliards Wynn, alias Devii- arrested by Park police on Felr Boutin informed his fellow * * * $400, with an inscription on the The m ~ x 1m 1!m sll1~le-day company, which offered the and $2,000 respectively. councilmen at the Woods' regu- Tuesday, June 12 liards Long, alias Devillards De- ruary 9, and charged with at- back, "To Bud Wi~h Love - pumpage, ll1 Apnl o~ thIS y.e~r lowest of four bids. Slone told the council that w lar meeting Monday night. June long, 28, of 4450 Thirtieih tempted rape of a 20-year old Lois'" a $175 gold watch in- was 4,790,000 gallons, the mlnI- The firm offered to do the the cost of the sidewalks and A GROUP OF BUSINESS 4, that he had heard tales of street, Detroit, was sentenced Park girl who had gotten off serib~d with Walker's name; an mum,. 2,110,000. In April 1961, job for $125,700, if the billing curbing will be charged to the LEADERS, headed by chairman you n g s t e r s smuggling other to the county jail on February a bus at Mack' and Somerset electric razor worth $25; a tran- the hl~hest for a?~ one day was and collecting is done by the pro,erty owners whose side- of United States Steel Corp., youngsters, who live outside the 9, by Park Judge C. Joseph and was walking to he\' home. sistoI' radio valued at $35; and 2,440,000; the mInImum. 1,970,- city, or for the amount of $132. walks need repairing. The city Roger M. Blough, met privately Belanger, following his arrest Wynn, wno was also on the bus, City, into the park in automobile a small gold meshed souvenir 000. 106. if it does this itself. will do the billing and co11ect- trwlks. for~an hour early yesterday eve- by Park police. got off at the same time,' and nin" with President Kennedy. coin purse, valued at $5. Pumps Set Records City Manager Robert Slone ing, and will pay the contractor. '1'he Council took no action on On completion of the jail followed the girl. 'Police Lt. George LaForest Last month, the maximum disclosed that approximately Interest will be charged prop- Anr';'ounced discussion topic was Boutin's sugrestion. term, Wynn was re-an-ested by As the girl neared her home, and Patrolman James Jurcak single-day pumpage was, 7,120,- 300,000 square feet of four-inch erty owners who do not pay the problem of balance-of-payw Detroit police and held on Wynn grabbed her about the said the burglHs entered the 000; the minimum, 2,380.000. In sidewalks; 15,000 square feet their bills within the year, and ments and the outflow of FIREMEN RESCUE CAT charges of criminally assault- throat and covered her mouth, house by breaking a small pane May 1961, the highest one day of six-inch sidewalks; 2.500 after that, if the bill is, still un- United States gold. but the Grosse Pointe City firemen ing a 20-year-old girl and a but not before she let out a of glass on the dl)or leading pumpage was 4,130,000 gallons, square feet of eightwinch side- paid. the amount owed will be over-all purpose of Kennedy's removed a cat from the garage 12-year-old girl in Detroit. piercing :cream. into the den from the patio on the lowest, 2,250,000 gallons. walks; and 1,000 linea,l feet of placed on the tax rolls and will get-together with members of Norman Beliger, 18, of 329 roof at Mrs, l\1ary Peabody's Wynn was arraigned before the north side of the house. Farms. City Manager Sidney curbing must be removed and become a lien against the prop- lhe business C'ommunity is gen- Hillcrest, visiting a girl friend, DeBoer said that last month . 1 d .,. ht t' residence, 314 Universiy. Mon- erally conceded to have been Recorder's Judge Frank Sche- Every room in the house had rep ace . The SIX ana elg w er les. day morning, June 11. The cat w Jane Mazzoda of 1423 Somer- been thoroughly ransacked and was the biggest May pumpage inch sidewalks are those across Slone said that property own- much broader than any specific manskc on a charge of assault had been trapped on the roof (Continued (m Page 2) left in disorder, it was said. (Continued on Page 2) driveways. (Continued on Page 2) subject. ing the younger girl, for which for 24 hours.

__ m n-nmoni • c c $. a 5 S zer ••• o _ c g rt n en L. -- a. - . Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS 11,ursday; June 14, '1962 Thursday, June 14, 1962 St. Paul High Holds Anulwl Torch Night Assault Case Public School Teachers Correct Woods Budget Error Pierre Heftler, (Continued from Page 1) National Latin Honor Society year perfect attendance medal, A story of the Wood.;' 1962- Petersen pointed out that the The Park council regretfully Febn (Continued from Page 1) the Michigan Week Contest. A arE Susan Desmet, John KaJo- and Gary Schick and Ken Zim- Continue to Win Honors 63 Fiscal Budget printed In the I $64,288 increase for the fiscal accepted the resignation of City ably. ~ jeski, Robert Lenneman, Pam- May 24 issue of the NEWS, dis- year beginning July I, is due to I Scholastic Writing Award was merman earned a three-year set, heard the girl's scream and Attorney Pierre Heftler on: of III presented to Mitchell Bcszek. ela Morris, Mary Schumacher, perfect attendance medal. ran out of the house and grab- Many Grosse Pointe Public how the program, which he at- closed that the comparative the added cost of debt service, I Monday, Junc 11. and immedi-I Fo!I In the Nationwide Latin Ex- Barbara Trombley, Carol Yak- Mary Schumacher ret'" downpour was measured at Allstate Foundation, to study ~ appearance and comfore. I~ 1.70 inches, and the second !i:~' Driver Education at Michigan FATHER'S DAY :The successful needle work re- ~ 'it. heaviest, June 4, which was fA', (and the \VOmel State University. ~ 1.20 inches. IS JUNE 17th ~ quired is achieved by workers who ~ ~~ On Wednesday, June 6, the Andrew J. Balas has received a Fulbright award, and will 1= rainfall was 0.02 of an inch; 95 work only on these fine light weight ~~ Saturday and Sunday, June 9 teach in a U.S. national school $5 ~I and 10, 0.94 of an inch. in Greece during 1962-63. ~ clothes. Dr. Clarence J. Messner, re- tiring Richard principal, sur- fftC 'S ~ Jtt1i ~ Q.l. ~ Ql I~ veyed schools in Elsie and Ash- CLOTHES ARE \~ ley, Mich., recently. Dr. Mess- ~ (Jlt~ney"(freeman ner was part of a University of GROSSE POINTE ~ ,""CLUSlvm W'"H us 'N DETRO'T ; (Continued from Page 1) Michigan Bureau of School Ser~ vices' team which undertook the AT 17140 KERCHEVAL KODEL~ ination to United States Congress survey, with a view t(;ward pos- (at large); and William J. Ken- sible reorganization of the school TUxedo 2-8970 ~ ~~ I~ nedy, candidate for nomination districts in the area. thorge Accounts Invited ~ I~ ~, for State Senate (1st Senatorial High SchOol social studies Convenient Free Parking ~ Woodward at Grand Circus Park !~ ~':. ~~ ' District). teacher James Curlett has been ~ Also in CI)icago ~ Tea on T~rrace invited to Ohio Northern Uni. OPEN TKURSDAY EVENINGS " Tea will be served at 2:45 versity to observe the Institute TILL 9:00 p._m.on the Country Club ter- of American Studies and tell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i race, where everyone present will have an opportunity to meet the candidates personally, talk wifh SPIRIT LIFTING GIFTS from WHALING'S with them and ask questions. Mrs. F. L. Congdon of Bar- clay road, president of the Wom- SHORT.SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS . SPORT SHIRTS en's Republican Club of Grosse Keep Dad'sSummercomfort uppCImost! Silks, imported oottons,fine knits, wash Pointe, emphasizes that the pub- We have batistemadras and oxford, fine and wear in a galaxyof solid colors and lic is definitely invited and urges mesh, skip dents and Dacron polyester patterns. Lacoste and Hathaway Aertex all electors in the area to take and cotton wash and wear ••. in whito In gaucho style; Schiaparelliand Chris. tian Dior in button front style. advantage of this excellent op- and cool colors. portunity to become acquainted nee a man has driven a new Ocdillae, it is diffwult 5.00 t~ 8.95 5.00 to 17.95 with the candIdates and the issues. GOLF JACKETS SPORT COATS AND SLACKS A donation of $1.50 is re(Iuest- for him to find contentment with any other 'Inotor car. Lightwe:ght Dacron and cotton. wash Give Dad an ensemble of summer ed for the tea. and wear by London Fog nnd Zero weight worsteds, Dacron polyester and King. wool or wash 'n' wear. Matching or 15.95 to 19.95 harmonizingcolors. Coats: 29,95 up, Slacks: 10.95 up Sidewalks SUMMER PAJAMA.S (Continued frum Page 1) Short-sleevedvery lightweightcotton in TERRY.LlNED CABANA SETS knee length style. Matching jackets and swim trunks. ers need not acquire the serv- 5.00 and 5.95 15.00 ices of the J. J. Barney com- pany. If they can have the job done by another firm at a cheaper rate, they are free to WHALING'S do so. But, they must first ob. tain a permit, for one dollar, ~ 'ZI.J(?Q.;t from the city. The dollar will cover the in- 520 WOODWARD 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS spection fee of the new side- North of City-County Bldg, Open ThursdllY and FridllY Eves. Grllnd 80ulevllrd Sid. walk to make sure it is accord- ing to specifications.

This white shirt washes , wrinkl~s, needs no ironi, INVESTigate ••• Reserve Neatness. it sta' all day. Manhattan tailo' American Cyanamid collars (shown here ••• t, Blake) and convenient COI ~ for growth This major diversified chemical company derives al- most ~ of its sales from the highly regarded Lederle ethical drug division. American Cyanamid is engaged xxxxxx in the manufacture, purchase and sale of diversified >('. ;./' ," y . - .-v , V. •• ' . line of chemical, pharmaceutical and a!Iied products. i\. ". Dividends have been paid since 1934. The company is )(;'S.ST expected to share fully in the growth of the ethical X.-" I' , drug, plastics, and basic chemical industries in the X:./ ~.. 'i.,'. years ahead. The pharmaceutical field is being em. >


• • • ''0 '' ...... uaw.pw:==_ ..

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three hursday, June 14, '1962 Thursday, June 14, 1962 Budaet Error Pierre HeftIer, Attorney For Park 22 Years, Resigns Woods Police, City to Start ~ Seek Dognapper Swim Classes Pctcr~('n pointed out that the The Park council ~'('gr('tfully Februa.ry 1946. He. was honor- \ Yokohama, Japan, from July I moun,ting pressure in private Jo~n S64.288 increase for the fiscal :lceepted the resl,~natlOn of City ably chscharged wlt.h the rank 1945 through October 1946. practrce. Woods police are looking for A variety of swimming in- ~'ear bcginning July 1. is due to .:\ttorllt'Y Pil'rrc Heftier on of licutenant. After two years of service, he The council approved a reso- a woman suspl~cted of taking a structiGns at Neff Memorial ihe added cost of debt service. :\Ionday, Junc 11, and imnwdi- Following his disclwrge, he was honorably cJ.is.charged with lution, to be suitably framed, a three percont increase in the . I'.'. rl'turncd to his post with the 01(' rank of tcchmcal sergeant. to be presented to Heftler, com- valuable French poodle puppy Park will be offered to the resi- CHET S~~MPSON salary of all city employes and "te ~ dppomled hIS successor \ - ., , , . village. Up to the time of his He is married to the former mending hIS many years of from the This and That Pet dents by Paul Wheeler and his thc payment of longevity, the on an Escorted Deluxe Air Tour Plckl'd to succeed Hcft\cr was rf'signation. he ,,"vas receiVing Ann Casey of the Park. They service to the community. Shop. 19587 Mack avenUe on staff. Classes for ages start- ,'o:;t of ,,'ater and sewage serv- an ;ce and the proposed hiring of his law parlnf'r. Hichard D,! $;).;)00 a year salal'y from the arc the parents of four chil------Monday, June 4. ing at. 4 will be offered through- :hree extr;: personnel for the 1\Ghr. 35. of 1169 Devonshire. : city. drcn, and arc expecting another. SOCIETY TO .MEET Mrs. Lee Meyer, 47, of 4145 out the majority of the summer, Public Safety Department. Hefti 0-') 'I 1-' L')f- ~ lIe is married to thc (ormer The children are, Martha, 10; The District Nursing Society Balfour, Detroit, tG1d police plus the organization of a team. i Around tIle World A new Public Safety officer 'l'''k" elr: .)-. \\ W plH 'S at - 1:J : l\l"1rg'lr(,t 'L'homl)s('ll of DetI'ol't Elizabeth, seven; Matthew, five; l) ... mg ldtn. was a["k c[l v at-, ~, <. . I. will hold its regular meeting that a customer in the store Registration for the classes I . '.vill be hired shortly. the city t f ')? ., 'L'I I I 'ld ,and Sarah, two. orney or __ ycars, including: H'Y lavc l\\'o c 11 ren, Patrr- Wednesday morning, June 20, told her that an old woman will be held on Monday, June November 1 to December 17 administrator said, Two more the time hl' servl'd with th~' I cia. 16. and Petl'r, 13. Heftler said his reosignation is was looking -into a cage at the 18, and Tuesday, June 19. I ,~ , d t th I k f t t at 11 O'clock, at Bay Court off:cers will be added to the de- rear of the store that contained ",mte(\ Statl's :'IIavy (iuI'ing' II 'f .. ' . 1 R I . " PaI.t ue a e ac 0 Ime'o carry Countries to be included are: JAPAN, FORMOSA, , partmEnt next January. World \-\'ar l! ( ~IL! t'tl1( .. 011 , aBlc I - on the city duties because of Camp, Waterford, Mich. several poodle puppies. Monday. June 18, at 10 a.m. I . ners lJl t 1(' ill'm 01 OCman, ~~ _ registration for all non-swim~ HONGKONG, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, He was fir:;t apPllttltl'd to the . Lon~ley, Hogle, Armstrong and The woman asked the custo- mer and beginners starting at post by thl' then Vil1ag(' Presi- ; Dahling. l:tOO , Beer Drinking Spree Costly mer about the dogs and wanted age 4. BURMA. INDIA, PAKISTAN, EGYPT, SYRIA, LEBANON, dent Karl (;oddar~t in DeCet1l- i Detroit. to know tp,eir breed, and was Tuesday, June~ 19, at 10 a.m, JORDAN, ISRAEL, TURKEY & GREECE. he~~19-10. ,'nd ('onll~ued Il~ that; Hohr, a nati\'(' o( D('troit, Five teenage boys arrested paid a fine of $35 each. informed that they were minia~ registration for intermediate ?1 oitlCl' when t I~c v,Jll(t~l' JIl('OI'-' grac!uatC'd from Harvard Uni- by Park police for littering and Fined were, Joseph Gallag~ ture F.reneh poodles. and advanced swimmers. ExtenSions in Hawaii and Europe are possible, poralcd as a city III December \Trsitv in 1950 receiving a her, 19, of 14274 Northlawn; Mrs. Meyer said that later Monday, June 18, at 11 a.m. lQ-O '.' il\l'gal posscssion of alcoholic .;) . Hadwlor of Arts degree, and in she discovered one of tile pup- . t t. f II h . beverages, were sentenced to Adrian Bohanowych, 18, of regIS ra. IOns or a t ose lU- Total Cost: About $2500 lIe rl'('cin'd an cnginel'ri:1g: 1953, j'('ecived his law degree pies, a black female, about t t d . . , . pay a heavy fine on Thursday, 11386 Bral'le', M"rtl'n Gral'g, 1"'" '. eres e' In competItIve SWlm~ cll'grec from the Universitv 0(, from thl' University of Michi- ... seven weeks old. was gone. The mingo Detailed itenerilry available at: \Ii~'higan in lH:n. tlwn dec'ided: gan, . June 7, by Park Judge C. Jo- (}[ 13530 Washburn; Michael animal is valued at $125, she Ho'ssiter, 17, of 17314 Fairfield; said. Classes in diving will be ar- to switch to law. ~pttll1g his, 11l11l1pdiatclyafter getting his seph Belanger. and Stephen Bozzer, 17, of ranged at a later date as well degree fn>m the univprsit;; in law dcgree. he joined Heftler 'l'he youths. who were arrest- ., 'rhe oll'ly description of the as a physical fitness and swim- Chet SamPSOn Travel Service IP;j.L as an associate. and in January 13203 Mark Twam, all of De- suspected dognapper is that ming program for ladies. ed on May 29 when a police 100 Kercheval on the Hill TUxedo 5-7510 During World War I!. he 195B. bCl',tl11l'a full pariner. troit. '\she was old, about five feet Thursday evenings will be officer saw them throwing se['vcd with thc :'11,1\';; Engi- i Thl' new city attorney served Full bottles of beeT were seven inches tall, had gray hair \ reserved from 6 o'clock till neers. testing anti-:;ubmarinc: with the United States Army empty beer bottles from a mov- found in their car by the ar- and was wearing a long black closing for adults only at the

or no iron KaDEL (ID - COTTON ~, oIim£atIiut.~ pajamas of no-iron Delcoti)! Popular Blake Collar 19

KODEL - COTTON A Blend of Eastman

$5.95 KODELab-COTTON $5.95

The warm weather sleeping is easy in these cool .-': and carefree proportioned fit pajamas. Of 50% stay-fresh Kodel polyester and 50% cotton, they wash with complete ease, always drip-dry smooth and wrinkle-free, never even look at an iron! Quality tailored for lor,g wearing comfort with short. 1 sleeved top and knee-Iangth bottoms. Our collec- is diffwult tion in a wide choice of summer solids • • • all I refreshingly piped. -'"7 motor car. I ...... i ,. I I ~. i~ '\ ------.J '" - \ KODEL@ - COTTON UNDERSHORTS I An always comfortable, always care.free blend of 50% I stay-fresh Kodel polyester and 50% cotton. It washes

':; with com plete ease, drips-dry without wrinkles. needs I no ironing or eve'1 a "touch-up." And, exclusive Reserve Neatness keeps it smooth and un-rumpled no matter ... \ ' •• ~ 1 how active your day. Manhattan quality tailored with short point, medium spread Blake collar and cool fashion half-sleeves.

This white shirt washes without +uss, drips-dry without wrinkles, needs no ironing! And, thanks to exdusi~e Father's Day is Reserve Neatness, it stays smooth and morning crisp all day. Manhattan tailored with a choice of fashion collars (shown he,re •.• the short point, medium spread Blake) and cO!'1venient convertible cuffs. _SUNDAY~ We have 9itfs for • Shorts every man In every' price' 'range~ NOTE: We are open until 9 P.M. Tonight! Stop inl 17012 KERCHEVAL Easy eare gift idea ••• undershorts of 50% Kodel, the at Notre Dame champion of the stay-fresh fabrics, and 50~~ cotton! They wash and wear with never a pause for ironing! OPEN THURSDAYS TilL 9 With Permoflex. elastic waistband! proportioned fit and non-bind construction. Our collection in classic solids,.. FREE PARKING newest fancies.

PRIL21«r. 21_. ..

, _ .. - , , ". - - - .. ~ . , - , . __ .... , J .... •__ .:: ...... _~... '_# __ ._ ••....:_-...J-....:...... :.-J~.~"--_L '~J.. . .. ~..L_..:...... '_ ~,~_~ ~_ 1.1. ", __ ..~ ... ~ --~... ---~- _._~ -~ ------~----~------.-.---toQJ"44--..._...-....a--'••q"o"c_...s..a_.a-u.slIIc ...__ ._a._! .2.2.3•• 2.2••• 2••••• 2._ ••••• _

Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS T~urspay, June 14, 1962 Thursday, June 14, 1962 S,:vi,n Classes At Farlns Pier Regist,ation for the first ginners. intermediate swim. Scout Become TANKER WINS LETTER Annual All~Sports Banquet on ,St.ate to the President'!) Ath. Confused Driver I r'--- four wcC'ks of swimming <"lasses mers, advanced, diving, syn- Memorial Trio Eagles Wayne State University swim~ Monday. May ,28. A senior, he letic Conference t.an); tJtit: last at thc Grosse Pointe Farms chronized, Junior and Senior ming star, Bill Ewald, was receivcd a special citation at winter. Bill is the 80n of George Hits Police Car ~. pier-park will be held at the life saving, and a speoial class among 151 athletes to receive t.he banquet for his champIon- W. Ewald of Cadieux road. park on Friday. Saturday and [.r~~~:~~~;,r;F,~:';'::..~.::....' varsity letters at WSU's Tenth I ship efforts in leading Wayne i for mothers. ~ motorist who claimed he Sunday, June 15, 16 and 17. I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIilll!llllllll"III11I1I1I1I1I111IIIII1I1I1I1I11I1I1I11I1I1I1II1I1I11I1I1! became confused when he saw I The hours will be from 10 a.m. Instructors far this summer's r:':...... F',,-', """,q,.~.~... 'l'IlIH"",t,jJ/'~'-'",. . .' :,' .' -':':'. " ' , ',- ,~",,,- a Shores police car approaching to 4 p.m. ! program are Barbara HerricK, ~>'').'; (X1'l)3rilO~{' ~', C,' " . . ,: ~... while he was backing into a lane t, 1"::1 There will be classes for be- 'o! Annette Urs{) and Mary Sepia. i,e - "'--q' (mE-ItFS'! 'J''';, OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. on Lake Shore road, moved into ,~ t, ~~~,,~"..~', ~'. .' .', ' the path of the scout car and ; li;.4i caused a collision on Sunday, i ~::~~~~.:~~'.:-) i ~ June 3. " """ ~ Damage to the police vehicle CHET SAMPSON and to its emergency radio was announces the "LAST CALL" for his about $482.55 and damage to the private car was about $50, according to Shores Police I It Chief Fred Duemling. Western Tour The motorist, Robert M. 15- gan, 29, of 14775 lVIaddelein, Detroit. wa'i given two viola- JULY 28-AUG. 31 tion tickets, one for failing to Takes yield the right of way to an This Tour covers J 4 states and eight national parks: Yose- emergency vehicle, and one for mite, Yellowstone, Tatons, Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon, backing up without due care and caution, causing an accident. Mesa Verde, and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Also Driver of the police car was I San Francisco, Salt lake City and Lake, Hollywood, Las Three Patrolman James Jurcak, who Vegas, Hoov.er Dam, Black Hills, Mt. RU5hmore, Badlands, was dispatched to assist another Shores policeman in bringing in Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, Laguna Beach, Colorado I~ a belligerent driver. Springs, and many more. Jurcak said that he was going south on Lake Shore at about Applications and Info'rmation Available at Scoutmaster HAL CORNELIUS of Mrs. Dorm Kipka of Kensington road, ,;- 1====_ 50 miles an hour, the dome Troop 96 of Grosse Pointe Memorial Junior Assistant Scoutmaster DOUG- flasher on, when he saw a car Church had the pleasure of awarding LAS JONES, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ken- backing into the south traffic Chet Sampson Travel Service to three of its members the rank of nard Jones of Buckingham- Road 211d lane at Lochmoor boulevard. The 100 5.75' Eagle Scout at its banquet and Court Senior Patrol Leader ERIC BLAKE- policeman stepped hard on the Kercheval, on the Hill TUxedo 0 of Honor Tuesday evening. Receiving the bride- brakes and swerved to the right LY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas to avoid a collision. the award, left to right, Senior Patrol B12kely of Kensington road. Leader BUD KIPKA, son of Mr. and Isgan said he saw the ap- pro<.'~hiDgscout car, but became confused and continued backing, Office Managers the groom- instead of stopping to let the Honor Students Scouts Present policeman pass. The left rear bumper of the The National Office Manage- High School business education ment Association, Detroit Chap- Flag to School and private car caught the left rear students were among the 128: quarter-panel of the police veh- ter, honored 198 high school Nancy Collins, Elena Conforti, students from Detroit and sub- The Bro\','llie and Girl Scout ~; , icle, sending the cruiser into a Marilyn Harbison. Sharon Mehl, spin. The scout car came to a burban public and parochial Barbara Stoppelkamp, Sharon Troops of Marie School pre-. ~ ~ schools at a banquet at McGre~ sented the principal, Herbert L. ~ -; stop 50 feet away on the front Straitor, Virginia Van Vyncht, lawn of 699 Lake Shore. gor Center, on Thursday, May Roger Crawford. Hobart, with a new flag for the ~ :, 13l. school at the PTA meeting On ~ Neither Jurcak, nor Isgan, nor I Of all the students participa- a passenger in Isgan's car, Donna L. ., The banquet was given for' ting, there were only three who June 6. ~ I :McMillan, 24, of 5772 Chalmers, students who had received passed all four tests. Two of Measuring 8x12 feet. the ~ 1---- / either a spelling proficiency beautiful 50~star flag will con- LAKES Detroit, were injured. Swi,: these were Grosse Pointe Stu- = Jurcak took Isgan's driver certificate or an arithmeiic dents: Sharon Mehl and Sharon stantly remind school children ;;: l~cense ~nd sent hi~ t~ the po- \ Rod Wil I certificate based on 100 percent Strait or. Sharon Mehl is the and passers-by alike of the' ~ silver shop scores on two tests given dur. promise made by Brownies, "1 ~ lIce station to awaIt hIS return,! swimmin' daughter of the Clarence Mehl's then continued on hlS way to i. ", ing the months of March and promise to do my best to love ~ JACOBSONS I of St. Clair avenue. Shar:on the other policeman's assistance. I FrIday a April. These tests are prepared Strai,tor resides in Nottingham God and my Country ... ", and ~ (@ Damage to the scout car itself I changed I and given through NOMA each road, the daughter of Mr. and the Scout promise, "On my ~ f~~~ was $282.55, and to the police \ at the ~, year. Mrs. Willard Straitor .. honor. I will try to do by duty ~ There were approximately radio in the trunk, which was ---- S c h 001 officials report that to God and my country ... " ~ torn from its bolting by the im- : _ 15,000 students who took the about fifty business education pact. about $200. Chief Duem- ; spelling tests. Of these, there majors are graduating this I~ I were 307 who passed one test IN THE HOME DECORA TlVE SHOP ling said. All the tubes were' month who will be seeking em- smashed and the radio was dam- and only 70 who passed both ployment in local business con- Grosse 17141 KERCHEVAL tests. aged when it hit the side of the 'I' cerns. Records such as cited trunk. . The following Grosse Pointe above suggest that many are High School business education Point~ N~ws Jurcak said he sent Isgan to: exceptionally well~qualified and the station when he tried to call : student.s were among the 70: Published every Thursd ..y ~y should quickly become valuable his desk officer, but found the' Joyce Andreshak, Cheryl Coven, employes. Anteebo Publishers, Inc. KODAK --35F'CAMERA Ursela Eichhorst, Sharon Mehl, 99 Kercheval Avenue radio smashed. Isgan drove to i the station and waited. I .JFinds film ••• sets lens ••• keeps flash handy~ Pamela Stahl, Sharon Straitor, Grosse Pointe 36, Michigan Gloria Turashoff. Isg;m is sched:.:.led to appear Center to Show Phone TU 2~6900 Not really ••. it only takes two ... because most b.-ides like to in court on June 25. There were 10,000 students - who participated in the arith- Students' Art Three Trunk Lines _ have a groom! And Lakes' would like to have both cf you corne -. ,' metic tests. Or these, therc were Entered as second class matter at ~ . the post office, Detroit. Michigan.' g Cinelna League Elects i 1 617 'Yho p-assed only one test The next in the exciting under the act ot March 3 • 1897. ~ in when choosing your china pattern .•. crystal pattern __ • silver " . . . Subscrlptton Rates. $4.00 c-erJ Year ~ and 128 who passed both tests. SerIeS of art exhIbIts at the by Mall ($5.00 0 u t sid e Wayne ~ O:£:£ice~at Banquet \ The following Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe War ,1VIemoI-ial ~ounty) All New!' and Advertismg g pattern. We're sure you'li be glad you did! . . Copy Must Be In The News Ufflce == The sixth annual banquet of i I WIll be .the steve DaVIS Stu- by TueSday Noon to Insure Inser-I' ~ dent Exhibit which opens with tlon. ~ the G r 0 sse Poi n t e Cinema~: Address all Mall (SUbscriptIOns, == League Was held at the Grosse a tea on Wednesday. June 20, Change of Address Forms :l579) to I ~ Pointe War M:emorial Center from 3 to 5 p.m. and \vill con- f)9 K e r ~ he val Avenue, Grosse I ~ on May 24. BE t.mue on VIew. throug 11 J-ul y. l-'olnte 36. MIChigan. === DETROIT"S The following officers for the The Grosse Pointe public and ~III1II1I11I1I1I!1I1I11I1I11I1I1I1I1II1I1I1II1I1I11I1I1I1II1I1I1II1I1I1I1II1I1I11I1II11I~ Bar I OLDEST ROOFERS 1962-63 season were elected: tric all interested art devotees are == president, Dr. Richard Pear; cordially invited to the second - I COO! eou WO 2-0512 vice-president, Urn b e r t 0 Pu- floor gall e l' i e s during this - cheu; secretary, Mrs. Charles even In the Village - Grosse Pointe period. = Duncan; treasurer, Mrs. Reta WHE The work of Mr. Davis' two _ L. Sweezie; custodian, J a c k fresh TUxedo 1-4096 daytime classes as well as his = Lane; members at large, John in hal ROOFING COMPANY evening class at the Center will McCaughey and Paul Kolvoord. tops ~ Open Thursday Evenings Till 9:00 be shown. The art work will - An excellent program was 51 i. VERNOR HWV. OETROIT presented by Cinema League D W CANDLER OR. C. L CANDLER represent a. variety of subject matter though principally the member Paul Frey, who showed 1I111111111!1I11!III1I1II1J!II1I1l11111J1I11I11II1I1IJ11I1I1I1I11I1I1I11I1I11I1I1II1I1II1I1Il1I1I11II1I1I1II1I111111111111111111111111111ll1l1l11Jl1I11I1II1ll1l1I1JI1I1I11II1I1ll1I1I1II1I1I1II1I1I1I1II1II1I1I1I1l1l1II1l1I11II1l1II1l11111111l11l1l1l1l1l1l11il11ll1ll1l1~ emphasis will be on people. ::; beautiful color movies cf the I Each student will present an cantons of his native Switzer- YOUNG FEET JUMP FOR JOY IN "P.F.'~FLYERS Ientire group of his or her own land filmed on a trip last sum- I i drawings and paintings. Many _ mer. I ~I:: ~ of their works will be in mixed ~ media-oil, copy crayon. ink I "= and charcoal on paper. There _.- - will be few abstraets but much ALUMINUM b::{:= experimentation with color. - DOOR - Large roythm paintings will be .. snown which started as com- 1" Thick $1795 plete abstractions and revolved All Hdwe. into concrete plans e a s i 1y ~. Included understoO'd. There will be ~IIlIIIIUlllllllllllllil lovely oil portraits and land- EXTRA HEAVY DELUXE DOOR scapes and silk screen prints. OPEN DAILY 8:30 TO S Among those showing will be SAT. 8:30 TO 4 P.M. D 0 rot h y Hurley whose silk SPECIAL SHOWING OF screen print of a child by a tree

~_==_ is being used for the cover of oc- the pro g ram-invitation. Jo CULTURED PEARL NECKLACES ~------If hard water's got Marshall-dt1awings in the "old = ~i[~)r;~f~ti~~master" style; JeITy Meadows- I====-==~=_==__ Come see our colleci'ion of magnificent you saying - rhythm abstractions; Marguer- , - ite Jo~eph-paintings of chil- cufture~ pearl necklaces from the salon of uncle ••• dren; Dorothy Brownell-sti11_ ===_~_ life; Mittie Swartz-sensitive color studies; Don Kelly-a _ Clare Richter, Ltd" Fifth Avenue, New York - powerful figure paintims, and - Josephine Leonard-a remark- able portrai,t. ... at special prrces during our week-long presentation ------W,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ o

At Jacobson's now, an outstanding collection of one Gf the most treasured of jewels. the universally prized genuine pearl ••• here for your selection in uniform Jacobson's ; If The hardness in water were .';j or graduated style necklaces fitted with 14 Kt. wbite ~old clasps. Pearls range visible no one would ever •. ' • your up to 8 mHlimetres in size. 20.00 to 400.00 plus tax. use it for washing- We can headquarters show you the amazing dif- '••• those washable COtWOswondeR thcrt protect growing feet ference that comes with re- for children's moving the hardness. Simply perfectly, the only sneale.rs for girls'and boys that hClWta rigid .. pick up your p h 0 n e and _ summer outdoor say - ! ~ Posture Foundation arch wedge and'sponge Clusilton Jns~ to play equipment

help distribute weJghr properly and decrease foot and 'Ieg sitain. We've everything fro m bikes to baseball, pIa y gyms to climbing towers, I A. White or blue praln toe. ChIld sJzes 4 to 12, 3.98 tennis racquets to' swim- ming pools •.. a complete Misses .slzes 12 % to 3, 4.25 B. Red or blue toe cap sneaker •• selection. ~ Childsizes 4 to 12,3.98 Misses5Jze.12% to 3,4.25 'Jacobson's. ~. Boya'white oxford. Sizes 11 to 2,5.75 Sizes .2% to 6,5.98 JaC()bSUI1S 22700 Harper Two Hours Free Parking - Ticket Yalidated When You Make A Purchase '-" TWO HOURS FREE PARKING - Tickets V~lidated When You Make a Purchase PR 6-7912

• 57 _ OF '0" zOO .. zftz • ~ ':."'m- ..-_""' .. _m" • ~ _ -- - ~ -~---- -_._---~----~--_.

Page Five day, June , 4, 1962 Thursday, June 14, 19b2 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

1 .ate tn the Pre-sident's Ath- Confused Driver 1 ,tk Conferc::cc tan); Util' lllSl 'nter. Bill 15 tht~ 80n 01. George Hits Police Car ALUMINUM '. EWlild (\f Cadieux road. A motorist 'who claimed he , :1:IIIJlIllililIlIIlI':r:Ji,IJIIIIHiiiiiiiilli1IlilllllllllllllllllllllllliI!l1ll became confused when he saw a Shores police car approaching while he was hacking into a lane 9;00 P.M. on Lake Shore road, moved into the path of the scout car and caused a collision on Sunday, June 3. Damage to the police vehicle and to its emergency raclio was about $482.55 and damage to the private' car was about $50, according to Shores Police Chid ~r('d Duemling. The motorist, Robert l'vl. 1s- gan, 2£1. of 14775 l\laddelein Detroit. was given two viola~ tion tickets. on<,: for failing to akes yield the right of way to an emen:~ency vehicle, and one for backin~ up without due care and cantion. causing an accident. Driver of the police car was Patrolman James Jurcak, who We Repair Storm Sash and Screens was dispatched to assist another Shores policeman in bringing in a belligerent driver. SCREEN and Jurcak said that he was going STORM SASH, Inc. MARRIED south Oil Lake Shore at about POINTE 50 miles an hour, the dome 17328 Mack Ave. ' TUxedo 1-6130 flasher on. when he saw a cur backing into the south traffic Three Bbcks East of Cadieux lane at Lochmoor boulevard. The policeman stepped hard on the e bride- brakes and swerved to the right to avoid a collision. Isgan said he saw the ap- ,===1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11I1I1I1I!!111111 1111111111111111111111111 IIII1I1U proaching scout car, but became confused and continued backing, :- OPEN THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. e groom- instead of stopping to let the policeman pass. The left rear bumper of the PAULINE TRIGERE and :private car caught the left rear quarter-panel of the police veh- icle. sending the cruiser into a designs spin. The scout car came to a stop 50 feet away on the front lawn of 699 Lake Shore. the international Neither Jurcak, nor Isgan, nor

a passenger in 1sgan's car, Donna ~ > l\lc;\Iillan. 24, of 5772 Chalmers, Another planning meeting tie look-" to find the clothes intact, the Df.'troit. were injured. SWl.lu,mer Losee! Wallet at Pool Shores' PaJ.k will be held ne}.1; Monday, - Jurcak took Isgan's driver .:::I wallet missing. June 18. license. and.. sent him to the po- Rod Wilson 706 R'lVard went checking his clothes and wallet, City poli~e recovered the p~re silk ties wallet, minus $4, in the Park Plans Studied lice statlOn to awaIt his retern, ." ' . ' ro-lled everything into a ball, then continued on his \\lay to: s\V~mmmg at the CIty park last shortly before 7 p.m. They reR Plans for improvement and the other policeman's assistance. FrIday afternoon, June 8. He which he pushed behind a dres- turned it to Rod, warning him expansion of the Grosse Pointe for the man Damage to the scout car itself changed inh) his bathing suit sing room bench. to observe the park's checking Shores Waterfront Park went was. S~82.55, and to the police at the Park and, instead of He returned two hours later rules in the future. ahead at the second planning

radIO 111 the trunk. which was I' meeting of the recently formed of fashion ..~ torn from its bolting by the im. Grosse Pointe Shores Improve- pact, about S200. Chief Du('m- I ment Association held Monday, lin~ said. All the tubes were' How would you like DRAFT BE;EiR June 4, at the home of chair- and for Jaeobson's smash('c! and the radio was da;n- ' , man Arnold FuchB, 68 Roslyn aged when it hit the side of the' In your home ••• on tap? road. tnmk. Reports by committees study~ exclusively Jurcak said he sent 1sgan to I ing parking lot, tennis court, the station when he tried to call bathhouse and harbor improve- his desk offiecr. but found the I ment were submitted and dis- 5.00 radio smashed. 1sgan drove to 'I cussed as part of the group's the station and waited. ! overall purpose, which is the . Isgan is scheduled to appear I improvement of Grosse Pointe m eourt on June 25. Shores government thrOugh in- • r creased citizen p3rticipation in -!-I, .. "'. youI v! cC!r-e planning. aHern • __ si\ver Cinf'nla Lea~ue Elects I The GPSIA, which is rapidly Offieers at Banquet Cruisers! ,Pooiside! growing, plans to hold a public meeting of reSiidents within the The sixth annual banquet of' next few weeks to acquaint resi- the G r 0 sse Poi n t e Cinema .Dining Room! Patio! Office! dents with the possibilities in League was held at the Grosse forward planning for the water- Pointe War Memorial Center BEER ON TAP ••• ON WHEELS! ,~.~': front park and get an expres- on May 24. sion of residents' wishes so that The following officers for the Bar Mobile of Detroit has a Compact Roll Out Elec. ~~~ the group can inform the 1962-63 s~ason were elected: tric Refrigerator for every entertainment situation. "----==::=>-.=:'_" ., village trustees of the desires president, Dr. Richal'd Pear- Cool space for bottles, cans, foods, etc. Some models of the taxpayers. vice-president. Urn b e r t 0 Pu~ !'!-l-~~ ..~...... even feature your favorite beverage ON TAP-ON - ~.. '~ tj:' '-, Jack Williams, village presi- cheu; secretary. Mrs. Charles \ dent, who had been charged Duncan; treasurer, Mrs. Reta WHEELS: keeps ~ keg of beer cool and foamy- '"":. ~'.': .~ .~. -:.,-I':' . with withholding information . .. '} .. ' L. Sweezie; custodian, J a c k fresh for many weeks whiltl cutting this beverage cost ...: . from the residents, wrote a let- Lane; members at large. John in half. These sociable coolers have stainless steel ".' I' ter to the group this week in 'j(U'ObS()H S':. :\IcCaughey and Paul Kolvoord. tops for service. . " . which he offered his coopera- An excellent program was I tion, presented by Cinema Lea"ue In return, the GPSIA plan- member Paul Frey, who sho;ed I N.S.F. Approved, Warranted ning group moved unanimously beautiful color movies of the' and priced from $189.95 to recommend to Mr. Williams - cantons of his native Switzer. I and the trustees that residents IS JUNE 17 land filmed on a trip last sum- be informed of village counClil - mer. BAR MOBILE OF DETROIT meetings and agendas through _ 478 McKinley TU 2-6460 use of ads in the Grosse Pointe News, that a public stenogra- ALUMINUM pher be retained to take official - ALSO ON DISPLAY AT minutes of council meetings, _ DOOR and that copies of the complete = ALGER PARTY STORE minutes be made avarilable to 1" Thick $1795 17320 Mack Ave. TU 5-2020 residents through the village All Hdwe. office. = Included ~1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Il11ll1ll11ll11ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1l1ll1ll1l1ll11ll1l1ll1l1ll11ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1l1ll11ll1ll1l1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll11ll1l!1I111111111111111I111111111111l1l1l1l1l1l1l1ll11ll1ll111 11111111111111111111111 1IIIIIIII!II11111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllili EXTRA HEAVY DELUXE DOOR OPEN DAILY 8:30 TO 5 SAT. 8:30 TO 4 P.M. ; summer cook-out, U.S.A." Ensembled for the great American summer dining custom ••• ___ ._ .... . 1- eating outdoors where food is tastier, breezes fresher, and 1= entertaining easier! Colorfast and cheerful, these clever

coordinates are of heavy c.otton damask with g\ woven red-checked rooster patfernj . il" i 501lx50" tablecloth •• 2.49 501lx9011 tablecloth •••• 3.98 50tlx72" tablecloth •• 2.98 7211 round cloth •••• 4.98 7211 umbrella cloth •••• 5.98 . Man's apion .' ••• 1.98 Ion ~ Woman's apron .~'... 1.98 Barbecue mitt •••• 1.0Q easured of give Dad knit shirts in uniform n If the hardness in water were of "Orion Sayelle $ arls range visible no one would ever use it for washing. We can show you the amazing dif- ... fhose washable, air-cooled shirts ference that comes with re- moving the hardness. Simply that are making big men's fashion pick up your p h 0 n e and ,= .. say - ,= news now with their handsome texture, I '. . ,~ " , . . thetr bold front contrast sfripings. I~ Jacobsons. " White-grey, green-orwe, beigeMbrown, . ' and blue-navy. Sizes S,MJ,xt. ,= f~ Punover,8.98 Cardigan, 10.98 II 22100 Harper I! PR 6-7912 TWO HOURS EREEPARKINS - Tickets Validafe'd When You Make. a Purchase a Purchase II

... , , ~ ~. .. er" • tz ._ . - . . . j 1ft- _., cc" • D n c.' ...... d d dsed $:$ 1 d ! SSM -sa , • St. M ___ __ - .....-.IIIIIIII SEsass • < =_ sf = ct'. r d~•• Or .n" .~cci.~ • + ft. , ,- - - ~ -- - ~~~ ~ ~-~~-- -~-"""~-""-~-"-"''''~-'''''''''--'''-~''''''"""",,,,,-.-.u '''' 4'''' ''._4 ...... _4 ...... _ .. .-Il...... __ ... _ ...... - <------...... -....__..__.._-_..+•••••••••••••2._

Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 14, 1962 Thursday, June 14_, 1962 Swnmer School honorhlg the new Pastor and Schools Reveal Schedule Invite Singers Douglas McBride To Be Ordained his wife, Carolyn, at the church Classes to Start To Join Chorus Douglas M c B rid e wHl be An Ordination Dinner will Sunday afternoon by the Salem For Su,mmer Re'crea,tion ardained inw the ministry of be served to members and Memorial Lutheran C h u r c h Summer school classes for The first registration meet. The American Lutheran Church close friends of the £emily Women. The summer re~eation pro. No e:lrO'llment fee is charged, grades 3.12 will commence ing of the Grosse Pointcl Sum. an Sunday, June 17, at the 11 gram for elementary school age and craft materials chosen by next Monday in several of the mer Chorus will be held at 8 o'clock worship service at )'oungsters is scheduled to be. th~ Department of Communlty Grosse Pointe public schools. p.m. on Tuesday, June 19, at Salcm Memorial L u the ran gin on June 1!J and 20. Services, are 8vaHable to the The session will run six week!5, the Grosse Pointe War Memo. Church, 21230 Moross road. children at cost. Designed as a nucleus for terminating July 27. ria:l Center, 32 Lakeshore road. A graduate of Capital Uni~ It is not necessary for par- HAS A SECLUDED DINING ROOM constructive summer recrc!!.. Classes wlll be held in A reading session of the! music versity, he was graduated from ents to register children ahead tion. the program is <-,onducted Grosse Pointe High School in will follow this first r'egistra- the Evangelical Lutheran Sem. by the Department of Com- of the opening dates, nor are a variety of subjects for grades Uon. inary O'f Calumbus, Ohio, on munity Services d the Grosse participants obligated to attend 10.12. Registration will con. A second registration will be June 3. The Rev. McBride 'he Pointe Publ1c School System. daily; they must, however, be Open tinue all day Friday, June 15 in held on Thursday, June 21, with wlll begin his mInistry this Activities at Barnes, IXIer, of school age in order to' par. the High School auditorium for ticipate. For further informa~ regular rehearsals on subse- summer at st. Peter's Lutheran Woods , Ferry. Kerby. Mason. Monteith. resident students. Non.residents quent Tuesdays and Thursdays. Church, Bay City. Texas. He Uon, call the Departrnen,t of may enroll Saturday morning \': Poupard. Richard and Trombly The season will culmin~lte in a is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Community Services at TUxedo if thcre are openings. All Night! "" begin on Tuesday. June 19, concert on the lakeside terrace Robert McBride. Grosse Pointe Kitchen ~~ from 1 to 4 p.m.; the program 5-3808 or TUxedo 5-0271. Brownell Junior High School of the War Memorial on Sun. .Waods. I ,a,'6 at Maire SChool starts on Wed- will house the summer classcs day af temoon, Ju Iy 29. WINES OF THE.' II I !l nesday, June 20, from 9 a.m. • I for grades 7.9. LRte registrants The Chorus Is {lpcn to' any- The Rev. W. C. Burmeister. Grosse Pointc's Favorite Restaural1,t UROSS i to noon. all schools continuing Rev. John SIDo-er may still enroll there from 2:30 one interested in chol~al mu- of Chicago, a formeT pastor of to 4:00 p.m. Friday, residcnt .America's FinC$t • on this schedule through Aug- ., 0 d . ~ sic regardless of age 01' musi. Salem Mcmorial. will be the fAST 'ARRY {JUT SERVIC;E - TV 6~lUO GERMAN ust 10. Belng raIned and non.resident both. USE WAl.K THRU F!\OM f4EAR I'ARKltolCi GROUtolD$ 'IT'riling In$trumcllts :' cal background. Family partic!- guest preacher for this serv- Song and story peri 0 d s. Mason and Maire schools will patlon is being encouraged. NO' ice. The ordination will be ~inf:(' 1846 h and i era f t and games, are The Reverend John Singer, be thc scenes of summer school auditions will be requJircd for pet'formed by The Rev. Regin- , .I 19261 MACK AVE. Next to Wood Theotrc-Grossc Point. among the regular program S.J .. son of Mr. and Mrs. Am- activities for pupils intercsted membership. The membership aId H. Holle, pastor of Salem 40 exceptional German w Pens, :Pencils,Sets activities. with such special brose J. Singer of 360 McKin. in strengthening their skills in fee is $5 per person, $9 per Memarial. tlvailllhie, in • • • I arithmetic, reading and spcll- I" fraumilch at $2.39 a batt, < events as: picnics. costume par- ey avenue. will celebratc his couple or $12 per family. ing. Grades 3.6 will be taught. ]~ Kt. Gold FilI('d ~'ties, talent shows and treasure first solemn high Mass on The program wUl include a ousle at $35.95 ... 1959 v; i $ 7.00each plus tax: ,hunts included. Saturday, June 16, in St. Paul's Instrumental music classes will wide variety of m us i c with 'I ' i $l.tOO se'lll plu5 lax, Ch h also be formed at tJach of these \. , L t Chr :1 The institutional staff is com- urc. The Mass is scheduled highlights induding choral se- Bottled ... Rhines and M(I ." 'i 1 ~ us lOUS orne -'-, . for 12:30 p.m. and will be fol- buildings. Registrations will be lections from "The King and $4.00t'ach _JlO tax posed of teachers. recreatIOn lowed by a reception in the ': :i:.\ '~~I' acccpted Friday afternoon and I" and "My Fair L0.dy"; "Go (()mp\ete " i ':If', $8.00 llet~ -no tax i:' 1 workers and college students Monday morning. : :q. '. i_ ~d experie!lced in campcraft and parish house. Down Death," a number with 5 Information concerning sub- f FrollLJnd' ,i1':' .. ". f;:l trained in recreation, A two- Rt. Rev. Fl~ncis J. McPhil. great rhythmic inter,est and jects offered and tuition fees GARDEN - ~, Grosse Pointe, Garden Headquarters HAMLIN'S II"} , {1 I rat i h i lips, pastor of St. Paul, will act bon g 0 accomp'animent; and • 1,1 ij \V .\~_"'-«' ''~;'1l day t n ng works op s con. as assistant priest. AlsO' assist. may be secured by telephoning standard "pops" numbers. A ,::.i); ,.,' .,' ,,'j r!ucted for the staff previous , "- the school involved or the cen- "P,ne Foods and Wine 2 ~,IIi1Y" . , to the opening of the program. ing at, .he Mass wllI be Fr. short group of oratorio chor- SHOP tral offices ,Df the school sys- uses will indude Brahms "How number 89 ~. ~ i Tl:is acquaints the supervisors I Singer s uncle, R~V. Clement J. tem (TU 5-2000)' Regular, full. A Good 1 I WIth program requirements and Singer, S.J., and his two Lovely Is Thy DwelHnl~ Place," J ' time members of the faculty ,t gives them an oPPDrtunity to' brothers. . and Haydn's "The Hea'lens Are t\:, ",", will instruct all classes. Telling." ~;' ~ • ' ."~. ,,'~ <: :':j exchaiIge ideas and INlrn new The powers of the prIesthood k ..,Z!, " , ,,' , -' '"",.,...... craft techniques. are being conferred upon Fr. Donald Simmons will be the Singer and 10 Jesuit class. Meeke Appointed conductor and Jerry Hughes Grass mates Dn June 14 in the chapel wU1 be the accompanist. Mr. of CO'lombiere College, Clarks- Hospital Advisor Simmons, vocal music teacher FOR A ~I ... TIME OF PROUD POSSESSION t.on. Most Reverend Alexander art Parcells Junior High &hoO'l, Fertilizer M. Zaleski, auxiliary bitlhop of is also conductor of the Grosse Theodore H. Mecke, Jr., gen. Detl'01t, is officiating at the Pointe Community ChOTUS,the cral public, rel'ations manager our thinnest ceremony. Grosse Pointe Chamber Sing- of the Ford Motor Company, A p p f y lightweight The newly 0 r d a i n e d Fr. ers and Youth Choir Director has recently accepted an ap. LIFE any time of the • INTER Singer attended St. Paul's grade at ,the Grosse Pointe Congre- self-winding watch year. Regular appli- schaol and University af De- pointment to the Ad-1sory gational Church. Board of Bon Secours Hospital If you want uniformly beau- cation of this com- • ANTIQ troit High SchoO'I before enter- -Mr. Hughes has studied with it was announced by Mother tiful re5ults without hard plete lawn food builds ••• need never be pampered ing the Society of Jesus in the renowned Detroit pianist St. Theopbane. Mother Superior work • . • a p p f y steady beautiful t U r f thus 1949. Thirteen years of Jesuit and teach~r Mischa Ke)ttler. He MEMBER AMERICAl {If the H{lspita1. _ feeding Turf Builder. Odor- eliminating most lawn training were begun at Sacred has also appeared 3:6 pianist Mr. Mecke joined the Ford Heart Novitiate, Milford, Ohio~ with the Grosse Pointe Com- less, non-burn Turf Builder problems. Motor Company in February of DECORA o and continued at West Baden munity Chorus. helps your grass build the College in ~ndiana. Father alsO' 1949 as assistant manager of protein5 it needs. LIFE the company's southeasteTn Individuals wishing addition- OMEGA taught for three years at St. al information about the Chorus 5,000 Sq. Ft. of Xavier High Scl1oo1 in Cincin~ regional public relations office. Cover 5,000 Sq. Ft. WILLIAM DENL Since that time, he has been are invited to' call Mr. Simmons Covercrge nati. at TU 4-5964. Fr. Singer has one sister and manager, Special Services De. 95 partment; assIstant public re- $4 95 two brothers. His sister, Sister Judith Mary, O.P., teaches at lations manager, and executive JEWELB~Y '3 Rosary High School in Detroit. assistant to the vice president- Jerome recently completed his public relations. He was ap- REMODELlING third year of theology at St. pointed to his present position Old Jewelry b~JUght See FROLUND ... and GROW! John's S e m in a r y. Plymouth. in 1957. and redesigIl:ed. James, a member of the Augus- Prior to joining Ford, Mrs. Rings Sized Same Day tinian Order, is currently study- Mecke was managing editor of Diamonds Check,ed Free Highgrade Watch :Repairing ing in St. Louis. the Germnawwn. Pennsylvania For several days following his Courier. A veteran O'f World solemn Mass, Fr. Singer will be War II, he is currently a mem- Alfred E. Zier in Detroit. He will then return ber O'f the Ai"chbishop's Com. -in Alger Theater Bldg. FOR FA THE to West Baden College for his mittee O'f the Archdiocesan De- JEWELER & GOLDSMITH 19815 MACK AVE., at Huntington TU 1-6233 final yeal' of theological studies. velopment Fund, The Cardinal 16437 E., Worren 'TU 1.4980 Club, the Public Rela,tioDS So- Unique ••• F' SELF DISCIPLINE ciety O'f America, The Economic Club of Detroit. The Detroit life-Hte The ran g e of a man's Boat Club, and The American DC YII.LE lJ';RIEa achievements are determined Legion. He is formerly chair- Ti 17 .JEW!!:!. MOVEMENT 3.;n-one gift ... it's a .-TAINI.ESS STEI!:!. CAllI: by the drive he puts behind man of the Advisory Board of his ambiiions. 81. Joseph's Reireat, which was emer~ency light . • • ne once a hospital in Dearborn, just ..••..••..••.•...• lMAGJNB! A th.h!.Iooking, self. Unloved is the man who can Mic:higan. windiD" waterproof. watch, •• drop ashes on the rugs at home He lives with his wife and yet 10 sturdy ••• it is equally and get awa.v with it. family in Lincoln road. ll appropriate for dresS*up wear or "Country club shower the most amvc sports. You'Jl gold and chrome ... the fir admiro its lDlootb, crisp lines TNERE'S A DIFFERENCE! Othe, Omega and its peerless accuracy that has just dial your shower indica Seamaslef" De Ville models WOD for Omcaa the distinction Of being the official watch of the Fl0m$95.00 TU. 1-2262 Fed. Tox Incl. Rome Olyrol-:es. Models in steel IVORY BROTHERS or gold, with 18K gold hour 3 markers, also with date-Ullin; GRAY'S RAOQUET At ealcndar dials. MOVING CO. number I

e"'altTpl'Oo! plovld~tl ::/}'JllJ1. CilJt: /f1Id t:fown umllin Ifflocl

Since 1916 16835 Kercheval -in the Village, LOCAl.LONG DISTANCE MOVING TR yours J Grosse Pointe Specializing in Commercial and Industrial Plants, Offices; h Employee's Household Furnishing to cherish TU 5.1232 Agents of Allied Van Lines Open Thursdays TY. 8R8220 Number 104 TO till JE. 6R1060 9:00 p.m. 8711 GRA~~D RIVER DETROIT 4, MICH "k/e've made iff ••• gof OUI' own home Brings you automatic transmission at no extra cost! Check prices! lsuick ••• PICKLES ••• iJII ' LeSabl'Bis the lowest priced U.S. car that doesn't say IIDptional at extpB wifh fhe help of a SUNDRIES ••• WATe cost" for its automatic tpansmission! Also, check. If • do you get tinl}ed PEOPLES FEDER.AL aluminum front brakes (world's safest!)P A 401 CUll ill. ".8 engineP RACQUETS ••• A Advanc.ed Thpust engineering (engine moved fOlw8rd) for :Jtraight track. LUSCIOUS LIN ing} flat Gopneringf easy handling!' it front floor so flatP All at no extn MOR.TGAGE lOAN/" PEOPLES FEDERAL oost!> Check your Buick dealer~He'II be happy to talk a good trade today! SLEEPWEAR ••. Do you need a home mortgage SAVINGS DRESSES ••• LIt, to buy your dream house? W~ MAIN OFFICE: 1201 GRISWOLD ST. COR. SHELBY. can help you. Come in and talk BUICKI!SABRE IS THEB~" WO 1..0170 it over, or phone. You may have See America's Top Golf Pros-Buick Open-NBC.TV-Sunday, July 8 SHOES ••• TOYS ••. - _ ~ a Conventional, FHA, or GI EAST SIDE OFFICE Harper at Outer Drive LA 7.7210 .•.•...•.... ••.•••••••••.•...... •..•...... •...... •.•...... •••• ...... •...... •...... • CUPS ••• ALL 0, type of loan at our low-eolL EAST DETROIT OF"CE, Gratiot at Toepfer PR 2.5500 TOM ROUSSEAU BUICK, INC. • 15103 Kerchev~1 Avenue ROYAl OAK OFFICl 3JOO N. WooDward at WooDsfee LI 9.6600 _ "',eflon' 81g vtfTued See 10ut BuickDear.. for Doubt. f/( Check UsecJc.I

.. -- •• ~ \ • - 'r ..

rsday, June 14. 1962 Thursday, June '4, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Sav.,. "

,noring the new Pastor and '" wife. Carolyn. at the ehurch 'nday afternoon by the Salem ~~~~~------IIR(II'lt emorial Lutheran C h II r r h r- omen. :.:-"-::::- ~~: ...... -:-:-

DED DINING ROOM - .-.~.--.... -

Open II Night! for the WINES OF THE CENTURY MEN'S SUMMER SUITS ••• 'J Fat'orite Reslauram d~cron and wools and all wool tropicals .•. with the traditional T SERVICE - TU 6.1330 natural look ... plain fronts, from 65.00 ?M REA,R PARKING GROUNDS GERMAN WINES

Wood Thectre-Grosse Pointe 40 exceptional German wines ... from a Lub- NECKWEAR ••• , fraumilch at $2.39 a bottle to an Edelbeeren- • lee buckets, grea; variet", from 13.00 KILGORE AND HURD wide variety ... beautiful stripes and foulard patterns .•. light~ • Leather fire extinguisher buckets, several ousle at $35.95 ... 1959 vintages ... all Estate weight, all silk shantung. 2.50 colors 7.95 Bottled ... Rhines and Moselles. number 92 • After-shave lottD1t • • • G"(wel ••• decanters 01' bottles from 2.75 nd's SIGN OF THE MERMAID, INO. arden Headquarters HAMLIN'S INO. TII 1_11.10 "Fine Foods and Wine for the Gourmet" number 89 TU. 5.8400 NEWI PLAY DRESSES INTERIOR DESIGNERS

with matching bloomers ... st'riped seersuckers furniture .•. lamps .•• pictures .•. accessories or plain white with blue and white trim .•• one '!.,..*_&;&£.¥QK~£ piece bloomer play suits, too. So cool. 50 easy MAURIOE WOOD to care for ... so care free. Sizes: 3 to 6x. number 70 TU. 2.2840 • INTERIORS • ANTIQUES YOUNG CLOTHES, INO•

number 110 ~ . .~f;}. -6 f :._ ,-;"'J,?/ ';)o,~.,(.~~.I''''~ ~~)~ ~ MEMBER AMERICAN INST!TUTE OF I. , ~. . 1 ( mO.!?fS gm,") ,,':"\'t; ; DECORATORS ...------_--- __ -1 ----r....II'UIIIIJ~ ~ ffHi:- i,~''('~':'l~.' ! f. 'jN ','" ~ r ,'i i 1 WILLIA,M DENLER OOMPANY ~~. j

:,.",. :_:c number 77 THESE ARE THE STORES , Yi;;.. • THAT MAKE THE HILL A ••• CATCH THE CURE ••• • ••• A U?EDDING PRESENT ••• ' An old cookbook gives thi!> cure for asthma, flWea1' ~ "'" . . DELIGHTFUL SHOPPING AREA the skin of a muskrat .•• fur side next to the bodjl for the bride could be a luscious string of fine Frank Adam Pointe Tire Service ••• o't'er tbe lti1tgs." It's comforting to know that we cultured pearls ... any length ... any number bave mOl'e reliable 11tetbocls todajl. Your pbj'sician Anthony National Bank of Detroit of strands ... all precious. call tell you about tbe effective medicatiOlts (wailable. Champion Real Estate Pongrac% Jewelers Seek bis professiollal adt,ice whe11 you're ill. Tbelt, FOR FATHER'S DAY PONGRAOZ JEWELERS The Dants Punch and Judy Toyland j,f be reco1Jtmends medicatioft, come to us for quality TU 1-6233 prescriptio1lS. TV 1-5688. Number 91 TU 1.6400 Denier & Co. Margaret Rice Unique .•• Practical Gray's Sport Shop Chet Sampson Ljfe.,jte Grosse Pointe News Sign of the Mermaid, Inc. TRAIL APOTHECARY SHOP 3-in-one gift ... it's ~ flashlight, night light, Hamlin's Carl Sterr number 12/ emerge:-Icy light . • • never needs batteries. Clyde E. Hornung Tappan Real Estate just ..•...... ••.••.•...... •...... '4.95 Irving's C. W. Toles T. Raymond Jeffs Top '0 The Hill "Country club" shower het!d Kilgore l'nd Hurd Trail Pharmacy gold and chrome ... the finE:lstin the world ... Martha Lawrence 'Virginia Williams just dial your shower indicator ..•...••.. 15.95 The League Shop Wrigley's Market Richard Maxon Maurice 'Wood .... JUNE SPECIAL ••• TU. 1-2262 TU. 1.5262 Young Clothes, Inc. GRAY'S RACQUET AND SPORT SHOP EVERYBODY Minor motor tune.up just 8.95 (plus parts) number lOb LOVES A DADDY ••. FREE CAR WASH •...

with each tune-up if you bring this ad.

with a well-scrubbed look! Why not choose an We install and servic:e automotive interestingly packaged soap from Vienna ..• air.conditioning Of! any make car. TROUSSEAUS Spain ... or England, from 2.50 ... or yours AND GIFTS OF to cherish •. • DISTINCTION ice buckets with insulated glasses to match Number 104 TOP 0' THE Hill LINCOLN-MERCURY • teakwood • labels SALES AND SERVICE • tortoise • wicker All practical ... all smart .•. perfect for Dad on his big day. FRANK ADAM

THE DANTS Number 130 TU. 1.5000 number 98

the k prices! Buick ••• PICKLES ••• ~lIRRORS ••• DRUG freshest 1)tional at extp8 SlJNDRIES ••• WATCHES ••. TENNIS you get finl}ed JlJSIT GREECE fruits and "il, '1-8 engineI' RACQUETS ••• AND DISHES ••• when you join Chet Sampson on a deluxe tour. IF YOU MISS THE HILL of the world. Leave November I; return De- vegetables YOU MISS THE POINTE ••• straight track. LUSCIOUS LINGERIE ••• AND cember 17. Around $2,500. All at no extra CHET SAMPSON od trade today! SLEEPWEAR ••• HIGH FASHION number 100 TU. 5.7510

DRESSES ••• LINCOLN CARS ••• ... it's a chain reaction of happy shoppers head- ing for the biggest, best produce ever! 'BY FOR FATHER'S DAY SHOES ••• TOYS ••. AND MUST ACHE ... everyday is a food festival at Wrigley's- Pewter lviugs Complete Real Estate Services On-The-Hill ! ! •••••••••••••••••••••••• . .. antique and Holland Pewter. , . miniature CUPS ••• ALL ON-THE-HILL ••• al Avenue WILLIAM J. CHAMPION & 00. WRIGLEY'S ON-THE-HILL to standard sizes ... from 3.00. Number 102 TU.4-5700 number !07 THE LEAGUE SHOP number 72


...... «. • Mm. e eft ... • lzassess soe ..- •• •• •• dXWrdcrt '.MI 'It * • .. ..d. . _ .._ ..... ~-----~------"----"---" ._""."'."''''II'Il=_'''.''''.-'~ ,, ~ """"'-"""".¥""""$""'''''UII'Il-''' ..._ ...... _ ...... _-_ ••••••••• lIl

Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd~y, June 14,1962 Thursday, June 14, 1962 Austin N,ine to a 6-5 victory over the Cardi- ~~~~~~I.' Babe Ruth League nals. The game was played be- Little League Results tween heavy showers, in a sea ~~ill S01-IS and .Sk-'~IS I Takes Crown J of mud, and .\\t the end of the ~~ ~ By John Bruce game Hess was a real tired boy, -;>.; As the second week of the ~~" By Frank MeB"1'tae W~:>.l PARK~CITY-FARMS but the proud possessor of the i0i ,;~ Woods-Shores League came to ~~1f.4;w.&?*:,:"'f.1iWW:>":-Yf"'W%'m~.w'~.:mwf%1;r{?ti%Wm:HM.l!t.tMmm'",m;. By Bob Moore American ~ ..' . .~;; ,'"'' ..~~~ FARl\'IS Manager Ed Evatz and his a close, all the teams in both only two wins the PhilIies have. COOP By Bill Stuck In their next game the Phillies The local sailing fleet had CRUISING C II - Velcro, Doug Tigcrs further extendcd their The most successful base- Boston continued to dominate Divisions began to hit their Wake. CSYC. 2:06:24-1 :35:24: Radi- MICHIGAN'S LAR Standin~s June 9 league leadership by taking ball team in the history of play in the American League stride and Opening Week jitters couldn't stand prosperity, and another weekend with two re- ant:, Gerd Schneid<.-'T. BYC, 2:07:11- (Second Round) lost to the Boston Redsox 7-3 gattas. On Saturday the wea. 1:39:15; Escape, Fred Jensen. DYC. CHRIS CRAFT DE both of their games this week. A t' P f" h d tl last week. After being rained were forgotten. Changes were 2:12:32-1:11:13; Galaxy, WJlliam In 'InlS out in a big game against Chi- when the Bosox pitcher, White, ther:nan turned on his best 'Iajors \V L With the Athletics ,1lld Indians 1962us rep T e d le made in the lineups and some G m e l n e r, DYC. 2:13:03-1 :42:25; Pirates 2 season on ues ay, cago on Tuesday they beat New threw a one hitter at them. In conditions for the fleet that Arawak. W. A. S t e t son, BYC. HIGH TRADE-IN ALLC o splitting their games-one win J 5 b tak' th boys who thought they Were :.!:14:05.1 :13:'2:1. Yankees 2 o and one loss--and the Orioles une , y mg e York and Los Angeles. Rick doomed to riding the bench sud- other games the Yankees beat answered the starting gun in LOW DOWN PAY Red Sox 2 the Bosox in a well played the Bayview Yacht Club Re. CRUISING D - Squ;Jsh Blm.~om. o winning both of their games, Catholic League baseball Jablonski got the win for Bos~ denly found themselves starting R. D,'earn, BYC. 2:08:25-1:59:15; Tig('l's 1 1 the American Leaglle has a championsihip. The Friars, ton over New York, 9-4. Boston the game. In most cases they game 4.3, and won their next gatta. The winds were iiouth. Gracie, Paul G<>e1tcheus. CSYC. 60 Months to Pay Giants 1 game by downing the Cleveland erly at about 15 and held for :.!:05:4!,.2:0l.20; WIndswept. E. Zem- L~w Interest Rates 1 three way tie for second. The playing in Tiger Stadium, continued their fine hitting in played excellent ball, giving no- min, BYC. 2:12:47-2:01 :3l. PhilliE's _ 0 2 White Sox took both of their shut out Mt. Carmel, 4-0. on this game by racking up 10 tice to some of the "so called Indians 5-4. The Cincinnati the entire race. lncl:ans _ 0 Redlegs split their games dur- A lrNIVf~R.SAL - Dragon 200, "'t's Easy to Trade at C 2 games, and with the Senators a 4-hitter by pitchers Mike base hits. stars" that they had better It was one of the easier SkIp Coston. CSYC; Pocahontas. Reds 0 2 splitting with one win and one K' g 1 d T Ed Then on Saturday Boston come down out of the clouds if ing the week, edging out the races of the season with a Hal Mlstel!'. DYC; Sea Hawk, John . Available for Spring II In S ey er. rallied for three runs in the Indians, 5-4 but then having to Moran. BYC. loss. it has forced a tie for Th A tianb bom11t } they wanted to play. The result- minimum of windward work. 25' - 28' - 32' - 36' - 37' _ suffer a' setback at the hands AAA W L third place. e us hn ase ta earn las eighth inning to beat Los An- ing hustle on the part of all The first leg was a spinnaker HAf\DICAP UNIVERSAL ~ CS Hollywood 1 o no more c ances 0 prove its geles 10~7. Christ Bliss was the the players made the games of the Cardinals 9-6. run and the second and third 6. D. Cowles, EBC; Mischief. F. 24910 JEFFERSON AT 10 Ml o AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ability, There are no state tour- winning pitcher. DettHr,J.(er; Bonjour. Dexter Fer~ Seattle 1 more interesting to the players DUGOUT NOTES legs calling for close hauled, rym, (;PC. ~venihgs by Appoint 1 Team Won Lost Pet. namenrts or city playoffs for Detroit bounced New York P01iland 0 and spectators alike. but with l!ttle 01" no tacking. 1 Charleston 8 2 .800 baseball. With the winning of from second place by beating Dave Marstiller, with his K CLASS - OK, Duke Rubel'. Sacramento 0 For some unknown reason GPSC; BI:lck Cat. R. Rasmussen. no Indianapolis 8 2 .800 the Oatholic crown, the Friars them 5-3. Detroit pitcher John A number of parents were O'Brien Ford team in the throes GPSC: A}lly Kat, Dickinson-DIce. San Dic£:o and Denver - many of the boats seemed to game by June 2. 51. Paul 7 3 .700 have gone as high as they can. McMillan pitched a good three present at the games and seem- of a three game winning streak GPSC. have difficulty in locating the Wichita 5 5 .500 Nearly Rained Out hitter for the win. ed to have as much fUll as the is still in orbit. Daddy, won't RAV ~NS - FTOlic. R. Barbier, you please come home?-After "E" mark on the Canadian side. CSYC: Chumlette. Bob Kl'orr, RYC: Class "C" W L T Louisville 4 6. 0400 For an hour and twenty min-I Cleveland pitchers Dave Rit~ players. In many cases people his second loss in a row, Jack At first it appeared that Race Thunderbolt. Boyd Benkert. ByC. FACTORY DEMON~ Syracuse 6 3 o Omaha 3 7 .300 utes 011June 5, though. it look- ter and Bob Veit teamed up to met once again after not having seen eaoh other since the end Tamblyn, ably assisted by his Committee Chairman, J. Ivan POLARIS - Aphrodite, G. Kld~ Roche"ter 5 3 1 Minneapolis 3 7 .300 ed as if the weatherman would shut out Detroit 11-0, Ritter at STUDIO CAMERA SHOFI coach, George Foster, sent Fiscus, who became famous a don. FYC; B:lke!"s Dozen. J. Vmes. Buffalo 4 3 1 Dl'nver 2 8 .200 take away Austin's 4-0 fourth received the credit for the vic~ of last year's games. It was like CSYC: Curlew, M. Homfield. CSYC. three dozen "crying towels" to few years back by forgetting :\Iiarlli 4 4 o Charleston and Indianapolis inning lead and the chance to tory. "Homecoming" to them. Of course, they came out to see the laundry. Since his over- the guns with which to start L CLASS-Bob Voyage, A. Whit. Columbus 3 6 o ! share the honors in leading take the Catholic crown. At National League taker. GPSC; Sally K .. C. White. the Port Huron_Mackinac Race DYC; Gael, G. McCormick, DYC. Eichmond 3 6 O! their league with identical 1:10 the c Iou d s which had their sons play, and if they w h elm i n g win over Green The Phillies clinched first may have had a similar slip eight wins and two loss records. threatened all day began to were disappointed when he ChrYSler-Plymouth he now has PRIVATEER - Cotton Top, Bob place by winning all three of didn't get in .the game, they did more trOUibles. He's consulting with the mark, but this proved RoadS'lrum. BYC: L'Allcgr;J, W. We are into the second round St. Paul dropped to sale pos. pour, The game Was called UiI1. Howard. BYC; Tanager, E. Nilsen. COME their games last week. On Mon- not to be tne case when the in the l\Iajors and as you can session of second in leagul'! til 3:30 p.m. when it stopped not show it. They evidently his physician for acute hoarse. BYC. day they beat San Francisco boats that were following their ,ee things are really changing. standings, with their ane win raining. If the weather had not realized that baseball is a team ness .... Rick Unti almost came 8-7. Mike Van De Ginste was compass' began to round the F'OLKBOAT - Nantin, R. Kokel, 'j he Giants won seven straight and one loss this week. As cleared up, the game would effort, and in a tight game the untied last week when, after CSYC: Magic. Alex Allardyce. the winner. The Phillies then mark for it was right on sta. until the Yankees came along expected. tie standings are be- have been replayed at a later manager must play his best sweating out an 8-7 win over CSYC; Bon Viv:J.nt, G. Nauman, came from behind to beat Los tion after all. All in all it DYC. ;'t;ain on th~ 8th. In seven in- ginning to be less frequent as date, making Austin's four runs men or suffer a lowering of his Wood Motors, his Green Chrys- Angeles 8-5. Los Angeles took was a perfect afternoon for nings. ':'anks 4, Giants 3. Inci- players and team!, gain form, useless . team's morale. )cr-Plymouth team came apart INTE:RLAKE JUNIORS-No. 248, an early five run lead but sailing. Spike Boston. CSYC: NO.2, B. dentally those Yankees have and managers develop their The ~'riars scored all the at the seams and took a 16-1 Mistej(" DYC; No. 21. Mathivet. Philadelphia fought back untU During the week ending June see been busy boys indeed. Monday field strategy in this Minor runs they needed to win in the beating from Shalla Chevrolet. One of the closest battles of DEC. Dave Foucher's 3-run duuble 9, it became apparent that the it was a 10-10 tie with the In- League system. first inning. Leadoff bat t e r experts had made some serious Hold that line, Rick! . . . And the day took place between THISTLF~North Wind. L. Sut. Nick DeFusco led off with a won it for the Phils in the fifth so the third act of the drama Chuck Coe and Skip Grow's ton. CSYC; Piper. :::ierb Malnwar. dians in 7 innin~s that finally INTERNATIO"'TAL LEAGUE inning. Fred Jaeger was the errors in thlCir earlier prognos- ing. CSYC; Cynara, H. Fisher, two great o .... single. On Denny Marchand's will be completed by the time CANDIDE and Henry Burkard's CSYC. \'..as settled We

or at the Office of the City Clerk. G Michigan. Provisions will be made for GROSSE POINTE HO,RSE SHO~W to examine the site at times to be am The project consists of Demolition ( ing, demolition of portions of tht:; existl Hunters - Jumpers JIJNE 21!l22!123!1 24 ing and new construction compnsing [; square feet, new electrical systems, Saddle Horses THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY morning. afternoon and evening heating system and air conditioning. p.m. - 7 p.m. Bid bonds in the amount of 5% ' Fine Harness shall accompany the proposal and the SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 1 P..M., be required to furnish a satisfactory Arabians and Labor and Material Bond, each in of the contract. The Owner shall have Exhibition by Imperial Lipizzan Horses Afternoons and Evenings if surety is unsatisfactory to Ov..;ner. All proposals shall remain firm fe (30) days after official opening of bid:, Adults $1.00 • Children 60c Everybody Welcome ••• ,Bring the Family! The City of Grosse Pointe Farms : reject any or all bids or to waive any 655 COOK ROAD - 011 Mack bidding. DA CI ..

)e ne 14, !962 Thursday, June 14, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine :F:oOQoQoOoQoC:--=-=-~::-O-:::-::-:~:XX;O:C:«lOQoc;;c Pvt. Jerome Grates Dealer Granted P,ermit Minor Accident IJonathan R. Ha~z • Sales Leader Military Policeman Reported in City Take:~Naval Training ~ FORT GORDON, Ga. (AHTNC) FOJ. Parking Lot in Park GREAT LAKES, Ill. (FHTNC) COOPER -Army Pvt. Jerome A. Grates, City police received a tele. -Jonathan R. Hartz, son of Mr. C II - Velcro. Doug ~ 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Simms-Dawson Ford, Inc., of prospective buyer to obtain an phone call on Wednesday, June Rad\- MICHIGAN'S LARGEST and Mm. Read Hartz of 552 Uni- :.' l'fi:24-1 :~5:2,1: Grates, 743 Lochmoor. Grosse 15401 East Jefferson, was grant- FHA loan to buy the property. 6, reporting a minor accIdent lne:dcr. BYe. 2:07:11- Pointe Woods, Mich., completed versity place, Grosse Pointe, 'e. Fred .1('nsen. DYC. ~ CHRIS CRAFT DEALER ed permission by the Park W. E. Simms, a partner of the at the rear of Kroger's, 16919 , Gal a x y, Wil!lam eight weeks of Military police 4 \I council on Monday, June 11, auto sales firm, in his plea for Kercheval. Mich., completed recruit train DYe. 2,13 {)~-1 :42:25: training at the Provost Marshal A. S tel 50 n. BYC. 11 HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES to construct a parking lot on the right tn build the lot, stated ing, May 19, at the P.aval Train- General's School, Fort Gordon, Sam Maynard Hornsby, 20137 ~I residential pr()perty owned by that it was far from his inten- LOW DOWN PAYMENT Ga., May 18. Dan.bury, Detroit, a driver for ing Center, Great Lakes, Ill. n - Squ:lsh B10S.~om, the firm. tion to harm the neighborhood, '1YC, 2'\18,25-1:59:15; Grates received instruction in the Kroger Co., had parked his Or to antagonize the people in The nine-week training in- Goettei1eus. CSYC, o 60 Months to Pay such subjects as traffic control, The council, acting as a Board '58 White tractor-trailer at the Wmds.\\'('pt. E. Zcrn- \I Low Interest Rates ()f Appeals, approved the auto the area, his neIghbors. eludes instruction in such naval :~_.+-:-~:01 :31. t JI civil and military law, map rear of the supermarket shortly subjectt; as seamanship, ordnance reading, prisoner-of-war control sales company's application to He pledged that the lot will before noon. While it was '3 ..\ L -- D!':l~(m ~o. I)l "'t's Easy to Trade at Coo:,er's" and gunnery, damage control build a 35-space lot, in spite of be made as attractive as possi4 CSYC; f'oc':lhont,1.s. and methods of self protection, standing there, a '50 Lincoln and military customs and cour- )YC; S('a Hawk. John ~ Availab1e for Spring Delivery opposItion from a majority of ble, with a four-foot masonry f 0 u r - d 0 0 r driven by Helen tesies. 25' - 28' - 32' - 36' - 37' - 41' Constellation the residents living on Notting4 wall around it. and the exter- X Before You Close On Burns Carter. 1053 Whittier, , 'eXIVERSAL - CS ham and Beaconsfield withIn a ior of the lot would be land. came east through the alley " ERC; :\lis,'1i('f. F. R 24910 JEFFERSON AT 10 MILE PR 8-3200 300-foot area near the firm. scaped to blend with the beauty from Cadieux. damage. No violations were is- '~J0:lr. Dexter Fer- sued, ~nd both vehicles were ~ Evenings by Appointm~nt FORDS Among those who opposed of the neighborhood. 'I'he Lincoln struck the left driven from the scene of the GEORGE D. HENRY the proposed construction was Mayor Kenneth Cunningham, - OK. D\;ke Hube-:-, SEE rear of the truck, doing minor collision. C;;:. R, :'{:l"mussen. '- was the man of the month Jaml::S N. McNally of 1206 Buck- and the members of the coun- K:lt. Dickinson-Dice, for May in the New York Dick Warner ingham, an attorney and fonner cil, said that it. was not the in- I L i f e Insurance Company's "Top Hatter" Wayne County prosecutor, who tentioD, of the city body to de- Fro1:,. R, Barbl<-Y'. liberately harm the neighbor. "t:c, R0h Kerr. BYC; Detroit office, according to presented a petition bearing 46 Special Budget Rate.~at ",'yd B('nkert. BYC, FACTORY DEMONSTRATION Charles E. Wood, General Simms-Dawson signatures of residents who did hood, or the city itself, but must I Manager. Recognition was act in the best interest of the -- Ap:.rodl:e. G, Kid- Ford, Inc •. not want the lot. Frederick's Saloll . :':e:-'~ Dozen. J. 'Vl~eslo at STUDIO CAMERA SHOP, Fri., June 22 for outstanding sales record community. for the month. Mr. Henry re. 15401 East Jefferson Some of the people who at- 'c. :>1. Homfleld, CSYC. The mayor said that the Park • SHAMPOO and WAVE 2.50 ~ides at 784 University. Grosse Pointe tended Monday evening's public ~;(\D \.oy.H:e .. tJ.... V./hit- hearing, expressed sympathy is one of the few cities faced • HAIR CUTS 2.00 S:l11y K. C. Whlte. VA 1..1000 Res. TU 1.5251 ~, :>kCor'lt"k. DYC. for the firm's plight in seeking with an acute parking problem, • TINTS ,...... 7.50 desperately needed off-street and a solution must be found. • BLEACHES , 0.00 { ~ Co'tto;:. T0;'l. Bob ,tye: L'Al:,'<::'". \\'. parking space for employees This could possibly be it, he • PERMANENTS 10.00 C'. COME IN T":1:1l:e:, E, );;:scn. and customers, but stated that said. Announcing ~ ... if the lot construction is per- George Measel, head of the I " - :",lrttin, R K0kel. mitted, it would depreciate the Pointe Branch of the Automo. FREDERICK.'S SALON ".C', Aj('x All"1.:-dyc€'t the opening of our ~ : \' \'3:1t. G. );"uman. 4 value of property in the art!a. bIle Club of MIchigan, adjacent 17640 MACK AVE. TU 5.2344 Bruce N. Tappan of 850 West .. to Simms-Dawson, told the FISHING TACKLE DEPT. people at the meeting, that cars ~~. Jt-XIC,R5--XCl. 2-18. All Popular Makes of Rods, Reels and Baits chester, Pointe realtor, and for .. :-.. CSYC: X0 2. B. I mer Park councilman, stateel and parking are here to stay. c: Xo. :1. )'l:Ithl,,'et. see In addition to our custom 9unlmlthlng d,portm.nt • , • a good that when he was nn the council People cannot hide their faces .,Joetlon of n,w and used guns. the problem of off-street park- and refuse to face this fact, he -X,'rt1', ""ind. L S\lt4 SALE P:r-er. HerD :\1.-i1:1w:1r- two great lOX Clothing-Mitchell Slnooting Glasses ing was acute and the council had said. Cyn:lr:1. H, F:sheor, The Board of Appeals unanl. WINCHESTER GUN ADVISORY CENTER wrestled with this problem for a long time. mously approved the granting GS ~ Cr:;z~' :\l.ln, J. of permits for the construction 35s in 13333 Kercheval He disputed the claim that C: Chi;') :\Lltf'S. C. EJ. of the parking lot, with the l-b:1k :::lwthr:l. SCYC. B. McDANIEL 00. VA 148200 the existence of the lot would stipulation, that a parking lot depreciate property values, but Summer Specials r.-Ye:\ T\i. K H,l:"E'n. permit must be obtained each :: 0:1 . 0 K(~:'t...... f es~ action did concede that the property • Ren~QI Returns C>\\'<,:'. \\'. RO:H:y. C5YC. year by the firm. The lot will owner adjacent to the lot would • Display Models exist on a year-to.year basis. • Studio Used Pianos and -De~rc>:~ R(l,a~ Club 21 I not be able to realize the full ~,o,t ,'a(''o: Clt:b:C6 Simms said that his company Orgo.n5 value of the house and land if 0:\ Boat Club 8 po'n:S. NII(ON F will make immediate applica- it was offer.Jd for sale. Nor, he ~('OT FRS!': FOR ALL tion for the necessary permits, Save $200 on Some "Serving the PoInte Excluslvel," said, will it be possible for' a Hough:r>n. Dye: Xo 9. for the various projects, such as \:C: );0. 11. B. Cowles, Excellent choice of styles and NII{I(OREX F . Better construction, drainage and finishes including Ant i que landscaping. French Provincial White. Now there are two fully auto- Opon Sunday. 10:00 to 4:00 Thurs. and Fri. Till 9:00 P.M. Construction will start some- : A- Vlti'~,{' II. Xorb..',t matic 35mm reflex cameras by '- .- i''',-1, 16 ~)1: Fakon II. ~ik01l- the famous ~ikon F, all-time time within the next few days, Summer Budget Terms at 6%-No Money Down )-. : :~:+-l-1 :Z~'3"7. L~lst rnrnLDJrn~W~ i he said. and will cost an esti- .t.-:i~spe.:" dld ~0t fi:11Sh. 'pro' favorite, and the new medium priced Nikkorelt F. See SEweRS l!LECTRICALL Y CLEANED WE DELIVER First Payment In Sepi'ember them demonstrated side by side. See :he famous automatic GAS & OIL BURNERS mated $25,000 to $30,000. ; B-:.let('or 111. H,.:lK LEAKY BOILERS & PIPES On Order of $5 or More i ~:43-1 :10.00, Vas!'ti, features of the Nikon F in action-the wide selection of Nikkor DE....ROIT BIRMINGHAM :1. 1:~'9:16-1:14 33. :'1ai, lenseS and accessories. See the many features, lenses and acces- Quick, Dependable 5StO Woodward 115 S. WOODWARD \Te~s. l' 38 ::~9-1'2-i :Ol. TR 3.6800 MI 7-1177 . 1:~:53-1 :05:15; Daunt- sories of the Nikon F now available to you in the1: Escap£'. F,cd For Your Selection - FILBERT 1"20-57-1 ;0;)'59; Radiant, 20229 TUxedo ADVERTISEMENT '''elder. 1 '28:38-1,(\6::->4; Est. 1923 (Licensed) (Insured) Night. VA 1.6043 Mack Ave. 140200 ,JdC~ Purcell. 1:3:!'01l- SHOP phcocitc. (;Crl£' hlddon. ':14. Pol,,,is did not start. Ants Are No Picnic! [:-.;(~ SCOT TE:\.:\I CITY OF h (DYC) 1 :30:57: H:lMj1 in your home or your place of business ::1 1 :33:23; Frank Per;,y CITY OF :08; Bob Greening (Edl_ Protect now against the in- methods, materials and equip- A: Art H01lar (Boat awaits you at Fischer's. Choose the card that >6: John Kel:er (EdiO"on) vasion of disgusting, unwanted ment give you professional Fortune (Boat Club) ants! Call the Rose Man for protection against ants, spiders expresses exactly what you want to say from 'a:n wlnner-DYC. ()"O~StTPointtVMlllS safe, year 'round pest control and other insect pests. Call our wide and varied s<::lection. FOLK BOATS ()"O!)St TPoint~lfarms that offers you .fteedom from Rose now. Cost? Only pennies (SlU Bradley) 1:22:34: ants, roaches, IDlce, moths and per day! Rose Exterminator ant (Ger:-y :N apmarm) Summa:r}~of Minutes Be Sure to Visit Our Ne'w Store in l1ystlc (J ohn Bremer) other pests. Co. TE 4-9300. 8401 W. Chi- x Belle (BIll :\1cGraw) u Pete II (Pete Wayne) Advertisemnt for IBids His modern, scientific cago, Detroit. Call today! June 4. 1962 Eastland Center L - CLASS (Charles W"'ite) 1:13'13; The City of Grosse Pcint Farms, Michigan, will receive Meeting was ca:lled to order at 8:00 P.M. Telephone 371-2899 ~e rA1 \\-hitaker) 1:11:11: sealed bids for the construction of Additions and Altera- SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES 'r£(e :\IcCormkk) 1 :1~ :4-l: tions to the existing Municipal Building at 90 Kerby Road, Present on roll call: Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr., "oyd Sk:klewlcz) 1: 16:53. Grosse Pointe Farms. Michigan. Tentative date for receipt Councilmen Henry E. Bodman II, Will i a m G. Butler, FOR OVER ~/2 CENTURY SCOTS-FREE FOR ALL of bids has been set at 2:00 P.M. EST. Tuesday, July 10, Thomas K, Fisher, William G. Kirby, Ledyard Mitchell, Jr., en. 'l,les KpresztesJ 1:1)9'. 1962, at the Office of the City Clerk, 90 Kerby Road, at and Edward C. Roney, Jr. Every style of Fence o 'R:rha,d H:E, 1:10:23; Fis~her~s whieh time they will be opened and read aloud. Proposais m Cnn(',) 1:18:12. erected for you will be received for General Contracts consisting of Absent: None. Your Greeting Card Headquarters THISLES Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr., presided. WA.1-6182 17047 KERCHEVAL. in the Village (J f:':~y JenkIns) 1: 18.31: ARCHITECTURAL TRADES Open Thursday Evenings 'til 9:00 IH()w~~d Bo,,"'o'1) 1:18:- Minutes of the regular meeting of May 7, 1962, were including MECHANICAL TRADES approved as submitted. Charge Accounts Invited TUxedo 2-7790 'IL\L CLASS Chain Link All-Steel and ELECTRICAL TRADES The report of the Building Department for the month "Sll'l:t 2:10:52: Ed Stack Rustic Styles en :'>1:ucnln 2:1-l:5fl: Frank of April, 1962, was received and ordered filed. l 2:27:1';: Xc'. 29; BiD ~1: .-\1 Kmell 2:51):-1{). All trades will be reassigned to the accepted bidder for Mr. Nick Forest was granted permission to ccnstruct Architectural trades. PECIAL CLASS a six-foot high stockade on the Kercheval Avenue side of Prospective Bidders arc requested to submit a request the property at 151 Muir Road. MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. (:\1,ke KilL:rilnd ': U.4 I: WSU-5: W5L'--" WSU- to the architect for approval on or before June 20, 1962. '1'entative plans for the subdividing of a parcel of pro- 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL. INDUSTRIAL. I"TERLAKES Such request shall be accompanied by a summary of expe- perty located on Lake Shore Road, submitted by Mr. John rience and sufficient information to allow the Architect to hi';eo: IDe1.rolt Boat Club) S. :Sweeney, Jr., were referred to the Mayor's Advisory )son IDBCI. determine the proposed bidde-r's qualification. Also accom- Planning Committe for study and recommendation. panying the request shall be a check in the amount of U:Bt:L CLASS 550.00 deposit in which case two (2) sets of plans and A proposed Amendment to the City Controller Ordi- ~ Huhl 1:21:22' D:ane specificaticns will be reserved for each approved bidder. nance was received, laid on the table, and a public heMing : 1::~5.2fJ: Pa:' Kehrer Bidding Documents will be available on or about June 22, on the Amendment wa~ set for July 2. 1962. 1962. at the office of the Architect. Deposits will be re- CATBOAT C1.ASS turned immediately to bidders who arc not approved, and Approval was given to transfer ownership of a 1961 YOURHOM~ ,nnm~s 2:03:25: Tom Die4 deposits will be returned to bidders receiving sets of Class "e" Liquor License, at 18744 Mack Avenue, to Mrs. ~I: Duke Hub('r. DXF, drawings and specifications upon return of all copies in Margaret H. Haynes. ALL OTHERS good condition and submittal of a bonafide bid. A communication from the Vigilance Tax Committee Brick Cleaning Approved bidders will be issued an Invitation to bid of Michigan was received and ordered filed. Have your brick cleaned of all point stains and blem. ..~--~----- setting forth in detail all requirements for preparation of A commu01cal.ion was received from the Board of bids. Copies of preliminary plans may be examined at ishes, chalk marks and dirt runs. A call will bring a Wayne County !toad Commissioners stating that the Board free estimate! the Office of the Architect has been deSIgnated as agent to make application, on the County's behalf, to seek Federal aid for public works FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED projects. BEGROW & BROWN The City Manager was requested to meet with mem- RYAN and VETOR MAINTENANCE GO. 20 LONGLAKE ROAD bers of the County staff to become more fully informed BLOOMFIELD HilLS, MICHIGAN regarding the matter. 17901 E. Warren TU 1-8229 Approval was given to refund Mr. Victor Merta 'the. JOIN US FOR FREE or at the Office of the City Clerk, Grosse Pointe Farms, sum of lli52.00, and, Mr; Gerald sommer the sum of :ji20.00, DRINKS OF 7 UP! MichiFum. Provisions wlll be made for prospective bidders fees paid by them for boat. mooring spaces which they Compliments of U. S. Kedcttes ond w tt) examine the site at times to be announced later. will be unable to use. PLUMBING LA 7-9600 Peter Pan! The project consists of Demolition .of an exis~ing bu~ld- The bid of Thompson.McCully, in the amount of and WATCH FOR OUR in('f demolition of portions of the existmg MuniCIpal Build- $10,451$.25, aeing the low bid for the sealing vf various MODEL ON THE STREET! in;' and ncW construction comprising approximately 10,000 City streets, was accepted. between 12 noon and 3 p.m. sq~are fect, new el~ctrical. ,systems, new pluml:jng and HEAliNG Saturday, June 16th! heating system ano all' condItIOning. The bid of Floris DeMeulenaere, in the amount of $11,648.00, being the.low bid for the replacement of curbs DIY. Bid bonds in the amount of 5% 'of the contract sum and sidewalks, was accepted, shall accompany the proposal and the accepted bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond The bid of Floris DeMeuleDJaere, in the amount of . and Labor and Material Bond, each in the amount of 100% $1.1,959.20, being the low bid for the repair of ~tch basins, of the contract. The Owner shall have right to reject Bids was accepted. if surety is unsatisfactory to Owner. On proper motion made, supported and carried, the Come in and see our fine All proposals shall remain firm for a period of i:hirty meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. (30) days after official opening of bids FAUCET selection of colorful The City of Grosse Pointe !arms r~serves t.h~ ri~ht to washable Kedettes Dawson F. Nac:y reject any or all bids or to walve any mformaht1es In the William F. Connolly. Jr. PARTS , 17015 KERC~EVAL-In the Village bidding. Mayor City Clerk If they are made. DAWSON F. NAey. 9941 HAYES we have them! . lilt; i U 5-9236 Published in the Grosse Point.e News, isSue of June 14, 1962. CITY CLERK OPEN EVERY !HURSDAY EVENING

/ , ..

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Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June' 4, "962

(jrosst Pointt Nf,W8 Memorial Center Schedule 'Vllat t;oes 01. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Whafj neW on ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. at OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL JUNE 14 ~ JUNE 21, 1962 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Your Library Entered as second-class matter at the post office. Detroit, SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. ~rl-lE l-111.1. Michi~an under the Act of March 3. 1897 *ALL MEMORIAL SPONSORED ACTIVITIES by J ea1$ Taylof' By Roberta Address all mail, subscriptions, change of address. (Forms 3579) OPEN TO THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC FULLY PAID CIRCULATION NOTICE: Please call for lost articles at the office. "Look what I've found! What on how and when to collect in- PhoneTU 2~6900 They will be held for thirty days. is it? Does it have eyes? Can it habited shells, how to take the Hospital equipment available for free loan-crutch~ hear?" As adults. going briskly ocean home by arranging an Member Mich1gan Press Association and National Editorial Association about our business in our own undersea garden in a mason jar NATIONAL ADVERTISING ::EPRESENTATIVE es, wheelchairs, heat lamp and hospital beds. Blood backyards, we sometimes for- Weekly Newspaper Representatives. Inc. available to Grosse Pointe residents in case ,of accident filled with sea water-and how See 404 Filth Avenue. Ncw York 19. New Yor" BRyant 9-7300 01.' emergency-free of charge. get the fascination the tiniest to be a tide-pool explorer. This CHICAGO OFFICE Grosse Pointe Garden Center and Library. Mrs. insect or bug can have for the is an excellent family book, 333 North Mlchiaan Avenue Phone FInancial 6-2214 Leland Gilmour ~on duty Tuesday, Wednesday and very young. A small spade of written with clarity and well Page 7 ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A volunteer consultant earth upturned in the garden organized. MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISING MANAGER p.m. p.m. on duty 2 to 4 (TU 1~4594). can spur a child's interest in For children of 10 and up, PATRICIA TALBOT , .FEATURE PAGE SOCIETY * * :I< this mysteriO'ls underworld. who like to explore, make col- JAMES J. NJAIM NEWS Thursday, June 14 Of This Issue ... Vacation days spent at the lections and keep some of the JANET MUELLER NEWS *9 a.m. to 9 p.m.-Students of Prof. Weddige-Art Ex- seashore or at home will un- small creatures in and around ARTHUR R. BLyLER ADVERTISING hibit. cover exciting new pastures for ponds and other bodies of water, there is "Pets From the l\:ARY LORIMER ADVERTISING *4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper, all ages. Children can spend Pond" by Mar g a l' e t Waring .•. there are serv;ces galore .•. many, many gift JOHN McKENZIE BUSINESS hours collecting shells. watch- -Instructor. Buck. ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4 D.m. to 6 p.m.-Piano students of Beate Kaulfuss- ing the antics of crabs, pur- ideas for That VIP !Dad) ... specials ... includir,g a FERN GREIG ,. CLASSIFIED - Rehearsal. ' suing fireflies or chasing but- Was there ever a child not JOANNE EASON ACCOUNTS terflies. There are books about fascinated by but t e r f lie s? free car wash ... playsuits for girls and boys ..• 8 p.m.-Men's Garden Club-Meeting-all interested Gladys Conklin's "I Like But- FLORA HARDING CIRCULA'rION the natural world which will men gardners are cordially invited. help you answer their questions terflies" will cap t i vat e the and so much more ... dcn't miss turning to page 7 :I< * * as they arise, or which older youngster from four to eight Friday, June 15 boys and girls may read for years, who likes to watch these I -then browse! A Complicated Situation 12 Noon-Zoar Society-Luncheon themselves. flying charmers but is not yet I The seashore can make a col- ready for scientific eXPlana-1 8 p.m ..-Iadom Club-Social and Cards. . tions. Twenty-six well known The location of the proposed new building for the lector out of the most resistant, 8 p.m.-Piano Students of Beate Kaulfuss-Recital. butterflies are pictured against Foundation for Exceptional Children is still a subject of and shells with their infinite 8 p.m.-Children's Theatre (See detail on June 16). a natural background in full considerable controversy. The Neighborhood Club, variety and odd shapes and color, with brief simple text. which has offered a portion of its property for the new * * * colors, enchant beachcombers of Saturday, June 16 school, stands firm despite pressure from various gr~ups every age. "And what's a butterfly? At best, he's but a caterpillar :;'9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Aiice E. Goudy has written and individuals who claim the City of Grosse Pomte dressed." Robert M c CIl,l n g' s Cooper-Instructor. "Houses From the Sea," a de- now has far too little recreational area. "Sphynx" shows each step in 12:30 p.m.-Patricia Shepherd-John Hechlik Wedding. lightful picture-story book about the caterpillar's development to The City officials are caught in the middle of the shells, for ages five through Reception. its maturity as a moth. Mr. Mc- controversy. They recognize that the club has the right eight. Two children spend a :j:l p.m. and 8 p.m.-"Love From Judy"-Musical Version Clung has written several na- day at the seashore gathering to make its own decisions as to the use of its land as long of, "Daddy Longlegs" presented by the Grosse ture books for ages leven to 10: and identifying 15 common sea as this does not violate municipal ordinances; and they "Luna: The Story of a Moth"; Pointe Children's Theatre under the direction of shells which they later arrange Farll18 Sublnits Building Report also realize how gl'eatly the city depends on the club "Tiger: The Story of a Swallow- Mrs. Sydney Rey:polds at Pierce Junior High School to show their friends. A simple for the solution of its recreation problem. The smallest Auditorium. Proceeds for benefit of Fries Memorial Tail Butterfly," et al. The Farms Building Depart-I.!\'It. Vernon. in size of all the Pointes, it does not know where to go explanation of how shells are Stage Furnishings. Admission: Adults, $1.50; Stu- made is also given. There is :1 Dorothy Hogner's "Grasshop- ment granted 46 construction. Fourteen miscellaneous per- to compensate for any loss of play area. dents 75c (Showing also at 8 p.m. June 15.) poetic quality to the simple pel'S and Crickets" will be wel- permits. including repair of I mits, including two for fire~ l! is no secret that the Neighborhood Club has been *7:30 p.m.--Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge- text which Adrienne Adams il- corned by children with a taste fire d~maged buildings ,~ince damaged building repairs, were for diminutive pets, and for the beginning of the y('ar. aC-1 also granted last month. The faced with a cut in the support it receives from the Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond-Directors. lustrates with water colors in delicate pastels. children who are wondering cording to a monthly report re- total value of these type per~ United Foundation, and the club board feels that if it 8 p.m.-Peggy Johnston-James H. Dodge II-Wedding what to do next, Sylvia Cas- leased by City Engineer Vlurray mits is $47,050. the city engi~ For oIder beachcombers there can convert part of its facilities to the rendering of a Reception. sell's ",Nature Games and Ac- M. Smith. The total v,1lue is ne'er's report disclosed. are "The Book of Shells" by service such as providing the ground for the new school, tivities" may be the answer. s;:t at $503,700. Two of the latter permits * * * M. H. Bevans, "The First B{)ok This covers briefly such ven- Since January I, nine resi- "'ere for a $15,000 fire repair the UF might look more kindly upon the aid it gives to Sunday, June 17 of Sea Shells" by Betty Ca- tures as bird watching, joining dential construction per m i t f; at 97 Moran; and the repair an organization that is now almost wholly recreational ::<12Noon to 5 p.m.-Students of Prof. Weddige--Art vanna and "My Hobby Is Col- the Audubon Club, identifying were issued for homes valued of a garage at 333 Hillcrest. in its function. The truth of the matter is that the United lecting Sea Shells" by R. H. Exhibit. fish, trees and plants, and in- at $353,000; one permit was where fire caused $900 in dam~ Dudley. Foundation is more than a little skeptical about shelling :~12:30p.m.-Grosse Pointe War Memorial Youth Council sect collecting. issued for a $33,000 business age. out any funds to keep such an organization, located in -Meeting. Elizabeth K. Cooper, a college Interest in the natural world placei and 36 miscelJaneous No permits for the construe- one of the wealthiest communities in the country, oper- 1 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Community Theatre-Rehearsal. science instructor, has written is instinctive with young chil- permIts, for property valued tion of commercial buildings two stimulating books for ages ating. It feels that Grosse Pointe should be able to * * ,:j.: dren. This interest may be kept at $117,000. were issued last month. and no handle this problem itself, and that the Neighborhood Monday, June 18 10 to 14, "Science in Their Own alive by frequent trips to the I ~ Durmg May, t?e dep<.trt:uent. per m its for nonassessable Club should raise its fees and membership dues to a Backyard," nature study pre- library where books carefully approved a permIt for a $2;),000 buildings have been applied for :i:9:30a.m. to 12 Noon-Landscape Painting Classes with sented in an easy informal way, chosen may make this world of I home to be constructed at 426 since the beginning of the year. self-supporting level. In all fairness, this viewpoint can- internationally famous artist Hughie Lee-Smith and more recently "Science on wonder. something re:11 and not be criticized too harshly. the S h Q l' e ') and Ban k s," in from New York. The fee is $21 for the seven vital. Suggestions have been made that the City take over week series. Advance enrollment is requested. which you will find directions the Neighborhood Club property to preserve it as part *10 a.m.-Cancer Service and information Center- of its recreational facilities. Such a plan would involve Volunteer Work. Men's Garden careful study, negotiations and doubtles~ the submitting *10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Weekdays)- "Who takes all of the proposal to the voters for approval. The Council Children's Summer Art Camp NO.1 directed by Club to Meet has already spent many hours listening to arguments I Mrs. Stirling Loud for ages 10-15. The charge is I those pills?" from both sides on the question of the location of th'" $15 plus $2 materials fee. Advance enrollment is "Controlling Garden Insects By FRED KOPP, R.Ph. foundation's school, and has not yet taken a definite requested as classes are limited. and Fungi" will be discussed stand. 12:15 p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon by Lewis P. Harris when Men's This is often the question and Meeting. Garden Clu.b of Grosse Pointe when a customer sees the Another suggestion that would seem to merit care- holds its regular meeting Thurs- shelves in our pharmacy. ful investigation, is that a suitable site for the school ';'12:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge and Lecture for the Ladies-Mrs. Andrew VIal- day, June 21, at 8:00 p.m., at Row on rowan row of bot- might be found in one of the other Pointes with more Grosse Pointe War Memorial tles, boxes, canisters, tubes, available land. The Vernier School next to the Shores rond-Director. Center. 12:30 p.m.-Southeast District of School Superintend- vials. jars . . . about 2,000 Municipal Building was offered to the Foundation for Mr. Harris holds degrees in ents of Detroit-Luncheon. items in all. Good question. Exceptional Children before it was purchased by the chemistry and bio-chemistry *7:30 p.m.-Nocturnal Painters-Class-Steve Davis.- Who are they for? The an- village. The Foundation determined that it would cost from the University of Washing- swer, of course, is you. Say Instructcr. ton and Ohio State University. too much to bring the structure up to fire safety stand- you go to a physician and he ~'8 p.m.-Bridge Lessons for Beginners - Mrs. Carrie He pre s e n t I y is Technical ards, and to adapt its entrance and other levels to ac- Kiley-Instructor. Director of the Insecticides De- writes a prescription which commodate wheel chairs, etc. you bring to us to be rilled. *8 p.m.-Free Demonstration of Reading Development partment of a national paint Officials of the Foundation are now reported to be to be given at the Center this Summer. The course manufacturer, and has worked We can't tell what the ail- investigating the possibility of locating the school in will offer programs for students and adults alike. in this field throughout the ment will be - there are United States. Grosse Pointe Park. That city has the large new passive There will be a special class for ages 10-14.Attend~ thousands, and w. e don't recreational site which was occupied for a number of Mr. Harris lives in Yorkshire know what medication the . ance enrollment is' reque~ted .as classes are limited. road in Detroit and maintains years by the Army for an Anti-Aircraft Artillery unit. :;:8:30p.m.-Grosse Pointe Community Theatre - Re- d<><:torwill prescribe. To pro- a home garden where he con- vide prompt pharmaceutical A solution to the problem may be found here. hearsal. tinually do~s research work in service we have to be ready garden pest control. Among the No one is against the Foundation. On the contrary, * * * for just about anything, Tuesday, June 19 garden insects and fungi he all are in complete sympathy with the ambitions of the which we are. organization to provide help for the youngsters they *9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon-Landscape Painting Classes- will discuss are borers, leaf serve, in the best way possible. There should be no bit- Bugie Lee-Smith Instructor (For Detail see June hoppers, thrip, mites, aphids, This is the 790th of a serJes mildew, bulb and rhizome rot. of Editorial advertisements ap- terness on either side of the arguments. All of those 18). *10 a.m.-Service Guild for Children's Hospital- Volun- All male gardeners in the area pearing In this paper each week. involved are simply trying to do their duty to those they are invited to attend. represent, or to protect their own interests without teer Work. making what they consider needless sacrifices. *10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon-Children's Summer Art Camp II No. 1-Class-Mrs.' Stirling Loud - Instructor - Mrs. Cooney to Hor!~r OAR 25 Year Club (See June 18 for Detail). ELMER SCHERER'S 1 p.m.-Senior Men's Club-Gin Rummy and Bridge. Mrs. Albert E. Cooney presi- reservations are l' e que s t e d. 6:15 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Optimist Club-Dinner and HARPER METRO GOLF GENTER dent of the Twenty-Five Year Members of the group will come Meeting. What do you know about mortgage~? There are almost. from all parts of Metropolitan as many different kinds as there are houses-and It Club of Fort Po n t c h art r a i n 6:30 p.m.-Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner Country Club Atmosphere Detroit and Birmingham. will PAY you to know the difference. You may save Chapter D.A.R. will entertain and Meeting. At Reasonable Prices! As this is the annual meeting HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS-and enjoy many "fringe' the group in her home on Loch- 6:30 p.m.-Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe, InC.-Dinner of the group the luncheon will benefits," too-by flnancing your home through Oetroit and" moor boulevard. at a luncheon- be followed by a business meet- , and Meeting. r~ IS-HOLE MIGHTY MITE Northern. Come in and discuss your plans with the meeting on Friday. June 22. ing at which officers and chair- 8 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Opti-Mrs. Club-Meeting. friendly folks at 0 & N. No obligotion. Co-hostess at the 12:30 o'clock men will submit annual reports *8 p.m.-Refresher Bridge Course-Class-Mrs. Carrie MINIATURE GOLF COURSE luncheon will be Mrs. Ralph R. of their accomplishments during Kiley-Instructor. ••• MICHIGAN'S FINEST! Johnston, of Roslyn road. Early the past year. *8 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus (Tuesdays and Pick the home you wont and then •• -~ Thursda:,rs) directed by Donald Simmons. Dues are SHUFFLEBOARD! FINANCE I1r AT D&N $5 for single memberships, $9 for married couples Open an insured savings account at D & N ••• the olef, and $12 for a family. An outdoor concert concludes pI: .reliable institution that hasn't mined paying CI dividend the season. Registration will be at 8 p.m. on June FREE in 73 YEARS. Now SEVEN offices to lerv. you. 19 and 21. ~i Putting Green *8:15 p.m.-An Evening of Ballet presented by the Cent- er's School of Ballet at Parcell's Auditorium under t FREE the direction of Mary Ellen Cooper. Admission is Golf Clinic TheWm.R.1Iamilfon C'o. $1.25. Every Mon., Wed. and Fri. '~8:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Community Theatre - Re- -./:J 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. PHONE Over a Century of Service hearsal. * * * Father1s Day Specials FUNERAL DIRECTORS Wednesday, June 20 WO 2.9543 ~'9a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays, 12 Noon to 5 p.m. Sundays- • Men's and Women's Tommy Armour Golf Shoes $9.95 Exhibit of Paintings by Students of Steve Davis- • Men's and Women's Beginners Golf Sets ..... $39.95 June 20 to July I-The Grosse Pointe public is wel- • Spaulding Qot Pluses ...•...... , $9.00 doz. Serving come without charge. Call before viewing as exhibit • Spaulding Dots '...... $8.00 doz. • Munsingwear Golf Shirts...... $4.50 GROSSE POINTE DETROIT rooms are sometimes occupied by meetings. SAVE WHERE YOU BORROW! • Golf Cart (used) ' $8.95 AND SUBURBS 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Garden Center-Exhibit In all its 73-year histol"Y, Detroit & Northern II mdTha , • Putters. models, from $3.95 has neVE-r missed paying 0 dividend • Chippers ...... •.... $7.95 ~'10:30to 12 Noon and 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Children's i your nearest 0 & N office . WILLIAM R. HAMILTON II DAVID M. HAMIl.'I'ON Summer Art Camp-Class--Mrs. Stirling Loud- i CLARENCE E. OTIER ~~~ I Easlside-1SJ301 Mack N. of Moross 12 Noon-Senior Men's Club-Luncheon and Cribbage. I ELMER SCHERER'S Grosse Pointe Woods ~'7:30p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-I' Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. CHAPELS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond-Directors. Friday 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

I HARPER BIRMINGHAM ';'8:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Community Theatre - Re~ 3975 CASS AVENUE 820 EAST MAPLE hearsal. TE 1.2712 M14.6000 * * * GOLF CENTER HOME OFFICE, a All SAVINGS INSURED TO $10,000 Thursday, June 21 HANCOCK. MICH. IY A U. S. GOVERNMENT AG~ NORTHWEST *10 a.m. to 12;30 p.m.-Ballet Lessons - Mary Ellen Located on Harper between V 18900 JAMES COUZENS Cooper-Instructor. Metropolitan Beach Road and Crocker f..,lve Tlm~sEv.ry Day D,lroll .. lIorth.rtI Pn'tlltl DI1.1300 *10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m:-Children's Art Th. IIIWI III •• (At laell.-lln 011 Y,ur Dill Camp-Classes....:..-Mrs.Stirling Loud-Director. PHONE HOWARD 5-0261' L 1 p.m. -Custer School-Luncheon.

\, c 4 __ -< W4 ...... e:q .4 .... -...... • • - ... ~~ ~._._- -,..- ~ --- ... --

Thursday, Juntl 14. 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven Mrs. Robert J. Tomlinson Parties Honor Miss Munson Miss Armstrong

The two weeks following her June 9 graduation from West- Wed Saturday ern Michigan University will find Margaret Ann Munson with a full schedule. Speaks Vows in Christ Church to Robert John Tomlin- Miss Munson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Henry T. E. Munson of son; Following Reception at Lochmoor Newlyweds Rivard boulevard is tv be hon- Leave for North; Will Live in Muir Road ored at several parties before her marriage on June 23, to A reception at Lochmoor followed the Saturday Jerry Lee Yeric of Battle Creek. ceremony which united Margaret Armstrong and Robert Already a pleasant memory John Tomlinson in marriag~ at Christ Church. is a miscellaneous shower given in Battle t,:::reek, Michigan, on The daughter of the Rob- . : . ert Phillips Armstrongs .. of carried yellow daisies and ivy. . May 26 by Mrs, Donald Phillips, , Jay Valade was best man for an aunt of the bridegroom. Wi IIi am s road, ware a the bridegroom, whl) is the son This Thursday, Mrs. David cameo mousseline de soie of Mr. and Mrs. Harry .John WOMEN'S PAGES Davidson, Mrs. Edward Mul- gown with a bolero bodice Tomlinson, of McKinley avenue. doon, and Mrs. George Evers- a c c en t e d with magnolia Ushering were Roben P. Arm- "~~r~~,&~,"man will jointly give a luncheon blossom appliques. strong II. and Peter Van Camp. and linen shower at the home For her daughter's wedding of Mrs. Davidson, of Stanton A contoured pour veil fell Mrs. Armstrong wore a blue . ',.:: ~. .. . ~ Lane. from a cour.: cap and she car. silk sheath with flower ap- Mrs. Charles Beltz, with her ried white roses, cymbidium pliques and matching accessor- Short and daughter Bonnie, who is to be orchids and ivy. ies. Her flowers were pink cym- a bridesmaid for Miss Munson, Jane Armstrong was maid of bidium orchids. Mrs. Tomlinson Fron! Another Pointe will give a luncheon and kitchen h 0 nor and the bridcsmaid~ was in pink lace and silk witil I to the Pointe shower on June 19 at their home were Jean Armstrong. Susan matching accessories with pink of View in Lakeland avenue. Bernard, ancl Ann Morris, 01 cymbidium orchids. ROBERT MERLINE, a sen- The Rivard neighbors will Annapolis. Md. When the couple left on a ior at Servite High .School, was gather at the home of Mrs. Pa'ul They were gowned- in porce- weddmg -trip to Nor the r n By Patricia Talbot awarded a scholarship to Uni- Hykes where she and her daugh~ lain blue Canton crepe with Michigan the bride was wearing versity of Detroit, given by the tel' Susan will hostess a lunch- camisole bolero bodices and ba- a blue silk suit with matching Chrysler Management C 1u b. eon and personal shower on teau necklines. Their matching I accessories. They will li\'e in When Mrs. Robert Angus left Scotland to make her He is the son of MR. and MRS. June 20. headbands were veiled and they I 1'\'luir road. home here some years ago she knew she would be going RAYMOND J. MERLINE of Friday, June 22, the rehear- Bournemouth road. ..t&>:C::p~ back to her old homeland some dav. This sumnler that ..... '.~ ....7./::-."',.,;k~,~. sal dinner ',:,ill be giv~n by Mr. plied Science, Kenneth receiveo! Principal speaker and honor- dream will come true. .. * * * -Pilato by J. S. De Forest and Mrs. MiChael YerlC, of Bat- his Bachelor of Arts, and Mic- al-Y doc tor of laws degree MR. and MRS. JOHN L. DE tle Creek, parents of the bride-, hael was also awarded a Bache- On July 1 she will leavE' her Barrington road home GARSE, JR., of Arlington, Va., MARGARET ARMSTRONG, daughter of the Rob- groor.~, at Eddie Pawl's Supper lor of Arts. recipient at the University of \vith her daughter. Greta Angus. who is principal at announce the birth of a son, ert Phillips Armstrongs, of Williams road, was marrIed Club. I * * * Detroit commencement excer- Detroit's Fitzgerald School, and fly to Glasgow. JOHN L. DE GARSE III, on Saturday in Christ Ohurch to Mr. Tomlinson, son of The wedding will take place _ cises this evening will be May 31. Mr. De Garse, a Grosse Mr. and Mrs. Harry John Tomlinson, of McKinley at the Grosse Pointe Memorial Among the 20U students sc- DAVID T. ::\IJARANTETTE of The pair will then rent a car and drive through Pointe High School graduate is avenue. Church. lected by tl1e University of i Oxford road, chairman of the Korthern Ire land. re turn to Scotland and visit Inverness, the son of MR. and MRS. JOHN Michigan Medical S c h 0 0 1 to I ::\lJichigan. Colleges Foundati0!1 Aberdeen. Edinburgh and Stirling. where her late hus- L. DE GARSE, formerly of enter training in September a., I and PreSIdent of tl1e Detro!t son of MR. and MRS. EDWARD MRS. B. T. LYALL, of Roslyn date for student union pres i- I Insurance Agency_ ::\lr. :.'l1.aral1- band was once stationed \vith the Arg.\'ll and Suther- Maumee 8.venue, now living in PONGRACZ. Not I' e Dame, road; EDWARD S. PIGGINS, dent. He was chosen outstand- the Class of 1966 are WILLIAM \ tette attended both the V.of D. San Mateo, Calif. land regiment, which has been at Stirling Castl2 for 200 Business Administration; and son of JUDGE and MRS. ED- Ll1g Alpha Mu of the year by M. BREMER of Toura~{,e road; High School and the U. of D. EPHRAIM K. SMITH, son of WARD STUART PIGGINS, of members of his fraternity, years. * * * THOMAS E. CARNES of Lin- i Evening College of Commerce NANCY LEE STRALE, MR. and MRS. E PH R A I M Ballantyne, and MARIAN G. Alpha Tau Omega. - coIn ro,ad; CHARLES D. ELD-I and . Financ~ .. Hi~ community Then Mrs. Angus and her daughter will cruise to the daughter of MR. and 'MRS. SMITH, Washington road, His- SIMON. daughter of MR. and * • * RIDGE of Pemberton road; 1 service actlVltIes mclude presl~ Isle of Bute. From there thev will drive to Wales and HOMER P. STRALE of Nor- MRS. HOWARD SIMON, of JOHN WILLIAM EHRHARDT tory. Smith also received a RICHARD C. MERTZ of Hamp- dent of the Greater DetrOlt wood drive, received her certi- Buckingham rOad. of Rivard boulev,a.rd, KENNETH then through England's Shak~speare country and on to Michigan Provisional Certifi- ton road' DOUGLAS C. SPl- Board of Commerce. director ficate from the University of * * * NORD KURTZ of Bishop road. London where they will visit Mrs. Angus' nephew, Eric cate in Secondary Bducation. ESKI of' Country Club driVl'; \ of the United ~oundation a~d Detroit's School of Dental As- PAUL V. WHITMORE of and MICHAEL THAIN CAM- Ang1.1s. They \vill cover :2.000 miles and be in the British DANIEL J. TREZAK of Mar-I t h.e . .:\letropohtan De t r 01 t sisting Sunday, June 10. * * * Vernier road will be commis- ERON of Torrey road received Isles about six weeks. MISS ROSALIE TRENT A- ford court; PAUL V. WHIT- BUIldIng ~und,' and. ~ember of :;: sioned a second -lieutenant in degrees at l\-1iaml University's COSTA, a sophomore at Bouve- MORE of Vernier road' RICH. I the ad\lSol"J boaid of St. * * * * the United States Army Medi- 123rd annual commencement * Two scholars from the Grosse Boston School which is affill- ARD ZUEHLKE ot Hu'nt Club i John's Hospital. Pointe area were members of ated with Tufts University, cal Service Corps next Satur- last Sunday. John. was ~ranted Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Trapp, of Bedford road, have drive. I (Continued on Page 14) just returned from two weeks in England's Cotswolds Capital University's 101st grad- Medford, Mass., is attending the day_ Paul, one of 24 University' a Bachelor of SCIence m Ap- of Michigan ROTC cadets t:J ------and Wales, four days in London and a fortnight in uating class. Receiving degrees three-week camp session con- from President Harold L. be designated distinguished Austria. ducted by Bouve at Camp Mo- Yochum during commencement nomoy at East Brewsler on military students, has the op- The Trapps flew to London, drove through England's exercises held June 4 were: Cape Cod. The session is part tion of receiving his commis- GEHALD BAVER, Lakepointe of the school's curriculum un- sion in the regular rather than middle {'Olmti('S and then went to Vienna, Salzburg and avenue, B.A. in history; and der which all students study the reserve branch of the Army. lnnsbruck, flying home fl'0111 Zurich. This was not the 'LYNNE ELLMAN, Van An- camp craft and learn how to A reception for the new offi- Trapps' first trip abroad as they spent three weeks in twerp, B.S. in elementary edu- play, teach, and coach outdoor cers, their parents and guests Spain two years ago, but Austria seems to be Mrs. T.'s cation. sports. Miss Trentacosta is the will be held immediately after favorite country for she claims, "If I had to be born other * * * daughter of MR. and MRS. 10 a.m. ceremonies in Ann than an American I would like to be an Austrian." CADET WAYNE C. SCH- FRANK - TRENTACOSTA of Arbor's Rackham Building. RECK, son of MRS. RUTH Berns court. * * * * SCHRECK of Devonshire road, * * * FRANK KOTCHER, son of Horticultural Show was graduated last Sunday from The following students were the FRANCIS X. KOTCHERS St. John's Military Academy, awarded Bachelor of Arts de- of Mapleton road. has been I The Grosse Pointe Garden Center, always a beehive Delafield, Wis. He plans to grees from Albion College at selected as one of the recipients of activity, is now preparing for an horticultural exhibit spend the summer at Higgins Commencement exercises June of the annual American Society on Jlme 20 at the War Memorial Center. Lake. 4: DAVID G. BROWN. son of of Tool and Manufacturing * >I' *. DR. and MRS. CHAS. C. MER- Engineers award. Frank is a The show will be held from 1 to 4 o'clock and all KAREN JOCZ, daughter of KEL, of E. Jefferson avenue; 1962 graduate of St. Paul's exhibits must be arranged by 11 o'chck. These may in- Doctors MARION and TECKLA LYNNE ANN DOUGHERTY, High School. clude either house or garden plants. There will be judges .JOCZ of Trombley road, re- daughter of MR. and MRS. * * * and garden experts on hand to answer questions, and ceived her Bachelor's degree in FRANKLIN DOUGHERTY, of MARTY ANDREWS, son of refreshments will be served. One stringent rule for Education from Ohio Wesleyan Country Club; DOROTHY L. the MITCHEL ANDREWS of JEROME, daughter of MR. and Devonshire r take a vacation from their meetings and digging to enjoy MR. and MRS. FRANK C. WADE, of Peachtree lane. Scandia the gardens of two members. They have invited their husbands to a picnic on June * * * 18 at 6 o'clock in the adjoining gardt;ns of Mrs. Merlin Bachelor of Arts de g r e e s the were confened upon three A. Cudlip, of Lakeshore road, and Mrs. Wilfred S. Teet- Grosse Pointe students at the zcI, of Sunset lane. June 3 commencement exer- Crown * * * cise~ at Hillsdale College. Re- Christening Gown ceiving degrees were GEORGE l()rincedd N. MONRO IV, son of MR. and Three week old Alexander J. Jacques III will wear a MRS. GEORGE MONRO, of THE NEW SHAPE ••• special christening dress Sunday when he attends the Woodland place, Psychology; NEW FORMULA (Continued on Page 15) THEODORE J. PONGRACZ, JJpdtick • :beOJtl5 Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 With Amazing X-Gel! I The smallest lipstick case in the smartest purses holds amazing news in make-up! New X-Gel formula gives your lips a young dimension, gives color and cushion to preen from! Sixteen beau- tiful, luminous colors in the daring Crown Princess ..• 1~o.cJJ-~o.mcl chCl1lm=> 2.00 plus tax BEST & • • MORE GOOD NEWS FROM SCANDIA! Salel • .htl)f Girls" Swimsuits Sculptone is new, it bolsters contours as it picks up tired muscles, amcl feM:i it firms as it deep cleans. It bring the radiant loak of health! · 1~cJ5 4.25 wually 6.00 and 7.00 5.00 plus tax Talk about a timely sale-this is YOU WILL RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY it! ••• because we've specially GIFT WITH ANY PURCHASE OF purchased a \vhole, wonderful SCANDIA COSMETICS! collection of swimsuits before vacations even start~to give you the edge on fine selections,

fine savings, too. Find all WILL BE IN OUR STORE the young favorites: cotton THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 14 AND 15 11.h.e.ci.blLS ~-hrne~ ~Ei prints, cotton knits, , Helanca nylon knits ••• skirted and bloomer \~ko.ml. I~k911\J. styles ••• plus a grand array of summer colors. Sizes 7 to 14 Mail ana phone orders filled

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Page Twelve Thursday, :June r 4, I~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 14, '1962 Society News Gathered from All of the I)ointes Worn Miss Harrigan Mrs. James Stephen II Parties Honor Junior League Bids To Be Married Miss Roberts Stephens Travel Ditta-Grat

Climaxing a number of pre- Margaret Roberts, daughter New Provisionals nuptlal affairs for Kathleen - ~I Af R. Harrigan which began in March ~:~ts~n~f M~~~h~:u~~;d~s~fl~ I 0 rth ter Ite5 Solemniz ----~ with a luncheon given by her wed Donal James Sexton, Jr., Mrs. George E. Bushnell, Jr., Elected New President of aunt Mrs. Rittenhouse Simms I on June 23 in the Grosse Pointe Nancy Josephine Dunlap Speaks Vows Saturday in Couple Travel to World's League at June 5 Meeting at Counhy Club; I and grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Rit- Memorial Church with a re- Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church with Reception Ceremony Saturday in S . I V I AdM d ten house, were a bathroom show- ception at the War Memorial pec,a 0 unteer war s a e er given by Mrs. N. M. La Berge following. Following in Her Lakepointe Avenue Home Will Live At the an!1ual spring meeting of the Junior League I and ~er da.ughter, Mrs. Stanley f . - Kwaslborskl at the Grosse Ile She will have Patricia Berry A bridal party of University of Michigan friends Patricia Ellen Grates o DetrOlt, held at the Country Club .~une ?, Mrs: George Golf and Country Club. as maid of honor and the at- attended Nancy Josephine Dunlap and James Stephen Ernest John. Grates. of Lo( E. Bushnell, Jr., took over the preSIdent s dutIes from Mrs. Harry Sisson and Mrs. tendants will be Joan Linden, IIwhen their marriage was solemnized in the Jefferson bride of Bennv Ditta Satu :Mrs. Frank W. Wylie, who has directed the League for Walter Simmons entertained at Patricia W0rtz and Marion Avenue Presbyterian Church at four o'clock Saturday Sea Church. v two years. I luncheon and a miscellaneous Dettlinger. afternoon. ------_ B~fore 1un c h eon, the urkoIf, Mrs. Richard R. Bigley, shower and Mrs. John C. Cook For the rite") thE' brid' The bridegroom-elect, son of Le gu pa d t . 11 Mis~ Julie Blossom Miss Har-I and MI'S. Herbert Cook honored A buffet reception follow-I we~e Patricia Price and Nanc.'Y chose on Alencon lace anr e the Donal J. Sextons of Berkley. . h Guile and Maureen Callahan, a de t sSh ou ~peCIat I riett Bradshaw 'Mi~s Elizabeth Miss Harrigan with a luncheon peau de soie gown designer I awar sot e year s ou - . <, , . ." d't If h has asked David Fett to be his mg t e ceremony was ~f:l~ of Flim. They wore :!latching . . Spaldmg Buell, MISS Anne VU'- an" 0 1 yourse sower. with a high neckline anr I standmg volunteer~ who m-I ginia Fisher. Miss Mary Eliza-I The spinster dinner will be best man and ushering will be at the home of the bnd~ S' petaled hats with veiling and Richard Weldon, Thomas Bald- bas que \"raist. A rose 0: c Iud e d Mrs. Wllb~r. M. I beth Fitzgerald, Miss Susan I gi.ven by th~ bride's aunts, Miss parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry carried peach colored rosebuds. ~rucker, Jr.,. Mrs. WIllIam i Gray Garlinghous~, Miss ,Judith El1een H~rr1gan,. Mrs. John Ma- win and G~e Petruska. Dunlap of Lakepointe aye- Mr. Bremer was the bride- peau de soie caught he illusion veil and she carrier' .::i. Burke, MIS sMa r ion' Dorothy Goodnow, Miss Anne hin. of Cmcinnab and Mrs. Wil. Parties for the bride-elect be- nue. The bridegroom's par- groom's best man and the ush- white orchids and Campbell, Mrs. Don T. Gal- Page Homer. Mrs .. Henry H. liam Dansby, of Fenton, at their gan in May with a miscellane- ents are Mr. and Mrs. James ers included the bride's bra- h'y. \'in, Mrs. William Card, Hubbard III, Mrs. Samuel N. 11'- home on La Salle boulevard. Y. ous shower and luncheon at the Stephen, of Royal Oak. ther, Robert W. Dunlap and Louise Wilson was maid 0 M Th win and Mrs. Karl Kiefer. The rehearsal dinner at the Will i a 01 G. Lambrecht and rs. omas. J H ammon, d . ViII ge M "ill b . b home of Mrs. Frank Moorhouse, The bride wore a classically honor in a shl)cking pink organz. M Ed d H k 1 J Others are MISS Jane Kohr- a anor \'Y e gIVen y of Lochmoor boulevard. Donald McNeal of Ann Arbor. frock. She carried carnation 1 rs. war en e, I., ing Miss Mary Kohring, Miss the bridegroom's aunts, the styled gown of blossom whIte Mrs. Dunlap chose a Dlor and roses. The attendants. als' and Mrs. E. J. Boward, Jr. Lv~n Markus, Mrs. Donald R. Misses Virginia and Helen Mur- Marion Dettlinger gave an mousseline de soie combined blue silk shantung gown with ------~~- Other winners were Mrs. McPhail, Miss Mary Moffatt ray. around the clock shower and with Alencon lace. The lace chiffon bodice. Her small hat Charles B. Hull. Mrs. Roger Muirhead. Mrs. George E. Park- Miss Harrigan, the dsughter tea at the home of her mother traced a rose pattern design W:1S of chiffon, printed in blue Patty Johnston Hull, Mrs. James A. Humphries. er III. Miss Anna Dee Petzold, of the Edward R. Harrigans of on Washington road. Mrs. James over the bodice fashioned with Mrs. David Jansen, Mrs. Henry Miss Ruth Harrington Petzold. Devonshire road will be married petal scalloped decolletage. and and green tones on white, with Boxall. of Rosedale Park, gave Patricia :\larie J 0 h n s tor. 1\1. brief shoulder-covering sleev,!s. blue veiling. Kuhlman, Mrs. Laurence B. Miss Evelyn Bell Robinson, Mrs. at a nuptial mass at st. Clare de a linen shower and luncheon. daugh~er of the George .J. John Lewis. Mrs. B. Courtney Rankin. Harold John Siekmann, Miss Montefalco on Saturday, June Beneath the nCirrow princes,se' Mrs. Stephen wore a dress of ~tons, of Lakeland avenue. wi! Joall Linden was hostes!; at :\Irs. William M. Swan. Jr., and Suzanne Sisman, Miss Ann Bid- 16, to Peter Michael De Vine. willow-green fashioned in tiers he £1~"enher diploma from th, a dessert shower. Mrs. Kryn waistline, the bouffant ski r t Mrs. William Taliaferro. I well Skac, Mrs. Pierce Smith, of Chantilly lace with beige 'Cniversity of Michigan this Sat Nagelkirk entertained at a re- embroidered with festoons of Thirty-two young women were Mrs. Harrington K. Mason, Mrs. accessories. They each wore urday and then come home tl Univ. of Detroit Pair cipe tea in her Lothrop road the lace flowers, belled to toe- invited to become provisional Peter Stalker II, Mrs. Rob~rt J. touching length. A large buttpr- orchid corsages complimenting complete plans for her wedding members of the Junior League Tobin, Mrs. Jeremy Webster, Reveal Engagement -Photo by O'Connor home. their costumes. fly bow, frosted with lace roses, She will marry En"ign Georg, at the meeting. Miss Judy Lee Weckler and Miss After awe d din g trip to NANCY JOSEPHINE DUNLAP, daughter of Dr. Mrs. Eugene Klaver, aunt of topped the chapel train. Carl Ehrnstrom, son of :.lrs. Rob They include Mrs. Peter Ash- Donna Mark Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randall Northern Michigan Mr. and and Mrs. Henry A. Dunlap, of Lakepointe avenue, the bride-to-be, will give the (.rt C. Machesney, of Pittsburgh of Kentfield avenue, announce A court cap. applied with MI's. Stephen will make their was married Saturday in Jefferson Avenue Presby- rehearsal dinner. and George Ehrnstrom, .Jr., o. the engagement of their daugh- AlenCOI1lace. held her bouffant home in Ann Arbor. terian Church to Mr. Stephen, son of the James Belleair Beach. Fla .. on June 2.: Senior ~len ter, Irene Margaret, to George The coupfe will live in East veil of silk illusion. Her bou- To See Tigers Stephens, of Royal Oak. in St. James Lutheran Churcb Reich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lansing after a honeymoon in quet was a cascade of Madon:la June brides and grooms take with a reception following at the The Seniol' Men's Club of Ford Motor Company. He will George Reich, of Hidden lane. Northern Michigan. lillies. I note: The American B;nkers DAC. Grosse Pointe will attend the talk on "The Changing Course Miss Randall js a junior at The matI' f h '. Association reports that the Garden Club To H old Sale Margaret Wible will be mail Detroit Tigers-Ne\l: York Yan- of Federal Government." the University of Detroit and Pro Musica Holds . on a onor was f first 18 months of married life f' . af honor and the attendants 'in kees baseball game Monday, New members of the Senior president O'f Theta Phi Alpha Miss Jane Simpson of Berk- sible for the tickets. Mrs. Wmdham Bremer, of Altn th h d t II If Arbor. She wore a gown of are e ar es . ma?C1a y. dude Sallie Anderson. Joann' June 25. Buses will leave the Men's Club include Eugene sorority. Mr. Reich will gradu- hir d ha i 't d 35th Annual Me t."g azure blue silk with fitted 1)0- a young couple ~s stll~ solvent 5 'e roa s nVl e mem- Luncheon is planned for 12 e , Jury. Mary Anne Bross and Juli' War Memorial at noon sharp Lange. of Buckingham r.oad; ate from the University of De- bers and guests of the Detroit o'clock noon with Mrs. Robert dice and bouff nt k'rt at the end of thIS penod, they a. s I . } d h f . Guest. for the stadium. George L. VanAntwerp, of Ken- troit this June from the College Branch of the Woman's Nation- Bruce Scott in charge and five I lave a goo c ance 0 remam- Ens. Ehrnstrom. who will al Lou Baze and Harold Wiek sington road: Alfred F. Martz, of Com mer e e and Finance, al Farm and Garden Associa- booths will be grouped through- The 35th annual meeting of . T~e bridesmaids we a r i rJ g I' ing so the rest of their married rive from the Boston Naval Yar are in charge of reservations of St. Claire Shores. and Simon where he is affi11ated with tion to her home and garden out the garden. Mrs. Russell Pro Muska was held at the s1mllar gowns in jade green life. Women's City Club following on Tuesday, has asked Jerom for this outing. Den UYl. of Touraine road. Alpha Kappa Psi and Beta on Thursday, June 21, for a E. Wood and Mrs. Cash W. Tal- LaFountain to be his best mar The regular luncheon meet------Alpha Psi. scholarship luncheon and fair. bot have the bake goods booth dinner on Wednesday evening, Ushering will be the bride ing of the group will be held at UDoctor, my wife has dislo------Mrs. Aftnn Himick as Special with many delicious cakes, June 6. The various officers and CHARMING brother. Charles A. Johnstor ~e Center at noon on Tuesday. cated her jaw. If you happen A man never gets so con- Activities committee chairman cookies and pies; white ele- committee chairmen' presented Jacles Knister and John Hoas, .mne 26. The speaker will be out this way next week or the fused in his thinking that he and second vke-president, is in phants for sale by Mrs. Dan FARM HOUSE COLONIAL their reports of the past. very Parties for the bride-elect b( Thomas R. Reid. Civic and Gov- week after, you might drop in." can't see the other fellow's charge of the affair and Mrs. N. Simonds and Mrs. R. C. successful season. Plans for the 50 OXFORD ROAD gan in December when .:\11' e:nmental Affairs Man age 1', -The New Era, Baxter, Iowa. duty.-The Press, Sumner, Ill. Clarence E. Reyner is respon. Lakin; a plant and flower Louis Carbone and her daugl ------"------", -I booth is promised by Mrs. 1962-'63 season W'e're discussed. Four bedroom, 2 Y2 both, plus separate servant crea of tel's, Lois and Carol. ga',e Artists and dates for the three 2 roems and both ... custom built. 2 ceres cf ground. Harold E. Stavers and Mrs. Call your broker or ••• Joseph Quasarano, and the concerts will be announced to c'lairman Mrs. HimicK and Mrs. the press shortly. I "!.Ienry Benn have been typing recipes from the members' own Election of directors and offi- files, which will be on sale at cers was held. Newly elected ARTHUR J. ROHDE the recipe booth. to the board were Mrs. Edwin AND ClOMPAKY CooL Casu T. Roth and Mrs. ArnoJ.d Lun- Mrs. Paul J. Meiser, president gerhausen. , of the Detroit Branch, and Mrs. IN'SURANCE James L. Lynn, first vice- Re-elected to the board were Specials ... president, have been asked to Miss Marie Marti, Mrs. W. Ter- greet the members and guests, rance Bannan, Mr. Alexander as they arrive. C. Suczek and Mr. Thornton 2711 East Jefferson, De::roit 7~Mich. LO 7-6100 FROM OUR The group does horticultural Zanolli. therapy work at Harper and Re-elected as officers for the Wayne County General Hos- coming year were Mrs. Frank pitals, and also lw.s a scholar- W. Coolidge, president; Dr. Shampoo and set. ship student at Western Michi- Hugh &talker, first vice-presi- gan State University, Kalama- dent; Miss Margaret Manne- PermanenTs (compie" zoo, Mich. Mrs. Hartley S. Ball bach, s e con d vice-president; Time •••FO'f The is chairman ad' education and Miss Marie Marti, secretary; HairCUTS ••.•••••• very much interested in the Edward P. Froelich, treasurer; scholarship student. The pro- Mrs. John M. Chase, member- Elegant HOUT TinT .....•••••••• ceeds from this affair will go ship secretary. to the group's scholarship fund. Others on the special activi- The other board members, ties committee include: Mrs. whose terms continue through Alex Bartholomew, Mrs. George the coming year, are Mrs. Mil- DeLand and Mrs. Everett Higgs. dred Coulter, Joseph A. Luy- ckx, Dr. Harry Seitz, M:ischa Reservations may be made by Kottler, Mr. Frank G. Murch. calling Mrs. Reyner, Mrs. Bros- \2fashi teau or Mrs. Simonds. A limited number of mem- berships will be available for next year in this unique organ- '~~aut~ Pin'k-Lewis Betrothal ization whose pleasure it has Told in Medina, Ohio, been during bhe past 35 years to bring almost every contem- Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Lewis, porary composer of note to De- of Medina, 0., announce the en- troit as well as g i v i n g first hearings to some of our most gagement of their daughter, Ar- 18546 Mac~ Ave. veda Marie, to John James renowned singers and instru- Pink, son of Mr. and Mrs. James mentalists. Grosse PoinTe Farms Robert Pink of Bedford road. Miss Lewis attended Trinity The first check issued by the College, Burlington Vt., and United States Treasury was for Kent State University. Mr. Pink, the sum of $1,000, paid to an alumnus' of Cleveland Insti- George Washington as part of tute of Arts, is an industrial de- his salary as President. The signer in Harper Woods. money came from a bank loan. :.. :

:... Dre..~watches - with that luxury look - the look of quiet beauty - the look of dependable elegancel A PRIV A. 14K gdd, baguette. ftorentinll bClsktt.weav. bracelet. Syn. Saph. C:yato'. $325'60 B. 14K gold .;!houolte. ':ed. tex IdeL TO

The pharmacist"s 1 in a real and hurr, the focal point of Here he is of ma:..' man. HEre he is ( performing the Pi? to WhICh he pledg, a pharmacist and services for which His prescription s ~ ~?~~:.~:~~~:i~ :-.:.: ;:-.:: Playclothes Galore ~ ~~;~ for all sizes I CHARLES w. WAltREN & COMPANY JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS yallil. I:La"HEI STEUBEN GLASS 1520 ------I.c.110 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe TU 1.7727 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD I Dauoit 26, Mi~higan - Phone wa 2.-5158 - Store Hours 9:30 to ~ro n WALTOn-PIERCE 116 Woodward, Birmingham MI 7-1499 il l.aCKEVAl'-' sr.CLlII GIOSSI'Ollnl ' .~_~.%f% ...;:.;'*:;;,m$', ..,,'~:.F';. "'"' I , I I' .t ,. , .'

'~' Page Thirteen ,~ Thursday, June 14, 1962 G R 0 S 5 'I: POI N T'E t\J E W S ne 14, 1962 tes Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women Dye to Mrs. Benny Ditta Symphony Plans Bridge Club Lists 'Vinners I Ditta-Grates Rites Fashion October Sale Grosse Pointe Me m 0 ria 1 James Banta. Center Bridge Club winners June 4: North and South, "Everything Under the Sun" The w at c h w 0 r d s we I' e, have been announced, Philip Leon and Albert Boelens; Solem nized Here is the theme of the Detroit "Heigh-ho, come to the fair" as May 21: North and South - Niobe Gates and Carol Priehs. Yaeht Club's Ladies' Bridge Mrs. Lyndle R. Martin's spear- Adele Beatty and Isabel Pingel; East .9.nd West: Marilyn Reed Luncheon and Fashion Show set head committee of Women's Mrs. Cass S e 1den and Mrs. and Emma Harvey; Margaret. Couple Travel to World's Fair and San Francisco After for June 19 at 12 Noon in the Association for the Detroit Frank D, Boynton. V'" Pingel and Margaret McWiI- s Saturday in East and West - Irglllia I . Ceremony Saturday in Our Lady Star of the Sea; dining room and ballroom. 'Symp 1lony Arc hestra mem bers Lang and Virginia Jeffries; I hams. with Reception met to plan their "Encore, ue Home Will Live in Gary, Ind. Mrs. George Menendez is World Treasures" sale sched- Mrs. Walter Hayes ahd Mrs. I June 6: North and South, chairman of the day and her uled October 10-11 in the Harry Clarke. Ellen Walrond and Al Beard ichigan friends Patricia Ellen Grates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. aides arc Mrs. Austin Z. How- Grosse Pointe War Memorial. ~~y 23: North and Sou~h- tied ~ith Betty Tuer and Eva- J ames Stephen Ernest John Grates, of Lochmoor boulevard, became the ard, Mrs. Donald Hutchins, Mrs. PhilIp Leon and .Iel'ry Qumn: lyn WIse. bride of Benny Ditta Saturda~" in Our Lady Star of the George Leveite and Mrs. Ralph :1 the Jefferson Announcement was mad e Harry S m i t h and William lEt. I u, .t. R tl1 Arburv St'a Church. - ~ .---,---~- Martin. . 1 Ch' as ane n CS. U • :clock Saturday ~l'lday, June 8, .at ~ .uncheon I ,/ ampme. and Clan'nee Bessert; Mari- 111 the Center wlt.h Ideas com- I East and West-Mr. and Mrs. 1 W'll d R b ,t F ley F t h 't. i h b' I I in pink, were Sharon and Susan 'fh,-,y have chosen a shocking . R b W'ld M J h P' I ynne a WI' an 0 cr . 0 • ing thick and fast to make this 0 crt 1 s;. rs .. 0 n 1l1ge • (,)r e r1.C'.s , c. fIe e i Grates, .Joann l\knanino and i pink and orange color scheme Price and ~aney eho:--(' on Alcneon lace and: Paula Ditta. : for the background decor. The t.he sale to end all sales, above and Mrs. Jehn A. Tompkins. June 9: North and South, Mr. aureen Callahan, and beyond the "l'um\mage" May 25: North and South - and Mrs. Arthur .J~hnson; ,Joan peau de s0ie go\vn designed, Joe Lucido was hest man Jor stage in the ballroom will be \! wore matching category. Fern Gibbons and Ivan Hina; BOUl'get and Lorrall1~ Hart. \vith a high neckline and the bridegroom. who is the son transformed into a tropical set- with veiling and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollinger, East and West: Lucrlle Queen \\,'aist. rose of the Nicholas Dilias. of Coplin ting complete with palm trees, colored rosebuds. basque A of Mrs. D. AlJred Ingram will East and West~J{!ssica and and Ellen Walrond; Mr. and soie c~lU.~ht avenue. The u~hers. were Wil- net, sca shells and gay umbrel- peau de her assist Mrs. Martin in the pur-I Ellen Walrond; lVIr. and Mrs. I Mrs. Char les Seeley. [" was the bride- illUsion veil and she carried i l!am ..and Phlllp, Dlit~ •. Byron las. suit of rare antiques and fun ,11.1nand the ush- I ~-~- whIte orchids and i\'\'. , Sha~ffcr. and D,\l~lel !nglIa. The commitlee members are things of value. ~.I the bride's bro- ..~ . ,Aftcr a receptIOn m thc Ser- b . t' g 100 4 ft l'n J . ""I ! fl' }I II tl I d 1 f f t1sy pam mover . 'IL Dunl.1p and L OtllSC H I son \\ as malC 0 Jwn a lC ncw ywe set or t l' f th n in Mesdames Fred C l' a w ford \ . I k' . k '1 ~ I 'V Id" F' d S I'd'lame er rep Icas 0 e su Lambrecht and Iwnor III a s 10(' 'me: pm - or>.!anza t lC Seatt e ,or s' aIr an an I I f' k d t be and Kenneth W. Heck are al- C£H~;;!{::::l .~ "al of Ann Arbor. frock, ~he carrico earnat ions Francisco. They will live in' S HIC es 0 pI.n an o~ange 0 " ready at work creating fan- , I • decorated WIth "Lady m the Sun and roses. rill' attcndant;;. a.so, Garv. Incl. . t 'l'h III b d tasies for their "Whimsy Bar" ?p cho!':e a Dior ~~~ __ ...... __ ' __ . ' . _~~ __ ._~_.__ PIC urcs. ey w e suspen - and Mrs. Samuel B. Danto is antung gown with cd from tho ceiling and used ceo Her sIr.all hat for wali decorations. collecting for her "Blue Ele-, n. printed in blue Palfy Johnston Being Honol"ed phant Booth." nes on white. \:.;ith Peck and Plock of Grosse I PatrICIa :'rIal'le J 0 h 11 ~ ton. kitchen shower in their Lake- Pointe \\ ill p!,esent the fashi?n Talents abound in the 1,500 I daughter of the Geor~e ,J, John- land avenue home. show featurIng a woml.er1ul i olii member association and the en wore a d!T~S of stons. of Lakeland an'nue. will selection of resort and cruise Memorial will be filled to the I fashioned in tiers be ~l Tn her diploma from tilL' Also in Deccmber was thc wear. Kay Irvine will be the rafters with largess especially lace with beige Cnivcr"ity of :'vliehig,1l1this Sat- linen :.,howcr' given by Jeanne I comm~ntator. created for the show. Booths They each wo,e >: \s,. are scheduled for original paint- lInlay ancl then come home to Giroux. of Lothrop road. DYC members and daughters ges complimenting I ' .. ". \. ings, ceramics, children's "pop- ::omplete plans for her wcddlllg. , I 1 '11 d L 1\1 Jack es, O "1?0 W'll' W10 WI mo e are; 1 rs. -photo by Eddie McGrath • .Jr. overs" and petit point pretties. She \\'111 marry t:nslgn George: n IV ay - Mrs. I lam IValz, Aderholdt und daughter, .Jill, v e d din g trip to Carl Ehrn,.,trom. son of Mrs. Rob- of Ann ArI~or, gave a pers'lal Mrs Albert D'Eath Diane In Our Lady Star of the Sea. Church on Saturday, ichigan ::\lr. and Mrs. Winfield S. Jewell, Jr., ,'1't C, ::\lachcsl1ey. \)f Pittsburgh. ,shower, Tlll~. Wednesday Mrs. Me~endez, Sue Yeager: Camilla PATRICIA ELLEN GRATES, daughter of Mr. and n will make their is busy at work on appliqued and George Ehrnstrom. Jr .. of Arthur E. WIble was hos~ess at Hutchins. Sheila and Judy Jor- Mrs. Ernest John Grates, of Lochmoor boulevard, was Arbor. cashmere sweaters, Mrs. John Belleair Beach, Fla.. on June 23 a ml~cellancous shower m her dan Mrs. Menende'l' guests for married to Mr. Ditta, son of the Nicholas Dittas, of B. Wilk will spend the .sum- in St. ,Tame,., Luth('ran Churehi Buekmgham road ho~e, ?n Ju~e the 'fete arc the Mesdames Paul Coplin avenue. mer making a luscious table. s and grooms. take with a reception l'ollll\\ mg at tll(' 1~ Jane and l\lary Kohnng \~11l1Roth, Mabelle Heath, J. G. Reid, cloth with built-in I tal i a n American Bankers J).\C give a luncheon and recIpe . h 1 B M.lt K vel' lights, and Mrs. Richard W. rej)orts that the ~ . I . t1' T' d Mlc ae rennan. I on e - :\Ian~;ll,(.t Wibh- \\ ill be maid sl'\ower III Wlr OllraIne roa ; son Aaron Barry, Lester Heath , Soroptilnists To Hold Dinner Tucker will concoct fabulc}Us ths of married liie lOmc I" of honor and thl' atll'odant;; 'in- ' I and Howard l\IcCarty. Over 400 hats of her own design. est financially, If dude Sallie Anderson. Joanna :\'11';;.David R. Anderson. tl1'" i members and guests are ex~ The Grosse Pointe Yacht resent.s 45,000 business and pie is still solvent \.-, I I h Committee heads in c 1u d e ,f,my. :\lal'~' _-\nne Bross and JulIa bnclc's aunt. will give a lunch-; peeled to attend. ! C ~b will be t Ie ~ettin~ for t e ~rofessi?nal w,omen wi~h clubs Mesdames Russell B. White- f this period. they C,tll'St. c('- f[ r the bric1;)l pnrty on the I ._~_ Se\ enth InstallatIon Dlllner of In more than 30 countrIes. One chance of remain- , . _. ) <,. tl S t" t Cl b f G f h' . h '. hurst E W Goodspeed How- e",t of their married Ens. Ehrnstrnm. \\ ho wl11 ar- day of the wcdding. The reheal'- i Th K. 1~ orop Imls u. 0 ro~se?' t e alms o.f t e ~rgal1lZa~lOn ard I'll Wheeier Hu h R 'Purd rive from the Boston ~aval Yard s'll dl"lner wI'1I be 11elc[ 'It the 01nllS Q,Sel Pomt.e, on June 16. MISS Maxll1e i IS the promotIon of mternahon-\ . ,g. y, , , " I N' ,,'11 b t t' t 1 d ill d "'~ t d' Donald P. Else John H. Gans- on Tue",day. has asked Jerome Crosse Pointe Y'lcht Club I Cl. B. 1 1 wmeyel \\1 e oas mls ress. a goo w an unucrs an mg. . . LaFountain to be his best man. T • - , • I al,rnS rZl e i The .officers for the con:ing Outstanding business, execu-' c~lOW, Taylor. H. Seeber~ ~II- 'L'shcring \\'il! be thl' bridC"s i I I year WIll be .installed by ~rIe~a tive and professional women h.lm ft. Coll1ns and MUlray hrother, CharlC'" A. Johnston, TIP TO ':\lOTORISTS I Announcen1l'nt is made of the I GOl'rechi, dIrector of District from the state of Michigan will Young. JamC's KnistC'r and John Hoos. I .. 1" l' It t 11l'l1'riage of Marv Helen Hay- three of the Soroptimist Feder- attend the 17th Biennial' Con- '.. 'II, alt for the tl'erved as Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 tl ~ I the club's president and secre- I tary in the past.

f:. :~.: ~~_.~ ' ,., : ,:;:.: ~:"..:::,.:.:.:::.:.:: ,,.::::..:,: :~:':::'i.:",,-:':.:::' .:~:::::.:.::,,'::.'::'::::::,'::.':.;;ZKX:::::.::::;~:::::;'::::~:,:;::~:Dx(:,m;:I~::;::Z~ii':::j:::::;~,i'ff{:ill:.-rr:;;::~ t'•••• NEWEST LUN A PRIVILEGE i Salel )~ PATTERN TO SERVE I Misse's' Cotton Dusters 7.90, The pharmacist's prescription department is, wually 11.00 ,'. 111 a real and human sense, MaoRfga~ Lhe fecal pl'Jint of his professional life. I Madrigal is sterling - beantiful. Here he is of maximum service to his fellow Trust Best's fo offer savings /q'~ gleaming, solid silver. Come in, man, Here he is completely in his elcment hold a piece in your hand and performing the personal se:vices like these on this season's '\ ',','...' see how the "applied border" effect accents the sculptured to which he pledged himself when he became light, cool robes women. love " ~ :::~,~ quality of the ornament.. You'll a pharmacist and rendering the professional love the distinctive manner in serVices for which he is eminently qualified. for at..home comfort all '.';-'6'.~:' ';,it~., '. which the bowl, or tines, is t,~ joined to the handle. You'll truly 1[IS prescription services are responsible through summer. Best of ...<.;:, ~;\..":';. ~~~~; -;f,..:'. admire everylhing about Madri- for the key place he occupies gal bet-..ause it's different rrOlll !-, all, both are washable cotton on the community health team. 1\1;1 any other pattern. $3 000 ,Ve are pleased to sen'e ~'ou at all times. floral prints. that need 4.Pc. Basic Sett.ng. ~ leeS...... I little or no ironing. OUrs ij exclusively in sizes 10 to 18. :;:::~ Free-flowing style in y~lIow-9reen or pink-coral on white. Demi-belted style in pink-corol !JJongrac.J & COMPANY or turquoise-pink on white. ~,:I Mail.and phone orders filled ~EW5LERS' SilVERSMITHS :::::~ Grosse Pointe's Pioneer Jeweler - £stablished 1930 ULEVARD GROSSE'POINTE-Kercheval Ave. near Cadieux • TUxedo 2-3700 re Houn 9:30 to ~:OO 91 Kercheval on the Hill TU 1.6400 ~~>'EE'~"""'''"'=''''lm7.",_",,:.~1


d - __ . ... 0' • • • • a • a a 4S • ...... m. f"

Thursday, June 14, 196 Thur'sday, June '14, '1962 Page Fourteen ~R:OSSE POINTE I"lEWS Society News Gathered from All of the P(J~intes Short and t Alma Students Engaged Bride-Elect James Stockwell Short and to the Pointe To Clai,n Bride (Continued from Page 14) Exchange Vo~vs (Continued from Page 11) grfe in History. Mothers Sponsor 'ff." •••• .:~~~~:::}:~~~'.:.7~'~~f~."'C. -.-.".y'::~.,::'~:..""'7'~":":'~"~'7Ij! Medical School. He has also . I * "' ... .'. I DR. C. ROY BROOKS of . , .! J.amcs Stockwell, son of Dr. recently won a silver medal as Mr. and Mrs. A. dcVere and Mrs. Benjamin Stockwell, Lakeland avenue gave the grad- MR. arId MRS. PAUL MAR- ,. uation address for 70 dental TELLI of Deerfield Beach, Fla.,' a member of the U of M Rifle Ruegsegger, of Balfour road, an- of Lothrop road, arrived home noUnce the marriage of their ~ . j assistants and hygienistl' at the formerly of Grosse Pointe, have Team which placed second in Graduation Party on leave from San Diego Naval t~e Natio:lal Inter-Collegiate University of Detroit's Student ret ul-ned for a short visit with daughter. ,Julie Anne, to John Base on Monday evening with t~ i Union Ballroom last Sunday. MI. Martelli's daughter and RIfle matches at Camp Perry, O. : WHliam Nickum, Jr., on May 11 i his new fiance. in the First Methodist Church, ! Dr. B roo k s, an orthodontist >;oll-in-law, the KEN NET H * * * : j On Friday th~ Stockwells will EDWARD ACKER:\fAN. son Ithaca, Mich. ) . was graduated from U. uf D"~ Bl'CKLEYS of Harvard road, GPHS Seniors Will Dance at Lochmoor This Thursday be hosts at a cocktail party to first Dental School class in and Mrs. "."v1artelli's sister and of the PETER ACKER:\IA:'iS, S~ j at Party Sponsored by Mothers' Club; Giant Yellow The newlyweds left for a wed- introduce Matilda C I ark e, 1935. He IS dentistry director brother-in-Jaw, DR. and MRS. of North Rosedale court will ding t.rip to Harbor Springs, fol- daughter of the. Hugh Clarkes, of the Detroit Orthopedic Cli- K. K. KIMBERLIN of Madison receive his medical degre~ June, Rose Horseshoe Center of Det:orations of Magdalen Islands, Quebec, lowing the final examinations at nk, and was ehairman of the i av.mue. 21 f~om Wayne State lJniversity i Alma College where they are :~';~ 11 to their friends. MedIcal School. He is an alum-I Pub I i c Health and Education >I< "The :'hird Act," the party after the graduation both students. Before Alma the The couple met in San Diego I ,.. * ""<\ r ..i C?mmission of ~he Detroit Dis- \mS~ ST A~LEY W. SMITH, nus of Grosse Pointe High i ceremonies at Grosse Pointe High School this Thursday bride.elect studied at Liggett where Miss Clarke is working. tn.ct Dental SOCIety. of Chalfont(' road. will leave School and the University of night. June 14. will be at the Lochmoor Club. School aild the Grosse Pointe They plan. a December 1 wed- I Ju nc 26 to attend the 44th bi- :\iichigan. a member of Alpha: High School. ':\'~<-";<~~~~.~1~~:*~.;>1.' "1 ding in Toronto after Mr . * * * \ :'\11 s en i 0 r s will walk I Three Pointe students re- ennial convcntion of Kappa Delta Phi and Phi Rho Sigma. 1 a friendship pic1luTe8. Mrs. M. E...... '. ';. \."~?. . iI ;. J Stock-well is Teleas~d from the through gigantic horse~ The bridegroom is the son of ceived bachelor of arts degrees! Kappa Gamma at the Grove * * '" ' on Honderich, decorations chair~ Navy. ROY C. BERRY, of Allard i 1 shoe placed the inside of Mr. and Mrs. John William .,,':'::'~l-~ .'.',;.;:';:i i1 during the 121st annual CG;.ll-i Pcr.k l~n, Ash?ville, N. C. Mrs. the club entrance. man, and Mrs. Harold Owen He is an alumnus of Hotch. road, has received his commis- Nickum, of Chicago. kiss School and Colby College, mencement June 11 at Denison I SmIth 15 preSident of the De- :\Tr:-;.(;por!!e Grcnzke. senior are busy with these arrange- University, Granville, 0, I tr')it Alumnae Associat.ion . sion as a second lieute!lant in The couple will spend the ...... ,..:..\ ..,:.t~: ',,~.',' ..;.>.l. : , ". . .. :\ •...... ,':...... •...'.•.':...•.:.?.~•..:,r..,.~',..! : l 'J Me. the U. S. Army after service in actidty chai~man, says that the ments. CHARLES A. DuCHARME, ,.. *" ,;- affair ,\"ill be a mo~t pleasant Mrs. Edward Glanz and Mrs. summer in South Bend, Ind., . ,.~i,'.'~..~. ~ p_ ~ ~ •••• ">.~.;.~""".;,..;.""'~j~.!.:"N,.oou"',.~,:i(.;:,•.,~J the University of Detroit ROTC III, son of MR. and MRS. GREG TAUBENECK f finale. Acting a~ co-chairman is Charles Zentgraf are in charge and in the fall will return to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sajan, unit. Mrs. Lewis Robinson, of Dyar Mounted Scouts CHAR:LES. A, DuCHAR:ME, ~I, i the GEORGE" F. Tl~B~- :\Ir~. ClalT'n~e Bauer. of ticket sales and Mrs. W. F. Alma to continue their studies. of Barrington road, announce lane, announces the engage- o~ Umversity .place, maJored In I NECKS, of University lace * * * The 12-foot high horeshoe, Isley assisted by Mrs. E. G. They will both be seniors. the engagement of their daugh- ment of her daughter, EVELYN, Seen in Sholv history. He IS a member of! h b . . P , CHARLES T. BACKOFF. son mad£' of many yellow paper Evenden will see that there is ter, YVONNE SARAH, to ' Al h f ,lS een selected JunIOr adver- of MR. and ::vms. CHARLES H. to John Morgan Darden III, son You've heard of a house on Lam bd a ChI p a ratcrnity. Coo' C1 • f th U' roses and hearing the words in good music: for dancing, CLARENCE A LIVINGOOD ~"lll., ma~a~er 0 e mver- BACKOFF of Severn road and Daughters of Founders Thomas J. Salmoni, son of the of the John M. Dardens, Jr., of wheels, but have you ever hill£' "Good Lu<:k Grads" willi For refreshments punch will James Salmonis, of East Detroit. 'R d l\ RS' sl,y of IllInOIS Star Course, one a graduate of Grosse Pointe Fete National President Roanoke, Va. heard of a Seout Troop on II , th e son 0f P • an i of th bl' t' bf' yellow spotlighted. I be available all evening and at CLARENCE S. LIVINGOOD: e campus pu Ica IOns. High School, received his Bache. The pair will exchange vows in Lyn was g r ad u ate d from horseoack? We have two :\11"". Donn Kipka is respon- i midnight a buffet supper will August. lor of Science degree in Phar- Mrs. Herbert Ralston Hill, of Grosse Pointe University School Senior M 0 u n t e d .Troops in of University place, majored in * * ,. sible £01' the horseshoe. As it is be served. Mrs, Gerald Stoetzer macy at Ferris Institute, Big I "Rosewell," Fountaintown, Ind., and from Hollins College this history. He is a member of MRS, R US S ELL ALGER in three sections and can be will be assisted at the punch Grosse Point~, 821 and 1427, Rapids, Mich., on June 10. He national president of the Na- month. She is a member of Tau Delta Upsilon fraternity. 0 S 51\1:A N of Westmor~land; storN!. th(' hor~eshoe promises \ bowl by MT. and Mrs. Carl Siglna Gamma that participated in their first was treasurer of his senior tional Society Daughters of Beta and made her debut in CHRISTINE ERNST, daugh- Washington, D.C., formerly of to be a traditional part of the Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. John horse show at Belle Isle Riding class and Chaplain of Kappa F'o u n d e r s and Patriots of June 1959. Stables Saturday, June 9. ter of MRS. STANLEY S. Detroit, has just completed a decol" for future senior parties. I Engstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Toll ave Picnic ERNST, of Sun'ningdale drive, week's visit with M.RS. DA~- Psi fraternity. :\1r. and ~frs. America, was the guest of ~ Her fiance attended Virginia Sixty girls, d i vi d e d into I Outside, blue and gold flags \ G and e lot, Mr. and Mrs. J. majo'red in sociology. She is a lEL R. SIMMONS, SR., of Backoff and son JOHN attended will wave and in the ballroom Owens and Mr. and Mrs. John honor at the spring meeting of Sigma Gamma Association's Episcopal School and was grad- gI oups according to their rid. member of Delta Delta Delta Belanger road. the exercises and were joined a ~arden effect will be attained Hamann. the Michigan Ohapter of the juniors will have a swimming uated from the University of ing ability, paraded before by MISS SHERRY HAR:,.lO~ sorority. b~: using rOse trees in a pink \ Mrs. Russell Randall is in Miehig,an Society held on Tues- party and picnic luncheon on North Carolina last June. He is parents and friends, amazing * * * of Charlotte, :Mich. and green theme. On a large e h a l' g e of chaperones. The day, June 12, at the University Tuesday in the Bloomfield Hills a member of Sigma Alpha Bpsi- all with their dexte1'ity and rid- * '" * PAUL J. BRO\VX of 'Wash- ing skills. Two Grosse Pointe men will ington road was honored re- * * ,;- billboard will be paste"d senior party will last until 2 a.m. Club, on 'East Jefferson. home of Mrs, Francis Gallaudet. Ion. He now lives in Atlanta, LOU I S DUE N W E G of The girls received the awards receive bachelor of law. deg:ees cent.1y as the oldest alumnus Following the picnic there Ga. I Devonshire road, was ope~ing Mrs. Hill spoke ,at the lunch- earned during the year: five at Wayne State Umverslty's present at Geor.e;etown Uni- will be a bus trip to the Detroit A D e cern b e r wedding is speaker at the twelfth Annual I' eon on "What the 'National point pins, library, child care, June commencement exercises, I v(!rsity's Annual Alumni Week- S+oppelkamp-Kapple Betrothal Reveltled Society is Accomplishing." A Orthopaedic Clinic and in the planned. InstItute for Training Special- occupatior.al therapy, pool, of- Thursday, June 21 in Detroit's 1 end Dinner in Washington, D.C. evening a dinner in tJhe Lake- ists at Cornell University. His: patriotic color scheme was used fice aide bars, while on horse- Cobo Hall-ConventiOl; Arena. lVlr. Brown, an '02 Georgetown :\11'. and 11rs. Frank Kapple, avenue. shore road. home of Mrs. C. topic, "A Training Philosophy- of Geneva, Ill., announce the 1 The bride-elect is teaching in in the decorations on the lunch- Catholic Women back. Mr. Knack fJ'om the They are ALLEN LEDYARD, graduate, was ,;iven a standing Henry Haberkorn, Jr., to which An Imparative", was heard by 1 em:!agement of their daughter, Denver, Colo., where her fi- eon table. riding stables also presented son of MR. anti MRS. HENRY ovation. the whole membership has been those attending the Institute,: :-';;ncy Caroline to Frederick ance is based at the Air Missile Michigan Chapter president, Plan' Concla.ve the girls with their riding LEDYARD, of Lewiston road, * '" '" executives concerned with man- H. S. Stoppelkamp, son of the Base. They will be married invited. certificates. and JOHN P. OTTAWAY, JR., LT. (j.g.) and ~fRS. SCOTT Mrs. Glen D. Curtis, of Rivard Wednesday, June 27 there power development in their or- , The troops are planning a son of DR. and MRS. JOHN P. R (JSSELL of Honolulu, Hawaii. Herman Stoppelkamps, of Anita July 28. boulevard entertained Mrs. Hill will be a Sigma Gamma' lunch- The Detroit ArchdIocesan ganizations. ThE: Institute is joint camp~ut in tents during OTTAWAY. of Touraine road. a:1llounce the birth of a daugh. in her home for a few days eon :neeting at the Forest Lake Council of Catholic Women has sponsored by the ~ ew York the first two weeks of August '" t('r, K R 1ST I N ELIZABETH, prior to the meeting and pre- Country Club. selected an academic setting to * * State School of Industrial and' at Lost Creek Sky Ranch near JOHN HOFMANN, of E. Jef- !lIay 29. ::\1rs. Russell. was CAMP FOUR-WAY sided at both the Board of announce that "school's out" on Labor Relations. Directors and general meeting preparations for the national Mio. The days will be filled ferson avenue, was one of 80 formerly J U D Y HAGERMAN. LODGE Phi Sigma Alpha Forms with cooking out, swimming, seniors graduated .from Cran- daughter of the BURDETTE * * '" FAIRWOOD prec.:ding the luncheon. • convention . . . its members THOMAS E. CARNES re-I for ~oys; 44th seasol'! for qirlsj 29th S9ason New Chapter in This Area have been readying for Novem- overnight pack trips, canoe brook School on June 9. John BAGERMANS of Muir road. ceived his AB degree in bio.' Society members from all ber 3-7. trips down the Au Sable, and was named winner of the Cran- * ,.. ... logical sciences on June 12 over the state came to honor ON MICHIGAN'S BEAUTIFUL TORCH LAKE The first Michigan chapter Leaders of the 260,000.mem~ campfires. brook Alumni Association Sci- DEAt"l" F. FOX, son of MR. from the Johns Hopkins Uni- tl~eir president and brought of the Phi Sigma Alpha, an In~ ber. Detroit area group hope Under the leadership of Mrs. ence Award. He is the son of and MRS. ROBERT E. FOX, versity in Baltimore, Md. He These outstanding Brother-Sister camps offer the finest in WIth them their cherished, old- I ternational sorority composed to fill the 10,000 seats of the Earl Wade, one of the first MR. and MRS. ARNOLD E. of Lakeland avenue, has been was among more than 700 staff, progr~m. and facilities. Campers enjoy riding, sailing, I est heirloom for an exhibition of women fro m the Harper University of Detroit Memorial mounted troops in Michigan HOFMAt"l"Nand attended Grosse awarded a scholarship to the g r a d u ate and undergraduate '\~ater skiing, canoeing, skin and scuba diving (boys only), I which followed Mrs. Hill's talk. Woods, Grosse Pointe and St. Building for a "commencement" was staI'ted three years ago Pointe University School before University of Michigan. He is students awarded degrees 'iJy tetmis, arts and crafts, riflery, numerous trips, and other Clair Shores area was formed exercise of their own, marking with 16 girls. Today there entering Cranbrook in 1957. graduat.ing this Thursday from University President Milton S. exciting camp activities. Mature staff. Tutoring available. Camping at its best for Boys! June 7, 1962. a year of intensive work toward are nearly 60 girls in the two ~ * * Grosse Pointe High School. Eight week season. Limited number l)f four.week campers The sorority has been formed hosting their national organi~ troops with Mrs. John Gajew- WILLIAM PENZ, a DePauw ... * ... IN NORTHERN ski leader of the second one, Un i v e r sit y freshman from: JEA~NE GIROUX, daughter accepted. coroilary to and mod'eled after zation at Cobo Hall. MICHIGAN Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. The The U. of D. gathering, plan- and plans for a third and pos- Grosse Pointe, has earned his c.f MR. and MRS. JOSEPH P. For illustrated catalogue, write or phone: near Atlanta new cultural and social organi~ sibly a fourth to be started firs~ yea1' numerals in track. \ GIROUX, of Lothrop ~oad, ,~'as zation was conceived for the ned for 8 p.m. Monday, June in the fall. He IS the son of MR. and Mli.s'll:raduated Sunday WIth hIgh Mr. and Mrs. Danlei M. Boone CAMP lA-NO-MEE mature woman who is beyond 18, will also serve to caution At pI"esent the two troops are PERRY PENZ of Harvard road. honors from Michigan State the beginning age of Beta convention workers that sleeves (meaning little men) divided into four patrols that * * University where she majored 1428 Sodon Lake Drive Sigma Phi but who would like must be in a rolled-up position * Ages 7.17 elect their own officers. They MR. and MRS. DON PElTER I in history. to have the close friendships come September and following Bloomfield Hills MA 6.3482 Now Offers Special Rates a summer of relaxation. also have their own names and of Merriweather road have re-I * * '" Registrations now b e i n g and cultural experiences pro- brands; the Wranglers, Angels turned from Providlmce, R. 1., \ EDWIN JON HA:\II\1ER. son taken for 2 to 8 week per- vided by the older organization. Featured speakers will be the '1' where they attended the gradu- of DR. and l\fRS. E. J. H..-\i\l- on Horse b ac,',k Y.,..B S S (ye. ow \ iods beginning June 25th, Phi Sigma Alpha was found~ ,Most Reve~end John F .. Dear~ bellied sap suckers) and Saddle ation exercises of Brown Uni- :\fER, of Berkshire road, has Make special arrangements ed in Corona, California, Sep- den, ArchbIshop of Detro:t, The Bums. Don't ask what that bird versity. Their son, HENRY, re- \ been elected to t.he Galen's to suit your Vacation pJans! tember 22, 1960, and there are Ve~ Reverend CelestlO J. . d" b eeived r.is B.A. degree cum I Honorary ::'I-fedical Society at Limite<:i enrollment-Better Summer Tennis approximately fifty chapters in Stemer, S. J., Chancellor of IS olOg WIth horses ecause laude, and WI'U enter Cornell I, rJ...e University of Michigan Hurry! they don't know either. • WI the United States and Canada. U. of D., and Mrs. ~l}.ur P. Graduate School in the falJ, to 1 where he is a junior in the at r n 7775$~Y "u ;, ",.,e • Modem • 240 acres Officers are Mrs.' Frank Zepf, ~f Toledo, ~resldent ~f For some of the girls sum.- I mer will mean continued learn- work towards his Master's de- I (Continued on Page 15) • Semi private lake Forti, president; Ruth G. Ploen, the NatIOnal Council of CatholIc 595 LAK GROSSE POINTE • Highly skilled staff! ing and/or service to the co:n- r.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Vel'a Schadd, Beatrice DeVoe, Wome?, the pa~e~t group ::ep- A delightful home on the best Write: TA-HO-MEE Mary Lu Eyster, Alma Boyd resentlllg 9 mIllion Am{;oncan munity, perhaps learning to be Built in 1951. ne\vly painted. 1045 Cook Road 918 Fox Bldg. and Marguerite Lawrenz. Mrs. Catholic ~ome? a hospital aide or giving hours Don't forget this is the week end of living room with fireplace and Detroit 1, Mich. M. M. Landis installed the of- A spe~Ial pnze to the .lucky of time helping as a program 20x13 family kitchen. 10x7J,.~ JUNE 18th fieer person 10 attendance will be aide at the Girl Scout Day terrace. Second floor has 4 l: s. tW() tickets to the convention Camp in Grosse Pointe. Bedroom sizes; 17x12 12x10 THRU AUGUST 31st ,. q • ---_.- banquet. Those who received other baths. Carpeted panelect rec. ~ LOSES WALLET 'Chairmen fro m the Pointe ment play room. Large, beauti 6 Teniflex Courts Farms police took a report aide bars will continue to give "Daddy Lltng Legs" area include Mrs. Harry W. servi{le, some at the CI'ippled yard 60x190. Gas heat S100 \ . from H. Donald Bliss of 153 to vi:lage and schools.' Includ~ Theisen, Mrs. Joseph A. Kas- Children's Day Camp, the Re- John D. Pierce School Auditorium ALL WELCOME . . Merriweather, on Monday, June per, Mrs. Thomas Burns, Mrs. is moving. marE RING habilitation Institute, Children's Rotes by t~e hour, month or season. lesse>ns 11, in which he stated that he Toby David, Mrs. .lof>eph A. arranged. Operoted by the school. For Informa- Hospital, or Cottage Hospital. Friday, June 15, 8 p..m. lost his green and gold wallet Murphy, Mrs. Henry Ver Call Mr. lynch .. tion, call court moneger .•• This Aide program in which all SENSATION! containing $54 in cash and per~ Vaecke, Mrs. John E. Young, Senior Scouts participate is Saturday, June 16, 1 p.m., and 8 p.m. sonal papers. He said he lost Mrs. Joseph Lemke, Miss Alice Bob Wells not only a chance to learn the wallet in the Kercheva1-on~ Guyette and Mrs. Louis J. De- TU 4-1552 the-Hill District. Perro, Jr. something new and give serv-I ice but could perhaps lead to ;~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~2~~~~ii~~~,= ,...... '...... "' . , future vocations or careers. House of the ~ VANDALISM REPORTED Bill Milme, greenskeeper at S eve n gi-rls from the s e the Country Club of Detroit, Mounted Troops and others ~lJBLIC SALES r Grosse Pointe University School told Farms police on Friday, from. the d i s t r i c t's Mariner June 8, that golf course holes 6, Troops will participate in the Not an Auction - All Items Priced SUMMER SCHOOL 11 and 12 had been damaged, international Scout Round-Up June 25 through Saturd~y, August 'I the flags broken and stolen, in Vermont foc two weeks this and water val v e s opened summer. These girls were chos- 1-1ousehold Furnishings ------,College Preparatory Cours~s flooding greens and fairways. en from competitive examina. Grades 4-6 Monday tnrough Friday, 8:45.12:00 He said that evidence showed tions and interviews to repre- Grades 7-12 Monday through Saturday, 8:45-1 :00 that the vandals had a beer sent the distriot in this great ._------~-- ... party in Shelter 5~12. camping occasion. Mrs. CharhJs T. Davy Development. Reading Program 19 91 Warrington Dr., June 25 through Saturday, July 28 i E5pecia!!y deSigned for studel1ts and adults who have mostered (E. of Livernois, No. of 6 MiJ basic reading skills ond desire to develop their silent reading ability to 0 superior level. Sat., June 16, from 10 a.m. ~---~~~---~-~----Non-Credit enrichment Courses Monday, June 25 through Friday, July 27 For Information: Richard E. Trim, Director Mrs. Helena I. Merydith .TU 4.4444 or Evenings: TU 2-4538 9180 W. Outer Drive Driver Training Available (2Yz. blocks S. of W. 6 Mile Rd., Det. 19) Moving to Florida For the duulde Sun., June 17, from 10 a. m. r An outstanding a ring ceremony REPAIRING I~ market price. of High Grade On the Ist floor c SUMMER READING PROGRAM I. II k'~ the big top in popular Mr= & Mrs:s L.loyd C. Thiel room with bay, a 5' ti! [ favor! Most weddings today Students Learn are double-ring. And among CLOCKS &¥fAICHES 28090 Sunset Dr.1 bar and a utility room I ,oung people:. the plain 14K (NOT A JEWELRY STORE) Lathrup Village The 2nd floor con' gold WeddiOg rings with the Work Called for and Delivered Furniture Clearance (N. on Southfield, N. of 11 Mi. Rd., W. on Sunset Blvd. It is heated by a baseb SUPERIOR READING SKILLS !\ .. soMtaire Me peeieaed. to cor. of Glenwood) [ Free Estimates This beautiful sectional sale priced! heated. Sat., June 23, from 10 a.m. Specifit application to !+udy and pleasure readlnlJ be well wo . 5225 per section It will ESSENTIAL FOR Everythinq on i,he floor at greatly College Preparatory Students reduced prices! Mr. & Mrs. John J. Barkey Call us or stop in t 746 Balfour Rd.~ tion arrangements • Improves cc;mprehension REUPHOLSTERING AT REDUCED PRICES Grosse Pointe Park to investigate. • Increases concentration Interior Decor~til'lq Carpeting Drapes Wall Decor (5. of E. Jefferson) • Makes reading a pleasant activity VALENTE Inquire about our Dellinger SEAMLESS Carpeting ~ Sun., June 24, from 10 a.m. To be conducted by CJ ., w'J ------BALDRIDGE READING SERVICES, INC. co. ~ SALES CONDUCTED BY JEWELRY \. Journter.1 47 Arch st., G~wlch, Conn. ~ H. O. McNierney . mlavid D. Stalker, Inc. AT TKE Specialists in Fine Silver 15233 Kercheval Custom Furniture Co. Ifl .. * A at Beaconsfield !:~ WOodward 1-9085 Grosse Pointe University School 16601 E. WARREN AVE. VA 1-6257 VA 1.1100 16421 Harper Ave.1 near Whittier Appraisers 424 Book Building TU From June ~ thrOUlh July 28 --at Kensington "I'M information, call Gr. Pte. Unlvenlty Sal\OG1-TU '""" TUxedo 1-1285

r 1

• _,-- __ bttt .. v •• - .. • ts b • tn ••• 7 e 7 2 'mE • t •• t D • n •• "k - -'-03 _. ~-"~sZ b.;,,-';-s"';"";' • em_ Thursday, June 14, 1962 GROSSE PO~NTE NEWS Page Fifteen lintes Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe VVomen '[he Pointe Austin Mothers Short and to the Pointe To Be Wed Betrothal Told Amity Circle c in Hi,,\ory. Elect Officers From Another Pointe of View ...... (Continued from Page 14) Eisenhower. ",,:," .. . llolding Social m. and :'-IRS. P"\t.:"L :\L\R- l\ledica1 School. He has also At Hopkins he was vice presi- The Mothers Club of Austin ',' ... (Continued fi'om Page 11) .LI of Deerfield Bearh. Fla., recently won a silver medal as dent of his dormitory house. a Ifigh School has elected Mrs. t. A Family Night Ice Cream ,'crlv of Gro~sp Pointe. ha\'e a member of the U of M Rifle member of the Army ROTC Leo A. Marx as president for Social is planned by the Amity appropriate ceremonies at St. Clare of Montefalco ;:'ncd fOl' a short yisit with Team which pla('ed second in I and the Hopkins YMCA. Next the 1962-63 school year, Circle, of the First English Church. '.larte11i's daughtC'r and the Niltional Inter-Collegiate year he will attend Medical The Rev. Richard Preston, Lutheran Church, 800 Vernier n-lI< >I< I and Mrs. William Fitzgerald, The graduate is the son of 29, at 7 o'clock. The Social will of Bishop lane, will wear a gown hand sewn f?r him b,Y '.Irs, ~Iartt.'l1i's "ist('r and EDWARD ACKERMAN, son DR. and MRS. HARRY E. vice president; Mrs. Peter be held in the church parking sisters in a New York crmvent and the gIft of hIS t'ler-in-Iaw. DR. and '.\1RS. of the PETER ACKERMAN'S. CARNES. of Lincoln road. Wayne, recording secretClry; lot, under the lights. mother's aunt, the Counte5s de Rostang. KnIBERLI~ of ::'Iadison of North Rosedale court. will ... * * Mrs. Edwin Secord, correspond- ue. reccive his medical degree June JUDY FRUTIG, daughter of ing secretary, and Mrs. Robert Brownies at Maire Mrs. Jacques is the former Nancy Stair. She and her 21 from Wayne State University MR. and MRS. W. A. FRUTIG, Cannon, treasurer, will assist husband will entertain following the christening at a her. Become Girl Scouts I '~S, STA:'\LEY \\', S'.IITH, :\Iedical School. He is !In alum- of Hamilton court, was gradu- Committee chairmen include reception in their home. The young man's godp.arents I'halfontf' r(',ad, \Iill lca\'e nus of Grosse Pointe High ated from The Principia Upper Mrs, Richard Shalla, Mrs. J. The 18 members of Maire are his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Fmn. f' ::!6 te' attl'nd thC' 44th hi- School and the University of Schoo>, St. Louis, Missouri on Dennis De Santis, Mrs. Frank School's Brownie Troop 834 * * * I 11 c'onyC'ntion of Kappa :\Iichi,t::an. a m('mber of Alpha June 9. She has been active in Cronin, Mrs, John A. Schaible, were inve~ted as Girl Scouts Annual Sessions :)<1 Gamma at the GrOY9 Delta Phi and Phi Rho Sigma. tennis, and was a member of Mrs. Eugcne Ellison. Mrs. Eu- J.. Inn. ,'\shn'ille. ~. C. '.\Irs. last May 29. Their traditional Awards to community and Junior League volunteers ... >I< * the Yearbook St.1ff, in Pep Club, gcne Freitas and Mrs. Reni ROY C. BERRY. of Allard on the Dr("ss Committee, and "fly up" ceremony was held, will be handed out by the annual board of the Senior 'h is pr"sident of the De- Ghesquire. road. has rC'c("iv("d hhc: commis- was on the Girls Gavel Board. t Alumnae As.'oeiatiun. I beforearound amotherslily pool andat theguests,home Center, the recreation center for oldsters in East Grand sian as a second lieutenant in ,;. * cent meeting In . ld ; .; ":j."".,;.:) . * t.he Bloom f IC ; of troop leader Mrs. H. J. boulevard, at the annual meeting on June 18. the U. S. Army after service in HONNIF BELTZ, daughter of Hills home of I: .. .~,,:;,:.,. ....- :{EG T...U:BE:'\ECK. son of Mrs. Herbert '~Photo by BI1l"'wli~ia~sst~;dIO the Un:vcrsity of Detroit ROTC !\II.. and MRS. CHARLES R. Fisher. Blank. the executive committee of the Center, which GEORGE F. 'L\LBE- M1'. and Mrs. Erland Reuter Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hunting- 011 ("KS, of l'[1i\'('r:--ity place, unit. BELTZ, of Lakeland avenue, ,. * * of McKinley avenue announced ton, of McKinley avenue, an- The new girl scouts pre- was originally sponsored by the Junior League, are Mrs...... ! was gradUl1ted from The Ameri- NANCY RAYE S M I T H, sented Mrs. Blank with a silver Robert F. Sulliv2n, Mrs. James Bulkley, Mrs. B. Court. t)€,"enselce.tt"d junior itch'pr- the engagement of their daugh,. nounce the engagement of tray in appreciation of ;~er .' CHARLES T. BACKOFF. son i can University. Washington, daught.er of the .TAMES MOR- e: manager vf the t-'nin'r- tel'. JOYCE ASTRID, to Harper their daughter, JUDITH, to three years' leadership. ney Rankin, 1\frs. Allen Sweeny, Mrs. Donald 1\1(.Hunter, of l\IR. and :\IRS. CHARLES H. ! D.C., at the 48th Commencc- GAN SMITHS of Lakeland ave- °Jf IllinoIs :-::'tar('oursC'. ons Keith HeHems Jr., son of Dr. Bennett H. Litherland, son of BACKOFF of Severn road and: mcnl Exercises held on Sunday, nue, was graduated Sunday Mrs. Ste\\'art McFadden and Mrs. Fra11cis E. Brossy ilL he campus puhi ications, and Mrs. Harper K. Helle'ms of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Lither- Mrs. William Abrams, Mrs. a graduate of Grosse PlJinte June 10, from Michigan State Universv Watchung: N. J.. formerly of land of Bowling Green, Ohio. Herbert Hewitt, Mrs. Robert Merrill Palmer Institute welcomed several Pointers High School, recC'ind his Bache- ity Honors College. Nancy, Grosse Pointe Farms. Miss Huntington was gradu- Hogue and Mrs. J. L. Thomp- to its board of trustees at the annual meeting last week. IRS R t: SSE L L A.LGER lor of Science degree in PIlar- Miss Beltz received a Bache- \vho l.ncel'ved"" her degrne magna Joyce attended Smith College ated f'rom the University of son have also been active, as. They included Mrs. Frederick S. Ford, Jr., Mrs. Francis S '.1 ,-\ X of \\"('5tmo,C'land. macy at Ferris Institute. Big 10:- of Arts degree from the cum laude, was tapped at Lan- and is now at the University of IVlichigan, where she affiliated co-leaders, in troop activity, Boyer,. George Cartmill, Mrs:. Laurie C. Dickson, Jr" Si1ll1~ton. D,C.. formn!y of Rapids. ::'Iich., on June 10. He School of Government and tern Night Ceremonies as one P. Michigan where she is a mem- with Kappa Alpha Theta and J"0it. has just l'('mpl('t('d a was treasurer of his senior Public Administration, with a of the Oul<;tanding University -E-V-I-n-E-N-TC-E- Charles T. Fisher III, Robert E. Forbes, Martin Hayden, ber of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Mu Phi Epsilon. Her fiance k's \']sit with '.IRS. DAS- class and Chaplain of Kappa major in government. She pla.ls Women. She served as treas- After a few global wars all R. T. Johnstone, Robert Kanzler, Mrs. Elliott Phillips, Her fiance, an alumnus of the is a Bowling Green State Uni- R. SI:\I:\10:'\S, SR.. of Psi fraternity. ~Ir. and :\Irs. to teach government at the cx- areI' of Kappa Alpha Theta University of Michigan and versity and Michigan State Uni- nations should have enough ex- Robert M. Sm.'dam, Mrs. Gilbert Pingree, Peter P. Thur- a:lger road. Backoff und son JOHN attended cellent Washington-Lee High social sorority, and is a mell1- affiliated with Delta Chi, will perience to believe in peace. bel' and William Tily. the €'x('rcises and were Joined S('honl in A,rlington. Virginia. her of Phi Kappa Phi, Tau versity graduate, and a mem- ... '" .. attend the University of Vir- ber of Phi Kappa Tau. :\L'L J, BROWX of 'Vash. by "lISS SHERRY HAR'-\ION She was g r a d u ate d from Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta ginia Medical School. of Charlotte. :l\Iich. Grosse Pointe High School, and Tower Guard. After her An August 4 wedding ~s ton road \\'a5 h'lnorcd j'('- An August 25 wedding has planned. lly as the oldc"t alumnu3 '" * ... Grosse Pointe. Michigan, and September 8 mar l' i age to been planned at Grosse Pointe "('nt at GC'or~etown L'ni- LOU I S DUE N WE G, of! has attended the Univerc:ty of Joseph Reid. Jr., of Lima. 0., Me'molial Church. sHy's Annual ,.\lumni W('('k- Devons-hire road, was opening: :\Iichigan at Ann Arbor. the young couple will return Budding Stenogs Dinner in Washington. D C. s~ak('r ,:t th(' tw(>lfth Annual :YIiss Beltz currently lives at to MSU where Nancy will . Brown. an '1l2 G('or~('town Institute for Training Special- 5054 Millwood Lane, Washing-, work to\~'ard a Masters degree Repol-t Shows Capture Honors duate. was g'l\'en a standmg ists at Cornell University. His ton. D.C. in Art Hist.ory. li~n. topic. "A Training Philosophy~ >!< * * * >I: * Library Popular -, -. An Imparativc". was heard by MRS. RUSSELL LUCAS of Among those who received Grosse Pomte HI g h SChool * '" ... contestants in the Detroit Busi- :r. 'j.g.', and ::\IRS. SCOTT those aUending the Institute. East Jefferson avenue is a degrees from the Massachusetts A record book circulation of ness Show typewriting and SSELL of HonOlulu. Hawaii, E'xecutlves concerned with man- great grandmother. On June 11 I Institute of Technology on Fri- 129,409 between February 1 and shorthand contests at Cobo Hall ounce the birth of a daugh- power d(>ve1opment in their 01'- i in New Haven, Conn., MR. and day was KENNETH RAYE April 30, 1962, has been report- R. on Monday, June 4, came home . K R 1ST I X ELIZABETH. ganizations. The Insti~ute is I ;,vIRS. MYRON AR~S be- GERMAN. son of the MAU- ed by Robert 01'1', director of the with high honors. \" 29, ::\Ir~_ Russell was sponsored by the .t\ew York came the parents of tWln sons, RICE .). GERMANS, of Fon- Grosse Pointe Public Libraries. State School of Industrial and CHARLES CHRISTOPHER and tana road. Sharon Wright, senior, was mcrly .J u D Y HAGER::\IAX, Registered library users as of ;.:hter of the Bl.'RDETTE Labor Helations. DA VID BRADLEY. Thc pater- first place winner in the typing * * * nal grandparents are MR. and * * * May 1 numbered 25,595, an in- contest for the second time. Her GER~IA:'\S of ~Iuir road. JAMES V. DAVIS, JR., son crease of 830 over a year ago, THOMAS E. CARNES re- MRS. CHARLES ARMS. (Elizv of the J. VERNOR DAVISES, rate was approximately 85 * '" ... ceived his AB de~rce in bio- abeth Parcells) of Shaker and the book collection reached EA::'\ F. FOX. son of :.IR. of Beacon Hill. was graduated words per minute. There were logical sciences on June 12 Heights. O. Thf' new mother is 107,899, an increase of 2,866 , ::\IRS. ROBERT E. FOX. Sunday from the Hill School, 67 contestants from Detroit and fr~m the Johns Hopkins Uni- the form(:r KAY KLING. over a year ago. Lakeland a\'enue. has been Pottstown, Pa. suburban public and parochial versity in Baltimore. Md. He :"rded a schOlarshIp to the * * .. The Central Library played schools. She was awarded a i\'ersity of :.\lichigan, He is was among more than 700 MRS. JOHN FENNESSY, of MARY BUTTRICK,* * * daughter host to 3,485 residents, members Smith-Corona Electric portable lduatin'g' this Thur,;dilY from g r a d u ate and undergraduate Rivard boulevard, has been elect- of the THEODORE R. BUT- of the 201 groups whose meet- typewriter as well as a trophy stud::,nts awarded degrees by ed vice-president of tb Radcliffe from IBM Corporation. Sharon o""e Pointe Hj~h Scho\l!. TRICKS, of University place. ings were held on its premises, University President Milton S. College Club of Detroit at a re- plans to continue her education ... v '" has been elected treasurer- of and 14,551 viewed library-spon- at Michigan State University in L\:'\:'\E GIROL'X. dau2h:('r the Student Government As- sored films. Sixty-three art September in the field of Busi- .\IR and '\lRS. JOSEPH P. : soriation at Colby Junior Col- prints were loaned, as were 115 ness Administration. She resides ROt:X. of Lothrop road. was : lege, New London, N.H. music tapes, and 491 tools were actuated Sunday with hi~h circulated. with her parents, the Leonard , * * * Wrights, in Roslyn road, nors from :-'llchigan Stale - KENNETH KURTZ. son of Family Film N i g h t sand IH'rsity where she majored MR and MRS. KENNETH W. Friends Film Forums were held Andrea Lawrence, who repre- .hl~tory .. KURTZ, of Bishop road, has in February, March and April. sented Grosse Pointe H i g h been awarded a silver cup for Over four hundred children at- School in the shortbmd contest ,DWlS JOS H.-DDIER. snn his outstanding work in the tended pre-schOOl story hours, won third place. She competed DR. and :\IRS. E. J, H.-\.\I- ;~A.).~ .. ,~\~~::-.~ ....."l-<> '. and an additional 322 children with 54 contestants from other ~ ~'•.}~~~~ ~No. ~)." ..... ,~~,,':.y \, ... ::r«.o.a.o ~-.:~a,)~~ Miami University Theater, Ox- • R. of 3 {'I'k::-h irf' road. has ~, ...... ' ....."X.....~~''''' ".,..<.U'., N I ford, O. attended regular story hours, schools. Her prize was an Olym- ,n dectee! to Wc GalC'n's I while 124 school classes visited pia portable typewriter, She is norar, .:I.ledical Society at "~: It-"I BEN MARSH,* * of* Irvine lane, the libraries for library instruc- .also a senior and pLans to Cn'i\'{,'rsit~. of ::\Iichigan has returned from a trip to tion and story hours. enter Wayne in September to . <~'? ~ . erfc' h{' is a juniol' in the Hawaii and the Seattle World's The Summer Film Program become a business education .. .,. ",-"...... ~ (Continued on Pagl" 15) Fair. for Boys and Girls will start On teacher. Her parents are the L m" ... <-k-'":-z.:~-;z~.: ..... :.:: ..... _~M".""~'~~"';>'-~': ... &1 ~1l1.rBiii( .....-~wfin <:\ . June 21 and continue until Aug- Frank Lawrences of Lochmoor 595 LAKELAND ust 17, drive, Harper Woods. Congregational Nursery Both of these students have A delightful home on the best street in Grosse Pointe City. Announces New Officers taken a very highly recommend- he wseK end of Built in HJ51. newly painted. First floor includes: 26x13 Carolyn Miller to Wed ed combination of coIIege pre- living room with fireplace and bookshdves, powder room, Mrs. John Westphal has been Mr. O'Shea In August paratory and business. education ZOx13 family kitchen. 10x7l;2 dining el, 12x12 screened terrace. Second floor has 4 bedrooms and 5 good closets. elected president of the Grosse subjects during their hi g h Bedroom sizes: 17x12, 12x10, 1ll;2xl0 and 9x9. Hz tiled Pointe Congregational Co-Op- Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Miller, school career. 9 Legs'" ~aths. Carpeted paneled rec. room and tiled, paneled base- erative Nursery School for the of Charlevoix: announce the ment plav room. Large, beautifully landscaped and fenced coming year. engagement of their daughter, CUTS CHEEK oi Auditorium vard 60xi90. Gas heat, S100 yr. In St. Paul's Parish. close Other officers include Mrs. Carolyn. to Patrick O'Shea, son Arthur Carsen, 17, of 21112 to village and schools. Includes carpets and drapes. Owner Thomas Meikle, Mrs. Lynn of Mrs. Dorothy G. Kennedy, Lancaster, was tnnsported to 5, 8 p.m. is moving. Perry, Mrs. Stuart Gammett, of Moran road, and John E. St. John Hospital by Woods Mrs. Richard Schmitz, Mrs. Lee O'Shea, of Detroit. Police on Friday, June 8, when p.m., and 8 p.m. Call Mr. Lynch . .. TUxedo 1-2492 Kitchen. Mrs. Ernest Bauer and The bride-elect attended a rubber mallet bounced and Mrs. Lewis Slater. Wooster College and received struck and cut his right cheek ~------~--~--- her master's degree from Mich- below the eye. He was trying to igan State University where ring a bell at one of the con- her flance was graduated with cessions at the Grosse Pointe House of the Week a bachelor and master's degree. University School CarnivaL Six A late August wedding is plan- stitches were required to close ned. the wound. II Items Priced urnishings APARTMENTS for rent s T. Davy New building-north of Harper on Whittier. Wall-to-wall gton Dr., carpeting, air-conditioning. Large living room, one large

0, of 6 MiJ bedroom and bath. Front upper and front lower. rom 10 a.m. TU 1-4335 . .,.~ I. Merydith . ::~ n..;>:~:.~.;.,:~~..."... ~«.....:..:.,.:...... ' ter Drive iN~~~i~~{~~:~tJii~~i;i./gJ0;)t#;iii&i214~~i~~~;a Mde Rd., D'!t. 19) $39,500 Florida rom 10 a. m. An outstanding and beautifully landscaped "Cape Cod" at below Do you want to 5efl market price. Your Grosse Pointe house yd C. Thiel On the Ist floor are a good sized living room with fireplace, dining ? et Dr., room with bay, a 5' tiled kitchen, bedr?om and bath, fam!ly. room with illage bar and a utility room housing the heating and laundry fac,IItles, i. Rd., W. on Sunset Bl',d. The 2nd floor contain!; 3 bedrooms. bath and lots of storage space. lenwo::>dl It is heated by a baseboard convector system while the Ist floor is radiant 10 a.m. heated. It will be well worth your time to inspect this unusual offering. CALL A MAN Waitel-- H. Mast Co. In J. Barkey 3 GROSSE POINTE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU pDm r Rd .. Call us or stop in for a list of other Grosse Pointe Houses. Inspec- Quality Builders in Grosse Pointe nte Park tion arrangements can then be made for those which you would like MAXON BROTHERS.Inc. Herson) to investigate. for Over 30 Years rom 10 C.m. He knows values ~C', See it at UCTED BY l;;' .~t with our long standing factual ~ __ ~.....s:. I-I ~. ~----j=-;1::""--, appraisal system behind him vid D. Stalker, Inc. ~r. ....&M;,.IUJll,." J 87 Webber Pla,ce 1-9085 * L, T O. R • Grosse Pointe Shores 424 Book Building TU 1-6300 Tuxedo 2-6000 TUxedo 2-1400 Evenings, TUxedo 4-0717

. ,


• - « ..... - ---...... ------~.--.~------.-..------~~'~~ ...... ---.----- ....--.4..$----_IUIIII__ ..._ ...... 4 .s-..a...... - .a••_;~ .$.5- •• a•• IIiIiiiI•••••• &.&..i.....$3.. alls.d ..$•• ~ ..... S5llalll."...... & ••••• 2.211&

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS ihursday. June 14, 1962 Thursday, June 14. 19, 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE FRENCH Provinci,al bedroorr set, 7 pieces, like new. TUx. edo 1-3411. DELUXE oversized davenpo!'1 .. and chair. Very reasonable VAlley 3-1739 between 6-1- p. m. WOOL COATS, 2 piece drcs5es sizes 16-18. VAlley 1-9878. YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2.-6900 Three Trun~ Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY TYPEWRITERS, new portables '~~-~------,--,------$37.50; golf sets, ladies, men's CLASSIFIED RATES 2B-TUTORING 5-SITUATION WANTED SA-SITUATIONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 7-WANTED TO RENT , a-ARTiCLES FOR SALE $30. Zero, 20129 Mack, TUx Chorgs Ads-12 word~ for $1,00 U-l-N-lV-E-R-S-l-T-Y-st-u-d-en-t-s-\-vI-'li-tu-~ DOMESTIC (Unfurnished) (Unfurnished) EXECUTIVE desires plea~ant WHIRLPOOL gas dryer. Ken- cdo 1-0004. C/\RELS C~sh Ads-12 words for 90c tor elementary subjects, algc- LADY WISHES two days gcn- NEFF, 517. 2 bedroom lower. NEFF, attractive upper. 3 bed- three or four bedroom h,)me more washer. Both 4 years old. SIMMONS large metal bab:; 10c each additional word bra, geometry. TUxedo 2- BABY SITTING AGENCY era I. Loves children. Pointe Vacant. TUxedo 5-4100. rooms, 2 baths. Fireplace. in Pointe are'a.Respomlble Also Servel gas refrigerator. bed, complete, $10. Largf Call 9434. TUxedo 2-9636. VACATION duty. invalid and re ferences. VAll ey 2-,9348 TOLES REAL ESTATE Parch. Incinerator. Garages. out-oi-town r ome G~'Jncr lv1th 11 cubic feet. All in excellent babY scales. $5. TUxedo 1 ------maternity care, domestic help. Adults. 885-2209. four children re-jocatln/i to condition. VAlley 2-7722. 5772. TUXEDO 2~6900 COMMUNITY Licensed, Bonded, Registered, RELIABLE LADY, with refer- S-T-.-C-L-A-I-R-n-c-a-r-Je-f-fe-r-so-n-,-4 ------~~--- Dctroit. Prefer early .fuly ~_~ __ 3 Trunk Lines TUTORING SERVICE CALL US, VE 9-9066 ences and experienced wishes room upper in ra mod e 1e d 16839 E. JEFFERSON occupanc;y. Call WA 3-4507, CUSTOM GUNSMITHING AARGOT W. Hfu~SEN'S days - general housework. home. Shower, disposal, ga- F t 2 I d Mr. Cash weekdays before 5 Franchised Dealer Grand River Art Gallery LINER STATIONS MRS. LOUIS MARICK, DIREC. GERMAN LADY, experienced Wednesday, Thursdays, Fri- 1 'our room crrace, )e rooms. p. m. Colt. Ithar'a, Browning CUNNINGHAM DRUGS 'fOR . T utor ing by de~ree teae h- in nursing. sick or invalid, dnys, Saturdtys. Call 923- rage. uti itics, $115. TUxedo Will decorate to suit tenant. ~-----,--- Bausch .. & Lomb HOUSE OF DISTINCTION 16il-1l KerCheval at Notre Dame ers avallable in all subjects for day or night. Best of refw 5393. 4-1118. E1C'ctric kit c hen, beautiful WANTED for M.D.. house to Wi h t Ad! Pictures - Paintings Tv 5 96 - "°8 gra des h'Igh sc h 00, 1 co11ege an d erences. TUxedo 1-4436. I ALTER ROAD _ WARREN _ groundu ", gnrag"\;. Grosse Pointe I'enl. Must b""" Vel''' pI'esent,- R nc esd er v sory Center Custom Framing HARKNESS PHARMACY adult educaUon. COMPETENT woman desires Park privileges. able, modern. with flnh.hed e-Loa ing EquipmC!lt and 7422 Grand River 1 aCk ------Three rooms, all utilities, Fishing Tackl" -1'}~U' I3'_';\1 00 AI e. at LOchmoor. 339 Merriweath6r Tuesday, Wednesday, clean- WO 1-0321 basement. Call. Dr. Askar. " 2nd blk. N. of Blvd. ~" NURSE COMPANION stove, refdgerator, carpeted. B M D N NEWS SAU:S STATIONS Grosse Pointe Farms - ing or ironing. References. Phone 371-7248 or 839-9640. HOMER WARREN & CO. home, TYler 6-7649 or office, . C A, IEL CO. Close to Expressway DOWNTOWN AREA TU d 2 20 Specilllizing with elderly, blind, . TO 7-1380. Call evenings. ------~------~- 'l'E 4-0388. 13333 Kcrchcval VA 1-8200 TY 7-6322 TY 8.116C Grand CIrcus Park News nand xe c 4- 8 arthritic, heart conditions, etc. GROSSE PTE. GARDEN APTS. _ _ MajestJc Bldg. News Stand OPENiNGS FOR TEACHERS Day or night duty, long or MENS' SHIRTS ONLY, hand 17530 MACK 21441 SLOAN DHIVE TWO OR THREE bedroom JACOBSON 21" powermower in 35mm ANSCO camera with ex- E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS short period CClses. Can assume h'oned, pick-up & delivered. Apartments, newly decorated, apartment, vicinity Cadleux good condition. S75. TUxedo tras. Dinette set. Occasional Alden ParI': Manor. E. JeUerson T U l' 0 R I N G for elementary responsibility. Excellent driver. Experienced. rcferences, VA EXCEP'TlONAL VALUE new refrigerator with freezer and J e f fer son. Furnished 1-1554. and VanDyke lild E i d d 1 "'359 0 d d d' f h d tables, lamps. Girl's, size 12, Camerons Gift Shop. Wayourn C 1 ren. xper cncc. egrec Travel if required. -~'. . ne an Two Be rooms top. Laun ry faCIlities, auto- or un urnis e . TUxedo 1- sport coat. All excellent con- pas.:kJg:usrs. Clty LImits _t_e_3_c_h_cr_._T_U_X_c_d_o_b_-_1_8_65_,__ VErmont 6-0216 MO'l'I-':I-E-R-'-S-h-e-l-p-e-r.-G-r-o-s-s-e CHECK THESE FEATURES malic gas heat. parking areli. 1440. FURNITURE. reasonably priced. dition, pri~d to sell. TUxf'do GROSSE POINTE PARK 2C-CAMPS Point~ reference. Stay week- * Large living room. ']_'U~_4-_8_9~47 N-O-N---S-M-O-K-'I-N-G-s-e-c-re-t-a-ry-\\,--,!-nRear door, 322 Kerby. 2-0555. MtllM Pharmacy. Wayburn llnd BABY SITTING anytime or ends or ~ive in. 872-2423, 345 RIVARD T combI'ne furnl'tu""" wl'th an- HOOVER SALE KerC'hc\'ai ------NOl'lel1f' * Air-conditioning and heat .errace, nClir '''" SLIGHTLY WORN better wom- I Sullivan Pllanl1<1CY.B~aconsfleld TWO experienced girls secking length. Dependable mother. furnished. Jefferson. Living room, din- other and relocate; desires en's and children's ~lothni~'1 and Kercheval children seven years and 35. References. Own transpor- ing room. kitchen, 2 bed- direct transportation down- 1 9 6 DUPlri~ht2 ~~91',9~ 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally, Fn- Louis' Party Store on Charle\'OIX under who are interested in a ~atlon. TUxedo 5-7052. A LADY desires day work, Ref- * Individual temperature con- town. TO 5-0058, 1 9 6 ~2 u~e s;) ,1::J GROSSE POINTE CITY fun-filled summcr day camp. erence and experienced. WA trol. rooms, all large rOOl11s.Natur- ~ l ConstellatIOn (tank) S36.95 day 'til 9. 20339 Mack, be- Kopp's Pharmacy, Cadieux and --'--~------3 4177 al fireplace. Garage. $155. ------I tween 7 and 8 Mile Roads. Kel'Cheval Three days a week. Kathy GROSSE POINTE'S UNUSUAL -__ . * Off street parking. TUxedo 2-0359, YOUNG EXECUTIVE wit h Eureka Princess S3495 Cunnlnghams Drugs. Notre Dame Sulll'van. TU 6-0466. Barbara Ad' children desires to rent "ot" 25 VACUUl\~ BARGAI"-S and Kercheval SECRETARIAL SERVICE L DY, white, eSlres general Disposal. .______. u ~"' * TEN ROOMS OF .. N~~eD::l~~e K~~~~~~:~y.Notre Brown, TU 1-7159. • Letters, Resumes Composed housecleaning. Specializing. * G.E. stove and refrigerator. GROSSE POINTE vicinity. 4311 4 bedroom home with reel'ea- Rebuilts, 1 Year Guarantee ------ironing. Goo d references. Chatsworth, 2 bedroom upper. tioll room. Call Mr. Reynolds, Hoovers w beater $16.95-$3950 FURNITURE GROSSE POINTE FARMS Dictation Taped by Telephone TUxedo 5-B478, evenings. Will decorate to suit tenant. Stove, refrigerator. Available LO 7-3660, Ext. 640. Rebuilt Eurekas $16.95-829,95 TraIl Pharmacy. Kercheval on G ro sse p.0Inte • Silk Screen MimeographinCf * & the HUt .. ------,- * Janitor service. July 1, $90. TU 5-8655. I _. [ Rehutlt G.E.'s $19.95 ~arms Drugs. Fisher Rd. aM • Telephone Answering DEPENDABLE colored lady de- * Plenty of closets. ---~------~____ a-ARTICLES FOR SALE Rebuit Royals $2195 FURNISHINGS Kercheval Electric Typewriting sires general housework or 6A FOR RENT DC. ALL PRICED TO SELL FAST Schettlers:'.I

lod Friday or call 771.0226 for ArthnoolrndSDrug,e Mack and Haw- MRS. THOMAS McCORMICK cleaned. Odd jobs. Ambitious, Cal 1 after 6. Grosse P0 i11te 4236 anOd 8 evemngs.. 'I'U xe d 0 Verype e, comfortable.a leux- arperTU 1-3649.area. washer-dryer. Whirlpool air- TUxedoProperty 1-2376.Damage Liability. Bob's Drugs, !\lllck and Roslyn Director, Grosse POI'nte rcl1a~le. PRescott 9-1282, re f~'ren~s. WAI nu t 5-714 7. - 2 . _ ,conditioner. Girl's 24" bike. appointment. ------OOMS FO RE Brliss flrescreen and andirons. ------~ D~~~gOg!TD~~gEA~;tore. l\"ack an'" Nursery School EXP£.RIENCEI) h and y man, EX PER IE N C ED laundress BEDFORD and Mack. 3 bed- 6B-R R _~~ Miscellaneous item~. TUxedo BEDROOM, dining room and 40"TAPPAN gas range. Norge Tourallle . • '... 82! VERNIER ROAD wall. washing, gardening, por- WIS. hes days- MdTon ays, Ues- rooms, newly decorated. Ga- DESIRABLE ROOM f'Or bUSI-. 6-249 7. recreation furniture, dimlcr Self D' Frost refrigerator, R<~~~~kr-~e~dlcal\~Osl.earnVlcePharmacy. tler, general housecleaning. days. Also experienced clean- rage, gas lleat. TU 2-5439. nessman. Cross ventilation. ------_____ set, glassw3re. TUxedo 5-1415. G.E. mixer. Proctor toaster. TU d I 3460 R f TE 4 4079 PLAYPEN, highchair, bath in- ~-~-~------_ kitchen table. 4 chairs. cr~h, Blue Cross Drugs. Mack and Net! xe 0 - construction laborer. WAlnut er. e erences. '- . -~------Reference. T Uxedo 5-3545. ette infants' seat car bed . GROUP OF BRASS candle- BlBuClueHHlI1111Pharmacy. Mack and Member Of 1-0520. ~------~--- Evenings, TUxeao 1-4128. ' , '/' k complete. Teeter-Babe. 2 ma- DOMINICAN AP'tS. baby scales. Welsh jumi)er St,l.~ s. cut glas,.s. silvel,', \"a~cs, ternity outfits. size 12. Man's Devon8hl~e Drugs. Mack and American Camping .~ssn. 6-FOR RENT ------seat. TUxedo 4-4380. 0....lienta 1 car'lug, et_. Lot. DevonshIre HANDYMAN - Good at most (Unfurn ••shedJ 9540 WHITTIER GHOSSE POINTE CITY-Near grey-black suit, 40 regular. L ~onstleld'So: L PI"arnlacy." '1~;;.k and Bea------problems found in a home. A spacious, attractive, luxury bus. private bath, garage, ~------_~ ~ $35. VAlle"" 1-9878. Yellow daeron traverse drap~ -1 HELP WANTED n d "T t 1 . DELUXE hospital bed almost --- _ COlony Patent MedICine, 15645 - uALE and P2:UALE Very reasonable. References. LOWEn 3 be room. !"(a ura type apartment. air-conditioned. breakfast optional. Pl'lvileges. EXPERIENCED RE-WEAVING eries. 4 saw horses. AU in' :\lack m .. ~ VAlley 4-9172. fireplace. gas heat. TU 2- TUXEDO 1-9616 Young employed person pre- new; also massive desk. suit- moth holes. burns, tears. Rea- fine condition at bargain ST. CLAIR SHORES DmVERS for Checker Cab, I 7251 after 5 p.m. ferred. 'tUxedo 5-8933. able for executive's office or prices. TUxedo 4-8810. Arnold Drugs, :>larter Rd. and HIGH SCHOOL girl would like home. Sac r if i (;e to close sonable. Est I mat e s. Quick __ J_e_tf_e_rs_o_n__ ~~____ ~;S~e~i~e o1°~~~~~uirr~~ p;;~ sumrn.er baby sitting. VAlley G R 0 SSE POINTE WOODS. GROSSE POINTE PARK. Flat. THREE MILE near Mack. Large estate. TUxedo 2-5741. I sel'vice. PRescott 7-4381. 2 1290 Large rooms, 2 b~drooms, furnished or unfurnished. VA attractive room. Privileges. 10 PIECE h d" t MOVING - SALE l-PUBLIC NOTICES time. day shift or night shift. - . fireplace. draperies, carpet- MOVING-Large l' e c Ii n I n g - ma ogany Inlng sc , Hide-a-bed. $20; chests of draw- . Apply 10926 Gratiot. :NEED a baby sitter? The Sit- I ing, stove, garage, scre'ened _4-_4_66_5_-_T_U_1~-_00_2~1_. _W_o_n_la_n_p_r_e_fe_r_c_d_._T_U__ 2_-8_0_6_6. lounge chair, leather and 1110- tier table, 2 lounge chairs, end ers, $3-$10;'Norge electric stove, ------ters Club. PRescott 7-0377, terrace. 2 yr. lease. $185. VERNIER GROSSE PTE. ROOM AND kitchen privileges. hair frieze I1ke new $,60' table. corner table. fireplace $24; 2 door Frigidaire, $45; TV; MRS. RYAN EASTSI DE Licensed and bonded. TUxedo 1-4124. Widow or professional wo- sofa, $40;' Jamestowl; ma: set, 3 single beds. mahogany chairs; table'S; garden tools; 'for1d Famous Reader and ------.------TERRACE A,PARTMENTS man. East side. PR 3-1266. hogany desk. $60; pair cUl"Jed and maple dressers. chests. baby furniture; many other Adviser on all problems of life GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL girl desires day 983 VERNIER RO D ------,- --._- love seats. down cushions, ex- vanity .. ~ lamp tables. lamps, items. S~'y, PubI1e Relations $400 baby sitting position. Refer- cellent condition. $175 pail'; dehUml(lifler. cedar chest: 2 no matter what your problem; GROSSE POINTE $175.00 A 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT SATURDAY 10 TO 5 may be this gifted lady can and Sec'y, Adv , $'l90 ence's. VA 1.7796. 4 bedrooms, 2 and 3 bathro(}ms, Between Lakeshore Drive and MACK t W d M 'c'~all bedt"oom chair. llke new, $40; benches. small desk. old bIke, 762 SUNNINGDALE will help YOU in your problems Jr. Sec'y. wk. for pres , .$300 ------garage, $175 _$185. The spa- Mack, adjacent L 0 c h moo I' nea' 00 s um 1 leathel' chair, $35; little u:;ed unicycle. book 1-oheh-cs. lOy She speaks 12 different Ian~ Jr. S teno., a d agency $240 Your G'IrI Frl'day ciousness of a house and lower bCountryd Club. t Attractivet 1twot Building.ces and receptionSuite. 3 largearea. o£fi-()ff- power nlO\\'...."'--!'. $45. Grosse I chest.p n TUxedo 5-8936 after 6 YACHT chairs, lawn furniture, guages-Polish. Italian and sev- Jr. Steno .. no expo ,$225 SecretarI'al Sel'vI'ce rent of a fine terrace. 369 - 381 e room apar men. gas leli. d' . Poi:~te, VA 2-8153. . 1. _ grill. drapes. 2 children's eral others. Just arrived from J r Typ' t exp private parking, $117.50. street parking. Air-con IlIon- pianos, odd games and dolls. R . ~o t Mime'ographing ;;:v:r1" 4~lt3t:~umee.WO 5-8388 WO 3-9118 LA 1-0457 ing. ESTATES bought and SGld~ LAWN MOWER by Green's or England - First time in this /5 '. :~O~ Boy's size 10 red blazer ~nd T~r~,I~~: ~f~~~~ '\~~~k:$3~0 KARL DAVIES TU 5-;>220 Complete or odd pieces. An- Leeds & London. 16" Zephyr area! Located On the gl-ound I all weather coat. Girl's sub- floor at 1065 East Grand Boule- Jr. Typist, learn credit wk. .$210 Mrs. Co eman TU 4-6442 EXCELLENTLY located rew 3-ROOM duple". ne\\'l" deco- tT AL ' ". t1ques. silver. china, fUrni- DC,luxe. A truly fine ncw l~~a. teen winter skirts, 22 waist;' . d ... .r KERCnEV "Village bUSl- tu""'. OrIental rugs. Hugh C. clune for only S1l5. T\\' 111- vard. ~'2 Block off Gratiot. cor. Typist, gen'l office "" .. ,$275 EXPERT boat refinisher desires mo eled apartm~nt. Curtains, rated, $100 per month includ- ness district. One or more BoHla;n, 10233 \IT"od\"ard, 'ro brook 1-6936, PRescott 1-9161- riding boots, size 8, football of Forest. Open Daily from 9 JOY DO N weekend work. VAlley 4-8538. carpeting. stove. privtlte en- ing heat. light, gas. 422 Cadi- rooms. TUxedo 2-7252. TUx-'" .,. shoes, size H'2. TUxedo a.m. to 9 p.m Also Sunday from MA. tranC'e. 352Y2 Rival'Ci, $85. eau>:. Grosse Pointe City. edo 3-0518. 6.25UO. NEW SEALY king siz;-bed~ 4-9434. 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Detroit. Michi- 27530 Harper Ave. PR 2-5600 STORMS removed, win do W s TUxedo 2-1373 Open June 16, 11 to 2. ------__ $200 wmplete. TUx e do gan. Call 921-2546. 50 years of 2627 David Stott Bg. WO 2-7160 washed, screens put up, aWn------AIR CONDITIONED 8'x13' MUST sell ebony Baldwin el(~c- 1-5231. G R 0 U N D COVERS: Myrtle, experienced rcading. ings hung, evestroughs clean- HARCOURT, 746~5-room up- EASTLA WN 905 'tl t 1 d k fili g bin t tronic organ. 4 years old. _ pachysandras. TUxedo 5-0768. ed, wall washing and painting. per ,scree• n po r c,h 2-car sal'age.I, Near East Jefferson. Step from WIand 1 chairs.S ce esHass, 6xl011 waitingca e Best offcr takes it. Call .at, er REMINGTON, 8 column manual 1A-PERSONALS ICOLLEGE STUDENT ~or chil~ VA 1-4127. Will decorate to suit. bus and shops. Front 4 room room, natural light. Utilities 4 p.m. PRescott 3-0129. adding machine with credit dren's swimminh' and tennis H E P P t t. 1 d d" ---~----~---- balancc, $95. Camera Strobe Summer to. A. . 0 AE E apar men mc U es mmg room. furnished. 1875 Hampton at PIANO-Walnut console, excel- counsellor at l' e s 0 r t near THREE college students look- TUxedo 4-0960 Newly decorated;- cross ventilaw Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods. lent condition. lovely French lite, $15. TUxedo 4-4221. PIANO SALE Traverse City. Must be pro- iug for work - any type' - lion, new stove and refr'iger'a- SCHOOL OF USED. BUTGUARJL~TEED ' flCiant at tennis and have Red barage painting, lawn main~ ------20935 VERNIER ---RD. tor. Adults. ALBERT' COUVREUR Provincial stJtI"mg. benc h t0 PAMPHLE'l': "What's Wrong Chickering Grand, 5'4". R~fin-I HORSEMANSHIP Cross WSI card. TU 2-8461. te'nance, etc. TU 1-5975, TU 1 Block East of X-Way VA 3 l003 VA 2~2795 TU 1-3000 match. LAkcview 7-0199. With The Bitth Society,?" w ished and guaranteed. Very fine Available to all ages. Ad. 4-2982, TU 6~2326. N ti "'. . ------_____ Sc;nd 15c to Box 5194. De- piano for particular b~'er who: jacent to Kensington Park. SECRETARY - receptionist -' for oW ren ng - !"(ew lUXUrIOUS ------BUSINESS offices for rent, air- A PAR T 1\'1 E N T SIZE gralld trait 36. 1 bedroom partm ts L GRAYTON~KERCHEVAL wants to save several hundred Heated in door facilities. busy. me d i c a 1 specialist's SECRETARIAL SERVICE - a en. arge conditioned. 5 rooms, Grosse piano, Brambach. solid light i: off1cc. Mack Avenue-Grosse TEL~PHONE SERVICE rooms and closets. Completely Five bedrooms. 3 baths up. Two Pointe Woods. TUxedo 1- mahogany'. TU 4-9484 _ TU KNITTERS-Will assemble and dollars. Detroit store. Courses in all aspects of arpeted He t d L te t kit h p()wder rooms down. Screened block .,.OUr sweaters, etc., horsemanship. Pointe area. To start Aug. THESIS PAPERS c . a e . a s c en 7902. 2-0312. _ 15th. Must be fast, accurate appliances, including dishwash- terrace, secluded garden, two shOl'tell ;\'OUI' knitted dresses. Sohmer 40" Spinet. Early Amer- OAK KNOLL FARM typist, operate dietaphone I,ROSEMARY GANT TU 4-3930 m'. Plenty of convenient ...."'lark- fireplaces. ,6D-RESORT PROPE"'TY~ Reasonable. quick, TU 4.4677. ican fruinvood finish. Like new. 2344 S. Milford Rd., Milfora and be able to meet public. MAID for beauty salon. Refer- ing. TUXEDO 1-3459 Summer DINING ROO:\I SUITE, black- Save nearly half list p!'ice. i Birmingh-am store. : MUtual 5-1147 Previous medical office or cnccs. VAlley 4-6667, CHESTER P. JANKOWSKI 389 NEFF ROAD. All11--o-st-fl-e-w Lake Erie Cottages ORGAN SALE gold trim-2 t..1ble leave:;. 6 hospital experience desirable TUx:edo 1-9098 five rooms, upper, separate 25 MILES TO DETROIT chairs. china cabinet and but not l.landatory. $350 per NURSE'S AID - Experienced, BUILDER OWNER bel Used but Gual'antced server. $125. One twin bed. Steinwa"v Ebonized 5'10". A! I 2A-MUSICAL available for private duty, asement and garage. a 1 Furnishe With bench. Detroit,' MulU-Kord DON'T HUNT 10 y'C'ars experience. 896- ly decorated. TUxedo 4-7058 h 2 ~'o..tabie organ. This is a rc:il store. I 9467. porc es, -car garage, di&- big value. $55. Bolh stores. AMAZING! Master Course --~--______or TUxedo 5-2051. posals, individual basement HENRY ,REMARK SEE HUNT PERSONNEL Rent a new Conn organ with Baldwin Acrosonic Sp€cial Mod_ , . ROLAND GUILLEMET 505 Empire Bldg. WO 1-2802 SECRETARIAL SERVICES ------areas. Gas heat. Shown by Realtor & Insurance Hammond Chord. One of tbe private half hOUl' lessons in ern. This one may be just what 1 Formerly with the Victor Secretaries, east side, TELEPHONE ANSWERING GROSSE POINTE appointment evenings. 774.. COLCHESTER, ONTARIO most popular models. Sa\'(~ yom' home, $2 weekly. you are looking for. It.s a real,: Recording Co. downtown $260-375 MIMEOGRAPHING 776 Neff road. Oyler, TUxedo Dial 738-4132 code' 519 nearly half llst price. Bot h Music and delivery free. buy. $595. Birmingham store. PRINTI!'-':G Finest Rental Property 5-765B. i Studio Resid(lnce Dictaphone typists Open StOl"(!S. Pianos to Rent WA 1-5110 Figure clerks, bkkeepers., PHOTO-COPYING In The Area INDIAN .VILLAGE, beautiful PR 5-8001 Hours: 11-9 Spinet player piano, selection I j LA 6-8136 EXECUTIVE'S summer home Baldwin Orgasonic. This is a typists, many 303+ VILLAGE LETTER SHOP HARCOURT. Upper, 2 bedroms, apartment. 7 rooms, 3 bath- a'vailable to July 28th at of rolls, bench, ukulele atach-! PIANO, organ. voice, theory. 643 NOTRE DAME TU 4-7064 2 baths, family room. rooms, garage, driveway, large beautiful blond. You save a lot. East Detroit Conservatory ment. Used less than 90 days. I b e aut i f u 1 Oakwood Golf $895. Both stores. Pre-school through university MEN COOK. houseman, chauffeur or fenced yard. $160. including Course on Lake Huron, Jack- oT Music $945. Birmingham store. level. Walter Mueller, 482 Co- Salcs and management careers. day work. Reference. Call JOHN C. STAUDT, Inc. all utilities. TUxedo 2~4645, son Realty. phone Grand WUl'litzl'r Ebonized. You I~an 22933 Gratiot, nr. 9 Mile lonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. College and/or direct sales William Madison. WAlnut 5- VA 2-0100 Eves, VA 2-6593 331-6493. Bend 35, Ontario. Brambach Grand, refinished eb- bac~ground. Sales plus commis- save $200 on this highly advel'- ony with bench. This is a real 3712. -N-E-W--L-IK-E-I-lo-u-s-e-l-'n--D-E-E-P-- G R AD E SCHOOL uniforms PUNCH AND JUDY sion open many fields. Age, 22 MONTH OF JULY - Summer Used model. Detroit store. bar gal n. $545. Birmingham and b 1 0 use s, 16. Party MUSIC STUDIOS plus. Need 20 men. EXPERIENCED baby sit t e r GROSSE POINTE P ARK-Har- LANDS. 3 bedrooms. 2]/2 bath. home completely equipped. store. Minshall Spinels. We ha\ e dresses, teen 12-14. Miscel- Piano, guitar, classic guitar, wishes steady job for' re- court, 783. Lower, 5 large Air Conditioned. For Lease. Four bed roo m S, 2 baths. OPEN MON. ~VES. banjo, accordian. "lioHn. liable people. Good refer- rooms. screened porch, 2 car $300. Heated swimming pool, se- sceveral of these bargains from laneous. TUxedo 5-Z714. Baldwin Acrosonic, 18th cen- . 'TIL 8 P.M. ences. TE 3-6696. garage, gas heat, $180. TUxedo TAPPAN $395. Both stores. tury m.ahogany. Used but with 15 Kercheval, TU 4-6200 cluded grounds. wonderful HOTPOINT electric range, good Grosse Pointe Farms 2-2626. new guarantee. This will go HAIR STYLIST with experi- COLLEGE GIRL wishes Sum- I ------_ view of Lake Huron. cool International 120 bass acco)'- condition, reasonable. TUxedo quickly at $695. Detroit store. I TU 4-4440 Res. 372.8994 .' 861 WASHINGTON 3 eveni~s. Fishing. golf. ,and di0x.rs. T.hese are professional 1-4939. I ence. Paris Coiffure. 881-2882. mer work ba bysitting. Reliable BEDROOM T errace on qUiet Grosse Pointe. New colonial. 3 I convenIent to complete roar- moaels, never used. 1;2 pric,~. 20091 Mack, G. P. Woods. Everett 40" console. Blond fin- 2B-TUTORING and capable. PR 5~3353. street. Extra bedroom ".nd bath bedroms, 1Jh baths. Complete bor facilities for any size Both stores. GIRL'S standard size Robin- on 3rd $185 00 month. G E k't h F'I 2 ish with bench. This one like BABY SITTER, reliable high . .. I C en. amI y room. yacht. 30 miles north of hood bicycle. Excellent con- TUTOR - Junior ana senior GIRL TO LEARN school girl. TUxedo 5-1475. TAPPAN TU 4-6200 car garage. Par. privileges. Grand Bend, Ontario. $1,000 Lowrey Spinet Organ with aU c~tion. TU 2-6066. new. For quick sale. $645. Birm_ high social studies, English, Lease. $260 per month. Canadian funds. Call Monday features, $660. Detroit store. ingham store. PERSONNEL BOY'S 24" black Schwinn bi~ all primary subjeds. Certi~ GIRL, 13 years old, wishes baby Grosse Pointe Manor TU 2-7035 to Friday. Windsor, Whitehall Prefer girl with employme'nt Blond spinet. Used less than 6 ! sitting, days or evenings. TUx- CADIEUX ROAD, BETWEEN ------Conn, choice of fruitwood or c~'cle. Very good condition. fied. 886-2160. agency experience but may 5-5366. Weekends, Goderich, months. Better hurry on this I edo 4-5381. KERCHEVAL AND ST. PAUL ALTER ROAD 913-Duplex, 1;2 Jackson 43-9423. blond finish. You can save $400 $18. TT.!xedo 5-1253. train girl who ENJOYS MEET- block south of Jefferson, 21;2 one. $425. Detroit store. .1 PRIVATE TUTORING on these organs. Both stores. H 0 L L Y WOO D bed, water IN ING PEOPLE. Some experience EXPERIENCED 15 year old girl 3 BEDROOMS, 1112 BATHS bedrooms. natural fireplace. GREEN LAKE, near Interloch- as service representative or in wishes summer baby sitting. A beautiful. spacious 6-room 18 minutes to downtown via en. Two bedroom cabin, gas cooled air conditioner. 72" 3 Swnmer budget terms at 6%, YOUR OWN HOME Lowrey Brentwoods. Returned foam cushion davenport, ma- airline reservations is helpful. References. TUxedo 4-5381. terrace apt. for the discriminat- Grosse Pointe nonwstop buses, heat. ad u 1t S. July-August, no money down, 1st payment in All subjects; all grades. Adults from rent, like new. Save $200. hogany lamp table. Miscel- Call Miss Kelly, PR 2-5600. for ing. Garage, garbage disposal $100 month. TUxedo 2-1288 $100 weekly. TUxedo 5-1412. Both :stores. Sept. ~ow is the time to buy. and children. Certified teach- laneous. 277 Lincoln Road. ers. appt. SA-SITUATIONS WANTE~ and finest in schools, shopping after 5 p.m: Home demonstr~don, no oblig~- TUxedo 2-4645. Call: DOMESTiC and transportation, $175. 6G-STORE ~OR RENT tion, to prove you can play. S-SiTUATION WANTED TU 5-1172 WO 2-4607 NEFF LANE. 2 bedrooms, 21 I DETROIT AND SUBURBAN LAUNDRESS wishes work. No feet of closet space, air-con- ROYAL PASTEL mink jacket. Smiley Bros. GROSSE POINTE Summer budget terms at 6%. TUTORING SERVICE YOUNG man wishes job-lawn children's clothes. Pick up ~ BEACONSFIELD (Jefferson) _ ditioned, cornpletelycarpeted. Mack. 16115, modern stm'e, Beige occasional chair, six- Detroit Store Open Sun. 1-5 & I no money dn.. start PYlllts. iJl piece dining room set. TUx- KENWOOD 7-4653 cutting, general maintenance. delivery. References. TUlsa 5-room lower. Private base- Private basement. g a l' age, 18',,;60'. Newly decorated, gas Eves. 5510 Woodward. TR 3-6800 'I Experienced. TUxedo 4-2729. Sept. Now is the time to buy. edo 1-5541. 8irmingham Store Open Eves. _ TUTORING BY experienced 3-0461. ment. Garage. $75.00 $150; No children, no pets. heat, tile floor, latest style light TUxedo 4-3207. fixtures. 115 S. Woodward MI 7-1177 1 high school teacher: French, SECRETARY, general office, D E PEN DAB L E, e x per i- CHALMERS TU 4-4040 TENTRON tape recorder. stereo VAlley 2-2795 1 English, social studies. TUx- PBX, purchases and sales ex~ enced lady wishes day work. H-E-A-T-E-D--a-p-ar-t-m~en-t-n~e'-a-r-E-x~-HARCOURT, 776. Two bedroom Smiley Bros. playbaCk. Excellent condition, edo 4-0688. -,---- mechanically and outside. TU 8A-OF~ICE EQUIPMENT perience. Mat u r e, reliable. Good cleaner. References. pressway on Cadieux. Living lower, $180. 7-,WANTED TO RENT TU 5~0958. East side only. Detroit Store Open Sun. 1-5 5-6552. FOR SALE TE 1-9448, TU 3-3405. room, kitchenette with stove HARCOURT. 792. Upper, car- TUTORING in five languages. MATURE employed widow de- and Eves. 5510 Woodward FINE ANTIQUE French wal- TYPEWRITERS anO add 1 D g Also for children. Lessons for 2 COLLEGE BOYS will do yard GIRL, with reference, wishes and refrigerator, bedroom, peting, will decorate, $200. sires unfurnished one or two TR 3-6800 nut chair frame, steel storage machines, new, reDuilt. Rea- travelers to Europe. Call after l work. Experienced. Odd jobs. day work or child care, bath, parking. Adults. $79.50. JOHN S. GOODMAN room apartment. Farms or Birmingham Store Open Eve!'.. cabinet wardrobes. Very sonable prices. National <* i p.m. TUxedo 4-0734. TUxedo 2-3152. 925-1798. TU 5-6&23. TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 Village. TUxedo 6-1174. 115 S. Woodward MI 7-1177 reasonable. TU 6-1174. flee Equipment, 16833 Harper at Bishop. TUxedo 1-"il30. , ,

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ursday, JUPle J 4, 1962 Thursday, June 14, 1962' GROSSE POINTE NIEWS Page Seventeen - S-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8B-ANTI9UES 11-AUTOS FOR SAlE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL eSTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAl eSTATE 1------FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE fRENCH Provlnc1al bodroom ANTIQUE sofa, 2 matching V W '58 - Black, radio, white- FOR SALE FOR SALE I set. 7 pieces, like new. TUx- chairs, hand carved walnut, wall tires. TUxedo 2-0349. HOME VALUED AT $41,500 HAWTHORNE 1684, corner cdo 1-3411. ~urved tops. Call after 6 p.m. Call after 6 p.m. APPOINTMENT ONLY anne parker, tu 5-4415, offers: ROCHESTER, seven mlles-4% 418 Hillcrest, a darling, eco- acres. Spacious three bedroom Goethe on 83 ft. lot. 2 bed- D-E-L-U-X-'-E-o-v-c-r-s-iz-e-d-c-a-v-e-n-p-o-rt1 T Uxcdo 4-8897. 100 CLOVERLY - St. P a u 1 PRICED AT $36800 1957 FORD convertible. All nomical 3 bedroom ranch. rooms, bath, plus 6unroom. parish. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. ranch. Master bedroom 14'x20', FOR QUICK SALE and chair. Very reasonable. THE FOLLOWING French PrtJ- power, low milcag(', good con- Ill.! baths, large terrace, down. Natural fireplace. Sec- Carpets, drapes, air-condo and kitchen built-ins, dining room, ATTRACTIVE 'l'ERMS YAlley 3-1739 be'tween 6-8 vinci~l collector's pieces: Two dition. $795. TUxedo 2.6708. finished basement, $23,500. ond floor nicely finished. 2- many more extras. large living room-fireplace, car- p. m. fine ai'm chairs. Armoire. Six , ... 382 McKinley. a re- WINDMILL POINTE AREA car garage. Gas F.A. furnace. 62 T BIRD Convertible-Fully peted throughout, large base- '.-V-0-O-L-C-0-A-T-S-,-2-p-ie-c-'e-Ct-'r-e-s's--es-, dining ehairs. Crystal glass- modeled 4 bedroom, 2lh Owner moving to Florida. equipped, like new. Private Please Gall for Details ment. Hill top setting, 200 ft. 7 year old Colonial, all newly bath. G.E. kitchen, I'f)nt or MIEHM REALTY VA 1-7314 sizes 16-18. VAlley 1-9878. wnre, English import, 50 Grosse Pointe family. Rea- HUGH CIIALMBRS lake privilege, excellent fish~ decorated. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths pieces. Dresden' type china option sell ... and in the up. One bedroom, bath, down. sonable. TUxedo 4-0642. TU 4-4040 Eves., TU 4.2557 ing. Owner transferred. Im- )EADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY I YPEWRITERS, new portnblcs. dinner sel. Coppor chafing Woods, a bungalow, 3 bed- mediate possession. Paneled family roon1, attach€"d S37.50; golf sets, ladies, men's, dish. Blue antique cverlay rooms, all new gas, flre- 1955 PACKARD Patrician Clas- SEVERN Colonial, 3 large bed- 2-car garage. Many other fea- 530. Zero. 20129 Mack, TUx- crystal lamp. Regency sofa sic-Hc'ater, radio, automatic pillce. 60' of lovesome gar- 1. S. Morr,is Co. TR 4-9615 tures. , 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE rooms, baths, enclosed METAMORA odo 1-0004. stamped with English antique transmission, power steering n~ den, $18,900. . - ~-----~~--- export stamp. Genuine Na- porch. extra de~p lot, 21h-car OPEN SUN. 2:3u t'J 5:30 WHIRLPOOL gas dryer. Ken- and brakes, spotless, no rust. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 more washer. Both 4 years old. Sll\nIONS large metal baby polMnic commode, w hit e $695. Call after five. VAlley garage witlh upper storage . HILLS bed. complete. $10. Large marble lop. French daybed, 702 WESTCHESTER RD. .-\lso Ser\'(' 1 gas refrigerator. 3.9607. Owner. TUxedo 4-3334. A DREAM HOUSE 48 WILLOW TREE PL, OWNER LEAVING CITY 40 acres, rolling and 11 cubic {cct. All in excellent ~~~; scales, $5. TUxedo 1- Indian Village, private home, GROSSE PTE. SHORES VA 1-5838 wooded, with modern condition. VAlley 2-7722. ;) 11_. ADams 1-9476. 12A-BOATS AND Grosse Pointe Vicinity four bedroom, 2 bath ~-----~--_._--~---~- NEW HOMES Must see inside modern beauty. NEAR GROSSE POINTE AARGOT------W. HANSEN'S 50-PIECE Wedgwood collection. MOTORS home. Complete horse CuSTO;\l GuNSMITHING Grosse Pointe Farms 2 bedroom ranch, family room; YACHT CLUB OPEN DAILY 10 to 6. GrOS:ie and dog set-up. Four Grand River Art Gallcry Call LIncoln 7-7313 for ap- 1 OFF LAKESHORE ROAD Franchised Dealer 8 FT. ORUISER Inc. 75 h.p. EARL COURT, 179 - 3 bed- 2-car attached garage; 2 fire- Pointe Park custom built bril'k box stalls and numeroUs HOUSE OF DISTINCTION pointment. John')on. Tandem trailer. A-I Colt. Ithata. Browning rooms, 31h baths $63,000 places, built-in range and oven, OPEN DAILY 1-5 colonial, five years old. Win.]- dog kennels. Bausch & Lomb Pictures - Paintiiigs shape, loaded with extras. complete recreation room, built- I11llI Peinte Subdivision. Custom Framing ANTIQUES. china, cop per. $1800. PRescott 6-3121. SUNDAY 2-5 'Winchester Advisory Center EARL COURT, 183-2 bed- in bar, music, paneled and tiled. • 3 Large Bedrooms 7422 Grand River brass, crystal, pressed glass. rooms, 2 baths $45,000 New four bedroom colonial. He-Loading Equipment and Must seil. Owner. Under $30,000, • 21h Baths 2nd blk. N. of Blvd. DRASTICALLY REDUCED 2lh baths, family room, study, PIFER REALTY Fishing Tackle frames. decorative items and or best offer. TU 4-6128. Call • Family Room Close to Exprcssway general linc. f or quick sale. 26 it. Steel VENDOME, 253 - 5 bedrooms, separate dining rOom. Complete RA 4-3595, IMLAY CITY mornings. o Recreation Room B. McDANiEL CO. TY 7-6;122 TY 8-1160 King. 165 h.p. Interceptor. Fully 3112 baths, activities room, in e\'ery detail includi.ng land- HEL~N'S ANTIQUES quipped, many extras. See it • 2112 car Garage 13333 Kcrch('val VA 1-8200 c dining room $65,000 22400 ST. CLAIR DR., St. Clair scaping, $52,800. at 31961 S. River Road, near • Near Park and schools CLOVERLY, 93 - Gracious ;:\;)mm ANSCO c-amcra with ex- i 14633 E .. Jeff. 821-4424 Shores. Lovely 3 bedroom F r en c h Normandy home. , J..\.COBSOX ~~" po\\:;rm~wcr in the lake, Mt. Clemens. RICHARD KIMBROUGH BY TRANSFERRED OWNEH tras. Dinette set. Occllsional 1 . _ ranch, Ill.! baths, paneled 1637 PRESTWICK 1, good condItiOn. S 15. 1 Uxcclo BUILDER TU 2-2593 Ideal for large family. Four tables. lamps. Girl's, size 12. ANTIQUE SHOP, primitive fin- family room, carpeted, with GROSSE PTE. WOODS 629 LAKEPOINTE I . 1-1554. 1961 OUTBOARD motor, 11,,2 $39,800 bedrooms, sitting room, three ------~_._-_._-_.- sport coa~. All excellent con- I ished and unfinis~ed. Glass, h.p., used only on.:e. Best many extras. All new storms 3-bedroom colonial, 2-car ga- baths plus two maid's and dltlon. pneed to sell. TUxedo china, irunstone 20933 Har- SPACIOUS Cape God. 3 large rage, finished basement, air- ?L"RXI1TRE. r('a~onably priced. offer. Call. 'l'Uxcdo 5-G502, and screens, screened breeze- 218 McMILLAN. 7 room Cape bath second floor. Studil) 2-0555. per.' conditioned. Carpets, dr~peries I Rt:'ar doer. 322 K('rby. evenings. bedrooms, paneled den, fam- way, 2-car garage, large cor- Cod brick. Near schools, bedroom and bath, third ner lot. Private boat well and and many extras. Excellent con- floor, Fine oval paneled li. ~LIGHTLY WORN better wom- ily kitchen, 1Jh baths, living buses, shops, 2 baths. tiled ,I COFFEE TABLE. Black moth. OWENS 1956 27 ft. express dition. HOOVER SALE en's and ehildren's clothnig. beach. $18,500. By owner. basement room, porch, 21,6 hral'y and children's TV i cr-of-pcarl inlay tray on base. cruiser. Twin engines, 65 watt room, dining room, 21/~ car PR 8-2092 . 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Fri- car garage, gas heat. By own- room. Gas heat. TV 1-3760. . i.96~ t:pright $49.95 mack canc chair to match. radio telephone, new canvas. garage. 407 Lothrop. Call 881- BY APPOINTMENT , H162 D('[u'xe S:> 1.~)5 day 'til 9. 20339 Mack. be. er. TUxedo 4-4511. Large music box. Unusual Price $4,300. TUxedo 4-5278. 4431. Open Sunday 2 to 5. 595 LAKELAND 528 SHOREHAM SlllOVv' AY & CO. Con"tellation Itank' S36.gS tween 7 and 8 Mile Roads. collector's items. VAlley 1- Dellghtful four bedroom, llh FOR SALE BY OWNER Eureka Prince"s $34.95 ~-_._..- -~-~._------DANFOR'l'H anchor with set of Aulhentic New Engiand Cape 9878. MORAN RD. St. Paul's parish. bath up, lh babh down. 26' living deck fasteners and 100' of Cod. T h l' e e bedrooms, B-2 SAVE $1,000 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 25 \"ACl"l.i:\1 BARGAIXS TEN ROOMS OF 6 bedrooms, 3 baths. Near room, dining ell, family kitchen, Grosse Pointe Farms-spacious line, for boats 20 to 35 ft. baths, gas hot water heat. One GRAND l\'1ARAIS, 871 - Colo- Rcbuilts. 1 Year Guarantee 9-ARTICLES WANTED Grosse Pte. Blvd. paneled recreation room, screen- and gracious 3 bedroom re ji. FURNITURE Cost $60, price $25.00. TUxedo of the most charming houses nial near lake. 32' living I Hoowrs \\" bcater $16.95-$39.50 ed terrace, gas heat. Beautifully on the market. dence. 1112 baths. Breakfast & DOES SOME Gr"sse Pointe 4.5270. BARRINGTON, 823. 3 bed- landscaped yard 60'x90'. Village room, 4 large cheery bed- : Rebuilt EUi'ckas S16.93-S29.9} family have mediwn size room, dining room, basement I I{('built G.E."" $19.95 rooms, ideal recreation room, and schools. rooms, 2 bat.h~, powder room. FURNISHINGS Ironritc mangle in excellent SAILBOAT 22' cat, aluminum bar and recreation room. In- . Rebuit Royals $21.95 BISHOP RD., 1014. Do you like Owner maid's quarters. Immediate .\LL PRICED TO SELL FAST cOndition they would lIke to mast, extras. Well 26. Grosse TU 1-2492 COX & t~rior decorated, fully Chr- the elegance of an older I - posscssion. ! HARPER V.\CuUl\1 Pointe Park. TUxedo 5-6239, peted. Beautifully maintaim.d. 625 MIDDLESEX sell? Call TUxedo 2.1907, Georgian Colonial. 5 bed- 1801 HUNTINGTON. 0 pen . 17176 E. Warren TU 1-1122 VAlley 1-6217. 2-car garage. Early possessiun. McKINLEY 384. 3 twin sized Thursday & Friday 7 to 9 after 5. rooms. Sunday, 2 to 5, 3 bedroom, Cen- Hoover.Eureka Auth. Service BAKER Must be seen to be apPl'e- bedrooms, large kitchen and ------_._~.....-.---~ WE BUY old gold, jewelry and 16 FT. SHELL LAKE fiber- HAWTHORNE. 2 bed roo m ter entrance colonial in excel- ciated. breakfast n 0 0 k, recreation glassed mahogany and cedar ranch, Dining room, family lent condition. Near schools TU 5-7900 . ~2" BOY'S BICYCLE for $10. DRAPERIES: Living room, din- silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 329 MERRIWEATHER room. St. Paul parish. LOW strip. 30 H.P. Evinrude Lark, room, built-ins. $26,500. shops, parks, and transporta~ TL'xedo 3-5127. 321 Belanger. ing room, bedroom; excellent Moros:: Road. TUxedo 5-3256 DOWN PAYMENT. - - condition. Fireplace fixtures electric s tar t. Windshield, LAKESHORE LANE. -Pleasing tion. Price reduced, $22,500. XCTO DRIVERS: Onl)' $7.54 UNIVERSITY, 374. Attractive and mb:iccllaneous. 1417 Berk- cover, accessories. In water. ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Owner transferred. TUxedo 4- 861 Washington Road HOUSE-suitable for two fami- quarte~'ly buys $10.000-20.000 POSITIVELY HIGHEST Colonial. built 1955. 4 bed- shire. 2 to 4. Thursdav and $495. TUxedo 5-0036. library, drt'amy kitchen. 47:H. Colonial 3 Bedrooms, Ph baths, lies, 694 St. Clair. $16.000. Bodily Injury and $5.000.00 PRICES PAID rooms. 211'.l baths, paneled TV Friday or call 771-0226 for! BERKSHIRE, 716. Charming 5- family room, complete built-in TU 5-3831 or TV 5-7745. Property Damage Liability. For Furniture and SAILBOAT, Jet 14, ready to room, lovely ~nclosed garden . ~ppointment. bedroom, 3 - bath English FIRST OFFERINGS; kitchen. $32,500. Owner. . i TL'xeclo 1.2376. sail. LAkeview 7.3423. Appliances. TUxedo 2-7035 , ~~---. ------40"TAPPAN gas range. Norge - home. Well arranged. FOllOWING BY APP'T FOR SALE - 14-ft. fiberglass WHITTIER ROAD. South of GROSSE POINTE . : BEDROO:\l, dining room and Sol f D' Frost refrigcraWr, "I Piece or a Houseful." CHALFONTE, 324. 3 bedroom Jefferson. Custom built by ALINE, 1757 _ Ranch. Threc I BRI~RCLIF~ 17. off Lakesl~ore recreation furniture. dinner boat. 40 h.p. Johnson motor. ranch, dining rooln. Make of- G.E. mixer. Proctor toaster. PRescott 5-5733 owner, this four bedroom co1- bedrooms. good eating area in -Just past G r? sse POl11te set. glassware. TUxedo 5-1415. Reasonable. Call DU 2-3039. ier. kitchen table, 4 chairs. crib, onial~ has three baths On the 3453 GRAYTON . _ Yacht Club. Fl11c Contem- ,~------~"_._------kItchen, 2 car garage, lcnc'ed . 3 tt ti completc. Tecter-Babe, 2 ma- TYPEWRITER for college stu- VERNIER CIRCLE, 206:30. En- 5 - 5 BRICK INCCiME . . . porary n 0 use, a rac ve : GROep OF BRASS candlC'- 12D-ACREAGE & SUBU~- second floor. A basement yard. Fme condltlon, vacant, b dr ?l' b th d ternitv outfits. size 12. Man's dent. not too 0 1d. TUxedo ticing Colonial. 3 bedrooms, l" $22800 e ooms. ~ "'~ a s. en, I sticks. cut glass. silver vases. BAN PROP. FOR SALE party room complete with Fireplaces, carpeting, new kit- lJ,~ baths, den. P Ice , . "dream" kitchen. Vel' y large OrientaL cardng. et('. Lot, ;::l'cy-black suit. 40 regular. 1-8402. ! ire p I ace and bar, large chens, disposals, dishwashers, Yellow dacron travcrse drap- S3;). VAlley 1-9878. SHOREHA.'\1:, 494. Ranch, 2 screened porlOh and den arc PEACH TREE ,. 521 Center 1:aU I family room with bar and BOOKS PURCHASED for cash. MARINE CITY. fronting St. gas furnaces, glass-lined hot . , -----_._- eries. 4 saw horses. All in Clair River. Secluded estate bedrooms, den. J ,'md contract. just a few of many features. water tanks, divided baseluent. colonial. Four bedrooms. ~1'21 raised hearth fireplace. ~ : EXPERIEXCED RE- WEAVING fine condition at bargGin Entire libraries Or fine single items. Midwest Book Service. setting, 166'x410'. Spacious 4 BEDFORD, 737. Large 5-bed- 2V2-car garage, extra storage baths, pa?~led den plus .family I KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 moth holes. burns, tears. Rea- prices. TUxedo 4-8810. bedrooms, living room 15'x30' room, 3-bath colonial. Re~ NESTLED NEAR the end of a room on back. Near Village rOom, utllity room. ChOIce 10-' 30nablc. Est i mat e s. Quick ------~-~-~---- 4301 Kensington, TU 5.2450. with view of river. 2 large duced. dead end street off Lake shopping center, good bus serv- cation - Star of Sea Parish i ------sen'ice. PRescott 7-4381. and Barnes school. Vacant. IF YOU WA:-;rT MOVING - SALE HORATIO ALGER, Arthur Lee terraces. one enclosed and HARCOURT, 792. Luxury flat; Shore Drive, this Cape Cod ice. Owner. Terms. TUxedo offers a paneled liVing room ~ : lO-PIECE mahogany dining set, Hide-a-bed. $20; chests of draw. Putnam books. Hard cover, heated. Boat house, seawall. 2 bedrooms, Florida room. 1-9437. WASHINGTON, 943. Colonial, a home with cheerful atmos- paper back. LIncoln 7-7313. Asking $45,000. Terms. Im- and library. Three bedrooms _I ti('r table. 2 lounge chairs, end f.'rs. $3-$10: Norgc electrk stove, BEACONSFIELD. Flat in good thrcz bedrooms, l]/l baths, flne phere, little up-keep, L1W heat- and two car attached garage. table. cc.'."ner table. fireplace ~24: 2 door Frigidairc, $45; TV; mediate possession. condition. 6-6. $26,700 .. GROSSE PTE. WOODS kitchen, aluminum storms 'lnd \ ing bills-stop and take a look. Under $35,000. set. 3 single beds, mahogany ehairs; table's; gard('n tools: WANTED I. S. MORRIS CO. TR 4-9615 screens. copper plumbing, AC I Also attractive yard with pri- OPEN 2~30- 5, SUNDAY Face brick ranch, 977 Roslyn. and maple dressers. chests, baby furniture; many other gas heat, large brick 2 car ga- I vale patio. comfortable screen- OLD ClOTH!NG PERFECT FOR just a couple or 3 bedrooms, 1l/2 baths, large vanity. 2 lain~ tables. lamps. items. BRYS, 1544. 2 bedroom semi- rage. Lot 50' x 202' fenced. II ed pOl'ch, light rooms. A kitchen BEST PRICES PAID 12E-COMMERCIAL ranch. Living room 21' with a single person. A gem of. a kitchen, liing room and din- dehumidifier. ('edar chest. 2 SATUHDA y 10 TO 5 PROPERTY ing ell. Carpeting, center hall Quick possession. window seat offers view of en- benches. small desk. old bike, 762 SVNNINGDALE FOR MEN'S SUITS fireplace. New lawn. 2 bedroom ranch home lo- NC closed yard. Three bedrooms, cated in the center of the with Hunter fan, divided tile unicycle. book shelves. toy NEW BUILDING 20'x80'. Whit- HAMILTON CT., 250, "Farms." JOH.N C STAUDT" I 2Y.l baths. YACHT chairs, lawn furniture. TOPCOATS AND SHOES Farms. Much TLC has gone basement, gas heat, 1,440 sq. e ! thest. Tuxedo 5-8936 after G tier-Kelly. TUxedo 4-6059. 3 bedrooms, 2Jh baths, den. 15322 E. JEFFERSON 1136 BEDFORD ,(!rilL drapes, 2 children's TUlsa 3-1872 into the grounds, which are ft. plus screened porch, 2Jh- p.m. Corner of Charlevoix. car garage. Built 1956. One VA 2-0100 Eves. VA 2.6593 I Open Sun. 2 to 6 TU 5-6520 pianos, odd games and dolls. I A telephone call will bring us 12F-RESORT PROPERTY just the right size 1Jo offer DEVONSHIRE, 1055. 4 bed- maximum privacy and little owner. Many extras. $26,900. , LA WI'; :\lOWER bv Grccn's of Boy's size 10 red blazer and! to you immediately FOR SALE rooms, 3 baths, Farm style By owner. Private buyers • I Leeds & London: 16" ZcphYl' all weather coat. Girl's sub------maintenance. $27,900 . • j Colonial. Low taxes, terms. only. TUxedo 1-2418. 1661 PRESTV/ICK GROSSE POINTE WOODS, :J Deluxe. A truly fine new ma- tcen winter skirts. 22 'saist; BOOKS bought in any quantity. NORTH Manistique Lake, upper Beautiful three bedroom c{)lo~'I bedroom Co Ion i a I, large PCI1.insula. Modern 4 bedrooro, JOHN S. GOODMAN chin(' for only $115. TWin- riding boots, size 8, football Entire libraries, book cases, BY APPOINTMENT nial, nfl baths, living room, lan.df,caped lot. By owner, 600 shoes, size 41;l. TUxedo art objects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, exclusive location, completely TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 N. OXFORD Attractive Co- brook 1-6936. Pflescott 1-9161. dining room, kitchen including _V_eI_'l_li_e-r-R_o_a_d_,_'l'_u_x_'e_d_o_4_-_2_8_6_1, 4-9434. 1670 Leverette. WO 3-4267. furnished, plus boat, motor, PRICE REDUCED on this fine lonial. 3 bedr blond home on sandy beach. Living tion room with bar. $59,500. provincial Grand. Looks like LOCHMOOR near the lake. A schools, bus transportation ~\ '..anity. VAlley 1-0339. 959 MGA Roadster. Whitewalls room with Tennessee stone fire- . new. $795 with bench. Detroit 1 charming, older home having and Village shopping. Four Electrical Repairs and wire wheels. 'V Alley 1- place, kitchen, dining :lrea, MAXON BROTHERS, INC. the. spaciousness and detail bedrooms, modern kitchen, store. utility room, full bath. Boat al AMAZING! 2922. not found in new houses, step-down den. Well main- TU 2-6000 house. Lot 52'x200'. Priced at Rent a ncw Conn organ with Baidwin Acrosonic Special Mod_ Mod ern kitchen, 4 bed- tained so don't you be de- Appliallce Circuits VOLKSW AGEN 1958. Metallic $16,000 with $5.000 down. private half hour lessons in €'rn. This one may be just what rooms, 3 'Jaths, maid's quar- tained. See this one today! PROMPT SERVICE c you are looking for. It.s a real bronze, whitewalls, excellent Priced in the mid twenties. ve your home, $2 weeklv. condition, $975. TUxedo 4- LITTLE ESSEX ters, library, sum'oom, air- HIDDEN LANE, 578 buy. $595. Birmingham store. conditioning. Fine condition. CORNER MORNINGSIDE Kra'usmoinn Electric Co. th I Music and delivery free. 4369. Completely furnished and win- BROKER'S CHOICE of one of Pianos to Rent terized lakefront home on sandy area Spinel player piano, selection N. BRYS, 853. A sul.?stantial the best buys in the three TU 2...5900 1961 PORSCHE, 1960 MGA , OPEN SUN'1 I TO 6 PR 5-8001 Hours: 11-9 beach. 3 bedrooms, full bath price reduction makes this bedroom bath-and-a-ha1f col- a I of rolls. bench. ukulele atach- Both cars have low mileage , 3 bedroo'lt:s, 2]12 baths, Roman l living room, modern kitche'n outstanding 1Jh-story home onials. New decorating and ot. i East Detroit Conservatory ment. Used less than 90 days. and are in pel'feet condition brick ranch, 2lh-car attached forced air furnace. Priced at one of the best buys in the carpeting. Fenced yard, hon- $945. Birmingham store. Ideal graduation gifts. Rea- garage with automatic door \ of Music $13,000. Terms. Pointe. Paneled den, 3 bed- est 2 car garage and all of- I Serving the Pointe A rea sonably priced. opener. Air - conditioned, gas I rooms, 2 baths, study, fine fcred at $23,30C. an 122933 Gratiot, nr. 9 Mile Bl'ambach Grand. refinished eb- TUXEDO 4-2344 ERIE AIRE BEACH heat, sprinkling system. family! ony with bench. This is a real 6 acres with 600' lake frontage , condition, 60' lot. er------,58 PLYMOUTH Suburban 6- VACANT AND READY for a room, 2 fire-p~aces, full finished : G R A D E SCHOOL ,miforms h a I' g a in. $545. Birmingham 472' depth. Home has 4 bed- Cylinder - Stick. No power quick sa]e. Recently com- .basement, bUllt-ins. M-any other ! and blouses. 16. Party store. rooms with 2Jh baths, fireplac;e , NORTH RENAUD. Well built pletely gone over by a local features. \'C: dresses, teen 12-14. :\liscel- TUxedo 5-2778. living room, kitchen, dining 3-bedroom ranch, paneled li- Baldwin Aerosonic, 18th cen- brary, Florida room, 21,,2 decorator, thi::; three bedroom JOS.EPH F. TEMROWSKI m I laneous. T1.Jxedo 5-2714. CHEVROLET Impala convert- room, hallway,. utility. Mostly ! tury mahogany. Used but with baths, fine condition, laO' home must be sold because of WA 1-5100 i ible, 1958. Power steering , paneled in knotty pine. 2 car • Business Mochines ! HOTPOI~T c1ectric range, good T>-~W guarantee. This will go lot. Priced for quick sale. owner's transfer. Under twen- power brak~s, power wind garage. Seawall and excellent • Rubber Stomps condition. reasonable. TUxedo quickly at $695. Detroit store - ty thousand. I ows. whitewalls, $1095. CalI landscaping, san d y b e a c h WESTWIND, 33-C h arm i n g ! • Fine Printing Service al i 1-4939. House is old but frontage is LOTHROP, 184, near Ridge. Early American on quiet, Grosse Pointe tab II Everett 40" console. Blond fin- TUxedo 2-3631. This deluxe ranch has every- • Wedding Invltotions ce.1 GIRL'S ~tandard size Robin- worth twice the price. $35,000 IN THE FARMS and in a pre- lane, choice of fan~ily bed-: ish with bench. This one like , t thing. Florida room, library, rooms up or down plus maids, I hood bic;ycle. Excellent con- 59 CHEVROLET Impala Spor ",ith $10,000 down. ferred locatIon. If you are . TU 2.5300 new. For quick sale. $645. Birm_ C 0 U P e - Air-conditioned , 3 bedrooms, 2lh baths, maid's seeking a three bedroom spacious living room opens all dition. TU 2-6066. quarters, lawn sprinkler sys- ingham storc power steering, power glide HEI'~RY REMARK home which has been well to covered terrace and patio. BOY'S ?4" black Schwinn bi- $1,395. 2009 Van Antwerp , tem. Must be sold. maintained and is ready to Blond spinet. Used less than 6 Realtor & Insurance ELFORD CT., 1260-Excellent cyde. Very good <:ondition, \ move into, this one should be or! months. Better hurry on this 884-1516. 3 Bedroom Ranch, terrific S18. Tuxedo 5-1253. COLCHESTER, ONTARIO G. P. FARMS. Completely re- included in' your list. The beamed ceiling family room, ROAD SERVU;E 00 ! ------one. $425. Detroit store. JAGUAR, Marx IX, 1959, auto - modeled home in a prime generous size of all the rooms Dial 738-4132 code 519 no basement, perfect condi. , H 0 L L Y WOO D bed. water matic transmission, radio , Farms location. 4 bedrooms, will surprise you. (;oolf'cl air conditioner. 72" 3 Summer budget terms at 6% , heater, wsw, 2-tone grey. Ex - 3 baths, maid's quarte-rs, li- tion. TU 1.9813 foam cu:-,hion davenport. ma- no money down, 1st payment in cellent conditil)n. $2,850. Cal 1 LAKE CHARLEVOIX summe l' brary, activities room, wood- I.l,"",' A PERFECT EXAMPLE of LINCOLN, 333-Real familY TU 4.3988 ~ Sept. Now is the time to buy Mrs. Wiseman, TE 3-3211, 9-5 home. 165 ft. lake frontage , ed lot. WOLVERINE hogany lamp tablc. ~Iisccl- Early American, on Shore- living, 8 bedrooms, 4 baths, a laneous. 277 Lincoln Road. Mon.-Fri. 2 story plastered 4 bedrooms , COUNTRY CLUB LANE at ham Road. We offer this horne walk to high school and Earl Richards Service Typewriter Service TUxedo 2-4645. bath, fireplace, fully furnish - 1958 PONTIAC Bonnevi!le can - ed, $16,000 .. Owner. PRescot t Moross. Attractive CaPE Cod for the family. Now priced in shops. Attractive d'owllstairs, 20397 Mack Ave .• in the Woods Our New Location Smiley Bros. r in top condition. 25' living the forties. 13131 E. JEFFERSON AVE. ROYAL PASTEL mink jacket. , vertible. Tri-power, all powe 6-5400, weekdays. unusually nice paneled lib- I ======: ( ~. Beige uccasional chair. six- Detroit Store Open Sun. 1~5 & equipment. Excellent cond i- room, 2 baths, near Farms rary, 2 bedroom garage Ii Next to the Savarlne aotel I Eves. 5510 Woodward. TR 3-6800 in i piece dining room set. TUx- tion. Owner. VA 1-7666. 13-REAL ESTATE pier. apartment. VA 2.3560 Uy.' edo 1-5541. Birmingham Store Open Eves FOR SALE VENDOME, 245. 3 bedroom, 2 Purdy LOCHMOOR, 1109-Near Loch- 115 S. Woodward MI 7-1177 1960 VALIANT V-200, 4 door Stick, radio, heater, whit e bath (; 0 Ion i a 1, surrounded moor Club, this attractive 3 .-1 TE~TRON tape recorder, stereo McKINLEY NR. RIDGE & GROSSE POINTE playback. Excellent condition, sidewalls. del u x e feature s by higher' value properties. Be'droom, 2 Bath, Georgian, 8A-OFFICE EQUIPMENT A 3-bedroom Colonial with 1st Bedroom and bath down plus Television Spec. Co. GROSSE POINTE mechanically and outside. TU throughout. Exceptional con floor lavatory, large screene d Powder room, large screened FOR SALE - family room, large beauti. Promp~, Courteous Service 1-5 . :>-6552. dition. VAll6Y 2-9450. terrace, gas heat. Convenient t 0 porch, 100 ft. wooded lot. Edgar fully landscaped lot. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. - Sot. TYPEWRITERS ane) add 1n g Richard and Grosse Point e Shoe Repair d FI1\'E A!\TIQUE French wal- 1960 FORD Fairlane 500 4-door , 100 KERCHEVAL TU 4-2228 machines. new, rebuilt. Rea - High. st. Paul parish. $25,000, 15306 E. Warren nut chair frame. steel storage 35,000 miles, excellent condl 379 Fisher Rd., Opp. Kigh sonable prices. National Of- .- T. RAYMOND JEFFS TOLES To the Discontented Man No SWEENEY & MOORE ves. cabinet ward :-0 b e s. Very r tion. owner driven. $1,19,) TU 2-0052 flce Equipment, 16833 darpe 81 Kercheval TU 1-1100 14 KERCHEVAL TU 15-4100 Chair Is Easy TU 1-6800 177 reasonable. TU 6-1174. at Bishop, TUxedo l-Tl30. TUxedo 1-0729. . , 1 I

... ._ .. _. _ .... d __ d ee •• r g en em 7 •• 1 'Sac • as d C •• ted.atedrrnrt 7 S•• sr •• r • ann 7'2 S" t m t,m r .$n r a •• • .. • ;qQ; .. C $ Q • II 5 s. 2 .. OS. " .. P $' as

Page Eighteei1 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 14,1962 Thursday, June 14, 1962 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 14-REAL ESTATE 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS 211-PAIN"ING AND 21K-WINDOW WASHING 21R-CEMENT WORK 21 S-CARPENTER WORK FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED DECORATING SELF-CONFIDENCE SPENCER CORSETS WE ARE expert at ceaning win- BRICK WORK 1 CUSTOM MODERNIZATION Additions, alterations. recrea- r;t's impossible to sell your- 3 or 4 bedroom home, Grosse Individually des i g ned, light- EXPERT painting, paper bang- dows in locations difficult to Tuck Pointing RENAUD HOAD, S" 1070 - tion rooiIlS and kitchens. Free self to others until you have GROSSE PTE. FLATS Pointe. around $20,000, LIn- weight foundations and sur- ing by mechanics, free esti- clean. Pointe references. VAl~ Broken Steps Large scmi-l'atH'h tS\W till\\' \'11. sold yourself to you. coln 6-424:;. gical gar men t s, over 26 ley 4.9172. Basement Leaks est1mbteS. HARCOURT RD-2 bedrooms, cant. First flool' h:\:, l

sa.D res •••••• ' _ --. .. -. '- \ - I. '. I I ' - . ,"

14, 1962 ER WORK ::R~IZATION Thursday, June 14, !962 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W 5 P{!ge Nineteen :ions. recrea- SELF-CONFlDE=N-C=-E------as-a-sP-Y-;-F-ir-s-t-s-al-d-ie-r-ig-N-ar-m 'ltchens. Free ------T-h--t-e--t--n-o--=U=-=-s-t-=i-n-o-v----=P=-=,=-a-y-----I' ~t'1fIrstoimpossibleO'thers untilto sellyou )'O'U1'-hav

sold yourself to' yO'u. o ------The Grasse Painte CO'mmu- General, dIctator O'f a small Bob Frescki; as the ancient ::c CO. Two 18.year old Park youths Donald Petracci of 1383 Ben- The Farms council set Mon- days thereafter, he shall esta.b. nity Theater's share in the First Europea:l country caught be- Archbshop (reputed to be at 1-8146 were recently arraigned before consfield, WaR fined $25 and day, July 2, at 8 p.m.. as the date !ish such residence and during tween the East and West politi- least a century old) will be seen .;-~t carpenter Woods Judge Don Goadrow and given a 30-day suspended jail for a public hearing on an the tenure of office reside Ann u a 1 Drama Festival O'f cal camps and trying to stay Harriet McQuillan. Live ac• 'cling a tt i c found guilty O'f illegal posses- sentence. He was placed on pro- amendment to the City Control. within the city. GrO'sse Pointe is the satirical cozy in both. Mr, Backinge:.-is tresses take the part of the ~. Small or big sion O'f alcoholic beverages. bation for nine months and must 1er's Ordinance to make it pas- City Manager Sidney DeBoer comedy, "Roman(}ffand Juliet," new to the GPCT, but brings figures of the tower clock who s free. TUxedo They were fined and placed on be home by midnight each day sible for the city controller to recommended that this require. by Peter Ustinov, and a benefit much prO'fessionalexperience to' come out and strike the hour in probation. during this period. live outside the city limits. ment either be eliminated, or fO'r the new William Hayes his role, including two seasons the persons of Mrs. Walter ------I ------modified, since it might be dif. Fries AuditO'rium now being of repertory theater with Lenore Kann and Tony ScalfO'ni.Roger !7 ATION We l."ke The date for the public hear- ficult for a new controller to erected on the grounds of the Ulric, plus years with other Shepard is producing and Mrs. ing washeldmadeO'nMonday.at a regularJune meet-4. find a hame in the Farms. Grosse Pointe War Memarial. theater groups, including the DonaI.White is stage managing. The Farms has no permanent All prO'ceedsfrO'm the June presidency af the Detroit Civic I . :RS Under Section II of the ordi. cO'ntrollersince the resignatiO'n 21, 22 and 23 performances on Theater. , , - . nance, it is .stipulated that the of John Cantwell. who quit to Me T '11 ,In -- \Ve Do It. cO'ntrollerat the time of his ap- become financial director for bthe Wa-:t 'b tmoriald t errace,d th WI As the American Ambassador, }: ]);"STALL '-r )n pointment need not be a resi- Grosse P0inte City\ succeeding he con frl u ed d owar. t i e pur-i Mr. HoO'per, retiring GPCT retl'ring Neil Blondell. case 0 nee e 10 er or equ p- president Richard Bauhof, will SlDl);"G - Mack at Somerset Mack at Somerset dent O'fthe city, but within 90 t h Ii ht rt i \TlO); ------EdmlLnd G. West of 536 St. men suc as g s. cu a ns, be seen, and Miss June Fries \n~DOWS ':<1s Clair, was appointed Manday etc. plays his wife. Their daughters, Rapid Reading night as city controller on a Included in the cast, under Juliet, is played by Jo-Ann I Jefferson E. at Beac:onsfield L' Prices .m CITY OF part time basis until such time the direction af Mrs. Mark Moran, lately seen as Mrs. i VAlley 2-2870 !-.man"lllp >n Class Offered as a permanent appointment Reeve, are "Mike" Backinger of Klatt in "LO'ok H~meward. _ -" - Licensed lY can be made to fill the vacancy. Bedford road, in the part O'fthe AngeL" James Fielding, 1244 Now Playing . '.'\ TSON Much has been said pro and ------Three. AmbMile, isd cast as'ththeSh'Rus~1 ('y ~"O~$tlI'oinitJilt11l$ :)5(11 tn. cO'n cO'n-cerningrapid reading ~~~kWOOda~~a~:~ ~~le oflI';~ ~~:,." ...--::., tlg techniques and their effective- FI N E wife, Tom Hourihan enacts the ' . . '" ,te and sc.(' how !lel ness. Grosse Pointe residents part of their son, Igor (the "Ro- .....~.~ "P. ;\11 kind,:;; of Is, Notice of Public Hearing are invited to c(}meand judge manoff" of the title). '-~.~:<:~ {~{'1in~, garages. MEATS .£'- for themselves at the G~osse Others are: Juliet's American ,:.~,--, .. ~, buildcr. C. A. h- l '(cdo 6-1464. '0- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO Pointe War M:e~orial c:nter, ~~y~~~~~;ea;~ll sba~~~~yS~~~~ - 17045 Kercheval-in the Village DIFFERENT.~yr\\:):4if.t MAi

YAL, SPRAYING, ------_.~ ~~ ~-~----- : DRINK - To good health In the HabItant Lounge. 0 Elm disease spraying, : Nightly Entertainment : cabling. ree estimates. • BE MERRY - Golf. Riding. Dancing. Swimming,: TU 1-6950 : Water Skiing : FLEl\ll);G TREE SALE of : 011tario's Most Famous Beach : SERVICE • For Information and Rates - Write Com Chapman, Box 120, • The Pointe's Oldest Market :•••• e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Grond Bend, Ontario - Phone 14 ~••••• RHODODENDRONS 898 St" Clair Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566 WHITE, PINK and RED HYBRIDS Fresh Dressed GRADE "A" II~ Large 15 to 18 inches tall, include Boule de fiJtJJ4.. Steak House Niege, Cunninghamiana, Cawtbiense Al- 95 ,Capons bum, America. Caraetacus, Igratius Sergent Roseum Elegans. EACH PLANT 41 Up to $9.00 values. . .. only 571 Jo Thompson .JJ~ piano nightly We Deliver and Plant. Drive In Parking. All Materials Guaranteed. 4TU~>< "'\ 4lEJ~~ F and J NURSERY SALES HANKIE PACK FARMER PEET ;{~~R[~y_ ..,...17_0~?E. WARREN at Cadie~x TU 1-0130 Canadian Style 8 9 c ~Blocks ~~ ,-,_ .. ~. ",,' WE DELIVER ", Scotties~ .11 I Bacon ."' .. lace Wood Fritos New IIAction;1 Corn Chips Chlorine Bleach IN 'DISSOLVING PACKETS SATURDAY LATE SHOW 5 Large wifh Mai'v Welch-Dancing Nitely Bog 49c Regular Siz:e c 11-0z:. Box 39 FINE FOOD Reservations 4-2184 Free! Package of Netsles Quik A!,tached DO Box King Size TW 3-0190 Cocktails 19901 Van Dyke FREE You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at Verorugge'lL FREE DELIVERY DELIVERV • Midget Price. at Outer Drive


, , , .- 2 as 3 a Ii a '4 pc • ,

Thursday I June 14,1962 Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS * * * * Feature Page * * * * ~.~=(-~ Pointer of Interest Good Taste when the POINTE Favorite Recipes of 'UJuS ~rowin9 UP.~+ • People in .The Know fiJ$tnte CALICO BEAN SALAD Counter Points Contributed by Mrs. Raymond C. Walk by Pat Rousseau By Pat Talbot 1 can small, whole green You Owe It To Your Wardrobe ... to stop at Walton- In an age when Indians took delight in burning and beans Pierce and take advantcge of the sale of The Custom scalping their captives. tomahawking each other and 1 can wax beans Collection. These beautiful fashions begin at ninety-five rreneral1v behavind in a manner which earned them such 1 can small lima beans dollars and include ... 11rocades, chiffons, wools ... all ~bloquy vin Ameri;an history, there was a S.hawnee ch~ef 1 can kidney beans have the timeless quality of truly fine design. whose sao'acitv braveness and statesmanshIp placed hIm :-, ... , 1 medium onion, grated * :;< ", in the forefront of his race. green pepper Breakfast Treat. , • Lunon, Orallge and Rhubarb! Tbese If Tecumseh had succeeded in his plans for an Indian pimento fire tbe refresbillf!. colors j or tbe cri.l"/Jpique {,reakf ast coat found at !r'vi1lg, Kerc!Jn:al o1'l-tbe-Hill .•• twe/t'e '!tinety- confederation the story of the American fronti~r a?d 1/2 cup vinegar 82 Detroit would have been far different. A brIgadIer 1jz cup mazola five. general in the British army, his al1ianc~ with the Britis~ 1fz cup sugar * * * General Isaac Brock alm(;;5t brought defeat to the Amen- taste Break A Nail ... don't fret! Have it repaired at Leon's, salt and pepper 1:0 I cans during the War of 1812. . 17888 Mack Avenue. Beverly will repair split naITsOr reconstruct Drain beans well and com- a new nail length to maintain a beautiful manicure. Tecumseh was born in the Indian Village of Piqua, bine with chopped pepper and near the present side of Springfield, O. His early hatred pimiento. Mix oil, vinegar and for Americans was inspired by George Rogers Clark's sugar and pour over bean mix- The Real Thing if you like authenticity burninO' of his village and the murder of his father. But I ture. Chill for 24 hours, stirring you'll appreciate the William~burg kitchen on view at in his l;ter years, after he fought with the British against occasionally. The flavor im- Mutschler, 20489 Mack Avenue. They WE're given per- the colonies in the Revolution, he met an American girl proves the longer it stands. Ceci . mission to copy the design and finish ... even the to whom he was deeply attached. She taught him Eng- beans, bean sprouts or p<'JrsleyI Formica and draperv pattern is a replica of Williams- may be added for variety. Serves b . t I v lish and thev would read Shakespeare together. Rebecca 12 urg prm s. Gallowav ,,:ould have married the Indian Chief if he . * * ;.;: T he Eves H at'e It to!Jen )'011 u'ear Ray-Ban SUIl. had con~ented to abandon his tribe and his vengeance By Patricia Talbot \ Janice Winkler Wed (l(Tainstthe settlers but he felt this was too big a sacri- glasses. T I;e)' bave glasses that ar~ scielltijically designed ,... . . her many trips which have in. To Arnold H. Hendin fice. For. 32 years MISS Agnes Crow has .been teaching ~nd eluded visits to all 50 states, to let them see best witbollt gettillg tired ... and well styled counselmg students at Southeastern HIgh .Sch.ool. Dunng Europe, Mexico and the West frames to set tbem off attl'acth'elJ. There are l1inet)' styles His humanity to prisoners and the influence of Mr. and Mrs. Irving T. Wink- these thn~e decades she has seen a revolutIon 111 the char- Indies. This summer after her and colors from whic!J to pick. Tbe Notre Dame Pharmacy American culture so deeply felt by the Shawnee chief ler, Sr., of Merriweather road, acter of the student body and the neighborhood around retirement she will travel to carries a full line. was attributed to Rebecca. Tecumseh was much in- announce the marriage last the school. Some of Detroit's most successful men and California and in 1963 plans a fluenced too by his brother, Tenskwatawa, called the October 27 of their daughter, women are alumni of the school on Fairview and Char- trip around the world. Janice Maryel, to Arnold How- SUMMER SMALL SET All children atending this group Prophet, who followed the ambitious dreams of Pontiac. levoix but today an educator in the Detroit .system calls Last week 150 friends, col- ard Hendin, son of the Maurice .. . . Imust be members of the Neigh- The two Shawnees wanted to form a democratic the school "the Jungle". To Miss Crow, who recognizes leagues and fonner students Hendins of Detroit and Los ReglstratlOns are no\\' b,~mg borhood Club. For fw"lher in- accepted for the Summer Small formation contact the' Club _ federation of all the Indian tribes on the frontier to re- the change, there is still no difficulty in discipline or honored hel" at a re~irement Angeles. Set which \vill be held at the TUxedo 5-4600. sist the whites. The Americans were well aware of his meeting the challenge of student needs. dinner. ~ong those. to .s~ng Neighborhood Club during June intelligence and strength but Tecun_seh's important A dedicated, old fashioned --,~~~~-~~~~~- her praises as an lllsplnng and July. A few places are still TIeturning home Saturday teacher she admits, "My pupils to drive to school before 8 teacher was former pupil, aavilable at t.his lime. The Small meeting to form a treaty with Governor William Henry from Governor Dummer Acad- say I'm strict. but they also ~'clock. She must open h~'r Pointer Jay McCormick, now Set is for boys and girls ;lges Harrison in 1810 came to nothing. Harrison would not emy, South Byfield, Mass., was say I'm fair." During her eight study hour early so that loiter- an author, winner of the Avery 3-4 and meets Tuesday and acrree to his government abandoning further encroach- PHILIP T. VAN ZILE III, son period day she supervises 1400 ers will not molest some of the Ho'pwood prize for his first Thursday mornings from 9:15 to ~ents on Indian land. The future American president of MR. and MRS. PHILIP T. students in study hall and you students who come to class be- novel and professor at Wayne 11:15. The summer session will finally defeated the Indian forces at Tippecanoe when VAN ZILE II, of Cloverly road. could hear a pin drop in the fore the opening bell. South- State University. Another stu- begin June 26 and end ,Julj 26. Tecumseh was absent rallying more tribes. huge room. She is counselor eastern is suffering from the dent to speak at Miss Craw's His great effort against the Americans came during to 415 whom she knows quite same problem of many high dinner was Edward Glanz, an! the War of 1812and in connection with his alliance with well, although this is an impos- schools in changing neighbor- e~der in Grosse Pointe Memo- ,~ APTITUDE TESTS G & J Electric Go. the British commander Isaac Brock he made many visits sible case load for a counselor hoods, early drop-outs from rlal Church, where Miss Crow and more than twice as many as school, who are unemplo~'able has been an active member for Enable you to learn the kind ot Jim Krausmann, Owner to Windsor and to Grosse Pointe. He often held his con- work in wl!ich you can best suc- any Grosse Pointe counselor and will not finish their educa- many years. Her more recent ceed, the studies best for you. Electrical Wiring ferences in the great log cabin mansion of Commodore 33 For men, women, boys and girls, handles. tion. About percent of each classes have included the 30ns Vocational Counseling IJ1~tilute Alexander Grant 'where he was entertained lavishly. His No Rebellion Allowed year~s graduating class go on of TV raconteur and w(}rld DANIEL L. BECK DIRECTOR and Repairing biographer insists that the happiest days of his life, and An integrated school, South~ to college, but this is above traveler George Pierrot. 722 Fo),; Theatre Bldg. his most successful were spent in Detroit immediately eastern suffers from many of city average although it falls Teaching in a high school in Phone 961-4355 TU 4..2738 following the evacuation of the town by the cowardly the problems of a changing far short of Grosse Pointe the inner city which is under- 16 Years Serving Detroit (Formerly In Maccabees B1rlg.) Grosse Pointe & East Side American general, 'Villiam Hull. Due to Te<:umsehmany neighborhood. But none of this records. Miss Crow's theory of going a cilanging environment of the Detroit settler5 were spared their homes and daunts Miss Crow, who has education includes different and cultural lag is not a job their Jives. never had to do more than raise types of training for students for the timid or unsure. "I've her distinguished voice to re- \vho are :lot capable of grasp- always spoken my mind. Maybe it's smart to FOR PAPPY But his temporary triumph in Detroit was cancelled s~ore order and in extreme ing the intricacies of calculus that's why I haven't m 0 v e d bv Harrison at the battle of the Thames River in October, clrcumsta~ces perhaps call an or Latin verbs. She would help farther in the school system," \ J 8]3. The great Indian leader, admired even by his offender mto the hall. . the gradu"te to a fruitful cm- says this determined mentor (jforifLJ enemies, \vas killed in battle. If he had lived, much of She began her teaehmg played life. with no signs of regret.. ' Golf Ball Special career in Missouri, where her the northern part of the United States might have re- family were pioneers. She stud- Travel And A Garden Miss Cww's retirement this Your fiair BUY THREE GOLF BALLS AND GET mained in the Dominion of Canada, and Grosse Pointe ied at Eastern Kansas Uruver- After her full day, she June 20 will mean yet anolher ONE ADDITIONAL BALL FREE! would certainly have been part of this settlement. sity, Columbia, the University spends a great deal of time in vacancy in the ranks of dedi- with Co rJ'ectiue of Michigan and Wayne. When her garden, where she is an ex- cated .teachers, who are. the she first came to Michigan she pert on roses and rhododen- backbone of the vast national taught at the Ypsilanti State dron. She is a talented photog- public school sys!em, which, BeaulLJ Care Normal School now Eastern rapher, has colored slides of although it has suffered much Michigan Unive~sity, where she ' cr!ticism in re?ent ~ears, is at Marie Bird's by whoozit taught fledgling teachers how to ChUJ.ch C!'J.cIes sb~l the country s hentage and salon-on-the-H ill teach. She came to Southeast- prlde. ern in 1930 as a mathematics PI M t . ------~--- Why hide the teacher and nine years later an ee lngSCiI'CleS \ The sun shone brightly on the 400 guests who at- became a counselor. SI. LAWREN(E natural beauty tended Sir James and Lady Easton's traditional garden Education Problems 81.. Faul Lutheran ( ( • of your hair party to celebrate the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Every morning Miss Crow, a have announced their meeting I .Jaguenay rUlses J' II tall, white haired woman with dales for ihe coming week. II under a rug Elizabeth II last Thursday. Lady Easton received in a A Glorious Vacation sprightly black and white polka dot organza frock. an air of authority, rises Qarly Esther will meet at the home i when your tresses Among the party goers under the green and white . of Mrs. Otto The.uerkorn, 577: Afloat and Ashore 'l': .. ' Seanlan David Wa]sh Cook road, at 7 p.m. on Man-I full can be given marquee were Mrs. WilliCtm Day in a very smart black day, June 18, and the follow- 7 $197 crepe sleeveless frock with an enormous white brimmed Serves on Navy Ship ing Tuesday, June 19, Dorcas, days Only body with a organdy hat in the best Ascot tradition .... Mrs. Alfred Lydia and Raclrel will meet in A Most Scenic Trip Thru French R. Glancy, Jr., in a black sheath with a black and white CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. various rooms at the church in Canada's Beautiful Waterways polka dot tunic. .. Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, also in black (FHTNC) - David A. Walsh, the evening. Escortt:d-Frequent Departures Jumbo-Cul'/ Thinking About with a stark white tunic IE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE without pedestal. 75 styles. The Sunday school teacher was testing the knowl- Detroii Metropolitan Area: 5261 Oakman Blvd East Dearborn 139 Bagley _.• _.. Downtown 19184Ten Mile Ten Mile.Kelly edge of a group. "What are the sins of {)mission?" She 15065Grand River Grand River 15415Eo Jefferson GrossePointe asked. After a few minutes silence a lad in the rear 8850 Southfield .•••. .Joy.Soulhfield 11820Jos. Campau•• '.' Hamtramck 13881Gratiot , ' Gratiot 26026Southfield _ •..... Lathrup timidly answered. "They're the sins we should have com. 18610Jas. CouzensHwy- Northwest 15220Southfield L1ncoln-Allen mitted-and didn't." 25830Grand River..•...... :ledlord 32415fjull Mile Road. _. ' .. Livonia 275 S. Hunter. Birmingham 24280Woodward _ •• Royal Oak I e pointe. .... * * * 23522W. Michigan Dearborn 26S22 Van Dyke.. .. Warren To be happy ir.: New England You must select! 15150Fort Street .•••••.. DoNnriver 34236 Michigan•••• .. Wayne the Puritans for your ancestors. You must have a shelter- : S.. first page of locol phone book~ for offic.s In stot. cities ed youth and be a graduate of Harvard ... eat beans on Saturday night and fish balls on Sunday morning .. , . \' Attractive antique tOss. FLOlllST finished cast You must be a DAR, a Colonial Dame, a SAR or belong G GROSSE POiNTE DIVISION stone. Stands to the Mayflower Society .... You must read the Atlantic: 30" high. Growera of Fine Flower. SECOND AT MIL1NAUKEE 15415 E. JeffersOll Monthly ..• You must make sure in advance that your 174 KERBY ROAD TEL. TU 5-3000 PHONE: 821-8000 obituary notice appears in the Boston Transcript. There Reservations phone TR•1-1790 ii nothing else ... Joseph P. McCarthy (1863-1934). George M~ Mc:inag«


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