-- -_' fr • ,. • All the News of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete New~ Coverage of All the Poi'ltes Home 01 the News VOLUME 23-NO. 20 Entered al Second Cl..,s Matter 7e Per Copy at th" Palt Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MAY 17, 1962 ".00 Per Year 24 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I -----------------_._- ..----------------,------------------------------------------------------------------------- (.) Mason School Boasts Cleanest Playgrc)unq HEADLINE~ I All Pointes Join Flointe Parks of the \VEEK eret Set for As Compiled by the IIn Observance of ew Season Grosse Poiute Nell~'s l'f Many Improvem$nts An- ::~'Michigan Week' nounced by An Munici. palities as Opening :Visiting Officials will be Guests at Luncheon in Stouf- Day Draws Near , fer's on Monday; Three Special Days Designated J~I: During Celebration The stay.at-home Point- J~~'~i: ---------- en can look forward to a , "~~:JIl[ !!. , , summer of fun and re'axa- , ' "~f.III" :: The eIghth annual "MIchIgan Week" observance wIll tio!") in their . .- t' I 1 . '. ,." ; be celebrated throughout the state starting on May 20. ml;nicipallv 0 'n edspec Ikve S d "'iT '>0' d' t d "S' 't 1 F d t' \\' e par s, :: un ay, lVlay... IS eSIgna e as pIn ua oun a IOns: where recr'e' atl' 1f 'l't' 'D ," "M ' E T h D ." t k 1 MdT ' ana aCI 1 les .' aj, ayor s xc ange ay a es p ace on 1 on a~,' ha':e been improved May 21, and "Education Day" on Thursday, May 24" I.. f! . , . h ' '. 1 d f h k ' n "ome 0 t le park~ Im~ amon~ varIOUS ot er actIvItIes p anne .or t e wee '. prnvC'mcnts were of a ;naior b SPhecla~pr~grams har~ p~~~ned. --- ~~- --- i n;~lure, ;Jnd oth('rs, slight. All , y t : c. urc es, ,s\.~o t IraI'd C S :lakefront parks will b(' open on : les, . ,~sInI.et~ses,, InS IIu lO~s, a~ ellter ets ~~chedule :\Temoria! Day, :\lay , mUnlClpa lies In t le alea In 30, according to offi ' I ' tribute to out state, M ell, CIa SOUlce~, City officials of the Grosse e',norw f",lI park" borf.ering Lake St. Pointe com m u nit i e s will be 'Cle,lr WIII ha\'e watchmen at , hosts to visiting mayors, and of- DU,)/" Se'r'v:ce '1I,1e gatcs. Admittance to these * ficials from neighborinJ::( Michi.. L \\ III be by park passes, gan commur.ities at a luncheon In the Park, certain guest Frida~'. )Jay 11 , , at Stouffer's Eastland Restaur<:nt All R 'd t U d t P pri\iJeges h(l\'e been restricterl, THE S E COX n LO~GEST I on Monday, Mav 21. ]n addition I eSI en s rge 0 ay in that residents are allowed a npwspaper strikc in Detroit's: In t.he luncheo~. a full day of Honor to War Heroes at ma,imum of six J?uests per history ended yc~tf'l'(lay, Begin-j activities have been planned to Annual Ceremonies family on Saturdays. Sundays nin~ April 11. \\'hen members: acquaint thc visiting officials M 30 and holi~ays at the waterfront of Jimm~' Hoffa's Teamsters!1 with the community facilities I ay pa~k, It IS llOped that by doing t:nlon left their jobs at the and points of intercst in the --- . thI~, the crowded o::mditions, Detroit Fr('e Press after the cl)mmunty. , ~ll Grosse POInters are especiaII~' in the picnic area, pape!.''' management refused to I, Pointers Will Travel InVited and urged to pay will be eliminated. bow to a li"t of 18 union de. i Mason School was determilled the winner of t.he Head Engineer JAMES CLAYCOIVIBE, P l' I n c i p a I Guests of Grosse Pointe Farms honor to those who served For Passive Recreation mands for a new contract, the i "Cleanest Playground" phase of t.he Sprin;..; clean,.up LARRY GAGNON, and student representatives i will be MayOr Yvette Courtright and gave their lives in i \ I strike spread quickly to the De- I drh'e sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Garden Club LARRY LUMETTA and CHRISTINE CIRINESI of ! of Muskegon Heights, and A. 1\1. World War II and Korea at at' f~~O~~!~\.P~:~~~:ea;~J1l~eq~~;~.~ troit ~ews. and, \nth the excep- I Council, the Men's Garden Club and a number of other Miss Sevmour's third grade, Other interested on- I Courtright. Mayor William F. the traditional Memorial Park, thc restriction on the tion of one comhined Sunday: ci\'ie groups. Sho\\o"n presenting the prize, consisting of lookers i;'c1uded the entire school body and several ~onnOllY'T.Jr., Coun~ilman Wi!- Day Service to be held at number of guests will not ap- edition, Detroit was without its i three Viburnum Tomentosum Mariesi shrubs, are members of the Men's Garden Club. Among the latter h~m G. KIrby and Clty Man~ger. the Grosse Pointe Volar pI;', The park is mainly to be t\VO rec<ular dail.v newspapers I . 'd J R S h" d' g ere Sidney DeBoer of Grosse POInte M mo . 1 3? L k Sh us"d for passive rpcreat'l-on. ... MRS. PIERRE HEFTLER, president of the Council, were VIce presl ent . ., C Immm, recor In se - I Farms will in turn travel to ~ e rIa, ... a e or~ for 29 days, and MRS, EMIL LEIDICH, chairman of the Vibur- 1arv Abe Bodvcombe, and Charles L. Cooke who had Muskegon Heights, road, at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Clyde T, R.eynolds, recreation .. * .. nums' sale for the Council. Receiving the award are heiped judge the contest. '\ Grosse Pointe Woods will host Ivlay 30. director, disclosed se\'eral im- Saturday, ~lay 12 ,'- -- ------------ - .-..----"---- - ---~~-------------------~----------------------------------- officials from Sault St. Marie, This year the service will be pI-I)Vemcnts at both of the THE UXITED STATES. eon- iTS k. IlIffZ!tt'81 "0 wi' Mayor and Mrs. Roy Lynn held on t.he lake sl'de of the Park's recreation sites. slderin.s: the rIght.wing R<.'yal, I 'Wo e'e lng I..Summer SCh 00 I CIasses 1'.1 It ; and Police Commissioner .John building cn the bowling green \,Vater and electricity have Laotian Arm\' use-less a,gaInsl I I I O. Harrington will visit in adjacent to the trial garden been added to the boat wells ~~~nc>rom~rt.:c~~n~~~~~~Si~~r~!~~tP ositiollS -011 Expected to Draw Lar2:e To Be Held ~:~~s~;:~;;~ ~~~:o~a~~~ ~:~ through which all will enter. ~~e~::~i~:r~o~::~I~~a~e~~d\\~~;~h~~ it would be futile to continue S 1 1BIN h A · The yL..J (~S d tertained in their city, Pastor to Speak lif:,ing platform has heen ~on- aetively supportmg, t hat Army ..-; C .00 0a rr 11m ers O'al11 IS ear' ,~It 'utl.lr ay Grosse Pointe Park and the Rev, Marcus Johnson of the structE'd .lor t.hose who wish to leaders, Following the rout and It ~< ~ ,.. City of Grosse Pointe were un~ Grosse Pointe Congregational i lake up this sport for general virtual dissolution of the Royal --------- I able to complete their Mayor's Church, wh,) served as chap.' hody conditioning, Loatian forees in the wake of Robert Hudson and Mrs. Registrations Open May 23 and Continue Through C ' • E t d to exchange with Pontiac and Fras- lain in the rug g e d Pacific ,\I. the Three JUile Dri\'e park, RE'd attacks in ~orthwestern May 25 For Secondary and High School ompetrtlon xpec e er, respectively, due to unforseen Theater during World War II. 33 trees planted last fall have Laos, the Administration has r~- Paul Hykes Run for Post C T U F B 'Id' be Keen Betweet~ 85 difficultIes. However they. and will give the address. The open- Ipdfed out. The asphalting of portedly decided to "write off" Vacated by Death of ourses; 0 se our UI Ings Pooches Entered the Village of Grosse Pointe ing prayer and benediction will the new parking lot will be the rig.ht-wing Army, President Bert Wicking A h 1 hId h 1 ff' , 1 Shores, will participate in the be given by Rev. David E. completed by the time the park Kennedy is e'Xpl"cted to order a : s t ' e regu1 ar scd 00 year., enf s, thsc 00 nual0 ICIaummers are . I'local observance of Mayor's Ex- Weisner of st. Ambrose Catho- is opened. announcmg p ems an prOVISIons or e an s E,i g h t Y - f i V e. POInte I" change day, , lic Churc,h,' Fun serLs of UnitC'cl States ~a\,'al! Voters in the Grosse hI' ;l..' h '11 J 18 Th I' week for Children h t A - SC 00 seSSlOn W'uIC WI open, une . e s x. canInes and theIr young I Other .Guests InVited, The mlhtar.v part of the ser- .'1"0 to exerdses ,in Sout ('as, Slall i Pointe Board of Education's '11 'I J 1 ')7 ' 1 t f I "'-0 be <,ompleted this waters, aimed at forClllg th~, .. b session WI run untI u y - . • I Included m the guest IS or vice will be directed by Lawl"- format.ion of a Laotian buffpl" , June 1~ electI~n WIll e Courses designed to strength. !----------------- -~-~~-.-.----~ masters and mIstresses, are the Mayor's Luncheon are rep- i ence W, Light of Alger Post month are a tot lot ami sand state with a coalition govern-: faced w1th a chOlce between en academic skills as well as that the desire of students to entered in the 6th annual, resentatives of the Grosse Pointe 995 V.F,W.
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