University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 8-7-1920 Spanish American, 08-07-1920 Roy Pub Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Roy Pub Co.. "Spanish American, 08-07-1920." (1920). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. University H M AL ' JUL JjL1L SPA "With Malice toward None, wkh Charity for All, and with Firmness in the Right" Volume XVII. ROY. Mora County. New Mexico, Saturday. August 7, 1920, Number 30 ' -- ST. GEORGE SCHOOL BASE BALL' SUMMARY OF "A STATE- - Reception Paj-i.- Schools Notes The New School MENT TO THE COUNTRY" Serious Accident Bp.11 A reception has been planned for Base game Sunday at'Roy The Roy school board met in regu- Father Felix Vachon, pastor of the Maintaining that the prodigious Acónito Balasquez, of Carrizo, Friday evening of this week, unique Starts 8, P.M. Springer vs Roy session Monday evening, and pro- Holy Family church, requests that and g number of mil- lar in many ways in the annals of Roy. A baseball game at Roy Sunday, met with a very serious accident ceeded to canvass the minutes of the the names of all children who intend v lions of Americans who are not even It is a farewell expression to Rev.