Harvesting Systems
Woodlot Management Home Study Course Module 2 Harvesting Systems Preface Harvesting Systems is the second in a series of Woodlot Management Home Study Courses intended to help landowners manage their woodlots. Originally written by Brian Gilbert of LaHave Forestry Consultants Ltd., it has been rewritten by Richard Brunt and Tim Whynot. Illustrations and layout have been done by Gerald Gloade. Others modules include Introduction to Silviculture, Stand Spacing, Wildlife and Forestry, Stand Establishment, Chain Saw Use and Safety, Woodlot Ecology, Wood Utilization and Technology, and Woodlot Recreation. Each module is periodically assessed and, when necessary, revised to reflect recent developments of the subject. Also, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources may periodically hold field days to present examples of the information in the most popular manuals. Copies of these modules are available from the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Extension Services Division, P.O. Box 698, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T9, 424-5444 or Education and Publication Services, P.O. Box 68, Truro, Nova Scotia, B2N 5B8, 893-5642. Harvesting Systems is divided into four lessons: The Clearcut System The Shelterwood System The Selection System Putting It All Together At the end of each lesson there is a quiz or exercise to reinforce what you have learned. As well, all terms bolded the first time they appear in the text are defined in the Forestry Definitions on page 32. Other sources of information are listed on page 34. Table of Contents List of Illustrations ....................................................... List of Tables ............................................................ Introduction ............................................................. LESSON ONE: The Clearcut System ......................................... General ................................................................. Clearcutting with Natural Regeneration ........................................
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